#eiochevart prophecy
eiochevart · 1 year
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Yo! I redesigned some Links
Here are my Links so far, I know some are missing, but honestly I don’t know their games too well so I wasn’t as inspired to redesign them (yet).
I’m still figuring out names for them! So far here are the ones I’m testing out:
BoTW/ToTK: Champion
WW: Sailor
OoT/MM: Prophecy
SkSw: Ancestor
TP: Rancher
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links-gender · 1 year
Nothing to see here, just a
Somewhat random collection of eiochevart au info
(Bc I don’t know how to structure things)
Some lore details that may or may not be important to the story
First of all, I think it’s worth noting that a handful of my Links are, well… ghosts? Ya. They’re dead. And let’s just say Link’s don’t tend to grow very old.
(Many of these aren’t finalized and may never be)
Mural (ALBW): 14-15 years old
Sailor (WW): 12-14, depends on what part of his story arc we’re in? Alternatively, 13 years old bc that’s the median
Rancher (TP): 17-19 years old, older teen but not quite an adult yet
Prophecy (OoT): early-mid 30’s
Atlas (ALTTP/etc.): mid-late 20’s?
Ancestor (SkSw): mid twenties. Unfortunately, one of the youngest of the… dead ones?
Sign language?
Exclusively uses sign language: Mural, Atlas
Uses sign language sometimes: Champion (BotW/TotK), Prophecy (less verbal as a child)
Vocal/verbal: Rancher, Sailor, Ancestor
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eiochevart · 1 year
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Link lineup time letsgooo
From left to right:
—OoT/MM, “Prophecy”
—ALTTP/LA, “Atlas”
—SkSw, “Ancestor”
—TP, “Rancher”
—ALBW, “Mural”
—WW, “Sailor”
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eiochevart · 1 year
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Mural and Atlas⚔️
So I thought I’d do a little backstory/background info for this one!
In my AU, “present time” is considered to be somewhere along the lines of ALBW (Downfall timeline), Twilight Princess (Child timeline) and Wind Waker (Adult timeline). I know they may not canonically align completely, but… meh. Anyways, these are the three “current” heroes! They all have a sort of spiritual connection with the previous iterations of the Hero, though their connection isn’t necessarily strong and can be unreliable… regardless, they each have an “extra strong” connection with their most immediate predecessor in particular, namely the hero before them:
Mural has Atlas (ALBW is the spiritual successor to ALTTP, and they share several similarities, visual and story wise. Atlas generally isn’t too happy when he first meets Mural, perhaps because the young boy reminds him a bit too much of himself, and he’s not too keen on seeing another go down the same path as him? Presenting, Cranky Uncle/Older Brother-Figure Atlas.)
Rancher has Prophecy (Twilight Princess Link has the Hero’s Shade… yadayada. Besides, they’re related by blood. He has always been aware of Prophecy’s company, ever since he was a child he could sense a sort of fatherly presence. As he embarks on his quest, the Rancher develops a somewhat serious but close bond with his ancestor.)
Okay, I lied - Sailor is the exception to this rule. You’ve heard it before, and you’ll hear it again: Wind Waker Link does not possess the Hero’s spirit, at least not inherently. His predecessor vanished from his timeline shortly after defeating Ganon, and would proceed to exist in the Child timeline. It’s safe to assume that he gained some sort of connection to the Hero’s spirit after completing his quest, but he doesn’t have a designated guardian/mentor. Perhaps he may… adopt one, eventually?
Sorry for the massive rant lmao. Feel free to ask questions if there’s anything!<3
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eiochevart · 1 year
Which of your Links would be most likely to eat something willingly despite being allergic to it? (And what are/would they be allergic to?)
I feel like Prophecy would be the type of person with an “there’s no such thing as bad food” attitude. Like, this man grew up with only nuts and berries for food, and after he discovered human-made meals there’s no going back. He would absolutely never waste anything, even if it makes his stomach hurt a bit. Of course, hyper-allergies are another thing. I’m not talking about the Serious Stuff.
Both Ravio and Mural would eat something they’re allergic to just for the laughs. Like, just to see the others’ horrified reactions.
I don’t know why but I can totally see Ancestor with a gluten allergy???? I have no idea why tbh. But he’s gonna be fine, he’s got enough pumpkin soup to make up for the lack of bread. But he’s one of those who actually stay away from the food he’s allergic to. You can say he takes his allergy seriously? At least more than the others do, haha.
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