#elizabeth shelby imagine
notyour-valentine · 2 years
36 with our Lizzie?
Also a cake and carrot for celebrating! 🎂🥕
Wine and Water ~ Lizzie Shelby & Reader (Fluff)
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[Celebration] [Celebration Masterlist] [Masterlist]
(18/21+). I do not consent to my work being translated, copied or posted elsewhere on this platform or any other.
Notes: This can be seen as a standalone or a sequel to this
Words: 821 words
The auction had been somewhat of a success.
She did manage to get that Medusa bracelet which she had had her eye on, but had failed to get the painting of Judith beheading Holofernes. And then Mr. Murray and Sir John had been red with rage as they tried to outbid themselves over some miniature warship, which had been delightful to watch. Like two dogs fighting, not the scrappy street kind fighting for a bone, but the fat little lapdogs, who could barely move wiggling their ugly bodies to reach a treat first. 
Afterwards, there was more champagne, canapes, and chatter, but she soon excused herself to the restrooms, not because she needed to, but because she wanted some silence. 
Using the opportunity, she was just retouching her lipstick, when the door opened once more, revealing a no longer strange face. 
“Ah sorry,”, Mrs Shelby mumbled as she saw her. 
“Don’t worry.”, she told her with a smirk. “This is the Ladies room - you have as much right to be here as me.”
The corner of her lip twitched and she glanced at the door, making her realise the meaning of her words. 
For a woman of admirable height, Mrs Shelby moved like one half her size, as if she wanted to make herself as small as possible, almost unnoticeable. 
It was sad to see, but it was a sad world, so she wasn’t surprised. 
Not wanting to stare, she turned her back on the other woman and went back to her lipstick. 
To her surprise though, Mrs Shelby watched her. 
“My husband says you have a reputation.”, she said. 
“I suppose we all do.”
She huffed slightly.
“He says you enjoy tormenting men.”
That made her smile, and she turned, biting the desire to lick her freshly painted lips. 
“I don’t torment men, Mrs Shelby, at least not unless they deserve it.”
She tilted her head and smirked. 
“And it is not for enjoyment, it is for a sense of justice- or satisfaction.”
Mrs Shelby didn’t look all too convinced and so she walked over to her and gave her hands a little squeeze.
“I don’t mind men, Mrs Shelby. I just happen to be able to see humorous way of their collective existence.”
“Like what?”, she wanted to know. 
“Well,”, she mused, “For one they always like to remind us that we are the weaker sex.”
She clicked her tongue as if she was scolding them at the notion.
“Well, I have children, so do you, don’t you?”
The realisation made her smile just barely as she nodded.
“Alright, yes.”
“Quod erat demonstrandum.”, she said, already half turned when she saw a flash of fear in her eyes, before she quickly lowered them. 
That short quick moment of their shared joke was gone, shattered on the ground by her slip of the tongue.
By now, by her voice and posture and the way she presented herself, she had long realised that Mrs Shelby wasn’t comfortable here. And now she had made her even more uncomfortable, which wasn’t at all her intention. 
“It means “which was to be demonstrated.””, she said softly, “People use it when they’ve proven their argument.”
“Oh.”, Mrs Shelby muttered, clearing her throat. 
“No need to blush.”, she assured her. “Latin is a terrible beast of a language, in fact, it is said that if the Romans themselves had to learn it, they never would have had the time to conquer half the known world. But it is rather useful if you want to appear smarter than you actually are.”
She dismissed it all with a wave and felt a pang of relief when Mrs Shelby seemed to relax slightly. 
“There are like twenty phrases people use and the rest, well, everyone’s forgotten that as soon as they leave the school room. So if it goes beyond that, people just nod and pretend, without daring to question it as they are all afraid of being called out.”
“Is that why you like to humiliate men, ‘cause they don’t know what they are talking about?”
There was uncertainty in her voice, and she knew the question had a double meaning. 
“I don’t mind a lack of knowledge. In fact, there are infinitely more things I don’t know than those I will ever have the time to learn. Unfortunately, not everyone disagrees with my assessment. Most people have rather insufferable delusions of grandeur.”
Offering the other woman a smile she took a deep breath.
“I don’t like to humiliate in anyone, but I do have a certain and rather concrete dislike about people who refuse to accept the limitations of their own personhood, station, knowledge, role in society. It is usually them who preach water and drink wine and I can’t stand that.”
She smiled up at the taller woman. 
“I’m sure you have the misfortune of knowing the kind.”
Mrs Shelby snorted. 
“Oh trust me I do.”
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Thank you so much for requesting and for participating in my celebration - I hope you liked it! As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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acewritesfics · 9 months
Mama Bear | Tommy Shelby
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Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Nora + Bess
Request: No but @runnning-outof-time's interest kept me encouraged and motivated to write it.
Fic Type: Imagine
Warnings: Swearing. Smoking. Threats being made. Inspector Campbell being a prick. Slight Grace bashing. Nora protecting her family and being a mama bear. Someone gets called a whore [hint: it's not Lizzie]. A six-year-old in the pub. Tommy and Nora's daughter's name in this is Elizabeth but she gets called Bess or Bessie. Also crayola crayons came out in 1903 but were invented in 1902, useless fact, I know... 
Word Count: 1,971
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"Give Tommy and Elizabeth my love," Nora’s mother, Marion, tells her as she stands up to leave. "Hopefully I'll see you all at church on Sunday." 
"You know I can't make any promises, mother," She says also standing up. "I'll make sure to give Tommy and Bessie your love," She adds as her mum pulls her in for a hug.  
"I really wish you would stop calling your daughter Bessie," Marion sighs as she pulls away from her daughter. 
"Don't start, we had such a lovely lunch together," She frowns at her, already felling annoyed at her mothers insistence to see them on Sunday.. "And you know she prefers Bessie over Elizabeth." 
"I'll see you Sunday," Marion says ignoring what she said as she leaves the restaurant. 
"I doubt it," Nora mumbles to herself as she picks up her purse. Sunday is hers and Tommy’s day where they solely focus on there daughter. No outside family or work. It’s just the three of them and it’s been that way since Bess was born. 
As Nora goes to leave she sees someone who makes her blood boil in the worst kind of way. Walking over to him, her mind goes back to the events of the day before. Ada and Polly had taken Bessie and Finn to the park for a few hours and had been spotted by Inspector Campbell who grabbed Bessie's arm and threatened to have her removed from her's and Tommy's custody.  
When Tommy and Nora arrived home from the races, a frightened Bessie ran up to them crying about a man telling Auntie Polly and Auntie Ada that he was going to take her away from them. When Polly explained to them what happened, Nora and Tommy were about to go murder the Irish inspector. But reassuring their daughter that mummy and daddy would never let that happen was more important.  
Polly told them that she made sure he knew he was crossing a line and that she has their backs if something were to happen to him as well as threatening to cut his hands off if he touched her again. 
"Well isn't this a pleasant surprise, Inspector," she plasters a fake smile on her face as she sits across from him, sipping his tea. 
He looks at her a little surprised. "Mrs Shelby, I wasn't expecting to see you here." 
"That's odd, since you've been following my family around since you've been here," she says trying to keep the venom from her voice. "I was just having lunch with my mother. I saw you on my way out and thought we could have a little chat." 
"Don't you have to get back to that criminal husband of yours?" He says seeming anxious to get rid of her.  
"Do you see a leash around my neck?" She asks him, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.  
"Why are you with a man like him?" he asks her. "He'll only get you and your daughter hurt, maybe even killed. He's bad news and you and Bessie," he ignores the glare she sends him when he mentions her daughters nickname. "Deserve better than that." 
"You see, Tommy is a lot of things, Inspector," she begins. "But he's my husband and my daughter's father, first and foremost, and if you think for a second that you can turn me against him by saying all that, you should think again," she continues, leaning in closer and pointing the fingers that are holding her cigarette at him. "And if you continue to use my daughter as leverage in whatever game you're playing with him, you won't only have Thomas Shelby to worry about." 
"Is that a threat, Mrs. Shelby?" he asks, visibly gulping. The bite in her words and fire in her eyes told the inspector she's a woman of her word and that if he didn't fear Tommy, he should certainly fear her. She was not only a woman protecting her husband but a mother protecting her cub. 
"Oh no, darling," she leans back in the chair, crossing her legs, with one arm across her stomach while the other brings her cigarette back to her lips. She takes one last drag on her cigarette before crushing it into the ashtray on the table. Uncrossing her legs, she stands up from her seat. "Think of it as a friendly promise." 
"We're not friends," he frowns up at her. 
"And we never will be with that attitude," she scoffs. "But if you would rather I threaten you," she starts, as she moves closer and leans over him. "You touch my daughter again and it'll be the last thing you ever do." 
She stands up straight and goes to step away from him when she turned back around. "And if I were you, I'd send Grace back to Ireland or to where the hell she wants to go. Would hate for something to happen to her when the other's finally see the truth about her."  
"You know about Grace?" He looks at her surprised and a little worried for the blonde 'barmaid'. "Are you worried she'll steal your husband?" 
"I know more than you think," she smiles. "If you think your blonde whore can steal my husband, you're a bigger fool than I thought. In fact you two are perfect for each other. Idiots, the both of you," she adds and pats his cheek. "Enjoy the rest of your day, Inspector."  
Leaving the restaurant, she makes her way to the Garrison. 
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Nora enters the Garrison, finding only Grace behind the bar. She's leaning in close to the wall of the snug as if she's trying to listen in on whoever is in there. Nora knew it would be Tommy, Arthur and John since they were the only ones who used it. Rolling her eyes, she makes her way over to the bar.  
"You might as well have your ear against the wall," she says startling the barmaid spy. "I'll bet I can guess what you're listening in on." 
"I don't know what you're talking about," Grace tries to deny having being caught eavesdropping.  
"Gosh, I really hope Bess isn't giving her dad and uncles too much trouble. That girl can be a handful when she wants to be. She gets that from her Uncle John," Nora smiles, this was her way of reminding Grace of where she stood. Not only was Grace unknowingly revealing her intentions for working there, she'd taken a liking to Tommy that was a little more than him being her and Campbell's target. "She has her Uncle Arthur's temper though. But then again all the Shelby's have that temper and they can hold a grudge well too. You really wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of them."  
"Why do I get the feeling that you're trying to warn about something?" 
"I would hate for something to happen to the pretty face of yours," she says not bothering to hide her intentions in her words. 
"Look, I don't know-" she begins only to be cut off but the snug door opening and Tommy walking out.  
"Hello, Love," he greets his wife, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "How was lunch with Marion?"  
"It went well," she smiles. "She's invited us to church on Sunday. And just so you know, you missed." 
"Did I?" he asks, a small smirk making it's way on to his lips. Taking her face in his hands, he plants his lips on hers, making sure to make a show of it. "Better?" he asks when he pulls away. 
"Much better," Patting his chest, she moves past him into the snug. She's surprised to see Bessie's box of crayons and her sketchbook sitting neatly to the side. The little girl loves to draw and takes her drawing book and crayons every where she goes.  
Looking at Bessie, she notices the little girl has playing cards in her hand and a stoic look on her face as she glances at her uncles sitting across from her. 
"Please tell me you're not teaching our daughter to play cards," she says to Tommy as he stands next to her. 
"Our dad started teaching us at her age," Arthur pipes up, his eyes furrowed in concentration as he looks between his cards and Bessie.  
"Next we'll be off to the races, teaching her how to place a bet," John joins in.  
"Remind me why I married into this family again?" she says turning towards Tommy who had moved to sit back down next to Bessie. 
"Because you couldn't resist my charm," Tommy teases smiling up at her and pulling her onto his lap. "And aside from Bessie, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me." 
"And he knocked you up." John adds, snickering behind his cards.  
"What does knocked you up mean, mummy?" the soft spoken voice of her daughter asks.  
Nora sends a deadly glare towards John. "I'll explain it when you're older." She turns back to Tommy. "We should head home. I need to talk to you." 
"Can't we talk here?" he asks.  
"I caught her trying to listen in again," she says leaning in to whisper in his ear just incase Grace was standing there with her ear pressed to the wall again. 
"I think it's time we take Bess home," Tommy announces to the room as Nora stands from his lip, picking up Bessie's crayons and book. 
"But Uncle Arthur owes me £1," Bessie whines as she drops her cards on the table. 
"I'll give it to your dad later," Arthur assures her as she shuffles off her chair.  
"She'll hold you too it," Nora warns her brother-in-law from thinking that he can get away from paying his debt to his youngest niece. She helps the six year old into her coat. 
The small family of three say their goodbyes and leave the Garrison, making their way home. 
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"Is she alright?" Tommy asks as Nora's arms wrapped around him from behind. She lets out a sigh as she nuzzles her face into his back. Bessie wanted to do some drawing in her bedroom when they got home so Nora had got it all set up for her while Tommy made her some tea. 
"She's perfect," She answers not just talking about their little girls mood.  
Bessie had been born just before the war was declared and Tommy and Nora were married not long before her birth. She was two months old when Tommy and her Uncles were shipped off to France. Every time when Tommy came back on leave she'd grown so much. He'd missed all her milestones but read about it in his wife, his sister and his aunt's letters. Bessie was four when he came home after the war ended and she attached herself to him as if he'd never been gone. She's a daddy's girl and has Tommy wrapped tightly around her finger.  
After he came home, most nights he would spend in her bedroom, sitting on the floor, his back to the wall watching her sleep to remind himself he was safe and at home, that he still has something to live for when it gets too much to bare. His little girl is his guiding light. She's the one who pulls him out of the french tunnels when he finds himself back in them. When he's with her and Nora, the noises stop and visions of the dirty walls fade away. 
So yeah, she's perfect. 
"Are you alright?" He asks turning around in her arms, forgoing the tea he was making.  
"I'll be better once Campbell and Grace are gone," she says looking up into his eyes.  
"Not much longer now, my love," he tells her, leaning his head forward to press a kiss to hers. "You have my word." 
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TAGGED: @chapter-in-my-old-diary - @hanawrites404 - @goblinjnr - @halsteadbrasil - @forgottenpeakywriter - @galactict3a
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zablife · 1 year
It's so nice of you to open gif requests to coincide with my return, Lee! What a sweet thing to do haha -
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What a tranquil, lovely place, don't you think? I wonder who (of our Peaky crew) you will catapult there....
And I hope you have fun xx
Hi Val, I adore the GIF you sent. It is quite peaceful and I'd love to find myself there today! I've chosen John for this one bc I haven't written enough for him recently. However, I should warn you that with his character comes mischief and the disturbance of this tranquility. My apologies before we begin 🙈😂
Snakes and Suitors
The lake appeared as a rippled stone of blue green sea glass this time of day, shimmers of late afternoon sunlight glimmering off the surface in enchanting sparkles that danced and skittered playfully. Its murky depths practically called out to be explored by adventurous children or secretive lovers. The wildflowers and weeds that grew by the banks were as common and unassuming as the men who frequented the spot with their guests, but held a charm all their own.
Normally the Shelby brothers would discourage one another from a double date at such an intimate location. However, today was different because Tommy was dating a posh girl who wanted to see where he grew up and Arthur and John wanted to see the girl who had captured their brother's attention. You had to admit you were curious as well so you had agreed to join them for the afternoon, thinking how much fun it would be getting to know this newcomer.
Sagging under the weight of two large baskets, you passed one to John as you shuffled through the tall grass. You'd packed enough for hungry men, knowing how famished John was after a swim. You couldn't have imagined that you would all sit like statues on the blanket, munching away quietly on only a few of the tea sandwiches and leaving the rest to spoil in the sun.
Tommy's girl, Elizabeth, didn't seem fond of any of you, truth be told. She quieted any attempt at conversation with lackluster or discouraging remarks, leaving you feeling as though you were being chaperoned by a strict head mistress instead of enjoying the company of a new friend.
When the awkwardness had reached its peak, Tommy and Elizabeth took a walk to a nearby tree, abandoning the rest of you to wonder if this was the end of the outing. Feeling tired and bored, you sighed as you watched a toad hop by, leaning over quickly to catch it in your hands for some entertainment. Giggling to yourself as you felt its slippery feet kick against you and tickle your palm, you shoved it under John's nose asking, "Give us a kiss, love?"
"Already got my princess," he said, planting a kiss on your lips that relaxed you so much, you dropped the frog. As your arms looped around John's neck, the little green interloper hopped to Elizabeth's feet. Bounding up toward her skirts, she screamed out, clutching onto Tommy for support.
As he guided her back to the picnic blanket she proclaimed, "I'm sorry, I was startled."
"S'alright," Arthur said with a reassuring smile. "Fancy a swim, anyone?" You looked up hopefully, but Elizabeth immediately quashed the idea with a slight frown saying, "No! Goodness knows what else is in that lake."
John glanced at you, rolling his eyes and you knew he'd had enough of her spoiling the fun for one day. You could see the gears turning before he spoke and instead of popping a piece of cake in his mouth as you should have done, you let him unleash a bit of mischief.
"You know, that's probably wise, Elizabeth, considering what else has been seen out here," John said, looking over the lake with a serious expression.
Drawn in by John's mysterious statement, Elizabeth leaned forward, hand to her heart as she asked, "Really? What?"
"Snakes, of course," John said, matter-of-factly.
Elizabeth turned sharply to look at Tommy. "Is that true?"
Tommy stepped forward shaking his head, "We haven't seen one of those grass snakes since we were kids, John. Stop scaring her!"
John removed a toothpick from his pocket and studied it as though he were deep in thought. "No, there's another one. They're unusual cos of how fast they grow. And they're not afraid of people. In fact, they like 'em."
Elizabeth's eyes grew wide as John spoke. "Are...are they venomous?" she asked, an ardent student of biology, she was terrified of reptiles.
John thought for a moment before answering, "Well, I reckon it...spits, you could say from it's one eye."
"That sounds very rare. I've never heard of anything like this," Elizabeth proclaimed suspiciously.
"Not as rare you'd think," John said slyly looking to Arthur who was beginning to get the joke.
"The one eyed trouser snake has claimed quite a few young ladies in these parts, hasn't it Tommy?" John said as he began to shake with laughter. Arthur snorted behind him, watching his brother go red in the face as he clutched Elizabeth's arm and raised her from the blanket.
"The one-eyed trouser..." Elizabeth repeated before clapping a hand over her mouth. You bit the inside of your cheek as you watched her glare back at John, unamused by his childish antics. She stalked off with Tommy, Arthur and his girl chasing after them to drive them home.
"Well that's one way to put some fun back into our afternoon, John," you said with a laugh.
"Someone had to do it," he said, still chuckling at his own cleverness. "Want to go for that swim now?" he asked, removing his shirt.
"Depends, is it dangerous?" you asked with a smirk.
"Only one way to find out, sweetheart," John winked at you.
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cosmic-crybaby · 1 year
Blue Skies - Tommy Shelby
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Chapter 11: ‘Good Intent’
Warnings in this chapter: 18+ (Minors DNI), Smut, some fluff at the end. 
“I just wanted to apologize,” 
He cleared his throat. Setting the porcelain teacup on the table as quietly as possible, but the clink of the ceramic on the wood was inevitable. You cocked your head to the side, slightly intrigued by his slightly uncharacteristic mannerisms. You waited for his next words, hoping he would at least have the decency to choose them wisely. 
“I want you to know that I want to continue this relationship with you and I want to build this family...together,” His words were just as emotionless as ever, but something told you that he was being truthful. He hesitated, his eyes scanning down from your face to your hands. Your eyes softened, establishing that you had accepted his touch. He took his leather gloves off and held your hand in his. The roughness and warmth against your soft hand made you swallow the lump in your throat and instantly drop the harsh look in your eyes. 
“I have bad habits, but you already knew that...I want to learn,” He paused to take a deep breath. 
“I want to learn to be a good father and a better man...not just for you but for all of us,” He held your hand tightly, his mouth becoming dry the second he saw the look in your eyes. Even after he showed more emotion than he intended, your eyes were still ice cold and cautious.
“All of us?” You repeated. He nods, licking his lips slightly. “Even Elizabeth and Henry,” You stated out of curiosity. There was confusion that flashed in his eyes and then hesitation. 
“Of course...” His eyes glazed with the slightest bit of gloss as he turned away from you. Your hands shook as he pulled away, and you bit your bottom lip slightly, to hold yourself from saying anything more. 
You didn’t want to hurt him. You wanted to hear what else he had to say before you made your own decision. 
You promised yourself that you would not cry, but you found keeping that promise was more difficult than you imagined, especially when your emotions were heightened and now the both of you were just so vulnerable in front of each other. 
“I miss you so much, darling,” He said. His eyes scan down to your stomach once before looking back into your eyes, cautiously. It was like you were a wild animal, the second he made eye contact you would rip his throat out with your own teeth. But the softness returning to your eyes out him at ease. You felt like you looked like a mess, with your dress covered in flour and sugar and your hair nearly resembling a birds nest, Thomas still thought you looked absolutely gorgeous. You lift yourself out of the wooden chair without another word and stood before him. He stands as well, engulfing you in a tight embrace. His strong arms wrap around your waist, and you rested your head on his shoulder. 
“I hate you...so much,” You cried into his neck, sniffling as you held him to you just as tight. You heard him chuckle before he kissed your temple, and soothing your disheveled hair. 
“I know, sweetheart...I don’t blame you,” He spoke quietly. You pull away from him to look into his eyes. Those blue eyes that still glowed like glaciers, even in the dim light of the closed bakery. Your thumb ran over his cheekbone. Without waiting any longer, you took him firmly by the white collar of his shirt to pull him into a kiss. Your lips smashed into his in a desperate and rough attempt to fill in the gap between you. You got a taste of his familiarity, a taste you dearly and feverishly missed. You instantly pulled him into the back office, closing the door behind you. You sat yourself on the desk, pulling him closer as he stood between your legs. His rough hands slowly graze up your smooth legs and under your dress and you slip your hands under the lapels of his coat and forcefully pull it down his shoulders. He pulls away to set it on the chair behind you as you make haste in untying your apron and pulling your dress up to your thighs. Your legs spread just a little further as he used his fingers to tell just how wet you already were for him. 
“Fuck,” He inhaled sharply as you unbuckled his belt and unzipped the fly on his slacks, breathing heavily as he moved your underwear to the side and using his hand on your lower back to bring you closer to the edge of the desk. He gives you one last look of confirmation, and you accepted. Keeping his eyes on you as he gently slipped himself inside of you. He shuttered and blinks, groaning with his mouth slightly agape. You had gasped as he slowly stretched you out. Your pleasure-filled eyes found their way back to his, your lips slightly parted to let him hear the sweetest moans he had ever heard. One of his hands slammed on the desk as the other dug into your lower back to control your movements. He began to pick up the pace, grunting profanities and praises in your name with each stroke. Your legs wrap around his waist and your arms clung to his broad shoulders, as you beg for him. If he wasn’t wearing his shirt you knew you would’ve drawn blood with how hard your nails were digging into him. 
“I don’t know if I can last long enough-” He panted, meeting your eyes again. You shook your head, and reached a hand up to cup his face. “I don’t care, I just want you...I don’t care if I cum, I just want you feel you,” 
But you were soon eating your own words as the pleasure was flooding your senses. Your mind was dizzy from the rapid thrusting and the noises of his cock slamming into you as you squeezed around him, this made him groan loudly in your ear. You shut your eyes tightly and rest your forehead on his shoulder as you felt yourself coming closer to your release. 
“Ah, fuck Thomas,” You whine, coming closer and closer to your end. His lifts himself up to cup your face and kisses your deeply, muffling your moans. That very same hand slid off of your cheek to make contact with your clit. Within a matter if seconds, your thighs were shaking as he continues his motions. Just a few more thrusts to milk his own release into you. Hissing as he stopped his motions and rested his head on your shoulder, panting heavily as he brought his hand up, sticking his middle and ring fingers into his mouth to taste your sweet slick, the clear juices coating his fingers made you blush as he slipped them into his mouth. It was new to you, and it made you hot all over again. He slowly pulled himself out of you and stuffed himself back into his pants. You lean back o your hands as you both try to catch your breath. You used the discarded apron to clean up the mess in your thighs and the remaining puddle that formed in the desk, making a mental nose to properly clean it up when you had the chance. Thomas tiredly kisses your temple as he helps you off of the desk and steady yourself on your feet. 
A calm couple of weeks had passed since you and Thomas reestablished your relationship. One morning Thomas suggested you fully moved into his Grand mansion, at first you had refused his offer for the time being. You were still able to work for the time being, so you wanted to be close enough to the Bakery. And the commute from Arrow House to your shop took well over half an hour. And much to his dismay, he still agreed as long as you were to see him when he wasn’t busy. Traveling to London and attending family meetings began to plague his life recently, and all he wanted was to see you to clear his head. 
Like today, you kept yourself at the mansion while he took your kids shopping. Using the quiet alone time to drink tea and read a book in the study. But, your alone time was cut short at the noise of Henry excitingly calling for you. Hearing him search as many rooms as he could reach made you giggle, but you put an end to his search when you called out to him to let him know where you were located.
“Mum, I need to show you something!” He jumped as he ran to you.
“What is it?” You asked, setting the book down and folding the page to mark your spot.
“It’s a surprise, come on…And you have to close your eyes when we get outside,” He held your hand to help you stand. You laughed a bit as you smooth down your dress and follow behind him. And as promised, you closed your eyes and held your hand over to reassure your son that you in fact were not peaking.
“Okay, I can tell we’re outside, can I open my eyes yet?” You asked, taking small steps as Henry held your hand to guide you. You felt the plush grass under your shoes and the cooling breeze. 
“Not yet!” Elizabeth shouted from a distance.
“Almost, wait a little,” He chuckled. You waited impatiently as he brought you a little further on the lawn.
“Okay, are you ready?” He asked in a chipper tone. You take a deep breath and nod with a confirming hum.
“Open your eyes!” He said as he held one of your hands. The other that was shielding your vision fell to your side but quickly flew back up to your mouth as you gasped.
“Oh my goodness!” You laughed happily as you looked up at Elizabeth smiling brightly as she sat on the saddle of a beautiful white horse, both of your children wearing the proper gear to protect themselves. Thomas stood beside her, holding the reigns as two other horses stood patiently on each side. One was an auburn color that had white patches on the bridge of its nose, stomach, and hooves while the other was a golden color with a shiny coat and mane. They were all breathtakingly beautiful.
“She’s a fast learner,” Thomas said as he handed her the reins.
“She gets it from her mother," You snickered with a wink. He chuckled in response as he came in close to you, kissing your cheek and his hand laying in your lower back. 
"Are these for…" You pointed to the other horses as Henry began to pull you to get a closer look at the horses, which you were respectfully apprehensive about.
"Thomas got them for us," He told you as he guided your hand to place it upon the golden horse's nose. You smiled at Thomas and mouthed a silent 'Thank you'. Your eyes full of wonder as you brought your hands to pet the horse, saying hushed words of greeting and praise as your fingers rake through her mane.
Thomas found himself smiling at you and how beautiful you looked in the golden hour. He then looked up at Elizabeth as she tightly held the reins.
"Remember what I taught you," He told her as she slowly guided the horse to take a few steps further into the grassy field. "Got it?" He asked, trailing beside her. She nodded confidently as she lightly bit her lip to focus.
"Come on Henry, you're next," He said as he turned to Henry and helped him get ontop of the auburn horse. You watched them as Thomas instructed Henry on what to do. Henry then began to follow his sister down the field and towards the stables.
"You didn't have to do this," You told him, your tone was still showing gratitude, as he came to stand beside you, the both of you slowly trailing behind the duo to make sure they were safe and responsible. 
"Think of it as a gift," He shrugged. You reached out to hold his hand. 
"They're beautiful," You smiled. Thomas wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a close kiss before briefly pulling away.
"You're beautiful,"
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pacificwaternymph · 2 years
Sometimes I get frustrated because multiple blogs have the same au concept but different, which is totally fine that’s not what my problem is, the problem is that I can never remember which blog is connected to which AU or what happened in which AU cause they all kinda… mash together… I’m trying to remember this other super AU/power AU(I don’t remember the specific specifics) where Xornoth and Scott both have powers and they have absent rich parents and Scott and Jimmy share one class(don’t remember which specifically) and also Xornoth is obsessed with gems/crystals/rocks. Also Joey is, like, some kind of feline type hybrid? Umm. I think Xornoth and Scott both have wings… Their aliases were the Fire Prince and the Ice Prince. Uh. Geez I’m trying to remember who made this AU and it’s so frustrating. I think they were heroes or vigilantes? Also, powers developed from trauma so… yeah… I’m trying so hard to remember who has this AU and it’s so frustrating ;-;
Also my memory sucks and I can’t remember if it was your Fae AU or a twisted wonderland headcanon but dancing with the fae. Not a wise move. Maybe they can control who they enchant with their dancing? I know so much about fae.
Speaking about knowing a lot about Fae, what are the use of names or true names in this AU?
Also, if one of the humans or non fae who can touch salt are annoyed with one of their fae friends/significant others, imagine, just, them pouring a whole bunch of salt in front of them and then walking away. For those who don’t know, no matter how strong they are, they have to get down and count each grain one by one…
- Starlight Anon
I don't know much about this au so I can't be sure, but I think that au might be @scribbling-dragon 's vigilante AU? Idk it sounds kind of familiar, but I can't be sure.
Can anyone else help us out?
I would say that yes, the fae can control who they enchant when they dance.
Also I don't mention this or use them since it would just make things. a lot more complicated and difficult to understand, but most of the characters do use nicknames to avoid handing their free will over to one another constantly.
Some only use shortened versions of their names.
Gem is short for Gemini
Katherine uses Kat or Kathy
Lizzie is short for Elizabeth, but her nickname is less about keeping her name safe and more just a force of habit.
BigB uses "B" most of the time, Ren is short for something (i just don't know what)
Xornoth just shortens his name to Xor.
And so on. Then you have people who've picked out codenames. This mostly consists of the humans of the group.
Oli is known simply as the Bard.
Jimmy is known as Canary (as depressing as it is, he argues that it's accurate)
Sausage is his nickname, and I have no idea what his real name is.
False is, again, a nickname, but it's a nickname that she prefers, and she almost considers her "real" name as something of a deadname, because her parents gave it to her. The full nickname she picked was Falsesymmetry, but when that started to get close to her TRUE Name, it was shortened to False.
Scott is Major
Shelby is Shrub.
Cleo doesn't shorten her name or use a codename. She's undead, which means names stopped having power over her since, in all technicality, she doesn't have one anymore.
You get the idea. Feel free to send me asks about what a specific character's nickname or codename is because I am not about to do every single one here.
Also I think that'd be really, really funny. Jimmy does this with Scott sometimes when he's being a bit too overbearing. Cleo most certainly pulls this, she keeps a bag of salt in her dress pockets for that exact purpose. Lizzie is mostly immune to fae weaknesses at this point, but not salt.
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warwickroyals · 2 years
what styles of wedding dresses do you have in mind for each of the warwick brides? 👀
Well, it depends on the decade when the marriages happen, but I hope to make wedding gown sets in chronological order based on the prevalent fashion trends of each decade. I'll give you examples of the wedding gowns I'm taking inspiration from. This would take a long, long time, but I'd work on these over the course of months.
Queen Katherine (1941): Katherine was a wartime bride, so her dress was cheaply made and very understated, most likely made of silk. INSPO: Gloria Vanderbilt's FIRST wedding gown, Babe Paley's wedding gown, Brenda Frazier's wedding gown
Princess Elizabeth (1952), Princess Alice (1954), Esther, Duchess of Glencairn (1956): For Louis's three aunts that were married in the 1950s, I was hoping to make a miniset of wedding gowns inspired by the Kennedy sisters particularly Jaqueline Bouvier, Eunice Kennedy and Joan Bennett's
Queen Irene (1968): I made Irene's wedding gown a while back but I don't know, it's fallen out of favour with me and I want to redo it with a different vibe? I love Julie Nixon Eisenhower's gown so much, so maybe expect something similar to that?
Phyllis, Duchess of Pape (1980): Probably the only opportunity I have to make an obnoxious 80's wedding dress that looks really ugly in hindsight. Maybe something similar to Olivia Newton-John's wedding gown or Lisa Vanderpumpp's. Obviously, these gowns are derivative of the ultimate 80s wedding gown (I don't even have to name or link it, you know).
Princess Jaqueline (1997): I really like Marie-Chantal Miller's wedding gown (probably the only thing I like about that woman). I think it would suit Jaqueline very well: a 90s wedding where a blonde socialite marries in a wedding way too grand for her status.
Tatiana, Princess of Danforth (1999): The late 90s - early 00s were a time of hideous royal wedding gowns (awful, just awful, don't argue with me, don't bring up Crown Princess Mary, I hate her gown) so I had to look elsewhere for inspiration. Mette-Marit of Norway's gown is the rare exception to this, so is Princess Clarie of Belgium whose dress really resembles Anne Hathaway's gown in Princess Diaries 2.
Courtney, Duchess of Woodbine (2005): I've always imagined Courtney in Vera Wang. Think Jessica Simpson and Kim Kardashian's first weddings, those types of gowns dominated in the mid-to-late 2000s. I envision her in something similar to Chelsea Clinton's wedding gown, or maybe Avril Lavigne's, she's named after Courtney Love, so keeping that punk princess theme with her would be cool.
Shelby, Duchess of Sherbourne (2019): I did her wedding for my story, but that was so long ago and so terrible that I sort of want to reimagine her wedding gown because I never really liked the one I used anyway.
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andrewmoocow · 1 year
Steven Universe Snake Eyes chapter 3: Here Comes a New Challenger (originally posted on September 11, 2023)
AN: Buckle up ladies, gentlemen and every other gender in-between, we finally go back to Steven as he reaches Serpentes and comes face to face with King Cobralan, who I argue might be just as much Steven's opposite as Black Rutile was. Though unlike Black Rutile who wears how much of a sociopath she is on her sleeve and is not ashamed to show it, Cobralan is a pretty okay guy who has a very strange view on morality where anyone who doesn't like what he does can take a hike unless he can convince them otherwise. The Jormagundr royal family will all be very interesting characters for me to write, so I don't want to waste your time any longer.
Synopsis: Steven, Connie, Greg, Black Rutile, and Ronaldo finally reach Serpentes, where Steven is welcomed by the royal family.
Zach Callison as Steven
Noël Wells as Black Rutile
Estelle as Garnet
Michaela Dietz as Amethyst
Deedee Magno-Hall as Pearl, The Black Pearl Brigade
Jennifer Paz as Lapis
Shelby Rabara as Peridot
Uzo Aduba as Bismuth
Kimberly Brooks as Jasper
Lauren Ash as White Topaz
Grace Rolek as Connie
Tom Scharpling as Greg
Zach Steel as Ronaldo
Aurelio Voltaire as King Cobralan Jormagundr
Shirley Millner as Queen Constricta Jormagundr
Jason Marsden as Prince Nosiop Jormagundr
Cissy Jones as Princess Naja Jormagundr
Henry Rollins as Captain Boa
Keith David as Pyth
Neil Flynn as Aescul
Patti LuPone as Yellow Diamond
Lisa Hannigan as Blue Diamond
Christine Ebersole as White Diamond
John Moschitta Jr. as Bialyoom Milamin
Stephanie Escajeda as Meinerr
Nicole Sullivan as Sylvia Spectre
Kari Wahlgren as Envyrno
Featuring JP Karliak as S-L1M3
Dominic Armato as Captain Gearfeet
Wally Wingert as Rigby Starglow
Britt Baron as Michelle Angelon
Julissa Aguirre as Lady Imagineer
Rob Paulsen as Monty the Moarchean
Steven Blum as Deputy Edward
Beau Billingslea as Sheriff Spiegel
Christopher Lloyd as Batsputin Vosania
Anna Akana as Dionna of the Sands
Peter Stormare as Reximillian
Elizabeth Maxwell as Vigrid
James Earl Jones as Wobbla the Butt
Barrett Wilbert Weed as Ezlipsia
And Anthony Stewart Head as Solaris Noctua
"Well, here we are on the Slytherophidian home planet of Serpentes!" Aescul exclaimed as his ship returned home at last and landed in Alethinophidia. "Ah, it's good to be back home after so many years. Now watch your step as you get out, everybody."
"Wow, I haven't been on an alien planet in this long." Connie gasped in amazement as she took in the sights and sounds of Serpentes. "This is the place where they took the Gems, right?"
"Seems like it," Steven answered as he followed Connie out of Aescul's ship. "I thought Ronaldo was just talking crazy when he said the Slytherophidians existed, but I never realized they were real all along."
"Finally!" Ronaldo cried as he burst from the spaceship and began harassing Slytherophidians for their knowledge. "Excuse me, sir, do you have any holidays you celebrate on your planet?" The snake awkwardly slithered away in response. "Okay, I'll ask you later." Ronaldo then walked over to another snake. "What kind of food do you eat here?" The snake slithered away as well. "Hm, tough crowd."
"Okay big guy, now that we're here, I think it's about time we see your boss," Greg said to Aescul as the two walked out of Aescul's ship. "The Crystal Gems are getting us real worried, and I do not want to see any of them losing a head or two. Then again, they can just walk it off."
"Don't worry, everyone will know he's here," Aescul assured Greg as Steven quickly became surrounded by Slytherophidians wanting to meet him. "See what I mean?"
"Uh, hello everybody." Steven nervously said to the Slytherophidians surrounding him. "My name's Steven Universe. Nice to meet you all."
"Oh my gosh, it's Steven!" a young female Slytherophidian squealed eagerly. "Sign my face, please!"
"Hey now, no need to get too obsessed over me, I'm just here to get my friends back." Steven laughed. "The last time I discovered my fans, they chased me all around the country."
"Is that Steven Universe I see?!" Pyth asked as he arrived on the scene and gently pushed his king's subjects out of the way. "Greetings my boy, I am the royal advisor Pyth and I'm here on behalf of his royal highness Cobralan Jormagundr to collect you and bring you to him. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to fight for survival in the Ouraborium if you want your friends back."
"Wait, fight for survival? You mean you want me to kill people in this world?" Steven gasped in surprise before being wrapped in Pyth's tail and taken away.
"Unfortunately for you, yes," Pyth explained. "More will be revealed once you meet our ruler." He then turned to look back at Greg, Connie, Ronaldo, and Lion. "And take those four along with him and throw them with the other competitors."
"Wait, you want us to fight too?" Greg asked before the three humans were seized by the royal guards. "But we're just puny, squishy Earthlings, we'll all die in there!"
"That's the idea," Pyth replied with a villainous sneer as he turned back to Steven, who was looking at him with a face full of worry and suspicion.
"Looks like our new arrival is gathering quite a crowd." King Cobralan said as he watched the commotion with Captain Boa from above. "As expected for the legendary Steven Universe."
"My enforcers tell me that Pyth should be here momentarily with Mr. Universe." Boa calmly stated. "Plus, his plus-ones shall be sentenced to the Ouraborium until further notice."
"All I needed to hear, Captain. You are dismissed." Cobralan stated and commanded Boa to leave before taking a glass of Slytherophidian alcohol and taking a sip before Steven was escorted into his quarters. "Steven Universe, we meet at last! Apologies for the way I had to get your attention, but I know you love those Gems so much!"
"Enough with the pleasantries, just give me my friends back and leave my planet alone!" Steven abruptly yelled at Cobralan, shocking the king of the snake people at how curt his guest was.
"Wow, I'd thought you'd be way nicer than that," Cobralan said before offering his drinking glass to Steven. "You look stressed. Care for a drink? Finest snake oil on the planet, aged to perfection."
"Sorry, I'm not a drinker." Steven turned down the offer. "I just want to get in, get my friends back, and get out. That's all I want."
"All you want?" Cobralan asked before sitting Steven down at a bar and ordering his servant to pour another glass of snake oil. "Well, what are you willing to do for it?"
"What do I want to do for it?" Steven muttered before he heard music playing. "Wait, are you going to do what I think you're doing?"
"Right here, right now, come on, just hear me out. I don't wanna strike you down, I hope you come in peace." Cobralan began singing to convince Steven. "You fight for me, and I'll set your friends free. Out of the carnage and the violence they're trapped in." The bartender serving as the king's backup passed Steven a glass of snake oil. "Just trade your life so peaceful, for something more colorful. If you think it's crazy, well sometimes, crazy works. You can play it normal, you king of traditional. Or you can risk your life and see!"
"Don't you want to get away, from the boring life you live every day? Because I have just what you need, so come with me and you shall see!" Cobralan exclaimed as he slithered on the walls and spun around a flagpole. "All you need to do is fight for me! I'll let you do as you do, or you can do it like me. Fight in my games and I'll surely give you the key. Oh dang, the audience will be filled with glee! All you have to do is fight for me!"
"Thank you, but no, I don't want in on your show. I hate to tell you, but I'm not the killing type." Steven objected to Cobralan's offer while pushing the glass away. "Thank you, but no, just let all of my friends go. I don't want to slaughter just for the hype. I'm not sure if I like you, and this whole show you do. Without violence, you're nothing. Yes, you're nothing." Cobralan wasn't sure if he should be offended by the remark or impressed at Steven's audacity. "But I just want to live in peace, and not covered in grease. What would make me reconsider you?"
The servant quickly took the glass away as Steven continued singing. "Don't you think I'll be okay, with murdering innocents every day? I still got what I need, count me out of your crew. I would never fight for you!" Cobralan started nodding along to the song while banging the floor with his tail to the beat. "But you can still do as you do, just do not involve me. Just let my friends go, I don't even need a key! I am rubber and what you say won't stick to me like glue. What makes you think I'll fight for you?"
"Now, is this how you'd prefer to spend your days," Cobralan asked with a scaly arm on Steven's shoulder while Boa played the piano in the background. "With songs and ice cream and playing it safe?"
"If I were joining you, people would never let me live it down," Steven responded. "Disgraced and regretful, with a big ol' frown."
"But you'd finally see my point now, stop with that furrowed brow. Sometimes, fighting's the only thing we need." Cobralan replied while twisting Steven's mouth into a smile with his hands. "I'll finally wake you up, and stop your heart from breaking. Keep that little organ from aching." Putting his hands away, Cobralan turned around and stood back-to-back with Steven to await his answer. "Now, is my deal a little worth taking? I guess I'll leave it up to you."
"The answer is still no." Steven firmly declared, much to Cobralan's anger.
"No? NO?!" Cobralan asked, furious at the rejection while baring his fangs to intimidate Steven with. "I put on this whole song and dance number for you, and you still refuse?!" His face then perked up. "Oh wait, you must be joking! Well, don't make me laugh!"
"Your offer's intriguing, but I don't know how it would cost me." Steven began singing again. "I'll do whatever you want, just as long as you set everyone free."
"Oh, fair enough. I can free you from the action." Cobralan replied. "Just name your price, we can shake and make it happen."
"I wasn't born this morning, do whatever I think is fine." Steven declared while crossing his arms.
"Okay, just tell me already!" Cobralan urged his guest.
"Fine, I'll fight for you." Steven caved into Cobralan's requests, much to the snake king's delight.
"I knew you'd come through." Cobralan smiled happily before the two shook hands and became a duet.
"Don't you want to get away, from the boring life you live every day?" the half-Gem and the Slytherophidian king began singing in harmony. "Because I have just what you need, so come with me and you shall see! All you/I need to do is fight for me/you!"
"I'll let you do as you do, or you can do it like me." The two continued as the song reached a bombastic conclusion. "I have to fight for you! All I have to do is fight for you!"
"Wow, you're a surprisingly good singer," Steven said to Cobralan.
"Why thank you, I'm classically trained by my servants," Cobralan replied before summoning more guards with a clap of his hands. "Guards, bring Steven to his friends at the Ouraborium! And try not to be too rough on him, he's going through a lot right now."
"Okay guys, do your worst," Steven said as the snake guards took him away from Cobralan while he wondered just what went through the alien king cobra's head. He seemed nice on the surface, but he also forced species from across the stars to fight in his twisted gladiator games. Was Cobralan truly evil, or was Steven simply misunderstanding this new alien race and their morality? That would have to wait as Steven would soon be reunited with the Crystal Gems in time to fight in the Contest of Champions.
"Steven!" the Crystal Gems, Greg, Connie, and Ronaldo all cried out as Steven was thrown into the dungeon with the other competitors in the Contest of Champions, after which he was greeted with a big group hug.
"We're so glad you came for us!" Pearl exclaimed as she hugged Steven the tightest out of everybody in the dungeon.
"Yeah, really wish there was a better way to celebrate your birthday, little man." Amethyst laughed nervously before the hug dispersed.
"It's great that you came to rescue us, Steven," Garnet said with a smile before looking at Black Rutile, who was sulking in the background with her back against the wall. "Now what's she doing here?"
"Oh yeah, funny story," Steven said with a blush. "Black Rutile crashed on Earth at the same time I came back to Beach City because her team was abducted by the Slytherophidians, and now we've been forced to team up against a common enemy to save our friends."
"WHAT?!" the Gems all shouted in alarm at the idea that Steven would team up with someone like Black Rutile.
"Why are you so shocked? Half of you tried to kill him at some point in his life." Black Rutile deadpanned. "But yes, we had no choice but to align our interests to combat our new enemy and return everyone to Earth. Unfortunately," she shot Ronaldo a disdainful glare. "We picked up an unwanted passenger along the way."
"Hey, I volunteered on this adventure!" Ronaldo shouted, utterly offended.
"But in the meantime, while we wait for our turn to fight for our lives, allow me to introduce to you the other competitors." Black Rutile turned to face the many colorful characters forced to join the violence. "These are all the other individuals abducted by the royal family to fight in their games from across the universe. And I must say, this is a very stacked roster."
"Oh, saints be praised, I thought I was going to be dragged out to fight for a second!" a grasshopper-like alien gasped in delight as he skittered towards Steven to greet him. "Hello, my name's Monty! I'm a Moarchean from the planet Caelifera. Pleased to meet you, little one."
"Nice to meet you too," Steven replied to Monty while shaking his foreleg. "Who are the rest of these guys?"
"Oh, I believe we can help with that," Cap said before walking over to Sheriff Spiegel. "These are Sheriff Spiegel and Deputy Edward from Sergione-29."
"Howdy." Edward tipped his hat to Steven.
"These are Sylvia Spectre and Envyrno, who we fought before." Tails introduced the Coalition of Galaxies officer and the Magman mercenary next.
"Hello, Crystal Gems." Sylvia waved to the Gems, trying her best to keep a polite smile on her face.
"Oh great, their friends." Envyrno rolled her eyes.
"'Ello, I'm Rigby Starglow, I'm the biggest rock star in the universe." Rigby Starglow introduced himself with one flashy pose after another, making Greg think of the rock stars of his youth. "I got kidnapped here on my way to my next show."
"Call me Captain Gearfeet, mighty pirate and the third most feared pirate in the seven galaxies!" the cyborg Captain Gearfeet declared. "My crew and I accidentally raided a Slytherophidian ship, and I sacrificed myself to make sure they all got away."
"Call me Earthos, and the big guy above me is the Decimator," Earthos stated. "We fought your friends before you got here." The Decimator growled while nodding in agreement.
"You may call me S-L1M3." A cybernetic blob creature introduced himself. "My species has dedicated itself to self-improvement since the day we emerged from the primordial soup thanks to our advanced technology."
"I am Michelle Angelon." A figuratively and literally angelic-looking young woman with large white wings sprouting from her back added. "I am but a humble angel forced against my will to fight in such sinful battles while being separated from my home planet."
"And I'm Lady Imagineer." A jester-like humanoid stated as she took a break from her imaginary flute playing to meet Steven. "I can make your dreams into reality."
"They have abducted the Metals as well, but unfortunately, they're elsewhere in this arena." Black Rutile revealed just as Bialyoom and Meinerr entered the dungeon. "Oh, a servant. Let's make this quick, I don't tip the waiter."
"Ah, you-must-be-Steven-Universe!" Bialyoom greeted Steven. "It's-a-pleasure-to-meet-you-young-man. Here, my-card." He then lent his business card to Steven. "Here-in-this-arena, you'll-be-fighting-for-survival-against-a-variety-of-opponents-from-across-the-universe, and-your-reputation-means-everything-in-here-too."
"Hey, you kind of sound like that fast-talking guy from those old toy commercials." Greg pointed out Bialyoom's voice.
"Please, he's-nowhere-near-as-fast-as-I-am!" Bialyoom bragged.
"Now that you are here Steven, you will be pitted against your first opponent," Meinerr said while looking at her tablet. "And it shall be Miss Sylvia Spectre."
"Wait, me?!" Sylvia yelped in surprise as the guards grabbed her by the arms and dragged her away, while another pair did the same to Steven.
"Wait, I have to fight and kill people here?!" Steven cried before being separated from the Crystal Gems yet again.
"Them's the rules, my boy, whether you like it or not." Meinerr bluntly replied.
"And now ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for!" Naja announced to the excited fans of the Contest of Champions. "In this corner, all the way from planet Earth, is the one, the only, Steven Universe!" The audience began cheering as Steven was shoved out into the arena. "And in this corner, representing the Coalition of Galaxies, one of the last survivors of Invisibo-9, the illuminating invisible icon of justice, Sylvia Spectre!"
The crowd continued getting excited as Sylvia Spectre appeared from thin air, ready for a fight. "Now then, are you ready for some MORTAL COMBAT?!" Naja continued yelling, causing the crowd to cheer louder than ever. "That's what I like to hear! Heaven or hell, let's rock!"
As soon as the bell rang, Sylvia charged towards Steven and landed a furious punch to his face that sent him flying into a nearby wall. Although Steven was able to summon his shield to protect himself, Sylvia barely gave him any chances to fight back. "What's the big idea? I know we have no choice but to fight, but why are you so violent?!"
"It's because of you and your kind!" Sylvia declared while delivering a roundhouse kick to Steven's hip, causing the boy to fall over and run. "The Black Pearls may have taught me that you're not all bad and I took it to heart, even helping them a few times, but that doesn't mean I'll ever forgive you Diamonds for taking away my home and my family!"
"Oh, she just had to go there." Yellow Diamond groaned in disgust.
"Listen, I understand what you've been through, but revenge will only get you nowhere but down!" Steven said as he began throwing some punches of his own, but Sylvia was far faster. "Didn't the Black Pearls also teach you this?"
"Yes, but you think that simply forgiving the Diamonds and having them apologize will make everything better!" Sylvia said before trying to deliver a strong uppercut, but Steven dodged before her hit could connect. "And what's more, there are still Gems out there who refuse to accept what you've done!"
"Yeah, I know, I've dealt with them before!" Steven replied, utterly frustrated with Sylvia's anger before summoning his shield again and tossing it at her face. What he didn't realize however was that he was slowly starting to glow pink.
"And look at them, still running around because you think we should give peace to terrorists a chance!" Sylvia exclaimed, gesturing to Black Rutile and her rebels watching from afar, eager to see Steven be given the judgment he deserved and possibly killed too. "In my line of work, I've had to fight and defeat people who are no better than you are!"
"SHUT UP!" Steven burst into a pink-colored fit of rage and initiated a nonstop assault on Sylvia, managing to see right through her powers and attack every possible weakpoint she had. When Sylvia eventually lay beaten and bruised on the ground, Steven finally returned to his senses and realized what he had done before the audience started cheering.
"FINISH HER! FINISH HER! FINISH HER!" the crowd of Slytherophidians cheered as Steven looked around the arena at the audience urging him to land the killing blow. Although Sylvia was very harsh in her critiques of his worldview, Steven couldn't help but feel sorry for her because of how her prejudice was rooted in tragedy.
"No!" Steven firmly declared to the spectators. "I will never take a life for your amusement!" Everyone started gasping, and then they started booing Steven as he helped Sylvia up.
"Well, he's dead," Monty said flatly.
"Look, I'm sorry about what happened just now, it's just my powers that make me go crazy when I'm under extreme stress." Steven apologized to the Invisibon heroine. "I've been trying real hard to keep them under control, so please don't hold this against me."
"Wow, you really aren't anything like the Diamonds." Sylvia wheezed in surprise. "At least they're willing to admit their mistakes."
"Hey, hold on a minute," Steven said before he licked his hand and slapped his saliva-covered palm on Sylvia's injured wrist, making her cringe in disgust before the spit suddenly healed all her wounds. "There, all better!"
"You can do that?" Sylvia gasped in wonder at Steven's abilities. "Please, tell me more of what you can do!"
"I'll talk later." Steven replied. "But right now, I'm sure certain people have some choice words for me."
"WHAT-WERE-YOU-THINKING?!" Bialyoom shrieked angrily once Steven returned from his fight. "The-Crystal-Gems-sparing-their-opponents-was-embarassing-enough, but-you-had-the-power-to-kill-Sylvia-Spectre-right-then-and-there! There-are-three-ways-to-win. One, you-knock-your-opponent-out. Two, the-opponent-quits, and-shouts-'Uncle!' Three, you-kill-them-right-on-the-spot!"
"I know the rules, but you should know that Sylvia here lost her family years ago." Steven objected. "She was so lost and angry at Gems for destroying her home, that she decided to take her anger out on me even though she learned Gems aren't all bad."
"We're very proud of you for sticking to your morals, Steven." Blue Diamond sighed in relief, prompting Sylvia to give the Diamonds the stink-eye before Steven calmed her down.
"Oh, she's got a temper." White Diamond declared with a joking smirk.
"So what do we do now?" White Topaz asked. "Are we just gonna keep killing people until they let us go?"
"I guess we have no other choice." Yellow folded her arms in acceptance. "Steven, you tried convincing the king to let us go, correct?"
"Yeah, but he got really mad that I didn't like his way of thinking while we were singing together," Steven replied. "I just want to know what goes on in that head of his. Does he have some kind of generational trauma he doesn't want to talk about?"
"Steven, you know not everything can be solved by talking to people." Black Rutile crossly said to her archnemesis. "Oh forget it, I'm too good for all of you anyways." She then turned around and stormed off. "Call me when one of you dies looking like a total fool or something!"
"Are you sure she's teamed up with you to save us?" Blue asked Steven.
"I'm sure, but I can't help but feel she probably has some kind of ulterior motive," Steven replied as Black Rutile retreated into the shadows.
"What's taking everyone so long?" Cobralan muttered to himself while pacing around his throne room and looking at his watch. "They should've been here in time for the opening ceremonies, but they're running late!"
"Don't worry my darling, they never once refused to come to the Contest." Constricta tried easing her husband's worries. "Why should they do so now?"
"Your Majesty, the other Universal Lords are here." Captain Boa stated as he slithered into the room with Dionna of the Sands, Batsputin Vosania, Reximillian, Vigrid, Wobbla the Butt, Ezlipsia, and even the long-retired Solaris Noctua behind him.
"Sorry, we were so late, Cobralan." Solaris apologized on behalf of his former fellow Universal Lords. "Space traffic was an utter nightmare."
"We've heard word that you have captured a vast assortment of Gems to compete this year," Vigrid stated. "Could we perhaps get a look at them?"
"Wait a second everyone, you all just got here!" Cobralan laughed. "Why not stay a little and I can treat you all to lunch? You must be starving after the long trip here!"
"Well, I am awfully famished," Dionna replied while stroking her stomach. "What have you got to eat?"
"That reminds me, where is Nosiop right now?" Batsputin asked, trying to listen out for Nosiop with his massive ears.
"No dice, everyone." Constricta replied. "He's been missing ever since the games began."
"I'm sure he'll come up at some point." Wobbla said with a loud, disgusting laugh.
"Ugh, charming as always, Wobbla." Ezlipsia groaned in irritation while using her parasol to protect herself from Wobbla's gross bodily fluids.
"Oh come now, let's have some fun this year!" Reximillian exclaimed as the Universal Lords prepared to sit down to lunch. But little did they know that Nosiop was still involved with the Contest of Champions, and he was going to make his presence known in a big way.
"I could've had a worthy ally in Spectre, but of course, Steven had to mess everything up with his dumb talk-no-jutsu or whatever!" Black Rutile grumbled as she walked deeper into the arena, not realizing how far she had gotten until it was too late. "What the? Where am I?"
"You must be Black Rutile, correct?" the voice of Prince Nosiop asked for Black Rutile as he and Pyth emerged from the shadows.
"Of course I am," Black Rutile answered while cautiously drawing her bowie knife. "What's it to you?"
"We've heard you also desired to upend your people's current status quo and turn them into what you think they should be." Pyth declared with a sneer.
"Wouldn't you know it, I think the same way," Nosiop said as he took Black Rutile's hand. "Come with me. We need to talk."
Now that Steven and Black Rutile are finally on Serpentes, things can really get going as dark secrets of the Slytherophidians and their connections to the Gems are unveiled while the Crystal Gems fight for survival in the Contest of Champions. But what does Nosiop have planned for Black Rutile, you may ask? You'll have to find out next time on Steven Universe: Snake Eyes!
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asterssunzephyr · 1 year
I imagine Gem and Xor watching the couple from afar, peeking over a ledge, or one over the other from around a corner, with every plan they had to make them realize their feelings.
Also, I love how the wives were playing with them, can we have the interaction after the (I assume it was a really passionate and exagerated) kiss?
It was a reallt exaggerated kiss 100% but Xornoth nor Gem want to cause a scene at the party so once everyone goes home & Gem says bye to her older siblings..
Shelby & Kat get an earful😭
"WDYM YOU TWO WERE ALREADY DATING?!" "we were already dating!" "DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD GEM AND I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO GET YOU TWO TO DATE." "Yes, and technically your efforts never went to waste!" "WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN??""
"Shelby. Grace." "Yes?" "Shelbs, shes mad." "Yeah i see that now; thanks Fwhip." "When did you and Katherine start dating." "uhh about a month ago." "AND YOU HAD THE AUDACITY. TO NOT TELL US." "well okay so uh-" "Explain. Now." "It was Pearls idea!" "PEARL KNEW?!"
*The last one is both of the twins:))
So yeah, Pearl gave Shelby & Katherine the idea to not tell anyone & to let Gem & Xor try to get them to date and fail unknowingly:))
also: Family relationships!
Pearl & Grian Moon-Xequla, Oldest siblings(24 & 25); Fwhip & Gemini Grims-Xequla, Younger siblings(21)
Shelby Grace & Ren Dog, Adopted siblings(20 & 23)
Katherine, Cub, Scar & Impulse Elizabeth, Siblings(21, 24, 26, 23)
Scott, Xornoth & Lauren Riven(21, 25, 29)
Lizzie & Jimmy Solidarity-Shadow(24, 22)
Joel & Hermés Beans(23, 12)
Mythical Sausage(22)
Joey Graceffa(20)
Hermés lives with Joel's parents, Joel & Hermés are Sausage's cousins rather than Hermés being the son of them
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lucysarah-c · 2 years
I had always imagined that in holy ground hearing Levi and Y/N having a conversation would be like hearing Tommy Shelby from Peaky blinders and Queen Elizabeth from the first seasons of the crown talking.
Sorry not sorry, my story, I make my own rules.
(I am talking about accents tho)
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notyour-valentine · 2 years
Valentine's Writings ~ Lizzie Stark Masterlist
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[Navigation] [Peaky Blinders Masterlist] [Taglist]
All my writing is produced by an adult and created with an adult audience in mind (18/21+). You are responsible for your own media consumption. I do not consent to my work being translated, copied or posted elsewhere on this platform or any other.
I hope you enjoy and would be grateful for any form of feedback.
Apple and Serpent ~ Lizzie Stark x Reader (Fluff)
When at an auction, your distant relation Oswald Mosley makes a stranger uncomfortable, you decide to teach him a lesson not only in theology but also in humility
Wine and Water ~ Lizzie Stark x Reader (Fluff)
In the aftermath of the auction, they meet again and discuss a certain type of men
Being Lizzie's lesbian lover
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evita-shelby · 2 years
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I posted 5,675 times in 2022
That's 5,675 more posts than 2021!
707 posts created (12%)
4,968 posts reblogged (88%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,331 of my posts in 2022
#eva smith shelby - 635 posts
#tommy shelby x oc - 319 posts
#thomas shelby x oc - 226 posts
#thomas shelby fanfic - 226 posts
#peaky blinders fanfiction - 214 posts
#thomas shelby - 194 posts
#thomas shelby imagine - 185 posts
#tommy shelby fanfic - 178 posts
#between the shadow and the soul - 175 posts
#oc fanfiction - 175 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#op idk if you know how form fitting men's costumes are but once i couldn't concentrate on a youtube bootleg ballet from how tight some were
My Top Posts in 2022:
I love all of your work. I keep trying to imagine dad tommy from fic where his little girl comes home declaring she's got a boyfriend, and him panicking because she's like 6 and he can't scare the little boy without having his wife (the reader) chewing his head for it.
Omg thank you 😊
Okay for context, Florence was born in 1929 and is reader and Tommy’s youngest child (and his favorite of all four).
And i felt the prompt went better by being from Tommy's pov to focus more on Tommy and Florence’s relationship.
Other shelby children: Charlie and Gabriel (the Shelby Boys) and Diane (Diane Elizabeth)
Six years old
Gif by @samcoving
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"Who's your new friend, Flora?" Tommy asked his youngest as he kissed the top of her head and then took his place at the head of the dinner table.
Frankly, Tommy thought it wholly unnecessary that they were using the large dining room they use to host gatherings instead of the more private family dining room.
But Florence Eleanor Shelby had demanded a dinner party for tonight, so he dressed for dinner and promised his wife not to overreact when he learned why.
A promise his wife had bet three shillings he'd break before the first course.
"My boyfriend." She beamed at him.
It took everything in him not to spit the water he had been drinking. He was going to need a drink, but Y/N had a strict don't drink in front of the children or I'll have your guts for garters, or so help me God, Thomas Michael Shelby policy.
"Hello, sir, I'm Andrew Roberts, pleasure to meet you." The little boy said courteously and waited until Tommy acknowledged him to resume eating.
Because in the pantomime that is life, his little girl attached herself to the son of Billy Kimber’s accountant.
Can't scare the boy, can't be rude or else Roberts will see it as a provocation, so he acts like this is just another friend his favorite child has brought over.
"I'm gonna marry him, daddy." Six-year old Florence tells him and you make it worse by indulging her in this fantasy.
The last thing he wants is for one of his children to marry young like his parents and the John did.
"But the girl is six," his wife’s says, "you're worrying for nothing."
"You're wrong, love," he tells her later once the dinner is over.
Six turns to eleven and she and Andrew remain thick as thieves.
She was bold, bolder than her best friend, the Princess Margaret, and Andy Roberts is shy and cautious like Tommy can assume his father was.
Calls him her boyfriend still, and he reminds Y/N that its way past being a phase.
"They're children, Tom" she shakes her head even as she does some last minutes things on the children's matching costumes.
Eleven turns to sixteen and Andrew nervously asks him for permission to ask Florence to a dance.
He has a shotgun on his lap when he gives the teenage boy his answer.
Florence locks herself in her room in tears and his wife shakes her head. "There's no harm in a dance. If you don't let her go, she'll just escape through the window and steal the car again."
So he listens to his wife and the next morning he apologized to his daughter and made her promise she wouldn't do anything stupid.
Sixteen turns to twenty three and they've been featured in everything from Tabloids to Time Magazine as the United Kingdom's entrepreneurial power couple.
Florence had invited them to a dinner party at her place in Mayfair. She had news and she had made him swear on the lives of his five grandchildren (by his three older children) not to overreact.
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419 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
As Many Types of Love as There are Hearts
Reader Insert Masterlist
Accepting requests for Tommy, Arthur, John, Finn and even Luca Changretta
Title taken from a quote in Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
Taglist: @joossieisdabomb @johnathancanines @peakyblindas @kissmyquill @zablife @whitejuliana1204 @theshelbyclan @atalkingthinker @thegreatdragonfruta @star017 @darlingangel-17 @kathrinemelissa @i-will-find-an-untaken-url @moondigger @babystargaze @dragons-are-my-favorite @llamamama2k19
Gif by @blankkstuff
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428 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
Can I request a tommy shelby x wife!reader where tommy has a business associate at the house and they learn that tommy may have the power in the rest of Birmingham but at Arrow House Mrs. Shelby is in charge and both the business associate and her husband are trying to be serious and intimidating but she's just bringing them tea and biscuits because 'no you cannot have whiskey, there are young children in this household' and the guy looks at tommy like 'what' and he like has this look on his face like 'don’t look at me, she's in charge here'
Tea and Biscuits
The children are my oc shelby children my oc Eva has with Tommy.
Gif by @sophieshelby
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Usually Tommy made sure all business meetings took place when the children weren’t home.
That you had forgotten your husband was going to have a meeting today with Churchill was a fluke.
You usually check his planner and make sure he never finds out you lied and told the school headmaster that the children had come down with something and needed a four day weekend. This time you had completely forgotten as you planned an impromptu trip to London to surprise your husband.
Had a house there now, with how often Tommy is here and how big your family has gotten it made sense to have a lovely townhouse near Downing Street instead of a suite at a hotel.
The house came with an office for your husband and four bedrooms for the children so Charlie doesn’t fight with Gabe nor Diane fight with Florence.
“Flor, sweetheart, why don’t you go upstairs.” You tell your youngest child, Florence, a girl of four.
“But I want to play in daddy’s office, mummy.” She whined and you know that won’t be the end of it.
“You can come later when daddy is done with his meeting, love.” Tommy assures her before handing her off to you.
When your daughter’s bedroom door slams with just a hint of displeasure, you turn to him. “She’s plotting something, make sure not to drink, I caught her trying to pour some of your whiskey on a glass and pretend she was you. Last thing we want is for Florence to really get sick.”
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441 notes - Posted May 2, 2022
Fics wth dad Tommy are my weakness Can i have one with him fathering his boys across the years, sometimes he does well, other times not so much. But his wife is always there to make sure that her boys are good to each other and take care of one another because that's how a shelby family work.
The Shelby Boys
Gif by @perioddramasource
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Charlie is three when he draws on the pristine ivory walls of Arrow House.
Tommy crouched down beside him and remembered he couldn’t be too harsh on a boy of three. He wouldn’t raise his children like his parents raised him. Besides, his wife would murder him if he ever raised a hand against Charlie and his unborn sister.
“What did we say about drawing on the walls, Charlie?” he asked the boy who concentrates on his stick figure portrait as if he were Michelangelo and this was his Sistine chapel.
“Not to.” The boy said stopped his drawing. “I’m sorry, daddy.”
“Oh no, boy, the one you’re going to have to apologize to is Frances ---and Sandra and Molly--- who have to erase your masterpiece of the walls.” Tommy ruffled his hair.
“What’s that?” the boy asks confused.
“Let’s get you cleaned up and then we can go downstairs to the room where your mum keeps all the paintings, so I can show you.”
“No.” Tommy shook his finger at three-year-old Gabriel who promptly ignores him.
“What did we say about the N word?” his wife asks condescendingly. She mocks him because little Gabe has learned to tune out the word no.
Charlie and Diane had been angels compared to Gabriel Thomas Shelby.
Polly had been right to give the boy his name.
“We don’t draw on the walls, Gabe.” Tommy tried again.
“Why?” the toddler whined, stamping his little feet.
Thomas swore that was his son’s favorite word.
“Because Aunt Polly will be disappointed in you.” He tells his little boy. Polly was the closest thing they had to a grandmother, neither he nor his wife had a living mother to dote on their children, so it fell on Polly to fill the role.
“’m sorry.” His little boy pouted sadly and looked at the floor. Couldn’t say it properly yet, and that was probably what made it so easy for Gabe to be forgiven so easily.
Charles Henry Shelby is ten when he says the unimaginable.
“I hate you!” Charlie yells and slams the door.
“Charles Henry, you open this door right now—” he begins, but his wife stops him.
“If you yell at him, it will make it worse.” She says like a sage.
A sage holding their two-year-old girl on her hip and making sure the six- and five-year-old go straight into the kitchen for snacks.
His wife was born to be a mother he thinks.
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455 notes - Posted June 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
If you’re still taking requests could you do a tommy shelby x reader where the reader has a reputation of being sweet and kind and she helps everyone and tommy is super protective of her and (while he knows she a sweetheart) is sort of unaware of this reputation she has and 1: Some young kid approaches her in the garrison all nervous because she’s sitting with the Shelby clan but he really needs to return this vase that the reader gave his mom flowers in or 2: these tough guys approach reader (with tommy present) and at first Tommy’s on edge only to find out they’re super friendly with his girl because ‘hey, it’s y/n, who took care of my grandma when she was ill’
The Meek Shall Inherit the World
I saw your request and went yes to both choices lol
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They made the unlikeliest of couples, (Y/N) was a gentle soul and meek as a lamb while Thomas Shelby, was Thomas Shelby.
Even Grace had backed off when she realized you, the person who once helped her clean her rented room, were engaged to the man she had developed an infatuation for.
When the Lees planned their attack, they hadn’t expected for the two of you to be making out in the kitchen like horny teenagers.
It was the unlikeliest of stick ups, but you knew them and they knew you.
Something that left Tommy with enough time to plan a peaceful resolution with the Lees.
You knew Johnny Dogs had a little girl of three with a troublesome rash that worried his wife, you knew that Esme Lee’s brother had been grateful when you brought his sister home after she ran away into the woods when everyone came home from France except for her intended, you knew the little boy the used to get into the shop had a granny who loved daisies and you knew whatever they were planning to do to your fiancé and his family would not happen on your watch.
“I don’t know much about these things, but I think this is a sign that there’s a rational way to go about this.” You said standing between your soon to be husband and the men here to kill him.
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543 notes - Posted April 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sogno-ao3 · 1 year
a list of named books in still waters
writing this because it is late and i am going crazy with work and wanted to write this as a diversion--won't include jane eyre and huckleberry finn for spoilery reasons!
The Jungle, Upton Sinclair
Ah, the first book we see in Still Waters and one that Mollie wonders if Tommy has read. It is evocative of Tommy's own dirty business; Sinclair writes about the violent and unsanitary meat-packing industry and how the main character is a decent man but his circumstances force him into less-than-moral doings...?
North and South, Elizabeth Gaskell and Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen
Contributes to the feeling for Mollie's inexperience with romance--Pride and Prejudice is certainly one of the canonical romance greats, North and South in the third tier...?
The History of the Standard Oil Company, Ida Tarbell
Mostly just to be evocative of Tommy's penchant for empire building, and something that he'd probably read.
Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë
To be frank, nothing is really going on here... I suppose one can draw parallels between Heathcliff and Tommy, but that would make this romance rather monstrous...? Hate to disappoint, but revenge plots are not the focus of this story.
House of Mirth, Edith Wharton
Nothing of note, except period accuracy.
A Doctor's Education: a Guide to Medical Schools
A book that I made up.
A Doll's House, Henrik Ibsen
I admit, a little too on the nose, but too perfect to resist as a play and its thematic material--Tommy has trapped Mollie in a doll's house; further commentary on how Mollie is circumscribed by her position in society, and whether she can break out of it or not. Further hilarious references when she tries to escape the Shelby family meeting and abandons a child.
The Tempers, William Carlos Williams
Personally, I am a fan of WCW and just about died when I re-read the poem with Grace the cat--and so it was purrfect to include. Another thing I do love about WCW is that many poems can be interpreted from very surface-level to very abstract, from serious to playful--depends on your mood. This dichotomy I also try to illustrate between Tommy and Mollie.
Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad
Can you tell that I hate this book? I'm amazed that it always ends up on the top lists; writing is insipid even without the awful treatment of colonization. Again, a book that inspires differences of opinions between Tommy and Mollie.
Poems, Wilfred Owen
"Written by a war veteran" is how I imagined it was sold in stores, and Tommy just chose it, and then realized he doesn't want to relive any of that, and so neglects to read it, leaving a very chagrined Mollie to pick up the pieces.
The Education of Henry Adams, Henry Adams
Chosen for the themes of growth and change, but most importantly, it was period appropriate.
Agnes Grey, Anne Brontë
An echo to Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre. Also a bildungsroman for a young woman of a lower class.
Tenant of Wildfell Hall, Anne Brontë
Nothing too important except that it's in the Brontë family.
Poems, Emily Brontë
I don't think Emily Brontë ever published a solo book of poetry (she did publish a book with her sisters), but nonetheless, someone aggregated them and when I visited home, I discovered I had a book of her lesser-known poems. I think I had bought this book when I was in my own e-girl era... uh.... anyway, many great poems to give life to Tommy's own e-boy era.
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ao3feed-janeausten · 2 years
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artbookdap · 2 years
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TONIGHT!! Wednesday, February 15 at 6:15 PM, Anne Pasternak, Shelby White and Leon Levy present a roundtable launch event for 'Imagining the Future Museum: 21 Dialogues with Architects' authored by András Szántó and published by Hatje Cantz. A noted museum strategist, Szántó will moderate a conversation between Paula Zasnicoff Cardoso of Arquitetos Associado, Elizabeth Diller of Diller Scofidio & Renfro and Kerstin Thompson of Kerstin Thompson Architects. ⁠ ⁠ Please R.S.V.P. via linkinbio.⁠ ⁠ @andrasszanto @brooklynmuseum @hatjecantzverlag @annepasternak @levyblohm @paulazasnicoff @arquitetosassociados @diller_scofidio_renfro @kerstin_thompson_architects https://www.instagram.com/p/Cor8ZXAgg_D/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sleepypeaky · 5 years
Polly “elizabeth” Shelby x  Fem reader
request: Can you write polly x female reader where she's been in love with the reader for months and the reader gets flirted with a lot by the boys and other men but she loves her back? A little bit drama but a fluffy ending? Polly deserves all the love
word count: 1600
warnings: haha i got a little heated at the end,,,,,,,,,, this is basically well mannered smut and im not sorry
a/n: polly is 17 in this. also i forgot a lot about the specific details of the boy’s early lives so im just goign to make shit up. also in my mind they live a little outside of small heath in this, maybe they move into the main town after the story. also this gave me life to write.
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A new town, Elizabeth thought, maybe here we’ll stay here longer. 
She let her feet dangle over the wheels, she watched as they passed by a cluster of small houses and a schoolhouse.
Although she didnt know this at the time, in a few years the fielded landscape she saw rolling by her would be transformed into a sooty, squalid, suburb of birmingham. The grass replaced with hard stone.
But for now the landscape was peaceful enough.
They were moving onto a plot of land owned by her sister-in-law’s family. Most of whom worked in the city. There were also a handful of other Romani families, but they all kept their distances.
Once the camp was set, Elizabeth was charged with going to the schoolhouse and finding herself a place. This was done easily enough, as the teacher was a kindly italian woman who was already expecting her arrival. 
On her was out of the small building, she quite literally ran into a girl of about her own age. 
“Oh! Sorry!” You gasped, making sure the collision caused no harm. “I’m (y/n), you must be new here.”
“I’m Elizabeth, and yes i am. Sorry about that.” She shook your outstretched hand.
“No problem at all!” You assured her.
You peered over her shoulder into the distance where a couple of ornate Romani wagons were set int the field.
“Do you live in those wagons?”
She nodded. “Yes, I’m Romani.”
“Does your whole family live there too?”
“Yes.” She smiled “My parents, brother, his wife, my 3 nephews, but they’re practically as old as me. ‘cept for john, hes only 5. And one niece Ada, she’s 3.”
“Well thats a whole lot more interesting than my family.” You chuckled.
Elizabeth laughed, “I’m not sure interesting is the proper word. But if you like i can introduce you?”
“Oh i would love that!”
You walked side by side down the dirt road that lay adjacent to the large fields. The fields were lined with fences for the livestock, and abutted by a decent forest that stretched  off to the northwest. In the field poppies were blooming.
You exchanged trivial information, and in no time were up close to the circle of wagons. The two elder children and elizabeth’s brother were not there, but she introduced you to her parents and the younger children. Both of whom were exceedingly adorable.
You walked closer to one wagon, the one polly pointed out as hers, and walked around it, your eyes following the carved painted curves of the wood. 
“It’s incredibly beautiful.” You marveled. “i wish my home were as nice to look at.”
You and Elizabeth had gotten on very well. And a few days later you were leading her into the woods, not to far from the houses, to show her your “hiding spot”. 
About 100 yards into the woods, there was a clearing by a small stream where you had built a very small wooden structure. To call it a house would be perhaps too direct for what it was, but it had 4 walls, a nearly waterproof roof, and a small hinged door. 
“This is wonderful!” Elizabeth exclaimed.
“Well its not my best work, but it has been here a long time.” You explained. The inside was again, not much. But there was a small platform with a blanket on it, an oil lamp, and a tin box large enough to hold some pencils, paper, and books.
You led her to the stream where you took off your shoes and let your feet into the clear water.
“This is very strange and there is no particular reason for it,” You started, “but for some reason i want to call you Polly.” 
She smiled, “ok. Then i get to call you odjus.”
You tilted your head, 
“what does that mean?”
“you’ll have to wait and find out.”
You bit your lip, “Ok then polly.”
A few months past, the May turned into a warm august, with a surprising amount of sun. Polly had acclimated well to the locals, most specifically you, whom she woke every morning in wait to see. 
There was something different about the way she thought of you. Something she felt she oughtn’t be feeling.
But life went on around this. She would walk with you on your way to places, grimacing as you walked past the schoolboys who flirted incessantly with you. She got her share of flirts as well, but those didnt bother her like they did yours.
On these midsummer nights the older children of the settlement would sneak out and have bonfires in the upper fields. Alcohol and dancing, folk songs and ballads. The boys who spent the days in the fields or shoveling coal, spent their nights dancing with their sweethearts or searching one out. 
As the nights progressed, one boy would start a slower, crooning song, and all the dancing would slow to a sway.
As with this night.
You and polly started out the night with a few swigs of whiskey and linked-arm dancing. Your skirts tied up to knee level for ease of movement. The other girls did the same, and the hot summer nights became less oppressive. 
At one point, polly found herself sat alone on a stump with the other spectators. She was watching like a statue at you swaying with a rather handsome farm-boy. She had seen you dance with him before, and tonight, whether  she was fed up or the whiskey had got to her, she couldnt take it.
On one swaying revolution, you saw polly hurry off into the field over your partners shoulder. Concerned, you cut the dance short and ran into the night after her. 
She was running fast so you had to hurry to catch up with her,
“Polly! Wait!” You called after her, the waist-high thin grass whipping your shins.
She slowed to a halt and you caught up. 
“Polly whats wrong?” You urged, breathing heavily.
“Whats wrong?!” She whipped around to face you. You saw she was crying.
“This is whats bloody wrong.”
She rushed forward to you and grabbed your face in her hands, and forcefully put her lips on yours. The world stood still, it felt like a wave crashed over your head and you were drowning in its wake, but oh what a way to die. And then she pulled away.
“Something’s wrong with me.” She sobbed. 
You still made no movement.
“And i love you (y/n), i fucking love you. And it hurts so much to know that this is all just a mistake in my head–”
You cut her off by surging towards her and reconnecting your lips. Instantly her hands went to your hair and you pulled her closer by her shoulders. Each gasp of air was relinquished once more as you dove back in. Every part of you felt tingly. Finally, you got enough air to gasp, 
“i love you too.” And you pressed your forehead against hers.
Polly’s heart felt as though it might burst, the only way to keep the pressure down was the smile on her face and the tears still streaming from here eyes, but this time for joy. You were also weeping.
She grabbed your hand and pulled you off the field and into the woods path, where it led to the small wooden house.
You pushed open the ramshackle door and pulled her inside. Sparing no time to light the small oil lamp in the corner.
You kissed her again, now in the complete seclusion of the woods and the hideout. The only light coming from the glow if the lamp and the warm, summer stars. There was a deeper passion now, less fervent but more needy. She pulled you down to the blanketed ground and kissed you, your lips were on fire. She moved her lips to your neck, slowly edging down to your collar bone. You gasped at the feeling.
Now your were upright again, struggling with the buttons on her bodice as she tried to undo yours. Minutes of frustrated undressing only broken by passionate kisses. Now you were laid bare to her eyes and her to you. You laid her on her back and gazed down at her, her hair undone and softly wreathed around her face. You brought your face back down and between kisses praised her on her beauty. 
She held up her hands and brought you beside her, taking one of your breasts in her mouth as her hand moved down between your legs. Your mouth nestled in the crook of her neck.
It was a symphony, an exploration of each other at new level, every hand caressed a new place in reverence, and your lips both whispering kisses on every patch of skin. You cried out into the night, her following in unison, each time like the call of the nightingale.
When at last you lay at silence in the summer night air. Warm enough even without sun for not a chill to come over both your naked forms. 
Your hands were intertwined, same with your legs, twisted together as if you had become one being. Her deep brown eyes flickered over your face, a lock of her hair rested on her cheek.
“odjus.” She whispered.
You smiled at the name that called your heart. You let your eyelids grow heavy, and looking up at her through hooded eyes, you asked,
“what does it mean?”
She let your eyes close and her own fell as well. And with a voice like the hush of rain, she said
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zodiyack · 2 years
Bonnie meeting Ellie for the first time 🥺😩
He fell in love with one Shelby, then another ❤️
I'm gonna add a little twist, but its still cute nonetheless
Fic below the cut
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Bonnie was instructed to wait outside by Y/n, left with the knowledge that she was supposedly just grabbing something really quick before she were to meet him outside again. His curiosity got the best of him, however, when she hadn't returned for a good twenty minutes. He pushed open the door lightly and poked his head into the Shelby home. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, and no one appeared to be in the room, so he pursued his quest in finding Y/n.
"Y/n?" He made himself known as he looked around, deciding it was ultimately best to wait in the sitting room rather than snoop elsewhere. "Y/N, love, are you ready?"
He earned a reply, yet, not quite the one he was expecting.
"Mummy's busy."
Bonnie whipped his hear around, then down to meet the eyes of a small girl. "Well, whatever might your name be?"
"Elizabeth Shelby." She struggled only slightly to get the words out, her tiny voice chipper yet soft. "Do you know mummy?"
"...Is Y/N your mummy?" The girl nodded. "Then yes, I do know your mummy. She and I are supposed to go have dinner soon, but as you said, she's busy."
"You can play with me 'til mummy is no busy!" Bonnie chuckled and nodded, accepting the invitation of the small bundle of joy beaming up at him.
So they played, Ellie showing him her favorite books and toys, requesting that he read to her, then play, then read, and the cycle went on. Y/N took some more time, but it didn't matter to Bonnie, as time seemed to fly as he played with the mini-her. Pretty soon, he found himself in the arm chair across the fire, quite drowsy, with little Ellie sat in his lap, drooling away to Dreamland. He wanted to the same, but the only thing that kept him from doing so was knowing he had to wait for Y/N.
Just as he thought his droopy eyes would betray him, a door atop the staircase clicked open. "I'm so sorry for taking so long, I- Oh." Y/N paused, a smile slipping upon her face at the sight. "I see you've met Ellie."
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