#eleanor bailey
3storyofmylife3 · 1 month
A problem I find in fiction nowadays is that female main characters don’t seem real.
They’re too perfect, too untouchable.
Even their flaws aren’t really flaws.
They’re insecure, they don’t believe in themselves, but they are perfect in every other way.
The main character will be pretty but she wouldn’t know it. She’s fit a perfect aesthetic that little girls who read the books try to attain and it just wouldn’t work.
They’re badasses because they have a few “witty” one liners, but they’re mean and rude to everyone else. They judge other girls and mean to guys because girls are better than guys obviously (yay girl power).
They’re have a ridiculous amount of trauma but it doesn’t affect their health in anyway.
Writers are often too focused on making badass female characters that they forget to actually write a character.
Their are exceptions to this of course.
Like Lucy Carlyle in Lockwood and Co, despite being written by a man (Jonathan Stroud) she’s probably the most realistic female main character i’ve ever read about.
She gets jealous and petty sometimes, she gets insecure, she’s mean, she makes dumb mistakes, but she LEARNS and she GROWS.
She doesn’t just repeat the same mistakes bcuz there are no consequences to them and the male love interest will back her up no matter what 💅.
And she has friends and crushes and enemies and she’s just…normal. No incredible beauty, and amazing personality. Just a girl who tries her best with what’s been given to her. She’s a hard worker and is very talented (and she knows it, she just doesn’t really understand the reality of it).
Or Eleanor Shellstrop from The Good Place. An arizona trash bag, the worst person you will ever meet, but she tries to change no matter how long it takes her and tries to do good. And you have love her because she’s smart and relatable and even though she’s selfish sometimes she cares about her friends and is willing to do anything for them by the time the series is over, and it’s not like she goes all perfect of a sudden, she still makes mistakes and learns from them. Because the most important thing is to try.
Anne from Anne with an E. You will never get more second-hand embarrassment from a character besides Anne and still love her, because she’s just a teenage girl who has hopes and dreams and a big imagination.
Alex and Red from The Land Of Stories.
Cress from TLC.
Mabel from Gravity Falls.
Inej and Nina from SOC.
And there are so many more, i wish we’d give characters like this more times than characters like SJM heroines 🥲.
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I always find it so wonderfully interesting when people prefer IWTV S1 to S2 but, tbh, they're both great seasons of television.
When I saw S1 as it premiered, I consistently struggled with it. There were (and to this day are) parts of it that severely pissed me off. "A Vile Hunger..." (1x5) is still the episode I like to rewatch the least, for example. It took me watching S1 twice to totally love the show. And it's because, when I saw S1, I was holding onto the source material while I watched.
This was fucking stupid on my part, especially given I took a class on adaptation while at Uni and got the academic tools to discern what makes for a good adaptation in film terms (I've talked about other adaptations with people who are book readers first and they tend to view it way differently). Hell, I wrote a thesis on why Clueless is a great adaptation of Jane Austen's Emma regardless of the change of setting in both time and place.
But IWTV was way too personal to me, it went back to my childhood, so it was hard to let go. I did instantly love a lot of the changes. I love the time change and the change to Louis' race and background. I love that we saw more of Louis pre-vampirism and that show Louis has more complex reasons for his long term struggles whereas book Louis just seemed so whiny to me for no reason. On the other hand, I struggled with: why is it a second interview, why was Claudia SA-ed, why the DV, why is fucking Antoinette a canker sore that never leaves, why the fuck is Armand in Dubai, what the fuck is happening with this timeline? I couldn't let go and my viewing experience suffered for it.
When I sat down to watch a second time, I said, "Ok, do what you were taught and let the source go. Adaptations cannot be 1:1 due to the change in medium". And that's when things started clicking. I stopped viewing S1, and the show as a whole, as needing to use the books as a plot bible and viewed it as using them as a guidebook to function on TV terms and tell its own version of the story. It allowed me to appreciate the things I loved much more and to understand the ones I hadn't been so sure about and, even, love some of those things.
For S2, I went into it with that mentality already so I solely judged it on film/TV terms even though, having read books 1-4 and 6 and reading about the rest, I saw subtle things people with no knowledge of the source canon did not. Like when YT reactors consistently worried about Daniel being killed and I'm just filing my nails because, to those in the know, Daniel has massive plot armour. Or people being confused about Raglan James and I'm sat there like wtf does this trifling ass want? Nevertheless, I enjoyed the tale as it was told and what it was on solely TV terms.
Both season are great television but, to me, S2 just took it up a notch. Daniel Hart popped off extra hard. Carol Cutshall popped off extra hard in costuming (stg she played faves because why did Armand get more fashion slays than anyone else? ^_^). The sets went extra hard. The acting, which was already superb in S1 because this is a fucking excellent cast (Jacob, Sam, Eric, Bailey, and Delainey 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼), went harder as well because we have more players such as Ben Daniels doing the absolute MOST with Santiago, Roxane Duran being absolutely OUTSTANDING as the formidable Madeleine, and Assad Zaman stepping out from the background and giving a STUNNING performance as, to me, what's clearly the definitive Armand. To my taste, S2 is a lot less slow and I felt the pot boiling tension to the explosive ending build more keenly than in S1. And, again to my taste, the ending of S2 felt more satisfying because we have a sense of completion in Louis' journey rather than a, admittedly dope, cliffhanger. S2 has, arguably, the 3 best episodes of the show so far in "Don't Be Afraid..." (2x5) "I Could Not Prevent It" (2x7), and "And That's The End of It..." (2x8). For me, there's just no contest.
And yeah S2 isn't perfect either. The abrupt episode endings, for example, are a bit annoying---especially the end of 2x4. Yes, there's bits I would've changed a bit. (Though I will say, some book readers apparently wanted the show to include book Armand's Franken-experiments and I could very much do without it ever being included because it serves no narrative purpose other than to prolong Claudia's suffering. The show already goes hard to show Armand is a fucking asshole in other ways and it's gonna add to that in S3. We don't need that detail.) But, as a season of television, it just went the extra mile.
Still, I love that some people prefer S1. I love that they prefer S1 because it's more intimate or because it's more of a family season or because of the good Louis and Lestat moments or the good vampire family moments. Or maybe they love it for other reasons, it's all very personal.
I still think "In Throes of Increasing Wonder" is an outstanding pilot and it's one of my favourite episodes. Louis' confessional scene/the church scene is definitely one of the top moments of the show. Claudia's monologue at the end of "The Ruthless Pursuit of Blood..." still gives me goosebumps. Claudia stomping on Antoinette's fucking face and Daniel reading Louis to absolute FILTH at the end of "The Thing Lay Still" both make me clap and stomp like I'm at a concert or a sporting event.
Either way, S1 or S2, it's great TV and it deserves more love and recognition. I hope it gets it because it's truly deserving. Maybe we just need to hear our Brat Prince have his say for the uninitiated to awaken to it. S3 I have been seated since they made the call to release that teaser.
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f1r3f0rf1r3 · 11 days
Does anyone else religiously watch HannahTheHorrible, Nexpo, Eleanor Neale, Bailey Sarian, Wendigoon, etc? I’m mildly addicted to them
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stargazingsims · 5 months
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There's so many papers to sign before they let you have the baby! Plus all kinds of checks to make sure you'll be good parents. I mean, I guess they can't just hand them out to whoever, like, gets a whim.
We adopted a little girl named Amanda. She's tiny - I couldn't believe how little she was when I first held her. How is something that little even alive?! She's, like, smaller than Angel. Poor thing, she probably came from hard circumstances or whatever - she's going to be so happy now, with us!
Ugh, I'm so nauseous lately. What the frick.
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papermint-airplane · 10 months
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Eleanor: Oh for fuck's sake. Ladies, side bar!
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Eleanor: Are we seriously not going to address the elephant in the room?! And by elephant, I mean the obvious wig and clown makeup.
Mysterious Mime: Not a clown, dear, a mime. Zey are completely different!
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Eleanor: You stay out of this!
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Angela: What are you saying?
Eleanor: Really?! If your eyes somehow aren't telling you something is seriously off here, then use your head. A mysterious sixth contestant just happens to show up right after Rose reappears? Come on, I can't be the only one who sees right through that stupid disguise.
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Mysterious Mime: You wound me, mademoiselle! Zis is no disguise! Zis is how I always look! Eet ees called 'fashion'. Look eet up!
Eleanor: I am not talking to you!
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Angela: Hmm, she does sound a lot like Rose, now that you mention it. And her accent is rather...transient.
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Eleanor: We're not really going to go through with this challenge like everything is normal, right?
Eleanor: What?!
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Eleanor: I mean, sure, but...
Eleanor: Yeah, I do think that's strange. The Watcher has to know who's under that paper-thin disguise, so I don't think it's an accident that she's here.
Viridia: SO...?
Eleanor: *sigh* Fine. For the sake of morbid curiosity, let's do it.
[Beginning] [Previous] [Next]
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bestwwquote · 3 months
Welcome to Best Quote from The West Wing!
Inspired by all the polls about best quotes from different media/hottest actors from different media I wanted to do one for one of my favourite pieces of media The West Wing.
1. It has to be a quote. There are some great unsaid moments but the competition is 'best quote' so it needs to be something someone said.
2. It can only come from the TV show 'The West Wing' that aired from 1999 to 2007. Interviews are not allowed, and anything from 'A West Wing Special to Benefit When We All Vote' that was NOT already in the episode 'Hartsfields Landing' doesn't count.
3. Yeah I already have the end of 'Two Cathedrals' in here.
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rossxdemelza · 7 months
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mariocki · 2 years
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Man on the Run (1949)
"Don't touch it! Leave that for the police. Ain't you ever heard of such things as fingerprints?"
"Hark at him! Who's been filling you up with that stuff?"
"A gentleman by the name of Dick Barton."
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lunetaj · 1 day
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The Lombardi family moved to Del Sol Valley right next to the Carlsman-Wards and Bailey-Moons.
Antonio, the father of the family, is a very respected and well-known businessman in the country. So they could afford to buy a house in such an affluent neighborhood.
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emilysoutcasts · 4 months
(obligatory pinned)
hi i'm ruby/nina/a few other names i won't share. this is the blog reserved to talk about my ocs so i don't clog my main.
i'm not an artist. at all. so this blog isn't going to be for that (unfortunately).
i'll just post thoughts and shit here. questions welcome.
for navigation:
main tag is #emily honningbrew's outcasts
'spinoff' tag is #the elliott cleaver chronicles
character names tagged too. blame a friend of mine (@egret-orchids) for a lot of the names. i'm attached to them now so they aren't changing.
(he gave me the name honningbrew and forgot to mention it was the name of a place in skyrim. i didn't know that for a long time fight me /lh)
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trendsinsightmore · 5 months
As a mysterious artist, Eleanor Talitha Bailey creates narratives that cut across time and location by incorporating the spirit of reflection into her works. Her works frequently inspire awe in spectators and entice them to explore the depths of their own minds.
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Art Details Series: Women & Books  | Jean-Honoré Fragonard, Eleanor Fortescue Brickdale, Victor Gabriel Gilbert, Lilla Cabot Perry, Louis Emile Adan, Thomas Benjamin Kennington, Seymour Joseph Guy, Delphin Enjolras, Ethel Porter Bailey |
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breelandwalker · 2 years
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JSTOR Articles on the History of Witchcraft, Witch Trials, and Folk Magic Beliefs
This is a partial of of articles on these subjects that can be found in the JSTOR archives. This is not exhaustive - this is just the portion I've saved for my own studies (I've read and referenced about a third of them so far) and I encourage readers and researchers to do their own digging. I recommend the articles by Ronald Hutton, Owen Davies, Mary Beth Norton, Malcolm Gaskill, Michael D. Bailey, and Willem de Blecourt as a place to start.
If you don't have personal access to JSTOR, you may be able to access the archive through your local library, university, museum, or historical society.
Full text list of titles below the cut:
'Hatcht up in Villanie and Witchcraft': Historical, Fiction, and Fantastical Recuperations of the Witch Child, by Chloe Buckley
'I Would Have Eaten You Too': Werewolf Legends in the Flemish, Dutch and German Area, by Willem de Blecourt
'The Divels Special Instruments': Women and Witchcraft before the Great Witch-hunt, by Karen Jones and Michael Zell
'The Root is Hidden and the Material Uncertain': The Challenges of Prosecuting Witchcraft in Early Modern Venice, by Jonathan Seitz
'Your Wife Will Be Your Biggest Accuser': Reinforcing Codes of Manhood at New England Witch Trials, by Richard Godbeer
A Family Matter: The CAse of a Witch Family in an 18th-Century Volhynian Town, by Kateryna Dysa
A Note on the Survival of Popular Christian Magic, by Peter Rushton
A Note on the Witch-Familiar in Seventeenth Century England, by F.H. Amphlett Micklewright
African Ideas of Witchcraft, by E.G. Parrinder
Aprodisiacs, Charms, and Philtres, by Eleanor Long
Charmers and Charming in England and Wales from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century, by Owen Davies
Charming Witches: The 'Old Religion' and the Pendle Trial, by Diane Purkiss
Demonology and Medicine in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, by Sona Rosa Burstein
Denver Tries A Witch, by Margaret M. Oyler
Devil's Stones and Midnight Rites: Megaliths, Folklore, and Contemporary Pagan Witchcraft, by Ethan Doyle White
Edmund Jones and the Pwcca'r Trwyn, by Adam N. Coward
Essex County Witchcraft, by Mary Beth Norton
From Sorcery to Witchcraft: Clerical Conceptions of Magic in the Later Middle Ages, by Michael D. Bailey
German Witchcraft, by C. Grant Loomis
Getting of Elves: Healing, Witchcraft and Fairies in the Scottish Witchcraft Trials, by Alaric Hall
Ghost and Witch in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, by Gillian Bennett
Ghosts in Mirrors: Reflections of the Self, by Elizabeth Tucker
Healing Charms in Use in England and Wales 1700-1950, by Owen Davies
How Pagan Were Medieval English Peasants?, by Ronald Hutton
Invisible Men: The Historian and the Male Witch, by Lara Apps and Andrew Gow
Johannes Junius: Bamberg's Famous Male Witch, by Lara Apps and Andrew Gow
Knots and Knot Lore, by Cyrus L. Day
Learned Credulity in Gianfrancesco Pico's Strix, by Walter Stephens
Literally Unthinkable: Demonological Descriptions of Male Witches, by Lara Apps and Andrew Gow
Magical Beliefs and Practices in Old Bulgaria, by Louis Petroff
Maleficent Witchcraft in Britian since 1900, by Thomas Waters
Masculinity and Male Witches in Old and New England, 1593-1680, by E.J. Kent
Methodism, the Clergy, and the Popular Belief in Witchcraft and Magic, by Owen Davies
Modern Pagan Festivals: A Study in the Nature of Tradition, by Ronald Hutton
Monstrous Theories: Werewolves and the Abuse of History, by Willem de Blecourt
Neapolitan Witchcraft, by J.B. Andrews and James G. Frazer
New England's Other Witch-Hunt: The Hartford Witch-Hunt of the 1660s and Changing Patterns in Witchcraft Prosecution, by Walter Woodward
Newspapers and the Popular Belief in Witchcraft and Magic in the Modern Period, by Owen Davies
Occult Influence, Free Will, and Medical Authority in the Old Bailey, circa 1860-1910, by Karl Bell
Paganism and Polemic: The Debate over the Origins of Modern Pagan Witchcraft, by Ronald Hutton
Plants, Livestock Losses and Witchcraft Accusations in Tudor and Stuart England, by Sally Hickey
Polychronican: Witchcraft History and Children, interpreting England's Biggest Witch Trial, 1612, by Robert Poole
Publishing for the Masses: Early Modern English Witchcraft Pamphlets, by Carla Suhr
Rethinking with Demons: The Campaign against Superstition in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe from a Cognitive Perspective, by Andrew Keitt
Seasonal Festivity in Late Medieval England, Some Further Reflections, by Ronald Hutton
Secondary Targets: Male Witches on Trial, by Lara Apps and Andrew Gow
Some Notes on Modern Somerset Witch-Lore, by R.L. Tongue
Some Notes on the History and Practice of Witchcraft in the Eastern Counties, by L.F. Newman
Some Seventeenth-Century Books of Magic, by K.M. Briggs
Stones and Spirits, by Jane P. Davidson and Christopher John Duffin
Superstitions, Magic, and Witchcraft, by Jeffrey R. Watt
The 1850s Prosecution of Gerasim Fedotov for Witchcraft, by Christine D. Worobec
The Catholic Salem: How the Devil Destroyed a Saint's Parish (Mattaincourt, 1627-31), by William Monter
The Celtic Tarot and the Secret Tradition: A Study in Modern Legend Making, by Juliette Wood
The Cult of Seely Wights in Scotland, by Julian Goodare
The Decline of Magic: Challenge and Response in Early Enlightenment England, by Michael Hunter
The Devil-Worshippers at the Prom: Rumor-Panic as Therapeutic Magic, by Bill Ellis
The Devil's Pact: Diabolic Writing and Oral Tradition, by Kimberly Ball
The Discovery of Witches: Matthew Hopkins' Defense of his Witch-hunting Methods, by Sheilagh Ilona O'Brien
The Disenchantment of Magic: Spells, Charms, and Superstition in Early European Witchcraft Literature, by Michael D. Bailey
The Epistemology of Sexual Trauma in Witches' Sabbaths, Satanic Ritual Abuse, and Alien Abduction Narratives, by Joseph Laycock
The European Witchcraft Debate and the Dutch Variant, by Marijke Gijswijt-Hofstra
The Flying Phallus and the Laughing Inquisitor: Penis Theft in the Malleus Maleficarum, by Moira Smith
The Framework for Scottish Witch-Hunting for the 1590s, by Julian Goodare
The Imposture of Witchcraft, by Rossell Hope Robbins
The Last Witch of England, by J.B. Kingsbury
The Late Lancashire Witches: The Girls Next Door, by Meg Pearson
The Malefic Unconscious: Gender, Genre, and History in Early Antebellum Witchcraft Narratives, by Lisa M. Vetere
The Mingling of Fairy and Witch Beliefs in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Scotland, by J.A. MacCulloch
The Nightmare Experience, Sleep Paralysis, and Witchcraft Accusations, by Owen Davies
The Pursuit of Reality: Recent Research into the History of Witchcraft, by Malcolm Gaskill
The Reception of Reginald Scot's Discovery of Witchcraft: Witchcraft, Magic, and Radical Religions, by S.F. Davies
The Role of Gender in Accusations of Witchcraft: The Case of Eastern Slovenia, by Mirjam Mencej
The Scottish Witchcraft Act, by Julian Goodare
The Werewolves of Livonia: Lycanthropy and Shape-Changing in Scholarly Texts, 1550-1720, by Stefan Donecker
The Wild Hunter and the Witches' Sabbath, by Ronald Hutton
The Winter Goddess: Percht, Holda, and Related Figures, by Lotta Motz
The Witch's Familiar and the Fairy in Early Modern England and Scotland, by Emma Wilby
The Witches of Canewdon, by Eric Maple
The Witches of Dengie, by Eric Maple
The Witches' Flying and the Spanish Inquisitors, or How to Explain Away the Impossible, by Gustav Henningsen
To Accommodate the Earthly Kingdom to Divine Will: Official and Nonconformist Definitions of Witchcraft in England, by Agustin Mendez
Unwitching: The Social and Magical Practice in Traditional European Communities, by Mirjam Mencej
Urbanization and the Decline of Witchcraft: An Examination of London, by Owen Davies
Weather, Prayer, and Magical Jugs, by Ralph Merrifield
Witchcraft and Evidence in Early Modern England, by Malcolm Gaskill
Witchcraft and Magic in the Elizabethan Drama by H.W. Herrington
Witchcraft and Magic in the Rochford Hundred, by Eric Maple
Witchcraft and Old Women in Early Modern Germany, by Alison Rowlands
Witchcraft and Sexual Knowledge in Early Modern England, by Julia M. Garrett
Witchcraft and Silence in Guillaume Cazaux's 'The Mass of Saint Secaire', by William G. Pooley
Witchcraft and the Early Modern Imagination, by Robin Briggs
Witchcraft and the Western Imagination by Lyndal Roper
Witchcraft Belief and Trals in Early Modern Ireland, by Andrew Sneddon
Witchcraft Deaths, by Mimi Clar
Witchcraft Fears and Psychosocial Factors in Disease, by Edward Bever
Witchcraft for Sale, by T.M. Pearce
Witchcraft in Denmark, by Gustav Henningsen
Witchcraft in Germany, by Taras Lukach
Witchcraft in Kilkenny, by T. Crofton Croker
Witchcraft in Anglo-American Colonies, by Mary Beth Norton
Witchcraft in the Central Balkans I: Characteristics of Witches, by T.P. Vukanovic
Witchcraft in the Central Balkans II: Protection Against Witches, by T.P. Vukanovic
Witchcraft Justice and Human Rights in Africa, Cases from Malawi, by Adam Ashforth
Witchcraft Magic and Spirits on the Border of Pennsylvania and West Virginia, by S.P. Bayard
Witchcraft Persecutions in the Post-Craze Era: The Case of Ann Izzard of Great Paxton, 1808, by Stephen A. Mitchell
Witchcraft Prosecutions and the Decline of Magic, by Edward Bever
Witchcraft, by Ray B. Browne
Witchcraft, Poison, Law, and Atlantic Slavery, by Diana Paton
Witchcraft, Politics, and Memory in Seventeeth-Century England, by Malcolm Gaskill
Witchcraft, Spirit Possession and Heresy, by Lucy Mair
Witchcraft, Women's Honour and Customary Law in Early Modern Wales, by Sally Parkin
Witches and Witchbusters, by Jacqueline Simpson
Witches, Cunning Folk, and Competition in Denmark, by Timothy R. Tangherlini
Witches' Herbs on Trial, by Michael Ostling
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mellowwillowy · 11 months
WOWOW OMG WAIT. ur into dol too!!!
what do you think ur ocs are like in a dol like setting? like uhmm their stats and stuff yk like averys rage and like an example maybe blue would have a stat for anger
how do u think they will interact w the other canon love interests too??? would yulian hate dr. harper because harpers drugs might not go very well w the mind altering drugs he gives his darling????
- bub anon 🫧‼️
Warning: suicide, physical and mental abuse
Yulian's love stat will be maxed out immediately the moment you trigger a meeting with him! It will never go down even if you piss him off so many times BUT I'll have to add a new stat for him, let's name it 'Control' ...?
If you annoy him by doing something dumb or anything that causes harm to yourself, the stat will go up~~
Control 20 - Yulian thinks you are indifferent.
Control 40 - Yulian thinks you are wild.
Control 60 - Yulian thinks you are too wild.
Control 80 - Yulian thinks you are a brat.
Control 100 - Yulian thinks you should be caged.
Take him like Avery, always giving you money but he ends up buying you off from Bailey if the Control stat reaches 100. Starting from here, you'll only have 2 choices.
To get the 'Stockholm Syndrome: Yulian' achievement or always tries to escape. You can escape only if your physical and skulduggery levels are high. That said, you'll have to live undercover in the town and always get the 'You feel like someone is following you.' warning.
(You are not safe in the forest too because he also has his men guard the whole place)
If you get the stockholm syndrome achievement, you'll be wed to him and live a happily ever after life <3
"This way you will not do anything foolish that could cause harm to you anymore dear."
In order to trigger a meeting with him, you'll have to visit the club with the trauma, stress stats reaching 75 and the fatigue stat being at least 1200, and control being at least at the state 'You are worried'.
With this stat, you will be able to get the option to dress as someone else or not. Should you choose to dress as usual, Blue will not appear in the club with his friends.
Then, the alcohol/drug stat reaches at least 70.
You will then be notified of the option to approach this good-looking person and flirt with them.
Blue will first dismiss you but if you keep on bothering him, he will drag you to the bar inside, having a chat with you there. Blue will notice how some of your appearances feel artificial, as though you are trying to hide your face or identity from the public. From this choice itself, you have already triggered the ability to make Blue feels interested in you. (If he isn't, you can't increase the love stat at all)
You can increase the +Love stats by listening to him rambling, being sympathetic, and joining him along by talking shit about the people.
Unfortunately, you won't remember how he previously looked after the day changes due to the alcohol/drug state you were in. You didn't get to ask for his numbers and name as well but he will soon be spawned into your class, introduced as the student who just came back from 'vacation'.
Although you will not recognize him as the person you were talking to in the club, he will not mention anything about it. Despite how different you look from your initial appearance, he will still be able to recognize you.
"Pleased to meet you, I'm Blue. Please take good care of me, yeah?"
Blue's Love stat is also maxed out immediately after you manage to capture his heart on the first meeting. Although it can go down, he will not end his relationship with you.
In order to trigger his appearance, you'll have to have Trauma, Stress, Fatigue, Control HIGH (90), and consume hallucinogens/drugs. (Yes I'm not joking.)
It is impossible to turn him into a love interest and he will have these rage stats just like Avery ^^
"You see someone who mirrors your appearance. Is she/he your twin?"
(Casually spills lore)
He will mostly appear in your room, taking care of you, or in the forest looking for valuable items.
There will be +Love and +Rage in his system. Should you enrage him too much, he will turn violent on you, increasing your Pain stats.
Should your trauma, stress, fatigue, and control stat be maxed out, you will find yourself drifting away from your sleep after overdosing on sleeping pills and straying into the unknown world, giving you a bad ending.
If you somehow manage to befriend/date Blue or Lemon beforehand, the possibility of you coming back will be 1 and Eleanor will never appear anymore.
Eleanor's dismissal events are:
Trauma, stress, fatigue, and control below average and to stop consuming hallucinogens/drugs if you are addicted to them.
To be saved by Blue or Lemon and wake up on the hospital's bed after ??? Times have passed.
There are actually two ways to trigger a meeting with him but since we are talking about DOL... I'll just take the latter.
Due to one thing and another, Seth has to be aged up since he is originally younger than Darling by two years. PC's age is canonically 18 so- (unless Darling is somehow above 20 then he'll stay true to his age)
You can meet him in the Arcade and initiate an offer to fight against him in a game. Starting then, you can always find him there on Wednesday and Friday playing from the time school has ended until 6 PM.
Once the Love stat has reached over 40 or above, he will sometimes offer you to play with him in a multiplayer game (maybe like Metal Slug), and when it reaches 70 or above, he will ask you if you want to play in his place.
Just pure Vanilla bun... I can't write anything about the transmigration because it's DOL.
(Ps: he's not a sulky player like Robin wheeze)
Yulian, Eleanor, and Blue wouldn't even let you go any closer to Harper and all the shady bitches in the town.
Blue will always ensure you are free from that perverted ass Leighton.
Yulian will somehow ask for Bailey's assistance in capturing you.
Eleanor is always present in the asylum should you be sent there.
Yulian also has his hands on Quinn's dirt.
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0sincerelyella · 1 year
Welcome pretty girl- J.B instagram AU
Summary: introducing mrs bailey to the world.
warnings: i don’t ever capitilize anything, bailey was just born. ollie is 4 mason is 6 :) i got all my images off pinterest, this is rlly short and also not good but idc it says what needs to be said
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liked by joeyb_9 and 925,226 others
@ynsinsta SHE arrived just in time for the super bowl!!!💝🌸🎀🐅
Bailey Eleanor Burrow
view all 2,362 comments
user6: OMG ITS A GIRL!! new baby burrow🥺
user7: She’s gonna be just like her momma!
user8: look at the boys with her🥺
jan 29th 2024
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liked by y/nsinsta and 965,356 others
Joeyb_9 she’s either gonna be baller at sports or be a super good lawyer thanks to her moms mouth
view all 6,345 comments
user6: STOP shes precious
user12: my favorite nfl family
mommaburrow: 3 down now all that’s left is to become momma burrow 2!!!
via Y/ns instagram stories
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via joes instagram stories
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joe via twitter
i wish no one to be alarmed at my absence from practice these next two or three days. given we still have 2 weeks till the big game i have taken some time off to spend with my family, due to the birth of my daughter. i will get right back to it in the next few days, even then i will be reviewing film. so media, don’t harass me i’m just spending much needed family time 🫶
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Y/n tweeted this didn’t she
———> y/ns twitter
a magician never tells her secrets
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papermint-airplane · 9 months
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Eleanor: Whoa whoa whoa, what do you mean 'who is Aiden'?! He's the Bachelor! You know, the whole reason we're competing in the first place?!
Angela: Surely you can't be serious!
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Rose: I am serious! 🤭 And don't call me--
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Eleanor: Gaaaaaaah, I hate you people.
Angela: Then I guess I need you to explain a lot more than the murder attempt because if you aren't competing for Aiden's heart -- the alleged premise of the show -- what are you competing for?
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Rose: I. keep. TELLING YOU! I want to WIN! 😠
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Angela: Yes, but win what?!
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Rose: Uggggh, you're so dense, it physically hurts. 😩
Rose: Haven't you ever heard the expression 'winning isn't everything, it's the only thing'? 🙄
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Angela: Yeah, I've heard toxic Little League coaches say that to crying seven year olds. And?
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Rose: Seriously?! It's the principle I've based my entire life on! It's my mantra! My raison d'être! 👿
Angel: So the whole reason you snuck back into the house, disguised yourself as a mime, sloppily painted your blue stripes purple, tried to kill Angela, and potentially scarred Aiden for life was...because of an expression everyone uses ironically?
Rose: It's not ironic to me, dammit! It's my sole purpose in life! Everyone knows that, even the Watcher! And she...she used it against me. 😓 She promised me that if I made the competition interesting for her, she'd let me back into the house.
Eleanor: Wait. What?! Say that again.
Rose: When I broke into her control room, she made me an offer: I'd get to come back and compete again as long as I did something to shake up the status quo. She was getting bored of you idiots. 🥱
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Angel: I-I can't believe this.
Bailey: I know what you mean...
Angel: One of us got to meet the Watcher in person and it wasn't me.
Rose: Look, Angel, if it makes you feel any better, she's not what you think. She's...crazy. 😦
Bailey: High praise coming from you.
Rose: And not only that, she seriously doesn't know how 'Earth reality shows' as she calls them work because holy shit, this whole thing has been one clusterfuck from the beginning. 🙄 She says it's a Bachelor-type dating show but she's run the whole thing like a survival show with the challenges and eliminations. I mean half of us haven't even met this Arwin-or-whatever, let alone been on a date with him. What sense does that make?! 😵
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Aiden: It's Aiden. I'm Aiden!
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Eleanor: You're right. I thought this whole thing was shoddily arranged but I've never seen any reality dating shows. For all I knew, this is how they're supposed to be.
Rose: Well I've seen hundreds of them, and believe me, this is not how they're supposed to be. Arlo is supposed to spend time with all of us one-on-one, not be shoved into a pod by himself ninety percent of the time. 😣 I don't know how they do shows like this back on her planet but it's not how we do it on Earth. 👽
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Eleanor: On...her...planet? The Watcher is an alien?
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Rose: Well duh. 😑 You couldn't tell? Why do you think she abducted us all at the casting call? She had to get us on more familiar turf.
Angel: That doesn't make any sense. The Watcher can't be an alien. She's an eternal extra-dimensional being of pure benevolence.
Eleanor: I knew it, we really are in the Lunar Lakes moon settlement. I could tell from the trees. But...why are we the only Sims here?
Rose: I don't know and I don't care. 🤨
Wow. You really exposed me to everyone, huh, Rose?
Rose: You exposed yourself! You should have just let me win from the jump and I wouldn't have had to tell everyone what I knew. 😖
I guess it really is a good thing I didn't tell you the whole plan, then, huh? Otherwise you'd have run your mouth to Aiden.
Rose: Yeah yeah, Argyle or whoever-the-fuck. Well, I held up my end of the bargain. You're going to call this whole thing off and just announce me the winner, riiiiight? 🤤
Why would I do that?
Rose: Because...I made things interesting for you, like we agreed on. 😕
Then why am I still bored?
Rose: I-- 😶
You haven't won anything, Rose. You're still the same loser you were when you walked into this place on the first day. And that's all you'll ever be.
Rose: ...
Nothing to say to that?
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Rose: I am going to kick. your. ass. 😡
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