#eiden cosplay
sototesschmee · 6 months
✨Eiden Dance✨
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tired-apa · 4 months
Eiden Cos trial
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Been itching to do this lovely man RAAAGGGGHHHH im so happy with the results!! Hope i can but the jacket soon but still satisfiedwith how it looks🥺🫶.
Need to improve this shape-shifting skills (make-up) but ey, best male make up I've ever done tho hehehehe
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fisheito · 4 months
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everyone gets a turn in the ridiculous skintight edmondsuit. or at least, .everyone SHOULD
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zancorvid · 9 months
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Nu: Carnival Gathering @ Anime Los Angeles 2024 (Sun 01/07)
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honk-fiyeeet · 3 months
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Posting my eiden trial and eiden look durinv BLush con at ph😚😚
I love how gender i look and yes, i am posting this for EIDEN DAY!!!!
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fanyyoshida04 · 9 months
Cosplay de Fany x Andrew
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ihateclaws · 2 years
To be fair the shape of Eiden’s glasses is not really fixed; I just thought huge round glasses obscure larger area of his face.
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tiredfudanshi · 7 months
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"I'm gonna do a quick breather project between big cosplays hmm eiden's jacket is simple"
three months of perfectionism later:
i have made a huge lapse in my judgement on what casual project means
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asteralley · 27 days
day one of anime magic is done 🥳
one artist complimented my kuya cosplay and I saw they had nucarni merch so I bought dante + eiden
but now I'm realizing I didn't buy kuya?? girl I'm going back tomorrow to that artist
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hollowfaith · 9 months
[FASHION] fet--cosplay outfit of some sort for SP*T
𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑐 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑐𝑦 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑠 || [FASHION] Sender brings over an outfit for receiver to try on
2:47PM, Sanctus Clinic top floor, private study.
"This is terrible...I think I'm dying..."
"As far as I can tell, you're still in perfect health."
"No, I mean my heart! From the constant rejections and putdowns..."
"It can't be very dire if you still have enough energy to monologue."
Eiden stopped his Victorian fainting act on the couch and sat up with a sigh. "Man, I guess fishing for sympathy really doesn't work on you."
"I've never had much sympathy for you." Aurelius admitted openly from behind his desk, eyes buried in a psychology textbook. "If you're done complaining, you can leave early today."
"Huh? Didn't you ask me to come every week for an hour?"
"I'm beginning to think I was over-generous in estimating the value of our sessions." The blond peeked at him over the top of his book. "There's no helping the patient who refuses to help himself."
"Aren't you supposed to work with me as my counselor?" Eiden shot to his feet, grabbing the parcel he'd left on the coffee table and stalking his way to the desk. "I'm doing this as a favor to you too, you know. I still have a store to run!"
He placed the bag brightly emblazoned with SP*T's logo on the angel's desk and looked at him expectantly. "Since you're taking me away from my customers, at least help me test out some merchandise."
Two seconds later and Eiden was ducking below the table as Aurelius sent a flurry of writing utensils flying through the air at his face.
"I don't mean that kind of merchandise! It's clothes, just clothes!"
"Get out."
The cold tone sent a shiver down Eiden's back, but he still wanted to give it one last shot. He'd gone too far to back down so easily, dammit!
"That's harsh..." Peeking over the table, he saw that the surface was clear of potential projectiles. This guy still couldn't levitate anything bigger than a baseball, so the book couldn't fly at him on its own. If Aurelius decided to throw it at him, he'd at least see his arm moving first as a warning. "Are you really going to chase me out like that? What kind of mental health clinic leaves their patient more miserable after he leaves?!"
But Aureliusf was unmoved. "Success rates for therapy vary between patients. I've already marked you down as a hopeless case, so your disappointment is well within my expectations."
"Eh?!" Isn't that discrimination?!
"If you have nothing else to add, please leave."
"Well, fine but...Klaus is going to be disappointed." And as Eiden turned towards the door, he mentally counted down in his head.
Three, two—
"Why would he be?"
Oh hey, the blond bastard's a second early this time. Not one to waste his chance, Eiden put on his best kicked-puppy face and whirled back to face him. "Because I was telling him how you were helping me, but you're not even trying today!"
It was more empty complaints, but Aurelius actually stopped to take him seriously. His one blind spot is seriously... Eiden ducked his head to hide the growing grin on his face, putting on a pathetic air at the same time.
"I even took the time to pick this out for you...it's in your size and everything, and I made sure it didn't show any skin since someone's so uptigh—cough, I mean, conservative."
"The word you're looking for is dignified."
"Pff—cough, cough, right."
There's a long, stiff silence in which Eiden's eyes trace patterns on the carpet while Aurelius engages in a silent debate in his head. Finally, the human hears the words he'd been waiting for, dragged out from the depths of the abyss like a long-suffering sigh:
"Let me see it."
Eiden's eyes are sparkling when he looks back up. "Sure!"
The two of them stood over the freshly cleared table as Eiden eagerly unpacked the set. It was black, Aurelius noted—a color he rarely wore, but would look good on him nonetheless. The quality of the fabric was well below his usual standards, but then Eiden had explained that this was all for "cosplay" purposes and comfortable gatherings with loved ones—whatever that meant. He picked up what looked like outerwear and studied its precisely cut collar in puzzlement.
"Is this military garb?"
"Ehhh...sort of. It's a police uniform? Wait, do you guys even have police in your world?"
"They're redundant when we barely have crime."
"Oh, wow...but anyways, check this out! It even comes with a badge and a hat."
"And this?" Aurelius held up what appeared to be a stick with a floppy paddle attached to its end.
"Uh, that's a riding crop. You know, for...disciplining purposes."
"I see you didn't bother to bring a horse."
"Cough. It's not for use on horses."
Silence. Then—
"Oww! What'd you whip me for?!"
"I sensed you needed discipline."
"Sheesh, if you're that eager at least give me warning fir—aurgh! OW! Okay okay, I'll stop, I'm sorry, owWWwwWw!"
Aurelius finally set the crop aside. "Is your only request for me to wear this?"
Eiden bit back a laugh as he winced. "Well, yeah." I can't really ask for anything more if I want to stay in one piece.
"How childish." Aurelius scoffed, but gathered up the pieces and headed for his private bathroom. "Wait here."
Eiden spent the next stretch of time agonizing over the best way to trick Aurelius into adopting some poses, or at least stand still enough for him to snap a picture, or maybe even squeeze in a selfie with him because damn if the guy looked good even if he was a massive prick—
The bathroom door creaked open, and Eiden caught his breath, equally eager but anxious to see the results.
Aurelius stepped out in police uniform with a faint furrow between his brows. Everything was in order: shirt tucked in, collars straightened, each button buttoned to the very top. A peaked police cap sat neatly over the center of his forehead, but he was frowning as he tugged at his hands.
"The gloves are highly impractical," he complained faintly at the leather that refused to go any lower than the middle of his palm. "Did they run out of material making these?"
When Eiden didn't reply, Aurelius looked up to see the man staring blankly at him, his expression utterly idiotic. Annoyed, the angel walked up to him and snapped his fingers.
"I asked you a question. Are you not going to answer?"
Gulp. Swallowing thickly, Eiden managed to ask, "...can you do that again?"
"That line you just said, except—oh hold on, I forgot something." Scrambling around his jacket pockets, Eiden finally remembered his special prop and brought it out with a flourish. "Take these!"
Aurelius regarded the handcuffs suspiciously. "This isn't part of the outfit."
"No, but it fits! What kind of police officer doesn't carry cuffs around, right? Just loop them around your belt—wait, you're not wearing one."
"These pants fit well enough without," the angel was beginning to get exasperated. "Have you seen enough? I'm going to change back."
"No, wait!" Eiden hastily dug his phone out next. "At least a photo—"
"Not even for Klaus?"
"He's never requested me to wear such things."
"That's only because he doesn't know how good you look in them!" Eiden said eagerly. "Here, I'll snap one and send it to him—"
He tried to open the camera app with one hand; just as deftly, Aurelius swiped his handcuffs and slapped one end around Eiden's wrist. The human blinked in surprise before he flushed.
"Huh. Didn't expect you to start roleplayi—."
"Enough." Dragging the man after him, Aurelius found a handy doorknob and locked the other half of the cuffs around it, effectively leashing Eiden in place. It was child's play after that to pry the cell phone out of the man's fingers and toss it out of reach on the sofa in the study.
"Huh, what gives—?!"
"You're quite right that I hadn't considered Klaus' thoughts on the matter," Aurelius said calmly while waving at his own phone, which dutifully levitated off the bookshelves and into the air as it floated to his side.
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"Thank you. I'll be sure to give him the full visual experience."
And before Eiden's flabbergasted eyes, he left the office for the connecting room to...have a solo selfie session. Eiden tried to follow him—but the handcuffs held firm and the door was locked, trapping him in place. He dug in his pockets for the keys, only to remember he'd left them at the shop that day for fear of losing them in transit. Short of ripping the door off its hinges or turning Houdini in the next five minutes, he was stuck.
"Hey, this isn't fair!"
Predictably, his complaints fell on deaf ears.
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tired-apa · 4 months
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Im actually feeling very insane, i just need contacts for him and just a backup jacket, and then i can finally cos babygirl🥹🥹
Might just post at my cos blog here @honk-fiyeeet !! But I'm rlly excited to finish this UEUEUEUE
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ask-the-monster-nest · 3 months
How would you react if you saw your husband, Jacob Patterson, cosplaying as the Xenomorph from the 1979 film, Alien?
Eiden: that be nice. I'd love to see it.
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fisheito · 1 year
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@requiodile @idololivine [ushers yall into a conspiratorial huddle] kuya is made of evil milfery (purple) and 150% concentrated power of will (petty) and could make a lot of ppl confused/scared/horny even if he cosplayed ronal mcdonal. u agree
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zancorvid · 9 months
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Nu: Carnival Gathering @ Anime Los Angeles 2024 (Sun 01/07)
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An scenario: Eiden dresses up as the Xenomorph to scare Jacob.
When Jacob walks out of his shower, towel wrap around his waist, Eiden jumps in and yells "boo!" Instead of being scared, Jacob's eyes widen in excitement.
Eiden smirks "I could totally do that! I could make a great cosplay and include make up and stuff!"
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eiden-seitsurugi · 4 years
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“If that’s what it takes to be just, then I want nothing to do with justice. I’d rather be hated and feared like Mad King Ashnard. I’d rather the dark god take my soul. I’m going to save my people, Sothe. If the rest of the world paints me as a beast to be reviled and hated, so be it.”  
[[ Eiden as Micaiah, the Silver-Haired Maiden and Priestess of the Dawn, for All Saint’s Wake! Featuring Road Sparrow as Yune ]]
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