#elana gilbert
adhdmother · 1 year
crazy thought
imagine being a human in the Vampire Diaries universe with a genuine vervain allergy… Not making it past season one cause you got tranquilized by sherif Forbes and just died. Getting absolutely wrecked and bullied by the council because of a freaking plant allergy.
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nerds-yearbook · 1 year
On September 10, 1977, The All-New Super Friends Hour premiered. New characters were created for the show including The Wonder Twins, Samurai, Apache Chief, and Black Vulcan. Black Vulcan was designed as a knock off of Black Lightening so they wouldn't have to pay Tony Isabella royalties. ("The Brain Machine", "Joy Ride", "Invasion of the Earthers", "The Whirlpool", The All-New Super Friends, TV, Event)
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hereathemoment · 2 years
Nesta Archeron: Paris Gellar, Rosalie Hale, Leah Clearwater, Danny Targaryen, Georgia (Ginny and Georgia), Blair Waldorf, The Punisher
Feyre Archeron: Elana Gilbert, Bella Swan, Rory Gilmore, Ginny (Ginny and Georgia), Serena Van der Woodsen, Tori Vega, Daredevil
Elain Archeron: Bubbles (PowerPuff Girls), Rachel’s sister (Friends), Sakura (Naruto), Jessica (Twilight, the book not the movie)
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rfsnyder · 2 years
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elana gilbert
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siredtome1864 · 1 year
Delena life story: Part three
They had already been there for a couple of weeks, and they were getting it on. One day on their honeymoon Elena woke up to having the feeling like she was going to puke so she ran to the bathroom. Damon woke up to feeling the bed empty, and hearing Elena throw up so Damon ran to the bathroom where Elena was hovering the toilet in her lassy black bra, her black lassy thong, and her hair in a ponytail like she had when she was cheerleading back in high school. Damon was worried so he got a towel as Elena thought to herself that she can’t be pregnant, she can’t be, but she also thought that her period is last too so that can be a sign as well. Damon comes back with a towel, and Elena looks at Damon with a look that tells him she is pregnant. Leaving their honeymoon at gilbert cabin to go to the salvatore house, Elena arrives scared out of her mind while Damon gets their luggage. Elena thinks Stefan is dead, Caroline is busy with the twins, and Bonnie is upset about Enzo, and she didn’t blame her. She would do it too if I was in her shoes. That’s it, I'm texting Caroline for help. Elena texted ‘Hey, Caroline. I’m home at the Salvatore House, and I think I got some big news, but I don’t know for sure yet. Call me when you can. See ya, love you, and goodbye,’ to Caroline. Time had passed, and time was young, but never forgotten where a new life lived. She had life growing inside her, and breathing with possibilities of the future. It’s been nine months of planning, and decorating have paid off, leaving Stefan’s old room the way it was excepted putting the bed in the addict, and putting a cherry red wood crib with stinky dinks of the people Elena, and Damon knew would be close to them even if their dead in Bonnie’s heaven she was hoping. Elana looked all around her because she felt Stefans around her, and she always thought the other side was like a different dimension that could see her, but she couldn’t see them. She knew something was up so she walked from the nursery to outside seeing Damon argue with Caroline. Elena didn’t bother, and thought to herself that the night sky was beautiful then all of Sudan she felt a kick, and said oww. As she said that, and held her left-bottom side of her stomach Damon, and Caroline ran to her in a panic to her side. Damon, and Caroline had the look of what’s going on? Elena put Damon’s hand to her stomach, and he felt a hard kick, and had the look of shock, and happiness on his face. Damon called Caroline to put her hand on Elena’s stomach to feel the baby’s kick. As Caroline felt another hard kick, she laughed, and started to cry. Elena said ‘whoo’, and held her stomach. Elena thinks she is going into labor, and ran into the Salvatore house to get the baby bag, then ran out. Elena tells Damon SHE IS COMING. Damon ran to the car, and Caroline helped Elena into the back of the car. Caroline Gets into the back with Elena, and Damon drives to the hospital as quickly as he can. Elena barely makes it to the hospital, but makes it to a hospital bed, and a doctor preps as quick as he can, then delivers as Damon is right there next to Elena. Elena pushes, and pushes as hard as she can to deliver this baby. Damon holds Elena’s hand as Caroline is in the waiting room. Bonnie shows up with a baby teddy bear looking for Caroline in the waiting room then she finds her.
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khaleesi1001 · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NWOT ASO Vampire Diaries Elena Gilbert’s Tapestry dress with removable straps 4!.
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the-vampire-d · 3 years
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dailyelenagilbert · 4 years
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elisha-mikealson · 4 years
4. The Dinner Party
When I woke up the next day I get dressed before heading downstairs to see Elijah sitting on the couch still reading the same book, "So is this going to be an every morning thing?" I ask him as I sit down on the couch next to him.
"Probably, I find this intriguing." He hands me the book and I see that it is one of Esther's grimoires.
"Now how did you find this?" I ask flipping to the page that he was on.
"It was on the bookshelf in the room that I'm staying in."
I nod to this. "And you think you should just be reading it out in the open?" I stand up with it in my hands. "There is a reason that it's locked away in that room, not to mention you had to go searching specifically for it because I know that no one would be able to find it except for a Mikaelson or someone with magic. There is a reason I hid this," I say holding up the book. "It has the spell that can destroy us all. A which that can channel enough energy can kill an original with a spell in this book," I sigh dropping the book. "Your which friend, has the only other copy of this spell so if Bonnie wants you dead she can do it if she can find the book."
"She won't," he says standing up. "Jonas has everything under control with the witch."
"Okay," I say speeding up to the room putting the book back before coming back. "What is the game plan for today?"
"We'll Jenna is going to be showing me around the old property lines."
"I thought I was supposed to be showing you around," I say laughing a little bit.
"Well she has all the information and everything, and Mrs. Lockwood has requested her to show me around, I don't see why you couldn't join us though. Jenna did say about meeting us there in an hour."
"Okay," I say nodding. "Let's go then," I say grabbing my keys. Once we get there we say hello to Jenna and she starts showing us around and I slightly zone out until Jenna says something.
"Ah the Fells. One of the 'Founding Families,'" Elijah responds.
"Why do you say it like that?" Jenna questions.
"My research showed me that this area was actually settled almost two full centuries earlier." I had to hold in a laugh because I was the one that told him that on the way over. "It was a migration of townsfolk from the northeast, Salem to be precise."
"Massachusetts? As in the Salem witch trials?"
Elijah nods to this. "Which means the ever lauded founding families didn't actually found anything."
"Well, I bet it was the men who made a big deal about being founders back in 1860. Men are very territorial." We stop walking when she says this and I notice Alaric walking over to us.
"Yes, they are," I say as Jenna looks over and sees Alaric.
"Elijah, Elisha, this is my friend, Alaric Saltzman."
"Yeah, I got you message about walking Elijah and Elisha here through the old property lines. I figured I would tag along, you know being a history buff and all. Where to next?" Alaric says. I can tell that Elijah is not to pleased by Alaric's intrusion on this tour, but he keeps a level head.
"I'm pretty curious about the freed slave property owners. Some say, you know, the descendants of the slaves are the true keepers of the American history," Elijah says.
"Well I only brought the surveys, I got that list in the car, just give me a sec." With that she walks off to her car.
"Alaric Saltzman. Your one of those people on Elena's list of loved ones to protect."
"So is Jenna," Alaric says dead serious which makes me smirk.
"You don't have to be jealous. I don't really pursue younger women." Elijah almost sounds board saying this as he looks over at me. "It's a joke Ric, lighten up." He taps Alaric's shoulder before walking away.
"Right," Alaric says with a nod before looking at me. "What the hell are you doing here?"
"Helping Elijah, Mrs. Lockwood did ask me to show him around before she got Jenna to. Like it or not, I'm driving him around because I know this town better than even the Salvatore's do, so please do play nice with Elijah, he won't bring you harm or anyone else on Elena's list." I walk away from him over to Elijah and Jenna as she finishes showing us around. Alaric leaves at some point which is okay with me because Elijah seems more relaxed without him there.
After everything I follow Jenna to the Grill where she said that she was meeting up with Alaric about something. Once we walk into the Grill I hear Damon saying, "Ah here's Jenna with her new boyfriend and his sidekick." I laugh quietly to myself. "Hi."
"Hey guys," Jenna says walking over to Alaric, Damon, and Damon's girl toy.
"So I hear you guys had quite a meeting of historical minds today."
"Yeah, you could say that," Jenna says with a smile as she looks at Elijah.
"Well as much as I would like to continue this, I've got papers to grade," Alaric states getting up.
"No, you know what we should continue this. Let's have a diner party," Damon's toy says.
"Ooh my girl, full of great ideas. I'll be happy to host," Damon says mock holding up his hand. I could see the look on Elijah's face and man he looked like he wanted to rip off his head. "Say tonight maybe?"
"Sounds good with me, Jenna?" Again, Damon's toy.
"I don't know if tonight works-" Alaric starts to say but Jenna cuts him off.
"Yeah, I'm free," she nods.
"It'll be a pleasure," Elijah says and I nod in agreement.
"Great," Damon says with a smile.
"Well, Elijah and I would love to stay but we have some important things to get to, before tonight," I say with a small smile. "Jenna it was lovely to spend the day with you, Elena has told me how nice you were, but you are beyond what she was saying," I say and she smiles.
"Anytime you need something, either of you, just give me a call," she says looking at Elijah.
"I will keep that in mind," Elijah says kissing her hand before he walks away.
"Damon please don't do anything stupid tonight," I say and he just smiles.
"I would never dream of it," he says and I walk away with that.
When I got to the car I drive us back to my place and we discuss about what all happened today while we were on the tour. Bash, Josh and Rosa got up and left while Elijah and I were talking to go train which I didn't have a problem with. Caun then ventured out of his room and over to Elijah and I. "I heard diner party, I'm going."
"Caun if you get within a hundred yards of the house I will personally snap your neck."
"Why can't I go?"
"One because there will be no alcohol, two the people there you can't kill, and three because I said so."
"You are absolutely no fun," he says walking away from us.
"I know." I smirk at this. "Why don't you head over to the lake house and help the others train?"
"I would rather drive a stake through my chest," he says looking at me and I just gave him a look and he sighs. "Fine, I'll head over to the lake house, but I'm not training anyone." He leaves and Elijah and I go back to talking. Before I knew it, it was time to go over to the Salvatore boarding house so we left.
When we got there I rang the doorbell and the door opened revealing Damon. "Good Evening," I say.
"Thank you for coming, please, come in," Damon says opening the door more.
"Just one moment. Can I just say that if you have anything less than honorable intentions about how this evening is going, I suggest you reconsider," I say walking in.
"No, nothing, nothing dishonorable. Just a, getting to know you."
"Hmm, well that's good because you know although Elena and I have this deal, if you so much as make a move to cross me I'll kill you and I'll kill everyone in this house. Are we clear?" Elijah says.
"Crystal," Damon says.
"Jenna, it's wonderful to see you again. How are you?" Elijah says walking into the house further towards Jenna, "you look incredible."
After about 15 minutes we were all sitting at the table eating. "I hate to break it to you Damon but according to Elijah, your family is so not a founder of this town," Jenna says trying to make conversation. She was sitting across from Elijah with Damon to her right and me to her left as Damon's toy is on the other side of me with Alaric across from her and John next to both of them.
"Hmm, do tell," Damon says looking at Elijah.
"Well, as I mentioned to Jenna earlier, a faction of settlers migrated from Salem after the witch trials in the 1690s. Over the next hundred years they developed the community where they could feel safe from persecution."
"Hmm. Because they were witches," Jenna says kinda leaning over to me.
"There is not tangible proof there were witches in Salem," the toy says.
"Andie's a journalist. Big on facts," Damon comments.
"Well, the lore says that there was this wave of anti-witch hysteria. It broke out in the neighboring settlement, so these witches were rounded up. They were tied to stakes in a field together and burned. Some say you could hear the screams from miles around us they were consumed by the fire," I say like it was common knowledge. "Could you pass the," I say say pointing to the butter on the table.
"I wouldn't repeat this to the historical society," Jenna says laughing along with Andie and I just kind of smirk.
"It's starting to sound a little like a ghost story to me," John says but everyone ignores it.
"So why do you want to know the location of these alleged massacres?" Damon questions.
"You know, a healthy historian's curiosity, of course," Elijah says with a ghost of a smile.
"Of course," Damon responds. We fall into a painful silence before Damon speaks up again. "Would anyone care for some Cognac? I have a bottle I've been saving for ages."
"None for me thanks. 9 bottles of wine is my limit," Alaric says as everyone stands up.
"The gentlemen should take their drinks in the study," Andie suggest and I give Elijah a look of warning and he catches on.
"I have to say the food was almost as wonderful as the company."
"I like you," Andie says point to Elijah which just smiles before walking out of the room. I follow behind him sneaking out only to be caught by Alaric's eyes which just brushes it off like nothing.
Once I get into the study I see Damon pouring glasses of what I presumed to be bourbon from the smell. "So let me guess. In addition to the moonstone, the doppelganger, the lion, the witch and the wardrobe you need to find this witch burial ground."
"Because I feel as though we've grown so close, Damon, I'll tell you, yes."
"Do you know where it is?" I question making my presence known before walking down to Elijah.
"Maybe. Tell me why it's so important."
"Even I know you're not that close, Damon."
"It's quite a collection you have here." Damon hums looking at me as he reaches for something and I take a whiff knowing it's a dagger with white oak on it. I give him a warning looks but he brushes it off. "It's a funny thing about books, before they existed people actually had memories." Damon was picking up the dagger but Alaric bushed the doors open saying about how we forgot about dessert.
"Elijah," Andie says putting out her hand basically begging Elijah to take it.
"Miss Star," he says walking up to her taking her hand and walking out of the room.
"What the hell Damon are you trying to get yourself killed?" I ask.
"No," Damon says looking at Alaric and hitting him. Alaric simply walked over to a paper and wrote 'The dagger will kill you if you use it' before handing it to him. I roll my eyes using my vampire speed to quickly move up by the dining room walking in behind Andie and Elijah.
"Sorry guys dessert is taking longer than I thought, I usually just unwrap food," Elijah sits down in his chair and I stand next to him. Andie started talking but I ignore her listing to see were Damon and Alaric are at, but they pop up and Andie gets Alaric to grab a notebook out of her bag and he disappears again so I sit down in his seat. They say a few things but what caught my attention was when John says about Klaus.
"Gentlemen, there's a few things we should probably get clear right now. I allow you to live solely to keep an eye on Elena. I allow Elena to remain in her house living her life with her friends as she does as a courtesy. If you become a liability, I'll take her away from you and you'll never see her again," he says calmly. I sense the white oak ash coming closer, but before I could do anything Elijah yelled in pain as I see the dagger come out of his chest and the veins start to grow on his face. I look to see Alaric standing behind him which pisses me off beyond belief.
"Relax it won't hurt as much," I whisper knowing he heard me. Within seconds his body goes limp in the chair and it takes all I have to not rip out Alaric's heart right now. He takes out the dagger through so that helps me calm down a bit knowing Elijah will be awake in a matter of minutes.
"Now get rid of him before Jenna comes back with desert," Alaric says walking away.
"I'll take care of it, just cover for me Damon," I say picking up Elijah's body and vamp speed down to the cellar. "I'm going to chill out down here while you guys finish up," I say knowing Damon hears me.
"Okay I'll be down then," he responds. After a minute Elijah gasps and I motion for him to be quite as possible. Once he is as 100% as he is going to get I sneak out of the house and I do a locator spell on Elena as Elijah requests. He also made a call to his witch to do something before we left to find Elena.
Once we got to the cabin Elijah grabbed some of the gravel throwing it at the door breaking it down without a problem. That's when Elena says to Stefan to leave and that she will be okay because Elijah and I can't get into the house.
"You know, we might not be able to enter this house but we are very patient people, and we will wait you out," I say seconds later Elena walks out from around the corner.
"They shouldn't have done what they did."
"The deal is off."
"I'm renegotiating."
"Let me think about that." I pause for a second. "No, simply because you have nothing left to negotiate with," when I finish this she pulls out a knife.
"I would like to see you lure Klaus into Mystic Falls after the doppelganger bleeds to death."
"Stefan won't let you die."
"No, he won't. He will feed his blood to heal me then I'll kill myself and become a vampire, just like Katherine. So unless you want that to happen again, promise me the same as before- promise me you won't harm anyone that I love even if they've harmed you."
"I'm sorry, Elena, I'm going to have to call your bluff." What the hell is he doing? She will do this, this is not a bluff, he doesn't know her. I can see it in his eye that he doesn't believe it until she stabs herself. "No!" He yells and vamp speed to the door.
"Yes. Yes, you can have your deal," I say. "Let me heal you," I tell her.
"Give me your word," she says in pain.
"You have my word," Elijah says and she stumbles out of the house right to Elijah and and yells in pain. She had the dagger.
"No!" I yell and grab Elijah before he just falls on the ground as Stefan speeds out feeding her his blood.
"Little tip, don't pull out the dagger," Damon says before looking at me, "why are you helping him?"
"You wouldn't understand," I say before speeding away leaving Elijah's body lay on the porch. I head to the Salvatore boarding house hiding to see where they would put him. When they do bring him around Damon takes the moonstone and I speed out of there without any of them noticing. I drive back to the lake house where I brake almost every single training item before I finally start to cool down a bit. "I will get you back father, I promise you. I'll kill every single one of them if I have to, I don't care."
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smugglingduckling · 4 years
Anyone else sitting at the counter, eating ramen, and watching Vampire Diaries even though they have 3 projects all due in the next week or just me?
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sweetiedobreva · 4 years
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Nina Dobrev on Keleigh Sperry Teller via Instagram stories, at girls night to present the actress's wines to her friends 
 cr: keleighsperrynews on Instagram
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endless-falling · 4 years
*has a 5 page research paper due this week and haven't even started the research yet*
Me: This is the perfect time to rewatch The Vampire Diaries even though I've seen it twice and don't even really like it
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duskquotes · 4 years
Instagram - @duskquotes
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lizziebizzzz · 5 years
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I’m the better doppelgänger
Smarter, prettier and deadlier.
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lailaoaks · 5 years
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alrightart-blog · 5 years
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Stefan: wow a whole dollar
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