#edwardian ghost stories
ibrithir-was-here · 1 year
Weird Question, I'm trying to make a list of classic (like Victorian/Edwardian/before 1960s) Ghost Stories with colors in the titles for a Halloween thing, but I can't figure out something for Orange, Pink, Blue or Indigo. Any ideas?
Here's what I've got so far, a few of them have multiple as I'm still deciding which I want to do:
The White People/The Novel of the White Powder
The Red Room/The Red Lodge/Masque of the Red Death
The Yellow Wallpaper/The King in Yellow
Green Tea/Girl with the Green Ribbon
The Violet Car
Young Goodman Brown
The Novel of the Black Seal
The Colour Out of Space (for good measure xD )
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blistering-typhoons · 7 months
you bitches don't even know about the ghost stories i'm collecting (desperately wants the bitches to know about the ghost stories i'm collecting)
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azazel-dreams · 2 years
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Classic Victorian and Edwardian Ghost Stories
Rating: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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jonnywaistcoat · 5 months
Have you heard of the “dark academia aesthetic”? If so, do you like it and have you employed it into the ~vibes~ and ~themes~ of some of your work? Asking because I’ve seen many people interpret Magnus as belonging to that kind of vibe and wondering if that was your intended vision
It's hard to articulate why exactly this ask a amuses me so much. Essentially "dark academia" tends to be a slightly cartoonish fashioned-up vision of old British scholarly institutions, as interpreted by American kids who are just picking up on the vibe. As a Brit who's spent most of their life in London, Oxford, Manchester and the various libraries and museums therein, it's not an aesthetic or a vibe - it's just what I know. Also, from what I can tell one of the other main inspirations for "dark academia" is adaptations of Victorian and Edwardian spooky fiction (James, Blackwood, Dickens, etc.) which are exactly the sort of ghost stories I was reading as a kid and which inspires a lot of my work.
So, I guess my feeling is Magus wasnt aiming for a dark academia vibe - dark academia is aiming for a *Magnus* vibe. And it's not nailing it.
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vivelegalite · 4 months
dear dead boy detective (especially paynland) enjoyers: have you yet heard of the biggest gift bestowed upon the fandom so far, aka jayden's charles playlist? the one he mentioned in interviews? well, he dropped it on twitter at 19th of may. and man, do i have stuff to say about it.
there's a lot of 80's bangers, for sure, great to get into the mood and character, but some of the choices...
i'm gonna focus on a few of my favourites, songs that made me go insane when i saw them. honorable mentions: - category 1 (so devoted the lines blur): ain't no mountain high enough by marvin gaye and tammi terrell, there is a light that never goes out by the smiths, inkpot gods by the amazing devil - category 2 (family life): family line and summer child by conan gray, seventeen going under by sam fender, matilda by harry styles, father by the front bottoms - category 3 (being queer in the 80s): smalltown boy by bronski beat, boys don't cry by the cure - category 4 (there's no heterosexual explanation for this one): good luck, babe! by chappel roan, yellow by coldplay, fight or flight by conan gray (is this about monty? the cat king? i need answers!), the prophecy by taylor swift, arms tonite by mother mother, sweet by cigarettes after sex, head over heels by tears for fears
this list is by no means complete or comprehensive!
and now, the songs that made me go the craziest: (they're predominantly in charles' pov as it's his playlist)
found heaven by conan gray
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the only reason this song made it into the list and not the honorable mentions instead of smalltown boy is that it makes almost the same point, just so much more explicitly. i don't think i have to say much about it, it's a story of a young person griping with their queerness, being forced to leave home, a common theme of the playlist. "you're in love, you found heaven" when he chose edwin over his own afterlife, heavily implied to be heaven, and built his heaven with him on the mortal plane? ouch! (and we see this same notion repeated in another bop from the playlist, heaven is a place on earth by belinda carlisle).
2. like real people do by hozier
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"i miss kissing" charles rowland, 202X romantic meaning aside, the verses show a sort of a common understanding the boys have around the manner of their deaths and their lives before it. we already know from the show they don't really talk about it, with edwin not knowing about the severity of the abuse charles suffered. it feels like one of them saying "let the past be past, we're together now, yeah?". but also, jayden: can there ever be a platonic explanation for this? ghosts can't touch, can't feel, so they wish they could just kiss like "real" (alive?) people do?
3. flaws by bastille
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not the most romantic song, but i absolutely love how well it fits their dynamic. despite his edwardian brand of repression, edwin truly is the one that's more open about his feelings (recognising of course that in this case, the bar is so low it's in hell. haha, get it). edwin has worn his flaws upon his sleeve, and charles has held them buried - eg. bottling up all of his anger and resentment towards his family and his own death. the song presents a very sweet outlook, in which their flaws are brought up to the surface (for example, charles' outburst against the night nurse in episode 4), but they learn to accept them as they are, an extension of themselves.
4. a pearl by mitski
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you know it's gonna get intense if there's a mitski song in the mix.
the song is about a person who finds love in their partner, someone who treats them way better than they've ever been treated - and yet they cannot bring themselves to reciprocate the affection ("it's not that i don't want you, sorry i can't take your touch") despite reciprocating the feelings themselves because of the trauma. charles is known to bottle things up ("you're growing tired of me and all the things i don't talk about"). the person in the song recognises the love the other person holds for them ("you love me so hard and i still can't sleep"), which reminds me of charles' response to edwin's confession. not a "no", but a "maybe, as time passes".
5. fair by the amazing devil
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this one made me genuinely gasp when i first delved into the lyrics. it's simply so sweet, such a genuine and domestic portrayal of love. at first i thought it was way too open about being a love song (normal text instead of the subtext i'd be used to) for jayden to choose it with edwin in mind, but... there's no one else it can really be about. it's far too domestic, too "established" to refer to crystal. refers to a relationship that's laster for a longer while.
the narrator in the first verse is a person deeply in love with the other person, someone who loves to make his lover laugh and simply drinks in their presence. the "he" in the song i believe is charles, while the "she" refers to edwin. edwin promises to fight off anyone - or any feelings pulling charles down (we can see this in the first episode: "you ever think... what if death did catch us? she'd force us to go to the afterlife and split up" "i will make sure this never happens."). charles feels left behind by the world (seeing as he clings to crystal at first, refering to her as "someone their age who's still alive") and believes edwin to be so much stronger than he's ever been. i'm not going to break down the song verse by verse, but if you read it yourself while subbing out "he" for charles and "she" for edwin you'll see just how sweet (and... strangely very in character?) the song is.
6. work song by hozier
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if the previous song made me gasp when i saw the lyrics, this one made me go "NO WAY" out loud when i saw the title. the first one verse is just pure toothrotting sweetness, but the chorus is what i want to draw attention to:
when my time comes around lay me gently in the cold, dark earth no grave can hold my body down i'll crawl home to her
HELLO? charles, who keeps escaping death and afterlife to be able to stay with edwin? charles, as he literally takes his last breath with edwin right there, choosing to be by his side rather than move on? charles, who keeps choosing him despite night nurse's promises and threats? charles, who literally crawled through hell for him?
verse 2, to me, can be interpreted as referring to when charles died. edwin found him at his worst, and he "woke" up with his presence comforting him. he was shivering due to hypothermia and his injuries. edwin didn't ask him about what happened or pushed him, he simply listened. the lines "i didn't care much how long i lived, but I swear, i thought i dreamed her" are pretty self explanatory.
in verse 3 we still see the same attitude of "damn the afterlife, at least we have each other" as charles portrays througout the series. they're free, and heaven and hell are simply words to him.
7. orpheus by vincent lima
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i literally have no words for this one. it fits too well. if you want commentary for this one, just... i don't know, rewatch the staircase scene.
8. francesca by hozier
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(cracks knuckles) this is the big one. the album francesca is from, unreal unearth, is based on dante alighieri's divine comedy, a fourteenth century poem about a man venturing into hell, purgatory and eventually heaven. the eponymous francesca is one francesca di rimini, a woman who was politically married off to a man older than her, called giovanni malatesta. francesca didn't love him, and eventually fell deep in love with giovanni's younger brother, paolo. the two carried on with the affair for years, before being murdered by giovanni upon his finding out. francesca and paolo are mentioned in canto v of the first book, inferno, as two souls damned in the second circle of hell, lust. their punishment is to be permanently locked in a hurricane, swept away by the winds the moment they manage to get close enough to touch one another.
as opposed to their portrayal in the poem, the song is from the perspective of paolo, explaining that no matter the punishment, he wouldn't change anything about his life because he got to know, and love, francesca.
the first verse brings to mind the scenes in hell, especially on the staircase ("do you think I'd give up? that this might've shook the love from me? or that I was on the brink? how could you think, darlin', i'd scare so easily?" as an echo of charles' "sorry. no version of this where i didn't come get you"). "my life was a storm since i was born, how could i fear any hurricane?" could relate to charles' tumultuous family life, an assurance that nothing he has to deal with while by edwin's side will faze him given the things he's lived through. no, despite everything he's suffered through, charles wouldn't do anything differently - because his (admittedly shitty) life led him to edwin ("i'd tell them, put me back in"). we already know charles would choose him over heaven, willingly sacrificing his own afterlife to stay with a boy he's known for hours, someone kind enough to keep him company as he drew his final breath. all of it - his father's abuse, his schoolmates' bigotry, the pain of his own death, as well as everything he's gone through since - he'd do it all again, for edwin.
"for all that was said of where we'd end up at the end of it" could be taken as an allusion to the fate the boys would meet at "at the end of it", when they're finally caught by death and separated, or as more of a general "if you sin, you will go to hell when you die" (up to you to decide what the sin itself would be - an interpretation that would work with other songs on the playlist is that one such sin would be same sex attraction). then their hearts ceased, they never knew "peace", nor did they want to find it in death. their deaths were too soon, them being ripped away from life, but even though it would break his heart: charles would ask to do it all again.
the outro, i think, beautifully pulls it all together: heaven is not fit to house a love like theirs.
to wrap it all up:
jayden, what were you cooking in there? what do you know??
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annepi-blog · 10 days
Save Dead Boy Detectives
Hey friends,
I’m hoping you can spare a minute to help out. Please take a second to sign the petition at the end of this post to help save Dead Boy Detectives!
Now, you might be thinking, “Why should I care? I didn’t even watch it.”
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Well, this isn't just about one show. Dead Boy Detectives is far from the first series Netflix has canceled, and we’re especially frustrated because this is part of a growing trend. LGBTQ+ inclusive series like this one are often axed after just one or two seasons, leaving fans heartbroken and hesitant to start new shows in the future. It’s become a sort of “throwaway culture” where unique, diverse stories just… disappear. And that’s honestly so disheartening for those of us who connect with these characters.
Fans are especially angry because Dead Boy Detectives is highly praised by both audiences and critics. The viewership numbers were solid and comparable to first seasons of shows like Emily in Paris or Heartstopper, which are now going into their third or fourth seasons. So it’s hard to understand why this show is being cut when it clearly resonated with people and had the potential to go the distance.
That’s why it would mean so much if you showed a little solidarity and stood against this trend with us.
And of course, it would be amazing if you gave the show a chance. Even though a second season may not happen, the storylines in season one are mostly wrapped up, so you can still enjoy the ride without feeling like you’re left hanging.
One of the best parts of Dead Boy Detectives is how diverse the cast is. For once, 3 of the 4 main characters aren’t white, and this level of representation has meant the world to many fans. There is also a high proportion of badass women in the series.
Plus, the story is packed with important themes like abuse, bullying, grief, finding and accepting yourself, and of course, the beauty of found family and friendship. Wrapped up in horror, detective stories, and genuine comedy-drama, Dead Boy Detectives strikes a balance that makes it both fun and heartfelt.
And the LGBTQIA+ representation! We've got a canonical gay Edwardian ghost, a gay human-crow familiar, a lesbian butcher, a sapphic librarian, and even a pansexual shape-shifting cat king.
So please, sign the petition, and maybe check out the show. It would mean the world to all of us in the fandom.
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yeoldenews · 3 months
hello! i was wondering if you (or any blogs you think might know?) had any resources for edwardian fashion, more precisely edwardian teen fashion? i'm writing a story centering on two edwardian ghosts and would like help on their style of speech as well if you can't help on the fashion aspects. thank you!
In my opinion, if you want to be able to portray the authentic feel of a time period, there is nothing better than diving head first into primary sources.
Whenever I start any large research/writing project that’s centered on a particular year, I usually spend at least a couple of days just immersing myself in the era.
We live in an extraordinary age when it comes to primary source research (especially for the early 20th century) - there are literally millions of period newspapers/books/magazines/films/recordings floating around online.
Find out what books were popular and check them out! Read the newspaper! Listen to popular music! Watch silent movies or newsreels!
For teenagers, school yearbooks are a particularly great source to get an idea of how young people spoke, their senses of humor, common slang, casual fashion, as well as the daily routines and general vibes of the time period. Most universities have their yearbooks digitized and available online and can be pretty easily found on google (try searching: [year] [location if desired] yearbook digital collections).
As for fashion - there are so many great fashion history tumblrs, that it’s pretty hard to go wrong if you just explore the “Edwardian” or “1900s” tag a bit. One thing to keep in mind though - most dresses that end up in museums were owned by very, very rich individuals. So, though a great place to start, scrolling through blogs full of museum pieces to learn about fashion history is roughly the equivalent of learning about modern fashion by only watching Chanel runway shows.
By the Edwardian era most young people were wearing pretty much the same thing as adults by the age of 14/15. You were, however, starting to see the very beginning of what would become the modern “juniors’ section” - usually termed “Misses’” for girls and “young men’s” or “collegiate” for boys. Here are a few examples of this can be seen in period catalogs from 1912, 1911 (starting on page 21) and 1908. 
It’s also important to keep in mind that fashion changed much, much more quickly than it does now. A woman in 1906 and a woman in 1911 would have noticeably different styles and silhouettes. I'd recommend scrolling through some fashion plates (going to shout out chic-a-gigot here who has a great collection of French fashion plates organized by decade and year) to get a basic handle on how the silhouette changed year by year.
In my past life I was fashion history specialist for high-end auctions, so I could go on in A LOT more detail about this subject, but I'm going to end it here before this gets too long.
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ohmerricat · 4 months
an essay about Rogue, The Chimes of Midnight, and how i believe all this ties in to the overarching themes of the series EVEN IF the inside-a-tv-show theory proves untrue
“Rogue” named himself after a stock character. he is the archetypal Handsome Rogue because there has to be a Handsome Rogue role in a period drama story set in Austenesque Regency England.
it’s all theatre — smoke and mirrors. just like the war waged against imaginary foes in boom (because there needs to be an Enemy in a wartime story) was theatre; the creation of the Bogeyman in space babies (because there needs to be a Scary Monster in a children’s bedtime story) was theatre; The Woman following Ruby in 73 yards (because there needs to be a Ghost in a folk horror story) was theatre. dot and bubble less so, but it’s wise to note — the dots created the slugs after all. they invented the slugs so that there would be a tangible Creature for the finetimers (and the Doctor) to fear, rather than simply being betrayed by their own technology. because that’s exactly what the false, harmful narratives colonialists tell themselves — stories of taming and conquering a wild Mother Nature and her ferocious beasts — have trained them to expect from the world. the dots were telling a story too, or rather putting on a play.
the penultimate episode of any doctor who series, if not always leading directly into the two-parter finale, will typically begin to tie up loose narrative strands that have stretched across the entire season. at a first impression rogue doesn’t seem to be doing that. but then you take a closer look at the antagonists: creatures that play a role for fun without the slightest regard for those around them. lethal LARPers. cosplayers out to kill. to put it pretentiously, a hyper-realistic theatre of cruelty.
to nobody’s surprise, i’m bringing up my favourite eighth doctor audio drama — the chimes of midnight. edward grove gives every person trapped in the time loop a designated role: the chauffeur, the doctor-detective, the plucky young lady of the house, the lady’s maid, the scullery girl, the housekeeper. they keep playing these roles, over and over, until they begin to forget their original identity, until the part they’re playing takes over their entire sense of self. the servants keep dying over and over because they cannot transcend their roles, because they believe themselves to be “nothing but a scullery maid”. they are reduced to the parts they play in the narrative until they become nothing outside of it, until they become confined to a single location.
the chimes of midnight is set in Edwardian-era England, a time of restrictive, prescriptive class, status and social roles which defined a person’s life and career trajectory — this strict delineation is driven to its logical conclusion and deconstructed under the unnatural conditions of Edward Grove. similarly, rogue is set in a Regency-era mansion — another historical period defined in the popular imagination by its complicated social rules, elegant courtship dynamics, strict class barriers, gossip and elitism. these two doctor who stories don’t have any intentional watsonian connection, but they are deeply linked on a thematic level.
high society is forced theatre. a 24/7 LARP. play your part, put on your costume, don’t interrupt the performance. the audience is waiting. they’re oh so hungry for tragedy.
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the biggest part of them all, the most sought-after role, of course, is The Doctor. a standard to live up to. a name to wear like a banner, a pledge, a promise. he has to be like this because this is what he’s like.
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the Scullery Maid scrubs the kitchen floor. The Detective searches for clues. the Chauffeur starts up his car. the Duchess hosts a glittering soirée. the Rake hides a secret fling with the Wallflower. the Rogue breaks hearts and broods on the balcony.
and the Doctor? the Doctor dances. “onwards and upwards”. forever in perpetual motion, spinning and spinning and spinning across the stars. never pausing to breathe. never stopping.
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p.s.: so, pray tell, what is Ruby Sunday in all this? “The Companion”, of course. smart, funny, sassy, quick-witted, brave, cheeky, curious, self-sacrificial. she almost feels generic because she’s meant to be. she wasn’t born. she was written. an essential part of the story too. circling the Doctor like a satellite forever.
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yinorathedragontamer · 5 months
Wings? [Charles Rowland x fem! alive! supernatural! reader]
a/n: this is quite the long oneshot, longer than expected, but i really enjoyed writing this! i hope you guys enjoy, and feel free to request fics such as these whenever you'd like <3
word count: around 2k.
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"Here, this will be your room, rent is weekly and that is your roommate [name]" Jenny says as she hands Crystal the keys to the room, and gestures a little vaguely at the girl standing infront of them both. "hey Jenny, i thought you said i'd get one roommate, not three?" you ask as you glance at the two boys standing behind who you now know as Crystal, one of them looking intrigued and the other mainly just confused, and Crystal tilts her head a little as if she just made a new discovery "did you forget to take your meds again [name]? there's just Crystal" Jenny rolls her eyes and turns around to leave, saying something about why she even lets you stay here as she walks back to the front of the shop. "so, uh, you can see us?" one of the boys asks, and you take a step back from the sudden startle "oh, sorry mate, didn't mean to startle you, i'm Charles, and this is Edwin" he gives you a charming smile, and you quickly look at Crystal, who, hopefully gently, jabs him in the ribs with her elbow. "Sorry about that, don't worry, i see them too, as you heard from Jenny, my name's Crystal" she holds out a hand to shake, which you slightly hesitantly take "i'm [name]..." "so, are you a psychic like Crystal or have you had a near-death experience?" the one who you heard was called Edwin asks as he takes out a notebook and a pen to write down your answer, and you notice Charles giving him a look that says 'really dude?'. "uh, well, i'm not really sure? strange things have been happening since i was a child, doctors gave me meds for it but they didn't exactly work" you answer. "hm, what kind of strange things? we're the dead boy detectives, me and Charles, i suppose Crystal here joined us recently, but we solve supernatural cases" "yeah, my demon ex-boyfriend stole my memories so, yeah, i'm trying to get them back" Crystal adds. "dead boy detectives? are you two ghosts?" you ask. "yeah, you got that right" Charles says with a bright smile, the type that you would instantly think about if you had to think about him. "right, okay, in that case..." you start to tell your story. "for as long as i can remember, i've been seeing things that others never seemed to notice, the earliest memory i have was that i went to a museum, i was quite young, and i saw someone staring at a wall, and when i got closer i saw that his entire face was cut up, like, something had mauled him, i ran away crying, but my mom said it was all in my head" you continue. "another time was a few years later, i was on the school playground, and since people said i was weird, other kids refused to play with me. i saw this dog, a real sweetheart, and started playing with it, it was only when a teacher came to ask me what i was doing that i was told there was nothing there, and when i looked back at the dog, it dissappeared". "any more recent things? something that doesn't include seeing ghosts? because that would indicate you probably just had a near death experience that you didn't realize, such as getting run over by a, what was it called Charles? a car?" Edwin asks, "jeez, when did you die?" you say with clear disbelief that he forgot what exactly a car was for a second. "he died in the edwardian era, then spent like, 70 years in hell before he got out, i died in the 80's, and stuck around with him" Charles says with a slight shrug. "oh shit, okay, so to answer your question, it was like, eight months ago, i woke up, and i had this" you take off your shirt, Edwin instantly averts his eyes to the floor, meanwhile Charles looks at Edwin instead. you turn around, and show them the tattoo of two bug-like wings going from your shoulderblades down your back. "damn, those are.... really cool"
Crystal says with a nod, and Edwin quickly writes it down. "and what's so strange about that? isn't it just a cool tattoo?" he inquires, not quite getting the strange thing about them yet. "well, i never got a tattoo before in my life, i never got these willingly, and sometimes, i have this nearly painful ache on my back, and when i do it's the worst where the tattoo begins, on my shoulder blades" you answer as you put your shirt back on, much to Edwin's relief as he really wasn't used to seeing stuff like that out of nowhere.
that first meeting? that was a few weeks ago, and you have become close friends with all of them.
Crystal has become like a sister to you, Niko has joined the team now too after you guys saved her, and even Edwin has been more kind to you, he has his charms sometimes.
and Charles? oh, where to begin.
you two are like two peas in a pod, and at first, Edwin did NOT like that, but he's been more than kind about it now.
at this point, he practically ALWAYS tells you two to go together for cases, and as close as you two are, you hate it.
why? you've fallen, and not even a little.
those smiles he gives you, the way his first concern was you when he got out of that loop in the haunted house, the way he always offers to put your stuff in his infinite bag, the accent, the looks he gives you sometimes, and it's terrible!
you swear its unnatural, to fall for a person who's been dead for decades, to have fallen for someone who probably doesn't love you that way.
nah, you're reading into things, atleast, thats what you tell yourself.
he however? he's the exact same.
the reason why Edwin keeps pairing you two up is because he figured out that Charles likes you, a lot, to the point where Charles had to make a deal with Niko for her to shut up about it too, before you found out.
no way you'd like a person who's already dead right?
when he thought of you, he thought about you making fun of his accent, your wing tattoos, the way you tried to keep his focus on solving the case and on you instead of the murderous scene when you guys were in that house, the way your grin was to die for as you asked about what the 80's were like, the way you hugged him and told him to never do that again as soon as he was out of that dreaded loop, he could swear he saw tears of relief in those gorgeous eyes of yours.
"hey Edwin, i saw 12 cats in total outside, just so you know" you say as you walk in with the groceries for the week, since you and Crystal did still have to eat. Edwin nods and quietly thanks you for helping him count all the cats, Charles walks through the wall into your bedroom before you can say anything, he wanted to tell you how he feels but, was it worth the risk? it would be rather awkward since you'd still have to talk to eachother nearly constantly.
you notice it, though, and you quickly take off your jacket before going into your room too.
"hey Charles, i need to talk to you about something" you say a little nervously, were you really going to do this? really?
"ofcourse mate, what's up?" he tries to sound relaxed, but you don't seem to notice as you quickly ramble on about something he only understands half of.
"yeahsoireallylikeyoulikemorethanafriendandicantreallyhandlehidingitanymoreandireallyloveyoursmileandialwaysendupthinkingaboutyouwhenevericantsleepandihadtopayNikooffusingmanga'stoconvincehertokeepquietbutyeahthatsallpleasedonthateme-" Charles looks at you with confusion, and you take a deep breath.
"okay, so, long story short, summery of that ramble, i really like you, i don't know how, since like, i'm alive and you're dead- wait was that rude? i didn't mean-" before you can finish, you feel his hands on your cheeks as he kisses you, and ofcourse you kiss back.
he pulls away, and look you in the eyes with a loving smile, one you have never seen before "i like you too, so don't even worry about it"
"we'll figure everything out together, yeah?" all you can do is nod as a grin finds its way on you face.
you woke up with a scream.
your back hurts like hell, and you can feel blood coming down onto the sheets.
in a panic, you quickly go to the bathroom, rushing right past a just woken up Crystal who looks worried.
once in the bathroom, you take off your shirt, though not without struggle as the pain on your back makes it extremely painful to lift your arms so high.
as you take off your shirt, your eyes widen in even more panic as you see the blood that seeped onto it, and you turn around infront of the mirror, seeing blood trickling down your back from your shoulder blades, and... two wings, covered in that same blood, they look exactly like the tattoo you had, but then real.
before you can do any more panicking you hear a knock on the door.
"[name]? you in there? what's wrong?" it's Crystal, though before you can say anything you hear more voices.
"Love? you alright? i'm coming in there if you don't answer, you sounded like you were in pain" Charles. oh no.
he can't see this?! what would he think? you look disgusting, with a bedhead and a bloody back.
"no! no, please just let Edwin in, i can't let you two see me like this.." you say as a few tears roll down your face, apparently your voice sounded like it too as Charles was ready to barge in through the wall anyway if Crystal didn't keep a hold on his arm.
less than a minute later, Edwin comes in, and his eyes widen as he sees the state you are in, and he quickly leaves again.
you stare at yourself in the bathroom mirror as he comes back with a book on... fairy's?
"it's not just about fairy's, it's also about fairy type blessings that they might give to people who went through a lot of negetivity in their life, and what type of blessings they give, clearly we need to figure out yours." he explains before you can question him.
"here it says it's a blessing of the ignored, given to someone who got ignored and waved away whenever they tried to say or convince someone of anything, and the wings were bound to sprout when you feel like you're ready for it, even though you aren't aware of what you're ready for" he explains, and he takes a good look at the 'instructions' of how to atleast clean them up.
"right, i'd say, take a hot shower, put on something like a... backless top or dress? i believe you have those? and we can show Charles, Crystal and Niko and we'll figure out what to do"
all you can do it nod as he leaves again, and you hear some light arguing between him and Charles before you hear Crystal interrupting them and convincing Charles to just sit down at the table and wait.
you took a good, warm shower, though you could instantly tell your wings were sensitive, but tough at the same time.
you put a towel around yourself, and luckily you have a door straight to your bedroom, which Crystal uses aswell, as then she doesn't have to walk past Charles and Edwin when she has showered.
you put on a backless top that you got a year back, but never got to wear as it's usually too cold for it, and some simple jeans and shoes.
you walk out, and see Charles instantly looking relieved as he gets up, though he can tell there's something going on as it's much too cold for that top, and Crystal walks past you in awe as she comes out of her room too, Niko also just walked in from the door with Edwin, and he nods to you to turn around.
and you do.
at first your'e nervous, but then you hear the gasps of awe and you feel Charles gently touch one of them, which makes it twitch a little.
"i did more research when you were showering, turns out the first times are most painful, but you can control wether or not they are as a tattoo or as usable wings, though obviously you must train to do anything with them at all, such as flying. i reccomend that you get more backless tops or tanktops that leave the shoulderblades free, so if we're on a case you could simply take off your shirt and free those wings incase it's needed"
you nod, and before you do anything else, you turn back around, and you spread them.
you look at the floor, but Charles lifts your head back up to meet his eyes, full of wonder. "those are awesome, yeah? we'll help you figure everything out, as always"
"i believe we've gotten a new case, huh?" Crystal says with a slight smile, and you smile back.
you let your wings relax, and without even thinking too much of it, they go back to their tattoo form.
"i suppose we do" Edwin replies.
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mayapapaya33 · 5 months
Edwin's incredible allure
So as we all know, Edwin was seducing people left and right with his Repressed Edwardian Ghost Boy rizz (and even pre Ghostification with Simon). Yes from a story structure pov I understand exactly why they did everything they did and it's great, yay sexual and romantic awakenings! However from a purely IN the story POV the implication is that Edwin has had quite a lot of people interested in him that he has been completely oblivious too for the last 38 years (since 1989). And moreover that he will continue to have people falling all over themselves around him in future seasons. Because it would make no sense for that to come to a dead stop. I imagine they'll tone it down a skosh though for future seasons lol.
I wonder if Charles noticed and just never said anything. Maybe that's part of his protectiveness. His Bff is from 1916, I imagine the sex ed was nonexistent at that point, or of the "you'll burn in Hell if you do anything" variety, so yeah, I'd feel pretty protective too.
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ibrithir-was-here · 9 months
Council of War
@animate-mush (and everyone else following/contributing to this AU!)
Arthur Holmwood stood with his hands pressed down hard upon the round table where he was holding cabinet; trying to look like the collected, confident, and assured leader he knew his organization needed him to be--and not the tired, battered, worn to unraveling wreck he felt like inside.
“I'm sure by now that you've all heard what happened last night”, he began, his voice low and solemn, but with an edge in it that made everyone in the room sit up straighter.
 “Count Dracula himself came into the grounds and attempted to abduct young Mr. Harker. He was stopped only by--by the quick intervention of Lucille”
If the agents around the table  noted the slight tremor in Arthur's voice as he recalled that particular event of the night, they wisely kept their silence.
“The Count was also followed by two more vampires who were also able to enter the grounds…Mr Harker's parents.”
This revelation did produce a faint flutter of disturbed whispering, which was instantly cut off by a firm look from Jack, seated as ever at Arthur's right hand.
“Both they and the Count managed to escape, miraculously without any casualties. And what I want to know now…” Athur said slowly, forcing himself with every inch of aristocratic decorum that had been drummed into him to keep calm -- 
“Is just how they all got here, where they are now, and how soon can we be ready to finally end this?”
Arthur stood straight, looking each person at the table in the eye, one by one. Each person in his organization had their reasons for being here, their own strange and often terrifying experience that brought them into his circle, that had led them to believe him and Jack in their warnings of the threats that lurked within the shadows.
Henry Harrington, who's brother had run afoul of a truly nasty hedge magician, who'd sent something to stalk his brother's steps day and night, and which finally overtook him on a lonesome road with no help in sight.
Harrington had gotten justice on the fiend, and had gladly joined their ranks when they'd crossed paths while doing research on one of their missions, determined that no one else's loved one would suffer a similar fate.
There was young Ben Edwards, who'd somehow caught the eye of a vampire-witch at the age of 16, and been stalked by her in dreams until only a few years ago, when she'd finally tried to sink her teeth into him upon the unfortunate occurrence of him being put up for the night in her old tower room.
 He'd escaped with his life and soul, been desperate for answers, stumbled onto Arthur's organization, and eagerly joined up. 
And Alwyne Hargreaves…she'd also found them, trying to make sense of the strange memories she had of being carried off by ‘A Bloofer Lady’. 
Arthur had been sick all day after their first interview, and Jack was not much better. 
Her experience had apparently rendered her sensitive to all manner of strange phenomena, and she and her employer (and later husband) had made a good business out of clearing out houses reputed--and often proved-- to be haunted, so that they could finally be put on market. 
Though her abilities often drained her, she was more than willing to put them to use to help keep her country safe. In truth, with her cheerful cleverness, she reminded him of what Mina might have been, had they all been luckier.
And, of course, dear, unstoppable Kate Reed, Lucy's old friend. Mina and Jonathan's old friend.
Their first recruit. 
She’d tracked him and Jack down after it had all gone wrong, demanding to know what had become of her friends, what he and Jack had done to them. 
Kate had dogged their steps until finally, she'd  found them facing down the last of the Count's victims, had seen what the no-longer-a-woman had done to her staff--to Lu's mother--and she'd had learned just what had happened to Lucy and Mina and Jonathan. And she'd vowed to fight  them ever since. 
 The people seated here at this table were his top agents, the ones he knew he could always count on in crisis, who had proved themselves time and time again, each time the threat of a vampire had reared its fangs, weather in town or country or seaside, they had risen to thrust it back down into the earth where it belonged. 
And none of them, it seems, had managed to see the devil coming until he--they, were at the door. 
There was a moment of weighted silence, each person at the table going over Arthur's questions. 
“As to how the Count got passed us, I'm sorry Art, I just don't know”, Kate said with quite calm, a calmness that Arthur knew well enough was hiding her own  unease and frustration that after all their preparation and prior successes they'd still all been taken so unprepared. 
Kate Reed wasn't a woman who brooked failure well, especially her own.
“But as to the Harkers…you told me that before you and Jack went off with the rest to try and stop Dracula that you performed a-a burial service for Mina, correct? And since she was not in fact laid in any one resting place…it's possible that anywhere in England could count as hallowed ground for her to rest in. It's all her native soil.”
Kate paused, looking at Arthur and then away before going on. 
 “And Jonathan…Jonathan's home was always wherever she was…That could explain how she and Jonathan have been able to seemingly move about unimpeded, without us getting any wind of a vampire's nest being set up anywhere near.” 
“Yes…that's a plausible explanation.” was his terse reply.
 Arthur knew he needed to be calmer, less brittle. He'd already broken down last night with Lu, when she'd offered her blood up to the boy. It had brought back far too many memories of similar, ultimately useless gestures done by himself and Art and Quincey's namesake. 
It seems he was destined to keep being reminded of the futility of all his grand gestures.
He wished he could just crawl into bed with Jack, Lu still small enough to tuck between the two of them and wake to find the last few months nothing but a terrible lingering dream.
While he was at it, he might as well wish to wake from the last 21 years.
But he didn't have the luxury of wallowing, none of them did.
“Is it possible that the Count, by dint of having fed on Mr. Harker so long and so singularly, could have had something of that connection transferred to him?”
Harrington asked, brows furrowed in concentration, no doubt thinking over his eclectic knowledge of the arcane, built up from the many old tomes they'd confiscated and stored away for safekeeping. 
“After all, we've seen from Edwards' case and what we read about that business in Styria  that a vampire can establish a psychic link with a victim if they share blood that can persist through time and space without the victim necessarily being turned by the exposure. But the link can draw the victim to the vampire, and the vampire to them”
“Couldn't we extrapolate out from that? The blood shared needn't necessarily be familial, it could, well, actually be shared.”
“Oh!” Alwyn jumped in, the light of discovery coming into her eyes at the prospect of a new puzzle to solve. 
“And the longer it's shared the stronger the psychic and physical link! Through the physical blood! So that the Harkers, being bound already, and Dracula, bound to them by sharing blood, and both concentrating on the same goal of reaching our young guest, have been, so to speak, drawing each other along? 
He wants to reach Quincey, he knows they'll follow if he does, and so uses their own determination to head him off to follow in their wake, as it were?
Because they can walk here, The Count can walk here, and because Quincey is already here--”
Jack interrupted this spiraling metaphysical explanation by tapping at the table to gain everyone's attention--and drawing it away from thoughts of Quincey, Arthur noted, unsure of his own feelings on that point.
Arthur hadn’t wanted to throw the boy to the Count, and he’d agreed, reluctantly, to let Lu…provide for him. Quincey had been nothing but polite and courteous since the day he’d walked into Arthur’s study— and in doing so dug up the most painful parts of his past to literally haunt him once more. 
He didn't see how trying to shield the boy from his role as lynchpin in this whole mess helped anything.
Except, perhaps, to spare the boy what little innocence they had not already shattered by revealing the truth of his existence to him. Jack had told him of the…conversation he and Quincey had after Arthur had given him the saved documents to read over.
He’d never wanted to drive the boy to those extremes.
 He just wanted his own family to be safe.
And now Jack had gone and declared Quincey part of it.
And Arthur didn’t know what to do. 
* There's certainly something there I think,* Jack was saying, each person seated having learned his signs by now *But it's something we'll need to look into more at a later date, I think the more pressing matter now is finding where they're all sleeping during the day*
“Well if they've all of England left open to them, that could be anywhere!” 
Edwards said with a shudder, lacing his fingers together tightly as if it would help keep his thoughts steady under the weight of free roaming vampires.
“It's a miracle they seem to have at least been kept out of the house proper, that protection doesn't seem to have been overcome by whatever psychical link or blood bond might be going on.”
“True, we'll need to be extra vigilant to ensure nothing could be possibly said to invite any unknown factors in.” Arthur said, going over the conversations he'd had and overheard between everyone last night, trying to assure himself nothing had been said then, in the heat of everything. 
None of the vampires had been able to enter the house physically. Even if they had apparently manifested themselves to both Quincey and Lu through dreams.
He clenched his fists at the thought of the vampire that had replaced Mina Harker rummaging around in his daughter's head, extracting promises that fed off Lu's far too big heart and could only ever lead her into greater danger.
But no, whatever else might be going on, the rule of Invitation still held, and at least did not seem to extend to relations in Quincey's case. His unwitting invitation did not grant his parents nor the  Count access to Arthur's physical threshold, if not his grounds.  
This mercy, at least, seemed to be granted to them.
Not that they didn't need to still worry about whatever “blood bonds” might be in play.
Dracula had entered Quincey's dreams, played mind games with him, and had eventually been able to draw him out to where he'd been vulnerable to the Count's physical attack via his mental ones. 
And Arthur knew it was only a matter of time before he tried again.
The devil was determined to drag the boy back to hell with him, whether it was due to some darker plans,  where he wished to use the boy's unique existence to further spread the Count's misery, or to further torment his parents, or simply out of spite for having his ‘property’ dare to disobey him--none of that mattered. 
Whatever Arthur felt personally about any of the Harkers, he wasn't about to let Count Dracula have anything he wanted ever again. 
“Our main objective should be finding the Count.” Alwyn said, echoing Arthur's own thoughts. He wondered if her sensitivity wasn't picking up his roiling feelings and tried once more to sink into aristocratic composure.
“If Mr. Harrington's theory is true, it's likely he and the Harkers are all in close proximity anyway, whether he likes it or not.” 
* What do you mean?*  Jack asked. 
“Well, If his ability to walk England freely is siphoned off them, well that blood bond will have been getting weaker by the day since Mr Harker senior…isn't available  anymore.”
“He may still be able to siphon from Mrs Harker, being bound by turning her, but either way he's caught in a leash that's winding tighter and tighter around a pole.” 
 “And besides, their wills and blood are all bound together, his reason being here is the whole reason they're here as well as. He's the reason that any of this--” She waved her hand about the table and out towards the estate in general, “--Even exists. If we can find him, finally end him once and for all…”
“We can finally have some peace. All of us.” Kate said softly. 
“But how do we track him?” Edwards asked, “We don't have any hard evidence for this link to the Harkers, just conjecture. You said before that Mrs. Harker used her link to track the Count, but even if we could find her first, I doubt anyone here wants to be making alliances with a vampire, even if they are temporarily aligned against a greater threat.”
“ No. ” Arthur said bluntly. “That most certainly won't be happening.” 
The group sat in silence, each lost in their own doubts and conjectures as to what they should do.
“...The boy could do it”, Harrington said finally, looking grim, but certain of his proposal.
“He's linked to his parents, by blood and bond. And last night he bit the Count, tasted some of his blood, or what passes for it. Everything you’ve told us and we’ve learned points to him being by far our best bet for tracking any of them down.”
Arthur saw Jack's face blanch, causing the bit of scar that peaked above his high collar and through his beard to stand out like it was still fresh, and he rapidly began to sign: 
* No . That's putting him directly in Dracula's sights. Besides, all else aside we can't possibly ask him to turn over his parents--*
“Dracula must be stopped .” Arthur said, and his tone instantly made each person sit up straighter. 
“I don't wish to put anyone in any undue danger but--”
“I'll do it.” 
Each head whirled around at the declaration, to see  Quincey Harker standing  framed in the doorway. 
The door they had locked before coming in, which none of them had even heard open. 
“Just how did you get in here??” Arthur asked, wondering what new vampiric power he was going to have to produce a counter for given this intrusion. 
Quincey for his part ducked his head sheepish and fished something out of his pocket, holding it up towards the group. 
“Lu slipped me the key this morning before she fell asleep and told me to go listen.” 
Of course. 
“Mr. Harker,” Edwards said slowly, speaking as if to a skittish hound, "Do you understand just what it is we're asking you to do? The danger it will bring on your head?”
Quincey's gaze dropped to the floor, and one of his hands moved to the wrist of the other, rubbing softly at clear skin that had only a few hours ago been mottled black and blue.
“I believe danger has already come to me sir, and to all of you because of me.”
“ I know you said you wouldn’t send me out as a scapegoat. But I-I wish to help. I couldn’t…I couldn’t call myself a good man if I didn’t do my own part to stop Fa…The Count. You’re right, Lord Godalming, he must be stopped, he deserves to be stopped.”
The boy stopped, swallowed hard, before continuing, hands clenching and unclenching.
 “He threatened Lu, he tried to hurt her and… he-he hurt Mama and Papa…he’s been hurting them for a very long time…” 
He raised his head and looked Arthur steadily in the eye, his own dark red ones alight with hardened determination. 
“I’ll help you to find him, so that you can stop him from hurting anyone else. But…”
“But?” Arthur echoed, raising an eyebrow.
“But…I would ask, that—that you don’t harm my parents.”
“…And if your parents try to harm any of us?”
Quincey looked as if he was about to object, to say that they never would do such a thing, but stopped, swallowed again, and said quietly, “You of course should be able to defend yourselves…but please, don’t hurt them if you possibly can.”
Arthur’s nails dug into the palms of his hands, memories of white snow awash with red blood threatening to rise up and undo the little calm he’d held onto this whole meeting. The faces of Jack and Dr Van Helsing and his own Quincey flashed across his mind, one by one. All the men this boy was named for, all the men his father had cut down like nothing.
Didn’t he owe the dead and damaged vengeance for what they’d lost? 
….Would vengeance bring any of it back?
 At last, he managed to grit out;
“I promise, that no harm will come to your parents, so long as they pose no harm to anyone else. That’s the best I can do. Does everyone agree?” 
There was a faint murmur of assent from the group, with a nod from Jack. Arthur nodded back, before turning once more to Quincey, and there was steel in his voice as he said;
“And you must promise me something in return, Harker.”
“Yes sir?”
“You say you love my daughter, you want to undertake this mission so that you can protect her?”
The boy blushed deeply, and Arthur had the bizarre realization he was blushing with Lu’s own blood, her gift to him coursing through his veins.
“Oh yes sir! I’d do anything for her.”
Arthur nodded, his blue eyes narrowing as he locked them on Quincey’s red ones.
“Then you promise me, that when it comes down to it, no matter what happens going forward, that you will do anything for her. You choose her , you understand? You do whatever it takes to keep her safe and whole and alive.”
He wanted to say: “If she’s so damn willing to walk into hell for you, it only seems right you live up to your family legacy and follow after her. If your father was willing to slaughter all the other people who he cared for to save the woman they’d failed to, the least you can do is the same. She must be the priority, no one else, no matter whom, no matter the bond. ‘ Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh’ and all that.”
Of course, given the boy’s reaction to seeing a crucifix for the first time, Arthur doubted he’d ever so much as seen a Bible, let alone read one to recognize the verse. Remembering the crucifix, Arthur made a point to tell the young vampire to start wearing it. Heaven knows the boy could stand to have some extra protection going forward. They all could.
But back to the matter at hand.
“Do you understand what I mean when I say ‘you choose her’?”
Quincey’s face paled slightly, Lu’s blood rushing back to hide within his barely beating heart. But at last he whispered.
“Yes sir…I do…And I promise”
Arthur nodded, satisfied. The boy had never lied, Arthur wasn’t sure he even knew how.
“Good. Well you may as well go back and see if Lu’s awake and have her come in on all this properly. I’m sure she already told you to report back everything you heard anyway.”
A small smile crossed Quincey’s face, and from his other pocket, he pulled a small notebook and a bit of pencil.
“I took notes”
Of course he did. If there was anything else one could mark as an hereditary trait of the Harkers, they were wonderful for taking notes, no matter the circumstances. If they all managed to live through this, maybe Arthur would finally see about getting the boy his inheritance in the solicitors firm. It was probably time it moved on from being a front for the organization to getting used for actual real estate opportunities, with property taxes going up and all. 
“Alright then, go and get her. And then, we’ll get to work”
I have to give credit to @see-arcane on tumblr for the line “he’s been hurting them for a long time” as it came from their own divergent Blood of My Blood fic which ripped my heart out and can be found here
Also the people at Arthur's round table are all from actual ghost/spooky stories of the time!
Alwyne Hargreaves nee Sargent is from Allen Upward's "The Ghost Hunters" series
Ben Edwards is the hithertoo unnamed narrator or E. F. Benson's "The Room in the Tower"
Henry Harrington is a character from M.R. James' excellent "Casting the Runes"
(All of which I would highly recommed listening to for free at the links provided)
And Kate Reed was a cut character from the original Dracula novel, a friend of Mina and Lucy and Jonathan's from school.
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asexualenjolras · 4 months
We all know that it's canon that Edwin Payne reads (and loves) a lot of Arthur Conan Doyle's books, and we know it's likely that he's a fan of the Sherlock Holmes stories.
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But imagine him being introduced to BBC Sherlock by Niko or Crystal and seeing an autistic detective that struggles with communication and empathy, wears formal clothing and doesn't like many people beside his best friend ... who he's in love with.
I think he'd combust. Let that Edwardian ghost find out what Johnlock is.
(Niko would absolutely introduce him to Johnlock fanfics)
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godinvent · 2 months
So I saw this post about how in the books, Dracula is actually an old man and I always imagined Dracula looked like older Christopher Lee, who played him while he was a kid. While looking him up I accidentally discovered that Christopher Lee was the coolest person in the universe and there is a non-zero chance he was actually Dracula in real life
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Sir Christopher Frank Carandini Lee CBE CStJ (May 27th 1922 - June 7th 2015), Sir because he was knighted in 2009 for his charity and his contributions to cinema
So first of all, I saw that he actually knew 8 LANGUAGES (English, Spanish, French, Swedish, Italian, German, Russian and Greek) and was also a staggering 6 feet 5 inches in height. Born in Belgravia in London, one of the most Dracula sounding places I’ve ever heard of, here’s some insane facts about him
•His father, Lieutenant Colonel Geoffrey Trollope Lee of the 60th King's Royal Rifle Corps, fought in the Boer War and World War 1
•His mother, Countess Estelle Marie (née Carandini di Sarzano) was an Edwardian beauty who was painted by Sir John Lavery, Oswald Birley, and Olive Snell, and sculpted by Clare Sheridan
•Lee's maternal great-grandfather, Jerome Carandini, the Marquis of Sarzano, was an Italian political refugee
•Jerome’s wife was English-born opera singer Marie Carandini (née Burgess), meaning that Lee is also related to famous opera singer Rosina Palmer
•His parents would divorce when he was four and his mother would marry Harcourt George St-Croix Rose, banker and uncle of Ian Fleming, making the author of the James Bond books Lee’s step cousin. Fleming would then offer him two roles as the antagonist in the film adaptations of his books, though he was only able to land the antagonist role in The Man With the Golden Gun. It’s believed his role in the film is significantly better and more complex than his book counterpart, played as “a dark side of Bond”
•His family would move and they lived next door to famous silent film actor Eric Maturin
•One night, before he was even 9 years old, he was introduced to Prince Yusupov and Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovich, THE ASSASSINS OF GRIGORI RASPUTIN, WHOM LEE WOULD GO ON TO PLAY MANY YEARS LATER
•Lee applied for a scholarship to Eton, where his interview was in the presence of the ghost story author M.R. James, who is considered one of the best English language ghost story writers in history and who widely influenced modern horror
•He only missed by King’s Scholar by one place by being bad at math, one of the only flaws God gave him
•Due to lack of working opportunities, Lee was sent to the French Riviera and stayed with his sister and her friends while she was on holiday, and on the way there he stopped briefly in Paris with journalist Webb Miller, a friend of his step father. Webb Miller was an American journalist and war correspondent and was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize for his coverage of the execution of the French serial killer Henri Désiré Landru, also known as BLUEBEARD. He also helped turn world opinion against British colonial rule of India
•While staying with Miller he witnessed Eugen Weidmann’s execution by guillotine, the last public execution ever performed in France
•Arriving in Menton, Lee stayed with the Russian Mazirov family, living among exiled princely families
•When World War 2 began, Lee volunteered to fight for the Finnish Army against the Soviet Union in the Winter War, and a year later, Lee would join the Home Guard. After his father died, he would join the Royal Air Force and was an intelligence officer and leading aircraft man and would later retire as a flight lieutenant in 1946
•While spending some time on leave in Naples, Lee climbed Mount Vesuvius, which erupted only three days later
•After nearly dying in an assault on Monte Cassino, Lee was able to visit Rome where he met his mother’s cousin Nicolò Carandini, who had fought in the Italian Resistance Movement. Nicolò would later go on to be the Italian Ambassador to Britain. Nicolò was actually the one to convince Lee to become an actor in the first place
•Oh yeah Christopher Lee was seconded to the Central Registry of War Criminals and Security Suspects where he was tasked with HELPING TRACK DOWN NAZI WAR CRIMINALS
•Lee’s stepfather served as a captain in the Intelligence Corps
•He was actually told he was too tall to be an actor, though that would honestly help him considering one of his first roles was as The Creature in The Curse of Frankenstein
•He was cast in Captain Horatio Hornblower R.N (1951) as a Spanish captain due to not only his fluency in Spanish but also he knew how to fence!
•Lee’s portrayal of Dracula had a crucial aspect of it which Bela Lugosi’s didn’t have: sexuality, a prime aspect of the original novels.
•While being trapped into playing Dracula under Hammer Film Productions, Lee actually hated the script so much that he would try his best to sneak actual lines from the original novel into the script
•Ironically, he was rejected from playing in The Longest Day because “he didn’t look like a military man”
•Christopher Lee was friends with author Dennis Wheatley, who “was responsible for bringing the occult into him”. He would go on to play in two film adaptations of his novels
•His biggest regret in his career is not taking the role of Sam Loomis from Halloween when offered to him
•Christopher Lee was the only person involved with the Lord of the Rings movies to have actually met J.R.R Tolkien
•When playing Count Dooku, he actually did most of the swordsmanship himself
•Christopher Lee was the second oldest living performer to enter the Billboard Top 100 charts with the song “Jingle Hell” at 91 years old. After media attention, he would get No. 18, and Lee became the oldest person to ever hit the Billboard Top 20 chart
I really am leaving some stuff out here and I may go on
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jonnywaistcoat · 2 years
So, I've just released another little volume of Spectral Tales (where I do readings of old ghost stories) and the main story for this one is The Willows by Algernon Blackwood. Now, I love the story - it's just two hours of a pair of Edwardians sitting in a swamp saying
"Are the vibes are off?"
"Yes the vibes are off."
But the thing I cannot get over is that the narrator, throughout the whole thing, through every weirdness and mortal danger, only ever refers to his intimate travelling companion (which I obviously read as gay) as "The Swede". I don't know why this delights me - it just feels like so much like your friend whose dating a bunch of guys and is telling you about their spooky swamp holiday and you're like "sorry, you were with who?" And they're like "you know, the swede" and I dunno, it just delights me.
Anyway, if you want to have a listen you can get it here (cause obviously this is also a promotional post). Oh, and it's currently Bandcamp Friday, so I get a bit of extra cash if you pick it up today!
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frodopotter7 · 3 months
All my dead boy detectives ideas for rps or fanfics
(If they already exist as fanfics, please let me know so I can read them.)
If you are interested in any of these, just text me
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Boarding school au
Essentially just Edwin and Charles as humans suffering in a very strict boarding school with cruel punishments. Also including this torture device from Esther and the chokey (this shelf punishment from Matilda) Edwin has been trough it all and tries to protect Charles from it as good as he can. And Charles manages to let them sneak out to the nearest city, which is London.
Gender swap au (modern au or like the show)
A story about the daughter of Charle’s sister (the comic Charles had a sister so this part would be canon) and the great great grandniece of Edwin. That go to the same school and start to help each other against bullies. And maybe even accidentally find a way to the dead boy detective agency.
Crystal x Niko
Anything about them really. Like give them the romance they deserve. Maybe they solve a case together. Or Crystal find Niko after she is believed dead (this one would be after season one I haven’t read the comics and this is I think a story line which is different then in the original material so all just headcanon) Crystal finding a shrink Niko who is with the dandelion gods and they get rescued by Crystal.
Just Charles and Edwin solving a case after season 1 and Charles discovers his feelings for Edwin. Also them being this funny old married couple
Charles rescuing Edwin from hell but more romantic and more adventurous with a thigh room (I just love the scene too much)
Charles teaching Edwin how to kiss properly, plot twist Edwin is already a natural talented good kisser (as ghost or as humans, setting before season 1 or before Edwin’s trip back to hell)
Baby and or toddler Edwin (set after season 1) (I will probably write this as a fanfic myself) taken
During a case Charles gets infected by something and gets set in a trance. While Edwin and Crystal try everything to find out how to help him, Charles’ mind gets send back in time to the Edwardian age. Somehow he is the new servant for the Payne family that is explicitly hired to take care of Edwin. Edwin is a fussy baby and shows strange behaviours due to his autism. His parents of course just want him to behave like a grown up already and are overwhelmed with how to take care of him. Luckily Charles isn’t from this time, that’s why he knows that first of all cocaine isn’t medicine that you can give a baby and he generally knows Edwin’s needs. (Disclaimer he doesn’t fall in love with little Edwin that would be weird, but he has the opportunity to give Edwin memories of at least a nice childhood before the horrible boarding school, and he to paradoxically time reasons, Edwin in the normal time can only remember a blurry version of this memory and having a very nice servant who was half Indian)
Charles and Edwin at the beach taken
Body swap (a classic but always fun)
Niko season 2 (Niko X Crystal)
A story in which Niko is old like in the end of dbd. She has been trough a lot of time troubles and needs to manage a lot to help the agency. Sadly she has no chance to tell them, she is not allowed to reveal her identity. But that might change once Crystal notices her feelings for the Niko she lost. Will she find out?
For reference to my rp rules and character preferences and how to contact, click here
Those are all I got for now. This list will be updated frequently depending if I come up with other ideas.
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acheel-and-cat · 5 months
hi there I’m here to yell about dead boy detectives
so. I’m just losing my mind about edwin being kind to charles as he was dying, reading him that story, telling him about his life, etc. he makes it seem like he’s an asshole but he really isn’t, at his core. he’s so scared of having to go back to hell, so he’s desperate for the ability to control his circumstances, and when he can’t, he gets stressed and frustrated. understandable. but he’s so sweet with charles and niko and even, eventually, SIMON. IN HELL.
I’m still not over “if you punish yourself, everywhere becomes hell.” canonically referring to internalized homophobia. like augh. and then he confesses his love to charles WHILE THEYRE STILL IN HELL,, because he didn’t know if he’d get another chance once they made it out,,,
I’m obsessed with this repressed edwardian twink in case it wasn’t obvious
OMG yes! Edwin is such a great character to analyze, he’s so multi-faceted! I think one of the reasons he stayed with Charles as he was dying is because he didn’t have anyone when he died and he was so scared and alone, he didn’t want Charles to go through that. Honestly Edwin has just seen the Horrors ™. He was dragged to Hell on a technicality, he saw the worst of the worst people and then just had to cope. I’d say that’s where his meanness comes from, the underlying fear of being hurt again as well as the fact he got out of Hell and just had to adjust. We really need more ghost therapists.
When he goes back to Hell, he realizes that Simon wasn’t this horrible asshole hellbent on hurting Edwin, he’s just a boy. Sure a boy so scared of his feelings he accidentally killed his crush, but still just a boy with a crush who doesn’t know how to handle his feelings. And holy crap Edwin relates to not understanding his feelings, and he really wants to show Simon that the feelings are ok. It’s alright now. They are accepted at this point in time. Yes, when they were alive it was considered bad, but now it’s ok, and he wants to show Simon so badly that it is ok to have those feelings.
Then, of course, Charles comes to save Edwin and as they leave, they have a moment to catch their breath. Edwin realized this now or never moment, and has got to tell Charles. Before they return back to normalcy, Edwin has to tell him. And god, Charles answer is so beautiful. It’s definitely not a no, it’s more of a “I hadn’t thought of it.” He tells Edwin that he is the most important being to him, but he hasn’t classified what kind of love it is. Sort of like, “Yes I love you too, but I’m not quite sure if it’s platonic, romantic, or a mix.” But he adds in the “and we’ve got literally forever to figure out what the rest means.” That part. He’s willing to figure it out. He is going to devote time to find out what kind of love it is. Honestly, I do not care whether or not Charles and Edwin stay friends, go with a queer platonic label, or start dating, as long as they keep their friendship I’m good.
Thanks for giving me stuff to think about, the hyperfixation is really hyperfixating. I am also obsessed with this repressed Edwardian twink.
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