#eiden lies down
fisheito · 7 months
I am currently going thru every chapter from the beginning so i can gather screenshots of everyone's emotions
Even tho i BET one of u hyperfixators already has an entire library all cleaned and ready for use
But i'm gettin some fun outta reliving the old days so who am i to deprive myself of some choice🤌👌nostalgia
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halfetirosie · 2 months
(Star Message 08 - 10 React-os!)
1) Yeah, I knew that this Brahe fellow wouldn't have been popular in the academic community... 😅
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But it is pretty funny that the first person to recognize the name is Morvay, of all people! 😂
No shade to Morvay---I don't even fully agree with the notion that Morv ain't a smart guy. It's just, given his usual activities, it's funny to think that Morv has a lot of info that he obtained through sucking a LOT of dick! 😂😂😂
2) To quote Shakespeare, "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."
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This guy is FOR SURE lying.
And I don't say that just because he's acting SUS AF; nobility always has thorough records of their family tree. (Hell, in a lot of fantasy stories, one can only have a family name if they're a part of nobility.) There is NO WAY this noble doesn't know of the scholar Brahe.
3) I'm sorry, but WHAT??? (⊙ᗣ⊙)
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Ew ew ew ew ew!!!! I'm sorry, but I am just SO NOT into tentacles, just imagining that is unpleasant...
Also, HOW would he attach tentacles to his back??? I know Blade is a robot man, but it's not like he has openings in his back meant to attach tentacles to.
Unless the openings are under his skin, in his robot skeleton??? So he would have to rip his skin off to get to the openings???? 🤢🤢🤢
Confused on the logistics on this...
4) Well, this was unexpected!
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At first I thought this was an actual alien abduction, but then I thought about it, and I figured out this was just a dream sequence.
Can you imagine if this really was a sudden abduction??? That would've been pretty funny!
Have we ever seen another character's dream sequence in an event story??? I think this is the first time---the times we've seen the illusions they experience don't count to me.
5) Is Blade just going to be fully upside-down this whole time? 😂
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6) I FUCKIN CALLED IT!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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This bitch had the AUDACITY to lie to the Vice Captain's face, and now he's cowardly sneaking into the woods to try and burn the cabin down?!?!?!
That is 1) SHITTY, and 2) SO DAMN STUPID!!!
(Even if he did succeed, he would obviously be suspect #1!!! Dumbass!!!)
7) Oh GOD, it's worse than I thought!!!!
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This bitch-ass nobleman was Brahe's SON!
And he has the gall to speak so horribly about his father?!
Even disrespecting him when Brahe has already died?!?!?!
Listen. I can understand holding resentment for bad parents. But from my perspective, Brahe was not irresponsible or crazy. He was just a man ahead of his time.
Being happy about his death---the death of a perfectly-fine family member---is FUCKED UP.
Fuck this nobleman! All my homies hate this nobleman!!!
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This dumbass lies to law enforcement, gets caught trying to commit arson, disrespect his deceased father, and NOW insults Blade & Co. to their face?!?!?!
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9) I WILL PROTECT YOU, BLADE!!!! (⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄ ㅁ o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝)
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Damn, that bitch-ass nobleman really got under his skin. Poor Blade!!! 😭😭😭
I wonder how often Blade feels like an outsider/"strange." I hope that it isn't a regular thing, since the mansion is full of people who support him; and this was just because he encountered an ignorant asshole in the wild.
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This is so heartbreaking, man.... I thought that after the end of the Detectives Event, Blade would value his curiosity and intellect more...
But I guess, as is true in life, he needs more time to feel secure about that. Change is never immediate. Just like any other person, he needs to work on it---
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---and he will need plenty reminders of how special he is in the meantime. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
☆ End of report! ☆
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not-a-seagull · 4 months
PRISON CELL – 12: “Breaking the Law”
Background: None.
Music: None.
Meanwhile, inside the hidden passageway—
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Background: Crow Prison.
Music: BGM 019.
Eiden: The exit is just up ahead!
Inmates: Freedom—!
Eiden: (Damn, this is exhilarating… Never thought I’d be part of a real prison break…!)
Eiden: (I wonder how Edmond and Quincy are getting on…)
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Background: Maximum Security Isolation Cell.
Music: BGM 023.
Eiden: … Alright, the plan is: I’ll spill the beans about the hidden passageway and convince the other inmates to escape with me.
Eiden: Then, I’ll use Aster’s magic pellets to create a distraction to get us past the guards.
Eiden: The bigger the commotion we make, the more likely the Warden is to panic and reveal the location of his illegal stash of crowcave…
Eiden: And then we just have to follow him to where X marks the spot!
Quincy: … Will that work?
Eiden: I know staging a mass prison break is pretty out there… And I was almost sure you’d be against it, Edmond…
Edmond: I most surely am. In fact, I was against you getting yourself imprisoned here in the first place.
Eiden: Whoa, it’s a little late to be saying that!
Edmond: … However, keeping a close eye on troublemakers is part of my duties.
Eiden: E-Edmond…
Edmond: I will assemble a team to await you at the hidden passageway’s exit.
Edmond: I’m sure you have no desire to add to your tally of crimes, Fraudulent Sorcerer. Isn’t that right?
(End of flashback)
Background: None.
Music: None.
Eiden: (Well, I’ve done my part… It’s all up to those two now…)
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Background: Crow Prison.
Eiden: Freedom lies just behind this door!
Excited Inmate: finally, I’m getting out of here!
Nervous Inmate: *sob* *sob*... I can’t believe it…
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Background: Forest.
Eiden: Whoa…! My eyes… Sunlight!
Knight Commander: Inmates of Crow Prison! You are surrounded!
Excited Inmate: W-What!?
Knight Commander: Put your hands behind your heads and get down on your knees! Now!
Eiden: Oh no… How could this happen…
Background: None.
Eiden: (Nice work, Edmond! The knights locked this whole are down right on time…)
Background: Forest.
Music: BGM 019.
Edmond: Knights! Attention!
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Edmond: 1st and 2nd Squadrons, detain the escapees and seal all prison entries and exits!
Edmond: 3rd Squadron, we will enter the prison and search for any inmates still on the loose!
Knights: Yes, Vice-Captain!
(sounds of footsteps)
Eiden: (... Take it away, Edmond!)
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Background: Prison Workshop (Open).
Music: BGM 018.
Warden: Help? What is that supposed to mean—
Quincy: … He’ll help you move this all out into the open.
Warden: ……?!
Music: None (Sound of footsteps followed by sound of a door opening).
Edmond: Warden? I caught word of a disturbance and immediately assembled a team of knights to provide assistance.
Edmond: What are you doing here in the workshop? You should be out there trying to take control of the situation.
Warden: I… Erm, well… I can explain…
Edmond: Hmm? That piece of wood in your hand… And those blocks in that storage room there… Is that… crowcave?
Edmond: Warden! Explain yourself at once!
Warden: … T-This is all just a big misunderstanding…
Quincy: He’s been ordering the illegal felling of crowcave trees and using the inmates to turn the lumber into sellable goods.
Quincy: Just now, he wanted me to help him move his stash to a new location— I can testify to his crimes.
Edmond: … It seems further investigation is in order. warden, I’m afraid to say you are under arrest—
Warden: Y-You wouldn’t dare! T-There’s a mass prison break in progress! ignoring that constitutes a major dereliction of duty! I’ll have your head for this—
Edmond: Not to worry, Warden, the knights have the situation fully under control.
Background: None (white).
Music: BGM 019.
Edmond: Your time might be better spent thinking up a good excuse as to why you manipulated the prison system to run an illegal crowcave smuggling operation.
Edmond: You’re surely going to need one!
Background: Prison Workshop (Open).
Warden: G-Gah…!
Background: None (white).
Cornered and out of options, the Warden draws his baton and swings it wildly through the air—
Edmond: !
(Warden swings his baton at Edmond, who avoids the attacks.)
Quincy: … Hopeless.
Warden: Gyah! My arm—!
Quincy grabs the Warden’s baton-wielding arm and squeezes. Crying out in pain, the warden drops his weapon to the floor.
Edmond: It appears I’ll have to add attempting to assault an officer in His Majesty’s service to your list of crimes. That alone is enough to have you locked away for a very long time.
The young knight reaches out and places the pale-face Warden in manacles.
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Background: Forest.
Music: BGM 016.
Edmond: Charged with multiple crimes, the Warden of Crow Prison has been apprehended and taken to the royal capital for questioning.
Edmond: The knights will be responsible for maintaining order in the prison until such time as a new Warden is appointed.
Edmond: Moreover, the previous Warden is suspected of tampering with prison records.
Edmond: As such, the knights will reorganize all information pertaining to the crimes and punishments of each inmate to ensure that no individual is punished unjustly.
Knight Commander: Listen here! Starting from my lefthand side, come up in groups of ten and state your names!
Eiden: (The knights have the situation totally under control…)
Eiden: (And it looks like Quincy and Edmond made a pretty good team—)
Kneeling with the rest of the inmates, Eiden looks up to see the tall forest guardian.
Dressed in his prison uniform, Quincy stands out even more than usual with Edmond and the other knights by his side.
Quincy: ……
Topper: *squeak* *squeak*! *squeak*!
Quincy: You led the Vice-Captain well. He made it to the workshop right on time.
Topper: *squeak*... *squeak*!
Quincy: I’ll make a big batch of dried meat for you later.
Quincy: (And…)
Looking into the crowd, Quincy sees Eiden among the other inmates, bathed in the glow of the morning sun.
A few beads of sweat cling to Eiden’s forehead, a look of relief on his face.
Eiden: Whew~ Stuck out here under the sun like this, I could totally take a nap… I didn’t get a wink last night, after all…
The newest inmate, and prison break instigator, sits down on the ground, throws his head back and yells to the sky—
Background: None (white).
Eiden: I’m wiped—!
End of chapter.
Background Images: NU Carnival wiki.
Images of the Knights: NU Carnival wiki.
Transcript: did it myself, with the help of this video.
Last chapter: Prison Cell 11 | Next chapter: Prison Cell 13
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kleinstar · 6 months
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Send a number to bring my muse… (ACCEPTING)
>> random.org says... 'their cellphone'
" Where in the world is it....? "
Eiden's turned the store upside down but he just can't seem to find it.... And it just when he needs to make an important call too! He doesn't even look when the storebell chimes. Neither does he detect the dress shoes clacking against the floor.
" Lost something? "
It's not until he's called Eiden turns his head.
" Oh! Sorry I mis-- ergh. "
Apologetic surprise turns into blatant show of displeasure as his and Aurelius' eyes meet. Eiden turns back to look for the phone.
" I don't have the time for you now. "
" Are your ears a decoration? ... either way they don't seem up for the job. "
" Are you telling me my ears are u-- never mind that!!! What do you want?! "
" I have the thing you're searching for, simpleton. "
Eiden turns and indeed - on Aurelius' hands lies his phone, with the blue coat, rainbow charms and all.
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" Oh wow! Thanks I --- "
As Eiden reaches Aurelius pulls back, rising the phone above his head with a sinister smile spreading on his face. Eiden can feel the words coming from mile away.
" Say pretty please. "
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sxnburst · 2 years
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There's a pull. The kind that beckons him to go to the Hanok to where San Zhang sleeps. The pull is strong, but---
"I'm only going to tell one once, you damn monkey. Get down from there."
Sun finds himself stuck up on the tree. He refuses to go down, refuses to defend himself, but also refuses to obey his master. "N-No." He manages to say through a trembling gasp. That warrants a low chuckle from the man below.
"oho, your time here's really gave you balls of steel, ah? Yah '마, you really got a death wish or something. You're not indestructible here, Sun. So how about you not piss me off and just come on down" Bentley, Sun's master keeps his eyes on his dog. Eventually, he sighs, hands brought up in a surrendering way. "I ain't gon' be mad. I promise. Mm? I know you want to show me something, yeah? I see it in your eyes. You got somewhere to go? You got friends here? How about y'introduce me to 'em?"
Bentley takes a couple of steps back, away from the tree that Sun claimed as his safe haven. Sun shifts, hesitates because he knows Bentley is lying. Yet, despite knowing...part of him wants to believe that his former master means it. "I-I do have friends. They're very nice to me." He says, eyes on Bentley. He can see Bentley through the mist nodding. He smiles, "Right. What's their names?" He asks.
"There's San Zhang, Byleth...Th-There's Monkey King a-and there's Zhilan, Aether. Eiden, there's Wang Y--" "That's a lot of friends you have there. I would love to meet them all." voice is impatient, but Bentley clears his throat and starts again, "But I can't meet any of your friends if you stay up on that tree like that? C'mon bud. We'll also go get something delicious to eat. It'll be my treat."
Sun's tail twitches. Bentley knows he's got the guy now. Still, he remains smiling gently, palms of hands still upward to where Sun can see them. Sun sniffs and looks in the direction of the Hanok. "...Okay..." Sun says. "Okay, I-I'm coming down. But you promised. K-k-keep your promise, Bentley."
"Oh I will. I would never break my promise to you." His reassurance feign.
When Sun finally comes down...Well...
All Sun remembers is Bentley's voice berating the Golden Monkey and then....nothing.
And when Sun comes to his consciousness, he's greeted by darkness. He can't see anything. "Bentley....You lied."
"Mmmmmmmmm-hmmmm. You really think I care about your friends and the people you've gotten close to? You have no idea how long I've waited for this day. You're a lot weaker here, aren'tcha? Not the oh so POWERFUL Monkey King anymore, yeah, yeah?" Bentley chuckles, sighing with content. "I always did have an inkling of fear having you around when I did. Wondered when you were gonna just.......snap. Glad I escaped when I did."
Sun whimpers softly in distress, "Bentley...I didn't want to hurt anyone. You didn't play fair. I-I was already tired--" "YOU tired? You've never been tired. You could go hours, days, YEARS even without rest. You ruined my life, you little shit. You're no longer indestructible and even if you were, you didn't have the heart to kill me then and you don't have it in you to kill me now."
And Sun knew. Bentley knew. Sun could never harm his master. No matter how much he wanted to be free of Bentley, he'd never be able to run away and be the free man he always dreamt of being. Bentley truly has Sun on a leash.
"So you're going to sit here and let us have some fun."
But before Sun can ask his question, he feels a sharp pain in his side. The sudden attack causing Sun to lurch over in pain as he releases a gasp. He has no time to react as he's attacked again, again, and again. Sun is unable to do anything as he's being assaulted with weapons by Bentley and the men Sun had ended that night.
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ringlorn · 1 year
draw except nezha's posing normally (or not even posing)
actions speak louder than words | draw, sender draws receiver like one of their french girls.
Sitting in the lounge of a bookstore cafe, Eiden holds up his pen and closes one eye to squint at the man sitting across his table. For one reason or another, they keep running into each other in public spaces around the city. Not that he's one to complain when this guy, well, looks like that.
"Hey Nezha," he says, part-mischief, part-hope. "can I draw you?"
Li Nezha doesn't even look up from his book (filled with words Eiden only half recognizes, and they're probably wrong too because it's classical Chinese and the characters are complicated beyond belief). Eiden has to wait until the lotus prince turns a page before he even bothers to reply.
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"Because you're hot," Eiden blurts back before he can stop himself. By the time his brain catches up, Nezha's up and staring at him, incomprehension written on his face.
"Are you stupid?" he asks back.
Eiden bristles at that, all embarrassment gone. "Hey! I know hot guys when I see them, all right?! And what's that got to do with my brains, anyways!"
"I don't know. You got any in there?"
Eiden's ready to retort when he realizes that Nezha's smiling at him. Before he can stare too hard, the god realizes it too and goes back to his usual scowl.
"What do you need a drawing of me for, anyways?"
"Tch, it's not that," (Not completely, anyways) "but for practice."
"Yeah, I draw for my job. 3-D models and stuff...so it's good to try with real people sometimes." Intuition told Eiden to keep the adult toys part to himself, for now. "Plus, you're hot."
"Idiot." But Nezha sets down his book to lean against his seat, one arm resting on the windowframe. Golden eyes look at Eiden briefly before evasively turning towards the view outside. "Do what you want."
"Huh? Oh, thanks!" Too surprised by his good fortune to refuse, Eiden grabs a piece of paper and begins to sketch.
It's afternoon when he starts, but the scene quickly changes to nighttime when another one of the city's frequent eclipses falls upon them both. Used to it by now, neither artist nor subject blinks an eye, while the overhead lights of the bookstore combine with the eerie glow outside to give Nezha a soft halo around his head.
By the time Eiden's done sketching, the sun's come back and life's gone on as always. He's eager to show off his work and pushes it across the table first thing. "Here!"
Nezha languidly stretches his limbs before straightening up to pluck the fresh masterpiece off the table. "Uh-huh."
He sees himself in Eiden's eyes from the upper body up: careless but graceful, a sharpness in his brows, the subtle tension in his mouth, and his eyes...looking off into the distance, hard but somehow lost and weary. The whole thing's remarkably accurate to his appearance, but the eyes bother Nezha so much that he almost takes the paper and—
"Hey!" Eiden's shout brings him back to Spirale, just as the human hastily darts forward and snatches his drawing back from fingers about to rip it in half. "Careful with that!"
"Is that what I look like to you?" Nezha demands instead, even as Eiden hugs the paper to his chest defensively.
"What? I thought it was pretty good!"
"Why did you draw my face like that?"
"Like what?" Eiden pauses to glance at his work. "It looks fine!"
"You made me look—" and Nezha stops, fuming instead.
"What's wrong with it?" Eiden's squinting too. "Did I make your nose too big? No, I fixed that...your eyebrows are fine too..."
"Never mind," the god grumbles and picks up his book, hiding his face behind it instead.
"Hey, I could always draw you another one—"
"All right, all right..." Eiden laughs softly, but he's folding up his drawing as quick as he can to put away before Nezha changes his mind about this one, too. His subject was one moody guy, but Eiden could relate.
Even if you don't say anything, you miss them all the same, huh...
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pwurrz · 2 years
thinking of yakumo angst at 5am let’s gooo
so imagine rin tries to lull yakumo into a false sense of security by taking advantage of yakumo’s feelings for eiden. it starts off barely noticeable, just the sweet nothings they usually exchange, but as ‘eiden’ goes on and on more things start to become noticeable. ‘eiden’ is just saying things he knows yakumo wants to hear. how much eiden misses him, how much he loves being around him, how he wishes he could’ve brought yakumo with him to solaria, how he wishes he could spend more time alone with yakumo.
it breaks his heart, but the more ‘eiden’ goes on about how much he favours yakumo, the more yakumo realizes this isn’t his eiden. his eiden doesn’t pick favourites, he adores all of his clan members equally. yakumo loves that about him, even if he selfishly wishes it weren’t true.
he finally snaps when the false eiden entwines his fingers with yakumo’s and tells him with the sweetest smile on his face that he loves him.
later, when his eiden asks how he knew he was dealing with a clone created by rin, yakumo lies. he lies and says he ‘just knew’. eiden doesn’t question him.
he hates lying, and it makes him feel sick to lie to eiden. but he can’t bring himself to admit that he knows deep down his eiden will never tell him he loves him.
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changqwi · 2 years
❛  i can’t recall that i saw anyone.  ❜ [Eiden / Blade]
            brows furrowing  ,  a groan of frustration ekes from his lips as his shoulders sag  .  he knows that blade is telling the truth  ,  after all  ,  the e-droid never lies to him  .  rubbing his temple  ,  so if the person they had been chasing hadn’t come down this way . . . then where did they disappear to  ?!  surely  ,  kuya didn’t decide to join the bandwagon and add to the chaos . . . but then again  ,  the fox had always been mysterious and came and went as he pleased so it wouldn’t be a surprise if kuya was nearby  ,  watching eiden flounder  .             “  blade . . . could you tell me if you find that person  ??  it’s super important  !!  ”  he pleads with e-droid  .  he knows blade will help  ,  eiden doesn’t even need the other to catch said person . . . eiden just wanted to know where they went . . .
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for-gold-and-glory · 3 years
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[Balmung] Shirogane Shogatsu Street Festival Saturday, Jan 15th - 7-11:00pm est Akanezaka Markets, Shirogane, Ward 6
RAWR!! It’s the Year of the Tiger!
Join us in a marvelous community street festival to celebrate the new auspice!  Vendors, performances, and exhibits of all sorts will help ring in the year with friends and family. Get your new years blessings and fortunes! And stay for the mikoshi parade and idol concert. This year, we’re adding a zodiac opera!
We are looking for help! https://discord.gg/4eZ3eNmuCy
Street Festival Vendors: Vendors are the heart and blood of the street festival! We will have a festival map showing your booth location in the master document. We would love to have Eastern vendors, but Ijinn are welcome to! This IS Kugane after all. Food and wares, even services like tattoos are welcome!
You may also be a wandering vendor. That’s a vendor who walks around selling their gear. An example of a wandering vendor is the Happy Li Mask Shop. He goes where he wants and never has a set location.
Games: We love to see game vendors at the Street Festival. Whether it’s marksmanship or koi fishing, if you would like to host  a game, please sign up! Games should not cost gil. Prizes can be IC or OOC, whichever you prefer.
Exhibits: Exhibits are shows of skill, art, or knowledge related to the Heavensturn or Eastern culture. In the past, we’ve had martial art demonstrations and geomancy lectures. If you would like to host an exhibit, message Aegir and we’ll brainstorm how to make it happen
Fortune Telling : We would like 1-2 Fortune Tellers to assist Eiden Seitsurugi with delivering personal fortunes. Eiden uses I-Ching for her fortune telling method, other fortune tellers are encouraged to use whichever method suits their character best. Onmyoji, Security, and the Auspice Game: The auspice game is an interactive mystery involving the zodiac auspice who have snuck into the festival. It is run by Lirilith and we need some auspice volunteers to help her out! Vendors are also encouraged to participate and will be given a list of clues to give people who are playing the game.
The Parade: The Tiger Mikoshi is brought from the pier to the stage in a grand parade! We are looking for groups to sign up to be parade participants. The vendors/games/exhibits shut down temproarily during the parade, so if you’re involved there, you have plenty of time to do both. The same with performers. Parade ideas have ranged from ‘the Kugane blitzball team’ to ‘the Four Lords’ to Eastern themed FCs marching.
Blessing Ritual: When the Tiger Mikoshi reaches the stage, there will be a ritual performed by a local shrine! (Will update later)
Performances: Pop idols and singers from around the world sing to the new year during the performances! There is no limit to the type of music you can play. Performance slots re 10-15 mins. You can split a slot with another player, as long as you don’t go over time! Vendors often choose to close down once performances start.
Firework Festival: Following the performances is a beautiful firework festival everyone is encouraged to participate in.
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swifteiden13 · 5 years
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"I see the high fives between the bad guys."
You know what hurts the most? When you can't do anything for Taylor to regain her masterpiece. I just sit, watch her dragging down by the two rats "Scott and Scooter" and signed the petition that there's no guarantee.
I will support and fight the rats with you. I'm so sorry it's the only thing I can do for you 'signed the petition about regaining your masterpiece from the rats'. It's hurt seeing you like this😩😭 Hopefully that some fans who is near with you will do an action about this issue. You will get the justice soon 'cause the demons never wins. Stay strong, they don't have a rights to say that you should be a good little girl and shut up because in the first place they haven't contribute sweat and blood for the lyrics and tune to your songs. All the sweat and blood are coming from you, only you nothing else. You suffered for so many years in creating such a good music and you have contributed greatly in music industry my Artist Of The Decade 😥 I will always love you @taylorswift, distance lies between us. Fighting!
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fisheito · 11 months
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!!!! thank u for putting a name to the great serpent's class of GIANT SNAKE
i constantly imagine yakumo as a fairly small guy... one that could wrap around eiden's waist and be mistaken for a belt. one that could dig into eiden's inner jacket pocket and just disappear when he's all coiled up. guess what's up my sleeve? A YAKUMO!!
but the fun lies in also having an unwieldy python that weighs eiden down and covers his entire torso and accidentally swallows a garukaru bc he eyes not so good and he ALSO acts like garukaru in that he doesn't know his own size so he ACTS like a baby snake but is not the size of a baby snake and endearing slapstick comedy ensues
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white-tree-barden · 5 years
What Lies Beyond is almost here, so here’s The Spear of Stars trivia:
-the cities of the Alebolgian Strip use sky couriers (messenger birds) to deliver short notes
-Cavana is the largest city in the Strip and is structured in defensible concentric rings
-ether can be used to seal things like books to preserve them against time and rot
-the Odeleon in Bressel is taller than the Cathedral of Ivars back in Narashtovik and much wider- it’s huge
-it’s not really trivia, but I really enjoyed Raxa’s scene climbing the Exchange by just. sealing herself in the rock a little bit
-ether can also be used as a lockpick
-Adaine has been an interesting fellow for quite a while
-Gladdic is an extremely skilled healer
-Raxa is trying really really hard to not get attached to: Sorrowen, getting into large-scale trouble, other people in general. she is largely failing
-the river running through Bressel is anmed the Chanset, ‘gray waters’
-the Pastlands are strange no matter where you are, but the difference between the journey through them in Bressel vs in the Islands is really interesting
-two hundred years past, Bressel fashion favored dress-like frocks
-’mola ras’ is Tanarian for the Spear of Stars
-Rhobous Doresh (Avinian) = Vampire of Light = White Lich = Eiden Rane (Tanarian)
-some of the monks and priests of Arawn refer to their undead scouts as ‘sixers’
-the Stotts and Helods founded Bressel; I’m curious as to whether or not they have anything at all to do with Minn’s family- Dennever Stotts of Gallador is her uncle
-the combat-trained members of the priesthood in Bressel wear gray with trim in colors that denote their rank and wear a necklace of the Hammer of Taim and a copy of the Ban Naden
-those from Narashtovik wear silver on black and carry black ribbons bearing the sigil of Arawn and of their own secondary god
-Winden spends most of her time in Bressel ready to fight just about anything
-Gladdic doesn’t appreciate Dante and Blays having conversations that barely contain any words bc they know each other too well
-in another life, Gladdic might have been an apothecary assistant to his older brother
-Barsil = Bressel, as the city is known in the Mists
-the Becoming = Worldsea
-the Pits correspond to the Split Crypt in the Mists
-Gladdic has been to Barden
-"Oh. Right. Well, I still want to study it." "Of course you do," Blays said. "If someone cut out your liver and tossed it on the ground in front of you, your first instinct would be to poke at it until you figured out how it works."
-the use of blood to track down a person by finding the link to the rest of their blood is a pretty regular occurrence, but you can use the same theory to track pieces of what were once the same rock, or to find the original tree a piece of fruit came from, which is neat
-I would really enjoy seeing more of these Rosetta Stone plaques (preferably one’s that aren’t warning signs on a cave of death but. yknow) with all these languages and older relations to Mallish and Gaskan and everything
The last 10-15 pages left me with so many questions and like half an answer, and I really hope at least some of them get answered next book.
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Future Plot: Project Titanomachy - Epilogue Part 2
(( Camille belongs to @inklingleesquidly
Nebula belongs to @myzzy and @agenttwo
Sapphire and Emerald belong to @son-of-joy and @twelvetailedkitsune
Agent  0 belongs to @son-of-joy
Sylver belongs to @twelvetailedkitsune
Agent 7, Telemachus, and Chaodis belong to me
Those not mentioned or used belong to @alpinesquid @a-demo-of-a-hero @askvincent / @asktheseastars @evora-flux @alphadeathsquad @splat-tendency @eiden-squid @petit-blu-inkling and others))
Camille still keeps Athena’s spear at the now-possessed Chaodis. She just wanted to go home and end her hero’s journey, but Athena’s last words were a warning she is forced to heed. And she finds herself going after Chaodis and Eris, unraveling the truths and lies about the relationship between him and the goddess Eris.
(( Background Music - Vs. Chaodis, Possessed by Chaos: https://youtu.be/bTHBn4MTwdo ))
Camille knows the trireme ship’s trying to get out of the Underworld by taking the river Styx to leave. She noticed the steering wheel maneuvering the ship has no one controlling it so she points at the wheel and strikes it with lightning. The wheel spins rapidly before breaking into pieces. The trireme ship is now heading towards a massive waterfall that leads to the deepest parts of the underworld.
Chaodis staggered, but soon regain control of his balance and charged at Camille. The threw in a few swords thrusts, some swipes, and many slashes. He occasionally used Eris’s Golden Apple of Chaos to make illusions and stacks an attack with it as a combo.
Camille uses Aegis to defend herself but knew her blue barriers would just break. So she saved Aegis for the illusions and mixed what she learned in capoeira into her combat, dodging the attacks with ease. She even managed to get on her two hands, grab the sword with her feet, and disarm him along with a kick to the face. She then backed up and delivered thrusts with Athena’s spear.
Chaodis still had Eris’s Apple of Chaos and he splits them up into 16 pieces, and he divides up into 16 duplicates. It was almost impossible to figure out who is the real Chaodis.
Camille kept her guard up and tried to dodge any swift attacks that the possessed Choadis would perform, but she fails to avoid all them. Chaodis and the duplicated were all laughing at how Camille can’t figure out who’s the real target while defending herself.
Rage was building up in Camille, so she released it by twirling her spear, raising it up, and stabbing it to the ground. This created a pulse of lighting that wiped out the duplicates and push Chaodis back. He hits a mast and collapses, the divides apple is formed back into one.
Chaodis gets back up and grabbed the apple. He gets back up and plucks another feather to make another sword, but Camille disarms him with just one lightning strike. Camille began walking towards him. Chaodis performed a few illusions, but the lightning strikes wiped them into mists that drift aside. As Camille got closer, the ships end up getting stuck in between a few rocks at the edge of the waterfall. Below the waterfall is an endless darkness.
This didn’t stop Chaodis from fighting, but Camille knew they had to get off the ship.
“Chaodis, Eris, we need to get off this ship, like right now!” Camille tried to convince them. “If you’re going to be staying with the gold and silver like this, both of you will die!”
“And so will you, because I want Chaodis to take you with us!” Eris speaking through Choadis’s voice.
“Do you realize what I’ve been through, you twisted squid!?” Camille didn’t want to argue in this situation, but she snapped. “Making me show up in a dress!? The way we were about to kiss!? Give him the stone for your needs!? I’m been through enough! You’re a twist old squid hag!?”
Eris has other things up her sleeves while possessing Chaodis. “You know Chaodis has told me of your goal, so tell me if this is twisted. Camille and her friends reignite a Hero’s flame and save Inkopolis from Leviathan.”
Eris makes Chaodis use his claws to swipe at Camille who backs up in response.
“Camille and and her friends defy false gods on the island of the Galapagos to rid it of a fabricated reality!” Eris continued.
Chaodis is told to swipe at Camille again, and she dodges.
“Don’t you remind me of those!” Camille threatened. “They’re different from what I’m going through in this!”
Yet, Eris continued: “And Camille and her friends liberate an entire empire from a corrupted republic in the name of an Emperor that fell in love with her cousin!”
Chaodis swipes at Camille one more, and Camille kicks him away.
Eris continued: “Camille...Camille! Camille! Camille! She’s a hero, but she doesn’t care about that title. Look at you... Serving Athena and Zeus, carrying the spirit of an Amazon Queen, fought Titans and horrors influenced by Typhon. But you want to know who’s behind causing all this? ME! So you can blame me for the deaths of one of your friends and your girlfriend!” She mentioned Emerald and Sapphire.
((Transition to this BGM: The Story is (not) Over: https://youtu.be/l91rfBdd5SM ))
As Eris laughs, that last sentence was going to be her last. Camille soon screams in anger and strike one more lightning at Chaodis, one that’s huge enough and strong enough to pulls Eris out of his body. The lightning was no directed at Eris and it started to turn her into ashes.
“This is for making Rhea kill Sapphire!” Camille zaps Eris again. “This is for making Chaodis manipulate Emerald and leading her to her death!” She zaps another time. “This is for putting my friends and family through all this!!” She zaps several times. “AND THIS--IS--FOR--EVERYTHING--ELSE--YOU--SQUID HAG!!!!”
Eris was soon nothing but ashes and feather. All that’s left is the Golden Apple of Chaos, her artifact. Camille retrieves it so that she can return it to the Olympic Vault. She then retrieved the Omphalos Stone from Chaodis.
((End of BGM))
Camille was breathing, trying to cool down after taking her anger on Eris.With that goddess now dead after centuries of hiding, Chaodis collapses but Camille ran over to him and helps him up.
There was still a heartbeat. Camille sigh with relief.
“....Thank you...” Chaodis replied after regaining consciousness. “........But oh how wrong I was.....”
Camille now knew Chaodis was being used, manipulated by Eris to act like son she ever had. But her evil intentions were exposed, and Chaodis is now just a lost squid.
“Chaodis... I forgive you.....” Camille holds him close, something she might do only once for someone.
“No...” Chaodis lightly pushed her away. “You may forgive me,.... but this world would say otherwise...”
“There must be a way to--” Camille was cut off a gesture made by Chaodis.
“I’m afraid you’ve done enough.” Chaodis shook his head. “It’s not like you to be concerned about me.”
“.....I understand.” Camille looks down.
“Just do one more request for me... Kill me,” Chaodis asked.
(( Background Music: My Unaccepted Apology to You: https://youtu.be/65q6H3LC46U ))
Camille didn’t want to do that; there were already enough lives lost on this journey. This squid, her racing competitor, her once new friend, her ally, her love interest, and now her enemy. Is it worth take the life of this kind of squid? Camille thought.
Her mixed up feeling pained her, having to choose between the choice of sparing the boy that loved her and offered her so much and the choice of killing the boy that manipulated her and betrayed her.
There was only a few thing to say. She held him close. “Just one more thing..... I love you...” She was close enough to use a dagger attached to her belt and stab Chaodis right in the gut.
Chaodis gasped, but soon closed his eyes and smiled. He relaxed as if the stab wound wasn’t there. He lets go of Camille and places a hand on her cheek.
“Don’t cry... we’ll meet again in this world of the next........Here’s looking at you, squid...” Chaodis said those as his last word before backing up and going overboard.
Camille runs over to rails and watched as Chaodis plunges into the deepest parts of the Underworld, an endless darkness. Soon the rocks that are preventing the ship from falling were about to break, and Camille had to escape fast, but a conscious Charon was able to row the boat away from the waterfall. The ferryman turns the ship around, realizing the errors he made and how foolish he was to take Eris’ bribe.
Once back at the Underworld piers, Camille rejoined with Nebula, Telemachus and Agent 7. Hecate was there with a few undead servants and daemons to get the golds and silver back to the seventh sector of the underworld.
There was no time to explain what happened as Camille grew silent. The only response she gave was “I’ll be fine. Let’s go home.”
The journey is finally over.
The Olympian Vault - Hephaestus's Forge, Mount Olympus, Greece - 12:00 Midnight
Agent 7, Nebula, and Telemachus were in the vault returning the Nemean Lion Cloak, Poseidon’s Trident, Triton’s Conch Shell, Hades’s Helmet, and the Key to the Underworld back on their pedestals.
Camille was still outside the vault, holding the Omphalos Stone. The Spirit Camilla and Athena appeared before her.
“What ideas are you having with the stone?” Camilla questioned.
“What does this thing do really?” Camille asked.
“It was meant to grant Eurynome’s and Ophion’s powers,” Athena explained, “I wields the powers that all the gods and goddesses possess.”
“..... This maybe so much I can do with this...” Camille then thought of Sapphire and Emerald. “But I can’t use such a thing... but for one thing. I want to use it to bring back Sapphire and Emerald.” Camille holds the Omphalos Stone out. “Eurynome! Ophion! If you can hear me, I want Sapphy and Emmy back!”
The silver stone soon flickered, and in morse code, it said: “Granted”. Then there was one flash. Camille covered her eyes for a moment and stopped when the brightness faded. She wonders if it worked.
Hephaestus came out of the vault. Athena and Camilla quickly fade away. “Miss Squidly, Athena’s Spear and Zeus’s Thunderbolt.”
“Oh...” Camille thought the stone didn’t work, so she handed the Omphalos Stone to him. “Sorry for the holdup.”
“It’s alright.” Hephaestus looked at the stone. “I’ll have Hermes return this to Mount Othrys.”
Camille enters the vault and place Athena’s spear back in her pedestal. The spear moved to point at the pedestal next to it, and it shoot lightning at it. Now there’s a lightning bolt on the pedestal of Zeus.
A cyclops enters the vault. “Hephaestus, mortals! It’s a miracle.”
The cyclops later takes them to the tomb where Sapphire’s body and Emerald’s body rests. Agent 0 and Sylver were there to visit the graves once more but were not hugging their children, Emerald and Sapphire. Camille is shocked; the Omphalos Stone did work.
When Emerald and Sapphire noticed Camille, they run up to her and Nebula. The four had a group hug, being happy that they’re reunited.
Hephaestus didn’t know how this happened, but then looked at the Omphalos Stone. He looks back at the reunited friends.
Hephaestus smiles.
((End of BGM))
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not-a-seagull · 4 months
PRISON CELL – 08: “Illegal Crowcave Logging”
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Background: Prison Cafeteria.
Music: None.
Eiden: Ready to tell me why you’re here?
Quincy: ……
Quincy: Like I said, you should leave this place quickly.
Eiden: And stay out of your business too, right…? Well, not only am I still here, I’m also one of your new neighbors…
Quincy: Reckless move.
Eiden: Edmond and I resolved to help— and three heads are always better than one, right?
Eiden: Besides, an opportunity like this, without any guards around, doesn’t come around often. It took a whole lot of planning, you know?
Quincy: … You won’t leave until I tell you?
Eiden: Bingo! Looks like we’re finally on the same page.
Quincy: … *sigh*
Quincy: Not long ago, I got word from Topper that, in a distant region of the forest, a precious species of tree was being cut down in huge quantities.
Music: BGM 023
Eiden: You mean… the crowcave trees?
Quincy: You’ve heard of them?
Eiden: Edmond told me about them on the way here… But how come you got arrested? The Warden said you attacked the guards outside the prison…
Quincy: I did.
Eiden: Uh, care to elaborate? Why did you attack them?
Quincy: I had to get inside this place to learn more.
Eiden: Wait, so you got yourself arrested on purpose so you could investigate? Are you saying the prison is somehow involved with the illegal felling of crowcave trees?
Quincy: I spotted the Warden among the culprits.
Quincy: A few of the guards, too. They worked at night and were dressed differently than usual.
Eiden: … So you’re saying… they’ve been denouncing the illegal fellings all while doing exactly that?
Quincy: Yes. But I haven’t found out what they’re using the trees for or who exactly is involved.
Quincy: Crowcave trees emit a scent that protects the surrounding plant life from pests, but they take a long time to grow. As such, cutting them down affects the entire forest.
Quincy: I have to find out what’s going on and stop them.
Eiden: I see… So that’s why you were so cold before, you were trying to hide your identity?
Quincy: ……
Quincy: I wasn’t being cold.
Quincy: … I just haven’t slept well since coming here.
Eiden: (That was morning grouchiness!?)
Eiden: But, hold on… How come you’ve been ignoring me these last few days? I’m here to help you, you know?
Quincy: … My plan was to find evidence of their crimes and then deliver retribution.
Eiden: Deliver retribution…
Eiden’s heart rate increases slightly as he ponders the meaning of Quincy’s words. His gaze falls on his clans member’s muscular arms, his unconsciously clenched fists.
Quincy: This is the quickest way. It’ll be troublesome if you get involved.
Eiden: Forget that… There’s no way Edmond would ever agree to this kind of vigilante justice…
Quincy: ……
Eiden: Ah, so that’s why you wouldn’t talk to us… You were worried we might try to stop you?
Quincy: … Yes.
Eiden: But now that you’ve told me everything, does that mean you’ll let me help?
Quincy: … No choice. you threatened me.
Eiden: Alright, looks like we’re definitely on the same page.
Quincy: … *sigh*
Eiden: Whew~ That took some work, but it was worth it. I might suck at Topper-nese, but i get an A+ for Quinglish, right?
As if in reply to eiden’s question, the little white blur speeds up onto the table and, making sure to hide between the two men, munches on a small scrap of bread.
Eiden: Topper!
Quincy: He can move around and find useful information much more easily than we can.
Topper: *squeak*... *squeak* *squeak*!
Quincy: He says he was shocked to see you here. He guessed you must have committed some crime and was worried about you.
Eiden: Topper, I’m moved! No one’s as good to me as you~!
Topper: *squeak* *squeak*!
Topper lifts his head and rubs his cheeks against both men’s palms, then, bread in hand, speeds off like a tiny flash of white lightning.
Eiden: So what did Topper find out?
Quincy: … He didn’t find the crowcave lumber, but he did find something unusual.
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Background: Prison Workshop (closed.)
Music: None.
Edmond: At ease! Line up in an orderly fashion to take your brooms.
Inmates: Yes, sir!
Eiden: ……
Eiden: (Ah… Edmond, what a sight for sore eyes…! The air in here just got a whole lot sweeter~)
Edmond: Ahem! Daydreaming, are we?
Eiden: I have something to report, sir. Could I speak with you once I’m done sweeping?
Music: BGM 023
Edmond: I see, so Quincy is investigating the illegal felling of the crowcaves…
Edmond: I cannot and will not sit back and do nothing if the prison is involved in such a serious crime.
Eiden: (Ahaha, I knew he’d never go along with Quincy’s whole ‘deliver retribution’ plan…)
Edmond: So, what have Quincy and Topper discovered?
Eiden: Topper found a hidden passageway that opens up near the senior guards’ office and exits outside the prison. Seems like it’s only used by the Warden and a few select guards.
Edmond: Hmm, I don’t recall any such passageway in the prison blueprints. Sounds very suspicious…
Edmond: If, as Quincy suspects, the Warden is behind the illegal fellings… it is highly likely he has been using said passageway to transport the fallen crowcave lumber.
Eiden: But why would they bring it inside the prison? Wouldn’t it be in their best interest to get rid of it as soon as possible?
Edmond: As far as i know, in recent years, the majority of crowcave products sold at market have arrived ready-made.
Edmond: As such, it has been nigh on impossible to trace them back to their sources.
Eiden: Ready-made…
Edmond: Thinking about it carefully, a connection could easily be made.
Edmond: They first bring the lumber to the prison to be processed, then take the finished products to sell to the nobility…
Eiden: Take it to the prison to be processed…
Eiden: Ah! Quincy mentioned something about this workshop!
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Background: Prison Cafeteria.
Music: BGM 023.
Quincy: Each inmate is assigned a different work task every day, except for those assigned to the carpentry workshop. They also work different hours to the rest of us.
Quincy: I approached one of them during break time to ask about it.
Eiden: And what happened?
Quincy: … As soon as i approached, he attacked me with a fork and got himself thrown in solitary.
Eiden: W-Wait, you mean 9527?
(End of flashback)
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Background: Prison Workshop.
Music: BGM 023.
Eiden: … So in the end, he didn’t find anything out…
Eiden: But there’s definitely something fishy about this place… I’ve been assigned to clean the workshop several times already, but i’ve never seen a single person in here working.
Edmond: Indeed… very suspicious. What’s more, the shift chart lists the Warden as the one and only supervisor for all carpentry tasks.
Eiden: Remember 9527? The one that picked a fight with Quincy. How about we go have a little chat with him?
Edmond: 9527? I read his medical report just this morning.
Edmond: He seems to be of a very delicate disposition. Apparently, he has suffered from nightmares while in solitary confinement and now sits around muttering gibberish to himself all day.
Edmond: Who knows how long it could take him to recover?
Eiden: (Sounds a little too delicate if you ask me…!)
Eiden: But that means…
Eiden: he hasn’t been able to work in the carpentry workshop the last few days, right? In that case, they should be a little short-handed…
Edmond: You’re right…! If the Warden really is using inmates to process illegal goods, I’m sure he plans to fill the vacancy as soon as possible.
Eiden: And I know the perfect way to help him do just that…
End of chapter.
Background Images: NU Carnival wiki.
Transcript: did it myself, with the help of this video.
Last chapter: Prison Cell 07 | Next chapter: Prison Cell 09
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kleinstar · 1 year
Sitting in the starlit garden Kratos would find all party prepped Eiden with a box alcohol as well as several plates of different picks of food and snacks, scattered all around Eiden. Underneath all lies a blanket - who knew where he snatched it from - to finish a set up that looked like a whole picnic setting.
" Ohhhhhhhhh~~ Krattiiiiiiiiii~~! "
Initially blank, a little dispirited expression lights up a little and immediately Eiden begins clumsily moving things around to make some space.
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" Sit down, sit down there's stuffff here!! Don't be a stranger ok? We're erotic book buddies! Eat! Drink! C'mon take a bottle!!! "
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kleinstar · 2 years
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a comprehensive list of scenarios (NOT ACCEPTING)
@lightblume​ sent:  MAKEOVER :  for one muse to help the other with a new outfit or hairstyle. (she's helping him trim his hair and isnt very good at it sowwy in advance eiden)
“ Um... when can I open my eyes...? “
Eiden’s a little nervous! She’s putting in some serious trust here to leave his precious, well tended hair to someone who’s not a hairstylist by profession. Not only that but she’s insistent that he should keep his eyes closed for the surprise.
But gosh, it’s... it’s been a little long, hasn’t it? Does it take this long for a little trim? He scissorwork has been tireless and somewhat ...he’s reluctant to say it but it feels haphazard, she almost nipped his ear thrice now. She’s saying everything is fine but.... Eiden’s brows knit in thought. To break the trust or to make sure--- 
At first Eiden presses his eyes together tight, then slowly peels them open despite Tsuru’s protest.
“ ......” 
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...um. It looks... .. it’s ....um.... “
His forehead.... 
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“ ........ “
0 notes