#el didn't even SHOW P
fayes-fics · 5 months
Textual Encounter
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader, modern AU
Summary: Text fic. Wrong number meet-cute over text.
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Warnings: none... this is fluff and humour.
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: Fic request fill for Anon (HERE). I kept it fun and fluffy, but yeah, I can see a sequel where they sext. Thanks to @colettebronte for the read-through. Enjoy! <3
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Y/N: Hey Liz, it’s y/n y/l/n. Kindle Spa gave me your mobile. Said you had moved to another salon. I don’t trust anyone else to wax me tbh. Big date this week, kwim 😉 Can I get an appt? I’ll come to you. Doesn’t matter where. 
BB: Errr, I think you have the wrong number…
Y/N: Not Liz?
BB: Nope, Ben here. 
Y/N: Not a waxer, I presume?
BB: I may have waxed lyrical in my time, may even have lit a few candles. Have not waxed anyone no - my own body or anyone else’s. Yet. But I’m game to try anything once...
Y/N: Lol.
BB: Big date, eh?
Y/N: ….Yeah. Not that it's any of your business, stranger Ben.
BB: Fair. BB: Does it hurt?
Y/N: ??
BB: Getting waxed.
Y/N: Oh. Yeah. Like a motherfucker. But you sorta get used to it, tbh. And it’s so much less itchy than shaving regrowth, especially in sensitive areas… Wait, why am I having this convo with a complete stranger?!
BB: We don’t have to be strangers. BB: I’m Ben, 33, London. BB: I have no strong opinions on hair removal methods.
Y/N: lol. K. I’m y/n, 28, also London. Y/N: I, as you can see, do have some opinions.
BB: Hi y/n 👋 BB: I hope you can find Liz. Or someone else to assist with your hair needs.
Y/N: I would like it stated, for the record, I’m not hairy like a troll. I just like to keep things neat.
BB: The lady doth protest too much…
Y/N: You are cheeky for a stranger.
BB: Hey, I thought we agreed. Not strangers. Me Ben. You hairy troll.
BB: Just typing it doesn't work, you know.
Y/N: You should work at the Apple Genius Bar.
BB: Hmm, possibly. I do look good in blue. Or so I've been told.
Y/N: Always glad to provide career counselling.
BB: 🫡
4 days later.
BB: How’d your date go?
Y/N: That's odd. I don’t see a Genius Bar appt in my calendar…?
BB: iCal is a lying bastard. BB: I also assume you now can move faster through water.
Y/N: ??
BB: Waxed smooth like a dolphin…?
Y/N: 😆 Y/N: Entirely none of your business, but yes, actually. Well mostly. I leave some. Why am I telling you this?! Y/N: The guy was such a dud tho, I didn't get to show it off 🙁
BB: Please don't stop on my account. This is just delightful.  BB: I apologise on behalf of all men.
Y/N: For what?
BB: Having 4 sisters, I find the safest answer here is usually… everything, of course.  BB: But specifically, your rubbish date.
Y/N: Apology conditionally accepted. Y/N: 4 sisters?! 
BB: Only conditional? What do I gots to do to make it unconditional? BB: Yeah, I know… I’ve got 3 brothers too. My parents were really into each other. 
Y/N: IDK, serve a mean martini? Y/N: Understatement.
BB: That could be arranged. I took an online mixology course during lockdown.  BB: My sister El declared I'm better than Stanley Tucci. Admittedly, that was after 4 espresso martinis… but I'm taking it. She's opinionated but the best one. They are a weird bunch tho 🤔
Y/N: WOAH WOAH WOAH. That's a bold claim.
BB: Well, there’s only one way to dispute it: try one for yourself…
Y/N: Smooth, Genius Bar, smooth.
BB: I do my best 🤷
1 day later.
Y/N: I can't get my AirPods to work.
BB: You do realise I didn’t actually follow your career advice?
Y/N: Urgh. Inconvenient. What use are you then?
BB: As I said. Cocktails. I’ll try my hand at waxing if you want.
Y/N: Best stick to the day job. Which is…?
BB: Graphic design.
Y/N: Oh, that’s quite cool. 
BB: It pays the bills. You?
Y/N: MI-5
BB: Wow, you're a shit spy.
Y/N: It could be an excellent double bluff…
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Y/N: Oh, we’ve graduated to memes now, have we, Genius Bar?
BB: It was called for.
Y/N: I’ll take it. Purely cos it's a Hemsworth.
BB: I would too, tbh.
Y/N: Bi?
BB: For a Hemsworth? Always.
Y/N: Anyone else?
BB: I’ll keep you posted.
Y/N: I'm on the edge of my seat.
3 days later.
BB: Oscar Issac.
Y/N: Good non sequitur evening to you, too, Genius Bar Ben.
BB: For the bi thing.
Y/N: Ahh. Got it. I can respect that.
BB: This is me, btw: www.instagram.com/benbridgerdesign.  BB: Figured you can decide for yourself if I'm a creeper.
Y/N: Appreciated.
3 minutes later.
Y/N: You paint?
BB: I dabble
Y/N: Modesty will only make me like you more.
BB: You like me?! 🥹
Y/N: You didn't mention you were handsome.
BB: There is no way to respond to that without me sounding like a twat.
BB: But thank you 😊
Y/N: This is me: www.instagram.com/ynhandle 
7 minutes later.
BB: Oh, Amalfi is so beautiful, isn't it?
Y/N: Wow. That's a deep cut. How far did you scroll back??
BB: 👀
Y/N: Yeah, it's beautiful. Shame it's tainted for me now. Was there with an ex.
BB: I saw. Very handsome.
Y/N: Are you sure you're not just into men full-stop?
BB: 🤷 BB: You’re very pretty, too.
Y/N: I’d believe it if you didn't mention my “very handsome” ex first…
BB: I call it like I see it. BB: I have had 4 whiskeys, tho, so make of that what you will.
Y/N: On a school night?!
BB: It’s my brother Ant's birthday. This is like non-optional drunk, I’ll have you know.
Y/N: Happy birthday to him. 
BB: He says thanks. He’s also told me to get off my fucking phone. Which is rich. He is texting his wife nonstop.
Y/N: Hah! Safe travels through Whiskeytown, BenBridger 🫡
BB: I kinda miss Genius Bar…. 😞
Y/N: I can't win…
2 days later.
BB: Settle an argument for me.
Y/N: 🍿
BB: Col, younger brother, never stops eating... He claims Katz Deli is overrated. I argue it's touristy but still good. You’ve been. Where do you sit on this matter?
Y/N: You really did go thru my Insta, didn't you?? Y/N: Thanks for the follow, BTW.
BB: It's a compliment, I assure you. BB: Welcome. And same.
Y/N: Not complaining. And yeah, I agree with you, actually.
BB: Hah! Excellent!!
Y/N: Wait… your older brother is Ant, and your younger brother is Col? You’re Ben. So, like ABC?
BB:  … I already warned you my family was weird.
Y/N: You did. You did.
BB: Now, please excuse me while I go gloat.
Y/N: 👍
5 mins later.
BB: Hi. This is Col. You must be the famous y/n. Ben’s in the bogs, and the mug left his phone on the table unlocked, so this is on him.  BB: He like really likes you. Like a lot. Will you go on a date with him pls? 
Y/N: Err, ok, hi Col. Y/N: Umm, I think Ben should be the one to ask me that. Don’t you?
BB: He’s too scared you’ll say no.
Y/N: I won't…
2 minutes later.
BB: I am so SO sorry about that 😬 He’s such a shit. BB: But… do you mean it?
Y/N: Ask me properly…
BB: Would you, y/n, like to go on a date with me? Please?
Y/N: I would be delighted to Ben. 😀
BB: 🙏 BB: Are you free on Thursday? Could I take you to dinner?
Y/N: Sounds wonderful. 
BB: 7pm? Meet at Picadilly Circus? By Brasserie Zedel?
Y/N: I’ll be there 😀
BB: 😀
10 days later.
BB: I think you should know… Liz is an artiste 😮‍💨
Y/N: Stop texting me from my bed, you dork. 😘 Y/N: How do you take your coffee?
BB: I'm like 10 meters away. Why not just ask me?
Y/N: You started this, Genius Bar…
BB: Come back to bed, Mostly Hairless Troll.
Y/N: I asked for that, didn't I? 🤦
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Benedict taglist, pt 1: @makaylan @longingintheuniverse @iboopedyournose @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @nikaprincessofkattegat @baebee35 @crowleysqueenofhell @fiction-is-life @lilacbeesworld @broooookiecrisp @queen-of-the-misfit-toys @eleanor-bradstreet @divaanya @musicismyoxygen84 @miindfucked @sorryallonsy @cayt0123 @hottytoddyhistory @fictionalmenloversblog @zinzysstuff @malpalgalz @kinokomoonshine @causeimissu @delehosies @m-rae23 @last-sheep @panhoeofmanyfandoms @kmc1989 @desert-fern @corpseoftrees-queen @magical-spit @bunnyweasley23 @how-many-stars-in-the-sky @sya-skies
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nicktoonsunite · 4 months
I need to ask, did the tigerghost crackship start out because the Danny x Manny naming scheme matched the Timmy x Jimmy one? :P
I literally know almost nothing about most of these characters, but thanks to your art I am now super invested and want them all to be happy and healthy, and I ship characters I didn't even know existed. Thank you for the brainrot XD
you are actually dead on, literally when i started including jenny and manny i thought of pairing dannymanny as a funny haha jab at jimmytimmy, like wow their nicknames happen to rhyme too lol!!! then i started noticing they have a few similarities with the obvious being they both started off as teen heroes with green themed powers, their eyes turn green in their alter egos, they both have a powerful shout-based power (ghostly wail vs tigre roar)(at least manny WOULD HAVE ONE IF HE ACTUALLY LEARNED THE ROAR BUT ALAS THE SHOW ONLY LASTED 1 SEASON i will just assume he does get it eventually when he grows up). and this one is a bit funny more than anything but both Sam and Frida, the main female leads of the show, are voiced by Grey DeLisle lol
then it moved onto seeing how they contrast with eachother too, because they got the fire and ice dynamic going on, literally because manny's abilities have a fire theme while danny's got his ice core. they also contrast with their openness about their identity (danny's was kept secret, while manny being el tigre was public knowledge)
anyways it all went downhill from there need i say more
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skyahri · 5 months
Hate |Naruto Men X Reader| HC
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Characters: Kakashi Hatake, Shikamaru Nara, Sasuke Uchiha
Summary: Hate is a strong word, but it's also a very fragile one.
Warnings: Brief smut, kissing mentions of p and v. Some angst, but all comfort. Mentions of blood, violence, and death.
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Kakashi Hatake
You hated how full of himself he was. He was always talking down to people, to his teammates and so-called friends. He goes out of his way to show people up no matter how inappropriate the situation may be.
He hated that you always stuck up for people he considered weak. He hated how much time and energy you put into helping others instead of focusing on your own training. He hated that you had so much potential, yet seemed to waste it at every opportunity.
As time went on and you were forced into each other's inner circles, your occasional arguments became a constant bicker. It got even worse when you were assigned to his ANBU team. You questioned his every move and fought every decision he made.
In return, he always gave you the least desirable night shifts. He'd make you write all the reports, saying something about needing to learn to respect your elders (he's only a few months older than you).
Once you were put in charge of your own team, things quieted down. Not because either of you had mellowed out, but because you didn't cross paths as often anymore.
Because of how rarely you saw him, you always made sure to make your brief encounters worth it. You had practically written a list of insults to throw his way. He returned the same energy with out hesitation.
Eventually, after his genin team had gone their separate ways and you had finally retired from ANBU, you had a seemingly infinite amount of time to rekindle your rivalry with him.
He always seemed to be heading in the same direction as you were. It didn't matter if you were on your way to the Hokage's office, the shops, or meeting up with someone- he was always there.
You tried to fight with him like the good old days, but it was different now that you were grown adults. Maybe the ungodly amount of trauma combined with the wedge distance had created in your odd relationship had finally put an end to your petty war.
Thinking back, maybe this is what it had been all along, and your stupid kid brain was too proud to admit what was really going on.
Your arguing had turned into kissing the moment he stepped through your apartment door. Things moved quickly, expert hands doing away with endless layers of Jonin uniforms in a rushed attempt to feel more of each other.
It felt right. Like the decades of tension had finally come to a head and you were being forced to deal with it in the most animalistic way possible.
"I hate you."
Your mumbling between desperate kisses. He doesn't acknowledge you immediately, opting to instead lift you by your ass so your legs could wrap around him. He pushes you against the wall, pressing his clothed election right against your womanhood.
"I hate you, too."
Neither of you acknowledges the elephant in the room, that the word you're looking for isn't actually hate. But that's beyond your cloudy minds right now.
Shikamaru Nara
Shikamaru has never really bothered with social pleasantries or subjected himself to cater to what people like and dislike. In fact, he often chastised people for caring what others think.
He always commented about what you wore, how well groomed you were, and the overall effort you put into your appearance each day.
You hated listening to it, which is why you always did your best to avoid him.
It wasn't even about you specifically. You hated hearing how rudely he'd shut down Ino when she would ramble on about anything. You hated when he complained about how loud Naruto and Kiba were despite knowing that they're just excitable people. You hated hearing the damn near sexist remarks he'd make about how stupid people were for giving any shots about how they looked.
It was annoying. It didn't seem to phase anyone else anymore, but that almost made it worse.
You were at your breaking point. Just one comment away from losing your composure and you prayed to God you'd be able to refrain from saying anything too harsh.
But alas, Kakashi had assigned you to yet another mission with him- the sixth one just this month.
At least he waited until you were at the Inn before he started up with you. You honestly don't know why he let you shower first if it was going to be such an issue.
"Finally. I thought you'd be in there forever."
"What the Hell is your problem with me?"
He paused in his tracks. He wasn't expecting you to say anything to his usual grumbling, and especially didn't expect it to be so hostile.
"You always take forever in the bathroom."
"It was twenty minutes. You'll live."
"It wouldn't be that long if you didn't bother with all the extra shit you use."
"Why is it such a problem that I care about what I look like? I don't ever involve you in it and yet you're always talking about it."
He rolled his eyes, about to blow off whatever you were saying, but you started up again before he could.
"All you ever do is bitch and whine and moan about dumb shit that doesn't concern you. I like to look nice. I like wearing clothes that compliment my figure and putting time into the health of my hair and skin. It's not the end of the world, so shut the fuck up about it already."
You walked past him and lay in one of the twin beds, tired from the journey and pissed about your teammate's usual poor behavior.
He didn't say anything. He continued with what he was going to do before the argument and carried on like nothing had happened.
He kept any conversations strictly professional for the duration of the mission, something you were ecstatic about.
It wasn't until a few days after you returned home that you heard from him. He showed up at your apartment unprompted, looking irritated and slightly flustered.
"After talking with my team, it may have come to my attention that I might be kind of an ass."
You invited him in, curious as to what he had to say. He admitted that he had never been called out on it. Most people don't take him too seriously and he may have gotten a bit too comfortable voicing every thought that crossed his mind.
Although he had mostly soothed any nerves you had, you still decided he owed you.
You dragged him into your room, sat him at your vanity, and laughed when he groaned. You pulled out all the stops for him. You took him through your entire routine start to finish and when you were done, you asked him hiw it felt.
He hated that it felt nice. He hated that he suddenly realized how dry his skin usually was and how clean he suddenly felt. He would never fully admit that to you, though.
Him showing up at your apartment the next day, conveniently around the time you usually started these things, was all the confirmation you needed that he no longer deemed it a waste of time.
Sasuke Uchiha
He hated going to the Hokage's office, not because he was still in the thick of earning his freedom after the war, but because he hated Kakashi’s assistant.
You annoy him. He hates that you so confidently push his buttons. He hates that you're just a civilian, but you've been given so much authority over him. It was an unfit existence for the last Uchiha.
You enjoyed messing with him. He would grumble when given his assignment and you made sure to mock him with a playful pout. You'd check in with the ANBU watching over him to make sure he was behaving. You always used that word- behaving. As if he were a child.
Unfortunately for Sasuke, Kakashi isn't in the village right now, meaning he's stuck taking orders from you. He swears Kakashi picked you to oversee him intentionally, knowing how much it would bother him.
He's sitting next to you, helping you go through seemingly endless piles of paperwork. He wasn't sure if this was better than all the D-rank missions he'd been assigned lately, but he begrudgingly accepted the change of pace.
He glances at you through his peripherals. The sun is just going down, the orange light illuminating your soft features. Your usual bratty expression was replaced with a more peaceful one.
This was most likely just as much a break for you as it was for him. He wasn't oblivious to the way you had to reel Kakashi in every day, damn near having to tie him to his chair to get anything done.
"You can go home. I'll finish up here and we can resume tomorrow."
He didn't argue, thankful for relief from the horrifically tedious task. As he was leaving the building, he suddenly got this feeling in his gut that he should stay.
Of course, not wanting to do more paperwork than he was required to, he ignored the feeling and carried on.
He should've stayed. Just an hour after he left, while you were packing up for the night, the tower was raided by rogue nin.
The alarm sounded in the village, immediately calling all available shinobi. Bee, the ANBU assigned to him, gave him permission to lend a hand, and off they went to the tower.
He teleported himself to Kakashi’s office, knowing you would most likely be in there or at least somewhere near. What he wasn't expecting, however, was you standing over a body, kunai in hand and blood splattered across your body.
You didn't move, couldn't move. He reached forward, tugged the blade out of your shaky grip, and let it fall to the floor. You let him, not really in the mood to fight any more than you had to right now.
"Is he dead?"
Your question caught him off guard.
"I've never killed anyone before."
Ah. Civilian. Right. Sure, you belonged to a Shinobu village and even worked under the Kage, but that was vastly different than being on the front lines.
He thought for a second. Was he in any sort of position to be responsible for you at the moment? Should he hand you off to one of the other nin and return home?
"Cover your eyes."
It took a minute for his words to register in your hazy mind, but once they did you obeyed. If there was one thing you knew would benefit you, it would be allowing him to take the lead for now.
He put his hand between your shoulder blades and guided you through the hallways, down the stairs, and away from the tower completely. He glanced around, but couldn't find Bee, so he opted to take you back to his apartment. It would cause a lot less trouble if he was where he was supposed to be after all.
At home, he sat you down in the tub and turned on the water. He left you there, letting all the blood loosen from your skin. He returned a moment later, setting a stack of clothes down on the counter and grabbing a rag from the cabinet.
Neither of you spoke as he gently scrubbed your face. When he was done, he got a little bit of shampoo and worked all the red out of your hair.
You were slowly coming out of your daze. It was nice being brought out by something kind and comforting. It was almost enough to distract you from the night's events. Almost.
When he was done, he handed you the cloth, telling you to finish up and see him when you're done. You nodded, standing up and undressing when the door closed. You noticed how clean the water ran, most likely due to how thoroughly the Uchiha had taken care of you.
When you stepped out of the tub, you noticed the clothes on the counter. Upon closer inspection, they were similar to the ones he was wearing now- a t-shirt and sweats.
You joined him in the adjacent bedroom where he waited patiently. He all but forced you into his bed, shutting down all of your protests. When he went to leave the room, you quickly grabbed the fabric of his shirt to stop him.
"Please stay."
He didn't fight you. He walked around to the other side of the bed and sat down, leaning against the headboard and staring blanky in front of him.
You were thankful for the comfort of simply not being alone. Not after tonight, when so much had happened and the trauma was still fresh in your mind.
He tried telling himself that this was not a personal act, but instead one that would aid his village. But who was he kidding? He was realizing you weren't all that terrible and he had just allowed his angst brain to manipulate him into thinking so.
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lustnhim · 2 months
დ︎ “little sister.” — elvis x fem! reader დ︎
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note: based on ‘little sister’ by elvis (obvi) + requested / warnings: MDNI, non-specific age gap (elvis is 26 but idk abt the reader lol),  innocence kink, purity kink, cheating (kinda), p in v sex, fingering, no protection, car sex, panty stealing elvis cause’ i'm self indulgent. / summary:  elvis is dating your big sister, but after he sees you much you’ve grown– he can’t help himself.
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Elvis couldn’t believe what he saw. A grown girl in place of the little doll he knew before. Upon walking into your house for dinner, he didn’t even realize it was you till you took your place at the table. His breath was caught in his throat, he couldn't even focus on what your sister was saying– every other word, in and out. Like nothing. Sure, he thought your sister was pretty, and it was true he loved her, but something was different. Something about you just..stirred something in him. Elvis' heart raced as he took in the sight of you. You still wore your hair in pigtails. Smirking to himself he nodded mindlessly as your father started talking about his work, he watched as you took small bites of your food, your head was downcast, your pretty lil’ eyes, god. He wanted to see them so bad. ‘Just raise your head, yittle un.’ He thought letting out a breathy groan. 
“You alright, El?” Your sister said, his mind went blank. Snapping back to reality he looked around the table, seeing that you had finally raised your head up, confusion etched on your soft features. “Ah, yeah m’ alright. Just tired, the Colonel’s got me workin' like a dog.” Elvis joked, and your father laughed. “I’ve heard that, seems like everyday you’re in the papers.” Elvis felt his heart flutter as he made eye contact with you, trying to act casual, but his nervousness was palpable. You didn't seem to notice the tension between the two of you. Your sister, however, did. She could tell something was off, she could tell from the moment ya’ll sat down for dinner. “Can I go to the movies with sis?” You asked your father, and Elvis swallowed hard. Your voice was as sweet as sugar and as smooth as silk, that pretty innocence lingering in your voice. “Course’ honey. If that's alright with them of course–”  Your father looked over at Elvis who nodded in compliance quickly, making your sister scoff. “What? C’mon- I don’t want her to go.” Your sister complained and Elvis looked over at her, his tone gentle. “Oh c’mon honey, let er’ go…she won’t bother us.” Elvis cood, taking his hand and placing it over hers in desperation.  Elvis could tell your sister was annoyed. The way she shot glances at you showed that. Jealous of her younger sister…and rightfully so. A different beauty entirely, perhaps it was the innocence that radiated off of you, your full lips, those sun kissed freckles from bein’ outside, those long eyelashes, and the softness of your skin…things your sister had all but lost. Lost from runnin’ around. It was no secret to anytone that your sister liked to get around, Elvis had known for weeks what she had been doing but he never bothered with it. Too busy. But now you were here, you were somethin’ new and he wanted you. 
Your sister rolled her eyes and pulled her hand out from under his, pulling her hand out from under his she crossed her arms over her chest. "Fine, you can come. But don’t bother us!”  She gave a small huff before turning her attention back to the last little bit of food on her plate. As you all finished eating, your father took Elvis into the living room, showing him the new guns he had bought while your sister started tidying up. In the bathroom, you stood in front of the mirror brushing your hair when your sister came in. “Elvis was jus’ being nice,” She said, smiling cruelly. “But then again, he won’t pay you no mind anyways.” She chuckled and walked to the living room, sitting down on the couch. Scoffing you fixed your hair back-up in your pigtails and smiled in the mirror, feeling pretty. Maybe your sister was right, maybe he was just being nice. But that was beside the point. You still liked him. As you walked into the living room, Elvis drank in the sight of you, smiling as he spoke. “You girls ready?” You nodded, a shy smile playing on your lips as you walked over to Elvis. "Ready when you are, Elvis." Your sister rolled her eyes, but you ignored her. "Alright, let's go then." Your sister stood up, and grabbed Elvis hand, leading him out the door. 
The theater was packed, you recognized a few people you knew and some of your sister's friends who she chatted with before the three of you went to take a seat. Elvis took a seat in the middle, between you and your sister. The lights dimmed, and the movie began. Your sister chatted with Elvis throughout the movie, making jokes and laughing. You watched the movie, enjoying it but also feeling a bit left out. You wanted to talk to Elvis, to get to know him better, but you felt intimidated by your sister's presence. Halfway through the movie, Elvis leaned over to you, his arm brushing against yours. "This is a great movie, isn't it?" He whispered. You smiled, feeling your heart race. "It's amazing." You whispered back. He gave you a small smile before turning his attention back to your sister, who had been jerking on his arm so he could look back at her.  During the intermission, Elvis stood up, stretching his legs. "Want anything from the concession stand?" He asked, looking at both of you. Your sister shook her head, but you nodded, biting your lip. "Um, could I get a coke and some popcorn, please?" Elvis smiled, nodding. "Sure, be right back." He winked before making his way out of the theater room.
Walking to the concession stand Elvis could feel how shaky his legs were, how fast his heart was racing, and how disappointed he was that your sister was hogging him. He should’ve just ended stuff with her a long time ago, but she stayed. In a way, he was glad. He wouldn't have been able to see you as much as he did, let alone spend any time with you. Ordering his two cokes and a large popcorn he started to head back to the theater room before hearing a familiar giggle. Your sister. Peeking around the corner he saw your sister and some fella, he had her in a corner, his arm raised above her head as he leaned close to her. Elvis watched as they kissed, a short sweet one before he took her hand and the two snuck out the backdoor. Elvis was mad, in short. She had run off with another man mid-date, shaking his head and taking a deep breath as he walked back into the theater room, finding you sitting alone. “Elvis- uhm she said that she felt sick n’ had one of her friends take her home…I-I told her that she could wait on you n’ you could take us home but she didn’t listen to me!” You explained and Elvis laughed gently, “Don’t worry bout’ it little. I saw her, she done run off.” He said, handing you one of the cokes. “Oh…m’ sorry…” You whispered, seeing genuine hurt in his features. “Ain’t your fault, she's been doin’ that for a good while.” Elvis said softly, looking over at you. “You wanna just head ta’ the car?” Elvis proposed and you nodded. Standing up and walking out of the row of seats Elvis took your hand in his, leading you out.
Truthfully, Elvis was curious. Curious about what he could do with you. The idea of revenge came to mind, get back at your sister for sleeping around. But that would be wrong. It wouldn’t be right, he didn’t want to use you like that. But god. He wanted you. Opening the passenger car door Elvis let you get in before moving around to the side of the car, hesitating before opening the door. He could try. That’s all he could do. “We can just hang out here for awhile, if you’re wantin’ too.” Elvis said, turning to look at you. You looked so pretty, in that white dress n’ those frilly socks…bows in your hair too. “That's fine with me,” You said, crossing your legs in your seat. Elvis swallowed hard, a majority of your thigh exposed. He could see just a sliver of your panties but that was enough for his pants to get uncomfortable. He hated how you made him. All desperate, worked up, needing you so bad but it was just so wrong. “We’ve never been alone together before.” You said, looking over at him, scanning his face- trying to figure out what his expression was. “I guess that’s true, little.” As you both sat in the car, Elvis tried to keep his cool. He was so close to you, so close that he could smell the sweet scent of your perfume. It was intoxicating, and it made him want you even more. He knew that he shouldn't be thinking like this, that he should be focusing on getting you home safely, but he couldn't help it. He was drawn to you, and he wanted you more than anything. You, on the other hand, were feeling a bit nervous. You were so close to Elvis, and alone with him. No sister to stop you from talking to him or batting your eyes at him. “I’ve never been alone with a boy before.” You blurted out, your face flushing a deep shade of red from embarrassment. “Oh, well that’s alright…” Elvis replied, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “You look purty.” He finally said, waiting for your reaction. Elvis' words made your heart flutter. "You- You think so?" You said shyly, looking down at your lap. Elvis chuckled, "Aww don't be like that little, you're very beautiful." He said, putting his hand on your thigh. You felt a jolt of electricity as his hand touched you. "You’re…you’re really handsome." You said, a blush spreading across your face. The two of you seemed to stare forever at each other, you hadn’t noticed that the two of you had gotten closer to each other, your noses almost brushing together. “Uhm, Elvis..? Can I- Can I kiss you?” You asked, your heart pounding against your chest. Elvis was taken aback but didn’t hesitate, his hand cupped your cheek as he pushed you closer to him, your lips meeting in a slow, soft kiss. You were shaking, so was Elvis. And neither of you knew why. The bulge in Elvis’ pants became more evident, the fabric of his jeans rubbing him uncomfortably tight, he cursed god as he pulled away from you. Your eyes were wide and your cheeks pink. “How was that..?” Elvis asked, his hand still resting on your thigh, drawing circles on your soft skin. “Nice..” You muttered, biting your lip. “I’ve never done that before.” You confessed, and Elvis chuckled, shaking his head. “Well, you’re a natural.” He said, kissing your forehead. The two of you sat in silence, the two of you heard the faint sound of the movie theater in the distance, the music from the film playing. Elvis looked down at you, his eyes soft and gentle. He couldn’t help but feel that this was wrong, but the way you looked at him, the way you kissed him…it was hard to resist. “Do..do you wanna go to the backseat?” He asked, his breath caught in his throat. Hesitating slightly you nodded, and the two of you moved to the backseat.
“ Hi…” You whispered and Elvis laughed gently, “Hi there, little.” You were so innocent, so pure, and he wanted to keep you that way. He wanted to protect you, to keep you safe from the world. “You’re different from most girls.” He whispered, his hand finding its way to your waist, pulling you closer. “Can I kiss you again?” He asked, and you nodded, you could feel yourself shaking. “You sure? We ain’t gotta do nothin’ if you don’t wanna.”  He prefaced and you took a deep breath. “Elvis please..jus’ kiss me again.” Elvis didn’t hesitate, pulling you closer he kissed your jawline. You let out a small moan, your body responding to his touch, wanting more. Elvis could feel your heart racing, and he knew that you were as affected by him as he was by you. He pulled back, looking into your eyes. “This is so wrong.” He whispered, his hand moving to your hair, tucking a strand behind your ear. “I don’t want to take advantage of you.” You smiled, a small and innocent smile. “I want this, Elvis.” You said softly, your hand moving to his chest, feeling the rapid beat of his heart. “I’m not a little girl anymore, I’m grown.” Elvis looked at you, his heart aching for you. He wanted to take you home, to keep you safe, but he was also drawn to you like a moth to a flame. He couldn’t resist you, you were too pure, too sweet, and he wanted to savor every moment with you. “Alright, little.” He said, kissing you again, this time more passionately. His hand moved from your hair to your back, pulling you closer, feeling the curve of your body against his. You wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling your heart race as his tongue danced with yours. His hand snaked up to your chest, gently groping your breast with his hand causing you to squeal into the kiss and Elvis pulled away, “Fuck, was that too far?” Elvis cursed, his heart dropping. “No, do- keep doing it.” You begged, taking ahold of his hand and placing it back on your breast. Elvis let out a shaky breath, his heart pounding in his chest. He couldn't believe how far things had gone, but he couldn't deny the desire that was burning between the two of them. He started kissing you again, his hand massaging your breast, kneading it between his fingers, his other hand slowly moving under your dress. You let out a soft moan, your body arching into his touch. Elvis' hand started to explore your body, his fingers tracing the curve of your hip, moving lower to your panties. He could feel your heat through the fabric, and he knew he was getting dangerously close. You bit your lip, your breath hitching as tugged on the edge of your underwear, hooking his fingers underneath and pulling slightly. 
Elvis looked up at you, searching for consent– when you nodded he Elvis pulled them down your legs, taking them off and holding them in his hand for a moment before stuffing them in his pocket. You couldn't help but laugh when he did so– “A keepsake.” He joked before leaning over you and hiking up your dress. Elvis' heart raced as he exposed your delicate, untouched skin. He couldn't believe he was doing this, but he couldn't resist the temptation. Your eyes were closed, your body trembling with anticipation. Elvis' finger traced the outline of your folds, feeling the wetness that coated them. He bit his lip, his breathing heavy as he slowly inserted one finger inside of you. You gasped, your eyes shooting open as you looked at him, a mix of surprise and pleasure evident on your face. “Can hardly fit my finger…” Elvis noted, moving his finger in and out of you, feeling your walls tighten around his digit. You arched your back, your moans growing louder as he continued to pleasure you. He added another finger, the two of them working in perfect harmony. Your breathing grew heavier, your body trembling under his touch. Elvis could feel your impending climax and he sped up his movements, wanting to push you over the edge. You let out a loud moan, your body convulsing as you came. Elvis watched you, a sense of pride and satisfaction washing over him. He slowly pulled his fingers out of you,the wetness coating them a testament to your pleasure.”God…” He said, admiring his fingers before placing them on his tongue. You looked at him, your eyes hazy. "Elvis..." you whispered, your voice soft and quiet. He leaned in to kiss you, allowing you to taste yourself on his tongue as his hand moved to the front of his pants. He was hard, throbbing for you, and he couldn't wait any longer. Elvis unzipped his pants, pulling out his erection. You looked at him, your eyes wide with curiosity. “Spread your legs, little.” He coached, as you parted your shaky legs wider. He positioned himself at your entrance, and with a gentle push, he entered you. You let out a small yelp, the sensation of being filled by him unlike anything you'd ever experienced. A short, sharp pain causing you to slam your eyes shut, “Ah! E-Elvis…it hurts.” You whined, feeling his continue to ease into. Taking your hand he held it close in his hand, “I know, little..squeeze ma’ hand.” He says, groaning as he struggles to fit into you. You’re so tight, unbelievably warm and so, so wet. Elvis moved slowly, giving you time to adjust to his size. You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him closer to you. Slinging your arms around his neck, Elvis gently let go of your hand and gripped onto your hips as you sunk deeper onto him. “So fuckin’ tight.” He groans as he begins to move you up and down onto him, each thrust drawing a soft whimper from you. Elvis' heart thudded against his chest, his eyes locked on you as he watched your reaction to him. He could see the pain, but also the pleasure that you were experiencing, and it was enough to make him want to take you over and over. He began to move faster, his thrusts becoming more urgent as he felt his own pleasure building. You cried out, your body responding to his movements, your walls tightening around him.
"Elvis..." you moaned, your voice catching in your throat. He leaned down, kissing your neck, his breath hot against your skin. "Cum for me, little." He commanded, his voice low and gruff. You could feel your orgasm building, the sensation overwhelming you. "Elvis...I...I'm gonna cum..." you gasped, your body trembling. That was all the encouragement he needed. Elvis increased his pace, thrusting into you as hard as he could, his own climax approaching. "Fuck, little..." he groaned, “I’m gonna fill ya’ up. Make you feel all full…You want that?” He said, his eyes locking onto you. Watching you nod frantically, wanting nothing more. Elvis’ thrusts became more frantic as you rested your head against his neck as his fingers dug into your hips. You let out a shaky gasp,  feeling the warmth of his release as he filled you. He moaned out, pulling you close to his chest as he tried to catch his breath. Elvis pulled out of you, his spent cock leaving you feeling empty. 
Still holding you to his chest, he stroked your hair as you shook in his arms, his cum dribbling out of your swollen cunt. As you caught your breath, you clung to Elvis, the aftershocks of your orgasm still rippling through your body. He kissed the top of your head, his hand moving to your hip as he looked at you with a satisfied smile. "You’re so perfect little." He whispered, the words sending a shiver down your spine. Whimpering in response Elvis smiles at you, adjusting himself before pulling your dress back down in place. “Will you be mine baby?” He asks, planting a soft kiss on your forehead. “Mhm…” You smile gently, and he tilts his head curiously before yanking gently on your pigtails. “You gonna be mine forever just…” Elvis starts looking out the window of the car which had humorously fogged a bit. 
“don’t you do what your big sister’s done.” 
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i tried alternating perspectives, give more on what elvis’ is thinking— so i hope it makes sense :3 this was really fun to write tbh, i listened to the song like 7 times while writing 😭 hope y’all enjoy!
taglist: @hooked-on-elvis @atleastpleasetelephone @lola-1013 @indiatuck @eptodaytommorowforever @suspiciousmindsxo @tupelomiss @myradiaz @i-r-i-n-a-a @elvispresley1956 @sisssygirl @your-nanas-house @callieselvisobsessed @eapep @auntbee22 @wildhorseinkansas @elvisiana @spookyeagleflower @ladelinee @jhoneybees @elviswhore69 @sissylittlefeather @dontfeedthebigbadwolf @louisejoy86 @elvisalltheway101 @cherrycolaride @sloppyzengarden @faeolwen @slayingjd
if you wanna be added or removed lmk!
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loohs-world · 8 months
Carlos Sainz x verstappen!reader
ynverstappen_ ✔︎ 1week
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liked by maxverstappen1 and outher people
ynverstappen_ A stick ❤️😂
marked: kellypiquet
maxverstappen1 ❤️
kellypiquet I hope P didn't cause any problems
ynverstappen_ She's a sweetheart
carlossainz55 Tan hermosa mi amor ❤️
ynverstappen_ Amor mío ❤️💋
user 😍😍
lilymhe most beautiful pregnant woman!! A kiss on that belly and you ❤️
ynverstappen_ thank you,beautiful,big kiss❤️
user What a Goddess 😍😍
ynverstappen_ 💖💖💖💖💖
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carlossainz55 ✔︎ 5hours
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ynverstappen_✔︎ 14hours
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liked by scuderiaferrari and outher people
ynverstappen_ Welcome,my little Aiden💙
My son is the most beautiful thing in the world, so calm, so quiet, he has such great strength! 🥰 Mom and Dad love you dear!! 💙
carlossainz55 Amores de mi vida ❤️❤️❤️
ynverstappen_ 🥹🥹❤️❤️❤️
maxverstappen1 Jezus, wat een geschenk ❤️🙌🏻
ynverstappen_ ❤️❤️
kellypiquet parabéns,amo tanto vocês❤️🥰 (Congratulations, I love you so much)
ynverstappen_ amo você 💖 ( I love you)
charles_leclerc 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
f1 What happiness!! God always bless 🤍
scuderiaferrari Welcome, Aiden ❤️😍
josverstappen7 ❤️
victoriaverstappen Zo blij dat je kleine zusje bloemen stuurt ❤️💐
ynverstappen_ ❤️
The comments on this publication were limited.
carlossainz55 ✔︎ 15hours
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liked by pierregasly and outher people
carlossainz55 El día más feliz de mi vida 👶🏻💙 Aiden llegó te quiero hijo.
charles_leclerc ❤️❤️❤️
ynverstappen_ 🤍😍😍🥹
user 🥺🥺
user Is no one going to talk about the rumor that came out? Carlos has another son????? 🤨
user It's just rumors, so far no one has proof, let's respect it, the guy's wife just had a baby
f1news Aren't you going to show the baby's face?
ynverstappen_ Not for now, let's wait until he gets a little older
f1✔︎ 🤍🤍
f1wags Congratulations Carlos and Yn ❤️
landonorris So adorable 💙🥰
alex_albon Beautiful! Health always 🥰🥰
aidensainz Estoy en línea chicos 😎✌🏼
daughtercarlando And so a blogger is born 😂
danielricciardo 😍😍
yukitsunoda0511 ❤️😍
sebastianvettel Congratulations Yn and Carlos, all the best for the new family ❤️
carlossainzoficial Mi hermosa familia, te quiero siempre y siempre ❤️❤️ (My beautiful family, I love you always and always)
see all 1,520 comments
carlossainz55 e ynverstappen 2 horas
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liked by fernandoalo_oficial and outhers people
carlossainz55 Un homenaje es poco para la importancia que tienes en nuestras vidas. ¡Yo y nuestro hijo te queremos demasiado! ¡Gracias por todo lo que hace por nosotros! ❤️❤️
user Stop, I'm crying like a baby lol🥺
user I want what they have 😍
user Yes, of course, you want a husband who was clearly unfaithful and that everyone knows that he had a baby out of wedlock
user Todo mundo sabe que isso é apenas um boato estúpido que alguém inventou, se isso fosse verdade, você não acha que eles diriam alguma coisa? Pare de acreditar nas besteiras que você encontra por aí 🙄
fernandoalo_oficial Enhorabuena por tu paquete de alegría!❤️ (Congratulations on your little package of joy!)
blogf1 😍
ynverstappen_ I love you so much 😍
ynverstappen_ My beautiful boys ❤️❤️
paddockgossip 😍
landonorris Excuse me,favorite uncle passing by 😎
danielricciardo I don't think so,friend🫸🏽
charles_leclerc Does anyone wake them up? Of course I'm the favorite 🤫
carlossainz55 Can you stop fighting for my son? Thank you
danielricciardo Do you see?! After he became a father, he got boring 😂
user 😍
user Yn, you're so beautiful😍
user 😻😻😻
user How is your experience as a mother for the first time? @ynverstappen_
ynverstappen_ Girl, all the time I cry, it's a blessing to love so much a little thing so dependent on these 😭 I only know how to think about the day he was born and cry, even more seeing the photos and the whole process for now he's here
user Omg excuse me, I'm going there to cry a little bit😭😭
francisca.cgomes A lot of beauty in this family ❤️
see all 132.738 comments
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angelynmoon · 1 year
So, eldritch monster Steve...
Part 1
Steve who was born in the Upside down long before El and Hawkins lab discovered it, before it was called the Upside Down, who may even have come into being at the same time as the Upside Down formed.
Steve who escaped when Dr. Brenner first began his expeiments, Dr. Brenner who opened a crack that let him slip through long before El was old enough to understand just what had been released, who didn't recognize Steve as Other the way she would come to recognize the creatures that also escaped into the Right Side Up.
El who doesn't know that Steve isn't human, doesn't know he escaped the Down Below because he was lonely.
Steve who spent years lurking in the woods surrounding Hawkins, practicing and learning, (those first few years may have been spent digging through garbage cans, and maybe a small Eddie Munson, still carrying bruises, a buzz cut and a distrust of adults, may have left left overs by the trash for him, thinking him a stray cat or dog, hoping to lure him close enough to pet, but that's a different story, that's Eddie's story, Eddie who called his stray, the one that was too scared of people to show itself, Steve, and Steve who liked the way a tiny Eddie whispered it so preciously that he kept it) Steve who spent time learning to mimic the way humans looked and spoke until he felt confident enough to join them.
Steve who knew that Mrs. Harrington longed for a child so much that she didn't question the one that walked out of the woods one day to splash around in her pool and called her Mother.
And their family was fine, Mr. Harrington accepting that he had an Heir now and not questioning why he'd never seen the boy before, children should not be seen or heard unless they were called on. And it was fine, right up until the moment that Mr. Harrington raised his hand to the small boy that was neither his son nor human.
Mr. Harrington learned that day what fear was and he took his wife, let her give adultery as an escuse for her travelling with him, anything was better than saying a monster live in their home.
And they left the creature the house and focused on their business, everywhere but Hawkins, and Mr. Harrington walked with a limp from that moment on.
Carol and Tommy were part of his mask at first but Steve really did come to care for them, as much as he could being what he was, so even after Tommy threatened him, even after Carol turned her nose up at him, he let them live, they had been his for so long, and part of him would always think of them as his, they were marked as such, nothing from the Down Below would touch them, not the real monsters from the Down Below at least.
Billy though, well, Billy had been marked the moment that he put his hands on Lucas with intent to hurt him, when he threatened Max, and Dustin, and Mike, those kids were Steve's and even if he couldn't stop them from fucking around with the Down Below, he could at least make sure nothing ate them, they were his in a way that Tommy and Carol never were, in a way even Nancy wasn't, not really, she might have been, Steve might even have been able to learn to love her deeply and completely, but she had ruined that when she came to him smelling of Jonathan and guilt, when she had gotten drunk and called him bullshit, she still had his protection but it wasn't the same after they broke up.
And Robin, when she helped him hold the door in a Russion Bunker to protect his kids he knew he'd never let anything from the Down Below touch her, she was his on a level that even the children would never touch, and he was hers in a way he never knew he could be. She was the one person he considered telling, but he was afraid, what if she was afraid of him after, he liked her, parts of him might even love her.
She was his other half, his humanity, his moral compass, if she liked boys Steve would have made her his everything, instead he settled for soulmate, Platonic with a capital P, as she told Dustin when he said they should date.
Robin was his, always and wholey.
And Steve was so angry when he found out Henry was targeting Max, that he had taken Chrissy in front of Eddie, Eddie who had fed him portions of his own dinner before Steve went to the Harringtons, Eddie, who Steve had never wanted involved in the Down Below.
And Steve supposed that it might just be time to remind the Down Below, the place that Steve was born in, that he had lived in and survived in, long before he was Steve, before he had been taken in by a rag tag group of nerds, time to show Henry just who was in charge here.
It was time to show Vecna just who the big boss of this game was, it certainly wasn't Vecna.
Steve wondered what kind of Dinosaurs and Dustpans name the kids would give him when he showed them what he really was.
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There Ain't a Soul Thinking About Ted Wheeler
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Final Chapter in the Just Married Series
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Bonus / Part 4
Steve Harrington x Wife!Reader x Eddie Munson
Word count: 4.7k
Summary: Steve and the Reader arrive home, but Eddie's not part of the welcoming committee. He shows up later, nervous about the letter they sent home.
Warnings: 18+ MINOR DO NOT INTERACT. A little angst. Food mention. Steddie interaction. P in V. Threesome. Anal (M receiving). Cunnilingus. Fellatio. Baby conception mentions. Creampie. Masturbation (F). Steve's a little dom-ish here. Facesitting. Gentle spanking. Mention of Ted Wheeler during sexy time.
It's like clockwork, the timing. As soon as Steve pulls the RV into the driveway, everyone else starts showing up. He hasn't even turned the ignition off before the first car pulls in behind it.
First, it's Robin with Max and Lucas in tow, smiles wide on their faces. Next is an old Jeep Cherokee, one that Dustin had gotten for his eighteenth birthday a couple years back, that Mike, El, and Will all pile out of. Nancy and Jonathan pull up the rear, parking on the street in front of the house. There's only one vehicle that's missing.
"Not even thirty seconds back home and we've got company already," Steve chuckles, shaking his head as he turns the ignition off.
"I mean, you could've told them we'd be back an hour or two later if you didn't want them to be here the moment we got back," you reply with a smile. "Besides. Some of the kids can help us unpack everything, and you know Nancy or Jonathan are gonna order us all take-out."
"I guess family is great in that way," he says; his eyes meet yours, soft and shining like the stars.
"And this is our family," you say, scooping his hand into yours. "We picked these weirdos."
His lips pull from his teeth in a wide smile. "Either that, or we were forced into it by circumstance."
Before you can answer him, someone bangs on the passenger side door of the RV; you look to find Dustin, his eyes aglow with excitement as Lucas, Mike, and Will crowd around behind him.
"How was the honeymoon?!" Dustin shouts, the question jumbled in between the greetings from the rest of the boys.
"Come on now," you hear Robin saying as she pulls each of them back. "They just got back. Give them some breathing space."
"It was great," you smile, lowering yourself from the RV as Robin takes your hand to help you down. "We've got quite the haul of souvenirs for you guys, too."
"But you can only have them if you guys help us get our shit inside, okay?" Steve says, coming around the front.
The kids follow him back into the RV, and you look around; Eddie is still missing from the group, though he had said when you guys called him a couple days ago that he'd be here.
Maybe the letter home to him was too much. Maybe you had misjudged and absolutely tanked your friendship with him, and he never wants to see yours or Steve's perverted faces ever again. Your heart sinks at the notion, twisting your guts with regret.
"He got caught up at the garage," Nancy explains, obviously reading the worry on your face. "One of the guys didn't show up, another guy is on vacation. He'll be here as soon as he can."
Part of you feels relieved, even if another part of you is stuck in an ever increasing shame spiral.
In almost no time, the RV is unpacked, and, as predicted, Nancy puts an order in for pizza delivery. The late afternoon passes with stories from the road and the distribution of souvenirs, stories of what happened when you were gone, and everyone's eventual exit.
The sun is setting by the time you and Steve are alone once more, sorting through your luggage in the living room and deciding which clothes are clean and which are going to the laundry.
"Oh, looky here," Steve purrs, and you look over at him; he's holding up the lacy black underwear with his eyes aglow. "We should frame these, really. Just as a momento to remind us of the night we decided to raw dog it for the first time."
"Raw dog it?" you giggle. "That's such a romantic way to phrase 'trying for a baby'."
"Why don't you come over here and we can keep trying?"
Before you can step toward him, however, there's a knock on the front door.
"Hold that thought, stud," you say. "I'm gonna go get the door."
Through the peephole, you spot the tell-tale mane of brown waves and your heart leaps into your throat.
"It's Eddie!" you call to Steve before yanking the door open. "Took you long enough, Munson. Where've you been?"
Eddie's brow crumples, apparently wondering when you became his mother.
You can't help it, your nerves getting the better of you in anticipation that he might admit that your saucy letter home didn't have the effect you wanted. It makes you a little too aggressive, ironically so, given that your current worry is being too aggressive.
"I was at work," Eddie says to you, his gaze shifting all over the place, as if he's afraid to keep eye contact. "And I stopped home for a shower, if that's alright. Being a mechanic is a gross job sometimes."
"I guess," you say quietly, shrugging your shoulders as you fold your arms over your chest.
Silence balloons between you, only broken when you hear Steve finally shuffle forward.
"Hey, buddy," Steve says, apparently oblivious to the tension between you and Eddie. "How's it going? Why don't you come inside?"
You meet Eddie's gaze once more, Steve's phrasing resounding in your head. The pair of you fix your eyes on Steve, who's already turning around to head inside. With a deep breath, you step aside and allow Eddie in, shutting the door behind you.
Steve hadn't bothered putting the panties away, letting them sit in plain sight on the sitting chair next to your suitcase, and you see Eddie eye them with vague interest, his brow arching.
"How was the honeymoon?" he asks, forcing a neutral tone.
This Eddie is the entire antithesis to the one that came to see you off before the honeymoon. He's a little withdrawn, keeping to himself and controlling his volume.
"It was great!" Steve answered. "Did you get our letter?"
It's then you stop walking through the living room, the air itself freezing around you in the wake of that question. This is the moment of truth, your eyes shifting to Eddie as your heartbeat speeds up. Eddie's eyes widen with surprise, and you can't blame him; this is probably not the first thing he wanted to be questioned about when he walked in here. For all either of you know, he was dreading it altogether, about to tell you how uncomfortable it made him.
"So," Eddie says slowly, "you did mean to send that to me, right?"
You glance at Steve, who seems cooler than a cucumber, before looking back at Eddie.
"Yes," you say hesitantly, the word almost pulling up like a question at the end.
"Of course we did," Steve says at the same time, though his answer bleeds confidence.
It's almost like the whole weight of the world sloughs off Eddie's shoulders in that moment. His eyes close in relief as his smile finally makes an appearance, the rest of his body releasing the tension it had been holding since the moment you laid eyes on him not three minutes ago.
"Thank god," he says, rubbing his hands up and down his face.
In turn, your lungs reinflate, trembling a little with your own relief.
"We did have a little think about it," Steve explains, "but we felt right when we sent it."
"I had been back and forth on it since the first time I read it," Eddie says, his gaze bouncing between you and Steve.
"Oh, the first time you read it?" you chuckle. "How many times did you read it, Eds?"
Eddie's cheeks glow pink as he smiles hard.
"Well," he says. "I got it a week ago. I read it when I first opened it. Then I read it again an hour later. Then I read it again when I went to bed. Rinse and repeat for the next six days, you know. When I wasn't fucking myself over it, I thought you guys would regret it and I felt so guilty about it."
"Honestly," you pipe up, "for some reason, I thought it would've been too much because you didn't show up with everyone else today. Like we overstepped a boundary and you were avoiding us."
"Fuck no, babe," Eddie says, stepping closer to you and Steve. "I just got caught up at work. But it's such a fucking relief, knowing that it's okay."
Steve steps closer to Eddie, looking down his nose at him. You know this look. Steve has been aiming it at you since high school.
"Well, now that we've got that settled," Steve says, his voice low and gravelly, "what are you looking to do about it, Munson?"
Eddie matches Steve's energy immediately, tilting his head with a grin.
"I'm looking to fuck you and your wife, Harrington," he replies.
Steve smiles, hooking his finger under Eddie's chin to bring his head forward. Their lips meet, a quick peck at first, each one testing the waters. Eddie glances at you for a moment, and you nod your head. With your permission, Eddie pulls Steve in, his fingers fisted in the fabric of latter's t-shirt. Their mouths open for each other, lips brushing before their tongues slip together.
Watching the hunger they display, you feel a familiar heat pooling between your thighs, laced with something new, something potent. You back up, landing on the end of the couch to watch your husband and best friend make out. Steve cradles Eddie's head like he's always done yours as Eddie's hands encircle Steve's ribs, pulling him flush to his chest. As absorbed as you are in this vision, you barely realize as your hand sneaks into your shorts, slipping under your panties, fingers sliding over your dewy clit in a heartbeat.
"Fuck," you nearly whine, catching the boys' attentions.
"Oh, look at her," Eddie says, still holding Steve to his body. "Did you like that, baby girl? Did you like watching me kiss your husband?"
"God, yes," you breathe, loving the attention almost as much as you did observing.
"Wanna watch some more?"
"Good," he grins, looking at Steve once more. "Take your shirt off, Stevie. Let's give our girl a show."
Steve chuckles, pulling his t-shirt overhead and tossing it away without another thought; Eddie does the same before taking Steve by the waist and pulling him close. Their mouths meet once more before Eddie's hands start to wander, running along Steve's bare back. Steve's hands slide down Eddie's tattooed chest, his fingertips stopping to flirt with Eddie's nipples.
"Oh, god," Eddie moans into Steve's mouth, his head falling backward with a sigh.
At this, you press a little harder on your clit, knowing just how it feels to have Steve playing with your nipples.
Eddie barely recovers as his open mouth meets Steve's neck, his tongue gliding over the pulse point beneath the freckled flesh. He devours every inch he can, leaving no spot untouched as he works his way to his chest. Eddie's nose nuzzles into the thick hair, trailing the kisses he leaves as he drops to his knees.
Steve watches as Eddie pulls at his belt buckle, making quick work of the button and fly of his jeans before yanking them down. His jaw drops the moment Eddie mouths his barely confined cock from the outside of his boxer-briefs. In the space of a breath, Eddie pulls down the last barrier between him and Steve's glorious member.
"Holy fuck, you weren't kidding," Eddie says, coming eye to eye with the appendage.
"Never about that monster cock," you giggle.
"Keep 911 on speed dial, would ya, babe?" Eddie jokes before wrapping his hand around Steve; he pumps slowly, looking up at Steve's face with curiosity. Steve gazes down at Eddie, his lips parted as his breathing picks up.
"Mmm, big boy," Eddie hums before gently kissing the tip.
Steve barely has control of his hips; you know all he wants is for Eddie to put his cock into his mouth so he can thrust, though you're certain he won't because he doesn't know if that's what Eddie would want. For now, the two of you watch as Eddie's tongue flicks out, lapping the precum of the tip before closing his lips around it.
"That's it," Steve encourages quietly, suppressing a moan as he looks over at you, hand busy in your shorts. "Take those shorts off, baby. Let me see you work that pussy up."
Quickly, you do as you're told, allowing your legs to spread and giving Steve the view he asked for. The fingers of one hand slide into your molten core as the others play desperately with your clit, watching as Eddie takes Steve further into his mouth. Slowly, he retreats before taking him in once more and beginning a rhythmic bob.
"Stevie," you whimper from the couch. "Pull his hair back, I wanna see his face."
"Anything you want," he says; he threads his fingers into Eddie's waves, pulling the tresses from his face. Now you can see Eddie's plush lips wrapped around Steve as he takes him as far as he can into his mouth.
"Eddie," you say, "he likes having his balls played with. Take him into your throat and swallow around him."
At first, Eddie brings his hand up, cradling Steve's balls and gently massaging. Steve groans, his fist tightening in Eddie's hair. Once he gets the rhythm of that down, he bobs a little deeper, working himself up to taking Steve down his throat. As soon as he's brave enough, he gives it a shot but ends up gagging around it and backing off.
"It's okay," Steve mutters. "You don't have to, Eds."
"If you wanna try again," you encourage, "tuck your thumb into your fist and squeeze. It helps with the gag reflex."
Eddie pulls back, taking Steve's slick cock into his hand and pumping it.
"I've done it before, but I've never had anyone this big," he explains. "My jaw's starting to hurt."
Steve looks at you, brown eyes shaded with lust, and smiles.
"Show him how it's done, baby," he says.
You pull your fingers from yourself, taking them into your mouth to clean them off, both of your boys groaning at the sight. You slide off the couch onto the floor, bumping Eddie out of the way with your bare ass.
"Watch and learn, Munson," you giggle.
He backs up, making just enough space for you to fit between him and Steve.
You cast your eyes to Steve, licking the tip of his cock before almost immediately taking the whole thing in. Like you instructed Eddie, you tuck your thumb in and squeeze, allowing his cock to fill your throat.
As soon as you reach your rhythm with Steve, you feel Eddie's arm creep around your waist, his hand sliding down between your thighs to find your glistening heat. He presses against your clit, eliciting a moan muffled by the dick in your mouth. His other hand reaches up under your shirt, tugging the cup of your bra down and pinching your nipple.
"Oh, she likes that," Steve sighs, enjoying the vibrations of your whine.
And like this, with Eddie's hand between your legs and Steve's cock in your mouth, you are pulled through your first climax; Steve pulls back when you lose focus, getting to his knees to swallow your moans with a kiss. Eddie, on the other hand, cradles your twitching body without ever stopping his rhythm on your clit. He pulls you through the first orgasm and guides you past the overstimulation you pant through just to give you a second. You writhe in Eddie's arms, one hand holding the back of his head and the other gripping his active wrist.
"Alright, baby," Eddie coos, slowing his pace on you. "Alright. Just relax, you did so good."
"You did, love," Steve agrees.
You settle onto your knees, finally opening your eyes to see Steve and Eddie, stripping the rest of their clothes off until they're as naked as you are. Eddie gets down on the floor with you, laying on his back.
"Get on his face, baby," Steve instructs, getting to his feet, his cock bouncing as he moves.
You're distracted by it, wanting nothing more than to lean forward and take it into your mouth again.
"I'm waiting for a pussy on my face," Eddie reminds you, gently slapping at your thighs.
You giggle, lifting your wobbly leg to straddle Eddie's face, looking down at his massive erection. He curls his arms around your thighs, bringing you down until your cunt meets his mouth. He hums the moment he pulls your clit between his lips, his tongue flitting out to tickle it too.
You watch as his cock bounces, the view briefly obscured by Steve who bends to give you a kiss.
"I'll be right back," he says before leaving the room.
You aren't given a moment to even think about how strange it is to have Eddie's head between your legs while Steve is out of the room; Eddie quickly distracts you from the thought with his tongue as it teases your clit.
"God, Eddie," you sigh, gently grinding against his face.
With an idea, you lean forward, holding yourself up with one arm as the other reaches for his cock, slowly rubbing a rhythm over the head. He moans into your core.
"You treating him nice, baby?" you hear Steve say as he arrives back. "Touching his big cock like that."
"It's almost as big as yours, Stevie," you tell him, earning a slap to your backside.
"Watch your mouth," Eddie says before pulling you closer, his tongue taking up its efforts again.
You laugh out loud. "I'm so sorry, Eds. They're both perfect in every conceivable way."
To show his appreciation, he runs his tongue between your lips, fucking it into your hole.
Steve settles on the floor, supplies in hand; he sets the lube, a towel, and box of condoms beside him before he hitches Eddie's legs up over his thighs. You watch as Steve's hands glide over Eddie's hairy thighs, teasing his sack before stroking his cock. He concentrates for a moment before looking up at you.
"Eddie," he says, and only continues when he hears Eddie's "hmm?" from under you. "I'm gonna try some stuff out here. If you don't like it, tell us."
Eddie's mouth stops moving, and he pats your thigh to let you know to move. When you dismount his face, he looks up at Steve.
"What kind of stuff?" he says.
Steve picks up the bottle of lube, giving it a wiggle, and Eddie's face lightens.
"Oh, okay," he says. "Go at it, dude. You've got my blessing."
Steve chuckles. "Just in case, we should have a safe word."
The three of you glance between each other, thinking of an inside joke from years ago.
"Ted Wheeler," you giggle.
"Because there ain't a soul thinking about Ted Wheeler during sex," Eddie quips. He looks back up at you expectantly. "Well, this face isn't gonna ride itself, hot stuff."
"If you say so," you reply, assuming the position once more.
Eddie wastes no time getting back to feasting, relaxing his legs for Steve, and you watch Steve as he gears up. He takes his time, generously lathering lube onto a finger before lowering his hand to Eddie's ass. As soon as Steve presses into him, Eddie moans into your cunt, his fingers tightening into the flesh of your thighs.
"Seems like he likes it," you say, barely containing a moan of your own.
Steve barely begins pumping before Eddie shouts, "More!"
Pouring a little extra lube, Steve inserts another finger. Eddie shivers, singing his praises past his busy tongue.
"I need more," he alerts Steve a short while later.
Steve looks at you, shrugging before adding a third finger.
"It's not enough," Eddie says, and you pull yourself up off of him; you look down at him, wiping the mess off his sweet face.
"He's only got so many fingers, Eds," you laugh.
"He's got a monster cock, though," Eddie replies.
You and Steve look at each other, grinning.
"Eddie, are you saying you want me to fuck you?" he asks, fingers still inside Eddie.
Eddie sits up, staring Steve down. "You ever fucked a guy before, big boy?"
"No," Steve laughs, cockier than you think he should be. "But there's a first time for everything."
"You wanna fuck me?" Eddie taunts.
"I'll fuck you 'til you can't walk anymore, Munson. How about that?"
"Yeah? Try me, Harrington."
"Stop flirting!" you laugh. "And fucking get to it, if you're gonna do it."
Steve reaches out with his free hand, grabbing you by the jaw. "Get that pretty pussy back on his face, baby. Ride it until I say stop."
He plants a kiss on your lips, and you follow directions, eager to watch Steve sink into Eddie. Eddie, as demonstrated, does not hesitate to dive into your pretty pussy.
Steve removes his hand from Eddie, using the towel to clean it off before reaching for the condoms. He peels open a packet, sliding the rubber onto his cock before dousing it with lube. Your legs tremble from Eddie's efforts, exacerbated by the sight of your husband lining up with Eddie's asshole; Steve's keeps his eyes on you as he presses into Eddie, the latter squeezing your thighs so tightly you bank on having bruises later. Eddie lets loose a moan like you've never heard before, the sound reverberating through your body and right back into your cunt.
"Oh, fuck," you whimper, your hips grinding against Eddie's face. He doubles his efforts at the sound, his tongue ravishing your clit until you tremble above him. "Eddie! I'm gonna come! Oh my god, I'm gonna-"
Floods of euphoria crash over you as you watch Steve pick up his pace, your body wilting for a moment before you lean all the way forward to return the favor.
Steve fucks into Eddie as your mouth gets busy on his cock, bobbing along his length in appreciation for the orgasms he's given you.
The noises Eddie makes astound you; never once would you have thought that this metal band frontman could sound as desperate as he does right now. His hands squeeze your hips as you take him into your throat, swallowing around his cock, meeting Steve's rhythm.
You hear the noises Steve makes, too, this new experience providing him with so much stimulation. He's fucking Eddie, watching his wife suck him off. It's a miracle, you think, that he hasn't come yet.
"Oh, fuck," Eddie whines just as you taste a salty spot of precum. "I'm gonna lose it, guys. Oh my fucking god, I'm gonna come!"
Not a second later, he bursts into your mouth, groaning with every spurt, his body trembling beneath you. Some cum spills past your lips, dripping down his cock. You lap it all up, swallowing his seed and cleaning him up. Steve slows, coming to a stop.
"Did you come, baby?" you murmur, lifting yourself to give him a kiss.
"Not yet," he says against your lips. "Surprisingly."
"I want you to fuck me," you say, your cunt still throbbing from Eddie's mouth.
"Give me a couple minutes," he replies. "Let me clean up really quick."
Steve pulls gently out of Eddie, soothing his hands over his legs before he crawls up to meet his face. He leans down, pressing his mouth against Eddie's and pulling back to meet his eye.
"Eh, you could've done better," Eddie replies with a grin.
"Smartass," Steve grumbles, kissing him one more time before he stands up and goes to the bathroom.
"Come here, gorgeous," Eddie says to you, pulling you up to your feet as he takes just as wobbly a stance. He plucks what looks like a clean towel from your honeymoon laundry, quickly pilfering the panties, too. He lays the towel down on the couch before plopping down himself.
"What are you doing with my underwear?" you ask gently, settling down between his legs.
He grins. "What did you guys do while you were wearing these?"
"We fucked, Eddie," you giggle.
"Describe it for me."
"Maybe later," Steve says, reentering the room; he's no longer wearing a condom and he smells of soap. His cock is still at full salute, pulsing with the blood throbbing through it. "Right now, though, I'm gonna fuck my wife."
Eddie pulls you back, laying you against his chest, opening your legs for Steve as he lowers himself to his knees. Steve's massive cock presses against your slick core, pushing in to stretch you out.
"Oh my god," you sigh, relishing the full sensation he gives you.
Steve begins to thrust, his hips bouncing off the back of your thighs as Eddie's hand winds around once more to play with your clit. You squirm between the two, their encouragement and praise dancing in the air and filling you with love.
"Look at you, gorgeous," Eddie says, pressing kisses to your neck, "taking his cock so well. He feels so good, doesn't he? Fucking you in that delicious pussy."
"Baby," Steve moans. "Eddie worked you up so nice, didn't he? I can feel it. I can feel him in your cunt. Watching him touch you really does things to me, baby. Watching him make you come? Fucking hell, I never knew I wanted to see that so badly."
"Watching you fuck him wasn't so bad either," you smile. "Wish I could watch the both of you go at it more often."
"Maybe you will," Steve replies.
"I'd still love to fuck him dumb," Eddie murmurs in your ear. "Imagine that, babe. Steve taking me, coming all over himself with my huge cock in that pretty ass of his."
You moan, feeling the antsy pressure in your groin as these men work on your cunt. Steve thrusts faster, his hands tight on your thighs as Eddie presses harder against your clit. You squirm, simply itching to reach your climax. Your hands find your tits, kneading them, rolling your nipples between your fingers.
"That's it, baby girl," Eddie says. "Touch those pretty tits for us."
The harder they work, the closer you get, getting lost in the sensation of two bodies, two mouths, two cocks, four hands.
"Come for us, baby," Steve grits out through his teeth. "Come all over this cock."
Only seconds later does your climax come, your cunt squeezing Steve's cock as his hips start to stutter; Steve grunts and he spills himself inside you, filling you up with his seed.
After, all there is are heavy breaths and trembling bodies as the blood supply returns to your brains. Steve slowly removes himself from you, eyes dropping to your creamy center as he bites his lower lip. Eddie gently helps you sit up, pulling a part of the towel up to clean you.
"Is anybody else really hungry?" he asks, pressing a kiss to your shoulder.
"We've got leftover pizza from earlier in the fridge," Steve mentions, grabbing you by your hands and helping you to your feet.
"Perfect," Eddie replies, getting up from the couch; his cock is half-hard, bouncing between his legs as he moves to the kitchen completely naked.
Steve takes you in his arms, holding you against his chest and peppering your face with soft, slow kisses. He tells you how he loves you so, and thank you so much for this moment, and how he's so happy to have married you. The moment is gentle, sweet as he bends to pick up your clothes.
"Wait a second," you hear Eddie say as he comically walks backward into the living room, twirling on his heel to look at the pair of you. "Did you two just raw dog it?"
"Jesus," you groan, unable to help laughing.
"Yeah," Steve says. "Why?"
"Did you do that on purpose or was it just a heat of the moment thing?" Eddie asks, but puts the pieces together when you and Steve exchange a glance, smiles and eyes sparkling all the same. His jaw drops and so does the cold piece of pizza he was holding as he brings his hands over his mouth in shock. "Guys."
"Eddie," you and Steve say, trying to calm him.
"Oh my god, guys," he says, pulling you each into your own hugs before taking you both in his arms. "I'm gonna be an uncle."
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darkchocoboo · 2 years
El Jefe| Javier Peña
 summary: You work for Javier in Bogotá on Cali case.  And he offers you a couch to “sleep”. 
tw: penetration, p in v sex, oral (f! receiving), little context mostly smut
(I can’t write smut)
( and I'm planning to write p2)
SMUT! Minors DNI! 
Part 2
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You were focused on the board in front of you like your life depends on it. Your hips on the side of the table. You were standing there like that for over an hour to solve the puzzle you've been working on since you were sent to Colombia. The air was thick and hot. Your white formal shirt buttons were already half open. Sweat sliding between your breast. You were so focused that you didn't even hear Peña walking in. His lighters little sound snapped you into the real world.
"Working late Agent?" You hummed between your lips while massaging your noses bridge.
"If you gonna say something Peña, believe me I'm not in the mood for a fight." You were expecting a mocking reply but instead he handed you a whiskey on the rocks. 
"Wow, who are you?"
"Just relax a little," he said while closing the distance and taking of his vest. "Everybody needs a break."
You took a sip from amber colored drink burning feeling washing over your throat.
"Everybody left. Go to your home, sleep agent." He murmured as he sipped his drink.
"Jokes on you Boss. I don't have a home. Yet." You sat down to the chair next to you. Kicking of your heels you forgot you were wearing.
"I didn't have time to rent. I was just staying at an hotel. But they kinda kicked me out for being an agent or a gringo, you choose." His hands slipped to his neck. Scrunched his face.
"You know I have a spare couch."
"OH you nasty man trying to take me home. Jokes aside. I can't accept your offer. No." You got up walking past so close to him that your hips almost touched his front. "I have to work on this anyways," you said under your breath.
He was an attractive man. Known as a womanizer. Just being with him in the same room made your skin hot. Maybe it was the smell. Maybe it was because you were in a vulnerable time in your life. You were afraid you would fell into his trap.
"I can't let you stay here all night without sleep, Agent. No. Let's go get some food and sleep. Tomorrow morning we can search for a house. Okey. C'mon." His cigarette was hanging from his fingers losely.  You massaged your nose bridge. After short seconds you were in his car nibbling on the food he got you.  You moaned low.
"That's some good shit."
Your low moaning twitched something inside him. He was watching you with a side eye while driving to his place. Your legs in your mini skirt was glistening with light coat of sweat. Bogotá was indeed hot that time of the year. Your hair was in a lose bun low on back your neck. Leaving your neck open. White shirt on you was tight, just like the skirt. Your make up was smudged a little after the day you had at the office, your under eye bags showing. They were dark because the lack of your sleep.
You were working with/for Peña for over a month now. When you walked in to Peña's room the first day you started he thought you were just there for the money but he saw how focused you were over the time. You were focused on the job. That definitely catch Peńa's attention. Longer he watched you work, longer he wondered about different things about you. Your interests, your drink of choice, your favorite music, the color of your underwear.
"Done checking me out Peña?" He snapped in the reality with your words.
"You missed two red lights." He sighed.
"Just tired." He took a sharp turn. Killed the engine.
"That's us." Walked into the building. Keys clinging at the door to his apartment. His apartment was neat. Well decorated. You didn't expected a place like this. He walked to the couch. Dropping his body like a bag.
"Make yourself at home sugar."
You went to the bathroom to change. When you walked in to the living room you saw him in his white t-shirt that was clearly too small for him. His little beer belly was showing and the fabric around his biceps was looking like it was gonna explode if he makes a wrong move. You wish he would. He looked at your side and checked you out like it was his first time seeing you. In your spagetti stap top an your little short that made his cock throbe under his clothes.
"Beer?" He handed you a cold one while he sat next to you in the couch.
Your bodies so close that you felt his heat washing you. He smelled like cigarettes and fresh woods that made your head spin. You took a sip from the bottle. The way your lips touched the bottle made him ache.
His hands walked to your cheeks, his thumb brushing your cheekbone. He got closer and closer to you in seconds. His handsome face stopping so close to yours, breaths lacking your face.
"So, cariño, " The way he speaks, tone of his voice... You slowly turned your body to him. Eyes slightly shut with the atmosphere around you two. "What'u gonna do about house?" You couldn't put words together, just let out a sigh and shake your head in unknown.
"I don't wanna think about it right now." Your lips touching with every word you say. Next thing you know is his lips on yours. Passion was the only word to describe it. Like he was burning internally. Hand run down on your shoulder. Grabbed hard like he’s never gonna let you go.  Other on your waist, cold from his fingers gave your exposed skin goosebumps. You moaned into his mouth while the kiss got deeper. You grabbed his hair in need. Pulling his dark curls.
Something inside you was constantly whispering that what you’re doing was wrong. Fucking your boss. But the other side, it was crazy for his touch and needed him between your legs, inside you. Wrecking you to a mess. It was wrong but it felt hella fine. You did nothing to stop.
His lips traced an invisible line to your boobs. Ripping the top to leave you naked. He flicked your nipple with his rough tongue. Your nails digging into his scalp more. Moans coming out of your mouth like it was a sacred song. Filling his ears and making him want you more. He left your skin for a moment, looked into your eyes between his long lashes with eyes that hazed from desire.
Your head falled back. Breathing heavily. He got up, undressed in matter of seconds. His hard cock was thick. Thickest you saw in your entire life to be honest. You stared at it for to long apparently he let out a chuckle.
“You like what u saw baby? Want it?” An approving moan filled the room. He got onto his knees.
“Not yet.”  His hand grabbed the waist of your shorts and took it off in a fluid motion. Your lace panties following it to the floor.
His lips were exploring your inner thighs. Taking deep breaths inhaling your intoxicating smell.
“Javier, please.” His teeth digging in to your skin, leaving marks.
Your hands found his hair one more time pressing him into your core.
“Good girl. All wet for me.” His trigger finger find your core parting it.
“S’good, corazon. You look beautiful.” His hot breath hitting your exposed and sensitive core with every word he says.  Next, it was his tongue, sending shivers up to your body.
“Javi,” He smiled against your skin. His tongue giving you kitten licks, his soft lips pressing your nub and pulling it.  A finger went in. And then another followed it. Feeling his fingers inside made you ache for him more. Long fingers brushing your deep spots you never new existed. Clit throbing under his tongue made his mouth water. Wet sounds coming from your core and his finger was filling the room.
Air was thick and smelled like both of you. Stray curls got stuck on his forehead with sweat.
A knot in your belly was getting tighter with every move his tongue did.
“Javier, I’m,” His fingers got faster when you moaned.
“Yeah, baby. Tell me what u want.”
“I’m gonna, gonna cum, please.” His fingers didn’t leave your insides, never slowed down. He leaned to you. Lips touching.
“Cum baby. Cum on my fingers.” His thumb massaged yor nub.   You could taste yourself on his lips when you licked his lips with hunger. Your climax getting closer and closer. Your walls tightening around them fingers.  
You bit his bottom lip when your high hit you. Your thights started to shake as you clasped his hands between yor legs. In want to feel him deeper in your core. Room started to rotate with the feeling. Juices coming out of you left wet spots on his couch. Your breaths mixing together as you tried to help yourself come together. You looked at him with watery eyes, your mascara runing down on your cheeks.
His hard cock hitting your belly lit another fire inside you.
Legs hugging his waist as you pulled him for a kiss. He used that to grab you from your ass and started to carry you to his bedroom. Never breaking the kiss.
“S’wet Agent. Only if I knew,” You didn’t let him talk, covering his lips with yours. Leaving wet kisses and kitten licks as he sat on the bed.  
Dim light from the street light was hitting his face. His skin was glistening with sweat, eyes nearly shut with the feeling of your wet pussy on his lap.
“Beautiful,” you said unconsciously under your breath. He smiled across your lips.
“Yeah.” You started grinding to his lap, hips rotating slowly. He groaned as you kept moving. He reached out to his bedside table for a condom. Gave it to you as he falled back.
               You stroke him, his precum spreading all over, your juices from earlier as well.
“You’re doing so well baby.” He whimpered as your hand kept stroking his cock.
“¿Sí, jefe?” Javier’s cock twitched under your touch.
“Don’t call me boss like it doesn’t turn you on.” You felt his climax raising under your hand.  Your hand stopped, you put on the condom as you lined him on your entrance. He groaned.
“Corazón-mmh.” You slowly sank on his length as his groans got louder, turning into moans.
The feeling of him streching your walls was something else. Made the knot in your belly thighter. Burning so good that your head spins.  
“Javi~” you kept moaning his name as you jumped on him.
“Yeah baby, like that.” His hands on your waist slapped your as, burning feeling washed over your body. His fingers left a red mark on your ass.  Squeezing where he hit you. Hard enough to mark you.
He raised from the bed and hugged you, chest to chest. His lips kissing your thin skin, wanting to get under your skin.
“Javi” He turned our back to bed, hovering over you on his arms. His eyes burning with desire.
He moved his hips as lips find yours. Pumping into you as his pace got faster.
“Javier, please.”
“Yeah, baby. So good. Doin’ so well.” He kept chewing on your skin. Like he wanted to mark you, like he wants everybody to know you were his.
You felt your end growing inside your lower belly as his thrusts got sloppy and out of rhythm.
“YN, baby. I’m,”
“Yeah, Javi, me too. Keep going. Right there.” His groans got louder as you walls were thightening around him. His forehead fell over yours. His hot breath hitting your face.
“Baby” He didn’t let your words to end by kissing your lips as he cums inside you. Your walls milking the last drop of his cum as you came with him.
“S’good, Agent. S’good for me.” He fell on top of you as his weight crushing you to bed. Leaving small kisses all over your face.  
“Let’s sleep Agent. We have work to do tomorrow.”
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libraryofgage · 11 months
Mermaid/Pirate Steddie Five
One | Two | Three | Four
*slaps top of the fic* this bad boi has everything: mermaids, fluff, reunions, Eddie being a simp, protective mom Steve
Anyway, stick around to the very very end for a meme hot off the presses about this part lmao
as always, if you see any typos, no you didn't ;P
It takes Robin and the guppies three days to reach the ship Erica mentioned. They're all irritable, and the only thing that keeps them from snapping at each other is the idea that Steve might be hurt or in danger. Robin thinks they might have torn each other apart otherwise, and she can't even say for sure that she would have stopped the guppies from engaging in a full-on brawl.
So, to say she's beyond relieved when they finally catch up to the ship is an understatement.
But now they need to plan. The ship is way too close to a port city; close enough that any of the pirates could survive long enough to swim that way and spread the story of a murderous pod. Which, honestly, wouldn't do much for keeping all mermaids safe and on good enough terms with humanity that regular humans don't hunt them for sport. It does nothing to stop the pirates, but still.
"We could just make sure to drown everyone," Max suggests, watching the bottom of the ship with narrowed eyes.
Robin almost agrees, but then she stops. Because she knows Steve. If even one person on that ship wasn't an asshole to him, he'd say to spare them, and that could result in the aforementioned spreading of murderous pod stories. But after he's been trapped for so long, Robin wouldn't be able to argue with any request. She's already imagined him dead and strung up like a trophy more than she'd like to admit. She couldn't stand to see him frown after that.
So, she shakes her head, a frustrated bubble pattern flaring from her gills. "We need to be smarter about this," she says.
"We didn't strategize before sinking the other one," Will points out.
"That one kidnapped him. This one might have rescued him, and we should show mercy if that is the case," El says, stretched out and floating on her back. She's the most relaxed of them, and Robin wonders if it's because of that sixth sense she's got going.
"El is right," Robin says, crossing her arms and studying the ship. "We should be more careful about this."
"We could try signaling him," Dustin suggests. "Like, uh, dolphin noises or something."
"If we do that," Lucas says, "we'll need to give him enough time to respond without anyone around."
Robin nods, agreeing with both of them. "Okay, here's what we're gonna do. I'll swim closer while you guys stay here. We have that dumb screech system Steve made us memorize, so I'll use that to signal him. Then we'll wait until the sun rises tomorrow. That should be enough time for him to respond. If he doesn't, we'll sink the ship," she says.
"What if he's not on it?" Mike asks.
"We'll keep one human alive for questioning," Will says, looking at Robin and flashing a tiny, relieved smile when she nods in agreement. "We'll probably have to drown them either way, though."
"Well, we don't need to tell them that," Erica says, snorting as she reaches out to pet a fish that swims by. It's tiny enough to weave through her fingers twice before swimming on.
"Yeah, definitely won't be telling them," Robin agrees, trying and mostly failing to hold back an amused smile. "Okay, stay here. I'll be back after a few minutes. While I'm gone, Erica is in charge."
A chorus of protests chases after Robin as she swims away, heading toward the surface. The sun shines brighter the closer she gets, and she winces when her head finally breaks through the water. It reflects off the ocean, sparkling and blinding as the water shifts and flows.
Robin huffs and sinks down until only her eyes are above the water. The ship is a few yards away, and she can't see anyone moving around on the deck from this distance. She slowly moves closer, her ear fins straining as she tries to listen for any sign of life. Or Steve. Actually, she'd love to hear any sign of Steve from the ship.
Unfortunately, she doesn't.
Once she's close enough to touch the ship, hiding in the shadow it casts over the water, she circles it once. There are a few windows along the hull, but none of them are actually open. That could make it harder for Steve to hear her, but Robin will just be extra loud to compensate.
Robin clears her throat, rolls her shoulders, flicks her tail, and rises until her chin is above the water. She then lets out a sound that can only be classified as the dying shrieks of a dolphin and seagull's abomination of a love child. She makes this noise twice, but each one lasts a few seconds.
Robin can't risk any of the humans seeing her when they investigate the noise. If they are holding Steve captive, they might hurt him even more if they know another mermaid is around. So, she dips below the water, completely submerging and waiting anxiously for a response.
Steve has discovered the wonders of just sprawling on a solid surface, his arms thrown to the side and his tail stretched out as he stares up at the ceiling. It's oddly calming, and Steve can almost trick himself into thinking the bobbing of the ship is the ocean itself.
That's what Steve is doing now, forcing himself to relax and brace himself for telling Eddie that he has to leave for a while to find Robin and the guppies. His eyes are closed, and he's running through every possible outcome of that conversation. The second best case scenario (Eddie decides to come with him in a tiny boat) is playing out when he hears it.
The Emergency Shriek.
The last time he'd heard it, Dustin was desperately crying out for help as he struggled against the net that dragged him to the surface. Steve's reaction then had been the exact same as his reaction now. He jolts, his eyes wide and all of his fins flaring in preparation for the fastest swimming of his life, and his lips are pulled back in a vicious snarl to display his fangs and scare off the threat.
But he's on a boat, in the captain's cabin, and that window is way too small for him to climb through. Steve doesn't really think (he can't, actually; his brain has officially gone into Guppies and Robin In Danger Mode). He drags himself to the door of the cabin, digs his fingers into the space beneath, and uses all his strength to rip it off.
The wood groans and the hinges shriek and then the bottom half of the door comes off in his hands. Steve tosses it to the side and crawls through, his tail twitching and flopping in a vain attempt to move faster. If anyone were to actually witness this, they'd probably find it somewhere between utterly terrifying and unfortunately hilarious. A giant fish is dragging and flopping along the floor, but it's also exuding the most intense aura of bloodlust most creatures have ever encountered.
And that bloodlust only gets worse when Steve comes to the stairs that lead to the deck. He stares at them, anger building in his chest at the obstacle they present and just how long it will take to climb them. By the time he reaches the top, Robin and the guppies could be dead, and Steve will have wasted time by uselessly trying to climb some stupid stairs.
He grits his teeth, claws digging into the wood beneath him. And then Steve suddenly realizes that he doesn't have to climb the stairs himself. He takes a deep breath, his gills flaring some to pull in more air, and screams as loud as he can, "EDDIE!"
Steve is absolutely going to reward Eddie for his speed (later, after his guppies and Robin are safe) because he immediately hears something crash above him, followed by swearing and frantic footsteps that stop at the stairs. "Stevie, what the fuck?" Eddie asks, panting as he hurries down the stairs.
"On the deck," Steve says, pushing up onto his tail and wrapping his arms around Eddie's neck when he starts leaning down. "Right now, Eddie. Actually, two minutes ago. As fast as you can. And to the edge of the ship. The railing. Now!"
Eddie, his wonderful and incredible Eddie, doesn't question him. He just scoops Steve up and carries him back up the stairs, fingers digging into Steve's waist when he nearly trips over the final step. He finds his balance again, barely, and strides over to the railing.
Steve can't see anything wrong with the water, but he knows the surface doesn't actually tell him anything useful. He frowns and looks at Eddie. "I'll be back," he promises before letting go of Eddie's neck and twisting to place his hands on the rail.
In one swift motion, he launches himself over the side, grimacing when he feels the edge of his tail fin smack Eddie's cheek along the way. But Steve doesn't let himself linger and focuses on the rush of water around him as he dives below the surface. His gills flare and he breathes for the first time in a while, his hair and body familiarly weightless, and Steve fully realizes how much he fucking missed being in the ocean.
But he can't linger on that relief and joy either.
Steve shoots through the water, swimming to wear he thinks the Emergency Shriek came from, only to be tackled as he rounds the edge of the ship. He yelps, his breath knocked out of him as he goes careening, arms wrapping around his waist like he's going to disappear. It takes exactly one second for him to recognize Robin, her hair floating in front of his eyes and her claws digging into his back.
"You're okay!" she shouts as their momentum starts to falter.
Steve wraps his arms around her and holds her close, one hand on the back of her head and the other around her waist. "Where's the danger?" he asks, scanning the water around them and frowning when he sees nothing.
Robin laughs and pulls away, grinning at him with relief clear in her eyes. "There isn't any, dingus. I was trying to see if you were on that ship," she explains.
Before she can say anything else or Steve can respond, several bodies crash into him from behind. "STEVE!"
They all go careening through the water again, and Steve can't help laughing this time. He tries to hug as many of the guppies as he can, running his fingers through their hair and over their shoulders to reassure himself and them that they're together again. They don't let up, though, and Steve is getting pulled deeper and deeper as they pile on top of him, each trying to get closer as Robin wraps her arms around his neck and buries her face in his nape.
"Okay, okay!" Steve says, a stupidly happy grin on his face, "I'm fine, I promise. I'm not hurt."
"But you were!" Will shouts, managing to push forward long enough for Steve to see the red in his eyes from crying. "We saw your scales in the other ship."
"I healed," Steve promises, gesturing at his tail. This gets the guppies to back off long enough to inspect his tail, all seven of them circling around and inspecting for new injuries.
"What's this?" Erica asks, pointing at the new scar.
"That's the wound that healed."
"I'm so glad you're okay," El says, finishing her inspection first and grabbing Steve's hand.
"Yeah, now we can wreck that ship!" Max says, her eyes lighting up with a vicious glee as she looks at the Corroded Coffin in the distance.
Steve blinks. "Wait, what?"
"This has been healed for a while, Steve," Max explains, gesturing to his tail, "So, they must have been keeping you captive, right? Let's sink them."
"I bet they've got some great treasure on there," Dustin says, lingering closer to Steve's shoulder even as he looks at the ship, studying it with the same face he studies squids he wants to try trapping.
And, yeah, Dustin would be right. There is some great treasure in the Corroded Coffin. Steve's treasure. Eddie. "We are not sinking the ship," he says, his voice firm. It's his official Caretaker Voice, and it makes all the guppies stiffen slightly as they look at him. "The...humans there saved me."
A few seconds pass, and then Robin behind him gasps. "You fell in love!" she shouts, using Steve's shoulders to brace herself as she pushes up and leans over his head. "With a human!"
"Wh-how could you tell?!" Steve asks, looking up at her as the guppies start clamoring for his attention as well.
"Was it the captain?" Will asks, eyes a little brighter but also warier.
"Is he ugly?" Mike asks, his tone implying that he already believes the answer to be yes.
"Dude, how could you fall for a human?!" Dustin shouts, his nose wrinkled up in slight disgust.
"Have you been courting a human the whole time we've been looking for you?" Erica asks, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Yeah! How long have you been healed, then?" Max adds, moving next to Erica and glaring at Steve.
"Wait, so we're not sinking the ship?" Lucas asks, failing to cover his disappointment as he gazes at the ship longingly.
"Congratulations, Steve. I'm sure he's very nice," El says, smiling at him, and Steve almost cries at her simple and accepting response.
"I want to meet him," Robin says.
And her words get the rest of the guppies to quiet down. They all share a few looks and then nod at Steve in sync. "Yeah, we need to meet him," Dustin says, apparently the spokesperson for the group.
Steve blinks, looking at the guppies and Robin. He wanted Eddie to meet his guppies and Robin, of course, but he's a little worried about what they'll do to Eddie. "Only if you promise not to drown him," he says, shooting each of them a hard look.
"I'm insulted you think we would," Robin says, scoffing as she swims to the guppies, facing Steve. "Now, go get your soft and very drownable human down here."
Steve rolls his eyes and motions for the guppies and Robin to follow as he swims toward the surface. He doesn't plan to let them out of his sight, and he knows the feeling is mutual.
Exactly twenty minutes and 13 seconds have passed since Steve threw himself over the rail of the ship, and Eddie hasn't moved. He knows his crew is a little concerned, especially when they notice the red cut across his cheek, but he waves them off when they try to pull him away from the railing to focus on something else.
He just can't risk Steve surfacing and not seeing him.
And his paranoia feels validated when Steve does surface and immediately smiles brightly at him, looking somewhere between relieved and ecstatic. "Eddie!" Steve shouts, waving like he doesn't always have Eddie's undivided attention, "Jump in!"
Here's the thing. When a gorgeous merman that Eddie has spent a bunch of time courting (and then kissing) tells him to jump into the ocean, Eddie is going to jump into the fucking ocean. "Just a second," he shouts back.
He kicks off his shoes, waves off Asher and Jeff when they try to convince him to not jump off the ship, and then launches himself over the railing. For a brief moment, Eddie feels weightless, and then he hits the water. His legs sting a little where they broke the surface, the cut on his cheek practically screams in protest, and a cascade of bubbles block his vision just as much as the salt that stings his eyes and makes everything blurry.
The blurriness does nothing to keep him from recognizing Steve when he swims closer, though. Steve is still grinning at him, and Eddie's grin in return falters slightly when he tries to kick to the surface and Steve stops him. Before Eddie can try to signal that he cannot, in fact, breathe underwater, Steve kisses him.
As they kiss, Steve's tongue pushes against Eddie's lips, carefully prying them open. Eddie leans closer to Steve, figuring he doesn't mind dying like this, and falters when he feels a bubble of air roll down his tongue and lodge in his throat. Steve pulls away, and Eddie inhales on reflex. The bubble in his throat gets a tiny bit smaller, and Eddie doesn't get any water in his lungs.
"Tug my arm when the bubble gets too small. You won't be able to talk underwater, but you won't drown." And then he notices the cut on Eddie's face. His smile drops some, and he leans forward, gently tracing his finger along the wound. "Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you," Steve says, his voice echoing and surrounding Eddie in the water.
Eddie shakes his head, waving his hand dismissively. It's at this point that he notices some blurry shapes a distance away, but he doesn't pay them too much mind. He focuses back on Steve and takes his hand, squeezing reassuringly before kissing his palm.
"It doesn't hurt, right?" Steve asks, his voice a little softer and slightly muffled but still one of the most beautiful things Eddie has ever heard.
Eddie shakes his head again and wraps his free hand around Steve's waist, pulling him closer. This is much easier to do in the water. He kisses Steve again, tasting salt more than anything else, and Steve takes the chance to replenish the air bubble despite its minimal use so far.
When he pulls away, he looks more relaxed. "Promise you'll let me know if you need more air?" he asks, his tone insistent and firm. Steve waits for Eddie to nod before grinning. "Great, because my guppies and Robin want to meet you. And, uh, they're really disappointed about not getting to sink your ship, but don't hold that against them."
Eddie blinks, suddenly wondering if maybe he shouldn't have jumped into the ocean at Steve's beck and call. But then he notices the way Steve moves so naturally in the water, how his hair floats and moves around him, how bubbles rise from his gills as he speaks, and Eddie knows he'd jump without thought all over again.
So, yeah, he guesses it's time to meet some guppies and Robin.
Tag List (the tag list is full! I wasn't able to fit everyone, so if you aren't on here, I'd suggest following #high seas steddie. I think you should still get updates on your dash if you do)
@mugloversonly, @raisedbylibrarians, @thegirlwiththelibrarybag, @savory-babby, @vankaar, @beckkthewreck, @itcanbepalped, @imfinereallyy, @finntheehumaneater, @mightbeasleep, @weekend-dreamer7
@whenindoubtb72, @troublemaker2azz, @just-a-tiny-void, @upallnightogetloki, @mxmakessense, @ellietheasexylibrarian, @haelreadsshit, @y4r3luv, @starman-jpg, @littlewildflowerkitten, @estrellami-1, @stevieschrodinger, @gaelicblue, @they-reap-what-we-sow
@5ammi90, @noodle-shenaniganery, @acrolius, @hallelujahimatheist, @rainbow-freckle, @desidrarry-wolfstarshipper, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @79chevyimpala, @aliea82, @hopefulcookieoperatorpersona, @sani-86, @queenie-ofthe-void, @goosesister, @hello-fellow-nerds, @luthienstormblessed, @xtkxkrzrizir, @potato-of-the-lord, @geekymagicalpotato, @child-of-cthulhu, @aizawa-emma, @m-owo-n, @newtstabber, @cartercaptainofthemoon, @spectrum-spectre, @a-little-unsteddie
And, if you've made it this far, here's a little meme for your entertainment
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st-el-la-luna · 2 days
El's COD Kinktober 2024
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I figured this would be a good way to keep my blog alive. Expect short pieces, and missed days. But I will do my best
1. Somnophilia: Johnny "Soap" MacTavish
Soap wakes up to you moaning in your sleep. He helps you make your dreams a reality.
2. Sensory Deprivation/Blindfolds: John Price x Reader
Somehow it's better when you don't know it's coming
3. Double Penetration: Alejandro Vargas and Rodolfo Parra x Reader
Your Colonel and Sergeant comfort you the day after a bad date
4. Lingerie: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader
You want to surprise Ghost for his birthday. Things go wrong, in perhaps the best way.
5. Mommy Kink: Philip Graves x Reader
After a particularly long mission and several bad months at the company, Graves' spirits are low. He needs someone to take care of him, to tell him he's good
6. Threesome: Kyle "Gaz" Garrick and König x Reader
KorTac has been working alongside Task Force 141 for a while now. Kyle has always had his eye on you, but it becomes clear that the Austrian giant feels the same. Tensions rise between the two until they decide to prove which of them is best once and for all
7. Restraints: Kim "Horangi" Hon-jin x Reader
Horangi is in debt to you and your going to teach him a lesson: either he pays you back monetarily or...
8. Body Worship: Alex Keller x Reader 
Alex thinks every inch of your body is perfect. And he won't stop telling you until he's sure you believe it too.
9. Face Sitting: Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x Reader
Gaz overhears you telling Soap you've never enjoyed receiving oral. He decides to change that
10. Exhibitionism: Nikolai x Reader
Nik likes to show you off whenever he can. The Task Force has been eyeing you too much as of late. He reminds them who you belong to.
11. Thigh Fucking: König x Reader
König is just too big
12. Breeding: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader
Mid-fuck, Ghost let's slip that he wants to be a mommy.
13. Overstimulation: Rodolfo Parra x Reader
After everything that happened with the Shadow Company, you're just glad to have him back. Your relief at his wellbeing quickly becomes more and, well, you have a lot of stress to work off. But he can take it.
14. Free Use: Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x Reader 
You and Kyle have an agreement. Whatever either of you want to do, whenever you want to do it. You both enjoy your agreement.
15. Blood Kink: Nikto x Reader
Nikto comes to your door, desperate. You tell him you can't, you're on your period. Blood has never bothered him before, why would it now?
16. Dry Humping: John "Soap" MacTavish x Reader 
You can't, it's a sin... Luckily even God leaves loopholes.
17. Uniform Kink: Philip Graves x Reader
He can't get enough of the way you look, all dressed up for this event. And you can't get enough of him in his dress uniform.
18. Cockwarming: Alejandro Vargas x Reader 
There's nothing Alejandro likes more than coming home to you. And to his second home, between your legs.
19. Pegging: Alex Keller x Reader
One of his friends bought it as a gag gift. You laughed. Alex didn't.
20. Oral Fixation: Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x Reader
Gaz notices how you've always got something in your mouth; a pencil, gum, a lollipop. He can tell it calms you. At a formal event, he senses your stress and gives you something to help ground yourself.
21. Corruption Kink/Loss of Virginity: Johnny "Soap" MacTavish x Reader
After months of dating and never doing more than make out, you ask Soap when you're going to, well, do it. His answer surprises you, and you learn something about yourself that's even more surprising.
22. Spit: König x Reader 
In the heat of an argument you spit at your Colonel's feet.
23. Choking: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader
An accidental training misshap leaves Ghost reeling, you help pull him in.
24. Werewolf: Keegan P Russ x Reader
Little Red Riding Hood, you should know better than to wander the woods at night alone. Especially tonight.
25. Spanking: John Price x Reader
John decides to get you back for slapping his ass in front of his men.
26. Predator/Prey: Valeria Garza x Reader
You and Valeria play a game of hide and seek with a twist...
27. Praise: John Price x Reader
Joyn worries he isn't good enough, that he's gone too often. That he's a bad person. You assure him none of its true.
28. Boot Worship: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader
You show Simon your new boots. He reacts unexpectedly.
29. Hair Pulling: John "Soap" MacTavish x Reader
You accidentally grab his hair during a spar. He moans like a whore.
30. Cumplay: Poly!141 x Reader
Soap had an idea for a fun game. You're just surprised he was able to rope the others into it too.
31. Wild Card
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run2seob · 10 months
txt with a mexican s/o
p: ot5 txt x mexican!reader g: fluff, bullet pointed head cannons w: written in spanglish notes — no soy mexicana , así q corríjame porfa ㅠㅠ request :: masterlist
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este conejito-
take him to the zoo y mira lo q hace: go straight to the bunnies
he's in his habitat jajaj
it would be so fun
después de eso solo lo llamas conejito y no tiene ni idea
"conejito ven aquí!" cuando quiero un besito
or if you're tired y deprived of cuddles "conejitoo~"
you say it todos los días pero él todavía no sabe lo que significa
cuando el te preguntas, you'll be so surprised.. jaw para abajo y todo
"you didn't know..?"
"no :(" con la expression adorable
how could you not be absolutely in love cuando se ve así?
"conejito es un bunny" and you boop his nose afterwards
q lindo T0T
he's so excited to meet your parents ><
you've been dating paraa... 2 años?
where it's not pushing "ey cásate conmigo" but you're still clingy and in love como las telenovelas
cuando llegues, he'll be smiling so wide :(
como el modismo "smiling ear to ear", he's doing just that
his teeth are shining through and it's so cutee
as soon as you step inside, your parents are attached to him
"ah sir-" "llámame papi" (o papa)
ai he's so happy afterwards, *especially* when the food comes out
ojalá q he doesn't get a stomachache from cuantos tamales que comio
he's smiling the entire time 😭😭
su amorcito
un mexicano at heart
si pones en un cuarto mid festival he'll fit right in
y sii, el no sabes NI español (save: hola y si)
pero if the times he's repeatedly yelling "sii!" whenever he's happy doesn't say enough that's he's trying
(or maybe that the chaos is so loud that even beomgyu puedes entenderlo)
then the fact that he's talking to your little cousins should prove it
"vas a casarte con yn?" (and yeah it's nosy.. but i mean can you blame them for asking? you two look way too cute together with your hand guiding him everywhere and smile being one he can easily find)
"i hope so."
he's always using pet names on you i'm heavy on thiss
"mi alma, what's wrong?" whenever you're crying
and he says it with such a soft tone q te recuerda a casa
his hands would come up to cup your cheeks softly, moving away your worries and your tears in one movement
he wouldn't kiss you just yet, as he wants permission
but you can see in his eyes, even without his lips against your face or lips how much he loves you
"mi amor.. you can tell me anything"
HE'S SO SWEET WITH IT (get me someone like taehyun if you can. please.
truly someone to court you just with two words. or one.
el es un magician
kai y amor joven >>>
lt's say you met… middle school? older or younger no se, es tu imaginación 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
everybody is opening clubs in whatever year it is he's walking around with his overalls, his hair bouncing in each step because he's just so excited to promote robotics club
pero nadien really focuses on robotics… but he loves it a lot
y tu también, and when two people are the only two in a club.. 😻
jaja pero let's just say that the language barrier messed you up a lott so you only talked through code and making each other things through code
un corazón, por ejemple
y cuando you got separated and met again YEARSS later
you can finally show him the heart you never got to show him before and grow your budding love again
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notes — i'm not sure if i'll make a full english vers. but lmk ^^
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desertpersephone · 2 months
el paso, between the crickets and the moon | 5k | gen | post s7, getting together, angst about eddie's childhood because he's staying over in his childhood home
a/n: written as part of the @911fanworksfestival for @p-trichor . I hope you enjoy!
Eddie's not sure if Chris is actually ready to come home, or if the prospect of staying longer and starting Catholic school in El Paso was the thing that got him to call his dad. But frankly, Eddie doesn't really care, doesn’t try to question it too much, because it means Chris is talking to him and is going to be home again. And that means that Eddie can make it up to him, explain some things, and show him how sorry he is. Show him that he's still a good dad. Or at least that he’s always trying to be a good dad, a better dad. And the thought of Chris putting on the same uniform Eddie had years before, with the little blue and white shield embroidered stiffly on the chest, forced to attend Wednesday Mass, taught abstinence only — which is a whole other thing to be anxious about but, regardless, Eddie isn’t going to let his kid get taught sex ed like that — is enough to make Eddie want to rescue Christipher even if it's against his son’s will. But being in El Paso is weird. Eddie hasn't been back since his dad's retirement party, and it's just weird. It's weird because he's apparently expected to stay the weekend while Chris finishes packing — except all he brought with him had been a backpack and everything that Eddie’s parents had bought him was basically just a double of something in L.A., so Eddie isn't really sure what he’s going to pack — and it's weird because he can feel his mom's gaze fixed on his back every second of the trip since the moment he and Buck touched down in the airport. It’s like she’s constantly on the lookout for some reason to keep Chris there, like she’s expecting Eddie to snap and pull out a Shannon wig of his own. Like he’s going to pull out a Shannon wig and plop it onto Buck. Which is a whole other thing, Buck being here. Because Buck is always here and he didn't even hesitate when Eddie said “I bought two tickets”. Because they’re always together and because Eddie knew he would need the moral support while dealing with his parents. That's why he brought Buck. Buck always has his back.
read on ao3
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itsjustbyler · 7 months
If the byler actually happens, it will be rushed. The GA won't understand, they should have done this before. They've been building Mileven for so long that they couldn't change everything last season.
Sorry, but it's the truth.
Well hi there... (this is going to be a big one, sorry)
See, I'll never understand this argument that it's going to be rushed and that the last season doesn't have time to build Byler or whatever. You've never seen films or series with a single season in which a couple meets, falls in love and ends up together?
I can give you the example of Eyewitness. Several people in the fandom like to talk about this series and I have to thank the bylers for presenting it to me.
The show has 9 episodes, at the beginning we meet Lukas and Phillip. Lucas suffers from internalized homophobia. This series managed to introduce us to the characters, make us understand them, make us understand the reason for each one's actions with just 9 episodes and still in the middle of a murder plot, with several horrible things happening and other characters developing.
And the series is simply wonderful. I highly recommend it, so that people can learn about internalized homophobia (which we theorize Mike has) and how far it can go. Maybe you even recognize some parallels with Byler. Remembering that eyewitness was on the inspiration board for one of the seasons, i think it was season 4.
"They have been building up mlvn for 4 seasons", well... they also did that with byler. The advantage of Stranger Things over eyewitness is that we already know the characters, we already know the dynamics between them, we know the problems in each relationship, there will be no need to waste time on that. The building up for byler its at its peak by the end of season 4!
The season ended with:
Mike and El not talking to each other after the monologue that was supposed to save the relationship
The truth about Will's painting yet to be revealed
Will confirmed to be in love with Mike
Mike is still oblivious to Will's feelings
Eleven didn't say anything about the monologue and what she thought of it all
Will is already sure that Mike doesn't like him and he tried to help Mike and El's relationship, which didn't work.
Mike doesn't know that Eleven doesn't actually feel what Will said she feels and that those were his words
As I said, we already know these characters. We know Will lied, we know El doesn't feel that way. We know that Mike feels inferior in the relationship because El doesn't seem to like anything he likes and ignores his interests, which is why he thinks he's just a random nerd. Mike only knows how to praise El by associating her with her powers, something El doesn't feel comfortable with. We know about the ambiguous relationship between Mike and Will and that Mike seems to separate Will from all the other members of the party, including El. We know that Will is in love with Mike. Everything is waiting for it's conclusion.
Also, we still have some questions hanging in the air like: Why write Will in love with Mike if he already has a girlfriend? Why not give him a boyfriend in Lenora, which seems to be a freer place with mlm and wlw couples going on public dates in the middle of Rink o Mania? Why not have Mike reject Will in season 3 so Will can move on, like they did with Dustin and Max? Why the painting and the meaning behind it? Why constantly separate Mike and El throughout the seasons while strengthening Mike and Will's bond? Why, instead of having Mike the whole season saying that he needs to find El and telling her that he loves her and that she's amazing, they decided to have Mike complaining about his relationship and how bad he feels about it? Why did this love triangle reach season 5 still without a clear solution?
They just need to pick up the pieces. If you think they can't do that in a single season, remember that St*ncy ended the first season together but we clearly knew something was wrong and in the second season they perfectly managed to end St*ncy's relationship and start J*ncy's even with Jonathan dealing with everything that was happening with his brother and everything else.
And hey... give the GA some credit. I clocked byler without even knowing it was a thing and I had never been in a fandom before. They are not stupid. They just don't engage with fandom disclosure but that doesn't mean they are oblivious to everything that it's happening. They just don't care or have heterormativity blinding them.
Now could the writers just ignore everything they had been building up and send it to trash? Damn right they could. However, we will have to wait and see...
ty for the ask, sorry for the big one <3
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Over the past couple of months of Eddie's calls, Steve has gotten to know the corroded coffin boys. They've accepted him into their group and he's even gotten to listen to their old demo from high school.
"It's really good Eds."
"No it's not! I can't believe Gareth betrayed me like that. I was trying to NOT embarass myself in front of you-"
"Were you trying...at all?"
"Oh shut up!"
Eddie doesn't even have to make false calls anymore he just calls Steve up and hopes he has some free time during his shift to stop by.
It doesn't matter, Steve will make time always.
They haven't hung out when Steve's not on duty though and he's looking to change that.
Robin doesn't think he's fooling anyone with his weak remarks of 'preserving a friendship'. That's why this Christmas thing has to work.
He doesn't know what he was thinking. His whole thing is not to let Eddie get too close and he's bringing him to meet everyone that's ever mattered to him?!
Definitely not his smartest move. But he couldn't see Eddie's little disappointed pout. Steve knows more than anyone how it feels to spend Christmas by yourself.
"Disturbance on 5th."
"...where on 5th?"
"I think you know Steve."
"Attaboy Chief."
When he gets to bar there's two giant trucks in the lot and a red faced Eddie yelling at the drivers.
"I don't know where you think I'm gonna pull twenty kegs out from but it'll be your ass if I have anything to do with it!"
Steve jogs over.
"What's up Eddie? You could've just called me."
"Hey Stevie," he finally gives the guys some breathing room. "This is an actual police matter I thought it'd be better if I called the actual station this time."
Steve has never seen Eddie this worked up. He kind of has him in a trance.
The yelling continued which startled his mind back to normal.
"What happened?"
"Well asshole over here left with dipshit-" he gestures to the driver of the second truck. "To grab a 'smoke' and left the trucks unlocked and now all my stock has been stolen! How does that even happen?! How long were you gone to give someone enough time to steals two trucks worth of merchandise!"
The drivers are very obviously stoned.
Eddie runs to Steve and grips his shoulders. Manic look in his eyes.
"How am I supposed to make gingerbread lager along with all the other stupid holiday bullshit without my eight pounds of Cinnamon! Think of the Cinnamon Steve!" He shakes him. "The eggnog! The horror!"
Steve stifles a laugh.
"Ok I'll file a report and get right on it."
"Hey it'll be fine. I'll find it. I do do actually police work you know? I don't just hang lights. Besides where could someone be hiding all these shit."
Eddie gives him a grateful look.
"I know Stevie. I'm glad it was you who responded. I believe in you."
Steve's whole body is warm in this winter air. He tries not to look too effected.
It doesn't take too long. It's a small town after all.
He brings in the teenagers and calls their parents.
A group of twenty kids. All in high-school. All on the football team.
He stops by the bar after and tells Eddie the good news. He also shows up with all of the stolen merchandise minus a keg the kids were halfway through when he found them.
Eddie leaps into his arms. It's the first time they've been this close.
"Thank you thank you thank you-" he's muttering it and rubbing his face in Steve's chest. Steve wishes this was happening in a different circumstance.
Steve puts a tentative hand on Eddie's hair.
"It's fine, it's what I'm here for."
Eddie gives him a blinding smile.
"Ok Stevie. Let's do Christmas."
"Relax Dingus he'll be here."
"I know! That's why I'm nervous!"
Robin laughs at him. "Chill. They'll love him. Just don't screw this up he obviously likes you."
"Nope there's nothing to screw up! We're just friends. He's coming over because I didn't want him to spend Christmas alone and that's it. Friendly behavior."
Max snorts from over on the couch, El is painting her nails. "Sure Steve. I've only witnessed friendly behavior between you two."
"What! You have!"
She squints at him and pauses for a beat.
"You hopeless bisexual. If that was just friends behavior kill me before it turns into more." She gags at him as El giggles.
"It will be fine Steve," she says. "I will just have a nice talk with him about his intentions with my brother." Her smile is innocent but her face screams chaos and a little devilry.
"No that won't be necessary! I do appreciate it though El, you're a good sister." She's downright scary. Steve never wants Eddie to face her wrath.
Eddie fits rights in. He brought over secret recipe Brownies and brought liquor ones for the adults. They were so delicious he swears Argyle shed a tear.
The kids loved him, who knew they had so many dorky things in common.
He was finally able to meet Max in person and together with Robin and El they were a perfect match of sarcasm and teasing.
Steve's heart has never been so full.
Hopper and Joyce were looking at him from the corner. Faces definitely deep in thought.
During presents Eddie sat in what could be described as Steve's lap. He received a sharp look from Dustin and a questioning glance from Mike but didn't say a word. There was nothing to say. They were just friends. That's what they will remain being.
Steve won't let himself get closer. Steve will protect his own heart while protecting Eddie.
Robin could read his mind. Definitely. That had to be the only reason she was giving Steve this kicked puppy look. She knew what he was thinking. She shook her head like she was already disappointed in him and then turned to continue talking to Nancy.
Eddie laughed at some funny socks Jonathon got and squeezed Steve's thigh in the process. He froze up but relaxed when Eddie gave him a soft look.
Eddie had grabbed his hand on the way to his car.
"Thank you for this Steve. This has been the best day I've had in awhile."
Steve blushed, "it was no problem, I'm glad you had fun."
"You have an amazing family Steve, they care about you so much," he leaned in and kissed Steve's cheek. "I hope you realize how many people care about you. You deserve it."
Steve's frozen, staring at Eddie with flushed cheeks. He grips his hands tighter.
"I wish I could stay longer but the bar calls me. We'll have to do this again sometime." He flutters his eyelashes at Steve.
"Bye Stevie."
He let's go of his hand and gets in his car driving off.
"Bye Eds," he whispers to no one.
I can't help it! I'm posting the rest
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ronancexists · 1 year
Things I would like to see in Stranger Things 5:
- Since Robin has done quite a few doodles on her red converse, I like to think she's quite good at drawing, so that can be a way for her to start up a conversation with Will
- And then Will confides in Robin about being gay and being in love with Mike because he had a feeling that she was like him and Robin confirming she was indeed like him and becoming his gay mentor (like you don't understand I NEED ROBIN AND WILL TO HAVE A CONVO ABOUT BEING GAY)
- Will (finally!) tells the party that he's gay (and Byler becomes a thing) but not before Robin comes out to the party in order to make Will feel more comfortable and to show him that they will accept him because that's totally something she would do as his gay mentor
- More Steve and Robin being "Platonic with a Capital P" cause we didn't get enough in st4
- Hopper and Joyce trying to corral the kids and control the situation as best as they can
- Joyce being a mother figure to Robin like she is with the rest of the kids and Robin becoming better acquainted with El, Jonathan, and ESPECIALLY Will because she didn't really get a chance to get to know the California crew before they packed up and moved so ya
- El traveling into Vecna's/Henry's/One's mind in order to be able to wake Max up and free her from his control because he said his victims stay with him in his mind so like 👀
- Max wakes up after El successfully rescues her from Vecna/Henry/One but she is severely incapacitated, like she's probably blind in one or both eyes and is going to need assistance walking for the rest of her life and is going to be stuck in the hospital for a few more weeks (possibly months)
- How and when the Upside Down was created
- What Will's connection to Vecna/Henry/One and the Upside Down really entails and how that could affect both him and The Party during this final stretch
- Vecna/Henry/One, the Demogorgons, the Demodogs, the Demobats, the Mindflayer, and the Upside Down along with whatever other monsters are down there get destroyed once and for all because I don't think shutting the gates is gonna do it this time
- Kali comes back to help El defeat Vecna/Henry/One
- Murray tries to figure Steve and Robin out but he can't because he's never seen anything like the two of them and it frustrates him to no end
- Then when he tries to psychoanalyze Robin she does it right back to him because she's a freaking genius and everyone is in awe of her because they've never seen Murray speechless before
- And I hate to say it but if Steve dies Robin dies too because despite the fact that she is my favorite character (close seconds are Nancy and Will) Steve is her platonic soulmate and they are codependent on one another and one just simply cannot survive without the other
- Like it would absolutely break my heart to have to see Robin try to live without her dingus of a best friend and to have to see Steve try to live without his wing woman of a bestie so if one dies both of them die
- Lucas defending Max's unconscious body with Erica from whatever creatures from the Upside Down want to try and take and/or kill her
- Mike and El break up because El realizes she needs to be her own person and because Mike is in love with Will
- Dustin is even more protective and stubborn about Steve heading into danger because of what happened to Eddie and he absolutely refuses to leave his side through the entire season
- RONANCE RONANCE RONANCE RONANCE (i know it's probably not gonna be canon but a girl can dream)
- Robin finally getting an onscreen kiss with her girlfriend or a girl she really likes (cough cough Nancy cough cough) (sorry Vickie but I feel like ur just too similar to Robin)
- And if Steve doesn't die (hopefully🤞) then please please please DO NOT have Steve and Nancy get back together after she breaks up with Jonathan when she finds out he lied to her about Emerson along with everything else that's been piling up between them
- Instead Nancy decides she's better off not being in a relationship (or better yet she gets together with Robin) and focuses on what she's absolutely sure she wants which is getting her journalism degree at Emerson (and Robin decides to go there too if they become a thing 😊)
- Because Nancy Wheeler is a smart, strong, fierce, badass, independent woman and she does not need to be kept in a cage by becoming a housewife who gives birth to SIX KIDS
- Steve and Robin move in together and attend a community college together (Steve's either getting a teaching degree or a child psychology degree while Robin is doing something with linguistics) or they follow Nancy to Boston because Robin and Nancy are absolutely smitten with one another :)
- Meeting Steve and Robin's respective parents
Ok I think that's all for now 😅
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eruditetyro · 8 months
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sweetmetals.//art, artist, process//created, creator, creation.
text reads:
"we cannot know his legendary head/with eyes like ripening fruit. And yet his torso/is still suffused with brilliance from inside,/like a lamp, in which his gaze, now turned to low,/gleams in all its power. Otherwise/the curved breast could not dazzle you so, nor could-" - Archaic Torso of Apollo, Rainer Maria Rilke trans. Stephen Mitchell
"-them. If one didn't know any better, one might mistake this for an eccentric art sale for discerning buyers.
But the pieces themselves soon corrected that impression. Jordan could feel their collective power radiating toward her. Her body felt awake, alert, ready for action. It was like caffeine. Speed.
No, it was like being real." - Mister Impossible, Maggie Stiefvater
[letterpress print] "art soothes pain! Art wakes up sleepers! Art fights against war & stupidity!" - Cheap Art Manifesto, Bread & Puppet Press
"-White only drove this home. They weren't great because they were technically perfect. There was something else. Something more. Whether that something could be named--sweetmetal?--she wasn't sure. What she was sure of was that pieces like that all had a way of seeing the world that no one else had noticed before." - Mister Impossible, Maggie Stiefvater
[picture of El Jaleo by John Singer Sargent]
"-would last his entire life. Was this what it had in common with Madame X? Was it it that the painting changed his life, or was it that he knew that it was going to change his life? What was soul? Declan didn't know, but he liked trying to find out." - Mister Impossible, Maggie Stiefvater
"Art sings halleluja! Art is for kitchens! Art is like good bread! Art is like green trees! Art is like white clouds in blue sky!" Cheap Art Manifesto, Bread & Puppet Press
"As her eyes burned, Hennessy swiped a thin, bleeding splash of red on one of the index cards, and then, with the marker, suggested the lines needed to show that it was an anatomical heart, bleeding paint. Beneath it, she just had time to jot angrily: OF FUCKING COURSE.
Her heart was broken, that was why she was really upset, her heart was broken, broken, broken because Hennessy wanted so badly to be as good at living as Jordan was and she never even got close. She flicked the index card across the table at Farooq-Lane.
The mouse woke up." Greywaren, Maggie Stievater
"ART IS FOOD. You cant EAT it BUT it FEEDS you. ART has to be CHEAP & available to EVERYBODY. It needs to be EVERYWHERE because it is the INSIDE of the WORLD." Cheap Art Manifesto, Bread & Puppet Press
"Jordan was beginning to understand how it might be possible for ley energy to be tangled into the art-marking process, too." Mister Impossible, Maggie Stiefvater
"And she could see in her mind's vision plain/The magic World, where cities stood on end.../Remote from where she lay--and yet-- between" - Collected Sonnets, Edna St. Vincent Millay
"-when they make the art. I thought when I first saw one that it was because the art was special to the world in some way. A real original, you know? But it was explained to me later and this makes more sense. They are special to the artist in some way. They are an original for the artist, something new for them, something personal for them. The subject matter, sometimes, how they felt when they were painting it, others. That is what seems to make some of them into sweetmetals. I do not thing it is the artist who does it. It is, like, the spirit of the time. There is a French term-" Mister Impossible, Maggie Stiefvater
"Otherwise this stone would seem defaced/beneath the translucent cascade of the shoulders/and would not glisten like a wild beast's fur:/would not, from all the borders of itself,/burst like a star: for here there is no place/that does not see you. You must change your life." Archaic Torso of Apollo, Rainer Maria Rilke trans. Stephen Mitchell
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