mythopia1 · 6 years
The Gods of Inca Mythology
The majority of the world’s religions speak of a single God who created the universe, but in Inca mythology, many deities were involved in the creation of the cosmos. They each had a role in forming different elements of the sky, earth and underworld.
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The most important god to the ancient Inca was Viracocha. He was the first of the creator deities, responsible for designing the heavens. From his own form, he established the sun, moon, planets and stars. When he commanded the sun to move over the sky, time itself was created, allowing for the rise of civilization. He was represented as wearing the sun for a crown, with thunderbolts in his hands, and tears descending from his eyes as rain.
The second most important deity of the Inca pantheon was Inti. He was the sun god, and it is uncertain whether he was a brother of Viracocha, or his son. He brought light and warmth to the lands, and became known as the ‘Giver of Life’. He later sent his children to earth to start the Inca civilisation. Inti and his sister, Mama Killa (Moon goddess) were generally considered benevolent deities.
Coniraya was a male Moon God, associated with the creation of life. Legend says that as he wandered over the earth, plants and animals appeared. He held dominion over agriculture, and helped the farmers irrigate their fields. He once fashioned his sperm into the fruit of the Lumca Tree, which was eaten by Cavillaca, a beautiful virgin goddesses. Cavillaca became pregnant and ran away in shame. Coniraya went in search of her and his child, but sadly, when he found them, they had both turned into stone.
Kon was the first born of Inti and Mama Killa, who resided over the rains. He was strong and lithe, which allowed him to move quickly over the the plains of Peru. Kon was lonely, so he created the first race of humans. He set them down in a pleasant, fertile land, and gave them grain which they could harvest, and fruits which ripened quickly. His creations wanted for nothing.
During the rule of these early gods, Kon’s human creations became lazy and wicked, so Kon punished them with drought. He would only dispense his life giving waters if they worked hard enough to earn his favour. Kon’s tyrannical regime soon came to an end with the appearance of his brother Pachacamac (Inti’s son).
Pachacamac was known as the "Creator of the World", and immediately challenged his brother Kon. After a tremendous struggle, Pachacamac managed to drive Kon from the land. His became the new god of Peru, and redesigned it as a paradise. He wasn’t so fond of the Kon’s mortal creations, however, and turned into monkeys. In their place, he created a new race of humans (the ancestors of the Inca). In return, these people made Pachacamac their supreme deity.
After the dethronement of Kon, a new god was needed hold dominion over the rain. This role was gifted to llapu, who used the power of the storm to fertilise the lands. The Incas believed the Milky Way as a heavenly river, where Illapu's sister stored a great water jug. When Illapu struck the jug with a bolt of lightning, it would create the sound of thunder, and release a heavenly rain. He appeared as a man in shining clothes, carrying a club and stones.
Catequil was another storm god, linked specifically to lightning. Legend say’s he created thunder-bolts by striking the clouds with his sacred spear and a mighty club. He was venerated as a weather deity, who could divine the future. Catequil was linked to a myth about the twins Apocatequil and Piguerao. Many Incan people believe Apocatequil was none other than the lightening god in human form.
The story goes that the twin brothers, Apocatequil and Piguero, were conceived by a woman who had sex with a sky god. Her name was Cautaguan, and she bore her sons within two eggs. Close to their birth, the goddess was killed by her brothers (the Guachimines). Once her sons hatched, they revived their mother, and took vengeance on their uncles by hurling lightening bolts at them.
Apocatequil become the prominent leader of the Inca, and served as the chief priest for the lunar deity, Coniraya. To keep Apocatequil happy, the Inca built statues of his noble self and placed them upon the mountaintops.
Below these mountains lived Urcaguary, a chthonic deity, who resided over underground treasures (metals and jewels). He guarded them from greedy interlopers who tried to steal them, and had a formidable appearance. He was often depicted as a large snake with the antlers of a deer, and a tail coiled with gold chains.
For those who wished to secure a safer way to wealth, there was always Ekkeko. He was the god of abundance, called upon by his followers for luck and prosperity. The ancient Inca made dolls that represented him and surrounded them with miniature version of their desires (pets, treasure, food, etc). This was believed to help manifest whatever it was their hearts desired.
Another God revered for his prosperity was Urcuchillay. This bestial god was worshipped by Inca herders, who watched over the herds of Peru. He was prayed to for their well-being. Urcuchillay would often bring good fortune to his followers, ensuring their protection in the wilderness. It was said he possessed a bright, multicoloured coat, a symbol of life and wonder.
Yet life and prosperity couldn’t last forever, as all paths eventually lead to the grave. This final feature of the Inca life was ruled over by Supay, the god of death. He lived in Ukhu Pacha (the underworld), with an army of demons. Miners would also pray to him for a safe decent into the underworld, when they went digging for precious treasure. Ukhu Pacha was not such a terrible place, for it was linked to the womb of mother earth (Pachamama). The subterranean waters of ‘Ukhu Pacha’ were believed to have rejuvenating qualities, which linked the health and prosperity of the Inca people.
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Oshiro Kochi
Keisy Lopez
Nati Fuentes
Javier Sama
Gonzalo Kenny
Daniel Eskridge
Gilles Ketting
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jenniekimie · 4 years
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“we didn’t ask for tragedy, it strikes by itself”
mulciber: surname meaning volcano. an alternate name for the Roman god Vulcan. 
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jossukehigashikata · 5 years
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So with this and the recent Uku drawing
I’ve essentially just redrawn this
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blogamazonia · 7 years
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
Aquarius January Alasitas – Festival of Ekeko
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By shirleytwofeathers
Thousands of working class Bolivians crowd the streets of La Paz every year to buy miniature cars, houses and wads of fake dollar bills representing their dreams of wealth.
Alasitas is a 3-week long fair that, in La Paz, takes place beginning on the 24th of January and in Santa Cruz takes place in September. “Alasitas” is an Aymaran word that means “buy me”, and is the name of the annual fair where people buy miniature items that represent things they hope to attain within the year.
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Alasitas is often referred to as the festival of miniatures, as the capital city of La Paz turns into a large market of small things that may become big if you know who to ask. Locals come and buy anything from tiny mobile phones, laptops, cars, and houses, to non-material things like love in the form of a male or female doll, or even matrimony in a form of a marriage certificate.
The festival is held in honour of the indigenous “god of bounty” or “abundance” called Ekeko (sometimes spelled Ekkekko, or Ekkeko). He is often rendered as a short, pudgy, mustached man who wears traditional Andean clothes and carries baskets of grains. Tiny items, from kitchen appliances to college diplomas, are taken home and placed around Ekeko, who the Aymara people believe will bless them with better lives in the coming year.
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Hundreds accompany the Bolivian deity statuette “illa of Ekeko” as it is driven to the Alasitas Fair. Andean religious leaders carry urns with burning incense in a procession of the Bolivian deity statuette “illa of Ekeko” as it is driven to the Fair. The pre-Columbian figurine that symbolizes abundance was recently returned to Bolivia by the National Museum of Berna in Switzerland, 156 years after being taken away from its native country.
Images of Ekeko and other items, such as imitation bank notes are blessed during the festivities. The Ekeko statuette is traditionally given a cigarette, sprinkled with alcohol and surrounded with all the miniature items bought at the Alasitas Fair “so our wishes come true that year.”
Many bring their diminished dreams to the statues of Ekkekko they store at home, light a cigarette for he is known as a great smoker, dedicate a few prayers, and then wait for the miraculous gifts which will come within the next year.
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Ekeko is the household god and it is not unusual for Bolivians to have a representation of this short and chubby, happy-looking fellow with a mustache and dressed in Andean clothes in their home. To ensure good luck the statue should be received as a gift and not be personally bought. Ekeko brings wealth to the family and keeps misfortune at bay.
To obtain the favour of fortune, Bolivians like to present Ekeko with miniatures – mostly made of a sugary substance – of things they would like to own. This can be a house, a car, furniture, clothes, an airplane but also food. A miniature passport may be bought if one has the wish to travel, a university diploma in case one wants to study or when graduation is near.
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Perfectly copied miniature dollar and euro notes are favoured over local bolivianos when a devotee wants wealth. Ekeko loves smoking, his statue has a special hole in the mouth for a cigarette.
During Alasitas, the streets are crammed with people who need to buy their miniatures replicas in time – the blessings will take place around noon and they should be prepared by then.
Locals claim if you really believe in miracles, you will get what you want, and many testify it truly works.
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Alasitas’ main divinity is Ekeko, but Catholic priests give their blessing to the newly acquired miniature goods as well, while simultaneously honouring the Virgin of La Paz. Whereas the Franciscans focus on the Virgin, the yatiris – the local wizards – focus on Ekeko; the average Bolivian cares about both.
There is not one conclusive theory about how and where the festival started. In the Aymará language, alasitas means ‘buy from me’ and in pre-colonial times Alasitas was always celebrated in September (Bolivian springtime), to ensure a good crop. It is said that the Spanish changed the date to January 24 in commemoration of an indigenous uprising in 1781 and the siege of La Paz by Tupac Katari.
During the colonisation the Spanish tried to force Catholicism on the indigenous people. They partly succeeded and many Bolivians converted to Catholicism, however, in reality the Bolivian religion became a mix of Catholicism and traditional Andean beliefs and rituals, which is easily recognised during, for instance, Alasitas.
Notes On Slow Travel
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artistporelsalva · 6 years
MARICELA LIXA aka ARTIST POR EL SALVA https://www.facebook.com/elsalva0  - CRAZY PP https://www.facebook.com/CRAZYPPMIX/  -  EKKEKO KONGO https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010164343216
 Jam Session : Il Faut Sauver L...
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ekekoyambanza · 8 years
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survivorconquest · 9 years
MEET CASEY: Being a member of the Sogolon 4 and struggling throughout the game, Casey made it to the merge where her fate was determined by a purple rock in Mali. Having much more to prove and being a contestant the viewers were rooting for.
Hi! I didn't have time to make a video unfortunately, but I am super excited to be here! You may know me as that girl who got rocked out in Mali after not having a single vote cast against me all season. So, hopefully this will be my chance at redemption! I'm a junior Marketing major in college and I live in Connecticut, and I have no life, hence why I play online reality games all the time. I work at Walt Disney World (which pretty much everyone already knows about me lol) so I love Disney and am always down to talk about that. So yeah, that's pretty much it! Can't wait to get started!
MEET DYLAN: Known as a strategic mastermind in Tahiti, Dylan was in control of the majority alliance. After Breanna won the challenges she needed to get to the end, Dylan was faced with 2nd place. After 10 seasons, Dylan is back for another chance at the title of Sole Survivor
MEET TONY: Known for his dynamic duo with Shaelyn, and playing 2 idols to protect them. Tony has earned himself his spot in this season for his likable character and many fights.
My name is Tony, I am 19 years old and I live in Brooklyn. I'm playing again because I need redemption. Last time I went out with a bang because I needed to prove I wasn't gonna let myself get walked all over by the returning alliance. Some still debate whether that move was smart or extremely dumb (and by someone I mean me) but I never regret it because in one tribal I played two idols I found and flushed out the third (which I found but had to give away). It was fun having so many idols and power but now I'm excited to play this game to have fun for everyone and not just me. I was slightly hated on my season so this one is more about actually being a "favorite." I want to get to know more of the tumblr survivor community and be a bigger part of it because you are all awesome!
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jenniekimie · 4 years
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mulciber; family of pur blood wizard.
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jossukehigashikata · 7 years
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Supay’s family!
mother: Ekkeko, father: Apotequil, and elder sister: Uku
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jossukehigashikata · 7 years
genderheart replied to your photoset: Supay’s family! mother: Ekkeko, father: Apotequil,...
I’m so glad you like them!
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survivorconquest · 9 years
MEET DOM: He flips, he flops, and he just doesn’t stop. Known for everyone thinking he had idols when he only had 1, and he gave it away. Dom made a few mistakes in Matsu Islands, but was enjoyable to watch all the way until his elimination at 5th.
MEET ERIN: Due to her still being apart of the jury in Kiwayu, we can’t say much about her game as the season is still ongoing. We just know that she was idoled out by season villain Johnny, resulting in 10th place.
I was pleasantly surprised that I got offered to play in Machu Picchu. Coming straight off of Kiwayu, It's going to be a quick readjustment to a new cast and game. I'm excited to try and improve myself and hopefully not make the same mistakes I made last time. I don't know if the fans vs favs cast will be able to live up to the amazing kiwayu people I know so well now but if it does this season will be really special. I honestly am playing again in hopes we get to play that awesome Pokemon game again so I can demonstrate how much of a comp beast I am :)
MEET MARKO: Marko is a popular blogger on tumblr, which brought him fame going into Bonin. He survived a few rounds of the Jalvin swap before his demise at 16th place. He also wrote a confessional which was just a cornbread recipe.
Hi, I’m Marko! I’m 18, and a college student, and I completely flopped on Bonin Islands with some odd legacy concerning cornbread but we’re not going to get into that. I’m not really sure what else these speeches are supposed to contain, but I’m really looking forward to getting to know you all!
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survivorconquest · 9 years
MEET AMELIA: Amelia Stripey is the 12th place finisher in Galapagos and is long overdue for a return. They became an instant fan favorite after becoming the symbol of the newbies and facing adversity after being targeted countless times. Having one of the greatest and most memorable stories in Tumblr Survivor history, Amelia is the perfect fit for this season.
MEET HUNTER: One of our more recent players to return for a second chance, Hunter Glenn finished in 15th place in Olympics. As Olympics is ongoing we can’t reveal too much about his game, but Hunter became a favorite for his passion and love for the game and his story was cut too short as he got voted off right before Branden and Nay were removed from the game.
“Hey! My name is Hunter and I will be entering this game from playing in a previous season! To get to know more about myself I enjoy things like dancing, singing and acting as well as various online casual activities such as tumblr survivor! Most recently I was on Olympics where I was kicked off right before the merge, but dang there were a lot of people in that season. So somehow I was liked enough to re-enter the game of tumblr survivor. I hope to enter this game ready to enjoy the challenges and the events that most likely will unfold. I can meet more people! Yay, good luck fellow castaways! Survivors ready? Go!!”
MEET CANDACE: Known for her loud and abrasive personality, Candace is best known as the last remaining member of the Tengaged Alliance in Matsu Islands. Following the blindside of her alliance, Candace did not hold back and publicly criticized and mocked the majority alliance. She found new hope when the Nangan Three chose to side with her and force rocks at final 8, but ultimately drew the wrong rock and was eliminated from the game. 
“Hello, badgyal Candy here. Glad to be back and better than ever. On Matsu I went a bit nuts, but let's put the past aside. Obviously I had a little mess revolving us because of the whole pre game thing. This time I'd like to see how I do completely alone. I'd hope people don't think I'm a bitch because of the things I've said in the past, I'm just passionate! I only spoke my mind when it was needed. This time I'm coming in hoping to meet some new people and show that I can do this by myself. Hopefully I don't get rocked out, again!”
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