morticornio · 2 years
The rig, eco terror divagante
The Rig (La plataforma) es una serie de Amazon Prime estrenada este mismo año. La premisa es interesante pues plantea una historia de ecoterror en un escenario aislado e inhóspito. El protagonista es Iain Glen, actor que muchos conocen por Game of Thrones. La acción se desarrolla en la plataforma petrolífera de Kinloch Bravo que, nos enteramos, está viendo sus últimos días, ya no es rentable para Pictor Energy, pero, al tiempo que esta situación se desarrolla, una espesa y misteriosa niebla se presenta y empieza un sucesión de problemas, acciones, mal entendidos, etcétera que pone a los trabajadores de la Kinloch Bravo patas arriba. Elementos a favor: la serie es interesante porque considero que plantea dos cosas; primera, que la ciencia sí tiene respuestas, pero con cada una hay más preguntas y se necesita mucha concentración y observación y no todos tienen la misma intuición para ciertas cosas. Segunda, que no terminaremos de saber los secretos de este mucho y los del mar, menos, pues carecemos de la imaginación suficiente para lo que se esconde a los ojos, ya no digamos a la comprensión. En contra: son diez capítulos de un drama ecológico slow burn que, paradójicamente, peca de lento. Demasiados detalles por esa necesidad de presentar a todos los personajes con sus traumas y complejidades. Creo firmemente que, con una narración más contundente, pudo ser una serie de 4 episodios emocionantes, cinco a lo mucho, pero no diez. Me baso en que después del segundo episodio se va cayendo el ritmo y más concretamente en la última media hora. En cuanto a las actuaciones, son decentes, pero Glen, como el jefe Magnus, destaca. La recomiendo sólo si son fans del concepto del ecoterror, que tiene lo suyo, pero si consideran que eso es un despropósito, evítenla.
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adhoccc · 9 months
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Sobre a guerra ao ecoterrorismo, uma das formas legítimas de desobediência civil, no The Drift.
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natugardener · 1 year
ECOTERROR - Kuwait '91
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starlight-bread-blog · 2 months
Platonic Kataang>platonic Zutara
Romantic Zutara>romantic Kataang
I don't make the rules.
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lilith-91 · 4 months
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two people who did match each other's freak :D
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sh3nlong-promakh0s · 1 month
This is a Katara appreciation post
Nothing more nothing less. We love you you beautiful fucking Southern Water Tribe master waterbender and healer ❤️
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I can't remember where Against Sustainability is from lol.
Technical Authority is in this issue of Black Seed. Everything besides this one is an excerpt from a book, so read just the excerpt or the whole book, the choice is yours.
You can read more than just the first ITS communique if you want but they get a little bit nuts later in their existence.
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orcinus-veterinarius · 5 months
Wait, what’s the deal with seashepard? I grew up w a family that supported them and literally bought their merch and stuff
I was the same way! I thought they were so cool after watching Whale Wars. But unfortuantely, despite agreeing with their mission to end commercial whaling, I think their dangerous methods (not to mention their extreme anti-zoo and anti-Indigenous rhetoric) ultimately cause a lot more harm than good. Assaulting and harrassing whalers and sealers, many of whom rely on hunting to feed their families, isn't going to inspire any change. I've been told by folks that have had interactions with Sea Shepherd members that they have a reputation for alienating the communities they enter and being rude and aggressive to both locals and other anti-whaling organizations.
Captain Paul Watson founded Sea Shepherd in 1977 after leaving Greenpeace for disapproving of his "direct action" approaches. In 1986, Watson lead an attack on unoccupied whaling vessels in Iceland that got his group branded as terrorists. The act ultimately had a counterintuative effect, "turn[ing] Icelandic public opinion against the cause of saving whales" (x). In 2013, they were even labeled as "pirates" by a U.S. court for their aggressive actions toward occupied Japanese whaling ships: "When you ram ships; hurl containers of acid; drag metal-reinforced ropes in the water to damage propellers and rudders; launch smoke bombs and flares with hooks; and point high-powered lasers at other ships, you are, without a doubt, a pirate, no matter how high-minded you believe your purpose to be" (x). Sea Shepherd actually removed Watson in 2022 in an attempt to separate itself from his more radical tactics (and outstanding arrest warrants) and go legitmate. PETA denounced this as a betrayal to the animal rights movement.
Watson started his own organization (yet again), and Sea Shepherd is now lead by real estate mogul Pritam Singh. But I still hesitate to support them. In their bid to gain custody of Wikie and Keijo, they make several alarming statements, claiming that Nova Scotia is too cold for them since all they know is warm Mediterranean water (neglecting the fact that their habitat is chilled, something that can't be done in a pen) and that relocating to a sea pen in France will somehow be less stressful than moving to another pool. Wikie and Keijo were both born in the Marineland tanks. Even if we believe that a pen will be more beneficial to their welfare in the long run, it's downright foolish to claim that a pen is the "least stressful option." No one on their team has remotely any experience in captive cetacean husbandry, so they plan to continue employing Marineland trainers. Maybe don't accuse a group of animal abuse and then ask them to come work for you?
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adiabat · 6 months
the bonus question on the final for the class i’m ta’ing was “what can you do to mitigate/adapt to climate change?” and a not insignificant percentage of students answered along the lines of “kill ceos”
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If you somehow managed to watch any of Mobile Suit Gundam and think it was apolitical, I am going to tape your eyes open and force you to rewatch it
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thiefnessman · 8 months
tang and dys make me ill actually. i need to actually play through their fucked up endings (i keep going for the nice harmonious ending bc i like choosing the easier on my conscience route) but like they’re the same at the root of who they are. they’re traumatized teenagers whose trauma stems from the same event. they are similar in the way they swing toward extremes (tang with her transhumanist cybernetic “ascend above the laws of nature” attitude, dys with his ecoterrorist “the natural world is superior and we must be killed if we pose a threat to it” deal). they’re reflective of their augments as well, augments which they initially had no say in. Dys is reckless because he can’t feel fear, Tang is focused on efficiency and transcending above bodily limitations because she can’t get tired. Who gives these augments to their children. Who names their child DYSTHYMIA. idk this game puts me in the microwave. tragic twins my beloved
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greenglowinspooks · 6 months
Btw I have no idea if it’s known about in the wider fandom, but there’s a sizable amount of riddler-centric fics on AO3 where he adopts Steph after he kills/otherwise maims her father. There isn’t a point to this I just thought you all should know about it
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cabesswtaer · 1 day
the scene in td3 where hennessy mentioned tiktok haunts me still.. maggie ily but why
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koscheys-skull · 2 months
Vegans really do sometimes exist to cause literal harm to the ecosystems and the world around us I swear.
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lgbtlunaverse · 11 months
I think the thing that could make a modern songxuexiao work is ecoterrorism.
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ot3 · 1 year
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Poor Cassie :(
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