#eh day 11
doiyi-yt · 1 year
EH day 11: Dread/ Calm
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Did you guys catch the eclipse earlier today? Cause Danny sure did.
Any criticism/tips are highly encouraged, help me art.
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papiliomame · 1 year
Ectoberhaunt 2023: Day 11 - Calm
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tourettesdog · 2 years
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Ectoberhaunt 2022 Days 11, 19: “Drown”, “One and One Hundred”
*screams softly* 
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ordon-pumpkin · 11 months
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Ectober Day 11 - Calm 👻 Just Danny taking a relaxing flight above the city.
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fentoaster · 1 year
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Ectoberhaunt Day 11: Dread
I imagine being captured by the GIW would instill anyone with dread, let alone a half-ghost.
(also coincides with whumptober day 11: captivity! hooray) Version without text under the cut
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noonaracha · 1 year
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★★★★★ Changbin
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Calm and Dread
My first two prompt!
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sykloni · 1 year
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11. Calm
Ectober 2023
I decided to just have fun with this one and not even attempt anything clean. In the end I kind of like the messy look and it definitely was nice break from doing lineart.
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@ectoberhaunt Day 11. Sidney DOES NOT like being told to calm down! Too bad Danny learns this the hard way…
What do u think? I’d love to know💖
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this-is-z-art-blog · 1 year
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[ID: digital drawing of Sam, Tucker, and Danny sitting on the couch playing video games together. Danny is wearing jeans and a white t-shirt with red sleeves and a red rocket emblem. Tucker is wearing a red durag, yellow sweater over a pale collared shirt, and green pants. Sam is wearing torn purple high-waisted pants, a light purple sweater with a design of a goose with four candles on each wing and one on its head that says 'Happy Honka!', and a variety of black jewelry, including a Star of David choker necklace. All three teens are relaxed and smiling.]
Ectoberhaunt 2023 - Oct 11, Calm
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Day 11. Thirst & Drown
Used @the-stove-is-on-fire’s moray eel Danny design for this. Definitely go check that out, it’s great.
The silhouette of a person drowning is supposed to be Valerie, idk how well it shows up.
This looks so different on my phone than on my ipad, so I’m curious if it changes for everyone’s device.
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scarletsaphire · 1 year
Wes has caught Danny Fenton using ghost powers in public more times than he can count, and yet no one ever notices. At long last, he confronts Danny to figure out why.
For Ectoberhaunt day 11: calm (im not late you're early also im sick so i have an excuse.)
Wes had heard a lot throughout his life that he was not good with emotions, to put it nicely. He agreed most of the time. Wes considered himself a logical person. Sure, photography and videography was a creative pursuit, and most people didn't consider cryptids logical, but that was just because people didn't like to see the hard truths. Now was a perfect example.
Wes had figured out that Danny Fenton was that new ghost child that had been flying around within a few weeks of the first spotting. It had been ridiculously easy. Wes had known Danny through a school project he'd done with Jasmine, and the two of them looked so similar there was no way they weren't connected somehow. Even if they had looked different, you'd have to be blind, deaf, and an idiot to not notice all of the ghost stuff Danny did on a regular basis. In just the past week, Wes had watched Danny grab pencils out of his own chest, float over the puddle the busted water fountain left, turn invisible in the middle of the hallway, fall through the floor after tripping on his shoelaces, and bend his arm with far more joints than any human arm should have. And yet, despite all of this being in plain view, not hidden at all, not a soul had noticed it.
It was fine. Wes was used to people ignoring clear evidence. Normally the evidence was a picture or a video, not clear evidence in front of someone, but he was still used to it. They were probably just seeing what they expected to see. Most people weren't able to recognize the signs of the supernatural until it busted down the side of a building. That had been what Amity Park needed to start believing in ghosts after all. In this type of situation, all Wes would need to do was bring attention to it. If he said that it was weird, it would give them the subconscious permission to recognize it as weird as well.
Except, when Wes had pointed out the discrepancy to one of his friends, they'd just shrugged. "It ain't none of my business dude," he'd said.
"What do you mean none of your business?" Wes sputtered. "You just watched him stick his hand into his locker without opening the door! How is that not your business?"
He shrugged. "Why should I care what the kid gets up to? Besides, he has chill vibes."
"Chill vibes?" Wes asked. "You don't even know him! How can you say he has chill vibes?"
"Just look at him."
Wes was, in fact. looking at him. Danny was talking animatedly about something. In this case, animatedly meant performing what could be a scene from some karate movie and miraculously not hitting anyone around him, despite the fact he definitely should. "What about that that says chill vibes to you?"
Wes's friend shrugged. "I don't know dude. People either got chill vibes or they don't, and he definitely has them. Maybe you broke your vibe meter with how rancid yours are. Anyway, I gotta get to class. See ya around!" He took off at a leisurely stroll down the hallway, leaving Wes to keep glaring at Danny.
Wes knew he was right. It was clear as day! But it didn’t matter what evidence he found, or who he presented it to, every last person always had the same reaction. “Why should I care when he’s such a calm guy?” They said it differently, of course, but that was the heart of all of their statements.
It only took three tries for the statement to end up on Wes’s cork board. He could recognize the influence of the supernatural when he saw it. Unfortunately, it looked like there was only one thing left to do.
"I need to talk to you, ghost boy," Wes said, slamming shut Danny's locker door in front of him.
He watched as Danny glanced nervously over at Tucker, who shrugged in response. The Manson girl wasn't here; Wes had chosen a time specifically to avoid her. She was far too good at talking her way out of  things, and kicking her way out of things she couldn't talk her way out of. Also, she was scary, but Wes wouldn't admit that. "Because my parents are ghost hunters, very creative," Danny said with a fake laugh.
"No, because you're Phantom, and I have questions."
Danny froze completely, as if someone had hit the pause button. He didn't blink, didn't breathe, staying perfectly still as he stared up at Wes. It would have been freaky, if Wes hadn't been prepared. But he was prepared, so he didn't back down. "Fine. But can we make it quick? I have a test next period, and I'm really hoping to at least finish it." 
Danny grabbed a hold of Wes's wrist, and dragged him through the wall. That was significantly weirder, and if Wes didn't have to worry about getting stuck in the wall, he'd probably fight against the grip. Since getting stuck halfway through the wall was a concern, Wes let it happen. Danny let go once they'd surfaced in an empty classroom, the window in the door blocked off with cardboard. Wes stumbled slightly, the shock of physically not existing and then existing again rushing over him.
"You could at least give a guy a warning," Tucker grumbled, straightening his hat.
"Don't you remember the standing warning I gave you?" Danny asked. "You should expect to be dragged through walls and/or the air at any time for as long as you're friends with me."
"I still don't think that's a proper warning, but whatever."
Danny rolled his eyes and turned back to Wes who had managed to stabilize himself. "So, what do you want?"
"I want to know why no one notices that you're a ghost when you're doing stuff like that every day," Wes started. "I have caught you on camera dozens of times, and pointed out you sticking your head through your locker in person to so many people, and they all ignore it. How are you doing it?"
"Oh, is that all?" Danny asked, his shoulders lowering slightly as he untensed. "I have a calming aura to most people. Makes it so they just don't see my weirdness as important. What did we call it again?"
"Capybara effect," Tucker said. "After those big cuddly guys."
"Yea, those things."
"If you have this so called Capybara effect, how come I've never noticed it?"
Danny shrugged. "No idea. Maybe you're resistant to ghostly mind manipulation, or maybe you're just so uptight that even it can't help. Jazz did say you could do with relaxing some, and if Jazz says that, you know it's bad."
Before Wes could respond, Tucker's PDA went off. "We have to be in class in t-minus thirty seconds, so if that's everything..."
Danny grabbed Tucker's hand. "Hopefully we won't be seeing you around again, but I feel like that's just wishful thinking." Danny said, giving a lazy salute and blinking the two of them into invisibility.
Wes took a deep breath through his nose. At least he got his answer.
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sumiink · 2 years
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Ectoberhaunt: Calm
I had a lot of fun making this little gif of Sam!
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sheepheadfred · 11 months
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What Happened to Technus?
[Dude, what do you mean Technus got replaced with a weird eye? I'm trying to hack him but it's like some kind of foreign code. Maybe a bug or a virus? What kind of BS is this anymore? Pseudoscience or occult turned sci-fi horror! Either way, just get out of there for now!]
Ectoberhaunt Day 10, 11, and 23: Pseudoscience, Dread, Technus
Originally just for 'dread', because what could invoke that feeling more that seeing that symbol if you know what it means? X.A.N.A. is a very ominous threat with all it can do.
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To stop the flow of time
ectoberhaunt2023 day 11- dread TW- nothing summary- Clockwork is an old ghost and he'll keep the only person he cares about alive.
ao3 part 1 of SOT
The dread that filled the Infinite Realms was palpable. Most ghosts hid in their lairs and the few who were out were either heading towards the Meeting of the Council or hurting about in a frenzied disarray unsure where to go or what to do. 
Clockwork looked into one of his many mirrors and saw the GIW prepping their weapons.
If something didn’t change soon, all would be destroyed. The Infinite Realms would collapse into itself dragging all realities with it into Unreality.
In another mirror young King Phantom sat grimly in front of his council, his face did not betray the grief he felt at the loss of his friends only hours before.
The beings of the Infinite Realms were powerful, but they all fell under the curse that the Observants had cast when they sided with GIW in order to gain more power. No one shall do anything to those who challenge the monarch and no monarch shall leave the Realms. They had stated, and soon after the GIW had declared war on King Phantom, not the Realms. 
And while Phantom was king he was also young, and did not know who to undo the curse the Observants had collectively cast.
And so, they were stuck with Phantom being the only one capable of defending. And even then, he could only defend from within the Realms.
Clockwork was supposed to be at the Meeting of the Council, and he knew his absence would further increase the dread in the room. Knew that even now, Phantom was fighting to keep his own dread contained, keep it from showing to the council and the rest of the Realms.
But there were things to be done. Plans to be set in motion and terrible decisions to be made to keep the Mutliverse itself from collapsing.
Many assumed that Clockwork’s obsession was watching over the Time Stream. But they were wrong. Or at least partly so. Clockwork was an Ancient, and one of the older ones at that. Furthermore he was the Ancient of Time. That ever flowing river with its many streams and tributaries. And like a river could change its course, so his obsessions could shift.
It had taken on many forms during the millennials of his existence. He still winced to remember his obsession at seizing control of that one particular earth where he was worshiped as Kronos.
He was particularly fond of this current version of himself. Finding the best time line for each dimension had always been one of his obsessions, but the second had formed after he had spotted a glimpse of a possible King. A King who was merely a boy, and a halfa at that.
At first he watched out of curiosity, but then when he met the boy and began to watch him more closely the curiosity turned to fondness. It was a strange emotion. Something Clockwork had not felt since his incarnation as Kronos had fallen in love with Rhea. Though the feeling was different.
And it was at this moment when his secondary obsession at guiding the young King took over his primary obsession of maintaining the Time Stream.
This would have consequences he knew. And the young King might never forgive him. 
But he would save the boy. He would give the boy another chance to live
And one day, perhaps, he’d be grateful. 
Clockwork ignored the fact that all futures where he went through with his decision were blurry. But the glimpses he caught…
He would see his King live. 
There was no other option.
Clockwork stood still and gathered himself before extending his reach as far as it would go, all the way the the edges of this section of the Realms. Then with the sound of clanging bells said, “Time Out.”
AN- this will eventually be continued
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