#eggy panic
imeggboi · 8 months
Poppy's playtime chapter 3 was so freaking good what the hell-...
I literally was making a bunch of sketches while watching a youtuber play the game (i'm to broke to afford it lol)
And GADDAMN i'm just- a mix of emotions, from sad to angry to excited- idk how to explain it.
All i can say is, that is was fucking amazing
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(I found this art on twitter, i don't know the original source of it but it seems like official art)
*i'm going to post the sketches tomorrow tho- i'm to sleepy right now lol*
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thatwildnya · 6 months
venti when griffin wifey disappears to nest
The anemo archon is freaking out after his wife has suddenly vanished without a trace. After hours of searching with the help of the Favonius Knights and Diluc he discovers she has made a nest in Dvalin's home to lay a clutch of eggs.
TW: none
notes: the format this is written in what we've named a headcanon drabble mix. it will start with hcs and have a drabble at the end or multiple sprinkled throughout it. these will be tagged as headcanon drabble mix, hc drabble mix, or [fandom]hcdm.
chitters and nickers
Wild: I've started playing genshin recently and it's been on my mind a lot. Decided to write somethin' on a whim. Might make more with the same prompt if this one gets a lot of attention.
nya: i wanna squish venti's cheeks
wifey's bird cat mix
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european wildcat, white dove, 7 eggs
very likely this was not planned, Venti’s alcoholic tendencies often cause him to forget protection so it was only a matter of time it caught up to him
unexpected pregnancies with female griffins can be absolutely heart attack inducing due to their instincts kicking in immediately once their body realizes what’s happening. bird brains go into maximum overdrive and once it decides where it wants to nest they’re making a beeline to claim said spot and going builder mode asap.
so imagine the archon’s panic when you’re nowhere to be found after being sick and acting weird all week. poor guy is zooming all over the city alongside the knights and Diluc to find you. once he’s combed through the city he uses his godly powers to call for Dvalin’s assistance. but there’s no answer.
Equation: wifey acting odd + wifey missing + dragon friend not responding. Conclusion: something very bad happened. Solution: it is time to panic at the anemo.
shouts at some random pedestrian passing by to gather the knights and meet him at the lair. unfortunately he mistook the stranger as a knight them self due to wearing similar clothes. and on top of that this person was a foreigner. but he’s gone before the misunderstanding can be cleared. now hubby is thought to be missing. what an eventful day for Mondstadt.
creates a crater when he lands outside his friends home. said friend sticks his head out from the crumbling tower with blurry eyes. what was all this racket for? this is the second time he’s been so rudely awoken today! bro already lost hours of sleep from his wife barging in at 1AM to nest and lay eggs. wifey did what now.
the dragon’s grumpiness dissolves once the situation has been cleared. in fact he was laughing in the end. the image of a large number of humans scurrying around in search of a god’s wife thinking the worst when in actuality she’s enjoying baby time in arguably the safest place in the nation is hilarious!
but that’s not important right now you laid eggies sired by him he’s gonna be a dad! this twink of a god can’t contain his excitement. how many did you lay? when will they hatch? how big are they? have they developed enough to be able to hear his voice? can he hold them? too bad you can’t answer, doves can’t mimic sounds and you aren’t reverting back to human for a while.
has no problem with you nesting in Dvalin’s home. in fact he’s all for it. very few humans and monsters dare to intrude on the territory of the anemo dragon once called Storm Terror. no worries here! so long you had no issues he’d stand by your decision, y’know what they say, a mother knows best!
you are never left alone Venti makes sure there’s always one person he trusts to watch over you and your growing kids. if he could he’d be right there in the nest with his family 24/7. the issue is, however, that you’re the breadwinner of the family. and griffin moms to be won’t leave the eggs alone until they’ve hatched. not for food, water, nothing. avian feline mom’s have wills of steel.
it isn’t long before Venti realizes the problem. kids are not cheap to raise. (especially in this economy) so for the first time in history, the anemo archon begins the treacherous and traumatizing journey of job hunting. it was a grueling quest, one of hardships and difficulty like no other. his confidence and ego took many serious blows, wounds inflicted upon them so deep it was feared he might never recover. there were plenty of times he almost gave up, but he persevered! his family was counting on him, he couldn’t give up. and with the power of love and friendship, he was able to slay- jk he just became a part time knight and takes on quick jobs spread across his nation.
this is quite the change to his usual routine but it’s all worth it. every time he returns to his recently grown family is all the motivation he needs. can’t wait for the day he’ll be greeted by a chorus of chirps after a long day of work.
when he isn’t working he’s always near the nest, if he isn’t in it. and more likely than not he’s by a fire cooking up something for you to eat. he’s glad you’ll eat if food is in reach. man’s on his way to becoming a 5 star chef with how much he’s expanding his culinary skills.
when is baby time? it’s always baby time in this house. and everyone is invited to baby time. can’t help but squeal internally whenever you get excited at visitors. leaving the nest just to gently tug them over so they could see the eggs will always be the cutest thing you’ll do to him. how can he not smile when your feathered face shines with pride everytime you present his kids?
finally, the day comes. he’s in the middle of aiding Diluc unload supplies for Angel’s Share when the Mondstadt citizens are given a heart attack by Dvalin suddenly swooping overhead shouting for him to get his butt back to you. get ready folks, it’s time for round 2 of panic at the anemo!
adding a new crater in Dvalin's lawn he runs to your side with heaving lungs all winded and worried. but you seem completely fine? and so do the babies, albeit two are shivering from the chillness of the ruins and being wet having just hatched… wait a minute-
Did you really have to disappear like that? Especially since you’ve been acting strange the past week?
Your side of the bed was cold when he woke up and he thought you had already left for work. The day goes on as normal, some bard performances here, archon duties there, wine shenanigans, nothing out of the ordinary. Until your boss shows up demanding to know where you are just as he was about to take a post lunch nap.
Okay, there’s no need to panic yet. Maybe your boss forgot you weren’t supposed to be in today? Nope, it’s the middle of the week. Maybe you were late getting back from lunch? What do you mean you haven’t been in all day. Were you scheduled to work offsite? No? Okay, now it's time to panic.
He’s fearing the worst as he and the others search for you. His true identity may be a secret to most but that unfortunately wasn’t true for a certain large powerful group that had already stolen from him twice. He hopes this isn’t their doing.
Thankfully the search doesn’t last long. Once the city has been combed through he flies off to get help from Dvalin. His friend can’t help but laugh when told what was going on. That’s when it’s revealed you’ve been in his lair the whole time.
Just as the dragon said, you’ve taken residence in his lair. Showing up in the middle of the night without warning to build a nest. So that’s where all the missing clothes, blankets, and pillows went. Used as cushions for the nest you’ve built in the middle of the night. The nest, might I add, looks very comfortable. Your loafing self emits a blissful aura, wings drooping lazily at your side and talons tucked under your chest.
Doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Opts for a third option to beeline to you for a hug. But there will be no hugs for him. Dvalin manages to grab him before he can take a few steps.
“I would advise against this approach, Barbatos.” the anemo dragon warns while the archon flails in his talons whining, “less you desire a delay in meeting your offspring.”
The bard freezes at his words. Offspring? Does he mean you were…?
Venti is plopped down a few steps away from you, this time waiting for your acknowledgement before coming close. You are more than happy to have him there. Thank you Dvalin for intercepting, you’d be on guard if you’d seen your husband suddenly running full speed at you.
You raise your wings slightly, doing mini flaps as you call out to him in your beautiful avian voice with enthusiasm. You are practically vibrating in excitement as your mate comes to join you in your nest made of natural and man made materials. The same could be said for him.
“Lemme see, lemme see, lemme see!” Venti claps impatiently, ready to see the incubating life underneath your feathers. His eyes somehow manage to get even wider as you sit up. You puff up your chest feathers, head raised high with pride as you reveal the seven eggs you’d laid hours ago.
Venti’s eyes are sparkling with happy tears. Head in hands as he leans forward on his elbows, he studies his growing babies in awe. It pleased him to no end that the shells were decorated in the colors of anemo. If that didn’t scream who sired these eggs then he didn’t know what would.
Hand slightly reaching out, he had intended to wait for the okay like before. But you were offended he had the audacity to think he had to get permission to touch what he had helped to create. And you were going to make your feelings very clear.
Without warning you lunge forward. Small beak clamping on his shirt to jerk him over the edge. The bard lets out a startled yelp, face planting into your wing. Despite being a combination of smaller species of the feline and avian family, you were still quite strong.
“Ow ow ow, was that really necessary love dove?” He rubs his nose. Beak snaps are your reply, pouting at him to hurry up. Your impatience was so great he was denied the option to shake out his hat of feathers and twigs, getting robbed of his head wear. Okay he gets the memo sheesh!
The remainder of the evening is spent snuggled in the nest. Songs of humans and birds are heard late into the night, the voice of a dragon chiming in at times. Peace befalls the land of anemo.
Until it’s shattered by a frantic legion of knights still searching for their god and his wife hours later.
~ time skip yay ~
Venti sobs, clutching his bundle of joy to his chest. It had been nearly half an hour since his firstborn had entered the world yet somehow the tears kept flowing. No matter how hard he tried, the tears wouldn’t halt. But could you really blame him?
“You’re going to hyperventilate at this rate. It’s a wonder you haven’t already.”
“I-I-I *sniffle* can’t h-hel- *sob* help i-it!” he hugs his firstborn closer, blurry gaze never leaving his child’s face. “Sh-she-she’s *hiccup* s-so beau- *sniffle* beautiful!” the dragon rolled his eyes. How much longer did he have to listen to his crying?
“Get a hold of yourself. Your hatchlings won’t benefit if both parents are unable to assist due to being unconscious.”
Venti gives a final sniffle before tilting his head up in an attempt to stop the tears. He blinks rapidly, steadying his breath. A quick wipe of the sleeve and it’s back to staring.
He wanted to see every little thing she did. His perfect little feathered treasure.
The hatchling had somehow managed to sleep through his whole cry fest. Cozily wrapped in a quilt and blissfully resting from her first big hurdle. Not even a day old and she had already passed the most important milestone of her life, breaking the shell that had protected her as she grew.
He quickly wiped his eyes again. He’d cried enough today.
Suddenly she yawned, beak opening wide and talons outstretching. Eyes blinking open, she looks up at her father’s puffy face. Venti smiles warmly at her, his own eyes giving her loving slow blinks. His daughter returns the gesture.
She begins to wiggle in his hold, talons reaching to grip his shirt in an attempt to pull herself closer to his face. To save his daughter the trouble he lifts her closer. He chuckles as he nuzzles her face, her curious sniffs ticking.
“Hello, little one,” he whispers quietly, planting a kiss on her forehead, “the winds welcome you into the world.”
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the-sky-queen · 3 months
Hey! I really admired your idea for the Phantom Rider! I was wondering if you were able to explain a little more about how you've done your AU on it, if you're able to
Aw, thanks! I'm glad you like it! it's a really cool idea and if IDW doesn't go that route, then I definitely will! I haven't gotten very far yet in terms of ideas for this AU, but I've got a few and I'd be more than happy to share them!
My main idea is for how the mind control devices get activated in the first place. Following Surge's confrontation with Phantom Rider, Sonic flies off somewhere to be alone and calm down. You see after Issue 56 where Surge electrocuted him, Sonic gained a pretty big fear of lightning. So right now, he's basically having a mini panic attack since Surge had her electricity powers all up in his face. Sonic ends up in some back alley not too far away from the race. He tries to take deep breaths and calm down, but it doesn't really work and his panic only continues to increase. His heart pounds in his chest. He's hyperventilating.
Then all of the sudden, Eggman is there. (He put trackers in Sonic's suit and came to find him when it detected Sonic's panic attack. Yeah, the suit's got it's own biometric readers as well. Eggman's no amateur.) "Foolish Hedgehog. At least take off your helmet before you hyperventilate." Eggman reaches out and retracts the helmet for Sonic. At the same time, unbeknownst to Sonic, Eggman activates the mind control devices. Though they're not 100% active yet.
Eggman offers Sonic a water bottle and he takes it. Over the next few minutes, he manages to calm himself down. "Heh. Didn't think you cared, Eggy."
"I don't. I just didn't want you overloading my suit with all the distress it was picking up."
Sonic shrugs. The two of them converse for a few more minutes, going over what just happened at the race and what their plan is going forward. With one last snarky remark, Sonic puts his helmet back on and flies off. He plans to lay low until he hears from Amy and Tails and then meet back up with them.
I'm thinking that over the next few days leading up to the next race, Eggman starts to slowly exert more of his will over Sonic's mind. It starts with little urges to do things - things not too out of the ordinary. Sonic 'gets the idea' to grab a quick chilidog when he wasn't planning to. Before long he finds himself reluctant to take off the Phantom Rider suit - he doesn't want to run the risk of someone seeing him and blowing his cover . . . better safe than sorry. Then he stops meeting up with Amy and Tails, only talking with them when they contact him first. And when they do talk, he's only interested in talking about their mission. That's normal, right? They need to get this taken care of as quickly as possible. Then they can go back to their lives.
It all culminates at the next race. Phantom Rider makes his next appearance, but something's off this time. Jet immediately goes for him, but instead of taunting him like last time, this time Phantom Rider is dead silent. Nothing Jet or Suge do gets a reaction out of him. He stays completely focused on racing. Then when security shows up, Phantom Rider out maneuvers them without breaking a sweat. Once he's done disrupting the race, he leaves, again without a word.
Sonic gets a hold of himself right as Eggman finds him again. He seems shaken and the doctor asks smugly what's wrong. Sonic says he's been feeling . . . off lately, then angrily asks what Eggman's done to him.
But it's too late.
Eggman finally turns the mind control device up to full power. Sonic feels it immediately. He tries to fight back. He tries to resist. He tries to call his friends for help. But he can't. Sonic struggles, slowly get weaker and weaker as Eggman watches, a wicked smile on his face. Until finally, Sonic becomes still. His face becomes blank.
Eggman is in control.
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capybaraonabicycle · 6 months
Omg I will of course leave the final fic choice up to you, but doesn't "True hate’s kiss (only kissing your enemy can break a curse)" sound like the perfect setup to a Twissy fic 👀
Thank you, love!
~1.5 k words, so much for "let me just write 5 sentences for you real quick". But it's, of course, because you are right, this prompt was made for twissy 🥰
I have not actually read this again, so beware. But here you go :)
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[ID: gif of Missy's face in close up, smiling down like she is pitying someone mockingly. end ID]
“Can't you move a bit faster?”
If silly little companion pulled on her sleeve any more roughly, he was going to lose that new hand of his. Or maybe his nose, she wasn't really picky. The nose might taste better, Missy mused. She was quite sure it was the original one and not some cyborg-technology the Doctor had partly scavenged, partly cooked up himself. But that reasoning implied she had paid attention to the egg-head's babblings and she had a general policy never to do that.
It was lucky, comic relief had paid closer attention to her, however, because she didn't even need to voice her threat. Breathing out her nose audibly and baring her teeth sufficed easily and he squeaked, jumped, dropped her hand and hurried on a few inches further away from her.
“I am a time lady, snickerdoodle” she drawled, making a point of walking a tad more measuredly instead of hurrying up. “I always walk at the exact right speed.”
The Doctor's snack had the audacity to huff but he wisely chose not to talk back.
“It- it is just” he stuttered instead, “the Doctor, he is -”
“-dying?” she finished, already bored. “That's his usual Thursday, pup.”
“He asked for you!” the idiot-in-training blurted out and despite herself, Missy stopped and blinked.
“He did?” Now that were exciting news for a change. A bright smile grew on her face, simultaneously with the rising panic in plucky assistant's eyes.
“He said you could save him” he whispered, somehow managing to have his voice creak when he wasn't even properly using it.
“He did?” Missy repeated and by now her smile was positively giddy. Eggy started whimpering softly.
Missy didn't give him time to gather his bearings, instead grabbing his arm forcefully in turn, making him jump again. She brought her face close to his for good measure, revelling at the terror in his expression.
“Why. Didn't. You. Say. So. Immediately?” she asked, her voice stuck on the same note throughout the words, too high, too cheerful to be anything but disconcerting. “Hurry up, pet: I've got a day to save!”
He shuddered away from her and picked up the pace again, not looking back. But this time she was right there with him, excitement surging through her veins. The Doctor was in actual danger, helpless, pathetic and he had asked for her. Because he loved her. Because he needed her. And – most importantly – she would get to gloat. Once she had saved him. Which she obviously would. No matter what idiotic thing he had done, her silly sausage, she would get him up and running in no-time. She was his best friend, after all. His very best friend.
They reached the Doctor's office only a few minutes later, and Missy immediately noticed how serious the situation was. The psychic waves coming from him were all over the place – and not in the fun, chaotic way they usually were – they usually were a lot subtler as well, some things he had learnt in his thousand years of spacetravel – they were hurtful almost, full of pain and distress. She knew he was lying on the ground before she saw him, knew he was still conscious, too, even though his other little munch was convinced of the opposite. Missy paid her little mind how she was sitting on the floor with him, crying and mumbling affirmations. She only got in the way, really, with the way she was cradling the Doctor's head in her lap, she couldn't help him after all.
“I am here, oh, apple of my eye” Missy exclaimed dramatically, dropping to the floor at his side with great flourish.
“I don't, I don't think, he can hear you” girl-companion hiccuped through her tears, but Missy waved her interjection away.
“Of course he can, silly-billy” she huffed, reaching for the Doctor's hand that had come to lie on his stomach. She pressed it to her chest, holding on tightly.
“I am here” she whispered. “Tell me, Doctor, what do you need?”
Oh, she liked playing the hero. Being the one who held the Doctor's life in their hands. Being the one everyone looked at with those worshippy, wide eyes. She thought, right now, she could fathom why he had gotten addicted to it.
“We think he got cursed” supplementary fuss said behind her back. “We were on Tigella, and there was this sceptre. The Doctor touched -”
The last of the words died in his throat when Missy whirled around to him.
“Do you know what you're talking about?” she asked sweetly, but didn't give him a chance to answer. “No, you don't. So shut up before I change my mind and make a nice soup out of the three of you instead of helping. - okay?”
She fluttered her eyelids to emphasize the point and his mouth snapped shot, his jaw tightening.
“Thank you, much appreciated.” Missy turned towards the Doctor again, nearing her ear to his mouth. “Doctor, what do you need?”
“I need -” he rasped and french-fries-friendywend gasped when she heard him speak, almost making Missy miss his next words. Did these bumbling humans ever learn? “- a kiss. From – my worst enemy.”
“Awww” Missy bit her lip, drawing back. He needed his arch-enemy! And he had thought of her. “How very touching! I am so honoured, I am not even gonna bargain.”
He didn't answer or open his eyes, but there was a pleased twitch around his mouth that made her press his hand.
“I have to say though, Doctor,” she purred, leaning in again, “if you wanted for me to kiss you, there would have been easier ways to ask than going through the trouble of getting cursed.”
Now he snorted and measured by the state he was in, this tiny bit of banter was the greatest love confessions out of all the ones he had bestowed upon her today already.
“Come on, now - “ he coughed, “Missy. You would – have never – been content with – any – thing less – elaborate.”
“True” she smirked. She was hovering right above him now. “And I appreciate the effort, darling.”
His lips moved, searching hers, and she waited just another second, savouring the moment. Then human-thingy coughed pointedly and she drew it out yet another second, simply to antagonise her. But his breath was getting visibly shallower and there was a slight tremble in his hand. Plus, his lips looked chapped like burnt Earth and just as inviting. So, finally, she led their mouths together, her hand slipping across the extra's leg to support his head.
The moment their lips touched, it was like the life flooded back into him, his mouth's movement becoming more purposeful and his tongue meeting hers cordially when she slipped it past his teeth. His free hand even twitched, like he was trying to grasp her frock.
Of their own accord, Missy's eyes closed and for a moment she lost herself in the feeling of their lips meeting, the familiar taste of his tongue, the desperate way his breath fanned her chin and cheek, reminiscent of many breathless nights spent together, oh so long ago.
But then, his movement slowed, a distressed sound escaping his throat. Before Missy could decide whether to draw back – finally killing the Doctor by kissing him to death would have been an end she could have deemed worthy of their friendship – a rough hand was on her shoulder, pulling her away from him. She hissed and whirled around, biting hard into the offending limp. So, the sniveller had decided he didn't need this body part, after all, it seemed.
He cried out, pulling his hand away from her mouth with a pathetic whine. Missy spat out some blood and fake skin with a huff. It tasted as horribly as she had expected.
“What did you do that for?” he sobbed.
“Don't touch me, crybaby” she huffed, turning back around to the Doctor.
He was still lying motionless, if possible even paler now.
“Why didn't this work?” his pillow croaked, close to tears again. Missy drew her eyebrows together in agreement. Indeed. Why hadn't it? It should have worked, she had been supposed to save the day!
For some reason, the Doctor was smiling. Mind, it was barely visible, frail as he was, but Missy could read his face like a book in every incarnation and that so was his satisfied smile.
“Seems like,” he mumbled, “we aren't – strictly – enemies anymore, love.”
“Of course, we are, don't be stupid” she pressed out. Only now she noticed how desperately she was clutching his hand, it was almost like she was trying to imitate spare-parts over at the door who was licking his own injured paw.
“Don't smile” she told the Doctor off, and she was sounding more serious than she had any right to be. “You are dying and I am your enemy. You don't get to smile at that.”
She was sure, if he had had any strength left, his smile would have grown now.
“I am – sorry, Missy” he breathed instead, “but I must – ask you – to fetch – Da – Davros.”
Missy felt her mouth drop open in shock and humiliation. Davros? Fucking Davros got to save her Doctor??
This was rock bottom.
Thank you for reading, I hope it is about what you envisioned <3
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Alr yall Eddie Gluskin brainrot part 2 or something. ITS MADE FOR MY PERSONAL NEEDS TO VENT ABT HOW MUCH I LOVE HIM ALR DONT JUDGE scroll down for hyper important notes
Tw: eggie gluskin is his own warning, dub-con???(not really tho), erm eddie gluskin??? Ermmm idk yandere? A bit of nsfw (but there's warning beforehand) ALSO REQUEST OPEN FOR EDDIE SIMPS
Silly Eddie Gluskin headcanons
This idea is my personal one (so prepare). Imagine s/o in that spooky psych ward and she just hangs out around Eddie CUZ LETS BE HONEST HE IS THE SAFEST OPION OUT THERE😭 LIKE rest of people there bearly speak and would bite my toes off. Also I would totally get lost, so fallowing this dude is my best option
Tbh he at least pretends that hes nice😭
Also bro is mesmerised by her cuz 'shes not like other whores' cuz she doesnt scream or run away.
After he got attached (so in like 3minutes) he starts to fallow her like lost puppy and has dumb smile on his face for the whole time
He he w- he when he wh- when he- he when-
He is also very physical🥰 if he cant hug he holds hands, AND he talks a lot too... o my god
the only red flag is that he immediately wants to erm have babies 😔 BRO WANTS TO FUCK ON FIRST DATE😰🤯
Home boy 100% commits cannibalism THERES NOTHING TO EAT HERE ALR
Trying to escape WITH Eddie? Like acually from the ward? Say less
Beats up everyone, litteraly everyone. Somone stands near her in 50meter radius? They are totally dangerous mind if i stab?
Fatherless with attachment issues 👍🧍‍♂️
Loves when s/o sits on his lap, and loves being a big spoon. Litteraly melts when she grabs his hand
He 'invites' her on dates and makes some weird ass food (probably cooked rats) and if she refuses to eat he gonna grab that fork and force it inside her cuz darling you need to stay fed and healthy
He is very into domestic type shit, so if shes okay with becoming housewife he is flying away, blushing, kicking, screaming, begging for more. I mean he still would make her a housewife but its cute that she consents and he doest have to do all this threatening and manipulation stuff to make her do so
If she bakes cookies for him he will litteraly has one of those 'its so cute i want to squash it' moments and cup her cheeks and kiss all over (aggressively)
Believes in zodiac signs and tried to learn tarot once
She has to force him to stop using hair gel he looks like he has boat on his head
Looks like he smells nice but I doubt that
Kinda likes when she tries to run away? let's be honest I doubt that s/o was in love with him from the start, he is some random weird looking dude in hospital after all. So yeah he kinda liked (and still does) enjoy the whole prey/hunter thingy
Lets start with obvious stuff, breeding kink, whole pregnancy stuff, likes his wife cute and obedient, but its kinda fun to chase her around once per few days, see her fear and panic o m g he loves that
He also fucks whenever he wants really, she has to have really good relationship with him to make him lisen and do what she asks him for (to some degree anyways)
Table, chair, wall, bed that he tortures people on, his bed, floor, any place is a good place to make some love
When he's not horny he is acually romantic (rare) he gives neck kisses, holds hands, talks about his plans for future, makes sure that stuff shes wearing and her hair is in good condition, bare minimum yknow
Also I use she/her and 'wife' stuff cuz even if s/o is the most masculine guy ever he is still cute lady in his eyes or something idc
My guy can do fast and rough or slow and deep. Depents of his mood really, if s/o annoyed him or he's just simply frustrated he will be rough, and do it no matter what she was doing, oh you were doing laundry? Not anymore, hop on this washingmachine, we are going on a ride. If he's in more romantic mood and s/o too, he will pick them up, kiss them, do it nice and deep to make sure that s/o feels everything
Tbh he loves 'hunting his prey (shes the prey lol)' prompt so much! Looking for her, feeling her fear... o my god this gets him going so hardddd
Bite marks on her, Hickeys on him
ALSO O MY GOD HER SITTING ON HIS LAP? omg imagine, s/o riding him, Eddie guiding her hips with hands HE DIES OMG YOIR SO CUTEEE
NOT ME WRITING WHOLE ARTICLE ABOUT EGGIE FUCKING GLUSKIN OMG IM SORRY😭 ALSO I was attacked by horse 2days ago and zapped by electric fence twice, just to buy a kebab, Im a survivor you all
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jellyaibo · 6 months
got to ramble abt loser to someone last nite right and its always a nice lil refresh for me explaining what actually happens in the show AND MAN its so funny how people are so willing to call loser a jerk or think shes evil bc of the things she did and like ok whatever but did we forget abt all the shit this thang had to go thru like ?!?!?!?
getting eliminated with the most votes so far, isolation in the jawbreaker (which ik tghis isnt a serious deal in the show, DONT GET ME WRONG I LOVE ANGST ABT THIS CUZ IM NORMAL) like ofc getting eliminated isnt enough get into the sensory deprivation chamber SADFJKSHDFKHSDF LIKE !
also imsorry this cunt has ptsd HEHAHHAA WE SEE HER GET A FLASHBACK IN EP 4 THATS JUST NEVER BROUGHT UP AGAIN (the paper mache incident)
and like. man it adds layers BC AS U CAN SEE LOSER NEVER ALWAYS HAD IT SO GOOD???? so like OF COURSE when him & winner get popular loser relishes in it. BC ITS DESERVED? LOL? WOULDNT U BE ECSTATIC IF U AND UR BUDDY GOT POPULAR AFTER YEARS OF NOTHANG? ITS HUGE!
and yeah ! her up n' leaving winner wasnt the best but you srsly gotta keep in mind this is losers dream . to her winner just didnt want to support him anymore AND U COULD SEE LOSER WAS CLEARLY UPSET ! hes ALSO losing a good friend too !!
butohmy god im getting off tangent just. you know . loser has gone thru some shit and its funny how many ppl i see just dont talk about it !! AND LIKE !! ON TOP OF THIS LOSER IS STILL NICE !! IDC !! loser has always been helping people n doing her best . and even tho her fans keep flip flopping (shoutouts to cake) she still keeps her chin up
PLUS having all these fans adds another thing: expectations, expectations, THE HIGHEST OF ALL! bc loser is soo popular, everyone sees him as perfect and strong WHEN LIKE WE SEE LOSER IS A HELPER AND A NICE GUY YES but at the end of the day ! shes a guy ! (thinks really hard abt cake n eggy arguing then it just cutting to loser craving nuggets . see maybe this is just me looking too deep into it but it shows the contrast of how the fans feel abt her vs how loser rlly is . just a kinda quiet?? guy that likes helping ppl)
this shows even more in post split when loser has a #normal moment over "a fan doubting her" YOU CAN SEE HOW IT AFFECTS HIM BC EVERYONE HAS SUCH HUGE EXPECTATIONS AND . as u could see ANY ONE MISTAKE WILL LEAVE LOSER ALL ALONE AGAIN ! OFC SHE WILL PANIC INTERNALLY SKFHDKSDFH
and idk where to put this but taco calls him "cuboid" and like see itsounded so derogatory when she says it GAJHAHAHAHA ITS LIKE??? not object slursIM NOT SAYING THAT ITS JUST SO FUNNY TO ME . IT SOUNDS LIKE A DEROGATORY TERM MAN ITS LIKE GETTING CALLED uhhhhhhhhhok other than the f slur i cant think of anything its like shes being called a faggot ok whatever I NEED TO STOP TYPING
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dayacakrawala · 6 months
Egg-laying Starscream is the cornerstone of the fandom. Mostly, it's Megatron's brood. But what if it's not?
Maybe some Cybertronians, regardless of their alt-mode (so it's not just seeker/plane thing, let's admit, Orion Pax did it too before the Matrix fucked up his reproductive health), can lay unfertilized eggs if healthy, well-fueled, and interface regularly (or use other methods to properly discharge). That's how their reproductive system keeps itself toned. So, it's Knock Out x Starscream getting a bit eggy.
Starscream stopped laying even before the war started. Being constantly stressed, underfueled, in proximity of Megatron, then on Earth, everything just screams "fuck, no". Not getting laid for years doesn't help. 
Well, until enter Knock Out. Who, after Breakdown's death, starts giving Starscream some special and oddly gratifying attention. He's not courting him. But a thorough and careful check-up, an unnecessary but attentive repair, a buffing session, adding his ration with nutritional supplements from Knock Out's medical stocks… It gets Starscream warming up to him. And not only Starscream himself. 
That's how Starscream starts coming not only for medical treatment, but for straight-up massage. Yeah, to "maintain his wings", but have you ever seen a seeker with their wings on their waist, neck, or hips? Inside their valve? Knock Out is happy to provide, though, since he gets this valve to himself for fucking and massaging his spike with its outer petals. 
That's what Knock Out is counting on, when Starscream is melting in his hands once again, pointy fingertips buried under Starscream's plating and massaging needy whines out of him. His valve is already on display and unusually wet. Nodes are pulsing like a warning light. "Someone is eager today," Knock Out is teasing, placing his hand on this dripping valve. But the reaction he gets is bordering on panic, Starscream is thrashing and whining in confusion. The sensation is vaguely familiar but long-forgotten, he feels like it's something inside of him that he needs to let out. Like… oh hell, like he needs to void his waste tank, bad, and he can't hold, and…
It doesn't happen. Something is pushing through his valve channel, spreading his flexing inner rings and stimulating his nodes so hard he's overloading, losing his kneeling stance, and falling onto Knock Out. Who, as Starscream notices when he's finally able to vent and process the input, is holding something energon-blue and glistening. 
"Oh, we're laying pretty little eggs today," Knoch Out whistles. "That's juicy".
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olderthannetfic · 7 months
For some reason the "gay panic means smth else to ESL ppl" made me think of that one gay dude who constantly bakes random recipes and constantly screams at random points. He's gay, I'm the panic, and I do not fucking watch his vids specifically because he goes from whispering to fucking making my ears bleed by screaming EGGY. I was not made for a world with such auditory ups and downs, I'm just a poor panic trying to not do that.
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eggyrocks · 1 month
fell asleep on that random couch i bought during the summer at 1 am -> woke up at 3 am -> checked my phone -> saw a notif from my bank and was like "wtf did i get charged for at 3 am???"
well funny story bc we were just talking about this and oh haha how silly is this
i forgot to cancel my quizlet plus subscription.
I HAVE NO IDEA HOW I FORGOT AND NEVER CANCELLED IT?????? LIKE IT'S BEEN A YEAR?????????? ACTUALLY LIKE OVER A YEAR??? HAVE I UNKNOWINGLY PAID FOR QUIZLET PLUS FOR LIKE TWO YEARS??????????? but either way queue my absolute panic at 3am i am RUNNING to beg quizlet for a refund but the only thought on my mind was "omg i have to tell eggy they're going to laugh at this" BC WE WERE JUST TALKING ABOUT THIS AND YOUR CANVA SUBSCRIPTION 😭 AND SO DW!! i filled out their refund form begging for mercy and they literally immediately emailed me back saying "yeah we got u boo" so i think i'm getting a refund!! they said it'll take like 5-10 business days though </33 so i'm broke until then </33 IT WAS $35 BRO THAT WAS NOT NICE TO SEE AT 3 AM
my coffee was great ! now i’m going to see coraline in theaters for the 15 year rerelease. hopefully i will feel more relaxed and chilled by the end of it 😭
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mad-c1oud · 8 months
Idk if the eggs technically count as half of a duo but "I won't let anything happen to you" with either slime & Tallulah or slime & flippa perhaps?
did anyone else see that she left charlie a letter because she MISSED HIM kill me just do it I can't go on like this let them hang out, let them reunite let them heal-
“I won’t let anything happen to you.”
Charlie pulls Tallulah to his chest, footsteps sure even in the pitch-black of the hallway. His sobrina doesn’t really need the reassurance; Tallulah is being braver than him in all honestly, her breath even and calm despite his own racing heartbeat. He’s her tio and an adult so he needs to take the lead here, though. This isn’t a place for eggs, this is hell.
They really outdid themselves for Pomme’s birthday this month. Someone needs to take away Baghera’s scaryfrenchman.png away, though. It’s a little overdone this time around. Doesn’t stop him from screaming heroically when another popup of one jumpscares the living daylights out of them. Charlie is so fucking brave and tough it's insane. Truly incredible.
“Oh my fucking god. You’re so lucky I was here to protect you from that guy, ‘Llulah. Jeez-us.” Tallulah giggles in his ear, the sound like music and a harsh juxtaposition to the groaning and crying someone is pumping in through speakers.
It’s not often he gets to hang out with her one-on-one, but the egg had spotted him lingering near the entrance to Pomme’s Haunted Hospital during the party and grabbed his hand, asking if he’d go with her because she was nervous. Who is Charlie to turn down some Tallulah Time? He doesn’t question why she didn’t ask literally anyone else, just beyond happy she asked him.
“AH!” Charlie shrieks when a cardboard cutout of… oh my fucking god is that Melissa in a sexy and bloody nurse costume- “Tallulah let’s- let’s not look at that for too long, for both of our sanities, yeah?” The egg laughs as Charlie obscures her vision with a hand, navigating them around an OSHA-violating nurse and onto- oh nice, a morgue.
Charlie removes his hand and just stands in the doorway, egg at one hip and his hand at the other. He tries channeling his best disappointed Dadza before speaking into the space, “Okay, this is cliché even for me. Whoever is hiding in a body bag and totally one of the lockers, jig is up. Too easy.”
He waits for a long moment while Tallulah keeps laughing hard enough she has to use her inhaler. Charlie waits for her to catch her breath, happy and no longer scared shitless. As Tallulah calms down, the body bag near the doorway rustles and the actual Roier pokes his equally bloody head out, pouting.
“No fair, I got everyone else but you, Slime.” The spider hybrid whines, flopping back into the bag dramatically. Charlie checks to make sure Tallulah is good before walking into the room, approaching Roier to pat his head sympathetically. Ew. Sticky. He’s also wearing that nurse costume, of course. Should have guessed.
He continues past the other tables and the wall of body lockers, towards the next door as he talks, “You’ll get ‘em next time, big dawg. I’ll even set the next person up-”
“BOO!” Pac and Mike scream from their respective lockers, doors flying open to reveal them decked out to the nines in decomposing makeup. Charlie has a split second to notice Pac even took his prosthetic off for the bit, but a split second is all he gets, unfortunately. 
Things go well after that! Charlie handles it well, of course. 
Unrelated but Fit is going to kill him.
Five minutes later, after the panic and terror have worn off enough to realize what he’d done, Charlie has to be led out early by a Roier near tears laughing, Tallulah securely in his arms still as Pac clutches the back of his shirt, bloody nose leaving an appropriate trail of blood through the final rooms of the haunted house. Charlie is going to say he just helped decorate.
“S-see, mi eggy Sabrina, didn’t let anything happen to you...” Charlie mumbles into her mess of hair before turning around to check on Pac as they weave in and out of dark corridors and scary Frenchmen, "Now Pac on the other hand... or should I say leg."
That gets him a flick at one ear and laughter in the other one.
Oh well, they’ll try again next month. Together.
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sighonaraa · 7 months
🌹🌹🌹🌹 for whenever you want to share more about the jamie gets hugged six ways to Sunday fic (or whatever else!)
you are in LUCK because i am in fact working on the second chapter as we speak :) yes that is a threat :)
roy boy pov !!
Roy’s fucked it. Made it worse. He thought—well, he’s not sure now what he’d been thinking, aside from the gnawing panic that Jamie fucking Tartt had been lonely and frightened and flinching from any warmth that came near him on an empty street and, fuck it, everybody likes a home-cooked omelet, don’t they? Yes. They’re supposed to. It’s what Phoebe’s told him, solemn over a mug of hot chocolate after waking him past midnight because she can’t sleep. Omelets make everything much better, Uncle Roy, she’s said. Like a big, eggy hug. With mushrooms. Except, apparently, Jamie doesn’t much enjoy omelets. Or hugs. Or sitting still for two seconds so that Roy can have a chance to put together all of the shattered pieces that his hands have created. And now he’s out there, on the pitch, waxen-faced and wiry beneath the frigid light, and Roy can taste the metallic bite in the backs of his teeth and if he looks now, he knows there’ll be blood, vivid red all along his fingertips where he’s touched a weeping wound and then walked away without doing a damn thing to heal it.
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imeggboi · 1 year
Oh god the bots are at it again....
Please tell me i'm not the only one who's been having " womans" bots following my account..
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I Do Love You, Idiot
@pengwen314 I really, really liked your Smg34 hanahaki disease idea, and since you said you have no motivation to write it, I thought I’d write it. Ofc you can still write your own version (if you haven’t already, and if you have I’d love to read it) but I hope you like this version nonetheless. ^v^
Smg3 waltzed into his bedroom, accompanied by his Eggdog, and threw his cap onto one of the four corners of his bed with a spin. He then changed into his pajamas, and plopped onto his bed; Eggdog jumping up to lie down beside him.
“Smg4 is amazing, isn’t he?” 3 asked, his cheeks turning a rosy-red hue as the love of his life took over his mind. Eggdog barked in return. His master had probably asked him that same question thousands of times by now, but he didn’t mind.
3 felt the thumpity-thump of his heart as he lay there, lost in his thoughts. It was a feeling he was used to, and one that he adored.
Then he felt something else, something he didn’t quite like--a twang of something intense enough to make him jolt up and grab his head as if he were in pain. Eggdog made an attempt to comfort his master; whining in concern.
“I-I’m ok, Eggie, don’t worry,” he stuttered, petting his little friend. “It was my meme guardian senses. They’ve never been that strong though…something bad must be happening.” he added. Getting a sense of urgency, he quickly grabbed his phone and opened the portal to leave the internet graveyard; once again followed by his egg-shaped companion.
When they exited the portal, they came to a halt in front of the door that led to Smg4's room.
The new castle was eerily silent.
Everyone must be out somewhere. Hopefully Glitchy is here... 3 thought as he looked back to the door. Slowly, he turned the knob, and a creeeeeaaaaaak eminated as it was opened. He carefully closed it behind them as they entered.
The room was somewhat dark, only lit by the dim sunlight shining through the windows. Trash littered the floor, the computer that 4 used to make his much-loved, meme-filled videos was buried in dust, and the air smelled of sickness. 4 lay on his bed facing away, seemingly lifeless; sending 3 into panic mode upon sight. 3 bolted to his bedside and turned 4 onto his back, only to discover more horror.
4's skin was deathly pale, dry tear streaks decorated his face, and the outside of his mouth was covered in blood and...flower petals? Said flower petals were a deep, velvety, purple-blue; they were those of the Mr. Fokker Anemone--3's favorite flower. The same bloody flower petals, and even some whole flowers, were scattered on the floor next to the bed.
A quiet, raspy voice suddenly broke the silence, and 3 looked down to see that 4 was awake and staring up at him. The poor man's beautiful blue eyes were red and bloodshot.
"Eggie, go get a damp washcloth now!" 3 exclaimed as he sat next to him on the bed, and Eggdog ran off to do just that. "Glitchy, what happened to you?! Why are there anemone flowers and petals everywhere?! Where did they come from?!" 3 exclaimed again as he gently set 4's head in his lap and began to pull the flower petals off his mouth.
There was a pause before 4 answered. "H...Hana...Hanahaki..."
3's eyes widened. He knew exactly what disease 4 was referring to. "How long..." He was so in shock, he couldn't even finish his sentence.
"Since...Peach's castle...went down..." 4 huffed. His breathing was slow and heavy.
"WHAT?!" 3 screamed. "You mean to tell me you've just been letting yourself suffer like this in secret?!"
4 gave a weak nod.
3 was overcome with rage. "WHO?! Who's the monster that did this to you?!" he screamed again, tears beginning their descent down his cheeks. At that moment, Eggdog came back with the damp washcloth, and 3 wiped the blood from his face.
"You're not...a monster..." 4 answered between breaths.
It took 3 just a few seconds to realize what he meant. Once he did, his face flushed red as roses. "I...I'm the one?"
4 gave another weak nod, followed by a weak smile. "After you...gave me that heartfelt speech...about you understanding...how I felt, trying to be perfect...and after you...helped me...finish that stupid video, and saved me...I...fell in love with you. But I was...too afraid to...say anything...cause I didn't th-...think you'd...love me..." Tears were flowing down his face now, and he was struggling hard to speak. "We'd...been enemies for...so long, and-"
"I do love you, idiot!" 3 cut him off.
Now 4's face was flushed red as roses. "W-What...?"
3 gently cupped 4's cheek. "You mean the world to me, Glitchy..." he began, staring into his eyes. "I'll admit, I fell in love with you too...all the way back in meme academy. But I let my jealousy of your popularity get in the way, and I was never able to gain enough courage to tell you. Even up until now I couldn't find the courage to tell you, because...I didn't think you'd ever love someone that tried to hurt you for so long." he continued.
4 smiled again, staring back into 3's ruby red eyes, and repeated his words.
"I do love you...idiot."
3 smiled down at the man he loved, who was still smiling up at him. They stayed locked in each other's gazes as 3 leaned in closer, closer, closer still.
And their lips met.
As soon as it happened, 4 felt the flowers in his lungs disappear and the rest of his body felt better within an instant. Once his strength came back, he wrapped his arms around 3 and pulled him down beside him. Exhaustion from being sick made him fall asleep instantly, and 3 decided he would stay there with him. So he snuggled closer to him under the blanket and fell asleep with him, as Eggdog curled up at the edge of the bed.
And it was there that they spent the rest of the night, wrapped in each other's warm embrace.
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xamaxenta · 10 months
I’m typing straight smut in my living room damn it
Yes ofc aces dick is an ovipositor and the first time he lays an egg in Marco the poor man whites out three times. Even after waking up post to a super cuddly ace who actually whines when Marco makes him let him out of the nest it doesn’t quite click what happened because the eggs keep rolling over his sweet spot and he’s kinda hazy with pleasure.
Once he comes to however Marco panics. Like he does believe ace wouldn’t hurt him but everyone’s heard about face huggers and it’s kind of a hard fear to shake. Cue sabo grabbed to calm down a frantic Marco for a barrage of tests only for nothing to happen. Marco lays the eggs (very fun turns out would do again) and they’re inert. Both humans sigh and kinda laugh at themself, ofc it’s a dud ace is a warrior not a queen, and move on happy with the occasional egg session in the future. Everything stays the same.
UNTIL! Sabo gets the bright idea to fuck Marco while he’s still dripping with slime and pleasure dazed and it’s a great time but…. The eggs aren’t duds no more. It takes a frantic bolt to get ace on a ship and become pirates and figure out what to do next but the little xeno babies once born are shockingly cute little hybrids and Marco isn’t against having another.
what a rollercoaster oh no LMAO Sabo watching Marco full of eggies n alien cum like oh yeah i want in on that too bc hes a sloppy seconds guy u fuckung know he is any au for MAS he totally is
And then the eggs r no longer duds is so ominous and sexy
Ace becomes more active aggressive now that hes aware marco is an active carrier and thats when they have to make the decision to become space pirates bc ace has killed off everyone and manning a station this huge w finite resources isnt great so its time to send a distress signal
Another note Sabo would probably fuck a face hugger im just sayignbg the shape lol 😂🤧
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onaperduamedee · 1 year
my scattered thoughts on the finale after a rewatch. I didn't even need to let the episode infuse; I was just basking in the joy. It was thrilling, it was moving, it IS the fantasy I love. I'm so proud of what this show accomplished
- Renna cutting Egwene's hair. Maddie's eyes in that scene... Light
- The flashback of Ishy's imprisonment at the Eye was so good. YES Alexander Karim is incredible. Fares Fares is incredible. I love a good "3000 years ago" Doctor Who title card
- PADAN FAIN MY FAVOURITE LOOSE CANON. His panic when he saw he armed Mat without subduing him had me smirking
- Denial is a river but I'll take Ishy putting all the pieces in place before Falme as proof that the Cairhien train wreck was planned
- Lanfear yeeting Mo and Lan out of the Gateway... enough said
- Loved the way Avi said that many people would wake from the dream. Her tone sounded kind, full of the awareness that many of the people who would die did not choose to fight
- The Mat stuff... Delicious. I had gripes about his arc but they stuck the landing. I adore his shrewdness, his heart, his relief at finding out who he is. And the Horn! I got chills. It looked nothing like I had pictured it but man, I loved it
- Minor thing: I didn't care for the design of the Horn or the blurry motion, but those are strong stylistic choices and I commend the show for making them. This series has a vision and will not settle for generic fantasy look and I LOVE it
- The bond scene got me, truly. I think we all knew that Lan had misinterpreted Moiraine's words but it was nice to get confirmation. I love that it was such a choice to recommit for both of them. The scenery, the music, the weave, the acting...
- When Daniel's face twisted as he was hit with the full force of Moiraine's emotions, I lost it. I cannot believe how good this relationship is. The choice to treat their platonic bond as profoudly as a romantic bond? GENIUS
- I'm fascinated by the way they're depicting Nynaeve's block. It's layered, nuanced, fed by different experiences and traumatic events and makes much more sense than her book block. Zoë portrays Nyn's insecurities SO WELL, it's painful to watch
- I hated that the way of showing Nyn still could be a Wisdom was with her shoving the arrow with the fletching inside Elayne's leg?!?! Remove the large end please!?! Why??!? I winced at that
- Nyn and Elayne's arc was also a miss for me. Since they use the a'dam on a sul'dam, they could figure out as well that sul'dam can channel except we don't see it. So the set-up with Ryma showing them the a'dam leads to nothing for their arc
- Hmmmmmmm, the parallel with the EF5 and the Ishy, Lanfear, Lews bond was perfect. Especially as Rand is part of both groups. Just amazing
- They dress Nyn as a sul'dam to... show that the white character feels bad when Nyn tortures the real slaver? I get the point of the scene for Nyn and Elayne. The optics are just weird for a disguise that does little. Nyn looked so good still!
- Elayne has the patience and control of a mountain though because the situation was extremely tense
- I loved Loial's little speech even if he deserves more screen time: he's right, they are living history. He's a constant delight
- The trope of characters running into each other in the midst of battle is one of my favourites so I was living
- Eggy's arc is so satisfying: from her confrontation with Renna to her getting to protect Rand, she was utterly amazing. As much as I'm disappointed that Nyn and El didn't help here, I appreciate what this isolation is doing for her character
- Will Perrin keep the MAGIC SHIELD? This show is fantasy with all its heart and it's so enjoyable to watch
- Rand finding her broken and exhausted, not even grasping he was here was heartbreaking and gorgeous. Even if they all came to save her, in the end she was alone and had to break herself free. (Also pouring one for Maigan)
- Perrin had the most consistent and enjoyable arc of the EF5. I love everything about the characters he met and who contrast or echo his internal struggles. His horror at Hopper's death and the fury with which he killed Bornhald sr? SO GOOD
- It's so fun that many book readers had theorized Uno would come back as a hero of the Horn and he did!
- Mat has my whole heart too. Truly, the way he cradled Rand in his arms. These kids love each other so much
- Nynaeve watching Rand agonizing, unable to help him. I feel so sorry for her. She needs to rely on others, it's a needed pain here. Still painful though. Contrast that with Moiraine who shut off Lan because she could not protect him
- Moiraine weaving some Greek Fires torpedoes and using the fire of the burning ships to shape a dragon banner was not on my bingo card, but she deserved that after this powerless era. It was so beautiful and cathartic to watch
- I do love Moiraine "I'm not at my strongest with fire" Sedai hurling a giant fireball at an entire fleet. It's a nice way to integrate the scenes of Moiraine creating firewalls and weaving a giant illusion we did not get from book 1
- Love, LOVE the fact that in the end, Lanfear's and Moiraine's goal aligned. Moiraine got to proclaim the Dragon, making history, which Lanfear had planned. Rand will not like that. It's such a good set-up for future conflict between them
- On Rand, for anyone worried about how his powers come off, show-only sister literally just observed that it was funny that he has better control than Nyn who's supposed to be so powerful
- His greatest display of power with Turak is quick, ruthless, perfectly echoing the easiness with which Ishy and Lanfear wields the One Power. It makes sense he would not channel like Eggy and Moiraine, let alone Nyn
- In the end, I love that the show made his standing up and defeating Ishy a collaboration: all of his friends (plus MoLan on the beach) were essential. It was the perfect hopeful counterpoint to the bleakness of the s1 ending (which I loved)
- The Moghedien reveal... That's the second season where they manage to perfectly tease the next season. Now all the Forsaken are loose and the gloves are off.
I loved s1, I really did, but this was even greater. Two years for more is torture
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addysfandomdump · 1 year
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@themetalvirus You wanted to know about my Eggfox :)
His design is kind of a mess because I just made it up on the spot right now lol. Everything about him is made up on the spot honestly.
Anyways. He was found by Sonic like in canon except instead of being saved by bullies he was caught by Sonic rooting around in Eggman's warehouses stealing spare parts.
Eggy Sonic was about to enact institutional justice, but Tails, in his panic, begged Sonic to maybe take a look at what he's working on first?? It could prove useful to the empire. Please don't hurt me :( And Sonic's like "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm well okay :) hey this is actually really cool! I can show this to my Dad and maybe you could secure a spot :)" and little Tails just sighs with relief. He will not die today thank goodness.
So Sonic shows Tails to Eggman the same way a cat owner holds a kitty by the armpits to a camera and Eggman's like "well I could always use more unpaid child labor" and so Tails gets assimilated!!
More under the cut to prevent clogging 👇
Anyways Tails (or Miles, as Eggman and the other workers address him) turns out to be a great worker!! Too great of a worker. His genius is on par with the Doctor's. That's great, right? Well, not for the Doctor's ego. He can't have a puny little fox boy stepping him up. So Eggman restricts Tails to a lot of menial labor, not letting him anywhere near the blueprints or schematics of his tech except to assemble and fix them.
Of course that doesn't stop Tails' hunger for inventing, so with the help of Sonic he swipes blueprints and works on personal projects behind Eggman's back. The last time Tails tried to suggest some designs to improve Eggman's tech, he got verbally chewed out and sentences to three weeks in The Mines™ So now Tails sneaks in his suggestions into Eggman's tech when he isn't looking and Eggman is deluded into thinking his machines work so well thanks to his genius when really they only function because Tails is working behind the scenes.
Sonic loves all his brothers very much but he has a soft spot for Tails because of course he does. He taught him how to fly :) He irises appear around Tails the most. He risks his ass being beat more than Shadow and Silver smuggling blank blueprints and spare parts for Tails to work on his projects because Sonic thinks they're soooo cool and Dad is Lame for not considering your ideas little buddy. I'll make him listen tho I promise :)
Tails and Shadow have a bit of a rivarly, both being tasked with the production of Eggtech (iirc). Shadow is pretty harsh on Tails in this regard, always criticizing and pointing out every little imperfection in Tails' work even more so than Eggman. Tails makes his machines perform even better than Shadow's out of spite, further fostering an intense brotherly rivarly.
I may or may not elaborate further. That's all I got for now it isn't very comprehensible fgkdjhds but I hope you still get it regardless.
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