#echo and Bobby are besties
One thing I love about the BRCU fandom is that sometimes, we take a minor character from one video and go absolutely crazy for them
It happened with Duke Tugger and it happened with Echo Noir (king, I love)
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spotsandsocks · 6 months
Not seven sentence Sunday
💕💔💕 tagged by the lovely talented and amazing @elvensorceress @hoodie-buck @pirrusstuff @honestlydarkprincess @rogerzsteven @loveyouanyway @bekkachaos @exhuastedpigeon @daffi-990 @wikiangela @giddyupbuck @underwater-ninja-13 @diazsdimples
Breaking the rules all over tonight 😆 with definitely more than 7 sentences and other things
I’ve been going over the same bit for ever now so tossing it out there. This needs a title but I guess it’s mutual pining foot in the mouth fic for now
Chim’s eyes are dancing and his tone teasing, “You know i think Bobby has a point! Lost the magic!” He tuts sadly. “Not getting any younger are you Buckaroo!”
He mouths “Screw you” across the cab so Bobby doesn’t yell at him for swearing.
Chim clutches his heart in mock hurt. Hen backs up her bestie with a shake of her head and a sad echo, ”lost it’
She grins when he switches his glare to her . Vengeance will be his as soon as he can think of something suitable to annoy them. However for now he refuses to rise to the bait. There’s clearly only way out of this ridiculous conversation. He holds up his hands in defeat.
““You got me. No game. It’s all over for me.”
There’s a sudden bark of noise. It’s loud and harsh and all heads turn to the source. Eddie.
He’s finally looking away from the window and right at him.
“Like you couldn’t get someone to go home with you just like that” he snaps his fingers “Please! Look at you !” A hand gets flung wildly in his direction gesturing vaguely to all of of him.
Someone sniggers but he can’t stop looking at Eddie’s expression. It's as odd as it’s unfamiliar. He looks and sounds irritated but his eyes are sad. The two together don’t make sense.
Eddie’s face is all scrunched up, he looks so cute when he’s annoyed.
“You know you’d have a queue! We all do!”
And with that Eddie returns his gaze to the window
What u think? Is it working? Tagging @monsterrae1 @the-likesofus @loserdiaz @fiona-fififi @thekristen999 @ronordmann @hippolotamus @spaceprincessem @disasterbuckdiaz @heartshapedvows @wildlife4life @stagefoureddiediaz @thewolvesof1998 @weewootruck @jesuisici33 @eddiebabygirldiaz @steadfastsaturnsrings @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @rainbow-nerdss @tizniz @fortheloveofbuddie and anyone else I missed 💕
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daniwib · 3 months
Season 8 speculation
Here’s my own speculation on what is going to happen in s8 based partly on wishful thinking but also because TM likes to do the unexpected while also calling back to earlier episodes:-
Chim and Hen both get transferred out to different stations. Chim possibly to the academy as a trainer instead of a regular station. Either way, they’re not at the 118 anymore under Gerrard. The fandom is so focused on what their lives are going to be like working under Gerrard again that I think TM is going to flip things on us and they’re not going to be working under him at all. They’ve both already done that before and they’re both much stronger, wiser and more mature now. They won’t take his shit and so we won’t see it. It’ll be more dramatic to take them out of the equation completely and split the 118 up.
Eddie is in a dark place because Chris is still living in Texas. He’s aware things are not great with Gerrard but he’s not focused on it, he’s just trying to keep his head above water in his personal life. Call back to Tommy saying he didn’t like who he was working under Gerrard – Eddie cannot handle anything else, so he falls into his old military mindset and toes the line at work. Does whatever Gerrard says, doesn’t talk back etc etc. Inadvertently becomes Gerrard’s golden boy because of it though he barely even notices. I’d love for that to cause issues between him and Buck but I think their relationship is too strong for that. But then TM has surprised us all before so who knows.
It takes a while before Gerrard realizes that Buck is dating Tommy but once he does, he starts making Buck’s life hell at work in the small ways he did back in the day with Hen and Chim. Who aren’t there to support Buck, and Eddie doesn’t seem to notice, and so Buck flounders. He’s never experienced constant, relentless homophobia like that before. How would he react? Does he try to hide who he is like Tommy did while working under Gerrard, or does he instead flaunt it? Does it wear him down and make him withdraw into himself? Or do we finally see some real growth for his character and see him standing up for himself without any support from his coworkers? (I’m assuming Tommy is supporting him bts but perhaps not against Gerrard personally. Tommy has his own past demons about the man to deal with).
Call back to 3x16 when Buck says “Yeah, like if Bobby retired. [sic] You know, or one of us got moved to another house, we would still all stay in touch” and Buck’s seeking reassurance that that won’t happen to them. Which they don’t actually give him, btw. Fast forward to the end of s7 and what’s Bobby done? Retired. Sure, he changed his mind and wants to come back but as of now in canon he is retired. So, I’m waiting to see some or all of them transferred to other houses and the 118 be completely separated either physically or in Eddie’s case mentally if he stays working in the same house as Buck.
They did it in Lonestar already and we know the shows have echoed themes before (whumpable chaos coma besties TK & Buck anyone?). The drama potential of it happening to the 118 is enticing. It would affect all of them in different ways and who knows we might even get that Buck breakdown we’ve been wanting for years. There are so many ways all of their storylines could go before we finally get that sweet sweet resolution and see Gerrard get the karmic slap he has to have coming – because that’s something else that 911 loves, dispensing karma to those who deserve it.
I haven’t even mentioned the whole Bathena being homeless or HenRen losing Mara storylines, but I know those will come into play again in s8 and I am excited to see where things go with them, too.
I also really hope that Gerrard was the arsonist and that we get more of the 118 losing their homes to arson (cough cough Buck’s loft) and perhaps even the station itself. Far fetched? Possibly. We’ve had more insane things happen on this show, though.
I’ve deliberately not speculated on the BuckTommy or Buddie of it all because quite frankly I’m tired of the shipwar. I’m content to wait and see where TM goes with that. What I’m excited for is to see how the dynamics of Gerrard and every member of the 118 play out during s8.
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t-nd-rfoot · 2 years
SUNFLOWER aka The Secret Valentine
There's something special about the happiness that comes from flowers.
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Pairing Bob Floyd x female!aviator!OC/reader (callsign: Honey, but he calls you Bee)
Theme fluff
Warnings Valentine's clichés (ish); love triangle (ish); mentions of drinking; Hangman does something OOC (but roll with it please); edited a million times but I'm sure there's still a typo or two
Word Count 5.9k
Note Oh my goodness. This was....a headspinner to write, to say the least. First of all, so many thanks to @avaleineandafryingpan for requesting this and being so patient and kind!!! This was supposed to be a quick Valentine's drabble and lol. Look at the word count. And I'm about a week late from Valentine's Day. Secondly, a quick thanks to bestie @hangmanbrainrot for giving me advice on writing OCs! I'm not sure if Honey ended up being an OC since I wrote it in reader's POV but hey, I'm learning 😅 anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this!
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It started with a sunflower.
One lonely sunflower sitting on the railing of your porch, its bright and yellow petals made it hard to miss on your out of your house on your way to the hangar.
How did this get here? you wondered aloud as you picked it up.
You looked up and down the street, hoping to see its owner, but it was still too early for anyone to be up. A few officers here and there were on their way to work just like you, but there was no other sunflower in sight. None on their porches, none on the ends of their walkways, none in their hands.
Shrugging it off, you took it as a sign for a good day. You figured it might make you late if you looked for a vase to put it in, so you placed it on the passenger seat of your car along with your work things and headed off.
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“Happy love day, ladies!”
Hangman’s voice boomed as you, Phoenix, and Halo walked in the tactical auditorium. The guys were all scattered around the room and talked in groups, seeing as Maverick was running late to brief all of you on today’s drills.
‘Happy Valentine’s Day!’s and ‘thank you’s echoed around as all of you greeted each other.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Bee,” Bob greeted as he walked up to you. You smiled as his special callsign—he refused to call you by your real callsign, Honey—rolled off his tongue, always teasing him about the adorable blush he sported whenever he said it.
“Thank you, Bobby, and Happy Valentine’s Day to you!”
He looked at you, a small grin forming on his face, though he never said a word.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” you laughed.
He shrugged. “Nothing. You just seem extra happy today,” he pointed out.
Smiling even wider at the memory of this morning, you replied, “Well, it’s a happy day today, I guess. I found a sunflower on my porch this morning.”
“You mean you actually found it? Or do you mean ‘you found one in a flower shop and bought it for yourself’ kind of ‘found it’?” he teased.
You shouldered him playfully as he apologized. “I found it-found it. I have no idea how it got there or who placed it there, but I’m not going to question it. I got a free flower this morning and that’s all that matters,” you laughed.
Bob was one of your closest friends in and out of the Navy, graduating from the same TOPGUN class and working in Lemoore together before he got reassigned to North Island for the uranium plant mission. No matter where the two of you ended up, though, you somehow always found your way to each other as it wasn’t long till you were called back to TOPGUN as well. Though you missed being in the plane with him, the two of you were just happy to be working together again. Things between you picked up right where they left off, though the two of you had gotten closer—always sitting together at The Hard Deck or in the ready room, having lunches with Phoenix, and even going on morning jogs together down the beach. He even ditched Mickey as a teammate at pool, always calling first dibs to join you instead.
You turned to your seat when you saw that it had been decorated, and you noticed that Phoenix’s and Halo’s were as well. They were laughing with the others over the appropriately hand-drawn cards that were placed on the seats, along with a few small cut-out hearts. Clouds and wings were drawn around Halo’s cursive card, and Phoenix’s was drawn with fiery lettering.
The most detailed one, however, was yours—it was a full scene with a garden with flowers and bees in the background, and honey dripping down the block letters.
“Oh my gosh,” you cried out, “this is adorable!”
“You’ll never guess who made them,” Bob whispered.
Your eyes scanned the room and pointed to all your suspects. “Fritz? Coyote? Fanboy?” and all were denied with the shake of his head. Just as you let out a sigh of defeat, Bob pointed to the blond aviator who was talking to Phoenix.
Bob nodded as you continued staring at Hangman. “He was one of the first ones here,” he informed you, “Just barged in with the cards and markers told us to help set it up.”
Overhearing your conversation, Harvard chimed in, “it felt like a pre-school in the locker room, or some weird Santa’s Valentine’s workshop.”
“First of all,” Hangman walked up to you, “my niece actually deserves fifty percent of the credit for pretty much bossing me around to do something nice for the ‘pretty ladies who always give her chocolate,’” he quoted as he slung his arm around you, “and naturally, I get forty-five percent for listening to her. The guys can split the other five for helping.”
Just the image of Hangman sitting down and cutting out paper hearts with his eight-year old niece had you giggling. “Aww, who knew Bagman had such a soft spot?” you pinched his cheek.
Hangman flashed his million dollar smile at you, “Honey, you know I always have a soft spot for pretty ladies.” He threw a quick wink at you before walking back to Phoenix and Fritz.
Could he have left the sunflower? you thought. This definitely was not the first time Hangman’s flirted with you. Knowing him, you always thought it was just light banter, but now, you were second guessing.
“Actually, his original plan was to decorate your lockers, but you can probably see how that might look like a problem,” Bob told you once Hangman was out of earshot.
“Probably,” you hummed sarcastically.
He was about to say something else when Maverick burst through the auditorium doors and rushed to the front of the room. You and the rest of the squad rushed to your seats before Maverick allowed you all to sit.
“Morning, guys. Sorry, I’m late. Had some…motorcycle problems.”
Rooster cleared his throat. He gestured tiny circles at the side of his own neck. The older pilot looked confused until the young Bradshaw mouthed ‘Penny,’ and his eyes shot wide before he cleared his throat and tugged up the collars of his flight suit.
“Let’s get to work!”
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The squad rushed out of the locker rooms as soon as they could so they could get ready for their dates. Yale had just finished talking about his plans with his date when the others started talking about their plans.
“How about you, Honey? Got a big date for tonight?” Coyote asked as all of you walked out the building.
“Mhm, I got McDreamy and McSteamy waiting for me at home right now,” you joked.
Halo laughed from beside you. “Now that’s a threesome I can get behind,” she joked.
“Ouch, a Grey’s Anatomy marathon on Valentine’s Day?” He whistled lowly.
“It’s not as bad as it sounds, okay?” you defended yourself, “At least there’s a Valentine’s Day episode! And besides, I didn’t hear you say anything about a ‘hot date’.”
He held his hand, feigning offense. “You wound me, Honey. And I just so happen to have one waiting for me as we speak!” And he rushed off to his car.
“You know, the more you try to hide her from us, the more we think she’s not even real!” Payback called out. Coyote didn’t even look back at the squad as he flipped the bird and drove off.
“Coyote has a girlfriend?” you asked.
Rooster snickered, “an imaginary one.”
“He says he met someone months ago, but he’s not giving us anything else,” Fanboy added, “no name, no story, nothing. Just that every other week or so, he meets up with her.”
“Or so he says,” his best friend quipped. “The fact that even I don’t know about her is something, and he usually never shuts up about someone he’s interested in.”
The group decided then to go their separate ways to get their Valentine’s Day started, but Bob walked all the way with you to your car.
“So, you really have no date for tonight?” he asked.
You shook your head in reply as you loaded your things in the backseat of your car. “It’s not that I don’t like Valentine’s,” you suddenly found your self ranting, “it’s just that no one’s asked me this year, and I’m fine with that. I’m not gonna sit around and wallow—well, I’m going to sit around and have my Grey’s marathon, yeah—but I’m not going to wallow! And it’s not like it’s the end of the world that nobody’s asked me to be their Valentine…right?”
You looked up at Bob to find his big blue eyes staring back at you, clearly at a loss for words from your little spout.
“Oh my gosh, I sound so pathetic,” you muttered. “Please, please forget I said anything, I—”
Bob burst into laughter and hugged you tight to try and calm you down.
“This isn’t funny, Bobby!” you said, though you couldn’t hold back your own laughter.
Looking up at him once again, you found his blue eyes already on you, though there was more sincerity in his gaze this time. And something else, but you couldn’t put a finger on it. You and Bob have both looked at and hugged each other a million times before, but the way he looked at and hugged you now felt different. Suddenly, you were both aware of the position you were in and pulled back. He ran his finger through his hair nervously while you crossed your arms, unconsciously missing the warmth of his embrace.
You stole glances at him as you cleared your throat. “So, um…how about you? Do you have a date tonight?”
It took a few seconds for him to answer. “Yeah,” he mumbled, suddenly finding the stray gravel on the pavement more interesting than you.
A small ‘oh,’ escaping your lips, you put on a poker face. “Wow, um, since when?” you asked.
“Oh, um, it’s been…awhile, I guess.” he trailed off.
Relationships weren’t a strange topic for either of you, but looking back, you were more open about your love life than he was. Maybe he met someone before you arrived. Maybe he didn’t want to let anyone know, especially if he thought the others were going to tease him about it. Maybe he didn’t say anything because you never asked…until now. Knowing Bob, he never dated casually, so this must have been serious. But he never kept things from you. Not in his emails, not in his texts, and certainly not in person. But you weren’t insulted, just confused, if you could ever admit.
“Well, whoever she is, she’s a lucky girl,” you assured, “I’m really happy for you, Bobby!”
You climbed into your car before your emotions started to show, but just before you stepped on the gas, Bob knocked on your window and you let it roll down.
“You’re not pathetic, Bee. In fact, you’re far from it, not even close to it. Anyone would be lucky to have you.”
Your lips turned up graciously at your best friend’s words of encouragement.
“Thanks, Bobby.”
“And if you ever start to feel that way again, just think about your sunflower,” he gestured to the plant in your passenger seat.
“It’s wilting,” you pointed out disappointedly.
“So?” he shrugged, “it’s still pretty. It’s still a sunflower.”
With a small grin, he pushed himself off your car to let you get home and waved goodbye.
You were about to pull up to your driveway a few minutes later when a delivery driver showed up and asked for your name.
“Yeah, that’s me?” you said before they handed you a bag. “Um, I don’t remember ordering anything…”
“Don’t worry, it’s all taken care of,” they informed you with a kind smile.
“By who, if I can ask?”
They shook their head, “Sorry, I was given specific instructions to not say anything. Though from what’s in the box, I’d say you have a secret admirer!”
After they left, you walked in your kitchen to open the bag. Inside was a stark white box with neon squiggles.
“Sugarlust,” you read aloud the sticker that sealed it. The bakery Coyote always goes to, you recognized.
A small card with a printed message was also stuck to the box ‘I’m no TV surgeon but I hope you find these just as good!’ No name.
Sure enough, it was a box of the salted caramel cookies you loved from the last time he bought a box for everyone. A quick flashback of Coyote’s proud smile popped in your head, of when you couldn’t stop raving about it and his promise to buy more next time.
You picked up the sunflower from the table and twirled it in your hand. The hours it lay in the heat showed in the paling yellow petals, and though you had no idea how to care for it, you placed it in a watered vase anyway.
Maybe it was Coyote, you thought. It certainly checked: he had your address, he knew you liked sunflowers, and he remembered the cookies you loved. But he said he’s on a date…unless he was pretending? The other guys definitely thought he was.
Refusing to confuse yourself any longer, you gave one last glance at the sunflower, took a bite from your cookie, and hoped that Derek Shepherd and Mark Sloan could distract you…for now.
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“I'm in love with Teddy. I love her.”
“You're like Lexie with the inappropriate feelings for inappropriate people.”
“What can I say? My heart lives in my scalpel.”
The Seattle Grace Mercy West surgeons were trying to play baseball when your phone chimed. Phoenix and Halo were currently messaging the squad group chat.
Bassett Hound 🐾💗 date was a bust. reservation got screwed and they refuse to go anywhere else told them i refuse to waste this outfit hard deck anybody?
Pixie Nix 🧚✨ aw hales 😞 sorry to hear that if it helps, my date spoke more words to the waiter than to me don’t have to ask me twice
Bassett Hound 🐾 hbu @Mamma Mia 🍯🍯 ? we’ll be your valentines ❤️
Glancing between the half-eaten box of cookies and the Grey’s Anatomy theme running on your screen for the fourth time in a row, you decided that maybe it isn’t too late to salvage the holiday.
You showed up feeling a bit more refreshed from earlier. You opted to dress up just the slightest bit more than usual since you figured Phoenix and Halo would be too, coming from their dates.
The bar wasn’t crowded—a lot of the regulars you recognized were probably out on dates—but it looked like a haven for lonely hearts, single people dotting the bar or nursing their drinks at their small tables. You spotted some introducing themselves to others, and one lucky couple just escaped through the side door. The pool table, however, was as lively as ever with some of its usual suspects. Halo and Phoenix had already started a game, but you were surprised to see a few of the others there as well—Rooster and his girlfriend, Omaha and his wife, and Bob—who all cheered as you approached the table.
“Come here often?” Phoenix fake flirted.
“Only when I’m summoned with magic,” you came back and hugged her. “What brings the rest of you here?”
“We didn’t feel like going home just yet, then I saw Halo’s text in the group chat and she wanted to say hi,” Omaha explained and gestured to his wife as you went around greeting the others. “Rooster’s car broke down about a half mile up the road.”
“Excuse you, the Bronco doesn’t break,” Rooster interrupted, “It just…swerved off the road a little. But it’s fine. Just needed to stretch our legs a little.” His girlfriend giggled silently as he pulled her close to his torso and started whispering in her ear.
You took your usual seat on the stool next to Bob’s. “So I’m guessing Coyote’s date was real? Since he’s not here, I mean.”
“Looks like it,” he agreed as he sipped on his water. Noticing your lack of banter, he studied the pensive look on your face. “Why’d you ask?”
Your train of thought broke as he spoke. “What? Oh, um, it’s nothing,” you said nervously, “Forget I asked.”
“If you’re thinking about it this hard, it’s probably not nothing,” he egged on. “What is it?”
You could never say no to Bob. He was your best friend and you trusted him. Even though you were a little hurt that he kept his girlfriend a secret from you, you just couldn’t bring yourself to make it even. “Okay, so you know how I found a sunflower this morning?” you said in a low voice.
He nodded silently, letting you continue without being interrupted.
“I didn’t want to think anything of it at first. I just figured that someone—I don’t know, ‘neighborly person’ in a Valentine’s-y mood, I guess—left flowers up and down the street. But no one else had one so I just brushed it off. But then there was Hangman this morning with the cards and the flirting, and I thought it felt different. But it’s Hangman. You can never really tell with him, right? So I brushed that off. Then when I got home, get this: I get a delivery of cookies from Sugarlust. Coyote’s bakery. And it wasn’t just any cookie, it was the salted caramel cookies that he brought to that one dinner, the ones that I loved. What really did it for me, though, was the card. Something about him not being McDreamy but he hopes I love the cookies just as much. He was the one who commented about my Grey’s Anatomy marathon. And now I’m thinking if he was the one who gave me the flower, and…I don’t know,” you sighed, “I guess I was just hoping to see him here tonight to ask if it was him.”
And like this morning, he was dumbstruck again at your rant. You grew conscious of yourself at his reaction so you changed the subject.
“But enough about me, though. How about you? Where’s your date?” you asked as normally as you could.
Halo stood up after her turn. “Bob had a date?”
All eyes landed on the spectacled wizzo in his usual corner. “Oh. Right. My date.”
“Since when? And how come I don’t know about her?!” Phoenix asked, echoing your conversation and thoughts from earlier.
“Uh, awhile,” he said again, though he sounded more nervous this time, “but it’s okay, um, I don’t think it’s gonna work out…”
Your heart dropped after seeing how dejected Bob looked. “I’m so sorry, Bobby.” You put an arm around him, and he returned your small smile with one of his own.
Phoenix pushed herself off the pool table and handed him her cue stick. “Welcome to the club, Bob.”
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Customers came and went in the two hours you have been there, but the eight of you had stayed. Rooster took over the piano, crooning blues covers with Halo, while his girlfriend and Omaha’s wife were talking with Phoenix. You were back on your stool after winning the last round of pool against Omaha, who was now playing darts against Bob.
The lack of a crowd allowed for cool night air to linger inside, that you had borrowed Bob’s jacket to keep you warm.
“What the fuck, bro?!” Omaha groaned in disbelief after Bob hit his fifth bullseye of the night.
“Target locked, and direct hit,” Bob retorted while he picked off his darts from the board.
Omaha took his place as he got ready for another game. “Best of nine,” he challenged and threw his darts immediately.
“Roos baby, I love you, but you’re kinda killing the mood here,” his girlfriend laughed from across the room while he and Halo were in the middle of singing November Rain by Guns N’ Roses. And without missing a beat, he started playing Little Richard’s Tutti Frutti. The lively melody brought the empty bar to life and the four girls started to dance with each other.
Halo called out to you, “Honey! Join us!”
“In a minute, Hales! I’m on dart watch from Omaha,” you pointed your thumb to the brunette who had just lost another game to Bob. He was practicing his aim when Bob took his seat beside you.
“Let me know when you’re done warming up, Vikander,” he taunted, his competitive side coming out now that he was more relaxed.
“Gonna make you eat your words, Floyd,” Omaha came back.
You and Bob entered your little world again from your seats. You watched as he chugged his water, his glasses slipping from the bridge of his nose.
“How’re you holding up there, Bobby?” you asked.
He let out an exhausted laugh. “You’d think darts wasn’t exhausting, but I think Omaha might as well have me running a marathon if he’s making me play this much.
“We’re aviators,” you snorted, “everything’s a competition.”
“I woke up the beast,” he sighed.
Taking a sip of your own water, you repeated his sentiments back, “You woke up the beast.”
A few beats passed in comfortable silence when he turned to you. “How about you? You don’t wanna join the others?”
“You might be surprised at how much five straight games of pool can do to your legs and back.”
He chuckled, “Well, you better hope you don’t get any push-ups tomorrow.”
It wasn’t even midnight yet when the bar was nearly empty. The jukebox played in the background seeing as Rooster and Omaha joined in on the dancing on the other side of the bar, but you and Bob remained in your seats. Usually, the two of you would be conversing non-stop—talking about the latest podcast he was listening to or your vivid dream from the night before, people watching the tourists, betting on who fellow aviator was going to do what predictable act for the night, or singing along to the music.
But you could sense some slight tension between you two tonight, thinking it might have been from the whole Valentine’s date conversation from earlier. Bob never brought it up afterwards so you didn’t think anything of it too, but now that the two of you were alone, you could see the somber expression return to his face as he stared at the floorboards.
You placed a comforting hand on his shoulder closest to you. “It’s gonna be okay, Bobby,” you said.
He looked up to your encouraging smile, and his empty hand crossed his body, his fingers brushing yours in a silent ‘thank you’.
“Who was she? If I can ask,” you said, “but you don’t have to talk about her if you don’t want to, I don’t wanna pressure you—”
“It’s alright, Bee,” he said softly. He took a deep breath as he turned his eyes back to the floor. “She’s just someone I liked for awhile now.”
“How’d you meet?”
“The usual, you know. Work,” he shrugged.
“So she’s a local?” you inquired.
“Nah, she moved here from upstate.”
After placing his now empty water cup on the ledge behind him, he sat up straighter in his seat. “Guess that makes two of us now.”
Your eyebrows raised in confusion when he let out a low laugh. “Valentines-less,” he referred to your little blather from this afternoon.
You let out your own laugh as you jogged up the memory. “We can be pathetic together,” you jested. “Well, not entirely true, I guess. Halo and Phoenix decided to be my Valentine’s to get me to come here, but I think they’ve got each other covered.”
Bob looked back to see what you were talking about, to find Halo and Phoenix drunkenly belting out Love is a Battlefield a cappella with Rooster’s girlfriend while the aviator just watched their performance. The two of caught a glimpse of Omaha and his wife waving at the two of you just before they exited.
“Besides, it doesn’t seem fair that I have two Valentine’s and you have none,” you continued.
“So what are you suggesting? You give me one of your Valentine’s?” he played along.
You looked up, pretending to think, “Hm, I don’t know if they’d appreciate being someone else’s Valentine without them knowing, so what do you say, Bobby? Will you be my Valentine?” you proposed playfully, even looking up at him through your lashes for added effect.
He smiled tightly. “I don’t think you’re gonna give me a choice, anyway,” he mumbled playfully and you elbowed him, “but sure, Bee. I’ll be your Valentine.” You spotted just the slightest bit of a blush creeping up his neck.
Finally regaining some strength in your legs, you were ready to go home. “Well, I hate to cut our date short, my Valentine, but I think I need to call it a night,” you said, “I hate that you reminded me about the push-ups.”
Bob got up with you. “No worries, Valentine. And trust me, I think the three of them might have it worse than you tomorrow,” he said about your co-workers still in the middle of their impromptu karaoke.
You dug out your phone, wallet, and keys that you kept in his jacket pocket when something else fell out. You picked up a small velvet box tied with a white satin ribbon. What caught your eye was the tag—instead of a name written on it, there was a doodle of a tiny, squiggly, buzzing bee.
Like how the bees looked on Hangman’s card.
You looked up already finding Bob staring at you nervously. His mouth had been drawn in a thin line and the tension that you felt earlier increased tenfold.
Though he never outright said the gift was for you, he watched as you tested him, slowly untying the ribbon. Even as you pried the cover off the box, he never stopped you.
“Bob…?” you whispered in disbelief as you stared at the gift. It was a golden bracelet—two delicately thin chains connected by a shining sunflower charm.
“Hey, you guys okay?” Phoenix called out from the piano.
Neither of you spoke as you continued to stare at him. Seeing as you didn’t respond, Bob replied for the two of you. “Yeah, we’re all good.”
“We’re gonna get going, if it’s okay,” she notified you. All of them had their things gathered, and the bartender on shift was already wiping down the counters.
The two of you waved your goodbyes at them as they headed out. Halo blew flying kisses in your direction as the door shut.
“Take care!”
“Happy Valentine’s!”
“See you tomorrow!”
And then there were two.
Still in shock, you held the box as securely as you could while your mind was still reeling. Bob? The sunflower this morning. The sunflower on the bracelet. The bee on the card. This has to be a coincidence, right? Maybe this was meant for his date? Maybe he’s holding on to it for someone? Maybe he’s—
“Can we talk about this?” You didn’t even realize you had asked it out loud until Bob turned back to you. His eyes grew big, the same way they always did when he started to panic during a drill or a mission.
“Uh, yeah. Sure.”
He led you out to the parking lot where it was still a bit bright from the street lights. The cool breeze bit at your skin when you remembered you were still wearing Bob’s jacket. You had barely taken it off when Bob tugged it securely back on your shoulders.
“It’s freezing,” you insisted, but Bob just shook his head.
“I’m fine,” he muttered.
It was hard to ignore the elephant in the room. Your thumb ran over the bracelet still in its box and the thoughts you had previously came flooding back.
“I don’t even know where to start,” you mumbled.
Bob wiped his face with his hands. “I don’t think there’s any other way of saying it except that it was me. I never had a date, and I was the one who left the sunflower at your door.”
Happiness. Relief. Frustration. Love. You could have been feeling all of those things right now, but no. You were just as confused as ever. “So when I was talking about all those other things, about Hangman and Coyote…”
“That was me too.”
The two of you took a seat on the bottom step of the bar’s front deck. “Hangman and the other guys were cutting out the paper hearts when he told me to bring out the cards from his bag. I didn’t have anything to do, so I just started drawing the garden on your card.”
You toyed with the hand-drawn bee on the card still hanging from the ribbon. “I guess I should’ve known from the card that it was you,” you said, mostly to yourself but loud enough for him to hear. “You’re the only one who calls me ‘Bee.’ Who was the guy from TOPGUN again? The one that you nearly decked—” you smiled trying to stir the memory.
“—But I didn’t—and it was that asshole, Shadow,” he groaned. “Ugh, I’m never gonna forget the way he called you that day.”
“But I still don’t get why you don’t call me ‘Honey.’ Everybody else does. I don’t mind it, you know.”
“I know, I know,” he nodded. “But if I’m one less person to remind you of that day, then I’ll call you ‘Bee’ until you truly forget about it.”
You couldn’t ignore the fluttering in your heart at his confession. You actually haven’t remembered that incident until now, but it was sweet that Bob always tried to make you feel better about it, even if you didn’t realize it.
“That’s real sweet of you, Bobby,” you said warmly. “But speaking of sweets…”
Bob winced jokingly, “Ah, thought I was in the clear.” He had a distant look in his eyes as he recalled, “I still remember the look on your face when you tried the cookies. The two of us alone wiped out half the box before dinner even started. You even begged Coyote to go back for another box after Fanboy ate the last one.” The grin on his face only grew bigger the more he looked back at the memory.
You barely even notice yours did too.
It all made sense now. Bob had been a constant presence in your life ever since the two of you met, even moreso now that you were together back where your friendship started. How you even thought of Hangman or Coyote before you suspected him was beyond you.
There was still one question you needed answered, and it had you on the edge of exasperation. Your voice was small as you spoke, “We were with each other the whole day, Bob. Why didn’t you say anything?”
Just as frustrated as you were, he let out a big breath. “I don’t know. I’m a coward, I guess. I was right there on the sidewalk outside your place, fully prepared to ask you out. Even had a whole speech prepared and everything,” he confessed. He spoke slower and softer, his eyes never leaving yours, “about how I saw the bracelet in a window the other day, and how it reminded me of the sunflowers you painted on my arm that one time I visited you in your hometown. And how I wanted you to have a sunflower on your own hand, then I’d ask you to be my Valentine.”
He looked down at the ground in shame as he continued, “But I got scared. I didn’t want to ruin the friendship, especially since you’ve only been here a month. So I figured after I left your house that it might be easier if you didn’t know it was me, and that’s why I lied about the date. Just in case you were, I don’t know, expecting something…more. Than just me, I mean.”
Taking the box in his own hands, he twiddled with it. “I thought I lost my chance this morning, but then Halo messaged asking you to come. So I came here thinking this could be my second chance until you started asking about Coyote…thought I was done for. You wanted him while I’d stay the idiot that lost you forever.”
Your heart no longer fluttered but burst at his words. A love you had for him that didn’t know was already there had finally surfaced as you shut him up with a gentle kiss on his cheek.
“You’re so much more than what I could ever want, Bobby,” you whispered, scooting closer to him on the step.
A weight had been lifted from his shoulders, and you swore you’ve never seen him smile so widely. Gently lifting the bracelet from its box, he undid the clasp. “May I?” he asked.
You rested your outstretched arm on his knee, allowing him to put it on you. Your nerves awakened at the soft touch of his fingers against your wrist, sending even more shockwaves throughout your body as he clasped his hand around yours afterwards. The bracelet was cool against your skin, but you felt nothing but warmth allover—from his jacket, from his touch, and from the loving feeling dancing inside you.
The moon shone high above you as midnight quickly approached, and you decided to make the most of the last minutes of the day.
“Hey, Bobby. I believe you have one last thing to ask me.”
“Is it the something you actually asked me first?” he teased, but quickly surrendered at the funny look you gave him. Hee gazed sincerely at you, “Bee?”
“Yes, Bobby?” you pretended.
He leaned in close to you till your noses were touching, and whispered slowly, “Will you be my Valentine?”
“I don’t think I have a choice anyway,” you mocked his earlier response as you both laughed, “but yes, Bobby. I’d love to be your Valentine.”
His lips found yours not a second later, fireworks exploding with every kiss that landed on your lips.
The moon stood brightly above, indicating the beginning of another day. Though your days from this point would never be the same, now that you had Bob and Bob had you.
All thanks to a flower given on a front step.
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Tag List @roostersrooster @rosesvioletshardy @bonitanightmxres @avaleineandafryingpan @bradshawseresinbabe @hangmanbrainrot @babyonboardfloyd @demxters @footprintsinthesxnd
Add yourself to my tag list!
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Disclaimer I do not own Top Gun: Maverick or any of its characters. Please do not copy my work or translate without my permission.
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kodzuken · 2 years
wip wednesday!
thank you @prettyboyandthekid​ for the tag!!! from amnesia fic (which, if you’re interested, now has a thread on my twitter (@probieravi) (i’m priv but i’ll accept anyone’s request lmao) if you want to follow along with daily writing updates) ANYWAY x2: an extra long snippet for all my amnesia fic lovers out there
“Good morning, Lucy,” Bobby greets easily. “Omelette?”
“I’m good, Cap,” she replies. “Tess made breakfast before shift.”
Buck pauses, spearing a mushroom on the knife, just for something to do. “Tess?” he echoes. The name is as unfamiliar to him as the last year is.
“Right,” Lucy says, “amnesiac. That’s fun.”
“It’s not,” Buck replies, but he smiles anyway.
“Tess is my girlfriend,” she says, looking a little moony. “We started dating like…nine months ago?”
“Ah,” Buck says, and he taps the side of his head, right on his temple. It still aches, just a little, but he ignores it. “Prime missing time.”
“It just means you get to meet her again,” Lucy says, and yeah, definitely moony. “I’d do anything for the chance to start at the beginning and fall in love for the first time.”
“Gross,” Ravi says around a mouthful of green onions, because he’s a freak, apparently. “You’re gross and in love.”
“Just because you and Sebastian have moved on from the honeymoon phase to being an old married couple—”
“Excuse me,” Ravi interrupts, holding up one of the green onions like a talking stick, “Sebastian and I have always been in our old married couple phase. You don’t get a honeymoon when you start out as roommates.”
Lucy rolls her eyes. “Well sorry I met Tess on a call like a normal person.”
“Normal person,” Ravi echoes, narrowing his eyes. “Wait until I tell her about the night of the highway rescue when you—”
“Anyway,” Buck says loudly, because he, unfortunately, hasn’t forgotten that night, “Omelettes?”
tagging: @gayeddiaz​ @hoediaz​ @queerpanikkar​ (i’m only tagging the yahoos to make them read lucy ravi besties) @hattalove​ @buckactuallys​ @bibuddie​ @bloodmv​ @trippedandfell​ @henswilsons​ @lilythesilly​ @ravibegins​ @thatbuddie​ @clusterbuck​ @sibylsleaves​ and anyone else who wants to!!
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ghostiewriter · 3 years
AJSKDJLES you’re so nice!!! I was 100% using my birthday to manipulate you into giving us more headcanons lol but I wasn’t expecting you to actually get to it today! 🥺🥺🥰 take your time and no pressure but I definitely wouldn’t say no to hearing more about them making wild melodramatic accusations to make each other laugh in public because I can 100% see it. And I can totally see it starting on the surf trip because no one knows them so they’d just like try and embarrass the other? Amazing.
Sorry it’s a day late but I hope you had a great birthday bestie and enjoy the chaos of this wee blurb😂tbh I love this headcanon for them because it’s something they would totally do! But happy late birthday and I hope it was an enjoyable one!!❤️
Word Count: 1.6K
It started of a silly little game.
Keeping true to their word, the second they had graduated from high school and had those diplomas in their hands, JJ and Kiara wasted little time in planning the logistics of their surf trip around the world. So many places to go, waves to surf, sights to see—it was impossible to choose a place to start. However, thanks to Pope and his intense need to create a plan so his two best friends wouldn’t be thrown into the world as they “go with the flow”, he had organised a proper scheme.
JJ didn’t think it was necessary, and Kiara knew they wouldn’t stick to it. But they let Pope continue with it regardless.
Against their better judgement, his route and itinerary around Europe was insanely helpful for the couple as they ventured through the countries, excited to see places they could only dream about. Especially for JJ, it felt absolutely surreal that he was leaving the island, let alone travelling the world with the love of his life at his side. It was something he would never fully believe, but cherish in fear that he would wake up from this perfect dream and return to a shitty life in reality.
But as he turned to look at Kiara, her hair swept back by the breeze and her eyes watching the glittering city below in awe as they stood at the top of the Eiffel Tower, JJ knew that no matter how many times he pinched himself that this was his reality.
“If you’re about to make some cheesy joke about how the view is pretty but you’re prettier, I will throw you off this tower.”
JJ only grinned in response, shaking his head as he finally shifted his attention to the city view. They had just witnessed the sunset and it was one of the most breath-taking views either of them had seen, without a fucking doubt.
“Well now that you’ve stole my thunder and ruined it…” He trailed off with a sigh, but his smile only widened when he heard the soft giggle that escaped her lips.
“Whatever.” She muttered, her features softening as she leaned against the railing and took in the sounds of the streets of Paris.
“I can understand why so many people propose up here, it’s beautiful.” He admitted after a few moments.
Kiara only scoffed.
JJ turned to her, eyebrows raised. “You don’t agree?”
“Because there is nothing more romantic than having a bunch of other tourists watching one of the most intimate moments of your life whilst horns are beeping down below and the wind is blowing hair into your lip gloss.” She deadpanned.
Kiara was a romantic person when she wanted to be, but some gestures were even too much for her.
“Well when you put it like that, it’s no fun.” JJ muttered with a small chuckle, though he could see her point. “Does this mean I should keep the ring in my pocket and scrap the proposal?” He asked with a grin on his face.
Kiara rolled her eyes but she smiled. “Sorry to break your heart, babe, but if you got down on one knee right now, I would have no shame embarrassing you in front of all these people.” She said with a brief glance at the other tourists standing up here with them.
But JJ’s eyes gleamed at the sight of the challenge.
She didn’t have time to question him when he slipped one of the rings off, holding it in his palm before he cleared his throat and got down on one knee.
Her eyes widened as she looked down at him in confusion. “Jay, what are you doing—”
“Barbra Gertie Stonehend,” He started in a loud, boisterous voice to (successfully) catch the attention of the other tourists. “We have spent years together, helping each other through many hardships. I have been there for you since your bed wetting days when you were twelve, I have been there for you since you got your braces stuck in the railing at the zoo, and I have been there for you since your pet piggy was tragically knocked down by a bike. But now I ask that you do me the honour of being there with me at the end of the aisle by the alter?”
He finished his obscene speech, now holding his ring between his fingers and looking up at her with a faux hopeful expression. She pressed her lips together to hold in her snickers as she glanced around, seeing all eyes on them as they awaited her answer. And when her gaze returned to JJ, there was something quite smug shining in his eyes.
JJ had always been the best liar from them all, the way he would so easily be able to spout out nonsense at the drop of a hat. But she was just as competitive and determined as the blond, and willing to challenge him at his own game.
“Oh Bernie…” She sighed, hand placed on her chest as she looked down at him. “How could I ever marry a monster like you! Marge told me everything, I cannot believe you would expect me to marry you after you were the one that killed my pig!”
A few gasps could be heard from the crowd around them.
JJ urged himself not too laugh, though his eyebrows were raised in silent appreciation.
“Boo-Bear, it’s not what it seems! I didn’t mean to kill Vincent!” He urged, reaching out to hold her hands in his own. “I am more than a cold blooded pig murderer, please give me a chance!”
“I love you, my snookums, but I cannot!”
“Please, honey-bunch, don’t listen to Marge!” He cried out as she ripped her hands from his. “She is just jealous of what we have!”
“Then why are you having a child with her?!”
Kiara could’ve sworn she heard someone utter ‘holy shit’ under their breath but urged her face to remain neutral.
“It’s not mine!”
“Then who’s is it?” Kiara demanded, her hand clutching her imaginary pearls.
“My twin brother’s!”
“No!” Kiara gasped, feigning utter shock as she took a few steps back. “It cannot be Bobby’s…because he is the father of my child!”
Another series of gasps echoed amongst the landing.
“You…you were cheating on me with my twin brother?” JJ asked, finally standing up as he looked at her with a look of betrayal.
“I’m sorry, Bernie…” She whispered but JJ dramatically turned away.
“I can’t believe this,” He muttered before heading towards the exit. “I’m taking the dog and going home!”
“Goodbye, Barbra, enjoy your life with Bobby and his stupid exterminating company!”
Whispers murmured around the group and Kiara urged herself to keep a straight face as she waited a few moments before following him down. Once they reached the bottom, it took one glance at each other before they burst out laughing, tears streaming down their faces as they clung onto each other and walked back to their flat.
It was the start of an odd game they played for the rest of their trip. In the most random places they would play out insane scenarios, the aim to be as dramatic as they possibly could until one of them had to physically leave the scene before they burst out laughing. It was just a wee game to spice things up when they were out in public, plus it helped knowing they would never see any of these people again.
The word ‘Eiffel’ just had to be said and the game would begin.
And boy, was it entertaining.
There was the time they were in Austria visiting a vineyard, when suddenly Roberto was just sick and tired of holding back his secret affair he had been hiding behind his wife’s back. Little did he know his wife, Carla, had been sleeping with his secretary too.
Or the time they pretended to be spies on a mission whilst walking through a museum in Australia, pretending to mutter things to one another and even went to the extent of buying walkie talkies so they could suspiciously communicate from opposite sides of the room. That one kind of backfired because they did end up being thrown out by security.
Or the time they were in a small village in Turkey when it was suddenly revealed that Topanga would be leaving her fiancé, Johnny, for a prince that promised her wealth in power. However much to her shock, the prince she had been talking to was actually Johnny catfishing her.
Or there was the time they decided to re-enact the whole plot of Mamma Mia in Greece to see how long it would take people to notice how familiar the whole situation felt. It turned out it took people a tragically long time.
It was a stupid game that they adored and it followed them through the extent of the surf trip and even sometimes when they would returned home. Not to the same extent as they did in the past with fake identifies, but sometimes just odd scenarios to really fuck with their friends’ heads and keep them on their toes.
There was just something so satisfying about turning to each other, matching grins on their faces as they sat at the kegger and listened to some random touron talk about how nothing interesting ever happened on this island whenever she would visit her grandmother.
Ideas racing in their minds and all the possibilities of how they can make this night one to remember were jumping at the possibility to put on a show. With his eyebrows raised, JJ turned to his girl.
After all, it started as a silly little but it always ensured chaos.
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Hey, Harley! I know you requested a fic through Ask, but you're my tumblr bestie, so I thought I would personalize it and deliver straight to you. Y/N who?? This is Harley's territory. MOODBOARD!
She woke up to a text. It didn't seem out of sorts at first, just the typical family drama. Harley opened up her messages and felt her heart ache. She had told her family the night before that she would be staying in Lebanon until further notice. She wasn't sure how they would take it, but today's text revealed everything. Her brother was pained by her departure. His response was icy, hardened by his fear of losing her.
She turned off the phone, already weary with emotion. That's when Cas knocked.
"Come in."
The angel stepped forwards, smiling kindly. "I felt your shift," he said. "Something is troubling you." He sat on the edge of the bed. "I didn't come to pry," he told her. "I just thought you might want the company."
"Thanks, Cas. Things are kinda crazy back home."
"I understand."
The door opened once more, and Sam and Dean came bounding in.
"Sam was eavesdropping!" Dean declared.
The elder Winchester grinned and hopped onto the bed with a groan. "Rough morning, kid?" He asked.
"Something like that."
Dean's eyes softened. He smiled gently, and ruffled her hair. "That sucks," he said simply. He glanced back at Sam and the brothers shared a look that said - we understand.
"Bobby called," Sam said, leaning against the closet. "Said he's got a case for us back at Sioux Falls. He actually asked for you, Harley."
She winced. "He's not still upset over... the beer incident, is he?"
Dean laughed. "I still can't believe you did that..."
"So, roadtrip?" Sam grinned.
"Yeah, I'm up for it." Harley said. She turned to Castiel. "You coming?"
The angel shrugged. "You couldn't keep me away." He leaned forwards, grabbed a book from the night table, and handed it over to her. "Just don't forget this. It's one of your favourites."
"The Lighting Theif!"
"Nice," Dean nodded. "That'll keep you from asking 'are we there yet' every three miles!" He punched Harley's shoulder playfully, and stepped up. "See you out back," he said. "I'm here for you, okay? Anything you need, kid."
"Can I drive?"
His voice echoed from the hallway. "Hell no! Anything but THAT!"
Sam was the next to leave. "I know you've got a lot on your plate, but whatever you choose, wherever you go, we'll always be here, waiting. Don't forget that." He smiled and followed his brother outside.
"Sam and Dean are right," Castiel confirmed. "You have a family in all of us." The angel leaned over and hugged Harley tightly. "Forever," he affirmed.
Harley sat quietly as the three men walked away. She could hear them whispering outside her door. "Should I let her choose the music this time?" Dean said. "Maybe I could blend her a smoothie?" Sam whispered. "Perhaps we could get Bobby to phone her," mused Cas.
Harley smiled at the boys' concern. Things may have been less than perfect back home- families can be messy- but she knew that her friends would keep supporting her no matter what.
She fetched her things and went to join them in the car. After all, they promised her a road trip.
Okay your a Saint for 1 and 2 ways the beer accident 3 how'd you know one of my favorite books .all and all I love you and thank you for trying to patch a small hole with our boys . It's funny we both write for each other when we need it most. Y/n who's she . We run this show..
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fiddlepickdouglas · 4 years
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Viva Las Vegas, Pt. 2 - Desert Oasis
Summary: Sunset Curve Alive AU, Willex, was it coincidence or was it meant to be?, 2.3k
@trevor-wilson-covington is my bestie who makes me these lovely edits, we stan supportive friends
Part 1
The boys entered the empty theater from backstage, all gazing at the splendor of it. Luke leapt onto the stage with a stomp, smiling at the echo. Alex just took in the high ceiling, the lights, and the private boxes that made it feel less like a concert venue and more like a mini operahouse. Reggie seemed to think something similar, and by extension made some wobbly ballerina spins across the stage. Not to miss an opportunity to show good form, Alex pirouetted and ended with a jeté, unable to resist feeling smug.
“Now that Alex has christened the stage,” Bobby said. “When do we do a sound check?”
“The stage manager guy said not till about five,” Luke mentioned. “So we can do whatever we need until then.”
“Then why’d we get here so early?”
Both Alex and Reggie gave Bobby funny looks. They knew why. Bobby’s face went from confusion to understanding as he added things together. Luke was already heading back toward the green room. Julie Molina hadn’t arrived yet, but he was clearly excited for when she did. He was probably compiling lyrics to show her.
“Met her once and he’s twitterpated,” Bobby joked, Reggie chuckling after him. “Bet you know what that’s all about, though, right Alex?”
“Well...” Alex said in a high-pitched voice. He wasn’t entirely sure if it was the same thing. Willie was nice, and seemed to accept his invitation, but he didn’t dare assume.
“Come on, that waiter couldn’t keep his eyes off you,” Bobby insisted.
“Waiter?” Reggie puzzled. “What waiter?”
Alex looked at him, sticking his tongue in his cheek. “Really?”
Reggie shook his head, still clueless. Bobby stuck his hands in his pockets.
“Your friend, Smooth McDuck, here practically asked him out right in front of us,” he said. “How many pancakes did you eat anyway?”
“Ooooh that waiter!” Reggie said, finally.
“Okay,” Alex muttered to himself as they continued toward the green room. He didn’t want to get his hopes too high, especially with Bobby being so encouraging. Part of him was almost afraid of seeing Willie actually show up at the show tonight. It was more from the uncertainty of what Alex would do if he saw him again because he didn’t trust himself to keep his cool. How he’d managed it back in the diner he attributed to either his upset stomach or mild shock. 
As they reached the green room, Luke was on the phone, a concentrated look on his face. A crew member sat with his arms folded next to him.
“Uh huh...okay, thank you.” He sighed. “Yeah, sure thing. Thanks, bye.” He hung up and ran his hands over his face.
“What was that about?” Alex asked.
“Just called the motel to see when we could check in and they’re flooded, plus their other rooms are full,” Luke told them. “But they’re gonna give us our money back and hopefully we can find somewhere soon.”
Everyone groaned at the inconvenience. Finding somewhere in Vegas that they could afford within a handful of hours sounded practically impossible.
“Who wants to go hotel hunting?” Bobby said solemnly, looking around for more volunteers.
“I’ll do it,” Reggie responded.
“Me too,” Alex followed. “Is there a phone book?”
“I got you,” the crew member said, going back to a closet and pulling one out. He handed it to Alex, who proceeded to flip through the yellow pages.
“Anyone got a notepad so we can write numbers down?” he asked.
After a bit of scrambling between the rest of them, a pen and notepad were provided.
“I’m gonna go get the cash back,” Luke said, heading out to the van and disappearing.
In a combination of checking their map and collecting a list of numbers and locations, the other three looked at their options.
“Okay, I say we take turns making calls,” he said.
For the next hour Bobby, Reggie and Alex rotated between contacting numerous hotels and writing down prices and seeing where reservations were open. Most places were too expensive, the rest were booked. They were down to the last two numbers, and Reggie was on the second to last call.
“We need two rooms. Or one with room for four, if you have that,” he was saying for the umpteenth time. The silence thickened with anticipation, and then thinned out again. “No problem. Thanks anyway, bye.”
Hanging the receiver, Reggie sighed heavily.
“Man, if this last one doesn’t work, I am gonna hate driving back overnight,” Bobby stated.
“Me too, I can’t fall asleep in the car,” Reggie said. “I don’t know how Luke does it.”
“Well, let’s try this last one and hope for the best,” Alex told them.
He picked up the receiver again and dialed the last number, listening to it connect to the operator and then start ringing.
“Thanks for calling the Desert Oasis, my name is William, how can I help you?” A familiar voice said on the other line.
Alex dropped his jaw.
“Willie?” he breathed. Bobby and Reggie perked up in interest. Luke reentered the green room as he returned from collecting their money.
“Um...yes?” Willie answered in confusion. “Who am I speaking to?”
Alex chuckled nervously, avoiding the looks on all his friends’ faces.
“It’s, uh...it’s Alex. You work at a hotel too?” One of the guys playfully socked him in the shoulder and he swatted them away.
“Yeah, I do.” He could hear the slight happy tone in his voice and had to make himself focus on the task at hand.
“Cool, well, me and the guys are actually kinda desperate. Do you have any open rooms?”
“We should.” Alex pumped his fist excitedly at those words. He could see the rest of the guys’ faces light up.
“Do you want one with four beds or two with two beds?” Willie continued.
“What’s cheaper?”
“The one room. How many nights do you need?”
“Just tonight,” Alex told him.
There was a short pause on the other line.
“Okay, I’ve got you in.”
“Yes!” Alex exclaimed, to which the boys started celebrating. Luke and Bobby hollered while Reggie gave everyone high-fives. Honestly, if Willie had been in the room, Alex might have nearly choked him with a tight hug. “Thank you, Willie, thank you, thank you!”
WIllie giggled on the other line.
“Of course! You guys should check in soon though.”
“Yes, right,” Alex calmed from his euphoria. “We’ll be there as soon as we can. Thank you, again!”
“Yeah man, I’ll see you soon!”
Alex hung up and ran his hands through his hair in relief.
Luke wrapped an arm around Alex and thumped his chest, and Alex in turn messed up his hair.
“Okay boys, let’s get checked in!” Luke cried as they all ran to clamber into the van again.
Alex was still wonderstruck at the idea of seeing Willie again. It had been only a couple of hours; maybe he’d been nervous at the thought of him appearing later that evening but now he was too excited for that. Even though it was a short drive, he made sure to ride shotgun this time. The last thing he wanted was for the nausea to resurface.
As they arrived, Alex grabbed his backpack and headed straight for the front desk. It was empty, but soon a man with dark curly hair came around the corner and stepped behind it.
“Sunset Curve, I presume?” he asked. He had a slight accent that Alex couldn’t place. Maybe it was French? Either way, he was disappointed not to see Willie there. The rest of the guys had piled in behind him.
“Yeah, man, that’s us!” Luke said, stepping forward.
“Tell your friends!” Reggie quipped habitually. The concierge gave him a stiff but polite smile. Luke quickly handed him the cash to pay for their stay and he was handed a room key.
“Your room will be on the second floor and then all the way down the hall to your right. Have a wonderful stay.”
Alex sat in disbelief while Luke had handled everything, so Reggie had to nudge him. Returning to the present, he shouldered his backpack and followed the boys to the elevator. He didn’t like the unsettling feeling descending on him like a shadow. It was more than just not seeing Willie upon arrival, but he couldn’t explain it just yet. A small pat to his shoulder diverted his attention.
“He’ll be around here somewhere,” Bobby assured him.
Alex nodded back to him, glad for the support. This was a newer side he was seeing from Bobby, and it was a change that strangely didn’t make him completely freak out.
As they got into their room, Reggie sprawled onto the main bed as though he were landing on a cloud. Luke claimed the couch, which Bobby insisted was a pullout bed as well. They all got to argue over which territory they claimed, and found out that the couch was just a couch, but there was a bed that came down off the wall in the closet. Reggie had brought his stuffed bear and placed it on the main bed, saying it was now being “reserved”. In retaliation, Bobby threatened to be the big spoon, to which Reggie replied “I’ll just be the bigger spoon!” in a very flustered manner. Alex sat on the bed from the wall with his legs crossed, enjoying the insanity.
“What you should really be fighting over is who gets to shower first,” he said, knowing the seeds of chaos he was sowing.
“Dibs! I call dibs!” Reggie yelled, raising a hand.
“Not if you can’t get in there first,” Luke said as he passed him on the way to the bathroom. This caused a comical fight to enter the bathroom, which Reggie ultimately lost.
“They know there’s showers at the venue, right?” Bobby muttered over to Alex.
“Not if we don’t tell ‘em,” Alex murmured back, giving him a fist bump. He preferred not to wait for all three of them at either location to finish getting cleaned up after the show.
Bobby picked up Luke’s acoustic and started playing around, and quickly Reggie sat on the floor to listen. Alex didn’t feel up to jamming and decided he needed to get out.
“I’m gonna take a walk,” he announced, to which the other boys only nodded. He caught Reggie’s hypnotized expression as he looked up at Bobby and chuckled as he made his way out the door. He wondered if they would ever figure it out.
Alex pulled a drumstick out of his fanny pack and dragged it along the wall of the hotel, tapping a simple rhythm. This place was across the street from the diner, he’d noticed on their way in. The temptation to search for Willie grew, but he questioned it for a moment. Was he really going to get feelings for a guy he’d barely met and likely wouldn’t see after this trip? It seemed a little crazy.
He came to the end of the hallway and peered through the window overlooking the street. It was kind of a pretty view of the Red Rock Canyon, and would have been even better if the window had been wider. The sun was bright, inviting him to go outside. It isn’t searching for Willie, it’s just getting fresh air, he told himself. He took the stairs down to the main floor and waved at the concierge as he pushed his way out the door.
The wind had picked up a little, and Alex breathed in as the breeze swept over him. The heat was a little more intense than back home, but he liked the change. Heading toward the sidewalk, he chose to try just walking around the block before going back up to the room. Being on the outskirts of the city was thankfully much quieter.
Quiet enough to hear the gentle click-rooolllllll of small wheels behind him.
Before he could fully turn around, Alex was hit full force with someone’s entire body weight and they both landed together on the concrete. Grunting in pain, he looked to see Willie on the ground beside him, hand on top of a cracked helmet.
“There are better ways of getting my attention,” he said hoarsely, standing up.
“Sorry, I was meaning to stop before I got to you,” Willie said, chuckling through his own pain and holding onto his skateboard. Alex offered him a hand and Willie took it to help himself up. The closeness already had Alex catching his breath and he mentally begged to hold himself together repeatedly.
“So I don’t get it, do you just run back and forth between the hotel and the diner as you’re needed?” Alex asked.
Willie’s eyes went side to side and he shrugged.
“Sort of,” he told him. “It makes every day different.”
Alex caught a glimpse at his other hand and saw the newly opened sore that wasn’t being mentioned.
“Willie, your hand!” He cried, carefully taking hold of it so the palm faced up.
“It’s no big deal,” Willie said while trying to pull it away. Alex kept a firm grip on his wrist so he couldn’t hide it. “I’ve had worse.”
“Well, you shouldn’t stay cut open,” Alex scolded gently. He dug into his fanny pack and pulled out an alcohol cotton pad and some bandaids.
“Do you seriously carry those with you everywhere?” Willie wondered as Alex opened the packet.
“You’ve seen my friends, right?” was his only response. He continued to clean Willie’s hand, ignoring his winces, gasps and reflexive jerking, and then covered it the best he could with the bandaids. Willie just bit his lip and sighed.
“You used to play doctor with your teddy bear as a kid, huh?”
Alex looked at him and the adorable expression on his face was too much. He smirked.
“Right, hah. Not gonna be a problem, will it?”
Retaining his smile, Willie sat backward and raised his eyebrows.
“Problem? I don’t think so.”
He dropped his board and kicked off.
“Hey, where are you going?” Alex said, running after him.
Willie simply nodded for him to follow, and it was all too compelling. Holding the strap on his fanny pack, he ran to catch up, unsure where they were headed.
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myfaveyoutubers · 7 years
Bro pt. 2
Prompt: Part 2 to Bro Word Count: 500 Requested? Yes Bro
I stayed in the kitchen with Harrison for a few more minutes, catching up. But, I couldn’t help but finding myself worrying about Anderson. He still hasn’t come out of his room, which was strange, since he’s practically glued to Harrison’s side. Harrison noticed my disinterest in the conversation. “Mate, what’s wrong? You never not pay attention to me” I shrugged, “I’m sorry dude, I’m trying to pay attention but I just can’t.” I pouted and looked down at my feet while hopping off the stool.
“It’s because of him, Anderson, isn’t it Y/N?” Harrison rarely calls me by my first name so I was caught off guard. I looked at him questionably. He had a serious look on his face, I opened my mouth to respond but no words came to mind. Harrison got up and tightly wrapped his arms around my shorter frame. We were standing in the middle of the kitchen for an unknown period of time. The front door opened and the boisterous sound of the other roommates immediately echoed throughout the house.
“What’s going on here?” I heard Bobby say and Harrison and I broke apart. They all had a smirk on their faces except for Anderson, when did he come back down? I smiled and ran to Franny first, quickly catching up. Then I hugged Bobby, JC, Kian, and Corey lifted me up and spun me around, he was my best friend other than Harrison. Corey kept his arm over my shoulder, “How have you been bestie?”
I smiled and told him what he’s missed, everyone went into their own conversation and I heard a faint slam the front door, everyone else seemed to ignore it but I knew it was Anderson. Harrison saw my pout and shot me a look as if to say ‘run after him, bro.’ I nodded then grabbed my phone and jogged out of the house. I was momentarily blinded my the sun and saw him walking along the sidewalk, looking down at his shoes.
I sprinted towards him and stopped front of him, “What’s wrong? Please tell me, I have never seen you like this.” I said, panting. He looked up and my heart nearly broke, he was crying. “Am I not worth it Y/N?” I was hurt, “What are you talking about Anderson? You’re an amazing guy, you’re so funny, sweet, caring, genuine- that’s why I like you, you’re definitely worth it, worth more than I am, I’m nothing.”
He smiled then frowned, “You’re perfect Y/N, I-” He looked shocked, as if he didn’t mean for the words that he was about to say to come out. I nudged him with my elbow. “Nothing.” I decided to drop it for now. “So what did you tell Harrison that he couldn’t tell me?” “He didn’t tell you? I’m surprised, he tells you everything. And I could ask you the same.” He seemed to cheer up a little, he was fixing his hair and dabbing again.
This seems horrible to me I’m sorry, if you guys want a third part, I’ll do my best. Thank you for reading!!
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rktiffxny · 7 years
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                                                     ❝  IF I CURSED YOU OUT  —                                                        I WOULD’VE FELT BETTER  
everything is slower these days. she reacts slow, speaks slow, moves slow — she’s feelingoff and has no answer to when a trainer asks her if she’s sick. because the type of condition she has isn’t one simple medicine can fix. because what she has would make her mad to even think it, let alone say it. she’s heartsick. 
but fall is beginning and it’s easy to call it a cold — it’s not a complete lie. she does feel cold, just not in the conventional way. she’s stuffing her towel in her gym bag, languidly packing up when she notices her phone light up. her hopes don’t peak, she doesn’t expect a certain someone to call. not now, not anymore. but there is a certain someone else who occupies her apartment more than he had and it’s exactly that person who called.
cassie’s words have the tendency to sound more like a decree than a suggestion, but tiffany’s not feeling open to it either way when her sister says, “don’t come home tonight.”
“ryan’s not in korea right now, is he? because if he is and that’s why you’re kicking me out of my apartment, first of all gross and second of all, like i said it’s my apartment!”
“why does your mind have to go there?”
“i don’t know. why are you kicking me out of my apartment for the night?”
“can’t you let me finish talking? why do you like the sound of your voice so much?”
“because my sister is the same way and i learned from her.”
“you didn’t flood my apartment and you’re trying to fix everything before i come back, right?”
“if i flooded your apartment, do you think i would stay here with emily?”
“i would hope not.”
tiffany could practically hear her sister’s eyes rolling and there’s a faint smile on her lips. things almost feel normal. she almost feels more than just fine. “there’s a car waiting outside for you.”
“you’re creeping me out.”
“i texted you the license plate number, do you feel better?”
“no … ”
“just go get in the car!”
“oh my god, i still have to go downstairs!”
“oh … why didn’t you say so?” speaking of too alike, tiffany knows a hwang scheme when she sees one. her sister might be a luo now but she knows that cassie is still a hwang at heart. “okay, be a good girl and go downstairs! hurry, the driver’s been waiting for you!”
“i— oh, okay. well, bye to you too,” she grumbles, slipping the phone from her shoulder as she gives her bag one last zip with a loud sigh. there’s no end to her mumbling about how rude her own sister is to hang up on her like that after making casual demands as if she didn’t have a long day of training — not that tiffany was the most energetic today — and she only pauses when she opens the text. the license number is familiar … as soon as she sees a car outside of kt, she knows.
closing the door behind her, bag slipped into the backseat, she clicks her seatbelt in place while asking, “you’re not working tonight?” he hums in response and she also knows better than to expect much more when it seems he’s been dragged into whatever plans her sister has. at least this means it can’t be the first option and she’s more than thankful for that as much as she loves her brother-in-law.
“you’re not going to tell me a single damn thing, are you?” this time, he actually laughs and her brows lift. “wow, someone’s in a good mood. did my sister promise to set you up with one of her friends? i’ve got some bad news for you ~ most of them are married too.”
tiffany only receives a scoff and she manages a small smile as she leans forward, fiddling with the ac and radio controls only to have her hand smacked away. her sister’s a stickler for detail and it hadn’t slipped tiffany’s notice the kind of songs playing as he drives on. girl power songs, strong, independent woman songs — break-up songs about moving on and moving up and tiffany thinks she’d appreciate it if she was at that point already. but, for once, she’s allowing herself a small dose of sadness each day. a small dose, as if it’ll help her withstand it and build up immunity when it’s bound to become her weakness if she doesn’t do something soon.  
fingertips tap idly against the car door as she leans back, making herself comfortable but it’s not long before the car stops. a halt so gentle that tiffany doesn’t realize at first until he undoes her seatbelt for her, “go inside. you’ll know when you see.”
“hm?” but she doesn’t have to go inside to know what the place he’s brought her to is: a karaoke place. her eyes glaze over and she thinks that the last thing she wants to do issing after practice all day. “can’t you just take me home?”
“a deal’s a deal.”
“i didn’t make a deal.”
“why’d you get in the car?”
a part of her wants to childishly point out that she was told to by her older sister and she very well can’t say no too often to her sister given her condition, but there’s a part of her that calls out more, that practically screams that she needs whatever is going to happen. because even if she doesn’t know what cassie’s plans are, she knows that her sister only wants the best for her, only wants to help her. it’s just a matter of accepting said help and, for once, tiffany doesn’t want to fight it. that’s what cassie was hoping for: that tiffany had grown this much and hwang miyoung doesn’t disappoint in the end.
all while huffing, she still grabs her bag and gets out of the car with a salute, “yes, sir!” she could blame jongdae for that later, smugly grinning at how hyunshik grimaces. everyone who knew him knows that he hated serving his time. however it showed his dedication to his country, it didn’t suit him.
adjusting the strap over her shoulder, she sighs again, foot kicking at the gravel along the side of the road just before she takes a step closer and finally another and another right into the shop. the last person she expected to be there waiting for her was her sister herself. “hey! where’s emily?”
“with her uncle cheolwoo. he volunteered.” they both struggle to ignore the cruel joke to be made about how cheolwoo is more willing than emily’s actual uncle but they all had their reasons at the time. “let’s go!”
“can you … ” tiffany’s gaze drops and she points at the growing bump of her sister’s stomach, to which cassie smacks her hand. “ouch!”
“i’m pregnant, steph. that doesn’t mean i can’t go out!”
“but it’s late … ”
cassie shrugs it off as if it’s nothing, as if it’s nothing that her sister is destined for a life of late nights from now on if she continues down this road; living a life where even if they’re finally in the same country for a while, tiffany can’t be around nearly as much as either of them would want.
“it’s never too late.”
for once, tiffany truly doesn’t know what her sister means.
the next two hours go by in a flash for cassie but, to tiffany, everything feels as if it’s in slow-motion. the poison is settling in and she’s pretending not to feel a thing. it’s just that cassie is terrified of; when tiffany is numb, cassie can’t stand it.
“you choose a song this time.” “i’ve chosen some of the songs!” “mm hm,” the skepticism drips from her voice and tiffany stifles yet another sigh. “i love this s— oh—”
cassie rests a hand over her lower stomach and there’s a flicker of panic in tiffany’s eyes. her sister is the perfect picture of serenity once whatever it is subsides and tiffany is baffled.
“is that normal?”
“i’m just feeling a little gassy.”
“oh my god.” the abbreviation tmi might as well be written on her forehead, only making cassie laugh hard as she gets up. “you sing this song for me, i’m going to be a while.”
“oh, gross.”
“it’s only human ~ ”
“stop, stop, stop!” cassie’s laughter trickles out the door and follows her into the hallway and tiffany’s grip loosens around the mic. as empowering as thank you very much by bestie can be, she knows she can’t do the song justice in her mood and it’s what cassie was referring to, as much as tiffany would prefer to deny it.
she thumbs through the singing list although she knows it well. cassie’d chosen one of the noraebangs that tiffany went to the most a few years ago. now, it felt like she rarely went. how often does a trainee get to? how often does a trainee want to? it’s a ploy, it must be and, while she doesn’t want to willingly fall for it, there’s a song that she’s drawn to.
a song she has to sing.
that’s what she thought, until the music starts and she’s barely able to open her mouth.
(     ♫, as i forgot about you who doesn’t love me           i live doing everything that i wanted to do.           i can’t erase you from my mind,       why        )  
she wants to, she wants to erase him from her mind. the idea alone is such a lie she can’t fathom it. so much for more honesty. there’s no way she could, there’s no way she’d really want to, so why, why does she have to feel like this? if she could hate him, it’d be easier.
(      ♫, who are you to make me pitiful       if i cursed you out, i would’ve at least felt better       why, why did you leave me without saying anything?     )  
if he’d been more of an asshole, it’d be easier. if he’d actually done something, it’d be easier. but it’s the way they grew distant, the way they faded to nothing that hurts more.
(      ♫, i’m not ready to break up,           wait a minute, waiting is too long, has no limit           i keep calling for you, but you don’t answer           only      —       echoes       —      come back to me      )  
the words barely make it past her tongue. the only thing that flows as freely as the melody are her tears and cassie leans her head against the door, eyes clenched shut as she listens to her baby sister stifle her sobs.
cassie did know best: tiffany didn’t need to curse bobby out, she needed to cry.
what she didn’t expect is for the song to start up again and this time tiffany sang through the end. this time, cassie couldn’t stay outside the room, not when tiffany’s tell me what is love sounds more like a desperate question than a lyric. her voice cracks, it’s unstable,shaky — she breaks, a crack in her armor, but at least her sister is there to hold the pieces together.
                                                             tell me, this is love.
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fiddlepickdouglas · 3 years
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Viva Las Vegas, Pt. 19 - The Masters
Summary: Sunset Curve Alive AU, Willex, what are they up to?, 3.6k
@trevor-wilson-covington is the bestie who makes these lovely edits, we stan supportive friends
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18
Willie was back in Vegas, wandering through the street late at night. He was just leaving the hotel, like he’d just dropped Alex off by the front doors, knowing that he was saying goodbye and couldn’t stand to leave it on a heavy note. Still, he moved onward without looking back. He was just going to enjoy the memory that he had of the green eyes and the waves and the way he’d been nestled against Alex’s chest with fingers in his hair and wearing the hat and feeling like a handsome prince at the look on Alex’s face and - yeah, he was just going to cherish it forever. Without ever having another chance. Rock stars didn’t keep promises like that, no matter how much they meant to. The second Alex made it big, he would forget him, Willie was sure.
The journey from the hotel back to Caleb’s house was incredibly short. He looked back toward the street in bewilderment, unsure what could have happened. Sure, Willie knew his shortcuts, but he’d definitely clocked that journey numerous times.
As he walked up the drive, he rounded the corner and to his horror found the shed already ablaze. Stepping back in terror, Willie stiffened as he felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning around, Caleb loomed over him with a monstrous look in his eyes. He seemed to grow larger by the second and his face became twisted and grotesque. Then he opened his mouth, letting out a cry of rage as his eyes began burning a fiery purple and he raised his arm as if to strike.
“I told you to clean up this mess!” he cried.
Running away from the house, Willie was only just able to escape his attempted blows. His feet seemed to slam against the pavement, and his breathing was too loud. Looking up momentarily, he somehow had already arrived at the diner, and that was in flames too. Willie couldn’t help the small cry of distress that released from his throat, almost like a sob. Changing direction, he eventually came to the hotel and watched as it was already crumbling apart as it burned. Fear and confusion consumed him as Willie continued running with tears streaming down his face. The bodega was on fire too. And so was Roy’s. Anywhere that Willie tried to run to roared in fiery destruction.
He was sitting inside the truck, but it was empty. Nobody sat in the driver’s seat - nobody smiled back at him. All Willie could see was that the truck was burning but he couldn’t open the door to escape. He tried rolling down the window but the flames got too high and he had to roll it back up. The door wouldn’t unlock or be forced open. Willie could feel himself suffocate in the confined space, feel his pulse rising. The ever encroaching doom of never making it out shrouded him like it was its own force.
“Willie!” A banging could be heard on the window and Willie looked up to see Alex frantically trying to open the door on the other side. Pressing his hands up against the glass, Willie shook his head, telling him it was no use. Alex just kept tugging on the handle and pounding his fist on the window in desperation, and didn’t seem to be affected by the flames consuming the truck as he did so. All Willie could hear was his name striking against the glass with every fistfall, but no change in Alex’s ability to save him. The agonizing sound repeated, slowly fading back as everything darkened and became more muffled, and then finally his mind regained consciousness.
Sitting up in bed, Willie sucked in a breath and huddled himself close. Taking a few seconds to try and let his pulse calm down, he looked over and found Sheldon had been curled up in sleepy contentment against his stomach, and was already stretching to find another place to sleep. Picking up the cat and cuddling him into his chest, Willie scratched his favorite spot behind his ears, hoping to convince him to continue sleeping at his side. Hearing Sheldon purr helped slow his excited heart rate.
Thank goodness it had just been a nightmare. But why had it been so terrifying and bizarre? He had already been through the loop with the one that went backwards, and now having everything go down in flames and being teased with the hope of rescue? Willie didn’t think he wanted to know what it meant. It was beginning to be a pattern now that dreams like that had a significant meaning. He was afraid of what the meaning of this one might be.
Sheldon took advantage of his loosened grip while he was caught up in his thoughts, and scuttled off of the mattress into the dark. Sighing heavily, Willie laid down and pulled the covers over himself, trying to get back to the same level of warmth and comfort as before. Nothing was bringing him back into a state where he could easily drift back to sleep. The wonder of the ocean in Alex’s green eyes didn’t help this time because it only brought the echo of his voice crying Willie’s name. He could only focus on missing the feeling of his cat curled up beside him.
“It’s gotten worse,” Alex said over the phone. Willie was just finishing another shift at the record store when he’d gotten the call. It’d been a few weeks since their first date and Alex hadn’t even been able to call in that time. He didn’t know how he’d been able to handle months without him after that whole day filled with absolute bliss. It was great to hear his voice again.
“How much worse?” Willie asked.
“He’s been doing this thing where he criticizes the tiniest things, but then he uses every bit of persuasion to make us nod and say yes to what he wants. At first we fought it, but now we just do what he says and then hate it later. It sucks.”
“That’s how he started with me,” Willie told him. “I didn’t know any better, so it was worse.” So much worse - his mind had been so addled with the loss of memory and new information had been frightening for a while. He’d merely been a toy in Caleb’s puppeteer hands.
“Yeah, and now he’s watching us like crazy. He’s never stayed in L.A. this long. He’s there from the second we’re in the studio to when we leave.”
“Huh,” Willie replied. “I think I might be to blame for that.” A cruel memory arose of all the times he’d ignored Caleb’s imposed curfew and then been asked what he’d been up to.
“It doesn’t even feel like we’re doing music anymore,” Alex lamented. He’d been fired up when he had started the conversation, but the way his energy flickered out pained Willie too much. Alex hadn’t had a chance to be open with him about why music was so important to him, but Willie was able to take a few guesses.
“So what are you going to do?”
“Well, the guys and I have been talking…”
Willie rode in the back of the van with Alex and Reggie as the guys carefully rolled up into the alley behind the studio. They all remained hushed, but the anticipation in the atmosphere was electric. Each of them scrunched their faces at the sound of squeaky brakes as Bobby slowed to a stop and parked beside a door. He hadn’t spoken a word for the entire drive, but Willie shared a glance with Alex, both of them full of nerves and adrenaline, and they each held in awkward laughter. Luke got out as quietly as he could, made a careful sweep of the premises, and then unlocked the door before signaling everyone to get out.
“So you want to be in on this?” Alex asked. He had just told Willie their plan to get back at Caleb and it immediately got him excited.
“Of course!” he told Alex. “I’d give anything to make him pay back for everything he did.”
“That’s what I thought you’d say,” Alex said. Willie could hear his smile from the other end.
As they each carefully entered the back end of the studio, Willie caught the stench of cigarette smoke in the first place they entered and covered his nose. While they continued further in, Bobby lit a flashlight.
“Ow!” Reggie immediately covered his eyes from being accidentally blinded. Bobby winced as he moved the beam away from his face.
“Sorry!” he whispered. “It’s hard to tell what’s what in here, it’s so dark.”
“When are we going?” Willie asked.
“Next Sunday night.” Alex told him. “Caleb should be out of town that weekend. Plus we have a few things that need to be ready first before we go for it. But I wanted to make sure you were totally in before we put all the plans together.”
Willie smirked. He wasn’t sure if Alex was aware he was tickling his rule-breaking side, but he wanted to think that maybe he did know. For someone as sweet as he was, it sure was nice that he didn’t try to stifle that side of Willie.
“Are you and the guys gonna pick me up?”
“Yeah. We’ll come around...eleven? Does that work for you?”
“Yeah, that works perfectly.”
“Okay. I can’t wait to see you.”
Willie had to suck in a breath at those words, already wishing he didn’t have to wait an entire week.
“Can’t wait to see you either.”
They had gone all out with wearing black together and everything. Luke had been really vocal about it because Willie guessed he’d always wondered what a heist would be like. Did this count as a heist? It didn’t involve taking money or precious gems or anything - not even stuff that didn’t already belong to them, technically. In any case, it was definitely somewhere past midnight and due to the circumstances the guys had to break in to get what they wanted.
Willie followed them through the hallway, intrigued. This was where Alex had been spending a good deal of his time. Where Caleb had come and continued to spread lies. What the man wanted with them Willie was still unsure of, but he wondered if he’d been part of drawing Caleb’s attention to them. He didn’t like the possibility of having dragged them into his mess, but maybe it would be over soon. Alex put a hand on his shoulder and he immediately responded with an encouraging smile as warmth spread all over him.
 Luke was shuffling through the key ring. He hadn’t explained where he’d gotten it from and Willie honestly didn’t care to ask. The fact he had one instead of picking every single lock was impressive.
The door opened to reveal the studio they’d spent the past months recording in and Willie looked around at all the strange things he’d never imagined inside. So many different kinds of microphones and cords, stands for all sorts of things, smaller rooms to the side, headphones hanging everywhere. It seemed so different from just playing a show somewhere. Alright, maybe that was the point, but still, Willie was in wonder about how this somehow meshed with Alex’s rock n’ roll world. He didn’t want to laugh, but this place seemed so...wrong for the guys of Sunset Curve. Not because it was just any recording studio, but this particular one made him picture a bunch of guys in pressed business suits making some easy listening record. He would’ve tried to tell them not to sign here even if Caleb weren’t involved.
While he looked on, the rest of them began taking out all of their equipment. Quickly, Willie aided Alex in carrying out different pieces of his drum set. He had to be especially careful carrying out any cymbals so they didn’t make any noise, moving at a ridiculously slow pace. The rest of the guys packed up their guitars and amps and they managed to somehow place everything in the van so it fit tightly and securely.
“Is that really everything?” Willie asked, peeking inside once they’d hauled everything out.
“We’ve done this plenty of times,” Reggie told him. “Not the breaking and entering thing, of course, but the whole packing all of our stuff into Bobby’s trusty van.” He patted the side of the van affectionately. “It’s like Tetris!”
“Her name is Thelma, thank you,” Bobby teasingly corrected before he disappeared back inside the studio.
Reggie got flustered as he followed him. “I...wasn’t calling her Tetris…”
Willie chuckled as he shut the door and brought up the rear. This time the guys went into the booth behind the studio and began looking into every box and drawer they could find. He wasn’t sure exactly what he was looking for, but Willie still joined them anyway. What were masters even supposed to look like? After filtering through everything they could, Luke and Bobby stood up.
“I’m not finding anything,” Luke said. “Anybody else?”
Alex rose from where he’d been kneeling over a box.
“Gonna be honest, I have no clue what I'm looking at,” Willie told them. Reggie peeked over into the box he’d been rifling through. After a few seconds, he shook his head.
“Nope, nothing there either.”
“Ahh, I figured they wouldn’t be here, but I thought we should look anyway, just to cover all our bases,” Luke admitted.
“Where else were you planning on looking?” Bobby urged slightly. He glanced at his watch. “It’s almost one already.”
“Everywhere man, what else?”
“Luke, we can’t spend all night here,” Alex said.
“Okay, guys” Luke defended. “We can split up or something and get things done twice as fast.” The guys looked around at each other, although it was obvious what the pairings would be.
“Okay, Alex, Willie, you two can go together. Bobby and Reggie, come with me.” Willie instinctively took Alex’s hand as they looked at each other, both smiling a little. “Just don’t get stuck in a closet together or something.”
“Really, Luke?” Alex remarked. “Us? In a closet? Choice words, man.”
Luke only rolled his eyes and shook his head with a smirk as he followed Bobby and Reggie. Alex turned to Willie, also shaking his head at his friend.
“Okay,” he said. “Come on, let’s go.” 
Hand in hand, Willie followed Alex into another storage room, having difficulty getting his mind off the now-forbidden closet scenario. Maybe they could find the masters and then kill some time? He’d gotten a chaste little smooch as he’d entered the van and plenty of knee touches, but as they were already in the middle of breaking in, why not take the chance to make out in a closet while they were at it? The kind of story that would make for later? The memory? It was too tempting.
“I won’t lie, I definitely thought you guys knew where these masters would be,” Willie told Alex as he pulled open drawers full of file folders. Alex sighed as he shut the drawer he’d been searching.
“I should’ve told you we were guessing at best,” he said. “But we really did think they were most likely going to be in the mixing booth. Or, I guess, all of us excluding Luke.”
“What are you guys going to do if they’re not here?”
Running both hands through his hair, Alex thought for a little bit. It appeared their plan lacked a great deal of thought toward contingencies.
“So next time you tease me for forgetting what busses are, I’m just gonna bring this up - ”
“Shut your face,” Alex laughed, playfully shoving at his shoulder, making Willie giggle. “This isn't even close to that. Anyway, I guess we would just have to come up with a new plan. I mean, no one would even know we came tonight as long as we don’t get caught.”
Willie placed his on Alex’s back assuringly and for a moment they simply shared a look of hope. His hand slowly trailed from his back and held the side of his face, gently rubbing his thumb along Alex’s cheek.
“We’ll find them,” he insisted softly. Placing his hand over Willie’s, Alex’s eyes emanated gratitude and he gave a small smile.
“Thanks for coming,” he said, returning the tender tone he’d been given. Shrugging casually,  Willie shut the last drawer, making sure everything remained as it had before. He trailed Alex as they headed back out and almost immediately clashed into the other three boys.
“So we’re thinking it’s in...the office,” Luke told them.
“The office?” Alex asked in disbelief, apparently understanding what that meant. All the guys looked at each other with uncertainty, none more than Willie himself.
“The office?” he repeated. “Is that supposed to mean, like, Caleb’s, or something?”
“You guessed it,” Bobby replied, gesturing toward him dejectedly. “And it’s the one that Luke definitely doesn’t have a key for. So unless you’re good at picking locks, we came here for nothing.”
Willie wasn’t sure what it was, but at hearing Bobby say that it was like lightning struck in his mind. Sitting back on his heels, he looked between each of the guys, landing his gaze on Alex last.
“Actually, I think I can,” he told them seriously. “I’m not sure, but...I don’t know how, but I think I know this.”
“That’s a better chance than none at all,” Luke said with the slightest hint of confidence. “Anyone got something we could use?”
“Ope!” Reggie immediately began digging into the pocket of his pants and shortly procured a bobby pin. As everyone stared in bewilderment, he merely shrugged. “I had to do my sister’s hair this morning; I think it turned out pretty okay.”
“Alright, well hand it over,” Luke demanded. Reggie passed it to Willie and they all gathered around the door of Caleb’s office.
Kneeling and licking his lip, Willie concentrated on placing the bobby pin correctly into the lock, pressing his ear against the door and listening as he slowly turned the pin back and forth. A couple minutes of distilled silence passed as everyone held their breath, watching him carefully work with the lock until they all heard a satisfying click and Willie cracked a wicked smile. The whole band exhaled in relief as he turned the handle and pulled the door back.
“Come here,” Alex said, pulling him into a quick kiss with both hands before venturing into the room. A very twitter-pated giggle let loose from Willie’s throat that he tried not to dwell on because of how embarrassing it must have sounded. Reggie smirked as he passed them, nodding in approval.
“Awww, yes!” Luke cried as he found what he’d been looking for: the master copies of their newly finished album. According to Alex, the mixing and rendering had only been finalized a couple days before and they had more of Caleb’s stamp of approval on them than anything close to their songs. They couldn’t finish ruining his business without them. This was only half of their plan, anyhow.
As Luke filled his hands with the precious records in victory, an alarm immediately began blaring into everyone’s ears. They all looked around in panic before they all rushed toward the back door of the studio again, hands over their ears.
“Shitshitshitshitshitshitshit!” Luke repeated, clutching the masters to his chest.
While they were almost out the door, Reggie stopped as he caught sight of the recording booth again, an odd look in his eye.
“Reggie, come on, we’ve gotta go!” Bobby called to him.
“No, I’ve gotta do this!” Reggie shouted back, heading inside the booth. Willie watched in confusion as he unbuckled his jeans while leaning with his back against the glass of the booth. He lowered the back of them until he could press his entire rear end up to the window, trying his best to make a print in the glass. Bobby sighed in exasperation and shook his head as he rushed to get behind the wheel of his van.
Reggie finally left the window, struggling to pull his jeans back up as he hurried toward the van again. Alex stood back as he climbed into the same seat that he’d had before, and then made to clamber inside himself before bright lights illuminated them from behind. Turning and raising an arm so he couldn’t be blinded, Willie stood petrified at what he saw.
Caleb Covington stepped out of his vehicle, a look of fury that struck his very core. Suddenly, Willie could feel flames beginning to devour him, and the way the man had leered over him in his dream made his blood freeze. He’d once been completely trusting of this same creep who had his gaze fixed on him with pure hatred. He could hear the pounding on the glass. He could also hear the sound of his name.
“Willie!” Alex tugged on him harshly, dragging him backwards into the van and slamming the door shut before Willie even realized what had happened. Snapping out of his trance, he looked up as Alex was gripping his hands tightly and Bobby floored it out of the back of the alley. He couldn’t help but stare back toward the fading headlights where Caleb’s figure was still silhouetted in a desperate stagger, and he thought he heard that same cry of rage.
He felt a sensation on his hands and looked down to see Alex planting a kiss on his whitened knuckles, rubbing them over with his hand. His face was full of concern, and a bit of his own fear mirrored back. They kept wary eyes out the back window of the van, but ultimately didn’t see Caleb following them. After a few blocks, Willie finally felt he could let go of the breath he’d had trapped in his lungs and pressed his forehead against Alex’s. That had been terrifyingly close, but they’d made it out. That’s what mattered.
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fiddlepickdouglas · 3 years
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Viva Las Vegas, Pt. 16 - Be Careful
Summary: Sunset Curve Alive AU, Willex, can they bear the news?, 2.2k
@trevor-wilson-covington is the bestie who makes these lovely edits, we stan supportive friends
WARNINGS: cancer mention
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15
Julie sat beside Luke at the small table they had set up beside Rose’s bed. A stack of photos, glue sticks, stickers, scissors, and tons of colored paper covered the table, as well as another stack of photos sitting within Rose’s reach.
“Oh, look at this picture of Carlos,” Rose said in her raspy voice. She lifted one of him as a chubby two year old wearing a baseball cap that was too big, clapping his hands together.
“Aww,” Julie looked affectionately at the photo, tilting her head.
“He’s a cute kid, Mrs. Molina,” Luke said. He continued cutting music notes out of a sheet of purple paper.
“Thanks for visiting me today,” Rose said. “I heard you and the boys have been busy in the studio?”
Grinning like the goof he was, Luke nodded. Julie couldn’t help suppressing a giggle. Even though she knew he was tired from long hours and he only had a little time to get away, he’d still been all about coming with her to visit her mom this morning. She wasn’t sure he was that interested in scrapbooking, but it was sweet of him to come along.
“Yeah, it’s been so fun,” he was saying. “I don’t know how the guys in production make us sound so good. I mean, we already sound awesome, but they make it just perfect. I feel like I would go out and buy ten copies of the album when it gets out.”
Rose chuckled. “Really? That’s great to hear. I remember with the Petal Pushers, I could’ve spent hours in production, tweaking everything until it was just right. That’s why it almost took us two years to release our debut.”
“Two years?” Luke sat back, letting it sink in.
“I was a bit of a perfectionist; the rest of my band wasn’t so patient. I don’t mind though, I had other things to put my time into.” She gazed fondly at Julie, who looked back with a similar fondness, if not slightly clouded.
She wasn’t responding to treatment anymore. It had just become official last week and Julie wasn’t ready to break the news to Luke or anyone else. There wasn’t anything she could think of that would make it easier, no matter how much she knew she needed to let them know. It just seemed like everyone else was doing so well: the guys were finally moving on up, Flynn was coming out with her own music, and even she had barely finished a successful tour. But this was more than just a wrench in the gears.
In the middle of cutting out a heart, she was too lost in thought and snipped on the end of her thumb.
“Ow!” she cried, immediately sucking on it. “Do we have band aids in here?”
“Oh, sweetie,” her mom said fretfully. “I can’t remember where they are, but let me call the nurse.” She pressed a button on the remote beside her bed. Luke tried to get a look at the cut, but Julie insisted on sucking on it.
Moments later, the same woman Julie had seen before entered the room. Her hair was in a braid today, and Julie tried to smile at the sight while her thumb remained in her mouth.
“Hey, Rose, what’s up?” she asked, appearing surprised to have gotten a call.
“Sorry this isn’t a big emergency,” Rose apologized. “My daughter just cut her thumb and I can’t remember where you put the bandages.”
“Oh, don’t worry, I’ve got you,” the nurse said, going to a cabinet and pulling out supplies to bandage Julie’s thumb. “Here, let me see it.”
Finally releasing it, Julie held her hand out and let the nurse sit down and get to work cleaning and wrapping it.
“What are we working on here?” the nurse wondered aloud, looking at the table of craft supplies.
“We’re putting together a scrapbook,” Julie told her, knowing she was using the conversation to distract her from the pain. “You know, so we don’t forget the good things.” She got a knowing look from the nurse. Her eyes were soft and full of understanding, and Julie offered her a little smile. “I know I’ve seen you before, but what was your name?”
“It’s Renee,” the nurse said. “I was just realizing that I never properly introduced myself, either.” Closing the band aid around Julie’s finger, she patted her hand and stood up.
“Well, it’s good to see you again. This is Luke, by the way.” Julie pointed toward where he was simply watching them, slightly spaced out. He blinked for a minute before smiling at Renee and nodding.
“Nice to meet you,” he said. “You’re a lifesaver.”
Renee smiled demurely. “Oh, well, I certainly aim for that at the end of the day.”
Luke could only respond with his dorky grin.
“Luke, here, is a musician like Julie,” Rose piped in.
“Is that right?” Renee replied, raising her eyebrows in interest. “Your family seems to attract the most talented company.”
“Oh, well, I’m definitely talented,” Luke said. “But Julie’s the real wrecking ball. It doesn’t surprise me she got to touring before me and my band.”
She rolled her eyes, but Julie enjoyed the compliment. That was pretty modest for him when it came to music.
“Yes, I remember mentioning my niece is a big fan. I have to refrain from telling her you’re related to Rose, otherwise she would ask for a lot of favors.”
“Oh, how old is your niece?” Julie asked.
“She’s thirteen,” Renee said, leaning on her hand. “Just started middle school.”
“Oh, middle school is rough,” Luke murmured.
“She’s definitely having a rough time,” Renee said to all three of them. “But I think your music has made a difference. Her mom might buy her keyboard for Christmas.”
Julie looked back at Luke, who was already beaming at her, and knew what he would say. He didn’t have to, but she could hear his mantra about the importance of music echo in her brain: it’s about connecting with people, making a difference in their day. She turned back to Renee, whose pager was beeping and made her turn to leave.
“Thanks for the bandage, and of course being there for us,” she said.
“You’re welcome. Glad I could see you, too, Julie.”
“I’ll see you later, Renee,” Rose rasped as she disappeared.
“She seems pretty cool,” Luke said, picking up the music note he was still trying to cut out.
“Yeah, I like her,” Julie told him. “She gave me some good advice.”
“I know she kept talking about her niece, but I think you have another big fan,” Rose said.
“Maybe,” Julie shrugged, trying to focus again on the scrapbook.
As she and Luke left the hospital, Julie had to steal a long glance at her mom, now fast asleep. She had to remember the good things, but there were so many questions she felt like she had to answer. Now that she was off tour and back in school, it was only a matter of time before she had to return to the studio. Once that happened, visits like this would be nearly impossible. She felt a hand slip into hers and fingers interlocking, and she looked up at Luke gently nodding at her to move onward. His puppy-like eyes gave her enough courage to go.
“So how long do you have to be in the studio today?” she asked him, forcing her mind to switch gears.
“Uh...till about seven,” Luke said. “We’re mostly working on Lakeside Reflection today.”
“Aww, I love that one,” she melted into his side as they stepped into the elevator.
“I know you do,” he chuckled softly. She continued leaning on him, feeling his thumb rub over the top of her hand like a lullaby. They remained silent the rest of the way down, just enjoying each other’s company. Julie loved Luke’s calm, quiet moments where he didn’t need to use words. Like the way he used music to speak his mind, he could also communicate with the way he held her. He offered the best comfort. Stepping out of the elevator and to the front of the hospital, Julie saw Bobby’s van already waiting.
“Do you need a ride?” Luke asked.
She shook her head. “No, my tía is taking me and Carlos to see a movie. She’ll be here any minute.”
Forever a pleading look in his eyes when they said goodbye, she shook her head and rolled her eyes at him before he could suggest she change her plans. It happened so often now that she’d had to learn how to say no, no matter how hard it was sometimes.
“Okay, fine,” Luke said, the silent argument over. One hand grabbed onto her head as he planted a kiss on her forehead, letting the other slowly slip out of her fingers as he went to climb into the van. Julie waved at all the guys inside as Bobby took off before looking back down at her bandaged thumb. She still couldn’t tell them about her mom.
Tapping his fingers on the seat, Alex nervously fought to decide if he could break the news to Luke and Bobby. Reggie peeked back, giving him an uncertain glance. They hadn’t exactly discussed it or practiced what they’d say to them, but the clock was ticking. Luke and Bobby needed to know what Caleb was really like now. For some odd reason, Alex’s tongue remained on lock for the whole ride, and it seemed to plague Reggie, too. He felt his muscles twitch as they pulled into the parking lot at the studio. Listening to the squeak of Bobby’s brakes, inertia let them all lightly lurch forward before coming to a full stop.
“Guess who me and Reggie ran into last night?” Alex cried out, almost reflexively. All the guys turned back at him.
“Who?” Bobby prompted.
The two of them stared at him, stunned, as Reggie took in a deep breath. It was hard to tell whether it was relief or something else.
“Reggie, is he okay?” Bobby asked him.
“Actually, yes he is,” Reggie stated solemnly. “I saw Willie too. He’s here in LA.”
Bobby looked at Luke.
“Caleb said he died. There’s no way he could be here.”
“Well, he is,” Alex said firmly. “Flynn can prove it too, we ran into her as well.”
“Alright, that’s good news, but why are you guys telling us now?” Luke queried.
“Because he knows things about Caleb,” Alex said. “Really bad things.”
Luke and Bobby both blinked and then looked at each other. Alex shot a glance over at the door to the studio. He was already afraid to enter. Caleb wasn’t always there, but he always arrived unpredictably.
“Like what things?” Luke asked.
Later that evening, all the guys sat in the garage where they usually practiced. Luke was lying on the couch, despondent as he gazed at the ceiling. Bobby was sprawled on the floor while Reggie had lain sideways across the armchair. Alex paced, occasionally running his hand through his hair.
“Anyone else never want to set foot inside that studio again?” Reggie offered cheerlessly.
“We can’t just quit making a record,” Luke contested.
“Maybe we wouldn’t feel like we want to if we hadn’t jumped the gun and just signed onto the first place that wanted us,” Bobby said. Luke sat up, clearly bothered by those words.
“Dude, what are you saying?”
“Caleb’s a creep,” Reggie supplied. “I don’t know what his game is, but if what Willie says is true, then working with him is a major no go.”
“If?” Alex retorted, stopping to target Reggie. “If we’re gonna trust anyone between the two of them, I would trust Willie. He’s not the one killing people for convenience.”
“Hey,” Bobby interrupted. “You can defend him all you want. We’re not saying we don’t trust him.”
Alex took back to pacing again. Sighing heavily, Luke sat upright on the couch.
“So what, do we just give up?” he demanded. “We didn’t work so hard to get this far just to drop our dream over one shady guy. I mean, what else could he possibly want with us?”
“Look, I don’t know,” Alex said. “But what if it’s not just about us. I mean, thanks to Caleb, Willie can barely remember who he is.” The guys fell silent and serious as that reality sank in. “I mean, he’s not the only one that Caleb has messed with for years, manipulating them into working under him and giving up almost all of their control. Maybe he doesn’t need to get foster kids for it anymore. What if we’re next?”
“So what should we do?” Bobby wondered. “Break the contract and risk losing the rights to all the work we’ve been doing?”
He had a point. Joining Luke on the couch, Alex rested his face in his hands, feeling the frustration seethe out of him.
“No, guys, we need to think about this,” Luke began saying. “I know this is messed up, but I also know that backing out isn’t the right answer. And I know I’m usually not the one to say this stuff but...we need to be careful.”
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queenmolina · 3 years
I’m sending in another ask for the five sentence thing because you’re ✨good at it✨
It was raining, and this time Reggie knew not to fix his amp outside (but that doesn’t mean he totally learned his lesson).
ashdjsh thanks bestie <3
reggie’s feeling a little overwhelmed and self-doubtful - nothing too heavy bc it’s five sentences but just a heads up :)
from this
It was raining, and this time Reggie knew not to fix his amp outside (but that doesn’t mean he totally learned his lesson).
It’s not that he’s useless he’s not useless, he knows he’s not useless even if that’s all that echoes in his head when he hears his parents raise their voices at him instead of each other for once but he feels pretty useless right now, stood soaking wet in the alleyway after a gig and pushed to one side so that the boys can pack up their kit.
He should be helping but Alex had huffed one too many times as he’d tried to pack away their instruments in Bobby’s van and quite honestly, Reggie’s sick of them not trusting him to get it right. Sure, he nearly blew up their tech last time - big deal!
Sometimes he feels like there’s two parts of him working against each other: the part that plasters on a smile and helps his boys and jumps to the beat of Alex’s drumming and feels alive; and then there’s the part of him that drifts a little aimlessly, unable to gather enough of himself to realise that amps don’t get fixed in the rain, they just get more broken.
He feels Bobby’s gaze settle on him for a split second but Reggie doesn’t even look up, he’s just staring at the cables as they get swallowed up in the puddle that builds around them.
23 notes · View notes
fiddlepickdouglas · 3 years
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Viva Las Vegas, Pt. 9 - A Case
Summary: Sunset Curve Alive AU, Willex, is it a lead?, 2k
@trevor-wilson-covington is the bestie who makes these lovely edits, we stan supportive friends
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Late the next morning, the guys stood with Julie’s family at the airport. Alex couldn’t believe that weeks of jamming together, writing music together, goofing around while Ray was filming, and dinners cooked by Julie’s aunt Victoria had all passed so quickly.
“It’s only another two months,” Julie was muttering to Luke, her eyes looking up into his with a special gentleness. Her hands gripped the top handle of her backpack with white knuckles.
“You’re gonna kill it out there,” Luke encouraged. The softness he applied was so different from what Alex usually saw, and he wasn’t looking forward to how miserable Luke was about to get in her absence. A painful thought told him it was probably similar to how he was at the moment, no matter how much he wanted to deny it. Having someone else reflect that wasn’t as nice as he thought it would be.
“Okay, kiddos, let’s get a photo!” Julie’s aunt was saying, shepherding them all together.
“Your mother asked me to take more pictures, so I’m taking all the pictures I can, sobrina,” Victoria came back.
“Tía,” Julie protested, rolling her eyes but smiling anyway.
Getting in formation, Alex positioned himself in the back by default, resting his arms on the shoulders of his bandmates while Julie, Flynn, and Carlos huddled together in front. After being uncomfortably squished into Reggie for a few seconds, he got blinded momentarily with the flash and was pretty sure he’d blinked. Then again, he was sure Bobby had been giving Reggie bunny ears, Luke was off balance, and Carlos had pulled a face, so it was likely that Flynn and Julie were the only ones who looked good in the photo.
“Ay, dios,” Victoria said afterward. “Your mamá is at least going to laugh a lot when she sees these.”
“I don’t know about the rest of y’all,” Flynn said, flipping her braids over her shoulder. “But I look amazing.”
Everyone chuckled and Ray picked up his carry-on.
“Alright, one last hug for everyone and then we’ve gotta board,” he said, pulling Carlos into his side. “You be good for your tía, alright?”
“Promise!” Carlos nodded with his typical grin.
Julie was already squished by Flynn and all the guys at once.
“Okay, before I get hugged to death,” she teased. They all let go of her. “I’ll miss you guys.”
“We’ll keep in touch, though, right?” Luke asked, his eyes wells of hope.
Julie looked up at him and smiled demurely.
“If you had a phone I could reach you with, then of course,” she told him.
“Yeah,” Luke muttered, pulling a Sharpie out of his back pocket. Alex smirked at seeing him be so prepared. Luke grabbed Julie’s hand and scribbled out a number, both chuckling lightly the whole time at how over the top he was being. “There, you’ve got my number.”
“Great,” Julie said with mixed awkwardness and amusement. “I’ll try not to wash my hands before I give you a call.” With that, she shouldered her bag and waved at them before joining Ray on the plane.
Bobby wrapped an arm around Luke’s shoulders and pivoted him so they could walk out of the terminal. Flynn and Victoria followed behind them while Carlos began running ahead of the boys.
“Don’t go too far, Carlos,” Victoria warned. “We don’t want to lose you.”
“You could still find me if you wanted!” he taunted, even though he made sure he remained in sight.
“He’s right,” Flynn smirked.
“Doesn’t matter,” Victoria said. “I’m taking a break while my sister needs support.”
Alex’s interest piqued at what he overheard.
“Wait, what do you mean?” he asked, pulling back from the rest of the group.
“I mean I’m putting my job on hold to help take care of my sister,” Victoria said, slightly confused at his question.
“Yeah, but what was your job?” he insisted, trying not to sound too intense about it.
“Oh,” she laughed. “I was on a team of investigators. We worked on missing person cases, mostly. But I’m taking a sabbatical.”
A mesh of things rushed into Alex’s mind and he wasn’t sure if he dared say them out loud. He had that strange feeling again, like he’d had when he first met Willie in the diner. That exhilaration.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Of course,” Victoria told him casually. “If you’re wondering about Luke, his case is through a completely different department, and I can’t do anything for or against him.”
“No, it isn’t,” he started. “What if there was evidence of a really old case? What would it take to pick it back up?”
She blinked at him.
“Well, if it’s a strong enough lead, then it would be worth looking into,” she said. “Why, do you think you know something?”
“No,” he said finally. “Well, it’s probably nothing, just a funny coincidence.”
Reggie’s words from last night echoed: sometimes a kid is just a random kid. Other arguments surfaced. There hadn’t been anything to tip him off that Willie had gone missing as a kid, it was just a poster with the same first name. Why did he get so excited about it? He gripped the strap on his fanny pack.
Victoria looked at him with mild concern.
“Okay,” she said. “Like what?”
Looking at the guys, Carlos, and Flynn in the distance, Alex breathed in nervously.
“I actually saw a poster for someone, and usually I don’t pay attention, but it matched the description of someone that I met a few weeks ago.”
“You mean, when you were in Las Vegas?”
He nodded.
“I would have to see the whole case, and reopening old ones takes a little more work. But if you truly think you know something, Alex, this is a very serious matter and I would need as much information as you could give.” She looked at him firmly.
Alex was caught on all the thoughts swirling in his mind as they entered the parking garage. He felt himself begin shaking. Maybe he was jumping the gun?
“Well, like you said, you’re taking a sabbatical. And I’m still thinking it’s a coincidence, so, I’d hate to take your focus away from Rose.”
Victoria smiled politely, although her eyes didn’t reflect it.
“Well, I appreciate that,” she told him as she made towards where Carlos and Flynn were already waiting at her car. “If you change your mind, just let me know.”
A car horn from somewhere else was heard and Alex saw the guys all waving at him to join them in the van. Taking in a deep breath, he nodded to Victoria and ran over to join his bandmates.
“Dude, what are you doing talking to Julie’s aunt?” Luke wondered.
“Nothing,” Alex responded. “She just has a cool job and I wanted to know about it.”
“You know who else has a cool job, Alex?” Luke asked. “We do. We have the coolest job. Don’t get distracted.”
Alex buckled himself in as Bobby pulled out of the garage.
“I’m not, I swear!”
Reggie just patted him on the back with his goofy smile. Alex rolled his eyes, knowing the guys meant well. He could feel that all of them were trying to be normal around him, so he couldn’t blame them for their efforts. He knew he hadn’t been as easy to deal with lately. It wasn’t anything major, but something had gotten him acting more closed off from them, and he was balancing letting the guys be aware of it and trying not to burden them with it at the same time. Maybe that’s why he wanted to connect Willie to the missing kid. It probably had made him think he could get closure after everything that had happened on the trip. He didn’t want to accept the saying ‘what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.’
He couldn’t focus on that now, though. They had a few small gigs lined up and needed to get practicing. Opening for Julie had broadened their fanbase a little and things were going to change. Alex already didn’t handle change well. If he remained focused on something else, it was only going to make matters worse.
Later that night, they were just wrapping up practice in the garage. Bobby had popped a string on his guitar and ran into the house to grab a replacement.
“Alex, you were killing it, man!” Reggie was saying.
“Nah, I was just keeping it steady,” Alex shrugged.
“Seriously!” Reggie insisted. “You’re like the Energizer bunny! You know, always in pink, keeps us going, banging the drums - ”
“You should never make that comparison again,” Alex said, holding a hand up. “But alright, I was smoking, I’ll admit it.”
“Yeah,” Luke joined in. “Keep playing like that and you’ll be the next Neil Peart.”
Bobby reentered the garage.
“Hey, Alex,” he said. “You’ve got a phone call.”
All the guys, including Alex, looked confused. 
“Okay...guess I’ll go get that,” he said, heading into Bobby’s house.
Finding the phone attached to the wall outside the kitchen, Alex picked up the receiver.
“Alex, it’s Victoria, Julie’s aunt,” he heard on the other line.
“Hi,” he answered, even more confused than before. “How did you know I would be here?”
“The number your friend gave my niece. She said that’s where you kids like to practice. I guess I called at the right time!”
He simply nodded in response, even though she couldn’t see it.
“Anyway, I wanted to know more about this person you saw.”
“Oh, okay.” He tried to remember as many details as he could while he gave them to her. He was pretty sure he could even remember the address for the hotel. Victoria just said ‘mmhmm’ in between everything, like she was writing it all down. It got Alex sort of excited, even though he remained bewildered that she was asking him for all of this information.
“Okay,” Victoria sighed after a few minutes. “I need to ask a favor of you boys.”
“Yeah, anything,” Alex said.
“Look after Carlos for a couple days? I can pay each of you.”
“Uh,” he blinked in surprise. “Yeah, cool, we can do that.”
“Perfect! And Alex, muchas gracias.”
“It’s nothing,” he said, glad to recognize at least one phrase in Spanish. “Thanks for calling.”
“No problem, kiddo. Ba-bye.” She hung up before him.
Alex slowly put the receiver back in place as he stood there processing. What had he just involved himself in? Julie’s aunt hadn’t exactly explained why she suddenly wanted to know everything about Willie. As he went back into the garage, he tried to calm his nerves.
“Well, who was it?” Luke asked as they all sat around waiting.
“Julie’s aunt,” Alex told them. “She wants us to watch Carlos for a couple of days.”
“Aw, yeah!” Reggie exclaimed, pumping his fists excitedly.
“Why didn’t she just tell me, then?” Bobby wondered.
“Because she wanted to finish the conversation that you guys so rudely interrupted before,” Alex said, only half-joking. 
Luke and Bobby shared a puzzled look, but let it slide.
“Did you tell her we have a gig in a couple days?” Luke asked.
Alex’s eyes widened.
“Oh, no, I forgot,” he said.
“He can just be our VIP,” Reggie stated, clearly unbothered about it.
“That works,” Alex said, gesturing to Reggie.
A cold realization hit him and he clenched his fist. He’d forgotten to mention more than their gig to Victoria: he also hadn’t told her about Willie’s amnesia.
Victoria looked down at the picture in her hand. It was familiar, since she had worked on that case when it first opened. One of the few that had gone unsolved in her department for a long time. She sincerely hoped she wasn’t about to make a mistake.
“So, where are you going?” Carlos asked as he chewed a mouthful of fries. They were sitting beside the wall of posters on the pier.
“I’m just checking on something,” she said vaguely. “If you want, I can bring back something for you.”
“A million dollars?”
She chuckled. “Unfortunately, I don’t think so.”
“Are you gonna be solving a case?” he queried.
Looking at the picture again, Victoria sighed and gave him a sympathetic smile. She knew he would want to help.
“I’m not sure, bendición,” she said. “But maybe.”
Checking the address she had written down and the map once again, Victoria stepped out of her car and into the hotel lobby. No one was at the front desk, so she rang the bell on the counter. A young man with dark curly hair appeared.
“Welcome to the Desert Oasis, how can I assist you?” he said cooly, and she recognized his Brazilian accent.
“Hi, I made a call this morning for a reservation? For a Victoria Mo- ”
“Ah, yes, I remember your call,” he interrupted. He looked up the room in his records and pulled out a key. “Your room will be on the second floor and then all the way down the hall to your right. Have a wonderful stay.”
“Thank you,” she said, taking the key, grabbing her one bag and heading up as fast as she could.
Hermana mía, por favor me perdones, she prayed silently in the elevator. If she was going to solve one case while she was supposed to be on sabbatical, it would be this one. She remembered searching high and low for this boy eight years ago and the devastation then. Rose would surely understand this, right? Victoria knew that if their positions were swapped, Rose wouldn’t be able to help doing something similar to help the people around her. It was just a family trait, she figured.
Getting situated inside the room, she pulled out the poster she’d pulled off the wall from the pier at Santa Monica and laid it on the table. Alex had called him Willie. She hoped they were the same.
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