#egg mun
crimsonamber9999 · 2 years
:|| I think of this quote Emet selc says a lot of the times,
“But yes, moral relativism and all that. Case in point– I do not consider you to be truly alive. Ergo, I will not be guilty of murder if I kill you.”
To be angsty about it I’m sure in a way he would genuinely tell this to himself to justify his actions or what he did, in his head when we clearly know it is wrong. That he is doing this for the ‘greater good’ and his own selfishness of wanting his friends back. But in his reasoning he sees the sundered as flawed beings. Amongst the 12,000 years and what he has had to, I think he attempts to justify his own actions to not surrender to pure despair on what a shadow of a man he has become. Being Emet he attempts to use logic to justify his actions instead of emotion (although I’m extremely sure that emotion is also a huge factor regardless of what he may think).
That also brings up a very good question, what do soulseers see when they observe a sundered person? Are they able to see remnants of the previous/ original shard? Or is it a muddled mess that can become physical overwhelming? Maybe even both? Since Emet Selc is a soulseer himself, would that also be a factor to shape his logic we also see in Shadowbringers?
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:|| hey guys o/ egg here. Am excited to try out writing Hades! I am probably mostly gonna hang out here for the evening just because my main twt is blowing up rn but I may reblog a few ask memes to get started!
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fanto-thegreat · 3 months
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[💔] I think he likes it. [💔]
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Angel Dust Agere Headcanons Part 2!
Since my last list of Angel Dust headcanons was well received, I’m making more! Enjoy all!
Angel Dust’s biggest struggle with Age Regression is with diapers- but not using them. Because of his work with Val he’s done plenty of things other people would find gross or nasty, so that part doesn’t really bother him. It’s being able to trust somebody enough to let them change him that’s the struggle. After a long period of doing it for himself, Alastor finally got him to let down his guard and let him change him. For a long time Alastor was the only one allowed to change him. Since then, Charlie and Husk have been added to the list.
Angel prefers to crawl in his headspace at any age because when he stands up and is taller than everyone else it doesn’t make him feel as little as he wants to feel.
When Angel is very little (5 months and below) and Alastor has to go to the radio station, he has a setup for Angel in the studio. This includes a cradle that uses magic to rock him to sleep, and a playpen that changes what is inside of it to fit Angel’s current needs. Both are soundproofed so that the broadcast isn’t interrupted, but the magic in both objects tells Alastor what his current needs are making it effortless for Alastor to put on some music and attend to him swiftly.
Since Angel can’t die of many of the same consequences human children face, Alastor has adapted a natural consequences philosophy when it comes to dealing with Angel giving trouble at any age in his headspace, and finds it works extremely well for him.
Angel Dust is the most bratty around Husk and Vaggie if he’s having a hard day, because they’ll usually shrug it off and bitch about things with him.
Alastor asks Rosie for a recommendation for a seamstress around the time of Angel’s birthday. She gives it to him, and he pays a pretty penny to give Angel a very special birthday present- a bunch of clothes that match or go with his outfits made for Fat Nuggets. Angel is delighted to dress up Fat Nuggets (who is not as enthused), but Fat Nuggets is delighted when Angel carries him everywhere declaring them twins.
When Angel’s separation anxiety from Alastor is extreme and he’s acutely distressed, Husk will sit beside him and purr, letting Angel pet him to help him calm down.
Angel has regressed on the job exactly one time, and no one talks about it. After filming a scene that triggered him to the point of tears due to it resembling a real experience he’d had in his life of assault, he locked himself in his dressing room with Val pounding on the door barking at him to get back on the set. Angel hurriedly gets his phone and calls Alastor, before hiding in his closet and shutting the door to feel some semblance of safety. Within the next twenty minutes everything goes quiet, and when the closet door is opened, it’s by Alastor, who made sure every single camera in the place was distorted so his breakdown couldn’t be publicized. Alastor walks him out of the studio, before he carries him back to the hotel when he can’t walk anymore. No one who was there on the set ever discusses it, and Alastor made sure of it.
Angel likes to dress in pink footed pajamas, pinafore dresses with a shirt underneath, and anything in soft pastel colors.
Because of Alastor’s abilities and a lot of the hotel residents not liking to say no to him, Angel is extremely spoiled materially. Anything he wants is his within reason.
Angel likes to fall asleep cuddling things- whether those things are blankets, stuffed animals, or fat nuggets. But he will not sleep without something either warm or soft to cuddle.
Angel frequently has nightmares while little as a result of his trauma, and often goes to Alastor in the middle of the night for comfort. But since Alastor values his sleep and definitely can’t handle being cuddled all night, he put a system in place for those nights. There’s a cradle right next to his bed. Alastor sleeps with one arm hanging just over the inside of the cradle. When Angel comes in, he climbs into the cradle and will hold onto Alastor’s hand until he falls asleep.
Everybody at the hotel was pretty suspicious about whether or not Alastor was sincerely attached to Angel or if it was just a manipulation tactic- especially Vaggie and Husk. However, when Val comes to the hotel one day looking for Angel they see his protectiveness first hand. When Angel refuses to go with him, Val gets angry and raises a hand to him (Angel flinches and yes this one made me sad for that visual alone), but Alastor shields him and comes up beside him telling him that as the hotel manager, he’s asking him to leave. When Val asks what will happen if he doesn’t, Alastor doesn’t hesitate to put the fear of God (lol) in him, before swiftly turning around and making sure Angel is okay. Nobody questions it after this.
Angel calls Alastor Papa but doesn’t call anyone Mama or Mom. However, he does call Rosie “Zia”, meaning Aunt.
Angel has a particular fondness for being doted on or fussed over at any age, and often bonds with Alastor that way since they both struggle with touch.
Bonus Material: Angel’s favorite things (by category and starting with infancy and aging up!)
Foods: Milk, banana purée, rice cereal, mashed peas, pain au chocolat, croissants, biscotti, zucchini, spaghetti carbonara, lasagna, pizza, ice cream, cookies.
Toys: Teether, Rattle, toy keys, stacking rings, toy car, toys that light up, toys that sing, stuffed animals, dolls, tea set, dress up clothing.
People: Alastor, Cherri Bomb, Husk, Charlie, Niffty, Vaggie, Sir Pentious, The Egg Boiz
Feelings: Being rocked and held before falling asleep, being read to, nursing his pacifier, being sung to, cuddling Fat Nuggets, playing with his favorite toys, dressing up, making a new friend, being accepted as he is.
Small things that make him happy: Alastor turning off the radio effect of his voice to talk to him, Charlie fussing over him with a smile, Vaggie sneaking him a piece of candy, Sir Pentious and the egg boiz letting him nap in their nest, Niffty playing with him, Husk being softer and gentler with him, whenever Cherri Bomb calls him Darl (short for Darling).
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pinklocksoflove · 2 months
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Brave little Egg Boi
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abyssmalice · 1 month
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I managed to finish a whole cup of Ghost Pepper Ramen and my mouth feels like it's becoming one with the force
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siveydensipuli · 6 months
jos en olis suomalainen ja joku kertois mulle, että yks suosituimmista pääsiäiskarkeista on nimeltään ruohomuna, niin luulisin että mua trollataan
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tidesfate · 14 days
Cursed a friend on discord with this so now it's dash's turn but this sketch from daggerfall of Mora?
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Can't unseen the ooze bubbles as eggs like its some weird horror alien
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predakings-den · 7 months
Predaking! My leige! I have returned with more sweets! Also, the insecticons seem to be displaying queening behaviors around you... They seem to have decided you are their knew queen! Congrats, and good luck ruling both the Predicons and Insecticons!
“Displaying what behaviors?” His vocalizer almost stammers in confusion. “Queening? I’m Predaking. King! I will not be pampered like some mistress and I swear to Primus, if anyone makes a single jest or query about queening, insect courting, or eggs, I will seek my retribution.”
Before he storms off in a huffy hurry, he snatches all the delicious sweets he’s been craving and stomps away. Of course, with how big of a mech he is… the Insecticons don’t have to wonder of how well he fits the role of their Queen in terms of the uh, latter topic.
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crimsonamber9999 · 2 years
:|| being emboldened incall
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Tarhos, The Last Breath of Dusk- [Link to full size img]
I wanna talk about all my thoughts that went into designing this au eventually, because there was A LOT, but genuinely a big thanks to @witchcraftandburialdirt for helping me get his anatomy down since I don't draw animals often.
I'm still working on his lines and I wanna eventually do a clothed reference of him. but for now here's Tarhos's league verse in all it's glory.
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fanto-thegreat · 29 days
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[💔] Someone remind me to never draw Fantoccio this way ever again. [💔]
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lordincognito · 4 months
//So the poll endeed with people wanting me to put my genshin cosplays here so here ya go:
Can you tell which characters are my favorite?/j
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6em4k · 4 days
"....what do I do for breakfast?"
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"If I keep eating pancakes, I'm gunna get sick of 'em, I don't know if I wanna cook or what to cook or where to cook - Queenie's got a nice kitchen, but Pigsy's got a gas stove, but I haven't left a mess at Wukong's place in a while... and I don't wanna eat Tongbi out of hut and home.... hmm..."
Sure, he's in a pagoda but let him dream. Whatever keeps him sane, right?
"Oh, you know what sounds good? Laba. I know it's out of season, but laba congee sounds really good right now."
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misteria247 · 29 days
Ohio is fucking awful with its ridiculous heat right now fuck I hate it here put me out of my misery lol
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