#eddie is a stepdad
idiotcurls · 8 months
a place I call my home
What are we dealing with here, you ask? We got hurt/comfort, Steddie as dads, friends to lovers, domestic fluff, A PROPOSAL?, Eddie wants to be a cat dad too. After Vecna Universe. Found Family. All the things I love. It's very sappy
chapter 1 to build a home - the cinematic orchestra
It's a warm night in early summer. The door to the patio is open, faint sounds of crickets and frogs from the nearby creek make their way into the little family home, a small orchestra, to provide a soundtrack for the evening. The light on the wooden patio is on, attracting some moths, which are circling the bulb. The blanket and the book Steve was reading yesterday night are still on the Hollywood swing Dustin and Eddie repainted last spring. A flower is sticking out the well loved pages of Steve's copy of "pride and prejudice". Steve is using one of the flowers as bookmark he dried. He usually keeps one from every bouquet Eddie brings home. The kitchen curtains seem illuminated by the light from the lamp outside. Plants and burned down candles on the window sill. A worn down acoustic guitar leans on the wall, the strings sticking out the head. Eddie never cared to clip them. He has to change them at one point anyway, you know. Eddie is on sleepy time mission, convincing the little one to go to sleep, while Steve is cleaning up the kitchen. They had made Spaghetti with tomato sauce, the Italian recipe from Steve's grandma. He likes to press the garlic with the flat side of a knife before he peels them. It makes them easier to handle and also smells amazing. Eddie loves the recipe and basically bathes his plate of spaghetti with olive oil and parmigiano at the table. Steve thinks it's disgusting, but let's it happen anyway. Maybe he somehow grew fond of the whole ordeal. Maybe because he likes, that Eddie hums when he tastes something he enjoys. Steve likes to hear him hum on the dining table as much as he loves to hear him hum between their sheets, intimate moments exchanged like in a movie, which is shot on warm film, grainy but authentic. A child has some different ideas about eating noodles, than most grown ups do. Steve smiles at the little bit of chaos left on the dining table. He is almost certain, Eddie must have some bits of noodle in his hair from feeding their daughter, Rosie, who laughs loud and bangs her little hands on the table, full of joy about the plane of food flying towards her. Her dads making plane noises and pretending to be pilots making announcements about the destination. Flight noodle 237 ready to land, the weather is mild with chances of tomato sauce, please fasten your seatbelts for take down. Chaos means a house is lived in. Dirty dishes mean people shared a meal with each other. Happy and nourished. Like home. And it does feel so for Steve. Maybe for the first time in his life, it finally does feel like home, for Steve. He plugs the drain and lets the water fill the sink, soap creating bubbles that shine and pop. There are lots of plants in their living space, with big, green, juicy leaves. A picture that Will painted, hanging on the wall over the couch. Snapshots of Robin and Nancy, a picture of Argyle and Jonathan sitting on the couch, laughing with Erica, Lucas and Max on the fridge. A picture of the kid's graduation.
Little trinkets Eddie likes to collect on the filled bookshelves, lots of black cats somehow. A framed ultrasound picture. Some drawings. Letters, Postcards from Dustin when he was abroad for college. Toys on the ground. It's a little house, but it's enough. It never feels empty.
Soft light falls from of the small bedroom's dimmed lights, onto the wooden corridor floor. Eddie is reading a book to his stepdaughter. Not that he ever saw her as a step-anything. Those are just technicalities. Eddie adores that small human more than he previously thought he was able to adore someone. Eddie sees Steve's big brown eyes in her eyes, which are so kind and curious about the world around her. He wants to lay the world at her feet. And at her other dad's feet too. He likes to do Dungeon and Dragon voices, when he reads to her, but he tones them down a bit. Makes them less scary for her. Steve can hear Eddie's rumbling "dragon voice" and small giggles from their daughter. He shakes his head fondly. His heart is full. Almost overflowing.
He is standing by the sink, washing the night's dishes, when Eddie sneaks up behind him and wraps his arms around Steve's waist. He nuzzles into Steve's neck to drink in his scent. Eddie hums and Steve smiles, knowingly. "Look at you!", Eddie says softly. "My little home-maker. Maybe we should get you one of those frilly aprons, hmmm?" Steve puts a clean dish on the drying rack and rolls his eyes. "Yeah, sure. Maybe you can wear it next time you vacuum the living room." Steve is a bit snarky, but with no ill intent. Eddie had forgotten to vacuum that week, because he got carried away with his anniversary campaign. All of their lives were busy and full, so of course finding a date that worked for everyone to meet up is basically impossible. So, Hellfire D and D sessions became a rarity. But for the big 10 year anniversary, they decided to come together at Joyce and Hop's farm. Eddie begins to sway Steve's hips from side to side, to a melody that plays in his heart. “Maybe I can wear it with nothing under it.” Eddie smiles into Steve's neck as he hears Steve's little scoff. “I'm trying to do the dishes here, Eds...” “I can wear the apron and you can pretend to be my boss and you're going to be really strict with me and oh, no, I dropped my, uh... feather duster and then-” “Eddie...” “Fiiiiiine...” Eddie kisses Steve's shoulder before he sighs dramatically, as he goes to sit down on their big green couch with his guitar. Steve heard the tuning process so many times, he thinks he too could tune a guitar by ear, if he tried. Eddie likes to serenade his man with the songs he wrote for him, or Steve's favourites. He plays quietly, plucks lightly, as not to wake a certain someone, called Rosie. “Is she asleep?” “As much as she did not want to go to sleep, she is asleep now.”, Eddie says smiling into himself. The last bit of sunlight has faded completely and stars covered the sky. A summer breeze rustled through the trees and moved the curtains around softly. “Do you think we're going to have a thunderstorm?” Eddie looks out the window, furrowing his brows. “I've been waiting for one for a while, but I'm afraid it'll wake her...” “I hope not, I've got all my stuff outside and I really need a quiet evening... But uh hey, did you call the guy about the thing?” Steve unplugs the sink and dries his hands, before throwing the towel over his shoulder. Eddie smiles at that sentence. But he knows what Steve means. “Yeah, I called the car-insurance guy. We're all good.” “Good. Thank you. I don't want to drive to east-jesus-nowhere and like, something happens and then we'd have to deal with the bureaucracy of it all and I don't want to pay for a whole new car...” Steve gets two glasses out of the cabinet and grabs a bottle of wine for them, while he rambles. White for summer, Red for Winter. He switched a while ago. Steve smelled the air the other day and decided it smelled like summer enough for the change. Same in autumn. He calls that “going with the flow”. Eddie puts the guitar down and grabs the Swiss army knife from his leather jacket's pocket, that hangs on a chair, to help open the corked bottle. “Don't worry. It will all be fine. I know it's a long ride to Joyce and Jim. But we're going to travel like royals, compared to back then.”
Eddie saying Jim instead of Hopper or Mr.Officerman was a big step in their relationship. Eddie was a scared of cops, given his history, his dad's history more like, that was understandable. ' But Hop had always had a fleeting suspicion that it was Eddie's old man, who was the real culprit in the situation and for Eddie, he was just a kid back then, a kid who risked it all for the party and the world. Eddie is and always was a good kid in his books.
Steve gives one of the elegant white wine glasses he picked to Eddie and sighs deeply. “I know, we've just never drove that far with her...I know she's not sooo tiny any more...” Eddie fills their glasses and puts the bottle back on the couch table, puts his hand around Steve's shoulders.
“I bet you 10 bucks, she's going to sleep through most of it. Remember when she was really, really tiny and wouldn't stop crying because of the colics and you drove with her for hours, in your old BMW? She was asleep in minutes.” Steve leans into Eddie and takes a sip of his wine. He remembers those days. The Beemer's engine sounds relaxed her as much as it relaxed him. “Yeah. That's true. And I have to worry less, because you don't drive like a maniac any more.” “Exactly. I drive like a real gentleman, use my blinkers and everything.”, Eddie says smugly. Steve snorts and Eddie presses a kiss to Steve's cheek. “What's going on, really? Are you not happy to see the gang?”, Eddie asks. “Now that we are Dads we don't have to sleep in the pool house any more too.” “The pool house” is really a garden hut, that they renovated in a community effort. The kids didn't sleep on mattress forts any more, so a couple beds more isn't a bad move. “Well...” Steve begins. “Every time we are near Indiana, or drive through it, I feel my scars more than usual. It's probably psycho... somatic. Or whatever the doctors always say.” The doctor did say that. But doctors used to say a lot of things back then. Eddie nods and his eyes wander towards Rosie's door. Is there any way to know for sure, their collective scars flare up, just because they all remember. Like an anniversary effect? They remember so very well. Or is it some sort of poison that just took a place in all of their bodies, that calls back to the split up town, with it's craters and scars, the landscape endured, like their bodies and minds did. Some insane evil in the endless woods, still lurking. It's scary, no matter if it is real or psycho...somatic. “I think, that even if there is something out there. We're not our parents. We basically raised ourselves and then each other. We're like, professionals, at this point.”
Steve nods as his fingers trace along the faint scars on his neck, which healed and faded long ago. “You know, now that we have her, I understand Joyce's horror and her constant worries better.”, Steve says. “Yeah, I wasn't really around when Will- when it started.” Eddie leans forward to put his glass on the table, to wrap his arms tighter around Steve's shoulders, melts into him, as if he was able to suck the sorrow out of him, somehow. Steve looks up into Eddie's eyes. They are still as big and bright as they were, when they were younger. Big, sad deer eyes, Robin said. But they seem glazed over. “We were just kids then.”, Steve's voice feels small. “We were.”, Eddie answers, swallowing heavily. No kid should be left alone like that. Even though Eddie always had Wayne to believe in him, when there were cars full of people looking for “the freak”.
There is nothing more to say to that statement. No use to talk it away or make it feel smaller. That would not do justice to their collective past. An unused kitty litter box, filled with cat food, toys and other bits and bops a household with a cat needs, stands in a nook of the garage. It pops into Eddie's mind. Somewhere in the garage is another small box hidden, that Steve has never seen before. It pops into his mind too, like a lightbulb that was lit. Eddie's heart starts racing. It feels like now or never. “You know...”, he begins. “When we come back from Joyce and Jim's, we could finally go to the shelter and look for a kitty. I know, I love black cats, sue me, but honestly, I just want to give a cat a home, I don't really care about the colouration, or if it has stripes or not. It could have an amputated tail, or no ears, I would love it.” Eddie rambles and Steve tries to follow, furrowing his brows, given the sudden change of topic. “It doesn't have to be a kitten either, every cat needs to be loved. And during summer, you're off school and I have less work, probably. So, we can spend time with it. So the cat can get used to us. It's a good opportunity, to teach our little princess about animals and that we love them. And after that, when we mastered the cat-baby stuff, maybe, I thought, we could get married, you know. I don't think the cat can be a ring bearer, like dogs sometimes do though. But wouldn't that be nice?” Steve freezes for a second there, sits up and looks at Eddie and every muscle in Eddie's body tenses. He stopped breathing for a second there too. All Eddie can hear is the wind outside and the wind chime on the patio and his own heart beat. Eddie was never a religious guy, but in that very second, he reached out to some sort of deity. Anyone who would listen to him, really. Steve's mouth falls open, still staring at his boyfriend. Eddie is looking anywhere but him, just sort of stares ahead. “What?”, Steve manages. “I thought, that if the cat doesn't have a tail, it maybe have some problems with, I don't know, balance or something... but there might be therapy...”
“No, Eddie. No. Not the cat!!” Part two "toughter than the rest" coming soon <3
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chuuzmii · 3 months
i honestly personally dont care too much about the whole "coparenting" debate but like i do feel like it sets apart people who DID watch the show and actually paid attention to what was on their screens and the people who didnt watch more than S7 or clearly just never retained any information the show gave us because...
Didnt Buck take care of Chris basically the entire time Eddie was in the hospital after the gunshot? am i hallucinating? like didnt we get this dad ass montage of Buck taking care of Christopher while Eddie was in the hospital? So wouldnt that mean that yes he has cooked for chris he has cleaned for chris he took christopher to school he would have to know christophers allergies because he was HIS CARETAKER!
but lets just ignore that part wasn't there a joke where they were at a call and the dad was like "you're always making me the bad cop!" and chim goes "can't you both be the good cop?" and both eddie and buck say "no." Clearly showing that buck isnt just a funtime uncle like yall are saying cus if he was wouldn't he not have to be the bad cop?
Also Eddie wrote him into his WILL! yall can say "oh you guys don't understand how this works and blah blah" all you want but the fact of the matter is he chose that man over his FAMILY... it's not like pepa and isabel were anything like his mother and father and yet he still left Chris to Buck. Buck lost that mans child in a natural disaster and he STILL left him in his care the next day. He even looks that man in the eyes and COMPARES Buck and christophers relationship to his and christophers. like guys please..
i think there is definitely something to be said about how sometimes Buck gets more praise for the things he does with Christopher or ppl almost pushing Eddie to the side of his own family but the way to combat that isnt acting like you can't see what is quite literally in ur face being shown on screen😭
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pervy!carmechanic!stepdad!eddie munson x innocent!stepdaughter!reader where her daddy's been coming into her room at night n her rubbing her until she squeals with delight, coming on his fingers, her stuffies, etc.
she feels those familiar butterflies flutter in her tummy when she sits on the lawn chair, watching eddie fix her cherry red car, his tattooed knuckles slowly becoming more dirty with grease as she sucks on her watermelon lollipop, biting her lower lip as she watches her stepdaddy roll out from under the car. she pushes her heart-shaped sunglasses on the top of her head.
eddie looks at her. god, he thinks, she was so beautiful he wanted to cry.
"baby," he watches her eyes light up, "can u grab me the wrench next to u behind the bench?"
she nods, biting her lower lip as she tries to tame those naughty butterflies.
she stands up, walking to the work bench before bending over to display her pink cotton panties, eddie's mouth practically watering as he pushes down on the tent forming quickly in his pants.
"i-i don't see it, daddy.." she bends down further, and eddie watches her swollen folds press against the thin material of her underwear, biting his lower lip.
"jus-just down more, sweet girl--think it might be under the tool box.." his words are airy and soft as she bends over further, and he catches small wet patch spreading on her panties. "good girl."
suddenly, she pops up, "found it, daddy!" she skips over to where eddie is sitting on the garage floor, handing him the wrench.
"t-thank you, baby."
she beams, her cunt aching as she bites her lower lip, suppressing a whimper as she sits back down on the lawn chair, spreading her legs n not thinking much of it as eddie forces himself to get back to work, the bulge in his pants throbbing.
about fifteen minutes later, she decides to go inside as she was getting warm all over--yes, from the heat of summer but also from her body pricking with arousal.
inside, she tries everything to satiate the hunger that burns between her thighs, but nothing seems to work. she spends five minutes rubbing her fat button on her bear stuffie, wetness soaking the fur but alas, no help. she pulls her panties up all of the way until her swollen folds envelope the material, her hips rutting. (eddie did this to her once before as he sucks on her pebbled nipples n she came almost immediately, but it didnt work this time). her lust clouded her mind so incredibly much that she tried rutting her bare cunt against the corner of her bed, but that didnt even work!
she huffed, grabbing her emotional support teddy as she walked back outside to the garage, the butterflies practically fluttering a tornado in her belly.
eddie was busy wiping the grease off of his hands with a ratty washcloth. his messy hair tied back in a loose bun, his facial hair making her heart pound.
"daddy?" her voice came out small n squeaky, and eddie recognized this.
she smiled softly and timidly, twiddling with the fur on her stuffie.
"i got butterflies in my belly,"she pouted softly, tears forming in her doe eyes with frustration as she looked up at her stepfather. "hurts."
eddie's breath hitched in his throat before he cleared it multiple times, running his index finger n thumb over the hairs above his upper lip. "yeah? what kinda butterflies u got,sweet girl?"
she only bit her lower lip nervously. talking about sexual things still made her incredibly shy.
eddie continued , his tone soft and sweet. "the normal ones or the ones where u want daddy to come into ur room in the middle of the night to fix em?"
lets just say her daddy spent three hours fixing her dilemma.
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ameliora-j · 1 year
The salt shaker oh my god. how about stepdad!eddie x dads!bestfriend x reader with the fire truck game. Leads to (smut reader doesn’t know it’s wrong )
*5 minutes after i googled ‘the fire truck game’*
𐐪𐑂 twisted tuesday is back! send in ur requests :>
content: stepcest, dubcon, age gap, innocent!reader, bimbo!reader, corruption kink, fingering (f!receiving), degradation, like one slap
“have you ever played the firetruck game, yn?” eddie asks. you, him, and steve are all sat in the living room, similar to the last time steve was over.
“what’s the firetruck game?” you ask, looking away from your laptop and over to him.
“oh my gosh, i used to love this game when i was a kid!” steve chimes in once he gets the hint of what eddie is doing. “the game is simple and there’s only one rule” he says.
“i wanna play!” you smile. “what’s the rule?” you ask, turning to look between them both.
“the only rule is that you have to say ‘red light’ if you’re uncomfortable and want the game to end” eddie nods.
“okay” you nod softly, smiling.
“alright baby, we’ll go first to make sure you know how to play, okay?” steve smiles warmly. eddie is the first to touch you, setting his hand on your knee.
“is this the game?” you ask, looking over to him. he nods softly, slowly moving his hand up higher.
“it’s part of the game” he hums softly. once eddie’s hand gets up to the middle of your thigh, steve places his hand on your other knee. both men peek at you, waiting for you to say something. when they hear no protests, and see your cute little smile, they continue on.
eddie is the first to reach the place where your hip meets your leg. he takes your left leg in his hand, tugging it over his lap. only seconds later, steve is doing the same with your right leg. both men begin rubbing at the inside of your thigh, and you bite your lip to hold back your moan.
eddie’s hand trails farther until his fingers are brushing over your cunt. he’s pleasantly surprised to find a little growing wet spot on your panties. you gasp as eddie presses down on your clit, your hips jerking, causing steve to hold your leg tighter.
steve tugs your panties to the side, gently rubbing your clit with the pad of his fingers. the little whines and moans you let out travel through the two mens’ ears and straight down to their fat cocks. eddie swears quietly as the tips of two of his fingers breach your leaking hole.
you whine softly, arching your back as you buck your hips. “you’re so tight, baby” eddie whispers, shoving his thick fingers into your pussy until the rings were pressing up against the lips of your cunt.
“so responsive too” steve mumbles, pinching your clit and chuckling lowly as you shriek. “that’s a good girl” he hums when you moan as eddie presses his fingers against your gspot.
“please…” you whine quietly. this causes eddie to laugh at you.
“do you even know what you’re pleading for, you pathetic slut?” he growls, wrapping his free hand around your throat as he forces you to look at him. you whine, shaking your head quickly as you pout at him. “thought so” he chuckles, slapping your cheek.
“now just shut up and let us play our game… i haven’t heard ‘red light’ yet” steve growls as he gets to his knees before you on the floor.
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lil-quinnie · 2 years
A man of his word
part I
Stepdad!Eddie x F!reader
Warnings: STEPCEST, AGE GAP (Eddie's 40s and Reader is middle 20s) , daddy kink, oral (f receiving) , slight pet play, dom sub dynamic, degradation, cheating, bad family's relationship, squirt, maybe little angst at the end? Lemme know if i forget something <3
Summary: Your mother left your stepfather alone and lonely on her birthday, the next morning you wanted to make his morning as easy as possible, that's what a good girl would do, isn't it?
picture of older Eddie by: @eddiemunsons-missingnipple
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It was almost dark when you heard the door open, your heart was racing too excited to see Eddie after what happened this morning.
You spent the afternoon tidying up and organizing the house, stopping to smoke a cigarette, which Mr Munson kindly left you.
The urge to touch yourself was excruciating,but you do want to be his good girl after all so you didn't touch it. You felt your pussy dripping whenever you caught yourself remembering the way he fucked you like you were his, the way his cock deliciously filled your mouth and how Eddie's lips kissed you as if he were yours.
Your thoughts had you rubbing your neglected little pussy on the arm of the couch, only stopping just short of coming. 
The door slamming took you out of your dirty thoughts with your stepfather, you got up excited and when you were going to run to the door a thin and soft voice asked, walking through the almost empty house.
"Guys, is anyone home?" your mother asked.
You felt your body freeze, the blood ran cold in your veins, the air was as if it didn't exist and you were trapped in the vacuum of space.
YOUR MOTHER, your mother, wife of your stepfather, the stepfather who until a few hours ago had his dick stuck in the back of your throat. "fuck" you said, feeling all the weight of guilt and jealousy on your shoulders.
You left your room quietly, walking down the stairs slowly. Your mother watched you from the living room, sitting on the couch with a guilty look on her face "at least I'm not the only one" you thought.
In silence you sat next to your mother and without looking at her, you squeezed her thigh lightly stating that everything was fine.
You couldn't be mad or disappointed with your mother's presence in her own home, could you?
Your mother told you that she had gone to spend the night at a friend's house and that she had no intention of leaving you alone, as an apology she said that she would prepare dinner and promised that this time without great emotions at the end, even if you wanted to that something would happen for her to leave the house to you and her husband alone.
Your mother was preparing dinner while humming some song, her pity bothered you deeply "why is she happy? she left poor eddie alone because of a wrong gift, what's wrong with her?" it circled in your head endlessly. You heard the sound of Eddie's car pulling up, and with a jump off the couch you excused yourself from the living room.
"I'm going to take a shower before dinner" you said to your mother disappearing down the stairs.you could hear the tone of the conversation even over the noise of the shower and from what you heard, you knew that your pussy would remain untouched.
You decided to ignore what you were feeling and take care of yourself, your hand ran down your belly finding your sex, you used two fingers to separate your lips while a third stimulated your clit. With your eyes closed and the feeling of the hot water hitting your skin making you relax, your moans were getting louder, your finger teased your wet entrance but before you could penetrate it a strong knock on the door made you take your hand away out of your pussy fast, Eddie.
"I-I'm finishing the shower, just a minute" you replied with your voice still shaking "Of course, we are waiting for you for dinner princess, don't be long" his voice was nothing but sweet in your ears.
"Okay Mr Munson, I'm coming, sorry." you said quickly finishing rinsing the conditioner out of your hair.
Hearing you call him Mr Munson made eddie's heart sink a little, he knew you guys couldn't act the same way you did this morning but he didn't imagine you'd be back to square one, after all, he promised to take care of your pussy when he arrived, and he considered himself a man of his word.
He's pretty sure he asked you not to touch the pussy this morning he'd claimed as his, so all the strain Eddie would put you through tonight would be punishment enough, he decided.
When you came down to the dining room, your mother was standing with her arms around her husband's neck as she sipped from the glass of wine she shared with him.
Dinner was silent and fast, in the third full glass of wine that your mother -selfishly- downed, she proposed that they all watch a movie together to make up for lost time yesterday. As if she wasn't the one who turned her back and disappeared all night. You started to clean things up before the movie session and Eddie decided to help you.
Your mom focused on finding something lost on netflix while you washed the dishes and Eddie dried and put away, his fingers always touching yours when picking up the clean dishes, his crotch rubbing against your hip whenever he needed to put something away on the top shelf, making you bite your lips when you feel his erection pressed to your ass, while he handled you by the waist.
His lips were in the lap of your ear, he nibbled on your lobe before whispering "I heard you in the bathroom, you little bad girl moans." You felt the shiver go down your spine, making your knee go weak "I thought I told you not to touch my pussy" he said, pressing his knee against your wet center "such a bad girl, what do I do with you now kitten?"
He put the rest of the dishes in the cupboard and walked away from you at the right time, your mother already with the chosen movie making a puppy face for your stepfather
"Can you get me some more wine Hubbie?" she said pouting, he smirked at you and turned to your mum "All for you wifey" he said taking the bottle to the older woman.
"I can use a glass of wine too" you thought as you grabbed a bottle of water and went to settle in the living room with your dysfunctional family.
Your mom was propped up on the arm of the couch, covered in a fur blanket, sipping wine now and then while scrolling through some social media, Eddie was sitting in the middle, his baggy sweatpants left little to guess, not that you needed to. having the image of his hard cock imprinted in her mind. He's tied his hair up in a high bun, leaving a few curls loose making you take a long drink before sitting down next to your stepdad.
Your bare thighs were driving Eddie crazy, it took all of his self control not to attack you right there, whether your mother saw it or not. The thought was cut short when the older woman snuggled into her husband's chest, letting a comforting sigh escape her lips.
You didn't want to feel that twinge of jealousy that was pulsing between the cracks in your heart, if you were happy, well, for tonight at least. “Is it always like this, she goes off, does god knows what and then snuggles into Eddie's warm chest like he's nothing? man, who automatically missed the warmth radiating from his body.
Your foot was perfectly embraced by your sock that went up to his thighs, leaning against Eddie's thigh, making back and forth movements making the man squirm under your touch.
Your mother didn't last until the opening credits of the movie she'd chosen, wine had that effect on her and Eddie knew it.
He reclined the older woman's head to the opposite side of him, settling her with the pillows and blanket before pulling your ankle down until your feet were in your stepfather's lap, he forced your legs apart, his hands large and calluses roaming the inside of your bare thigh, pressing them into the leather of the couch 
leaving her legs wide open for him.
The older man moaned low upon seeing the wet spot on her panties, running his thumb over it gently stimulating her clit. “Is this all for me?” He said quietly, making circular motions with his finger.
Always checking over his shoulder to see if the older woman was still sleeping, Eddie bent down and placed a light kiss on her lips, tracing a path of kisses to his ear, which after a kiss he whispered
“I told you I'd take care of you” With a sly smile, you sighed, feeling his lips nibbling your earlobe, expecting any kind of refusal or revulsion, none.
Eddie moved your panties to the side, circling the entire area around your pussy, letting his finger lightly touch your clit, bringing shivers to your body. His free hand roamed your body, squeezing your breasts with some strength "God, I was already missing them" he groaned, still abusing your breasts.
He climbed his hands up to your neck, choking you lightly, the action of the man making you wetter, the noise coming out of your dripping pussy was pornographic to the point of making Eddie take his lips to your clit and suck it slowly, requiring all your control not to moan aloud.
His finger circled her entrance as he suckled her clit torturously, ever changing how hard his lips pressed on her nerve bud.
You squirmed under the touch of your stepfather, who always stopped sucking you to check on your mother when you were about to come, you could feel the mischievous smile on his lips pressed to your pussy. He thrust his second finger in without warning, causing a sweet moan to escape from his lips swollen from Eddie's kisses.
"What a tight little pussy, holy shit" he continued to sink his fingers into you, phalanx by phalanx, your hips pressing up against your stepdad's fingers.
"Fuck daddy, please move" you whispered in desperation, Eddie checked one last time on your mother, who didn't seem to have moved since the movie started.
Eddie licked all over your pussy while deliciously fucking your needy hole with his fingers, he hit your g-spot, massaging the spongy place with his fingertips.
"oh...just like that, don't stop please" you moaned not so low this time, prompting Eddie to cover your mouth with his heavy hand.
"Either you shut the fuck up or I'll stop now, understood, slut?" you could only nod as tears gathered in the corner of your eye, but you didn't know if it was from pleasure or from the tone Eddie spoke to you.
Eddie stopped fucking your pussy and brought his fingers to your mouth, he outlined your lips with your pussy juices, you opened your mouth to receive his fingers when he stopped his fingers just a few inches from your mouth "Lick, lick just like the good kitten you are" his face was serious and you could see his cock twitching even though it was covered by his pants.
You took the first shy lick, testing if it was what your stepfather really wanted "Don't be shy, kitten. You can lick it, it will make daddy feel good" he whispered, and you did as you were told, you took small licks of cat in the fingers involved by its taste, each lick Eddie felt more in the already apparent erection.
When his fingers were already clean and covered in your saliva, he went back to fucking you. He fucked you with both fingers while his thumb worked tirelessly on your clit, making you curl up on the couch until you felt small. You felt the heat build in your lower belly, you began to grind your hips against the older man's hand, biting down on his hand to stifle the groan you knew was going to escape.
Your mother, still in a sleepy state, dropped her wineglass from her hand, startling you and Eddie, who quickly removed his hand from your pussy. Both you and he didn't have the courage to turn around and find out what fate had prepared for the two cheaters, after a few seconds without any reaction - from any side - Eddie had the courage to look and see the sleeping figure of his wife.
"Sit on the couch, turn to the TV and open your legs" he demanded in one breath, helping you to get in the position he needed, he covered both of your bodies with the blanket that was on the couch, he handled your hand to his dick, pressing it against the extremely hard dick.
"See what you do to daddy? Making daddy feel so good, my good girl "Eddie whispered in his ear as his fingers collected all the arousal from your pussy, making his fingers wet as he teased your clit.
Eddie set a slow pace as he fucked you, his lips kissing your pussy, he explored every spot of your sex with the tip of his tongue, ending up in a delicious flat tongue where you needed it most.
He picked up the pace as his lips enveloped your clit, sucking in time as his fingers worked your spongy spot, "that's it my good girl, let go, cum on daddy's finger" he picked up the pace "makes daddy feel good , let me feel that pussy squeezing my fingers" when his lips turned the attention back to your clit, you felt like you were going to explode with pleasure
"Daddy, please daddy I need to go to the bathroom, I'm going to pee, please, stop I'm going to pee" you cried, which made Eddie's pupils get even bigger, his black gaze already told you that he wouldn't stop, and so it was.
He fucked you more precisely as his mouth did all the movements he learned that made you react more, Eddie covered your mouth when you started to squirt, wetting all over the leather sofa, your stepdad's pants and the blanket that your mother had washed in the same week, he smiled maliciously seeing the state that only his fingers had left you.
You on the other hand couldn't think of anything, in pure ecstasy of the best orgasm of your life, it was just that there was only you and Mister Munson in all the world, but reality soon hit you in the face
"Hey, kitten. Go to the bathroom and clean up, we've risked our luck too much" your stepfather whispered, you just consented and went to the bathroom of your room to shower.
You tried to be as quick as possible so you could spend more time with your family, you chuckled to yourself at your last thought, putting on your pajamas and slippers but before you reached the halfway point of the stairs you managed to hear a familiar, wet, and cracking sound, like if anyone was...
"fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck" you thought, going down a few more steps silently, seeing your mother in her husband's lap, attacking the man's neck like a hungry animal, eddie's eyes were glued to the ceiling until they moved to your eyes, keeping his gaze glued to yours for all the torturous time you spent there, before the first tear fell you entered your room and were careful not to slam the door, you didn't want to spoil your mother's fun.
you lay in bed, and closed your eyes letting the tears flow, thinking about all the wrong moments you had with your stepdad, how you knew it would end up like this and how you got carried away and caught between the fun and the passion.
taglist: @hesvoid34 sweetpuffy12 emma77645 prettyblackprincessstuff eddie-munsons-ringss @tlclick73
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sugarsblurbs · 1 year
A/N: this was supposed to be headcannons but it turned in to a little story. Yes I will make headcannons soon🤭
I just read a dad!eddie fic shocker but this one was different…..‘twas stepdad!eddie sooooo.
You got pregnant with someone you thought was the love of your life boy were you wrong. The moment you told him he turned into a whole different person, he claimed it wasn’t his and demanded a paternity test. So at the age of two weeks old your little bundle of joy was tested….. lo and behold the baby was his. He wasn’t the best father he was very in and out of your baby’s life. You used to live in the city but wanted a slower more homey place. So you found Hawkins Indiana. It was like a curse or luck that right with you were met with the Welcome To Hawkins sign your car started making noises and smoking. Luckily, no to far down the road was an auto shop. That’s where you met the with the shaggy hair Eddie Munson. It was love at first sight. It was cute how he interacted with your baby at first he thought they were your sibling but you corrected him. You saw something change in his eyes but couldn’t put a finger on what. He fixed your car for a small price ……..a date with him. The date was amazing and you went on more and more and more until he asked you to be his girlfriend. Eddie has this connection with your child that you wish your baby daddy had in the first place. Due to court every weekend your child had to go with their dad. He showed up maybe once a month and would make up so many excuses. One weekend when he actually showed up he saw Eddie and your kid playing the front yard saying he was pissed was an understatement. He started to yell, you ran outside hearing the commotion and saw your baby daddy yelling and coming towards Eddie and Eddie holding your child close to his chest protecting them. What you all heard next shocked you each in different ways in the tiniest voice you heard “No don’t hurt my daddy” they said while holding onto Eddie as if they were the protector.
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lightvixxen · 2 years
Hi im on my horny shit anyway tw: stepcest under the cut stepdad!steve x reader + dbf!eddie x reader (kinda) Eddie is Steves friend reminder that all parties are 18+ and consenting. Nothing is explicit just a precaution!
Thinking about stepdad!steve with an absolute brat of a stepdaughter, who can’t help but talk back, and blatantly disrespect him in his own home, it only got worse when you came back from college. And at the end of the day had the audacity to get on her knees at the end of the day and beg for forgiveness.
It works of course, Steve can’t help but give into the teary eyes you give him, promising to be on your best behavior tomorrow!! Which obviously, never comes. Cue Steve venting to his equally fucked up friend, who knows about your…relationship. Eddie, he knows a thing or two with dealing with brats. You just need a firmer hand to break you down.
Because Steve is soft, he doesn’t know how to handle a brat younger than him, Eddie on the other hand? It only takes an hour before your crumbling underneath him.
Just a Eddie teaching Steve’s stepdaughter a lesson in respect when it comes to her daddy!!!
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poughkeepsies · 11 months
reading 9-1-1 fics that were clearly written before certain canon events makes everything so much funnier cause they're written with certain details that the authors clearly thought would be unequivocal evidence of romantic buddie and/or bro-ified to make it realistic to canon but then 99% of the time the show will just throw in a scene later that is 1) that exact detail that to anyone else would only make sense if buddie is canon and 2) not overlayed with any no-homo message that could tone it down at ALL.
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gloomysoup · 1 year
STEPDADS?! Yes pls
alriiiiiggghhhtttt stepdads is here :D
Steve was grateful for an easy shift. He was already tired. He really didn’t want a grueling shift on top of that. His morning had been… rough. The morning sickness and nausea had hit hard the last few days, and Steve was not a fan. He felt gross and itchy in his own skin. He hoped that wasn't going to be a common feeling during the pregnancy, but he certainly wasn't counting on it going his way. Not that he knew much of anything. Truthfully, he was completely clueless. He never thought he would need to know these things; at least not this early in his life. He was barely eighteen. He had just graduated high school that last summer. He wouldn't even be nineteen until the spring. None of this was part of his plan. Not that he had one of those either. He had always figured someday, but he hadn't known that someday would come so soon. He was way out of his depth. He was too young to be a parent, let alone a single parent, but here he was. Still, he wasn't giving this up. He couldn't even imagine giving any of this up.
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harrywavycurly · 2 years
For the Steve/Eddie x Reader thing imagining Eddie and Steve coparenting together makes me want to laugh but also melt🥺
Hiii babes!! It makes me wanna melt and also laugh as well😂 like imagine this…
Eddie is there Friday evening to pick his daughter up from the Reader’s house and when Steve opens the door Eddie has to hold back a laugh because here is “king Steve” in a tiara and blue feather boa wrapped around his neck and a teacup in his hand. Eddie would say something teasing like “Nice look Harrington, going for step mom of the year?” which Steve ignores because before he can even respond the little girl is pulling Eddie inside the house by his wrist and leading him down the hallway towards her room. “Daddy you’re just in time for tea!” But Eddie isn’t new to this, he takes his spot next to Mr. Snuggles the stuffed whale and grabs an empty teacup. Steve stands in the doorway as he watches Eddie get wrapped in a pink scarf and a white flower headband, he’d just bite back a laugh as the little girl begins to pour the tea into everyone’s cups. “Nice look Munson, I think pink really is your color.” Eddie would just roll his eyes and shoot Steve the bird when his little girl isn’t looking. 😂💖
Eddie after his little girl dresses him up for tea:
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sixofpomegranates · 2 years
Gives us an bigger age gap but modern technology.
Let's us have modern stuff like smartphones, netflix, spotify, etc, and have free choice over Eddie’s age.
Gives us a smaller age gap but would have to take place in the 90s or early 2000s. Therefore, less technology of our days.
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ameliora-j · 1 year
Stepdad!eddie stepdadsfriend!steve corrupting reader? Not sure if it’s something ur comfortable with but let me know if it isn’t so I can think of some other stuff 🫣🫣🫣
𐐪𐑂 twisted tuesday is back! send in ur requests :>
content: innocence kink, corruption kink, stepcest, age gap, objectification, masturbation (m!recriving), sort of bimbo!reader, DARK CONTENT, THIS IS AN 18+ BLOG MINORS DNI
you look up at eddie as your kneeled on the floor in front of him and steve. you’re at the coffee table, working on a project for your design class as the two sit behind you, watching the game and drinking beer. your hand is set on your chin, your bottom lip pulled between your teeth.
“my god eds, if she wasn’t your stepdaughter…” steve groaned.
“i’ve thought about the same thing, stevie” he chuckles, shaking his head a bit. “watch this” he whispers. “hey princess, can you get me another beer please?” he asks.
“yeah!” you say cheerfully, smiling brightly as you stand up. you lean over the coffee table, grabbing his empty bottle before turning to steve. “do you need one too, mr. harrington?” you ask, tucking a hair behind your ear.
steve stares down your top, not even concealing it as he smirks at your boobs spilling over your tank top. “yes please, hun” he hums, handing the empty bottle to you. you hum softly as your turn, your skirt flowing up and showing off your cute little pink thong as you walked off to the kitchen.
you come back with two cold beers, freshly opened. once more, you lean over the table to hand the men their beers, this time both steve and eddie look down your top. “thank you sweetheart” eddie smiles, and you nod softly, going back to your position in front of the coffee table on your knees.
“yn, you wanna hear something cool?” steve asks. “it’s this fun mind trick robin taught me.”
you smile, nodding as you look up at him. “yeah, what is it?” you giggle.
“if you pretend to shake a salt shaker into your mouth, you’ll start to really taste the salt” he nods, and eddie snorts at that. “like this” he says, showing you the position.
you hum softly, furrowing your brows. “really?” you smile, beginning to mimic his actions. steve and eddie both bite their lips, their pants tightening as their cocks harden quickly. “like this?” you ask softly.
“yeah, just like that” eddie nods, squeezing his cock through his pants. you nod, continuing to do it. your tits begin bouncing, nearly spilling out of your top. steve pushes his hand down his pants, taking a deep breath as he palms his dick through his underwear.
“i dunno, i don’t taste anything” you say, frowning a bit.
“you gotta stick your tongue out too, baby” steve groans quietly as he begins to jerk his cock in his pants, eddie mimicking his actions as they get off to you.
you nod, sticking out your tongue and shaking the salt shaker. “jus shake it a little harder… you’ll start to taste it” eddie breathes as he squeezes the base of his cock, trying not to cum too soon. steve reaches to squeeze his balls, biting back a loud moan as you shake your arm harder, your tits now bouncing with more vigor.
“yeah… yeah honey like that” steve grunts out softly. “so close…” he whines under his breath as he humps his own hand.
steve and eddie both gasps, biting down on their fists as cum leaks from the head of their hard, red cocks. “i think i taste it a little!” you giggle softly.
“yeah honey…” eddie nods lazily, pulling his cock free and grabbing some tissues to clean the cum from his hand, offering some to steve as well.
“that was super cool mr. harrington!” you smile as you turn back to them. “thanks for showing me that.”
“anytime, honey…” he breathes out, pillows now covering the messes that eddie and steve had made in their pants
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lil-quinnie · 2 years
I'm not that innocent
part II
Stepdad!Eddie x F!reader
Warnings: STEPCEST, AGE GAP (Eddie's 40s and Reader is middle 20s) , daddy kink, oral (m receiving) , slight pet play, dom sub dynamic, degradation, cheating, bad family's relationship, nipple play, breast fucking, Lemme know if i forget something <3
Summary: Your mother left your stepfather alone and lonely on her birthday, the next morning you wanted to make his morning as easy as possible, that's what a good girl would do, isn't it?
picture of older eddie by: @eddiemunsons-missingnipple
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You've known Eddie for almost five years now, ever since he started dating your mother when you were fifteen, your mother and he didn't know each other well when they had the brilliant idea of getting married and living together in less than three months of dating.
You didn't have to say how disastrous the whole get-together was inside the suburban house that used to be just yours and your mother's, and now in every room you looked there were traces of Eddie, from Mister Munson to you.
For two long years your Mother's marriage to Mr. Munson seemed like a fairy tale, he brought her flowers at least twice a week, cooked delicious dinners while your mother drank a (few) glasses of wine until they were both laughing and bumping into the hallway walls, giggling and whispering like two teenagers in love, it was cute you thought.
Things started to get bad on your 18th birthday. Eddie used to work in a big mechanic and managed to buy you an almost new car as a gift, your mother knew the whole plan and helped the man with every detail, from covering the car with an old sheet to blindfolding you and guiding you to the garage.
Maybe it was your reaction, maybe it was Eddie's hands hugging you back, hands in your lower back, maybe it was how you jumped and laughed causing your body and your stepdad's to brush against each other,your mother could see your braless chest squeezed on her sweaty husband, but something in her attitude has changed, both with you and with her husband.
Unlike your mother who is an extrovert, you were quiet, preferring to stay with your books and headphones. Your quiet nature caused your voice to be low and calm, which would explain your mother's sudden change after your explosive reaction , with her husband and not with her! Which ignited a flame of insecurity inside the head of the older woman who was always talking back to you for anything you said, who started to ignore you and made your life more difficult at every opportunity .
The situation for Eddie wasn't the best either, they fought over any and all nonsense and it always ended the same way, with him begging her to stay, while she kept saying terrible things to him, the ending was your mother slamming the front door in his face, going to god only knew where, as he sat in the dark room, face in his hands.
It didn't take long for rumors to start running around town. One day of carelessness and your mother was seen by a neighbor kissing a boy much younger than her. And from what you'd heard, it wasn't the first time.
That was 2 years ago, you didn't stick around long enough to find out if they were real or not, but you never understood why Eddie put up with it all and believed your mother's sarcastic voice when she denied the whole story.
Now, 2 years older than the last time you were here, you avoid that story as much as possible, of course the weekly calls home became monthly and soon you only called on major holidays, visiting was out of the question as money was tight and your job at the library college barely paid your rent. 
You wouldn't accept financial help from them even though they insisted, knowing what happened the time you accepted your old car.
Now, on your mother's 40th birthday, you were forced to be there, your mother even offered to pay for your plane ticket but you preferred to face the 9 hours on the road. When you arrived, to your -not- surprise, things weren't very different from how they were in your last days in this house.
Your mother was trying her best to maintain a not-so-fake smile as she waved from the porch and you parked your car. You were happy to see the mother you hadn't seen in a few years, now blonder with more visible wrinkles but still just as beautiful.
The tension of a few years ago didn't exist but everyone could feel that something still wasn't clicking. You gave your mother a quick hug and nodded at Eddie, as you tried to carry all your luggage alone into your old childhood room, now with some guitars and acoustic, posters of some old bands you didn't know and others that you were much more than a fan.
If you noticed the little touches Eddie left in your home, this room now certainly screamed Eddie, you mean, Mister Munson!
The strangest thing was the fresh smell of his shampoo on the pillow that used to be yours. "Does he usually sleep here?" you thought, digging in your nose, taking in all Mr. Munson scent, the cigarette, something earthy and musk, all of him, causing your thighs to press against each other to bring any kind of relief.
It had been three days since you had stayed with them and the tension was only beginning to rise. You could hear the little arguments your mother had with Eddie over the smallest of things. The final straw, both for you and for your mother, was on Friday night, on her birthday. 
The argument had started over a wrong present that Mr. Munson had bought, intensified because he tried to hug the woman who was raging in front of him and ended when, to your surprise, he shouted that he missed her, he missed her touch. Making your mother grab an old backpack, stuff it with some clothes and speed off the tires of your car.
You tossed and turned all night in your bed, feeling his scent wafting around you, the sound of the man's deep breathing sleeping on the couch echoing in your ears, making your hand roam over your body, adding pressure everywhere you thought that Eddie would pay more attention until you found your sex already wet.
The mere memory of Mr. Munson's hands were enough to send you over the edge, but it was hearing him moan in rage that made you come harder, thinking of how he could take all that anger and frustration out on your pussy at the same time, instead of anything else he was doing right now.
You didn't know how to act the next morning, not because you heard the fight, but because you knew how needy your stepfather was, that information made something carnal wake up inside your chest and you decided to test the waters around you.
You decided to act as if nothing had happened, leaving the room only in a baggy T-shirt and shorts so short they barely showed, and a pair of white socks.
You went to the kitchen to make coffee when you noticed the unconscious figure of your stepfather lying on the sofa, his hair covering half of his face and the half you could see was beautiful.
You prepared two large mugs of coffee, looked for the man's cigarettes and took a deep breath trying to gain more courage to wake him up, not knowing what his reaction would be after this type of situation with your mother.
You put everything on the coffee table in the living room, knelt down next to the sofa and brushed some curls from the man's face. Eddie squirmed under your touch and slowly opened his eyes, taking time to understand what was happening and where he was.
He sat on the couch, having an overhead view of you, getting to see the contours of your breasts and your nipples already erect from the weather, peeking out from under your shirt "my shirt" he thought to himself as he looked your body up and down. down, smiling slightly when he saw you kneeling so close to him.
"Good morning sweetheart" he said in a hoarse voice, rubbing his face with both hands "Sorry, I didn't expect the night to end like that" he gave you an apologetic smile, you just nodded and passed the mug of coffee for the older man.
"It's okay, really. It wasn't your fault" you smiled, as you started to stand up, you let your shirt ride up to the curve of your ass, as you purposefully bent down to pick up one of Eddie's cigarettes, turning to face the man who was obviously checking you out "May I Mr Munson?" you asked in the sweetest voice you had in your arsenal.
Eddie took a while to understand what your request was and looked away when he saw your obvious smirk and cleared his throat to disguise the blush rising in the man's bearded cheeks.
"S-sure, be my guest sweetheart" he straightened his body on the couch, sitting as straight as possible, bringing a pillow to his lap trying to hide the erection marked in black jeans.
"But you know you don't have to call me Mister Munson, right? Fuck, I don't even think my father was called that." he chuckled softly as he took a few sips of his delicious coffee
You now leaning against the window across the room, cigarette wedged between your lips, you shrugged and lit your cigarette, your eyes never leaving the man's eyes, who eyed you suspiciously
"Sorry, old habits die hard" you blew out the smoke and smiled at him, the kind of smile he hadn't gotten in a while, the kind of smile he'd gotten from your mother for the past two years.
"Yes! Of course,yeah, just Eddie is fine" He had to take a big, long drink of his coffee to quell the malice that was growing in his face, but he didn't expect your answer to be as direct as it was "I thought you wanted to that I called you daddy" you bit your lip as the man took a slight choke on his coffee before giving a disbelieving laugh.
"You would like that, right, little girl?" The smirk and the hungry look that Eddie was giving at you made your thighs clenched automatically, this time harder causing a low sigh to escape your perfect lips. Not going unnoticed by Eddie, who was already sitting with his forearms resting on his knee as he stared at you like you were a prey.
"Yes" you said above a whisper, "Yes what?" Eddie's gaze never leaving your face;
"Yes d-daddy" you replied with a groan, making the man squeeze the pillow tighter on his lap, “Good girl”.
Silence filled the living room, you could hear your stepdad's cigarette paper burning across the room at the same intensity you could feel his gaze burn holes in your skin
"Are you, are you feeling better, Daddy?" you smirked as you approached the man sitting on the couch a few steps away from you.
"Stop!" he demanded, making you stop instantly, not knowing if he was asking you to stop the overt flirting or if he wanted you to physically stop moving so you did both.
"So obedient, what a good girl" he said, taking the pillow off his lap leaving the bulge in his pants apparent to you, he brought a huge, ringed hand to his cock, groping and squeezing causing the man to moan
"please daddy" you said pathetically not really knowing what you were asking for "please what little girl?" he said, now sliding his hand over his cock, showing all the girth that would hopefully be filling your desperate little pussy
"Can I get close to you? Can I make you feel good daddy? please" Eddie could sense how much you were in need and decided to take full advantage of it.
"You can, of course you can princess" he smiled as if he was hiding something and before you could say thank you, he completed the sentence "but come crawling to daddy, little girl" 
The words disappeared from your mouth, your knees were already weak watching Eddie touching him even if only over his pants.
Your knees sank to the floor, and you made a point of pushing your ass as high as possible, leaving your little white cotton panties visible as you crawled between the older man's legs.
You can smell him faintly in your nose, the same one that surrounded you all night for the last 2 days. With his small hands gripping his stepdad's thick thighs Eddie did the one thing you wouldn't expect him to do, he grabbed a handful of your hair and rubbed your delicate face against his crotch.
"Yeah, that's it, I know you like it you little slut" he circled his hips against your face, you could feel his already hard cock pressed against your face "you think I didn't listen to you yesterday?" you let a moan come out of his mouth followed by a chorus of "please, please, oh! let me taste you daddy, i'm your good girl, i'm your good kitten"
Your last sentence made the man moan loudly and start to unbutton his pants in a clumsy way, pulling his pants down to his ankles and kicking them away, your hands went up his thigh, stopping at his groin, you could feel the heat emanating from him. of his dick.
"Go on little girl, take your time" 
he said, opening his legs wider for you to settle between them.
You did as you were told, your hands roamed your stepfather's body, who felt everything as if it were torture, your hand enveloped his hard cock, giving a few kisses to the covered head of the member, you could taste the precum through the fabric of his boxers.
You pulled the underwear down Eddie's legs, gripping his cock in both hands, touching your feather-light lips to his red head, giving cat-like licks as you moved your hands up and down. "oh! fuck" Eddie's hands found the hair on the back of your neck, taking control of your head, forcing your mouth deeper and deeper into his hard cock. "Put your tongue out little girl, let daddy fill your throat, huh?" you just asserted and stuck out your tongue as much as your body would allow.
Eddie took advantage of the space your sticking-out tongue created and shoved his cock deep down your throat "mother…fucker" he groaned, setting a rhythm as he fucked your throat. He wiped away the fat tears that were streaming down your face and you could see his smile through your blurred vision as he licked your tears away from his thumb print.
"That's it little girl, making daddy feel so good" Eddie ripped your head off his cock so you could breathe, you moaned at the lack of contact causing Eddie to slap your cheek, making you even redder. "Thank you daddy" you said, leaving the man almost speechless.
The stepfather's hands went to the hem of your shirt, lifting it, leaving your bare breasts on display. "I knew it" he said, slapping your chest with his hand  "looks like my little girl is a slut", Eddie stuffed part of the hem of your shirt into your mouth, trapping the fabric between your teeth as he attacked your nipples.
He licked and sucked your nipple like a starving man, pinching the other nipple with his fingertips, rolling and tugging, making your muffled moans almost inaudible, but not to Eddie.
He ripped the shirt from your body holding your face between his fingers "Now open that pretty little mouth wide little girl, I need you to get my cock very wet for what I want to do to you next, ok slut?" he whispered as he passed the head of the cock in your mouth asking for access.
You opened your mouth wide, his cock assaulted your mouth without mercy, going so deep that with each thrust your mouth watered more, making your saliva run down your stepfather's balls and your full bare breasts "That's it, little girl, swallow everything daddy gives you" You completely surrendered control of your head to the man, so it was no surprise when he ripped you off his cock and made you suck his balls instead, causing more saliva to run down your body .
You took an entire ball into your mouth, sucking so gently it took Eddie over the edge more than once in a row, he pulled your bodies apart, lifting you off the floor and placing you on the sofa in the position he needed you, leaning against the headboard of the sofa. Your step dad jerked off a few times before wedging his hard cock between your breasts.
His big hands squeezed your breasts against his cock, he used the mixture of your fluids to slide the hard member against your skin, always letting the luscious head hit your chin "C’mom princess, let me in your mouth, open that little mouth for daddy", Eddie ran his fingers over your nipples, making you grind against the couch looking for any kind of relief.
Eddie was so mesmerized by the puddle forming on the black leather sofa that he didn't notice your open mouth, a string of saliva fell on the head of his cock, snapping him out of his trance, faster fucking your breasts as the angry head of his cock it entered through your lips, brushing deliciously on his tongue, the texture of your taste buds made eddie's knees weak
"Please daddy, give me more, I can take more" you said trying to get more of him into your mouth as he fucked frantically, pinching and pulling at your nipples, he was in a frenzy. Head thrown back, eyes closed, highly pornographic moans followed by insults that made you feel like the most desired and admired woman in the world “‘m gonna come, oh!fuck, where? where can I come?" he said between moans.
"In my mouth, I want to taste you daddy," you said, making your tongue swirl around the head of his cock. The man moaned louder, jamming his cock deep in his mouth, "Such a slut, such a dirty slut, oh! fuck" you went up and down sucking his cock, as he held your head in place and thrust most of his cock in. in your mouth, cumming deep in your throat. "oh! fuck" he sighed with his forehead against hers, "fuck little girl, I don't think I've ever come this hard in my life" his husky voice made her cheeks flush, bringing out a shyness that hadn't been there a few minutes ago .
"Come here" he said, holding your face and for the first time in the night, his lips touched yours, he could feel the sweet taste of your mouth mixed with his cigarette that you had smoked earlier, he knew it was the new favorite flavor of his and that now that he's tasted the forbidden fruit no other flavor would suffice.
The kiss was slow, despite the few words exchanged you could feel how important his touch was to your stepfather, he licked his tongue and kissed you as if he hadn't had any kind of contact for years. And maybe he hadn't. The kiss was broken by the ringing of the phone. Eddie's naked figure walked away from you, taking the phone in his hands and walking to the bathroom. "yeah, yeah ok, I'll be there as soon as possible", you could hear the muffled sound of Eddie's voice as he cleaned up.
The mess that oozed between your thighs from an untouched pussy was pathetic, you felt your clits throbbing, making you squirm with every little contact of the panties with your button.
When Eddie came back from the bathroom he was fully dressed in his work overalls,
"Sorry dollface, emergency at work" he said leaning down as he spoke to you, he placed a few more kisses on your mouth and your jaw "I'll be right back" one kiss "I don't want you to touch yourself" his fingers circled your clits over her panties "that pussy is mine" in a whisper "you want to be my good girl don't you? my good kitty?" he stood up, making himself look a lot more intimidating.
"yes, yes daddy, I'm your good girl" you said getting up, your half naked body pressed against his, his hands roaming your body, squeezing your ass as he kissed you, taking you with him towards the door "My good little girl", he said, pulling out of your embrace.
"I'll see you later, okay?" he said with his body almost completely out of the house "and, thanks for... for today, I.." you cut him off with a quick kiss on the lips "see you later, daddy", your smile made him melt a little on the doorstep, giving you the sweetest smile you've ever seen on your stepfather's handsome face.
He just waved and closed the door, leaving you alone in a house that wasn't yours, in a city that wasn't yours and thinking about a husband that wasn't yours.
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jo-harrington · 2 years
WIP Game
Tagged by @eddies-ashtray
Uhm…ok working on Part 3 (and 4) of Eddie x Store Manager. And as much as I would love to share something really nice and fluffy, instead you get to meet Eddie's boss:
This has not been edited. So just…have mercy.
Even after a few weeks of working together, after the first paycheck was cashed, after Kyle literally asked him one night after closing if he knew of any dealers in town that could hook him up, Eddie still felt like this job was the biggest prank being played on him.
(Eddie gave him Rick's address because there was no way in hell he was going to sell to his own boss. He might be dumb but he wasn't stupid.)
Kyle was like...the older brother Eddie never realized he wanted and, a short time later, was glad he didn't actually have. He could be a hardass sometimes, sure, like any boss could be. He cared about his business. But he was so easygoing and took care of everyone. Made sure everyone was able to have the hours they wanted. He knew a lot about music and really challenged Eddie to be openminded about his personal music preferences.
He also ribbed Eddie to no end after you, "the cute chick from that jewelry place," brought him cookies during opening week.
"She thinks you're cute too," Kyle insisted.
Eddie, of course, refused to believe it. He had seen his fair share of stuck up, fake, cheerleader types yanking his chain only to laugh in his face when he made a fool of himself.
He stuck to the Munson Doctrine. Never again.
When he told Kyle as much, Kyle just shrugged and ate the cookies himself. "Your loss man."
But Eddie kept seeing you around and you kept smiling at him. And then...well, he didn't really know what to make of you. One plus one was really not adding up to two. And when you didn’t give up whatever game he was convinced you were playing, Kyle was inevitably there to play Devil’s Advocate.
“Just go and say hi. Or at least smile back dude. God, no wonder people think you’re some evil brooding asshole. Kidding. I’m kidding. She’s new in town. Maybe she needs a weed dealer too. Or maybe she likes metal. Just go talk to her. What’s there to lose?”
So he took Kyles advice, and that was probably the last thing he should have done because now he had a...date. Was it a date? Neither of you had really specified.
All Eddie knew was, Kyle wouldn't get off his fucking ass about it.
Tagging @word-wytch @certifiedtrashmouth and @foundtherightwords (Could be fun? If you haven't shared already! No pressure if you don't want to!)
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stopthefeeling · 5 months
I am feeling sooooo maternal but like. Not for myself. For the way that I want Buck to be a full time parent to Christopher.
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lightvixxen · 2 years
Would y’all cancel me if i started writing darkfics now
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