mama-vaggie · 5 months
*attempting the angelic shriek*
Ahh!! Hehehehehhehe!!
*we shake the window panes together!!*
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yuco-the-alien116 · 1 year
Meet the Robo Twins!
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Two 30-foot tall robots who work as body guards and bouncers for Yuco and Alanas Club and Bar. Skull if the more responsible one and Doom is... well, just look at him.
Also, yes, both of them participate in vOre. Skull will ask first....but Doom.... eeeeeeeeehhhhhhh-
I will be slow with asks, I'm working on my cosplay, and I have 7 days left to finish it, so I will be posting sketches and maybe some WIPs for art I have!
Love yall!
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Awkward story time. So, I had begun writing chapter 13 of “The fantastic adventures of Takeru Takaishi” (AU story, kind of weird and difficult to explain the plot) and, after writing three pages of Koushiro angst, I realized that I had already sort of established in chapter 9 a different death for Mr. izumi, so... I couldn’t actually include this whole part in chapter 13 because it would contradict chapter 9.
But I already wrote the whole scene and can’t just erase it now. Well, I can, but I don’t want to. Anyway, if anyone wants some out of context AU Koushiro angst (and a bit of taishiro angst, maybe), I’ll just leave this here.
When he was fourteen years old, by his calculations, Koushiro had dreamed about Mr. Izumi riding his favorite horse, Thunder. Then, the horse got frightened by a snake... Mr. Izumi fell from the black horse, hitting his head on a nearby rock.
He woke up, shaking. Although he had been having nightmares like those every night since he had resurrected, that had been the first time it had involved someone he knew. Masami Izumi, the kind elderly man who, along with his wife, had allowed him to live in their farm since he was rescued from the ocean... Koushiro had just seen his death.
“Save the people you'll see be wronged. Show me that you're not another selfish human being.”
Justine's words echoes in his mind. He had to save him! But how? Koushiro had never told the Izumis about his past on Shrimp Island, about how his parents were killed and he fell from a cliff, much less about how he met Justine and gained the ability to see the future. He couldn't just tell them the truth, he couldn't... they wouldn't believe him... who would believe in such a story? Nevertheless, he had to do something!
That night, he went to the stable and freed that horse. Koushiro watched as the animal trotted towards the horizon. That should be enough. He had saved Mr. Izumi's life.
The next morning, Koushiro woke up to only find Mrs. Izumi at home.
“The Kurosawa boys came here earlier, they said they had seen Thunder on the open fields. Masami must've forgotten to close the stable last night,” she explained. “Masami went to retrieve him. He should be back soon.”
As dread filled him, he ran past the woman and left the house, not answering when she asked where he was going. No, please! No! Don't ride that horse, please! Koushiro begged, mentally. Maybe if he ran fast enough, he could find Mr. Izumi in time. He could still save him!
However, before Koushiro could take twenty steps, he saw old man Kurosawa coming in his direction, pulling his white horse by the saddle. On the horse's back lay the corpse of Mr Izumi.
As Mrs. Izumi screamed and ran towards her husband, Koushiro felt as if all his strength had left him.
“Masami was already on his way back with Thunder when the horse got scared by a snake,” old man Kurosawa told Mrs. Izumi. “It all happened too fast, there was nothing anyone could do... a true tragedy!”
He had done that... Koushiro was the one who had caused that... he had a vision of a tragedy he would be responsible for... in trying to save Mr. Izumi, Koushiro had killed him. Never, in his entire existence, had he felt despair like that.
The funeral took place that afternoon. Overridden by guilt, Koushiro remained silent the entire time, not responding to anyone. Not even Taichi's words, nor Hikari's, were able to reach him. Koushiro couldn't hear anything, he couldn't see anything. His mind kept replaying Mr. Izumi's death over and over again, and he kept repeating to himself: I killed him!
He wandered off, not noticing that Taichi and Hikari were following him. Until he felt someone pulling on him and pressing his body against the ground.
“WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING, YOU IDIOT!” Taichi cried, on his back; he was the one pining him down. It was when Koushiro looked ahead and noticed where he had been heading.
“I was... walking towards that cliff?” Koushiro asked no one in particular. “I was going to fall...”
Taichi turned Koushiro over to face him. The other was crying profusely.
“Don't you ever do this again! Don't you ever scare me like this again!” Taichi shouted. “Promise me you'll never do something like this again!”
“Mrs. Izumi can't be left alone now,” Hikari told Koushiro in a serious tone. “She already lost her husband, she can't lose you as well! If you don't think of yourself, then think of her! Do you want her to suffer more?”
Koushiro tried to speak, but found himself unable to. All his words were lost, replaced by grunts of guilt and desperation. He felt as his eyes got flooded by tears. There was nothing that could stop them from falling down.
Taichi sat up and pulled him up, to a tight hug.
“We're here for you! We'll always be here for you! You're not alone!” Taichi told him, trembling.
Hikari got close to Koushiro and whispered in his ear:
“What happened today was inevitable. It wasn't your fault. I know you were just trying to help him. He knows that too.”
After saying that, Hikari stepped back, showing Koushiro a sad smile. Hikari knew... he didn't know how, but she did. And she was telling him that what had happened hadn't been his fault. Hikari was mysteriously wise, she knew things nobody else could know. If she was telling him that, it had to be true.
“I'm sorry...” Koushiro said, hoping that Mr. Izumi could hear him. “I'm so sorry!”
Hikari held one of his hands and told him:
“You are forgiven.”
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serialxsocial-a · 4 years
my velvet pintrest board is turning into fucking mostly.
makeup and memes.
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starshapeddreams · 5 years
Saldrías conmigo? 💕 😋
a vER-
primero invitame a cenar xd
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pizdecsuqa · 7 years
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lanterne · 2 years
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eeeeeeeeehhhhhhh well that’s very in character
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ihateithere0000 · 3 years
Eehh food
Eeeehhhh weight gain
Eeeeeeeeehhhhhhh yummyyyyyy
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhh GUILT
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everygrayfullbuster · 4 years
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Eeeeeeeeehhhhhhh not really but we'll let you believe that for now
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roseicicles · 4 years
“A bad description for Myrrh? Um... totally not cute as a button.” Totally cute as a button.
Badly describe my muse in my inbox.
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“EEEEEEEEEHHHHHHH.”She super blushy, how adorable.
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Do I love @tired-elderitchhorror 's yan? Absolutely
Was I listening to love songs? You bet your sweet ass i was
Will I ever finish all the requests I have?
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ore-no-taan · 6 years
[ still need to: pack food, bathe cat, apply flea stuff, throw out anything else
me: eeeeeeeeehhhhhhh bed ]
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insomniacapples replied to your post “insomniacapples replied to your post “Chell are you watching that...”
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sadhoe-omo-blog · 7 years
B3 KanDen, D2 Karmagisa... lel im in trouble eeeeeeeeehhhhhhh
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16 and 37
16. Favorite movie?
eeeeeeeeehhhhhhh i don’t think I have one??? I dunno???
37. Favorite swear word?
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shslocreview-blog · 7 years
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I went ahead and posted this as an image so I could blur out some NDRv3 spoilers--while I’m spoiled and fine with folks sending them in, especially if it helps to describe your character like what happened here, I know lots of people are avoiding plot details until the game comes out overseas, so I won’t post any publicly! 
Now, to actually answer your question: Eeeeeeeeehhhhhhh... 
My thoughts are under the cut, but the short version is: I wouldn’t recommend it! 
We... actually do sort of have canon examples of this. In one of his freetime conversations, Hanamura mentions his brother and sister are candidates for the titles of SHSL Male Escort and SHSL Female Escort. The conversation is largely (and imo uncomfortably) played as a joke, especially since Hinata’s first response is literally “Wait, aren’t they underaged?!” So, canonically speaking (and assuming Hanamura isn’t totally just making that up), HPA would be accepting SHSL Escorts.
But I still don’t think it would be a great idea. Like having Fujisaki’s gender reveal as a plot point or using offensive (not to mention entirely incorrect) language in the DR chapter 2 trial, there are a few canon-sanctioned things I think wouldn’t be appropriate for OCs. 
For one thing, your OC would be underage, especially since they would have to start working before high school to get scouted by HPA. (This is a good time to debunk the widely spread myth that the age of consent in Japan is 13--it’s actually 16/18/20 depending on the circumstances!) Understand that a minor engaging in sex work, especially with someone who isn’t underage, is a victim of sexual abuse--even if they’re “consenting.” This holds doubly true since Japan is a large source and destination for young victims of human trafficking.  
Now, I’ve seen successful characters with elements of CSA in their backstory (I’m talking OCs mainly, but Kotoko Utsugi from DR:AE is a canon example), but if/when those elements come up, the ensuing writing and rping is focused on that character’s experience and coping with the resulting trauma, not the assault itself. Your character’s talent (and potentially a big reveal) would be focused a lot around their underage sex work/potential trafficking, especially since HPA accepted them for that reason. And I really don’t think a DR OC is a great place to explore something like that, especially since it’ll hit too close to home for a lot of people in the fandom. 
[I know this is a touchy and potentially traumatic subject for a lot of people so I definitely don’t want to invite a huge amount of discourse, but if anyone thinks I’m totally off base with this, I would like to hear your opinions!]
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