#ehhhhh the first chapter is tagged
theawkwardterrier · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Blessedly tagged by @walkinginland and @flyinghome-againstthewind so I can participate in one of my favorite activities (talking about myself) during this boring workday!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
173, although I know there are a few that for various reasons I haven't posted on there
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,177,040 which...wow
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Most continuously the MCU (Captain America specifically), Buffyverse, Veronica Mars, and Outlander, but one-offs for many others
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Muscle Memory (Outlander, Jamie/Claire; 18 chapters, complete)
Wingspan (Veronica Mars, Logan/Veronica; 6 chapters, complete)
Here's All the Melting Thrill (And Here's the Kindling Fire) (Outlander, Jamie/Claire; 14 chapters, complete)
things left behind and the things that are ahead (MCU, Steve/Peggy; 43 chapters, complete)
After the War Is Over (Will There Be Any Home Sweet Home?) (Outlander, Jamie/Claire; 6 chapters, complete)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
99% of the time, absolutely. I appreciate them so much, and want to express that, even if I'm a little overwhelmed and just end up saying "Thanks so much for reading!" Sometimes, however, if the comment strikes me as really negative or is trying to start some kind of debate that I don't want to get involved in, I'll just mark as read and move on.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't really write angsty endings! (Usually just angsty middles, and third act twists...) Probably my Veronica Mars fic, We Do Not Flinch, because even though the ending is definitely hopeful, not everything is fixed and the character death is not erased.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Um, basically all of them tbh! I love and reliably provide a happy ending. I guess I'll say Each Step Closer (On Our Way Together) because the whole thing is pretty light and the last section extra so.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Intellectually I know the answer is no. But I have gotten criticism, perhaps validly, about my portrayal of Peggy's emotions in Woman Borne, and also have gotten comments which express frustration with the choices my characters make, and that does feel hurtful in certain ways.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Ehhhhh, very, very lightly. Pretty much just gauzy linguistics and minimal mention of actual body parts - soulmate smut 🤷‍♀️
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Haha, I've written a bunch of AUs that borrow from other fandoms and have a lot of fun with those, but I've only written one partially completed Buffy/Bones crossover
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I think that some of my fics have been included in the kind of automatic sweeps that republish on fake fic sites or ebook sites, but not by an actual person as far as I know.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, although I'd be happy to give permission if someone wanted to!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Lol, no and I can't imagine I'd be an easy writing partner 😂😬
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Skipping because I've found that there isn't necessarily a permanence to it for me.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't really have WIPs that have been posted (because I know myself and that would be too stressful for me!) but the long planned out Chase/Cameron fic, or the Veronica Mars one where Wallace was a superhero, or the various ideas I've vaguely started writing within my head.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Mmmm...Occasional nice turns of phrase/unusual uses of language?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing visuals or action
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Nervous about it and probably I do it wrong, but I do it anyway 😬
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter back in the day
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I am my own biggest fic critic and also my own biggest fan, so they are all dear to me. I do have a particular love for my Steggy fic things left behind and the things that are ahead and all the characters and bits of the universe that come along with it.
Tagging @roboticonography, @ghostcat3000, @ckerouac, @kairosimperative, and of course my always meme pal, @lavellenchanted!
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jusalilweird · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
Tagged by @silverinerivers! I am also procrastinating 🤝
1. How many works do you have on ao3? 270! I used to be very prolific in high school, but I've slowed down since college XD
2. What’s your total ao3 word count? 910,686
3. What fandoms do you write for? Tower of God, and MCYT, mainly Hermitcraft and hermit-adjacent series (Life Series, Evo, MCC, anything where a hermit may be featured)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? The two fandoms I write for have a pretty huge fandom size difference (based on fics alone, Hermitcraft has about 4x the amount of ToG's), so the kudos difference is very drastic. Also, since I've been writing ToG for quite some time now, my most kudosed ToG fics are just the first ones I've written, since they've been around the longest. So I'll just post my most kudosed Hermitcraft fic, and my two most kudosed ToG fics, one for pre-anime and post-anime (due to the fandom explosion in between)
lightning often strikes twice - ToG, 2k, rated G, Eduan and Khun interacting in the data world
Mornings - ToG, 800 words, rated G KhunBam sleepy morning cuddles
and the wind will remake all that time has worn away - Hermitcraft, 13k, rated T, a fic featuring a bunch of hermits curious about Grian's new wings
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I do my best! I like interacting with readers :D
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Ooo, hmm... *filters my fics by Angst tag* *67 fics appear* Uh. Thus Kindly I Scatter is one of my first angst fics ever, and evidently it's hurt a lot of people XD. But I'll go with Ache, the first fic for one of my month challenges. That one was fun to write :D
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I haven't written many multichaps, so I don't really have one that builds up to a happy ending. But Memory Lane is a nice fluffy one ^^
8. Do you get hate on fic? Not really, I think most of my comments have been pretty chill. And I'm not too active on social media, so I don't really pay attention if anything's been said there.
9. Do you write smut? Best part of turning 18.
10. Do you write crossovers? Not really, unless you count stuff from different MCYT series. I think it can be a big vague on what constitutes a crossover, because ccs can be part of different series
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of, and I hope not.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! It's always an honor when someone wants to translate/podfic/create other derivative works off my own <3
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes! Kings and Prophets as a raffle gift fic for a fandom event. It was very fun to write (and ended up about 9x the original predicted length). Still one of my favorite fics <3
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship? KhunBam, what else XD Started with them, still hung up on them
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t? Last I checked (a few years ago), I had 136k words worth of WIPs in my graveyard, and it's only grown since. I did have this one Gods AU KhunBam fic called Post-Immortem that I remember planning extensively, but unfortunately, I only got a few chapters in before I got bored XD. Multichaps tend to be difficult for me.
16. What are your writing strengths? I really like worldbuilding! Fantasy has always been my favorite genre, so I love writing AUs. I think I'm also decent at writing action scenes (Doing martial arts for most of my life has helped, I think)
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Characterization can take me a while to get, and also I'm not very good with writing multichaps. Long plot buildups aren't really my thing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I've never done it extensively for a long fic, but I've done it in a few oneshots. I have some knowledge of Spanish from school, and I can speak Mandarin, but my writing is ehhhhh. I think it's fun!
19. First fandom you wrote for? Tower of God, whoo! And it hasn't changed XD
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Oh hmmmmm, Like Seeds Scattered Across the Sky probably (beloved fae fic :3), but Dear Fellow Traveler is pretty close as well, although that one isn't finished yet. It's taken me a long time to finish, but if all goes to plan, it'll be done by the end of the month ^^
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janetbrown711 · 2 years
The Learning Type
Wakko decides to tag along with Yakko for today's lessons, despite it not having gone well in the past.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Ao3 Link
Yakko loved studying. He loved learning, and growing, and obtaining more knowledge and skills in any way he could. His dad said he got it from his mother, though his grandma said her mother was a lot more “foolish with her knowledge” than he was, whatever that meant, so maybe he got it from her instead.
…Yakko had known his grandmother his whole life, and he still didn’t know what to make of her. Sure, his mom and dad constantly contradicted her or told him she was wrong, but Yakko wasn’t sure. A lot of what his grandmother said made sense: a good king should be focused on expanding his knowledge and on his people, not on frivolities like playing with toys or with his little brother. It just made sense.
But his parents said she was wrong but she didn’t seem wrong, but his parents were rarely wrong too, so it was just this confusing cycle of who was actually wrong about who. The most confusing case of wrongness was with his brother Wakko.
He liked Wakko plenty, he was fun and cute and stuff but– how to put this lightly…
The kid got on his nerves.
He didn’t talk much, though when he did it always seemed to be with him which was just great when he was trying to study. When he wasn’t talking he was making nonsensical little sounds which irked and distracted him and just– he was loud and crashed into things, and often ate snacks he specifically set aside so he could have later, and frankly, he just had it up to here with him sometimes.
His parents told him to be patient, Wakko was just three after all, but it was… a lot.
Speaking of his brother…
“Yakko! Which is cooler? Red or blue?” Wakko shoved his toy soldier’s into his brother’s face. Yakko rolled his eyes.
“Wakko, I don’t care,” He scoffed. Wakko frowned.
“But how will you play then?” Wakko asked.
“Wakko, I don’t want to play, I have my lesson with Grandma soon,” Yakko said, turning the page in his book.
“So we should play nowwww,” Wakko whined, placing the toys on his book.
“Wakko, go away, I’m studying” Yakko huffed in annoyance, pushing the toys off of the book. Wakko sighed, taking back his toys, but instead of going away, he pulled out a chair and sat next to his brother.
“Whatcha readin’?” He asked.
“A book on the history of agriculture in Warnerstock,” Yakko stated, fighting his annoyance.
“Is it good?” Wakko asked with a head tilt. Yakko paused to think.
“Ehhhhh…. it’s…. okay?” He shrugged, though he knew the answer was no. Still, required reading was required reading, so he did what he was told.
Yakko tried to go back to his reading, but Wakko being Wakko it didn’t take long before he started getting bored and so started to mess with Yakko, first flicking his shirt sleeve, then swinging his feet so it kicked his legs, then standing up on his chair and peering over Yakko’s shoulder to try and look at what he was reading, which was the final straw for Yakko.
“Oh, would you look at that! I have to go,” Yakko slammed the book shut and stood, almost knocking over Wakko in the process.
“Can I come?” Wakko asked with a big toothy smile. Yakko rubbed his forehead. No matter what he did he just couldn’t shake him.
“You know Grandma doesn’t like it when you sit in,” Yakko said, standing up and heading out of the study. Wakko followed anyway.
“I can be good this time! Promise!” He said. Yakko shook his head.
“Go to your room, Wak, I’m sure mom or dad would love to play with you instead,” Yakko waved him off.
“Pretty please? I swear I’ll be quiet,” Wakko pleaded. Yakko did his best to keep his eyes forward, but made the fatal flaw of making split-second eye contact with his younger brother, and saw the puppy dog eyes nobody with a soul could refuse, despite Yakko’s attempts to train himself otherwise.
“Fine,” Yakko sighed. “Just… sit in the corner and be sure to be extra, extra quiet,” He said. Wakko cheered and ran ahead of Yakko in his excitement to their grandmother’s private study. Yakko eventually made it, and knocked on the door.
“Yakko, you’re early today,” Angelina the First opened the door. Immediately her eyes went to Wakko.
“What is he doing here?” She asked. Wakko stepped behind his brother.
“He just wants to sit in the corner. He’s promised me he’ll be quiet,” Yakko said.
“Is this true?” The old queen looked at her youngest grandson. Wakko nodded. She rolled her eyes.
“If I ask you a question, you are to respond, understand?” She glared at him. Wakko gulped.
“Y-yes, grandmum,” He said. The queen rolled her eyes and stepped aside, letting the brothers enter.
Yakko took his seat at the center table, and Wakko sat in the corner, next to a bunch of dusty books that most certainly wouldn’t pique his interest unless he liked centuries old almanacs. Yakko just hoped he could actually keep his promise.
“Now where were we… ah yes, etiquette,” Angelina the First found the book she was looking for and opened it.
“A good gentleman always holds the door open for a lady, why is this?” She asked Yakko.
“Because their dresses can be too big for them to get it themselves,” Yakko said. The queen nodded.
“That stupid, why don’t they just fix the dresses?” Wakko whispered to himself, tracing the books with his finger, giggling as the dust got on his hands.
“Excuse me?” Angelina glared at him. Wakko immediately realized his mistake.
“M’sorry,” He apologized and immediately looked at the floor in shame. Angelina huffed but decided to move on with the lesson anyway.
Angelina the First continued to quiz Yakko on his knowledge of etiquette, and of which he aced, and to Yakko’s surprise Wakko was actually behaving himself back there, seeming to have found an old atlas and enjoying looking at all the sea monsters. She then regaled tales of Warnerstocks history, most of it being boring but a few were… less boring here and there. Yakko did his best to pay attention anyway. History was probably the most interesting subject he was taught, he loved learning all the different countries' names and how they changed with time.
However, towards the end of the lesson, Angelina started talking about foolishness again, and once more used the comparison of his mother versus his father, which Yakko was used to but not entirely fond of.
Who was not used to this was Wakko, who gasped.
“That’s mean! Daddoo is nice and kind! He’s not dirty!” Wakko protested, causing Angelina’s eyes to shoot at him.
“Excuse me, young man, you have no right to talk to me like that,” Angelina set down the chalk loudly.
“Grandma, he doesn’t know–he’s just three-”
“No! I do! That’s mean!” Wakko stood on his chair. “Daddoo and Mummy are good! You’re the meany-head!”
“Wakkorotti Alan Warner, know your place,” She warned, slipping her gloves off already.
“Grandma he doesn’t mean– he doesn’t know–” Yakko tried to plead.
“I’ll give you one more chance, Wakkorotti. Take back what you said, or else,” She glared, now standing in front of the toddler.
Wakko thought about it, his tail tucked between his legs. However, Wakko still held onto his stupid, stupid pride and said, “No! You’re a dumb meanie head!”
Before Yakko could try to do more damage control, Angelina struck him across the face with the back of her hand with such force that he went flying into the shelf, causing it to rock a dangerous amount.
“Wakko!” Yakko jumped out of his seat and ran to his little brother, but Angelina I held out her arm.
“Leave him there, he needs to learn,” She spat, but Yakko felt much, much too angry to be smart and so just as fast as she had struck his brother, he bit her arm, and hard.
“Ow! You horrible, horrible child!” Angelina jumped back. Yakko didn’t care, immediately running to Wakko.
“Wakko? Are you okay?” He asked, panicking because Wakko was barely conscious.
“M’head hurts,” he mumbled, sitting up. That was kinda good at least…
“You’ll be punished for this you insolent brat,” Angelina grabbed Yakko’s shoulder and Yakko gnashed his teeth again. The queen wisely stepped back.
“C’mon Wak, let’s get you fixed up,” Yakko said, helping him up.
“Rabid sons of a bastard,” The old queen muttered as they walked by, rubbing the bite marks that were on the verge of bleeding. It was far less than she deserved, so Yakko glared at her once more before leaving.
The brothers walked in silence as they headed off to the kitchen for ice, not knowing what to say about what had happened. Eventually, though, Wakko gave it a shot.
“I’m sorry I ruined your lesson, Yakko,” He apologized.
“It’s not your fault Wakko, she never should’ve hit you.”
“Grandma is a meanie,” He sniffled, rubbing his fresh bruise.
“I couldn’t agree more,” Yakko said and meant it.
In truth, as they were walking Yakko noticed how much of a jerk he was before. He brushed him off and for what? Stuffy lessons with a snappy old lady? Now he knew why his parents always contradicted her. They were probably trying to prevent something like this from ever happening, and he just…
Ignored it. Let her insult them for years– believed those insults for years.
Oh man… he had some serious apologizing to do…
“I’m sorry too, Wak,” He said. “I’ve been a meanie to you too.”
“S’okay. I forgive you,” Wakko smiled at Yakko, and Yakko cringed at the sight of his bruise, which was only increasing in size. Thankfully, they were almost at the kitchen by now.
After a short moment of silence, they eventually reached it and Yakko slowly opened the door before peering inside, and upon finding it empty, he opened the door all the way and him and Wakko got in and went towards the back where the icebox was.
“Yakko? Wakko? What are you two doing here?” Yakko froze when he heard his mother’s voice. He internally facepalmed, realizing he forgot the spice racks blocked the view of the other half of the kitchen from the door.
“Mummy!” Wakko ran to her and she and William gasped.
“Wakko, honey, what happened to your face?” She asked as he hugged her leg.
“Grandmummy got mad and-”
“Your grandmother did this to you?!” Lena asked, a mix of concern and rage in her voice.
“Lena…” William warned, placing a soft hand on her shoulder. Lena huffed and crossed her arms.
“What happened?” William asked Yakko.
“Well Wakko wanted to sit in during my lesson with her, and when she started kind of… insulting you, he got really mad and insulted her and so…” Yakko kicked the ground.
“Oh, I’ll kill her,” Angelina growled, looking at the door.
“Lena, deep breaths,” William reminded, though he looked angry too. Their mother obeyed, though still obviously very upset.
“I’m so sorry Wakko, baby. Here- let’s get some ice on that bruise,” She said, with a soft smile, taking Wakko’s hand and taking him to the icebox.
“Is that the full story?” William asked. Yakko nodded.
“She kept comparing how she’s all powerful and contained and orderly whereas you were poor and a nobody and are messy and weak and stuff like that… she’s done that for awhile, actually,” Yakko looked at the ground.
“I see,” William sighed.
“I-it’s not true though, I-i know that! You’re the best dad in the world,” Yakko assured his father, who laughed a little.
“Thank you, Yakko, I appreciate it,” he gave his son a hug, who was very glad to return it.
He was such an idiot.
“Oh– there is, um… one more thing,” Yakko admitted, breaking the hug.
“Oh? And what’s that?” William asked.
“…I bit her,” he whispered. William blinked.
“I’m sorry, what did you say?” His father asked, not quite sure if he heard it right.
“I bit her, after she hit Wakko and he fell, I bit her, right in the arm,” Yakko confessed. “It might’ve made her bleed if I’m honest.
William thought about that for a moment.
“Everything alright?” Lena asked, reentering with Wakko, who now had a bag of ice in his hand.
“Yakko bit your mother,” William explained and Lena gasped.
“Are you alright?” She asked him, examining him up and down with fear. Yakko nodded.
“After she hit Wakko I wanted to check on him but she wouldn’t let me so I bit her,” He explained. Lena sighed a breath of relief.
“That’s good dear… just… don't do that again or else you’ll get seriously hurt too. We don’t want to make this a pattern, now do we?” She asked. The boys both shook their heads.
“Smart boys,” she bent down and gave both of them a tight hug. “Now go play. Your father and I will have to have a long discussion with your grandmother later,” She said, looking back at William.
“Yay! Let’s go!” Wakko pulled on his brother’s arm, dragging him out of the kitchen.
As the door was closing though, he heard his mother laugh and say, “Why didn’t I ever think of biting her?” before it closed and they were officially out of earshot.
Eventually, they made it back to the playroom, and Wakko immediately grabbed his toys and began playing with them, while Yakko bit his lip, unsure of what to do. It felt like forever since he played with dolls and toy soldiers, did he even know how to? Did Wakko even want him to play anymore?
Wakko seemed hesitant too, as when he noticed his brother’s awkward standing, he stopped and looked at him.
“Do you… wanna play with me?” He asked. Yakko nodded.
“I do,” he said. Wakko smiled and handed him a prince doll.
And so, for the rest of the afternoon, the two brothers played game after game, weaving intricate stories all of their own with brave princes, dragons, daring fights, and evil queens they slew together, always having each other’s back no matter what.
And it was true, from that moment on, Yakko swore to always have his brother’s back, and more importantly, to never become what his grandmother wanted of him. She could rot for all he cared, he’d never let anyone hurt his little sib ever again,
That, he promised.
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kinglazrus · 4 years
The Haunting of Danny Fenton
Chapter Two: Unusual Clients
Word count: 2403 | [ffn] [ao3] | [previous] [next]
Tucker guides Valerie to a viewing gallery that overlooks the floor two storeys below. The door clunks and hisses as it closes behind them, sealed tight. Glass encases the gallery. The windows are angled outward so you can peer down without sticking your cheek to the glass. There's a slight distortion to it. Not much, but enough that Valerie knows the windows are thick and strong, built to take damage.
Tucker beckons her over to a door in the gallery's short wall, holding it open for her. It leads out onto an open balcony with a bulky safety rail along the edge, curving along the wall, only to dip into a set of stairs that winds all the way down to the bottom floor.
A loud bang startles Valerie. Instinctively, she lashes out, the dark bracer on her wrist expanding into an armoured glove. A compact gun pops out of the top, a bright red light building inside the barrel as it whines.
Tucker holds up his hands. "Whoa. A little jumpy, aren't you?"
Valerie huffs, masking her embarrassment with annoyance, and lowers her arm. The glove retracts, slithering over her arm, condensing back into a bracer. "I need to have good reaction times in my line of work."
"You and everyone else in Amity Park." Tucker leans over the balcony rail and calls out, "You all good down there?"
"Just dandy, kiddo! Thanks for asking!" Valerie immediately recognizes Jack Fenton's booming voice. He is, by far, the most vocal of all the Fentons.
"Let's go. I want to see what blew up."
As they walk down the stairs, Valerie scans the bottom floor. Two figures occupy the middle of the room: Jack Fenton, wearing a bright orange jumpsuit as neon as the sign outside, and Maddie Fenton, who boasts a much subtler, more pleasing blue. Along with their jumpsuits, they wear protective goggles, gloves, and boots. A smoking crater stretches between them.
Maddie pushes her goggles up and sighs in dismay. "Looks like another no good batch, honey."
"Damn. I'll pack it away with the others." Jack bends down to an open metal case at his feet. Nine glowing green vials rest inside, embedded in protective foam padding. The tenth slot is empty. Jack closes the case and tromps over to a rack against the wall, sliding it into an empty space next to dozens of identical cases.
When Tucker and Valerie reach the ground floor, the first thing she notices is a wide metal door tucked underneath the stairs, lurking in the corner of her eye. "Why did we take an elevator up and stairs down when there's a door right there?" Valerie glares at Tucker.
"Safety procedures. If the Boom Room is occupied, you have to enter through the top door," Tucker explains.
"Boom Room?" Valerie asks. The receptionist, Octavia, called the room the same thing.
"It's where we test our more volatile inventions." Maddie drags down her hood, shaking out her short auburn hair, and smiles at Valerie. "You must be the Red Huntress. I'm Maddie Fenton, but Maddie is fine." She holds out her hand.
Valerie takes it, giving it a firm squeeze and a shake. "You can just call me Valerie. Why do you test in here?"
"Well, it's not called the Boom Room for nothing!" Jack bounds over. Without even shaking Valerie's hand, or introducing himself first, he grabs her shoulder and turns her bodily toward the heavy doors. "All doors into the room are blast resistant. We only have these babies down here for hauling in the big buns, or when we're testing out ecto-powered engines. Can't exactly fit those through that tiny thing up there." Jack jerks his thumb over his shoulder, pointing back up the stairs. "But that's not the only thing! You see, when we built this place, we–"
"Jack, dear. Could you start the unlocking procedure? I think we've done enough testing for today," Maddie interrupts, gently touching Jack's shoulder.
"You got it, Mads!" He scampers toward the doors without a second thought. Valerie watched him go, her eyebrows knitting together as she puzzled over the sudden dismissal.
"Good call, Mrs. F," Tucker, hovering at Valerie's shoulder, says. "I don't want to miss dinner again. It's pot roast tonight." That only makes Valerie more confused.
"Sorry about that, dear. If you let Jack get going, he won't stop lecturing for anything." Maddie smiles softly. "As much as I love hearing my husband talk, I know not all people do."
"Oh, uh. No, it's fine. I actually am curious about the room." Valerie gives the metal panels stretching twenty feet up the wall a pointed look.
Valerie's statement ignites and eager glean in Maddie's gaze. "Oh! Isn't that just fantastic? In that case," she points over Valerie's shoulder, "do you see those vents on the wall behind you?"
Valerie turns and looks up. The first three vents rest inches above the metal panels. From there to the ceiling, a new row of vents digs into the wall at five-foot intervals, all the way to the top.
"Everything below those first vents is blast-proof, even the stairs. It keeps the rest of the building safe. To prevent the other walls from blowing out, those vents lead directly outside, into a courtyard in the middle of the facility. Up there," Maddie points to the ceiling, which is a wide skylight, "the windows can be opened using a control pad by the door. If a big enough explosion goes off, it gets directed up and out rather than through the rest of the building."
Valerie is impressed. Very impressed. She also thinks the Fentons are insane. "What are you making that could cause that big of an explosion?"
"Nothing, usually." Maddie's charming smile feels very out of place in this situation. "But right now we're working on an ectoplasm based strength enhancer."
Valerie wrinkles her nose. "You want to make ghosts stronger?"
Maddie laughs. "Don't be silly! This is for humans. We're just having trouble making a batch that won't explode when agitated." She gestures to the rack of briefcases. "There's no way to safely dispose of them, yet, so we keep it all here for now."
Thinking about it all, Valerie feels lightheaded. They're in the middle of the city. If all those cases explode at once, it will blow up half the block. Suddenly, she isn't so eager to explore Fenton Works anymore. In fact, she would like very much to leave the building now, thank you. But Jack's not finished with the doors. With few other options, Valerie pushes on
"You want to make... some kind of super-soldier serum?" she asks.
"Oh, dear, no. It's not for anything like that." Valerie waits for Maddie to elaborate, but all she gets is that same pleasant smile. It's sweet. Too sweet for how much pain she sees in Maddie's eyes. Valerie wants to ask more about the project, but that severe smile beats her curiosity back.
A loud siren rips through the room, one long shriek, accompanied by a flash of red light. Startled, Valerie whirls around, although she manages to keep her weapons at bay this time. At the doors, Jack has his hand on a biometric scanner. Something within the door clunks, the sound followed by a low hiss.
Valerie shuffles her feet as the door swings wide, edging away from Maddie and closer to Tucker. Nudging him, she grabs his attention and subtly tilts her head toward Maddie.
"It's a sore spot," Tucker whispers under his breath.
Valerie nods.
"I think it's about time we head home. Danny should be waiting for us, and I'm sure you want to know the details of the job," Maddie says.
Valerie nods again, too nervous to say anything. The Fentons aren't like any client she's had before. She's used to her richer clients being stuffy snobs, spoiled kids who heard something go bump in the night and got spooked. Sometimes there are genuine concerns. Malevolent ghosts that won't leave them alone. Lost souls lingering in places they shouldn’t be. It's always a humbling experience for her clients. Ghosts don't care how much money you have; they do whatever they want. And if Valerie wasn't there to save their asses, well... they're lucky she's there.
But the most glaring difference between the Fentons and any past jobs is skill. The Fentons are ghost hunters by trade. They dedicate themselves to outfitting people with personal ghost protection, be it basic defences or actual weaponry. They make guns and vehicles. They teach classes about ghosts. They're at the forefront of Ghost Zone exploration. Anything Valerie can do, the Fentons already do better.
Which is why she doesn't understand what they need her for. Surely whatever is going on with their son, they can protect him far better than she can.
Sitting in the living room of the original Fenton Works building, Valerie marvels at how homey it is. For fifteen years, this place housed what is now a world-famous company. Not even the whole building, but the basement. The rest of it looks like any other house—which makes sense because it is their house. But knowing that scientific history was made in the room below her feet makes Valerie giddy.
She bounces her knee and resists the urge to get up and pace. Right now, more than anything, she wants to go downstairs and see the original lab. Science had never been her forte in high school, and she barely understands that side of ghost hunting, but it fascinates her to no end.
A loud creak down the hall has her head snapping up. She starts to rise, then sits back down, driving her fist into her knee to keep her leg still. She wants to look professional and courteous, although by this point that image is already ruined. Tucker shattered all formal pretenses when he picked her up. Still, Valerie wants to try. So she sits up straight, setting her shoulders and raising her chin, and watches the corner expectantly.
Maddie and Jack step into view, but only them.
"Danny will be along in a moment. Things have been rough for him, recently," Maddie explains. She and Jack move to the opposite side of the room, stopping on either side of a comfortable looking armchair.
"While we're waiting for him, can I ask what exactly the job is? Your request was vague." Not just vague, it had been devoid of all useful information. Two days ago, Valerie got a call inquiring about her services, how much she charges, and how long she would be available. The voice on the other end hadn't been Maddie's or Jack's. Now that she thinks about it, it was probably Octavia calling on their behalf.
"For a few months now, Danny has been experiencing a minor haunting," Maddie states bluntly.
Valerie's blood runs cold. "A haunting?"
Jack nods, his expression grave.
"For months?" Valerie continues. "But that's..." Completely unprecedented. The longest haunting on record is thirty-four days. In Valerie's two years of official work, and her four years of unofficial experience before that, she only witnessed two hauntings. The first victim lasted a week before they were possessed. The second barely lasted a day.
"We've got good defences here, but they're designed for more tangible ghosts," Maddie says, an ironic twist in her grim smile. "Haunting Shades are much harder to keep out."
"And you can't drive it off?" Valerie asks. "You of all people should be able to. If you can just find the Shade the next time it visits–"
Jack silences her with a cold look. "You think we haven't tried that?"
Right. World famous-ghost hunters. Anything she can do, they have already done better. She's confident in her skills, worked hard to get where she is today, and, from time to time, deserves a little of the arrogance she feels. Sometimes, however, that means she forgets some people have worked much harder and gone much farther than her.
Maddie and Jack Fenton are two of those people
"Sorry," Valerie says quietly. Who is she, who has never been able to fight off a Shade before, to shame the Fentons for the same fault?
"No need to apologize. We've all got our moments." Jack beams. Valerie almost has whiplash from the complete three-sixty in personality. "This Shade's a slippery one. Even when it's here, we can't find it."
Maddie takes over for her husband. "We've got people working on that. Before Danny's haunting started, we were already working on a new ghost deterrent aimed at Shades. A business partner of ours has been heading the project. That's why we need you."
"For what, exactly?" Valerie asks.
"There's a week-long conference Jack and I need to attend. If all goes well, we could make a breakthrough in the anti-Shade project. But we can't bring Danny with us. Long trips aggravate his condition."
Valerie barely resists the urge to ask about said condition. She will see his condition for herself in a few minutes, but she can't help it. Danny doesn't photograph well, and the few pictures of him post-accident reveal very little about his person. The same morbid curiosity that grabs hold of you when you see the aftermath of disaster takes her now. She's not proud of it, but she feels it, nonetheless.
"We want you here as insurance. We don't think anything will happen, but we'd rather not leave Danny alone with everything that's going on," Maddie finishes.
Distantly, the stairs creak.
Valerie nods slowly. "Okay. I understand. I'll take the job."
"It'll be like a vacation for you! Our Danny's a lot stronger than some ghost. He's putting up a hell of a fight." Jack punches the air. There's a familiar glint in his eye, the same look Valerie gets from her father whenever he talks about how far she's come. Seeing it makes her smile.
"What does Danny–" Someone clears their throat, interrupting Valerie. Her head snaps toward the noise, her eyes finding the newcomer immediately. Pallid skin, sunken eyes, slouched against Tucker, Danny Fenton stares back at her.
"Hey. Valerie, right?" His voice is faint and hoarse.
Doubt pools in Valerie's gut. The smile vanishes from her face. Whatever confidence Jack has in his son, she doesn't share it. Forget surviving the week, she doesn't think he'll live through the night.
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yesokayiknow · 3 years
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favourite authors!
@taardisblue tagged me thanks babe xoxo these are all wips bc why not lmao & im not tagging anyone bc im tired & scared ✌ (also i think my favourite one is the schitt’s creek one ngl)
1. untitled wandavision post canon scarletvision & wanda/agatha poly negotiations :) (document title: gay witch time)
‘So,’ Agatha says, not looking away from the television screen, ‘you two aren’t really married, right?’
2. untitled schitt’s creek post canon stevie/alexis
"David," Alexis hisses, "why the fuck does Stevie still think she's straight?"
3. untitled beetlejuice the musical post canon beej & delia
“Hey,” Beej says, trying and failing to sound casual, as though he didn’t just spend ten straight minutes awkwardly pacing by the kitchen door before entering.
4. untitled wandavision au darcy & wanda
‘Okay so, I only took like, half a semester of psychology,’ Darcy says, ‘but I’m like, a bajillion percent sure that you need therapy.’
5. untitled arrow s6 au siren pov where everyone defects from ota to the bby team (doc title: ehhhhh ill give this an actual title later but you already know what this is bitch)
“We would’ve helped sooner if we’d known,” Drake says.
6. untitled firebringer reincarnation au (doc title: IDK MAYBE THIS HAS CHAPTERS WHO KNOWS)
“Y’know,” Schwoopsie says, as Zazz jabs the doorbell for the fifth time, “we should’ve just, just called ahead.”
7. untitled original work (fake marriage fantasy story!!)
It’s a wet Tuesday morning, and your father is dead.
8. untitled dw (doc title: s10 family and make up)
“What,” Missy says, “is that.”
9. original work (title: Ostriches Have Twice as Many Knees as Us and That's Where We Went Wrong)
‘Don't stand like that,’ she says, ‘it makes you look like you're giving a TED talk.’
10. untitled dw timeless children au (doc title: OKAY MARTHA & SPYDOC LETS G O)
"What did you do to her?"
11. untitled ocean’s 8 queerplatonic heist wives (doc title: god why dont they just kill me)
It didn’t take Lou long to realise that Debbie Ocean isn’t wired in the same way that most people are, that she isn’t motivated by love or sex or money.
12. untitled dc’s titans dick/kory/dawn/hank/donna
“You know,” Kory says, one day, apropos of nothing, “on my planet, children are raised communally.”
13. untitled killing eve s2 au (doc title: i hate u maddington)
it hurts, but it’s the wrong kind of hurt.
14. untitled unreal post canon
“so, now what?”
15. untitled the good place zombie apocalypse au
“I dunno, dude,” she says, in a rare quiet moment.
16. untitled star trek discovery michael/tilly mutually oblivious pining ;-;
“We need to discuss your daughter and her intentions,” Georgiou says, and Stamets chokes on his cereal.
17. untitled arrow au (doc title: winter soldier!laurel except its the league not hydra thank fuck no nazis in this)
This time, you have two full days of memory.
18. untitled dw s9 au clara/missy
“This,” Clara says, for the fifth time, “is not a date.”
19. untitled dw clara/12 the sad existential wingfic au (doc title: wf)
You can fix this, you say, and even though your expression is carefully neutral, and your voice is calm and steady, your feathers shudder in your anxiety.
20. untitled original work (this is my creative writing bachelor’s project aka the thing i need to write instead of writing fic haha oh no)
There’s a monster in the woods behind your house.
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Fic Writer Interview
I love @luthienebonyx because she tags me in memes that help me procrastinate. And also cause she’s just great, but yknow. I needed this.
Tagging: @eryiscrye @brynnmck @unadulteratedkr @my-bated-breath​@antarcticasx @rideboldlyride @ladamapintada @gemgirl28 @rideboldlyride​ and anyone who wants to do this!
Now, putting the rest below the cut because what the heck this got long.
Name: Nire. Which is Erin, but backwards because just “erin” wasn’t available on ao3. I don’t know why I chose Erin. I think I just liked the name? I know I named one of my Shepards on Mass Effect Erin. The “mitrhidatist” part was just because I was reading the Cruel Prince/Folk of the Air trilogy around the time I made this tumblr, and the main character practices mithridatism (imbibing poison a little bit every day to build immunity) and it just sounded cool. It may have occurred to you by now that I don’t actually think a lot of things through.
Also, Kira. It’s part of my full, real name (which a few fandom friends know about because I am 99% of the time too lazy to switch google accounts to open gdocs).
I have a few other old internet handles that are now defunct and forgotten, but I don’t think I’m going to change Nire anytime soon.
Fandoms: I think my first ever fic writing experience (where I fully knew what fic was) was for The Prince of Tennis. Except I didn’t know that Gays Were A Thing back then, so it was somehow for a het ship. I don’t even know how this is possible. That manga is the most homoerotic unhinged sports manga I’ve ever read. Also, I didn’t post any of the fics. I remember this because I would’ve gotten some nasty comments if I had, because... those fics I wrote were bad.
And then I wrote a little bit for Naruto. That was the first true involvement in fandom I’ve had, though I stuck pretty closely to one particular corner and steered clear of the big ship wars.
I’ve read a bunch of Mass Effect fics, but only posted one on ffnet a long time ago. Read a bunch of Dragon Age fics, never wrote for any.
Wrote one fic for Arrow, three fics for Mystic Messenger, two fics (one of them incomplete) for Wonder Woman (2017). Lingered a bit at the MCU Spider-Man fandom, and by that I mean I wrote 5 fics in quick succession because I was going through a manic episode
Then everything changed when the season 8 of Game of Thrones attacked. Like I don’t know how else to describe it. I don’t like bitching about the show anymore because ehhhhh whatever, but it was so bad I think it activated my fight or flight mode? It didn’t help that I was on twitter for the whole time. Somehow, my fight instinct is to write. So much fic. The longest fic I’d ever written back then, and my first ever smut.
And then the A:TLA resurgence made me write for the OTP I’ve had for like... 14? 15? years? It was supposed to be one fic and done, but I’m somehow still here. Send help.
Where you post: eh, just ao3 these days. I’ve been on LJ and ffnet too, but I don’t even know the passwords for those accounts anymore.
Most popular one-shot: By any metric (hits, kudos, bookmarks...) it’s The Universe Conspires, which is an MCU Peter Parker/Michelle Jones soulmate AU. I think it stayed on the first page of the tag for some time, but now it’s just chilling on the second page. Out of... 214. Weird. I mean, it’s not a bad fic, but it’s absolutely not my best and it’s the furthest thing from polished. I wrote it overnight during a manic episode, for goodness’ sake.
Most popular multi-chapter: Eyo! This is also easy. By any metric, it’s A Good Match, which is the fic I wrote with the most wonderful @slipsthrufingers because she was having feelings about Jaime’s beard and I wanted to hurt people. My most popular fic that I wrote alone, though, is my first-ever JB fic, Hold This Threadbare Heart at Needlepoint, which is just me drunk on the embroidery close-ups in the earlier seasons of Game of Thrones.
Also shout-out to Waiting on a Steady Sun, because it’s not that far behind Needlepoint, and it’s most definitely the most popular Zutara fic I have.
Fic you were nervous to post: I’m more the type that just wants to post and have it over with, but Slips and I were absolutely nervous about AGM, and especially That Chapter of the fic. I was also nervous about Hot Head, Cold Feet because it’s got a really dark premise, and I don’t even know who would want to read it. (It actually has a pretty good engagement and I am thankful for that.)
Most recently, I was a bit nervous about wrong when it’s right, which is the fic I wrote for @ladamapintada for the Zutara Holiday Exchange, because it got way longer than I planned and I wasn’t sure if she’d like it. (She did, thank goodness.) Gift fics are kind of more nerve-wrecking than regular fics by its nature.
How do you choose your titles? Usually? Last-minute and badly. Titles are hard and idk, man. A few song lyrics, bad attempts at wordplay, idk. I’m just so bad at titles. That’s why I knew I was fucked when the idea for Hot Head, Cold Feet came to my mind complete with the title. It’s fic law. Gotta write it once I had a title for it.
Do you outline? UHHHHHHH. Kind of. Some beats/bullet points I knew I wanted to hit, maybe one or two key scenes. The rest I try to find while writing it. It’s a system that works for my brain better than extremely detailed outlining.
Complete: 30 on ao3. I don’t know how many elsewhere, but not that many.
Do you take prompts? No. I used to, but right now my writing brain is busy enough with things I already have on my plate, and occasionally new ideas that I can’t shake off.
In progress: 4 on ao3, but only 3 of them I plan on continuing. The Wonder Woman fic is simply abandoned, I think. And there’s also the JB Chillfest fic I’m supposed to be writing if not for this thing...
Coming soon: my JB Chillfic. It’s the most nonsensical thing I’ve ever written, probably, but if I pull it off it’s fun nonsense.
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firstprince - hurt/comfort 2
Can I Lean On You by great_turkey_calamity
It’s the anniversary of Arthur’s death, and Henry is trying his hardest to treat it like a normal day. Between text messages from family and little notes from Alex, he can’t help but feel sentimental.
tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, It’s the anniversary of Arthur’s death, henry just wants to act like everything is Gucci, we all know it isn’t, Alex leaves him little notes, he in turn talks about his father, they both cry, oh look another ben platt title
words: 2152
chapters: 1/1
published: 23/04/2020
notes from me: trigger warning: for conversations of death/ death of parents and mourning
Kicking Underwater by HMS_Chill 
"He's not going to be the youngest elected congressman in history without earning it, but nobody needs to know how hard he's kicking underwater. His sex-symbol stock would plummet" -- Casey McQuiston, page 3 -- Or, Alex's first midterms in the brownstone, where he's trying so hard but doesn't want anyone to worry
tags: Domestic, Domestic Fluff, Angst, Fluff and Angst, angsty cuddles, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, mostly comfort, alex's self esteem is not great my dude,but it's okay!, he's getting better!
published: 09/05/2020 
Misperception by bibliosoph 
Based on a prompt I got on Tumblr: "It's okay, it was just a mistake." I probably could have gone more angsty or something but ehhhhh So here's some freaking-the-fuck-out-and-being-dramatic Alex!
tags: Cute, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending, Alex is dramatic, Henry is so In Love, david is needy
published: 28/05/2020
Father’s Day by HMS_Chill
Father's Day in the Claremont-Diaz-Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor household is a lot. Henry is the father of the youth shelters, so it's his job to look after the one in Brooklyn at the very least. And Alex and his dad are close, so of course they'll spend the day with Oscar. But Henry's missing his own father, too.
Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, big feels tbh, Lots of Emotions™, Fluff and Angst, Angst, Light Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Henry misses his dad
notes from me: trigger warning: for mentions of death, parents death and mourning
would you just- (lie here with me) by GodOfGlitter
Three times Henry woke up in the middle of the night and the one time he didn’t.
* Featuring Game of Thrones, support systems, and a whole lot of domesticity.
3 + 1, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Domestic Fluff, Domestic Bliss, Drunkenness, Insomnia, References to Depression, Sad and Happy, Marriage, but it's a dream sorry, someone get Henry sleeping pills pls
words: 3318
chapters: 1/1
published: 01/07/2020
notes from me: trigger warning: for insomnia
Reminder  by youlostpleiad
Alex has a bad day at work.
Henry does what he knows best
tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, basically henry is a little cinnamon roll, also bake off
chapters: 1/1
published: 29/06/2020 
The Royal Wedding by DracoWillHearAboutThis 
HM Queen Mary is delighted to announce the engagement of Prince Henry to Mr Alexander Claremont-Diaz.The wedding will take place in the Spring or Summer of 2025, in London. Further details about the wedding date will be announced in due course. 
Prince Henry and Mr Claremont-Diaz became engaged earlier this week during a private holiday in Paris. Prince Henry has informed The Queen and other close members of his family. Prince Henry has sought and received the blessings of Mr Claremont-Diaz's parents.
The couple will live in Nottingham Cottage at Kensington Palace. 
Marriage Proposal, Wedding, Wedding Planning, Established Relationship, Fluff, Crack, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Wedding Night, Paris (City), Life at Kensington Palace, Homophobia, Racism
words: 51577 
chapters: 12/12
completed: 15/07/2020
notes from me: one of my fave fics ever, this is incredible and reccomend all fans of firstprince to read unless the following may trigger you
 trigger warning: for racism and homophobia
These Days  by bibliosoph
Alex just wants to know what's wrong.
Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Baggage, Depression, Cuddles, Love, Sad with a Happy Ending, henry is a sad boi, alex loves him so much
words: 8460
chapters: 5/5
completed: 19/07/2020
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cinematicnomad · 4 years
7, 8, 15?
007. what do you think are the characteristics of your personal writing style? would others agree? eeesh, do i have any characteristics of my writing?? i feel like this is a question for @crazyassmurdererwall bc she’s amazing and has been beta’ing my work for ages. i think...i prefer character introspective pieces. even when i’m writing something plotty i can get distracted with pages of the protagonist’s thoughts and feelings with zero dialogue.
i also have a habit of writing in third person limited perspective and narrowing myself to a single POV. take my hand (take my everything) was different bc i started swapping POVs from buck to eddie to maddie and back again randomly. i don’t usually do that. 
008. is what you like to write the same as what you like to read? ehhhhh no. i mean. ?? i write things that i definitely feel i would want to read! that’s how you never said a word came about—i wanted someone to write a fic about derek and stiles meeting in group therapy and nobody was writing it so i did. but for the most part, i look for BIG, EPIC MASTERPIECES that are like. hundreds upon hundreds of thousands words long. whenever i enter a new fandom i search by word count first on AO3 bc i just want to...bury myself in a new world. like. OH MY GOD, i love the loaded march series (1.2M wc) and the down to agincourt series (1M wc)—these huge epics that span years and take intricate planning and detailing and plotting. i could NEVER. taste your beating heart at 112k+ is the longest fic i’ve ever written and it took me SEVEN YEARS!! to write from the time i started writing it to when i finally published the last chapter. 
015. which is harder: titles or summaries (or tags)? oh man summaries!! and titles. tags are usually pretty clear cut for me because i just think of how i would try to search for the big overarching elements of the story i’m writing on ao3 (stuff like: injured character name, slow burn, getting together, etc). 
titles are...annoying if i don’t come into them pretty clear cut. usually i choose my titles from whatever song i’ve been listening to a lot of while writing—i’m definitely not a “this title has to mean something” type of person, and more a “what sounds pretty and kind of evokes the ~*feeling*~ i have while writing it.” like taste your beating heart is from a florence + the machine song that i listened to on repeat a lot—that title is definitely evocative of like...how i was thinking of the villain and their POV even though the fic never ever gets into it. take my hand (take my everything) is from a song by perfume genius and is definitely something where i just chose a line from a song i liked and then afterwards was like “...oh actually that fits VERY WELL for a story about buck updating his will to leave everything to eddie” 
summaries suck. i really suck at summaries. WHICH IS HILARIOUS bc back when i was a tiny 14 year old on the harrypotterfanfiction forums i used to advertise my summary writing abilities to fic writers and they’d make requests and i’d fill them out like a little job. and now i try to avoid them and make @crazyassmurdererwall rewrite whatever dribble i come up with 
fun meta asks for writers
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mazojo · 5 years
This or That Tag
ulThanks to the lovelyyyy @seduceme-lovestruck-thearcana for the tag!! ya know I love doing thisss <33
Slow Burn or Love At First Sight: Oh slow burn all the wayyy. I like the development from slow burns and the flavor it provides storewide. Theres nothing as satisfying as seeing that otp slowly falling for each other 🤧 iconic
Fake Dating or Secret Dating: I am a sucker for fake dating and I know its lowkey trashy but its sooo good. The angst that comes when it suddenty all becomes too real and they've fallen for each other and the hurting and feelings and ugh, poetic cinema. Yes I see you Remy Chevalier 👀
Enemies To Lovers or Best Friends To Lovers: ASDFGHJ I sat staring at the screen for like 5 minutes not gonna lie lmaooo. They are both some of my favorite troupes ;w; because both have great transitions and often create some of the best ships ;w; The only reason why I choose enemies to lovers was just because best friends to lovers isnt often done very well so thats the only reason //cries in decision making
Oh No There's Only One Bed or Long-Distance With Correspondence: Oh definitely theres only one bed, I dont need to expand on that asdfghgh plus never really read anything long distance correspondence either lolll
Hurt/Comfort or Amnesia: Also a hard one mannn, because even though I love amnesia plots they always leave me wanting a bit more with all the logic that runs behind it asdfghj my nerd side is showing so ill go with my good ol’ hurt/comfort ✊🏻😔
Fantasy AU or Modern AU: ehhhHH I dont often read AU’s but I think I'd like modern more just because placing characters who aren't used with day to day stuff in modern situations is hilarious lmao
Mutual Pining or Domestic Bliss: Always mutual pinning, its always the answer if theres pining in it ASDFGHG (although domestic hhhhh scenarios ahhhh soFThhHHHH)
Smut or Fluff: Just because lately ive been snacking on good fluffy comics to keep my anxiety at its lowest 🤧 truly fluff being the mvp asdfg
Canon Complaint or Fix-It Fic: I dont know what canon complaint is so ill just choose fix it fic asdfgh oops
Alternate Universe or Future Fic: HmmMM I am guessing future fic means like characters in the future all grown uo and stuff and ive read a couple of those for bnha which were A+ quality so yeaaa
One-Shot or Multi-Chapter: One shots always leave me wanting moreee! although it depends on the prompt too ^^
Kid Fic or Roadtrip Fic: ehhHHH dont really read any of them but kid fic is something I would probs read for some pairings so lets go with it ayeee
Reincarnation or Character Death: Dont really read any of ‘em but gonna go with reincarnation just because I dont wanna see characters die ;w; //rip
Arranged Marriage or Accidental Marriage: OhHH Definetely arranged marriage! theres a lot of angsty scenarios there plus ive read a couple of good webcomics about it xDD right up my feels check alley 
High-School Romance or Middle-Aged Romance: Love both tbhh, it really depends on the ship, but I guess I read more young adult stories/plots so ill go with it ^^
Time Travel or Isolated Together: I've read few time traveling stories but now I began imagining some of my fav ships in time traveling situations together and I could not jus not choose it lmaooo
Neighbors or Roommates: roomateeessss because I amine all the awkward scenariossss yesssss
Si-Fi AU or Magic AU: ehHHH Not really into any of them much but I guess magic just for the sake of cool wizard situations lmao
Body Swap or Genderbend: lmaooo imagine freaky Friday but its your favorite dynamic duo, iconic.
Angst or Crack: Its always angst time in this household my dudz
Apocalyptic or Mundane: I prefer mundane tbhh, apocalyptic can get a bit ehhhh in my opinion because it stresses me out lol
I am tagging the lovelies @ladykateofledfordpark @lady-kato @ellieschoices and  @ultnari if yall wanna do it  ^^
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Favorite Passage Written
thanks for the tag @galadrieljones! For this tag, you share your personal favorite passage that you have written this far. 
I’m going to tag @agentkatie @laraslandlockedblues @ladymdc @negotiator-on-site @bitchesofostwick @inquisitorsmabari @melaena @idrelle-miocovani @lyriumyue:) ALSO if you see this and I didn’t tag you but you want to do it anyway....please do it and tag me! :)
I tried approach this differently. I considered isolated passages by themselves with consideration to how they appeared as a part of a whole. In truth I think as an artist I am more attached to my current DBH project and will probably end up writing something that surpasses this (If I not already have, I was close to picking the chapter where Connor and Sophie dance to “now or never.”) However, I picked a snippet from the penultimate chapter of my first fanfic I published, In Waking Dreams. This is my favorite passage from my slowburn for a number of reasons: Removed from the work as I am now, I think the writing is quite stunning. A lot of times time will make me go ehhhhh but I am still quite proud of this. Furthermore it’s a good summation of Cullen and Lydia’s relationship, kind of mystical with a raw passion and sensuality, mutual support clear. I had always planned on them having this conversation about faith at this point in the story, and it was fulfilling to get to write it. It also callbacks an earlier important chapter, which I find dramatically satisfying. 
Anyway, here it is: (under the cut for length and also slightly nsfw, though not too graphic.)
Warmth like the light of a candlelit glow was her skin, soft against his rough palms. She was warm and beckoning underneath him, her arms and legs coiled around his waist, pressing his body into hers. Time did not slow during their night before, the night before the world would change, but in their lovemaking, they were unhurried and slow. She was neither the Herald, nor the Inquisitor, and though she looked as Cliodna looked in the book of stories his mother used to read to him, she was not Cliodna. She was Lydia. Radiant as the sun, beautiful as the sun and eventually the moon and stars that spilled from her open balcony. Radiant, beautiful, and brave Lydia. Once, he recalled, she said he was the one that was brave. But he found her the bravest of all.
He stopped counting the minutes in her arms, stopped trying to be anything other than what he was. He was frantic and desperate at first, too needy. He wanted every inch of her, immediately and all at once. He kept it out of his mind the entire day, that perhaps he could lose her, that she may not come back. At last, alone in her room and in her arms, together in their own little world, the thought came. If this truly could be the last time, if he would live the rest of his life without living in her sun…
A whisper of his name, a hand on his chest beckoned him: slow.
“Cullen,” she said, as his mantle fell to the floor, followed by his breast plate, followed by everything else, “slow.”
He was in her arms soon after, and they were stripped to the most basic parts of themselves in front of the open sky, in front of the evening sun. Cullen and Lydia. The whole world could murmur and whisper about how different they were, how uncommon. The sun knew they weren’t different at all. The sun, and then later the moon and stars, knew how he was only really Cullen, when he was with Lydia.
She sighed afterward when his beard tickled her stomach, his cheek against the slight plumpness. The unexpected sound delighted him. For as slow as their love was, every moment held a gravitas. He filled her, sank deep inside inch by inch as their hands interlocked together, and their eyes never once drifting away, save when they kissed. He lived a lifetime in her eyes. He committed every part of her to memory. Every sigh, every sharp intake of breath, every touch, he sealed within to remember.
Her content sigh, her hand caressing his cheek, it brought him home.
“You’ve never lost your faith.”
The statement, said in the after of their coupling, surprised him a little. “I’m not sure of that,” he admitted, gliding across her body. “I may have. Once or twice at least.”
“But you always came back,” she said. “You always came back to your faith.”
It was a comfort, during the long nights he went without sleep in Kirkwall. It was a comfort to think there was a grand design somewhere, that perhaps the Maker had more for him. It was perhaps why he didn’t do something sooner, make his own life.
He knew better then. He knew to believe, have faith. Have faith, but act. Always, act.
“I saw Morrigan before you came to the chantry,” he said, his memories bringing him back to the more immediate.
“Did she have a sarcastic quip ready for you?” Lydia asked, a smile in her eyes.
“No,” Cullen said, chuckling as he remembered her earlier comment about griffons. “She only said that I should believe in you.”
“I know you do. I see it when you look at me, and…” she sighed, content as he gently kissed her neck and collar. “You believe in me. Even at the beginning, when I wasn’t sure if I believed in myself.”
His brows furrowed. “You didn’t believe?”
“I don’t think I did at first. Not when so much of my life was spent living the way I lived.”
“It wasn’t all me,” he said, for he knew, it was mostly her.
“I found freedom in so many different ways.” She stroked his cheek. “Someday, we’ll be free. I believe that.”
“What else do you believe in?”
“Living,” she said simply.
“This moment. Our freedom. You. Us.”
He wondered. She invoked the Maker, but she never spoke of Andraste, or if she was devout. “Do you believe in the Maker?” he asked.
She was silent for a moment, contemplating. “I wasn’t sure if I believed in Him,” she admitted. “Or any gods, really. I still don’t know, after what I’ve seen, strange as it may be. But feeling the way you make me feel? That’s given me more reason to believe, more than anything that’s happened. I can’t understand kneeling and praying to the Maker. But if it gives people hope, if it gives you hope, and if you still believe after all this time, then I admire you.”
“Come back to me.”
He didn’t plead to the Maker or Andraste. His plea was to her.
She closed her eyes. The confession came. “Cullen. I’m frightened.”
She rose a little, her eyes meeting his. They lived another lifetime in each other eyes. “Not of Corypheus,” she said. “He doesn’t frighten me. What frightens me if the thought of leaving you.”
A tear fell, and then another, Lydia wiped them away, kissed them as they fell from his cheeks.
“I didn’t want this to happen” he admitted of his tears, though that was pointless now. “I wanted to be happy tonight. I didn't want to see you off with any tears.”
Another kiss. “How long did you bottle up your emotions, Knight Captain Cullen? Cry. Cry for me.”
Then, she cried too. He couldn’t say whose tears he tasted. He could only say that some of the happiest times of his life, were also the saddest. He couldn’t say how it began again, only that he moved to his back, and Lydia moved atop him. He held her hips and he made her come against his fingers, then he kissed her neck as she moved her hips against him. Wandering hands caressed his back, stroked his hair. Hungry mouths, soft lips kissed shapes and plains. She still kissed away tears.
“Cullen. If anything happens to me, if—”
She sighed, momentarily stopping her ministrations. “I only wanted to say, that I want you to live. You must live, no matter what.”
“How can I live without my heart?”
“Cullen…” She closed her eyes, fell against him. “My love. My love.”
He pressed his forehead against hers as he came, fire coiling and warm. Their foreheads touched and he sighed, as if it could implore her to let her hear his thoughts, see the life he wanted with her. It was a beautiful life, with no fighting, the two of them building a home, and a family. Living.
“If you…”
“I would want you to live,” she said. “You must promise me you will.”
“You will come back. To believe anything else…I—” he buried his head against the crook of her neck. “Your life. It…it has never been fair to you, has it? You were taken away to the Circle so young. You came to the Conclave. After everything that happened, there’s a life after. There must be.”
“It’s with you. But if—”
“No Lydia, no. Please do not ask me this. I’ll give you anything, but I won’t…I can’t…”
“You’re so beautiful, when you’re happy.”
“You make me happy. I can’t be happy without—”
“Do you remember Cliodna and Conchobar?”
The story. The story his mother told him as a child, the story he told her, under the stars after Adamant.
“I remember,” he said. “I do.”
“What did Cliodna realize, when the Lady of the Skies asked her to look around?”
“Everywhere,” he said, closing his eyes, knowing. “He was everywhere.”
Their foreheads pressed together again. They were in the same world.
“No matter what happens to me,” Lydia whispered. “I am everywhere. I am the stars, I am the moon, and the sun, and fire and water. I’m in the garden with roses and jasmine.”
“You will always live,” he promised her. “I swear that no matter what happens, I will make sure they all know who you are.”
“I will always go on living, so long as there is fire in you. Part of me is you. Part of me will always be in you. Our souls, they’re made of the same star stuff. We are in the same constellation, you and I.”
They kissed, and when they kissed, they vowed they were the stars.
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honkhonkrichard · 6 years
Okay better version of Chapter 2 where everyone lives under the cut; I’m tagging @belbys becos I need you to know that Andrew mushroom is a coward and this is how it should have gone
Let it be known I’ve never actually read the book, So I’m correcting rewriting the parts I know.
So, Everything up to Stan starting to cut himself, he stops and, much like when the losers have to send Mike their strength while he’s in the hospital, Stan feels a surge of energy rush through him, and his childhood memories of the loser’s club come back to him. He grabs long thick bandages and wraps them around his hands and arms until his forearms are covered layer upon layer with bandages. He collects some small things, and hastily tells his wife that he will be gone for an unprecedented mount of time, but Patty trusts Stan more than anyone else in the world, so she lets him go. 
Skip to when the losers meet up, Mike paces the library until Bill shows up, they are quite happy seeing each other. Then, Ben shows up. Neither Mike nor Bill recognize him at first. Then Bev shows and Ben is clearly still blown away by her beauty. She doesn’t recognize him either. Then Eddie shows up, they’re all very happy. Eddie doesn’t recognize Ben. 
Then Richie shows up, singing Billy Joel and being Richie. He brings the mood up, everyone is happy and havin a good time. Richie recognizes Ben immediately, and praises his final form “Haystack? more like Hayjacked amirite????”
Richie, after being kinda gay with Eddie notices there’s only 6 of them and asks Mike where stan is. Mike tells him that he got a call from Patricia Uris stating He slit his wrists in the bathroom before leaving with nothing more than a few cigarettes and a lighter. The room tenses and sighs, everyone assumes that Stan is dead. 
HOWEVER, because Stan is an overdramatic Fuck, he uses this moment to knock on the door, Camera pan from Stan’s feet up his body where he is casually leaning on the frame in a nice suit, except his hands are still clearly wrapped in bandages. 
Richie fails to notice this, and loses his mind with happiness knowing the lot of them are back together.
the Bill/Bev cheating-on-audra-bill-u-fuck scene is taken completely. 
Skip fast fast fast forward to the fight against IT. Stan stops at the sewers and breaks down crying, stating he can’t go in. He can’t. The club, thinking it’s for the best, Leave stan where he is, telling him they’ll be back. 
In the fight, When Bill and Richie have gone catatonic, Eddie shoves his arm down IT’s throat. In this moment, no one is remotely satisfied, but IT gets knocked to the ground (Eddie then loses his arm when this happens) and behind him is Stan with a base ball bat. 
IT dies. yaaaay. 
Cut to the group losing their minds about Eddie. Stan takes off his bandages and begins to wrap up Eddie’s wound. He then takes his jacket, Richie’s coat, any extra layers, etc, to help stop the bleeding. Ben, after destroying the eggs (?) says that they should take him to the hospital.
In the hospital, Bill is coming up with some bullshit excuse as to how Eddie lost an entire arm, the others have a heart to heart. 
Richie admits to Stan that he’s been having an identity crisis, and losing Eddie won’t help that. He says there’s this term “the kids” have been using- Bisexual.
Stan starts to tell Richie about how he almost killed himself. He breaks down crying, admitting he wished he had never forgotten about Richie, and tells him how much their friendship (and the loser’s club) means to him. 
Meanwhile, Ben and Bev catch up. Bev admits to Tom’s actions, and Ben tells her that she deserves the world, someone who treats her like the fucking mona lisa, etc. Ben carefully admits he wished he could show her what love and romance could be. Bev kisses him and says then why don’t you? January embers? Ben looks at her with heart eyes and says my heart still burns there. it never stopped. and they keep kissing. 
Eddie wakes up, and richie asks to be alone with Eddie for a bit. it’s Bev who winks and ushers them all out. 
Richie cries as he tells Eddie that he would never forgive himself if he was the reason Eddie died. Eddie, drugged out of his fucking mind, tells Richie he would die for him, because he loves him. 
“but your married?” “yes.” “but you love me?” “m supr’sd too.”
They kiss while Eddie is still in the hospital bed. Eddie makes Richie promise to kiss him when he’s sobered up, and promises Richie he’ll never be alone again. 
The movie ends with Richie and Eddie driving Stan back to Georgia, where Richie and Patty get along famously (and richie coos at Stan calling her Plum)
Ben and Bev live in Chicago together, slow dancing to a nice Billy Joel song (eh? Ehhhhh??) where Bev tells Ben that he has the heart of a poet. 
Audra, who recovered nicely, rushes to tell her husband something very special. She waits for Bill to get off the phone with Mike before telling him she’s pregnant. Bill is overjoyed. 
The final shot is the seven drinking around the table, with bev showing off her engagement ring, Bill telling them Audra’s pregnant (Whom they will be naming Georgie) Eddie and richie admnit to be dating and Stan tells them he and Patty are moving to LA to be closer with Eddie and Richie. Mike is there too, narrating the whole thing.
I loved you guys, you know. 
I still do.
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shadowsong26fic · 7 years
Coming Attractions!
…insert clever opening quip here? (lol)
Ehhhhh, I’m behind where I want to be, a little bit (as you may have noticed from the fact that I haven’t gotten a chapter up for last week, whoops…I’m hoping to get one up tonight or tomorrow? We shall see…) It’s looking like three or maybe four chapters left in Lessons, so right now I’m setting a goal to finish this arc by the end of the year. Depending on how on-task I remain (and how busy work is; etc.), I might end up doing a double update one week to meet that.
After that, we get into Reunion, which I think will make people happy. (I know I’ve been asked about it…several times…^^;;)
I’m hoping to get the next chapter up by the end of the year—again, depending on how much time/focus I manage to wrangle ::knocks on wood:: I should be able to pull it off. (Like I said I think last month, nothing that actually happens in it is particularly difficult, certainly not on the level of The Goddamn Opera House, it’s just there’s a lot I need to cover before Obi-Wan actually leaves for Utapau because I borked my timeline a little bit.)
In theory, I’ll do another update at some point? I really should write the middle of “A Day at the Races,” but I need to figure out exactly what explodes in their faces. I have most of part three of that story written! As well as scattered bits here and there throughout the timeline (though I think I want to rewrite Anakin and Padme’s first meeting, because I think there’s something slightly different going on than when I drafted it last year). Also, I should do more stuff with what Anakin does as a tiny on Tatooine, with Kitster and Shmi and an OC of mine (because I seem to be pathologically incapable of not creating OCs, lol), and I have to rewrite the bulk of AOTC…Anyway, there will be more of this eventually. Hopefully this month.
AU Outlines:
I put one up last night, hurray! (I’ll admit, parts of it feel a little rushed/sloppy to me, and I know I didn’t go into as much detail as I could/should have in a few places (particularly re: Mace [who, if I were fleshing this out properly would have a much bigger role] and Ahsoka [because Ahsoka]), but given that it was already over 8k, and I got through most of the super important scenes that I’d wanted to cover at least in some measure, I decided to just go for it and post last night. But chances are I’ll go back and add more later at some point. I do like how the Big Melodramatic Climax went, though--like the last five/ten minutes of the Disney animated BATB with a side of Act 5 of Cyrano de Bergerac; or at least that was what I was going for ^^;;)
Anyway, that aside, I should get at least one more outline up this month; possibly one of the ones I’ve been hinting at for a while or possibly a continuation of one that already exists, but IDK. I may ask for input again at some point, unless I really get going on something on my own. And I always welcome suggestions/prompts even if I don’t specifically ask! It just might take me longer to get to them.
[Also, apropos of nothing, these things are a pain in the butt to transfer from the word processor where I drafted them into tumblr, which seems to have a problem with c/ping bulleted lists…]
I am doing JediFest this month, which should be fun, and Big Bang next year (assuming I’ve signed up properly; I submitted my signup last…Friday, I think? But I haven’t gotten any confirmation/response or anything. I’m going to reach out to the mods again if I don’t hear anything for the end of the week). Due to challenge rules, I can’t say too much more than that, but it should be fun! Though, heh, we’ll see how I am about sticking to a limited wordcount...
Uh, let’s see, what else…I posted Sanctuary to AO3 with some minor edits at the beginning of November…I think that’s pretty much it, other than various noodling, primarily on self-indulgent BS I probably won’t ever post, in an attempt to fill up NaNo wordcount.
Oh, I’ll probably do another Epic Crossover RP OF DOOM update at some point, because, again, we think we’re hilarious. Even if it’s just background details, like the list of fandoms/universes involved, who’s training the various BSG-origin people who went for Jedi training…or something.
Also! Because it fits here better than anywhere else—I am going to see TLJ pretty early on. I probably won’t post much/anything about it here, but if I do, I’ll tag everything with ‘spoilers’ ‘sw spoilers’ ‘star wars spoilers’ and ‘tlj spoilers’ for…probably at least a month? If there’s another tag you want me to use, just send me an ask or reply to this post or something. This is more likely to be an issue on my personal blog, but just in case, wanted to let y’all know.
Original Fic:
…looool I think I wrote like 300 words in the last month, if that? All on The Caladrius. Hopefully more this month. Origfic has been hard lately…
Goals List:
Due to NaNo, I didn’t have one for November, but here goes for December:
1. Finish Arc 5 in Precipice. 2. Update Distaff. 3. Update Auxiliaries. 4. JediFest 5. Pick a story for BB and start working on it. 6. At least three pieces to RF. 7. Those archives I keep mentioning. Are now almost three full years out of date. I should fix that. 8. At least one AU outline 9. Write at least 15k. 10. At least 1k original fic.
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What I’m Writing
Do Dis: List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on. This can be writing, art, vids, gifsets, whatever.
I was tagged by @insanereddragon
Fics I’m Actually Writing Now
The Weight of Us - (BDSM Hartwin, in which Eggsy agrees to be Harry’s live-in Submissive for one year.) Now that I’ve finished with Color Theory, I’m going to start pouring my focus into this baby. I’ve started working on the next chapter and I’m excited to really get started on this fic.
To Dust and Bones - (Hartwin, Zombie AU. Sequel to Dead Man Walking. Eggsy and Harry return to London.) Technically I’m working on this? I just posted the first chapter and I won’t be actively updating it.
Fics That I’m Returning To Soon
The Courting of Eggsy Unwin Sequel - (Harry x Eggsy x Mark Darcy, Sequel fic where Mark is mistaken as Harry and kidnapped by one of Harry’s enemies. Eggsy and Harry must rescue him and deal with the aftermath of Mark finding out the truth about their job.) This one I have planned. I have most of the plot worked out in my head, I just need to write it out and sort the outline. I know it’ll be another big endeavor, so I’m waiting until I finish one of my other big projects before I delve into this one.
Hinterland - (Kingsman/Inception crossover. Hartwin. Eggsy and Harry are captured and put through torture via dream-sharing. The aftermath forces them to be highly co-dependent on one another.) This one I started because I was like OH! Torture fic! I started it without really thinking of the plot, so now I have to sort through that before I start again. But I want to get back to it.
Gucci and Chanel Series - I have plans to write the next part in this series where Kay joins Eggsy, Harry, and Merlin in their relationship. I just got to sort out how I really want the plot to go.
Hotel Echo Whiskey Series - I plan on writing another fic following up Egg Sandwich that focuses specifically on Harry, Eggsy, and Whiskey.
Also all the prompts I have sitting in my messages. I haven’t forgotten about them!
Fics That I Keep Putting Off
Unnamed Hartwinskey - I don’t know if this is putting off, but I do have in my queue a Harry x Eggsy x Whiskey fic planned that I know @virgosista is super excited for. I’m not pushing it off, but I’m waiting until I finish a bit more before I start it.
Sequel to We Are the Night - I want to write a sequel to this, but it’s not high on my priority.
Sequel to Gods and Monsters - Another sequel I need to write, but it’s not high on my priorities.
All my Unfinished fic that haven’t been updated - Lol there are so many to list. Say You’ll Remember Me, Moonlit Knights, and Sins of a Father. I know I should finish what I started but... ehhhhh........ XD
I also have a few fic ideas written down that I want to start but I keep putting off for other fics. Like... A LOT OF FIC IDEAS. I probably could start selling them off.
@dhampir72 @notbrogues @trekkiepirate @getinthefuckingjaeger @potentiality-26 and anyone else that wants to do it because I’m really bad at tagging D:
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lovelenivy · 4 years
I was tagged by @bibright !!!! Wooo these are so much fun tysm !!!! <3
Name(s): Sarah! That's all (':
Fandom(s): oh god. where do i begin? i'm in so fucking many (or at least, i was), so let's see how many i can name (only naming stuff i really got into): TV - sherlock, house, criminal minds, the vampire diaries ; anime - BNHA, yuri on ice, naruto, death note, fullmetal alchemist, haikyuu, hetalia ; games - persona 5, zelda, life is strange (sort of) ; youtube - dan and phil, markiplier/unus annus, jacksepticeye (sort of), game grumps ; music - bts, mcr, fob, p!atd ; other - killing stalking, avatar the last airbender, danny phantom
Where you post: ao3 (pewdiepie), wattpad (pumpkinjimin for new stuff, blackparadeangel for 2015/early 2016 stuff! sorry, not linking them though) and fanfiction.net (unusannus) !
Most popular oneshot (by kudos) overall/this year: overall and this year - "heat of the moment", 274 kudos - 2nd this year was "what you wanted", 243 kudos !
Most popular multi-chapter (by kudos) overall/this year: overall and this year - "light and dark", 513 kudos - 2nd this year was "with you through it all", 163 kudos
Favorite story you've written so far: idk if i really have one ngl ! if i had to choose it'd probably be "i like you" bc i spent 6 whole months on it straight smh.
Fic you were nervous to post: all of them omfg
How do you choose your titles?: depends! used to be what i liked, but sometimes it's song lyrics or a word/phrase straight from the fic
Do you outline?: occasionally! sometimes it actually makes me not wanna work on the fic but sometimes it works. usually if the plot is very all over / has a lot of elements going into it
Complete/In-progress: too lazy to check ngfl. i know theres a lot of incomplete works tho.
Coming soon/not yet started: maybe like 4-6 that i'm still thinking about working on/starting. 1-3 for ones i really wanna work on/start
Prompts?: god i suck at prompts //: i try but ehhhhh
Upcoming work you're most excited about?: ngl this johnlock fic i started ! slightly inspired by another fic i read - set during TSoT a month before John's wedding, with first person pov (which i haven't written in a LONG ass time) pining/depressed!sherlock who is trying not to get back into drugs so that's fun, and i'm thinking maybe oblivious!john but idk yet xijkdkdk and oh boy i'm ready for THE ANGST KSKSKKS though i hate editing and fixing all my americanisms so u g h, anyway let's hope i don't drop it like i do everything else !!
0 notes
ao3feed-bemorechill · 5 years
20 Questions
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2VrQyXR
by lalagirl16
It only takes 20 questions to discover what something is, be it person, place, or thing. It only takes 20 questions to discover someone. To discover who they truly are. In just 20 questions, Rich and Jeremy discover each other.
Words: 6026, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Be More Chill - Iconis/Tracz
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Rich Goranski, Jeremy Heere, Michael Mell
Relationships: Rich Goranski/Jeremy Heere, Rich Goranski & Jeremy Heere
Additional Tags: ive literally been writing this on and off for 5 months, but ehhhhh here, Sexual Tension, Bad Jokes, lots of bad jokes, uhhhhh probably some inaccurate hospital stuff because i dont give a damn, but anyway, rich is a tsundere, Jeremy is awkward, a format that was cool at first and then personally broke into my house and stole my kneecaps, does anyone even read tags, who are these for, aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhh, ahem anyway please ignore all of this and enjoy the fic
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2VrQyXR
0 notes
Are we all connected?
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2ltrsVU
by iiLeg
Jasper is scared of Pink Diamond The diamonds want war and all pearl wants is attention
Words: 325, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English
Fandoms: Steven Universe (Cartoon)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Pearl (Steven Universe), Rose Quartz, Blue Diamond (Steven Universe), Yellow Diamond (Steven Universe), Pink Diamond (Steven Universe), Jasper, White Diamond (Steven Universe)
Relationships: Pearl/Rose Quartz (Steven Universe), jasper/pink diamond
Additional Tags: My first fic, Anxiety, Angst, Pearl and rose be slayin gems, ehhhhh
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2ltrsVU
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