#elenia kitrah
HUMan obsErvations!!
I got tHE OK from niCO TO post thESE, SO hErE aRE SOmE things i'VE NOticEd about hIM.
HUman skin aND NAils arE vERY DIffErEnt from trolLS!! THEir nails arEN'T SHarp likE ouRS, ANd arEn't nEarLY AS strong EithER. thEir skIN IS much thinnER - I accidEntally scratchED HIm without EvEN TRying. also, yES, THEir blood IS BRight rEd.
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ANothEr thing: haIR! NOt only IS HUman hair naturalLY MOrE colorful thAN TRolls, it's alSO REally soft?? liKE. NOt wiry AT ALl, plush lusUS TOy lEvEls OF SOft and flufFY.
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HE says hIS HAir is dyED "BLondE", and thAT HIs hair IS BRown. hIS ROots arE showiNG, YOu can sEE THE natural colOR THErE!!
ON anothEr noTE, IT turns oUT THat husktop I FOund was hIS. HE apparEntly loST IT at soME POint whilE HE WAs living IN THE woods, HE WAs pretty hapPY TO havE IT BAck ~^u^~
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eridan-amporaa · 10 months
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homestuck style doodles of @crossover-enthusiast and I that I started drawing at 1 am lol
bones doesn't have a sona as far as I know so I Made Shit Up based on some old designs from... jegus, 3 years ago I think?? wild
most of this is based on us having a lot of similarities with this stuff :D
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eridan-amporaa · 1 year
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trollsona because cringe is dead and I am free
she has a silly blog now @alternias-human-encounters, go check it out!!!!
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