#eclipse manips
tribblesoup · 6 months
Eclipse Manips
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hobbitweed · 6 months
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Having finally succeeded in reading the entire LOTR trilogy for the first time last year, I noticed how Arwen and Galadriel are repeatedly likened to the night and morning respectively.
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sunflowersmoon · 2 years
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he looks so weird without the tattoo...
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an-shu · 10 months
4: You’re dislocated (don’t be like that)
The edges of Kara’s vision blackened—if she couldn’t escape, then unconsciousness would have to do. She didn’t hear the way her name was gasped some paces away. Not even the elevator’s ding or the heavy doors that opened to taunt freedom as her past laughed and mocked her—respite was far and gone. Kara didn’t even feel the hands around her cheeks, almost as shaky as she was, wiping at the dewiness. Then her face was tilted upward. Berry-colored lips behind a darkening vignette that wasn’t fading fast enough. She held her breath, bracing for what was to come. “KARA!” No more dreaming; a sluggish yank from her tunnel vision, and at the end of her nightmare … sublime green that wrinkled with a fairytale love and affection. “L-Lena …” she murmured, her ears rang and there was a numbing sensation in her limbs. “Hey, I’ve got you.” Lena’s timbre slipped into Kara’s ears, a deep velvet seat before a warm hearth. Then a rush of delicate florals in her nostrils, the perfume was subtle, the sweetness played at her nose alongside a eucalyptus’s comforting, minty burn. Hands wrapped around her, coaxed her from her sprawl, and Kara hung onto it desperately.
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sofiiel · 6 months
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Steve ~ Eclipse edition
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subliminalbo · 2 years
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When Deviantart transitioned from its classic platform to Eclipse they decided that they're a reputable online curator now instead of a network for fandom and weird fetish artists. It opened the door for a pretty robust takedown policy. Over a couple of weeks in 2021 I received 34 (!!) model release requests and takedown notices, the majority of which were on requests I've done from Arrowverse shows. The model release requests were especially strange because they were literally screenshots that I had taken from CW shows.
Anyway, I don't give a single fuck about the Arrowverse so I let the manips go, then eventually removed all of my requests from Deviantart. I'm posting them here now mostly out of spite.
The thing is that the hypno community over on DA is full of MS Paint trash and I don't even really consider what I do to be much more special, just a little bit higher effort. I was always resigned to the possibility that I might get banned if attention ever fell on me, and I was fine with that. But since all of these claims were coming from Warner Bros, a company that stands to lose absolutely nothing from a random screenshot on Deviantart, it really pissed me off.
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General Event Info
Here are the rules and requirements and general info for all Sterek & Stuff events:
New or unpublished works accepted. (Feel free to combine with other events!) No maximum for word count or amount of works.
There are three kinds of events:
Seasonal: 2 or more full moons and generally a solstice or equinox, over 5 weeks. 15-24 prompts.
Moon: 1 moon (full, eclipse or other phases.) Under 5 weeks and during or between seasonal events. 10-13 prompts.
Mini: May or may not be moon related. I'm thinking for more random or trope centered ideas. 1 week or less. 5-7 prompts and/or 3 tropes.
Seasonal events:
3,000 words minimum using 3 or more prompts. This can be one fic or multiple works of at least 1,000 words each.  
Moon events:
1,500 words minimum using 2 or more prompts. This can be for one fic or multiple works of at least 750 words each.
Mini events:
500 words minimum (unless paying the Sterek Toll) using 1 or more prompts/tropes.
Combo writers: If you're doing an art post or a standalone mix too then only the single work minimum is required for Seasonal and Moon events. (1,000 or 750 words.)
Seasonal events:
Use 3 or more of the prompts to create visuals (drawings, gifsets, manips, vids/edits, moodboards, etc.) Can be one work or multiple. 
Moon events:
Use 2 or more prompts to create visuals (drawings, gifsets, manips, vids/edits, moodboards, etc.) Can be one work or multiple.
Mini events: Use 1 or more prompts to create visuals (drawings, gifsets, manips, vids/edits, moodboards, etc.)
Combo artists: If you're doing a standalone mix too then only 1 prompt is required for art.
There are 2 options for standalone fanmixes:
1. Use the prompts (3+ Seasonal, 2+ Moon or 1+ Mini,) to make a playlist. Events will either have a particular number as one of the prompts -- which is how many songs it should have -- or other instructions. Arrange them however you like: all grouped together in segments, whatever flows best, randomly, etc.
2. Make a playlist using 1 song for every prompt (in any order.)
If you’re attaching a playlist to a fanfic or art post:
Do whatever you want! But you get extra cool points for using the event number of tracks and/or some of your prompts.
Put your playlists on Spotify, YouTube or both so I can listen to them. 😉
-Content and posting info below-
These events are primarily for generating more Sterek, but it’s Sterek & Stuff for a reason. I’m a multishipper and some of you might be too, so the deal is if you pay the Sterek Toll you can do other Teen Wolf ships (or pre-ships and gen) in separate works should you desire.
The Sterek Toll is:
Seasonal: At least 2 prompts. 1,000+ words of Sterek for writers and 1 piece of art for artists.
Moon: At least 1 prompt. 750+ words of Sterek for writers and 1 piece of art for artists.
Mini: At least 1 prompt. 500+ words of Sterek for writers (so 1,000+ total for the event) and 1 piece of art for artists.
Music is generally up to interpretation so unless you go out of your way to say it’s not for Sterek don’t worry about it, lol. But if mixers want a toll too then it's 10 tracks, 2+ prompts for seasonal events and 1+ prompts for moon events, or 5 tracks with 1+ prompts for mini events.
There will be Sterek Only subcollections on AO3 and separate Sterek and NonSterek posts on Tumblr (with the exception of one or two post-event total round ups along with the other round ups.)
To count as a Sterek fic Stiles and Derek have to be together by the end. The story should focus on them, but feel free to include secondary characters and ships too. 
Sterek Plus and Sterek Poly go in the other ships category and is subject to the Sterek Toll.
Any secondary or background ship.
Crossovers as long as the focus is on Sterek (or other TW characters if you’ve paid the Sterek Toll.)
Angst, whump, and dark themes as long as there's nothing from the Nope section.
(Not judging, I just plan on reading everything so am selfishly dictating things to my tastes, lol.)
No permanent death of Stiles or Derek. If you’re doing a series with the same story then they both have to be alive and together (or have the possibility of being together in the future) in the last related work. (This applies to other TW works too and no permanently killing off whoever is in that main ship either, if applicable.)
No miserable, tragic endings. Everything doesn’t have to be perfect and happily ever after, but the last related work should at least have a hopeful, “we’ll make the best of this shit,” or open ending for Stiles and Derek (or other main character/ship.) 
No explicit descriptions or depictions of sexual activity for characters under 16. (Kissing, dating, references or vague descriptions are okay.)
No bestiality. (As in regular animals. Xeno /Tera with beta, alpha, or full shifted Derek, Stiles, etc, is okay.)
No scat.
No necrophilia, wound-fucking, and such. (Bloodplay, vampires, post vanquishing-our-enemies getting it on, etc, is okay.)
No Real Person Fiction. (As in Hobrien instead of Sterek. If you want Stiles, Derek, etc, to randomly run into Edgar Allan Poe or the Rock or something that's fine, lol.)
Make sure to tag accurately!
Begins when the event does. See individual event info for dates.
On Tumblr:
Tag your work here with #(event) and #(prompt) for each prompt that you use, (ex: #spring moons equiphlox, # spring moons equiphlox arranged, #spring moons equiphlox sleepy, #spring moons eclipse whisper,) and @sterek-and-stuff-events. 
If you're doing multiple works either add links to the previous ones at the end or give them all the same tag (ex: #sbm trisk.) Or both.
On AO3:
Collections will be added here either the first day or a day or two before the event.
If it's a Sterek work add it to both Sterek subcollections, general and event specific. (Ex: SaS_Sterek, Sterek_Blue_Moon.) It'll go to the parent collections too.
If it's NonSterek/Sterek+ add it to both parent collections. (Ex: Sterek_and_Stuff_Events, SaS_Blue_Moon.)
If you’re doing multiple works put them in a series.
Late posting
Events go until whenever the next one starts.
When that happens you can still use previous prompts, but you have to make something with the current ones too, either adding the new prompts (3, 2, or 1) to the others or doing separate works.
If the latter, post the current event work first. Only the one work minimum -- 1,000, 750 or 500 words, 1 prompt art, etc -- is needed if the other(s) meet the event requirements. Ex: Posting 1,100 words and using 3 prompts for a current Seasonal event & 2,050 words and 2 prompts from a previous Moon event counts as 3,000+ for the current Seasonal event.
Collections will remain open at least until a similar event comes around the following year.
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seoulitx · 3 years
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fiz essa capinha mas to desanimada por causa do lance que aconteceu ontem :(
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relfectingsouls · 3 years
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witchingshcdows · 4 years
My first one and only square edit, I’m not doing more of these, but just listen to @mindfairies​‘s playlist for them.
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mandokarla-mavrok · 4 years
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Edgy Bella🤘💀
Please do not repost anywhere else
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camren-cabello · 7 years
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karazatara · 7 years
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So this was inspired by the recent eclipse! Basically the sun and the moon are beautiful ladies and they’re in love, but only get to meet on very rare occasions. I like fairy tales/folk legends where star-crossed (get it? :D) lovers become celestial bodies after they die, so this is somewhat influenced by those. I also like the idea of the moon bringing the night sky behind her. Obviously these characters don’t belong to me, they belong to Disney.
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an-shu · 10 months
3: Just because I love your skin (doesn't mean I'll jump in)
Chapter Summary: Lena is rattled from her last meeting with Supergirl, and it doesn’t help that the more they’re together, the more her memories of Kara resurface. Then Lena’s week takes a grim turn when someone tries to kill her again.
She fades, blinking at a sparkling figure darting back into the fire. Supergirl outshines the flames.
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Made a quick photo manip for the chapter I guess
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gramjams · 7 years
Since most of the world outside of America is missing out on the eclipse, can we get Lexa to do an encore rendition of Total Eclipse of the Clarke?
“Once upon a time I was falling in love, but now I’m just a chip in her bra, nothing I can do, total eclipse of the Claaaaarke” ***FADE TO BLACK***
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You’ve got a good memory anon! Do not look directly at the Clarke without wearing protective eye-wear.
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, May 24 - Wednesday, May 25
Buffy: "May I ask you something? Does it every seem just a little strange that Jonathan is so good at everything?" Anya (shrugs): "He's Jonathan." She resumes reading the book. Buffy takes the book. Anya: "Hey! I was just at the part where he invented the internet." Buffy: "Anya, he fights better than I do. And I'm the slayer." [Points to self] "The Slayer! That's supposed to mean something, right?" Anya: "Oh! Buck up, you." [She punches Buffy in the arm very softly.] "You kill the best." [She makes rah rah gestures.] "Go you. Kill, kill." Buffy: "Actually not needing validation right now, but thank you."
The Sunnydale Herald is still looking for at least one new editor. Contributing to the Herald is a great way to get your Buffy on! Find out more here.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Bits And Pieces by badly_knitted (Buffy, the Judge, Angelus, PG)
One More With Feeling (and another, and another...) by fancyflautist (Buffy/Spike, T)
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Two People by madimpossibledreamer (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/The Case Files of Young Kindaichi, Angel, Teen)
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Open Mic by EllieRose101 (Buffy/Spike, worksafe, series rated R)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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The Silence Is So Loud - Chapter 1 by orea_domina (Spike/OC, M)
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After the Deluge, Ch. 23-24 by GillO (Buffy/Spike, R)
The Slayer and the Vampire, Ch. 19 by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, PG)
Hooked on a Feeling, Ch. 5 by EllieRose101 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Bleeding Poetry, Ch. 39 by Dusty (Buffy/Spike, worksafe, collection rated NC-17)
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You Can't Fight Fate - But You Can Decipher Him, Ch. 71 by Hermionetobe (Batman crossover, Dawn, FR13)
A Life Given-A Life Lived, Ch. 1 by Buffyworldbuilder (crossover with Avengers, Dawn, Scoobies, FR7)
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Scattered Echoes: Second Generation 11: Visible Impacts by Myrabeth (Buffy/Spike, M)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Icons: Elemental Recolor by the_wiggins (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Icons: Eclipse by the_wiggins (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Manip: because I love you by nmcil12 (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Manip: passion strength devotion love sacrifice by nmcil12 (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Manip: Buffy magazine cover by nmcil12 (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
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Spike by finchmarie (some nudity)
Gifs: 🌺WINIFRED BURKLE🌺 by gothamstreetcat (worksafe)
Lorne by vexa-legacy (worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER- 1992 ⭐⭐⭐ by jimsmovieworld
my rewatch of i only have eyes for you btvs 2x19 by spikesdru
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Episode Battle Waiting in the Wings vs Hole in the World by BtVS fan, LWP, Stoney, and others
Angel After the Fall reread continues with Spike AtF by multiple authors
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Favorite Overall Season Arc [of AtS]? by rednax2009 and others
Lie To Me is an incredible Episode but Ford is the actual worst by lottieflimflam
Just finished Season 5. When did this show get so bloody intense. by HistoricalAd5394
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PODCAST: 7.13 The Killer In Me | Buffering the Vampire Slayer
The Vampire Slayer #2 Review - The Comic Book Dispatch
PODCAST: Pop Culture Role Call: Pocket Sand - Angel S02E13 - Happy Anniversary
[Fandom Discussions]
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is there not a single spuffy scene in the rain??! by silvermars and disco-tea (discussion starts at the bottom of the page)
Tara's intro in Hush (the EXACT same way willow was introduced to buffy) by satisfactuality
The tentative and desperate way Willow says Tara’s name in these scenes... by girl4music
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Did you realize (discussing the cerebral dampener) continued by Anchovy and TriBel
The moral quandary of resouling vampires and resurrection continued by Anchovy and Stoney
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Buffy and Angel vs. Willow and Oz -- Which pair do you like best? by Opening_Knowledge868
If Maggie had actually been a Good Guy™ by SalemTheGoblinKing
Describe characters with 5 or less emojis! by Crimedramagirl
Angel and Wesley loved each other by LightBlueSky55
Let’s debate over which character is the best! by potterhead123456
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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MegaCon Orlando 2022 Reports, Pics & Videos (James Marsters) by multiple people, via jamie_marsters
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