#election meddling
tomorrowusa · 1 year
Donald Trump picked a bad state to meddle in an election.
Perhaps Trump thought he could could get a pardon, if convicted, from a GOP governor in Georgia. But thanks to reforms enacted as a result of a Depression era scandal, the governor is only very indirectly involved in the pardons process.
[G]etting a pardon in Georgia is not just a matter of persuading a governor to grant clemency. People convicted of state crimes are eligible to apply for pardons only five years after they have started serving their sentences. Even then, it not the governor who decides but the State Board of Pardons and Paroles. And while criminals can ask the parole board to commute sentences right away, the board “will consider a commutation of a sentence imposed in other than death cases only when substantial evidence is submitted” showing “that the sentence is either excessive, illegal, unconstitutional or void” and that “such action would be in the best interests of society and the inmate.” The board’s five members are appointed by the governor to seven-year terms, an effort to insulate them from political pressure.
So if convicted under Georgia law, Trump is toast.
Here's why the governor has no power over pardons except to appoint the parole board.
Georgia set up its restrictive system after Gov. Eurith D. “Ed” Rivers was implicated in a cash-for-pardons scandal in the 1930s. Time magazine reported in 1941 that the governor’s chauffeur “frequently went to prison camps of Fulton County with pardons already signed and asked to see prisoners.” While charges were eventually dropped after Mr. Rivers was acquitted once and had two mistrials, a new pardon system was created in the wake of the scandal.
Trump will probably try to move the trial to a federal court.
Could Donald Trump’s Georgia case be moved to federal court? He has that right
With all of Trump's legal troubles, you would think he'd pay his lawyers. But even after raising a quarter of a billion dollars from his loser followers, he is stiffing his lawyers.
Regardless, Trump and his co-conspirators have until midday August 25th to turn themselves in at the Fulton County Jail in Georgia for booking.
Sheriff: Trump and co-defendants will be booked at Fulton County jail
Keep in mind, defendants can turn themselves in at any time. The jail is open 24/7.
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
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psycohousecat · 1 year
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Call'in it like I see it
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jbfly46 · 1 year
It is now commonly accepted knowledge that the richest people with Israeli citizenship spent the last decade+ using media misinformation and censorship algorithms to try to flip elections in their favor around the globe.
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workersolidarity · 2 years
Corruption exposed: US meddled in Ecuador's election, using Julian Assange as bargaining chip - Multipolarista
Ecuador’s former energy minister testified that the US government conspired with a right-wing political party to run a disinformation campaign against the leftist Correísta movement of ex President Rafael Correa.
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duubsite · 8 days
U.S. Senate Rattles Big Tech Over Election Meddling Fears
In a recent statement that has sent ripples through the tech industry, the U.S. Senate has issued a stern warning to major technology companies: take immediate and significant action against election meddling and disinformation campaigns as the 2024 elections approach. The urgency of this directive underscores the heightened concerns about foreign interference and the evolving tactics of…
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codesquire · 17 days
All of these worries of election-meddling by Russia, and nary a damned eye looking at Israel and AIPAC...
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webntrmpt · 25 days
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icubud · 1 year
The direction that this country is going (very quickly now) really has me concerned. What the supposed DOJ is doing to DJT is unethical and in some cases illegal. Meanwhile, yet again, those who should be indicted, found guilty and punished are getting away with it. I have suspected for a long time that elections for state positions were often fully compromised. I point at states and cities with…
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cmanateesto · 2 years
Italy: Post-Fascist Politics
https://youtu.be/YWEmvEsEuLI Everyone hyper focuses on Germany. What happened to Italy after the second world war?
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
Donald Trump was indicted for the fourth time this year.
This set of charges is related to Trump's efforts to steal the 2020 presidential election. Because the charges have to do specifically with the attempts by Trump and his co-conspirators to grab Georgia's electoral votes through actions in Georgia or related to improper pressure on state officials, this comes under Georgia's jurisdiction.
Fulton County covers the state capital Atlanta. So it was up to Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis to proceed with the investigation. Ms. Willis made the announcement of the indictments close to midnight local time on Monday as seen in the video above.
Two things struck me as particularly interesting. Some of the counts in the indictment fall under the Georgia version of the RICO Act (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act). RICO prosecutions are best known for going after Mafia figures. Trump often acts like a petty Mafia don – so this seems appropriate. Also, because this is a state rather than a federal prosecution, a president cannot pardon anybody found guilty. So Trump couldn't pardon himself and the various GOP presidential candidates could not pardon him there if elected.
It's been typical of Trump and the MAGA Mafia to accuse others of alleged misdeeds which they themselves have committed. They basically tried to steal the 2020 election while organizing a riot on January 6th under the ironic slogan "stop the steal".
The terrorist assault on the US Capitol occurred just four days after Trump's infamous phone call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. If you can stomach it, listen to the entire 62 minute call.
Raffensperger lets Trump do most of the talking as the latter repeatedly incriminates himself while droning on and on and on.
As tabulated by CNN, here are updated totals of the counts which Trump now faces.
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Read the 96-page Georgia indictment here.
Trump and his co-conspirators have until August 25th to surrender.
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
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mityenka · 1 year
literally begging usamericans to stop making every criticism of their country into a us vs europe thing, death to america and death to europe are in no way conflicting statements they go hand in hand the reason why the death to america slogan is more commonly used is because the us is the greater imperialist and hegemonial power and because the sheer amount of influence the us has on geopolitics extends that of any european country by far. western europe is riding on the coattails of usamerican imperialism (eg in the nato) to secure the future of the capitalist system and continue the exploitation of the global south so it's stupid to waste our time arguing about dumb americans vs entitled europeans like we're back on 2013 tumblr
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awesomecooperlove · 1 year
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God I just hope that Anies is able to be nominated. Jakarta has absolute Anies sweep during election and conservative muslims definitely would rather vote for Anies than RK even tho RK has PKS backing. If Anies doesn't win it would be so questionable
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