#eilooxara vs society
eilooxara · 2 years
one thing I have learned from the plague times is the degree to which Most People are comfortable with not doing what they know they should and then being dishonest about it
Like. First it was the hand washing thing. Maybe everyone else already knew that a lot of people weren't washing their hands but it was news to me. We all had a society-wide agreement that we would wash our hands regularly, especially after using the bathroom, and it turns out a huge number of people just weren't doing it and were allowing us all to assume they had
And now we have people who are just not doing any covid safety at all traveling and the people they're traveling to are assuming everything's fine
And I am here just like
You can't assume that anymore! What did we learn from the hand washing thing??
My uncle possibly brought covid to my parents who are in their 70s and therefore innately high risk and when they asked him about covid safety and the fact that he'd had a dinner party he was just like "yeah but not very often"
Someone on here was talking about how they got covid from a friend who insisted their cough wasn't covid and took that at face value instead of grilling them until they revealed that assertion wasn't based on anything
Some people will lie to you straight up. A lot more people will lie by omission. You can't get by just trusting people to be doing the basic things you're assuming we all do. It has unfortunately been proven that, in a life or death situation, a large portion of people cannot be relied on to do what they know prevents the death of their fellow humans if it's even slightly inconvenient, and worst of all, they lie about it to save face.
I keep saying this but it's like an example you'd make up to explain to a child why lying is wrong. "Alice invites Bob to dinner. Bob has some signs of a sickness that sometimes kills people, and doesn't know if he has it or not. But Bob lies and tells Alice that he's not sick because he doesn't want to cancel. Now Alice gets sick. Do you see why what Bob did was wrong?"
But apparently grown-ass adults don't get it
Anyway I'm going to live in the woods and be a weird hermit
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eilooxara · 2 years
I am poised to remove the rebloggability of that post
I know it's charming but also hiss stay away
If I get any annoying people on there or any followers about it, it dies
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eilooxara · 2 years
Go awayyyyy follow someone else
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eilooxara · 2 years
Every time I see people online being all "look I went to this place with these people" "here I am at a fucking restaurant or something" "here's my vacation photos, without a mask!" I seethe with rage
It's not just that they're spreading plague (though they ARE) but also that they're normalizing all the shit that spreads plague
So that taking covid safety seriously is an increasingly fringe stance
Even people that I care about, people I once respected as decent human beings, have started doing this
You still shouldn't go out if you can avoid it. You still should wear a mask if you are forced to go out. You still shouldn't unmask in public for a snack, and if you must, go outdoors. You still shouldn't go to large gatherings.
If you want a future where that's not the case, literally the only way to get there is to keep treating the pandemic like a pandemic
It's fucking ridiculous that I have to say this
It's fucking ridiculous that no one is going to listen
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eilooxara · 2 years
I cannot wait to get the fuck out of this fucking town
They made me cut the plants again
Fuck off pollinators fuck off native flora fuck off biodiversity fuck off literally anything but the bottom 1/8 of a blade of grass
If I ever find out who's been filing complaints instead of of idk just asking nicely I'll hunt them for sport
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eilooxara · 2 years
Urgh I need to like
Live in a shack on a mountain and never talk to anyone and then I come down like a decade later and they're all gone and I never find out what happened
Or maybe I need somebody to give me a hug and pet my hair
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eilooxara · 2 years
Are there too many things that one Should Do these days
Is that what it is
Are we all overwhelmed by the multitude of tasks that one Should Do every so often, every day or week or month or year or 5000 miles or spring or fall
I didn't water my trees during hot dry weather and now they're dead
Simple, cause proceeds directly to effect
I don't uhhh floss my teeth very often
I Should Do that but, yknow, it's tedious and difficult and vaguely unpleasant and critically the consequences are far removed
My trees went from ok to dead in a month or so
My gums won't start getting diseased or whatever for years, if ever
And there are so many other things just like that
We can't keep up with all of them
And so we all let something go
And normally that's ok! That's fine
Nobody dies if you don't sweep the floor or if you leave the dishes on the counter for too long
Is it this training we have inadvertently been given, to abandon inconvenient things we Should Do, that makes people give up covid safety standards?
Is it like flossing for them?
Is it all being decided on an unconscious level?
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eilooxara · 2 years
Whoever decided trucks should make loud noises when backing up should be crushed by a truck backing up
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eilooxara · 2 years
I'd like the plague to be over so that I can stop being all "I don't see a mask this had BETTER be an old photo you fucking potential plague rat" 27 times a day
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eilooxara · 2 years
Thing I just said to myself upon logging into my work computer: "oh, excellent, oh beauty and glory, no emails!"
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eilooxara · 2 years
Hmm I need a tag for specifically getting angry about covid safety don't I
It is an increasingly common topic here on eilooxara dot tumblr dot com
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eilooxara · 2 years
There's more and more of them that I can't do anymore
I haven't had a space for exercise lately so that's a factor
Nowhere to go for walks etc
Even gardening has become untenable with the noise here
Has it gotten louder or have I gotten more sensitive?
And anyway we are leaving so there's no point in gardening this year
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eilooxara · 2 years
Was going to do garden stuff today but there's noise out there that I can hear inside
It sounds like live music so it must be from the restaurant across the street
Soooo I guess I am staying in
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eilooxara · 2 years
Any stranger: [any words]
Me: HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME oh gods i'm so anxious please go away
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eilooxara · 2 years
Someone: *revs their engine outside my house*
Me: I am going to cook your face and I'm not even going to do a good job and it will be thrown in the trash because it was cooked so badly
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eilooxara · 2 years
it's good that Roger Waters said trans rights I guess but what the fuck are people doing going to a fucking concert
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