#egghead rides again
frudoo · 3 months
Mister Asylum Pt. 2
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Simon learns something about himself.
Warnings: Gross imagery, self-deprecating thoughts, one mention of medical abuse of power.
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“Lights out, Mr. Riley.”
The squawking voice of the bitter nurse, ironically named ‘Sunny’, makes Simon’s eye twitch, fists clenched by his sides as he treks his way into the scarcely decorated room. There are no windows, no lights aside from the fluorescent overhead that gets switched off the second he thunks down onto the rickety bed. A couple of motivational posters hang high on the walls, held up by sticky tack and pure spite, at this point. The cheery words mock him, contort into vicious reminders of how useless he is in this place, in this world.
There’s not even a clock on any of the four taunting walls surrounding him and his roommate. His roommate, who talks to himself more often than not, only getting out of bed to get his vitals checked or slurping down the scrambled eggs he sneaks into his pockets at breakfast. Simon actually misses the smell of gunpowder and blood—anything is better than the vile stench of rotten food and day-old feces. The sorry fucker can’t even be bothered to flush the toilet. He’s nicknamed the gremlin ‘Egghead’ since he’s unsure of his real name. Not that he’d care regardless.
It’s no use complaining, either, no matter how many times Simon tries. He’s always dismissed with an annoyed frown and a wave of whatever nurse’s hand he’s decided to bitch and moan to. If he persists, they just threaten to give him an ungodly dose of Benadryl to keep him doped-up and compliant. Fuck, prison would be paradise compared to this place.
Simon huffs and pulls his mask over his eyes rather than his nose and mouth, turning on his side to finally try his hand at sleeping. He hasn’t caught a wink in the past two days he’s been here, and whatever little teaser of a nap he manages to fall into gets destroyed by the nightmares he’s plagued by. He’s lost count of how many times nurses have been sent to his room to try and calm him down to no avail—he just has to ride the terrifying wave the way he always does. It’s his own personal form of torture.
He’s nearly halfway asleep in a record time of fifteen short minutes when he hears rustling beside him. Simon stirs but ultimately ignores it, sniffing and allowing his body to relax once again. He probably just imagined it. No threats in this place. He’s safe.
He’s on the brink of blissful slumber when he feels it again. This time, he knows it’s not a figment of his imagination—that much is proven by the weight that settles on his waist. The unmistakable odor behind him proves his suspicions as his roommate cuddles up behind him like it’s his birthright, a pleased sigh escaping his filthy mouth.
“I jus’ wanna know when ya plan ta kill me,” he rasps, and Simon nearly loses it.
Fucking hell. Enough is enough. Simon elbows the freaky little greaseball in the stomach and skyrockets out of the bed, storming into the hallway where the night shift nurses are making their rounds. He spots the one who forced him back into his room and strides over to her, furiously pulling the mask back over his mouth and nose.
“No’ stayin’ in there w’him,” Simon growls, staring down the much shorter woman whose glare is equally as sharp.
“And what do you expect me to do about it?” Sunny cocks an eyebrow, arms crossed and one hip popped to the side to show she’s not intimidated.
“Dunno, but I ain’t goin’ back,” he squints, large foot tapping against the linoleum floor impatiently, looking much more like an angsty teenager than a battle-ruined soldier. “Can I switch rooms?”
“This isn’t a hotel, Mr. Riley,” the older woman exhales heavily and pinches the bridge of her nose before her eyes meet his again. “But I’ll see what I can do. For now, you’re gonna go back in that room and sit on the bed. Understood?”
Simon groans in disapproval but nods, moping his way back into the torture chamber where Egghead has made himself at home on his bed, sprawled out like a damn prostitute. The freaky bastard’s not even sleeping, just staring up at the ceiling with a cavernous grin on his oily face, acknowledging Simon’s presence with a squeal. The lieutenant actually flinches, reaching behind him habitually as if to retrieve a knife, despite having nothing but his pajamas on his person.
“M’ready,” Egghead giggles, lifting his arms and plopping them down again childishly. “How ya gonna do it?”
Simon peeks down the hall, hoping to find Sunny making her way towards him with that wonderful news so he doesn’t have to respond to this madman. No such luck, to his dismay. When he turns his head back, Egghead is standing right in front of him, jaundiced eyes wide and bloodshot.
“Answer me!” He shrieks, his grubby hands grabbing onto Simon’s shirt and tugging him so close that the taller man can see the plaque on his teeth.
Utterly repulsed, Simon shoves the fun-sized ogre back, fully intent on beating him to a pulp for ever daring to touch him in the first place. Egghead hits the edge of the bed with a grunt, palms rested on the mattress behind him to brace himself. The soldier raises a clenched fist, wild brown eyes locked on his target, but he can’t bring himself to plummet his knuckles onto the smaller man’s face. There’s no fear in the poor bloke’s expression, something more akin to relief, and it makes Simon question everything about himself.
Had he been on the field, Simon wouldn’t have hesitated to dig a knife into the enemy’s neck. But here, in the quiet of the hospital where he can hear the whimpers coming from the pitiful throat before him, where there’s no pressure on him to keep his team alive, he finds himself incapable of the violence he’s always known to resort to. If it wasn’t for the rapid fluttering beneath his chest, he wouldn’t be sure he even still had a heart. The feeling is foreign and it scares the hell out of him.
“M’not gonna kill you,” Simon grumbles, smoothing his rough palms over the mess of overgrown hair on the top of his head. “Stand up, mate.”
Egghead whines dramatically before following orders, using the heel of his palms to push himself back onto his feet. He trails back over to his own bed where he starts reciting his usual bedtime story to himself, like nothing had happened. Simon settles for kicking the wall to release his frustrations, not even flinching at the shooting pain that resonates through his foot. The rubber slipper that the hospital provided snaps in half, rendered useless in his rage. Funny, he thinks, that he can relate to such an inferior object.
“Mr. Riley, if you’re finished damaging property, I’d like to speak to you,” Sunny’s unimpressed voice rings out from behind him, and he turns around hopefully.
“Sorry,” he mutters, nodding for her to continue.
“There’s a room on the floor above us that the director herself has offered up. No roommates. You will still be on our schedule, but the nurses will be different. And, Simon?”
“Just because we’re making this one exception does not mean you will be treated specially. It is simply a different floor. You will proceed treatments like normal,” her voice is firm as ever but holds a depth of sympathy that wasn’t there previously.
“Understood, ma’am,” he fiddles with the hem of his cotton tee, avoiding her steely gaze. “Thank you.”
“Grab your belongings, I’ll escort you.”
Taglist: @thesevi0lentdelights @rejectedbytheempty
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reashot · 1 year
Red means Stop, Green means Go and Yellow means you can ride on Blondie. 🚦
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Jaune: it's so great that you decided to stay here with us forever Jessica.
Ruby: Jess are you sure you're making the right decision? After all you're leaving everything you ever knew behind.
Jessica: Oh it's not really a big deal. I mean there's already like, what? ten Green Lanterns already. They won't notice one missing.
Meanwhile on OA...
Tomar-Re: Okay, are all the Green Lanterns from Earth already in attendance and counted for?
Hal Jordan: Here!
Guy Gardner: The one and only.
Kyle Rayner: Present!
John Stewart: Attention!
Simon Baz: Ready.
Jo Mullein: Let's get it started already!
Kilowog: Wait! We're missing one poozer.
Tomar-Re: Who are we missing?
Guy: Who knows? There's so many Green Lanterns from Earth that it's hard to keep track of... And while we at it. I'm not a geo/space-political egghead or anything like that, but don't you think it's kinda messed up that Earth is overly represented in the Green Lantern Corp. Compared to other planets?
Kyle: I hate to admit this, but Guy here have a point. Why do we have so many Green Lanterns from Earth anyway? Heck! I got to be one and all I had to do is be in the right place in the right time.
Hal: Huh? You know I never thought about it like that. And this kind of put all the Alien attacks we had into a new perspective. Do you think they attacked us because we have too many influence in galactic affairs? I mean Green Lantern aside there's too many notable humans in Galaxy despite us not being a space faring species.
Jo: This is definitely gonna make my assignment to the Far Sector a lot more problematic. I'm in the same boat as Kyle I was personally recruited by the Guardian in a club. I don't think that's normally how you get the ring.
John: What the heck with there's more humans in the Lantern Corp. Has to do with anything? All of us are Green Lanterns now and there's no changing that. Whether the ring chose us or the Guardians did, matters little, we still have the responsibility of a Lantern. And I don't think they are wrong in making their choices.
Simon: You said it John. You said it... Argus you getting any of this?
Meanwhile at Argus...
Amanda Waller: We hear you loud and clear Agent Baz. Make sure you keep them talking as much as you can. We need as much info as we can get from this glow in the dark clowns. Junior! Keep giving me constant updates on the Green Lanterns situation. You got that?
Gordon Junior: Yes mrs. Waller. We will monitor the situation as best as we can.
Amanda: It better be, for your sake too.
Returning back to OA...
Simon: While we wait for Jessica. How about we all talk about Green Lantern stuffs. Seeing we probably missed a lot by not being here. Preferably as loud and clear as you can...
Hal: Who's Jessica?
Simon: Ha, ha, ha, nice joke Hal. How could you forget about Jessica?
Jo: No. Seriously who's Jessica. This is the first time I ever heard of her?
Simon: I know you're new and all but that doesn't excuse for not knowing your fellow Green Lantern.
John: I don't know what you're talking about Simon? But there is no Green Lantern named Jessica.
Simon: Then which Green Lantern are we waiting for?
Guy: We're waiting for Keli Quintela. Who else are waiting for Baz?
Simon: A-am I losing my mind here. How could everyone in here forgot about Jessica Cruz?
Kilowog: Who the heck is Jessica Cruz?...
Simon: Not you too! You know Jessica. She's the... Eh, the.. Why can't I remember her?
And finally back on Remnant
Jessica: I'm sure it's fine...
Jaune: Well if you said so Jess... And Jess thank you again for choosing to stay with us. *hugs her*
Jessica: Oh Jaune... Now I know I'm making the right choice. After meeting you I can't imagine myself without you. You are everything to me Jaune...
Jaune: Jess...
Ruby: *grind teeth*
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Jaune: Then we have to celebrate. I'll make a reservation at my favorite restaurant. And maybe afterward I can show you around the place.
Jessica: That would be lovely Jaune. And I think any place would be great as long as I am with you...
Jaune: *blush* Y-you do? Then I better go and make my reservation. Ruby can you keep Jess company while I'm out. Okay thank you, bye...
Jess: *blush* He's so thoughtful... 💕
Ruby: So you done trying to steal my man? 😡
Jessica: N-no I wouldn't dream of it Ms. Rose... He-he is way out of my league. With him being so tall, handsome, blonde... Oh I'm just making it worse for me, am I?
Ruby: *sigh* Look Jess it's not that I don't know where you're coming from but I love Jaune too and I have no intention of giving him up.
Jessica: I know that. Ms. Rose but I love him so much. If I met him first like you do I won't give him up. But I have no intention of stealing him away from you. I-I just want to be close to him that's all. Being with him makes me feel safe and loved. I feel I can be a better version of myself just by being with him... *tearing up*
Ruby: Oh Jess... *comforts her* You're just like me. Before me there was another girl named Pyhrra. Just like you I pretend I didn't want to steal him from her. But deep down I wanted him for myself.
Jessica: Pyhrra... Is that the red headed girl I met before right?
Ruby: Yes. But she died a while ago and Jaune loved her dearly. He was devastated by her death... And Jess if you decide to go after Jaune, I will allow it.
Jessica: Really?!
Ruby: On strict conditions of course. That I Ruby Rose will remain his number one girlfriend and you need to ask my permission first to go on a date with him and for other things to.
Jessica: O-of course I will always ask for your permission beforehand and I will never break your trust. (Yes. I can be with Jaune.)
Ruby: Oh, very well then. I Ruby Rose will allow you to go on a date. But make sure to keep it PG-13. Or else.
Jessica: Yes, of course. I will make sure to bring him home before midnight.
Jaune: Hey you two. I hope you haven't been waiting too long. So what are you talking about?
Ruby: Oh we're just talking about girls stuffs you know... Anyway, enough about us. Where are you taking Jess to on your first date together?
Jaune: I-it's not a date Ruby. I'm just showing her around her new home that's all. And Jess how do you feel about French food is it okay with you?
Jessica: I love it Jaune...
Ruby: Remember keep it PG-13 or I'm gunning for you Jess.
If anyone ask why do the DC characters suddenly can't remember anything about Jessica. Well that's just the price for abandoning your own reality unfortunately. I'm sure it's nothing...
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kyros-tha-soldier · 9 months
chapter 1103 SPOILERS
I've gotten a bit lazy lately, I'm basically burnt out to the BONE from work so sorry for not bringing the previous leaks earlier:
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we've got big news for my beloved bonbon and her bear papa:
The chapter's title is "I'm sorry, daddy" (GOOOOOOOOD WHY!) And we have a beautiful color spread of the straw hats and our beloved wano warrior YAMATO, they're all riding momo in his dragon form (😏) since it's the year of the dragon
We start where we finished in the mini flashback, where bonney is standing in the memory bubble room, she turns back to her original child form and apologizes to vegapunk since she used to think HE was the one behind her dad's death
Vegapunk understands and gives her something Kuma was planning on handing her on her 10th birthday, it's a sun necklace made of sapphire
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Speak of the devil (literally!) We go back to the present time confrontation between saturn, the remaining vegapunks, the cp0 and the rest. Bonney uses her attack "Nika-ish future" to attack saturn but she fails. NOW THIS IS WHERE IT'S ABOUT TO GET ABSOLUTELY BONKERS!
Saturn thinks to himself that this form of Bonney's Nika is much more different than the Nika God since she can only replicate the rubber power
This mf Saturn has his power over everybody that they can't budge a single inch, suddenly he notices that Luffy is eating some food from the floor (somebody must've snuck it at the beginning of the confrontation or smtn) of course Saturn is like "how fucking dare you eat while I'm in the middle of my epic fit of rage" and orders someone to chain him with kairoseki (what a vibe killer)
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Like oooooooh calm down big man he's not gonna bite you ffs
It's revealed that thw Toshi Toshi no mi power was given to bonney by saturn, now underline the word "POWER" because this is where it's about to get REALLY messed up
Saturn has been experimenting on people to extract devil fruit powers and then give them to other people. And of course, as fucked up as it sounds, Saturn gave the disease to Ginny (probably while she was pregnant) and the poor woman ended up developing the rare sapphire scale disease
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i swear on god, if Saturn's bitchass doesn't get absolutely wrecked then I'm dropping OP, do NOT DISAPPOINT ME ODA I AM SERIOUS!
also is it just me, or is this aj attempt from Oda to clarify that the sapphire scale disease is a sideffect and not an STD? Because I've ssen A LOT of fans speculating about that and i have NEVER EVER in my life thought I'd see the day where I'll hear the words STD and ONE PIECE in one sentence until this very arc!
anyways, Saturn's stupid-ass gave the toshi toshi effect to ginny and somehow she passed it to bonney during her pregnancy, this comes as a surprise to him since this has never happened
According to Saturn, the more bonney starts to learn about Nika's true form and tries to copy it, the weaker she becomes. bonney is seen crying in despair and fear, she apologizes to her father about how despite how far he went to ensure she'd make it out alive, she will end up dead anyways
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Speaking of her papi, Kuma crashes right into egghead and gets attacked by some marine soldiers who were shooting at him with grenade launchers (taht's hardcore as fuck, I AM DROPPING THE PANELS NOW just so you can see how cold Kuma looks!)
he gets injured once again in his head but is able to reach Saturn just in time (who had thrown bonney to the ground and was about to squash her with his spider legs) just for Kuma to come and shield her with his body, and have the long nail at the end of Saturn's leg punture his back and chest
Kuma grabs him by the leg and turs around, readying a punch as his face grimaces in rage, and saturn looks at him in absolute shock
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oh boy, we eating GOOD tonight!
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heliianth · 11 months
“You should quit your job,“ Sonic tells him every time he climbs into the window of Rouge's office to bother Shadow while he works. Shadow's only occasionally there, but he knows its so consistent because Rouge regales him with threats of pest control when he isn't. Like he has any power to stop Sonic from going where he wants to.
He takes back what little he can by trying to ignore him. By now he has plenty of practice, but its hard when Sonic's head is close to his and he's spying on what Shadow's doing from over his shoulder with peeping eyes and a discerning expression.
Omega had the usual mishaps with a few mechanists today, but it escalated until Shadow was left filling out a witness report to Tower in order to not have him shopped. Its not terribly interesting, just something that didn't get nipped in the bud in time. But without context, he supposes the words on the page look bad. He's not surprised it prompted the inevitable, he'd almost been counting down to it.
“You know I can't,” he gives up and turns his head to scowl at him. ”Rouge needs it for immunity and I need it for citizenship.“
Sonic leans back, plopping his ass into a rolling chair and spinning across the room.
“Don't do that.”
”They're blackmailing you, Shadow.”
He huffs, “I'm aware!”
Sonic pauses his homemade carnival ride to peruse Rouge's bookshelf. Shadow returns to his work, thoroughly irritated by the redundant and useless interruption. They've had this conversation so many times, he doesn't understand why Sonic keeps speaking on it. It distracts him from his work, it pockmarks his confidence. He's invading his space and his brain, and it's unappreciated, but he can't bring himself to tell Sonic to fuck off like he would in any other circumstance. He started nearly 6 months ago and now Shadow's skin crawls when he has to wear his work jacket.
After a few minutes of blissful quiet, Sonic opens his mouth again. “You know, the islands don't have all this citizenship passcard stuff.”
”Whatever,“ Shadow's ear flicks at the sound of a book closing. He looks up again in time to see Sonic plop an atlas on the desk. ”They can't get you if you move south. And you can see the stars easier without the light pollution."
”What about Omega?“ Shadow accuses.
A shrug. ”There's been Egghead activity over there recently.“
Shadow shoves the book off the desk to watch Sonic jump out of the way. It hits the floor like a boulder. “I'm not moving to your islands.”
Sonic gives him an annoyed, mean face. One only Shadow sees with any frequency. He bares his canines at him in response, but quickly smooths out his pricked quills and exhales. They can't beat the snot out of each other in here, even though they both need to.
"I don't understand," Sonic says, sounding put out.
Shadow sniffs, returning back to his paper work. ”Of course you don't.“
He hears a scoff in the background, then shuffling as Sonic picks up the mess. Another few minutes pass. Shadow is nearly done with the paperwork when his companion says, in a quieter and more earnest tone, ”I know it would be hard when there's so much stuff in it. But we'd—me and my friends—we would help if you asked. Or if anything happened. Why do you stay?"
The change in approach makes him pause, even as his face scrunches. Sonic knows this disarms him—the juxtaposition. The gentleness.
"You hate humans anyway. And you're clearly not happy. None of you are. Why don't you leave?“
Shadow picks up the pen again, hunching over in an attempt to refocus. If Tower is lucky, he'll be able to handle the incident without much interference from his peers, and they won't be separated. They're lucky he's on their side. It's a good thing, this is a good thing. They have work and benefits and people who like them. He's repaying his dues for Finalhazard, for Westopolis. And he's protecting his... his... from...
He hates it.
He hates G.U.N. He hates the way they hold Rouge's freedom over her head. He hates the way they don't understand Omega. He hates the way they threaten to revoke Shadow's personhood like he hadn't fought tooth and nail for it.
Team Dark is constantly followed by buzzards, and any upturned belly however brief is a potential corpse.
He hates that Sonic is right.
Shadow signs his name on the form. “Because they're like me."
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brucenorris007 · 9 months
Summary: Scrap, verb: to discard, retire or remove from service. Metal Sonic discovers—partially through force, partially via coaxing—that perhaps it's time that it scraps a few hardwired notions. Else it will be stuck in the same loop indefinitely.
1801 words (Chapter 1)
“Egghead dipped, base is about to blow, and you still wanna scrap.”
Every fight had the same premise:
Bones versus bearings, blood versus oil, feet versus engines.
“I respect that, Metal; let’s take this outside!”
The outcome should have been obvious, and yet…
Much like the premise, every fight had the same result.
Metal raced Sonic through falling detritus and collapsing supports amid blaring alarms; it clashed with the hedgehog whenever possible, attempting to knock him off his stride and prevent his escape. Sonic wove around the debris while still giving as good as he got; no number of bruises ever slowed him down.
Another explosion rocked the foundations of the subterranean structure; pressure building from rapidly rising heat and fire from below began propelling metal and concrete up as well as down.
Chances of escape came out to approximately two percent.
Two percent was all that Metal’s nemesis had ever needed.
Groaning and creaking, the roof of the base cracked; daylight peeked through at the end of the flames. Metal’s turbines spun at a droning hum, and it shot outside milliseconds after Sonic did. They briefly hung in the air over the glacial mountain Metal’s master had been operating out of; Metal calculated trajectory, engaged its afterburners and careened down to cross the distance to its doppelganger. Sonic was never truly helpless, but in the scant moments before his feet touched the ground again, it might
The hush over the mountain shattered with a thunderous BOOM.
Sonic’s eyes went wide.
He opened his mouth.
Metal raised its clawed hands.
Loud whooshing sliced through the cold air.
A crash.
Something quietly went
Then, motion; all-at-once, too-much motion. Metric tons of red-hot metal flashed across a backdrop of blue sky and white snow. Tumbling and crashing, sliding and barreling through the air without discernible direction or any sort of control.
Just… noise.
Simultaneous. Overwhelming. Constant.
Until it wasn’t.
Stillness. Again.
The violent spinning stopped as abruptly as it started.
Soft reboot.
Metal came back online.
A rendering of what had occurred formulated in the space between processors.
The conclusive explosion of the base had expelled a jagged portion of a support beam; its ballistic path intersected–at terminal velocity–with Metal’s frame.
And consequently, it lay half-buried in ice and snow; alerts identifying multiple instances of severe non-function cropped up, cumulatively depicting a less-than-optimal state.
“Metal, you okay?”
Sonic characteristically chose the worst moment to reappear, skidding to a stop in the snow.
“That was a gnarly ride down.”
Internal alarms blared at his measured approach; Metal had experience with being at another’s mercy while in a state of disrepair.
But Sonic was not its master.
It bypassed several advisories against re-engaging combat capability, despite that its reserve battery was not designed to support that. Metal attempted to propel back onto its feet.
Something popped. Loudly.
Hissing and heat followed.
“That… didn’t sound good.” Sonic said.
Metal ignored the derision; occupied with suppressing panic and trying to force fluidity out of limbs locking up courtesy of uncooperative hydraulics.
“Doesn’t look good, either.”
The hedgehog paused just within striking range. Metal’s motherboard ran countless calculations of all the data points illustrating how severely disadvantageous the situation was; of how many weaknesses Sonic could exploit to inflict damage.
“Here, let me”
He reached out. Anticipating an attack, Metal’s own hand snatched the hedgehog’s wrist. Threw itself forward in a spastic lunge.
Sonic spun to one side, leaving Metal to crash into the snow again. Expecting retaliation, it snatched its hand back.
None came for several moments. Sonic stared at it. Metal glared back, chills that had nothing to do with the temperature permeating its core.
“Okay then.”
Sonic turned around and ran, circling the base of the mountain; a thunderclap seconds later let Metal know he’d broken the sound barrier and was, within a minute, long gone.
Metal attempted again to right itself; renewed alerts made the task more trouble than it was worth. It switched off its optics to preserve power.
By Metal’s internal clock, just shy of an hour had passed when it next registered another presence.
“Do you see him, Omega?”
The new arrivals were only marginally less-than-welcome. The cronch of snow and ice coupled with the faint, smooth whirring of moving mechanical parts preceded the last of its master’s E-series announcing:
Metal kept its optics offline. Perhaps if it ignored them, they would go away. It willfully disregarded how unlikely it was they were searching for it when it happened to be injured.
“Is he on standby mode?”
Metal’s optics flared back to life for the express purpose of glowering at Omega.
Shadow leaned into view.
“Metal? Can you move?”
“I wasn’t asking you.”
Metal raised one arm defiantly, a particular titanium finger elevated.
An internal fan briefly spun harder than usual; Omega might have been programmed without inflection in his voice box, but Metal did possess sarcasm receptors. Shadow sighed.
“All right,” he said; he knelt in the snow. “Let’s just move him.”
Metal’s systems overclocked on seeing Shadow’s outstretched hand; for the barest moment, the incinerating barrier of its Overdrive function enveloped its body. Shadow yanked his hand back. Steam from instantly evaporated ice surrounded Metal.
“Or not.” Shadow said after a beat.
Metal shut off optics again; after that half-a-second engagement of its most powerful offensive maneuver, conserving energy was an even higher priority. It cast about for incoming satellite signals until it pinged off Shadow’s phone. The work of a couple minutes allowed it to interact with the device.
Did Sonic send you?
A beat. The sound of Shadow’s fingers tapping and a phone unlocking. Two simultaneous verbal responses.
“Not helping.”
Any help from him is unacceptable
Sarcasm receptors blared again.
“Thank you, Omega.” Shadow said; Metal didn’t have much data for comparison, but the hedgehog’s voice sounded a little strained.
The cronch of Omega’s footsteps indicated he’d momentarily stepped away.
A beat passed.
“Why?” Shadow asked.
“I haven’t seen you accept help from anyone before; why take such exception to any that he offers?”
He is the Enemy
“The feeling doesn’t seem to be mutual.”
“What are you basing that on?”
Metal’s processors stalled. Sonic, nemesis, the threat that required every preparation and observation to combat; the nemesis who still won, mercilessly heedless of all the data Metal painstakingly had compiled within its CPU. If Sonic, who consistently exceeded that data, didn’t feel as invested in their conflict as Metal, then for what reason had it gathered all that information? Metal could not provide any more complete an answer than:
He is the Enemy
Inexplicably, both of them remained with Metal, despite the arctic climate and the temperature falling with the waning afternoon.
“Is the hatred truly yours if it’s just part of your programming?” Shadow asked.
Were you not programmed–created–to be a protector?
“That’s one of the purposes for which I was made, yes.”
I was created for a sole purpose; eliminating Sonic the Hedgehog
Metal elected to ignore the more bombastic robot.
That he is the Enemy is just a motive for pursuing his end
Shadow didn’t immediately respond.
“The primary purpose assigned to me on my creation,” he said. “Was to preserve–protect–humanity and the planet. Yet few, if any, have come as close as I did to destroying both.”
That you failed only proves it is not what you were programmed for
Shadow huffed.
“By that logic, failing to eliminate Sonic means that’s not your purpose, either.”
Metal didn’t have a satisfactory reply to that. Rather than frustrated or angry, it experienced more… confusion. Pensiveness.
You do not need to remain here
“What do you mean?”
Robotnik will return to collect me in due time
“Will he?”
Metal didn’t understand Shadow’s apparent desire to challenge its every assertion in gentle tones.
“I’ve never known the doctor to spare a second glance at anything he’s left behind him,” Shadow said; almost as if thinking aloud. He paused. “Not unless whatever has captured his myopic attention requires it.”
Omega’s persisting presence was conspicuous by his deafening silence; the lack of any barbing interjections despite his well-documented contempt for Metal’s master.
“I suppose that’s the primary factor he gave you,” Shadow said. “That single-minded focus; though, is Sonic really your enemy, or his?”
There is no distinction
“Maybe not,” Shadow conceded. “But maybe there should be. I may not have destroyed the planet, but I have been–I am–much more than just a protector. I see no reason why you couldn’t similarly evolve.”
Metal once again failed to formulate a response.
“Sonic doesn’t have to be your enemy,” Shadow said. “If you want, you don’t ever have to fight again.”
You have not attempted to move me again
“Do you want to be moved?”
Merely an observation
One that Metal couldn’t comprehend. They’d come in place of Sonic to assist, yet a single defensive act deterred them. Despite that, Metal knew from the vaguely song-like echo of chaos energy that Shadow hadn’t strayed off, and though Omega occasionally stomped up and down in the snow, he offered not a word of complaint. They accomplished nothing of any discernible value that Metal could grasp by doing so.
Even the way Shadow phrased the question caused a stutter in Metal’s motherboard.
“We’re not going to do anything you don’t want us to do.”
That word again: want.
‘Are you ready’ or ‘There’s no rush’ Metal could have understood; an implication that their help was imminent, or that they were waiting until it lacked the power to retaliate. Never mind that Metal’s battery had long since depleted past the point of being able to utilize Overdrive again, regardless of whether they had any way of knowing that.
No. Instead, Shadow asked what it wanted.
Metal had ample experience receiving repairs or… improvements, heedless of its state of consciousness.
Yet Shadow and Omega were not its master.
What would I be without my programming?
“Everyone in the world would give you a different answer; the only conclusion that matters is the one you carve out for yourself.”
Take me to the fox
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l-in-the-light · 2 days
I seriously LOVE your “The most embarrassing series of posts about Lawlu“ posts I am on the eighth blog of it and want to know if there will be more of them?
Thank you for enjoying them! I also enjoy writing the Lawlu posts series a lot! Sometimes I just share the discoveries I already made some time ago, other times I discover new things by patiently analyzing the frames as I go when writing. I feel like I finally found the angle I believe in when it comes to Lawlu (before that I was struggling how to see them and changed my interpretations a lot). So I guess you could say what you get in these posts is my final view. It might of course still change, mostly in details here and there, but I think the core idea is sticking for good.
If you want to know where's my faith in Lawlu coming from, I really encourage you to read my theory on pirates and their treasures. It explains how I think Oda coded love in his manga (doesn't have to be romantic love, may I add!), there's a bit about Lawlu, Zosan, Shuggy and few others there. It also provides you a fishing rod, in case you like to go fishing up treasures in the manga by yourself :)
How much posts have I planned for the Lawlu series? Oh boy, okay, so those who want to be surprised just don't click on "read more" and those who just want to know already what's up ahead, enjoy!
Right as I'm writing this reply, I finished the post about Whole Cake Island arc (it's part 12). I intend to do from now on:
the whole Wano arc (I suspect it will take me more or less 4 or 5 posts, because that's how much it took for Dressrosa. But I also plan to add anime-only extensions to it, because they're super good in this arc, so who knows how long this arc will take overall. Might be a long journey!)
Egghead (I don't expect more than one post centered on it tho. I also need to reread the whole arc at once, because it changes perspective a lot in comparison to following it one chapter a week)
movies edition (there are just two with Lawlu, but the scenes with them are just too good to skip in my series. Also there is that Tokyo Tower special and Wano recap with Law commenting on events that made me flail way too much, so who knows? I might write stuff about those as well?)
Shanks x Buggy edition (yep, I finally want to take it head on :D it's not Lawlu, but it will follow the same idea. Since we don't really get many scenes about Shuggy it will definitely not be very long lol)
still unsure about Sabaody+post Marineford. Mostly because I already used two most important scenes from there in other posts (on my interpretation study about Lawlu's friendship which is part 2 of my Law's touch and closeness series of meta posts), and I plan to use the third one as a callback in Wano. I'm still divided about the rest of it, because their post-Marineford scenes seem to be heavily dependant on the theme of fate and I won't pretend that I know yet where that is going. Whatever I could offer now would be considered heavy conspiracy theories, I'm afraid. I would rather wait on writing Sabaody till I get things in proper perspective, but if my head gets too full of thoughts I might do that post regardless.
playing in my head with the idea of Lawlu in the spinoffs of One Piece, because they have some fun scenes...
and of course once Law finally appears again in the manga, I will be doing posts on that as well :D
That's the plan for now! Of course if you want to drop me ideas for more posts about Lawlu, I will happily await them :D I'm mostly just going where my inspiration takes me, and inspiration tends to be a fleeting thing haha.
Thank you again for enjoying the ride, it means a lot to me ❤
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thus-spoke-lo · 11 months
Ok but horny priest Sanji finally giving in to temptation and fucking you in your side of the confessional booth. First just grinding his own clothed erection against you, groping at your tits and ass and kissing you and licking/biting at your neck, and then, when even that isn't enough, him finally just putting a hand over your mouth to silence your noises/protests and fucking you, fast and frantic and hard, utterly desperate to get himself off. Him pinning both of your hands against the confession booth door with one of his hands or binding them with his belt or a torn off scrap of your skirt, so he can have his hands free to cover your mouth and pull at your hair and to reach under your clothes to touch you, stroking your clit while he jackrabbits up into your dripping cunt, filling you over and over again with his cum.
Or Ace as the demon (maybe invisible, with the raid suit or Egghead Island tech) "possessing"/fucking you every night, and Sanji as the priest trying to exorcize you- which mostly just devolves into them both fucking you senseless with their cocks and fingers and tongues, filling you over and over with their cum, covering you with their kisses and bite marks. And/or Demon! Ace seducing Sanji, first sucking him off to get the stupid priest to shut up, and then maybe straddling him while Ace rides the priest's pretty cock, gloating and reveling in his victory, especially if Ace also has you bouncing on his cock as well, turned around to make sure the priest can see your pretty, tear streaked face as Ace fucks both of you into oblivion, until all you can do is moan and cum for him and lie there shaking afterwards from the aftershocks.
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f1rewalk3r · 9 months
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i refuse to let this stay in the comments of my post because it’s gold and also i do want to make a Blake Bike Post
so for the eggheads again: squid is a colloquialism that has no definitive definition but generally refers to a young, cocky rider who overestimates his own skill, usually wearing less gear then necessary, often resulting in horrific injury when the inevitable crash comes. (when, not if.)
(more analysis below)
we know Pre-Meiosis Thorburn has both blake and rose’s traits, so thus we can reconstruct the type of rider they are.
given Blake is propositioned to a threesome with two of the extremely hot girls in his friend group, we know that PMT was embroiled in some serious hardcore dyke shit. (this is assuming PMT is some form of queer, because duh.)
now, ahem, i will draw on /personal anecdote/ to assert that what the queers like about motorcycle dyke is the heavy gear look. sidenote that brian got this right and tayor is insane for never conciously noticing noticing. so i’m definitely assuming PMT is a AGATT (all gear all the time) rider. this also depends in the type of bike PMT/Blake rides- given toronto we could assume sportbike but given PMT queerness and Blake’s general Blakeisms it’s possible that they would ride a cruiser. A Harley-Davidson, even. really reclaim that personal freedom post cult by buying into the HD cult. plus the tattoo style (which i would describe as vaguely neo-american traditional) also gives creedence to the cruiser styling.
Post-Meiosis tho?
Rose got the smarts. Which we can assume is also the part of the PMT that got the “mmm wearing gear is sexy and will prevent me from Dying Horrifically.” (this has many implications for her sex life with whatshisname.
Blake is Textually Suicidally Reckless and thus sees any form of protective equipment as a Barrier between Him and the Freedom that comes from flying down the road. He’s always boasting about his bike (valid) his skills (pop off) and how Amazing it is to ride (king). he also decides to take it out in the battle for toronto. in the snow. this is generally a Bad Fucking Idea. but as this genius comment says- he’s a squid and doesn’t fucking Care.
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seat-safety-switch · 2 years
I was halfway through my second Tetra-Pak® of oven-warmed (they say not to use the microwave) reduced-sodium chicken broth when I finally flipped to the editorial page of my neighbour’s newspaper. Those bastards in the government were sticking it to us again, with a planned “safety blitz” on the highway. You don’t need me to tell you, dear reader, what other fascist invented the concept of “the blitz.”
Now, you need to understand something about our local highway. It’s not like a real city’s. It has a bunch of jacked-up curves right in the middle, where they joined it together over successive projects as the city grew. Sometimes it’s six lanes. Sometimes it’s two. Exit lanes aren’t marked. Sometimes exit lanes are also merge lanes from a different highway. One section used to be part of the amusement park before all the fires. It’s a lot of fun, and the most fun part about it was that the traffic cops were afraid to be on the highway. Their union called it “really fucking unsafe.” With an endorsement like that, any safety operation, blitzkrieg or otherwise, would be bound to fail.
There’s another problem with the highway. During the week, it’s all commuters. Hardened drivers who know the rules of the road, and understand what to expect. They’ve been on it every day, in every weather condition. They can probably tell you every curve and bump, even if they don’t think of themselves as real drivers. Then you throw in some random asshole who doesn’t normally drive on the highway but just this once has to go across town at 9 A.M. to pick up Mister Floppykins’ anal wart medicine from the less racist of our two 24-hour vets. That random asshole – that normal person – immediately causes a twenty-five car pileup, forcing an intervention from law enforcement.
Of course, that’s a matter for the debate team. After the fact, those eggheads could argue that any enforcement operation barely scratched the surface of the law-breaking on-it-everyday speed demons who treated the highway like some kind of no-holds-barred carnage zone, a place where civility went to die and staying in your lane was practically unheard of. In reality, everyone knew the cops were catching some heat after letting the Mayor Himself’s Daughter Herself get away with a minor cocaine infraction when her gently-crashed Tesla saturation-bombed a popular downtown eatery with half-charged 18650 lithium-ion battery cells, and they needed to make some exhaust tickets in order to renew public confidence in their so-called institution.
They didn’t do it to me, of course, even though I was myself blitzed by the federales. That morning, I “had to” give my shark of an attorney, Max, a ride down south, so he could pick up a set of monogrammed cufflinks from the rotary (wrong kind, I asked) club. He’s too afraid to drive on the highway normally, you see, but he was all too willing to kick in for gas. I still will never know how he managed to turn “unjust widened-exhaust ticket” into the weeping officer handing his own badge and gun to Max.
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danwhobrowses · 1 year
One Piece Chapter 1094 - Initial Thoughts
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And we are back again
Another week break has been rough but we're back with our Straw Hats in Egghead
Let's see how it goes
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release
Starting with a Shimotsuki-themed colour spread; Zoro in the middle of course but you have Kozaburo, Koushiro, Kuina on the right, Yasuie, Ushimaru (plus Onimaru) and Ryuma (Zombie and I think regular) to the left. Seems only Toko is left out among the confirmed Shimotsuki
Well that's an ominous title as we pick up right where we left off
Graphical reminder that the Gorosei are above Vegapunk in chain of command
The Mark IIIs have started their assault on the Navy though as the VegaTank 8 sticks to the cloud path with its special wheels
Sanji's lady senses immediately pick up where Bonney is, as he darts into her direction
Vegapunk like 'a lady radar's not real but ok' XD
Bonney is under attack though, with a guy using like a shell Monk's Spade
Bonney been packing heat this whole time?
Gratuitous ass shot in a splits cartwheel while firing a gun
The attack is non-fatal, since it's called 'Near-Death Experience'
A Yohoho in the chat for the navy guy hit with it, he was suddenly bones for a second, and now there's the trauma
Bonney runs right into a Mark III but this one's not on our side
Old Lady Vice Admiral Bluegrass has commandeered this Mark III with her Ride-Ride Fruit, which allows her to command anything like a vehicle
Whoa lady the aging effects are temporary cool it down
Bonney once again stutters at the sight of her father's visage, which allows Sanji though to get the jump in to save her
Shell Spade man's attack is Whack-an-Otter, which I guess means he might have an Otter-based skill or fruit
With Bonney in hand Vegapunk drives to Sanji to make their escape
Back with Luffy vs Kizaru, and both are showing signs of fatigue
Kizaru's doing a lot of dipping out of the fight
The two, Zoro and Lucci then sense something though, the ominous aura felt by Jinbe and the other Vice Admirals
Also Nami, Chopper and Usopp are accounted for tending to Stussy
Saturn makes the order, all Pacifista are to cease
Knowing the chain of command, Atlas confirms that a Gorosei must be here
What the? WHAT IS THIS?
There's literally a summoning circle there!
Why did he need a boat if you just just summon him?
Marines are told that Saturn is coming, but you also have to be a certain rank (Commodore) to witness his arrival, all others must avert their gaze
This ritual circle is making a lot of emissions
I mean, the revision of '5 Elder Planets' makes sense and all but then you gotta use a pentagram to summon them
A non-Commodore didn't listen and gets immediately killed
no seriously WHAT IS THAT?
Saturn's fruit is not of this world, he's for sure an awakened zoan, black fire scarf like Lucci and Kaku wonder if the colour is reflective of alignment, but he's got like spider legs and a ram's horns and fur, also finger claws
My guess is the Ushi Oni, as Naruto fans would know it as the Gyuki aka the Eight Tails, they have toxic breath too
What's interesting for the Ushi Oni is that they do frequent around water, and have been attributed to poisoning water sources, maybe the Gorosei are the devils of which the fruits are named?
The Vegatank is knocked off its course by Kizaru, who barely missed the tank
Luffy's on his popeye energy, but he has to dodge one of Kizaru's laser, turning him into a spinning top again
But he uses the momentum for an ACOC Hook punch called a 'White Star Punch' in scanlations, sending the fist through the head much like he did with Kaido's face
Also some stars popped out for the headache Kizaru's gonna get
That seems to be Luffy's final blow though as he runs out of gas, right as Saturn recognizes him as Nika
I know the spider legs are intimidating but I just can't stop seeing Dr Kureha's trousers, Oda likes those flame legs
The Vegatank 8 is alas the most recent casualty of Egghead, but all its passengers are safe
...if not standing right in front of a towering Gorosei
There's some cold introductions between Saturn and Vegapunk
But Bonney is going straight for the kill, grabbing a sword and plunging it into Saturn's chest
Dialogue implies that the Gorosei must've commanded Kuma's personality wipe, maybe we'll cover what she saw next chapter
It has been 5 weeks since we have seen our wife, our queen, our light of the Revolutionaries, Nico Robin. WHERE ARE YOU HIDING HER ODA?
Well things continue to get more complicated.
We all knew Saturn would have to get involved but I don't think we were expecting a full demon summoning shit to go down. With Luffy exhausted in front of him too it's falling down to Sanji, Bonney and Franky to help him and the Punks escape.
Part of me feels like Kizaru will recover too, you don't see him KO'd after all. I am hoping that Zoro just finishes Lucci quickly after this though because I still don't buy that Lucci's in the Billion beri tier. Jinbe seems to be aware of the threat moreso that Nami, Chopper and Usopp so I wonder if he'll jump into action at all.
But obviously I doubt Bonney's stab has done anything really to Saturn, except probably invoked his rage from 'she's just a little girl' to *Kill Bill Sirens*. But I do very much hope we see that flashback, maybe Kuma will come in to save everyone again, either pawing Saturn away or pawing the Sunny away with the Punks and Crew.
There's still also the threat of Blackbeard there, that would definitely be a fruit he'd want, maybe the Yami Yami no Mi was the fruit of a former Elder Planet? But it could also invite an unlikely alliance. Or the Revolutionaries simply show up? Speed not really on their side though unless Dragon kinda flies there. Caribou gonna jump in an steal the Gorosei, clutch move of the century XD
Many directions things can go, but I very much need to know that Robin's safe and sound.
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termiteterraceclub · 2 months
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Termite Terrace Club - July 17th
1937 - Egghead Rides Again - Dir. Tex Avery
1943 - Porky Pig’s Feat - Dir. Frank Tashlin / Tin Pan Alley Cats - Dir. Bob Clampett
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ev-rebound · 29 days
Chapter 2: Old friends New enemies
Up on a rooftop, an invisible figure watches the blue blur zip past, -fast, strong, and he hates the egg…he’s perfect- “I have eyes on the blue hedgehog ma’am” he says into a comm, “Good keep it up and make sure he’s the real deal.”
“Is that the best you got egg head?!” Sonic calls as he sticks out a hand and grabs onto a nearby lamppost. He lets his momentum carry him and flings him around the pole and straight into the last eggdrone. “Woo! That's, what, 23?” He looks around with a grin which falters when he realizes no one else is around. “Huh…” Sonic taps his foot expecting egg drones to come rushing at him at any minute, but nothing. 
Sonic turns on his heel, and promptly ducks to avoid getting run through with a set of claws slashing at him. Sonic rolls into a ball and spin dashes at the robot; it catches him and slams him into the ground, hard. Bracing his hands under him Sonic jack knives his legs up into the air knocking the robot back. “Ok bring it on…Omega?!” 
Sonic blinks disbelief, what looks like Omega with sleeker armor, no spikes, a visor with two glowing eyes, and the eggman insignia on his shoulder, glares at him flexing his claws. “You are in direct violation of the Council’s Rules, submit or be terminated!” His arms turn into gatling guns and he opens fire at Sonic. “C’mon Omega we’re..uh allies! And you hate Eggman!” He spin dashes at the robot's legs and uncurls at the last moment, sweeping Omega’s legs out from under him. 
Once down Sonic dashes up the side of a building and speeds off, Omega jumps back to his feet. Activating his boosters he takes off after Sonic, contacting his fellow enforcers, “The hedgehog is headed in your direction, prepare the net”
Sonic looks over his shoulder and grits his teeth, first a city taken over by eggman, and now Omega is back under his control?! What was going on with this crazy place? He looks up and sees one of the monorails above him, Sonic grins as he skids to a halt. 
He turns and spin dashes at Omega again, aiming for his chest and springboards off it just as a train passes by. Once above it he stomps and lands on it, giving a two fingered salute to the robot Sonic turns and rides the train.
“Target is going off course…commencing sweep of city” 
Sonic sits as the train speeds through the city, now he has some time to think. A city ruled by eggman, Omega seemingly under his control, his friends and allies nowhere to be seen. Yet he didn’t remember any of this happening! -Did egghead do something to my memories…the last thing I remember was..the mountain, the prism!-
“I shattered it….did I cause this?”
Sonic stays on the train until he reaches a subway station full of more people sadly shuffling by. No one pays attention as Sonic jumps off the train and onto the platform looking around, -Ok somehow I may have caused this, but hey! If Omega’s here the others must be as well! I just need to find them- Sonic walks down the platform looking around and gasps. A familiar orange fox, in a hoodie, with several mechanical tails is walking into one of the tunnels. “Tails!” Sonic pushes through the crowd trying to catch up to his little brother. If anyone could help him fix this mess it was him!
Once he reaches the tunnel there's no sign of him, “Where did he run off to..?” Sonic walks down the tunnel looking around. He finally comes across a door with a number key pad beside it, -hm if this is Tails…- Sonic inputs the code Tails used for his workshop back home and it opens with a whoosh! 
Sonic grins and enters, he finds himself in a large room with a bed in one corner and in the other sits Tails at a computer. “Little buddy! Hey!” Sonic runs over to him and spins his chair to face him. Tails stares at him with a stunned expression which turns into a glare, “...Tails?” The fox pushes Sonic away as his nine mechanical tails come out and point at him threateningly,
“The names…NINE!”
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squibbledawg · 1 year
Hello welcome to hell <3 . .
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Hello! my name is SquibbleDawg. i am an artist/animator who enjoys classic 90s/80s saturday morning cartoon-ish style, and i enjoy a lot of other weird shit like an unhealthy obsession with clowns puppets and 90's cartoons and hyperfixation on skrunkly gremlin mooded characters
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THINGS I'LL DRAW ºOC'S both original and fandom related ºfanart ºOriginal art ºBoth platonic or romantic relationships ºI can draw things such as yandere/violence (i do not condone this type of actual behavior) ºGore/Suggestive content (not nsfw) if these things trigger you please do not stick around ºShitposts 🚩 DNI NOTICE 🚩 PEDOS/PROSHIPPERS/MAPS TERFS TRANSPHOBICS/HOMOPHOBICS RACISTS ABLEISTS ZOOPHILES ANYONE BELOW 14+ yall can fucky wucky your clown cars elsewhere ❤
🧪 FANDOMS IM IN 🧃 -welcome home- -deltarune- -the spectacular spider man- -furry- -pizza tower- -lets find larry- -the adventures of professor egghead audio series- -baldi's basics-
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once again this blog is mostly SFW but it may have suggestive or gorey/triggering/horror/bright or flashy content so if your below 14+ or sensitive to any of the following topics i recommend you probably click off.
this blog is an art blog but its most likely going to be a chaotic mess of other bullshit shitposts mixed with it possibly
so buckle up and enjoy the ride 👏
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if you are a straight up NSFW blog i ask you do not reblog or interact with my content ty ⭐
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costons · 2 years
Chapter 3 above ^^^^^^
Egghead - The island of the Future. | Monkey D. Luffy x Reader.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Chapter 4
~ Egghead - The Land of Science. ~
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A few days later in the thousand sunny:
The Crew seemed to have awakened from their winter slumber. The winter falls has sprung into deep action. After so long, when I looked up at the skies it seemed as if they were breaking free and opening for an unknown world, the waves thrashing, the thousand sunny quaking over the ocean sea.
The sun shines down on me and gives me light but there is nothing that fills my soul with joy. The wind flaps my coat like some form of rejection, ruffling the material, scratching the skin underneath before changing thoughts to the potential iceberg issues up ahead.
The iceberg that sunk the mighty ship and killed all aboard with such fright. With a shudder I am reminded that in just a matter of hours I will be going out on this same water filled vessel. In another matter of hours the boat will recreate the scene from a popular history book I had been lended from my childhood years.
The very scenario that caused many sailors to kill themselves rather than endure what came next. But how can one forget the sound of an iceberg snapping a ship apart? This very day I will find myself sailing past the massive snow-white giants with its menacing cold dark ocean floor looking for land.
For miles upon miles upon miles the ice builds to perfection and then shattering when you get too close to the surface. My journey will not be an easy voyage either, it will require skill and strength that only certain people are qualified for. The next island, it shall be a challenge we all must face even if it spits the reckoning death on ourself.
It is a trek of endurance that one must always learn, not an overnight ride that seems simple enough. But is does take time, time is something no one has much of anymore. Not those who dwell on the island and still hunt down whatever they can find, remembering what fellow folks had said back in Wano. Thinking back at the major flame incident, I lift up my coat slightly to reveal a rational burn mark that's been carefully examined and treated for.
People forget things once they leave it behind.
Perhaps we should learn from that. I never knew such rules existed in the beginning of my life. Never heard such words spoken, nor seen any for myself.
Though,  One could always think for themselves and do things however they wished. People would say different things but then again you did what you thought was right, being you.
Looking out at the horizon I am able to look far away beyond my sight but upon noticing an island, turning back to the fellow members, noticing them shouting commands at one at each other as I stood gripping the rails. Our progress shall become slower than what they were hoping for but nonetheless, We Are headed towards a new beginning...The beginning of another adventure...I guess...for us all.
"Furl the Sails! The wind is too strong!" Jinbe demands, looking off at the navigator whom seems to be complaining. "Are we close to making land, Nami?"
"Brr! It feels like we've entered an Islands Climate zone!...I guess the next island is a winter Island!" Nami shouts, shivering away from the cold, replying to the Fishman.
But her voice was almost unheard, yet again we failed to reach the next destination as soon as planned. Was it a fate of man made or naturally formed? Why do we lose so often on our journeys through life.
The waves crash on, farrowing faster then before.
It seems as though it will rip off anything that isn't fastened or tied down.
We're tired, drained and cold. As the sun has risen ever higher it takes more work to maintain a balance.
Tiredness overtakes us all and makes us lazier than ever, huddling together to keep warm. We hold on tightly while resting within our dreams. The thought of our purpose fades.
What exactly are we doing here? The moments before our captain shouts,
"Hey Nami! What in the world is that?!" His voice piercing the sky, pointing out to the strange enormous ball forming in the sky ahead.
peering over the edge with a gasp.
Standing up in front of me stands an imposing enormous ball form.
It was frighteningly big, looming larger than the buildings I had known back home. It would look like an ancient artifact compared to what we've known since. As I take a closer look, I notice that the surface of the ball is covered in intricate patterns and designs, almost like a map of some kind. I can't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder as I gaze upon this mysterious object.
Without warning, the ball begins to glow with a bright, pulsating light, causing me to shield my eyes.
"Yohoho! It looks like an Afro!" Brook exclaims, staring at the huge rounded ball, pointing to the current and then towards his hair.
"A rapid temperature change is dangerous! We got to run, Jinbe! We'll be swallowed up!" Nami shouts loudly, gaining the attention of everyone.
"Leave it to me!" Jinbe clamou knows they has a long way to go, they cannot afford any delays as there might not be time to make it back.
But while some leave quickly, others linger. A little ways away from them, some watching in despair, longing for their friends but knowing they can't do nothing.
"Wait! Someone's in the water!" The captain, who are leaving notices, pointing at the sea which is churning violently due to strong winds and currents.
A distant call echoes across the waves, a lady shouting for help.
"No..he's right! I can hear a lady in distress!" Sanji shouts, looking at the navigator, practically begging to turn the ship around.
"I'll cut it." Zoro blankly says, gripping onto one of his katanas, glaring at the current ahead.
He nods once, holding out the katana, its sharp blade gleaming in the light.
Sanji eyes him nervously, sensing that something's wrong but he had no idea what. Shouting, "You'd better not leave a scratch on the lady!"
Zoro glares at the Love Cook, "Do you trust me?" flashing a devilish grin, before he runs towards the current.
"Bird Dance!" Zoro yells out, cutting the current in halves, grabbing the lady.
However, before he could throw her onto the deck, she clung to the opposite edge, and was pulling herself back into the sea, clearly determined to keep her distance from Zoro due to the forceful grabbing.
Zoro yelps, anger bursting inside of him, glaring at the woman.
She continues pulling herself back, but with only five meters separating them now. It's close, so very close! So very dangerous! But...but, it could also end well. With a hard pull, Zoro managed to grab her shoulder, pulling her onto the ship.
With Sanji rushing forward, Zoro grabbed hold of her other arm, pushing her towards the cook. In disbelief Sanji shouts, "What the hell is going on?! Glaring at the Swordsman, noticing how he shoved the lady right before his eyes.
Whistling over, gaining their attention. I shout, "It's not the time for fighting you know?! I mean..Luffy and Chopper were just flown away!" Frustratingly pointing to the two in the air, wailing.
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dorothydalmati1 · 6 months
Looney Tunes/Merrie Melodies 1937 Episode 19: Egghead Rides Again
Written by Cal Howard
Directed by Tex Avery
Animated by Paul Smith & Irven Spence
Voice characterizations by Mel Blanc, Tex Avery, Billy Bletcher, Danny Webb & Sons of the Pioneers
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basedkikuenjoyer · 2 years
Going Down to the Crossroads
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The cartoon nonsense in this Lucci rematch...beautiful. I personally enjoy the perfectly awakened jaguarman-shaped hole in the wall. But this one, Luffy has his brief moment with Sentomaru that’s very on brand then can’t control himself. It’s pretty blatant by now. You have the power, now the challenge is learning to wield it. Solidified with how he’s yet again drained by the effort. Meanwhile, everything’s coming together. Our landing party on Egghead’s moving into the same place and by the end of this segment we’ll wheel around through some of our side stories floating in the background. All as we juggle the question, should we take on the world’s greatest scientific mind? There’s two big reasons I feel like we’re starting to see this arc turn a corner. Moving from “sho” to “ten,” so to speak.
First, this element of the cover serial. We’ve moved from Germa’s story incidentally showing us what happened with Pudding right as it became relevant into looping Vegapunk in with the Caesar/Judge backstory. This has a lot of potential, and given the setup I’m more inclined to believe we’ll see this less savory side the main story is hinting at. I’d love to see an echo of concepts around Oden’s flashback and play with the Emotionless Journey showing us as readers where Vega’s lying about his version of events. . Can’t forget the beat about being so shameless making the call too.
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Moving into 1071 we see some compelling wrinkles. A fun one here, the mystery person opening the dome! I’m still looking at Shaka bein sus, especially with the bickering among Punk Squad before, but that’s more of a hunch. What matters is someone did. Lucci’s never been a favorite but if he wants to be all melodramatic like here I’ll take it. The heavens have abandoned you... It’s a fair point. If the arc’s about to flip and break a different way than it’s showing now these are the right beats. Vega bringing in someone big after we go for the more obvious Sentomaru. 
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Hey! Back to the ship! Well darn though, we see the whole deck. Only Zoro snoozing so I guess...where’s Brook? Yohohoho, that might just be a secret we’ll keep for later. You tell me what the hell Kidd and Elbaf could lead to, not much more to go on than seeing it. This is the other major thing that makes me think we’re moving into a new phase though. In hindsight our update on Law felt very much like how we did Wano’s act breaks. Kidd seems the same, with the Revolutionaries and Marine base nearby as more directly connected cutaways. Last but not least though, we see another reckless Monkey as we get back to a part of this I’m very interested in:
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Hiya Garp! Alright, I want to continue Mr. Oda’s Wild Ride! Garp’s not screwing around and he’s grabbing newest love Hibari! Hammering in no one here is really doing things the right way. Egghead’s passing a Sabaody-tier powder keg now!
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