landfilloftrash · 5 months
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[Saint Barbarian Rollo Enters The Fight]
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oh yeah normal church occurance dw about it
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spurious · 1 year
🥺, 🤡, 🛒, ✨, 🛠, ⛔, 💖, ❌, 🤗, 🎉, 🤯, and 🤭, please?
fic writer asks!
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
Another Twenty Questions bit because, again, personally think it’s hilarious:
Rodney still looks puzzled, and John rolls his eyes.
"There's, like, a whole lot of ground to cover between Ronon and twinks, McKay."
"Wait, what?" Rodney says, eyes wide. "Are there twinkies here?!"
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Vulnerability and insecurity are probably the big ones?
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
Edit: I wrote that and then went to another question, intending to return to this later. I did not.
Um okay. I think I write nice sentences. They flow in a pleasant rhythmic way.
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
I have some fics that are merely resting but have been doing so for multiple years, so.
💖 What made you start writing?
God as if I fucking remember??? I always loved to read and liked scribbling little stories. I think I was maybe 13 when I wrote my first fic while actually knowing what fic was, and that was over two decades ago ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
I’m a never-say-never type but I cannot see myself writing omegaverse, it does absolutely nothing for me.
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
Just have fun I guess? Don’t spell come with the u spelling especially if you’re using it as a verb?
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
I answered this before and I stand by what I said which is “did I tell the story I wanted to tell/am I happy with it” but I won’t lie and say getting comments doesn’t make me feel real good ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
Ensemble stories. I struggle with scenes that have more than two people, and also with plots that go more complex than simple romantic contrivances?
🤭 Do you have a favorite tag to use when posting your works?
“Special appearance by the inherent sadness of John Sheppard” because I personally think that is a very funny tag
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giuliafc · 3 years
Chinese horoscopes and Miraculous
Hi there!
I actually wrote this article for a Facebook group during the summer, but i had completely forgotten about it until I read the very in-depth analysis of Kagami's role in the series written by @geekgirles . There, she mentioned the bit in Ikari Gozen that had got me started on this research, so I thought why not? let's 'delight' you with this indepth analysis of the four characters of Marinette, Adrien, Luka and Kagami based on what we know of their zodiac signs in the Chinese horoscope. There are a couple of things that may surprise you.
First of all, let's put a lovely wee "keep reading" tag, so it doesn't clog your board, because it's a little long (ah, the understatement!)
Now. Here we are and if you clicked on carry on reading it means that you may be interested so... welcome welcome.
Apologies for the length
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Let's first of all talk about how the Chinese horoscope can give us a clue as of the characters age and date of birth.
In Ikari Gozen we find out that Marinette is a Snake in the Chinese horoscope. This narrows the search for her date of birth to two very precise years. 2013 or 2001. Now... counting that if she was born in 2013 she would be 7 now, it's most likely that she's born in 2001. In the French edition she is revealed instead to be a Leo. Which places her birthday in late July/beginning of August 2001. Kagami instead is revealed to be a Dragon, and a Scorpio, which places her birthday around November 2000. In an official Marinette’s Instagram post her birthday has been revealed as the 20th of November, IIRC.
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Now... not only this is a great deal of trivia information for us fans, which also helps us place the timeline of the story, which hasn't yet reached a full year in Canon from the start (in the Felix episode it's revealed that it's the first anniversary of Emilie’s disappearance. Hence in 3 series the story has advanced only by less than one year). It also helps up place the birthdays of some other characters.
Adrien for example. His birthday was series 1 episode 1, quite far from Marinette's birthday in Befana. So it's likely that he's a dragon like Kagami (which would also make sense thinking that Kagami is a character that mirrors Adrien's life and situation. But this isn't the place to discuss such thing, i refer to the very well developed article written by @geekgirles if you want to know more). A lot of people have theorised that he may be a Libra and be born maybe at the beginning of October, but of this I have no proof.
However, coming back to the Dragon sign it gets even more interesting, guys. If one of you have got more in-depth information and this comes up to be wrong I do apologise. I performed quite of an extensive research on the subject but of course I'm no astrologist so I can be wrong. That said... Not only the Dragon is considered the sign of the Emperor in the Chinese horoscope, and a lucky sign (ha). But 2000 is also the year of the Golden Dragon (metal). What better description than a golden dragon for our handsome sunshine?
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It gets even better when you get to the Dragon man's personality. Loves to be the centre of the attention. Natural flirts (ha! Touché Chat Noir!). Hot headed. Stubborn. Competitive. Naturally attracts money and women. Full of energy. Do I need any more proof that Adrien is a Dragon?
Let's see what the horoscope says about the Snake, and let's compare it to Marinette/Ladybug, so you understand why I'm pretty sure that the production looked this up quite in detail and that Chinese astrology can be at the base of our beloved characters.
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So the Snake woman is intuitive, intelligent, reserved and mysterious, has deep thinking, a mind that goes a mile per minute. Because they are smart and come quickly to solutions, they are great in crisis situations. They're able to step back and consider workable solutions. They are determined, sensual and smart and have innate wisdom. Doesn't this speak Marinette AND Ladybug from a mile?
Now... Luka. Until last week we weren’t really that sure of how old Luka was, Astruc had said that he was a couple of years older than Marinette, but Zag’s website had highlighted that Luka was Juleka’s twin brother which, counting that Juleka was in Marinette’s class, didn’t make any sense. But last weekend Astruc has actually confirmed that Juleka has repeated a year and that yes, Luka is her twin brother.
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Already before knowing this I had a look at the personality of the previous signs in the horoscope, and I had strong feelings that Luka may be a Rabbit, which would make him born in 1999 and one year older than Adrien. And this has been confirmed, so now we know. He is indeed a rabbit. Do you want proof? Rabbit men are calm, extraordinarily polite, and will do everything to avoid conflict. They have control over themselves and are sometimes conservatives. They can be considered a "yes-man", but have a line that they will never cross. They like organising, decorating, helping the wife/gf. They are great friends but don't like getting too close to someone. They are shy, introverted, honest, cuddle-lovers and attention givers. They are associated with the western sign of cancer, which is associated with the moon and the arts. Tell me if this doesn't speak Luka by a mile?
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Now a little bit of trivia that will make you laugh is... in the Chinese horoscope the cat doesn't exist. The legend says that Buddha invited the animals to a dinner, and the mouse tricked the cat and didn't wake him up, making him miss out on being chosen for the horoscope. However in TAIWAN things are different and the Cat takes the place of the RABBIT in the horoscope. The confusion seems to come from the old Chinese word for Rabbit, Mao, which sounds like the Taiwanese word for Cat Mau. So the sign of the Rabbit is also the sign of the Cat. Oh the irony!!
Snakes are yin energy. Rabbits are also yin energy. Dragons are yang energy.
But it gets better! Let's look at love compatibility, shall we? *rubs hands* hehe...
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Dragon man x Dragon woman (Adrien and Kagami) can be steamy and can work only if both have their own realm to shine on, because both are too competitive and can get into competition with each other. They love to be the centre of their world. They're great leaders but want the spotlight and don't settle for less. They're both independent and stubborn and their personality will clash, making it difficult to maintain the relationship going. They require a lot of love and admiration. They will never give in and apparently two dragons have a good physical relationship, mostly.
They CAN work together, but only if each has their own way to shine.
Sorry, Adrigami shippers.
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Dragon man x snake woman (Adrien and Marinette): they can be an excellent couple. They find each other physically attractive. The dragon is bold and full of energy, the snake is appealing in a more subtle way. Excellent romantic relationship, they both have strong personalities that attract each other. They share a degree of savoir-faire that prevents serious concerns. The male dragon will be tempted to stray, but he will know better than doing that, because he knows very well that his companion has hidden poisonous fangs (lol) and is VERY jealous... so he will look but not touch (the wise one will at least). Snake women love success and attention, but they're not as flashy as dragon men so they will be more subtle. Snake women are self-possessive, devoted and can give a good boost of confidence to a dragon man. She will be better at handling finances than him (that wouldn't surprise me in adrienette!). They both like fine things but Snake will teach Dragon to not overspend. Little trivia: the dragon was the sign of the emperor and the snake was the advisor. So they work very well in tandem. Their union will be full of passion and personal satisfaction.
Adrienette is in the stars, guys.
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Now last but not least... Snake woman x Rabbit/cat man (Luka and Marinette, but in a way even Chat Noir and Ladybug): very good couple too, they enjoy great conversation and have great time together. They make great friends. Snake loves the attention Rabbit gives and Rabbit is drawn by her sensuousness. They start as friends and have enticing conversations, which draws them together. When they start dating they realise they have similar tastes. They love cuddling in a hidden corner and will feel safe in their cosy nest to explore each other's sensuality. They can make a strong couple, unless their personalities start clashing. Rabbit can get annoyed at Snake's love for novelty and her extravagance, which may cause friction. If their temper clashes, they can't overcome differences.
So... Lukanette can work too, sorry guys. But as highlighted, it also works very well as a friendship. And sadly it's the same for Ladynoir...
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What I find funny in all of this is that, if this is true, Luka has the Snake miraculous, Marinette is a Snake sign, Luka is a cat sign, Adrien is a cat miraculous, Adrien and Kagami are a dragon sign, Kagami is a dragon miraculous... Jesus what a circle! Add to the mix Marinette as the RAT miraculous and we have a real laugh… (if any of you has ever watched Fruit Basket, the Japanese anime about the Chinese horoscope, you know perfectly well what I’m talking about!) and Snake/Rabbit as friends and potential couple works for both Lukanette AND Ladynoir, counting that rabbit = cat. And then you think about how Chat Noir bounces on his baton and you think "yes that's a rabbit, indeed"!
Any thoughts?
(apologies if this reflection doesn’t make sense to you!)
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heloflor · 4 years
Me : “I don’t think I should write characters that are explicitly neurodivergent because I don’t know that much about neurodiversity and I never take the time to know more. If I were to make a character who happens to have neurodivergent traits and call them neurodivergent, I might get it wrong and I don’t want to give a fic with bad or stereotypical representation in it, it’s unfair for those who can and wish to identify with the character. So if I write about a character that the fandom sees as neurodivergent, I will simply try to write them close to their canon personality; and if they happen to have traits that people can identify, I’ll just let other people do their own headacanons around it without touching on the topic myself.”
Also me :  “So :
- Vinnie Dakota absolutely adores animals. In the future, all animals are extinct, so in order to see animals, you either get a robot pet or you pay to have some time in a “place simulation” room and order it to simulate a field with holographic animals. Dakota learned about animals through books and often went to the simulation place or bough some stickers and other stuff from the rare places that still sold animal merch. He never got a robotic pet or never kept it for long because it’s too dull compared to a real animal, or should I say his thoughts of real animals.
- During his first mission, Dakota was ecstatic to see animals for the first time and, after the mission, spent a few hours looking at and petting the ones he could. In his house in the future, he has a room in which he displays animal-related stuff he got from his missions through time, like art or figurines or ornaments or even plushies etc. He might also sometimes take pictures of animals and put them with the souvenir he got from the same mission. He takes extra care of the stuff he has in this room and organizes it a certain way. He has the money to have a place with several rooms : as we see in “Picture Day”, once they got fired, Cavendish and Dakota had the money to go to Hawaii for an entire week and without knowing when and how they will get a new job, since Bob Block met them as they were about to leave for their vacation. Also Cavendish mentioned studying for 20 cycles, so this job doesn’t seem like a given. So being a time traveler seems to pay well.
- When he and Cavendish started dating (I headcanon them as starting to date 2 years after meeting a marrying 3 years later, so 5 years after meeting), everytime they went through a century they never or barely visited, Dakota would get a random souvenir, not always animal-related, along with a picture of either him, Cavendish or both of them. He puts these souvenirs and pictures in a different part of the room. The picture we see in their car in “Fungus Among Us” is from a mission in a place they visited before, but Dakota found the situation too funny to not take a picture.
- Every celebration (holidays, birthdays, dates important to them), Cavendish and Dakota would give each other gifts. Dakota always tries to find something related to Professor Time while Cavendish forces himself to break a few rules and go back in time without being ordered to so he can find something animal-related to Dakota. Dakota is always genuinely happy about these gifts, though he learned not to tease Cavendish about the whole “breaking the rules” situation. Those gifts are either stuff like fossils or skulls/bones or they’re stuff related to the culture of the time-period like watching tournaments in ancient Rome.
- When the two get married and buy a place together, Dakota makes sure it has a room large enough to put his growing collection. As time went by, it started to be less about animals and more about what they find during their missions, though the animal part is still very much there. Dakota refers to the room as “The memory room” while Cavendish calls it “Vinnie’s room”. Cavendish doesn’t spend that much time in it, though he absolutely loves the feeling of reminiscence the collection gives him. If he has guests at home, he tries to keep them away from the room. He knows how important it is for Dakota and doesn’t want it to be disrupted. Cavendish tried to get into Dakota’s passion but, while he found some stuff to be interesting, he’s not really into it compared to Dakota.
- After the events of the episode “We’re Going to the Zoo”, Dakota brought back tickets for his collection, along with a picture of him holding squirrels in his arms while another one has its head coming out of Dakota’s pants, near his feet. Dakota went back to the zoo several times and ended up learning what every animal was and in which section of the zoo they were.
- When the two are fired and banned, they only get like an hour to pack all their stuff. So Dakota uses some future deus ex machina technology, making their house surrounded by a barrier that only the two of them can open. That way, nobody can touch the house and, if they were to be able to go back to the future, which seems to be the case if season 2 was already thought of when “A Christmas Peril” was made, Dakota could find his collection intact, along with the rest of the house.
- Once stuck in the past, Dakota kind of gave up on doing a collection. They don’t have enough space and the realization that Cavendish could now die anytime put a lot on stress on him and most of his thoughts were on Cavendish. This stress started to dim out after the events of the second half of the season, when Dakota realized that maybe the world was done trying to get rid of Cavendish, given how the man was able to survive alone for about a month. During the first celebration they had since getting banned, Cavendish bought something animal-related as usual and it led Dakota to wish to start a collection again. Given the space and their current situation, this collection would mostly be pictures that he can keep in an album in a drawer. Cavendish would probably be the one to buy the album after realizing that Dakota started taking random pictures again.
- At some point, Cavendish learns that there’s a petting zoo in Danville and decides to use it as a birthday gift/surprise. Dakota has never been more in love with him than during the moment when he stepped out of the car and saw the place’s sign (with the exception of their wedding and honeymoon).
 …aaaannnd I just made Dakota have an hyperfixation, didn’t I ?
Though, to be honest, I really do want to write characters that are diverse, not only in terms of sexuality like I already do but also in upbringing and neurodiversity. Thing is, to write a neurodivergent character, I need to have the answer to these questions : How often do they stim ? What are the most common stims and what is and isn’t considered as such, aka what does the character does in the show that seems to be a stim ? How does the character acts/should act with others ? Which social cues do they understand ? Which ones do they not understand ? How to write a character that you can tell is neurodivergent without having to make them scream ‘I’m not neurotypical’; with instead having the only ‘confirmation’ of it being in the tags ? How to make them very excited about something without falling into the ‘autistic people are children’ stereotype ?
As long as I can’t answer these questions, I refuse to be an idiot and try to write about something I know I will mess up. And while I do have the curiosity and will to learn more, if not simply because I’m curious about neurodiversity, don’t expect me to write about it anytime soon. Right now my priority is to ‘digitalize’ all the dozen fics I wrote on paper (two of them had been in my writing pile for two years, and several for a year) while making the eventual post that comes to mind like this one.”
Edit : So a few weeks after making that post, I started to learn more about neurodiversity because being autistic makes you curious to know what kinds of behaviors are due to you not being neurotypical. And, as it had been pointed out, I’m not using the correct term here. I didn’t give Dakota a hyperfixation but a special interest. From what I understand, the difference is that hyperfixations stick to you constantly for a while (a few weeks or months), leading you to easily hyperfocus on the topic, before you suddenly start to get less invested in that interest. On the other hand, special interests can stick for months or sometimes years. And even if you’re not constantly thinking about your interest, it’s still there in a corner of your mind and you never get tired of it and keep the knowledge you accumulated to talk about it anytime.
So yeah, I gave Dakota a special interest. The reason why I thought it was a hyperfixation is because I see this term be very often associated with ADHD and a lot of people see Dakota as having ADHD. But still, my bad for mixing up the two. And the reason I didn’t edit the post sooner is because it kind of slipped out of my mind until I made a new post today that mentions this one. Sorry for that too.
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chaos-monkeyy · 3 years
Fic writer tag game! sort of tagged by @frankthesnek 😁
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
190! Climbing a lot faster towards the 200 mark than I did at the 100 mark, thanks to embracing the joy of drabbles, short fics, and deciding sometimes a quick fic without endless editing is in fact plenty good enough 😂
2) What's your total AO3 word count?
673,204 words total including various collaborative or group efforts that I didn't write alone (incidentally, I missed hitting exactly 666,666 recently by TWELVE FUCKING WORDS. Just close enough to make me go nnnnooooo..!! when I noticed... but not quite enough to be worth trying to edit my fics down by 12 words exactly 🙈 (and tbh it wouldn't quite feel the same as posting something actually tailored to hit that mark on purpose in the first place)
3) How many fandoms have your written for and what are they?
Twelve! (essentially, anyway - if you could all of Star Wars as a single large fandom)
Star Wars, Stargate, The Witcher, Midsomer Murders, Assassin's Creed, The Expanse, The Dresden Files, RPF, Stormlight Archive, The Mentalist, Aquaman, and Good Omens.
it's one heckuva skewed distribution though, the vast majority of my fics are SW, followed by stargate, and the rest trail off from there.
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
All Geraskier Witcher fics, that being the biggest and most current fandom and ship I've ever been actively writing for 😂 - A Tight Fit, Stolen Moments, Undignified, Keep it up, and Intoxicating.
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yup, always! Because I love getting them and I also love when I get replies on comments I leave on other writers' fics. And I like connecting with people 😊
6) What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Hands-down it's my "Zombie / what's in your head" MCD thranto fic. I have a small handful of others with ambiguous or bittersweet endings, but that one is the only thing I've ever written that merits the Sad Ending and Hurt No Comfort tags (and oof does it ever merit them)
7) What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
hmmm... most of my fics have a happy ending in the "happy ending" wink-wink nudge-nudge 😉😏 sense at the very least 😂
But I'm probably gonna go with Curious Creatures (thranto filthy fairytale AU) because it really culminates with that "lived happily ever after" vibe. As opposed to the sort of.. "happy in the present and immediate future" happy ending of my typical in-'verse fics.
8) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you've written?
Nope, I've thought of a few but never quite gotten around to writing one (maybe someday!). I have some weird fucking AUs that I really like though 😂
9) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes, but somehow very little? i.e. a whole lot less than I would expect to receive given what I write sometimes 😅 Worst hate I've gotten was actually on twitter rather than on AO3, once directed at me for an incest kink fic someone took offense to (it was mostly just funny), and once indirectly in a different fandom (seeing people making fun of a piss kink fic because they took offense to it.. existing in the character tag?).
I've had people be actively rude to or just ignore a co-author on fics I've done with friends more than once though, weirdly enough, which I actually find a lot more anger-inducing than hate directed at me is.
10) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
....all of the smut 😂 mostly slash, lots of kink, some porn with feelings and some porn with plot and some where the porn IS the plot. And a whole lot of self indulgent PWP 😏
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yep I've been really obviously ripped off before and it's a real shitty feeling
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah! Just once I think, but it was pretty neat to be asked 😄
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yup! Several times with a few different people, it was a lot of fun.
14) What's your all time favorite ship?
Don't really have one? I ship too many ships across too many fandoms to pick One Favourite For All Time 🙈 Plus, I mean... interests shift and I don't want to wind up making myself feel guilty for that if it does happen to even my favourite ships. I've seen people stubbornly holding onto a ship they don't seem to be all that interested in anymore, just because their whole fandom identity is wrapped up in it. It... really doesn't look like it'd be a fun time 😬
15) What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
There's quite a few, some partially published and some still in my fic writing folders, but I hesitate to actually say "I don't think I'll ever finish This One" because sometimes I do randomly come back to shit out of the blue, or because a re-watch/-play/-read rekindles the interest in it again. Probably not likely in a lot of cases, but... squirrel-brain does what squirrel-brain wants to do 😂
16) What are your writing strengths?
Sex scenes 😎 and short fic of all flavours
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
Sometimes my overly long sentences are good, but sometimes they do just unnecessarily make the paragraph harder to read. I also have a tendency to stray to far into Over-Description territory of characters' physical states and actions.
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
It can be effective and immersive, but only if it doesn't leave people confused and having to jump up or down to translation notes at the start or end. My favourite use of other languages in dialogue is to use it only for single words that are evident or explained in context, or for terms of endearment where it's not necessary to know the exact meaning of it (especially when that stuff is part of canon anyway, like the smattering of Italian used in Assassin's Creed, or Radek cursing in Czech)
If it's like full sentences, I just write the line in english in italics, along with something like "X replied in [language]" to signal it's happening.
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Midsomer Murders 😊
20) What's your favorite fic you've written?
It changes, really... I guess currently it's probably Inflection Point just cause I'm still really proud of myself for actually doing it 😄
I also feel like I've been tagging people a lot lately, so I'll do like frank did and say Consider yourself tagged if you wish you were ;D
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simtrospective · 4 years
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01. Post a few screenshots from a scrapped scene / edit / story! 02. Share why you scrapped this specific thing. 03. Tag five friends, and watch the fun play out!
Thank you to @gilded-ghosts for the tag.
Because I wrote so much that you might prefer to skip, let me do 03. outside the cut. I tag...
@ladykendalsims - @jet-plane-sims - @boogey-studios - @pinkmonsimblr - @dynastiasimss
The above pictures (plus the related tray files) are all I have left of an idea that was half-formed to begin with and which never got off the ground at all.
Depending on if you’re a follower of mine + how long you’ve been following me, you may have seen a few of these shots before but I’ll explain them anyway:
Set 1: The characters Charlie, Hick, and Craig, in their original states on the left and their enhanced, final states on the right;
Set 2: A few WIP pictures of the performance space/club/thing I built;
Set 3: A bunch of test shots I took to see how the characters looked interacting, what they did naturally, and how they looked when I ~directed them. I used these pics to try and find my editing style for the story. I didn’t find the style I wanted. Clearly.
I scrapped this idea because it never came together; I didn’t connect with the characters; I didn’t care about the storyline; I’m not done with my new save so I couldn’t ~comfortably start telling this story when the rest of the world was/is disordered; and on and on. The point is, I wasn’t feeling any of this. Oh! And I hate the whole vibe and time period and aesthetic irl; what on earth was I thinking writing about it?!
So. What was this going to be?
[[Under the cut because this is... so, so long. So long.]]
Charlie, Hick, and Craig were
to live in Del Sol Valley in my new save, in the Pinnacles neighborhood, which I was
to turn into a Laurel Canyon-style neighborhood. An entire community of would-be songwriters/musicians were
to live in the two smaller lots and commune with one another and be the New Guard colliding with the Old Guard; the huge mansion lot was
to house an aging former film-current soap actor confronting his mortality and also hating the living shit out of these hippies whose existence he took as a personal affront--I digress. Back to the “story.”
Charlie, Hick, and Craig met after each arrived in DSV separately and they vibed and they moved in together, all in a matter of, like, a week’s time. Charlie and Hick vibed especially. So much in common! Such poor little rich [kids]! Both came from pampered environments in which their family money and respective fathers’ connections allowed them to skate through life and to play at being musicians because--despite crying oppression at the hands of upper class WASP-dom--they'll always have safety nets to ensure they’ll always be okay. Charlotte Grant graduated from her all-girls prep school and put on a floppy hat and became Charlie Grant; Richard Hickey (lololol) ripped up his acceptance letter to Britechester and grew his hair out and hitchhiked and told people to call him “Hick.” They’ve lived parallel lives and “recognize” one another as soon as they meet. They have an electric connection, but neither will verbalize that. Above all, they... really want to sleep together.
Craig grew up working class and has no safety net; he just wants a little adventure before he gets a real job/grows up/gets married (his gf back home is off to college; they’re long-distance; it’s... not going to work). He’s a good guitar player and he’s a good songwriter and that’s it but maybe it’ll be more? What do they say about the lottery? Can’t win if you don’t play? Charlie and Hick want to be famous ~rule the world. Hick plays guitar well and tries to write songs but they’re shitty. Charlie is passively learning the keyboard and writes songs that are not... bad...? Some are... good?
Charlie and Hick--can you tell they eclipse Craig, yet?--have weird sexual chemistry and tension: they tease, they flirt, they taunt, they enjoy one another’s attention but they never so much as hug. They both have cruel streaks as only disconnected, spoiled, emotionally stunted bluebloods can: the torture of their relationship/non-relationship gets them off more than anything else could and that thrill drives much of their behaviors: bringing wanton strangers home for one night stands, each hoping the other is watching/overhearing, fighting about little things, acting like inappropriately close siblings, acting like strangers. Craig suffers their whims; Charlie and Hick aren’t just united in their toxicity and their dreams of fame, but in how they make Craig into a third wheel or a--well, punching bag is too strong a term. Charlie and Hick think they’re teasing their bff but you know how it is to be teased allllll the tiiiiiiime and how it can make your head spin when people who can’t get along with one another join forces--without even having to discuss it--to turn on you. Their relationship gets patched up, you’re hurting, they insist it’s not a big deal and even that you even liked it. We’re all friends. We’re all best friends omg.
But sometimes they have fun together. They have a lot of fun together. Sometimes it all is everything each dreamed it would be. DSV is a wonderland and their careers are happening and life is happening and they’re best friends. They’re soulmates for life.
The three work on music, perform at clubs. Craig is starting to come into his own as a man. I hate the term coming-of-age but in the background of the Charlie & Hick Show, Craig is maturing. He has to, because C&H are fuck-ups. They jeopardize scheduled performances. They don’t know how to talk to club owners. They’re not interested in paying their dues. They are unable (or unwilling) to promote themselves without being obnoxious attention whores. They don’t practice or help write songs. They don’t take care of the house. Hick is late with his rent. Charlie thinks she can flirt her way out of everything. Craig is also the only one of them who works; he has a day job at a print shop, gives guitar lessons on the side, and makes sure the three get gigs and don’t get evicted. The only thing C&H put consistent effort toward is making the social scene or finding a party or scoring drugs or getting laid. As the group’s local star(s) rise, their fates start to change course which increases the interpersonal tension. Hick’s fun-loving nature is starting to turn into a legit substance abuse problem and he’s picking fights with the wrong people and socially devolving, his arrogance and issues and general laziness rendering him unable to relate to others; Charlie is getting a lot of attention from older men In the Business, who have the money and connections to make her a solo star, which she is shrewdly considering; and Craig’s resentment toward his “friends” and disillusionment with the superficiality of DSV is making him rethink his motivation for coming west in the first place.
Oh, and Charlie and Hick--again, as their paths change and as their weird tension remains unresolved--continue to take their bullshit out on Craig and now it’s not funny anymore, it’s not cute, it’s not exciting, and neither is it when Hick ruins a show by being too stoned to perform and neither is it when Charlie brings unsavory characters home who trash the three’s equipment and neither is it when C&H steal Craig’s songs and perform without him at a gig they didn’t tell him about.
What I intended was that the story would at first seem to be The Charlie and Hick Show, all about them, as if we’re supposed to root for them, but ideally, through my ~deft hand 🙄 the reader 🙄🙄 was supposed to be like, Um... hold on-- until it eventually was quite obvious that these two--though human; though in situations we could understand and empathize with--were captured at a point in their lives when they were Super Toxic Assholes, and what you were watching all along was Craig as Hero.
So I had ideas, but I didn’t know how to fit them together and I didn’t want a really long story and I couldn’t--I just couldn’t figure it out. I do know that the end was going to be Craig screwing them like they’d been screwing him, a final middle finger with consequences. I know that he and Hick were going to have words and Hick was going to try and fight him (such a loser) and Charlie was going to throw a Hail Mary of like... trying to seduce (lol) Craig into staying omg I always had a thing for you/we’d be such a great team/I always thought we could ~be something ~together uwu bullshit like that. Was this true? Was this true in her own mind? I think I was going to set the story up so that if you reread, yeah, it could be true, but she’s so flirty and manipulative and socially savvy and used to getting what she wants that who knows what her real feelings ever are? Ultimately that would’ve been irrelevant bc Craig never looked at her that way and hates her and Hick now; good going guys. It’s worth noting, I guess, that when I put the group on a test lot, Charlie was super into Craig immediately, went right to him, stood close to him, was eager to make romantic overtures; she went 0 to 60 in an instant and as so far as is possible in this game they had chemistry, but Craig was not feeling the romance. And no one was feeling Hick.
Anyway, Craig was going to move on with his life and Charlie and Hick were going to learn nothing and blame him, ~the end.
And then, as I continued to play my save and maybe tell more stories, there would be Easter eggs, references to Charlie, Hick, and Craig older/in the future and where they went in life in the background of other, unrelated stories: Hick’s substance abuse problems and rehab stints and going by Richard again and his eventual moderate fame and eventual sobriety and attempted comeback and his bad relationships with his exes and children; Charlie’s legit fame + marriage to a producer + eventual fade away + moderate comeback + solid second or third marriage and bff relationship with her children 🙄🙄🙄 and her palatial house on the coast and now she exclusively wears white and ivory and pampers her dogs and eats raw (but drinks wine) because it “cured” her undiagnosed, unnamed “autoimmune disorder,” which she wrote a book about resulting in a semi-comeback but as a Famous Person and not a musician. Craig going to college and becoming a high school English teacher who plays in a local band on the weekends and who has a good marriage (not to the long distance gf) and nice kids, one of whom would eventually have her own story where she pursued musicianship with her dad, which got him back into his first passion but it was a qt father-daughter project and not An Attempt to Be Famous.
So. Idk. That’s what this all would’ve been. But it wasn’t, and it won’t be!
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Which of your fics…
I was tagged by @thinkingisadangerouspastime! Thank you!! <3
Did you think would get a bigger reaction/audience than it got: definitely grief (which uh, unrelated: I really hate that title, but I couldn’t think of anything else). It’s got Sokka and Zuko bonding and being bros and I was certain it’d be a bigger hit considering a) people love those two interacting and b) I tried to focus more on Sokka’s grief. But, ah well. 
Is your funniest: mmmm... I don’t think I particulary write ‘funny’ fics? One of my wips will be funny, I hope, but currently... idk, I think graphite and tea has some funny moments? The scowling and grouching Zuko does makes me laugh (fondly) on re-reads at least.
Is your darkest/angstiest: I’d say home (overthrown). This fic came out mostly as a stream of consciousness- I really just let myself go with the flow, and that usually results in me producing angst. 
Is your absolute favourite: Can I say it’s a three way tie between my maiko fics? :) But no, honestly, it’s probably give it oxygen. There’s some things I’d change if I wrote it now (the writing could be edited in places to make it a little smoother, and I think I understand Zuko better now too) but it was my first atla fic and it’ll always hold that special place in my heart. Plus, it was my first fic to ever break into triple digits for kudos!
But my maiko fics really are some of my favourite pieces of writing I’ve done. I poured a lot into all three of them (especially summer blooms) so they’ll always be up there for me too. And the reception I got on them! I was not expecting the lovely, amazing fandom response I got for all these at all. So yes - they’ve got a special place too.
Is your least favourite: Anything I wrote back in 2013-2016, most of which no longer exist on the internet. Because they were just bad. (But they did help me become the writer I am today, so... silver linings?)
I pretty much like everything on my A03 account (although my atla fics are just a lot better than the other fics I have up on it, since the others were mostly venting fics? I’ve tried a lot harder with my atla fics).
Was the easiest to write: graphite and tea definitely. I got the idea, wrote and edited it all in one day, and after only one false start, it really flowed. Mai’s voice just felt so easy for me in that fic and it’s probably the one I had the most fun writing too. Grumpy-but-sweet-on-Mai is just my favourite Zuko-behaviour to write!
Was the hardest to write: summer blooms. I spent days on this fic. Writing and re-writing. It’s one of the most emotional pieces I’ve ever written, and the longest for a while too. I wanted the emotional scenes to really hit the reader, while not overstating things either. The pacing was at times difficult too - I wanted to properly convey both the main events - their childhood and their reunion - but without making it a drag too. The fact that it was entirely Mai’s POV tripped me up at parts, since I needed to imply what what happening in Zuko’s life without just stating it (since she’s a kid in the first half) while also giving her character the spotlight she deserves. Connecting all the main/important scenes too was a bit of challenge. And writing kids too. But, in the end, it turned out just as I’d wanted! (and the fandom response to this fic - just wow!)
Has your favorite line/exchange/paragraph (share it): This line from give it oxygen has stayed with me. It was actually a last minute addition, but I’m so pleased I thought of it because I just really liked it.
This tea set is more than a little below them. One plain colour – no pattern, nothing fancy – and the material is rough in places, like it’s not been polished correctly. There are minute cracks along the top of the cups. When Zuko had pointed them out, Uncle has only brightened. Cracks make character, Zuko, and a lingering look Zuko hadn’t bothered to interpret. 
Have you re-read the most: graphite and tea or give it oxygen, though I think the former edges out by one or two re-reads? graphite and tea was entirely indulgent and written basically just for me - I wanted to see an artist!mai fic, so I wrote it. It makes sense that I’d re-read it the most, considering it was the very content I wanted to read.
Would you recommend to someone reading your work for the first time: mmmm... this one’s a little thought-provoking. But I think I’ll have to go for graphite and tea. It’s fairly light and a really fun read (and the maiko interactions are just plain adorable - plus, I really like how I wrote Mai in this fic).
Are you most proud of: This one’s a no-brainer. summer blooms , because just- yeah. I was so nervous about writing it, mostly because of the emotional content. I wanted that to seem real, and honestly, that sort of emotional content? I hadn’t written anything that intense for a while. It was also the first real maiko fic I wrote (even if it was posted last) so it was really my first time getting to know these characters and their interactions with each other. So it’s got a really special place in my heart (and yet again, the fandom response was just so amazing! <3)
Tagging: ...I’m realising I don’t know many people on here who write fics? (who haven’t already been tagged, I mean). I might be pulling a blank here, but I can only think of one person? So, and with no pressure to do this of course: @justoceanmyth and anyone else who wants to do this? (maybe then I can find more people who write since apparently my small circle is overlapping).
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Which of your fics...
(eeeeeee!) I was tagged by @nikibogwater for this one, and I’m super grateful for that, because boy oh boy do I have things to say. Without further ado...
...did you think would get a bigger reaction/audience than it got: 
Well, I have to say I thought Uneven Days would be getting a lot of attention, seeing as, yknow, Douxie dying at the end of Wizards would have been one hell of a turn. But, the more I think about that one, the more I realize it’s really pretty dark and downright painful to read even for me, so I can understand why it wasn’t bigger. At the same time, I still regard it as one of my better heavy-angst pieces because of how I was able to make it concise but impactful.
...is your funniest: 
Hmm! I think that I tend to keep a balance of humor, fluff, and angst in my writing (and personally, I think that’s what makes it so appealing to me to keep writing) but Witch Hazel was by far one of the more fluffy and just all around funnier ones. I mean, really, a stinky moppet!Douxie who is overjoyed to be running simple errands for his master, sassy Zoe who doesn’t know what to think of this tall, cute, albeit dorky guy, immediately followed up by a time skip to the future where Zoe is soft about sweet Douxie and the roles are sort of reversed. It’s just so stinking cute (pun fully intended.)
...is your darkest/angstiest: 
Well, previously mentioned Uneven Days probably has to take the cake on that one, simply because of how dark it is. Originally, Fundamental Experiences was going to be a lot heavier. I had actually considered having him accidentally kill his father, and had touched on going more in-depth on the abuse suffered. But...I have an idea to incorporate a quite uncomfortable moment where he sees his father for the last time into that series somewhere...
...is your absolute favorite: 
Why on Earth would you make me choose?!?!? Not to mention, my perception of good or not is heavily influenced by reactions and comments, lol. If I had to pin down ONE, I would maybe say that at the moment, chapter 8, “Did You Know” of Saudade is my favorite. In fact, that whole work is my baby. I really enjoyed making them hurt over the course of 25k words, and then of course, writing out my own pining and yearning into these characters I’ve grown to love so much, well, that was cathartic. I think it’s what finally pushed me over the edge of getting over a semi-recent breakup and a heartache for a crush that was never going to go anywhere(the crush in question once sang me all eight and a half minutes of American Pie by Don McLean at work and my obsession with McLean songs took off from there). I self-project an unhealthy amount, but it leaves my writing astonishingly real.
...is your least favorite: 
Yeesh. Well, I wrote Not Just Happenstance for a “The Dragon Prince” AU thing in a contest-type of thing that was going for a while, and it just felt so rushed and cringey. And this work is what led me to realize I really don’t like writing heavily canon-divergent AUs where just about everything is changed. AUs in general are not my cup of tea, but recently I’ve found a few I really vibe with, but I’m only going to write ones with minor changes. I’m down with reading a few here and there, however.
...was the easiest to write:
Hmm. I think mostly because of it’s simplicity and short-and-sweet style, A Friendship of A Thousand Lifetimes. It was one of my earlier pieces posted, back when I thought I’d get away with uploading under 1k pieces to that series. It came pretty naturally to me, and it was actually a little inspired by HTTYD in the trap aspect.
...was the hardest to write: 
There’s a couple of answers to this question. Emotionally speaking, Uneven Days killed me. I had to take crying breaks to write it. And when I finished it, I wasn’t even relieved, I just felt...numb. But logistically speaking, I’ve done wayyyyy too much research on dancing in the 12th century for one of my WIP Zouxie week fics, lol, for it to only be a super minor aspect. I did a lot of research on that one for acceptable words to use, what clothing would have looked like, and so on, and then I only used a tiny bit of that info in the work. I really struggled to pair it own, too, and it’s almost deserving of it’s own mini-series. If you want the sequel to it, you’ll have to comment requesting it when it goes up Nov. 2nd!
...has your favorite line/exchange/paragraph (share it):
I have a couple answers to this one. In regards to fluff:
“Well,” he starts, running a thumb down her cheek and to her jaw. “Twice in nine hundred years is nothing. I was thinking I’d like to make up for some lost time.”
“I wouldn’t mind that at all,” Zoe answers. She meets his lips with a grin.
I mean, that one is just so freaking flirty and adorable, it makes me feel all AHHHHH on the inside. If not for knowing it’s better unwritten (and that I just,,, I mean,, I would write a scene with them making out but I just don’t know if I should yknow. if you think I should, well, by all means leave a comment here and consider it done) I would have delved into that more lol. I am soft for that sort of super sappy flirting. Saudade, Chapter 8.
In terms of humor? I LOVED writing that email interaction/skype call into my Saudade chapters. I just thought it was so freaking funny and fun to write, not to mention there’s so many lines that are gold in there, I can’t just pick one.
But in regards to the angst and pain??
Archibald feels numb and senseless to even the warmth of the sun on his fur. It doesn’t matter anymore. Nothing does. Everything has been taken away from him. Archie feels like a celestial body that had orbited a star all it’s life, only to have it suddenly wrenched away from him. He’s now purposeless. Directionless. The gravity is gone and there is nothing to keep him securely in place. 
This one is from Uneven Days again, and whoooo boy does it hurt. I think I managed to capture Archie’s own perception of himself in regards to Douxie. Without Doux, Archie doesn’t know who he is anymore. And that in itself is a powerful thing.
...have you re-read the most:
I’m not sure. Just for perspective, I reread my fics nearly every time someone comments so I can get a feeling for it again, lol. Though, I have only reread Uneven Days twice. Once to edit, and once after posting and that is all. But I think I’ve reread chap 8 of Saudade over two dozen times. I worked so hard to get that one just right. It wasn’t difficult, it was just that I seriously wanted it to be perfect.
...would you recommend to someone reading your work for the first time: 
Start with Saudade! It will always be the best place to start, and actually, if you read along with my series updates, they weave together quite well. If you really wanted, you could read A Wizard’s Beginnings first simply because of the chronological order, but it’s not necessary.
...are you most proud of: 
Saudade will always be my magnum opus of fics that I’ve written for ToA. It has everything in it and more. But really? A Sinking Memory is by far the best piece I’ve written for ToA. If you haven’t already, please go read this. There is so much I could go into detail about the ways I tied that whole work together. And in fact, I plan to make a post talking about that because so help me Powers that Be, I am not letting it go under-appreciated. (because holy shit the symbolism and raw fucking emotion in there is WILD)
Tagging(with no pressure, but I’d love to hear from you!): @alovesongshewrote, @constantconfusion14, @feather-dancer and @sammyheroes. Thanks so much for the tag again, much love!!!
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disslve · 4 years
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𝐲𝐞𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐰 & 𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐝𝐲 ! this is nai and my cowboy ass is here to throw roxy @ u and also tell u bad jokes and cry over life is strange 2 because i’m still not over this game and I NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT. just a heads up, i came up with roxy on a whim because this rp just looked so good,  so if it seems like i don’t know what i’m talking about ... it’s most likely the case whoops . ( this is an excuse for me bringing shitty muses ). anyway, my fake cowboy ass loves to ramble so if you’re interested in plotting feel free to LIKE this post or hmu. i forgot to mention that i’m also a fake grandma so idk anything about discord at all and i still need to set it up which will happen in the next few days dsdnsdsdn. 
ps: wanted connections/plots can be find in my wanted tag ( a link is on my blog ) and i’ll also list some below !
EDIT: discord name is nai #7158
 * [ kristine froseth + cis-female + she/her ] —— have you met roxanne ‘roxy’ bailey ? they are a twenty-two year old junior currently studying romance languages and literatures. they live on decker house and word around campus is that this scorpio is compassionate + dedicated, as well as impatient + dishonest. i wonder if they’ll make it out alive. 
full name: roxanne elise bailey
nicknames: roxy, rox
sexual orientation: bisexual
birth place: valencia, spain ( but only lived there for five years ) 
one could say that roxy had lived an easy life, though her parents weren’t distinguished by their social status, it didn’t mean they lacked money which was enough to support their daughter in whatever she wanted to do.
truth to be told, roxy was indeed a little spoiled, the type of kids who would try all kind of things on the expenses of their parents only to quit a new ‘hobby’ again. she could barely stick to anything. she was some twisted kind of golden child, good at many things but never had the patience to continue something for long enough to cultivate it. 
skipping over the part where she almost tried everything from arts, music etc. she finally found her passion ( and even roxy herself was surprised ). figure skating. she didn’t know what drew her in, she couldn’t explain it, she tried it and it felt right. roxy always describes the feeling as finding a soulmate if she feels extra dramatic that day. 
unsurprisingly, she was good at it. not that kind of good at something she was at all the other things she tried before, but that being good at which stemmed from genuine interest. maybe, that is why she managed to get so far. and it didn’t take too long that people even started to call her a figure skating prodigy. 
at this point at her life, she had it all, spinning the stars on her fingertips ( or warning bad pun ahead: spinning on the ice ). until, well, her parents company was in some crisis and they had to cut corners in the meantime. also oh so ‘conveniently’ roxy lived at the arse end of nowhere and getting to her practices was now even more difficult because as mentioned before they had to save their money for more necessary things. of course, there were more things , small and big, which totally threw her off ( which i am too lazy to list rn).
roxy tried to work part time, but a) the money wasn’t enough b) she didn’t want to cut more hours of training she managed to get. AND well, here comes the turning point and roxy thinking she was oh-so-smart without realizing that it would cost her career. oh-so-smart roxy came up with the idea to , well, just steal some stuff. after all, she trained with many other wealthy peers and she could just sell off their stuff or something. 
at the beginning she only did it to afford certain things she needed, but soon it somehow became an addiction. she felt in control when everyone else in her life was an utter mess. however, the more she took things away from others the more she felt comfortable, doing it more often and sometimes taking things which weren’t even worth that much. it was only a matter of time until she was caught. and as if she was lucky for too long, the person who caught her pressured her into either giving them a hefty sum of money (which she didn’t have) or to quit figure skating. she decided for the latter.
well, here she was and her sudden departure was quite a shock. but she had no choice and stated it was for personal reasons. 
skipping over her being devastated over it, etc. her parents managed to save their company (whatever this company is) but at this point it was already too late and roxy was accepted into holloway. 
right now she actually wants to pick up her figure skating career again, however, she’s too afraid that the blackmailer is going to expose her and also she doesn’t really know who they are (lets pretend they wrote her letters, txt messages >??) and also she’s kind of afraid due to the lack of practice she had .
okay i’ll keep this short bcs i wrote way too much for her background story. but to sum it up, roxy kind of has that perfect girl facade.  considering how many friends roxy has and how social she appears to be it is odd that no one seems to be able to describe her.  roxy doesn’t want people to know who she truly is, and she keeps her distance as she actively avoids conflicts that might cause her to say something wrong and exposes herself. 
she shields her feelings by only presenting polished version of herself, the facade of the perfect girl: kind, hard-working and polite. someone whose life is easy and someone who looks like she doesn’t have any worries. it doesn’t mean she isn’t anything of that, but it’s not as if her kindness has no bounds or that she doesn’t need to put effort into the things she does. nevertheless, she believes that she must be perfect in order to make people like her. and while, she is pretty good at masking her emotions and smile along, as soon as someone threatens to see past the illusion, she will become defensive and won’t hesitate to lie in order to preserve it.
best friends: although roxy pretty much keeps her distance from everyone else, this person had always stood by her side. maybe they knew about roxy’s sudden wannabe-thief phase ( which she is still in ) and well tried to talk her out of it ( which obviously didn’t work ). also adding some drama here and maybe they had a big argument over it and distanced from each othr because of it. however, my angst ass doesn’t want to ruin it and they’ll rekindle their friendship. they might meet again at holloway and it’s awkward at first, maybe they even have some arguments but they’ll get over it because everyone loves a good rekindled friendship story.
annoyance: someone who gets under roxy’s skin.seeing past the perfect girl face and constantly calling her out on it. maybe they just have fun annoying her and want to see what she really likes or they just don’t like roxy , thinking that beneath all of this act, she is a really unpleasant person. perhaps, they’re even doing it with good intentions and want to show her that she doesn’t need to hide who she is. whatever it is, they’re determined to expose to the world who she really is. 
pen pal ??:  muse a and roxy had been friends for a very long time, yet the funny thing is that they’ve never met each other nor do they know what the other look like. all they know is their name ( or maybe they only know each other by their usernames ) and their deepest secrets. maybe they already have crossed paths many times and perhaps even know each other but don’t like each other irl. or they never had noticed the other.
blackmailer: BECAUSE WHY NOT??? the person who forced roxy to give up on figure skating. maybe, they were a rival or just didn’t like her, or any other reason. they might as well, have noticed that roxy is secretly training again and might be back at their shit again. 
exes: GIVE ME THE ANGST, maybe muse a and roxy used to be in a serious relationship and as naive they were back then both of them thought this love would last forever. however, at some point roxy started to distance herself from muse a, constantly cancelling their dates because of their busy schedule. at first muse a tried to be understanding towards her, but as time passed things only got worse. roxy hating any kind of conflict just decided to ignore the problem instead about talking about it and eventually stopped replying to muse a messages. muse a never really got to know the real reason behind their break up and was left with unanswered questions. but anything works  
unrequited love: (this is just me throwing in my favourite way to make myself suffer) It doesn’t matter who is the one with the the one sided love because i just want some good angst.a)  muse a has a crush on roxy, yet they never told her about it. yet, muse a can’t hide it and it doesn’t take too long until roxy notices it. but instead of trying to talk to muse a about it, roxy just ignores it acting as she usually does and perhaps even give them false hope that she might like them back. maybe muse a even confessed to her and because roxy didn’t want to hurt them she told muse a she’d think about it.
b) roxy has a crush on muse a but doesn’t admit it. she doesn’t want to show their vunerable side and just plays it down. maybe they’re friends and roxy doesn’t want to lose another friend. but one day she confesses to muse a on accident, making everything awkward between them.
someone she stole from: idk i thought this would be fun ? maybe she confessed to them about it or maybe they caught her but decided to not confront her about it.
fan: someone who used to watch her perfomances on their tv and is still not over the fact that she quit.
i also have a connection page on my blog if these are too specific or none of these work 
i’m too tired to come up with more dsdsdnjsd but gimme everything !! THE ANGST, FLUFF, DRAMA PLS!!! 
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aileysmirnov · 5 years
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◇◆Ailey Villains Gallery: Scarecrow◇◆
Scarecrow's face claim: Adrien Brody
Secret vs Scarecrow! How did they met?
Ailey (Secret) and Scarecrow met 'thanks' to Batman:
One night in Gotham, Scarecrow infiltrated the Iceberg Lounge with the intention to Kill some of Penguin's Henchmen.
With a more "upgraded" (and letal) version of his fear gas.
Just as a way to send a message to Oswald who had stolen some of his gas and now was selling it for a very high price on the dark market.
To prevent Batman from intervening, Scarecrow convinced Riddler and Dr Pig to create a "distraction" (if murdering almost 11 people between the two and then make an "spectacle" about it, can be called like that) for the Bat.
And unfortunately when the "Caped Crusader" realized it was a trap (thanks to one of Riddler's "funny" riddles) he was already too far from the building.
Too far from stopping Scarecrow.
He analyzed all of his options pretty fast: he couldn't send Damian, he was with him, Dick was in Blüdhaven, He already send Tim after Riddler and Steph after Pig, Cass and Barbara where in another state with the Birds of prey, Duke and Kate where teaming up to solve a crime involving a new rising homicidal cult and Jason…he wasn't in good terms with Jason…again…and he losed his track at least 2 weeks ago.
And so…he reluctantly took the phone and dialed the number of the one person he could think of.
Ailey was doing the usual: shouting angrily and throwing a tantrum towards her employees (like the good little tyrant she is) for a last minute cancellation of 4 of the stellar models for the upcoming Winter collection of SVELLYO. When all of a sudden she received a call from the one and only: Bruce fucking Wayne.
—B! What a perfect timing! Is not bothersome at all!—she remarked the words sarcastically annoyed a tone that sounded like the venomous hissing of a snake.
—Listen Ailey, I don't have time for thi-
She cut him off
—What a coincidence! Neither do I, B's man! Byee~
—Ailey…—He didn't shout at her but his more menacing (than usually) tone, make her feel like he did; it was a voice tone that Bruce normally just used when he was with Joker and when he used it. Oh boy, You just knew the man ain't taking any shit.
—Listen to me. And listen. C A R E F U L L Y. Scarecrow is in the Iceberg Lounge it's 2 minutes away from you by flying. I need you to go after him and prevent whatever he's up to against Cobblepot.—He said a little more ""nicer"" (if it's even possible) this time, but still with a hint of frustration in his voice.
—yeah…well…I also need this little favor, B—Bruce was about to fucking lose it in that moment, there where lives in danger and this CHILD was just thinking of herself!! But before he could lash out at her with a "I'm dissapointed" speech; Damian took the phone.
—He said he'll do it, you have my word. Now…Go! —Robin said without thinking twice
—Thank you, my zelenyy*! I'm on my way! —and with an Angry Bruce Lashing out at every single thing on earth on the background, Ailey hanged up, wrote a quick note to his secretary, asking him to give all of her employees a rise (including him, of course) and sprinted out to SVELLYO's roof top; without a word to the perplexed staff.
Once she stood there.She could feel the cold night breeze hitting her face and without any doubt she jumped abruptly from one of the highest points in the city.
Her eyes opened at the middle of his falling, adrenaline and renewed energy cursing trough her veins, her blonde hair replaced with a glowing rose gold, a metalic blue growing in her gaze and her outfit conveniently transformed on an all black bodysuit with slight hints of gold on the bottom of her sleeves.
His whole body defying gravity, flying through the night sky with the same grace and glory of a swan and leaving a subtle trace of light glowing pink as she passed by.
She arrived at the Iceberg Lounge back entrance at least 5 seconds earlier from what Batman had predicted.
Penguin's henchmen where all gathered in what appeared to be a small cellar on the very back of the casino, they were complaining about an out of the blue"meeting".
Secret (Ailey) assumed it was Scarecrow's way to get them all in the same place and avoid any unnecessary complications.
With extreme caution she stood and watched near the skylight, trying to fade away her own slightly glowing nature with the moonlight.
Her eyes searched quickly inside the room, ans she soon spotted atleast 6 gas tanks oddly put in some of the poorly lighted corners of the cellar.
But no sign of the maniac
Or so she though until the abrupt pain in her neck and the obscure presence behind her sooner than later make her realize; she wasn't alone.
She could feel the infernal pain from the toxin filling his lungs and cutting her breath and her vision becoming a little bit dizzy.
—You should know better than spying on people, dear…It might not end up being what you expected—his voice was deep and unforgiving, a condescending tone and the weight of countless sleepless nights leaked through every word.
She tried to speak but only felt her throat closing.
—Now, now, dear…all will end up soon. —His tall and lanky figure covered by worn out clothes to match his own psychotic aesthetic made him look intimidating. And without any glimpse of empathy he proceeded to toss her body aside with a kick like if she was a filthy dead rat, and continue to watch expectantly to the ignorant henchmen above.
He was waiting, waiting for one of them to foolishly reveal where his beloved toxin was and after a couple of minutes one of them casually mentioned a secret basement where the most important items waited patiently for whoever was able to afford his almost ridiculously expensive price.
Crane smiled wickedly to himself…he had just what he wanted…almost.
He activated the slightly hidden tanks of fear gas and watched in admiration as some of the henchmen faces started to change into a horrified expression.
—Head's up, asshole!—He didn't even had time to process the situation properly, when Secret's hands where at both sides of his head, the tip of her fingers illuminated and emanating Rose gold strings of pure energy attaching themselves to Crane's mind.
And at that exact moment he remembered: the pain, the panic, the fear.
The very first time he tested his toxin, was on himself: he was laying in to that dirty old shack for what felt like an eternity; he screamed and begged and yet the hallucinations didn't leave him, his mind was racing with the most horrible thought it could possibly even consider, everything so real and yet so distant. He felt hopeless.
And the delicate strings clinging tight around his mind. Lord, what a bittersweet nostalgia! He felt the same, the same way as the first time, he could hear the screams, the voices, the endless discontent. But couldn't find anything around him…just…hollow and for some strange reason…that scared the shit out of him.
Ironically it had been years since the last time Crane felt genuine fear.
When Crane woke up, he was already in that horrible place: a worn out cell from Arkham
But strangely he didn't feel any kind of anger or frustration. No…he felt…elated in the best way possible almost like if he had reborn!
And so…he stood there; staring blankly at the small window with an almost devilish smile across his face.
Waiting for the next encounter
Ailey felt so proud of herself, she had successfully managed to knock out Scarecrow, control the gas leak and save Penguin's henchmen! All alone! And even took the liberty to recover all of Crane's toxin samples Penguin had!
She couldn't wait to see Bruce's face, Oh that man owed her BIG TIME!
When Bruce and Damian finally arrived at the Batcave, he was welcomed by her.
She looked like a 10 year-old who approved one of his test and was proudly showing off the paper to his parents.
Wich made Bruce smile…a little (even if he doesn't admit to it)
—See? You can trust me, B!—she said handing him the samples.
—So you send him to Arkham? Hmm…honestly I didn't though you'll made it…but good job…I guess…?—Damian admitted, while taking off his mask.
—Well, I'm glad I'm not THAT disappointing, sir! —Her tone expressing the sarcasm and slight frustration and offence in every word. Which Damian only replayed with a faint little smile.
—…Good Job, Ailey…—Bruce spoke for the first time since they arrived
—…and thank you for your help…—He completed with a slightly more """friendly""" tone (which just means less stiffness in his voice but still maintaining his authoritarian tone)
—yeah…well…don't thank me yet…we had a deal!—She said while playfully floating around him and touching the ears of his Bat-suit; Bruce could only do as much as to touching the bridge of his nose trying to contain his very obvious nuisance.
—…What do want? —He said sighing heavily.
—Nothing much, really! I want You, Damian, Dick and Katy modeling for SVELLYO winter collection catwalk, next week! —
OMG! That was fun! I was going to put a small and cute little drawing of Ailey touching the ears of the Bat-suit but I still haven't finished yet! So yeah…I will edit it once I have it done!
Anyway! I loved writing this, and I will be uploading more content for Ailey, wich now she has her official anti-hero name! And is called
Shout out to @melyaliz / @insideoflit for the name idea! I honestly struggle so much with names 😅
Thanks to @Shiro.GURu (on insta) for helping me with this! Love ya, girl <3
Tagging: @lobodesaturno @snowflake2sstuff @lord-carstairs @weam0theblueblues @morefarthanaway
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starcoanonymous · 5 years
My Story with Starco and my Letter of Goodbye
Hi, not sure if anyone reading this will know me but I’m Starcoanonymous. I’m a giant fan of Star vs. the Forces of Evil and Starco and have been in the fandom since I discovered it since the first four episodes were released. I grew this blog and wrote a ton on fanfiction.net as FanfictionForDayz in the hopes that one day, this ship would become canon. Looking at myself right now, it’s really strange how this is the only shipping pair I would truly care for and how obsessed I was by it. I don’t care though. It changed my life for the better. Today, I have finished watching all the episodes of Season 4 that I have missed due to college. Now that Starco is canon, it is time for me to say goodbye. This is more for me to remember the good times in the show but if you would like, feel free to tag along for the awesome ride.
Where to start? To begin with, I’m not much of a fandom guy. I did love to watch cartoons but I would never be a real ‘fan’ of the show. That’s as true now as it was then. The only show I was really ever going to be a fan of is this one.
However, the shows that I did like always had unfinished ships. For example, in Pokemon, everytime I wanted Ash and the girl to be together, they wouldn’t. In Yu-Gi-Oh, the main protagonist would never get with the girl. I hated it when that happened. I wasn’t fully aware at the time what ships were and how much I really hated to see that type of thing. Also to mention, I did not like those drama filled, complicated love stories like seen in Twilight and other media back then.
Around 2015 is when I found SVTFOE. I was a sophomore in high school and things were just tough. I wasn’t being bullied or anything, I just was not enjoying high school very much. Now I know I said I’m not much of a fandom guy, but around that time I was also reading the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series and reading a TON of fanfiction about it. I loved Percy and Annabeth being together but there really was no visual representation to latch on to (the movie did not do that series justice). It was really around then I discovered that I loved to see the characters I loved get together.
Season 1:
The TV in the living room was on and by happenstance, it was turned to Disney Channel. I think it was turned to “School Spirit” and something about the show, irked me. The art style, the personalities, I have no idea but as SOON as I saw Star and Macro on the same screen, I absolutely needed to know who they were and what this show was. So, I decided to give this show a try. Dear lord, you cannot imagine what happens next.
At this point in time, the first four episodes were out and the fifth was about to be released in the upcoming week. I watched the first four episodes and I have never been the same since.
There was something refreshing about this show. Something dare I say, magical, about how they structured the first few episodes. I really for the life of me cannot tell you what that meant, but I can tell you that every single night I rewatched those four episodes OVER and OVER again. I am not joking when I tell you that I probably have watched those four episodes combined at least 50 times. After doing research, I came across two very, specific pictures/gifs created by tumblr user @skleero​ which sealed my fate.
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I still have no idea what about this made me go absolutely insane for this show but I do know what made me fall in love with it. The first is the art style. This show’s art style is FANTASTIC. I absolutely love the art style and I praise Nefcy for that in my mind every day. Second, there were no real hints about shipping given out at all. Taking a look at the first four episodes, I didn’t know where this show would take it. I found out however, that I loved not knowing. I hated the idea of not seeing this ship come to life but I loved the possibility that that was the case. I consider this, “shipping masochism.” After all, the goal is worth more if it is hard to achieve.
I was obsessed. Maybe you don’t realize yet how obsessed I was. I literally paused and played each of those four episodes until I examined every single scene where Star and Marco was nearly in contact with each other. Yes, it sounds like an unhealthy obsession but looking at myself today, it truly did me good. It brought me so much joy to watch this show I only have good memories of that time.
Episode 5 comes around and I enjoy it as much as the previous episodes. However, I find out that there is a two month long hiatus until the next episode, “Mewberty/Pixtopia.” To cope with this, I look for other ways to satisfy my needs. I research everything I can about Starco, I scrolled through google images to look for more fan art of it, I even played the game that Disney came out with on their website to promote it. I don’t exactly remember what it was called but I got a tip off saying that Ludo called Marco Star’s boyfriend and that was all it took to get me to play through the whole game and screen shot that exact moment (they later removed that line, sneaky people).
Around then is when I started to read fanfiction for the show. I loved the endless possibilities. I loved not knowing where this ship would go. So, I read every fanfction. Yes, EVERY fanfiction. I first went through fanfiction.net and read EVERY. SINGLE. AVAILABLE. FAN FICTION (about Starco). I became upset that there wasn’t anymore as there were only about 20ish pages of fanfiction stories at the time. So, I went on Archive of Our Own and read every single one there (about Starco). Then, since I still was not satisfied, I read every single fanfiction in the most obscure websites, and saved the text on my Notes app on my IPhone (which I still have. I love these stories).
At this point, I still did not have enough content. I needed more. I found out about tumblr and looked through the Starco tag, but I needed more. So, I got the idea that, instead of looking for content, why don’t I just make it? So, I started up a blog here where I would repost a ton of things and make a few funny edits a long the way and created an account of fanfiction.net where I would write a ton of my own fanfictions on my account FanfictionForDayz.
And so I went, spending all my time enjoying writing fanfiction, watching SVTFOE, watching every scene for every single touch between Star and Marco, trying to find out who Toffee was, banging my face into my pillow as I witnessed Bloodmoon Ball all up till the end of season 1.
Season 2:
At the end of season 1, I couldn’t imagine not being as obsessed with this show, but well, as time flew and there was no episodes for a whole school year, I started to write less and less fanfiction and read less about SVTFOE. I was growing up a little and didn’t have enough time to wait for that Season 2 to come out.
But when it did come out, I was so pumped. It had been nearly a whole year since season 1 ended and there was nothing about to stop me from watching my favorite show. And so I went, absolutely enjoying the show and enjoying the little hints they were pumping out about Starco, even acknowledging the name of the ship in one of the episodes which made me cry honestly.
Then came the dreaded episode. ‘Bon Bon the Birthday Clown.’ All my worst fears were realized. Starco was not cannon and my headcanon of Star and Marco being each others first kissed went out the window. I truly did enjoy the episode but man did it sting. The first realized ship of this show and it was not the main one. I vented my frustrations with funny clips and simply believed Starco would be end game.
Two videos I uploaded during season 2 &3:
At this point, I truly could not bear to write anymore fanfiction. I really only liked writing headcanons, things that were still possible in the show. I did not want to write anymore headcanons with Jarco still being a thing. So I trudged on cursing (not really) Daron for torturing me.
Near the finale, I went crazy. I could not believe Star was revealed to liking Marco. To me, this was the most forbidden thing that anyone could ever do in this show. Why? My previous experience with non-canon ships made me believe that ships were supposed to be on the down low, not mentioned too much as part of the story. This was different however, and out came my excitement as one step towards Starco finally had been accomplished.
Season 3: 
I’m not going to lie, Season 3 was probably my least favorite. I’m sure you can see why. Right as Jackie and Marco broke up, Tom and Star get together. It was like cruelest fate as a Starco shipper. So close, yet so far.
Not only that, I did not enjoy it as much as season 1 & 2 because it put too much emphasis on the drama and love in my opinion. I liked the scarcity of it because it made it all the more sweeter. I also did not like the drama being the main focus of the story. I preferred it in the way that there was a main plot and the drama was just a side plot. Nevertheless, I enjoyed watching every single episode.
Season 4:
Here I am in college, and for the first time, I told Starco to wait. I love the ship but I needed to get good grades this quarter. So when time came for the final season to come out, I decided to wait. I decided for the first time in a long time to get serious with studies. Starco didn’t take away my time for studying at all, I just decided to hold it off until time came where I could enjoy season 4 to the fullest, by myself just like when I first started watching this show. No fanfictions, no tumblr, no news, just me and the episodes.
I achieved the highest grades I’ve gotten in a long time with a 3.8 GPA this quarter. After that, I was ready to watch season 4.
At first, I paced myself. Two episodes a day. So I could fully enjoy them. Eventually, around episode 14 came around and I gave in to my love of the show and spent the whole day watching the rest of season 4.
Watching the show, seeing all the previous characters come back, and realizing how different the show was from the first episode made me realize, the adventure is coming to a close. I knew it was coming and I knew that there probably wasn’t any chance of season 5 happening because the story was wrapping up so nicely. I just hoped. Hoped for the perfect ending.
Finally, 4 years of patiently waiting. 4 years of driving myself so that I could see Starco become a thing. 4 years. And I finally see it. Not only are they simply smiling at each other, they even kissed; a real kiss unlike the one at the photo booth. They are both single, both are ready, both like each other, and both kissed.
Now, as a mature, college sophomore, who has moved away from the cringe of their teen years, I’m sure you understand that I handled it like a mature, responsible- Who am I kidding, I screamed so loud I’m sure I’ll get noise complaints for my neighbors. I praised the world as I saw my ship become real.
Only, there was one more problem to settle.
I didn’t know what was going to happen. Was Marco going to be sent away? This would be the cruelest fate. The universe itself trying to rip your ship apart. I had to hold my breath. Then came the portal at the end of the final episode. I screamed at Star and Marco to run like their lives DEPENDED on it (mine did). 
Then came a most beautiful ending. Hey. It made me want to cry. My ship was canon. That’s all I needed. There are infinite possibilities from what could’ve happened from that point on but to me, I couldn’t ask for better. I would want to see an epilogue of some sort but I’m fine with even this. The deed is done. Starco is canon. And my job is finished.
Thank you. I am obsessed with you because you portray something I believe in. Tom said it perfectly: “I need someone I can be best friends with.” My teacher once said that your spouse is your best friend. I believe everyone’s fateful other will be their best friend. I wanted to believe in something that didn’t seem too likely. I wanted to believe that anything is possible, and it did. Even if it wasn’t that unlikely, it happened.
You gave me the strength and energy I needed when I felt down. You gave me a reason to grow. You gave me a reason to grow up. Even though at times I didn’t like where you were going, I found that in the end, I enjoyed you through and through. I wouldn’t change a single thing, because I would not have done better. It is about time to say goodbye. One day I will return the favor. I don’t know how or who to, but watch me. I will definitely do it. I will treasure you forever, and once again, THANK YOU.
Sincerely, Starcoanonymous
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Grayson x reader
Warnings: none (not even swearing, are yall proud of me lol)
Words: 2.404
Anon request: “I recently found your blog. Can I request a Grayson Dolan Imagine where the reader is a funny YouTuber, and has been spending a lot of time with the vlog squad (David Dobrik) recently and Grayson is just really jealous about it”
a/n: Thank you anon! I feel like Grayson would be kind of a sad-jealous type of person…just as a warning/explanation before you read this. Uhm. Hope ya like it? (I also don’t know a lot about the vlog squad, I’m really sorry, so all I wrote in here is just what I found on the internet)
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You are a little surprised (disappointed) when Gray doesn’t offer to pick you up for your dinner date tonight. It’s been awhile since you last went on a real date, just the two of you without anyone else tagging along. But you’ve been dating for almost a year now and picking you up is not something Gray is obligated to do, of course. A lot has been going on recently and you’re just happy to spend some quality time with him again. If you’re being honest you’re even kind of missing him, even though you’re living in the same city. There just never seems to be enough time to see him. Maybe you should work a little less…convince Gray to go on vacation with you…surprise him with a present or something…So you shrug your surprise (disappointment) off and don’t think much of it.
That is, until you arrive at the restaurant and Gray is sitting at the table he had reserved for the two you and his hair is...wet? He has his head bowed down, his hands laying in his lap, fiddling with his phone and you know he’s gnawing on his lower lip even though you can only see half of his face.
“Hey”, you greet him and put your hand on his shoulder to stop him from getting up. His face lights up and you can feel an answering smile spread over your face at the sight of his widening smile. You brush your lips over his in greeting and – yeah, his hair doesn’t only look wet, it really is wet. But it’s not raining or anything.
You take your seat opposite him and as much as you just want to bask in his presence and drink in the sight of him, you can’t help but notice his appearance. Apart from his hair being wet (and in severe need of a haircut) he seems to have shaved very messily: he has a cut just under his chin and there’s a patch of stubble he missed, right on the hinge of his jaw. His outfit, while put together impeccably like always, doesn’t seem to fit right. Either the entire right side of his body shrunk, or he buttoned his shirt all wrong. You can’t see his shoes but if he wore two different ones, you can’t say you’d be surprised.
“Hey”, Gray answers and his smile is so achingly sweet you forget his unusual appearance for a minute. “I, uh, didn’t order, yet. Wasn’t sure what you wanted.”
“Oh, I guess, I’ll take the usual”, you shrug and open the menu that lays folded before you. Gray and you identified this restaurant as your favourite quite early in your relationship and as much as you like trying new things, the Tagliatelle alla Panna in this place are amazing – especially with their self-made cheese sauce, hmm.
“I’m not sure I even know what your usual is anymore”, Gray mumbles from the other side of the table but he has his head bowed over the menu when you look up at him with a frown.
Before you can formulate a question, the waiter appears behind him. He takes your orders with a smile and brings your drinks shortly after.
“So, uhm”, you mumble, his comment from earlier making you feel a little awkward. A feeling you’re not used to, not around Gray. He looks at you when you start talking and you can’t tell for sure but it looks like he also has dark rings under his eyes. What on earth could have him this distracted? “Feels like ages since I saw you last time.”
“Hm, yeah”, Gray nods and for a moment it seems like he tries for a smile before he resorts to clearing his throat instead. “Last Monday, I think.”
“Oh, right”, you nod. You’d had to leave around midday because Grayson still had to edit their video before Tuesday and since their videos got so much longer these past months, the editing takes much longer, too. “Well. Still feels like ages to me.”
The laugh that comes out of you is high and nervous and you start fiddling with the tablecloth above your knees where he can’t see. This feels weird. Why does it feel weird? Being around Gray has never felt weird before.
“Me too”, Gray admits softly and there’s that familiar rush of affection whenever he voices these sweet, quiet thoughts. He only glances at you from underneath his eyelashes, though, and keeps his head ducked otherwise. He does catch your smile, at least, and half his mouth lifts into an answering one. Under any other circumstances this would be seductive, but you just can’t shake the feeling that something’s off.
That’s the moment the waiter chooses to bring your food which results in another polite pause and an exchange of thankful nods and smiles. He wishes you a cheerful “buon appetito!” and leaves as you start eating your respective dishes.
“So”, you start again, after a few bites taken in silence. Gray looks you in the eye to indicate he’s listening. “What’s up with you?”
“I, uh”, Gray draws his eyebrows together and pulls his shoulders up slightly. “Don’t know. Not much, I guess? Hanging with E, James and Emma a lot. Working out? Planning our next trip to Jersey. Just…boring same old I guess.”
Well, that’s not what you meant, but actually... “Ugh, I miss your ‘boring same old’”, you sigh wistfully. “I feel tired all the time, lately, I think I need a vacation. Or, you know, just hanging out at yours and unwinding a little would have the same effect, I guess”, you smile at him and think of curling up on his bed and cuddling with a movie he’s guaranteed to fall asleep to.
Inexplicably, his face falls at that and he’s back to avoiding eye-contact again. “Well, it’s not like you couldn’t drop by any time.” His tone sounds kind of flat and he’s pushing his food from one side of his plate to the other with a fork. He’s always hungry. Why isn’t he eating? Something is definitely up. You frown.
“Okay, what’s really up, Grayson?” You nod to his clothes and hair (still damp) when he glances at you questioningly. “You look like you don’t even really want to be here. And, I mean, that would okay but, Gray, if you’re not feeling well you could’ve cancelled, you know? Yeah, I’d have been disappointed but it’s not like we haven’t seen each other in months, it’s only been a few days, and I could’ve visited you or brought you something or – okay just, why, why is your hair wet?”
With every word coming out of your mouth Gray seems to curl in on himself a little more until his head is ducked almost behind his glass. At your last question though, he frowns and lifts his hand to his hair as if he hadn’t even noticed. He looks at his dampened hand somewhat surprised. “Well…I showered and didn’t have time to blow-dry my hair before coming here.”
His hair doesn’t take long to dry and if it’s still wet from the shower, he can’t have showered more than half an hour before arriving here. You can feel your own frown deepening. “So…what was so important today that you couldn’t have showered earlier? You don’t even have poor time-management skills, like me, I don’t understand how – “
“I wasn’t sure the date was still up”, Gray cuts you off, mumbling into his lap.
“…oh.”, is all you can say. Well. “I mean, we haven’t done date-night for a while, I guess, but – “
“You cancelled last time”, Gray replies in a sort of defiant tone and you can see the tablecloth moving where he’s fiddling it between his fingers. “And the time before that, too.”
Well. That’s true. Kind of. But… “I, uhm. I’m sorry about that, Gray, but I told you I was sorry and I explained, didn’t I? The first time was because Teddy had forgotten to invite me to go to the movies with them and it would’ve felt rude to cancel on them on the day, even though I’d only the invitation hours before.” You didn’t feel that guilty back then when you’d cancelled on Gray. You had never cancelled before and you’d just been at Gray’s the entire weekend. Looking at him now, his hair damp and floppy, shirt buttoned wrong and staring hard at anything but you, that small puddle of guilt in the back of your mind turns into an outright waterfall. “And, uh, last time I was so tired, Gray, I promise you the evening would’ve just been me falling asleep over the appetizer. I’m sorry.”
Gray shakes his head and there’s even a smile but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “Yeah. Uh, yeah, I get that, yes. Of course.”
There’s a pause and he starts fiddling in his lap once more, then there’s that glance again.
“I just, uhm. I guess, it’s just that…you don’t seem to be tired when you’re hanging with the ‘vlog squad’” – he puts actual air-quotes here – “so, you know, that’s…that’s a little…well.” He doesn’t even attempt to end that sentence, just shrugs, rubs his jaw and winces when he pulls at his skin hard enough to rip at the cut under his chin.
He cut himself shaving. He never cuts himself shaving, he must’ve been in a real hurry to cut himself like that. And he showered and put on a nice shirt, everything so rushed he didn’t manage to do any of those things properly. Accompanying the lump of guilt lodging itself into your throat comes that warmth rushing through you until you can feel it prickling in your fingertips – it’s just such a Gray thing, to try, to really try, no matter what. If nothing else, he managed to be on time, so all his hurrying paid off a little at least.
“Gray…” You don’t know what to say but when you put your hand on the table, reaching out, you almost expect him to ignore it. When he takes your hand without hesitation there’s an actual flutter of relief in your stomach.
“I don’t-”, Gray frowns, looking for the right words as he considers your clasped hands. “I mean, I’m not trying to make you feel bad for…for hanging with your new friends or whatever but…maybe don’t forget your old friends? Or”, his lips twitch into an ironic smile and he finally looks at you, really looks at you, “I guess, at least don’t forget me, okay?”
You still feel guilty but smiling back at him is a reflex at this point, no use in fighting it. Also, his fingers are stroking your pulse slowly and his palm encasing yours just feels too familiar to not feel a little at home.
“I never forgot you, Gray”, you reply and wind your fingers around his to make your point. “David and the rest were just so nice and sweet to me and filming with them is so much fun and they’re really cool and I think you’d actually really like them if you hung out with them, too. I didn’t have lots of spare time, recently, you’re right. I didn’t mean to…to neglect you, or anything.”
He doesn’t seem too keen on ‘hanging out’ with the rest of them but he doesn’t pull his hand back either. “You didn’t neglect me, I’m not a pet or something. It’s just…it would be nice to get at least have as much attention as the ‘vlog squad’. I mean. Being your boyfriend and all.”
“Stop with the air-quotes already, they’re friends.” You chuckle and roll your eyes but hold onto his hand quickly, as he tries to let go. “I’m sorry you felt ignored, okay? I mean that.” He stops pulling at your hand and you loosen your grip to trace the lines of his open palm. “I meant it when I said earlier it felt like ages since I last saw you. I missed you. Don’t ever doubt that.” It wasn’t a question but Gray still nods quietly and it’s so good to have him back, this unguarded, open (lovely, sweet, soft) version of Gray, that you lift his hand to press a quick kiss into his palm. Gray keeps it there and cups your jaw. “The next two weeks are just for us, yeah? I’ll stay at yours and annoy you until you wish I’d go back to my ‘new’ friends.”
Gray shakes his head with a reluctant smile at your cheeky grin and presses his thumb against your lower lip, opening your mouth slightly.
“Never”, he challenges and doesn’t beat an eyelash when you graze your teeth against the pad of his thumb teasingly.
“We’ll see about that”, you promise, and he hauls you closer with something like a growl in his chest until his nose rubs against yours.
“You always have to have the last word, huh?”, he asks and kisses you before you can answer.
It doesn’t last two seconds before the table between you starts buzzing. Gray pulls away far enough so both of you can glance at the phone lit up and buzzing between you. It’s yours. And the name flashing on the screen reads “Gabbie”.
It’s times like these, when he reads just as quickly as you even though the text is upside down, that you suspect Gray maybe has some sort of selective dyslexia. The second you read Gabbie’s name, Gray pulls you in again and places a distinctly possessive kiss on your lips.
“Don’t you dare pick up”, Gray breathes into your mouth.
Someone on the table next to you clears their throat before you can answer and he lets go. You sit back in your seat and calmly even out your skirt, your phone still buzzing and Gray’s eyes drilling into your face from across the table. You look right into his eyes as you grab your phone and the flicker of vulnerability behind his eyes tightens your heart for a split second. You turn your phone off without looking at it and Gray’s eyes turn into pure, melted chocolate and you can’t wait to curl up in his embrace later tonight.
You like your friends. You’re not going to stop hanging out with them because Gray is jealous. But you will also not prioritize them over him.
My Masterlist
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youknowmymethods · 6 years
Content Creator Interview #5
Welcome back again folks! This week in our fifth interview @vermofftiss chats to @mizjoely about her love of lists, her fantasy season five finale, and reveals the truth about who really writes her stories...
Hi, @mizjoely here, chatting with @vermofftiss about my sherlolly writing and fandom experiences, and answering some questions submitted by a few other folks. I’ve been involved in fandom in one way or another since the early 1980s, which is also when I started writing fanfiction - for classic Doctor Who and Star Trek in its various incarnations.
@vermofftiss here, putting forward the aforementioned questions. I’ll also be trying to weasel some advice out of @mizjoely that I can use for my own writing, which has been a casual ongoing thing since I published my first sherlolly fic in 2014.
Vermofftiss: I think our first encounter was in the Sherlollychat in the fall of 2014, around the time I got onto AO3. Which means series 3 was five years ago. How does it feel knowing that series 4 was already two years ago? What’s changed in the time since it aired?
Mizjoely: Oh, I miss the sherlollychat, or at least I did until Channy came up with the discord version! It’s hard to fathom that so much time has passed since I joined the fandom! (I became active on tumblr in November 2013 after discovering Sherlolly earlier that same year, btw.) Series 3 was five years ago. Series 4 was two years ago. Crazy!
As for what’s changed since then, I’d have to say one positive thing is that the fandom wank has calmed way the hell down since S4…. Another change that I’ve seen is probably common to all fandoms over time - new writers and content creators have joined the fandom while (sadly) many others have moved on to other fandoms. Of course, that’s to be expected when your show is essentially over, but it’s still kind of sad to lose folks completely to other fandoms.
V: Which series was your favourite to play with as a writer? When did you really get into writing Sherlolly?
M: I would have to say Series 4 has definitely been a great series to write for - so much angst! The I love you! Mary Watson’s very sad death, Rosie Watson becoming a character, Mrs. Hudson showing us what a badass she is, and of course Eurus Holmes entering the picture. We might not have gotten as much Molly Hooper as we wanted, but the scenes we did get with her were tremendous and gave so much inspiration to me and many other writers.
I really got into Sherlolly as a ship after seeing TRF, as I’m sure is true with many folks - especially the “what do you need” scene. And it was so much fun to dive into the possibilities of life after Sherlock’s ‘death’ between Series 2 and 3, I consider that a real golden age of Sherlolly writing. My first published Sherlock/Sherlolly fic was “Conversations With A Dead Detective”, set Post Reichenbach, which according to fanfiction.net I published on 04/11/13 (so I’m nearly at my five year Sherlolly- versary, woo hoo!).
A quick look at my spreadsheet (don’t judge me, I love my lists) shows that I wrote or at least started 37 fics that year (one of which I’m still working on, yikes! - The World As We Know It, a vamp!lock fic). I’m currently sitting at almost 500 fics for Sherlolly, which still amazes me, that I could be that inspired by a pair of fictional characters! (For comparison, my second most prolific fandom is Doctor Who, for whom I wrote a total of 25 stories over a period of 20 years. And of those 25, only about a dozen were for my main ship, Five/Tegan).
V: A couple of questions from @ohaine - 
1) Based on the sheer volume of your work, I have this theory that you’re actually some sort of artistic collective rather than just one person, please tell me I’m right!
M: You have discovered my secret: I'm actually four raccoons in a trenchcoat! Seriously though, until I was bitten by the Sherlolly bug, my output was much, much lower, even though I've been writing fanfics since the early 1980s. For example, I love the Zutara ship for Avatar: Last Airbender, but I only wrote three fics for that. I wrote about 25 fics for Doctor Who, and about the same amount for the various Star Treks (not including Khanolly). Nothing set my writing muse afire like Sherlolly, and I doubt anything ever will again.
and, 2) You write a lot of AUs, and I’m wondering what inspires them?
M: Considering that I started off as a strictly Canon Universe/Canon Compliant writer in all of my other fandoms, it still seems funny to me how much I enjoy writing and reading AUs now. I started reading them after finally running out of canon compliant fics to read and discovering how much fun it was to transplant the characters into a different universe. And that, of course, made me think about what sort of AUs I could fit Molly and Sherlock into.
In fact, the very first BBC Sherlock story I started to write (never finished or posted) was an AU because I was nervous about trying to write Sherlock and figured no one would complain too much about him being OOC if it was a fantasy setting. (I ended up taking the plunge on a canon universe post Reichenbach fic and posted that and a lot of other canon universe fics before returning to AUs.)
Wait, that doesn't answer the question! What inspires them? The same things that inspire all my writing: wanting to read a specific kind of fic and not being able to find it; fics that other authors have written that make me itch to put my own spin on the idea; dreams; books I've read or movies or TV shows I've watched...inspiration is everywhere when you really, really, really love a ship. (Gawd that's cheesy but it's true - no love, no writing fanfic, period end of paragraph.)
V: This past spring I finally got the nerve to start working on my first proper AU (not CC, CU, or UA) after sitting on the idea for about 3 years. Have you ever had to wait to be “ready” to start working on a concept? How much do you need to know about a project to get going on it?
M: I have absolutely had to wait to be ready to start working on a concept. My very first attempt at a Sherlolly fic (never finished or published) was going to be an AU because I was so intimidated by the idea of writing Sherlock Holmes in the canon universe set up by Moffat & Gatiss. I was terrified I wouldn’t get his voice right, that he would be too OOC for folks, that I wouldn’t be able to make him clever enough or that I’d mess things up a dozen different ways. So I started writing the AU instead, and in doing so (over a course of several months), I finally realized that no, I wanted to start off in the canon universe. Just trying to write him at all, in any setting, made me a little less intimidated by him. But I might never have written anything if I hadn’t started that abandoned AU. (And I look forward to seeing your AU when you’re ready to post it!)
V: Does reader feedback ever impact the plots of your stories or the building of your AUs?
M: It absolutely can, especially when someone leaves a comment that makes me think about my story in a different light. I won’t go so far as to say comments have caused me to redo anything on a larger scale (such as change the ending) but certainly I’ve thrown things into the fic or expanded on ideas expressed in a comment to make the story that much richer.
That’s one of the best things about being active in fandom - the interactions between readers and writers. Of course, the reverse can also be true - I remember needing a LOT of fan-friend coddling when some folks were unhappy with the ending of my story ‘Abandoned’ (i.e., my Molly let my Sherlock get off too easily). But you have to have thick skin to be a creator, and remember that not everyone likes the same things. And you also have to be able to say yes, I could have done this better, or if I had to do it over I’d do it differently. It’s all part of the creative process.
V: Are there any scenes or aspects that were cut from a story that you regretted leaving out at the end?
M: Not really. Most things that I cut have been vetted by my betas (shout-out to ALL betas for being willing to help you make your story better!) and jettisoning those things has always made my stories better. (Plus I keep a folder of scraps that got cut and periodically review those scraps to see if I might be able to salvage them.)
V: On top of being one of the better-known Sherlolly writers in the tag, you’re also the single person behind the Sherlollbrary. As much as I love to organize my life and everything else I can get my hands on, that’s not something I think I’d ever actually want to do. So what made you decide to start cataloguing Sherlolly fics?
M: My love of lists. Seriously, that’s it. I love making lists of things - like, how many stories did I write in 2013 for Sherlolly (37, as you now know!), how many one-shots have I written vs. multi-chapters, how many were prompts...and then I started seeing people doing lists of various tropes. The one that made me decided to start my Sherlollilists side blog was one put together for Sherlolly omegaverse stories. As more and more lists were created, edited, and added (I’m currently at 140 official lists, with more than a dozen unofficial lists), I decided it would nice to organize them all (not realizing quite what I was getting into!) as one spreadsheet, with other tropes and tags and keywords for folks to help narrow down their searches. It always give me a little thrill when I open the library and see folks are browsing, so I like to think it’s a useful tool (although I am looking forward to finishing it someday!)
@writingwife-83 asked: You work tirelessly to organize all the multitude of writing this ship produces, but how do you feel that affects you as a writer? Does it make you less interested in writing your own fics? Or does it tend to help get the wheels turning and inspire you?
M: I have to admit, sometimes curating the lists can completely put me off writing, simply due to feeling oversaturated. This is especially true when I am reading or skimming over fics that are, shall we say, not the best of the bunch. Or the times when I'm just pushing myself even if I'm not really enthusiastic about doing it. Those times, I've learned to just step back, which is why sometimes the lists don't get updated very quickly.
On the other hand, rereading a favorite or a forgotten gem can really get my creative juices flowing. At times like that, I fall back in love with the ship and the fandom all over again.
V: When you’re stuck with writer’s block or just a lack of motivation, does it help you more to reread an old fave or to go back through some of your own works? Have you noticed your style has changed much?
M: It does help, absolutely. It reminds me why I love this ship so much, and helps me reconnect with others in the fandom. People think of reading as passive and writing as solitary, but to me it’s an interactive process. Reading great fics, new can old, helps feed your creativity. And nowadays the internet helps so much as well - there are awesome resources and fandom spaces to talk to other folks about their works and your own, reminding you that you’re not creating in a vacuum. (And I REALLY love the cheerleading section of the Sherlolly Discord site. That can help unstick my creativity like nobody’s business!)
As for my style changing - yeah, it definitely has. I feel like my writing has become more streamlined and less clunky since I first started. I still do a lot of semicolon abuse but at this point I’ve decided that’s just my style and will likely never change.
Thanks for the excellent questions and for letting me ramble on!
V: I’m sure we can do a lot more rambling if left on the trail. How about one last one: In the currently hypothetical series 5, how would you continue the story from where it left off?
M: Oooh, good one! If I was in charge we would see that Sherlock and Molly are continuing their relationship, culminating with a wedding at the end of the third episode. But since I’m not in charge, I’m thinking that Mofftiss would give us some subtle hints, like John casually mentioning to Sherlock that he and Rosie can’t join ‘them’ for dinner that night for whatever reason. And maybe some small changes to 221B to show hints that someone else spends time there other than Sherlock and the Watsons - a cherry patterned pillow, perhaps? A Bart’s ID card with a woman’s picture to show that no, it isn’t one Sherlock nicked to get access to a place he otherwise couldn’t get to? A woman’s coat hanging next to Sherlock’s? Something like that. And some private smiles between Sherlock and Molly, little things like that. Enough to give us hope but not enough to give us proof! They do like to tease that way!
Non-shipwise, I think Eurus would make a return because come on, how do you leave a character like that catatonic? I also think they would return to ACD canon to revise a few more cases for the modern age, and maybe (maybe!) have John start dating again (especially if they’re so married to canon that they killed Mary off - since John seems to have been married at least twice, they would probably explore that option).
I know, that last part is a bit vague but honestly? I hope they surprise the hell out of us in a good way if we ever get that fifth series!
Next Week, Friday March 22nd, @ashockinglackofsatin talks to @sunken-standard
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thekeyten · 6 years
character creation tag
i was tagged by @vhum ! thank you so much omg!!
i’m actually gonna switch things up on this tag and to the mains from book 2 of the albatross duology (tentative title: death, jokes and other necessities)
1) What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.?)
felix: for felix it was backstory and personality first (also his ability, bc that’s a big part of the story. he can talk to the dead)
jericho: for jericho it was his ability (and consequently his backstory) jer has the ability called ‘kiss of death.’ and it’s exactly what it sounds like. 
2) Did you design them with any other characters/OCs from their universe in mind?
felix: his family! primarily his older, twin sisters. they’re a trio of terror for sure. i wanted their dynamic to work really well together, so i designed felix with his sisters in mind the whole time. 
jericho: yes! jericho was one of the key 10 (superhero group that took down a dictator about 15 years before albatross starts) so i designed him with the whole key 10 group in mind. he was escorted by another member of the group bc his dad is the president of the country he’s from. jer is connected to a lot of the original members of the k10, so he’s v interconnected. 
3) How did you choose their name?
felix: i wanted a cool, royal sounding name since felix is royalty (i also just really like the name felix)
jericho: i’ve wanted to name a character jericho for....a long time. that’s it lmao;;
4) In developing their backstory, what elements of the world they live in played the most influential parts?
felix: the war had a huge impact on felix’s character. he never wanted to be involved in ruling, he’s the baby of the family it wouldn’t have ever really fallen to him. but when the war was getting really bad, he stepped in to be his older sister’s right hand (bc his other sister never wanted to rule either, and he and arty wanted to spare her from that duty, and let her live the life she really really wanted) so, felix ended up setting his medium business aside for a few years to be arty’s right hand.
jericho: also the war. but in a different way. jer was in the k10 and was, obvs, on the forefront of the battle. but growing up the thing he hated the most was war and violence, so being called upon to be in the k10 really challenged jericho in a lot of ways and made him even more of a pacifist than he was as a kid. 
5) Is there any significance behind their hair colour?
felix: yeah, actually! felix has like. lavender hair? it’s a really common hair color in Pria (where he’s from) ((other common hair colors include dark purple, black, white, and blue))
jericho: not really, he has dark brown hair, but that relatively common in a lot of places.
6) Is there any significance behind their eye colour?
felix: nah, he has brown eyes, but they’re not significant
jericho: kinda? he has green eyes, which are pretty uncommon in harra (and no one else in his family has them, they all have variations of brown or hazel)
7) Is there any significance behind their height?
felix: nah, he’s average height, about 5′9′’
jericho: not significant, but he is short, about 5′3′’
8) What (if anything) do you relate to within their character/story?
felix: seeing the positive in any situation possible
jericho: high-key introversion
9) Are they based off of you, in some way?
felix & jericho: nope (i don’t tend to base character stuff on me, i might draw on my experiences, but i don’t intentionally add me-stuff)
10) Did you know what the OC’s sexuality would be at the time of their creation?
felix & jericho: yes and yes, they’re both ace (felix is asexual-biromantic and jericho is aroace)
11) What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: Writing, drawing, edits, etc.)?
felix: being as funny as he is lmao
jericho: being sulllen yet lovable
(i actually need to draw them both i’ll put in on the to-do list)
12) How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all?
felix & jericho: not tons yet, but i want to have an idea in my head up until they die basically at some point, just for me to know
13) If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be?
felix: he always looks to the positive and he will put his family’s needs/wants above his own every time
jericho: he will not resort ot violence, ever and the only family member he speaks to is his brother
14) What is something about your OC that can make you laugh?
felix: he once broke a priceless vase in his youth but then wrote out a 6-page report for his parents about why it needed to be destroyed anyway
jericho: he acts really ambivalent about love around him but he’s been secretly trying to set his brother up with this one girl for 20 years (he plays the long game)
15) What is something about your OC can make you cry?
felix: he would give up everything he ever wanted if his family needed him or called upon him to do so, without question
jericho: he lost his youth to senseless war and cut off ties to most of his family because of it
16) Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story?
felix & jericho: nope i love them both as is i think
17) What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC?
felix: he can juggle
jericho: he likes kids
18) What is your favourite fact about your OC?
felix: he makes puns about e v e r y t h i n g
jericho: despite grumbling about it, he delivered love letters between his brother and the love of his life for years bc he really wanted them to be together
this was super fun! thank you again for tagging me!! i think i’ll go ahead and tag: @incandescent-creativity @the-real-rg @monstrouswrites @writersblockandapotoftea and anyone else that wants to! this is me tagging you! (if you guys want anyway, no pressure)
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wondroussimmer-blog · 6 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Basically, no one actually tagged me in this, but I thought i’d give it a go anyway seeing as this is a new blog and you guys can get to now me a bit, so I tag anyone who sees this and also wants to have a go...
1. What is your full name? I’m not putting my last name on here, but my first name is Maja (Miya) 2. What is your nickname? I don’t really have one 3. Birthday? January 1st 4. What is your favourite book series? I don’t really read book series’ 5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Not 100% sure, I don’t believe in the sort of ghosts you see in films, but I think I believe our loved ones stay with us in some way. As for aliens, idk, we can’t be the only life but idk.  6. Who is your favourite author? I find the fault in our stars quite overrated, but i’d say John Green because some of his others are my favourites! 7. What is your favourite radio station? BBC Radio 1 8. What is your favourite flavour of anything? this is such a weird question, how can you have a favourite flavour for everything? but if it’s sweet, definitely strawberry! 9. What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? Again, weird question, but i use so many words for this, my most used are probably lovely and amazing 10. What is your current favourite song? this changes alll the time, but right this minute it’s probably sunflower by post malone and swae lee 11. What is your favourite word? is this a thing? 12. What was the last song you listened to? vacation by hippo campus 13. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? big mouth, orphan black, queer eye, dexter 14. What is your favourite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? the breakfast club or mean girls probably 15. Do you play video games? only the sims 16. What is your biggest fear? probably the death of people close to me, and in the future not being able to have children 17. What is your best quality, in your opinion? probably that i’m a friendly person  18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? i’m v insecure 19. Do you like cats or dogs better? DOGS... always dogs! 20. What is your favourite season? autumn/winter 21. Are you in a relationship? yes 22. What is something you miss from your childhood? having way more friends and barely any responsibilities 23. Who is your best friend? my boyfriend 24. What is your eye colour? blue 25. What is your hair colour? brown 26. Who is someone you love? my boyfriend and family 27. Who is someone you trust? my boyfriend and closest family 28. Who is someone you think about often? okay wow, so much variety in these answers but the same as the previous two answers 29. Are you currently excited about/for something? christmas and my birthday 30. What is your biggest obsession? probably sims 31. What was your favourite TV show as a child? Probably Tracy beaker or that’s so raven  32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? my boyfriend 33. Are you superstitious? only slightly 34. Do you have any unusual phobias? cracking knuckles, moths (but only indoors), realistic looking mannequins and gas masks... so not much 35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? behind, every single time 36. What is your favourite hobby? playing sims, graphic designing, video editing 37. What was the last book you read? The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat by Oliver Sacks 38. What was the last movie you watched? Muppet’s Christmas Carol 39. What musical instruments do you play, if any? I play a bit of guitar and can play the mr bean theme song on piano if that counts 40. What is your favourite animal? dogs 41. What are your top 5 favourite Tumblr blogs that you follow? I definitely have more than 5  42. What superpower do you wish you had? be able to teleport and go invisible  43. When and where do you feel most at peace? probably at home with my boyfriend 44. What makes you smile? sorry if this is becoming a boring answer... but my boyfriend! also my dog :) 45. What sports do you play, if any? I don’t at the moment, but I have done tennis, dance (ballet, tap and modern), swimming, karate, speed skating and netball 46. What is your favourite drink? water... how boring ik 47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? Last month, I made my boyfriend a scrap book as one of my boyfriend’s presents for our anniversary and wrote some letters as part of it  48. Are you afraid of heights? not if it’s a secure height 49. What is your biggest pet peeve? I have wayyy too many and so many grammatical ones, I absolutely hate when people incorrectly use was and were, so if someone said ‘we was going’, I think it’s quite an essex thing but I hateeee it, I can’t stand bad grammar, but also slow walkers, people who walk through the door without looking behind them to hold the door open for people behind, other drivers not indicating, people that have to be louder than everyone else, people that chew with their mouths open... basically I have a lot and this list could go on and on and on 50. Have you ever been to a concert? I’ve seen all time low, the 1975, imagine dragons, sunset sons, ed sheeran and paramore in concert so far and i’m seeing panic! at the disco in march which i’m MEGA excited about!!! 51. Are you vegan/vegetarian? vegetarian 52. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? This would change all the time, it went from radio dj, to dancer, to teacher when I was really young, then architect when I was a teenager, and now it’s clinical psychologist which i’m slowly working towards 53. What fictional world would you like to live in? I’ve not got a clue 54. What is something you worry about? EVERYTHING! I get a lot of social anxiety, so basically whenever i’m out of the house i’m worrying about absolutely everything and it’s the worst and gets me super down, so yeah, love that 55. Are you scared of the dark? okay so I don’t like leaving the dark, i’m fine being in the dark but I hate when i’m home alone and have to turn the lights off in the living room, kitchen and hall to go to bed... if that makes sense 56. Do you like to sing? i’m someone that, at home, is constantly singing, and when it’s only my boyfriend around, if one of us says a sentence that can in some way relate to a song, i’ll immediately sing it, but I suck so I won’t ever sing in public 57. Have you ever skipped school? in school I faked being ill a few times to get off of school, but in uni i’ve skipped way too many lectures over the past 3 years 58. What is your favourite place on the planet? I absolutely adore Spain, but also Belgrade (i’m half Serbian) 59. Where would you like to live? If not my current home town, i’d love to one day live somewhere like Norway or Sweden 60. Do you have any pets? yep, i’ve got a french bulldog 61. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? I wake up pretty early, but I hate to start the day early 62. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? sunsets. 63. Do you know how to drive? Yep 64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? the sound of headphones but I normally use earbuds 65. Have you ever had braces? nope, thank god 66. What is your favourite genre of music? this really ranges from charts, to indie rock, to ‘former emo kid’, to early 2000s r&b, to musical theatre 67. Who is your hero? probably my boyfriend 68. Do you read comic books? no 69. What makes you the most angry? as we’ve already gathered, I have a lot of pet peeves, so a lot! 70. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book?a real book! 71. What is your favourite subject in school? I currently study psychology which has been my favourite subject since A levels, but during GCSEs I enjoyed maths  72. Do you have any siblings? 1 younger brother 73. What was the last thing you bought? some christmas presents for my boyfriend’s cousins 74. How tall are you? 5ft4 75. Can you cook? yes 76. What are three things that you love? spending time with people I love, travelling, collecting photos  77. What are three things that you hate? busy places, cheats, confrontation 78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends? I actually barely have any so this is kind of hard to answer 79. What is your sexual orientation? straight 80. Where do you currently live? England 81. Who was the last person you texted? my mum 82. When was the last time you cried? I’m not actually sure, which is funny because I cry all the time and super easily 83. Who is your favourite YouTuber? I have so many: in terms of sims: lilsimsie, urbansims, sophsims, simkim, plumbella, in terms of lifestyle: louise pentland, in terms of fashion and beauty: samantha maria, tati westbrook, busybee carys, patricia bright, antonio garza, and others: shane dawson, sarah baska, kendall rae, jaackmaate, and loads more! basically, if i’m not on tumblr, i’m on youtube, if i’m not on youtube i’m playing sims, and if i’m not on sims i’m on tumblr... 84. Do you like to take selfies? rarely 85. What is your favourite app? any social media  86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? fab 87. What is your favourite foreign accent? Australian and Scottish 88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? I have so many but I won’t bore you with another long list, so just a few: Sweden, South Africa, Iceland and Canada 89. What is your favourite number? 1 90. Can you juggle? no 91. Are you religious? I was baptised but don’t really consider myself religious 92. Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? both as interesting as the other 93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? not really 94. Are you allergic to anything? no 95. Can you curl your tongue? yep, one of my weird ‘party tricks’ is I can actually curl it 180 degrees 96. Can you wiggle your ears? no 97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? not as often as I should 98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? probably the forest 99. What is your favourite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you?my dad probably gives the best life advice but there’s too much to put here   100. Are you a good liar? It depends 101. What is your Hogwarts House? Hufflepuff 102. Do you talk to yourself? All the time 103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? I N T R O V E R T, i’m so introverted to the point I hate it but seriously struggle to change it 104. Do you keep a journal/diary? no but I have in the past 105. Do you believe in second chances? it depends 106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? Hand it in 107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? It depends 108. Are you ticklish? VERY 109. Have you ever been on a plane? manyyyy times 110. Do you have any piercings? nope, I have but not anymore 111. What fictional character do you wish was real? no idea  112. Do you have any tattoos? nope 113. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? I’m really not sure 114. Do you believe in karma? to an extent, but at the same time bad things seem to happen to good people, sooooo 115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? neither 116. Do you want children? yes 117. Who is the smartest person you know? my cousin 118. What is your most embarrassing memory? omg my whole life is filled with embarrassing memories that I seem to always remember at the most inconvenient times or when i’m about to go to sleep that just haunt me out of nowhere...fun 119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? yes 120. What colour are most of you clothes? black or white 121. Do you like adventures? yep 122. Have you ever been on TV? no 123. How old are you? 20 - nearly 21 124. What is your favourite quote? not really sure. 125. Do you prefer sweet or savoury foods? sweet
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winteriron-trash · 6 years
About Me/FAQ
Hey, welcome to my blog! This is my -well, usually- Marvel-centric blog that has everything WinterIron, Bucky Barnes, and Tony Stark, as well as some general shitposts of my own wild adventures. I figured it’s best to keep up this trend of updating my ‘About Me’ page every follower milestone. So thank you all so much for over 3,000 followers, I never expected to break that many followers, let alone in less than a year on Tumblr. I appreciate each and everyone one of you, so really, thank you for sticking around with my bullshit.
Per the usual, I don’t do drama, I don’t do discourse. If you have a serious problem with me or anything I’ve written/done on this blog, please take it up with me personally. I will delete anon hate (if I get any, I haven’t gotten any yet…) and I think it’s all just pointless. I can be salty and derpy sometimes, but I will never purposely say something malicious. I’m not here for that negativity.
Now, to the FAQs.
Do you have an Ao3/Pillowfort/other social media?
I do have an Ao3, you can find me at Gothic_Lolita. I don’t cross-post everything, and a lot of my stuff on Ao3 isn’t WinterIron or even Bucky or Tony-centric, so if you’d like to see some other stuff I write, feel free to check over there. I don’t have a Pillowfort, nor do I plan on getting one. It took me forever to get this platform right, I’m not in the place to bother learning how to navigate a new one. I don’t do Snapchat or Instagram or Twitter because I am not nearly basic or cool enough for that stuff. The only social media I use is Tumblr and Pinterest, and trust me, my Pinterest is nothing interesting enough to be worth linking.
Do you have a tagging system?
I’m… trying, honestly. I’m trying to adjust my tags and systems because of the… wildness Tumblr is having with blocking and purging certain tags. I try to be funny in my tags, and I swear a lot, and apparently ‘fuck’ is being filtered out of the tag search, so that’s fun and completely screwed me over. As it stands, the important tags are ‘winteriron-trash writes’ (my writing tag), ‘shitposting with becca’ (any wild shitposts of my own sad creation), ‘not about marvel’ (any posts that are my general bullshittery and not Marvel related), ‘becca gives mediocre writing advice’ (a new tag I’m trying to use that’ll tag any post that I give writing advice on), ‘becca spills the tea’ (a tag for whenever I post my metas or opinions on Marvel characters, plots, etc), and the citrus scale which I explain in a post here
Do you write original fiction?
Yes, but I rarely, if ever, post it. I think I have all of one poem on Tumblr, any absolutely nothing original on Ao3. I write original works all the time, especially poetry and novels, but I’m super shy about being vulnerable and putting my stuff out there. I do wanna post my original writing somehow, but considering a fandom blog and Ao3 aren’t really the place for it, I’ll just keep it all hidden inside of me, and one day I’ll die. You’re more than welcome to ask me about any of my original writings, trust me, I am always willing to ramble about the shit I write, it’s pathetic.
What type of fanfiction do you write?
For this blog, mostly WinterIron fics or gen fics focused on Bucky or Tony. I do write about OT3s on here occasionally, but they usually include WinterIron in some way. Most of the time. I’ve somehow gotten to writing some weird stuff lately, to be honest. I’ll work with MCU, Sony Venom, and Spiderverse characters and canon, with the occasionally comic canon shoved in there. I have occasionally written crossover content with DC characters, but that usually relies on comic versions -or at least my own remixes of them- rather than the DCEU. On my masterlist, you can check out all the things I’ve written!
What are your ships besides WinterIron? NOTPs?
I’ll ship almost anything, and I’m a huge fan of rarepairs/interesting relationships simply to explore the possibilities of it, particularly when they include Bucky or Tony. My top OTPs besides WinterIron are currently Phlint, FalconShield, and BlackPepper. As for NOTPs, I strongly dislike Stucky, Stuckony, Thorki, and Staron for reasons of just not being able to see those characters together romantically. Feel free to send me the wildest rarepair your mind can think of, chances are I’ve probably already thought of it myself so I’d love the chance to ramble about/write for it. I’m a big fan of weird OT3s as well, just see the weird shit on my masterlist.
Are you in any fandoms besides Marvel?
I’m into DC, Star Trek, classic literature, Percy Jackson/HoO/Kane Chronicles, She-Ra, Carmen Sandiego, indie gaming, Supernatural, vulture culture, HYDRA Trash Party, and musicals. Yes, I’m aware I was born to be a geek. Trust me, I’ve grown very used to it.
Do you take prompts?
Honestly, sending me a prompt/headcanon/idea is a shot in the dark. I have prompts sitting in my inbox that has been there for about a year that I’ve been meaning to write. Chances are if you send me a prompt yes I’ve seen it, yes I think it’s lovely, but god I do not have the time. Occasionally a prompt will really grab my eye and I’ll just have to write something for it, but sometimes even that can take months to finish. Don’t be surprised if you send me a prompt and I randomly fill it seven months later. I’m prone to doing so. I love being tagged in existing prompt/headcanon posts and asked to write it (as I have a bad habit of hijacking posts to write stuff for them to begin with…) just know that once again the chances of me writing it are about a 50/50. Also, make sure the OP is okay with you asking me to write it, it’s never my intention to steal someone else’s spotlight, I just want to take cool ideas and throw my two cents in.
Is there anything you won’t write?
Drugs and alcohol are hard nos for me. They’re personal triggers that if you really want to know more about, you can send me an ask or message about. If I’ve listed something as a NOTP, I will not write anything with it. I strongly dislike writing kid fics, mundane AUs, damsel in distress Tony fics, and A/B/O, but I’m willing to work with an idea if it’s good enough. It really depends on the situation.
Do you offer writing advice/reviews?
Yep! I’m down to answer any questions on writing fanfic or just writing in general. I love talking about writing and all that. Seriously, I like talking about writing almost as much as I like talking about Marvel. I’m more than open to reading a few chapters of your fic or book or whatever and telling you my honest thoughts, but I probably won’t have time to read all of it if it’s more than 5k long, because I’m just a busy person. And I will be honest because I want to be helpful. Don’t ask me for my honest opinion if you just want your ego stroked.
Can I ask your opinion on [insert topic here]?
Always. I am always open to sharing my honest opinions, regardless of backlash I’ll receive for it. I’d rather be my honest self online -the one place I can be my honest self- then a fake mask made to please others. Whether it be fandom ships, in-universe meta, or non-fandom related topics, feel free to ask me. I love talking meta, or just general thoughts and opinions on random stuff. Trust me, I’m far too opinionated for my own good. Ask literally anyone who’s met me.
How long have you been writing?
All seventeen years of my sad, sad life. I loved writing stupid little stories when I was a kid, that slowly morphed into shitty “books”, then I went through a poetry phase in junior high, and when I was about 14 I wrote my first fanfiction. I posted my first fanfic when I was 15, and have been posting fanfiction for over a year and a half now. I started Tumblr in late February but didn’t start writing fics here until about March because I am a shy bitch.
Aaaaaaand now for some stupid shit about me you didn’t ask for.
My name is Becca, or Winter, or Dumbass, whatever you prefer, and I’m a dumbfuck 17 yr old lesbian from upstate New York. (The ‘upstate’ part is important. Don’t ask me if I live in NYC. Just don’t.) I’m a junior in high school and planning to study English and Marketing in college, to hopefully become an editor. Hopefully. I’m actually a pretty boring and dumb bitch, which makes it all the more concerning that I am steadily gaining popularity on this hellsite. Someone help me.
I mentioned some of my interests above, but some other stuff I’m into includes knitting, playing piano, tea, collecting (hoarding) notebooks, photography, editing, music, and being a general idiot. I’m a wild child in ripped jeans and a leather jacket, which should not fool you because I’m far too shy and afraid of everything to be cool like that. I sound a lot cooler online because I’ve gotten so used to online interactions from making friends and running my own Discord server, but in real life I am unrecognizable. I’ve been in a grade of 60 people with the same people since kindergarten and some of them still don’t know my name.
I’m mentally ill and all that, but we’re working on getting… better. Writing schedules are a mess from me and sometimes I’m falling apart so, that’s fun. It doesn’t usually affect my blog because I internalize that shit, but occasionally the self-deprecating humor can get to be a little too close to the truth. And just the general spastic nature of my blog reflects the utter chaos of my mind.
So anyway, that’s me, please be my friend. Also, because this seems to come up more and more. Please don’t be afraid of me/intimidated by me. I know I look all cool and popular, but I am literally a hot mess just like the rest of us. If you want to climb your way into my messages and just,,,, scream at me about something you think I’d like, or just scream in general, go ahead. I really won’t mind, I promise. I need… friends, or so my therapist tells me.
Oh, and here’s a face reveal.
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Yes, I am that absolute idiot of a person, lying splat in the middle of my elementary playground field for,,,, reasons???? I don’t really remember the story behind that picture tbh, but it’s my entire personality in a single picture, so I dig it.
And here’s my actual face, with a cheap ring in my mouth and a fox filter because I thought I looked cute, okay? Leave me be.
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I swear I’m funny and talented sometimes, please like me.
As always, feel free to send me an ask or a message about anything you’d like. 
Check out my Masterlist if you want, and join my Discord Server.
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