#ellick drabble
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: NCIS Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Ellie Bishop/Nick Torres Characters: Nick Torres, Ellie Bishop Additional Tags: Swoon June 2023, Romance, Humor, Domestic Bliss Summary:
Feelings unravel after watching a chick flick
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wanna-be-bold · 4 years
Rule 9
Requested by @paulanna "Having this au in my head that one morning Ellie comes over to Nick and says he forgot his knife at her place. Everybody looks at them. Everybody things they are together but they aren’t. Yet."
Takes place in season 17, pre- Head of the Snake
"Morning Nick." 
"Morning McGee." The greeting was more of a mumble as Nick walked straight to his desk, plopping his backpack down on his desk and rummaging through it. Gibbs just glanced up from his computer, sending the younger agent a look before shaking his head, choosing to ignore whatever Torres was doing. It became harder to ignore however when muttered curses came from across the bullpen.
Gibbs sent McGee a look that clearly said 'deal with it' before going back to his computer. Rolling his eyes, McGee spoke up. 
"Uh Nick. What's going on?" With another curse in Spanish he ran a hand over his hair in frustration. 
"I lost my knife. I know I had it yesterday cause I used it to cut that rope but then…" He trailed off, seemingly lost in thought. The sound of the elevator ding brought him back to reality and his face lit up as Ellie walked in the room. "Ellie!." Running up to her he grabbed her shoulders. "Please tell me I left my knife at your place last night." McGee's eyes widened slightly as Gibbs looked up again, suddenly interested in where this was going. 
"Uh yeah. I found it this morning next to the sink when I was getting ready." Reaching into her pocket she pulled the knife out, holding it out for him. 
"Oh thank goodness." He kissed her forehead quickly before grabbing it and sliding it in his pocket. "Thank you." 
"You're welcome." She smiled at him then, tapping his arm that was still on hers and going to sit at her desk when he let her go, him following her as he perched himself on the filing cabinet behind her. Neither paid any attention as Gibbs stood up and walked out of the bullpen but they heard his words clearly. 
"Took us long enough? What did he mean by that?" Ellie asked, turning to McGee who was also standing up from his desk.
"Oh come on guys really? You've been flirting with each other since day one. We're just surprised it took this long. Now I gotta go tell Kasie." McGee rolled his eyes before heading to the elevator, already knowing that an 'I told you so' was coming. 
With confused faces they watched Gibbs and McGee walk away before slowly turning back to each other.
"What do you think that was about?" Ellie looked up at Nick, biting on her lip as she processed what had happened. 
"No clue. But uh, McGee seems to think you've been flirting with me since day one?" He smirked, making her roll her eyes playfully. 
"Oh please. If anything you've been flirting with me since day one." Ellie poked him in the stomach, laughing as he cried in faux pain. 
From her perch at the top of the stairs Jack couldn't help but laugh at the two agents antics as they argued over who has been flirting with whom for longer, neither denying that they've been flirting with each other for years. Shaking her head she walked to the elevator to make her way downstairs. She couldn't wait to tell Kasie and McGee that their bet on the two was still on. 
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keptthepieces · 3 years
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Ellick Autumn Moodboards🍂🎡🎃🕯️🦃
It wasn't his first time in Oklahoma having spent two Thanksgivings and Christmases there now, but it was his first time seeing the state at such an early time in the fall. He had to admit that the rural farming town was beautiful. At home in D.C., the moment the summer shifted into autumn Ellie had their apartment windows open letting in the cool, crisp air and the smell of broken leaves and wet soil. The city air was incomparable to that of this town, though. The sparse trees in the city changing their colors and dropping leaves wasn't remotely as incredible a sight of the forests of trees spanning across the land weaving around the clearings of the farms. Nick grew up in cities, and more south where seasons weren't so prominent. Even spending a couple of years in Virginia now, he couldn't have imagined the vibrant splashes of yellows and oranges and reds burning across treetops or just how intoxicating the smell of all of that fresh air was.
Ellie adored the season, something he had been learning to love with her considering how bright her face lit up when she got going talking of it, or the soft, content smile on her face when she was curled up with a book, hot cider, and a blanket. He wouldn't ever understand her joy in being forced to wear layers and drink hot things to fend off the cold, but he was starting to see why she loved it after seeing her hometown alive with so much color.
Bishop Torres Moodboards [2/?] 
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tiffanytheweirdo · 4 years
Requested by @rogueprincessdanie, sorry for taking so long 😬💚 Prompt: "I turned out liking you a lot more than I originally planned."
Surprise, surprise -- Ellick
"Miss Bishop" Mrs. Hollis walked up to Ellie with another student behind her, "Can you do me a favour?" "What is it, Mrs. Hollis?" Ellie was curious at first. But when she saw who's behind her teacher, she mentally went "uh-oh". Because that was the star quarterback of the school, Nick Torres. "Mr. Torres here is having a... hard time in statistics class" The teacher paused to glance at Nick's nonchalant stance and sighed, "and I would like you to help him out so he can pass his next test and not get kicked out of the football team" Ellie wasn't sure what she's hearing, and she blinked a few times before recovering. "Mrs Hollis, um... I don't think this is a good idea..." Ellie tried to reject because this was going to make her the talk of the whole school even more than she already was. "Give it a try Miss Bishop. Now now, I have a teachers' meeting to attend" With that, the teacher took off down the hall way. Ellie was left there looking dumbfounded at the football player in front of her. "It's your free period right? come on, I don't wanna waste any more of my time" Nick walked down the hallway with a tilt of his head signalling Ellie to follow him. Defeated, Ellie sighed with an eye roll, picking up her pace to catch up with Nick. They settled in an empty classroom moments later, textbooks and notes laid out on a desk. To Ellie's surprise, Nick actually was willing to learn. Maybe he's motivated just because he needed to stay on the football team and not to lose his star quarterback status, Ellie thought to herself. She just wanna be done with this already. However, Nick Torres seemed not to be as smart as he's out on the football field when it came to numbers. A period passed by with Ellie's constant silent groans of frustration and Nick's never-ending confusion. "When's your next free period?" Nick asked as they were packing up their stuff. "This was my only free period of the day" Ellie answered with a hint of annoyance in her tone. She was originally going to read quietly in the library, spend some quality time with herself. "Are you free after school then? This test's coming in a week I need to pass it" Ellie huffed annoyingly and crossed her arms, "I'm not obligated to help you, you know. A please and thank you wouldn't hurt" "whoa easy tiger" Nick held up his hands in mock-surrender, "Can we please continue this after school if you're free?" Ellie blushed at Nick majorly softening his tone, she wasn't expecting him being this polite. "Uh sure," she stuttered, "We can meet at the library?" "How about the diner down the road? I'll buy you a milkshake as thank you"
A week passed by fast with tutorials in free periods and after school. Nick learnt that Ellie always preferred to have snacks while she's using her brain and he started bring her a bag of chips each time, or ordering them milkshakes if they're at the diner. With them spending so much more time together, rumors started to flow through the campus and Ellie tried keeping her head down. But those queen-bees in the school could always find her. But today was different. Once again to Ellie surprise, Nick came to her rescue as she's about to get slammed against the lockers. His board muscular body stood in front of her, blocking her from the view of the group of girls. Ellie sighed with relief, and she had never felt this safe in school. Nick warded off the girls and turned around to face Ellie. "You okay?" Nick asked softly. "Yeah, s'not the first time" Ellie ducked her head, hiding her blush with embarrassment. "Hey, look at me" Nick tilted Ellie's head up with a gentle finger under her chin. Tears were swimming in Ellie's eyes when she looked at Nick. No one had ever been this nice to her since the beginning of this academic year, especially not after she got targeted. "Thank you" Ellie whispered. "They shouldn't be doing that" Nick looked down at Ellie's small figure, and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. Ellie's blush deepened, this time out of shyness instead. "As a thank you, can I buy you dinner tonight?" "Only as a thank you?" Ellie asked, not sure where the courage came from too. "Hmm, I guess I can make it a date" Nick smirked as Ellie's face became even redder, if that's possible. "Well," Ellie bite her lips nervously, "I turned out liking you a lot more than I originally planned." "So?" "So yes, you can make it a date"
And the shy smile she's giving him made Nick kiss her right there, pressed against the locker.
Send me numbers and get an Ellick drabble! (Please state which prompt list you’re asking from or I’ll get confused 🙈)
Prompt list #2 | Prompt list #5 | Prompt list picture
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ellick-trashcan · 5 years
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My heart takes your pain and amplifies it by a million
Part 1 of my Ellick Poems
For @indestinatus thank you for encouraging me to share these♥️
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pro-bee · 5 years
Rating: G
Genre: Total Fluff (with a wee dash of bittersweet), team fic
Warnings: alcohol consumption (and karaoke)
Word count: 3,200
Characters: Ziva David, Tony DiNozzo, Eleanor Bishop, Nick Torres, Jack Sloane, Jethro Gibbs... plus basically everyone else
Summary: Take a couple of overworked agents, lots of liquid courage, and a healthy dose of spite, and you get ill-advised public singing.
At some point the MC announces that Karaoke Night has started and their fellow revelers excitedly take the stage. Ellie becomes increasingly unrestrained as the din in the room intensifies, determined to overpower the petty officers belting out “Don’t Stop Believin’” like they are the first to discover the classic. Ziva is impressed with how Delilah is managing Ellie’s frustration, evidently well-versed at this, and she feels a little guilty that she isn’t making more of an effort join in, but she really is so tired. That is, until her seatmate grabs her arm with unreserved zeal, wild-eyed. “We should totally go up!” “We should totally not,” Ziva scoffs, unable to think of anything she’d like to do less right then. “The last time I sang in public I almost got blown up, I do not wish to repeat that experience anytime soon.” Ellie scrunches her nose in confusion, unsure if the alcohol is making her misunderstand, then dismisses the notion and begs whoever will listen. “We have to! It’ll be so much fun! Pleeeaaase?” Ziva shakes her head and puts her hands up to say no way, as Bishop pleads her case that this is exactly what they need to do.
(You know that scene in the season 4 finale where the team are at the bar and having fun like the youngsters they once were? Like that, but less drug addicts trying to murder Tony.)
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chenfordsrollisi · 2 years
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Fandom: NCIS Title: In A Second Characters: Nick Torres, Ellie Bishop Pairing: Ellick Rating/Warnings: PG. Het. Double Drabble. Major Character Death. Deathfic. Summary: All it takes is a moment for everything to come crashing down. A/N: From now on, my fics will no longer be beta’d by other people. I’m going to use a spell checker, grammar checker, and a punctuation checker to check my works. Any errors that remain are my own. Thanks to anyone who reads, reviews, likes, or follows. Disclaimer: I don’t own NCIS or anything you recognize and I don’t claim to. I make no money for writing this story. Words: 200 without title and ending
Prompt: Gun [9/9 prompts]
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lenawin4 · 4 years
I’ve started a collection of ellick drabbles...y’all can check them out here muahaha. Taking prompts on Tumblr and through the comments, haven’t had a lot planned out yet, but will be posting whatever comes to my mind here. Will be hecka unbeta-ed but hope y’all enjoy nonetheless. Okay I should go sleep now XD
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indestinatus · 4 years
writing tag game
Saw this circling around and thought it would be nice to do :)
AO3 name: indestinatus
Fandoms: NCIS
Tropes: I’m a sucker for tropes, but all my fics involve falling in love/the theme love in general and somehow I tend to always write about that. So... love?
Number of fics: Six. And about +30 little drabbles floating around on tumblr.
Fic I spent the most time on: oh here we go again... a fic about Tony and Ziva getting married in Greece called ‘Something Blue’ only because it demanded a lot of research and planning. Also because it’s my longest work. 
Fic I spent the least time on: a little post-ep fic called ‘NCIS 17x11: the ending we deserved’ when the episode aired, it took about 20 min to write it and it’s also the one headcanon I’m actually proud of :’)
Longest Fic: ‘Something Blue’ just surpassed the 80k words mark! YAY
Shortest Fic: I don’t know :/ I write a lot of little drabbles. Here. 
Most hits/kudos/comment threads/bookmarks: I put them all together cuz it’s the same fic, ‘Something Blue’, which I think it’s the one I put the most effort in :)
Total word count: 116,924. That’s nice! Never saw that number haha
Favorite fic I wrote: now I’m embarrassed to say. ‘Something Blue’ will forever be one of my favorites, not only because it was my first big fic, but also because it’s so much fun to write/daydream about it. Choose the songs and pictures... I’ll miss it quite a lot once it’s finished :’)
Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: I really want to finish ‘It’s Not Just a Game Anymore’ about the team playing a Clue game to solve a case, only because it’s the thing keeping me from watching 17x16 haha
But about rewrite/expand on, ‘Something Blue’ will have a prequel and a sequel, so that’s something nice to look forward to :)
Share a bit of a WIP or a story idea you’re planning on: I’m currently working on a fic for Ellick Week about Ellie and Nick getting stuck inside a flat because of a sudden quarantine lockdown :))) it’s very different from everything I’ve written so far, not only because it’s ellick, but also because I’ll post it as a whole, not chapter by chapter, and I think somehow that changes how I write. 
Here’s an excerpt of it:
"You do the food, I'll get the wine," Ellie said laughing again, the smile lighting up her whole face until her honey eyes were smiling as well, "we need a celebration."
Nick blinked, letting out a hush of breath as the words sank in his mind.
"Yeah, yeah, let's celebrate." He opened a wide grin, to which Ellie just laughed in return, darting inside to prep the evening as she started to sing along, voice filling the walls.
The image of her carefree laughter would be engraved on his mind forever, and that alone was reason to celebrate.
tagging my lovely mutual writers @benditlikepress @b99peraltiago @erinchristmaselvis @onlyhereforellick @enchantedbooklover18 @tiffanytheweirdo @wanna-be-bold @beatrixacs @hellokaelyn @gingerstorm101 @saraluvstiva @justkindaoverhereobsessing
and everyone who wants to do this! tag me so I can read it :)
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: NCIS Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Ellie Bishop/Nick Torres Characters: Nick Torres, Ellie Bishop, Timothy McGee, Clayton Reeves Additional Tags: Swoon June 2023, Romance, Sports, Kissing, Drama, Awkward Conversations Summary:
1 innocent night out for Nick and Ellie turns very awkward for them the next day
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wanna-be-bold · 4 years
Sequel to Bodyguard as requested by @redclaire999
Read on AO3
Prompts: You took a bullet for me. And Take off your shirt.
“Nick!” He heard her panicked voice and winced, rolling onto his back. “Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh Nick you got shot!” Her eyes flicked over him, searching for the bullet wound. It didn’t take her long as she saw the blood seeping through his shirt sleeve. “I-I don’t know what to do.” 
“Ellie, Ellie relax.” He placed his hand on hers, rubbing gently. “It’s just a graze. I’ll be fine. I’ve had worse.” With her hand on his back he sat up slowly, wincing at the pain in his arm as he held his other hand over his wound. “But uh, maybe you could call 911?” 
“Right. I can do that.” Scrambling for her phone she dialed the number quickly, giving the dispatcher all of the necessary information before turning her attention back to Nick. Despite his claim that it was just a graze, his wound was bleeding heavier now and her panic returned. “Nick, this is bleeding a lot more now. I need to do something.” Pulling his hand away he saw the amount of blood there and knew he needed more pressure. 
“Ellie. I need you to take off my shirt, ball it up, and press it as hard as you can against the wound okay.” Her eyes widened as she processed his words. 
“T-take of your shirt?” 
“Yeah. It’ll help control the bleeding.” 
“O-okay” Nodding, she moved her hands to the buttons of his shirt, slowly unbuttoning them to reveal an expanse of tan skin and abs that she swore belonged to a model. Resisting the urge to run her hands over his chest she slipped his uninjured arm out of the sleeve before carefully peeling the fabric away from the skin, wincing at the pain she was no doubt causing. As soon as she had the shirt off she followed his instructions and bundled it up, pressing it to his shoulder and holding it there. When his hand came up to cover hers the weight of the situation came down on her and her head whipped up to look at him. “Oh my gosh! You took a bullet for me!” 
“Hey. It’s what I signed up for okay.” Nick smiled at her, trying to reassure her it was okay. 
“You signed up to be my bodyguard Nick, not to get shot at!” 
“Hey, hey it’s okay. I’m alright. Besides, neither of us could’ve expected to run into the middle of a mugging.” 
“I guess you’re right.” 
“See.” He smiled at her and she laughed lightly before turning serious again.
“Thank you for protecting me Nick.” 
“I’ll always protect you Ellie.” His face softened as he raised his hand, bringing it up to cup her cheek. At the feel of his hand on her face her eyes fluttered shut just as he leaned in, pressing his lips to hers. The kiss started off soft but quickly deepened as they relished in finally giving into temptation. They paid no attention to the sound of the sirens arriving, instead focusing on each other, resting their heads together as they tried to catch their breath. Nick smirked as a thought came to him. “So uh, does this mean I get a promotion?” Ellie threw her head back, letting out a loud cackle. 
“Oh I think a promotion is in order. And it comes with benefits.” Nick’s eyes widened as she winked at him.
“Well I definitely accept.” 
“Promotion effective immediately then.” Smiling, she kissed him again, wrapping one arm around his back while the other held onto the shirt on his arm, staying together until the paramedics took him away. 
Having a gunshot wound bring them together may not have been ideal but they were finally together and they couldn’t be happier. Especially when Ellie promised to be his nurse.
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keptthepieces · 3 years
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Ellie Bishop || Nick Torres Moodboard Post 18-16
Those first few nights passed in sleepless blurs. The only thing he was fully aware of each time he collapsed into his bed was the ache that took up permanent residence in his chest. He couldn’t wrap his head around it. He couldn’t understand why Ellie would destroy her life and leave behind her family, the career she loved, leave behind him without so much as a backward glance. The more he thought about it the less it made sense until the third night he laid in the dark, ever-present tears stinging his eyes, and he started putting the pieces together. He started to replay the last few weeks in his mind, replayed that afternoon in his mind. Those maps, Odette, the lack of recognition on Ellie’s face when that file was first in her hands, the genuine shock on her face and in her voice when she was initially accused. How she couldn’t stop looking away from him while she drove that dagger through his chest. I didn’t mean for us to happen? Was… was her neck sweating or was that wishful thinking? Nick shoved down the hurt and the anger and the worry, and he knew she needed him. His Ellie would never have left like that, not if it wasn’t life or death. Life or death for her family, their friends, for him. He was standing in her apartment before he realized where he’d gone. Not much had changed from the last time he was there just two weeks before, except for the file of papers he found tucked into the couch cushion. Like she wanted him to be able to track her. Or maybe she thought after her words, after that goodbye, that he’d never have come here. He didn’t really care. Despite direct orders to stay away from it, Nick found himself night after night sitting in his living room, papers and maps spread across his couch and table in a scene reminiscent of Ellie’s own work ethic. She needed him and he’d be damned if he wasn’t there for her.
He would find her, or he would die trying.
Bishop Torres Moodboards [1/?]
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tiffanytheweirdo · 4 years
36 please :) 🙈
Prompt: “Can’t you stay a little longer?”
Here ya go Selina!! 💚
Stay -- Ellick
Tonight is the night Nick had to leave DC for LA, helping NCIS LA office with a case.
Double-checking that he’s got everything he needed, Nick zipped up his duffel bag as Ellie came up behind him.
She wrapped herself around Nick’s waist, head burying between Nick’s shoulder blades.
Nick’s hands went to covered Ellie’s resting on his stomach and gave them a gentle squeeze.
“Nick...” Ellie whispered, voice muffled against Nick’s back, “Can you not go?”
“Ellie, you know I have to“ Nick sighed, Ellie was extra anxious about this mission of his and he couldn’t figure out why.
“I know... I just, I had a bad feeling about this” Ellie pulled away from Nick and he took the signal to turn around.
His heart ached seeing the unshed tears in Ellie’s eyes.
“Please don’t cry baby” Nick gently swiped his thumb under Ellie’s eye, catching a tears that’s about to fall.
Ellie sniffled, “Stupid pregnant hormones,” she muttered under her breath.
“I’ll be extra careful okay? I promised to always come home to you, remember? And now we have little nugget coming along, I won’t dare going anywhere” Nick locked eyes with Ellie while promising, a hand going to cup the small curve that’s just starting to form on her stomach.
Ellie nodded, and sniffle some more, “Can’t you stay a little longer?”
Nick checked his watch and considered for a moment. Screw this, he’s staying until his wife’s settled, he thought to himself.
“You know what, I can wait till you fall asleep. Come on, let’s get you tucked in”
Send me numbers in ask box and you'll get an Ellick drabble!!
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ellick-trashcan · 5 years
Y’all I started writing Ellick drabble poems and this fun but idk if I should post them alone or with gifsets or what. Help!
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puff822 · 5 years
I went ahead and posted this super short little Ellick drabble. It’s my first Ellick story and only my third one written.
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le-amewzing · 5 years
Second Place
Ellick fluff comes pretty naturally, I guess?? Thank gods for that. XD
Fic: "Second Place" [FFN] [AO3]
Pairings/Characters: established!Ellie Bishop/Nick Torres
Rating: K+
Words: ~550
Additional info: romance, humor, fluff, 3rd person POV
Summary: Bishop and Torres go for a morning run.
                September—all the crisp smells, all the crunchy sounds of leaves finally ready for winter, all the sights of people beginning to bundle themselves and their friends and family up should the stern gusts of D.C. turn suddenly into the angry flurries of the Northeast—was here at last. And Eleanor Bishop, cozy in her long-sleeved, long-legged jogging outfit, was ready to trade in these early morning autumn runs in the local park for a hot cup of apple cider and the morning paper at home.
                Up ahead, Torres looked over his shoulder at her and smiled. "You're doing better!" he called to her.
                Bishop used up some of her remaining energy to smile back, and she meant it as thanks. After all, he wasn't wrong; they'd been running together in the morning for the past few weeks since it still annoyed her how fast he was, and she'd harped on about the topic to her boyfriend long enough that he'd caved and promised he'd train her up to the point where she just might one day lap him instead of the other way around.
                Alas, while she definitely could run farther than before without cramping up, she still lagged behind, and Torres didn't mind that. Case in point: He turned around to face her and began to cheer, clap his hands to some unknown beat, and sway his hips in what he called a victory dance for remaining in first place. Granted, it was childish. But it was also kind of cute and endearing, and it made her smile grow.
                "You know you're ridiculous, right?" she called back to him.
                Torres laughed in response.
                Bishop debated the pros and cons of nicknaming him "Hermes" then—him being fleet-footed was a reference she knew McGee and Kasie would appreciate…Palmer, too…probably even Gibbs and Vance—but held off when she noted Torres was coming back towards her. And picking up speed. And the excitement on his face was morphing into urgency. "Nick?" she cautioned.
                Now he came at her full-charge, and she could hear his mumbling as it grew in volume. "Big dog, big dog, big dog, BIG DOG!"
                She had less than half a second to stare at him, bewildered, before he ran right for her and scooped her up in his arms princess-style as if she weighed nothing. Without wasting a single drop of energy, Torres turned heel and hightailed it out of the park, unflinching even as her ponytail smacked him in the face. Bishop had to cling to his neck at this speed. "What the hell, Nick?!"
                "¡Hijo de perra! That's not a dog; that's a small horse!!"
                Bishop highly doubted that, but she leaned back to catch a glimpse over his shoulder. "Nick, it's just a Great Dane. He probably saw us running and wanted to join us. Or play Chase."
                Torres grimaced. "Well, big dogs like that can eat you, so hell no."
                She couldn't help it: She laughed and laughed hard. He shot her a look, but she hugged him tighter to indicate it was without malice. She simply couldn't get over his overreaction and how he grabbed her without a single thought and hauled ass…
                After all, how could she think she was still in second place when she clearly was first in his thoughts?
I needed something completely ridiculous for them just because. XD This idea came about from a s14 ep, the one where Torres and Quinn supposedly outdo Bishop and McGee when running and, while it turns out Quinn cheated, Torres really is that fast. So I took Bishop's grumbles of not wanting to be left behind and morphed it into this. XD Torres' curse was chosen on purpose, too, given the dog chasing them. But also I can deffo see him having the mindset that anything bigger than a lab is too big…and I don't blame him, *lol*. Lastly, I think I commented "Triage" would be better as a short comic, but tbh this drabble would also make an excellent comic, so once I have more practice drawing Ellick, maybe we'll see it?? Idk. Ah, well.
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave an anon/unsigned review via the FFN link or comment via the AO3 link at the top of the post, especially if you enjoyed this!
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