#elmo tully
ladystoneboobs · 3 months
on this tully tuesday, fuck you ryan condal, i see what you're doing. merging kermit and oscar tully and killing off their dad elmo without even naming him, you're trying to hide the muppet-naming pattern by only including the more mundane names. people may have heard of the name grover elsewhere like nonconsective us president grover cleveland, and certainly would with oscar like oscar mayar, the baloney/weiner man, but if you hear the names elmo and/or kermit you're thinking muppets right away. smdh, if you can embrace the gothic horror of harrenhal, you should be able to embrace the whimsy of grrm naming his dance-era tullys after sesame street muppets.
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captainpikeachu · 3 months
I always knew House of the Dragon would be too chicken shit cowardly to actually commit to the Muppet Tullys.
They are too afraid of their “prestigious” show be made fun of that they could only use the most “normal” names and erased both Elmo and Kermit. Here’s hoping they’ll actually let Oscar Tully show some fortitude and use book Kermit’s Morningstar weapon to smash Borros Baratheon’s face in.
Here’s also hoping that Willem Blackwood is not there to replace Benjicot Blackwood and Black Aly. The show ruining the Lads as it is already sucks, we don’t need it to suck any further.
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pigeonriot · 2 months
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rival-ideologies · 2 months
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Let's talk a touch about Oscar Tully, Lord Paramount of the Trident and the Riverlands, as he is presented in the show (not the book, very different guy in that). Much ado has been made about how he basically led Daemon "I have a dragon and won the illegal Stepstones War" Targaryen by the nose at the Harrenhal gathering, and it's true, he did exactly that. But how?
First you have to understand what being a Tully is at this juncture in Westerosi history. "Family, Duty, Honor" are their words, and they're fine ones, but they really only scratch the surface of what a Tully actually is as a profession, the profession this family has had since the Conquest, about 130 years or so before the events of House of the Dragon: tard wranglers.
So for the past century and a bit more than a quarter, this family of tard wranglers have made it their business to mostly-successfully keep their pack of banner Houses in line with minimal drama above the level of the occasional fistfight, despite several of those banner Houses packing more military heat than House Tully itself. This held true despite mediocre Tully lords over several generations since the Conquest, for while many mediocre Tullys may have been shit at high governance, the one thing they were getting right consistently was wrangling tards.
So prior to our lad Oscar taking over the big seat at age 16 (which doesn't happen in the book, but we're not going by the book for this, do recall) he had a dad, Elmo, who died young, but Elmo hadn't been in charge of House Tully very long (if at all) before croaking, so he's a bit irrelevant. Young Oscar, instead, didn't learn the family trade from dad Elmo, he learned it from Grandpa, the real guy in charge of House Tully: Grover. Now Grover's age at death isn't accurately known, but we know he was ANCIENT when he died; he's described as being old (in the book, okay we do have to use it for dating things, sorry) in 101 AC, which implies a birthdate prior to 59 AC, when Prentys Tully died, and Grover died ANCIENT in 130 AC. If adult age in Westeros is 16, we can infer through assumption that Grover assumed control of House Tully at age 16 in 59 AC upon Prentys's death, so Grover would have been born in 43 AC, so he keeled over at the age of 87. That means, if we handwave however long he was unable to function completely at the end, he ruled as a tard wrangler for 71 years, over half the time since the Conquest that granted House Tully Paramountcy of the Riverlands. That was the guy at whose knee Oscar learned tard wrangling from.
Daemon Targaryen had no chance. He got played by a creature selectively trained to be a tard wrangler since birth, and has existed for all of his 16 years to fulfill that function. Every single instant from his opening line "I did nothing," to the final declaration of "-and dispense justice!", Oscar was tard wrangling the entire time.
Oscar Tully was FORMED for things like that meeting, and everything that went down at that meeting was him wrangling tards.
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shoniwake · 3 months
Who do you think showrunners might cut out of the plot in the future seasons? Many say Daeron, but G. R. R. Martin said that Daeron is in the show and they did not have time to include him yet. He is important for the Battles of the Tumbleton.
They've cut Kermit and Elmo Tully? The audacity! (not 100% but so far, we have cast for only Oscar, and he is heir?!!!)
Cregan Stark is there, they took their resources and established him as a character even though he is not prominent in the book until the very end. So that should mean Black Aly is a sure thing? But will they cut Bloody Ben? Seems unlikely, Aly can't possibly inherit Raventree if she is to marry Cregan.
What do you think?
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agentem · 2 months
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House of the Dragon, "The Red Sowing"
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pygmyharmoset · 2 months
All the active Tullys having muppet names during the Dance of the Dragons is a favorite Easter egg of mine. Like what was GRMM on? So unserious haha
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deus-sema · 2 months
So, they erased Elmo Tully afterall and directly jumped on to Oscar succeeding Grover.
Why I wonder? Does the name Elmo sound too goofy for Condal's "avant-garde" (his words,not mine) writing?
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atopvisenyashill · 3 months
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Once again making family trees, partially inspired by this post here. I was just trying to throw in as many muppet names as possible really.
Grover wants them to side with the Greens so I gave him a Bracken wife bc they initially wanted to side with them. I also think the continued cousin on cousin slapfights are funny. Imagine being cousins to the Lord Paramount and they still choose to side with the Blackwoods.
Elmo gets a Piper wife because he resents his grandfather for living so long, knew he’d choose to back Aegon the moment the boy was born, so he married another Rhaenyra loyalist so the blacks would have support in the Riverlands.
Kermit marries Sabitha Frey’s daughter Elayna because he loves his Lads and Sabitha is a Lad. He has a son, Wembley, named after the Fraggle.
Oscar starts the Stormbreakers (that part is canon) and marries a rich noblewoman in Braavos. He has two children, Breha and Kylan, both named after Gelflings from Dark Crystal. Kylan, being a cadet branch born in Essos, married Vale heiress and uses his contacts from Essos to get them both FILTHY rich. Breha married a Reacher. Why? Because I wanted the girls to have Muppet names and I thought "Fossie" as a nickname for Fossoway (aka Fozzie Bear) worked AND I found another reacher house called Risley and I thought that worked for "Rizzo" (aka Rizzo the Rat).
Wembley marries a Dustin - the book mentions that both the Blackwoods and Tullys benefit from the Northerners who stay in the Riverlands so I figured part of that benefit is, ya know, brides! I chose Dustin since Roddy the Ruin was a Dustin and it feels likely he’d have several younger sons or grandsons that stayed for a time in the Riverlands. Wembley’s son is canon because we know there’s a Medgar Tully in The Hedge Knight who has a six year old son.
Medgar dies and leaves his eight year old son as Lord Tully. In canon, they describe the boy as being “surrounded by women” so I gave him a shitton of aunties (like Fossie and Rizzo). Oscar’s descendants through Breha come back to the Riverlands to influence their very little cousin, as do Wembley’s many daughters!
Zooey Shawney is a reference to Zoe from Sesame Street.
Pink Missy Crakehall or Melissa Crakehall was fascinated with her cousin’s stories of Tyroshi fashion and was known to dye her hair pink, hence the name. Yes this is a Miss Piggie Reference.
Janys Keath aka Janice from Doctor Teeth’s Electric Mayhem
Red Rose Smallwood is supposed to be both Red the Fraggle and Rosita from Sesame Street.
Large Marvin is also a Fraggle!!
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thevelaryons · 10 months
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Addam when he’s at Riverrun
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addamvelaryon · 4 months
Most notably of all, House Tully had joined the war. Seasmoke’s descent upon Riverrun had at last persuaded that reluctant warrior, Ser Elmo Tully, to call his banners for the queen, in defiance of the wishes of his bedridden grandsire, Lord Grover. “A dragon in one’s courtyard does wonders to resolve one’s doubts,” Ser Elmo is reported to have said.
Addam low key threatening the Tullys into submission. 🤭
Benjicot “Bloody Ben” Blackwood watching the whole thing unfold was probably thinking “hope this doesn’t awaken anything in me 😳.”
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stromuprisahat · 1 year
Alas, the king was not of a forgiving mind. Urged on by his mother, the Queen Dowager Alicent, Aegon II was determined to exact vengeance upon those who had betrayed and deposed him. He started with the crownlands, sending forth his own men and the stormlanders of Borros Baratheon against Rosby, Stokeworth, and Duskendale and the surrounding keeps and villages. Though the lords thus accosted, through their stewards and castellans, were quick to lower Rhaenyra’s quartered banner and raise Aegon’s golden dragon in its stead, each in turn was brought in chains to King’s Landing and forced to do obeisance before the king. Nor were they freed until they had agreed to pay a heavy ransom, and provide the Crown with suitable hostages. This campaign proved a grave mistake, for it only served to harden the hearts of the late queen’s men against the king. Reports soon reached King’s Landing of warriors gathering in great numbers at Winterfell, Barrowton, and White Harbor. In the riverlands, the aged and bedridden Lord Grover Tully had finally died (of apoplexy from having his house fight against the rightful king at Second Tumbleton, Mushroom says), and his grandson Elmo, now at last the Lord of Riverrun, had called the lords of the Trident to war once more, lest he suffer the same fate as Lords Rosby, Stokeworth, and Darklyn. To him gathered Benjicot Blackwood of Raventree, already a seasoned warrior at three-and-ten; his fierce young aunt, Black Aly, with three hundred bows; Lady Sabitha Frey, the merciless and grasping Lady of the Twins; Lord Hugo Vance of Wayfarer’s Rest; Lord Jorah Mallister of Seagard; Lord Roland Darry of Darry; aye, and even Humfrey Bracken, Lord of Stone Hedge, whose house had hitherto supported King Aegon’s cause.
Fire and Blood (George R. R. Martin)
How badly do you need to piss off the Lords, for Brackens to defect and join the same side as Blackwoods of their own free will?
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forestwaterfalls · 3 months
oh i just KNOW they included oscar tully so no one would have to mention kermit with a straight face lmao.
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sethmacenzie · 1 month
I'll never get over this:
When Kermit Tully pointed out that Storm’s End, Oldtown, and Casterly Rock were as strong as Stark’s own Winterfell (if not stronger) and would not fall easily (if at all), and young Ben Blackwood echoed him and said, “Half your men will die, Lord Stark,” the grey-eyed Wolf of Winterfell replied,
“They died the day we marched, boy.” Like the Winter Wolves before them, most of the men who had marched south with Lord Cregan Stark did not expect to see their homes again. The snows were already deep beyond the Neck, the cold winds rising; in keeps and castles and humble villages throughout the North, the great and small alike prayed to their carved wooden god trees that this winter might be short. Those with fewer mouths to feed fared better in the dark days, so it had long been the custom in theNorth for old men, younger sons, the unwed, the childless, the homeless, and the hopeless to leave hearth and home when the first snows fell, so that their kin might live to see another spring.
“Are you babes in swaddling clothes, to be cozened by flowers and feasts and soft words?” Stark berated them.
"Who told you the war was done? The Clubfoot? The Snake? Why, because they wish it done? Because you won your little victory in the mud? Wars end when the defeated bend the knee and not before."
Cregan shows up two years after the war has started, staying home because he told Rhaenyra he had to make preparations for winter so that people wouldn't starve and has the audacity to tell the lads that more war and bloodshed is needed, when not only did they participate in far more war and bloodshed than Cregan did his entire live but also had their homeland burned to the grounds by Vhagar.
The Riverlands are fucked for years because Aemond and Vhagar were burning the Riverlands for months while Cregan was in the North -being able to actually grow and harvest food.
The Riverlands lost thousands, which the lads were there for fighting among them -including all of the Winter Wolves and Cregan complains that not more people are dead.
The Riverlands are so screwed out of people Black Aly get Cregan to leave his men in the Riverlands because they need them.
Cregan says a ton of true things when coming south, but he was a cunt for that one.
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thesims4asoiaf · 9 months
~Ts4 Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon/ ASOIAF Lookbook +CC Links~ DANCE OF THE DRAGONS
The Tullys
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Available on the gallery! EA ID: FaePorcelain
Basic cc: Eyes, skin
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Elmo Tully
Armor, hair, beard, cheekbones, eyebags
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Kermit Tully
Hair, outfit, freckles
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Oscar Tully
Hair, outfit, freckles
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