#elena making heart eyes at stefan despite being locked in a room with all his victim’s names on the walls
ronamov · 6 years
Ahhhh! The scene where Elena and Stefan finally meet again, not a word uttered between each other and yet so much emotion was conveyed between them 😩😪
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
Hey lovey!
Could you do a Klaus Mikaelson fluffy imagine, where it takes place at the Mikaelson Ball and reader is part of the elena group but is also friends with the Mikaelsons despite her friends distaste of them? Maybe kind of replacing Klaus giving Caroline the dress and liking her and instead sending reader a dress and asking her to attend with him and they dance and stuff?
I know you have a LOT of requests so take your time!
Hell yeah :)
Sorry if this isn't long enough, I've got finals coming up in a few weeks!
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The dress is a bit over the top but I have to give him some credit, it's beautiful and fits lovely. If he wasn't so diabolical then I'd have to admit that it sparked some feelings in my heart that my friends would definitely have words about.
But I didn't have to say it out loud for it to be true.
My heels click against the tile floor as I make my way into the new Mikaelson estate, seeing the Salvatore brothers and Elena in the middle of the room, speaking in hushed words. My eyes land on Elijah first, his head bowing politely at the sight of me from across the room before his eyes flicker across the floor, urging my gaze to follow. Klaus is already glancing at me, his attention that was previously given to the Mayor is now locked on me in the sight of the dress, a small smile stretching across his lips.
I can already hear Damon and Stefan protesting, reminding me of Klaus' past and his treachery, but given that everyone in this group has some skeletons in their closet, it's hard for me to judge or listen to their negative words.
We meet each other in the middle of the room, Klaus bowing slowly, his eyes not leaving mine as I roll my eyes playfully, clearing my throat as his brows pull together.
"Now you're playing a gentleman, huh?" I ask, letting him take my hand in his, pressing gentle kisses to my knuckles as I try to conceal my heated cheeks.
"Always for you." He winks, linking my arm with his as he leads us out to the floor, immediately pulling me into his arms, hands resting firmly on my hips as I suck in a breath. I've never been this close to him, never allowing myself to go against my friends wishes. But, now that it's appropriate, I'm going to take full advantage. My arms link around his neck, taking him by surprise as his brows tick up. "Warming up to me, are we love?" He asks, thumb brushing against my waist soothingly as I nod.
"I'm surprised you asked me to attend your own ball with you." I admit, my eyes fluttering nervously away from his as he laughs, his chest rumbling. "I thought the tension between your family and the Salvatore brothers was more important." I shrug, letting him dip me gracefully as he tuts.
"I think the tension between us is far greater than any petty feud." He whispers, his nose close enough to brush against mine as I grin, not even being able to conceal the giggle that escapes my lips. He grins wickedly at the sight of my smile, my fingers messing with the collar of his shirt as he gazes down at me affectionately.
"That's sweet." I mutter, my eyes locking with Damon from across the room as he immediately shakes his head in a quiet warning. My eyes roll as I turn my attention back to the man in front of me, Klaus' cheeks a bit red.
"As are you." He coos, reaching up to trail his fingers along the side of my cheek as a shiver runs down my spine, my heart pounding against my ribs at his gentleness. This is the man who's killed thousands over the centuries that he's been alive, and now, to act sweet and gentle for me?
It's more shocking than him asking me to this ball to begin with.
And to think I thought that he was going to use me as leverage or use me as a pawn against my friends. But it's the opposite, I was his selfish motive in all of this, and I can tell from the look in his eyes, how soft his blue hues are, his smile; he meant it.
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
I Need a Vacation Pt. 4: Daylight Rings
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Tag List: @vechkinfan @dickspaghettii @yor72 @thelostboyswife @panickinanakin1 @slashers-and-witchcraft
David's POV:
We followed Y/N's so-called "best friend" into town, to a hotel on the edge of town. I could tell Marko was uneasy around the stranger, chewing on his thumb the whole way there. Something he only did if he was anxious, or horny, and I was sure he wasn't the latter. Dwayne looked impassive, as usual, and Paul wouldn't shut the hell up the whole way there. We ducked into the hotel room and quickly drew the curtains. I didn't like being in a confined location with a stranger like this. But Y/N said she trusted him.
"What are we doing here?" Dwayne was the first to speak up.
"My friend, I can convince her to make you all daylight rings, so you can walk in the sun. She just needs to gather the supplies first."
"But, we dont have time- Y/N is hurting."
"And she'll be fine, she's gone through this plenty of times, it gets easier."
I could tell he was lying, he didn't even believe himself. He pulled out his phone, presumably texting this friend of his, I locked eyes with Paul, begging him to stop pacing. Marko heard my thoughts, and pulled him into a bear hug, sitting him on his lap.
"He does anything, we kill him and get out of here," Dwyane spoke through our bond.
"I wonder what it feels like," Marko asked.
"To be in the sun?" Dwayne responded.
"No, to be bit, would we hurt as much as she does? Would it be quick?"
Quite a profound thought from Marko, but I was curious too. Turning wasn't all that bad, from what I remember. But her's, it gave me goosebumps. Something about watching her write in pain made my head spin, and not in a good way.
"Yo, ask them to stop doing whatever they're doing, it's creepy." A male voice said.
A blonde and a shorter brunette walked in, I hadn't heard them enter due to the loudness of Paul and Marko's thoughts.
"Dude." The brunette chastised.
They were human, that much was obvious, I could hear the brunette's heart skip a beat when he looked at me. Not scared, just uncertain. The blonde carried himself like someone who could die any minute.
"Bonnie's contemplating."
"She'll come through, this is Y/N we're talking about."
"She almost let Caroline burn, and then literally set her on fire." The blonde stated, casually.
"Your friend set your other friend on fire, gnarly," Paul said.
I could tell his interest was peaked by these humans, they were bad-looking per se, just not my type. Paul didn't really have standards, which is why we try to steer him toward better prey.
"She'll come through, Matt. You know she hates seeing Y/N in pain just as much as the rest of us, if this will make her happy, Bonnie will do it."
He seemed annoyed, I was starting to like this Stefan.
"She found a place that sells the stones, three just loose but as long as they keep them on their body somewhere, it should still work."
"Should?" I asked.
"You can get the jewellery configured later. Despite the term "daylight ring" it doesn't have to be an actual ring. Just something you keep on at all times."
"You seem to know your stuff." "Yeah, well my girlfriend is a witch, I kinda have to. And she's coming to save your asses, so be grateful."
He had some fire to him, interesting.
"Is she hot?" Marko asked.
I see they were trying to distract themselves from the situation at hand. The boy scoffed.
"Where the hell did you find them again?" The blonde asked.
"Y/N has an attachment to them, she never gets attached to anyone... I'm not going to question it. I'd be a shitty best friend if I judge her for her dating choices when she never judged me for mine."
Another ding from his phone.
"Alright, she'll be here soon."
"And Elena wants you to text her Stefan." He sighed out the last part.
Dwayne watched the whole interaction in silence, carefully watching every move they made in case we needed a quick escape. he was good at strategising and thinking on his feet.
"What could she possibly want right now?" Stefan mumbled, excusing himself and stepping outside.
Which left us alone with the humans.
"Why do they let you live?" Paul asked, in a sleepy bored tone.
"Excuse me?" The blonde asked.
"Your vampires, we don't normally fraternise with humans, not long term at least. I'm surprised they haven't eaten you yet." Paul finished.
I bit back my smile at his antics, always antagonising someone. making a game out of their fear.
"Beacsue we're friends, asshat. Friends don't kill each other. Though we have tried. Vampires are harder to kill than you think. Besides, Stefan's not that bad, it's his brother that's a dick."
"You got a girlfriend?" Marko asked, shifting Paul on his lap.
"Of course he doesnt, look at him." Paul jeered.
"What's that supposed to mean."
"Nobody likes a square, and you, my tasty little morsel, and the squariest."
I watched the hair on the back of his neck stand up at that. Suddenly the door opened and a small black girl stepped inside, followed by Stefan. She had a look of determination on her face. As if to show off her power, she used it to shut the door behind her.
"We're going to get one thing very clear here, I male you these rings, you can't go around killing innocent people? Got that?"
"Paul went to wine in protest, but Marko beat him to it."
"We're vampires cutie, it's what we do."
"Sunlight or I kill you all right now. Your choice."
Dwayne growled at this, but I sped to him, holding him back.
"Think rationally" I reminded.
He was normally so level-headed.
"Define innocent." I quizzed.
"Don't- I don't like playing games. I could burn you alive without even raising a finger, do you really want to test me right now."
Yeah, I kinda did. Pretty or not, she was a right bitch. Star would hate her.
"Y/N would hate you," Dwayne spoke up.
"She's known you for like what, five days, doubtful."
"And I've known you for all of three minutes, but I can tell you're just an insecure baby witch, who thinks she has something to prove. The minute you stop pretending to be so tough, you're afraid one of them is going to drain you dry and leave you in a ditch somewhere. So you play it up, but really, you take no joy in hurting people, even vampires. That's why you didn't kill your one friend."
"How does he know about Caroline?" she asked.
Seems like Dwyae was spot on, like always. It was like having a free therapist around.
"Fine, innocents." I agreed.
There were plenty of douchbags to kill anyway.
"Right Paul, Marko..." I said in a threatening tone.
Marko sighed, and Paul nodded his head. I would do anything to make sure my coven was safe. If we could go in the sun, that would change everything. We could get away from Max, go where he can't reach us. I'd have to ensure he never got his hands on the witch.
"And your friend?" The witch asked.
"Dwayne will agree, you just caught him in a mood."
"Good, then let's get started." She pulled me forward by my shirt collar suddenly. "But know, if I find out you lied to me, I will make your death slow and painful, and make the rest of them watch."
I smirked.
"I would expect nothing less." I could see now why Y/N was friends with her, she was fun and intense just like her. We sat and watched as she worked, it didn't seem like a demanding spell, Not that I knew anything bout magic, but it seems like something she'd done many times before. The look on Paul's face when the stones started floating was priceless as if he couldn't fly himself. It honestly wasn't that impressive.
"Done." She said.
"That's it?" Marko asked.
She shoved a stone into his chest. She left the rest on the table for each of us to pick from. Jeremy, I think his name was, brought his girlfriend in for a kiss, ending the interaction with a kiss on her forehead. They were sort of cute together, I had to admit. The blonde eyes Marko suspiciously, and I rolled my eyes at him.
"How do we know they work?" Dwayne asked.
"Why don't you wait around until daylight to find out? Or are you eager to go out there and get mauled to death by my friend? Would ruin all my hard work." She sassed.
"Thank you." I cut in.
"Bon we should go, see if we can track Y/N and Ty."
They exited the hotel room.
"Matt, why don't you go find Damon and Elena, I'll stay here with them."
This was going to be a long night...
I was more than grateful when the sun came up. Most people would be mortified to wake up naked in their brother's arms, but I was just happy he was here with me. I suppose that was the real curse of the lycan. Tyler looked down at me.
"How are you feeling?"
"Like all the bones in my body were forcefully broken and put back together." I joked.
He rolled his eyes.
"Care is on her way with some clothes." He took off his jacket. "This is all I can offer right now."
I grateful to put it on, scrunching myself into a small ball so it would cover as much skin as possible. I winced when I moved. Normally it didn't hurt this much.
"What happened?"
"Well, it appears my vampire gene outweighed my werewolf gene. You tried to kill me last night, multiple times. After the fifth time, you bit me, I had to stop you somehow."
"It's fine, it healed." He laughed.
"That isn't funny Ty. Why would I-" I huffed.
I looked over the injuries on my body, they weren't that bad. They would heal in a few days, thanks to my regenerative abilities. I looked up when I heard the scrunching of leaves. Caroline stood there with a worried look on her face. I cut her off before I could speak.
"I'm fine Care Bear"
She gave me a small smile, handing me the outfit she picked. My brother was quick to turn around.
"I'm gonna head back into town. You good?"
"Yes, go Ty."
Caroline's outfit was a bit too cleavagey for my current mood, so I put my brother's hoodie back over it. I zipped it halfway, allowing it to fall over my shoulders.
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"OH come on Y/N, that outfit was perfect!"
I rolled my eyes.
"And this is comfy." I gave her a quick spin. "Very comfy, which is what I need right now. I feel like roadkill."
She chuckled, pulling me into a hug and leading me back to civilization.
"You look like it too."
I playfully hit her shoulder. We walked back into town and there was only one thought on my mind… the boys. I wouldn’t be able to see them until nightfall. I wonder if they were ok, would they forgive me for not telling them what I was? I never meant to hurt them, or anyone for that matter. And god did I feel awful right now. My insides were worse than my outsides. Caroline seemed to notice my discomfort and grabbed my hand, giving it a light squeeze.
“Come on, we’ve got a surprise for you.”
I raised my brow at this. Surprises from Care were never good. I followed after her, a little worried about what would be waiting for me. But I was pleasantly surprised when we got to our destination. Maybe my eyes were fooling me, maybe I'd finally lost it. But there they were, standing right in front of me.
Marko was wrestling Paul in the sand, and Dwayne was chatting with Elena and Damon. And David sat beside Stefan, smoking a cigarette, I watched as Stefan accepted it. Now I know I was dreaming.
"Since when do you smoke?" I asked.
Both of the boys, my boys, looked up at me. It was weird seeing them in the same place. The guy I'd been crushing on since sophomore year, and the guy I was sure I fell in love with five days ago. David grinned up at me, his pretty teeth sparkling in the sunlight. I mean he looked good in the dark, but damn was he pretty in the light? Stefan cleared his throat after I had been staring.
"Since you stressed me the fuck out last night, Mouse."
"And he swears... David's rubbing off on you!"
He rolled his eyes. David took out another cig and lit it, noticing the one in Stefan's hand going stale. He passed it to me before taking a drag.
"Such a gentleman." I jeered.
"Just shut up and take it."
I took a long drag before passing it back.
"That what you were going to tell me last night before I wolfed out on you?"
Stefan coughed up a plum of smoke, and I almost felt bad... almost. David grinned like the Cheshire cat.
"Careful there Kitten, I think you might kill your boyfriend here."
"He's not my boyfriend." I squished in between the two of them. "If anything, he's my girlfriend."
I ruffled Stefan's perfect hair, and he swatted at my hands playfully.
"You ok?"
I gave him a thinly veiled smile.
"Physically? Yeah..."
"I'll convince Klaus to turn you, I promise."
"Dont do that thing you do Stefan, this isn't your problem to fix. I'm a big girl, I think I can convince Mr Brittish Psycho Manic to turn me, myself.
"British Psycho?" David asked.
I shot up from my seat, attempting my best impression of my least favoutite vampire.
"I am Klaus, the Immortal Hybrid, bow before me!"
This seemed to have got the attention of the others, because Damon let out a curt laugh, and Marko and Paul stood there confused.
"He's more of an Immortal Douchbag, who tried to date my bestie." "He never tried to date me." Stefan joked.
"You sure, 'cause that thing you described in the 20's" Stefan slapped a hand over my mouth and I giggled incessantly. I bit his hand, the venom only worked in werewolf form.
"JK, I was talking about Care Bear you dork."
Carolien swept me up into her arms, spinning me around.
"Aww, he could never steal me from you." She said, peppering kisses all over my face.
I tried to wiggle out of her arms but her grip on me was tight.
"A little help?" I looked over to Paul and Marko.
"No can do Babe," Marko said.
"Yeah, sorry but this is really hot," Paul said.
"Fat load of good you two are, this is why Dwayne's my favourite."
His head perked up at that, and he sent me the most angelic smile I'd ever seen. I could have sworn my heart stopped. Carolien finally put me down.
"So, how are the daylight rings treating you?" I asked. "Thank you, by the way." I aimed my thanks at Bonnie.
"There just stones right now," David said.
I raised a brow.
"They don't have much Lapis jewellery available in this town." Bonnie shrugged.
I grinned widely at that. They all looked at me confused.
"Tonight, give me your stones, I can fix them up for you. It's the least I can do before we have to go back home. You've been so kind to me, have to give you something to remember me by."
It would suck that I would have to leave soon. But I was sure we'd keep in touch somehow. Each of the boys had a distinct style, and I'd have to perfect their jewellery.
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weepingvoidpenguin · 5 years
Do You Trust Me?
Summary: You and Damon are best friends when Elijah Mikaelson comes along and offers Elena a fatal promise. Now Damon’s normal protective demeanor is heightened by 1000x and he does everything in his power to avoid Elijah coming into contact with you as he did with Elena. Damon is only doing what he thinks is best but Elijah has no intentions of harming you. In fact, it becomes quickly apparent that it’s quite the opposite. Elijah grows jealous of Damon’s protective behavior with you and Damon grows angry at your caring behavior towards Elijah. Damon doesn’t believe Elijah worthy of your trust but you do. Will Elijah prove you right? 
Word Count: 10,740 (she’s a long one)
Warning: Light smut towards the end and some angst if you’re not into that.
(Depending on how this does I might make a part 2, I haven’t sat down and written something so time consuming in a long time and I enjoyed it again. I hope you all do!)
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   The first time you met an Original you hadn’t been quite ready. Not because it was something you needed to prepare yourself for but because it wasn’t. Whenever Stefan had vaguely brought up the origin of the vampires, you had always pictured them as grotesque and violent creatures. You had imagined fangs longer than those of Saber-Tooths’, eyes darker than their desires and hearts stone cold. You never thought they‘d be so civil or were even capable of feeling. So when you first came face to face with Elijah for the first time you had been caught off guard.
   You had been standing next to Damon, just slightly behind him as you both stared daggers through the handsome vampire’s skull. Your hand gripped the back of Damon’s shirt and he blocked your body just a tad bit more, hoping that Elijah wouldn’t notice the slight shift. He did.
   The vampire’s eyes flickered over to the two of you, he took in Damon’s defensive stature and decided to study the object that Damon had been so protective of. Your jaw clenched when his gaze rested on you. He seemed to be able to look through Damon and at you. You felt exposed and you brought your arms up to your chest and crossed them as if that would make you feel less vulnerable. You were human and considering your prejudiced thoughts on the Originals, you were surprised you were still alive. 
   The room in the air stilled when he turned slightly towards Damon and swaggered over to us all while fixing the cuffs of his suit. His eyes stayed locked onto you and when you finally brought yourself to look back into his he’d been only a few feet away from you. Your grip on Damon’s shirt tightened and you felt him go rigid when the vampire had stopped in front of him. Damon’s hand pushed you ever so slightly behind him so now all that the Original could see were your eyes peeking over his shoulder. The Original dismissed Damon, paying him no mind as he attempted to look you up and down with a raised eyebrow. Although your heart was racing out of fear, you glared back at the vampire that decided he was going to sacrifice one of your best friends for some idiotic curse that she had nothing to do with.
   The vampire quirked an eyebrow and you could swear you saw the beginnings of a smile on his face, as though he enjoyed that you hadn’t backed down, before he walked towards the center of the room and you finally loosened your grip on Damon.
 "Damon!” you screamed as some scrawny, pathetic werewolf pulled harshly on the collar that drove wooden sticks into Damon’s neck.
   You fought against the bonds that held you down to the chair as Damon groaned in agony, refusing to comment on the whereabouts of the moonstone. Your tears clouded your vision but you tried your best to focus on the situation at hand instead of Alaric’s dead body lying down in the middle of the living room. Jenna was going to be so heartbroken. 
   A tall figure approached you and watched in amusement as you cried and writhed in your seat to get out.
   He bent over, resting his hands on his knees and placing his face only inches from you, “Who’s this?” he taunted. “A vampire?” His smug smile turned to false sympathy, “No, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a vampire cry before, she’s definitely human, not nearly strong enough to be a vampire,” He ran his hand along your jaw and pulled it closer to his face so you could feel his breath grazing your cheek, “You wanna get out of here, princess? I’ll let you go but you only get a five minute head start,”
   You took a deep breath and gathered all the saliva you could before projecting it onto his face, “Go to hell,” you hissed.
   The hard slap to your face caused your vision to lose focus and your hair now curtained your head. You could hear Damon fighting against his restraints.
   “Bitch,” you hissed again, the sting on your cheek traveling down to your neck and causing you to go light-headed.
   “I swear when I get out of here-”
   “When?” The blonde girl asked Damon, “I think it’s more a matter of if,” she sneered.
   The sound of the door opening caught your attention and you barely managed to lift your head up just enough to peek through the curtain of your hair and lay your eyes on Elijah, as you’d come to learn his name to be.
   His eyes scanned the room quickly and locked onto yours when he found the source of his concern. His usual cool demeanor cracked for just a second as you could see his anger rise but he quickly masked it and pulled the moonstone from out of his pocket.
   “Is this what you’re looking for?” He asked, holding it up for everyone to see, “If you want it, come get it.” He placed the rock on the counter in front of him and put his hands back in his pockets.
   If it didn’t cause extreme pain to move, you could’ve rolled your eyes from how cocky this guy was.
   You nearly missed the first two wolves going after the moonstone because you blinked but before you knew it, Elijah was standing over two lifeless bodies with bloody hearts in his hands. He tossed them down and waited for the next daring creatures to test their luck with him.
   The werewolf standing next to you ran towards Elijah but instead of Elijah shoving his hand through his chest and pulling out the vital organ, his hands wrapped around the werewolf’s neck. The guy’s eyes widened as he gripped the hands that choked him.
   A small smug crossed Elijah’s face, “You wanna get out of here, Princess?” He mocked, his grip tightening around his throat, “I’ll let you go but you only get a five minute head start.” He showed his fangs and dropped the wolf from his grip before the wolf darted out of the door followed by the alpha of the pack. “On second thought,” Elijah mumbled and disappeared for a second before returning with another heart in his hold. 
   He dropped it beside the others and walked up to Damon to rip the chains that were restraining him. “I believe that’s the third time I’ve had to save your life,” he jabbed.
   Elijah walked over to you and untangled the intricate knot slowly, releasing you from the chair. As much as you wanted to hate him, and you mean really hate him, when he brushed your hair behind your ear and examined your face for any bruises with his hand delicately placed under your chin.
   He seemed to tsk a little and cut slightly into his wrist, “Drink,” he ordered, shoving his limb in front of your mouth.
   You raised your eyebrow at him and weakly pushed his hand away, “I’m fine,” you protested, standing up to check on Damon only to have your steps falter when you couldn’t balance out.
   Strong arms supported you and placed you on a nearby couch, “Drink,” Elijah ordered again and this time you did not protest, taking his already healing wrist and licking up the barely there remedy.
   Your tongue danced across his closing wound, trying to get what little there was left and your grip around his wrist grew stronger when the blood entered your system. The two holes burning through your head caused you to look at its source and Elijah’s eyes appeared nearly closed, a dark but not off-putting ambiance emitted from him. He watched you lick the healed skin and didn’t pull back until you retracted your lips.
   “Uh, thanks,” you muttered and made your way over to Damon who was trying to heal Alaric on the floor. 
   Later that night, after Damon had invited Elijah to a celebratory dinner later that weekend, you built up the courage to speak to Elijah alone before he left.
   “How did you know?” You practically blurted out from your corner of the room, where you felt the safest despite being alone with him.
   “How did I know what?” He asked, not looking at you.
   “That it was him,” you simply responded, your eyes glued to the floor under your feet as they shifted your weight.
   Silence filled the room for a few seconds before he spoke, “I heard it when I was walking in and it wasn’t hard to guess who took the hit from your snarky comment,” he smiled, finally looking at you and you pulled your gaze from your feet. “Do you have a death wish?” He asked, almost comically.
   “I’m not sure yet,” you instantly responded, your words laced with humor now that you could see Elijah’s genuine smile and something about it made you feel . . . you didn’t know . . . it made you feel safe, as dumb as it sounded.
   “Well, if you’re ever feeling a little curious about your options, we can always have a chat,” 
   “Options?” You hadn’t realized you’d slowly been making your way across the room and towards him.
   “Of course, any human that’s willing to spit in a werewolf’s face is going to make a hell of a vampire,” he remarked and with that, left the house.
   Damon came back from the front door seeming tense with worry and the answer to your curiosity of its source walked in right behind him. Jenna rose from her seat next to you, much to your relief as John looked like he’d been eyeing the chair, to greet the Original.
   “Elijah!” Jenna exclaimed, “How are you?” she created friendly chit chat and you continued in your chair, your eyes glued to the two conversing in front of you.
   A presence loomed beside you and you pried your eyes from the two to find Alaric in Jenna’s seat. “Don’t they just look happy together?” He sarcastically asked, a hint of venom in his tone.
   “Don’t be jealous, Alaric. You’ve basically got Jenna wrapped around your finger,” you commented, “But of course not as wrapped as you are around hers.” You playfully shoved his shoulder and earned a laugh from him.
   Had you been paying attention, you would’ve noticed Elijah watching the two of you exchange playful conversation. It was when you touched Alaric’s shoulder that he made his way over to you and shook hands with Alaric, giving a stiff hello.
   “How are you (Y/N)?” Elijah asked, bringing your hand up to his lips and kissing your knuckles softly.
   A sudden tickle in your stomach caught you off guard and you checked around the room to verify that this wasn’t something you had just made up in your head, that Elijah was actually here kissing your hand. 
   Jenna’s raised eyebrows and Damon’s furrowed ones confirmed that you were not, in fact, making this shit up.
   Elijah placed your hand back down and sat patiently, actually waiting for an answer.
   “Um, still a little shaken honestly,” you admitted, nervously chuckling after.
   His posture straightened and you could tell he grew defensive. “I apologize if I frightened you but I was only saving your-”
   “What?” You interrupted, “No! It’s not you that frightened me,” you reassured, “although the ripping the heart out of the body was a bit extreme,”
   “But necessary,” he chimed in.
   “It was the whole, ‘my life is in danger and I haven’t done any of the things I’ve wanted to do before I got to this point’ feeling that rattled me,” you finished.
   Elijah nodded and sat down at the available seat next to you, “And what is it that you would like to do?”
   You raised your eyebrows in genuine surprise but sat next to him and placed your hands on the table, “Well, for starters, I’ve always wanted to visit Greece,”
   “Beautiful place,” he agreed.
   Your jaw dropped, “You’ve been?” You asked incredulously and then scoffed at yourself, “Of course you’ve been, what else does an immortal do with their time?” 
   He snickered quietly, a sound that rang like sweet chimes in your ears, and placed his hands on the table next to yours, a little too close next to yours. Your eyes stayed locked on his hands and you fought the strange urge to touch him and just feel his fingers through yours. 
   After dinner, Damon called Elijah into his den and offered him a drink. You stayed back and helped Jenna with the dishes when Alaric received a call and hastily left the room, his hand blocking his open ear to hear Stefan better. You watched as he attempted to casually bolt out of the room and Jenna grabbed the dishes from your hand and handed them to John.
   “You’re supposed to be a man, make yourself useful,” she hissed towards him and stood by your side, helping wipe down the table.
   Elijah joined you back in the dining room and Jenna went to retrieve the dessert, “Now about Greece,” Elijah spoke up, sitting across from you now to better look at you.
   You couldn’t help the heat rising to your cheeks as you tucked your hair behind your ear, distinctly recalling how it felt when Elijah did it himself, “It just calls to me, not Dubai, not Japan, not London, Greece,”
   One side of his lips curled up slightly and he leaned forward, his hands crossed on the table, “And what other aspirations do you have?”
   You wanted to tell him everything, everything that you wanted to do, everything that you wanted to become, but instead you let out the only words you could, “To save Elena,”
   He shifted uncomfortably in his chair and after a few moments of silence, leaned forward and lowered his voice, “(Y/N), I will do my best to ensure Elena comes out alive,” 
   You let out a shaky breath and even though you knew he was the enemy, even though he was the one willing to sacrifice Elena, there was an honesty you felt about the words he spoke to you.
   The tears distorted your vision and you nodded your head, grabbing Elijah’s hand in your own and pulling it up to your face, “Thank you.” Your body trembled with your words and his features softened. 
   He took one of his hands out of your hold and brought it up to your face, letting it rest on your cheek. It was only when Damon sat down at the table that he retracted his arm.
   “Weird,” Damon mumbled, clearly upset about something and facing you, grabbing your hand in his to avoid Elijah being in your hold again.
   Elijah focused on the contact between the two of you and didn’t revert his attention even when Damon spoke to him.
   “She’s not a toy,” Damon hissed, his grip on your hand tightening, “Don’t play with her,”
   Elijah cocked his head and his features turned cold, “If you think for one second I won’t rip-”
   “Elijah!” you screamed when a silver dagger protruded from his chest and he stilled. 
   His neck darkened and his veins became prominent on his body. You reached out to him just as his body went rigid and the life seeped out of his eyes. Damon stood by your side and held you in place.
   “Elijah?” He asked you, wondering why you cared in general, “I thought you were smarter than that,” 
   Alaric stood behind the Original’s lifeless body and pulled the dagger out, “Now get rid of him before Jenna comes back with dessert,”
   Later that day, after a rollercoaster of emotion from believing he was dead and feeling strange relief when he wasn’t to fighting against agony when Elena really killed him, Damon pulled you into his room and sat you on his bed.
   The air was silent while he struggled to form his thoughts, “You know that he was only manipulating you, right?” Damon asked, his voice soft and laced with genuine concern.
   Your eyes stayed glued to your twiddling thumbs but you nodded nonetheless, wanting, and at the same time not, to believe what Damon was saying. “Yup,” was all you could muster.
   Damon sighed and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you tightly against him, “I’m sorry but Elena’s safe now,” 
   You nodded again, your vision clouding somewhat, “I know,” you acknowledged, “and it had to be done,” 
   Damon made you look into his eyes but you felt shame at the tears forming so you pulled out of his hold, “You really liked him?” he asked himself more than you, “I thought you’d stopped drinking vervain but when he died, the compulsion should’ve worn off,”
   You pushed away Damon’s open hand, “It doesn't matter.” You stood up and made your way to the door, “He manipulated me because he couldn’t compulse me and that’s that,”
   You felt guilty every time you went to the basement to check on his body and hoped it wasn’t there, or that it was but that he would be standing in a corner waiting for you to let him out.
   Goddammit. You thought to yourself after checking on him for the thousandth time, What have you done to me?
   After grabbing a blood bag for Damon, you walked upstairs and almost walked into Elena on the way up.
   “Sorry, babe” you spoke weakly and smiled up at her in solace, “How you feeling?”
   “Fine,” she quickly responded.
   You raised an eyebrow at her and crossed your arms over your chest, “Elena, don’t bullshit me, what are you thinking?” 
   She sighed and ran her hand through her hair, “I’m wondering why the hell I’m so unlucky,”
   You shrugged your shoulders, “If it wasn’t you then it was going to be your daughter, or your daughter’s daughter,” you pointed out, “It could’ve been anyone of your descendants but it’s you and it is you because you were the one strong enough to handle this.” You brought her in for a hug, “You’re a tough girl, Elena, the universe knew you could handle it,”
   She brought her hands up and hugged you back, “But what if I can’t?” She cried, her voice cracking midsentence.
   “That’s what we’re here for,” you whispered, “You may strong but we’re all stronger here, together,”
   Elena nodded, bringing her hand up to wipe at her face, “I love you,” 
   You smiled, “I love you too,” 
   Elena chuckled and composed herself, “Enough about me, how are you feeling?” 
   “What do you mean?” You asked, tapping against the plastic pouch in your hands.
   “I heard Elijah manipulated you into having feelings for him,” she admitted, “Just because it was manipulation didn’t mean it didn’t feel real to you,”
   You sighed and rested against the wall, “I’m okay. It was just some dumb crush . . . but-”
   “But what?”
   “I don’t know, it’s like, it’s like he was genuine and honest and strangely protective of me. You didn’t see him when the werewolves tied us up, it was like he was furious, especially with the one that hit me.” You shook your head and pushed the thought aside, “But maybe that’s just me seeing what I want to see, ya know? Besides, it’s easier if I believe it was manipulation rather than something real, that way I can bring myself to resent him,”
   “And how’s that going for you?” She rested her hand on your arm.
   You chuckled pathetically at yourself, “I’ve come down here four times today to check on him, how do you think it’s going?”
   She ran her hand through your hair and pecked your cheek affectionately, “Don’t worry, it’ll all be over soon,”
   You nodded and walked past her up the stairs before turning around, “What are you doing down here by the way?”
   Elena straight-lined her lips and shrugged her shoulders, “Um . . just getting some blood for Stefan, you know, now that he’s trying to build up a tolerance to it,” 
   You agreed and joined the others in the living room and handed Damon his blood pouch.
   The conversation between the four of you, Damon, Stefan and Caroline went on for a few minutes before Stefan looked towards you, “Where’s Elena?” he asked.
   You pointed towards the basement, “She said that she was going to get you some blood since you’re trying to build up a tolerance,” 
   Damon and Stefan’s eyes widened.
   “But that doesn’t make sense because you’ve been feeding off her this entire time,” you jumped up and ran towards the basement, feelings of fear and regret but mostly hope coursing through you. 
   “Dammit!” You heard Damon shout from downstairs.
   By the time you reached the bottom, Damon was already on his way back up and Stefan had his phone to his ear, “Elena, where are you?” he asked, not wanting to look directly at you in anger.
   You slinked away and stood next to Caroline upstairs in guilt. 
   “Hey, you didn’t know,” Caroline said, “Elena’s going on some martyr rampage where she just keeps screwing everything up,”
   But was she? You mean, you’d wanted Elijah back. You wanted to confront him and demand he explain what the point was of using you and toying with you was. Why couldn’t he have just led you to continue fearing him, it probably would’ve done him better. It sure would’ve been better for you.
   Hours later, Elena returned after Jenna showed up at the Salvatore house in shock and rattled in fear. You had been comforting her and when Elena showed up she took your place for a while before Jenna locked herself in a room.
   Once Jenna had gone, Damon and Stefan had hounded her about leaving with Elijah by herself after Elena stated she had to go back. Stefan, although concerned, let her go but Damon threw a hissy fit about it.
   “Can I talk to you really quick?” Elena asked as Stefan tried to cool down Damon.
   “About?” You asked, hoping if it had anything to do with Elijah she would have the better sense to know not to tell you anything about him.
   “Listen, I know how you feel about Elijah,” I guess not, “ and you have to know, he wasn’t manipulating you, (Y/N),”
   You looked up at her, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
   “He never directly said he wasn’t manipulating you,” she confessed, “But it’s how he talks about you that I know he cares about you,”
   You couldn’t help yourself, “He’s talked about me?” stupid.
   Elena nodded and grabbed your hands in hers, “He’s smitten. One of the first things he brought up was you. He remembers hearing you cry out his name when Alaric stabbed him and you should’ve seen the look on his face when he brought you up,”
   “Really?” You asked, your posture straightening and excitement growing, “Wait, you’re not being compulsed are you, Elena?”
   She shook her head and motioned to the necklace full of vervain around her neck, “Won’t work. I’m being serious (Y/N), he wants to see you, that he did say,” 
   You took a second to process her words, still feeling her hands in your own, “Should- should I-”
   “If you want,” she agreed, “We already bargained a deal and he trusts me, plus I don’t think he’d let anything happen to you anyway,”
   You looked over at the entrance of the house and imagined yourself walking out to see him again, alive this time. You could see him. It’d be so easy to just slip out while the brothers were busy.
  You turned back to Elena and pulled your hand out of her hold. “I can’t,” you protested, “He’s lying, Elena. I-I can’t trust him. Why can’t he see me? Why do I have to go over there?”
   Elena stood with you and sighed, motioning to the arguing boys in the other room, “Something tells him he’s not quite welcomed here,”
   “And they’re right!” Damon called from the other room, “She shouldn’t trust him and he’s not welcome here,” Damon sauntered into the room, his notorious smile on his face. “You may be idiotic enough to walk into the hands of the enemy, good call on your part by the way, but (Y/N)’s not, she knows he’s just toying with her. She stays here.”
   As annoying and demanding as Damon’s words sounded, he was right, you weren’t going anywhere near Elijah. Only to avoid confirming or denying your theory. Whatever the answer was, you couldn’t handle it. 
   You walked over to Damon and Stefan and nodded, not once looking at Elena for fear she would see the desperation plastered on your face. 
   Elena didn’t argue and said good-bye to you and Stefan before leaving to meet Elijah again. 
   Just as you were about to start heading home, the front door to the Salvatore house opened and in walked Elena . . . with Elijah. You pried your eyes off the Original before he could notice you staring, although you were sure he had already caught you, and pressed your lips together and gripped Damon’s hand and he gripped back. 
   “What the hell is he doing here?” Damon spewed out.
   “He’s here willing to offer protection, he just wants an apology for killing him,” Elena answered.
   Damon’s grip grew stronger and you almost pulled away from the pain but you accepted it instead, anything to focus on other than Elijah. 
   “I’m sorry for trying to kill you, you were willing to sacrifice the girl that I love and I wasn’t going to let that happen,” Stefan spoke, cutting a bit of the tension in the room that Damon somehow managed to bring back.
   “And he still is,” Damon stood up, dragging you with him as your hand was still in his hold, “so he can go to hell,” 
   A throaty noise came from beside Elena and you finally looked up at him. And your heart jumped. His cool demeanor cracked for a second, only long enough for you to barely notice it and he regained himself. The pull in your chest longed for him, to feel his hands in yours again and to press yourself against him. But you knew better and you nearly walked away with Damon when out of the corner of your eye you saw Elijah’s hand flinch towards you, his fingers extending out to you as if wanting you to stay.
   Your mouth slowly began parting and your free hand also began to reach out to him when a jolt on your arm pulled you back to reality, “(Y/N)! Let’s go,” Damon growled, now standing in front of you to block him from your sight.
   “Damon!” Elena shouted at him. 
   You peeked over Damon’s shoulder to catch a glimpse at Elijah but nodded nonetheless, “Okay,” and you let Damon pull you out of the room.
   You had just reached the door to his room when you pulled your grip out of his hand. He turned around sharply and glared at you, “What are you doing?”
   “I have to get home soon, Damon. I can’t keep spending the night.” you shot back.
   “Well you could, if you’d let me compulse her more often,” he added jokingly.
   You rolled your eyes and kissed his cheek, “I’ll see you tomorrow,”
   Damon’s hand reached out to yours and held it lightly and when you turned to face him his hair was cascading around his eyes as he looked at the floor, “Please don’t leave,” he begged, “I don’t think I can sleep alone anymore,”
   You smiled sadly at him, “Go call Andie, I’m sure she’s off somewhere thinking she misses you,” I teased, knowing Damon only compulsed for the exact reason he asked me to stay. “Goodnight.” You kissed his cheek again and then place your lips by his ear, “If you really need company , you can stop by my place later tonight, just be quiet,” 
   Damon agreed and walked you to the door, probably just to make sure you didn’t try anything in terms of speaking to Elijah. He seemed to make a show of kissing your cheek and opening the door for you, “Let me know you got home,”
   “Goodbye!” You cried over Damon’s shoulder so Stefan and Elena could hear you.
   “See you tomorrow!” They shouted back in unison. 
   And with that, you made your way home.
   It was almost one in the morning when you heard a tapping at your window. You groggily got out of your bed and after hours of crying and internally screaming and trying to come to some conclusion on your feelings, you were glad Damon showed up. You needed his company almost as much as he seemed to need yours. 
   You turned down your T.V. and walked over to your window before throwing it open. You hadn’t been concerned about the screen as you’d removed it long ago when Damon used to visit nightly.
   “Hey I didn’t think you were com-”
   Elijah stood outside on your yard looking up at you.
   “What are you doing here?” You asked, turning to look over your shoulder and listening out for your mom.
   “Everyone is sleeping, may I come in?” Elijah asked.
   “What? N-No! You can’t!” you quickly responded, making sure not to give him the access he needed to step inside your house.
   “(Y/N), I’ll stand out here all night,” he whispered just loud enough for you to hear.
  “Ok! Ok! Just. . . just give me a second.” You ran back inside and put on a pair of socks and shoes and duck your head under the frame of your window after throwing a leg over one side.
   “What are you doing?” Elijah asked.
   “I’m not letting you inside so I’m meeting you outside,”
   “And the door?”
   “Is right in front of my mom’s room, I’m not risking it,” you responded, resting your foot on the roof and gripping onto the ledge for dear life.
   “Just stay there,” he said and stood beside you, on your roof, in a mere second.
   He offered you his hand and helped you the rest of the way out of the window, “You know this would be a lot easier if you just let me in,”
   “Like hell,” you hissed and gripped onto his tightly when a gust of wind caught you off guard.
   Elijah’s hand wrapped around your back to help stabilize you and held you lightly against him. He wasn’t what you thought he would be. His body was warm almost and he smelled, well like fire, due to Damon killing the warlock that was trying to previously save him. Your chest rubbed his own and your hand gripped the front of his suit while his hand rested on the dip in your back. 
   You gulped at the closeness and it took everything you had to let him go and crawl to a part of the roof where you didn’t constantly feel impending doom. You knew Elijah was too high maintenance to sit directly on the roof so you’d brought out a thin blanket for the two of you to sit on. 
   Elijah sat down hesitantly next to you and didn’t speak for a few minutes as he watched you gaze up at the stars.
   “You know . . . I used to watch the stars all the time when I was younger,” you admitted, keeping track of all the constellations that you could remember, “But lately it’s like I barely even have time for that,”
   “The stars are beautiful in Greece,” Elijah commented.
   You sighed, “What do you want, Elijah?” 
   He stiffened but relaxed after a second, “(Y/N), Elena told me how you felt,”
   You shook your head, knowing she might’ve commented on it to him but not that she’d just straight tell him everything. “And what exactly did she tell you?” you pried.
   “She said you thought I was untruthful, that I had manipulated you for some leverage of sorts,”
   “Well, I have been drinking vervain everyday for nearly a year now so compulsion wouldn’t work on me,” you commented.
   “I need you to listen very carefully to what I have to say.” Elijah turned towards you and appeared, what, nervous? “I never manipulated you, I never attempted to compulse you and I never lied to you,” he said, catching your attention. “I remember your face being the last thing I saw before Alaric stabbed me, I remember hearing you call out my name and I knew you weren’t part of what happened to me, it was the only thing that kept me from going after everyone in the house.” 
   “Watching me scream your name?” You asked almost sarcastically, now looking at Elijah.
   But he just nodded, “Yes. I could see that you cared for me but I didn’t want to off put you by confessing that I had grown fond of you since seeing you hide behind Damon. The fierceness in your eyes even though you didn’t know what was going to happen. You were scared but you were strong and ever since then, I’ve been civil in hopes to be around you more,”
   “Wait, what? You only offered Elena the deal so you could spend time with me?” you asked incredulously, trying to see any form of deception on his face.
   A small smirk rose on his lips, “Essentially,”
   “But- but” You looked around, hoping that your mind would come to a logical response that rebuttals his confession. “You’re lying!” You said, scooting a little further away even though all you wanted to do was get closer.
   “I’m not, darling.” He twisted around and pulled out a shiny object, “And here’s how I’ll prove it to you,” 
   You stared at the dagger that could end his life, along with the ash in his other hand and could only gawk. He was just handing this over to you? Handing over the only thing that could kill him?
   Your hand reached out to the weapon but you only grabbed the ash, “Why?”
   Elijah set the dagger beside you, clearly having no intentions of pocketing it again. “I want you to trust me. I want you to believe that what I tell you is true. I know that Damon is spewing toxins in your ear about me and I know it’d be foolish of me to ask you to trust me over him considering how long you two have been together but my intentions are true -”
   “Wait? Me and Damon? Together? As in, together together? As in a couple?”
   Elijah’s mouth stayed open, not quite finished saying what he wanted earlier but nodded, “Yes, I’m under the impression that you two are a couple,”
   If it weren’t for your mother sleeping in a room below you, you would’ve laughed but instead you chuckled and shook your head, “Damon and I are not a couple. He’s just protective of me, that’s all,”
   “You might want to let him know that you’re not together then,” Elijah remarked.
   “He knows, we’ve been best friends for a few years now. He’s always been cold but he took mercy on me for some reason. I mean, I was only 16 back then but he’s not one to be tamed. He’s just glad he has someone to talk to about everything, he’s actually really lonely.”
   “Then why is he so against you acknowledging me?” He tried to prove a point.
   “He doesn’t trust you, Elijah,” you jeered, practically rolling your eyes,
   “But do you?” He asked, his tone changing ever so slightly.
   You looked down at the ash in your hand and the dagger resting beside you, “How do I know it’s real?” You asked, not acknowledging his question.
   “You can test it out if you wish,” he remarked, starting to unbutton his shirt.
   The action made you go on high alert, you looked around the neighborhood as if someone were watching this whole, what you felt was indecent, charade going on. You watched as his fingers trailed over every button then undid it. He exposed his bare chest to you and the breath escaped your lungs. Your eyes scanned over his skin and you desired nothing more than to touch it. To run your fingers across it and see how warm he was, how soft he was, how normal he was. 
   Elijah grabbed your wrist and held your hand in place against his chest. When did you touch him? You thought you had been imagining touching him not actually touching him. You looked up at Elijah who had already been staring down at you and you flushed then retracted your hand.
   “Sorry,” you mumbled, grabbing the dagger and dipping it into the ash.
   You wanted to believe him, wanted to believe he was really offering you his only weakness. But there was a part of you that knew you’d be idiotic to pass up checking if it were real if he was lying. So you took the dagger out of the ash and pressed it lightly against his chest, hesitant to put pressure on his skin.
   Elijah’s hand encased the one holding the dagger and pressed it into his chest. The dagger split the skin easily enough and the panic started to settle in when he didn’t stop forcing it in. 
   “Elijah!” You shouted as the veins in his body grew darker and his skin became discolored.
   You pulled with all your might but Elijah just continued to pushed the dagger deeper into himself, stone cold face even though you knew he was in pain, “I trust you!” You cried desperately and he let the dagger go.
   He took a deep breath and bawled his fist as he fought against the pain. “Promise me,”
   “Promise you?” You asked, moving the ash and dagger as far away from him as possible because you never wanted it to come in contact with him ever again.
   “Swear to me that you believe me, that you trust me,” he grumbled, still in obvious pain.
   Your hand flew to the closing wound on his chest and you peered at how slow it was closing. It was only after it closed that you let your fingers trail over the newly healed area.
   “I’m okay,” he assured, bringing your hand from his chest up to his lips and kissed your palm. “I wanted you to know that I would never deceive you,”
   You nodded and threw yourself into his lap, pressing your left hand flat against his chest and resting your head on his shoulder, “That was dumb,” you mumbled, your heartbeat slowing down finally.
   “The extreme makes an impression,” he whispered, resting his cheek on your head.
   He kissed the palm of your right hand again and brought you deeper into his lap so you were both comfortable. “I trust you,” you said, resting comfortably against Elijah. “Please don’t do anything that stupid ever again,”
   “Never,” he agreed and you began to drift off as he hummed to a tune you’d never heard of before.
   You had woken up at some point in the middle of the night and invited Elijah in to your house where you both fell asleep on your bed, much to his protest. Something about wanting to respect you and you not really giving a shit just knowing that you wanted to feel him against you while you slept. 
   By the time that you woken up the next morning, Elijah had already left. You sat up quickly in bed, wondering if it had all been a dream but the folded piece of paper sitting next to the dagger and ash confirmed last night actually happened. 
   Keep this safe for me, love. I’ll be at the Salvatore’s when you’re ready. - Elijah
   Your heart fluttered at the strangely calligraphic handwriting and you picked up the dagger and ash, hiding them in your favorite pair of boots before heading over to Stefan’s and Damon’s.
   “Hello?” You cried out as you stepped through the door, you had stopped knocking months ago.
   “In here!” Elena shouted.
   You followed the chatter and walked in to a full room. Alaric walked in earlier in the day claiming he was no longer possessed by Klaus and Jenna nearly shot him. They sat together yet apart in a corner of the room while Elena, Damon, Andie, Stefan, Caroline and Elijah all gathered in the middle of the living room to discuss tonight’s plan. 
   I greeted everyone, avoiding acting suspicious around Elijah by just nodding at him and ended up receiving a confused look in return. I sat next to Damon who wrapped his arm around my shoulder and continued on his conversation. Elijah looked over to the both of us and nodded once as if in understanding before excusing himself.
   You watched as he got up and left the room and you quickly dismissed yourself as well, feeling eyes follow you as you followed Elijah. You found him outside in the backyard.
   “Elijah?” You called out, standing beside him and looking up at him.
   “”I thought last night I proved myself to you but I believe we’re not on the same page,” he said, fixing the cuffs of his suit and avoiding eye contact with you.
   “That’s not what happened, it’s just I don’t want Damon to lose his mind, especially today of all days,” you explained, rubbing your arms for comfort.
   Elijah faced you abruptly and cocked his head, “And why would he lose his mind? Because he believes you share affections with him or because you know he has feelings towards you?” 
   “Neither!” You quickly defended. “It’s just that, we never really clarified if we were exclusive or not and I don’t want to worry him if this is just child’s play,”
   “Child’s play?” Elijah scoffed.
   “Why would you two be exclusive?” Damon spoke up from behind us and instantly his brother appeared behind him.
   “Damon, don’t,” he tried to calm.
   “Don’t what? I just want to know why they would have to be exclusive? Especially considering Elijah is still the enemy and (Y/N) is, by association, his enemy as well.” Damon shrugged as if unbothered and ran in front of you, causing you to take a step back in shock and almost . . . fear.
   “Damon, it’s not what you think,” you tried to explain.
   “Isn’t it?” Elijah asked you, amused with the situation.
   “Is it?” You asked him, “Because as far as I know, you never asked me to be with you, you just slept with me,” 
   “You slept with him?” Damon yelled.
   You held your hand up to put some distance between you and the seething vampire, “Not like that,” you defended. “As in, literal sleep,”
   “No, I just let you stab me,” Elijah retorted.
   “You stabbed him?” Elena asked from behind Stefan.
   Damon gruffed and crossed his arms, “Well that’s better, I guess,”
   “Not like that!” You shouted again and ran your hands through your hair, “Can I just have a minute alone with Elijah please?” You shouted.
   “Of course,” Elena said and grabbed Stefan by the arm.
   “No,” Damon said, stopping Elena in her tracks.
   “Damon, please. I know you don’t trust him but-” you tried to say,
   “Because we can’t trust him!” He shouted and grabbed your face in his hands, forcing you to look him in the eye, “Do you trust him?” 
   You felt everyone’s eyes bore into your skull as they waited for a response. You peeked over at Elijah who had his eyebrows quirked up in wonder, also waiting to hear your reply.
   You turned back to Damon and he knew by the sadness behind your eyes what your answer was.
   “Yes, I do,”
   Damon dropped your face from his hold and you took a step back as his demeanor changed. “Damon, please,” 
   “You’re a fucking idiot, (Y/N).” He seethed, his body shaking with his words, “He’s gonna kill you and when he does, I’ll do nothing but watch,” 
   “Damon!” Elena and Stefan shouted at his.
   Your throat knotted in pain at his words and you nodded, accepting them in their raw pain. That’s when Elijah stood in front of you and faced Damon. His hand gripped Damon’s throat so quickly you didn’t see the motion itself, you just knew that one second Elijah’s hand was wrapped around Damon’s neck and he was lifted off the ground.
   Damon kicked out and tried to fight Elijah’s grip on him but to no avail. Elijah brought Damon close to his face and from the side you could see the veins around Elijah’s eyes go black. “If I’m going to kill anyone, it’ll be you. The only reason I’m restraining myself is because fortunately for you, you mean something to (Y/N). But if you want to live I suggest never speaking to her like that again or I’ll rip your throat out before you get the chance.” And with that Elijah threw Damon back into the house as if he’d only flicked him and Damon fell at Stefan’s feet.
   Stefan helped Damon up and shoved him towards the living room, leaving Elena behind and she checked on you. 
   “You know he didn’t mean it,” she tried to reason, “He’s just upset,”
   “And that justifies his actions?” Elijah asked.
  “Well not usually, but considering what Damon usually does when he’s upset, this is infinitely better,” Elena tried to explain.
   You nodded and held your hand up, “I’m ready to talk when he is, for now I’m just going to go check on Bonnie,” 
   “Okay, I’ll let them know you left,” Elena said and walked back towards the house.
   “Are you okay?” Elijah asked, bringing his hand up to grip your elbow.
   “Please just go inside, I’ll see you later tonight, ok?” You plead with him.
   He seemed hesitant but could tell you needed time alone and eventually agreed, “Please tell me when you get there, so I know you’re safe,”
   You nodded, fighting the urge to burst into a fit of rage and sadness in that very moment and left without so much as looking back at him.
   “Bonnie you can’t keep us here!” You shouted alongside Alaric.
   “It’s for your own protection!” She shouted behind her and you and Alaric punched at the invisible barrier keeping you inside the house. 
   “Thank you for keeping her safe,” You heard Elijah mutter to Bonnie who nodded and walked away with him and Damon.
   “Dammit!” You shouted once Alaric gave up and sat beside the open entrance.
   “What now?” He asked.
   You grumbled and slid down onto the floor next to him, “We could yell for help?” You jokingly offered.
   Alaric didn't laugh, only looked off in the distance lost in his own mind.
   “Hey,” you muttered, grabbing his hand in your own, “She’ll be fine,” and even though you wanted him to believe your statement, you didn’t believe it yourself. 
  “How are we gonna get out of here?” Alaric asked.
   You sighed, “Well, when Bonnie uses her magic on Klaus, it’ll significantly wear her down, it might fade back here to help her out there,” you hoped.
   Alaric lit up at the idea, “I don’t know how magic works but that sound right,” 
   You chuckled and placed your back on the entrance, waiting to see if it waivered throughout the night.
  Hours had passed with not a single waiver until night overtook the sky and fatigue tried to immerse you.
   “Why am I so tired?” You asked.
   Alaric yawned, “We’ve been sitting here for hours waiting, it could just be the exhaustion catching up to us,” he offered.
   You shook your head, “No way, I was fine a minute ago and now I can barely keep my eyes open,” you said and shook your head to wake yourself up, “I think Bonnie knows that the barrier is gonna break soon so she put a sleep spell on us just like Jeremy,” 
   As much as you wanted to succumb, you stood up and pressed against the entrance of the door and when your hand caved in slightly your eyes widened. Before, it was solid, like a wall made of metal but now it felt malleable and best of all, breakable.
   “Time to go,” I yawned, taking a few steps back followed by Alaric and bolting as quick as possible through the barely standing barrier.
   It tried to suppress you and keep you inside but the force of both Alaric and you fighting against it proved victorious and the barrier gave way. As soon as you stepped onto the other side the fatigue left and you were wide awake.
   “Let’s go,” Alaric said, not waiting for you as he bolted towards where Damon had previously predicted the ritual to take place.
  You sprinted through the wood until a horizon of orange caught your attention and the both of you ran towards its source. 
   You emerged from the side of the ritual and showed up just in time to see Bonnie take down Klaus and Elijah assist in the killing.
   “Be careful,” You whispered under your breath as he pinned Klaus down into the dirt.
   “I didn’t scatter them in the sea! I can take you to them!” Klaus shouted at Elijah which caused him to hesitate.
   “If you don’t do it, I’ll kill you both,” Bonnie warned.
   “You’d die,” Elijah simply responded.
   “I don’t care,” Bonnie hissed.
   You could see the internal turmoil Elijah was going through. Spare Klaus and potentially see his family alive and well again or kill him for killing them in the first place. You knew what decision he was going to make but it wasn’t one you agreed with.
   “Elijah!” You cried, your anger surpassing your fear, “Don’t!” You warned, knowing what sparing Klaus would mean for everybody.
   “Oooh, who’s that, Elijah?” Klaus asked through the blood in his mouth, “A new flame?” 
   Elijah’s eyes landed on yours and your eyes plead words that you never could.
   “I’m sorry,” He said and with that, ran away with Klaus in his hold.
   You didn’t rest that night, you’d been too devastated to surround yourself with friends and just wanted to be alone and feel Eljiah’s betrayal take its course on you. You were glad Elena was okay and technically this was a success as Elena was still in top shape, well as top as you can be after dying. 
   You thanked Stefan for walking you home and gave him a hug good-bye, “Watch Elena tonight, we don’t need her experiencing an existential crisis,” you warned, pointing your finger at him.
   He chuckled and agreed, “Yes, ma’am,”
   And with that you turned into your home and locked the door behind you before heading directly towards the bathroom and taking a shower. The leaves of the trees had tangled in your hair and the dirt had mucked up your clothes and you just felt overall dirty. Problem was, you didn’t a shower was going to do anything about that feeling. 
   After a half satisfying shower you pat yourself dry with the towel and wrapped it around yourself as you made your way to your room. You closed the door behind you and picked up your sleeping shirt off your dresser and threw it on before wringing your hair out with the towel and hanging it back up in the bathroom.
   You hadn’t given yourself the time to process what Elijah had done and you threw your hand up to your forehead when you remember Damon’s words. Elijah had killed you when he abandoned you and deterred from the plan and Damon had witnessed it all. Maybe that’s what he meant when he spoke those cruel words earlier. 
   You checked your mom’s room to check if she was in there. Sometimes, without ever having to explain why you were doing it, you could go into her room and sit on her bed and just cry while she comforted you. She would pet your head until you fell asleep from exhaustion and the next day would be there to listen if you were ready to talk and if you weren’t then it’d be movie day.
   Unfortunately, your mother wasn’t home and you sighed as you closed her door behind you. Maybe it was fortunate though, because how would you explain something like this?
   You walked up the stairs just as the sobs overtook your body and you nearly collapsed on the stairs.
   “How?” You cried out to yourself. “How could he do that?” You trudged up the final steps and headed to your room.
   You pushed the door open and froze when you noticed the open window in your room. You were certain you had it closed and locked because of your paranoia. You painted vervain on the windowsill almost as soon as you got home just in case of, well, anything.
   You grabbed the whipped around and headed towards the door but a a man in a suit blocked your way. 
   “Elijah,” You said, taking a step back and walking backwards towards your room, thankful that you had placed vervain on all the doorknobs as well. “What are you doing here?” 
   His eyebrows furrowed and he had to look away for a moment when he noticed you were backing away from him, “Are you scared?” He asked.
   “Scared? Maybe. Betrayed? Extremely,” You fumed, your grip on the side of your door tightening as you made a mental note of where your boots were in the room. “Why are you here?” You asked again, venom in your words.
   He took small steps towards you until you were both in his room and he looked at your nightstand where his note still sat. “I just wanted to explained what happened,” 
   “No need to explain, you betrayed us and that about sums it up,” 
   He shook his head, “It’s not like that, (Y/N), I wanted Klaus dead because he killed my family. He took them away from me and as much as I wanted to kill him for it, I would much prefer to have them back.” He picked up the note and smiled at yesterday’s memory, “You can understand that, right?” He asked. 
   You kept yourself on edge as you tried to casually make your way to your boots. “Why should I trust you?” You asked.
   “Because you’re making your way towards the dagger and I haven’t tried to stop you,” he pointed out.
  You froze in place and sighed, “I don’t want you thinking you’re invited here anymore, Elijah,” you muttered and sat down on the edge of your bed.
   “I know, but I just wanted you to understand why. I didn’t do it just to do it, Klaus can help me bring back my family and that’s all I’ve wanted for hundreds of years. I just want my family back.” he explained.
   You sighed but nodded, “Yes, that’s something I can understand. It must be sad living an eternity alone,” 
   Elijah nodded, his eyes tinged red, “There’s another thing,” 
   “What is it?” You asked.
   “When Klaus was asking who you were, it wasn’t interest, it was a threat.” He sat on the bed opposite you and looked longingly at your hand, as if wanting to hold it. 
   “A threat?” You repeated, moving to a more comfortable position on your bed.
   Elijah nodded and shifted his position as well, “Mhmm, I was swayed by his offer to return my family but now that Klaus knows who you are, I wanted to get him out of there as soon as possible.”
   You looked at your hand, at the floor, at your dresser, at basically anything that wasn’t Elijah because once you saw those eyes you knew you’d melt. You chewed on your lip and stood up from the bed, afraid of how close you were to him.
   Elijah stood up with you and watched you pace about the room, deciding whether or not you were going to believe him. 
   “I gave you the dagger so you knew you could trust me and if you wanted to kill me now then I wouldn't defend myself but you have to know that I held up my promise and Elena is now safe,” 
   “Yes, but how many more people are in danger now that Klaus got what he wanted?” You challenged and Elijah gulped, knowing already the destruction that Klaus has caused.
   He walked over to you and you backed away from him towards the nearest wall. He brought his arms up and placed them against the either side of your head on the wall, effectively pinning you against it and boxing you in.
   “Please,” He begged, his lip trembling with the word and his eyes scanning your face to display his desperation, “Believe me,”
   You pulled further away from Elijah and got as close to the wall as you could, “I did believe you and now Klaus is free and as murderous as ever,” you shot back.
   “Klaus is not your concern, I’ll lead him away from here and you and everyone you know will be safe,” he tried to convince.
   As horrible as it sounded, as long as everyone you loved was safe then you weren’t too concerned with Klaus or his agenda. 
   “I’ll take you away from it all,” Elijah offered, bringing his body slightly closer to yours, “We can go anywhere you’d like, anywhere you’re safe. I could tell you about the history that I helped make across the nations, I could tell you the secrets of history that no one alive knows about. I could take you to Greece.”
   “To Greece?” You asked, your eyebrow quirking up.
   He nodded instantly, closing the gap between your bodies and pressing himself against you, “Anywhere. Anywhere that isn’t here,”
   “What about my mom?” You asked,
   “Stefan and Damon will protect her, I’ve already compulsed them to when I went over this morning just incase anything went wrong and I had to take you away,” he said.
   “She’ll be safe?” You asked.
   “Klaus didn’t catch your scent and he could barely see you from where you stood, he won’t ever find out who your mom is,” he hurriedly explained.
   Silence filled the air as you took in the feeling of his body pressed against yours and all the things it was doing to you. You stared Elijah in his eyes as he slowly brought his head down towards yours and waited centimeters away from your lips for your approval. You felt his breath dance along your lips and took in his scent of pine and whiskey.
   “Tell me to stop,” He whispered into your lips and brought his hand up to cup your cheek “Tell me you don’t want this and I’ll stop,” 
   You pushed your chest against his and moved your lips minimally towards his, “Elijah,” you breathed out, wanting him to close the millimeters of space between the two of you.
   That little moan of his name was all he needed. He hastily pressed his lips against yours and you relished the feeling of his warm, soft lips against your own. You moved in unison, twisting your heads slightly to get better access and he slithered an arm onto your back and another behind your thigh before picking you up and twisting you around and delicately dropping you onto the bed. 
   His hands stayed in their place, one grazing your thigh teasingly and the other gripping onto you desperately. You laced a hand through his hair and with the other, pushed his hips against your own, eliciting a growl from his mouth. Elijah followed the motion, rubbing his hips onto your core and you could feel his excitement grow (if you know what I mean). 
   You took in everything. Memorized how his lips danced along yours, how his hands trailed on your thigh, how his weight felt on top of you, everything. But especially the quiet groans and growls of pressure emitting from him. 
   The sounds of sloppy kissing filled the room and just as he was about to take off the oversized shirt from your body, the front door opened and he slowly pulled away, unbothered by the noise but respectful enough to know to cease his actions.
   He sat up straight and attempted to fix his hair and flatten his suit, “I’m sorry, I should’ve behave properly,”
   “Oh shut up,” You said, and threw a leg over his lap before grinding down on his hardening member.
   Elijah’s hands gripped your waist tightly and controlled your motions, dragging your barely clothed core against his suit, leaving a wet spot in its wake. You bit your lip to prohibit any sounds from coming out of your mouth but the few that escaped seemed to drive him on and he moved you against him more efficiently based on the noises you made. He adjusted to motions you seemed to like and dug his fingers into you hard against your ass and you couldn’t wait for the bruises to form later.
   “(Y/N)?” Your mother called out as she climbed the stairs.
   You quickly jumped off of Elijah, throwing a wink his way and walked out of your room after fixing your hair a bit. “Hey, where’ve you been?” You asked your mom after you greeted her.
   “I was actually out with a friend, dinner at her house. Never doing that again, she can’t cook,” 
   You actually laughed at what she had said. After a hectic day of magic and vampires and werewolves it was nice to hear your mom talk about the mundane. “She should’ve just bought food and served it on a platter like you do when you have a date over,” you jokingly commented.
   “Exactly,” she agreed and you hugged her goodnight before returning to your room to find Elijah leaving another note on your nightstand.
   “For later,” he whispered, forbidding you from seeing it just yet. “For right now, get ready. Pack anything you’d like and I’ll be here tomorrow morning to get you and then we can go anywhere you’d like,”
   “Greece?” You asked again.
   “Greece it is,” Elijah agreed and kissed you passionately before exiting through your window.
   You sat in your bed, tapping your foot along to the ticking of the clock and looked down at your phone every five minutes. 
1:52 pm. 
   He had said morning, right? Or had you imagined that?
   Your packed bag sat at your feet, waiting for an adventure just as you were. You turned on the TV to try and pass the time but as each hour trudged by, your hopes began to fade. 
   Maybe he just said tomorrow? Not necessarily the morning?
6:26 pm.
   You paced back and forth in your room and opened the window to let Elijah know you were ready to go for when he arrived.
   Just as you were beginning to give up hope, there was a knock on the door and you shot down the stairs to answer it. Your mom opened her door just as you opened the front door.
   “Elijah?” You asked but deflated when you saw it was a close friend of your mother’s.
   “Elijah?” She asked, “Who’s this mystery Elijah? When did you get a boyfriend?” She teased.
   Your heart dropped to your stomach and you did your best to put on a brave face. “No one.” You raised your hands in defense, “Not yet anyway,” you tried to joke even though your worry was through the roof.
   You greeted her friend and ran back upstairs to your room hoping Elijah was there waiting for you and teasing you about making him wait. But when you got there, the room was just as empty as when you left it. 
   “Elijah . . .” you whispered, yearning for him. 
   And you sat in your bed and waited.
   Knock. Knock. Knock.
   Caroline sat up from her couch and went towards the front door, looking through the window to verify who was at her house. She unlocked the door immediately and threw it open at the sight of tears streaming heavily down your face.
   “(Y/N)?” Caroline asked, worry laced in her tone as she caught you when you threw yourself into her arms, “What happened?”
   “Elijah,” You sobbed, the tears racking through your body and your words barely coherent through the cries.
   “He never came for me,” You yelled, anger and desperation pulling at your insides. 
   He never came.
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AU - yes! Time Travel - no? -p. 2
So @barkingbullfrog requested a future bamon daughter time travelling and no one knowing who she is and I said on that post that I might write more if people like it/I feel like it. So this is that! Chapter 1 here. Enjoy part 2!
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Rose was home for the holidays, Easter in just a few days and college too loud to be able to study when she found it. The spell she’d been looking for since that summer 5 years ago when her cousin dared her to find the most powerful spell in her mom’s grimoires and attempt it. She’d had her plans foiled that week, but the idea remained firmly planted in her mind since. Especially since the spell was a dimension travelling one, which sounded just way too much fun not to try at some point just for fun. So when she saw her dad lead her mom to the dance floor, both distracted with their - eww - flirting, she snuck into her mom’s witch’s den - dad’s words not hers, but if it fits ya’know? 
The room was dark, it always was unless her mom was busy training her magic, and then it was just candlelight illuminating it. Rose looked around the corridor for a second, making sure no one had noticed her and come after. When no sound save for the small party downstairs was heard, she uttered a soft incendia, lighting all the hung candles inside. For a few minutes she was stuck in the sheer nostalgia of being in the room. She remembered with sudden clarity all the summer nights, widows open, fresh air coming through mixing with the cinnamon candles her mom prefered as the two of them played around with kiddie magic. She then recalled moving onto more powerful spells, like how to take on villains stronger than her just with a thought just a year ago, to playing hide and seek with her dad and hiding underneath the tablecloth and giggling so much he definitely knew exactly where she was - even if he hadn’t had the advantage of being vampire. It was this same room she’d locked herself in when at 11 her mom and dad sat her down and told her how they were going to adopt her, she’d been living with them for only 3 months at that point. 
Her mom’s old grimoire sat on a shelf that her dad and uncle could never agree on how it had had the top half torn off. She slowly walked over, still so very careful not to let any unnecessary noise be heard. She’d been used to magic, she’d gotten thrown out of 3 foster homes by age 9 due to magic she couldn't even begin to understand before she reached the Salvatore-Bennett’s, but hanging around vampires had taken some adjusting. Luckily her dad enjoyed being chased around the house by a curious 11 year old and then later a rumbustious teen in a variety of always entertaining games to the point she got very used to both making herself as quiet as possible as well as learning what to look for when his turn would come. So she got the grimoire and laid it on the table, flipping through the pages slowly, not wanting to risk missing the one she was looking for. A few others jumped to her as she did so, but she stored the info for later. She wanted to try that dimension spell right now. She reached something about pocket dimensions first - prison worlds and … did that say Hell? - but at least that’s how she knew she was close. The song had changed in the time she’d spent reminiscing, but she could hear her dad downstairs still, aggravating her aunt as per usual so it was all good. 
The words flowed from her lips and for a second she thought she did something wrong since she felt none of the usual surge that came with doing magic, but then something just… pulled at her and she lost consciousness. When she came to next she was in the driveway of her childhood home - if from 11 onward one could call it a childhood home, but it was the closest she ever got - and her head was pounding. She let herself feel the pain a minute or so before she got up and looked around. The sun was up, midday at least, maybe earlier, which was very odd considering it was nearing 11 at night just a few seconds ago. But she figured the spell had worked. Here she was, outside the Boarding House - which she could never understand why it continued to be called that since in all her years there not once was it used as such. 
She almost bounced on the heels of her feet, excited to see what this world had to offer - could she meet herself? Was it weird that she found that exciting? - so she immediately headed to the front door. But as she walked past the car parked in the driveway, her eyes found the newspaper wedged between the drives’ seat and the handbrake and her eyes widened at the date. 
“No.” she whispered in disbelief. “No, no, no nononono!” her heart started beating faster when the realisation dawned on her. She had traveled to a different dimension, but she’d never thought of the very real possibility that the dimension she’d be travelling to would be in the past. “Oh no, mom’s gonna kill me and dad’s gonna let her.” 
She looked around again, making sure no one was around to see her panic nor hear her, who knows what lurked in this dimension, god knows she didn’t think this through enough. She breathed a few seconds, in and out, in and out, then closed her eyes, fully intending on going back home. Except she hadn’t paid any mind to the return spell nor did she even remember the original spell she’d used. Great. Probably better she hadn’t remembered though, who knows where she would end up. At least here it looked vaguely like home. With a little bit of luck, she might even find her parents here, or someone who she could recognize from back home. Eventually her mom would go into her room and see the grimoire and spell and come get her, but who knew how long that’d be. Was time even moving at the same pace here? Sure she’d just gone a few minutes ago, there was no reason to think it wasn’t the same pace, but what if she’s been gone for days at home and mom had tried to bring her back and couldn’t, or what if it was slower at home and she’s just been gone for milliseconds and by the time her mom would find she was gone she’d be old and gray here, would she still be old and gray when she got back? Or would she revert to this age that she left as, and would she even want to go or want to return to a college student home for spring break? Or-
Breathe with me, Rosie-Posie. Just breathe with dad.
Listening to her dad’s voice in her head she did as he bade, closing her eyes almost letting her feel his hand on hers as he’d take her and put it over his chest so they’d sync their breaths when her panic would spiral. He used to joke she’d gotten the anxiety from her mom and uncle Stefan, despite not being related by blood to any of them. It used to make her feel like an impostor the first few times he’d done it, but afterward it just made her feel like belonging. Just like her mom telling her all about grandma Sheila that for some odd twist of fate she just happened to share a name with. Mom called it funny, dad called it fate. She called it sheer dumb luck. But it did make her feel like they really had been a family from the beginning. Hell she even had blue eyes. What were the chances? If she hadn’t remembered her birth dad’s dark skin on her lighter one as he kissed her goodnight the night he left or her birth mom’s watery blue eyes as she lay in the hospital when she was four she’d have agreed with Damon’s theory. 
She sighed, heavy, and put the newspaper back from where she’d gotten it and made her way to the house. It made no sense to get lost in the worry just yet. She’d barely arrived, there was plenty of time for panic later. She was more curious what she could walk into now. She remembered her mom telling her about this time and dad turning these moments into sleeping stories when she was younger. She got only more curious about their pasts the more she grew up until they’d eventually caved and told her everything she’d wanted. Slowly, in bite sized pieces that had frustrated her to no end in the beginning, but she was glad for now since it made remembering everything so much easier.
She walked towards the door the same way she had whenever she played hide and seek with her dad since she figured it was probably a good thing not to be noticed before she could figure out what the hell was going on. She listened once she reached the door and heard what sounded like Elena Gilbert, but she couldn’t bee too sure since a. She’d only met Elena like 3 times in her life and each one for a few minutes at a time, despite her mom still talking to her every week or so and b. Katherine was supposed to be around at this point in time, right? Was Hope’s dad here too yet? Or did she mix up the dates? Only, she reminded herself, Niklaus Mikaelson wasn’t Hope’s dad here, he wasn’t even semi nice if what Alaric’s library books on the great hybrid said was true. Oh boy, she so wasn’t ready for any of this bullshit. Her mom would write the best eulogy for her when she got home, something like “I loved my daughter more than my life, but damn if she didn’t deserve a Bonnie famous lecture and punishment” just after she killed her with her bare hands in a loving manner of course.
She took out her keys and put them in the lock, turned, but the door just opened without any fight and she almost had a heart attack on the spot because what kind of morons were her parents in this time/universe to not lock their doors? She’s still thinking about this when her dad - no, not dad, Damon, and isn’t that the weirdest thing - suddenly pounces at her and tries to strangle her. She reacts immediately, just as her dad - the one back home that loves and knows her - had taught her to do and sends a wave of aneurysms across the room, making sure to hit who’s surely Katherine extra hard via a very advanced spell her mom taught her recently that renders the 500 year old vampire in a mini coma for however long the caster wants. As Damon starts interrogating her, she can’t help putting on a bit of a show. They look so odd like this, weirdly young and very much in shock at her power that isn’t even that much of a big thing. She’s average as far as power goes back home, definitely not the witch goddess her mom is. But her mom isn’t her mom yet and she certainly isn’t yet that strong here… or rather, Bonnie isn’t yet as strong as her mom here. So she enjoys the game she finds herself playing with Damon and later Bonnie when she gets there. 
But she definitely has no clue what she’s gotten herself into yet as she tried to give an abridged version of the story her parents had told her over the course of at least 3 years. She sticks to the basics for them, Klaus is an Original, they’re a whole family that Klaus has the bad habit of fucking over - at least during this time - the Sun and Moon Curse is fake. And really, who the fuck thought that was a legit thing in the first place, seriously now? Klaus sired their whole vampire blood line so they can’t kill him, killing an Original kills their whole blood line, he plans on unleashing his werewolf side to belong, but he’s going to fail because his mom is mean as hell. She honestly isn’t sure what she doesn't say afterward, but the sheer silence brought on after her little tirade has her giddy. She could never get her mom and dad speechless like this, not without serious bodily harm or property damage, usually as a result of Lizzie Saltzman’s plans. She can’t wait to see how much chaos she can cause here by the end of the talk and looking at her mom with this dude that looks to be 14 that apparently is meant to be Jeremy Gilbert - only how can that be, Jeremy is a very strong vampire hunter that looks the part, not this string bean uncooked spaghetti looking child. 
And now she got when her dad meant when he said mom had had terrible taste in men before him - though Rose would argue looking at the Damon across from her that her mom’s taste didn’t so much as get better but simply change. She also couldn’t understand how these two who looked like they both wanted to be anywhere but near each other and yet oddly in sync couldn ever become the Bonnie and Damon that adopted her some odd years in the future/past/other universe. Huh… maybe she could have fun until her mom would come to kill her for being an idiot and dad would give her that look that made her want her mom to kill her. 
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it was just an accident
Characters: Damon Salvatore x Reader, Stefan Salvatore
Word Count: 1,056
Warnings: fluff, minor angst
Summary: Stefan accidentally hurts you, and he blames himself for being so careless. 
Beta: she wants to remain anonymous
Square Filled: Arm in a sling
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Author’s Note: this is for @badthingshappenbingo and if you have any requests, please send them in!
feedback the glue that holds my writing together
tags at the bottom
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Lifting your arm, you tried to do the most simple task on your own. Every time you moved it even an inch, it hurt like hell. Pain shot down your arm, and it would be almost impossible to move until the throbbing stopped. Your injury was the most painful you’ve ever had, and it was the result of an accident.
“Make your punches more direct. Don’t think about punching me; think about punching through me. Imagine there is something behind me you want to hit,” Stefan instructed. He had agreed to help you with your combat skills since your boyfriend was too busy taking care of vampire business with Elena and Alaric. It was good to keep this information fresh in your memory, which is why you asked Stefan for help in the first place. He knew a lot about fighting well, and you thought you could learn a lot from him.
“Okay, I understand,” you nodded, staring at him with laser focus. Every time the two of you sparred, he has won. This time, you would really like the win. The former Ripper gave no warning as to when he was going to attack, and all you saw was a blur before he was on you. Using what you were taught, you deflected most of his punches.
“Good, keep going,” he panted as he continued to fight. Without breaking focus, you dodged each attempt he made at trying to hit you. Things were going as smoothly as a well-oiled machine until you let yourself break concentration once.
“Stefan!” Caroline asked as she barged into the Salvatore Boarding House. In that time, Stefan twisted your arm behind your back to prove that he won yet again, but his vampire strength was a lot stronger than he originally thought. He had a death-like grip on it and tugged on it harder than normal which popped the bone right out of its socket.
“FUCK!” you screamed as soon as it happened. Stefan let go of you immediately as Caroline walked into the room, scared that he actually hurt you. Despite dating his brother, he has had a thing for you ever since your first training session. He finally allowed himself to feel something for another person, and you were taken by a better man.
“I am so sorry,” Stefan immediately apologized.
“OW! Shit! This hurts!” you exclaimed, holding your limp arm by your side. Any movement will cause the arm bone to rub against your shoulder bone, which could cause more damage.
“I am so sorry, Y/N!”
“Just go get something that will help! A doctor! Damon! Anything that will help!” you let the tears fall from the pain. Stefan immediately nodded and left the room, hoping that you wouldn’t stop training with him or hate him.
It was a long and painful process, but Caroline was able to get your bone back in its socket without causing more damage. After going to the hospital, the doctor concluded that you had no permanent damage, but assured there will be swelling in the next couple of days. She advised you to wear a sling for the rest of the week while it healed.
Damon was pissed at Stefan for hurting you despite you telling him it was an accident. Stefan felt so bad, if he was an animal, he would be a puppy with its tail between its legs. It took a few hours to calm down Damon, and he was getting you something to eat while you wanted to get changed for bed. However, having your arm in a sling and swollen really put a damper on things.
“Fuck,” you hissed at the pain. There was no way you would be able to change your shirt without assistance.
“You need help?” Stefan asked from the doorframe. He seemed almost hesitant when you nodded, but he made his way over to you.
“Don’t do this to yourself, Stef,” you sighed as he gently took off the sling.
“It’s all my fault.”
“Stefan, look at me,” you grew serious. He reluctantly looked into your eyes, scared that you were going to yell at him.
“This isn’t your fault. It was an accident. It happens. I don’t blame you at all.”
“I guess you’ll want to find a new sparring partner then,” he sighed.
“Are you kidding me? You keep me on my toes. Just wait until this heals, and I will kick your ass one day despite being a mere human,” you laughed. Stefan lifted your shirt, which caused unnecessary movement to your arm. Your laughter subsided into a hiss of pain as he lifted it above your head and down your bad arm.
“Sorry,” he winced.
“I hope you like this, Elena made it,” Damon said as he walked into the room. As soon as he locked eyes with his brother, he gave him a death glare. “Get out.”
“Damon,” you sighed. Stefan dropped his hands immediately, knowing when he wasn’t wanted.
“I’ll see you later,” he whispered to you as he escaped your shared room with Damon.
“Was that really necessary? It was an accident,” you groaned. Damon set down the tray of food as he shut the door with his foot. He walked over to you to pick up where his brother left off.
“He should have known better. This better not have hurt the baby.”
“The baby is just an embryo right now. There is nothing to hurt. Working out is great for pregnant women. I don’t want to be one of those girls who gain all this weight only to have it stick after their baby is born. I like working out like this, but I know when to stop.”
“It was next to impossible to get you pregnant because of me, so this better not have fucked with anything,” Damon growled.
“Damon, I assure you that nothing bad happened to the baby,” you sighed.
“Yeah,” he grumbled as he helped you put on your pajama shirt. Stefan listened by the door, and his heart broke at the mention of you being pregnant. Not only did he hurt you, but he hurt pregnant you. He knew you and him would never have a chance together, so maybe it was time to move on from you. Pining after you wasn’t healthy, and he finally understood that.
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lilulo-12fanfiction · 6 years
A Love Worth Waiting For
Stefan x Reader
4 I don’t love you anymore
16 I never meant to hurt you @ thepeomsofalonelygirl
 16 and four maybe do one where Damon or Stefan break up with there ex cause they are in love with y/n and the ex tries to hurt y/n and they have to defend them
Stefan rubbed his face with his hands. He wasn’t looking forward to this conversation. He and Amanda has been dating for a while. She had been the first girl he really felt something for after he and Elena had broken up for good. Now he knew he rushed into the relationship. 
Y/N had become his best friend. She stood by him through everything. When Klaus forced him to turn off his humanity. She helped bring him out of it. She had been there after he had gotten out of the safe Silas locked him in, through his memory loss and PTSD. She had glued him back together. It had taken him so long to realize how in love he was with her. He didn’t want to waste any more time not being with her. And it wasn’t fair to Amanda to stay with her if he wasn’t all in. Even if Y/N shot him down, he could not stay with someone he couldn’t give all of himself to. Stefan has been agonizing for days on how to breakup with Amanda. As a human, she had a quick temper. As a Vampire, she could become volatile. He was afraid she’d go on a nasty bender. He didn’t really want to have to lock his ex in the basement.
“Yo Stef, Amanda is downstairs.” Damon’s head popped in his doorway. Stefan took a deep breath trying to calm himself. Damon chuckled as Stefan crossed his path and clapped him on the back of the shoulder. Stefan shot him a withering glare as he headed down to talk to Amanda.
This break up had turned into a nightmare, not that Stefan expected it to be fun, but this was ridiculous. Amanda was hysterical.
“I never meant to hurt you Amanda. I just rushed into this relationship. It’s not a good fit, not like I thought it was.”
“But I love you and I thought that you loved me!” Her sobbing was starting to turn to anger.
“I’m sorry...I don’t love you anymore. I honestly don’t know if I ever did.” Amanda stood up and slapped Stefan in the face.
“So you used me to get over your Elena bullshit?! There is someone else isn’t there? Who is it?That disgustingly good witch Y/N? I didn’t think you could get worse than Elena but here we are.”
“There is NOT anyone else. It’s this, all of this. How you fly off the handle when you don’t get your own way. The way you use innocent people. Your disregard for the people I care about! I didn’t use you; you hid the real you and slowly let it out.” Amanda was livid as she stormed out of the boarding house. Stefan sat on the couch with his head in his hands.
“Well that sounded fun.” Damon strolled down the stairs as soon as the door shut.
“Shut up Damon.” Stefan groaned.
“I mean she made a good point about Y/N. You do look at her with heart eyes.”
“SHUT UP Damon.” Damon held his hands up in surrender.
“Okay brother. But expect an I told you so when you figure it out” Damon wore his signature smirk as he sauntered up the stairs.
You were exhausted. You had spent the day trying some new spells. Elijah had taken some photos of spells from Esther’s grimoire that he thought you would like to have in your arsenal. Despite his blind devotion to Klaus, he had been a good friend to you. He was a great sounding board and you still consulted him for advice when you needed to talk to someone. He would take your secrets to his unlikely grave.
Your continuing dilemma was your feelings for Stefan. You’d had them for a while, but he had been untouchable. First because he was in love with Elena. Then because life exploded and he had been locked away by Silas. His heart and mind needed mending. You were terrified of loosing your best friend on top of everything. There had always been a crisis that stopped you from confessing. When you had finally gathered the courage to tell him, you had found him with Amanda. Now here you were trying to figure out how to move on and get over your feelings for him without loosing your friendship. Elijah thought you should tell him anyways. You couldn’t talk to anyone else about it. They would tell him. You had tried dating other guys. Your most recent attempts were a couple of hookups with a guy you met at the grill. Someone who didn’t know you or your friends so it was easy. The best thing to distract you, however, were complicated spells and Elijah had a plethora of them at his fingertips. The practice wore you out and weakened you,which allowed you to sleep. The euphoria after mastering them was the best high you knew. Today you had over done it. You were currently cleaning up the dried blood that had dripped from your nose onto the hardwood floor. Stefan hated when you pushed yourself this hard. It was better to have someone with you when you went this hard, but today, you needed for it to be just you. After you cleaned up you took the print outs of the spells and put them in the safe you had in the back of your closet. In the wrong hands, those spells could do some real damage to innocent people. 
You took a deep breath and went into your bathroom to fill up your claw foot tub with water as hot as you could stand it and poured in some of the fancy bath salts Caroline had gotten you for your birthday. You turned off the hot water and placed a folded towel on the counter. Your feet padded against the hardwood floor of your apartment. Like Elena, you were an orphan. Your mother had died when you were a little girl. You were so young you barely remembered her. The one thing you couldn’t ever forget was the sweet smell of her perfume. Your father had died the summer Stefan had been locked in the safe. You had felt completely alone and you were so consumed by your grief you didn’t realize he was missing. Once he came back and his memories returned after being linked to Silas the two of you helped each other. You both were broken and you put eachother’s pieces back together. You had thought at that point something would happen between the two of you, but then he met Amanda. Here you were again, all alone. You pulled a bottle of Riesling out of your fridge. As you grabbed your corkscrew you heard a noise behind you. You slowly turned and were surprised to see Amanda staring at you clad in a pair of panties and a tank top. 
“Amanda. What...what are you doing here?” Y/E/C eyes were wide with concern. The two of you weren’t friends. You were pretty sure she hated you and your friendship with Stefan. You weren’t particularly fond of her and the dramashe came with so you kept your distance.
“You know...I was always suspicious of you and your obsession with Stefan” you held your hand up to stop her.
“I’m not obsessed with Stefan. He’s my best friend. We’ve been through a lot.”
“Don’t interrupt, it’s rude.” The veins around Amanda’s eyes had darkened. You swallowed. Now was not the time for you to have a confrontation with her. You wouldn’t be able to do any spells to stop her. You had almost lost consciousness earlier.
“Where was I? Oh yes, your unhealthy attachment to Stefan.” She took a step towards you and unfortunately you had no place to go. “I didn’t realize how dangerous it was. I figured if you and Stefan hadn’t gotten together by now I was in the clear. But how wrong I was.”
“What are you talking about?” 
“Stefan broke up with me. Apparently he stopped loving me. Or maybe he never really did. I can’t help but feel it’s because of you. Now, once I remove you from the picture and Stefan gets over his grief, I’ll win him back. Just for good measure I may take Elena out as well. Just in case she changes her mind again.” Amanda tried to lunge at you but you’re able to gather the strength to cast a spell to stop her. You’re fighting to hold her off but you feel yourself weakening and the blood dripping from your nose. You know that you’ll soon be unconscious and won’t be able to defend yourself. You’ll be dead and you won’t get to say goodbye to the people you love. You won’t get to tell Stefan how you feel. You won’t get to live a full life. You’ll be dead. You drop your hands and slowly fall to the floor.
Your eyelids feel like they’re lined with lead and you can only hear chaos. You can’t make out any distinct noises, everything is jumbled other than the slight ringing in your ears. You slowly fight to open your eyes and you know you’re in the Salvatore boarding house by the decor of the room. It’s either barely morning or barely night by the look of the natural light flooding the room. You lay there confused for a moment and then your memory comes back. Amanda. Certainly she didn’t spare you. Was this your heaven? Your afterlife? You try to sit up and groan. Your head is throbbing. Were you alive? If you were dead there would be no pain. Certainly Amanda didn’t spare you.
“Oh thank God you’re awake.” Damon’s voice was loud. He watched you grimace. “Yeah I’m not surprised that you have a headache.”
“Damon...what happened?” He sauntered over and sat on the edge of the bed. “Well Sugar Plum. Stefan finally broke up with Amanda. She apparently blamed you. She attacked you after you passed out. LuckilyStefan and I decided to check on you. Amanda is dead. I ripped her head off. Stefan is pissed at you though.” You took a moment to absorb what Damon had told you. “Wait- why is he mad at me?!” “Because you spent so much energy practicing Mama Klaus’ spells. You weakened yourself. If you hadn’t she would’ve been no match for you.” “I was in my own house by myself. I shouldn’t have to worry about some crazy bitch was going to try and eat me.” Before Damon could respond Stefan walked back into the room. Seeing that you were conscious he rushed to your side.
“Y/N...you’re awake. You’re okay. What were you thinking trying all of those spells on your own?!” You rolled your eyes.
“I’m going to just see myself out..” Damon quickly  fled before the two of you got into it.
“Stefan. I can do any spell I want to do. Practice anything I want to do without your permission. I was in my own house. I was going to take a bath and go to bed. I would have been FINE if that psycho hadn’t broken into my house” you huffed.
“Elijah said you were practicing complex spells to distract yourself but he wouldn’t tell me from what.”
“Because it’s not his business to tell you. If I wanted you to know I would have told you myself.” Your words visibly stung him. You were going to kill Elijah. This was his way of trying to push you to tell Stefan.
“Y/N...I...I’m so...I’m sorry Amanda did that to you. She took her anger at me out on you or she was trying to hurt me by hurting you.”
“No. Stefan, no. She blamed me for your break up and decided that she could win you back if I was gone.”
“I never told her I was breaking up with her for you.”
“She said I was obsessed with you. If anything I’ve pulled away since the two of you started dating.”
“I know. Why is that Y/N?” You swallowed.
“Because you loved her and she hated me.”
“I didn’t love her. I made myself think I did, but I didn’t. You should have known that. You would have if you hadn’t pulled back.”
“Sooooo it’s MY fault you stayed with her?”
“What?! No! That’s not what I meant.” Stefan watched you pinch the bridge of your nose. “Why are things so difficult between us? What changed?” You sighed deeply.
“I changed.” You confessed. Clearly things were already ruined. There was no reason to hold back anymore.
“What does that mean, you changed?” Stefan had taken your hand.
“My feelings. My feelings for you changed. I starting feeling more than friendship for you but you were with Elena and then you weren’t but I didn’t want to be a rebound. And then Amanda came along and I’m not the type to break up a relationship. So I pulled back because it hurt too much not to. I’m in love with you. And I know that changes everything and I don’t even know if we can still be friends-“ before you could finish your ramble you felt Stefan’s lips against yours and his hands roaming your torso. When he finally pulled away he rested his forehead against yours.
“I never should have been with Amanda. It’s you. It’s always been you. I’m so in love with you. I think I always have been. Even with Elena I knew I should have been with you. I’m sorry it took me so long to realize it. And I’m sorry that it got you hurt.” You could feel the tears in yours eyes as you cupped his face and kissed him again. You knew in that moment everything would work out.
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pitubea1910 · 6 years
“We kissed. Now it’s weird”
Pairing: Damon Salvatore x Reader
Words: 3893
Warnings: alcohol, teasing.
Tags: -
Notes: -
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Everything felt normal. It was a snowy cold day of January, the heat was on to keep you from freezing overnight, your clothes were scattered around the floor, the light came through the windows and the clock on the wall said it was 6 a.m. Although everything felt quite normal, you weren't feeling that way. You had spent a huge portion of the night lying there, on your double size bed, with the covers up to your chest and your arms above them, looking at the crack in the ceiling of your room. Trying to assimilate the events of last night. *** "It's not that simple" Damon said for the third time. You rolled your eyes and got up from the couch of the Salvatore library. You had been there for nearly an hour, a long and agonizing hour, going over the same plan over and over again. You had all memorised it to the perfection but it still wasn't enough for Damon. 
"It's just a birthday party, Damon, let it go" you repeated for the third time as well.  "Yeah, you're worse than me" Caroline said getting up as well. "It's Alaric's first birthday since he came back from the Other Side, I just want everything to work out" Damon defended himself. "Look, Damon, as sweet as it is to see you so worried about your best friend's birthday, we're tired and we're going home" Elena said when she and Bonnie got up as well. "You live here" Damon pointed out looking at Elena. "And that's why I'll be the first to get in bed" she shrugged.  Damon saw there was nothing else he could do, so with a sigh he just looked how everyone walked out of the library, leaving him alone. Groaning he turned around to pour himself another glass of bourbon but stopped himself when he saw you there. "Aren't you leaving?" He asked. "Huh? Oh yeah" you replied looking around since you couldn't find your phone anywhere. "I'm just looking for-" "This?" You looked at Damon who picked your phone up from the liquors table. "Oh, yeah" you smiled grateful and made your way towards him to get it. But just when you were about to take the device from his hand, he took a step back as a smirk appeared on his face. "Damon, it's late, I want to go home so give me my phone" you sighed. "I just want to talk to you for a moment" he said putting your phone in his back pocket. "Can't we talk tomorrow?" You asked sort of annoyed. "Tomorrow we will be too busy getting everything ready and I don't think there will be a single moment to be alone, so no" he answered simply.  "Damn, you're annoying" you said with a groan. "Okay, what do you want?"  "What happened the other night?" He asked. The moment he dropped the bomb you knew what he was talking about. A few nights ago you had fought against Kai and you had lost because of your weakness. He had managed to get his hands on Damon and was more than willing to kill him unless you told him where his family was. None of you wanted to give him such information because you all knew what he wanted: to take all the magic from them. That would mean he would be way too powerful for you to handle him so he couldn't know. However, the moment he shoved his hand into Damon's chest you completely lost it and spilled all the beans, saving Damon's life but also giving Kai the key to become more powerful than ever before.  "What are you talking about?" You asked as you felt your heart beating faster. "You saved my life" he stated taking a step towards you. "Even though that meant letting Kai get all that magic and probably kill us all. You still chose to save my life despite all the times you've claimed to hate me"  "I don't hate you Damon, I just don't...like your methods sometimes. That doesn't mean I want you dead" you shrugged.  "Then why your heart is about to explode the closer I get to you?" He teased as he took another step closer, proving his point.  You clenched your jaw but managed not to look away from him, even when his blue eyes were hammering yours merciless as he got even closer so your chests were against each other. "What are you doing?" You whispered as you felt your hands getting sweaty. "You know, that's the fun about humans" he mumbled, running his fingertips over your cheek and down your neck. "You're so damn obvious: elevated heartbeat, dilated pupils, sweaty hands..." He said taking one of your hands. "All you had to do was say it" he smirked. "Say what?" You whispered, getting lost in his eyes, getting caught in them.  "That you've loved me all this time" he whispered before closing the distance between you two and kissing you slowly, his hands on your neck burning your skin as you felt like your whole body was about to explode.  *** Damon had kissed you. And you had kissed him back. And it had been epic. Of course you hadn't seen him since that moment. When you two pulled away from the kiss, you were too shocked to say anything, so you just walked out of the library, going back inside a few seconds ago to get your damn phone from his back pocket, and left the house to go home. You didn't even know how to manage to drive all the way and make it to your bed, everything felt like a blur but there you were, almost in the same position as you were when you first got in bed. Ever since you met Damon you thought you had hidden your feelings quite well. Obviously you hadn't taken into account the physical signs of falling in love with someone. It wouldn't be a problem if he was a normal person, but of course Damon would use those signs against you. What you didn't understand was what he got out of it, why point them out? Why kissing you? What was the point?  Before you could keep on thinking you sat up and left your bed, going straight to the bathroom as you tried to listen to any sound from downstairs. Although it was very likely that you were alone as usual. Both your parents were lawyers and they spent the greatest part of the year travelling around the country, in meetings and conferences and all that stuff you didn't really care about. Being an only child meant that you had grown up practically alone, you had met more babysitters than friends along your life if you were honest, which was quite sad but you were used to it. The situation had helped you to be the strong, independent woman you were at that moment in your life.  You took a shower and got dressed before checking your phone to see a text from Elena saying you were supposed to be at the Salvatore mansion in an hour. You bit your lip thinking that you would be seeing him again in no time. You had no idea how he would behave, but that was one of the things you loved about him: he was unpredictable. Every moment with him felt like an adventure.  Yet you found yourself sitting in your car, in front of the Salvatore mansion, for five whole minutes when you arrived, trying to gather the courage to get off the vehicle and walk into the house. Your heart was hammering against your chest, you felt literal butterflies in your stomach and a knot in your throat. You truly believed you had never been so nervous before.  A sudden knock on your window made you jump on your seat. You looked to the side and saw Bonnie looking at you confused. Taking some deep breaths to calm yourself you opened the door. "Are you okay?" She asked when you get off the car. "Yeah, you just scared me" you smiled a little.  "But what were you doing in the car?" She asked raising an eyebrow. "Nothing, just checking my phone" you shrugged before taking your bag from the car and locking it. Bonnie was far from satisfied with your answer and she would be a fool if she believed you, but she could also see how nervous you were so she decided not to push you. At least for now.  You two walked into the house once you found out the door was open and made your way straight to the living room to leave your bags before going to the library where Damon wanted to have the party. Caroline and Stefan were already putting up some decorations when you walked in. "Hey there!" Caroline said happily. "Take those balloons and start blowing them up" she ordered. She just loved planning events, it didn't matter if it was a high school dance or a birthday party, she would feel like fish in the water when planning an event. "Please, tell me these are not those spelling golden balloons" you laughed as soon as you took one that definitely looked like an A. "Of course they are!" She exclaimed happily.  Bonnie and you shared a look before she took another one. You already knew better than fighting Caroline when it came to these things. It was definitely way better to stay silent and do as you were told. "Caroline I think I was clear about those spelling balloons" the voice you were terrified to hear suddenly said. You looked at the door for a moment to see Elena and Damon coming in, carrying a box with what sounded like it had bottles inside. "And I chose to ignore you" Caroline simply replied. "What did you bring?" She asked coming over to where they had put the boxes. "A bit of everything" Elena said. "Gin, vodka, whiskey, rum..." "And extra Bourbon, of course" Damon said with a huge smile. "What about the beer?" Stefan asked from the other side of the room. "The delivery guy will bring it later" Elena informed. "Oh my God" Bonnie laughed when she walked towards where they were. "How many people have you invited? There's booze here for half the town" "We know some of us drink more than others" Damon said with a smirk as his eyes travelled to you. "I brought this for you", he added taking one of the bottles and making his way over you. "Your favourite gin" he said. "Oh..." You mumbled suddenly nervous as you took the bottle from him so you had something to look at that weren’t his bright blue eyes. "Thanks. That was...nice of you" you smiled at him. "We can share it" he said with a smirk. "I thought you were a Bourbon kind of guy" you found yourself flirting back wearing the same smirk as he did. "I can definitely change that for a night" he said raising his eyebrows, making you blush. "I bet you can..." You mumbled looking away from him when his gaze became too intense. "Thanks for the bottle" you added giving it back to him before taking another balloon.  Damon smirked as he saw you walking away from him just to put some distance between you two. It was obvious how nervous you were around him, now more than before, and he was planning on using it. Getting to you was way too easy and now that he had confirmed your feelings towards him, he wasn't going to stop until you were his.  "What was that?" Elena asked when Damon went back to where she stood with Bonnie and Caroline, watching your interaction. "Just some chit chat between friends" he smirked putting the bottle back in the box. "I'm gonna take the cups from the car" he said before abandoning the room. The girls looked at each other and made sure Damon was out of the room before hurrying over you. You were animadly talking to Stefan when you saw the three girls practically running towards you. "What was that between you and Damon?" Caroline asked immediately. You looked at Stefan who just laughed a little and turned around to keep on putting up decorations, not wanting to be involved in the third grade you were about to suffer. "What?" You asked suddenly blushing. "We all saw it, (Y/N), he was obviously flirting with you" Bonnie said. "And you were flirting back!" Caroline exclaimed, eager to have some juicy gossip to talk about. "Just calm down", Damon said waking back in the room. "We just kissed and now it's weird" he shrugged like it was nothing, which just made you blush even more. After dropping the bomb he just went back out of the room, probably to go and get another box from the car. You gulped when Elena, Bonnie and Caroline stared at you in disbelief. You could also feel Stefan's eyes on your back. "What?" You asked innocently. "Now you know" you shrugged. 
The party was being as huge as you expected. You imagined half the people who was there didn't really know Ric and had gone just for the booze and the beer. Maybe some of them were compelled. But the people that mattered was there and that's what was really important. There was people everywhere in the house -except upstairs of course-, the music was blasting through the speakers, everyone was either dancing or taking and laughing, even Ric had blown the candles. Everything was going as planned. "Happy birthday, Ric!" You said when you finally had a moment alone (ish) with him. You wrapped an arm around him before taking a drunken step back. "I hope you're having a good time." "I can't believe you planned all of this" he said before looking around. "Although I must admit I don't know half the people here." "I'm sorry buddy, it's not like you're the most likeable person in town" Damon said showing up out of nowhere as usual.  "And you are?" You laughed looking at the vampire. "Some people like me more than others, don't you think?" He smirked leaning against the nearest column.  "I doubt it" you teased before bringing your cup up to your mouth and taking a sip from it not breaking eye contact with Damon. "Enjoy the party, Ric" you said before turning around and getting lost among the crowd. "What was that?" Ric asked Damon. The tension between you two had been so obvious that it could be felt even after you left.  "Let's say that the game is on, buddy" Damon smirked and finished his drink before following your steps.  Finding you was way too easy. You were at the booze table, pouring some of the gin Damon had brought for you into your cup. He laughed quietly when he saw you putting the bottle under the table so you were the only one using it. "Not the sharing type huh?" He said using his vampire speed to stand just behind you, way too close.  "It was a present from a friend" you smirked when you felt him pressing his body against yours. "A special friend?" He asked running his hand up your arm and to your neck, sending shivers down your spine when he pulled your hair away to leave your neck fully exposed to his lips.  You turned around, feeling your whole body on fire and, using all your will power, you pushed him slightly away. He looked at you surprise but a playful smile soon appeared on his face. "He's a jerk actually" you said as a smile appeared on your face as well. "But he's hot as fuck" you added before walking away from him. You knew you had to blame the alcohol for the way you were acting but you had to admit you were kind of proud of how you were handling the situation. You were beating Damon in his own game, even though you were 100% sure you were going to end up getting burned and tomorrow you would regret this, but at that moment you just felt like keep on going with your game. Once again, Damon saw you walking away from him, feeling how his hand burned after touching you. He had always felt attracted to you but, after he had kissed you last night, he found himself not being able to stop thinking about you. He wanted to feel your lips again, your tongue playing with his, your hands messing with his hair, your body pressed against his, heat irradiating from you, your heartbeat against his chest. He needed more from you or he would go crazy. 
Pushing yourself away from Damon was getting harder and harder every time he approached you. It looked like he was determined to be with you that night and it wasn't like you didn't want it. But you also didn't want to give in so easily. If this was going to be just a one night stand for him, you wanted to make sure he remembered it for a very long time. So every time he came to you, with that flirty smile that made you forget everything for a few moments, you managed to keep up with his game, flirting and teasing back, always leaving him a bit more turned on every time. 
"Are you going to run away forever?" Damon asked behind your back. The guests were starting to leave the party and everything was much more calmed, so you had taken that opportunity to walk to the backyard to get some air. Of course it didn't take Damon any time to follow you. Just the sound of his voice made your stomach twist and a smile appeared on your face. "I'm not running away" you replied turning around to look at him. You were still a bit tipsy, enough to be brave enough to keep on playing a bit longer. "I'm just making you work for whatever it is that you want, Damon."  "Why? Don't you want it?" He asked walking over you until he was dangerously close once again. "Don't you want me?" He whispered. "I do" you admitted. "But you're way too used to getting your way easily and I'm not going to be another one on your very long list" you shrugged.  "You're not just another one" he said with a frown. That was the last thing he wanted you to think and he felt like an idiot for making you believe such thing. "If I just wanted to get laid I could've picked any random girl in this house tonight, but I've been after you the whole time. Doesn't that mean something to you?"  "Are you telling me that the fact that you didn't fucked anyone tonight is your way of showing me that you care?" You chuckled. "You'll have to do better than that, Damon. You know how I feel about you. I won't settle for less" you shrugged.  "You want the whole package?" He frowned. "Hearts? Flowers? Sunday brunches?"  The sudden turn of the conversation into something so serious took you completely off guard. You were ready to flirt, to tease, to play. You weren't ready for this and you needed much more alcohol and much more time to ever be ready. "What I want is to go to sleep it off" you quickly said, trying to walk pass him but he grabbed you by your arm. "You're not running away anymore, (Y/N)", he stated. "I'm done playing games."  You looked down at his hand touching your arm and then at him, gulping the lump in your throat. This was supposed to be easy. You were going to flirt with him until neither of you could take it any longer and you would end up in his room fucking each other's brain out. This kind of conversation wasn't in your plans, not in the slightest, and you had no idea what to say.  "I'm not playing, Damon" you managed to say. "I'm just trying to..." you couldn't even finish the sentence. You didn’t even know when you were trying to say.  "To keep on hiding what you feel?" He asked raising an eyebrow as he let go of your arm. "What's the point?" "Are you trying to tell me you feel the same?" You raised an eyebrow as well. "C'mon, Damon... I know you, you're not exactly romance material" he laughed a little and nodded his head looking away. "You're right. I'm not Stefan, I'm not into romance, I don't know how to be the Prince Charming every single girl seems to want" he said looking at you again. "I know how to be me, how to be selfish, how to get my way no matter what" he shrugged. "But I also know that there's something that keeps pulling me towards you every time I see you" "Why would I buy that?" You scoffed. "Because you feel it too" he stated placing a hand on your cheek. "Every time we touch is there. That fire that can consumes us if we let it happen... It's there waiting to set us both on fire" he looked down at your lips and then back at your eyes. "And you'd be lying to both of us if you said you don't feel it or that you didn't feel it last night when I kissed you, because you and I know that you haven't been able to stop thinking about it since it happened" You found yourself completely speechless. You had never expected such declaration from him, not even in a million years. You didn't know how to react. All you knew was that every cell of your body was screaming at you to kiss him. Yet you couldn't find the courage to do it.
"You're not the only one who wants the whole package, (Y/N)" he kept on talking. "I don't know what this is but it makes me want to be with you in every possible way" he admitted. "I'm not ready to analyse my feelings towards you, and you can be sure I won't bring you flowers nor chocolates 'cause that's not me" he smiled, making you smile as well. "But I want to give it a try."
 You looked into his eyes, slowly processing everything he had just said, which wasn't an easy job. Believing him wasn't easy, but deep down you knew he was saying the truth. You had no idea why, but you knew it. You were much more to Damon Salvatore than just a one night stand and you would be crazy if you didn't give it, whatever it was, a try.
"Please, say something" he begged, his hand still on your cheek.
"I say..." you whispered taking a step closer, "I'm done waiting, Damon. I don't want flowers nor chocolates from you" you shrugged. "I just want you" you bit your lip.
Damon eyes lighted up before he cupped your whole face in his hands and pulled you closer, crashing his lips against yours in a hungry kiss that the two of you had been waiting ever since you left the house the previous night.
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feelsgoodink · 6 years
His Favorite Flavor ( Klaus Mikaelson x Reader ) **SEQUEL TO HIS FAVORITE COLOR
Warnings; severe insecurity, body negativity. please understand that you are beautiful and that I am not shaming anyone who relates to this as I wrote this from personal opinion and experience. Never hesitate to talk to me!💕
PART ONE; https://feelsgoodink.tumblr.com/post/176767974414/his-favorite-color-klaus-mikaelson-x-reader
THE SPIN-OFF; https://feelsgoodink.tumblr.com/post/177064720044/her-fatal-flaw-klaus-mikaelson-x-reader
You had tried to keep your promise to Klaus, despite the way you knew there were parts of him not nearly as honorable as his brother Elijah, desperately you tried to shut out all your thoughts of doubt and insecurity.
However, as you layed in bed and let the soft sounds of your radio whisper tunes in your ear, you found yourself trying to justify the things he had said, debunk them, make yourself believe that he was lying. Maybe he was using flattery as a ploy to distract you.
Why were you so dumb? Dumb enough to open your heart to Klaus when in the same second he could and most likely would of held it in his hands? His oddly soft hands, that in your hair felt like a gentle comb, soothingly and caring. With your head crying into his chest, he very well could of snapped your neck or crushed your skull, and even though you wanted to dwell on that fact, all you could think about was the simple fact that he didn't.
You were always reminded of you how weak you were by the way you caught yourself thinking- and your thoughts made you feel pathetic. You had caught yourself daydreaming, pondering, trying to get close to the feeling of your body in his arms as if it were a craving. How could someone become addicted to something they only tried once? Maybe you understood drugs now.
You were starting to understand several things, as you concluded. But at the same time that certain parts of humanity had began to make sense, everything beyond it had started to become even more of a blur, so confusing, and you felt like you knew nothing. You were clueless. You were helpless.
Helpless. Helplessly, you tried to keep your promise, but to no avail.
You looked in the mirror again. On Sunday, you gazed upon your legs, covered loosely by velour burgundy shorts, and you thought that the red splotches on them were competing with the cover of the fabrics. On Monday, you got out of the shower and let your towel drop onto the rug. For a moment, you tried to appreciate the way that your curves sharply pointed in from your waist to your hips, the crease made you feel as if you might be "thick" or "bodacious". You giggled at the world bodacious and your smile stayed for a few seconds before you slumped your shoulders and saw the way the rolls of your skin folded over on your ribs. In that moment, you knew you had failed the original hybrid.
You stood from your bed and began to rummage through the dresser drawers. The pieces of furniture were probably much, much older than you were, because they belonged firstly to the Salvatore's. Your apparent housemates.
You pulled out a pair of black leggings and made note of the rips in the thighs. You picked out a long-sleeve brown and white striped t-shirt that was three sizes too big and slipped it over you. Your hair was up in a tired, lazy bun.
You walked out of your bedroom, not wanting to spend another moment in there looking at yourself. In your hand was your journal, you had been keeping a diary for about three years now, it was something you, Elena, even Stefan did. You were sure their's were far more interesting and exciting than yours.
Because you, for the most part, were on the outskirts of all the action.
Your diary was a dark plum purple and the pages were college-ruled, the front was covered in silver sequins that when turned over, turned into a shadowy black color. It looked like something from Claire's, which, you'd be lying if you said it wasn't from there.
Writing the date in the corner, you judged your handwriting internally and began to scribble words onto the lines.
I hate the way I feel in my own skin. I feel like I am drowning in my own body, and there's too much room in my brain for my thoughts to run wild. If only I could let it all out.
You remembered how vampires could turn off their emotions when it got too much for them, and you wondered if that was how Damon found himself to of gotten so confident. Besides being built and sculpted like a greek God, that was. Surely even the prettiest people had insecurities, right? Everyone did. You knew that.
I've come to realize that there has never been nor will there ever be a feeling more exhilarating then the way it feels to be held. I think I finally know what love feels like. Not a platonic or filial love, but a romantic love. Not that I'm in love, but I felt it in my chest when he held me and it took away every other feeling I had. It felt like I could breath again, but it also felt like I couldn't catch my breath even if I tried. It was beautiful.
Klaus had told you that you were a work of art, and that almost warmed your chest as you peered down at the paper and remembered the things he said. You let the pen rest on the pages and you closed your eyes, leaning against the sofa with your body pressed into the age-old cushions.
The doorway to the Salvatore house crashed like lightning as both doors swung open, you nearly jumped from your seat from being so startled. Like a bullet, whatever opened the door can hurdling toward the living room.
Finally appearing as a concrete figure and not a blurred apparition, stood Klaus now, he was covered in blood and what appeared as parts of intestines. The appearance of gore made your knees lock with fear as you swallowed back the lump in your throat. He was angry, obviously red with fury and his jaw was clenched as if it was locked from the inside and he had swallowed the key himself. It didn't appear as if he was looking for you. As he usually wasn't.
"Klaus- I-" You started, but the glare in his eyes told you that you should be silent, and so you were. You simply kept trying to stare into his eyes and not at the blood on his arms, or the tiny red splatters on his face. The drops on his oddly pink lips that weren't complete meaning this wasn't just a feeding frenzy. You felt as if you knew that if you were to find out anything, he would tell you on his own time. And he had eternity.
Niklaus stepped back and let his shoulders rest. His narrowed eyebrows raised to a natural position and his expression softened as he saw the obvious fear in you. He wasn't over what he was mad over, not in the slightest. He had just killed all he had if his hybrid army and the only way he could make more... was with the cure. He knew that in order to get that, the mark would have to be completed, although it didn't change the fact that he hated waiting.
"(Y/N), you asked me how I handled the guilt and the death that came with my gains and I promised that you would know that answer." Klaus was speaking fast, and his accent was making some words hard to understand but the obvious rage that was laced in them was unmistakable.
Klaus stepped closer. For a vampire, everything is heightened. Was that even more so for an original who was also a werewolf? You could never tell.
"I don't. I don't handle it. I suppress it and I simply ignore it. Until, something like this happens. Until Tyler Lockwood decides that he wants to overthrow everything I have worked for for over a thousand years, pined over for days on end, dreamt about- oh love, I've only focused on the gains. Not the guilt. Not the death. But now I simply cannot ignore it any longer." He was spitting with some of the words he exclaimed, his composure was completely gone in this moment.
You noticed underneath all that furiosity, seemed to be an aching pain. A twisting loneliness.
"what... what did Tyler do?" You asked. His left eye twitched and you rephrased the question. "What did you do?"
He let out a laugh that could not of been any less sincere. It was terrifying, devious, almost to a comical point as you noticed moisture lining his lower lashline.
"I've had to take out my hybrids, as they were no longer sired to me. I had to chase them all down and I ripped out their hearts from their chest and squeezed the blood from it until it's very last beat. I have beheaded one, watched as her head rolled from her neck to the ground and still conveyed terror on her face-" His rant began again. You didn't want to listen, and he seemed like he didn't really want to tell you.
"Stop it." You told him. He was surprised by your sudden and abrupt response. "Excuse me?" He said.
"Reliving it won't help you. It will only make you more miserable. If you keep thinking about the thing that makes you upset.. it's only worse on you." You said, in differently, calmly. But it was obvious you were talking about something on a smaller scale than the murder of twelve hybrids.
Klaus let out an exhale as the realization of what your statement meant set in. He crossed his blood-stained arms. "You haven't kept your promise to me, have you love?" He watched as your eyes fell to the floor and then caught back up the what you could see of yourself from your eyes down, not being able to see far over your tummy, you bit your lip and that was all the answer he needed.
"Normally, I would be infuriated by the lack of honor in you giving me your word. But I should not of put my faith in you to change a habit that has brewed for so long. I will say, that you are so very, very wrong in thinking the way that you do. I stand by what I told you." You were a distraction from his main problem, and he didn't even know he really wanted a diversion. But now his mind was clouded with the idea of convincing you that you were beautiful.
"How do I know you aren't planning something, manipulating me? How do I know that I can believe a word you say? You think that I'm a work of art? That I should be in a museum rather than locked away in this house playing Rapunzel?" You thought of the fairytale and thought it was a bad analogy. "There's no prince for me to let down my hair for, there is no mother to want me for my hair, I will never be important to anyone, never any use to Elena, or even Jeremy. So what makes you think that I will just believe that I am anything but a pawn in your little game of chess?!" Dear God. You were crying again.
This time, Klaus didn't speak, did not try to combat your arguements with words, maybe he did not have the right amount of mind to muster a lingual reply. You felt a newly familiar electricity as his hand came in contact with your jaw and held your face tightly, before a new sensation touched and silenced any more venom from your throat.
Klaus Mikaelson had kissed you. He was kissing you. His lips were soft and though there were the faintest amount of blood on them all you could focus on was the way it felt. You felt all the words crawling back into your skin through the underneath of your fingernails as your fingers clenched into a fist and you let out a whimper.
You kissed him back. Needingly, desperately, as if he was your last dying breath and you were bringing it back to your lungs. He grabbed you by the soft skin on your hips and he pulled you closer to him, his strength was obvious and undeniable. You felt oddly pleased knowing that this was your first kiss.
"Answer me this, love." He breathlessly muttered on your mouth as his lips parted from yours only for a moment. He popped them back together and then pulled apart again. "What about this feeling that you're feeling right now, warrants any sense of dishonesty?" His charming dialect had returned. He loved the way your lips felt and he loved the way they tasted on his, not in the way he tasted the blood he drank, but to him you were a fine wine, aged to perfection.
He was right. Nothing about this felt dishonest, fact of the matter was, it was the realest thing you had ever felt, it was the strongest feeling you'd ever had, it was exuberant, and it made you feel... it made you feel beautiful.
The hands on your hips made you glad there was enough to hold onto, for his fingers to sink into as he pulled you into him. It was sensual, and that was fine by you.
You brought his lips back to yours quickly and pressed harder against him, his chuckles vibrated against your mouth. "How does this make you feel?" He asked, pulling the two of you apart for longer than fifteen seconds. You could feel your cheeks getting rosy.
"Beautiful." You mumbled. He grinned, letting his thumb pressed down your now swollen bottom lip. "Then it cannot be far from the truth." He told you. You thought you might be melting.
It was in that moment, that you realized that you would eventually have to try and appreciate yourself more, maybe even like yourself. But right now, you didn't feel useless, you didn't feel hideous, or a burden, and right now you had come to realize that you were falling hopelessly, hopelessly in love with Klaus Mikaelson.
And maybe he might be there to catch you.
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cuddlyklaus · 6 years
unlikely || Damon Salvatore
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Bonnie, Caroline and Elena had been your best friends for a while now; you had moved from England when they started high school and you just happened to be what they were looking for in a new best friend.
The four of you all brought something to the friendship equation - Bonnie was the level-headed one and always knew when you guys had gone too far, Elena was optimistic and somehow managed to find a way to see the light in all the wickedness that surrounded you, Caroline pushed all of you to still have fun and act your age because as she always says “We live in Mystic Falls, we can’t let our lives waste away only to be murdered in a mysterious ‘animal attack’!”. And then there was you, newly adopted into the close-knit family of girls, you were grateful but you were sure at first it was just because there was a “Cool new British girl in school”, they had taken a liking to you immediately and invited you to have lunch with them. A few weeks later, Bonnie suggested that you join the cheer squad with them because if Caroline was forcing them into it, “Surely that means you’re included too Y/N. We’re a package deal right?”. Ever since then, the four of you had been inseparable - like a toddler and their favourite blanket. You single handedly managed to think of solutions for all their problems; you even stopped every single one of their arguments before they went too far. This perfect balance of personalities is what kept you so close and sealed the deal of your love for eachother.
So when they first came into contact with the supernatural world, you was thrust into it alongside them. It was completely bizarre to you at first and you did not want to believe a single thing you heard or saw, but eventually you grew accustomed to what was happening all around you; the nightmares finally stopped and you even made friends with Stefan and Damon. Although everyone was happy that you got on with Stefan, they were not so sure about Damon - nobody really trusted him but you didn’t have it in your heart to completely exclude him from your life.
At first you would just try to involve him in the conversations that the ‘gang’ had about “supernatural pests” as you liked to call them. As time progressed, Damon started to notice the effort you were putting in just for him despite your friends’ disapproval - he appreciated it immensely, especially because his own brother couldn’t forgive him for the things he had done. Your kindness allowed an unexpected friendship to blossom; the innocent human and the big bad vampire. It started with you just saying “Hello!” and asking how he was when you went to visit Stefan, then you started to visit more often as Elena practically lived there now and Caroline was a newly turned vampire. Those friendly greetings turned into sporadic conversations when you passed in the hallway or crossed paths in the kitchen; one time he caught you sneaking ice cream out of the freezer which lead to a whole forty minute conversation about all the delicacies he had tried across the world, besides the human blood. Eventually the two of you shared a plethora of inside jokes which nine times out of ten left anybody who heard your conversation confused as to what you could even remotely be speaking about. Some nights you would join him at the Mystic Grill and eat some cheese fries whilst he enjoyed his drink - Matt would left confused as to what you guys even had left to talk about considering how much time you spent together. Finally you reached the point in your friendship where you most likely knew everything about the other, no boundaries and definitely no judging.
Despite being close to Damon, you still had plenty of time left for your girls. Damon was often shoved out of your apartment to allow you and the girls space to gossip and study. Much to your dismay, gossiping was the favourable choice in their eyes; it’s not that you didn’t enjoy gossiping (because who doesn’t) but they liked to gossip about each other with each other.
One night Elena had arrived early and decided to help you with making the triple chocolate cookies - with no shame you admitted you had already been nibbling at the mixture so only ten out of the twelve cookies actually made it to the oven.
“So, tell me Y/N. How is the infamous Damon doing? Is he treating you well.” she giggled.
You let out a light-hearted sigh and poked her in the side for asking such a silly question, “Elena! You ask as if we’re a married couple, we’re friends. Plus you’ve been dating his brother for how many years now? I think you know he’s a good person when surrounded by good people.” you explained.
She smiled at you and said, “I’ll take that as a ‘Yes he is treating me well’ then.”
A few minutes passed before Caroline and Bonnie entered your apartment holding plastic bags which undoubtedly contained piles of junk food that none of you needed - it would probably last in your cupboards for about two months, you always seemed to over buy on your fortnightly sleepovers. You engulfed each other in a giant group hug before you shuffled off to the kitchen to get the cookies that smelled a bit over cooked from where you were standing.
Hours had gone by and you were now the only one left awake; leave it to you to eat so much sugar that you can’t sleep. Your body started to involuntarily fidget as you became impatient with your own restlessness. The sleek, metallic phone in your lap began to vibrate and you silently thanked God that you now had something to do - an excuse as to why you were awake at this ungodly hour. Looking down at your phone, the name Damon flashed across it along with a cute selfie you forced him to take with you.
You answered the call without a second thought, “Hey, Damon. What’s wrong?” you questioned in a hushed voice.
“Sorry, did I wake you up Y/N. I was going to ask if i could come over, but I’ll just let you sleep -”
“No no, I was awake anyway. I’ll come to you since the girls are sleeping here and I don’t have much space left in my apartment.”, you reasoned.
“You don’t have to, especially if the girls are there. I’ll just speak to you tomorrow.”
“Damon. You called me at 3:14 in the morning, it must be important to you and that sure as hell is a good enough reason for me to leave my apartment. I will be there in fifteen tops.” You ended the phone call before he could protest again.
Deciding to leave on your sleeping shorts, you put a bra on and slipped a hoodie on top of your cami top - you popped on some converses and was ready to go. You quickly jotted down a note saying where you were and left it on Bonnie’s pillow knowing she would be the first to wake up.
The drive to the Salvatore house was short considering nobody was driving at three in the morning, and you walked straight past the front door up to Damon’s room since all the doors in this house were never locked - not smart if they wanted your opinion. Damon was laying on his bed staring at the ceiling, still wide awake. You removed your shoes and hoodie before assuming the same position right next to him.
“Thanks for coming.” He murmured as he turned his head towards you.
“No problem but do you wanna tell me what’s wrong?”
“I would love to, the problem is I’m not actually sure what’s wrong with me either.” He seemed embarrassed and you hated that, it’s not nice know someone so close to you felt so out of place in their own skin.
“Why don’t we have a snuggle and you can try to describe to me what it feels like?” You offered. To no surprise at all, his arms were wrapped around you in an instant and your legs were tangled. This wasn’t out of routine for you and Damon - although usually these hugs were used to cure your sadness, not his.
“I guess the only way I can describe it is that I feel as if I can’t feel any emotions,” he started, “but it’s not like when I have my humanity off - that is one hundred percent more fun, trust me. I think all my emotions are there, I just can’t seem to fully connect with them. That sounded stupid didn’t it?”
“It wasn’t stupid at all - and remember we don’t judge each other. I think I have felt something similar before and Bonnie helped me through it.” you felt his muscles relax underneath you just at the thought of him knowing he wasn’t alone.
“You just need to ground yourself,” you explained, “feel the sheets under you, feel my skin against yours, feel yourself breathing. You need to let yourself realise you are still here, Damon. You’ll find your thoughts and emotions melding back into one manageable ball that is no longer overwhelming you.” You spoke softly, calmly.
Minutes (maybe even an hour, you couldn’t really tell anymore) passed in a perfect silence before Damon pressed a light hiss to your forehead.
“Y/N, you must be a genius, a witch even, because that was purely magical.” He praised you.
You giggled at his comment, “I’m glad I could help. You were only gone for a short while but emotionless Damon was kind of a bore...” You joked.
Damon gasped, acting offended, “I’m sure annoying Damon is glad to be back too.” He smirked as he began to tickle you - he was relentless, you could barely catch your breath through all of the laughing.
“Damon, quit it or I’ll bite you!” You tried to wriggle your way out of the situation - you felt bad because you must have woken Stefan up.
“Wow Y/N, kinky! But you do realise I am a vampire so I do all the biting around here? I’ve even got the fangs to prove it.” He teased.
There was no doubt you would be knackered the next day, but in the moment you were so filled with joy and content that you completely forgot about all of your responsibilities and decided to enjoy this drama free moment with Damon. Why wouldn’t you? They don’t come around all that often.
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notgoingtohappen · 7 years
Speak Now (Steroline Drabble)
Setting: Post 7x22.
Plot: AU where Steroline didn’t get back together and now it’s Caroline and Ric’s wedding day.
A/N: Sorry for the hiatus, college is overwhelming! And I promise to update RI soon too. I’m super rusty, hope you guys like this angsty fic!
Stefan could feel Damon’s exasperated gaze on him as he sat on the passenger side, staring numbly into space, the sinking feeling in his heart growing stronger by the minute.
“This isn’t a good idea. I think I’ll head back.” he muttered.
“Stop brooding, Stefan. You haven’t lost her yet. Anyone can see that still loves you, so straighten your tie, walk into the church and go get her back.”
Stefan looked at him wryly. “I’m not you. I have to respect her choice. Besides, I don’t know where we stand.”
His mind flashed back to the last few weeks, to Caroline refusing to meet his eyes, to him desperately trying to reach her, searching for some semblance of the friendship and love they once shared. But she’d built sky-high walls around her heart, and every blank smile, clipped conversation and carefully unfeeling glance sent a dagger through his heart. 
All he could do was keep trying to earn her forgiveness and show her he wasn’t going anywhere ever again.
He would have given up had it not been for that night at the armoury when he had come running out and she’d crashed into his arms and they’d just held each in relief. They stayed that way for minutes, like nothing had changed. When she finally pulled away he saw that under the conflict and pain in her eyes was the same love she’d always looked at him with, and that’s when he’d known she still cared about him.
So he had had hope when Damon had locked up the evil and everything was calm again. 
He thought maybe there was a gradual thaw, baby steps, when one morning she laughed at a joke he made and her eyes actually lit up. When she called him to babysit the girls once when everyone else was busy. When she didn’t get up and leave when he came and sat at her table at the Grill on seeing they were both eating alone.
He’d had hope until the invitation to her and Ric’s wedding showed up in the mail.
He didn’t blame her. He’d hurt her and three years was a long time to grow apart. But a part of him had thought that two immortals who had loved each other so long and so much would find their way back to each other no matter how long it took. He knew forgiveness was still far away, but he also knew Caroline Forbes. He knew what she was like when she loved someone. And he knew she didn’t love Alaric.
Or maybe that was wishful thinking.
A sudden knock on the car window jolted him out of his thoughts. Bonnie Bennett stood outside in a sundress, her hair in a towel.
Damon rolled down the window. “Bon! The big day’s finally here, huh? Shouldn’t you be getting dressed with the bride?”
Bonnie didn’t respond. Instead, she was watching Stefan intently.
Stefan sighed and leaned his head against the headrest. “You both go ahead. Don’t let me keep the best man and maid of honour. I’m fine.”
“Look, there are things that I feel as Caroline’s best and oldest friend that I can’t say as her maid of honour. So I will say this: as her best friend I know her better than most people, how much she deserves happiness, how much she deserves true love.”
Despite himself, the words he had said about her years ago flashed in his mind.
Better than true love.
“I’m not her only best friend, Stefan.” Bonnie said with a meaningful look.
Damon snorted. “Yeah, we know, her other best friend is different, he’s also the love of her life, and what Bonnie is too nice to say here is that you need to get your ass out of the car and into the church and tell her what you feel.”
“Don’t let this become something you both regret for the next few decades,” Bonnie added.
“You know, you’re both probably the worst best man and maid of honour ever.” Stefan said.
“We say it like it is, little brother.”
“See you inside.”
With that, the two of them walked away, leaving Stefan alone with his thoughts.
There were still hours to go. He didn’t know why he’d come early with Damon. He couldn’t even bring himself to enter the church.
He walked around the grounds, chatted with Enzo for a bit, and then walked some more before settling down with a book under a massive tree. He was just about to fall asleep in the drowsy, shady patch when he heard a voice behind him. A voice that instantly made his heart skip a beat.
“Bonnie, where are you? What? I had to come outside looking for you! Yeah, my hair is fine. No, I don’t even know where Matt and the girls are. Buy the lipstick and get back here fast!”
Stefan didn’t know what to do. She couldn’t see him behind the tree and he didn’t know if he could face her. Not like this. Not on her wedding day with someone else. 
He bitterly registered the irony of the situation: he’d spent weeks trying to get her to talk to him alone and now she was mere feet away and he was considering letting her walk by.
Heart beating faster, he stood up and stepped out from behind the tree.
The first thing he registered was that she literally looked like an angel. Her hair shone golden in the blinding sunlight, her silver silk robe gleamed, her blue eyes reflected the light blue sky. Even her skin glowed.
“Stefan?” Caroline was caught off guard, and for a moment he was talking to the old Caroline again, the one without all the walls.
“Hey.” was all he could manage.
“You look beautiful.” He blurted out.
Caroline blushed. “Thanks. I like your tux. Dressed already?”
“Yeah, I came with Damon.”
She nodded and looked away, and Stefan was scrambling for something, anything, to say to her. Time was closing in on him, and she looked stunning, and it was her wedding day, and she was talking to him without her usual distance and careful reserve.
“He’s with Bonnie. Last minute shopping.”
Stefan raised his eyebrows. “Seriously?”
“So incompetent.” They smiled knowingly at each other for a brief moment.
In that moment, they were just Stefan and Caroline again, standing alone among nature, two eternal teenagers dressed up for some town occasion. It could have been any year of high school or college.
But it wasn’t. It was her wedding, and there was history and heartbreak between them instead of friendship and love.
“Do you need anything?” He asked, trying to break the silence.
She looked up at him, and he thought he saw longing flashing in her eyes.
“Nope, just waiting for them to get back from the mall. I just… can’t believe this is my wedding day. I’d always imagined my parents would be there, Elena would be my bridesmaid, and–” she stopped suddenly and shook her head. “Sorry. I shouldn’t be saying this to you…”
“It’s fine, Caroline. We want everything to be perfect, but in our perfectly messed-up lives, they can’t always be.”
“Actually, they literally never are.” She agreed.
“As long as the good outweighs the bad, we’re okay. I hope this day is as perfect as it can be for you.” He said sincerely like his heart wasn’t being pulled apart at the strings.
She looked taken aback. “Thank you.”
He just had to know one thing. "Caroline…” he started.
“No,” She cut in.
He looked at her, his heart threatening to crack into two.
“Don’t ask me what you’re about to, Stefan.”
His jaw clenched but he nodded silently. Did she really know what he would have said?
As badly as he wanted to be with her, he wouldn’t have asked her to run away with him. It was too late for that. Bonnie had already explained to him over and over that she knew she was doing this for the girls. They all knew she didn’t love Alaric. Even Alaric did.  But Stefan didn’t know if she still loved him that way. Maybe she’d never trust him again or truly forgive him. 
“It’s a beautiful day.” He said instead.
“Yeah. July. It’s sunny.”
A memory rose up in his mind again, of one morning when they’d been lying curled up together in her dorm room and she’d told him that the day she’d met him she’d joked about marrying him in June.
She had looked away quickly like she regretted telling him that, but he’d pulled her close and kissed her and pretended to tease her for it, but was really marvelling at how right she’d been all those years ago.
Because he had bought a ring earlier that week that was going to save for their graduation day.
When he had to run from the Huntress, he’d taken it with him everywhere, hidden under clothes in his suitcase. When suitcases became too inconvenient, he wore it on a chain under his clothes. A reminder of who he’d lost. A reason to keep going.
He’d finally taken it off this morning.
“So I’m gonna go… see you later.” Caroline said.
“See you.” His voice cracked a little.
She started walking away and Stefan felt absolutely miserable. This was heartbreak he’d never felt before. He couldn’t live like this.
Just when he’d decided to get into his car and drive the hell out of Mystic Falls, Caroline turned around, a sad smile on her lips.
“About your question. I already told you the answer years ago.”
Stefan gave her a puzzled look, racking his brain.
“When I’m with you…” she whispered so softly that he almost missed it.
But they were both vampires with super-hearing, and they were both listening this time.
Are you happy?
“Speak now or forever hold your peace.” 
Somewhere deep down, Stefan registered the words. 
It was painful to watch Caroline standing at the altar with Alaric. There was no intimacy in their posture, no love in their eyes, just polite smiles that spoke of companionship and duty. The facade was crystal clear in front of the audience in this holy place. 
Stefan couldn’t tear his gaze away from Caroline. She was about to make a choice that would change everything forever, and here he was at her wedding like a fool, unable to stay away.
Just as the priest opened his mouth to continue, Caroline dropped her hands from Alaric’s and turned to look into the aisle. Her gaze went straight to Stefan without even having to scan the crowd.
Of course. Vampires with supernatural abilities, they were always aware of the other’s presence.
Her expression was raw. The look in her eyes communicated more than a thousand words ever could, and Stefan knew what his best friend was feeling like he was feeling it himself. Because he was.
Caroline was begging him to fight for her, and he stood up in an instant as everyone’s confused gaze fell from the altar to him.
“Caroline, don’t do this. We belong together. You’re my best friend, my light, the love of my life. You deserve true love, you deserve a June wedding. I’m all in. I’ll wait for you, I’ll never hurt you again, I’ll protect you forever. I love you.” Stefan’s voice broke.
Alaric took a step back, a sad smile on his lips. 
“Alaric, I-” Caroline started.
“It’s okay. I understand. I’ve been fooling myself too long. You-you completely turned my life around, Caroline. But I know you don’t love me… neither of us will be happy for the rest of my life.”
“I’m sorry” Caroline whispered, a tear running down her face. “I don’t want our daughters growing up with the shadow of the lie of their parent’s marriage like I did. I want them to believe in love. I want to believe in love.”
He nodded sadly. “They deserve better. We both deserve better. And you… you deserve to be happy. Go, be happy.”
Stefan stepped out into the aisle just as Caroline turned and ran down the steps and into his arms, her silky hair in his face, her arms around his neck. He pulled her closer never wanting to let go. The crowd around them fell away, and it was only the two of them in the universe.
“I missed you” she whispered.
“I love you” he repeated simply.
After what seemed like an eternity of holding each other, Stefan lifted her up and carried her out of the church, and they both vanished from view into the blinding haze of sunlight outside.
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geekofmanyforms · 4 years
New Beginning:Chapter Nineteen
A/N: I know it's been a while since I have updated and I'm sorry about that. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Please let me know what you think. That way I know there is still interest in this story. This chapter has been edited by my Beta Casey.
Jeremy's pencil scratched its way across the paper as he sketched yet another picture of a Bram Stoker-Esque vampire. I laid my cheek on the palm of my hand, my elbow sitting on the dining room table as I watched him. Inwardly I sighed, knowing it wouldn't be long before he started piecing together the missing memories that Damon had ripped from him. This was something I still found myself hating my own sister for from time to time, so I had no doubt Jeremy would feel the same for a while.
A small creak from the floor above caused both Jeremy and me to raise our heads, narrowing our eyes at the ceiling briefly in disgust and annoyance. We were both avidly avoiding the upstairs where Elena and Stefan were doing God only knows what.
Truthfully, I was grateful he was here, especially after he had shown me his little box of treasures — one which held vervain jewelry. Stefan had allowed me to pick out a green and black beaded rope bracelet for Jeremy. It would keep him safe from every mind control obsessed vampire that seemed to run rampant in this town. Still, I didn't like the idea that my sister could be getting her freak on only a floor above us.
My head jerked towards the door when a loud knock interrupted my thoughts. I laid my head down on my arms in silent protest. The door was just too far away, and I really wasn't in the mood to interact with the outside world. Jeremy laughed at my display of laziness and stood from his seat.
"I'll get it, Ellie,"
I stuck a thumb in the air and heard his feet move across the floor as he left the dining room. The front door opened, and the low deep voice of a man told Jeremy the total for the pizza. I ignored them and stood, heading into the kitchen to grab the plates. I could hear Jeremy yelling for Elena and shook my head with a smile. Everything felt so normal for once. When I came back, Elena was bounding down the stairs, her ponytail swaying as she all but hopped towards the door, money in hand. Jeremy brought the pizza to the table, and I helped him fill the plates, my mind a million miles away. I turned my head towards Elena and smiled when she came into the room with Stefan in tow.
They both had the most obvious expressions of satisfaction on their faces. I bit my lip, trying to keep to the laughter from my voice as I spoke.
"Ready to eat? I'm sure you both have worked up an appetite by now," I asked smoothly.
Jeremy, who had been taking a drink, coughed loudly liquid running down his chin as he tried to breathe. Stefan raised a brow as Elena sputtered indignantly, a patchy pink blush starting at her hairline and working its way towards her neck. I smirked at them both, watching Elena's face darken by the second. I pounded Jeremy on the back and caught my sister's eye.
"Remember, Lena. If you're too embarrassed to talk about it, then maybe you're too young to be doing it," I said firmly, in my best motherly voice with a smirk on my face. I reached beside me and handed Elena two plates with a smile. "We'll talk later. Maybe then you can tell me all about Stefan's sexual prowess," I whispered with a dramatic wink.
As I had expected, Elena gasped and shook her head at Stefan. As if he would ever believe I would want to know anything about their 'extracurricular' activities.
I giggled, and Stefan rolled his eyes at me. "Stop torturing your siblings, El."
I sat down with my pizza and watched Elena shoot Stefan loving and thankful glances for the rest of the night.
The next day sped by quickly despite my mind still being a complete mess. The news that Elena and I were adopted had really done a number on her. Along with having to deal with my own jumble of emotions, I had Elena's to deal with as well. It wasn't that I was all that surprised by it. I mean obviously, she is related to the Petrovas, not the Gilberts. It was the fact that I honestly hadn't the foggiest idea who our parents could be. I wasn't used to not knowing things. This whole ordeal was new to me. Usually, I lived, and then I died. Simple as that. But not in this life. In this life, I had a doppelganger sister who was in love with my vampire Ex's brother, and now come to find out we were both adopted. I was at a complete loss. Honestly, not knowing something for a change was really rattling me. What good was being a Reincarnate Original witch if I was as clueless as the rest of them? I despised the feeling.
When Elena and Bonnie had mentioned going to the Grill, I was actually all for the idea, the noise and mundanity of it would help me stay out of my head. I had been nothing but quiet and contemplative all day, and I could tell it was starting to bother Elena. That was until Elena decided to tell Bonnie the whole sordid tale. Now I was being forced to listen to Bonnie express her surprise and sympathy.
"I can't believe you guys are adopted. I never saw that coming."
Elena nodded, taking my hand. "And it gets weirder. We looked at our birth certificate. It lists Miranda and Grayson Gilbert as our birth parents. None of it makes any sense."
Bonnie placed her hand on Elena's, her eyes soft. "Which is why you should ask Jenna," she said.
Elena leaned back in her seat and groaned in annoyance. Bonnie noticing her hesitance leaned in for the kill before Elena could shoot her down. "First of all, the Elena I know would always want the truth, good or bad," Bonnie said.
I looked over at Elena and watched her visibly cave. Her shoulders slumped, and she sighed, all of the air leaving her body as if she were a rapidly deflating balloon.
"And second of all?" she asked, defeatedly.
Bonnie leaned forward, her eyes scanning our surroundings. "You just found out your boyfriend's a vampire, so unless your birth parents are aliens…how bad could it be?"
Elena and I shared a laugh, some of the stress we had been carrying finally melting away. Bonnie leaned away, a triumphant smile on her face. Elena shook her head and shared a glance with Bonnie before bumping shoulders with me.
"Hey, I need to go to the store. My outfit for the dance is severely lacking accessories," Elena said, "Since I know you have a closet full of junk, I decided to force Bonnie along instead."
I placed my hand on my heart and fell against my seat with a massive gasp. "So, is Mistress saying Ellie is a free elf?" I dramatically choked out.
Elena shook her head while Bonnie covered her flushing, embarrassed face with her hands. "You are such a nerd. Yes! You are free. Go!" Elena laughed.
I quickly stood, clutching my bag as if it were an article of hard-won clothing. "Ellie is free!" I gasped loudly with a smile.
Bonnie sunk down in the booth as I jaunted merrily towards the door smirking at my twin. I waved with a wink before I slipped outside. I smiled brightly, having enjoyed the small embarrassing display that I knew had helped distract my sister, even for a moment. I took a deep breath, glancing at the beautiful blue sky above me. It was a perfect day. I cocked my head to the side for a moment and decided I would enjoy it today. No drama, just fun. After all, tonight was the 50s dance. It might actually be nice to enjoy it with my friends for once.
Pulling out my phone, I sent a quick text to Caroline before hopping into my car. It wouldn't hurt to check on Damon before I tried to have any fun. I knew that if anyone could ruin a drama-free day, it would be Damon Salvatore. I might as well head off his plans before they ever had the chance to come my way.
I didn't bother knocking, knowing they would be alerted of my arrival as soon as my tires had hit their driveway. I bounded into the front room and frowned when I didn't find anyone. Usually, at least one of them was there to greet guests. I raised my hand and cast a quick detection spell, finding Damon in the library. With a raised brow, I fixed two tumblers of Bourbon and headed that way. As I rounded the corner, I could hear the heavy thumps of something repeatedly hitting the floor. I slowly glanced around the corner and found Damon standing in front of one of the large wooden bookshelves. I stepped up beside the couch that sat a few feet away and watched him for a moment. He was looking through each book intently, obviously searching for one in particular. The sleeves of his black dress shirt were rolled up to his elbows, his raven hair messy as if he had run his fingers through it repeatedly in agitation. If I didn't know better, I would have thought he was unaware of my presence only a few feet away from him. However, I did know better, so I just stood still and waited, giving him the time he needed to collect himself.
I could tell he was angry and losing his patience. His long pale fingers ran across the titles of a few books before he pulled them from the shelf, looking through their pages quickly. He then tossed them to the floor, where they joined the rest in the pile that surrounded his feet. My inner bookworm winced at the many haphazardly strewn books now scattered across the floor. It made me angry to see books treated so disrespectfully. Still, something told me now was not the time to pull out my inner librarian. His searching slowed, and his rigid posture started to slump as he turned on his heel towards me.
I raised one of the crystal tumblers of Bourbon and smiled. "Take a break. The books will still be there for you to abuse later," I teased lightly.
His blue eyes warmed briefly before they once again hardened as he locked down his emotions. Stepping down the stairs, he headed in my direction, taking the proffered alcohol and downing it in one swift motion before leaning against the bookshelf behind him.
"Are you looking for a lead on Em's Grimoire?" I asked.
He nodded his head in an affirmative, and I walked up beside him, downing my own drink; the harsh burn more than welcome.
"I'm looking for my father's journal. I know he had something to do with what happened to you and Emily. If anyone knew what happened to her Grimoire, it'd be him."
I ran my tongue across my teeth and shook my head. I had no clue where Giuseppe would have hidden Emily's Grimoire, but Damon was right, I'm sure he had something to do with our burning. He had taken it as a personal slight against him and his family when he had found out about me. He not only helped murder me but from what I heard, he had destroyed my family as well.
"I completely agree. If anyone can help us find it, it'll be him." I said.
Damon turned around and headed back up the steps towards the bookshelf he had been rifling through. He reached up and pulled another book from the shelf. He let the cover fall open — flipping through the pages, before tossing it to his feet and grabbing another. I tried to keep my features from contorting in annoyance, but as soon as the book landed with a small thumb, the spine cracking open — pages fluttering. I knew it was to no avail. I quickly stomped up the steps and snapped my fingers, watching the books on the floor gently fly through the air and land in neat piles beside the shelf.
"You could at least show the books the respect they deserve. Don't take out your annoyance on them, Salvatore," I snipped.
I pulled off my jacket and sent it and my bag flying over to the couch, kissing my drama-free day goodbye. There was no way I could leave these books alone with the disrespectful vampire. Damon smirked, his blue eyes crinkling.
Very slowly, he deliberately pulled a book from the shelf with both hands, as gently as possible. "So, I take it you're staying to help then?" he asked.
I growled at him and started on my own section, taking a book and examining it before catching his eye as I bent down slowly, gently placing it on the stack near my feet. Damon snickered at me but followed my lead. We worked in silent comradery for another hour before we heard someone walking into the room. Stefan casually stepped up the stairs, his hands in his jean pockets — the perfect picture of ease. He glanced down at the ever-growing stack of books at our feet with a raised brow and cocky smile.
I took a step away from the shelf and crossed my arms. "Can we help you, Stef?" I asked with a polite smile.
Stefan approached me with ease, and I narrowed my eyes. He was going to push his luck again. I could feel it. Why did he always insist on pushing Damon? Yes, most of the time, his brother deserved it after everything he had done, but really it only made things worse.
"Just wondering what you're both looking for?" Stefan looked over my shoulder at Damon, who had stopped his search, his back still turned away from his brother. "Besides, aren't you supposed to be at school, Ellie?"
Damon turned towards us and stepped beside me, placing his hand on my shoulder. "She is welcome to stay as long as she wants, Stef," he said, enunciating Stefan's nickname with narrowed eyes.
Stefan's eyes fell on Damon's hand on my shoulder and then to all the books on the floor, his eyes hard. "Damon, she has more important things to do than be here, helping with whatever this is," he said, waving his hand around at all our hard work.
I growled menacingly at Stefan and took a step towards him. "Stefan Salvatore! You and I both know I can learn nothing knew at that ridiculous excuse for a High School that I haven't already learned in the hundred I have attended before it. So don't you dare treat me like some helpless teenage girl. I am over a thousand years old! If I choose to spend my time here with your brother, then that is what I will be doing. You will do well to remember who you're speaking to!"
My voice wavered between a high pitched screech and deadly calm. Stefan's eyes were wide and almost fearful as I took a few deep breaths.
I stepped away from him and took another book from the shelf, effectively ignoring them both.
"I'm sorry, Elandra. You are right. I just don't like you being involved with all this," he said calmly.
I scoffed lightly, and Damon raised his brow beside me, but I kept my eyes on the books in front of me. "Stefan, my twin sister is the Petrova doppelganger. I am a Reincarnate. I'm pretty sure my life is already dangerous and insane as it is. So what is adding a bit more craziness gonna do?"
Stefan chuckled and looked at Damon with his brow raised. "What are you guys looking for Damon?" he asked again.
Damon leaned next to me, and I continued looking through the books. I had no intention of getting involved in their sibling drama. I had enough of my own. Besides, theirs tended to end with stakes shoved in painful places, and I don't heal as quickly as they do.
"Not your concern," Damon said.
Stefan leaned towards him, his arms crossed. "No, but putting Elena and Elandra in harm's way, that is my concern," Stefan said, his voice hard as steel.
I was shocked to hear my name added on to his little display of Alpha male possessive behavior. I turned around quickly when Damon growled, pushing past me to attack his brother.
"Elandra is not your concern, brother!" Damon growled.
I stood in front of Damon, my hands on his chest as Stefan came up behind me. What was he playing at?
"Don't act like you care, Damon. You're just using her. You're bitter because one of us gets to be with the person that we love, and poor Katherine is just out of reach. Unless there's another way for you to get into that tomb. Is that what Bree told you? Is that what you have El here helping you with? If so, then that's pretty sad, Damon. That you would force her to help you get back the woman you chose over her," Stefan weakly said.
Damon took a few steps back, his breathing ragged. For a moment, I wasn't sure what to do. Stefan had taken things too far, and he knew it. His eyes were clouded with regret, but I could tell he was fishing and hoping that one of us would reveal something to him. Damon was in no mood to fight with Stefan right now, so it was up to me to handle him. I turned slowly and tossed my hair over my shoulder. My lip curled with distaste, and I narrowed my eyes hatefully at Stefan.
"You're pathetic when you're fishing, Stefan. Damon hasn't forced me to do a single thing. I have and always will choose him because I want to. Now go. I think you're missing school, and we all know how dreadfully important these human experiences are to you," I sneered.
Stefan's face fell and I could, once again, see the regret, especially after the moment we had so recently had. He had pushed me, and we both knew it was too late to take back what he had said. He had used my past with Damon against us both, and that's not something I will so easily forgive or forget. He moved towards me, but I raised my hand, motioning for him to just leave it. Thankfully, he didn't push me and slowly backed away, leaving Damon and me alone. I turned around and wrapped my arms around Damon as soon as I knew Stefan had left the house. I ran my fingers through his hair, hoping that I could give him some comfort.
"Don't listen to him, Day. You're not forcing me to be here. Don't forget we have already left the past in the past, where it belongs. All is forgiven," I whispered.
I could feel Damon's warm breath on my shoulder and tried to control my heartbeat. All I needed was to make a fool of myself. Before things could get too awkward, Damon pulled away. I looked into his crystal blue eyes and smiled, running my fingers across his jawline.
"Let's find this stupid journal. Before Saint Stefan gets home from school," I said. Damon smirked the worry that had been etched across his beautiful features smoothing into his usual flawless cocky demeanor. "This is why you're my favorite, Elandra."
I spent the rest of the day searching the Library with Damon to no avail. The journal was nowhere to be found. Before Stefan got home, I decided it would be best if I wasn't still sequestered at the Boarding house. I didn't feel like going home yet and knew if I did, I would most likely be hounded by Elena, so instead, I decided to just get dinner at The Grill. As per the norm, it was reasonably busy. I was more than a little annoyed to find my plan of avoiding Elena had flown right out the window when I noticed her and Bonnie at a table in the corner. I quickly slid past them and headed towards the bar, hoping to sneak some take out and then pull a daring escape. I found Matt sitting at the bar and slid beside him while I waited patiently for attention from the bartender.
"Hey, Ellie. What are you doing here?" Matt asked.
I smiled brightly and leaned against him. "I am going to attempt to get some food and pull a runner without my less beautiful twin noticing my existence," I whispered conspiratorially.
Matt leaned back and looked behind us, glancing around until he caught sight of Elena. Leaning forward again, he raised a hand until the bartender, Ben, caught sight of us. Ben slid up to the bar and leaned forward, tossing his dingy off white rag over his shoulder with a smirk.
"What do you need, Matt?" he asked, eyeing me up and down.
Matt shot him a glare before he pointed his thumb at me. "Think you can help out, my friend?"
When Ben smugly smiled, leaning down onto the bar to get closer to me, Matt quickly put his arm around my waist, clearing his throat roughly.
"With the menu and taking her order," he quickly clarified, eyes narrowed.
I grinned, loving Matt's brotherly protective side. I knew he definitely needed to have someone to protect since losing Vicki, and if that was me, then I had no issue with it. Matt had always had a bit of the white knight syndrome, and maybe if he felt like he had someone to call family again, he would feel less alone in the world. I had always loved Matt, anyways.
Ben stood back and shrugged, not a care in the world, as he handed over a menu. "Fine, don't get your panties in a bunch," he sighed.
I quickly looked over the menu and ordered something for both me and Matt, much to his dismay.
"You didn't have to do that, Ellie," he said, not meeting my eyes. "I have some money." he finished.
I bumped his shoulder with my own. "I know. I just wanted to repay you for your chivalry, Mr. Donovan," I said, placing my hand on my heart and batting my eyes excessively.
Matt laughed, rolling his eyes in amusement. "Well, thanks."
Ben brought Matt a plate of food and handed me a to-go container with a cheerful wink. "Thanks," I said as he walked away.
Matt glared at his back, and I shook my head with a smile. "I-I just want you to know that I don't need help, Ellie."
He looked down at the job application he had been filling out since before I had arrived. I hadn't wanted to draw too much attention to it. I knew Matt wasn't the most financially stable, and he was really touchy about the subject of money.
"I know that. I would never treat you like a charity case. You're just Matt to me," I said, stealing one of his fries. "One of my dearest friends."
With that said, Matt took a deep breath, and I could see a lot of the stress he had been holding in finally let up a bit.
"So you're gonna be working here then," I said, easing him into the subject.
Matt took a drink of his soda and nodded. "Yeah, busboy," he grimaced.
I spun around on my stool and leaned against the bar, facing the rest of the restaurant. "So? It sounds like a good job for me. Easy way to make some cash. Plus, you'll still be able to see your friends since we all basically live here," I chuckled.
I leaned in and gave Matt a kiss on the cheek, grabbing my take-out box.
"You'll do great," I whispered.
His blue eyes shined as he smiled at me. "Thanks, Ellie Bean," he said.
I scrunched up my nose and pushed his head down roughly with a grumble. I hated that nickname, and he knew it. I could hear his laugh as I headed stealthily towards the exit. All the while trying to keep Elena firmly in the corner of my eye. I hoped she and Bonnie would remain focused on their own conversation.
I felt almost as if luck was on my side when I heard my sister's chipper and surprised voice.
I stopped in my tracks and let my head and shoulders fall as I turned to meet her gaze.
"Hey, Elena. I didn't know you were here," I said, my voice dripping with false surprise.
Elena's doe eyes squinted in disbelief as they raked over my body, stopping at the foam box in my hands. As soon as she saw it, her lips thinned, and she huffed in annoyance.
"Elara Marie Gilbert, you little liar. You were trying to escape like some prison inmate," she whispered, screeching as she did so.
I swear my sister could make herself sound like a banshee even when she was whispering. It was a great skill.
I winced and slowly opened the box. Showing her the bacon cheeseburger and fries inside.
"Wanna fry?" I asked, trying to appease her as if she was some Greek Goddess.
Elena reached out and picked up the bun from my burger, lifting it and setting it aside before removing the top piece of bacon. She replaced the bread and closed the lid. Narrowing her eyes at me, she ate the bacon. I scoffed loudly in disbelief.
"I said a fry, Elena!"
Elena sidestepped me and headed outside, still nibbling on my stolen bacon. I spun on my toes and followed her.
"I did not say that I would apologize, Elena. I did not kill someone. I just tried to avoid you. That's a minimum of two fries kinda punishment. NOT a slice of bacon. The punishment should fit the crime, Lena," I said.
Elena wiped her hands on her jeans and shook her head. "I picked the punishment, and I wanted Bacon. So deal with it,"
I was about to harass her again when her cell rang, interrupting our sibling squabble. She answered it quickly, holding it to her ear as we walked toward her car.
"Hello," she said.
I made it to my car, which was nearer than Elena's, and placed my food in the passenger seat. I watched Elena for a second, and my stomach plummeted as she froze in fear. I forgot everything and rushed towards her. She stood in the middle of the parking lot, her mouth gaping open as she looked frantically around her.
Her eyes found me, and she dropped her hand from her ear, clutching her phone tightly.
"Ellie, it's the vampire I hit with my car!" she frantically said.
I looked in front of us and saw a man in a hoodie walking towards Elena. Without thinking, I pushed her towards her car and shoved her inside.
"Go to the Boarding House, Elena,"
Elena stared at me, her brown eyes wide with fear. "No! What about you?" she yelled.
I growled in anger and looked up at the man that was still approaching us at regular human speed. Obviously, he was just playing games. I looked around, making sure no one could see what I was about to do and let my hand filled with a blue ball of electric light. I flung the ball of magic at the vampire and watched as it threw him back a few feet. Elena gasped in shock, and I slammed her car door shut before I ran to my own. Once I was safely inside, I honked my horn, alerting Elena that I was ok. She ignited her engine and started out of the lot. Once I saw her leave, I quickly threw my car into reverse and pulled out of the parking lot after her, speeding down the road towards Damon and Stefan.
I was pacing back and forth in front of Elena and Stefan, where they sat on the couch in the Boarding House Library. I couldn't believe I was back here after already spending my entire day scouring through every book in this room. I was pulling on my fingers nervously as Elena explained everything to Stefan, who was as always, the pillar of support everyone needed.
"Why me? What does he want with me? A-And if he's trying to kill me, then why call first?" Elena asked.
Stefan stood and walked around the couch so that he could face her. "That's because we're predators, Elena. We hunt, We stalk; It's often as exciting as the kill," he said, sitting on the table behind him and handing her the vampire compass. "I want you to take this,"
Elena lifted it from his hands and sent me a weary look. "This is Jeremy's pocket watch. How did you get it?" she asked, ever the dutiful sister.
"I found it after Logan Fell died and gave it to Damon," I said.
Elena raised a brow but thankfully didn't ask me any questions. She opened the lid and observed the inside in confusion.
"What happened to it?" she asked.
"Well, it's not just a watch. It's a...it's sort of a compass, but it points to vampires," Stefan stuttered out his explanation.
I sat next to him and looked at my confused sister. "I used it to help Damon find Logan Fell after he turned. It pointed me right towards him. You'll be able to know exactly who is a vampire by using this," I said, touching the cold metal of the golden compass.
Stefan gently took Elena's hand in his own, showing her how the compass worked. The needle began to whirl around in a circle before it finally clicked into place, pointing directly in Stefan's direction. Elena looked up at him in shock and then met my eyes.
"Why did dad have this?" she asked.
I turned my head towards Stefan and let out an audible sigh. "The Gilberts were one of the founding families, and back in 1864, they were among those who sought to eradicate the vampires. The compass was used to find us," Stefan said with a wince.
Elena looked at me in fear. "If we were hunters, then that means we hunted more then just vampires. Did we...did we hurt you?" she whispered.
I closed my eyes and looked away from her. "Elena, it doesn't matter. That was a very long time ago," I said.
Elena took my hand and squeezed it tightly. "It matters to me," she said, voice tight.
I could feel Stefan's eyes on me, and I avoided him altogether. I had never told anyone who all had been there the night Emily and I had burned.
"The Gilberts were a part of mine and Emily's burning," I finally said.
Elena's eyes filled with tears, and I took her face in my hands. "Elena, it's ok. That was so very long ago, and I wasn't a Gilbert then. I was a Miller,"
I took Elena in my arms and allowed her to cry for a part of me that she would never know or fully understand. "How can you love us after what our family did to you?" she sniffled.
I pulled away from her and shook my head. "Because their sins will never be your own. Just as I do not blame Stefan or Damon for what their father did that night," I said.
Elena's eyes widened, and she looked at her boyfriend in shock. "Your father was there?" she asked.
Stefan looked away from us and nodded slowly. "He was the one who started it all," he said hatefully.
I looked down at the compass and pressed it closed. Stefan looked at Elena again, he reached up and caressed her cheek. "I want you to keep this. That way you'll know if you're ever in danger," he said.
Elena smiled at him, and I could tell they needed a moment. I stood quietly and stepped out of the Library. Memories of the past following close behind me.
Somehow I had been roped into helping Jenna clean the living room before the dance. "Ya know just cause we are dressed like we are from the 50s doesn't mean we have to act like it," I pouted as I adjusted my 50s style yellow polka dot dress.
Aunt Jenna, who was dressed up in her own 50s gear, rolled her eyes at me. "Oh, please, you'll live, Cinderella," she smirked.
I raised my hand across my forehead, careful not to hit my hair, which had been a terrible hassle, and gasped. "Oh, stepmother, please release from this prison of manual labor!" I said dramatically.
Aunt Jenna laughed and helped me fix the yellow ribbon that was holding my hair up and keeping the two tight curls atop my head in place. I had forgotten how much I had hated 50s hairstyles. "You are sure the red of my hair doesn't clash too much with this yellow dress?" I asked her, feeling a bit self-conscious.
Jenna smacked my arm and sighed. "You look amazing."
Before I could respond, Elena bounded down the stairs in a cute yet simple outfit. She had on a blue shirt that she had paired with a red belt that wrapped around her middle, capris, and white snickers. Her hair was teased so that it looked fuller on the top, and she wore a blue headband. She looked adorable.
"You look great, Lena," I said.
Elena spun around with a giggle and eyed me up and down. "So do you." She walked closer to me and leaned next to my ear. "Not fair that you have all that previous experience, though. That is so cheating!" she said.
I pulled away with a laugh, and Jenna shot us a questioning glance but chose to ignore our odd behavior as she turned towards Elena and heaved out a massive sigh. "I spoke to the insurance company, Cars totaled. You'll have to share with Elara or use mine for now," Jenna said.
Elena and I both nodded. "So, you're coming to the dance?" Elena said, looking at Jenna's clothing choice.
Jenna smiled a bit smugly, and I crossed my arms and tapping my foot. "Alaric asked me to help chaperone," she said.
I clapped my hands and let out a little whoop. "Yes, Jenna! Get it!" I said.
Elena glared at me, but I had my eyes on Jenna, who had crossed the living room and was now leaning against the couch, acting as casual as she could. Elena grabbed an apple from the bowl on the dining room table and took a bite.
I could feel the atmosphere in the room change, and Elena finally let the question she had been dying to ask out. "Why didn't you tell us, Jenna?"
Jenna, who had been taken back by the sudden change of topic, looked a bit startled. I felt bad for her. It hasn't really been her decision to make, and then she had lost her family. Who would want to drop that bombshell on someone after they had lost their parents?
"Your mom was gonna do it eventually. I never thought I'd have to," she said, looking at us both with grief plain on her face.
Elena looked down at the apple she had been eating as if it held the answers to the universe. "If our mom was here right now and I asked, she'd tell us the truth," Elena said.
Jenna stepped forward and held her hands close to her chest. She took a deep breath and started from the beginning; the day Elena and I had been born, the day our mother had handed us over to Miranda and Grayson. I listened carefully, although it really didn't matter to me why she had done it or how. She would never be my mother. I had one already, and she had been a lovely woman.
"What else do you know about her? The girl?" Elena asked after Jenna had finished her tale.
Jenna looked at us and sighed. "Just her name. Isobel," she said.
Jenna left after our talk, and I anxiously sat with Elena, deciding I didn't feel like arriving at the dance alone. I really don't care if I was third-wheeling, and neither did Elena, not after what we just found out. This whole day was supposed to be stress-free. So much for that. Elena patted down her pants and sighed.
"I forgot my phone upstairs. I'll be right back,"
I watched her go and felt a strange sense of foreboding in the air. Something was coming. I stood quickly and listened to Elena on the stairs.
"Where is he?" she said, speaking to someone on her cell. She stopped in front of me, and I could tell she was listening to whoever was on the other end of the phone.
She held the compass in her hand, and I could see the dial spinning rapidly. Something was definitely wrong.
"Oh, thank God. This compass was spinning. Stefan must be here," she said.
I looked at the compass and started to panic. I looked around quickly, my eyes rapidly scanning our surroundings. Elena still hadn't noticed my reaction yet. I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck lift as if someone was watching us, and my head involuntarily started to rise. Above us, I saw the vampire from the road braced on the ceiling. His eyes red with hunger, fangs bared and ready for the hunt, black veins growing under his eyes. I gasped in shock and my hands rose, sending a wave of magic at Elena on instinct. She dropped her phone with a scream and fell to the floor. Her body flew across the room and away from the hungry vampire. He growled menacingly at my interference and fell from the ceiling, landing behind me. I spun around, just as he went for my neck. I sent another wave of magic at him, and he fell to the floor.
Before he could get up, Stefan came bolting inside from the kitchen. "Elena!" he yelled.
The vampire looked between Stefan and me, and with a hiss, vamp sped out of the house. Stefan looked at me in shock, but I raised my hand and pointed towards a seriously freaked out Elena. As he helped her to her feet, I swayed on the balls of my feet. The shock and sudden use of powerful magic, making me feel weak. Before I could sit down and rest, I was assaulted by a doe-eyed doppelganger.
"Oh my God, Elara! You saved me." she cried into my chest.
I ran my fingers through her hair and whispered nonsensical words to calm her. "It's ok. We are ok," I said.
Elena looked up, and I wiped the tears from her face. "You are seriously strong. You have to teach Bonnie how to do that!" she said excitedly.
I ran my hands down my face and shook my head. "Lena, normal witches can't channel their magic the way I can. They can't just shoot it out of them like that," I said, trying to explain it in the simplest of ways.
Elena pouted for a moment and then placed a hand on her hip. "Well, I'm sure there is plenty of other stuff you could teach her. She would really benefit from someone as powerful as you mentoring her,"
I clasped my fists tightly and tried to reign in my temper. Now was not the time for this. Ever the peacekeeper, Stefan stepped forward and held up his hands.
"Let's table this discussion," he said. "for now."
Elena grumbled but conceded. Thank the Gods. A rustling could be heard at the front door, and Elena immediately jumped behind Stefan. I glanced at him quickly, my hand raised, but he shook his head with a natural expression.
Damon bolted inside at vamp speed and engulfed me in his embrace. I tried to breathe but was being crushed by his enthusiasm.
I reached up and ran my hands through his hair. "I'm ok, Damon," I reassured him.
He pulled away quickly, finally realizing we were not alone in the room. He turned towards Stefan, his face hard.
"How the hell did he get in?"
Damon stepped away from me as he started to pace in front of the couch.
I brushed my dress off and watched him as he tried to reign in his temper. His face was hard and almost empty, but his eyes were crackling with emotion, a storm ready to break at any moment.
"Damon," I said.
He stopped his frantic pacing almost immediately and turned towards me. I raised both my hands in the air and took a deliberate deep breath, raising my hands up as I inhaled and down as I exhaled. "Breathe," I said with a smile.
He rolled his eyes and took in a deep and annoyed breath of air, then gestured with a smirk, as if to ask if I was pleased with the way he had taken in oxygen.
I giggled and raised my eyes to the heavens in exasperation. "He posed as the pizza guy last night, Day," I explained, catching his eye before looking at Stefan, who laid his head in his hands.
Damon chuckled darkly. "Well, he gets points for that. Did he say what he wanted?" he asked.
Elena raised her head and glared at Damon, her hand on the back of her neck. "No. He was too busy trying to kill Elara and me," she said.
I raised my hand in the air, twirling my index finger. "Actually, he didn't show me all that much interest. I don't think he wanted me. Elena seemed to be his primary target. I was just in the way,"
Damon raised his brow and glanced at Elena in annoyance. "Well then, maybe you should stay home tonight, El. You've used up too much juice as it is," he said, eyes scanning me.
I felt my mouth drop open and my hands folded into fists. "Hell no, Damon. There's no way I'm staying here. I will be going, and that's final. I will be there to protect my sister. She is too important in more ways than you know,"
I could see Elena's eyes cloud with tears, and I sat down beside her, taking her hand in my own. She may have thought it was purely out of sisterly devotion that I wanted to protect her, but that wasn't the only reason. She had a purpose, and I would be damned if she got herself killed or turned into a vampire before she could live up to it. Because if she did, then Jeremy and everyone we love would go down with her.
No, I would figure out a way to save her and help Niklaus. This time everyone would get what they wanted. From the corner of my eye, I could see a ghostly grey figure come down the stairs and take a seat, a cocky smirk on her face as she twirled her blonde hair around her finger.
"Oh, you've become awfully protective of your sister, Elandra?" Rebekah cackled in glee.
I tried to keep my face straight and ignore the specter of my best friend. It had been a while since I had seen her.
"Do we have any idea who he was?" I asked the brothers, trying to stay on topic and keep my mind away from the Original.
"No," Damon said.
Stefan glared up at him, an unconvinced look on his face.
Damon scoffed in annoyance, tossing a hand in the air. "Don't look at me like that. I told you we had company," he spat
Rebekah stepped down the stairs and beside Damon, placing a hand near his shoulder. "He looks like he is telling the truth, El. You know I have a knack for being able to tell when someone is truthful. Comes from years of Nik's utter bullshit," she said with a smile.
I coughed through a laugh, the boys looked at me with narrowed eyes. Elena patted me on the back and glanced at Damon in fear. "You think there is more than one?" she asked.
Damon looked at me, eyes soft and full of warning. "We don't know," he said, blue eyes never leaving my green as he sat on the arm of the couch next to me.
Stefan took Elena's hand and leaned over, looking at his brother. "Damon, he was invited in," he said, voice hard.
Damon nodded in understanding as Elena looked between them, not yet grasping their meaning. I patted her hand and glanced at Rebekah.
"You'll have to make sure they kill him, Elandra. Then make sure your family stops inviting people inside. It could become a problem," Rebekah said.
I let out a sigh and nodded. Rebekah was right, things would only get more dangerous, and I didn't want to have to worry about random vampires popping in on me at all hours of the day and night.
"Then we go get him tonight," Damon said.
He looked down at me with a half-smile. "Since you're so determined to go, are you sure you're up for it?" he asked.
I bit my bottom lip and stood, placing my hands on my hips. "Are you, Mr. Salvatore, because I was born ready," I said with a playful sneer.
Damon scoffed, lifting himself from the couch. "I'm always ready," he said, widening his eyes with a smirk.
Rebekah gagged from the corner of the room, and I ran my eyes over her form with a grin. "God, he is so annoying. What did you ever see in him?" she asked, glaring at Damon's oblivious form.
As soon as Elena drew the attention of the brothers, I stepped closer to the corner of the room that held the invisible specter of Rebekah Mikaelson. I crossed my arms, keeping my eyes trained on my sister, who was taking in the plan for the night, her brown eyes wide as Damon filled her in on what she would need to do to draw out her vampiric stalker.
I casually lifted my hand and cast a silencing spell, as to not be overheard by the sensitive ears around us and leaned against the wall behind me.
"Where have you been, Beks?" I asked, my voice betraying the worry I have felt in her absence.
Rebekah's grey face turned towards me, the prominent veins covering her beautiful features puckering as she smiled brightly at me. I hid my wince with a smile and watched Stefan comfort a terrified Elena as Damon rolled his eyes, turning around to catch my eye before sticking his finger in his mouth and gagging dramatically. I laughed but stopped as soon as Stefan scrunched his eyes up at me. He gestured toward a saddened Elena. To mollify him, I sighed and stuck out a shaming finger towards Damon, rolling my eyes. When he laughed loudly, I grinned and sent Stefan a shrug.
Rebekah shook her head next to me, and I grumbled at the way the two brothers interacted. Sometimes I felt like they would never be the way they used to be. It was sad the way they had allowed Katherine to destroy their relationship.
"I was with Elijah," Rebekah finally said. I casually turned my head in her direction, her blue eyes were bright against her grey skin. "He plans on killing Niklaus. We cannot allow him to betray Nik like that. It will damage their relationship beyond repair,"
I gasped, the air leaving my lungs in one swift burst. I felt like she had punched me in the stomach. "What? Why would he do that? He of all people knows of Nik's paranoia. He would be heartbroken if 'Lijah betrayed him in such a way," I said, my voice broken.
Rebekah nodded slowly, and I swallowed the betrayal I felt at Elijah's actions. I would let her explain before I passed judgment on my brother.
"Nik told him that he buried all of us at sea. Elijah thinks he has lost us all, Elandra," she said.
I wanted to scream in anger at Niklaus. I felt my magic swirl through me, as I fought with my emotions. My skin glowed brightly with power, and I forced the surge down, biting my tongue until I could taste the coppery tang of my own blood. I felt the static of my magic flitter across my fingertips as my nails bit into the palms of my hands. I took in a few deep breaths so that I wouldn't reveal my outburst to the brothers and Elena. They were all still only a few feet away from me, in an in-depth discussion about our latest vamp attack. I shook my head and rubbed my forehead roughly. I just couldn't understand why Niklaus would do something so cruel to the one person who had always been there for him. Elijah had even been the one who had helped after he had murdered me when he had thought I was some sort of Doppelganger. He had saved him from himself more times than even I cared to know.
I casually turned my head towards Rebekah, my back straight, face firm. "I will take care of this, Rebekah. When he gets here, I will make sure he knows the truth. I won't let him do anything that gets him daggered...or worse," I said.
Rebekah's shoulders slumped in relief, her grey face falling forward as she sighed. "Thank you, El. I honestly don't know what my brothers and I would ever do without you,"
Rebekah's hand came to hover beside my left cheek. I smiled weakly, my memory conjuring up all of the many points in time where the Mikaelsons had proven how very easily they had moved on without me.
Her blue eyes crinkled in annoyance, her lips pursing.
"Don't do that to yourself!" she snapped, slipping in front of me. "We never forgot about you, Elandra Rioult!"
The corner of my eyes stung as tears threatened to escape, my chest tightening in protest as I fought down a broken sob. I leaned forward and stepped away from the troublesome specter. I knew that if I stayed near her any longer, the dam I had so painstakingly built up over the centuries would break. All the emotions I had hidden away would pour out of me, and I couldn't have that. Now was not the time to reevaluate how I felt about the Original family. I ignored her pained protest and stepped closer to Elena.
"So, are we ready to go?" I asked.
Maybe taking out the vampire who had it out for my sister was exactly what I needed.
Elena and I entered the dance each on the arm of a Salvatore, which of course, caused quite the little uproar. Several of our fellow students had gasped dramatically as if we had arrived naked and draped across them. I rolled my eyes, laughing at how stupid they all looked. I stepped past the students, all dressed in their best 50s getups. "This Magic Moment" was echoing through the gym as I took Damon's hand and swayed my way across the dance floor towards Caroline and Bonnie, who danced together near the refreshment table. I smiled brightly at them and pulled Damon into a dance.
"Hey, ladies. We have a mini issue. So I want you both to stay inside and away from Lena until I find you, ok?" I told them, leaning closer as Damon spun me.
The girls looked at me oddly, fear on their faces. "What's going on, El?" Bonnie asked.
I shook my head in exasperation and caught Damon's gaze. He rolled his eyes and spun me into Caroline's arms as he took Bonnie.
I giggled madly but took Caroline in my arms and spun her around with a flourish. "Listen, witchy poo. We had a little surprise visitor earlier. He is here trying to get his paws on Elena. Stefan and I need to deal with this because he has been invited into the Gilberts. Got it?" Bonnie frowned, her mind obviously whirring with the new information.
I stopped dancing with Caroline and stepped closer to Bonnie. "I want you and Caroline to keep an eye on Jeremy for me and stay here. Please. We have this handled. But I need someone I can trust to protect everyone else, Bon," I said, searching her eyes for understanding.
I knew she was powerful enough to protect my brother and Caroline. She just needed to believe it. Finally, it clicked with her, and her green eyes hardened with emotion. She nodded her head sharply and took Caroline's hand, walking towards Jeremy, who was standing by the far corner of the room, next to Alaric. I sighed and leaned against Damon, but tilted my head as I noticed the sharp look Alaric was shooting at my raven-haired ex. What the hell was that about? His dagger filled glares stopped as soon as Jenna joined his side, and I decided to file it away for later perusal.
"Dance with me?" Damon asked.
I glanced up at him and smiled. "Hell yeah! Show me some moves from Grease! I regret not being able to see what you were like in the 50s," I giggled.
Damon rolled his eyes, pulling me further onto the floor, and spinning me into his chest. "I am not showing you any moves from Grease. I left the 50s in the 50s," he said.
I stuck out my bottom lip and tried my best puppy dog eyes. "Come on. I had very boring parents in that time. I never got to go out dancing and having fun. I was very much a Sandy without the sexy transformation at the end," I sighed.
Damon's eyebrow raised, and he smiled. "So you wore poodle skirts and dated athletes?" he asked with a smirk.
I laughed lightly, laying my head on his chest. "No, I never even got to date that go around. I pretty much studied until I died. It was all very boring," I said.
Damon lifted my chin until I met his eyes. "Damn, Ellie. How many times have you died a virgin?" he asked in shock.
I pulled away from him, chuckling madly. "Damon! Only you would ask someone that." I slapped his chest and started looking around for Elena and Stefan.
After finding them dancing with bright smiles on both their faces, I took Damon's hand and started pulling him towards the punch table. "And the answer is...too many times," I sighed regretfully, glancing back at him with a grin.
He laughed, shaking his head. He let my hand go and took two plastic cups, filling them both with fruit punch. I scrunched up my nose in distaste but took the drink with a simple nod of thanks. "Well, what about this time El? Do you need a little assistance?" he asked cockily.
I sputtered coughing lightly, the sticky punch running down my chin. I picked up a napkin from the table and wiped it away quickly, ignoring Damon's laughter. I raised a brow and narrowed my eyes. "Nah, not this time. Tyler Lockwood took care of that ages ago. Did a pretty good job of it as well," I smirked.
Damon growled lowly, crushing his empty plastic cup in his hand with a glare, blue eyes flashing in anger.
I bit my bottom lip, my eyes never leaving his. Our little stare down was interrupted as Alaric stepped up next to Damon.
"Hey, Elara. Are you having a good time?" he warily asked, obviously catching on to the tense atmosphere.
I kept my eyes trained on Damon, who was still fighting against his anger, pale pink cup crushed in his hand. "Yeah, Alaric. I'm having a blast. Just reminiscing here with Damon," I moved my eyes away from Damon. I smiled at the History teacher I knew was hiding...something. "I was just about to remind him that the past is better left in the past. As he should already be aware. Don't you agree, Mr. Saltzman?" I said, watching his reaction with interest.
His shoulders tensed, all emotion that had been previously bubbling in his eyes was shuttered immediately. He shut everything down, quickly becoming an empty shell of the man we were all coming to know, and I now knew it had something to do with Damon Salvatore. Great, just great. I internally sighed, rubbing my teeth together in irritation.
"Yes, I agree. The past should stay in the past," he said, his voice robotic.
I rolled my eyes and took Damon's arm in my own.
"You know, I don't recognize you. How'd you get roped into chaperoning?" Alaric asked, reaching out his hand towards Damon with a fake smile on his face. "Alaric Saltzman. I'm the new History teacher," he said, taking Damon's hand and shaking it.
Damon's eyes narrowed as he took in the History teacher that had taken over for the man he had murdered. "Ah, the, uh, cursed faculty position," he taunted.
I leaned my head on his arm and sighed. "If anyone cursed the position, it was you, Day," I grumbled, knowing he'd hear me.
"So I've been told," Alaric said, watching my interaction with Damon closely.
I could tell he was ill at ease with the way I was standing so close to him. It was so undeniable that Alaric knew exactly what Damon was, I could see it in the worry that lit up his eyes. It was more than just the fact that Damon was older. It was sweet that he was worried about me. I knew he was a good man, but I needed to know more, especially if he was interested in my Aunt Jenna.
"Damon Salvatore," Damon introduced himself, brushing my hair from my shoulder, his eyes firmly on Alaric's.
Alaric looked towards Stefan and Elena and lifted his thumb in their direction. "Salvatore, as in, uh, Stefan?" he asked.
Damon looked at his brother before looking back at the man in front of him in ever-growing interest and irritation. "He's my little brother. I'm his legal guardian, hence the chaperoning," he answered.
Alaric nodded, then once again looked down at me, watching Damon as he wrapped a strand of my hair around his finger. "I hear he's very bright, not that I've had the chance to see for myself," he said.
Damon easily maneuvered around the new aspect of the conversation, brushing my hair down my back and standing straighter as he answered. "Well, his attendance records a little spotty. Family drama," he said.
I coughed out a small laugh, running my tongue across my bottom lip as Damon handed me another glass of punch. Alaric frowned down at me, probably guessing I knew more than he had thought. Maybe he feared I was compelled? I drank my punch swaying to the new change of music. Damon smiled at me, shaking his head.
"No, parents?" Alaric asked.
My face fell, and I stopped dancing, my own anger starting to mount at his intrusive behavior.
"No, Ric, their parents are gone," I said through clenched teeth.
I sat down my cup on the table and took Damon's hand, giving it a squeeze.
"I'm going to go dance with Stefan and Elena. Find me when this little Spanish Inquisition is over," I whispered.
I spun on my heel and glared at Alaric as I swayed towards Stefan and Elena. I smiled when I saw Stefan spinning my sister around in the middle of the floor. Coming up behind him, I took Elena's wrist and pulled her away, yanking her against me. Elena yelped in surprise, and I laughed brightly at her. Stefan stood behind me, and I danced backward until I was against him.
"Dance with us, Stef! Come on. I never got to do anything like this with you or Damon as Elandra. Make it up to me," I pouted.
Elena tugged on a piece of my hair, and I gasped. "Damn, Lena! Gentle on the merchandise," I said.
Elena put her chin on my shoulder and looked at Stefan. "You don't have to dance with her, Stefan. She's terrible and trying to guilt you," Elena laughed.
I spun her around, her brown her smacking me in the face as I did. "She lies, Stefan! I would never!" I gasped, my eyes wide in faux shock.
I made my chin wobble comically as I spun around Stefan with my sister in my arms.
"It's just...you owe me, Stefan. You're supposed to be my brother, and yet you've only danced with me twice Stefan...twice. Not to mention you were mean to me earlier today," I pouted.
The corner of Stefan's mouth turned up as he watched me pulling Elena around in circles, my head snapping in Stefan's direction at every turn. "We don't have time to dance, Ellie. We are supposed to be keeping our eyes open for Elena's little admirer," Stefan said, his eyes sweeping our surroundings.
Elena slowed our spinning procession around the dance floor and swayed closer to Stefan. "Maybe he's not gonna show," she said hopefully.
Stefan looked down into her big doe eyes and smiled at her innocent and hopeful expression. "You mean I've been forced to watch Ellie dance for nothing?" Stefan snarked, winking at me.
Elena threw her head back in laughter. I spun her into Stefan's arms with a smirk, laughing as she squealed in surprise. Still, Stefan caught her with ease, her hands landing on his broad chest, once the shock cleared from her expression she ran her hands down his chest, her full pink lips spread into a bright smile. "Elara, dancing! Ahh, the horror," Elena joked.
I scoffed beside them, swaying by myself. "I am an amazing dancer!"
I could see an intense moment was beginning to brew between them, so I casually made my way off the dance floor. Blowing out an annoyed huff of breath, I decided to once again head to the punch bowl and grab myself another disgusting cup of punch. Other than dancing and making out in dark corners, what else is there to do at functions like this?
Scooping out the disgusting sticky liquid and pouring it into a clear cup, I leaned against the table and scanned the crowd for Damon. I wasn't all that surprised when I found him quickly. Internally I groaned at his ridiculous display. It seemed he had quickly found himself a distraction. I watched in disgusted interest as he groped the girl's ass, effortlessly gliding them across the dance floor. She was pinned against him in a fashion that was better suited for a nightclub than a High School dance. I took a sip of my drink and sighed when I found it had yet to be spiked. Damn High Schoolers needed to get their act together. Where were the troublemakers when you needed them? I heard a familiar giggle and looked up to find my sister and Stefan standing next to me.
"You can't take him anywhere, can you?" she asked.
I looked back at my scandalous ex and shook my head as Stefan answered for me.
"Uh, no," he said.
I sat down my cup on the table behind me and looked up at Elena when she let out a low gasp. "Stefan, the back corner," she whispered.
Stefan looked in the direction Elena had denoted and then down to me. "Get Damon. Stay together," he said.
I nodded quickly and took Elena's wrist firmly in my hand. Stefan took off seconds later across the dance floor, pushing students out of his way as he went. The man in the hoodie that Elena had noticed exited the dance quickly, leading Stefan away from us. I looked away from Stefan's retreating figure and pulled Elena towards Damon. Before we could get more than a few steps away, Elena's cell rang. We both looked down at the silver device as if it were a ticking time bomb. Elena lifted the phone to her ear and swiped her finger across the screen. I leaned closer to her and put my ear next to her's.
"Hello, Elena. Here's what you and your sister are gonna do. There's a door behind you. You have five seconds," the man said.
I pulled away and started looking around us, searching for him.
"No," Elena gasped.
I looked at her and noticed the moment she gave in. He had obviously said something to her, her face paled. She spun around on her heels towards the punch bowl where I saw Jeremy, our Jeremy, and behind him was the vampire.
Elena looked at me in pure fear. "If we don't go, then he is going to kill Jeremy, Elara!"
My stomach fell, and I stepped up beside her, taking the phone from her grasp. I kept my eyes on the vampire a few yards ahead of us as I deliberately placed it against my ear.
"I can snap his neck so fast I bet there's not even a witness. Now, start walking. Both of you. No magic," he spat.
I nodded, taking Elena's hand, pulling her forward slowly, my eyes never leaving our very human brother. "If you touch our brother, I swear to the Gods there is not a place on this Earth you will be able to hide," I said with venom.
I guided Elena backward towards the door, feeling her body shake in fear behind me.
I heard him laugh, and it made my blood boil. "Keep walking. Through the door," he said.
The vampire started past Jeremy, who was oblivious to all that was happening around him. Thankfully the vampire decided not to touch him, but my eyes never left him as I hung up Elena's phone. When I could no longer see the vampire, I turned towards Elena and pulled her quickly past the exit.
"Run, Elena!" I shouted, pulling her behind me.
Our feet pounded against the glossy tile floors as we fled down the corridor, I glanced behind us to see if the vampire had followed us out yet but found no one. Elena's red face stared back at me in fear. Her brown eyes were red-rimmed and glassy. I pushed her into the next corridor, and we started to run until we came across a set of double doors. Elena pushed at the doors, but I stopped her when I saw the chain wrapped around the push bar.
"Elena, it's locked!" I said.
She nodded, her breathing ragged. I took her hand and squeezed it tightly.
"We're gonna be ok," I whispered.
She gasped out a cry and looked behind us. I turned around and found the vampire calmly stalking toward us. I pushed Elena behind me, ready to take him on my own if I had to.
"No, Ellie," she cried, pulling me into the next corridor.
I ran behind Elena, letting her lead me. I tried to ignore the eerie feel of the empty school. The only sound coming from our haggard breathing and the squeaking of our shoes. Finally, we made our way to the double doors of the cafeteria. I helped her push open the doors, and we both ran inside. Elena rushed to the other side of the room, where another set of doors led to the exit but yelled out in frustration when she found them locked. I stood in the center of the room, watching the entries we had come in through, waiting for the vampire to burst through, my hands lifted in expectation. I was just about to ask Elena if she was ok, but was stopped by the double doors bursting open. I didn't even have the chance to move my hands before the vampire sped towards Elena.
Elena attempted to bolt away from him, but he was faster. He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her towards him. She screamed in pain and utter fear, struggling to get away. I let my hand filled with a bright cloud of magic, tossing it at the vampire. It flung him back against the wall and gave Elena the moment she needed to stand and run towards me. I pushed her behind me and bent my knees, lowering myself into a fighting stance. Elena sniffled behind me, I could smell blood and knew she was injured somehow.
The vampire stood, extending his fangs, and sped towards me. I lifted my hands in the air and pulled them back against myself before pushing them forward, yelling out in anger as I cast a large force of pure magic against him, sending him spiraling into the air. The vampire flew skyward, his arms flailing out around him as gravity took effect and started to send him back towards the ground. Elena and I watched him fall, our mouths open in shock as he landed hard on a table. He was shockingly impaled by several pencils that had been stored in a container right where his chest now lay. Of course, with our terrible luck intact, none of them hit his heart.
As he started to remove the makeshift stakes, Elena looked around us and ran behind me, finding a bucket and mop. She quickly grabbed the mop handle and snapped it against her knee until it broke in half, creating a very poor but semi-useful stake. I wanted to laugh, but I was still a bit of shock from my excessive use of magic. Elena rushed forward and realizing what she was planning, I ran to join her. The vampire stood, and when Elena tried to shove the stake in his chest, he grabbed her wrist, reaching for the stake.
I took it before he could and jammed it in his stomach. He yelled in anger, grabbing a handful of my hair and went for my neck. Elena screamed and shoved the stake further into his stomach with her other hand. Still, before he could sink his teeth into me, Stefan came from outta nowhere and ripped him away, tossing him to the ground. Elena ran towards me, tears falling from her eyes, and wrapped her arms around my neck. The vampire stood, yanking the makeshift stake from his stomach and tossing it to the ground with a growl.
"Hey, dickhead."
The vampire looked behind Stefan to where Damon was standing, holding a real stake in his hand.
"Nobody wants to kill you. We just want to talk," Damon finished with a smirk.
He looked down at me, eyes scanning my form. When he saw nothing concerning, he walked up beside Stefan, eyes on the vampire. Before either brother could speak again, the vampire smiled and sped at Elena and me. Damon threw the stake at Stefan, who grabbed it and staked the vampire in the stomach, almost directly where I had gotten him only moments before. Elena winced beside me, and I stood bringing her with me. I stared the vampire down, not feeling an ounce of sympathy for the asshole who had tried to kill my sister and threatened my brother. The vampire grunted in pain, falling to his knees. Damon walked over towards Elena and me, taking my hand and leading me towards Stefan.
"Now, you feel like talking?" Stefan asked.
I let go of Damon's hand and leaned over the vampire with a sneer.
"Screw you," he spat.
I lifted my hand and saw Stefan's fascination as the bright blue flames flickered across my fingertips. I placed my hand on the vampire's chest, just above his heart, and watched in satisfaction as his back arched off the table. His face scrunched up in pain as wave after wave of my magical signature shocked him. It was the equivalent of being in the electric chair. When I thought he had finally had enough, I lifted my hand and stepped away as he gasped for air, little whimpers leaving his lips against his volition. Damon watched me, his face blank. Elena turned away, disgust in her eyes as Stefan continued his bought of questioning.
"That was the wrong answer. Why are you doing this?" Stefan asked.
The vampire sneered, turning his head and looked at Elena, eyes taking in her face. "Because its fun,"
Stefan wrapped his hand around the stake and dug it in a little deeper, the vampire groaned deeply in pain. "What do you want with Elena?" Stefan asked, his voice beginning to fill with annoyance.
The vampire lifted his head and glared at Stefan in hatred. "She looks like Katherine,"
All at once, all of our heads snapped towards the vampire impaled on the table. How could I not have seen it? Of course, this had something to do with Katherine. As soon as Katherine's name was mentioned, Damon was alert. I shook my head and looked away from him.
"You knew Katherine?" Damon asked.
The vampire laughed, his eyes hateful. "Oh. You thought you were the only ones." he laughed through a cough, a painful gasp causing his head to fall back against the table. "You don't even remember me," he said.
Damon leaned over the vampire, and I walked closer to him, tilting his face in my direction. The longer I looked at him, the more familiar he looked, but I just couldn't place him. "What's your name?" I asked.
The vampire looked into my eyes and smiled at me. "Noah; you look just like the Miller girl I helped burn," he laughed his teeth covered in his own blood.
I let go of his face roughly, my memory of him coming back in full force. I remembered Noah, he worked right alongside the Sheriff, rounding up vampires and witches alike. I backed away from them and stood next to Elena, who wrapped her arms around me.
Stefan watched me sadly, his green eyes filling with anger.
"Tell me how to get in the tomb. Hmm?" Damon asked, his head tilting in my direction briefly.
Noah lifted his head from the table and spat at Damon. "No," he said.
Stefan leaned back and drove the stake deeper, am an extreme look of satisfaction on his face. Noah gasped in pain, his voice gasping out in fear. "The Grimoire."
Damon looked down at him in disgust. "Where is it?" he asked.
Stefan twisted the stake, blood starting to cover his pale hand. "Check the journal. The journal. Jonathan's journal. Jonathan Gilbert's," Noah pleaded.
Damon stood up and grimaced in annoyance, catching my eye. I nodded, letting him know without words that I would help him get ahold of that journal. In fact, I knew exactly where it was. Jeremy had it. Stefan took over the questioning as Damon took a moment to compose himself, finally realizing how close he was to getting into the tomb. The tomb that held absolutely nothing for him.
"Who else is working with you?" Stefan asked.
Damon stood next to him and looked back down at the vampire. "Who else is there?" he reiterated Stefan's question.
Noah panted in anger and shook his head. "No. You're going to have to kill me," he said in desperation.
Damon looked at Stefan, rolling his eyes with a nod. Stefan removed the stake quickly, looking at me as he raised it above Noah's heart, green eyes bright. I understood that he was doing this as much for me as he was for Elena. I smiled at him and nodded. Curling his lips into a half-smile, he shoved the stake into Noah's heart. Elena gasped in shock as he fell to the floor, his skin greying as he desiccated.
Elena stepped forward, her hands pulling on the ends of her hair. "What do we...how are you gonna find the others now?" she stuttered in shock.
I placed a hand on her shoulder with a sigh. Damon looked at her as if she were a frightened colt. "He had to die. Besides, he helped burn your sister alive once upon a time," he said.
Elena looked at me but quickly looked away. Stefan took pity on her. "Elena, he's been invited in," he said.
The sound of a door opening, had us all tuning in time to see the reflection of Alaric through one of the doors windows. Stefan looked at his brother. "Go. I've got this," he said.
Damon nodded, heading out of the cafeteria. I just hoped Alaric didn't do anything stupid enough to get himself killed. I'd hate to lose out on the opportunity to learn his secret. Not to mention he and Jenna made such a cute couple.
I watched Elena and Stefan curl up together on the couch from my place on one of the top stairs. She was telling him how nice it felt to fight back, how much more powerful she had felt. I tried not to think about the fact that she would be feeling more and more like a victim soon. There was no doubt in my mind that Katherine would have fun trying to torture her in any way she could. Then Niklaus would come along and force her to help him break his curse. I stood from my seat and headed up the stairs, passing by Jeremy's room where I could hear him talking on the phone with someone, a girl by the sound of it. At least somebody was able to have a bit of normalcy in their life. I shut my door behind me and plopped down on my bed beside Rebekah, meeting her blue eyes.
"I will help you with Elijah when he gets here, Beks. Tonight though, I'd like to be alone."
Rebekah's eyes clouded over with remorse, and I watched as she slowly faded away. Not even bothering to change into my pajamas, I rolled on my side and closed my eyes, wishing for the oblivion that came with a peaceful night's sleep.
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unholyhelbiglinked · 7 years
Bite Me | UnpleasantVille
Mr. Saltzman leaned heavily against the edge of his desk, his breath smelling heavily of mint as he looked over the paper that I had handed in. His gaze was settled on the second page, knitting his eyebrows together as he focused intently.
My thumb was hooked on my bag as I looked down at my feet. My stomach was threatening to growl at this point, throat burning. I hadn't gotten a chance to eat breakfast this morning after getting into town so late last night. I was exhausted, falling asleep in Damon's backseat next to Elena wasn't the most comfortable.
"It's good," He nodded, finally flipping the plastic covering shut. "Really good actually. Has anyone ever told you that you have knack for narrative?"
"Narrative as in, never happened?" I gave him a small smile as he handed me back my paper.
"Oh, it all happened. Or at least that's what the history books say." He lifted his chin "You just write like you were there. It's a nice change of pace from the countless Wikipedia exerts I get."
I laughed, shaking my head as I placed the paper back into the bag behind me. Thanking him one last time for looking over my paper before I actually turned it in. Despite missing so much class, and not really needing to take them at all, I did care about my grades.
"Can I ask you something," he raised an eyebrow "Off the record."
"That depends on what it is."
He let out a something between a scoff and a sigh as he shifted his position. He looked nervous, scratching the back of his neck before he spoke. He was leaning heavily against his desk, a sweat forming against his brow.
"I'm a chaperone at the 50's dance tonight." Mr. Saltzman said as I raised an eyebrow. "And you're really good friends with Elena..."
"I suppose," I sounded the words out with caution. The next thing I needed was someone else digging around for answers that I couldn't quite give. Alaric seemed like a good man, one that I didn't want to wrap up in anything other than faculty meetings.
"You know her aunt, right? Jenna?"
"She broke me out of a jail cell once," I shrugged innocently as a jarring look crossed his face, mouth opening slightly "I mean, yes. I do. She's really sweet. I think you should go for it."
"I-uh," He started to stammer, not exactly trying to tell me that in the first place. But the two of them had gotten closer. From the many nights of long talks about Logan Fell and the man who broke her heart before, I knew Jenna needed something more. "Thank you,"
My eyes focused on the paper on Mr. Saltzman's desk. It was Jeremy Gilberts. A paper about vampires. Something that was written on a historical experience that took place in Mystic Falls.
I wanted to mention it. But instead I nodded with a small smile on my face before walking out into the hallway myself, my footfalls echoing against the near empty walls. A few people rested against lockers, Caroline and Matt being two of them. They were locked in a stance, her arms around his shoulders.
"Ro!" She pulled away from the football player, a sly smile against his lips as he leaned up against the wall even more. Caroline was trotting over me, grasping my elbow slightly as she lifted her chin. "You're going to the dance, right?"
"I wasn't planning on it-"
"You are now," She told me.
Her fingers were frigid against mine as she pressed a folded up piece of paper into my palm. It was warm, resting in her pocket for god knows how long. I knit my eyebrows together and bit the edge of my lip.
"Her name is Sammy." Caroline said, "Her younger sister is on the cheer squad."
"Caroline," I scoffed slightly "I don't need help in the dating department."
"Really?" The blonde cocked her head to the side, "figuratively, if you were to go to the dance, who would you take?"
I stared at her blankly, blinking a few times. The last person I had been with was Lexi- the girl that I grew to love overtime. She was strong willed and okay with only having the benefits of a sexual relationship. A lot of them had been like that, just sex.
"My point exactly." Caroline lifted an eyebrow "Call her."
The door was cracked open, lowly golden light spilling across green grass. Elena's porch was lit up, but something was wrong- an odd feeling dropping to the pit of my stomach as I stepped from the car.
Frosted over ground crunched under my feet as I walked up to the front door, breath forming in the air in front of me. This whole place had an odd settlement to it; Jenna's car not in the driveway. I was sure she left early to set up for the school dance.
A loud crash rang through the house, my caution quickly dissipating as I rushed into the house, not bothering to close the door behind me. A man dressed in dark clothing held Elena to the ground, his hands around her neck as he squeezed slightly.
The mans eyes were dark, veins growing from under them as drool dripped from his extended canine teeth. I grasped the back of his hoodie, pulling him roughly away from her. He hadn't noticed me, a deafening bang rushing through the house as I threw him against the nearby end table.
Elena drew in a sharp breath, coughing a bit as she pulled at her collar. The man stood, his stance ragged and slacked. Blood was dripping across the edge of his lip as he moved his sleeve against the corner of his mouth.
His eyes widened before he dashed away, right through the door of the house and into the night. Elena had tears running down her face, her palm clenched around what looked like the Gilbert device. The pointer was spinning relentlessly as I knelt down near her.
"Oh my god," She wrapped her arms tightly around my neck, tucking her head into my shoulder as the door creaked open once more. Stefan stood there, ready and dressed for the dance as he let out a long breath.
"what the hell, Stef?" I asked, knitting my eyebrows together. Clearly, I was missing something important here. After getting home from Georgia I had gone a bit off the grid myself, but didn't think much of it. It had only been a couple of days.
He let out a thick sigh as Elena moved to his arms instead. I was thankful, the button of the plaid high waisted pants I wore dug into my skin and made it uncomfortable to stay in this position. "Noah is the vampire that Elena hit with her car a few nights ago."
"Right," I ran a hand through my hair "So he just decides out of nowhere to attack Elena?"
"No, he must want something." The Salvatore vampire replied. "We just don't know what."
"Use me as bait." Elena said, quickly, earning jarring looks from both Stefan and I as we spoke almost at the same time, my mouth going dry as my tone switched from caring to harsh.
"Absolutely not."
Elena scoffed, lifting herself up from the ground as she took on a defensive stance herself. She glanced back and forth between Stefan and I, her lips slightly parted. "Why not? You'll both me there. So will Damon. It's a crowded place filled with people."
My gaze softened a bit. She had a point. If there was any night to interrogate a vampire with a death complex now would be it. He was strong, clearly knowing what he was doing. He may have more intention to hurt Elena than before.
"Rowan, please." Elena could see my resolve cracking a bit as I let out a thick sigh.
"You're not seriously considering this?" Stefan asked, his voice shocked. His eyes dropped as he saw the hopeful look on my face. "You are."
"We'll all be there." I shrugged "And it's in the middle of a school dance. How much damage can he really do?"
The music pressed against the edges of the building, it's bass making the walls shake as old movies lit up the room from oddly placed projectors. The floor was filled with people, dancing to dated music as they wore clothes they probably found in thrift shops.
It didn't exactly take me back to the 50's, but it didn't do such a bad job.
I was more focused on avoiding Caroline while keeping a keen eye on Elena to question the décor further. Something about school dances always gave me an uneasy feeling- almost like a bucket of red paint was willing to drop at any second. It would make all hell break loose.
A hand on my shoulder made me tense up, my head dropping slightly as I turned around with a thick sigh. Caroline had one eyebrow cocked; her bright blue eyes looked mesmerizing under the tinted lights.
"You're not alone are you?" She asked, more worried than angry. "Oh god, you are. I thought you were going to call Sammy."
"I will," I raised my hands up in surrender, "Honest. Bringing a girl to a high school dance on a first date just isn't my style."
Caroline nodded thoughtfully, knitting her eyebrows together as Matt walked up to the two of us with punch. He had a lazy smile on his face, offering me the cup which I politely declined. The music was a bit loud, my stomach churning a bit as I looked around the crowded dance floor.
My phone buzzed in my pocket, something that I was thankful to hear over the roar of the beat. "Excuse me," I got a nod from the couple before I moved off to the side of the gym and swiped my phone open. Before I got a chance to speak, I heard dark words from the man I had seen earlier.
"You're very concerned about your sister's little look-a-like." Noah spoke, voice gravelly. "She doesn't need you right now, tough. Jeremy does. So unless you want to scrub blood from half of the c-wing, I suggest you get out there."
My eyes swept the room, jaw clenched as a dial tone filled my ears. Mr. Saltzman was working some booth with Jeremy the last I checked. But he stood with Damon now, his face scrunched up and almost upset. I didn't have time to struggle with the darker Salvatore now- I needed to get the hallway.
Pushing my way through the enormous crowd I finally got to a place that wasn't filled with hormonal teenagers in tacky clothes. The hallway was dark, a sharp chill moving across my spine. It was cooler out here, my boots making odd noises against the floor as I rushed towards Jeremy.
"Fuck, Stefan." I cursed as his shoulder rammed right into my chest. I let out a breath, grasping his shoulders "Wait, Stefan, what the hell?"
"I got a phone call." He panted, placing his hands on his knees. "Saying Jeremy was out here."
"He's not." I shook my head. "Shit, he's not."
Instead of answering Stefan I took off again, sprinting down the hall until I heard something other than the pounding music in the gymnasium. The school was mostly coated in silence, but one determining factor stood out from the rest.
Noah's voice.
He was in the café, the lights dimmed and the whirl of nearby vending machines drowning out Stefan's presence next to me. His fangs dripped with saliva as he opened his mouth wider. He held his arm flush across Elena's chest, keeping her in place.
"Come any closer and I kill her." He shouted at me.
Elena stared like she expected me to talk him down. Like I would bring him away from the edge like I had done so effectively with Lexi's boyfriend. But I had no patience or virtue for the man standing in front of me.
"Go ahead." I stepped forward slowly "Bite her."
"Rowan," Stefan warned as I walked closer. He was rooted to the doorway as warm tears dripped from Elena's cheeks.
"What?" Noah spoke now, confusion moving past his features.
"I'm not going to repeat myself." I stopped right in front of the pair, his grip lessening a bit. "Hell, you can turn her if you want. You certainly have her in the position to do so."
"Have you lost your fucking mind?" Stefan croaked out from behind me, fear evident in his voice as I raised my hand slightly to silence him. It worked for the time being, his lovesick heart beating rapidly.
Noah adjusted his stance, sniffing a bit. His eyes were rimmed red like Elena's. I was quiet as I cocked my head to the side, biting my lip slightly. "You're not going to do it though, are you? Because she looks too much like Katherine."
"Shut up." He snarled.
"Is that it?" I cracked a smile. "Elena here looks like a woman who broke your heart?"
Damon cleared his throat from behind me, having stormed into the room a few seconds after Stefan. I ignored them both. "How about you stop taunting the man who's holding Elena by the throat, okay?"
Elena let out a small whimper, snot running from her nose as Noah's shoulders slumped slightly. He was distracted, if only for a moment. The thought of my sister made him gaze longingly at the girl in his arms.
I was quick to reach to my side, grasping a mop that was left there by one of the janitors. I broke it over my knee in one swift movement, fast enough for him to barely react. With one push, I shoved the pointed edge into his abdomen.
He let out a loud scream, one that brought him to his knee's as Stefan ran forward, pulling Elena into his embrace and away from the scene. Damon on the other hand, stood right next to me. His scent filled my nose as I twisted the edge of the broom.
"Why are you here?" Damon asked, snarled.
"I'm not telling you anything."
I let out a small sigh and dug the tip closer to his heart. He let out a dark noise. "Try that again."
"The book," He said.
"What book?" I raised an eyebrow.
"The stupid Gilbert Journal. We thought Elena had it. He knows why." Noah let out a choked sob as he glared at Damon "You'll have to kill me. I'm not talking. Not anymore."
I glanced at Damon for a second. I wasn't sure if it was it was for his approval or to steady myself. I hadn't killed in such a long time, never wanting to harm anyone since what happened with Vicki.
Despite my reserves, I pressed upwards, a sickening crunch filling the air as he let out a strange noise. The veins that once grew from below his eyes were quick to spread to the rest of his ashen skin. He grasped the rod where it rested before falling to the side- all live leaving him.
I sighed, running a hand through my hair before feeling Damon's hand on my shoulder slightly. A form of comfort. "I'll clean this up." He said. "Go home, Rowan."
[A/N: Wow, so Sammy is probably going to become a new character and love interest for Rowan. Any thoughts?]
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quotesofaprincess · 7 years
Selfish - Klaus mikealson
You were completely different. So selfless and the complete opposite of what he was and that's what drew him in to you in the first place. Although him being opposite of you wasn't what drew you to him it was the fact that he acted like he was so different from you but it was more of the fact that he wasn't. You and Damon Salvatore had met the first night he arrived in mystic falls. In fact you were the first human to know about vampires​ when the Salvatore's got involved in mystic falls. Damon had scared you at first probably because the reason you found out is because he was going to kill you. Though something changed his mind. Maybe it was the way you spoke to him or the way your beautiful e/c eyes shown brightly even in the moon light, but he spared your life. Since then you made it your life's work to keep Damon happy. You made it your life's work to keep all of your friends happy. Of course at times Damon was Damon and trying to help him was proven difficult but you never stopped trying. He was your best friend. The thought of you guys being anything more never crossed your mind. Not until Stefan came ranting to you one night after his humanity was shut back on and he was ranting about how Elena and Damon had kissed. The feeling of dread settled in your stomach and Stefan kept going on and on and you felt guilty for not listening so you got rid of the feeling and turned towards the blonde Salvatore. "I just can't believe we are going through all this again. I hate having to fight over a girl with my brother." You smiled softly at Stefan and pulled him into a hug. "Everything is going to work out and if you don't get the girl. Then another one will come along and she will be all yours. Your a great guy Stef and you'll get happiness no matter what. No matter if that's with Elena or someone else." His hug grew tighter and it was like a thank you but one without words. "Thank you y/n I really needed that." "Anytime Stefan. I'm always ready to help." And you were it was just who you were. And of course you supported Damon in his decision about Elena no matter if you had feelings for him. Both of them were your friend and they deserved happiness. The mikealson ball was the biggest event that mystic falls had held in awhile and you knew that you had to go because your friends were going, but in all honesty you weren't feeling up to it. But you ignored that and went anyways. Your hair was curled and pulled up half way and your dress touched the floor and you felt beautiful. The mikealson mansion was gorgeous and you stood in awe at it all. "Y/n it's good to see you again, love." You curstied slightly and laughed. "Your home is beautiful Mr. Mikealson." Klaus played along with you. "Please call me Klaus." Even though they were the enemies you could never find it in your heart to be nasty to any of them. Klaus gave you a glass of champagne and kept your company for awhile until he had to walk up the stairs while Elijah made a speech and introduction for their mother. "May I have this dance?" "Of course." Your hand placed in Klaus's felt comfortable. Almost natural. The song started and you looked over and saw Damon and Elena dancing and heard him complimenting her. Your heart hurt at the lost love you held there but you pushed it down and thought about the smile Elena brought him. "What makes you happy y/n?" "Lots of things. Why?" "I don't know I just...Your always smiling but I'm not so sure you're happy." "Of course I'm happy. I mean sure the threat of your family sucks sometimes, but other than that my friends are together and happy and that's great." "What about you though." Your hands dropped from the shoulders of the hybrid. "What about me? I don't think anyone has ever asked me that before." "It's okay, love. I know you love him." You brought back together with Klaus and continued dancing with him. Thoughts jumbled together. Klaus spun you into someone else and smirked at you as you landed in the arms of none other than Damon Salvatore. "Why are you so nice to them?" "Perhaps I can't be mean to anyone. Klaus isn't so bad." "He killed elena and thousands of other people he is worse than bad." You glanced at your feet at his tone and muttered out a small 'okay' when it was time to switch again you were thankful to be back in the arms of Klaus. "Thanks for the compliment love." "Of course Mr. Mikealson. It would be impolite not to say something nice about the host of the party." "You're gorgeous, love." A shy smile spread your face and he knew it was genuine this time. Almost like you weren't use to the attention. The night went on and you met the other originals and rushed at the sound of commotion going on outside. On the ground lay kol temporarily dead and Damon who just stood up. He made eye contact with Elena. "Far from me to be a problem." Using vampire speed you rushed off after him. "Day? What happened." He was drinking at the bar and it was starting to worry you how he was acting. "She said my love for her was a problem." "I'm sure she didn't mean it. Everything will be okay." Damon's eyes were so heartbroken it broke you. He downed another drink and then another. "Y/n I overheard your conversation with Klaus." "Oh?" "Who are you in love with?" "N-no one." Damon had you pressed against the wall now and your heart was racing. His lips were to your ear and you felt all your breath leave your body. "Are you sure about that? I see how you look at me." Damon kissed you feverishly and it wasn't how you expected but you kissed back anyway, but then memories of Damon and Elena entered your brain. Doing the last thing you wanted you pushed the person you loved away from your lips. "You can't do that Damon. You don't look at me the same way I look at you." He tried to kiss you again and you ran from him. Finding yourself outside of the mikealson mansion. Your hair was messy from where Damon ran his hands through it and you knew that your make up was non existent after crying. The shock of Damon kissing you was still locked in as you knocked on the door. "Hey, love what's wrong?" Klaus pulled you inside and to his room upstairs. "Damon and Elena got into a fight." "I'm assuming that's why he broke kols neck." "I think so. I followed him to see what was wrong and to cheer him up cause that's kind of what I do around here. Then he told me he knew I was in love with him." By now I was crying again and the 'evil' hybrid wiped away my tears. "He kissed me. Why would he do that when he doesn't feel the same about me?" "You're to nice love. Damon was hurt. He wants to get back at Elena and he thought that using you to make her jealous would help him out." "That's cruel. What did I do wrong Klaus?" "I'm not sure what you mean?" "With Damon what did I do wrong? Why doesn't he feel the same about me? Am I not-" "Y/n y/l/n I swear if you are about to say enough I'm going to be angry with you. You're more than enough. And the Salvatore is just to stupid to see how amazing and beautiful you are. You never stop trying to help people and despite my family being the ones to cause trouble towards your friends I've never over heard you say anything bad about us or to us and that takes someone with a pure heart to be able to hold no ill intentions or thoughts towards people. So I swear if you say anything Ill about yourself that you wouldn't say about anyone else I'm gonna have to rethink how I think about you." Your arms around the hybrid. "I don't think anyone has complemented me has much has you Nik. Why do you say such nice things about me?" "Because I'm in love with you. I have been since I met you. I know you're in love with the salvaltore who I don't think deserves your love and that's okay. I can wait." Nik placed a kiss on your forehead and you laid with him and started telling him what made YOU happy because no matter how good being selfless is it's okay to be selfish sometimes. "Klaus I need to tell you something." You and all the mikealsons had grown incredibly closer after the night Klaus made his feelings for you known. Your other friends were angry that you were friends with the original family but God you didn't care. Klaus taught you that you didn't have to spend your constant time making others​ happy. Seeing Damon and Elena together didn't make you happy so you were glad to stay aways but that wasn't the only reason you decided to stay. "What is it love? Are you alright?" "I'm fine. Perfect actually." Klaus was leaned against the wall and his arm across his chest. His dimples showed as he smiled at you. You were near him quickly has you talked. The close approximately made you nervous not quite sure if Klaus was still into you because he hadn't said I love you since that night but you wanted to risk it. Klaus made you brave. "I wanted to thank you." "For what?" "You made me think selfishly and all I can think about is you." He moved towards you more and we were only cenmitres apart. A smirk on his Rosy lips. "What about me do you think about love?" "I think about how I never want to loose you. About how I don't want any other girl to look at you or touch you. Because when it comes to you Nik I'm so selfish it's crazy. I'm selfish enough to never want to share you with anyone. I don't even care if you make someone else happy becuase I want to be the only one you want to make happy." "Why is that y/n?" "Becuase I love you. I love you so much." Whoever initiated the kiss wasn't ready for the electricity that flowed through you two. Both of you had kissed plenty of people and none had felt the way this one kiss did. It was passionate and dizzying. A weak in the knees, my hearts beating out of my chest kind of kiss. Klaus pressed you against the wall now much like Damon had done to you in the past but this time you had no intention of pushing away the man you loved. "I love you too."
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carneaderuntold · 7 years
feburary 25, 2010.
                     it’s nearly 11, kennedy realized as her feet hit the concrete driveway of her house. the sun had long since left the sky, leaving behind bright stars ( the kind only visible in small southern towns )in its absence. the cool air whipped her hair back & forth, & kennedy felt a shiver run down her neck, nimble fingers pulling at the ends of her gray sweater. her chocolate brown eyes flickered towards the glow of warm light filtering through the front window. her father was still awake then, probably waiting for her to walk in the door a minute past curfew so he could berate her ( again ). a soft sigh escaping her lips, kennedy shook her head. if there’s was one thing her dad was a stickler for ( other than eating vegetables ), it was curfew.
                     ❝   thanks again for walking me home,   ❞   the words tumbled past her pink lips as she turned on her heels to face the dark-haired vampire standing next to her, poster boards from the library’s founder’s day booth in his hands. face relaxed but serious, she has no jokes tonight, no terrible puns ready to counter his biting words & cause his face to scrunch up in embarrassment of ever associating with her. it’s an odd sorta friendship the two of them have developed over the past few months————one full of bad jokes & teasing remarks, a lingering intensity neither of them acknowledged hidden underneath.
                      he shrugged off her gratitude, blue eyes roaming the house behind her.   ❝   well, last time i let you walk home alone, you were kidnapped by a bunch of vampires, so i thought, better not test it.   ❞
                     ❝   true … although, those vampires are dead now———   ❞   she trailed off. her fingers picked at a hole on her right sleeve, pushing through the cotton material. she didn’t understand how things could be so awkward & relaxing, intense & at ease, all at once. maybe the comfortable atmosphere stemmed from knowing damon in a past life. eliza gilbert had been best friends with damon hundreds of years ago; meanwhile, kennedy was just getting to know damon herself. perhaps that contrast caused the dueling mood around the two of them, for the same could be said about the older man. he had known eliza back in the day, but he had only met kennedy months ago.   ❝   ————m’glad you’re okay, & you know … not dead & stuff,   ❞   she tried to fill in the tense silence, referring to the blazing fire that roared only an hour or so earlier downtown. many people ( vampires, but people nonetheless ) had died because of the gilbert device, the same device bonnie had promised to deactivate but hadn’t.
                      his gaze moved back to her face, blue eyes searching for something before he shrugged again, his easy smirk sliding back over his features.   ❝   technically,   ❞   he began, & it took everything in kennedy’s might to not roll her eyes right there.   ❝   i’ve been dead for over 140 years now, so …   ❞
                     ❝   so m’glad you’ll get to be dead for over 140 more,   ❞   she quipped back. a second later, her warm lips have connected with his cold cheek before she stepped back, small smile lingering on her face, posters now in her hands.   ❝   good night … see you tomorrow ???❞   she didn’t wait for his response, opting instead to walk inside just as her watch ticked over to 10:59 PM. just in time for curfew.
june 22 2010.
                      she rolled over, hands tugging the white cotton pillow above her head. a soft groan escaped her lips as she tried to block out the bright rays of sunlight streaming in through the window. it was no use, seeing as she had been at this for five minutes & was now wide awake. a few seconds later, she peeled the pillow off her face & opened her eyes, blinking & sitting up. her gaze wandered to the other side of the bed, noticing it empty for the first time since she had woken up. she could hear the sound of the shower running & figured that was where she would find him. it wasn’t like anyone else was living in the boarding house at the moment, well, not since before summer had began.
                       she flopped back down on the bed, fingers running through her tangled brown locks as she glanced around his bed room. this wasn’t the first time she had spent the night here, & just like many other nights, it had begun & ended the same way. over the course of the summer, the two had become something more. what more was, kennedy wasn’t so sure, but she liked it. dinner & research, star-gazing &spell practicing, late night drinks & early morning pancakes. it was a routine she had grown familiar with, & one she was glad she didn’t have to give up when the school year began ( since she had decided to delay college by one year. funny how a year ago, she couldn’t wait to be out of this small town, & here she was voluntarily staying another year ).
                       hearing the water cut off, kennedy tugged at the covers, wrapping herself back into them & closing her eyes. she knew her feign of sleep wouldn’t convince him very long, but it might convince him he had nothing better to do all day than lay around the house. she felt the bed dip next to her, & she rolled over, curling into him. surprisingly, he was dry, despite only having gotten out of the shower a minute ago. she sneaked a glance upward, finding him laying there in only a towel. eyelashes fluttered as she blinked before shaking her head softly at the smirk on his face.
                      ❝   good morning,   ❞   he announced, chirpier as ever, & kennedy rolled her eyes, nodding softly. it was a good morning. she was relaxed, having slept peacefully through the night next to her best friend.
                     ❝   mmmhmmm,   ❞   she agreed, leaning back into him & closing her eyes. she felt his lips press against the crown of her head, & she smiled.
                      he laughed softly.    ❝   i’d hate to make you get up, but i just heard elena open the front door. we better get up & see what she wants.   ❞
                     ❝   ‘nother lead ???   ❞   kennedy perked up at his words, sitting up.
                     ❝   probably, she needs to stop looking.   ❞
                     ❝   well, it’s not like you’ve stopped looking either.   ❞   she glanced over at the bedside clock, eyes landing on the date.   ❝   either way, be nice to her today. it’s her birthday.   ❞
                      he scoffed.   ❝   when am i not nice ???   fine, fine. get dressed & meet me downstairs in a few, okay ???   ❞
                      she nodded, watching as he got up, still dressed in only his towel, & walked downstairs.
winter 2010.
                      the motel room was dark, dimly lit from the moon’s light seeping through the window. if kennedy had been more awake, she probably would have made a comment about how the light wasn’t actually coming from the moon, it was just the sun’s light reflecting off the moon, but after a long day on the road helping elena & damon find jeremy ( & then later running away from kol ), she didn’t care too much about being 100% accurate, especially since no one else was awake to hear her be correct. elena & jeremy laid in the other bed, tucked under the scratchy, wool blankets & snoring softly. kennedy turned in the bed at the sound of the bathroom door creaking, eyes cracked open enough to make out a shirtless damon. she watched as he walked towards the ice box & grabbed a bottle of whiskey. biting her lip, she wondered if she should make her awakeness known but thought better of it as she watched him peer out the window, put on one of his dark button-downs, & pour himself a drink. he sat down at the table, propping his legs up in the adjacent chair.  her gaze lingered as he took a sip of the amber liquid. silence continued to fill the air, leaving room for kennedy’s thoughts to wander.
                       the past few months had come & gone in much of blur. it was the first year since 1997 that she wasn’t enrolled in school, which, in theory, should have left her more time to relax & enjoy life. of course, that wasn’t the case. between searching for stefan, fighting off klaus & his family of original vampires, & now dealing with alaric’s crazy alter ego, kennedy had done pretty much everything but relax. so it was moments like this, quiet seconds stuck between the chaotic hours of her day, she found time to take a step back & think. sometimes, she’d write, jot down all her reflections into a worn journal, much like her previous incarnations. but she didn’t have her journal with her, so she was left to silently analyze the way damon’s blue eyes scrutinized the now empty plastic cup in his hands. his gaze flicked towards her, eyebrows furrowing at the sight of her awake, & she dug her teeth further into her lip.
                       their eyes stayed locked, seconds beating between the two before kennedy’s gaze broke away, & she shuffled on the bed. scooting over, she patted the empty space next to her. he nodded softly, setting the glass down on the table & standing up. he walked over, feet hitting the cold floor before he laid down on the bed. head turned towards her, his fingers found her long brown hair & brushed it out of her face.   ❝   hey———————what are you doing still up ???  ❞
                       she shrugged, not quite knowing the answer herself. it was just one of those nights where her mind didn’t want to shut off,  so she stayed awake, thoughts circling over & over in her head.   ❝   you never told me about that, you know ???   ❞
                       he blinked.   ❝   told you about what ???   ❞
                      ❝   what you did for rose. i mean, i know you had helped her, i just … didn’t know how much.   ❞
                       she watched as his blue eyes flickered to the ceiling & he pulled his hand away from her face.   ❝   didn’t seem like something that needed to be told.   ❞
                       a frown formed on her lips as she sighed, twisting to face him better.   ❝   why do you do that ???   ❞   her voice was soft, dark brown eyes observing every detail of his dimly lit face. she didn’t understand it, & normally, she didn’t question it out loud either. she knew damon was a good guy, understood that even though he sometimes did bad things, his intentions & motivations usually turned out pure (or at least, as pure as a 171 year-old vampire’s intentions could be ).   ❝   why don’t you let people see the good in you ???   ❞   the way she said it made it was obvious she hadn’t included herself as ‘ people ’. somewhere along the way, in the past two years of knowing damon, she had been granted glimpses of him others had never seen, moments where his guard was down & he could just … be. he always seemed more human to her during them, & sometimes, she’d wonder if maybe that was what he was like with eliza.
                       it felt like hours before he spoke.   ❝   because when people see good, they expect good.   ❞   his eyes finally met hers again.   ❝   & i don’t want to have to live up to anyone’s expectations.   ❞
                       her frowned lingered, but she nodded nonetheless, understanding where he was coming from. expectations were a hard thing to get past, whether coming from family & friends or total strangers. kennedy remembered how tough the beginning of high school had been, her overtly excitement for learning having been thrown off by everyone else’s desire to just get done with the lecture & go home. she had learned to stop interjecting in the middle of class & just sit quietly & do her work instead. she had let others’ expectations influence how she acted in school. fingers found her own, & her head turned to see damon staring at her again, mind probably wondering where hers had gone off to. it seemed to be a night meant for staring contests as their gazes lingered again, seconds turning into minutes. at one point, kennedy couldn’t take the intensity of damon’s stare any longer & stood up, abruptly grabbing the sweater she had left on the table & walking out of the motel room, feet still bare.
                       she made it all the way to the vending machine, leaning against its cool side as she took a few deep breaths. she couldn’t quite wrap her head around where she stood with damon. were they dating ??? the amount of times they had kissed & one of them had stayed the night at the other’s the past few months indicated, yes, they were. but there was also a distinct lack of communication of their feelings between the two of them, leaving kennedy wondering what the hell their relationship status was. turning, she found damon had followed her out of the motel room & was standing only a foot or so away, arms folded across his chest. he opened his mouth to speak, clearly confused as to what her problem was.
                      ❝   what are we doing ???   ❞   she asked, cutting off whatever he was going to say.
                      ❝   what do you mean ???   ❞   he took a step closer.
                      ❝   i mean what are we doing ??? me. you. what are we doing ??? because i literally have no clue.   ❞
                      ❝   kennedy—————   ❞
                      ❝   are we dating ???   ❞   she swore she sounded more mature in her head, but as the words tumble out of her mouth, she realized she sounded much more like a confused teenager than anything. granted, kennedy was still technically a teenager for another eight months, but the sentiment still held true.
                       blue eyes narrowed, damon took another step forward until he was standing right in front of her. his arm stretched out, fingers clasping around her wrist & uncoiling her hand.   ❝   well, i kinda thought we were. why———did you think we weren’t dating ???   ❞
                      ❝   no———i mean, i don’t know. this is very confusing. you’re very confusing.   ❞   although she wouldn’t admit it, she kinda liked being confused. it was nice reprieve from knowing everything all the time.   ❝   i think everyone but you right now is confused.   ❞
                       kennedy didn’t have time to blink before his lips were on hers, coercing her to stop asking so many goddamn questions & just let it be. she kissed back, hands roaming until they found the hem of his shirt & pulled him closer.  his lips began to wander down her neck before she lifted his head back up to her lips.
                       behind them, someone cleared their throat, & kennedy quickly pulled away, face flushed, brown eyes trailing until she found elena staring at the two of them.    ❝   uh———   ❞   kennedy tried to make out an excuse as to why her & damon were making out in the late hours of the night, but she couldn’t seem to get her mind to assemble an articulate response.
                       elena shook her head.   ❝   jeremy says rose found mary. she lives in kansas.   ❞
                       damon glanced towards kennedy & then looked back to elena, sly smirk curling onto his face.   ❝   okay then. let’s go.   ❞   he walked back into the room, door closing shut behind him.
elena’s curious gaze never left kennedy’s stunned face. before the younger brunette could get a word in, however, kennedy let out a sound of disbelief.   ❝   a simple yes would have worked too.   ❞
                      ❝   what ???   ❞
                      ❝   nothing. let’s get going.   ❞
july 2 2011.
                      two years ago, kennedy would have laughed if you told her she had let someone in on where her secret hiding spot was. of course, she knew oliver ( & maybe even bonnie ) had some clue as to where she’d run off to in the middle of the week, when work & school & everything else seem to pile on top of her all at once & she just needed some space. but that didn’t mean she had ever told oliver, & to be fair, she hadn’t actually told the dark-haired vampire laying next to her on the rough grass either. well, not at first, at least. in fact, the whole reason they were sitting out here in this clearing, eyes locked on the stars above them,  was because damon had taken her out here several weeks ago with the intent to show her where he & eliza had spent many of their nights together, laughing & talking & sipping wine. kennedy had managed to ruin the surprise when she informed him only seconds after reaching the clearing this was her favorite spot to star-gaze & write in her journal ( & had been for several years now ).
                       she really needed to learn the art of timing.
                       but, hey, if damon hadn’t broken up with her over her terrible puns yet, her poor timing wasn’t going to push him over the edge anytime soon.
                       so there they sat, fingers plucking at the tall strands of grass below them, gazes fixated on the stars above. it was a peaceful scene, just like every other night this summer had been, actually. it only took two years, but everything had finally quieted down in mystic falls, & everyone left in town had returned to a semi-normal routine for the summer. & damon & kennedy, well, they were no exception. without any supernatural drama to deal with, the couple was left to do actual couple things for once. a month ago, they were worried about an immortal witch being awakened from his thousand year slumber, & today, they were laughing at one of her bad puns, & he was pointing out different constellations to her & explaining to her the origins for each one ( although, she did have to correct him on a few greek myths ).
                      ❝   & that’s why there’s technically 13 zodiac signs & not 12.   ❞   she finished her story, twisting around on the grass until her body was curled up next to him. his arm wrapped around her waist &pulled her short frame closer.
                      ❝   interesting,   ❞   he muttered into her hair, & she could practically feel the grin radiating off him at her over-enthusiastic explanation of the zodiac signs.   ❝   you know where you could see the stars better ??? ❞
                      ❝   where ???   ❞   she asked, half-expecting his reply to be some sort of innuendo. instead, she felt him run his fingers through her tangled locks, twisting each strand around his fingers.
                      ❝   up in the mountains, where there’s no city lights to block your view or dim their brightness.   ❞
                      ❝   yeah ???   ❞
                      ❝   yeah.   ❞   his grip around her waist briefly tightened before his gaze met hers.   ❝   we could go to some if you’d like. i’ve got a place in the ozarks. we could head up there for a few weeks, just the two of us.   ❞
                       she hummed in response at his offer. the idea of leaving mystic falls for a few weeks & getting to have damon all to herself was very tempting. it wasn’t like she had anything better to do either. she didn’t start college for another two months, & there wasn’t any supernatural drama going on for once. all she would have to do would be to tell the library she wouldn’t behere for a few weeks.   ❝   that sounds really nice.   ❞
                      ❝   yeah ???   ❞
                      ❝   yeah.   ❞   she grinned, & he grinned back. he leaned down, lips meeting hers in a deep kiss before she pulled back, giggle escaping her throat. she pointed back up to the sky, index finger homing in on a constellation to the far right.   ❝   so tell me about that one.   ❞
october 10 2012.
                      to say her head hurt would be an understatement.  a soft groan escaped her lips as her brown eyes fluttered open. squinting, she tried to adjust to the dim light illuminating the unfamiliar room. as she began to make out the layout of the room———large king bed, table set off to the side, older television laid on top of a dresser———, she realized she was in a motel, which also explained why the sheets were so rough against her skin. cold fingers brushed her hair back, & kennedy’s questions as to how she had gotten there drifted to the back of her mind.
                       turning on her side, kennedy blinked as her eyes landed on a familiar pale face. her breath caught in her breath as her heart pounded in her chest. a few memories clicked back into place———damon blowing himself up to find bring back stefan from the other side, kennedy searching & searching for a way to get him back until finding the answer in her uncle, her uncle henry later slicing her throat to try & resurrect katherine. kennedy’s hand trailed up to her throat, fingers stroking the unharmed skin. realization came to her then, & she let out a jagged breath.   ❝   m’dead, aren’t i ???   ❞
                      ❝   what ???   ❞   she has never heard his voice rise that high before, so full of disbelief & confusion. the expression on his face would be humorous if the situation wasn’t so serious. he was dead, & if she was seeing him, touching him, interacting with him, then logically, she was dead as well. it was the only way her brain could make sense of it all. her uncle had killed her, had sliced her throat & let her bleed out, & for what ??? so katherine could come back from the prison world kennedy had sent her to so the manipulative bitch didn’t have to suffer in HELL ??? at least kennedy could take comfort in knowing katherine wouldn’t be too happy gracing the earth again ( not when nadia was still in the prison world without her mother ) & would probably kill henry for releasing her. meanwhile, kennedy was stuck in some sort of limbo ( … was this heaven ??? must be if she had finally been reunited with damon ).
                      ❝   i’m dead … actually, properly dead.   ❞   she frowned as she sat up in the bed, fingers pushing back the covers. this was an experience she wasn’t sure she was ever going to have. she didn’t know many details about how the reincarnation spell actually worked ( where did her soul go in between incarnations ??? how come she always looked the same even though she wasn’t related to any of her other-selves ??? ). she had always been more afraid & reincarnating & forgetting everyone she loved than dying permanently,  but she had had an inkling that the spell wouldn’t work since the other side had been destroyed, & right now, it looked like she had been right.
                       sometimes she hated being right.
                       surprisingly, right now wasn’t one of those times.
                      ❝   you’re not dead, kennedy,   ❞   damon huffed, hand clasping around hers. his fingers found the crevices between her own & squeezed. there was a glimmer of amusement in his blue eyes, &kennedy wasn’t sure what he found so funny about this situation. they were dead. this was not a joke.
                      ❝   yeah ??? & what makes you think that, hmm ???   ❞
                       damon’s lips connected with hers then, & she sighed, kissing him back. four months. it had been four months since she had kissed him, seen his face, heard his voice. she didn’t care if they were in some sort of afterlife right now. she wasn’t curious to explore their surroundings & figure out whether the religion she spent half her life believing in held any sort of truth in it. she didn’t care about anything except the dark-haired vampire ( could one be a vampire after death ??? ) kissing her right now. but too soon, he pulled away, breath heavy against her face. his face still held the look of amusement across it, although hidden underneath she could see he was worried.   ❝   did that do the trick ???   ❞
                      ❝   how … how was kissing me supposed to prove i’m alive ???   ❞   she asked, giggling softly before shaking her head. damon shrugged, obviously not knowing the answer himself, & kennedy sighed & decided to play along.   ❝   okay, i’ll bite. if we’re not dead, how are you here ??? last i checked, you kinda drove your car into the grill & blew it along with yourself up.   ❞
                      ❝   & now she’s asking the real questions. i knew my brainiac was in there somewhere.   ❞   he smirked, free hand moving to push back more of her hair.   ❝   well, you see, someone had the decency to pop up in my dreams & tell me to start looking for an ascendant. i found it, escaped, & ta-da, i’m here.   ❞
                       kennedy blinked, damon’s words slowly sinking in.   ❝   that actually worked ??? henry wasn’t lying to me ???   ❞   her grip tightened on his hand, & she frowned. damon had been stuck in a prison world. henry had confirmed her suspicions as soon as she had arrived in memphis. that’s when she had managed to perform a spell to make contact with him, showing up in his dreams & telling him what little she knew about prison worlds, hoping it would lead him back home to her. apparently, it had worked, but that still left one tiny detail.   ❝   that explains how you’re here & alive, but what about me ??? i distinctly remember having my throat cut open.   ❞
                       this time she felt damon’s hand tightened on hers. his eyes grew gentle, amusement being replaced with affection.   ❝   vampire blood does a good job at healing most wounds, kenn———you left ric & your dad all worried with talk of your uncle & not showing up to class for a whole week. so when i got back & you weren’t there, well, some of us can still put 2 & 2 together.   ❞
                       another blink. her head was beginning to clear, more memories from her uncle’s ritual coming back to her: his voice calling out to her as her uncle held the knife to her throat. alaric & oliver had been there as well; although who knows where the two of them were now ( probably still on their way back to mystic falls ). & katherine ??? had katherine been released from her prison world even though damon had stopped the ritual ???   ❝   you saved me ???   ❞
                      ❝   of course, i saved you. s’kinda what i do, you know.   ❞
                       she rolled her eyes, half-tempted to list the numerous times she had saved his ass, but she didn’t want to ruin the moment.   ❝   so we’re alive then ???   ❞
                        he nodded.   ❝   we’re alive.   ❞
                      ❝   good. that means i can do this again.   ❞   her lips pressed against his, but he pulled back.
                      ❝   nuh-uh. not until AFTER we talk about you almost getting yourself killed trying to bring me back.  ❞
                      ❝   hey !!! the dying thing wasn’t exactly on the table when i originally made the deal with him.   ❞
                      ❝   what about ‘ shady uncle your father doesn’t want you to know ’ about doesn’t scream danger to you ???   ❞
                      ❝   i’m a curious child, leave me alone.   ❞
                      ❝   curiosity killed the cat, kenn.   ❞
                      ❝   & satisfaction brought it back.   ❞   she leaned forward, capturing his lips again. this time he didn’t pull back, merely sighing softly as his hands found his way into her hair. it was nice not being dead.
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