#ellen moose
kittiepls · 2 years
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i have eight elon dollars. take it or leave it.
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akumaasylum · 2 years
Hey y’all, long time no see. Well, I guess I’m back here again, now that it looks like twit’s going belly up? So over the course of the next couple.... days? weeks? I’m going to be slowly changing my blog up. Might change usernames, unsure of that though since I use this one everywhere, but it has been feeling uncomfy for a bit now. I’ll give a heads up ahead of time
Anywho... a lot of my interests have shifted since the nsfwpocalypse and since covid, and my follows have been cut in half. My happy-brain chemicals pretty much only come from Dimension20, Critical Role, NADDPod, and video games now, so apologies to the people who followed me for homestuck content way back when. That’s not gonna be showing up as much, if at all, anymore. If anyone has some good blogs for those aforementioned interests, though, send them my way, please!
I guess that’s it, that’s the post. 
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puckarchives · 9 months
strawberry wine: l. hughes
blurb: in which luke is teased for how he treats you, but he doesn’t mind. Not if all of it’s for you / word count: 1.3k / pairing: luke hughes x fem!reader
You hadn’t meant to fall in love with him at first. When you first met Luke— right in the middle of your freshman year at UMich, where you were trying to balance the precarious work-social life balance— it wasn’t love at first sight. No, you were way too pessimistic for that. Instead, the love you had garnered for the curly haired boy was gratuitous— it was a simmering feeling you felt every time he turned his gaze on you, everytime he checked in with you via text or phone call when he was away, and the feeling of his heartbeat as he laid on your chest— the reminder that, above all, he had put you first.
Falling in love with Luke wasn’t an automatic fairy-godmother thing, but it was magic all the same — it was the feeling of coming up for air after being submerged underwater, the feeling of being in the sun after being inside for too long. It was a feeling you wanted to be embraced with all the time, really. 
Now, though, you were hearing the extent at which Luke loved you — in your sleep induced haze while your head laid on Luke’s chest, and your legs extended over his lap. The two of you had made your way to the Hughes Family lake house for the first few weeks of the summer, where you were joined by Quinn and Jack, as well as some of your and Luke’s mutual friends from UMich; all the people you cared about, all under one roof. 
As the summer grew, and the first week turned into the second, you could only feel how much your love had grown for the boy with the curls— the boy who had somehow made falling in love with an all-consuming feeling that you never wanted to let go of. 
Now, though, as you listened to the conversation around you, your almost-sleep was interrupted when you heard Jack call to Luke— saying something along the lines of something “being clear,” and picking up on some changes in Luke’s behavior. 
Now almost fully awake, you didn’t want to make yourself entirely known— not just yet. Luke and you had spoken about what to expect on the trip— the teasing and remarks that were sure to come from his brothers, the jokes that were sure to come out of Trevor or Duker at one point, and even the overprotectiveness for the only other woman in the house from Ellen. Now, through, you could tell the conversation was fully about you— and Luke. 
“I’m just saying, man,” you could hear Jack start. “We’ve never seen you this whipped before! It’s liek you’re an entirely new man, Moose,” he finished, to where you heard the rest of the boys add in their own agreements. You felt Luke pull you even closer when he said that, and could feel the hand on your calve resume its soft movements— mishappen shapes and letters that didn’t really mean anything, but that Luke had gotten into the habit of doing whenever you were around.
“Name one time where that’s happened,” Luke said. “I might be in love, but I haven’t changed,” he said, and oh god— he was in love with you! Even if you were still supposed to be asleep the sole notioon that he’d say it in front of the people whose opinions he cared about so deeply made your heart melt even more. The truth was, you were in love with Luke as much as he was in lovr with you — he was your rock, your safe place, and above all else, the person you looked for in anything; the one who had captured your heart and kept it as close as he could to his own. 
“C’mon, dude, you literally put your hand on the table corner when she dropped her cup the other day, just so she wouldn’t hit her head,” Quinn said from the opposite chair. “And, not to mention, you literally called Mom right after your first date with her, just to ask her how you did, and to see if she could help you see whatever signs Y/N was givign you” the boys laughed. While you had picked up on the things Luke did for you— including making sure you were always safe, that second thing wasn’t something you were aware of. Sure, you were both nervous wrecks on your first date, but you found him charming— especially when he had shown up at your dorm smartly dressed, and had brought flowers not only for you, but for your roommate too. 
“Plus, remember that time Coach made you do extra liners because you showed up to practice with a hickey on your neck?” Duker said. “Wasn’t that after your sixth-month anniversary, or something? When you rented that hotel room to, and I quote, “treat her how she deserves to be treated?” C’mon Hughes, you’re a sap!” he finished. 
Duke was right; you remembered that date almost vividly. Luke had spent so much on a grand hotel room, had taken you out to dinner at a nice restaurant, and, in the privacy of your own room, had danced with you for the entire night— had spun you around and around until the two of you ended up tangled in the white sheets, kisses being shared like secrets, and leaving them like brands on the entire expanse of his chest, his neck, and his mouth. The two of you had drank a third of a bottle of strawberry wine before you ended up on your tiptoes, Luke spinning you and leading you around the expanse of the entire room, before ultimately taking it further. 
That night, you had become his, and he had become yours in a way that you had never imagined possible; regardless of either of your past experiences, you had felt love strum between the two of you in, as cliche as it sounds — magical way. 
“So what, I care about her! Look at her, and tell me you wouldn’t give it all up” Luke said, but you could tell he wasn’t mad in the slightest. Sure, he was getting chirped at, but it was all in good fun, and he understood that; it must have been a strange thing, for both of his older brothers to see him so in love, and so ready to be tied down to you, that he didn’t even mind the teasing. 
Luke, for all his faults, loved you, and that much was entirely apparent every time he opened his mouth to talk about you— something he would do any chance he got, always finding a way to bring you up in his conversations. 
“We know, dude, you’ve just become such a sap,” Jack added. “‘S making the rest of us wanna settle down too,” he said, laughing. It was true, in a way. Seeing their little brother so in love — so much so that he had almost put his hockey career on pause just to be able to graduate with you, and looked like Cupid had whacked him in the ass with an arrow every time he looked at you — they could clearly see the adoration he had for you; the bone deep understanding that you were his, and he was yours. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” he said, waving them away. Feeling like this was your cue to get up, however, now that the conversation had died down, you opened your eyes, and picked your head up slowly from his chest. Luke looked down at you immediately, his hand that was previously on your leg coming up to cup your chin. 
“You okay there, honey?” he asked. You could only try to shake away the remaining sleep from your head, and smile up at him. Here was your boy — the one who had taken your heart and ran with it, who held you close, and who planned to never let go; the man you wanted to spend the rest of your days with, and who was willing to endure every single comment about your relationship just to keep you. You couldn’t have asked for anyone better —— you couldn’t have asked for anyone other than your Luke.
“Never better, baby. Never better.”
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h0ck3yl0v3r · 10 months
foolish one
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
lh43 x childhood bestfriend!reader
warnings: angst, semi-swearing
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you and luke were inseparable. always attached to each other, whether it was you attending his hockey games or him attending your events. everyone around you guys always thought you were both dating, although you wish you were, there was never any romantic relationships.
highschool graduation happened, and you and luke both had committed to the university of michigan. as time went on through senior year, yours and lukes relationship was rocky, luke being too busy with hockey and girls to always be there for you. as for you, you were still one of his biggest supporters. it was in that long list of promises you guys made when you were seven. 'we promise to always be there for each other no matter what.'
college was rocky, you barely saw luke, heard from him, it was hard on you.
chances are, tonight, you've already got plans and chances are i will talk myself to sleep again
you cried every night, seeing pictures of luke at parties with girls while you were never invited. you felt invisible to him now, your mom and ellen called every day, they knew how much love you have for luke, they knew it from the moment you slipped and fell on the ice and luke helped you up, the moment your spark in your eyes grew.
and the voices say, "you are not the exception you will never learn your lesson"
that spark was now slowly fading away. you really thought you had a chance being his best friend that maybe, just maybe he'd be in love with you too.
don't know what to call this situation but i know i can't call you mine
the whole first semester of freshman year went by really fast, meaning it was now time for winter break, one of your favorite seasons. luke was still radio silence, you both always spent winter together, guess he's too famous for you now, another promise broken, 'we promise to never forget each other, no matter how famous we get.'
but goodbye screamin' in the silence and the voices in my head are tellin' me why
when ellen and your mother came down to visit they held a little gathering with jack, quinn, luke and his friends.
the gathering was a mess.
"yo moose who's this girl in your baby pictures." one of his teammates had brought up.
"oh her, she's just an old friend." he had replied, 'old friend.' that hurt to hear, you were no longer apart of his life.
cause you got her on your arm and me in the wings i'll get your longing glances, but she'll get your ring
luke didn't know you were there, too busy with his new girlfriend and teammates. but you heard it all, you see it all, it was heartbreaking, quinn saw it all though. quinn was always second closest to you, being that person you looked up to, he was the first person you ever confessed you had a crush to luke on.
"it hurts quinny, it hurts so much, i feel like a ghost to him. i thought we would've happened i thought all the signs i gave him would've been enough for him to catch on. i feel so stupid" you sobbed into quinns chest, hos heart breaking for you.
"shh its okay, my brothers an idiot, please don't feel like stupid, it's not your fault angel" quinn rubbed your back softly as you sat there and cried yourself to sleep.
foolish one sittin' 'round waiting for confessions of love they ain't never gonna come and thinkin' he's the one, you should've been walkin' out foolish one
you woke up the next morning devastated. maybe in another universe it could've happened, but right now its time to piece yourself back together. you couldn't face watching your spark keep fading over someone who no longer is present in your life.
when all is said and done, he just wasn't the one no, he just wasn't the one
for you, luke will always be your past present and future, but right now he is not what is needed in your life, mayne one day he'll come back to his senses but for the time being self-love is the best healing.
tags: @drysdalesv @ghostfacd @shy4turcs
pt 2??
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quinnylouhughesx43 · 3 months
Run to You - lh43 - timeless
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summary: in which y/n’s first boyfriend is not a big fan of Luke and does one of the unspeakable acts to y/n. y/n needs luke.
warnings: TW! TW!: quick mentioning of significant other (almost) hitting other significant other, a lot of dialogue (I mean A LOT), soft luke, cursing, wrote this while half asleep and while at work sorry if it’s not my normal writing :(
word count: 1.7k
note: you are responsible for your own consumption of content on the internet. anything you interact with on my page is at your own discretion. this is piece of fiction. please do not take anything in this to be an accurate representation of anyone who is a real person to be literal. :)
time in life: senior year of high school
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Rosey's heart raced as she walked down the sidewalk, her sneakers scraping against the concrete. Her thoughts were all jumbled up. She couldn’t understand what wrong and when it wrong. She was having the hardest time wrapping her mind around the fact Jason had just broke up with her. He was her first true boyfriend, and she thought he loved her. He said he loved her. Jason had given her a choice, him or Luke. She didn’t want to choose and she wouldn’t choose.
He lost his temper with her, his voice raised and eventually so did his hand.
Rosey dodged out of his reach just in time, if she hadn’t, his open hand would’ve connected across her cheek. Terrified of the man standing in front of her, she managed to blurt out a few words to him and charged right out his front door. Now she was walking toward the Hughes's house, struggling to keep herself composed.
Luke. She needed him now more than ever.
Jason lives two neighborhoods over from where her and Luke’s neighborhood is. It’s a quick drive from one place to the other, that is when you drive. Problem for Rosey is she was dropped at his place. Leaving her in a predicament of needing a ride home or to do exactly what she was.
Rosey didn't dare stop her trek, too paranoid Jason might be following her. She was approaching the Hughes’s house when she was brave enough to look behind her. Nothing. She slowed down enough to catch her breath. When she got close enough, she caught sight of Luke's figure through their living room window. Just the sight of him helped her relaxed. Jim and Ellen were out for the day with Quinn and Jack for one of their hockey games and she knew he'd be alone.
Rosey flung open the front door and raced into the house, slamming the door behind her. "Moosey!" she gasped, her voice echoing through the empty entry way. "Luke, I’m sorry for just barging in but I" Rosey couldn’t finish her sentence before her cries broke out as she entered the living room.
When she laid eyes on him and she knew she was safe in his presence, she couldn’t choke her emotions back any longer. Luke practically lunged off the couch, collecting her into his arms.
"Hey, sweet girl, what's wrong?" he asked, taking one of his hands to gently smooth across her hair. He paused halfway as she tensed then quickly relaxed.
"He..he almost smacked me," she sobbed, her voice breaking when she choked on her cries. "Jason, he just..” She paused, having to take a moment to catch her breath. “He got really upset with me when I told him I wouldn't stop being friends with you."
His eyes widened in disbelief. "He did what?" Luke’s question was rhetorical, he heard what she said to him, but he wanted to believe he didn’t though. He did his best to keep his tone even, he didn’t want to make anything worse.
"He was going to hit me, Moose.” She repeated, her face buried in Luke's hoodie. "He said I had to choose, him or you."
Luke's jaw tightened, the veins in his neck becoming more prominent. "That's such bullshit, Ro. Listen to me. You don’t have to choose.”
She didn’t say anything back to him, only squeezed his torso a little tighter and moved her head to where her forehead pressed against his chest so she was now staring at their feet.
Luke moved the two of them to sit down on the couch. He wanted to go over to Jason’s and take care of him, but his first priority was Rosey.
Rosey scooted closer to Luke leaning over onto his shoulder. In the most natural movement Luke moved her to where she was in his lap and he was cradling her close to him. “Listen, I'm here for you, no matter what. Always. The only person allowed to dictate who you are and aren’t friends with is you Rosey.”
"But he was my first boyfriend, and it isn’t fair.” Her body slouched in his arms, officially showing signs of being defeated.
Luke’s ears perked at the word was.
“What a way to ruin my outlook on relationships right?” If the way she entered the house wasn’t enough to shatter his heart the humorous laugh that just came out of her did for sure.
Luke started to rub her mid-thigh soothingly. “Ro, don’t let him ruin your view on relationships. Most people go through a shitty one, do you remember Mia? She basically killed me last summer, with how she chose to end things, but I got through it because I had you.”
Rosey scoffed at him, for the first time since the two had moved to the couch she turned her head enough to look at him. “Yeah, but you’re you and well. I’m me. You could have literally anybody you wanted if you tried.”
“Except you’re wrong, I can’t have the one girl I truly want.” His mind was fighting his heart. He wanted to risk it all and spill his heart to her right then, but what happens when she doesn’t feel the same way.
Rosey sniffled and wiped her nose on her sleeve. "What, are you kidding me?" she asked, her voice still shaky and Luke shook his head. “Don’t worry about that right now, we’re focusing on you.” He pulled her back towards his body, his arms strong and steady around her. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, sweet girl.. I wish I could make it better." She buried her face in the side of neck. The feeling of her warm breath on his neck making it hard for him to steady his heartbeat.
“Do you need anything?” Luke asks her wanting to make sure he makes her as comfortable as possible.
She attempted to shake her head from where it laid on his shoulder. “I already have what I needed" Her voice trailed off as she tried to figure out how to say her next few words. “I came straight here because I needed you.”
“Needed me?” He asked incredulously.
“Yes. I know that you’re always going to be here for me whenever I need you and you make me feel safe.. Always.” Her words were soft spoken but said with such conviction he wasn’t sure what he was to do or say.
Luke’s heart rate had to be at an unnatural level. He had just been debating on whether or not he should go ahead and tell her why he couldn’t get the girl. And now the girl was telling him, he was ‘what’ she needed.
Was our relationship really just a friendship to her too? Or did she ever think of me as something more. Did Jason see whatever Jack and Quinn seemed to think they see all the time?
While Luke was reeling from everything that was going on in his mind, he hadn’t realized he had dropped out of the embrace that he had been holding her in. Rosey had removed herself from his and sunk into her self, playing with her fingernails worried that she’d said something.
“Luke?” She finally called out his name after a few minutes.
He cleared his throat, trying to pull himself to the present. “Yes, sweet girl?”
“You spaced out, look a bit terrified, and then you slipped away.. Did I say something wrong?
Luke remained silent, shifting his position on the couch.
“Oh.” Rosey’s picking, soon turned to hair twisting signifying the increase in anxiety. “I didn’t think it was a big deal to ne”
In one quick motion Luke was back in her personal space, Rosey was silenced by the shock of his sudden movement. He placed two fingers below her chin lifting her head to look up at him. Their eyes meet and a split second later their lips are connected.
Stunned, was an understatement of how she was feeling in that moment. Still she responded moving and wrapping hers arms around his neck, kissing him back. Luke moved back slightly, breaking their kiss almost as fast as he had initiated it. He placed a hand on her cheek to softly rub his thumb across her cheek. Rosey pulled him back to her. “It wasn’t long enough.” She whispered to him and brushes her lips back across his.
Luke pulled his body back. He pushes his hands through his hair and blows out a big breath.
“The girl Rosey. she’s you. I never wanted to say anything because I’d rather know I have you in my life securely one way than risk it all by admitting how I feel but I can’t sit here any longer.”
“Luke.” Reaching out to cup his cheek and giving him her soft smile.
“Just think if you had said something months ago, you could’ve been doing that any time you wanted to.” She teased him, pulling at his shirt to pull him to her. “Because, what if I told you that the feelings are mutual?” She was grinning at him, their faces inches apart, awaiting his reaction.
He looked at the girl who had his whole heart in the palm of her hands. The girl he’s had to suppress his feelings for by forcing himself to try to have feelings for other girls. The one girl he did have some feelings for, knew that he would never truly love anyone but Rosey.
“Rosey, I’m not joking.. so please.”
“Neither am l Moose. I never in a million decades thought I had a chance of being with you. So are we figuring this out or are you just never going to kiss me again?”
“Oh trust me. I’m definitely kissing you again, many many times again. But first we’re figuring out today’s situation, I am making sure you’re absolutely okay with what happened. I want to make sure that he’s taken care of too. He’s not getting away with nearly hitting you, and then we talk about us. You, your happiness, safety, everything about you has always been and will always be my first priority.” He kisses her forehead as he confirms her hopeful question. “I’m definitely going to get ‘I told you so’s from Jack and Quinn” He chuckled a bit.
“You? They’re going to tease me for crying to them about how I never stood a chance.
The two sunk into the couch cuddling into one another comfortably sitting in the silence that fell over them. Luke’s mind going over what to do about Jason, while Rosey’s had already moved on to thinking of what her and Luke’s time together would be like. Sometime after the two fell asleep cuddled up, nothing their families hadn’t seen before. Only somehow it’s as if Ellen just knew something had shifted between her two beloved babies.
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
part of the el!hughes au
notes: this takes place November 21st, 2023!!
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liked by jackhughes, lhughes_06 and 480,617 others
y/n.hughes we’re getting the best of both worlds 🩵
so excited for this journey and for baby boy to join us in the world. i can’t wait to witness El’s transition into big sisterhood, she’s such a sweet and caring baby, i know she’ll be an amazing sibling.
currently calling Mama Ellen to get some tips on how to be a boy mom.
tagged jackhughes
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jackhughes so grateful to you for giving me the two greatest gifts i could ever ask for. i love you, El, and our baby boy ♥️
y/n.hughes i love you so much, my beloved 🤍
colecaufield my godson 🥹
y/n.hughes your godson! you gonna help Jack teach him how to skate when he turns 3?
colecaufield oh, i have to share that honor with Jack? the man that trips over nothing every game? alright, i guess
jackhughes you know, it’s not too late to make Trevor a godfather again
colecaufield @/jackhughes NO! I’M SORRY! I TAKE IT BACK! PLEASE, I’VE BEEN PRACTICING!
jackhughes i’m a little scared to ask but practicing what?
colecaufield @/jackhughes swaddling, diaper changing, throwing him up in the air and then catching him
y/n.hughes okay so please don’t do that last one
lhughes_06 nephew time!! he’s gonna love me! i’ll teach him how to get chicks
jackhughes yeah, moose? how’s your girlfriend? oh that’s right, you don’t have one
_quinnhughes BURN! 🔥
jackhughes @/_quinnhughes neither do you, Quinny
trevorzegras LITTLE TREVOR HUGHES!!!
y/n.hughes absolutely not 🫶
jackhughes never gonna happen
_quinnhughes i can’t wait to meet this little angel. i know he’s gonna be just as amazing as his mom and his sister 🩵
y/n.hughes i love you Quinny 🤍
jackhughes i feel like i should be insulted?
_quinnhughes you feel correctly
jackhughes but jokes on you, i don’t. because my wife and daughter are perfect and i know my son will be too
nicohischier he’s gonna be amazing! i’m so happy for you guys ❤️
y/n.hughes thank you neeks! we’re so excited for him to arrive!
_alexturcotte he’s gonna be so cool like his uncle 😎
trevorzegras aww thanks turcs!
_alexturcotte i was talking about me…
dawson1417 have you guys picked out a name yet? may i suggest: Dawson?
jackhughes you may not
y/n.hughes @/jackhughes okay wait don’t knock it just yet
dawson1417 YES! DAWSON HUGHES!
trevorzegras she never said it was for certain, dude. it’s not happening
dawson1417 well i got farther than you 🤪
john.marino97 excited to see him at future family skates! i know with El’s sweet and caring heart, she’ll be the most phenomenal big sister ♥️
y/n.hughes oh okay- yeah, sure, make the pregnant woman cry, Johnny
john.marino97 i’m sorry (???)
jackhughes you should be, she just accidentally kneed me as she crawled on my lap to cry. but also, thanks man!
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luke-hughes43 · 11 months
For insta edit, what about Luke doing a soft launch which blows everyone’s mind bc no one knows, literally not even jack even though one of the photos has an eerily similar couch to his and wth is that his silly knitted blanket in the background too!!?!???!
(I added mama ellen knowing bc she knows everything🤭 i also put a twist on it at the end so i really hope it fits what you were asking.)
Soft Launch |
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liked by yourusername, jackhughes, and others
lhughes_06 my girl🫶🏻
jackhughes SINCE WHEN?!
jackhughes wait a second...
jackhughes ...is that our couch in the background? is she using my blanket too?
➡️lhughes_06 yea. she is my girlfriend jack.
➡️jackhughes WELL WHO IS IT?!
_quinnhughes oh? care to share moose?
dylanduke25 wait…there’s a pic from school
dylanduke25 why didn’t you tell us?
dylanduke25 who even is it?
edwards.73 we let you leave and go jersey and this is what happens?
➡️lhughes_06 we've been together for like 7 months. this started before jersey you guys are just idiots.
mackie.samo hughesy has a gf? that's new.
markestapa im confused, when did this happen and when can we meet her?
trevorzegras baby hughes is all grown up!
colecaufield when did you decide to grow up and get a girlfriend?
yourusername hi.
➡️lhughes_06 hey.
elblue6 so cute honey. she's a great girl and your father i can't wait to see her again.
➡️lhughes_06 thanks mom.
➡️jackhughes wait, she met mom and dad already?
➡️_quinnhughes and mom approves?
➡️lhughes_06 omfg go away jack. and yes quinn, mom and dad approve.
_johnbeecher is that my sister?
➡️lhughes_06 i don't know what your talking about
➡️_johnbeecher like hell you do. did you put your grimmy little hughes hands on my sister?
➡️lhughes_06 that's offensive. and rude.
➡️_johnbeecher you are so lucky that i'm in boston.
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letsgetrowdy43 · 10 months
Family dinners and childhood dreams—
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Au Masterlist
It was the night, the night that the entire family had been buzzing about for weeks, the day that all three Hughes brothers would play on the same ice for the first time. The entire family was now all crammed into Quinn and Honey's new home for a nice dinner before the big game.
The woman was smiling as Ellen was piling the boys into the dining room for family dinner.
Honey sat contently with Quinn’s hand on her thigh and a little Warren in the high chair next to her, snacking on his cooled-down pasta, giving his Nana a big smile with his tomato sauce-covered face.
Honey felt so at peace, finally able to have all of her in-laws in the same room, and finally being able to share this special announcement that she and Quinn had been keeping to themselves. Quinn excused himself from the table momentarily to get the surprises as Honey gave him the go-ahead, her heart skipping a beat as he placed a kiss on the side of her face and left the room.
“Where is he going?” Ellen groaned after just sitting down, finally able to wrangle all the boys and the toddler to the table for a nice dinner made by her and Jim, and now he was already slipping out of the room. “He just had to grab something,” Honey smiled and said a small thank you for the dinner as he returned to their dining room with a grin on his face and the sonograms in his hands.
He placed one each in front of his family and awaited their reactions as he sat back down next to his wife.
A gasp left Ellen's lips first, as she grabbed the little black and white photo from the table and looked up at the couple who were grinning back at her, "Another grandbaby?" Quinn nodded as he looked at Honey who nodded, "A baby girl," he smiled as Jack awed.
"Congrats guys," Luke got up from his spot at the table to hug the both of them. "You're gonna be the best godfather, Lu," Honey mumbled as she rubbed his back, he tensed and pulled away with a grin and what looked to be teary eyes. "Really?" he looked at Quinn who was grinning back with a nod. Luke pulled his older brother into a bone-crushing hug as Quinn laughed at his emotions "Of course moose, couldn't let Jack have all the bragging rights," which elicited a few laughs from the people around the table.
Quinn laughed as Luke pulled away and looked between the couple, "I will be the best godfather to your little girl," he promised as Honey stared up at him with teary eyes, "I'll be here whenever, you call I'm here." "We know Lu," Honey said with tears as she stood up to hug the boy who had been like a younger brother to her for nearly ten years, "god you're so tall," she said muffled in his shirt as he buried her in his chest, swaying her back and forth as he laughed at how his height ruined such a sweet moment.
"You have any name ideas?" Jack asked as everyone sat back down and dried their tears, finally digging into the food on the plates in front of them. Quinn nodded with a mouth full of pasta, going to answer before being scolded for attempting to talk with his mouth open, "we were thinking Hayden James Hughes," she said as Ellen hummed with approval.
"She's gonna be perfect," Jim finally spoke up, emotions in his voice as he patted his oldest son on the shoulder. a perfect way to end the conversation as Quinn and his dad shared a silent conversation that was cut off by a bawling warren who began to involve himself in the conversation as he squished pasta in the palm of his hands and squealed as Luke reached over and ruffled the baby's curls.
Everything was perfect within the Hughes family at this moment. It felt like some right of passage, the small family squeezed around a small dinner table, the boys now adults living out their childhood dreams, no longer babies playing mini sticks in their basement, just mere hours before all three of them would be playing against each other in the NHL for the first time.
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delayed-affection · 7 months
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Liked by Mbeniers10 and 20,294 others
Y/n.Hughes I couldn’t imagine sharing a birthday with anyone else. You’re literally my best friend even though you can be a little shit sometimes. It sucks that we couldn’t spend it together this year but you’re off living your dream and honestly I know that’s what you would’ve wished for. And if I’m being honest I would’ve wished for the same thing. Happy birthday Lukey, I love you and here’s to 20!!
Tagged: lhughes_06
View comments…
User2 This was 10 times more heartfelt than Jack’s
User0 Fr 😭
Dylanduke25 Happy birthday moose 🫎
Mbeniers10 Happy birthday you guys
User7 This is too cute 🥺😭
Lhughes_06 ❤️
Y/n.Hughes I hope you cry today
Lhughes_06 what?? why
Y/n.Hughes Because I cried
Edwards.73 Happy birthday lukeyyyy
User1 Have a great day Luke
Nolan_moyle happy birthday @/lhughes_06
Jackhughes Lukey Pookie 😚
Lhughes_06 please be quiet
Jackhughes no birthday dinner for you
User8 I’d like to take a moment to thank Ellen
Trevorzegras let’s get fucked up🤪
Y/n.Hughes 20 not 21 Z
Adamfantilli Happy birthday big man
Njdevils Happy Birthday to the both of you🥳😈
Liked by y/n.Hughes
Markestapa Luuuuuuuuke
(A/n: I’m like way behind…)
Taglist(open): @calesmaker @huggybearluvr @daveyjoneshat @jayda12 @sweetestdesire @dasiysthings @kiarabellerum31 @loveforaugust @thequeenofaces @girls-and-guts
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Summer Lovin'— Quinn Hughes
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request: "for Quinn's beautiful Monday Y/n has been best friends with Jack for years and was always invited to the boys' parties and summers at the lake house. She and Quinn were never close, he only saw her as his younger brother's best friend, but now, this summer at the lake house, Jack invites her over to catch up on their homesickness. Quinn hasn't seen Y/N in a couple of years (she's in college) and is amazed at how beautiful, mature, smart, and sarcastic she has become. I imagine them flirting as a joke, him trying to win her over AND Jack being jealous of his best friend"
warnings: none that i can think of!
word count: 2.3k
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You hadn’t been to the Hughes family lake house in a while. This summer will be the first time in three years due to moving away for college in California. You’ve seen Jack a few times, obviously, since he’s your best friend. But the rest of the family? It’s been a while.
You arrived an hour early, so the boys and their friends are still out on the boat. You took the time to catch up with Jim and Ellen, telling them all about your life in college so far.
“I better see a graduation invitation in the mail!” Ellen said, pointing her finger at you.
“You will!” you laughed. “I can’t graduate without my second family there!”
The boys, them being Jack, Quinn, Luke, Trevor, and Dylan, got back to the house about an hour and a half after you arrived. Jack definitely spotted your car parked out front, because he bursted open the door.
“Y/N!” Jack yelled excitedly.
You turned around with a big smile on your face and ran straight to your best friend. You practically jumped into his arms and he spun you around in a giant hug, lifting your feet into the air.
“I’ve missed you so much!” you said when he put you down.
“My turn!” Trevor announced and pulled you in for a hug. “I’ve never missed someone so much!”
“I see you all the time,” you rolled your eyes jokingly. “I’ve enjoyed my space.”
“Rude!” Trevor gasped.
After you pulled away from Trevor’s hug, you spotted Quinn. He looked different than the last time you saw him. Really saw him, since you watched all of his games over the years. He looked good. Really, really good. You were never that good of friends, since you were mostly just with Jack. Quinn had gone to NTDP and college and then the NHL, so you didn’t really have many good opportunities to get close.
“You cut your hair,” you smiled at Quinn. “It looks good.”
Quinn blushed and pulled you into a hug. You suddenly noticed your heart beating a little faster at his touch. Which is weird because you’ve never experienced that before around him.
“I’ve cut my hair lots of times over the past three years,” Quinn laughed.
“Yeah, but it’s different than when I last saw you on my TV! Can’t even take a compliment,” you tutted.
“You… You watched my games?” Quinn asked, clearly flustered.
“Every one,” you told him with a softness in your tone. What was going on with you?
Quinn and you stared at each other a little too long, but Luke stepped in before it got too noticeable.
“Hey, I missed you, too, you know!”
“Moose!” you said with glee. “Look at you! Look at how much you’ve grown!”
You played catch up with everyone. From the NHL seasons, to college, to injuries. You caught up with every single little detail. The details you paid the most attention to? Quinn’s. You talked about how hard some of the trades this season were, and how much he does love his new teammates. Jack inched closer to you every time you said some harmless, yet very flirty, comment at Quinn.
“I was dying at your fight in one of your last games! You took him down real quick, it was pretty entertaining,” you told Quinn.
“Entertaining?” he asked, laughing.
“Oh yeah; I would’ve loved a front row seat to that. It was kinda hot,” you said, putting your elbow on the table and resting your head in your hand.
Jack shot a look at Trevor, silently begging for him to do something.
“What about my fights?” Trevor asked, copying your pose. “Were those hot?”
“No, because you whined like a baby to me after about a bruise! And I’m not sure that any of your game time extra curricular activities classify as a fight! You’re just a professional nuisance,” you laughed, shoving your hand in his face to make him lose his balance.
“You’re a professional nuisance,” Trevor grumbled.
You fake gasped and put your hand over your heart, “How dare you! I’m an angel. Right, Quintin?”
“You’re alright,” Quinn said, sending you a wink. You couldn’t help but smile at him. And Jack couldn’t help but be practically glued to your hip and sending Quinn a look.
“See? I’m alright,” you smirked.
Quinn couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. You’ve grown up. He never noticed how beautiful and mature you’d gotten, while still keeping true to your joking and sarcastic self. He told you you were alright, but to him, you’re much more than that. He thinks you’re amazing. He thinks you’re mesmerizing.
Jack wasn’t a fan of how cozy you and his brother were getting. You used to barely talk to him growing up, and suddenly you think his fighting is hot? And he’s winking at you? You’re his best friend. Not Quinn’s. He didn’t even mind how close you and Trevor have gotten due to you going to college near where he lives. You two have always been friends. That isn’t new. This is.
Trevor, however, was all for this new flirtationship. He was enjoying watching it, much to Jack’s displeasure. You all decided to play Sorry, and by that you mean that you begged to play it and everyone would be in pairs. Trevor immediately called Jack as his partner, so Quinn took his chance to ask if you wanted to pair up. That left Luke and Duker as partners, and Jim and Ellen would play as the fourth pair.
“I’m going to whoop your ass, Hughesy,” you said, talking to Jack.
“Who’s ass? My ass?” Quinn asked jokingly.
“Maybe later,” you said, now sending him a wink. “But I meant Jack! He’s partnered with Trevor, so I’m elated for their downfall.”
“We could’ve been the dream team!” Jack protested.
“Yeah, you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” you teased. “This is much more fun.”
Luke and Dylan ended up winning first place, but you all continued to play for second, third, and fourth place. The parents got second, so that left you, Quinn, Jack, and Trevor playing for third.
You stood up and got behind Quinn when it was his turn to draw. You needed a two to win. You reached over and tapped twice on the deck and then put your hands on Quinn’s head. You leaned down and whispered into his ear, “You will draw a two! You hear me, Quintin? A two!”
You dramatically placed a quick and hard kiss on the top of his head and ruffled his hair for good measure for “the maximum good vibes.”
Quinn slowly picked up a card and hid it from everyone’s view, including your eyes. He sighed, acting like it wasn’t a good card.
“Sorry, bro,” Jack tutted. “We can’t all be winners.”
“That’s true,” Quinn agreed. He placed the card down, revealing it to be a two, “But not us.”
You threw your hands in the air and cheered, making a show to place your final piece in home. You hugged Quinn from behind and squeezed really tight making him laugh.
“That’s what I’m talking about! Suck it!”
“I think you’re too excited about third place,” Dylan laughed.
“I’m excited about Jacky and Z losing, Duker!”
After everyone called it a night, you followed Jack into his room instead of going straight to yours.
“Alright spill it,” you said as you sat down next to him on his bed. “You’ve been surgically attached to my hip and glaring at everybody since I got here. What is up with you?’
“Wouldn’t you rather be talking to Quinn?” Jack asked passive aggressively.
“Aww,” you cooed, wrapping your arms around him and resting your head on his shoulder. “Are you jealous, Jacky?”
“No! You’ve just been all over him today,” he grumbled, but accepted your hug.
“Don’t worry, Jacky, you’re still my number one guy. You’ll be my maid of honor at my future wedding!”
“It would be my honor,” Jack joked.
“That is in the title, so I sure hope so,” you said. “Why do you have a problem with me talking to Quinn?”
“You’re not just talking! You’re flirting and winking at each other and kissing him. It’s weird! You two have never been close.”
“It’s not like we’re making out! What’s wrong with being close to your family? It’s basically mine, too.”
“Do you like him?” he asked quietly.
“We’re adults, J,” you said low.
“That doesn’t answer my question!”
“I don’t know! Okay? This is new to me, too.”
Jack turned away from you and you sighed. You moved to be in his view again. You grabbed his face in your hands, “I don’t know if I like him or not. Everything just feels… different. And I know I like that.”
Jack said nothing. He looked deflated. He loved you, as his best friend, and he obviously loves his brother. But you two together? He didn’t love that at this moment.
You kissed his cheek after a long period of silence, giving up on him saying anything.
“I don’t know what’s going to happen this summer, but I hope I’m still your best friend at the end of it. Because you’ll always be mine.”
You got up and walked to his door to go to your room when the sound of his voice stopped you.
“You’ll still be my best friend. No matter what,” Jack told you. You turned back around and sent him a soft smile, “Goodnight, J.”
The next few weeks consisted of more flirting and teasing between you and Quinn, more bullying of Trevor, scolding the boys whenever they teased Luke and Dylan because they’re your “precious and innocent babies.”
The sexual tension between you and Quinn grew tremendously every day. You were now completely sure of your feelings and it was driving you crazy. Summer was almost over, and you decided to be a lot more bold with Quinn in hopes that he would catch your endless hints.
You were all around the bonfire that night and the spots were limited for some reason. Trevor rushed ahead of you and placed himself right next to Jack, the last actual seat, and tossed his legs over to lay in Jack’s lap. He motioned to you towards Quinn, and you knew what he was doing.
You walked over to Quinn, “Do you mind?”
Quinn heated up, “No! I mean… I don’t mind. You can sit.”
You breathed out a laugh and shook your head as you sat down in his lap. You grabbed his hands and put them around your waist and leaned back against him.
“You’re quite the comfortable seat, Quintin! Ten out of ten, would recommend to a friend,” you said.
“I try,” Quinn said back.
You looked over at Jack with an almost pleading look in your eyes. You would back off if he really wanted you to. Trevor smacked Jack’s shoulder to make him look at you. Jack sighed, but gave you a slight nod. What you didn’t catch was Jack giving the same nod to Quinn.
“Hey, do you two want to head inside and grab some beers?” Jack asked, directing his question to you and Quinn.
You hopped off Quinn’s lap and made your way inside with him to the kitchen.
“You didn’t have to come,” Quinn said. “I can handle the beers and I got you some Smirnoffs that I can–”
“Quinn!” you cut him off.
Quinn turned around and looked at you confused.
“You called me Quinn,” he said. “You haven’t called me Quinn all summer.”
You stepped closer to him, “Tell me you’ve caught on to what Jack and Trevor are doing.”
Quinn smiled and took a step closer to you, bringing you inches apart from each other.
“I like it when you call me Quintin,” he whispered.
“And I’d like it if you kissed me,” you said boldly. “Quintin.”
Quinn didn’t waste a second. He spun you around and pushed you up against the fridge. He had one hand pressed against it and his other on your waist, slamming his lips against yours. Your hands reached up and tangled themselves into his hair, opening your mouth to let him in. It wasn’t a typical soft and slow kiss. This was rough and raw. It was filled with everything that has built up between you over the last few weeks.
You two pulled apart, breathing heavily.
“What’s it gonna take to get you to come to Vancouver for some games?” he asked breathlessly, still inches away from your lips.
“Kiss me again and I’ll go anywhere for you,” you said.
He did. You didn’t think it was possible for the kiss to get even hotter, but you two needed each other. Bad.
“What’s it going to take to get you to go out on a date with me before you go back to Cali?”
“Kiss me again and I’m yours.”
You heard the door open and you two quickly pulled apart. It was Jack and Trevor.
“We were wondering why it was taking you two ten minutes to grab a few beers,” Trevor smirked. “Now I see why.”
Your and Quinn’s faces turned bright red. Quinn ran a hand through his hair and you tried to fix yours as well.
“We were just–”
“LA LA LA LA LA I don’t wanna hear it!” Jack cut you off. “Just don’t do it in front of me.”
You two moved out of the way and let him grab the drinks.
“Have fun you two!” Trevor called out as him and Jack made their way back outside.
“Not too much fun! I expect to see you both back out here tonight!” Jack shouted.
“Don’t listen to him! Have a lot of fun!”
You tilted your head down and stifled a laugh, “Who do you want to listen to?”
Quinn moved back in front of you and closed the space between you.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Trevor.”
“Yeah? You gonna kiss me like that again, Quintin?” you teased. “Or do you wanna go up stairs for some… extracurricular activities?”
“I vote the second one.”
“Good,” you said, biting your lip and running your fingers through his hair. “Lead the way.”
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toasttt11 · 9 months
the trade
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December 23, 2024
It was Christmas Eve and the Hughes were all in Vancouver for Christmas at Quinn’s house, a tradition they have had for the last four years of Charlotte’s life to spend christmas with her.
They were all dressed slightly nicer because of Ellen and they sat down around the dinning room table to eat Christmas Eve dinner together.
Charlotte sat in her usally spot between Quinn and Luke, Jack next to Luke, Ellen and Jim across from Luke and Charlotte.
Luke ran a stressed hand through his curls for the millionth time that night, Charlotte looked up seeing her uncle looking uncomfortable, She leaned over slighty grabbing his hand gently while whispering to him, “Are you okay Uncle Lulu?”
Luke looked down at his four year old niece who was looking at him in concern and felt terrible he worried her, he smiled softly, “Don’t worry Cia i’m okay.”
Charlotte only raised an eyebrow knowing he’s lying, “Daddy’s says not to lie.” She gave him a stern look she has picked up from Ellen.
Luke couldn’t help but let out a laugh at how much his niece just acted like his mother.
The rest of the table looked over at the two, “Everything okay over there sweethearts?” Ellen looked between the youngests ones with a smile.
Luke went to nod but saw the look Charlotte, he took a deep breath, “Actually theres something i’ve been meaning to tell all of you.”
He looked between his family nervously.
Ellen saw how nervous Luke was and couldn’t help but frown wondering what’s wrong.
Jack looked at Luke in concern, “What’s wrong Lukey?”
Luke took a breath squeezing Charlottes hand before blurting out, “I’m not resigning with the Devils.”
The room froze slighty at the words.
“What!” Jack exclaimed knowing the Devils still want Luke so what does he mean he isn’t resigning.
“I got another offer.” Luke explained his eyes focused on his plate not wanting to the faces of his family, keeping a firm grip on his nieces hand.
“Where?” Quinn softly asked seeing how nervous his little brother was and how his daughter was gently holding his hand.
Luke took a hesitant look towards Jack before muttering, “Vancouver.”
“What was that?” Jim asked having barely heard any sound come from Luke.
Charlotte looked up with wide eyes towards her uncle when she head that and tried to keep the smile off her face.
Luke cleared his throat looking up from his plate, “Vancouver.” Quinn eyes widen slighty looking at his brother with shock.
Ellen smiled slighty, Jim nodded his head thinking about the whole thing.
Jack pursed his lips hating to think his little brother won’t be on his team anymore, he absolutely loves having Luke with him, “Vancouver?”
Luke looked at Jack not being able to tell how Jack was feeling about this, “I was going to resign with the Devils it was always my plan but a few months ago i got a offer for the Canucks and honestly there gonna pay me more but i also want to be in Charlotte’s life everyday, i hate missing her milestones and i want to be closer to her.” Luke finished explained looking down at his favorite person, she was grinning up at him.
Quinn felt his face soften when he realized his brother wanted to trade teams so he can see his niece more.
Jack could feel himself understand, He absolutely adores Charlotte with very thing in him but he doesn’t know if he could ever leave the Devils, having been apart of the Devils family for so long now but he is glad that Luke can and will be able to be close to Charlotte.
“I think that’s great honey.” Ellen smiled glad Charlotte will have more family by her and she knows Jack has made a family in his team so she doesn’t have to worry too much about him.
“Well we will be glad to have you moose.” Quinn smiled looking at his little brother, “And you room is more than open for you when you move.” Quinn having had rooms for all his family in his house when he moved into in 2020.
Luke looked hopefully to Quinn, “I could stay here?”
Quinn fondly chuckled, “Of course you can. Do you really think Charlotte would let you live anywhere else?” Quinn knew his daughter will be very happy to see Luke everyday.
“Yup you’re saying here Uncle LuLu.” Charlotte grinned while nodding.
Luke slowly smiled, Jack patted his little brother on the shoulder sending Luke a smile and nod not being mad Luke was trading, of course he was a little sad he won’t have his brother on his team anymore but Jack is also glad that Quinn will be able to have a brother on his team.
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eggybug · 2 months
we're at the end of season 5 and i have thoughts:
1. i must have been damn blind the first time i watched supernatural because destiel was screaming in my face the whole time this season
2. i feel kinda bad for adam if im being honest, he didn't deserve what happened to him
3. chuck being chuck being chuck being god is SO annoying
4. i love gabriel with everything in me and thats the whole thought
5. BOBBY!!!!!
6. CROWLEY!!!!
7. the first appearance of "moose" and its thrilling!
8. JODY MILLS my favorite hunter
9. rip jo and ellen you will be missed
10. does anyone else think its fucked up they can never have two women hunter mains at the same time until like season 10
11. castiel is literally so babygirl but in the opposite way as dean and i love them both so much
12. speaking of cas, his journey through faith in god and in dean is so insane. i could write sonnets about it.
13. im so glad this is the last season that sam drunks blood in (i think)
14. let's talk about death (this will be a post all on its own dw)
15. dean is always so worried about cas, especially post losing his angel mojo and its killing me
16. these two self-sacrificing sons of bitches are the WORST
17. i think we need to talk more about the fact that dean views his time in hell like a full on soldier
18. i have SO many thoughts about the boys' time in heaven and none of them are coherent
19. bobby is the best dad in the world and it sucks that he has to keep watching those dumbass boys keep trying to kill themselves
20. i don't think cas and sam ever fully like each other and i do love that
21. i can't wait for the episode from baby's perspective
22. those boys wouldn't know subtle if it knocked them in the head
23. before long i will be making more insane comparisons between cain and abel and i want to hear nothing of it
24. can't have SHIT in detroit
25. i do feel bad for sam at the end of the day
26. it is a temper tantrum lucifer, dude you can't deny it anymore
i think that's it for now
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Mamma Masterlist
Two Years Later
December 2022
"Eleanor Mae!" I find myself calling out, her chubby little legs carrying her faster than I expected through the exiting crowd of Rogers Arena. "Ellie!" I call again, my nerves spiking when her dark mop of hair disappears from my vision.
"Mom! Incoming!" Jack Hughes' calls to his mother, the Hughes family having flown in on mutual breaks to support Quinn, getting to watch his team win.
What Ellen hadn't known, was what Jack was referring to until a child crashed into her legs, Jim placing a hand on his wife's back to stable her.
"Oh! Well aren't you adorable," The mother coos, getting down onto her knees to be at the child's height as the little one looks over the boys, her dark hair falling in front of her familiar green eyes. "What's your name sweetie?"
"Eleanor Mae! Ellie!" A woman's voice can be heard, a panic to it that the Hughes parents recognize themselves. A panic you only have over a child.
"Did you run away from your mommy?" Ellen asks, the girl giggling with a nod. "What's your name?" She tries once more, now that the girl seems focused enough to respond.
"I'll flag down the mother," Luke offers, being the tallest of the family while he waves in the direction of the woman's still panicked voice.
"How old are you Ellie?"
"Almost 2!"
"Eleanor, thank God," I want to cry, seeing her little body thanks to the waving hand, pulling her into my arms, my head ducked into her Hughes jersey.
The head of blonde in front of them is ever familiar, just as the girls eyes were, but no one had any connections until they saw the back of the little girls jersey.
Hughes 43.
Quinn, that's who's eyes they were reminded of.
"Holy shit," A voice, scarily familiar to my ears, mumbles from above me, my arms scooping Ellie up as I move to thank the people who found her.
Only to meet with the faces of my worst nightmare.
"Ruthie?" Luke is the one the question, eyes showing all the hurt that my heart feels.
"Hi Moose," I greet meekly, looking over the family. Jim and Ellen somehow managed to never age a day, while the boys seem like 2 years were really 10. Turning to Jack, I can't help but smile. "I saw you got drafted to the Devils, I'm really proud of you."
"Thanks Rue," He thanks, smiling himself, before his eyes move to Ellie, her babbles catching his attention. "And who is this cutie?" He questions, coming up and taking her hand, giving it a kiss and making her giggle.
"Uh," How do I tell Quinn's family that this is their niece and granddaughter? "This is Eleanor, although I really just call her Ellie."
"Hi Ellie," Luke is the one to greet, coming up to Jack and I with a little wave. "She said she was almost two?"
Of course she did. "I- I'm not exactly sure how to tell you all this," I explain quietly. Not noticing a brunette Canucks player approaching behind me, only thinking he is approaching his family and a fan. "Eleanor is my daughter, but she is also Quinn's. I found out I was pregnant the day he broke up with me," I explain. "I uh, based her name off of yours Ellen."
She sobs. The woman who I grew up having as a rock in my life starts sobbing, her arms being thrown around Ellie and myself. "I knew it as soon as I saw her."
"You knew she was pregnant?" Quinn's voice rings from behind me, making my entire body tense. He rounds me now, standing by his brothers as he gets a look of my daughter. Our daughter. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I had the pink onesie and the sonogram photos in my pocket to tell you when I walked out your door for the last time," is all I can think to answer. "I had a whole plan in my head, how I was going to tell you, how it was going to be a lot to handle, especially with hockey and school. And then you broke up with me."
"I broke up with you to make things less complicated!" His voice raises, making Ellie cover her ears with her hands.
"Quinn," I can't help but whisper. "Nothings more complicated than finishing college with a baby, I-"
"Momma," Ellie interrupts my rambling, "Is daddy?" She asks, pointing at Quinn, the tense of his shoulders releasing as he looks over her.
His hair, his eyes, my face.
"She knows me?"
"I wanted nothing more than you to be in her life. To be in our lives," I answer him, turning to my girl. "Yes baby, this is daddy."
"And I'm Uncle Jack!" Jack exclaims, clearly ignoring the magnitude of this entire conversation, something Jim seems to notice as he reaches for his middle child's shoulder, although Quinn shakes his head, watching with the smallest smile.
"Hey, you can't introduce yourself first, you'll be her favorite just based on that, and I need to be her favorite!" Luke complains, shoving up to where Ellie has hidden her head in the crook of my neck, her cheeks bright pink. "I'm Uncle Luke, and I'll be your favorite."
"I like Daddy," Is her response, still not peaking out, but based on Quinn's smile, he definitely heard her.
"Is that so?" Quinn asks, handing his equipment to father, looking hesitantly to me, silently asking if he can take her from my hip. I nod, him reaching over and her sliding into his arms without a second thought.
"She's always loved her Daddy," I explain, smiling at the interaction I've been waiting to see since I found out we'd be having a little us. "I've told her all about you all since she was little, stories of the lake house, school, Q's draft," I list, Ellen moving around the boys and wrapping me in a side hug.
"I can't wait to learn who she is," She mumbles, just to me.
"You said you knew... how?"
But she just gives me a mother's smile, all knowing. "I just knew. Just like I knew that you two would find your ways back to each other."
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saneijeijei · 1 year
Cedric: Count Kellin colluded with Marquis Ellen and… Callisto: Funny, since when did herbivores with their food decide they could hunt a dragon? Cedric: Wh-what? *a few seconds of awareness* Your Highness, moose don't eat butterflies. Callisto: Oh, yeah, they just feed them to the roses. Cedric mentally screams, hating his employer, but pretends that he did not understand the joke: 🤨 Callisto: I'm too good 😎
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Heaven's Beans
Posting 8th September 2023!
Fic by Mydestielbabies_67 Art by squirrelofcelestielintent
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Meeting Castiel Novak changed his life. Castiel was unlike anyone Dean had ever met before. He was kind, gentle, and had a deep understanding of the struggles that came with being an omega, even though the man was an alpha. Castiel was also patient, allowing Dean to open up at his own pace and never pushing him to reveal more than he was comfortable with. As they grew closer, Dean found himself sharing things with Castiel that he had never told anyone else. It was like Castiel could see through all of his defenses and truly understand him. With Castiel, Dean felt like he could finally be himself, without fear of judgment or rejection.
It was too bad Dean didn't date alphas.
Tags: Non-con drugging, background Gabe/Sam, mention of Benny/Andrea, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha Castiel, Omega Dean, Alpha Sam, Omega Gabriel, Ash, Jo Ha, Alpha Charlie, Alpha Benny, Omega Ellen, Pamela Barnes, Missouri Moseley, Jody Mills, Friends to Lovers, Drugging, Police Investigations, Dean and Castiel need to use their words, Unrequited Love (or is it?), Medical issues, Mentions of infertility, Miscommunication, Love Confessions, Getting Together, Interrupting Moose (well Sam but same difference), Blow Jobs, Shower Masturbation, Heat Sex, Mating cycles/In Heat, Mating bites, Anal fingering, Rimming, Anal Sex, Knotting, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Mentions of mpreg in the epilogue
Excerpt: Below the readmore
However, it wasn't the smell of pastries that caught his nose. Dean sniffed subtly, and the faint smell of honey-infused whiskey and something sweet lingered in the air. The smell got stronger the closer they got to the counter, and Dean realized where it was coming from. It was the man behind the counter. Dean would place money on the man being an omega. Alphas would never be caught dead fronting a coffee shop, their macho egos wouldn't be able to deal with that.
He was tall, with dark hair poking out under the ridiculous-looking cap on top of his head and piercing blue eyes that looked like they were made just to look at Dean, who couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious under his gaze. The man smiled at Dean, revealing straight white teeth, and Dean tried to concentrate on the menu but found himself lost in the man's eyes again before noticing the five o'clock shadow that perfectly dusted his chiseled jawline, which Dean thought he wouldn't mind feeling between his thighs….
He must have been staring because Sam nudged him. "You gonna order something or just stare at the barista?"
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babydollmarauders · 6 months
How would the family and friends react to finding out the baby is actually babies??
well obviously luke and dolly find out first; they went for an ultrasound when dolly was 13 weeks and that’s when it was finally visible that there were two babies!
they kinda went into a state of shock, just moving through the rest of their appointment and the drive home in silence. they got home and jack was sitting on the couch, back from practice and awaiting their return.
“how was the ultrasound? everything healthy?” jack asks, and luke just kinda gives a quiet thumbs up as he and dolly collapse on the couch; dolly beside jack and luke on the other side of her.
after a few minutes of luke and dolly just silently staring at the wall, jack finally has had enough, speaking up again, “what’s going on? why are you guys so quiet?”
and dolly finally speaks through shuddered breath, “two. there’s two of them.”
“huh?” jack questions, but he goes ignored.
“luke, how am i supposed to take care of two babies by myself?? i was afraid of one, but there’s two??”
“two babies?! what the fuck do you mean two babies?!” jack sits up straight, looking at his brother and dolly with wide eyes. but once again, he’s ignored.
luke’s arms wrap around his girlfriend, pulling her tightly to his chest as she begins to cry.
“we’ve got this, baby. we can do it. and i know you can handle it. and i’m sure one of our mom’s can come and help out when jack and i are gone, so that you don’t have to do it alone. everything will be okay, dolly. i promise.”
“is this a prank? you’re pranking me, right?” jack continues, “haha so funny, i get it now, okay? i’ll stop giving you a hard time about the one baby.”
“jack, for once can you just shut up?” luke hisses over dolly’s cries, his eyes snapping over to his brother, “we’re serious and you’re not helping.”
“so there’s actually twins? you have two babies?”
“yes, jack. we’re having twins.” luke huffs.
“fuck, dolly, it’ll be okay. i swear, you’re strong, you can do this. you’ll be a number one mom, i promise,” jack attempts to comfort her, his hand reaching out to rub her back softly, “it’s just another mini luke to love! for whatever reason that you want that. i maintain that a mini dolly would be better.”
as for quinn, jim, and ellen, they’re over the moon when they find out!! they tell them in a group facetime a few days later, once the news has settled in for them.
“so ya know, we’re having a baby.” luke starts, making them laugh.
“yeah, we know moose.” quinn chuckles.
“and another baby.” luke continues.
“how about you have the first one and then talk about another baby, honey.” ellen tells him with a smile.
“i don’t think that’s what he means,” jim speaks up, raising his eyebrows at the young couple on the screen, “isn’t that right?”
“it’s twins, mom.” luke explains, his shaking hand seeking and finding dolly’s, lacing their fingers together for comfort.
“oh-” ellen’s eyes go wide, a wide smile spreading across her face, “my first two grandbabies! oh they’re gonna be perfect!”
“i need to buy another jersey.” quinn finally speaks up, a soft grin on his lips.
“DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT! I GET TO SPOIL THE EXTRA BABY!” jack calls loudly from across the room on the couch.
“did you just call my second baby the ‘extra baby’?” dolly questions, looking over at him.
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