#eko sostomi
lilaspose · 25 days
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“I’m so sorry—” Eko winces. Her voice is tight with nerves, and she clears her throat. “I’m sorry you saw that… happen to your home.”
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“I understand, you know? That fear…”
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“…and powerlessness.”
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“But—” She bites her lip before raising a hand to Erenville’s shoulder. “—When I thought everything was lost… Thavnair survived, and it flourishes, and people are rebuilding their lives.
“There is hope for Yyasulani yet.”
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Silence settles between them, not uncomfortably, when Erenville shifts. His gloved hand settles on top of hers at his shoulder.
“…Thank you, Eko,” he says softly.
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lilas · 2 years
1 & 11 for Avi’li & 18 for Eko please!
ty viking! <3 💕
For Avi’li
1. Why did they pick their first class/job? What about the job they main now?
Avi’s first class was Arcanist, and the arcanist guild is the reason he came to Eorzea in the first place. He wanted to study the arcane, and still has an academic mindset so if he had his way his main roll would be Summoner, with a hint of Scholar.
Unfortunately, trama (and me) got in the way so his main classes are Ninja and Dark Knight. Both still use aether/magic of some kind, but they also put a blade between him and the things threatening him and his loved ones, so he feels safer.
(And also I have more fun as a ninja. 🥴)
11. What location do they dislike the most?
The Western Highlands in Coerthas. It’s miserable and freezing and desolate, and the malms and malms of endless white makes him a little insane.
For Eko
18. What is something they will never tell anyone?
Oh lots of things. Eko has a hard time overall voicing her thoughts and emotions to anyone, but especially herself.
Her upbringing wasn’t easy, a lot of external pressure was put on her, and her response was to disconnect from herself, put everything at a safe distance.
She’s struggling to overcome that now.
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lilaspose · 8 months
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it’s dangerous to go alone, take this ❤️💕💖
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lilaspose · 2 months
💄 to see them in their going-out attire pretty please?
“Oh shit, she’s coming!”
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“H-Hey, Zero!”
💄in their going out attire
ffxiv gpose meme!
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lilaspose · 5 months
eko sostomi
thank you for the tag @thevikingwoman i will go ahead and do both eko and avi’li!
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Name: Eko Sostomi
Nicknames: Koko (by Avi’li)
Age: 33 as of just before Dawntrail
Nameday: TBD
Race/Clan: Miqo’te, Keepers of the Moon
Gender/pronouns: Ciswoman, she/her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Profession: A hunter
physical aspects
Hair: An inky black, with white tips
Eyes: Yellow
Skin: A cool dark beige
Tattoos/scars: No tattoos; a scar on her cheek she’s had since she was a child
Parents: BIG TBD but they’re both dead. Lots of internalized guilt over it.
Siblings: I go back and forth on this, I think she has at least one sister, but I can’t decide if she’s older or younger.
Grandparents: (shrug)
Other: her family were close family friends with Avi’li’s family, and Eko thinks of Avi as more of a mother than her own.
Abilities: The Echo (her specific iteration of the echo is a very strong empathy along with some ability to relive memories); skilled in healing (WAR & WHM combo); skilled with the bow and lance, her primary hunting tools
Hobbies: She likes foraging in the wilds of Thavnair, as well as fishing
Most Positive Trait: her enthusiasm and optimism; it took her a long time to find joy on her own terms, and now she looks on life with a kindness and optimism she had to teach herself
Most Negative Trait: her hesitancy; she hesitated leaving Sostomi Island, and she hesitated embracing her powerful affinity for healing. She blamed herself as the reason for her mother’s death for a long time.
Colors: gold, yellow, and vibrant purple
Smells: the smell of spices, sweet and savory, in the air of Radz-at-Han; cloves; ocean breeze and salt
Textures: Satin and cashmere
Drinks: juices, and milk teas
other details
Smokes: no
Drinks: socially
Drugs: no
Mount Issuance: none; she is not part of a grand company; rides another mount instead (TBD)
Been Arrested: no, but just narrowly; it was touch and go after she ran away from Sostomi Island
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lilaspose · 4 months
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morning of departure, curry chats
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lilaspose · 5 months
avi’li sostomi
thank you @thevikingwoman for tagging me! here is avi because I can’t resist talking about him ever
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Name: Avi’li Sostomi
Nicknames: Lia, formerly just used within his family and clan, but he has recently taken to introducing himself as Lia. Most of Thavnair knows him by that name, and he will introduce himself as Lia in Tural.
Age: 32 as of Dawntrail
Nameday: I can’t remember, but he’s a Leo
Race/Clan: Miqo’te, Keepers of the Moon
Gender/pronouns: Cisman, he/him
Orientation: Bisexual, demi-romantic
Profession: Warrior of Light, adventurer by trade, hero by circumstance
physical aspects
Hair: A cool white
Eyes: bright jade green
Skin: cool pale skin, with pink undertones
facial tattoos that represent age in his clan for men (one side is tattooed when you’re a teenager, the other side if tattooed when you become an adult; Avi’li got his second set of tattoos after Stormblood)
covered in scars from numerous battles; most notably is the gaping scar over his heart
Parents: Read about Avi and Toki’to here
Siblings: Read about Aya, Sina, Fen, and Toa here
Grandparents: He would only know his maternal grandparents, who are both dead now, but he had fond memories of them that are TBD.
Other: The Fourtemps, who he will always think fondly of, and keep in his heart; the Scions, who he is forever devoted to for as long as he loves
Abilities: so many… he’s primarily a blade wielder, and channels his aether into a variety of weapons (PLD, NIN, DRK, DNC); recently picked up and is practicing with a bow, turns out he’s a pretty good marksman, all of that target practice with lightning must have helped his aimed (BRD)
Special mention, he has charisma and rizz for days
Hobbies: picking up any intellectual pursuit that interests him at the time (SMN, SCH, AST, SGE, alchemy, etc…MCH*)
MCH: picked up as a favor to Aymeric; Avi’li and Stephanivien actually have a lot in common in how much they love experimenting with shit; Avi’li is NOT happy about this fact
Most Positive Trait: the limitless, transformative love he has for others; his love runs deep and is often overwhelming for him to wrap his mind around, but he loves so strongly; should a friend leave his side, go their own way, never to be seen for years after, Avi’li will still love them as strongly as before; should a romance end, hearts broken, Avi’li won’t just stop loving them, his love for them transforms into something different but just as powerful
Most Negative Trait: his selfishness; it’s something he’s grown out of and sunken into in waves; he is the spoiled youngest of his family and empathy and compassion and patience for others is something that he had to hone and refine
Colors: he doesn’t have a favorite color, but he likes dressing in cool, jewel tones
Smells: Maple, pine, mint, coconut
Textures: Soft surfaces you can sink into, sand beneath your feet, warm surfaces in the sun
Drinks: Black coffee
other details
Smokes: no
Drinks: yes; overindulges in social settings
Drugs: probably
Been arrested: I’m 95% sure he was arrested in Ishgard at some point when he was moonlighting as a Dark Knight
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lilas · 2 years
14 and 16 for avi and eko?
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ty for the questions y’all! 💕 @fooltofancy @unclegoths
14. If they were not an adventure, what would they ve doing?
Avi’li would be in Limsa Lominsa. He originally went to Limsa to study with the Arcanist Guild, and without the Scions pulling him away from that he would continue to do so.
Eventually, his work with the Guild will also introduce him to the Rogue’s Guild, and I can see him going on to work with the Maelstrom.
His work with the guilds involves trade and overseeing imports and exports, so I think he would be doing that same work with the Maelstrom and the Alliance as a whole. Still probably some travel involved. :>
Eko is [static noises]. I think she’d still be in Eorzea, making her way as a hunter. Her path is still new and she’s in the very beginnings of ARR, so I don’t have her completely figured out yet.
16. What kinds of weather do they like or dislike? Do they like the heat or cold better?
I don’t think Avi’li has a type of weather he dislikes necessarily, but he’s Not a fan of colder climates (get rekt in HW loser). A warm, sunny day on the beach is his favorite.
Eko prefers temperate climates, not too hot or too cold. If she’s too hot she’s sweaty and it annoys her, and if she’s too cold all she can focus on are how numb her toes are. Just easier to do things when the temperate is just right.
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lilas · 2 months
5 and 17 for the DT questions!! (for Avi or Eko or both!)
Dawntrail question, thank you Azia mwah!
5. How do they feel about Wuk Lamat looking up to them as a mentor figure? Did this attitude change as the story progressed?
Being a mentor works really well for Avi’li actually. He’s an uncle to several rambunctious nieces and nephews, and he’s picked up a few mentees over the course of the game itself (Alisaie who feels so much like one of his sisters, The Doman Adventurer’s Guild, Princess Yuki, others). He’s not surprised Wuk Lamat looks up to him but he is taken aback by the strength of her admiration. He doesn’t mind it though, and he’s so proud watching her grow as she experiences the people. ;u;
From Eko’s perspective on watching this, it makes her think of when she and Avi were children, and Eko clung to Avi like a lifeline. Yes, she thinks, guiding others is what he was always meant to do.
17. The theme of family and legacy is repeated throughout Dawntrail—did this theme resonate with your character? Were there specific moments relating to family that impacted them?
Avi’li is answered here. I’ll answer for Eko because she’s a bit juicier for this theme.
I’ve been sparse with the details of Eko’s childhood, but she had a strained relationship with her mother. Her father was not a part of her life (either from death or absence). Eko and her mother, to be succinct, did not get along. It wasn’t an abusive household, but their personalities clashed. Her mother remembers the cruelty of Garlemald when the clan fled Corvos, and she put a lot of that trauma and her anxieties on her daughter. She tried to reign in Eko’s wild impulses, her curiosity, her rambunctiousness, and that led to a lot of internal suffering for Eko.
Now her mother is dead, and Eko fled Sostomi to track down Avi’li in Eorzea soon after.
Watching the claimants deal with their own familial ties is hard for her, she sees a lot of herself and her mother in most aspects, but mostly in Zoraal Ja. I think she recognizes most the weight of expectation on his shoulders, a weight similar to what she felt; the weight of legacy and fulfillment.
She’s so sad of what became of Zoraal Ja in the end. If only he was able to run away like she did.
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