#elias 'eli' cairncross
endlessly-cursed · 1 year
Abe: Wait, if I marry Emmie...
Oscar: And I marry Zelda...
Abe: That'd make us...
Both, grabbing each other's arms and jumping up and down in unison: BROTHERS!!!
Elias & Phineas: 🫥
Tagging @cursed-herbalist & @cursebreakerfarrier
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
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...elias cairncross as ancient runes professor
...rex brokenshire as guest on vampirology subjects
...atticus grimsley as defence against the dark arts professor
...russell marchmont as senior cursebreaker
...hestia herron as charms professor
...phineas falcon as care of magical creatures professor
...olyvar yaxley as atronomy professor
...ezra greenaway as special guest on writing and travelling
Tagging @cursebreakerfarrier @gaygryffindorgal and @potionboy3
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
WWTG22: The Welcome Ball 2.0- For The Rest of My Life (Abeline)
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Emmeline had been dancing with Abe for most of the night, and it was honestly liberating to dance to her heart’s delight without her father glaring daggers at her beloved Abe, though he had gotted accustomed to him by now. As she rested, she spotted her dear friend Zelda dancing with Oscar Erdstern while Elias Cairncross observed closely, a ghost of a smile on his face. He spotted her and nodded her hello, and she did the same. She noticed a pair of familiar hands who hugged her waist and whispered in her ear “Come with me for a moment, my love.” 
She turned around to face her beloved Abraham, and she gladly took his hand, which he kissed and picked their coats and went out to the snowy gardens. Emmeline soon shivered and put around her coat, and Abe took the hint, hugging her with one arm “Where are we going, dearest? It’s freezing cold! It may be the coldest night here.” 
“I promise it’ll be worthy, my love. Here, put this on.” 
She frowned when he offered her the blindfold, but put it on her eyes nevertheless. She trusted Abe fully: he knew Winbourne like the palm of his hand, for he and the hostess were very good friends and had grown up visiting her. She almost slipped, but Abe’s strong arms always steadied her. When he warned her of the steps, she was careful, and when she noticed the echo and the feeling that she was on something made of marble, she asked Abe if she could open her eyes, and he agreed. When she opened her eyes, she was indeed in something made of marble... her famous gazebo in the small lake, candlelit with her favourite scent and with petals of the same shade of red roses as her hair. She gasped and smiled at such a sweet detail, and when she spun around, Abe was on one knee, offering a rose to her “Abe...?” 
He took her hand and kissed it “Emmeline, my darling Emmie... These past years have been the best in my life, and not only because of the mischief we caused, but because I got to fall in love and be your partner all these years.” He took a deep breath “I know how you feel about marriage, and I like to think this is the best moment, so I’ll just ask you; Emmeline Antonia Falcon, will you do me the honour, nay, privilege to be your loving and most devoted husband?” 
Emmeline had been weeping of emotion and joy. Just like her mother and her stepmother Hestia had told her, she would surely weep of joy when Abe popped the question. When she found the words, she said “Abraham... Abe... yes, yes, oh Merlin, YES!” 
He smiled widely and got up, hugging her and spinning her around, both laughing and crying, not wanting to let go. Without helping himself, he kissed her and she kissed him back, melting into the joy they both had. Between kisses, the exchanged ‘I love you’s and laughs, and Abe wiped her tears kissing her entire face, simply overjoyed that she said yes. For a  moment, neither of them thought of the probably stroke her father would have, but rather the beautiful moment they were sharing. She’d have to extend her gratitude to the Ladu Gray, who surely made sure this was decorated at her tastes. 
When they came back, she ran towards Zelda and told her the news and both beamed, hugging one another. Elias hugged her congratulations and so did Miriam, both talking of ideas for the wedding. Oscar patted Abe’s back, who was smiling impossibly wide. 
“Guests, if I may have your attention!” Abe suddenly called, and everything paused, their eyes on him. He took Emmeline’s hand “I have asked Miss Falcon to marry me... and she said yes!” 
Everyone whooped and cheered, and an equally cheerful music started playing and everyone got back to dancing, including Abe and Emmeline, Oscar and Zelda and even Miriam and Elias. 
And so they danced the night away, happy that Abe and Emmie were about to be together... for the rest of their lives. 
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Abe and Oscar belongs to the wonderful @cursed-herbalist 
Zelda, Miriam, Elias and Hestia belongs to @cursebreakerfarrier​ 
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
Happy FFWF! Any headcanons for Eli and Phineas?
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As I said, they met in Arabian territory. He was by then with baby Emmeline and still married to Olga
He noticed Eli alone and approached him with a good drink and small questions like "What brings you here?" Or "A bit hot, isn't it?" And introduced him to Emmeline and Olga, who were watching. Emmeline got curious of something he might be wearing and asked what was that.
For days, he made small steps, always thoughtful and careful of what he said. Soon, Eli was used to Phineas' presence.
That's when he discreetly asked if he was too from the 'Scottish school for people who had the mysterious talents of a wizard' when everyone was out or too drunk to care. That's when they realised they had attended Hogwarts in the same year
He could sit in silence for a long time, and they soon exchanged pleasantries and was introduced to Miriam and Rex
When they truly became friends, though, was when he divorced Olga and he offered him a drink and comfort. Eli was the first one he opened up about it
Soon, Zelda was born and Eli would watch Phineas and Emmeline to take example of good parenting, though I think he'd be too proud to ask (correct me if I'm wrong) directly
Phineas had been accepted as a COMC professor in 1876 and accepted. It was him who told him of the ambiance there and that he should give it a shot
Eli was also shocked to see Phineas, someone who always expressed everything with warmth and positivity, go cold and full of resentment when The Daily Prophet announced his father's assassination. After much asking in his own way, he told him about why his behaviour on a drunken night. He also found out that he was heavier than he thought
Phineas also vowed that if something happened to him, Eli would walk Emmeline to the altar
Eli also helped Phineas warm up to his future son-in-law Abe ( @cursed-herbalist )
In general, Eli helped Phineas in many things throughout his life and Phineas considers him a close friend
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