#eko lore
lilas · 1 month
thinking about eko and erenville irt the second half of dawntrail
dawntrail spoilers ahead 🌞
I can’t decide if i want to gpose this or write it
I think gpose
But like…Eko was there to experience the Final Days in Thavnair, where she had been living for several years at that point; Thavnair was and is her home
And she saw it burn, saw the horrors begotten from despair, and fought tooth and nail to protect what was left
So when the dome drops, and the Alexandrians invade Tural, and Erenville is fearing for his home while everyone is planning, Eko sees and understands his grief, his fears, his struggle
The Scions are sympathetic of course, but they have their tasks and no time to stop and grieve, not yet; they couldn’t stop and grieve if they wanted to end the Final Days, and they can’t stop to grieve until they end the threat of Zoraal Ja’s army
This is where Avi’li fails Erenville as a partner (and the beginning of where Erenville fails Avi’li as a partner… something they’ll need to work to on, more on that later) but Eko can relate
And while the Scions and Vows create a plan, Eko is there by Erenville’s side, understanding and empathetic and grieving with him
To see one’s home in such a state…not knowing how things can ever get back to how they were…watching the destruction and feeling powerless…who can understand better than them
But Thavnair did come out the other side, and Eko believes Yyasulani will come out the other side as well; changed… but alive
The assurance comforts Erenville at the very least
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lilaspose · 5 months
eko sostomi
thank you for the tag @thevikingwoman i will go ahead and do both eko and avi’li!
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Name: Eko Sostomi
Nicknames: Koko (by Avi’li)
Age: 33 as of just before Dawntrail
Nameday: TBD
Race/Clan: Miqo’te, Keepers of the Moon
Gender/pronouns: Ciswoman, she/her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Profession: A hunter
physical aspects
Hair: An inky black, with white tips
Eyes: Yellow
Skin: A cool dark beige
Tattoos/scars: No tattoos; a scar on her cheek she’s had since she was a child
Parents: BIG TBD but they’re both dead. Lots of internalized guilt over it.
Siblings: I go back and forth on this, I think she has at least one sister, but I can’t decide if she’s older or younger.
Grandparents: (shrug)
Other: her family were close family friends with Avi’li’s family, and Eko thinks of Avi as more of a mother than her own.
Abilities: The Echo (her specific iteration of the echo is a very strong empathy along with some ability to relive memories); skilled in healing (WAR & WHM combo); skilled with the bow and lance, her primary hunting tools
Hobbies: She likes foraging in the wilds of Thavnair, as well as fishing
Most Positive Trait: her enthusiasm and optimism; it took her a long time to find joy on her own terms, and now she looks on life with a kindness and optimism she had to teach herself
Most Negative Trait: her hesitancy; she hesitated leaving Sostomi Island, and she hesitated embracing her powerful affinity for healing. She blamed herself as the reason for her mother’s death for a long time.
Colors: gold, yellow, and vibrant purple
Smells: the smell of spices, sweet and savory, in the air of Radz-at-Han; cloves; ocean breeze and salt
Textures: Satin and cashmere
Drinks: juices, and milk teas
other details
Smokes: no
Drinks: socially
Drugs: no
Mount Issuance: none; she is not part of a grand company; rides another mount instead (TBD)
Been Arrested: no, but just narrowly; it was touch and go after she ran away from Sostomi Island
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saira-havoka · 5 months
Some world building real quick, eko history specifically
The beggining of time
In the beggining the creator god isa created the world along with 10 gods below themselves, who even they know not of isas existence.
The nine gods created 10 different regions, and ruled over their people and their kingdoms.
Fenisikan (phoenix)
Moakan (cat)
Tyutyurikan (owl)
Wuzeikan (squid)
Manyukan (eel)
Yukan (fish)
Xiarenkan (shrimp)
Ekekan (moth)
And bachikan (bee)
All gods had their respective species they represented, all but the zhamengshukan (mantis) people, they were created without a god, and with nowhere to go, they lived in the region of the tyutyurikans.
Within 10 thousand years a time system was created, the okai, every 1000 years the okai, along with the word changes.
(Ex mokai, Nokai, tokai)
After 7 okai passes, the zhamenshukan people decided they wished to be independent, and though sharing land, they separated from the tyutyurikan kingdom, and formed their own country, which was then known as imi, whilst the tyutyurikan lands remained as shuki. Imi created the first non godly form of government, and it took many years for it to become common elsewhere.
700 okai passes, the year is 452 nokai and news spreads the tyutyurikan goddess having a child, it’s unknown how this was pulled off, but many believe she used stolen magic from the other gods. The child was a demigod, immortal but not invincible, a human was chosen to be immortal alongside her, and always protect her when her mother could not. Her name was walunting.
One year later, in 453, another child was born, to a mortal mother, he was said to be a creator god, along with the 10 before him, skeptical, followers of the tyutyurikan faith set out to kill the child, completing the attack, the child miraculously survived, proving his immortality, a new faith was born, and the zhamengshukan people now had a god. His name was yueshuya.
When the child of the tyutyurikan god came of age, 27, she became queen, and became the main ruler of her country. being born to be peculiar, and quickly become good friends, when they reached around 120 years of age, shuki and imi joined to form one country, through the alliance of the god and queen, the country would then be known from then on as eko.
Eko, since it’s beginning, was always a reserved country, tyutyurikans and zhamengshukans aren’t human in the way the other species are, and due to this, often kept to themselves, until 780 mikai, about 1000 years after the birth of the god, most of the surrounding land was forested for miles and miles, making it hard for people to get out, or in.
In 780 mikai, there was change, the forests were either cut down, or worked through to make them travel-able, which led to more business and merchant type alliances to form.
For 8 more okai, all remains as is, before the yukan god allianced with the tyutyurikan god, causing the agreement to connect eko, and the yukans country of gamina, though still different country, they were considered of equal region. Yukan people began to move to eko, and vise versa with tyutyurikans and zhamens. I’m about 1 more okai, the population of the two countries were almost equal between the 3 species
About 15 more okai later, the queen is killed, and the zhamen god disappears, and the tyutyurikan god and the yukan god, though still in their alliance, return to mainly caring for their own countries, the population of eko returned to 70% zhamen, and gamina became 70% yukan
At this point this world, called saira as a whole has been around for 741,000 years, or 741 okai
As of now the tyutyurikan people will not be included, a curse has taken away their humanity
But that’s for a separate post
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clexxi · 9 months
“14 notes?? Y’all making me feel special” -Eko
(Ooc: TYSM WHAT?? Also that post is meant to be me looking for people to mutual >_0 this isn’t too much of a onceler acc and my iPad has been funky lately but I’ll draw more Eko/Host content soon!!)
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serene-sky-kid · 1 month
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I was enabled a few days ago and this is what happens, skykid as a pretty anime boy
I straightened altair's hair a little bit and gave him a second outfit more according to his “field work”. I'm still deciding how to draw the scars, if lighter or darker. But I think I got a little closer to the mental image I have of this character, I'm still working on his lore so I keep changing things, I think that's the curse of my characters.
Regarding the other drawings, I like to say that Altair and eko have a big brother/little sister dynamic and not father/daughter because they tease each other, they are quite cute and funny.
Don't judge me for drawing pretty anime boys
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limeinaltime · 2 years
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Get baby lore-ed. Yes this is as deranged as it sounds.
Little extra fact: Eko is one of the few Core Drones who ever got to have a child phase in her life. The rest that did were all made post-core collapse.
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outsiders-owen · 9 months
:D lore plot lore plot hooray \o/
-954 voice / Eko
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Haven't updated this blog in forever.
I realize I come up with lots of lore bits for my OCs but rarely do I ever actually illustrate them.
Recently I decided that Eko may appear to wear animal skins, but what she wears was in fact, store bought gifts from Shino that she tattered up through wear and tear, and likes them better that way.
Also, I have mentioned this, but never illustrated, but her physical appearance is based on a sackboy/sackgirl costume I made in Little Big Planet. The lack of a nose became a trait of hers, witchy's, and mute's race. I'm still debating on weather or not there are ears under the hair.
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lettalady · 3 months
The Long Journey Home lore & Dove?
Hello nonnie! Ha I really need that image that *roughly* says: oh goody you asked and now I get to tell you.
Character Lore: send me a character and I’ll give you some of the lore I made up about them
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Let's see what lore I can reveal here regarding Dove. I'm sure I've talked about some of it before but hopefully I can come up with a few new bits of insight?
I guess we can start at the beginning regarding the fact that she's Sokovian, too, and a former member of the Zemo household staff. I wanted someone that had a foot in the past, a connection to Zemos as they were as a family unit versus an individual connection to Helmut alone. It would be an entirely different story if she was someone he'd interacted with or worked alongside as the commander of the EKO Scorpions. Who is to say if we might've gained something different if she'd only known him professionally, and similarly lost people - but simply knew that he was the only surviving member of the long lineage.
Why a polyglot? The Zemos wouldn't allow just anyone into their household, would hold specific expectations regarding the person that would be entrusted with their son. We never really nail down which languages she's fluent in versus able to pick her way through, but trust me when I say I have a list and associated reasons regarding which languages and why.
Why is she younger? In part because I wanted someone that wasn't on par with him regarding life experience. As seen in Who We Were Before, there's an aspect of protectiveness regarding her perceived innocence - and an attempt to preserve those rose colored glasses worn. (Which also allows for the change in dynamic that we witness in LJH proper, which I love to watch unfold... oh dear now I'm feeling the urge to go back and reread the early chapters.)
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Hopefully I've answered some of what you were curious about?
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azul-nieve · 4 months
Random Questions About OCs #1
(⚠️ Trigger warning) What if OC kalian terluka parah?
Hielo: cover lukanya pake es untuk sementara buat nahan pendarahannya
Fino: FYI ada teknik penanganan luka dengan cara dibakar
Describe your ocs! with one emotion! (anger, fear, sadness, etc)
Fino: 😡
Eko: 😨
Petra: 😁
Hielo: 😢
Di cerita oc kalian ada gak seseorang yang kalian gambar terus padahal bukan karakter utama
Hielo, dia deuteragonist
Tanpa dibantu kekuatan, siapa oc! kalian yang physically good fighter?
Petra, technically dia punya kekuatan elemen bumi, tapi fisiknya emang kuat juga tanpa pake kekuatan elemennya
Siapa oc! Kalian yg suka masak?
Spill oc yang tipe kalian banget hahahah
Hielo 🥶
Other questions
Worldbuilding mendetail atau tidak?
Mendetail biar seruuu
Hal yang paling kalian suka sampe kalian masukin ke hampir tiap oc (atau oc fav) apa? kek dynamic fav, hairstyle fav, personality fav, bulan lahir fav (???), dll gitu deh
Desain catchy
Topik atau tema fav kalian di lore oc kalian apa?
Kalian tipe yang bisa ngomongin atau bawa OC! in real life gak? Atau soal OC kalian keep di sosmed aja?
Bawa ke event pasar kreator, jualan merch OCnya, cosplay OCnya di event wibu, things I've done in the past. Cuma buat sekarang lebih suka sekedar post OC di Tumblr aja
Kalian seneng gak kalo oc! kalian tiba2 dikasih nama panggilan sama orang lain? atau malah gak suka nama oc kalian diubah2 gitu?
Ga masalah asal gak kelewat batas, orang² juga suka ngejokes Hielo "susu H*lo" wkwkwk
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kafkaoftherubbles · 1 year
Crack-ass Hypotheses Record #1/ 致命脑洞记录 (一) 
Eko has her clay pot. I have my crackpot.
This is where I gather my current To Your Eternity hypotheses and speculations that are wild (low probability) and have minimal-to-no concrete in-lore evidence or arguments per what the story currently shows. Over time, some might get promoted to formal hypotheses (IPA pronounciation: ˈram-bəl) if the evidence pools to its favor, but for now, take 'em with the same copious amount of salt as needed to make marinated Nokkers to serve unsuspecting Human Nokkers. Yum! 
Dolly has 32's brainwaves, including a copy of her consciousness/personality (at the time of her copying), uploaded into its AI module. It is still loading in the background. 
Dolly has 32's brainwaves and some bits of Left Hand Nokker's consciousness. Ironically making it the latest Hayase "rebirth." 
Dolly has 32's brainwaves because she is (forcefully) uploaded into the doll to leave her actual vessel for Left Hand Nokker to completely dominate. Dolly is 32's last-ditch attempt to remain "human." 
Dolly is a hybrid of 32 and Left Hand Nokker's consciousness as the Left Hand Nokker's latest attempt to "be human." Hence the panel "I've become human." 
Dolly is the Beholder's Orb (a rather popular one in the fandom as it stands, but it's personally placed rather low on my probability scale) 
AD and 32 (+ other Mizuha clones) had a very important relationship. 
AD was one of the Mizuha executors. 
 All Kaibara's most dirty-working executors have no stars. 
AD is frequently depicted as wearing goggles because (1) he has soft expressive eyes which, despite the intimidating physique, can easily betray his emotions. (2) his eyes are distinctive enough that revealing it will make readers recognize his lineage or connection to past characters. (3) a fashion statement. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. 
The Mizuha Massacre was conducted because Left Hand Nokker has finally perfected its vessel and it no longer needs these "Hayase's rebirths" anymore.  
Left Hand Nokker's perfect vessel is constructed or engineered from scratch the way designer babies like Andy are, but with materials from the Left Hand Nokker itself such that for the first time, it can say this is its body. This is its first time as an independent human being, "free" from Hayase and her "incarnations."
There could be a grand revelation of the true nature of Hayase's rebirths, which the Left Hand Nokker recounts to taunt/spite Fushi. Perhaps the revelation that the rebirths have always been arbitrary and socially constructed and that only the Left Hand Nokker is the constant. In other words, Kahaku could have just been a normal Yanome boy without all that baggage—and self-hatred—all along.  (very wild if true; for now, very low on the probability scale despite how much I like this one)
There will be a World Tour of sorts, with each immortal warrior's personal theme and life story coming to full circle and perhaps even dying. It will make this part of the Wish Era mirror the Previous Era's emotional gut punches.  
The tundra will return (whether it's still the tundra or not... well, climate change might beg to differ). The NAMELESS BOY (ooh, didn't need to capitalize that) and Joann both will return to the story in some form.  
As they are Fushi's earliest memories and life impetus, to the point of being pre-Hayase, they are the ones most connected to the Beholder's Orb. 
Nameless Boy is (or the base of) Fushi all along. It doesn't change the fact that Fushi is "everyone", though, but in some philosophical-spiritual-scientific-whatever-sticks way, Nameless Boy and Fushi are "one person."  (Also very wild if true, but also very low on the probability scale despite how much I like this one to bits)
Fushi would make do with what they promised Left Hand Nokker back in the Present Era and "become its vessel."  
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That's it this time! I wonder what everyone's crackpot theories are as of now?  
Thank you for reading my ramble.  
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lilas · 4 months
let's assume the The Getaway Plan happened in enw: how would avi and eko adjust to life aboard their new lunar home?
Ohohoho this is a fun question!!
The real answer is…
…they wouldn’t board the moon. Not if only a few could escape. Just as Apollo and Melampus before them, Avi’li and Eko can’t leave people to suffer so a few could survive, that’s just not their way. Eko might go if the people of Thavnair went. She’d feel obligated to protect them. Avi’li wouldn’t leave though, even if all his loved ones were safe. He can’t turn his back and those he could yet save.
The fun answer is…
I don’t think they’d sleep much. There’s no sun or warmth to make them fall asleep, so they would struggle. The endless blackness of space would also keep them awake.
Avi’li would involve himself with… everything, which wears on his mood, but the only thing worse than doing everything asked is…not doing everything. :’)
Eko would keep busy as well, acting more as community support, helping people organize and make themselves comfortable in their new home.
Avi’li would make many visits to The Watcher, for his stories, his insight, and the crystal archives in his possession; something to do when he has no odd jobs or errands
Eko would explore with Avi’li, but wouldn’t wander far. She’s invested in rebuilding a sense of community and home and she misses it when she wanders
Avi’li would have a hard time shaking a distinct sense of failure; he doesn’t know why, but I don’t think he’d ever get to a point where he accepts this outcome. There would always be a part of him that resists it or wants to fix it
Oops hahaha where did this big box of angst come from ahahaha (slides it into a dark corner)
Eko would miss Hydaelyn, of course she would, but she taught herself how to accept, grieve, and move on, and so she can adapt into their new normal much easier than Avi’li
Also just….. so many misadventures with the Loporits would be so fun lmao; imagine Avi’li and Eko doing Smileton with people around LOL
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lilaspose · 5 months
avi’li sostomi
thank you @thevikingwoman for tagging me! here is avi because I can’t resist talking about him ever
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Name: Avi’li Sostomi
Nicknames: Lia, formerly just used within his family and clan, but he has recently taken to introducing himself as Lia. Most of Thavnair knows him by that name, and he will introduce himself as Lia in Tural.
Age: 32 as of Dawntrail
Nameday: I can’t remember, but he’s a Leo
Race/Clan: Miqo’te, Keepers of the Moon
Gender/pronouns: Cisman, he/him
Orientation: Bisexual, demi-romantic
Profession: Warrior of Light, adventurer by trade, hero by circumstance
physical aspects
Hair: A cool white
Eyes: bright jade green
Skin: cool pale skin, with pink undertones
facial tattoos that represent age in his clan for men (one side is tattooed when you’re a teenager, the other side if tattooed when you become an adult; Avi’li got his second set of tattoos after Stormblood)
covered in scars from numerous battles; most notably is the gaping scar over his heart
Parents: Read about Avi and Toki’to here
Siblings: Read about Aya, Sina, Fen, and Toa here
Grandparents: He would only know his maternal grandparents, who are both dead now, but he had fond memories of them that are TBD.
Other: The Fourtemps, who he will always think fondly of, and keep in his heart; the Scions, who he is forever devoted to for as long as he loves
Abilities: so many… he’s primarily a blade wielder, and channels his aether into a variety of weapons (PLD, NIN, DRK, DNC); recently picked up and is practicing with a bow, turns out he’s a pretty good marksman, all of that target practice with lightning must have helped his aimed (BRD)
Special mention, he has charisma and rizz for days
Hobbies: picking up any intellectual pursuit that interests him at the time (SMN, SCH, AST, SGE, alchemy, etc…MCH*)
MCH: picked up as a favor to Aymeric; Avi’li and Stephanivien actually have a lot in common in how much they love experimenting with shit; Avi’li is NOT happy about this fact
Most Positive Trait: the limitless, transformative love he has for others; his love runs deep and is often overwhelming for him to wrap his mind around, but he loves so strongly; should a friend leave his side, go their own way, never to be seen for years after, Avi’li will still love them as strongly as before; should a romance end, hearts broken, Avi’li won’t just stop loving them, his love for them transforms into something different but just as powerful
Most Negative Trait: his selfishness; it’s something he’s grown out of and sunken into in waves; he is the spoiled youngest of his family and empathy and compassion and patience for others is something that he had to hone and refine
Colors: he doesn’t have a favorite color, but he likes dressing in cool, jewel tones
Smells: Maple, pine, mint, coconut
Textures: Soft surfaces you can sink into, sand beneath your feet, warm surfaces in the sun
Drinks: Black coffee
other details
Smokes: no
Drinks: yes; overindulges in social settings
Drugs: probably
Been arrested: I’m 95% sure he was arrested in Ishgard at some point when he was moonlighting as a Dark Knight
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everwizard · 2 years
ofc our characters can be friends!! ill make a better post with some things about Ekos later :]
we can make lore about them if you want 👀
YES YES YES YES!!! I'd love to do lore yes yes yes
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clexxi · 9 months
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Hi guys, here’s my main oc and the main viewpoint of this blog. His name’s Eko and he’s also my persona, he is currently a minor but I’ll be explaining a different oc’s lore from his view point!?!?! (Also last post was ooc)
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warriorhumans · 5 years
Is Isaac missing a finger? :0
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He lost it after helping Kuwat escape the gang + fake his death. Not in a cool way though.
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