#eddie will now gladly get on his knees for his man
peggingeddiediaz · 5 months
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Eddie Diaz forgetting to log out of his work twitter account part 144/?
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steddielations · 1 year
nsfw text, bdsm, sub eddie
Eddie’s always the more dominant one running the show with his hookups. It’s nice but it’s been so long since someone put him down, cleared his mind of everything except pleasing and being pleased.
He doesn’t know why he complains about it to Steve, who’s as golden vanilla as they come, who only offers a snort as he passes the joint back, “Eddie Munson can’t find someone who wants to slap him around? I can’t believe it.”
Eddie takes a disgruntled puff as Steve suggests he looks through their old high school yearbook, call up some of those guys that would gladly take a swing at him.
Eddie tries to tell him it’s not just about getting slapped around, it’s the whole mentality of it. The weed must be getting to his head, he can’t find the right words, but Eddie being Eddie, nerdy about anything that piques his interest, from dnd to submission, he’s got it all written down in his journal.
He’s not even all that high, doesn’t know why he willingly hands it over to Steve beside him on the couch, or why his neck prickles with heat even though few things truly embarrass him, or why it feels kinda good.
Steve almost teases him again but Eddie already looks strangely timid about showing him. It’s Eddie, so writing a guide for his weird sex is a very Eddie thing, and maybe Steve’s a little endeared by it, whatever. So he doesn’t joke, he blinks the glaze from his eyes and scans the page.
He doesn’t know a ton about this stuff, nothing beyond a couple girls asking him to spank them a little or rest a hand on their throat, it gave him a rush too but he tried not to think too hard about why. He expects to see things like that in Eddie’s journal and yeah there’s some, but also, Eddie’s written out why he wants what he wants.
His mind is loud. That riot of energy that surrounds Eddie, it’s hectic inside too, buzzing next to Steve even now. Almost a magnetic pull, sometimes Steve gives in, touches Eddie’s shoulder or his knee, just to feel his static, how it flutters and then calms under his hand. To be settled, Eddie’s journal says, to let his mind float, to feel nothing but intensely good, to trust someone else to think for him.
Steve’s seen Eddie parading around, the way he basks in any kind of attention and clearly enjoys having his way, but Steve can see the thrill of having that taken away from him. To be put down, the journal says, made to feel small with words, some mean and some sweet, with hands, both rough and soft. Eddie wants to be held down and fucked, overwhelmed to tears and praised for taking it, to be told he’s a good boy despite himself.
Steve’s face heats, doesn’t know why he’s thinking about what it’s like to make Eddie Munson feel small, to turn all his big fancy words to mush in that loud mouth that drives Steve crazy sometimes, to be the one this absolute hell of a boy wants to be good for.
Eddie suddenly reaches out, “Okay I think that’s—”
“Wait, I wasn’t done,” Steve holds onto the journal, but doesn’t keep reading, seeing how Eddie looks more flustered than Steve’s ever seen him.
“Harrington, this is getting kinda humiliating, man.”
Steve smirks before he can stop himself. “Thought that’s what you wanted.”
Eddie’s eyes go wide, sinking back against the couch. His face flushes slightly red in a way that puts a strange flutter in Steve’s stomach, seeing how he affected Eddie like that. His hand lands on Eddie’s thigh before he realizes he’s reaching out, feeling how he tenses then relaxes under the touch, looking as silently shocked as Steve feels.
“Not judging, Eddie, I swear. Just let me finish reading, okay?”
Eddie scoffs a nervous laugh, fidgeting and covering his mouth as he nods.
Steve goes back to the journal and his hand tightens just a bit when he sees what’s there. Eddie mutters something, biting down on his knuckles but he doesn’t pull away. It all makes Steve‘s palm heat up against his thigh, reading the next thing Eddie wants.
To be spanked, just hard enough, it’s more about the shame of the sting, the rush that comes from being a little helpless, the release that comes when his body accepts it all as pleasure. Steve pictures it, Eddie Munson, who treats life like a stage only he was meant to walk on, bent over and taking each hit. The way he’d writhe and bask in the humiliation, finally getting treated like the little star of the freakshow he loves to be.
The flutter in Steve’s stomach twists tight and hot because in his weed-hazy mind, it’s his lap that Eddie is lying across, it’s his palm stinging and making Eddie whimper, it’s him that Eddie’s looking up at with watery eyes begging to be ruined.
Steve swallows thickly when he comes to the next thing. The handcuffs. He’s always been transfixed by Eddie’s hands, how nice they look in all his bulky silver rings and chain bracelets.
He wonders if Eddie would look even better in handcuffs.
His eyes wander over to Eddie’s hands again, where he still happens to have two fingers bitten between his teeth, cheeks flushed and eyes widened at Steve. It’s a sight Steve doesn’t have time to really revel in how it makes him feel because Eddie darts forward, snatching the journal.
“Alright okay, I think you get it, the freak is into freaky shit, big surprise.”
Steve drags a hand through his hair, plays it cool even though he’s hot all over for some reason. “Yeah, you’re pretty freaky, but it doesn’t seem like much you’re asking for. I mean, nothing I couldn’t see myself doing.”
And Steve didn’t mean it like that, did he? Eddie seems to think so, he starts floundering to put the journal away, nervously laughing and muttering again. Steve watches him, trying to figure out why he likes seeing Eddie so flustered, then Eddie suddenly stops.
His eyes flick down to Steve’s lap and—
“Steve… why do you have a boner right now?”
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cherrychilli · 8 months
Eddie Munson x flexible! reader, AFAB reader, allusions to PIV sex
Eddie finds out you're double jointed.
A/N: This one's super self indulgent because I'm very bendy and I felt like writing about it. Also they smoke weed but everything's consensual✌️
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"C'mon, there's gotta be something about you I don't know already", he prompts after another smoky exhale, blunt pinched between his thumb and forefinger. It wisps out into the evening air beyond the back doors of his van, opened out to overlook a moon dappled lover's lake.
This is what the conversation had dwindled down to after having spent the whole day together, most other talking points already stretched thin by now.
Usually you would have considered the question more carefully but now that your intuition's been dulled by his stash, you search through the foggy corridors of your mind for an answer like you're feeling around for a light switch in the dark.
Eddie has been your closest friend for the better part of five years now and you weren't exactly a closed book by any means which made coming up with something all the more difficult.
Most of what comes to mind feels too mundane to mention so you pass them over in favor of searching for something that might pique his interest.
"Hmm, I'm kind of double jointed I guess", you slowly recalled, too mellowed out to realize the kind of implications something like that might carry to a man like Eddie.
But where there should have been raised eyebrows and a lascivious curve on his lips you find his eyes narrowing into a puzzled little squint instead as he looks at you from where he's leaned against the back of the driver's seat.
"But we've only had one", he turns the joint in his hand over to examine it closer as if a second one might be hidden somewhere underneath.
Maybe you'd given him too much credit.
You roll your eyes at him playfully, leaning closer on your hands and knees to pluck the joint out of his hand and take another puff. The weed might have made him a little slow and sluggish to fully comprehend your what you'd just shared with him but not enough to prevent him from sneaking a peek at your cleavage from this angle.
"No Eddie, it just means I'm flexible. Like, a little more than most people", you return to your side of the van, leaning back against the side door with your knees pulled up to your chest.
"So, like the splits?"
"More than that"
"More?", his eyes go wide and you can see a hint of redness bordering his sclera, certain the same tinge is present in own eyes too.
"Yeah, like check this out", you hand him back the last of the joint for him to finish off and put out. Holding up your left hand, you fold your thumb into your palm and gather the rest of your fingers with your right hand, slowly bending them back beyond what he thought to be your limit.
The unnatural arc might have unsettled anyone else but not Eddie and you begin to giggle when his face lights up instead of twisting into a wince.
"Shit, does that hurt?"
"Nope", you start to beam a little, letting him take your hand in his when he reaches for it eagerly.
Carefully, he manipulates them, making them bend in all kinds of ways; touching your thumb to your forearm, pushing the first joint of each finger back as far as possible.
"Oh that's fucked", he smiles big and wide as if he could gladly spend an entire day just messing around with your fingers.
"What else can you do?"
His impress fills you with a new kind of high, one much more heady than the weed and you fail to resist it now that you've gotten a taste.
"Mm, I can get my legs behind my head too", you shrug, this time much more aware of what you're divulging.
"Seriously? both of them?", he manages to ask calmly enough though you can almost feel him buzzing under his skin like a cicada about to take flight.
"Yeah, don't even really have to stretch to do it"
His jaw tenses, his normally expressive face unreadable before he quietly asks, "can I see?"
Oh this is dangerous. You feel like you're entering uncharted territory in your friendship but you like the look stirring in his eyes too much to deny him.
"Maybe just one", you offer, thankful that you're wearing your cotton shorts today instead of something denim.
Sitting criss cross on the old blanket he uses to carpet the back of his van for smoke sessions, you slip off your flip flops and place both hands on your right foot. With your left hand cradling the ball of your foot and your right hand gripping your heel, you begin to lift your leg up past your chest.
The underside of your thigh which he only gets to secretly ogle on days when you're dressed like this is bared to him as you get your calf over your shoulder, no trace of pain or discomfort on your face. Dropping your right hand, you duck your head slightly to maneuver your foot over it with your left hand then it's done. Your foot slips into place behind your head, heel nudging the nape of your neck. You're able to straighten up to look him in the eye, shooting him a wink while you wiggle your toes.
"There. Not so hard", you can't help but show off, drunk on the stunned look etched on Eddie's face.
And then his eyes trailed lower.
He does it quickly -- a mental snapshot that he'll file away for later. He memorizes the way your shorts have ridden up, so tight around your core he can make out the print of your underwear and the shape of your cunt beneath the stretched out fabric, wishing he could rip the stitches of the offending material apart and fit his tongue there instead.
Pleased with your display, you untangle yourself smoothly, limbs returning to their rightful alignments as Eddie takes a few seconds to blink himself out of his thoughts. His entirely non platonic, downright debaucherous thoughts.
"Woah that was...wow", he settles, pressing his lips together before his motormouth revs up and he lets out something he'll regret. 'You're like a sexy stretch Armstrong', nearly makes its way through but he's able to bite on to it and swallow it back down just in time.
"You're the first guy I've ever shown that to", you laugh but it comes out a little weak now that you're processing what you've just done.
"Seriously? what about Mark?", he asks, face scrunching up slightly like the name left a bad taste in Eddie's mouth.
The mention of your last ex sobers you up even more. "No, I never told him", you tell him simply, smothering down a laugh. The truth was Mark's idea of kinky was leaving the lights on so you never brought up your little contortionist act, afraid it would be too much for him to handle.
"Don't think he would have been into it", you tell Eddie instead and he looks back at you, deadpanned.
"Sorry I just find that really hard to believe", he clears his throat, barely disguising his own interest.
The silence that follows has a certain weight to it. It's a familiar kind of weight that you've felt before on days when you're alone with Eddie and the line between friends and something more begins to blur. The weight of possibility.
"Always wanted to try it", you add, hoping like hell that you haven't misread that hungry look in his eyes.
"Yeah, I don't know just seems like it could be...fun?", you shrug, a not entirely successful attempt at appearing nonchalant because you've begun to sweat. The van feels far too small all of a sudden which doesn't make sense because you're nowhere near as close as you would like to be with the boy who's seems to be stuck on what to say next.
Call it a leap of faith or call it a huge fucking mistake but you decide to take the plunge and ask him the question that's been beating on the inside of your cranium like a hammer on a nail.
"Eddie, would it be weird if I ask you to-"
"Yes", he answers quickly. Resolutely.
The swiftness of it hurts like a guillotine coming down on your heart -- shot down before you'd even finished the question so you swallow down your regret like a throatful of gravel.
"R-right. Yeah I know it was stupid of me to even try to-"
He doesn't know where he went wrong until he sees your bottom lip tremble and the confidence you'd worn up until now completely strip away, realizing you've mistaken him eagerly jumping the gun for flat out rejection.
Eddie's hands come down on your shoulders as he bolts up to kneel in front of you, shaking you to shock the tears away before they have a chance rise and turn your eyes glassy.
"No! I mean yes, it's not not weird but I don't care because YES, I want to um, do that with you… is what I meant"
His grip eases up but his eyes stay wide to read your expression, chest no longer feeling like an anvil had been dropped on it when a smile breaks out on your face, the kind that feels like it could reach beyond his ribcage and touch his heart.
"Really?", you ask, somehow understanding him perfectly. If there was anyone who could make sense of Eddie's nonsense it was you.
"I mean, if you want to...", he leans closer when he catches you looking at his lips.
"I do want to", you lean in too, hands smoothing up his chest, bringing your lips closer to his.
For all the effort he put into keeping his unfiltered thoughts from spilling out it's just his luck that he stumbles over the very last hurdle before the finishing line.
"Oh my god I'm going to fold you like a pretzel"
It's so abrupt and silly and just so Eddie that you can't help but laugh, dropping your head. His lips skim your forehead and he laughs too, both of you holding each other, locked in a giggle fit until it tapers and subsides.
When you do look back up the heat that had been there before his gaffe returns tenfold. "Maybe leave the dirty talk to me", you place a hand on the back of his neck, pulling him in for a proper kiss.
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jadewritesficshere · 1 year
Eddie Munson x Reader
Content: oral (male receiving) slight sub!Eddie. Listen I just really wanna suck him
18+ only
Your eyes snapped open, adjusting to the darkness in the room as the VHS shut off with a click. The light from the TV seemed harsh, jarring you from the quietness surrounding you. It woke you up from your sleepy state, heart thumping wildly as you realized you had fallen asleep against Eddie. Eddie, who talked a mile a minute and told you interesting facts while watching movies, who had gone silent almost an hour ago as you started to drift off. Eddie, who had an arm wrapped around your shoulder, hand lazily drawing patterns on your arm where it rested. Your head against his chest, listening to the steady beating of his heart. "Sorry," you yawned as you sat up," Did I fall asleep?"
Eddie blinked slowly before smiling," Don't worry 'bout it. You need to rest." You lazily smile at him as he stands up. He stretches slowly, joints popping that remind you that neither of you are near your teens anymore. He reaches his arms above his head in a stretch, shirt traveling up just enough to give you a sneak peak of his stomach. Pale skin that showed the stark colors of the dragon curled over the top of his belly button. The dragon that had it's mouth open as if it was blowing fire, fire that actually was pink scars courtesy of the demobats. The scars that he always had a different story for when people saw ("I got attacked by a bear." "A witch cursed me." "I didn't eat my vegetables." "I used to defuse bombs").
Your eyes caught on his belly button, the stupid piercing he got claiming "a dragon had to have a hoard". The blue light from the tv causing the jewelry to glint, showing a kaleidoscope of rainbows in the opal gemstones. Your breath caught at the smattering of hair that trailed down from his belly button. Down to the band of his sweatpants that hung low on his hips. Plaid boxers peeking over the hem of his pants obscured your view of the slight v shape of his hips. The TV light providing the perfect amount of light and shadow to show the slight definition of his abs he had gained from long hours as a mechanic.
The sting from biting your lip pulled you from your casual perusal of Eddie's frame. Eddie who hadn't even noticed and was waving his hands around talking as he stared off at the wall,"- but those are just rumors. I mean if they do make a movie, it better be close to the book. No creative liberties. I want to see the book come to life, ya know? I want the dwarves to have full beards, especially the women and-"
You stand up abruptly," Shut the fuck up." Eddie pauses at your abrupt words and movement. Silence spans a few seconds as he notices the glimmer in your eyes," Excuse you?" You hum, running your eyes up and down his frame. Eddie was definitely a man, no longer the boy you had met in high school. He had filled out more, had some scruff on his jawline. His sweatpants had a hole in his knee and there was a stain on his shirt, but he had never looked more beautiful to you. And you had never wanted to fuck him more.
Eddie tilted his head slightly, untamed and frizzy curls bouncing as he tried to decipher the look in your eye. "I will gladly listen to this conversation, but I can't pay attention right now. Not when you're," you wave your hand gesturing to him," that!" Eddie scoffs," Excuse you? That?." One step is all it takes to get in his space, Eddie instinctively taking a step back.
You push on his chest, firm beneath your open palms, causing him to stumble back into the couch. He lands with a grunt and looks up at you with a look of exasperation. He goes to open his mouth to say what you're sure is a snarky remark, but all thoughts leave his head as you grab his knees spreading them open and kneeling in front of him. His jaw drops as he stares at you between his legs. You bat your lashes at him in what you hope is a seductive look, but let's be honest, both you and Eddie suck at flirting. You trail one hand up from his knee, barely touching as your fingers dance their way up his thigh. His cheeks flush, a beautiful dusty pink that spreads down his neck towards his chest. You wonder how far that blush goes as you lift the hem of his shirt.
Eddie is staring at you, frozen in time. You clearing your throat as you tug on his shirt knocks him from his reverie. "Yeah, okay, fuck uh yea." He leans forward enough to pull the shirt over his head. You lick your lips at the expanse of tattooed skin you see. You lean in, trying to decide where to start. You look up through your eyelids at him, slowly licking the happy trail, that definitely made you happy. The image of you licking his skin, peering up at him through your lashes, was burned into Eddie's retinas. Eddie's knuckles were white as he gripped the couch cushions. His stomach flexed unintentionally at the warmth of your tongue. The small whimper he let out fueled your desire, heat pooling low in your stomach. You nip and suck at his hips, one hand resting on his thigh, the other curled around his back to bring him closer to you. You pulled back after adding a lovely red mark that you know will fade to a bruise.
You can't believe you had fallen asleep next to this man, now the only thoughts involving a bed also involved cardio. You lightly trail a finger over the prominent bulge in his pants, earning a sharply inhaled breath and a buck of his hips. "Jesus fucking Christ," he groans, voice lower then you've ever heard. You lick your lips as your hands reach for the hem of his pants and-
"Wait!" Eddie startles you, and you glance up at his wrecked face. "Huh?" You blink a few times starting to pull back," Do you not..?" "No! No I do!" Eddie clears his throat and grabs the pillow next to him," I just...you should be comfortable..." His face flushes as he holds the pillow between you two, causing you to chuckle. You grab the pillow and put it under your knees, even if you don't need it. "Thanks baby. You're so thoughtful." Eddie preens under the praise, looking smug. Your hands return to his waist band, tugging his pants and boxers down. He lifts his hips to help and-
You've never thought a dick to be pretty before. Sure, you've seen some good ones but this? He's long, curved slightly to the right. Precum beading at the top of a head that is flushed so red it's almost purple. A prominent vein trailing the underside of his dick that you want to lick up. Curls around the base that were trimmed but still unruly. The tension is thick as you stare at his dick, wondering where to start. He twitches under your heavy gaze. "C'mon, don't make me wait.." Eddie mumbles. "You'll take what I give you, and you'll be thankful." You snap back, watching the man pout slightly. For all his bravado and extroverted demeanor, he has no power here and he knows it.
But you decide to have mercy on him as you flatten your tongue against his dick, deciding to follow the vein from his base to his tip. Eddie lets out a high-pitched whine followed by a "thank you", but you don't really care. Yes, it feels good for him, but this is also for your pleasure. You swirl your tongue around his leaking tip, tasting the salty essence. Eddie's hand finds the back of your head instinctively, not using any real force or grip. When you fully envelope his tip with your warm mouth and suck, all coherent thoughts of his are gone. He barely can remember his own name. One of your hands holding his hips back so he can't thrust up, the other wrapped around his dick slowly moving up and down.
Eddie sits there babbling nonsense, he never could stay quiet for long. And you wouldn't want him to, his moans and groans like music to your ears. You pull off of him earning a whine. Eddie's face is flushed, bangs stuck to his forehead, a slight sweat broken out on him. He looks down at you with those big brown eyes like you just kicked a dog. "Please? Fuck, please baby? Don't stop."
You smile up at the wrecked man, the man begging for you to continue. You can feel the light pressure of his hand against your head trying to push you closer to his groin. You could make him beg. Make him wait. But he looks so good like this, you want to see him completely blissed out. You inhale deeply before lightly putting the tip back in your mouth. Eddie has no time to mutter a thank you before you fully sink down on him. Your nose coming flush with the hair you admired earlier, taking him deep in your throat without gagging. "Oh fuckfuckfuck," Eddie pants above you, lost in the feeling of you. You hollow out your cheeks and suck, bobbing up and down along his length. He was a twitching writhing mess beneath you. You lightly palm at his balls, adding enough pressure to have Eddie moan. It didn't take him long before he came with a loud groan, hips bucking without a pattern. You swallowed it to the best of your ability, some leaking out and dripping down your chin.
When he was done, you pulled off him with a pop. Eddie's chest heaved as he panted above you. Eddie looked down from the ceiling, not sure when he had thrown his head back in ecstasy. You swipe the cum off your chin before licking your fingers, eyes locked with his. "Jesus Christ," he runs a hand through his hair and lets out a chuckle. You hum and smile up at him. Eddie lightly grasps your biceps, tugging you to get up,"Not sure what brought that on, but I think its time for me to return the favor. Get up here."
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werepuppy-steve · 10 months
modern eddie would be a pibble dad. she's his baby and he puts little bows on her and he throws birthday (adoption day) parties where she gets a puppy-safe cake and his friends gladly show up with presents for her.
the mall hosts pictures with santa the entire month of december and allows pets for an extra cost that eddie gladly pays. his girl is well behaved and knows her manners in public spaces, thank you very much. but unfortunately, sadie is still a pitbull and society hasn't quite moved past its breed biases yet, even if she is sitting quietly at his feet in line and with an "ask to pet" patch on her harness that eddie had turned into a doggy battle vest.
"oh my goodness, is that sadie?!"
sadie's tail starts going crazy at the mention of her name and a woman dressed like an elf crouches down with open arms, ready to receive the gift of happy puppy. sadie immediately plops down and rolls onto her back, showing her belly, which the woman gleefully rubs and pats. sadie's tongue flops out of the side of her grinning mouth, her tail sweeping the floor.
"santa was wondering if he'd see her this year," she says to eddie this time, and gives him a subtle wink that has eddie chuckling. "along with a certain owner, too."
eddie and santa may have started flirting a couple years back. he's not ashamed.
the woman lets them through and there he is. the big (not really) man himself sitting in his chair with his fake beard and red shirt stuffed with fluff.
"well if it isn't my favorite pup!" santa says, patting his lap. sadie puts her front paws on his knees and pants happily as the man scratches her chest and sides. "at the top of the nice list, just like always."
he glances up at eddie with a certain glint in his eye. "and you, mr. munson, are at the top of the naughty list. we'll have to see about fixing that, won't we?"
it actually makes eddie blush, which never happens. it's usually the other way around and he's not used to the butterflies that fill his stomach. however, eddie munson is not one to be thrown off his groove, steps up to santa's side to pose for the photo and fires right back, "what can i say, some like me naughty. now smile for the camera, santa."
he's not sure what the photo looks like, but judging by the blush on santa's cheeks under the beard, eddie wants to put money on it being his favorite. the same woman from check in mans the camera and she frowns at the little screen.
"maybe we should retake it, this one's a little blurry and santa's eyes are closed."
it's very much neither of those things, seeing as the camera's on a tripod, but eddie isn't about to back away from an open opportunity.
"you mind if i borrow you lap for this one, big boy? hunching over like this is killing my back." before santa can reply, eddie's plopping himself into santa's lap and throwing an arm around his shoulder, giving sadie the command to lie down for the photo. just before the woman can press the capture button, eddie steals a quick kiss to santa's cheek.
he doesn't realize he's forgotten to take the photo with him until later that evening. he huffs as he tosses the empty frame to the side and pouts at the blank space on the wall next to all of sadie's other pictures with santa. he perks up when the front door opens and steve calls out a greeting.
eddie walks into the kitchen where steve's setting his bag on the counter and wraps his arms around his shoulders, giving him a soft peck. "hi, baby."
steve pulls him closer by his waist, returning the kiss. "mmh, have a good day today?" he murmurs against his lips.
eddie nods and pulls back before the kiss can lead to somewhere else. dinner still has to be made and he's not above refusing sex on an empty stomach lest he get hangry in the middle of a blowjob. "sadie got her photo with santa this morning, but i completely forgot to take the damn thing with me when we left."
steve hums and presses fleeting kisses to eddie's cheek, trailing them down to his jaw and making eddie sigh as he tilts his head back. eddie's eyes are closed, contentment washing over him as his boyfriend holds and kisses him so sweetly, so he doesn't see steve blindly reaching into his bag.
"you mean these photos?"
eddie makes a sound of confusion as he opens his eyes. steve's holding a fancy photo holder with the mall's name on it.
"you asshole!" eddie says without any heat as he swipes the envelope from steve's hand, the other man grinning. "you could've texted me and told me i forgot them. hell, robin also could've."
steve chuckles and quickly maneuvers out of reach of eddie's teasing smacks. "i'm sorry i was a bit distracted by the cutie sitting on my lap and kissing me. which was very bold, by the way, not many people want to kiss santa."
"would have done a lot more than kissing, but a mall full of children is neither the time nor place," eddie mumbles under his breath. sadie decides to join them, stretching her front paws out in the doorway before sleepily trudging over to steve for pets.
"there's my girl! you were such a good girl today, weren't you? were so well behaved getting you picture taken." the way he immediately dissolves into baby talk with her is hilarious. he's knelt down on the floor, smooshing her face between his hands and scratching behind her ears. "just sat there patiently while dad decided to accost daddy at work, yes you did!"
eddie rolls his eyes and takes the pictures into the living room to be framed and hung on the wall.
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duuhrayliegh · 1 year
blowing bartender!eddie behind the bar whilst he makes drinks for the regulars and has to try his best to be cool. His knees are buckling and he's trying his best to suppress those throaty groans, but you're making things awfully difficult. He cums down your throat, and nobody is any the wiser of your filthy activities. He names a drink after you as a reminder of you.
bob on the knob
bartender!eddie x burlesque performer/baby doll!reader
send your request here!
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It's a peaceful Saturday night when Eddie thinks that you've officially lost your mind. Well, maybe not completely, but this was definitely something that you weren't typically into.
"You wanna what?"
The words are breathless by the time they leave his mouth. He doesn't know of a single time that he's been baffled, but you can definitely count him bamboozled at this moment.
"Well, I know it’s something you’re into and I’m comfortable exploring new things with you.”
His eyes flick down to your hands which you wring into the excess fabric of the your stolen band tee. Eddie softens at your explanation, and stands from his spot on the bed to approach you.
“If you’re not into it, we definitely don’t have to, but I know that when we talked about it originally you said that you were turned on by it so I just wanted to give us the opportunity to try it.”
He stops in front of you and drops to his knees as his hands land on your hips. Eddie can feel the lining of your underwear through the worn material of his shirt and he twists his fingers into the elastic.
“Baby doll,” he rests his chin on your lower stomach, looking up at you through his lashes and curly fringe, “I want to do whatever you’re comfortable with. I know this is outside of your comfort zone, so the ball is entirely in your court.”
That was about a week ago, and Eddie has been on edge ever since. He can't lie when you first propositioned him, he immediately wanted to jump on the opportunity, but he knows you. If you were willing to lean into Eddie's fantasies, then he needed to give you all the control--especially when it comes to this particular kink of his.
"Hey, Teddy."
You pop up from behind him, hands reaching out to pinch the skin just above his jeans. Eddie jumps away from you with a yelp, his hand coming up to cover his heart dramatically.
“Baby doll," he reaches out to you, fingertips grazing the bejeweled fabric of your most recent costume. "You look gorgeous."
Eddie hates to pick favorites, but he does--and he does so gladly. This glitzy red number that you’re wearing—in what has to be his favorite performance of yours—is definitely in his top three costumes. Just behind the pearl get-up that, in Eddie's opinion, can't really be considered a costume by the end of that performance.
He leans forward and gives you a chaste kiss, something that you've both deemed appropriate for the workplace. Eddie feels your smile against his lips, one of the things about you that makes his heart flutter. You hum against him, pressing your body further into his.
"Excuse me. Can I get some service over here?"
A buttoned-up man was tapping his knuckles impatiently against the bar. Eddie's eyes swipe over the jackass that's interrupting his Baby Doll's time. He squeezes your hand once before fully focusing on his job.
"My apologies, sir." Eddie slings the bar towel over his shoulder. "What can I get for you this fine evening?"
Eddie watches as you wave goodbye from behind his latest guest. He sighs heavily as the man before him begins talking--out of his ass to be perfectly honest.
"Well, you could start with actually doing your job instead of flirting with the dancer girls." Jackass loosens his tie as he throws the comment in Eddie's face.
"I do apologize sir. You have my full attention now, so what can I get for you?" Eddie asks.
"Whisky sour." Jackass stands from his seat to take one of the empty lounge tables. "And keep them coming without distractions if you know what's good for you."
Eddie clenches his jaw, he pulls a face as he makes Jackass's drink. The lights dim and Eddie can see the way Jackass watches the women on the stage perform. Eddie passes the drink off to one of the waitresses and directs them to the intended table.
Having worked in customer service for this long, Eddie has the ability to predict if he's going to have a slow night. Tonight just so happens to be one of those nights. He rolls his eyes as he sees Jackass hold up his empty glass and look back at Eddie expectantly.
Just as he finishes off the second drink of the service, he feels a hand run down his back. Eddie stiffens and goes to turn, but is stopped by your voice.
“Don't react. Just stay calm, okay?" Your perfume permeates his senses and the thoughts running through his head send a shiver down his spine. "Nod once, if you're okay with this."
Eddie's chest feels like it's going to burst as you drop down behind him, hands trailing over his body. The button of his jeans pops open, and thankfully, the noise of his zipper undoing is covered by the booming music of the club.
He leans against the counter while your breath hits his overheated skin. Your soft fingers reach into his boxers to pull him out. He glances down and just about keels over. Eddie takes in the sight of you on your knees, hungrily eyeing his cock.
"Such a fucking goddess for me." He locks eyes with you and tilts his lips upward in a smile.
This isn't the first time he's been able to experience you like this. Every single time you offer him your mouth--because he does love to use you like a little slut, oh so much--he goes weak in the knees. And though this hasn't happened as often as he dreams about it, you both follow a similar routine every time.
Immediately one of his hands floats to your hair, gripping it at the root. The strands aren't as soft as they typically are, he suspects this is due to the amount of hairspray that you have to use for your performances.
Your tongue lashes out against the underside of his shaft, and he shudders as you drag upward toward his tip. Both hands are on the exposed skin of his hips, and he feels the crescent-shaped sting of your nails against the bones.
And just as you give him the pleasure of enveloping him in your mouth--that blissful feeling he hopes never ends--he's snapped back to reality when a glass was slammed on the bar top.
"Oh, Jesus H. Chri--" Eddie starts to whimper.
"Dude. I thought I told you service, without distractions." Jackass huffs the words, and Eddie's eyes widen to a probably comical size. He feels you hum around him, so he pulls on your hair as a warning.
"I'm sor--" he clears his throat as you take him further in yours, "sorry, sir. Another whisky sour?"
Jackass continues to mouth off while facing the stage, giving Eddie just enough time to step back to grab the bottle of whisky off the back shelf.
He slips from your mouth, a string of saliva connecting you to his stiffened cock. Eddie groans as he rights himself before you. He places the bottle on the bar and then reaches under your chin and stuffs himself back into your warm throat.
"God, such a good little slut for me," Eddie whispers under his breath as he settles in front of you again.
Eddie threads his fingers through your hair and uses it as a handle as he guides you back and forth on his shaft. His eyes roll back and his head drops back before he reaches out to attempt to do his job.
He manages to get the drink served with minimal snide remarks from Jackass, but it's without thanks to you. Every second that passes, you've managed to get sloppier and sloppier. He's honestly surprised that he was able to keep his groans quietened long enough for the brief exchange.
"You like being my little slut?" He hazards a look at you again, and it was both a blessing and a curse.
A blessing because he's truly privileged to see you in such a state. Tears gathered at the corners of your eyes, spit coating your chin and he could feel lines of it dripping off his balls and into his boxers. A curse because now he desperately wanted to cum down your throat.
His whole body felt on edge and he could track the sensations as it races through his nerves. One hand had the tips of his fingers buried in your hair, holding you to him while the other hand drifts to your throat. He starts to drive your movements, and Eddie widens his stance a bit.
The lights dim in the room and illuminate the stage, catching Eddie's attention and reminding him of your surroundings. The sound that emits from his throat is a surprise, but it kickstarts his release and his brain.
"Oh god, such a good girl for me. You like being a good girl for me?"
He continued to use your mouth, feeding his cock down your throat and feeling every movement with his hand around your neck.
“No, good girls wouldn't let me use them like this in public, would they? You're my little whore, my pretty little whore. My little baby doll." Eddie is utterly and positively a whimpering mess. Every bone in his body is begging him to fall to the ground.
"My little baby doll. I love when you let me use you like this. You love being my baby doll, don't you? Pliant little baby doll for me."
Eddie's balls tighten and he knows that he won't last much longer. He taps your cheek and meets your bright eyes that are still swimming with unshed tears.
"Not gonna last much longer, baby doll." He bites his lower lip, attempting to stifle his own trembling moans.
"You gonna be a good girl and take everything I give ya?" Eddie mumbles to you as he leans forward again, unable to stay fully upright.
"Oh fuck." He feels the globs of spit and cum gather around his tip as he releases into your throat. Eddie holds your head as close to his pelvis as he could get it and allows the waves of pleasure to engulf his senses.
"Oh my god," Eddie stills and locks his knees to prevent himself from completely melting into the floor. He whimpers as you swallow around his cock. "So fucking good for me."
You back off and begin to clean him up with your tongue. You hum while quietly tucking him back in his pants and zipping him up. Eddie follows your movements as you stand with your hands still on the waistband of his jeans.
He goes to say something but is quickly cut off by your lips. If there's one thing that he finds hot, it's how affectionate and downright clingy you are after any measure of sexual intercourse.
Usually, you would lay in his bed with the pale, thin sheets gracing your bare curves. He would trace your figure with delicate touches and soft kisses. If he was lucky enough you'd put on a small show for him, stripping yourself down from the clothes that you stole from him.
When your lips met his now, he thrust into your mouth so he could taste himself on your tongue. Eddie believes that you're one of the most erotic beings he's ever imagined. You lean back from him only for Eddie to place both hands on your cheeks.
You giggle after his response and sigh as his forehead meets yours. Eddie presses a multitude of kisses around your face as you melt into a fit of laughter. Suddenly, Jackass is interrupting again, slamming his empty glass on the countertop again.
"Man, how the hell do you do your job? You need to fucking focus on your paying customers." Jackass emphasized the last two words and cut a look at Eddie's baby doll.
"Watch it, Jackass." Eddie mixes yet another drink for the suited man. "You're still getting your goddamn drinks, aren't ya? Why don't you back off and get back to your little pity table?"
An appalled expression overtakes the man's face, and he quickly collects his drink and scurries away. Eddie places his palms on the exposed skin of your plush hips and pulls you toward his body.
"Thank you." He pecks your lips. "That was everything I could imagine and more."
Your features morph into that smile he loves so much, "I'm glad. That was actually really fun." You brush his long hair behind his ear. "I enjoy watching you squirm, you should be afraid."
"Oh, should I?" Eddie catches your hand and brings it to his lips. He brings his voice down to a whisper, "I think you should watch yourself. I might be more willing than you realize."
"I'm counting on it."
A few hours later you came back to the bar and Eddie presents you with your shift drink. He watches you eye it carefully before shooting him a curious look.
"What's this?"
Eddie's known for creating signature cocktails that Nancy puts as specials throughout the week. Usually, they're reworked versions of classics that draw people's attention. This time is no different.
"This is my play on a cult classic inspired by a recent encounter of mine." Eddie leans forward and whispers his next words while watching you take a swig of the fruity cocktail. "The Bob on the Knob."
You choke on the drink, covering your mouth when an indignant snort escapes your nose. You swallow the sip harshly before exclaiming.
"Oh my god!" Your eyes flick between Eddie's expectant face, awaiting your approval, and the drink before you. "It's actually not that bad."
Eddie laughs loudly as you walk toward the back with the drink in hand. Apparently, you weren't the only one who liked the drink though because not even two days later, it's the club special.
But only you and Eddie knew why it was really special.
a/n: anyway...yeah this isn't as good as i thought it was going to be but here we are
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starman-jpg · 1 year
It's Karma Baby (1/2)
I don't really write a lot of things, but this got stuck in my head and I actually wanted to write it. I will gladly take any critiques, but please be a little nice about it. This is my first time writing anything like this. Without further ado...
Steve brings Eddie’s hand to his lips, gently kissing his knuckles, “I’ll be right back, okay? I’ll ask for something for the pain.”
Eddie smiles and nods, staring at Steve with all the love he has.
How can someone so perfect and so in love with Eddie? It still boggles his mind.
Steve smiles, leaving one last kiss on Eddie’s hand before gently setting it down on the hospital bed. Steve gets up, bracing himself on the chair as he sways. Eddie notices and tries to sit up in the bed, hissing in pain as he stretches his wounds. 
“Steve?” Eddie says, his voice laced with concern. 
Steve gives his “I’m all good” smile, gently waving Eddie off.
“I’m fine. I just got up too fast. Now lay down and I don't want you to be more injured.” He says with a little laugh, releasing any anxiety Eddie had.
Steve walks towards the door, allowing Eddie to unapologetically look at his ass. (It’s a nice ass, sue the man.) 
“I hate to see you go, but I love watching you leave.” Eddie calls out, teasingly. 
He expected Steve to turn around, maybe roll his eyes fondly and smile that just screams I love you, you dork.
Steve stumbles into the wall, hitting it on his bad side as he mutters a string of curse words, pressing his hand to his side. His back presses into the wall as he takes a couple stabilizing breaths. Eddie sits up again, looking at Steve worried. 
“Steve?” He gently calls out. 
Steve slowly brings a bloodied hand from his side and looks down at it confused before suddenly dropping to the floor.
“STEVE!!” Eddie cries out, unable to do anything but be useless on the bed. “Shit! Shit! Shit!” 
Eddie’s panicking now. He can’t do anything to help Steve and if the blood that's seeping through Steve's shirt is any indication, he’s not doing “fine”. 
“Help! Help! Someone get in here!” He yells, trying to hold back his tears and failing. “Please! Help!” 
Uncle Wayne comes crashing through the door, quickly spotting Steve collapsed on the floor. 
“NURSE!!” Wayne calls down the hallway before dropping to his knees to Steve, pressing his hands against his wound. 
Eddie is inconsolable in his bed, still calling out to Steve. Asking Wayne if he is okay, when clearly he’s not. The nurse comes rushing in with another by her side. They ask Wayne to move aside and quickly look over Steve. They lift up Steve’s shirt seeing his bite ooze blood and other Upside Down gunk from his body.
They call for a doctor and everything seems to happen in a blur. There’s suddenly five more people in his room as Wayne goes over and wraps Eddie in a hug, gently bringing his head to his chest and running his fingers through his hair. Whispering to him that Steve will be fine. He’s a fighter.
Quickly, Steve is on a gurney and rushed away and everything in the room is silent except for Eddie’s hiccuping sobs.
It could be hours before anyone hears anything about Steve. 
Wayne called Hopper and explained what happened with Steve. In a matter of minutes everyone was piled into Eddie’s room. 
The kids are distressed, Dustin the most. Robin looks like she’s about to break down at any moment, with Nancy trying to calm her down. The others are either pacing the room or sitting with their heads in their hands waiting for any information. 
Hopper and Joyce are trying to find out any updates on Steve. But since they’re not family, they can’t release any information. Which is bullshit. It doesn’t stop anyone from perking up when Hopper or Joyce come back into the room with a slow head shake. 
Eddie stares at the place Steve collapsed, seeing a little splatter of his blood on the otherwise pristine floor. 
“He didn’t tell anyone,” Everyone turned their attention to Eddie, “did he?” 
There was a collective shaking of their heads and Eddie sighs in defeat, quickly wiping away any tears in his eyes. Eddie leans into Wayne, who has not left his bedside, and sighs.
All they could do now is wait
EDIT: Now there's a part 2!
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modern eddie would be a pibble dad. she's his baby and he puts little bows on her and he throws birthday (adoption day) parties where she gets a puppy-safe cake and his friends gladly show up with presents for her.
the mall hosts pictures with santa the entire month of december and allows pets for an extra cost that eddie gladly pays. his girl is well behaved and knows her manners in public spaces, thank you very much. but unfortunately, sadie is still a pitbull and society hasn't quite moved past its breed biases yet, even if she is sitting quietly at his feet in line and with an "ask to pet" patch on her harness that eddie had turned into a doggy battle vest.
"oh my goodness, is that sadie?!"
sadie's tail starts going crazy at the mention of her name and a woman dressed like an elf crouches down with open arms, ready to receive the gift of happy puppy. sadie immediately plops down and rolls onto her back, showing her belly, which the woman gleefully rubs and pats. sadie's tongue flops out of the side of her grinning mouth, her tail sweeping the floor.
"santa was wondering if he'd see her this year," she says to eddie this time, and gives him a subtle wink that has eddie chuckling. "along with a certain owner, too."
eddie and santa may have started flirting a couple years back. he's not ashamed.
the woman lets them through and there he is. the big (not really) man himself sitting in his chair with his fake beard and red shirt stuffed with fluff.
"well if it isn't my favorite pup!" santa says, patting his lap. sadie puts her front paws on his knees and pants happily as the man scratches her chest and sides. "at the top of the nice list, just like always."
he glances up at eddie with a certain glint in his eye. "and you, mr. munson, are at the top of the naughty list. we'll have to see about fixing that, won't we?"
it actually makes eddie blush, which never happens. it's usually the other way around and he's not used to the butterflies that fill his stomach. however, eddie munson is not one to be thrown off his groove, steps up to santa's side to pose for the photo and fires right back, "what can i say, some like me naughty. now smile for the camera, santa."
he's not sure what the photo looks like, but judging by the blush on santa's cheeks under the beard, eddie wants to put money on it being his favorite. the same woman from check in mans the camera and she frowns at the little screen.
"maybe we should retake it, this one's a little blurry and santa's eyes are closed."
it's very much neither of those things, seeing as the camera's on a tripod, but eddie isn't about to back away from an open opportunity.
"you mind if i borrow you lap for this one, big boy? hunching over like this is killing my back." before santa can reply, eddie's plopping himself into santa's lap and throwing an arm around his shoulder, giving sadie the command to lie down for the photo. just before the woman can press the capture button, eddie steals a quick kiss to santa's cheek.
he doesn't realize he's forgotten to take the photo with him until later that evening. he huffs as he tosses the empty frame to the side and pouts at the blank space on the wall next to all of sadie's other pictures with santa. he perks up when the front door opens and steve calls out a greeting.
eddie walks into the kitchen where steve's setting his bag on the counter and wraps his arms around his shoulders, giving him a soft peck. "hi, baby."
steve pulls him closer by his waist, returning the kiss. "mmh, have a good day today?" he murmurs against his lips.
eddie nods and pulls back before the kiss can lead to somewhere else. dinner still has to be made and he's not above refusing sex on an empty stomach lest he get hangry in the middle of a blowjob. "sadie got her photo with santa this morning, but i completely forgot to take the damn thing with me when we left."
steve hums and presses fleeting kisses to eddie's cheek, trailing them down to his jaw and making eddie sigh as he tilts his head back. eddie's eyes are closed, contentment washing over him as his boyfriend holds and kisses him so sweetly, so he doesn't see steve blindly reaching into his bag.
"you mean these photos?"
eddie makes a sound of confusion as he opens his eyes. steve's holding a fancy photo holder with the mall's name on it.
"you asshole!" eddie says without any heat as he swipes the envelope from steve's hand, the other man grinning. "you could've texted me and told me i forgot them. hell, robin also could've."
steve chuckles and quickly maneuvers out of reach of eddie's teasing smacks. "i'm sorry i was a bit distracted by the cutie sitting on my lap and kissing me. which was very bold, by the way, not many people want to kiss santa."
"would have done a lot more than kissing, but a mall full of children is neither the time nor place," eddie mumbles under his breath. sadie decides to join them, stretching her front paws out in the doorway before sleepily trudging over to steve for pets.
"there's my girl! you were such a good girl today, weren't you? were so well behaved getting you picture taken." the way he immediately dissolves into baby talk with her is hilarious. he's knelt down on the floor, smooshing her face between his hands and scratching behind her ears. "just sat there patiently while dad decided to accost daddy at work, yes you did!"
eddie rolls his eyes and takes the pictures into the living room to be framed and hung on the wall.
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wildlife4life · 9 months
Full moon bond or once upon a buddie intrigue me for wip asks if you’d like to share anything 😊
Because I admire you and your work so much, I will gladly share snippets from both!
Full moon bond is very popular today and I've answered a few more about it here. Here is another snippet:
Maddie and Chimney were the last to arrive, strolling up to the camp site looking slightly haggard and very tired. Jee was apparently going through another sleep regression period and lately super attached to both her parents. Technically they didn't need to shift during the full moon due to being lynx shifters instead of wolves, but Chimney says that he's been joining full moon gatherings for so long now that he swears he can feel the pull of the moon just like a wolf. Maddie, having taken Chimney's bite, says she feels the same. Plus they're pack and the bond would be very inconvenient to ignore when they can feel the others had shifted and the thoughts that are being shared. Maddie makes a beeline for Eddie the moment she notices him and Eddie braces himself. He knows exactly what she is going to speak to him about. Its the same conversation every full moon since her turning. Brown eyes misty with concern, the female lynx plants herself in front of her brother's partner. Her gaze flickers away for a second, taking note of the magical markings around the campground. A deep breath in and Eddie suspects she's trying to catch a whiff of Buck's scent. Maddie recognizes the witch's work and she was probably hoping at the sight of it, that Buck had joined the shifters this full moon. She becomes further disheartened when that is not the case and her saddened eyes return to Eddie. "He told me he was going to think about." She says softly. Buck has been telling his sister that before every full moon since she took Chimney's bite. It was lie every time and only to have one less person pester the witch about joining the pack. Slowly, Maddie reaches out and lets her fingers hover over Eddie's bare chest, glowing gold orbs tracing the geometric brand that marked him as Buck's mate in replacement for a bite. "I thought when you two mated, when he took you as his anchor Evan would..." Evan would finally join the pack and be one with them all during the full moon. Yea, Eddie thought so too.
Once Upon a Buddie is much beloved and the first fic I actually created for buddie and I really hope to get back to it.
Hot deputy whipped his full attention towards the jailed man, causing Buck to take in sharp breath. The entire force of the deputy’s anger and attractiveness were slightly overwhelming and made him a little weak in the knees. “Oh, you’re not?” Hot deputy growled and shivers went down Buck’s spine, imagining that same tone used in another less civilized situation. “Then what are you? Huh? Cus what I see is a stranger, an outsider from a big city driving my son around and feeding into his out-of-control imagination.  Letting him believe that you are some sort of Prince!” Buck jumped to his feet, “Hey man all I did was listen.  I didn’t confirm or deny anything.  And I drove him to a hospital, a safe haven where he told me his mother works!”  He was getting tired of the being accused as some sort of child perv.  “Christopher ran away on his own accord.” “My son has no reason to run away!” the Deputy yelled. “No one would listen to him! And when someone finally did, he was told he was crazy, making everything up.  He felt alone, so he ran to find someone who would listen, who would maybe understand!” The Deputy took several steps forward, fist clinching tight at his side, “Don’t act like you know my son!” “Diaz that is enough!” Sheriff Grant jerked the Deputy back at the collar of his jacket before turning back to Buck, “You too Buckley.” Buck threw his hands up in surrender and dropped back on the bed, “I’m done answering questions. Give me my phone call and corroborate my story.  I want out of this town.”
WIP tag game
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littleskittles325 · 2 years
Your Finest
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Come on….MDNI
¡Warning!-hair pulling,smacking,name calling,oral (female receiving),edging ,teasing and aftercare 
¡Short!-was going to be longer but I got lazy.
¡Mating! -brat!Eddie x Dom!reader
Hope you like this! :>
Your a lonely domtrix,and you’ve been like that since your last relationship ended.It ended because the jerk said you were too dominate,What even that means! You decided you were fed up with being alone. 
Are you went a sex slave address your Friend had loaned you.When you got there there were bowing at your feet , one says “welcome” your startled when you heard how deep the man’s voice was.You get out of your car finally and you look around the place,It was pretty fancy and bright.You where starting to forget that you were looking for a sex slave . You snapped out of your la la land to keep looking then you saw him,he was laying on the ground sighing and huffing every second.”what cha looking at lady?!” He started ,gladly your Dom skills bloomed and you pulled the chain that kept him to the ground and started stroking his neck . “I’ll take this one!” You called out ,the marketer agreed and you bought this brat-of-a-boy home . When you got home you pick him up and carried him to your bed. You start to undress him , you ask “What’s your name?”.He moves his head away and tries to fight you.You grab his face and push up to yours “What’s your name!” He whimpers a response “e-eddie “.”Eddie? huh”, “well eddie why don’t you get on those pretty knees of yours?”eddie doesn’t move,Your push him off the bed and force him on the his knees.he whimpers and gets closer,He starts to lick your clothed pussy and rubs his nose against it. You whisper in his ear “wrong choice~” you take off your clothes and you watch was he licks your thighs, you find it cute at first then you think he teasing you.So you  shove his mouth in between your legs, he whimpers. When you finally reach your climax he pulls away and then giggles. Attempting to leave  he tries but the doors are all locked. He starts begging you not to punish him but you know that shit don’t work on you so you tell him to lay on his chest across your lap.aAt this point he begging you to spank him like “yes please master spank til my ass is red!” or  “please master please!”. *smack *smack *smack he only gets louder by every smack, *smack *smack , “Fuck ,fuck,fUCK”Eddie whimpers ,now he’s crying sobbing and screaming. When your done with that  he asks “Can I ride you?”,What do you mean?”Eddie blushes “I mean you do have d-dildos right?” .Next thing you know he’s ‘riding you like crazy, moans sounds like screams of pleasure, you take your advantage of his back being faced to you.You pull him by hair to kiss him roughly  he melts into the kiss quickly. You take control of his hips and move faster than he can take ,he overrsilamtes with pleasure and come to a hard climax.  After all that you guys take a bubble bath and take a very well needed nap.
Cant say you didn’t wake up and do it again
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mumucow · 2 years
Is a couch just a couch?
Honestly, I have been behaving by not writing codas for the new episodes but here it is:
Eddie almost rolled his eyes when he saw Buck claiming his spot on his couch. It wasn’t the first time and it wouldn’t be the last time. His best friend knew that Eddie loved that spot, that rest of the space on the couch didn’t feel as good on his back and on his ass. It took Eddie a few years to make that spot conformable for himself.
Eddie was about to complain about how Buck always stole his spot when he returned to the living room holding their beers but stopped when he found the other man already asleep.
“Cheers.” He whispered to himself as he clung the bottles together before taking his other usual spot when Buck was around, at the other edge of the couch.
Even with that distance between them, they always found themselves drawn to each other always within reach and almost always touching. Either their knees or their tights, even their hands from time to time.
But since the lightning? Eddie couldn’t bring himself to touch Buck, almost as if they would be shocked if they dared to touch each other. If Eddie dared to reach. 
It was ironic before Eddie loved that electrifying energy that was always between them, that made him feel excited and drew him closer to Buck. Now? Now he was scared of it.
So, Eddie just watched as Buck slept on his couch.
He knew that Buck had come to him because his sister had made a plan to have people check on him but Eddie couldn’t keep himself from wondering if Buck had come to his house for his couch without realizing that he had already picked the couch they had talked about months ago.
That conversation had stayed branded into Eddie’s brain. How Buck had looked at him and explicitly told him that he didn’t want to pick the wrong couch again. At that moment Eddie had wondered if maybe there was a hint in those words.
Eddie took another sip of his beer as he thought about all the times that Buck had teased him about getting grumpy over sharing his spot.
“Come on, Eds. Are you going to turn Sheldon on me now?” 
Buck had told him that with a teasing grin and a glint in his eyes, back then Eddie had just huffed and let him have his spot.
Because that was the thing.
Eddie would always let him have it.
His spot.
His couch.
Eddie would share all of that gladly with Buck. Like everything in his life.
Buck just needed space and time to understand that. To understand that maybe Eddie’s couch was the right now for him.
That was what Eddie hoped for.
Because after so long of building that perfect spot for himself on his couch, Buck would just come along and take it for himself, enjoying it like it had been built for his own body.
It was like a home built for the both of them to share.
Buck just needed time to figure it out.
Tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone, but Eddie could wait as long as Buck needed to find himself and realize that he already has the right couch.
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peramess · 2 years
A Blissful Night
Warnings: Smut. Lime. Grammar. Too long to Proof Read. Long Chapter. Age Gap. READER IS 20. Etc.
Pairing: Yandere Step-Grandfather (Henry Grant) X Innocent Female Reader.
A/N: This was inspired by the movie Heaven by V.C Andrews so please do not be weirded out 😂
Word Count: 5.2k
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     "May i?" The voice of her now newly step-grandfather broke the conversation she had with her close-knit group.
They all stared at the man who had his hand outstretched to the only person he had his eyes set on ever since the after party.
"Of course, Grandfather," taking one last sip of her nonalcoholic drink, she smiled at her friends before handing the drink to one of her friend's way—which they gladly accepted.
Seizing the hand with gentleness, it returned the favor with more firmity. "Please, call me Henry." Pulling her softly with him into the dancing crowd, he pressed her body against him once placing his other hand on the lower juncture of her back and hip whilst holding onto her hand, and she placed her other on his shoulder.
"Isn't that inappropriate, grandfather? You did just marry my grandmother. It'd be strange to call you anything but." (Pls bear with me ( ̄ω ̄;) I understand some calls their step-grandparents by their name and its not strange, I just needed something to ufffffff this story ig... :P)
"You do have a point there, but," their feet moved together like an ocean tide as their body's swirled like a breeze amidst the others, "I am not truly related to you. Your grandmother and I have only exchanged last names, is all, my butterfly. Besides, I rather hear my name from your lips than to be reminded of my new status of old."
The giggle from her made him melt. His eyes softened as a smile grew on his lips.
"Well... would you be offended if I do choose to call you by your "new status of old"?" The tilt to the head and the soft eddy curiosity in her eyes caused the always serious male to
let out a rare chuckle. "Never, little butterfly. You could never offend me. It's just... hearing you say my name is quite.... relaxing for me." He added a small, kind smile of a smirk at the end of the sentence.
"Oh? But how is that? Grandmother always complained at how my voice is so unfeminine. So, I can't see how that would be possible to gain such leniency just by me uttering your name."
"Hmm, your grandmother doesn't know feminine apparently." He muttered bitterly, his hand attracting her more against him. He breathes in before continuing, "When you say my name, it doesn't make me feel so... old."
"Really?" She shed off a giggle, "Well, that's quite an idiotic thing to feel. I think you are too handsome to feel old."
"Really, now." His smile widens, dipping her slightly to wrap more of his arm around her. "You think of me as handsome? Even after considering my age?"
"Age? You're only 40, are you not? I don't really see that as much as a problem as you grownups seem to make them out as to be. And truthfully... older men are very attractive."
"You find me attractive, do you?"
"And handsome, too, as I've already said," She follows his smile. "My, my, if I didn't know any better, I would believe to think that you are flirting with me." The affection edging into the wording went unnoticed to the girl. "Flirting? I don't see telling the truth is flirting- and you want to know what I think?"
"What?" He smiles more, the emotion strong in his eyes.
"I think you know it, too. You just like to be reminded by someone else about just how handsome you really are."
"Oh, it looks like you got me straight through the heart, it seems." The two both shared a small laugh. "Well, now that you know my secret... what shall I ever do? Shall I get down onto my knees and tell you about how right you are? About how hearing the word 'handsome' forming from your delicious voice makes me quiver?"
"... Would you actually do that?" Her curiosity shined brightly from her eyes as she stared up into his. And he couldn't help but soften even more. It was hard not to, not when her attention was solely on him, nor when her gentle touch and sweet fragrance surrounded his senses.
So with a silent chuckle he leaned close to her ear, his hand removing from the hold he had on her hand to push her more onto him by the waist. "If you ask kindly... I would do anything you have of me." The hotness brushing against her ear and neck forced a small shiver up her spine. He heard her small, shaky intake, and his smile turned into a smirk. "Would you like that? Having me bend knee and back just to hear my name from yo-"
"May I have this next dance?" Being interrupted from their dance and conversation, they look to their left to see the lady in white herself; the wedded bride. She wore a tight smile, but the daggers she wielded with her maple-brown eyes towards her husband was clear as day.
"Oh, I apologize, grandmother. Of course." Taking away her hands from his shoulders, she waited for the groom to remove his hold. When he hadn't yet moved away from her, she looks up to see the stern annoyance and the cocked eyebrow resting over his face. "Um... Grandfather?" His head slowly turned to look down into her eyes, his gaze now gentle and kind. "Yes, little butterfly?"
"Grandmother would like to dance with you, so I would appreciate it if you'll be kind enough as to let go..." He let out a slow breath before covering his irked mood with a small smile, his arms reluctantly leaving the body he craved to hold a while longer, "Why, of course... My love.. your hand, please."
Being able to move around freely now, she noticed that everyone was staring at the three of them. Heat rushing up to her cheeks while she distorted into confusion, she made her way back to her friends.
"What the hell was that?" Bethany began just as (Y/n) got in range. She was a tall girl, just a year older than (Y/n). Her long hair was a brunette color, with baby blue eyes and pale skin. She was a kind person, albeit rude sometimes, but (Y/n) just chalked it up to her being truthful.
"What do you mean?"
"What do i- sweetheart, he was all over you and you stood there- letting it happen like a du-!" She jestered' wildly with her hands until she was cut off.
"Okayyy, Bethany!" George was the one to cut her off, "No need to be a prude about it." Bethany glared at him but he only rolled his eyes as he continued, "What's Beth trying to say is that guy was basically.. groping you in front of everyone? Aaand... you just kind of.. let it happen?" He finished off with an awkward glance to the wall, his lips in a tight line. How was that any better?
George's hair was a light blonde, almost platinum blonde, it was combed to the side and held down with hairgel. George was on the more chunky side, with his plump features and dark green eyes, (Y/n) couldn't help but feel attracted to him. He just looked so cuddly and warm. (... *sigh*)
George was also a bit rude sometimes, but anyone who knew him just as (Y/n) did, knew he had difficulties with words and expressing his feelings. (Y/n) knew he was just trying to help so she didn't feel any animosity for him, nor to Bethany. Why should she? Their only telling how they felt. But, even though she knew this, she couldn't help but feel a bit defensive.
"What? But we were only talking."
"Well... if that was talking, then I'm not depressed." George said with a fake laugh. Bethany and (Y/n) just stared blankly at him which in turn caused him to become rigid in his stance. "Um, right. Well-"
"Oh, come on guys, loosen up on her," Lani giggled as she walked up to the group, holding four champagne glasses filled with (probably) non-alcoholic substance.
Lani was the more outgoing out of all of the bunch. Her bright ginger hair was slicked back into a tight bun which highlighted her sharp features and bright, brown eyes.
"She's never been on a date or had anyone flirt with her, her grandmother keeps her locked up in this manner all the time, I'd be surprised she would know what kissing even is."
(Y/n) couldn't help but gape at Lani, "I do too! And my grandmother doesn't keep me locked up-"
"Yeah, she does," Lani laughed as she handed out the drinks while the others nodded. "Lani's not wrong, though, Beth. Well, she is about one thing:" George spoke up then, "(Y/n) did go on a date once... but she didn't even realize she was on a date."
"I'm right here! And what date-?!"
"Oh, yeah." Bethany then laughed, "It was hilarious when (Y/n) just walked away from the person, Lani. You should've seen their face!"
"Yeah, she just gave the person the prize they won for her and just walked away." George joined with his own laugh.
"Wait, seriously?!"
"Wait, that was a date?!"
The three just laughed at her.
Lani continued to laugh as she wiped away an nonexistent tear but it didn't take long for her to become serious just as the others. "Anyway, back to the more important topic: you should listen to us and stay away from him. It's pretty obvious the guy is into you, even your grandmother noticed."
"But we were only dancing-"
"It doesn't matter, (Y/n). You might've thought it was "just" dancing, but it was pretty clear that the guy didn't think the same thing. Look, even your grandmother noticed, their arguing now." (Y/n) sighed but followed Bethany's instructions and turned around, only to frown at the sight. They were right. Her grandmother and step-grandfather were bickering amongst themselves as they danced, one bearing a sneer and the other an annoyed expression.
"Yes, (Y/n)?"
"I'm sorry.." The grandmother pauses from taking the large earrings out of her earlobes as she looked behind her through the vanity to her granddaughter. (Y/n) stood there at the door, her head low in shame, "I didn't mean to upset you at your wedding. If I would have known that you would be so displeased with me dancing with him, I wouldn't have done so."
"No. No, it's quite alright, dearest." The woman sighed before continuing with the removal of the jewelry, "You didn't upset me... He did."
"He did?"
"Yes..." She sighed once again, turning away from the vanity to walk to her granddaughter, "The way he touched you.. The way he held you.... The way he smiled for you..... Maybe if I was younger - beautiful again... he'll smile for me too."
"Oh, grandmother." Taking her elderly Guardian in her arms, the grandmother accepted it. "But we were only dancing - talking. Nothing more, grandmother. So there is no need to think of yourself that way. You are very beautiful, and any man would be lucky to have you."
The elder woman pulled back and placed a hand on the younger one's cheek, a sad smile gracing her lips, "Oh, child, you and your innocence. If only the world was made like you.... Now, go on to your room. Me and your grandfather will be heading off early tomorrow, and I want you wide awake to say goodbye. Alright?"
"Alright, grandmother... Goodnight."
"Goodnight, my dear." Once out the room, her grandmother closed the door behind her, giving (Y/n) a small smile as she did so.
Even though her grandmother said she wasn't the one she was upset at, (Y/n) still couldn't help the pang of guilt as she walked away. But we were just dancing, joking around like any other couple that was dancing. All of it was platonic... I mean, there was a mention of flirting- but that was beside the point! Why did everyone thought otherwise?
Sighing, (Y/n) felt as though they both were innocent, misjudged by such a simple act that everyone else participated in. Everyone was dancing too, what was so different about grandfather and me?
So deep in thought, she didn't hear the call of her name as she walked down the dark corridor. "Miss (Y/n)! Miss!" Feeling a hand on her arm, did she finally snap out of her thoughts.
"Hm?" Puzzled, she turned to the woman, confused on why she was stopped by a maid who seemed a bit out of breath, "Yes? Did you need something?"
"Ah.. Hah- yes, miss. Mr. Grant requests your presence, miss." The young maid then handed her a letter and a rose before scurrying off.
"Um- th-thank you!" She called after.
Looking down at the white envelope with confusion, it was embroided with golden assignments around the edges while a deep red, stamped wax held the opening. She could smell a strong musk scent from it also. The rose she held with her fingers was white while a light yellow tinge were on the edges of each petal, and the stem was a clean green and without any leaves.
Beautiful. She thought before bringing it up to her nose to take in a rich, sweet jasmine scent. She could tell it was personally grown by well-equipped hands. But, she never had thought that Henry Grant would have such talent - or the need to grow greenery. She guessed she was wrong though, he is a surgeon after all. Surgeons were good with their hands, right?
Continuing her walk to her room, she decided she'll open the letter there.
    (Y/n), now sitting down on the edge of her bed, she let out a breath, the letter settled onto her lap as the rose laid beside her.
I wonder what it could be about... Maybe he needs my help for their honeymoon....? Even without the answer, she couldn't help it as her nerves began to quake. But, not before too long, she began to fiddle the letter open with a breath.
𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓻 (𝓨/𝓷),
𝓘 𝓭𝓸 𝓱𝓸𝓹𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓶𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓪𝓰𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝔂𝓸𝓾. 𝓑𝓾𝓽 𝓪𝓼 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓷𝓸𝔀 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀, 𝓘 𝓪𝓶 𝓲𝓷 𝓷𝓮𝓮𝓭 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮. 𝓘𝓽 𝓲𝓼 𝓾𝓻𝓰𝓮𝓷𝓽, 𝓼𝓸 𝓘 𝓱𝓸𝓹𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓭𝓲𝓵𝓲𝓰𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓵𝔂 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝔀𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓯𝓾𝓵𝓵𝔂. 𝓐𝓷𝓭 𝓹𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓮, 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓭𝓸 𝓷𝓸𝓽 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓫𝓮 𝓪𝓹𝓹𝓻𝓸𝓹𝓻𝓲𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓲𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓬𝓪𝓼𝓮, 𝓘'𝓵𝓵 𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓫𝓮 𝓲𝓷 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓷𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓰𝓸𝔀𝓷.       
- 𝓦𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮,               
    𝓗𝓮𝓷𝓻𝔂 𝓖𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓽.
(  Dear (Y/n),
I do hope this letter becomes of you. But as you now know, I am in need of your presence. It is urgent, so I hope you come diligently and willfully. And please, you do not have to be appropriate in this case, I'll rather you be in your nightgown.
- With Love,
                Henry Grant. )
Urgent? What could be so urgent that he'll have to send a message at the dead of night? She might as well go and see what exactly he needs help with. Maybe it's about a gift for grandmother?
She slowly stood before taking the rose and letter to her vanity and placing them down. She grabbed her purple, silk housecoat from the back of the chair and placed it on before making her leave.
     The large, dark oak door stood before her intimidatingly, the metal engravings around the hinges matching as the ones on the other doors.
She had gotten advice from one of the servants on where to find Grant's office. It was more difficult than she thought it would be. This is a new house after all, and she hasn't been able to sneak around the halls at night to remember the layout just yet- well, she is sneaking around at night, but this is for another reason.
Taking a breath to calm the nerves that didn't seem to stop fluttering in the pit of her stomach, she reached up hesitantly and softly knocked.
She could hear shuffling before a deaden "come in" reached out from the other side of the door. Slowly, she grabbed the handle and pushed the heavy door open just wide enough for half of her body to show, a few creaks leaving it.
"Grandfather...? You asked for me?"
The only source of light was the lit fireplace, creating deep shadows that surrounded the rest of the room as well as her place at the door. Henry sat in front of the fireplace in an expensive, leather armchair, the fire casting a warm orange glaze over him. He was laid back in the chair, relaxed in his spot as he drank on a glass half full of bourbon. He still wore the button up shirt and black slacks from the after party, but his shirt had a few unbuttoned at the top, revealing a patch of skin that bathed in the fires orange glow, as well as the smirk he had on his face.
"Ah, my little butterfly. Yes, I did." He shared a rare smile, gesturing her to come and sit in the other leather armchair, "Come in. Sit with me."
With little caution, she stepped into the room. She felt his eyes but she kept hers down as she closed the door behind her.
"I see you took consideration from my letter.... You look more breathtaking as you are now."
"Th... Thank you, grandfather." She fidgeted with her fingers whilst coming to sit in the chair.
"No need to be shy, my little butterfly..." She heard him say, "Look up at me.... Show me those beautiful eyes of yours."
A shiver ran up her spine then, it was like pressure had decided to weigh her shoulders and lungs down. She didn't know what was happening, why he was staring at her in a way that made her tremble, or why he was speaking in such a way she heard her grandmother speak to him with. But obediently as a good little girl, she followed out his command, the fidgeting with her fingers increasing as well as the twister in her abdomen.
The weight seemed to harden once she locked eyes with him, the way his eyes held onto hers before they skimmed up and down her in a slow taking paste, the way his lit up more and more until they basically glowed. His eyes were now staring back into hers, and all she could do was stay still, being pulled and pulled into his trance more and more.
Even though she was forced to stare into his eyes, she could see his mouth forming larger into a smirk. "You really are beautiful, my little butterfly," A small chuckling scoff left him with a genuine smile. He uncrossed his legs before diverting his gaze to the small, squared table that was placed in between their chairs.
"I have a present for you," He began shortly after placing his drink down and taking a small, rectangular black box in his hand. "Come." His hand flicked with the "come here" gesture, his eyes back onto her, gleaming with challenging admiration.
"Are you sure, grandfather?" She swallowed a thick ball of saliva, watching the way his eyes followed the movement from her throat, "I-..." She couldn't finish. Her voice trapped from the hard, intense gaze he had on her.
"Yes. I'm sure, little butterfly. Now, be good and come sit on my lap." He patted his thigh, giving a warm smile that did little to ease her hesitance.
Ignoring the deep trepidation, she forced herself up onto her feet, and looking down at her playing fingers as she crossed over to him with heavy steps.
As she stood in front of him, she felt a hand on her hip, helping her, guiding her onto his lap. She sat on both thighs (side ways) as the hand at her back wrapped across the middle of her back to her side while the other rested on her thigh.
The feeling of a nose digging into her hair caused her to jump from the action, and a shush came from the man as he kissed her head, his arm tightening around her and the other hand lazily squeezed her thigh, "Good girl," He mummer's thickly into her ear before pressing a kiss there as well. "Such a good girl."
"Grandfather...?" She spoke after a little while of her sitting there and him petting and smelling her. He hums, signaling her that he was listening, ".... My p-present, grandfather?"
"Ah, right," He chuckles, but before he began to open it, he whispers, "One thing we have to do before I open it," His whispered words sent her into a more fidget'tive state. "What's-... What's that?"
Her chin was guided up by two curled fingers, locking her into the sight of his eyes. He wore a smirk that brought heat up to her cheeks and down to the juncture between her thighs. Her fingers twitched at that.
"Call me Henry. I have yet to hear it from your lips," The roughness of his padded thumb caressed her bottom lip and it flicked back once he pulled at it, the action of his tongue sweeping out to lick his lips catching her eyes, and in return, she re-acted the gesture.
He was handsome, not a doubt about that: tall, broad shoulders; slick black hair with highlights of grey; a devilish smirk that for some reason brought a warmth to her insides; and deep golden pupils with dark brown around the edge to add more warmth. It was... beautiful... He was beautiful. She thought.
"What of grandmother? She will be displeased if she heard me call you that."
"Well... Let's make it our little "secret" as of now." The feeling of his hot breath brushing against her lips and the scent of strong mint filled her stomach with something hot. It was uncomfortable for her now. She didn't like this new feeling. It was like she wanted more from him and she wasn't at all fond of it. "You can get to call me Henry only when it's just you and me... How about that? That way your grandmother wouldn't be... displeased."
"Gr-grandfather...?" She stuttered. She hadn't realized how close they were until now, she could almost taste the tinge of mint on the tip of her tongue. She could hear the erratic beating of her heart, she could feel them in her eardrums. They just seem so loud that it hurt. Not to mention that her stomach even began to burn just to the boiling point of throwing up. And her lungs seemed to just quit working properly. She felt so overwhelmed that she could almost cry because of it
"Grandfather-... Please, it hurts. L-let me go."
"What does?" Concern and confusion could be heard in his voice after it replaced the deep look he had, but he made no move to let go, "Tell me what hurts?"
"My- my stomach." The hand that was wrapped around her from the back tightened to softly press against the side of her stomach, trying and successfully petting the area there. "It burns.... It feels as if I'll throw up."
"Shh. Lay your head down, I'll take care of it." His other hand gently pushed her head down onto his shoulder as he reached over to the table. Her hands clutched at the satin fabric of her nightgown over the pelvic area, the heat effecting that one spot more than the others.
"Here, drink this," He held a glass full of ice water and brought it over to her lips, letting her drink it. "It'd help cool your stomach down..." His other hand still rubbed slow circles on her belly as the insides of it cooled explicitly.
"That was unexpected." The humor laced in the wording caused her to pause drinking. "How do you mean...?"
"Ah... I meant that this just came out of nowhere is all." He placed the drink back down, but her insides were still alit. "Anywhere else bothering you?" He laid his now unoccupied hand back onto her thigh, creating a heat to rush up that thigh and up to the one place that sent sparks up her belly and spine.
"It-..." Cutting herself off, she forced herself to finish whilst looking away. "Sweetheart, you can trust me. Tell me where it bothers you," He cooed in a lightly manner, his hand now rubbing her thigh, making blood flood her cheekbones. She felt her lower region pulse and clench at every movement he made onto her. And she was beginning to have to take another sip of that cold beverage.
"It's-.... It's embarrassing." After she said that, it went silent, and she could almost hear the gears working inside his head. Until suddenly, both hands stopped and the same deep voice that sparked some twitching discomfort in her pelvis spoke in a husky rumble, "Tell me, little butterfly... have you ever been held like this by any man?"
"... No." She shook her head, not thinking anything of it.
"Have you ever been... touched by a man?"
"No." Once again, she answered. The chest she lent on puffed out with a large, silent intake of air and she glanced up to see his eyes filled with dense pride as he stared down at her. She felt as his hand - that was on her thigh - begin to move downwards.
"... Have you ever felt what it's like to be desired by a man?"
"Do you want to?" He questioned immediately after, the chest she leaned upon gradually quickened with his breathing, she could feel his heart pounding. She wondered if it was like hers.
She was silent as she stared up into his eyes. And for for a moment she felt... excitement? She didn't know what it was, or if she should be afraid of it. This was all new to her... But, as she looked up into his eyes, watched as his pupils had swallowed the beautiful gold and brown she came to strangely and quickly adore, she felt as though she could trust him, and looking into his eyes, she could tell he felt the same... So, yes, she wanted it.
She wanted him.
".... Yes." She answered with clear uncertainty, but that uncertainty was quickly forced from her mind as the hand found the skin on her ankle, cupping it in a squeeze. "Then you need to do something for me."
"What is it?"
"... Pull your nightgown up." Even in the deep, rumbling voice, it was a gentle command. "I-.... Why?"
"Let me show you instead, my love." He answered her.
My love... She heard him call her grandmother that but it was different on how he said it this time; there was a longing and adoration to it, a breathlessness. When he called her grandmother that, it was forced and stern, as if he loathed to call her that. She didn't know why, but she somewhat felt... prideful by that notion. And that filled her with shame.
What is happening to me?
"Is it... going to hurt?"
"I won't let it."
"..." She wanted to speak again; to know what exactly he had in mind that she had to show her most feminine parts.
The hand on her ankle squeezing gained her attention, so as she went to look back up at him, he had bent down to her ear, "I won't do anything against your wishes. But..." the hand slowly traveled up under the dress to clench at the bottom of her knee, "I can show you how love tastes like. Show you the wonders how it's like being... taken to your deepest desires...." His lips ghosted over her skin, creating goosebumps, "All you have to do is trust me."
She licked her lips, closing her eyes, just soaking in the feeling of the heat he left behind wherever he kissed, all the way down to her neck as he pushed her hair out of the way. "Trust me... And I will show you the world, my love. Just give me your trust and I will do whatever you desire."
Her fingers began doing the work for her, clutching the silk fabric up slowly, only though, the two hadn't noticed just yet. Her body started to take control as the heat and lust took over her mind blindly; her legs spreads and her hips rolled softly, her head lolling back, and her chest raising and falling faster and faster.
"Henry..." She mumbled softly in a lost trance, and he answered by kissing with a suck at that. "That's it, my love. Just trust me. Just give into what your body desires and let me have you." Still kissing and sucking at her neck, he watched his own hand trace up her thigh, and he took his time. Just enjoying his little butterfly losing herself completely to his touch.
He played with the thick meat; squeezing it, shaking it slightly and pulling at it, loving the way how it would jiggle from his assaults. But he especially loved how her hips would roll and thrust just to have his touch. He could see the clear outline of her chunky hips and weighted belly through the nightgown she wore, and that only spurred the want and lust he always had for her even more.
"So gorgeous." He whispered, groaning as he sucked a mark onto her skin whilst he continued to play with her thigh. "Please... Henry, please.."
His chest puffed out in huffing breaths but he forced himself to calm down. Hearing her moan for him, to help her with her problem, to beg, just brought his insides in an uproar. His cock burned for release, to be buried inside her tight heat and breed her, to fuck her until she was nothing but a slobbering mess and wanting more. It almost sent him into madness.
"Please." He heard her beg once again, and he had to take a moment to just exhale the air that seemed to be trapped behind his throat. "Henry- Henry, please."
His fingers traced the silk fabric of her gown before pulling it up the rest of the way, giving direct sight of her women-hood. Though, the true prize was hid away by the multicolored panties, while a damp line soaked through the middle.
"Adorable." He mumbled with a small smile as he glanced back up to her half lidded eyes. "What is?" Her voice was small, her eyes opening as she starred back up at him.
He could only smile and lean down to steal a tender kiss. "You are." He whispered against her parted lips as he starred into her heated gaze with his own, feeling her warm gasp once he circled his thumb over a curtain bud.
"Henry," her breath hitched lightly while her hip rotated in a circle against his thumb, wanting more.
"That's it, my beautiful butterfly. That's it."
As I was editing this for Tumblr, I couldn't help but be icked the hell out 😂 like who the f*ck would screw their grandfather 😬 well step-grandfather but still 😂
Also, I hope you guys aren't disappointed that this is a MxF. I understand most of you are here for my MxM books, and that's okay, I'm just gonna write for every gender now, and do mixups here and there.
But thank you for reading anyways. I do try to write whenever I can and I know it's been like YEARS, it's just I don't have that motivation anymore. I love writing and sharing my works for others to enjoy, it's just hard when you don't have any motivation at all.
Anyways- BYEEEE
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the type you bring home to mom ~ eddie kaspbrak;it chapter two
word count: 2361
request?: no
description: in which he finally brings his girlfriend home to his over protective mother, and it goes exactly as he thought it would
pairing: teen!eddie kasprak x female!reader
warnings: swearing, overbearing mother, derogatory name calling (i guess?), basically eddie’s mom just sucking
masterlist (one, two)
note: (y/n/p) = your parents’ names
Tumblr media
I played with the hem of my dress as I walked up to the Kaspbrak household. I was regretting my choice in wardrobe, but it was too late to change now. I knew nothing would feel right anyways, I had already changed three times before I came over.
For the first time in our year long relationship, I was meeting Eddie’s mother. We had somehow managed to keep our relationship a secret for so long that I never felt like I had to meet her, and Eddie wasn’t exactly pushing for it either. As much as he loved his mom, he also knew she was manipulative and overbearing, and he often told me how he was afraid of his mom scaring me off because of these facts.
When the news eventually got out and travelled quickly through the small town of Derry, as gossip usually does, it got to Ms. Kaspbrak in no time. She immediately demanded to meet me, and Eddie set up a dinner at his house for the occasion.
Before I could even knock on the door, it swung open to reveal my tall boyfriend smiling down at me. Any tension I had melted away as I looked up at him, into those beautiful eyes that could calm me down whenever they were on me. He took my face in his hands and pulled me to kiss him. It was such a normal action that, at first, I leaned into it happily, until I realized the circumstances of my visit and quickly pushed him away.
“She’s not here,” he said, as if reading my worried thoughts. “She’s gone out to get some stuff for dinner.”
He stepped aside to let me step into the house. It wasn’t unfamiliar territory; Eddie and I had had many rendezvous there during the rare moments when his mom wasn’t home, but it felt wrong to be there on this occasion. I just wanted it to end already, and to go home or go for a long drive with Eddie.
“Come, sit,” he said, leading me to his living room. We sat close to one another on the couch, so close that we were just barley touching. Feeling his arm brush against mine sent sparks through me.
“How worried should I be?” I asked him, trying to remain as light as possible.
He sighed and shuffled in his seat. “I wish I could tell you not at all, but...”
He trailed off so I finished his sentence for him, “But it’s your mom.”
Eddie nodded. “But it’s my mom.”
One of his arms was around my waist. I hadn’t realized that the skirt of my dress had hiked up a little until the hand around my waist started to play with the hem, his fingertips brushing against my ass. His other hand touched my leg, starting lightly on my knee and then slowly travelling up my thigh till it stopped on my inner thigh. I shivered, wanting him to go further.
Most people who knew him would never believe that Eddie Kaspbrak, the hypochondriac, fast talking, former sheltered mama’s boy, would be absolutely mind blowing in bed, and constantly handsy whenever we were alone. I hadn’t even believed it until we got together, but man, Eddie knew how to make me feel absolutely amazing.
He leaned forward to kiss my neck, his fingers tracing circles in my inner thigh. I was shivering with anticipation and whimpers were escaping my lips. I could feel Eddie’s amused smirk against my neck as he placed another kiss there and lifted his head to look at me. He kissed my lips and his hand finally made its way further up my skirt.
Our moment was interrupted by the sound of a car door slamming. I practically jumped to the other side of the couch, touching my neck in hopes that he hadn’t accidentally left hickies there.
“You’re good,” he said, understanding what I had been doing.
The front door opened and I suddenly felt paralyzed. I wasn’t sure if I should stand up or stay sat down, if I should move even further away from Eddie or stay exactly where I was. In the end, I stayed frozen like a deer in headlights as his mom rounded the corner, arms full of grocery bags.
“Oh,” she said when her eyes landed on me. “Is this...her?”
There was a slight leer to the way she said “her”, which made me want to squirm under her intense gaze.
“Mom,” Eddie said, a partial warning tone in his voice, “this is (Y/N), my girlfriend.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Ms. Kaspbrak,” I said. “Do you, um, need any help with - ”
“No,” she cut me off. “I have it. You’re early.”
“I told her this is when to get here,” Eddie defended. “You wouldn’t tell me exactly when to invite her over.”
“Well, this is hardly dinner time,” his mother huffed. “It’ll take me a while to get dinner ready.”
“I can help,” I offered again.
“No,” she said, sharply, which told me that was the end of the matter.
I shrunk down in my spot on the couch.
“Mom,” Eddie snapped again.
She glared at me before turning to her son, trying to soften her expression for him. “I’ll let you know when the food is ready. For now...stay here.”
When she disappeared into the kitchen, Eddie immediately moved to sit next to me and took my hand in his.
“I’m okay,” I assured him. “I’ll get through it. It’s just dinner then we’re done, right?”
He nodded, but I could see the worry on his face still.
A while later, Ms. Kaspbrak called to tell us dinner was ready. She had made sure to place everything so that Eddie and I were sat at the heads of the table, far apart from one another, while she was sat between us. Eddie and I shared a look before sitting in our designated spots.
Dinner started with awkward silence besides our cutlery against the plates. I tried to keep my attention on my plate, but every so often I’d glance up at the Kaspbraks to see Eddie nervously glancing between me and his mother, and his mom just glaring daggers at me. The nervousness I was feeling took away my appetite, but I felt like I had to eat everything to make a good impression, if that was even possible.
“So,” Ms. Kaspbrak said, drawing our attention to her, “(Y/N). Your parents are (Y/P/N), right?”
She already knew the answer to this question. I had grown up in Derry, where everyone knew everyone. There was a reason she was asking, and I had a feeling I already knew what that reason was.
“They are, yeah,” I responded.
“And they’re divorced, aren’t they?”
“Mom!” Eddie groaned.
“It’s just a question, Eddie,” his mom said.
“It’s okay,” I said with a shrug. “I don’t mind talking about it. That’s kind of old news anyways. They divorced when I was 10, dad moved to the next town over and mom got full custody of me.”
“That doesn’t seem like a very stable upbringing,” Ms. Kaspbrak commented. “I’m sure it’s taken such a toll on you, you must’ve decided to rebel somehow.”
Eddie put his face in his hands, officially admitting defeat on trying to stop his mother.
“Actually it wasn’t anything like that,” I said. “Mom and dad stayed pretty civil. There wasn’t any big fight or anything, just an agreement that they’re better off not being married. When dad moved he made sure to stay in constant contact, and comes to visit all the time or I’d go to visit him. Mom always made sure I had a roof over my head and food on the table. They both love me unconditionally, even if they’re not together.”
Ms. Kaspbrak sat back in her seat, a sour look on her face. “Well...regardless, it’s just not right to be raised by a single mother.”
Feeling a bit brave, I raised an eyebrow at her. “Eddie was raised by a single mother.”
“That’s different. My husband died, he didn’t decide to abandon me and Eddie.”
“My dad didn’t abandon us, he’s still very much a part of our lives.”
She ignored me and continued to eat. I looked across the table at Eddie to see him avoiding all eye contact with either of us as he pushed his food around on his plate. As if feeling my gaze, he looked up at me. I gave him a small smile to try and indicate that I wasn’t upset with him. I wanted him to know everything was going to be okay, even if I didn’t fully believe it myself.
“How many boys have you had sex with, (Y/N)?”
The question caught me off guard and I nearly choked on the food I had just put in my mouth.
“Jesus Christ, mom!” Eddie snapped.
“Don’t take the Lord’s name in vein, Edward,” his mother chastised him.
“You can’t just ask something like that, mom, that’s none of your business.”
“Of course it’s my business. I need to make sure my son isn’t dating a slut. I remember you were friends with Beverly March before she moved away, and trust me, I heard all sorts of stories about her. Anyone who would hang around with her must be somewhat similar.”
The mention of the untrue bullshit that used to be spread about Bev made the anger within me bubble over. I was seeing red as I looked up at Ms. Kaspbrak, and I was ready to pounce.
“Actually, your son took my virginity, and I took his,” I told her. “And we have sex quite a lot, sometimes upstairs in his bedroom when you’re not home. Although, for someone who says he was a virgin I don’t know how much I believe it. Eddie has done things that I don’t even think the most experienced of people could do.”
If he was upset with me for saying all of this, Eddie’s face didn’t show it. He was sipping on his water, trying to hide the smug smile that broke out across his face.
Ms. Kaspbrak’s face turned blood red before she rose from the table. “Get the fuck out of my house!”
“Gladly,” I said, abandoning my dinner to quickly leave the shitty situation.
“And don’t you dare come anywhere near my son again, or else I will have the cops on you!” she threatened.
I stopped and turned back to face her. “For what? For dating your son? For showing him that there’s someone who actually cares about him without manipulating him? For finally cutting the cord that you’ve had wrapped around his neck since he was born? Ms. Kaspbrak, I understand that you’re afraid to lose your son the way you lost your husband, but being a manipulative bitch who forced him to think he had illnesses he didn’t have for years and insulting his girlfriend in front of him is not the way to keep him around. Eddie is 18 years old, he’s an adult. He can do whatever he wants, which includes dating whoever he wants and leaving this hell hole that you have the audacity to call a home. The day that you finally accept that just might be the day that Eddie finally considers you to be an actual mother.”
And with that, I decided not to overstay my welcome and left.
I was only a few feet away from Eddie’s house when I heard him calling after me. I slowed my pace just enough that he could catch up with me, but didn’t completely stop. I wanted to put as much distance between myself and the Kaspbrak house as I could.
“I’m sorry,” I sighed as he fell in step next to me.
“For what?” Eddie asked. “I should be the one apologizing to you.”
“You warned me on how she would be, and I still let her get to me,” I said. “I probably made having to live there a whole lot harder.”
“It was hard to begin with, (Y/N). Nothing could make it harder than what it was,” he told me. “What you said, it was all true. Mom needed to hear that. Doesn’t mean she liked hearing it, or that she’ll actually accept it, but she needed to hear it none the less.”
“I guess I could’ve said it nicer,” I said. “Or at least not included details of our sex life.”
Eddie awkwardly chuckled. “Yeah, could’ve done without mom knowing I’m a sex god.”
I gave him a look and playfully nudged him. “I never said you were a sex god.”
“Eddie has done things that I don’t even think the most experienced of people could do I believe were your exact words.”
“I only said that to make her more upset.”
“So you’re saying I’m bad at sex?”
I pushed him again. “Eddie!”
He laughed and put an arm around my waist. “I appreciate the compliment either way. And I hope you know how much I love you.”
I smiled up at him and leaned into his touch. “I love you, too.”
We walked in silence for a while and, before I knew it, we were at my house. We stopped and turned to face each other.
“Want to stay over tonight?” I asked. “I figure going home isn’t exactly the best option right now.”
“It’s not,” he agreed. “Will your mom be okay with it?”
“Of course she will, she loves you. She’ll probably even cover for you if your mom calls.”
“I take it back, I don’t love you. I love your mom.”
“And I take back my offer. Go sleep on the streets.”
I took off for my front door with Eddie hot on my trail. I tried to open it and lock him out before he caught up to me, but of course his long legs gave him an advantage. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me away from the door, both of our laughs ringing out through the otherwise quiet neighborhood.
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cameracorey · 2 years
Eddie with a s/o who has ADHD
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!Mentions of taking medication and throwing up!
When your hyperfixating on something he’d always ask what it was just to hear your little rants about how much you enjoy it. It makes him smile that you can just let yourself talk about what you enjoy with him
Now, when you are hyper fixated on D&D this man is like happy as hell. He would gladly show you all his stuff and if you didn’t know how to play he would teach you. You two would bond like crazy over just playing dnd or him teaching you how to play.
He understands how sometimes everything can get very difficult for you to handle, like sounds and how they can get very loud. So of course he would let you have his headphones and made sure they were noise canceling to help you relax when you need it.
Now, if you take medication to help calm down your adhd he would make sure you take it everyday. Though he will make sure you have something on your stomach in the morning. Yeah he learned that you should have something on your stomach the hard way
“Reader! Come on we need to get going!” Eddie said as he held up the medication for you. You two were gonna be late for school and the only thing you hadn’t done was take your medication. You rolled your eyes and picked up the pill grabbing a cup of water and drinking it, making sure you had a liquid in your mouth so when you put the pill inside your mouth you could easily swallow
And you did just that. So as Eddie was getting his shoes on and letting you adjust to the medication you started to feel very sick, like the medication was screwing with your stomach. You groaned as you leaned your head down gripping onto your stomach. Eddie looked up as he saw your figure.
“Reader?” He asked getting up and walking over to you, he got down and looked at you. What he didn’t expect was for you to puke all over his clothes. He recoiled back in shock. The smell was disgusting but he too a deep breath and tried not to focus on that. He quickly led you to the bathroom. Making sure you got to the toilet as you started to puke again. He rubbed your back soflty.
“It’s okay reader, let it out sweetheart”he said softly. After a few minutes you stopped throwing up and you just sat on your knees gripping the edges of the toilet
“Fuck..” you muttered as you took deep breaths to calm yourself down. “You feeling better reader?”
“Yeah..god eddie I’m sorry i didn’t mean to puke all over your clothes”you said turning your head to see Eddie’s clothes. He shrugged, “your fine. I just need to quickly change and wash them” he said reassuring you.
“Now you take some time to recollect yourself in here while i go change okay?” He said as he patted your head trying to reassure you. You nodded as you looked back at the toilet. You flushed it as eddie left the bathroom and went to go change
Let’s just say y’all were very much late to school that day
I had this idea since yesterday and really wanted to write it out. If it isn’t good I’m sorry- please send requests if you can! I’d love to write out all of y’all’s ideas!
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fairy-in-the-snow · 2 years
Strange Love - Part 1 (?) Eddie Munson x reader
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pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!reader summary: you try your best to hide your feelings as you help Eddie recover from a broken heart. warnings: extreme angst, swearing, unrequited love (for now), A LOT of pining, Chrissy slander (I’m so sorry girl), slightly suggestive themes word count: 2k
A/N: Honestly this is so wild, I haven't written any fanfiction in such a long time and this one character has single-handedly lit a fire under my ass lmfao. I have been consuming Eddie content all across this damn app like a woman starved so I wanted to contribute <3 Any feedback is welcome, and my submission box is open if y'all have any requests! I'm pretty much willing to write anything (NSFW included, lord knows i am so thirsty for this man) so don't be shy!!
Enjoy, and let me know if y'all want a PART 2! <3

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You knew that she still liked him. It was obvious. You could see it in the fleeting glances she cast his way when he wasn’t looking, eyes full of faraway longing…but also mixed with an almost tangible bitterness. Their relationship hadn’t ended on the best of terms, to put it lightly. It had been a strange and unexpected pairing, one that took everybody by surprise. You had all been calling bets behind their backs (in an admittedly petty move) to see just how long it would last. You strongly suspected that they were only drawn to one another because they were such total opposites; so far removed from eachother’s worlds that they couldn’t help but chase their unusual magnetism and see where it led them. It all began when Eddie started selling her weed after school.
…And it all ended when she shattered Eddie’s heart into a thousand tiny, fragile pieces. One day after school, he had sought her out on the pitches after Hellfire, hoping to catch her before she finished cheer practice. And oh boy, did he catch her – with Jason Carver’s tongue down her throat. If it had been anyone else but Eddie, you would’ve found the whole situation so laughably cliché. Two high-school hot shots, the jock and the cheerleader no less, swapping spit under the bleachers? It was so pathetically obvious. You hadn’t been there, of course, (and thank god for her that you weren’t) but from what Eddie had told you, her excuses had been just as typical. It was a mistake. It’s not what it looks like (classic). You’re the only boy for me. I wasn’t thinking straight. Give me a chance to explain! The thought of her and what she did to Eddie, how she treated him, made your blood boil, and you had to make a deliberate point of avoiding her during school so that you didn’t get violent. She wasn’t worth it.
You had been the one to pick up the pieces afterwards, and you did it gladly. You would have offered him every single piece of yourself if it made his pain go away, even for a moment. Long nights were spent in his trailer, soothing him to sleep with your hands in his hair as he sobbed and hiccupped into your lap. You had gotten used to the warmth of his body beside you in bed, his slow breathing and gentle snores. Sometimes he would even reach for you in his sleep, and you would let him pull you close to his broad chest, your own heart fluttering wildly inside your ribcage as you imagined him doing this because he wanted you. But then, a soft “Chrissy…” would fall from his perfect lips as he slept, and the spell would be broken. Tonight was one of those nights.
You peeled yourself away from him with a soft sigh, and allowed the cold to settle in your bones as you moved to the far side of the bed and stared at the ceiling. You tried so hard not to think about your feelings for Eddie, but fuck, it was impossible when you spent so much time together and he took up all the space in your stupid, traitorous brain. When you closed your eyes, all you could see was him. His sweet, velvety brown eyes that dripped with kindness and warmth, so full of depth and beauty that you felt weak in the knees anytime his honeyed gaze fell on you. His plump lips that you wanted to catch between your teeth, and the way they would lift into a soft smile when he opened the trailer door to welcome you inside. The way his dark hair fell in soft, cherubic curls around his face, framing it perfectly, following the pale slope of his neck…He was like something carved from the heavens, and you wanted nothing more than to fall to your knees and worship him like he deserved.
It hurt you deeply to know that he could never feel the same about you. How could he? Your heart clenched painfully in your chest as you thought about the way he whispered her name, like a prayer. Even in sleep, he could not escape her. In the deepest caverns of his subconscious, she was the one persisting thought. Your jealousy made you weak with guilt. It was selfish of you to have these thoughts, when he needed you the most. But they were insidious, seeping into your brain like an infection, no matter how hard you tried to banish them. All you wanted was to put the pieces of his heart back together. You yearned for happiness to return to him. Even if every moment you spent soothing him was just another dagger to your chest.
He shifted in his sleep, and you snapped out of your thoughts. You rolled onto your side to face him, biting your lip softly. He looked beautiful. Dark lashes brushed against his pale cheeks that held the faintest dusting of pink, and his hair fanned out on the pillow forming a delicate halo around his head. His lips parted gently as he exhaled, the calming rise and fall of his chest almost lulling you to sleep yourself.
“I’m so sorry, Eddie…” You whispered gently, clutching your pillow, “I don’t know how much longer I can do this.” Your lip trembled a little at your confession, and you could feel the tell-tale lump growing in your throat. You had finally said it out loud.
It was so hard. So fucking hard.
You swallowed thickly, squeezing your eyes shut as silent tears escaped down your cheeks. After all these months, it was now your turn to cry. You had never felt more alone than you did in that moment, crying right next to the one person who made you feel so whole yet so empty at the same time.
You turned your back on him in an attempt to salvage some privacy. He slept like the dead most nights, so you were fairly certain you could have this moment to yourself uninterrupted. You needed it. You were hoping if you let out some of the pent-up emotion that had been festering inside you, that it would act like a sort of…reset button and you could act like nothing happened come morning.
You whimpered softly, allowing the tears to flow. Once you began, it was like you couldn’t stop. You weren’t sure how long you lay there in the darkness, crying, tasting the bitter salt of your own tears. Your breathing became shallow and uneven, though you used your pillow to muffle the sound. Eddie’s comforting scent filled your nose and it made you sob harder, knowing how close he was to you and yet so desperately out of reach.
“y/n?” A soft voice called out your name, still heavy with sleep.
Oh fuck. The shock of his voice made you jolt, your veins turned to ice. You tried your best to regulate your breathing and calm down, but you had worked yourself up too much and you gasped for air, trembling as you tried to hide yourself from him under the covers. Panic was bubbling in your chest, catching the breath in your throat and making you sweat. He can’t see you like this! Oh, God…Oh God, he can’t find out. Fuck, I’m gonna die, I-
“Y/n?” This time clearer now, more aware. “Hey…fuck, are you crying?” You heard him sit up sharply, moving towards you in an instant. Before you knew what was happening, he had swept you into his arms and was stroking your hair, shushing you gently and rocking back and forth in an attempt to calm you. You felt dizzy, shaking at the warmth of his touch as you sank into it, burying your head into his neck as your tears mingled with his soft skin. His arms…they felt so strong and secure, wrapped around you like this, you wished so desperately that you could stay like this forever.
You didn’t know how much time had passed, but eventually, your breathing evened out and the tears began to slow. Eddie soon realised this, moving his hands to gently grab your chin and tilt your head towards him. You felt the cool bite of his rings on your flesh and shivered.
“Sweetheart, what happened?” He asked softly, wiping a stray tear from your cheek with his thumb.
You wished he wouldn’t call you that, but you also delighted in it at the same time. You swallowed thickly, trying to find words. “I-…I think I had a nightmare.” It wasn’t exactly a lie; everything felt like a nightmare right now.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Eddie moved his hands down to clasp your own, and your heart skipped a beat at the feel of his rough, calloused palms. His thumb ghosted softy over my knuckles, reassuring you with the gentlest of touches. A light flush bloomed across your cheeks and you hoped to God he couldn’t see you in the dark.
“Not really…It’s all fuzzy anyways.” You sniffed and looked down, not wanting to meet his eyes.
“Eyes up here, sweetheart,” Eddie tapped your chin gently, encouraging you to look at him. “If you don’t wanna talk about it, that’s cool. But no more tears, alright? I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere until I see that cute smile of yours.” He pinched your cheek playfully and you couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at your lips. His natural charm was hard to resist.
“Lucky for you, I have just the thing to help you relax.” He threw a wink at you. You knew exactly what he meant by that, and you welcomed the distraction. You were thankful that he was obviously trying to ease you further by acting casual.
“You’re about to make my day, Munson.” You were starting to feel normal again.
Eddie laughed, and the sound went straight between your thighs. A dull, hateful heat has been gathering there since he first touched you and the deep sense of shame that washes over you was overwhelming. He leaned over you and reached for the lamp on his bedside table, flicking it on and bathing the room in a soft, comforting glow. You tried not to stare at his shirtless torso, but you couldn’t help stealing a glance at the tattoos etched into his skin. Your eyes lingered over the bats on his forearm, and he must have caught you looking.
“You like that one?” He asked in amusement, grabbing his rolling tray and settling it into his lap.
“I’ve always liked that one.”
He hummed in approval as he opened a small baggy. The smell was just as pungent as it always was, causing you to wrinkle your nose. “Fuck, that shit is rancid.”
“Only the best for my girl. This one will send you to space, sweetheart.”
God knows I need it, you groaned internally.
You really tried to ignore the pet names. He used them with you all the time, but you were usually quick to brush them off. Tonight, however, you were like an exposed nerve; a thousand times more sensitive to his teasing. You were honestly a little worried that smoking in your current state would make you more careless with your words, but you couldn’t deny that a small part of you was just dying to confess and get all your shit out in the open with him. You were playing a dangerous game.
This night could get interesting.
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chimaerakitten · 4 years
(via https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2eF2BW8QhNO2UesloUNkuk?si=SfOWQO6CTQy28MPE0ndjMA)
so, now that I am officially free of both finals and my work on the TQT title sequence animation, I thought it would be a good time to turn to my other bit project for this fandom, Chi’s crazy-long chronological playlist. I started this. One week after ROTT came out. ONE WEEK. I thought I’d get it done and written up in two or three days. It is now. December the 15th. Two months. TWO MONTHS, THIS HAS BEEN SITTING IN MY DRAFTS
Bellow the cut: A writeup explaining the position of each song + a little bit more commentary on it from me (spoilers. everything is spoilers all the way through ROTT below the cut):
This is a mix of some pretty typical fanplaylist fare (there is. A lot of Bastille on here) some Queen’s Thief must-haves (can you really have a Queen of Attolia playlist without Achilles Come Down?) and my own really weird music taste (Filk like Tin Soldier and Courage Knows No Bounds)
Some of the ones I’m most proud of are Monster by Starset for the Mede camp scenes in ROTT (I mean, it starts with “Under the knife I surrendered” It’s kinda perfect) Laughter Lines for Relius and Teleus (I have it on good authority that that caused a lot of heart pain for other fans) and Soft to be Strong for Irene and Relius.
without further ado, the song list:
“Thief!”—Second Child, Restless Child
The Thief
Whatever it takes—“I can steal anything”
Tin Soldier—“Nobody would mistake you for anything but a tool, Gen.”
Centuries—“His name would be carved in stone on a stele outside the basilica, and mine would be written in the dust.”
Everybody Wants To Rule the World—“He doesn’t want the queen…He just wants the pass through the mountains so that he can invade Attolia.”
Patron Saint o’ Thieves—Eugenides and the Sky God’s Thunderbolts (I will be honest. This one was chosen based on title and Vibes, tm, not lyrics)
The Only Exception—“But if there hadn’t been one that I loved, I wouldn’t have landed myself in the king’s prison.”
Thief—Before braving the temple of the Aracthus.
Come Wayward Souls—Inside the temple.
History Has Its Eyes On You—The answered prayer for silence.
The Queen and the Soldier—“You are more beautiful, Your majesty... But she is more kind.”
I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)—Walking to Eddis.
Stand By Me—“Oh, It’s you, Eugenides.”
Family—Helen, Eugenides, and the Minister of War.
“Destruction”—Dread Sovereign
The Queen of Attolia
Run Boy Run—The chase through the palace.
Icarus—Eugenides, caught.
When the Chips are Down—“I still think tradition might hold the best solution to my problems with you.”
Achilles Come Down—Eugenides, after returning to Eddis.
Heroes—The Secret War and the expectation that Eugenides will die soon.
Burn It Down—Burning Sounis’s navy.
Sit Still Look Pretty—“It was her fiancé who gave her the name shadow princess.”
Heroes and Thieves— “She pulled the bedclothes up as far as they would go and suppressed a perverse wish to have her old nurse come to chase away the darkness, perverse because she didn’t know if she wanted the shadows to be empty or not.”
Thousand Eyes—The plan to take Ephrata.
We Remain—“There’s an easier way for a man to become king,”
Black Water—“She reached up to push the wet hair out of her face, wondering when she had sunk so low that she had begun torturing boys.”
Simple Song—"I watched you walking between the rows of cabbages and then dancing under the orange trees. I was above you, in one of the trees.”
She’s Always a Woman—"Eugenides had accepted gladly and read carefully, trying to see whether Attolia could be the monster in human guise she was accused of being, or only a woman who ruled without the support of her barons.”
Queen of Peace—“Just asleep,” Eddis reassured her.”
I’m Not Calling You A Liar—“I sometimes believe his lies are the truth, but I have never mistaken his truth for a lie.”
Losing My Religion—“You made a mistake,” Attolia agreed. “You trusted your gods. That was your mistake.”
Pompeii—The vision of the volcano.
All I’ve Ever Known—“Love I am not familiar with.”
Love Love Love—"Who am I, that you should love me?
A Healing In This Night—“And she believed him.”
The King of Attolia
Bow to the Crown— “He dropped to his knees before his queen and lowered his head almost to the floor.”
Shut up and Dance—"Her queen danced like a flame in the wind”
Carry Your Throne— It was not a kiss between strangers, not even a kiss between a bride and a groom. It was a kiss between a man and his wife.”
It’s Alright—"If it was embarrassing to wake like a child screaming from a nightmare, how much more embarrassing to be the reason your husband woke screaming.”
Believer—“like a god revealed” and the fall of the house of Erondites.
I CHOOSE YOU— “He was very likable—Eddis would have married him.”
Hunger— “I did not say that I am afraid. He is, though, I think. Afraid of his own desire for power.”
Soft to Be Strong—"I have learned that there is a flaw in your philosophy. If we truly trust no one, we cannot survive.”
Gold—Eugenides on the crenellations.
True & Destined Prince—“He is an Annux, a king of kings.”
“Knife Dance”—Human
A Conspiracy of Kings
Things We Lost In The Fire—The raid on the villa.
Constellations—Sophos and Moira in the dream library.
Welcome Home, Son—“I didn’t want a choice; I wanted to stay right where I was and build walls and share poetry with an avid audience and enjoy a swim with friends, but I didn’t want it to be my choice.”
Words as Weapons— “Eugenides looked me in the eye as if I were a complete stranger and said, “The simplest way to end a war is to admit you have lost it.”
Share Your Address— “You made a proposal in your previous letter. Perhaps it was only hypothetical?” “It was not.”
I Love You—“When I was working in the fields, I knew how unfounded my hopes were,” he said. “I was a poor excuse for an heir of Sounis when I made the proposal and then became even less than that.”
Iron—“I will go to Melenze. And hope to delay the Medes long enough to find some other solution to their imperial expansion. Of course, that assumes the king and queen of Attolia intend to honor the laws of hospitality and allow me to travel safely to the border.”
Young Volcanoes—“Just what makes you think you can get away with that?” he asked the young man standing over him with a butter-won’t-melt-in-my-mouth expression incongruous on his scarred face.”
The Fates—Sophos’s naïve speech before the first vote.
Handmade Heaven—Shooting Hanaktos and Akretenesh, lifting a hand to the sky for a lightning bolt that will not come.
I Bet My Life—"There is no reason I can see that I would not be honored to join Eddis to you.”
Flaws—“Eddis stared at him for a long time, knowing that forgiving someone because you have to is not forgiving him at all.”
For The Dancing And The Dreaming—“Are you certain that you want to be my wife?” “Absolutely,” said Eddis, quietly. “Eternally certain.”
Blood Brothers—"He had been saved by the men Eugenides sent, though he did not yet know the ferocity with which the king of Attolia had stripped those men from other posts, the capital he had expended, the secrets that had been revealed in order to send help to Sounis.”
Thick as Thieves
I’ll Believe In Anything—"If there had been any alternative, I would have taken it, but I could see none, and there was no time for hesitation.”
You’ve Got A Friend In Me—“Head wounds bleed, but we can stitch it up, I’ve done it before, don’t be afraid. Kamet, I wouldn’t tell you this if it weren’t true. I swear to you, I am not going to leave your dead body beside the road to Perf. I didn’t come all the way to this godsforsaken cesspit so that I could go home and tell my king I failed him.”
Desert Song—Costis and Kamet crossing the empire, eating caggi.
Empire—"It would be possible, I supposed, for an outsider to see disruption and think the empire might collapse, but it was too all encompassing, too well sewn together to come apart. As each smaller nation was absorbed, it was integrated into the whole, enjoying all the benefits of being in the empire.”
Fell In Love With A Girl—Kamet’s story of Marin the dancing girl.
Foreigner’s God—Kamet’s encounter with Ennikar while Costis is in the well.
The Hell If I Go Home—Kamet trying to leave in Sukir.
Stray Italian Greyhound—“If you had told me in Sukir, I would have let you go.” / “Costis,” I said, using his name for the first time since he had told it to me, on board the riverboat at the start of our journey. “Costis, I’m sorry.”
Poet—"I began this narrative in the palace of Attolia but have only recently neared its completion. I will eventually send it to Relius, when I am sure it can be delivered without interception, and I hope he will be satisfied with my account, as I would be honored to have it added to his library.”
All This And Heaven Too—“Immakuk and Ennikar,” he said. “Where?” I snapped my head around to scan the dock, and he nudged me with his elbow. “Idiot. Us,” he said.”
Return of the Thief
How Far We’ve Come—Exordium.
The Great Escape—Pheris finding a place for himself.
The Heart Is a Muscle—“Someone loves me very much, even with all my faults”
I Will Wait—“His heart is unlikely to be in his work.”
Laughter Lines—Relius and Teleus saying goodbye.
Stole You Away—“Attolia says she leaves with you”
Poison & Wine—“I think they have to show their worst selves sometimes”
United at War—“Sounis will not run…nor Eddis.”
This is War—Arrival at Leonyla.
No Light, No Light—“All wars make men monsters, all wars and all men.”
Survivor’s Song—The Etisian winds came early.
Daniel in the Den—The ambush and the Mede Camp.
Monster—“Nahuseresh tells me I am not king. We’ll see if he really prefers the Thief.”
Natural—“Once, when I said he had saved me, you said I had saved him. From what?”
Tomorrow I Leave For Battle—Before the Naupent.
March of Cambreadth—The Naupent.
Courage Knows No Bounds—A pyre that burned for three days.
Bad Blood—The pardon of Sejanus.
Call the Names—The naming of Hector and Eugenia.
Here’s To Us—Dancing on the Roof.
I lived—Pheris, and the gods were pleased.
“Alyta’s Missing Earring”—Falling and Empire
final note: I did my best to have songs have at least one meaning in the pace they were put, plus more meaning when considering the series as a whole—for example, “Tin Soldier” appears early on in the context of the king of Sounis and the Magus using Gen as a tool, but if you loop back around to it after Return of the Thief, Gen being “weapon more than child” gains a whole new meaning. "She’s always a woman” is an Irene song in the context of QOA, but the more we learn about Helen, the more it applies to her, etc. etc. Not every song is like that, but I wanted to give the playlist at least a bit of re-listen value, in the spirit of the books’ reread value.
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