#either way no pressure!!
kimdokjas · 1 year
tag game 💌
this is my first time starting one of these!! i stumbled across this picrew and i just thought it was so cute and wanted to share!!
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tagging: (no pressure!) @karura @chuuyaaz @itoshisae @reinerist @rampopurin @mauxanhduong @focryst @hayakaws @apparently-artless @gojosattoru @inahochi @rorronoa @mx-sinisters @silversoulsociety @kkomaism @ryxkenkxgami @milaghoul + anyone else who'd like to do this! 💕
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hey yeah would you help me out? yeah it’s no big deal i’ve just been thinking about your strap inside me. yeah no it’s been distracting, like it’s been on my mind 24/7 since you kissed me and ever so gently cupped my face and moaned into my mouth a little. right yeah i’ve just been at my desk thinking about you pulling my legs open and teasing me until i beg for you because you like the sound of your name on my lips. the head of it pushing up against my entrance, so close to giving me what i want but not quite because you just need to see a little more desperation from me. and the look on my face when you watch my pussy stretch over your cock. yeah i’ve kind of just been thinking about fucking you nonstop and it’s kind of a problem, like i can’t get anything done because i can’t stop grinding against the seam of my jeans. so like it would be really cool if you could just come over and fuck me and like maybe let me come all over you so that i can get back to living my life. thanks.
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Oh, yeah, my other side of followers waiting for some fluff content uhh...
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Sebastian is a dangerous mf
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dreamwinged · 1 month
*susceptible to mischaracterization/fanon/canon x canon shipping, likely has a lot of other people selfshipping with them (if that's something you care about)
**harder to find merch or fan content for, possibly less of a 'community' for the media/canon information given
please don't take this too seriously! i've seen both sides being talked about before, so i was curious to hear everyone's insights. maybe you view neither as a 'bad' thing, and that's cool!
proship/comship/neutral dni
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vinestaff · 17 days
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muri-ne · 2 months
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i wanted to do little ace attorney sketches like this but my brain is small so if anyone has requests please share :] i havent played past the first case of aa5 yet though so please keep it before then
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Orca's ref
info post about Memento Cadre
more info under the cut
-Uses He/Him may also use They/Them
-head canon voice: 
-He’s a Crossfell variant (Crossfell by Jakei95). So has a different experience from the og Cross. 
-Joined Memento Cadre due to the fact his au had basically been destroyed, and he didn’t want to be apart of X!Gaster’s plan to revive it. He doesn’t talk about his life before Memento Cadre, and wants to keep it that way. Somewhere in the beginning of him joining the group him and X!Chara were split into two beings. 
-Has slightly less magic than the others, but makes up for it in physical prowess. Being physically stronger than the others as well as being able to take a lot more hits than them too. Paired on with the fact he is now LV 10 he’s a lot stronger than the others in the group (Other than Omen). A solid/good punch from him is like getting hit by a train. 
-His Name was originally ‘X’ but Omen (Nightmare) started to call him Orca, which after a while Orca became his new name, allowing him to distance himself from his old life. He’s never seen/heard of an orca before, doesn’t even know what his new name means.
-The tallest in Memento Cadre. Will slouch slightly from time to time when talking to others. 
-Best way to describe his personality is like a honey badger mixed with a chihuahua. Needlessly aggressive, and acts like everything is out to get him so kicks off to keep everyone away from him. But only lets a few select people/monsters come close. He can be seen as a fighting dog that is still learning to act like a normal dog.
Or a pray animal that has nowhere else to run so has to fight. 
-His personality when it comes to those he likes is basically like a teddy bear. Very soft and protective. He acts as a guard dog for them, and always tries to do his best to protect everyone and keep them out of trouble. He’s willing to put his life on the line for them, even if it means he might die, if it gives the others time to get away in his eyes it’s worth it.
-Never really learned to read/write, learned a bit when he was a kid, but never continued to learn. Omen (Nightmare) did offer to teach him when he realized Orca didn’t know. But Orca refused due to being embarrassed. Though Omen would teach him anyway at random times in a nonchalant way making Orca feel less awkward about it.
-Was basically created to be a walking loyal weapon. He’s loyal to a scary degree, this is why he was in such a bad spot in his au for so long. But when things went to hell and he realized he had no one to place that loyalty in it gave him major trust issues. Omen (Nightmare) was able to gain Orca’s trust over a long period of time. And slowly the rest of Memento Cadre he began to trust with Omen’s help.
-Will sometimes get annoyed at Omen, yes Omen doesn’t treat him as a weapon and will actively go out of his way to protect Orca so he doesn’t have to fight, but Orca feels somewhat useless without being able to fight, since it’s all he’s ever known. He knows Omen is trying to teach him how to be more of a person than a weapon, but he also wants to do the things he’s good at for Omen. 
-Spends a lot of his free time with Omen whenever Omen is in the archive, since he likes to hear stories about the aus from Omen. Prides himself on the fact he’s the one who has gotten Omen to talk the most. 
-Wears a spiked collar to keep people away from his neck. Hates anyone getting near his neck/face.
-Wears fingerless gloves to protect his knuckles, as he has a habit of biting his knuckles when nervous. 
-His cape is really heavy, its a similar weight to 3-4 weighted blankets (not including the spikes and fur on the cape, which also add to the weight)
-X wound on his face, from time to time the wound can hurt and also give him bad headaches. The wound never fully healed so if he catches it on something it could start bleeding again. The others in the group have each tried to heal it, but couldn’t and it made the pain worse for him for a short time. 
-His normal resting face looks like a glare, which tends to scare off most people, without him meaning to scare them off. 
-Hates being alone, has to be hanging out with someone, so is often seen following the others like a lost puppy. He’s sort of fine when it comes to going to sleep on his own, but if he awakes during the night he will seek out Omen as he knows Omen doesn’t really sleep. Will normally fall back asleep in whatever room Omen is in.
-His tail wags when happy, in the past he never used to wag his tail before joining the group. Has once sprained his tail from wagging it to hard, was extremely embarrassed about it, and once he got healed he wasn’t seen for a few hours because he was so embarrassed. 
-Used to be a royal guard, was so caught up in fighting honorably that he would fall for tricks/others fighting dirty. But since spending time in the group he no longer cares about this, and will 100% do anything he can to win. E.g. throwing sand/dirt/snow into others eyes/eye sockets, throwing his cape (which is heavy as hell) at peoples faces to blind them/catch them. etc. Though he is also aware when to back off from a fight he can’t win.  
-Is part dragon, often runs off of the instincts of his draconic side. So will sometimes act more beast than monster/person. 
-Due to running off instincts half of the time he may do things that are closer to what animals will do. E.g. he will groom the ones he likes, he bites/scratches/purrs/growls, he collects/hoards shiny things. Gets possessive over people/things. 
-May have LV flares that are mainly effected by his mood. And due to him running on more instinct based he will often become extremely destructive during these flares. Or may get very protective of the group/over one specific person. He can’t really help it.
-Used to sleep sat up, being on edge even when sleeping. He’s started to rest better now and will lay down now, but does so curled up into a ball.
-Will pick people up that he likes. Will also wrap his cape around people he likes too. May also steal people this way too, throwing an arm/the cape over someone to hid them then dragging them away. 
-Will also let people lean on him, e.g. will stand behind the others so they can lean back on him. Normally the MTT will grab either side of his cape and pull it over themselves too to hide in Orca's cape. Omen will lean back on Orca but won't really mess with his cape.
-When walking around an au, especially in Snowdin, the MTT will follow behind him in a line stepping exactly in the places where he steps. E.g. in Snowdin it will look like one set of footprints. Orca is unsure on why they do this or when it started, but doesn’t question it since he knows it keeps the others close to him, and also he feels almost honored that they’re following in his footsteps rather than Omen’s. 
-Was very iffy with food before joining Memento Cadre. Would basically eat anything put in front of him. Even if it was to make him ill. He never really had a good consistent food source in his au, and also when joining the group he also would hoard food, and hide food as well, which he slowly grew out of, though sometimes he still does hide his favorite snacks.
-Yuji from JJK, specifically when Yuji gets serious and the frames go black and white. He's also inspired by the move black flash from JJK as well
-orcas, mainly how they will punt things out of the ocean and generally only bigger whales are the thing that can stand up to them.
-Crossfell by Jakei95 is also a huge inspo obviously lol
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rattinahatt · 6 days
Pretty 50/50 on whether or not I like how this turned out tbh but I was really missing doing more silly cartoony art + wanted to try a swatch of colours based on old comicbook colours and experiment with mixing them
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britcision · 3 months
Regular reminder that sudden and severe weight loss is a pretty serious sign that something is very, very wrong
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buwheal · 10 months
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Glitches and bugs. Doodle page.
Getting used to drawing his cheeks specifically and stretching the boundries of his shape. Somewhat.
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the thing about being a disabled grad student is that if you want even half a chance you constantly have to not only reveal but interrogate and explain your softest most vulnerable parts. while people around you act like this is just completely normal and actually that is not the softest most vulnerable part of you and actually you are exactly the same as all of them. so you feel like you are in disguise as exactlythesame while also completely exposed. and you just have to live like that. absolutely insane
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hydrodelli · 2 months
did they update sebastians file? i don't remember silver spinyfin and mantis shrimp being on there before.
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megacarapa · 4 months
HAPPY PRIDE MONTH here's senku in ace pride shirts + bonus byakuya
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i was originally trying to draw all of these but i gave up agfhhh
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gamora-borealis · 1 month
lol I guess some people feel like dnp were off because they were "forced to do this spon" when like. I think they were just exhausted from rehearsing and needed a solid video and were trying to be cheeky but not launch too close to the sun lest it mess up the dynamic they want for the tour + this is new territory for them...
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scratxhed-cd · 1 year
The spiderverse brainrot only worsens so:
- Rio telling Miles “it’s not your life it’s my life and your fathers and your abuelos who put you in this position that I’d give anything to be in” hits home when ur a first gen student from immigrant parents
- Miles’ teenage frustration being so irritating (looking at it from his parents POV), so understandable (from his own POV) And just so “relatable teenager energy” (from my memories of growing up/watching my siblings grow up)
- Miles’ family being his source of strength since the first movie
- Miles only finding the resolve in Into the Spiderverse to take his leap of faith as Spider-Man after his dad shared a very heartfelt message to him through his dorm door which beautifully sets up Miles telling Rio (in earth 42 but still) that he is strong because of his family, it’s always been family
- the queer symbolism of it all, from Miles’ fear in Across the Spiderverse (“I was scared that if I told you, you wouldn’t love me the same”) to back in Into the Spiderverse when he asks his dad if he really does hate Spider-Man after learning he must become the new Spider-Man
- the hints of the Morales’ Latino/Puerto Rican background !!!
- the Spanish! The Spanglish! Rio’s affection toward Miles! “Que dios te bendinga”, the relatives telling Miles how big he’s gotten, the way they say it, love it all
- Miles having a rough time speaking Spanish not only because he spends less time at home, but also because he has no friends to practice with
- Miles admitting he has no friends in his universe besides Ganke, who doesn’t appear to want to be very involved in Mike’s life as Spider-Man. While understandable, I think, it really does further emphasize just how lonely Miles is since he’s lying to his parents and the one person who does know his secret can’t relate to him
- the loneliness being sadder when you think about how easily Miles talks to people and how he seemed to have been more established at his old school
- and finally, rewatching Into the Spiderverse after seeing Across the Spiderverse and thinking about how Miles was just a kid when this all started
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simplydnp · 6 days
crying bc i'm literally gonna be nearby during the SD show but im not going to TIT
i'm unable to go alone and i ain't taking my parents with me, especially after seeing spoilers.
i could buy a ticket! i could go! i could fill up a seat! but i'm too embarrassed and scared 💀 also i don't wanna out myself like that lol
i don't know your situation, so your safety is of utmost importance. if you think it'll out you, and that that will have serious consequences, don't go.
if that is not your scenario, and it is something else holding you back (shame, guilt, anxiety, etc) then i am going to gently encourage you to go.
you say you are unable to go alone, so this is me assuming you can't transport yourself there & back, hence the parents mention. i would also not take my parents to TIT--even if my dad wasn't extremely homophobic--bc good lord i could never look them in the eyes again and my mother would ask Too Many Questions.
if it's something you're really considering, see what you might have to do to make it happen. it may be easier than you think--dnp work their magic like that sometimes. (siblings, aunts/uncles, friends in the area, trusted local transit--there are options. but again, safety is your priority)
in terms of embarrassment and fear--i understand feeling that way. i've got a lot of shame tied up in any of my interests. it's hard to 'be my full self' in front of people. but i also know i was so fucking sad i couldn't go to ii. and then the hiatus happened and i Vowed that if they ever toured together again (and if i had the means), i would go. so i'm pushing that embarrassment aside bc ykw? it's cool to like things, actually. it's awesome to have a passion. kill the fear of cringe.
you didn't mention where your fear is centered, so here's an interpretation. it's scary being in a room full of people that like what you like. bc they Know what you like. and that's terrifying. but it's also kind of freeing. bc these are your people. they're full fledged humans. and guess what? they also like dnp. so it's okay. you're okay
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