#eco blog
eco-topia · 2 years
Ohai !
I'm making this blog to initiate a new way of keeping accountable and for inspiring myself towards a more ecological future. I'd like to document visuals, sketches, plans, tips, advice for eco living.
My name's Brigit. I am a therapist in training with a soft spot for nature, and a decade-old dream to build a en eco community. Being a millennial, this has not been achievable yet. But hopefully, one day!
Join me on this journey if you wish! Come rest in a virtual moss bed 🥰🌱
My main blog is @hybrid-machine
(June, 2022)
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defilerwyrm · 25 days
Growth capitalism is a deranged fantasy for lunatics.
Year 1, your business makes a million dollars in profit. Great start!
Year 2, you make another million. Oh no! Your business is failing because you didn't make more than last year!
Okay, say year 2 you make $2 mil. Now you're profitable!
Then year 3 you make $3 mil. Oh no! Your business is failing! But wait, you made more money than last year right? Sure, but you didn't make ENOUGH more than last year so actually your business is actively tanking! Time to sell off shares and dismantle it for parts! You should have made $4 mil in profit to be profitable, you fool!
If you're not making more money every year by an ever-increasing exponent, the business is failing!
Absolute degenerate LUNACY
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ecopoly · 10 months
here is a roll from the International Day of Environmental Protection that our students and teachers made for us :)
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aesthetic-otd · 2 months
Today's aesthetic is ecopunk
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puppetmaster13u · 3 days
Prompt 279
Now Danny didn’t mean to make a Bootube channel. He’d meant to send that sleep deprived ramble to Tucker, but he had clicked on the wrong app and yeah. Apparently people enjoy his space rambles- or it could have been the ghost blob-cats that had decided to flop onto him. (Honestly he wasn’t surprised they would start to mimic the shapes of things in their surroundings)
Tucker? Found it hilarious, as did Sam and Val and… um, okay this has become their shared channel now, nice. Though there are some strange comments on some of the videos. Really, what do they mean green sky and crazy tech???
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kraro-school-life · 3 months
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Ice cream and coffe to make studying a bit more enjoyable ‧𓍢ִ໋☕ ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪
I have to finish this somehow :)
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spookysalem13 · 1 month
I've never minded the term aesthetic. But I do agree that fast fashion needs to be put to a stop, that it's ruining the true definition of cultures and subcultures such as goth, punk, grunge and even turning people's cultures into aesthetics which I think is entirely inappropriate for them to make a claim on.
I believe alt subcultures are so much more than a trend. I got into gothic music and even emo music, I've always liked both. When I was in middle school. I liked the music, the literature, dark things before I even found the fashion and fell in love with it.
I've always been an eco warrior, anti capitalist etc. And found that my true self was goth. I can like things that aren't goth. It doesn't make me less goth. But that's the difference between someone whose in a subculture and someone whose doing it for the trend.
I always say be who you are, truly and authentically. Don't hide behind what's trending.
I have no hate towards the word aesthetic itself. But I do see the harm in what capitalism has done using aesthetic culture.
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israel-34 · 3 months
Umberto Eco, que tenía 50.000 libros, dijo esto sobre las bibliotecas caseras:
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"Es una tontería pensar que tienes que leer todos los libros que compras, ya que es una tontería criticar a aquellos que compran más libros de lo que nunca podrán leer. Sería como decir que debes usar todos los cubiertos o gafas o destornilladores o taladros que compraste antes de comprar nuevos.
"Hay cosas en la vida que siempre necesitamos tener un montón de suministros, incluso si solo usaremos una pequeña porción. Si, por ejemplo, consideramos los libros como medicina, entendemos que es bueno tener muchos en casa y no unos pocos: cuando quieres sentirte mejor, entonces vas al 'armario de medicina' y eliges un libro. No uno al azar, sino el libro correcto para ese momento. ¡Es por eso que siempre debes tener una opción nutricional!
"Aquellos que compran sólo un libro, lean sólo ese y luego se deshacen de él. Simplemente aplican la mentalidad de consumidor a los libros, es decir, los consideran un producto de consumo, un bien. Los que aman los libros saben que un libro es cualquier cosa menos una mercancía."
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diwns · 9 months
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yorgunherakles · 3 months
gençliğimin çiçeği, gecelerimin işkencesi. bir daha görecek miyim seni?
umberto eco - yanlış okumalar
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ofdarklands · 2 months
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E - Eco
>song. heh
another godbound npc, this time a gm controlled party member, and previous antagonist of the original party whose deaths starts the campaign. shapeshifter and stealth expert, bearer of the sun, deception and theft words, he has quite the backstory! it is however completely [REDACTED]. just in case. better luck next time!
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Absence is to love as wind to fire: it extinguishes the little flame, it fans the big.
Umberto Eco, The Island of the Day Before (William Weaver, Trans.)
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maybe the real forbidden book sealed in the library labyrinth was the gay sex we had along the way
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aesthetic-otd · 9 months
Today's aesthetic is eco brutalism
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ask-thearchivists · 5 months
Golly, what is a cleaning? Surely it won't be horrifying or otherwise discomforting ^_^ (<- clueless)
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The Coordinator: When mortals are being too troublesome we have a procedure we begin. We leave the planet to focus on information cataloguing, and when is is completed we send out large, star-shaped constructs to sweep the planet and collect as many of the mortals as possible.
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The Cartographer: I hate Cleanings, and I always object, but my vote isn't counted because I almost never participate in Collection missions. The Curator hates Cleaning as well, partially because the massive influx requires her to quickly design and construct huge wings of the Archive to store them, and then she has to start organizing them continuously, with no break, until the sweep is concluded.
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The Coordinator: Yes, and once the sweep has finished we determine if we have Collected sufficiently from every species. If additional sweeps are deemed necessary we initiate them. If we have Collected sufficiently we commence the final step where we use our magic to begin to heat up the planet until it can no longer support life. This ensures that life will not re-evolve on that planet. We could move the whole planet out of the habitable zone to achieve a similar effect, but that's not allowed because it would unnecessarily disrupt the rest of the solar system. And cooling it is a bandaid at best, since it will re-warm in a few hundred, maybe a thousand years.
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The Charmer: Wow, what a detailed description that I don't think you should have said, Coordinator.
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vinnieplushies · 1 year
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Aurora - Eco Nation - 8” Fennec Fox ✨
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