#elodie perrault
Headcanons of Maria and Jac inviting the gang and their parents/families and partners to a special lunch in the singing restaurant they work at?
Warning, I am working on a animatic of this scene but they sing this
They were happy to received the invitation, they were curious to know where they work and wonder the food is good.
Once they got there, Joe wanted to leave cause all the noise was giving him a headache. To which Nadia scolded him for being rude.
Maria greeted them in a sing song voice and led to two long tables.
Then the performance happens.
Dante’s mom, Vera’s brother. Jane’s dad and Malachite were loving it, happily laughing at the antics of the a staff.
Valerie, Zuri, Stephanie, Misty and Vera was happily humming along.
Nadia, Cece, Dante and Elodie were recording it.
Jane, Vince and Joe were quiet, they liked the performance but wasn’t that into it.
At some point Jack and Roxy joined in to which had the others drag them back.
Once it was over, they applauded with Misty commenting that she might apply here.
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Roxy, Misty, Stephanie and Elodie doing the boba challenge
Roxy: Spills it on herself
Misty: Using her arms to press the cup in her chest
Stephanie: Vince is holding it for her
Elodie: Not doing it cause she thinks it's silly
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. . . Then the female recruiters joined in-
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rainbowtheque · 6 years
Contes et histoires arc-en-ciel
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Titre : Contes et histoires arc-en-ciel
Auteurs et Autrices : Aurélien Le Feuvre, Elen Le Feuvre, Elisabeth Troestler, Elodie Sébire, Frédéric Meurin, Gaëlle Urvoas, Hugo Vernay, Joachim Chalot, Judikaël Goater, Karine Baudot, Lukaz Nedeleg, Pascale Navarro Salcedo, Selene Tonon, Valentine Dewer
Recueil de nouvelles
Maison d’édition : Éditions Goater
Disponible en version papier
Tout public
Il était une fois… Quand on raconte ou quand on lit des histoires, que ce soit pour les enfants ou les adultes, on y croise beaucoup de stéréotypes liés au genre, à la sexualité, aux orientations sexuelles, aux comportements.
Il y a des princesses, un peu perdues, qui attendent le prince charmant ; des grenouilles qui parlent ; des ogres ou des korrigans. Le meunier fait du bon pain et le tailleur des beaux costumes. Le loup veut manger les petits enfants avec une préférence pour les petites filles, et les petits cochons sont forcément un peu idiots.
Mais que se passerait-il si en plus des châteaux et des campagnes, ces histoires se déroulaient ici, dans nos villes et nos quartiers, dans nos mondes interconnectés, sur cette planète aux 1000 et un peuples ?
Que se passerait-il si les histoires d’amour, les farces, la morale, ne reflétaient plus le monde idéal de la famille traditionnelle, mais venaient parler de nos vies, de nos peurs et de nos amours, quels que soient nos désirs, nos orientations sexuelles, nos identités de genre ou même nos cultures ?
Identités représentées :
Personnages principaux et secondaires gays, lesbiennes, trans, non-binaires
Thématiques présentes :
Romance, émancipation, deuil, harcèlement scolaire, transition
TW : Agression (Si Perrault était entré dans un sex-club)
Avis de Yann
Fruit d'une collaboration entre les éditions Goater et le CGLBT Rennes, ce recueil renouvelle les contes afin que petites et grandes personnes LGBT puissent s'y reconnaître.
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Des contes revisités
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Le Petit chaperon rouge qui n’y voit rien
Dans la forêt, un chaperon rouge minuscule et aveugle rencontre le loup qui se fait passer pour un chien. Sur le chemin, la fillette lui impose de cueillir des fleurs, d’attraper des pommes, comme à un gentil chien docile…
Un Petit chaperon rouge malin, un loup ridiculisé dans une version chinoise inattendue du conte de Perrault.
Le Petit chaperon rouge qui n’y voit rien, Han Xu, éd. Rue du Monde, 56 pages, 16 euros. À partir de 5 ans.
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Le Prince aux grands pieds
Un jeune prince anglais était la risée de toutes les jeunes filles. Et pour cause : la taille de ses pieds était démesurée. Le jour où il décida de trouver une épouse, il envoya un conseiller à la recherche d’une femme aux pieds respectables…
Une version parodique des contes de princes et princesses, à contre-courant du conte classique de Cendrillon.
Le Prince aux grands pieds, Dorothée Piatek et Elodie Coudray, éd. Petit à petit, 32 pages, 12,90 euros. À partir de 5 ans.
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Have to ask for Halloween, do the brothers do any couples costumes with their girlfriends? Would Zuri and Dante do a costume for giggles??
I'll keep it short
Malachite and Elodie would be Christine and The Phantom from Phantom of the Opera. They would just dress for the occasion and just watch movies
Vince and Stephanie would dressed as cats. They just wore black clothes slapped a pair of cats ears on their heads, both were busy and this was the best they could do, they also watched movies
Joe and Misty would be a pair of zombies, Misty said the costume was perfect cause he looked like a zombie when he didn't have his coffee. They both accompanied Jack and Roxy to a party but like watching over them
Jack and Roxy would be Jessie and James from Pokemon, they'll go to Halloween parties to just to prank others.
Dante and Zuri were Finn and Jake for laughs. Zuri was a special guest in J&V's Halloween special
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TW: Mentions of Cheating, mentions of nsfw.
Clarabelle loves gossip.
That's a fact eveyone knows. She's always trying to find something new to keep the audience interested, even relying on questionable sources. When it's juicy enough she had to show if off at the House of Mouse. She tries hard to get the latest bit, from interviewing to going out to see look for one herself, much to her luck she found the greatest peice of gossip she had ever seen.
And couldn't bring herself to show it at the club.
Clarabelle smoothed down her dress and straighten the papers in her hand. Her segment is about to start soon, and she can't shake off her nerves.
It all started earlier this morning, she was out searching for new gossip, unfortunatley no luck. After a few hours she went to a nearby cafe to rest and think of a new strategy, she sipped her coffee, deep in thought on what she should do. The audience were getting tired of her old news, and it wasn't helping that Mortimer was making things worse, she needs new material soon and fast. Suddenly, she heard the chimed of the bell, signalling new customers were entering, she glanced at their direction and did a double take.
There were two familiar faces, smiling happily and chatting and tugging the arms of their companions, their companions also seemed to have a conversation of their own and occasionally patting their heads. Clarabelle knew the first two, how could she not when they're the most famous princesses in Toontown. But the problem was their companions.
She released a deep sigh. It had to be a misunderstanding right?
"… belle…Clarabelle!" The said woamn jolted at the sound of her name, she turned to see Minnie looking at her, concerned filled her eyes.
"Are you alright? You didn't respnd the first time I called you." She said.
"Oh! Y-Yes, everything is fine!" She threw her a smile to ease her worries. Minnie merely looked at her, unconvinced.
"And now Clarabelle!" Mike's voice called out. She inhaled deeply before going up on stage, once she took her seat she began to tell her audience about the latest happenings.
But everyone can see her heart wasn't in it. She lacked the energy, and her hands were shaking, they whisper among themsleves about her odd behavior, some threw her worried looks, especially when she flinched when she locked eyes on very princesses repsonsible for her behavior. Mickey and Minnie were backstage to see it all happening.
"What's going on with Clarabelle?" He asked frowning in concern, he never seen her like this.
"I'm not sure, she's been jumpy this whole evening. She didn't even hear me the first time I called her name." Minnie answered, staring at the gossip collumnist.
"If you have something good spit it out already!" Pain shouted, earning more shouts of agreement.
"Uh..uh." She clutched her papers in front of her like sheild as more voices demanded her to reveal what's eating her up.
"Fine." A familar deep voice spoke up. Jafar stood up and walked towards the stage, Clarabelle gulped deeply.
"If you won't tell us willingly, then I'll pry it out of you." He leered, waving his staff to her.
"Jafar wait!-" Mickey yelled, but it was too late she was hypnotized.
"Now." The sorcerer began. "What's the big news that you've been so nervous about."
"Earlier today I saw Ariel and Aurora on a date." She answered. Silence enveloped the enitre club, some cast their eyes at the said princesses who appeared confused.
"And? That doesn't expalined your recent behavior, what did you really see."
"They were on a date with other men."
Loud gasps erupted from everyone. They all gawked at the two, never in their life they imagine this happening, however the shock wouldn't compare to the hurt both Eric and Philip gave to their respective wives.
"A-Ariel…" Eric stammered.
"My love…?" Philip looked close to tears.
"Philip, you know I would never!" Aurora objected, slightly hurt to think her husband would think of her this way.
"Eric, I sacrificed so much to be with you." Ariel was so close to crying.
"Ohhh, now this is interesting." The former vizier smiled at this, now he wanted more.
"Did you see who were they're dates?"
"Yes." His smiled broaden.
"It was Maleficent's and Ursula's minions."
Everyone sucked in a breathe and slowly turned to the recruits table. Ever since the villains failed to take over the House of Mouse last halloween, they brought their recruits from time to time and sometimes they come in their own free will, it got to the point they need they're own table.
Both Joe and Malfie flinched when they were mentioned, just as shocked at the revelation. Half of the club was glaring at them, disgusted of they're supposed behavior, but nothing beat the death glares from both Philip and Eric.
"Damn, who knew you two turn into homewreckers." Jack commented at the shocked duo. Even the other recruits were shocked.
"We don't even like them!" Joe heatedly protested.
"I was too busy with my beautiful master to be anywhere near a cafe." Malfie defended, eyes never leaving his mirror.
"Are you guys suuuuree." Farja pressed on.
"ENOUGH!" Triton boomed. It was silent once again his eyes roamed to his daughter to Eric and finally glared at Joe.
"My daughter would never indulge such dispicable behavior, this must be a lie!" He thundered.
"Unfortunately for you, I just demanded the simple truth. I'm sure the mouse can confirmed it." Jafar smiled smugly at him and turned his attention to Mickey, so did everyone else.
He had to count backwards to calm himself, how did it turned into this? Taking a deep breathe he answered.
"I'm sorry, King Triton but he's right."
The king gritted his teeth but sat down. Silence overtook the club again, trying to process what just happened. Aurora stared down at her hands, wondering what was happening, meanwhile Ariel just silently sobbed questioning why was this happening to her. Eric finally stood up, the mermaid lifted her head to her spouse.
"I think it's time we leave." He muttered, gently pulling Ariel to her feet, the redhead nodded. Philip and Aurora followed shortly after,
"W-Well, that's it for Clarabelle's daily gossip." Mike announced, trying th quell the awkward atmosphere. It was that time Jafar finally let go of his hold on Clarabelle, the poor woman alsmost stumbled out of her seat so Minnie had to escort her.
Mickey bit hs lip as he stared at the chaos that was happening, hopefully it was a misunderstanding and blow over by tomorrow.
Unfortunately it did not. It got worse, some of the toons began to see it too. For the past few days, they've been seeing glimpses Ariel and Aurora in dates with Joe and Malfie. No one wanted to believe and a few try to talk to them but they always managed to escape their vision.
The princesses were a mess, Aurora cried hot tears and her fairy godmothers comforted her, knowing she would never do such a thing. Philip was called by his father to discuss leaving her to in their room.
"I-I w-would never!" The blonde sobbed.
"It's alright dear we know." Fauna comforted.
"It has to be a mistunderstanding." Flora added, rubbing her back.
"Oh, just till I get my hands on those people." Merryweather started, she was convinced there was someone impersonating as Aurora to ruin her image and marriage. The blonde princess hope that was the case.
Meanwhile, Ariel locked herself in her room, crying her eyes out. She refused to see anyone, except Sebastian.
"Ariel, I know you. You would never do something like this, you worked so hard to be with him."
Eric was out in sea, to clear his mind and calm his heart. He didn't want to believe it too, but he told her he needed space.
Soon enough, Ariel and Aurora refused to come to the House of Mouse, to avoid both the gossip that surrounded them and the their villains' minions.
Speaking of them, they have the worse time. Everywhere they go, riducule followed them and occasionally get thrown things at them.
Malfie had to be put on house arrest due some of nearby towns trying to hunt him for 'tainting their princess.' Joe had to suffer from all the other mermaids trying lure him out of Ursula's cave to fight him as well as avoiding contact in land. Not only that, they had to be suspended from work due to their now controversial reputation. Thankfully, the other recruits managed to believe them that they didn’t do it, it took Jack and Farja a long time to convince but they came around and defended them from other’s ridicule.
It got to the point where Ursula and Maleficent had to defend they're own recruits. Not for them, it was for they're image, they may be villains but they wouldn't sink that low.
So overall both parties were were in difficult position.
Mickey dragged a hand down his face, wondering how it managed to get at this point. Everyone in the House of Mouse were talking about them and debating if it was true or not. One side it was true cause they saw themselves, others say not cause they would never, it was a mess.
He was out downtown walking Pluto and to think of a way to prove their innocence. There has to be something that everyone was missing, but what?
His stomach answered for him, the large growl surprised him and making him remember that he forgot to eat breakfast because Pluto was too eager for a walk. Spotting an outdoor cafe, he tied up Pluto's leash and went inside. He sniffed the air and sighed at the delightful scent of pastries and other baked goods, his eyes scanned the small cafe and spotted the cause of his problems.
They were enjoying a meal and seemed to be having a good time, unaware the conflict and turmoil they started. Mickey took a good look at them and once he heard them speaking he understood now.
"Thanks for coming everyone!" Mickey greeted his audience. He noticed some where still tensed from the whole situation, time to clear things up.
"Now before we can get started. I would like Ariel, Aurora, Joe and Malfie to come at the stage."
Everyone's eyes widen at that, they saw the four people that had been the subject for gossip for days come up. Ariel and Aurora looked worse for wear, they're eyes were red from crying and had some bags underneath, while Joe and Malfie just glared back at scowling faces. Truthfully, none of them wanted to be here but Mickey told them he has something to clear they're names.
"As you know, there has bene speculation and rumors about them-"
"Rumors!? I saw it with my own eyes mouse! Those girls are cheating!" Shenzi howled. Ariel and Aurora flinched at her words, while Joe growled and Malfie frowned.
"Me too, I saw blondie and bird brained heading into a hotel." Mortimer jeered, he gestured to Aurora.
"She was all giggly to him and kept hugging his waist, and he kept on smiling at her, and kept his hand on her ass.”
Everyone gasped at the revelation while Aurora and Malfie were baffled.
"I did no such thing!" She snapped.
"I was with my mistress the entire time!" Malfie shot.
"Now settle down." He waited for them to be quiet, when that didn't work he blew a hard whistle that shut them up.
"Thank you, now back to the main topic. I have some good news for everyone, that none of those rumors are true!"
Once again everyone was silent, registering what he said. Ariel smiled broadly at the revelation and Aurora could cry tears of relief. Joe muttered 'finally' under his breathe and Malfie sighed and took out his mirror, and stared at his reflection.
"How can you be sure?" Someone challenged, he just smiled.
"You guys can come out now!"
This raised a few eyebrows, who was he calling?
Four figures were entering the stage and everyone gasped.
They looked exactly like them, but with a few differences. They were dressed more casually and modern, what’s more is that the Ariel look a like was hugging the Joe look a like’s waist and the other Aurora held the other Malfie’s hand.
The first four blinked at the sight, never expecting this.
They’re other selves smiled awkwardly at the crowd before them, girls waved at them.
"As you can see it's been all one big misunderstanding. What Clarabelle first saw was them on they're double date." Mickey explained.
The Ariel look a like came forward.
"We're super sorry for the misunderstanding! We really didn't know!"
The other Aurora came forward too.
“If we known something like this was happening, we would have say something sooner.”
Meanwhile, Minnie, Daisy and Clarabelle were watching from backstage.
“I am so embarrassed right now” Clarabelle groaned as she buried her face in her hands.
“Don’t be like that. “ Minnie comforted.
“Yeah, they looked so alike. So it just a simple mistake.” Daisy added, she was still surprised on how much they all look like each other. It was almost scary.
“Now that that’s settled, introductions are in oder.” Mickey nodded to the other Malfie who stepped forward.
“Hi everyone, I’m Malachite.” He gave them a smile and wave. To those who knew Malfie were stunned at his casual greeting, no proclamations on how handsome he is or anything about Maleficent, or even bringing out a mirror. The other Aurora stood next to him.
“Hello, I’m Elodie. It’s a pleasure to meet you all.” Her smile was the same as Aurora, and for a moment they thought she was. Until she hugged Malachite’s waist.
“Hiya, I’m Misty!” She was as energetic as Ariel and bounced a bit, but it was put to a stop when the other Joe wrapped his arm around her.
“I’m Joe, what’s up?” He was no different from their Joe but he seemed more lax.
“Ariel!/My love!” Two voices shouted.
In blur, both Eric and Philip ran on stage, picked up their respective wives and hugged them tightly, they returned the sentiment crying tears of joy. The pain they felt for days was finally over. Joe and Malfie stood awkwardly as they watch the display of affection.
Elodie and Misty shared a look, walked over to their boyfriends, and gave them a deep kiss. This stunned everyone, especially they’re look a-likes.
“Hey! Don’t forget about us!” A voice shouted from the back. Storming on stage were another version of the villains recruits and Snow White and Alice.
A/N: Sorry for the lack of content for Obey me and Twst. I’m working in them I promise, so right now enjoy this. I’m getting back to the villain recruiters fandom and have an AU for it
Tagging: @blackbutlerfandomnerddomain, @jinxthejubilee
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Song 2 U
Was listening to Song 2 U and had this idea. Before meeting the recruits; Roxy, Misty, Stephanie and Elodie meet their lookalikes first. The girls were having great time with the princesses and Alice and swapping stories, though they had a whiplash when they saw the recruits. Ariel explained to them who they were and told to not go near them.
The princes were nice, though they questioned how they're lookalikes were doing and why they weren't near them. They made an excuse that they were busy.
Then Von Drake was showcasing a machine that shows a person's recent memory, adding that it can get four people's memories to further complete the picture. The girls volunteered out of curiosity, when it switched on it was concert.
The audience loved the song, especially the couples who can't help singing it to their partners. The villains on the other hand were groaning, another cheesy love song.
But as the ending neared, they saw the memory of the girls getting kissed, by Jack, Joe, Apple and Malfie's counterparts.
They all froze in pure shock, especially the heroes ad recruits. Even more when they saw what individual did.
🎵I'll give you my song, these words to you Sing you what I feel, my soul is true🎵
Other Jack held Roxy close and sway to the music. Sometimes kissing her head.
🎵I don't have the world, can't give it to you, girl But all that I can do (All that I can do)🎵
Other Joe rested is chin on top of Misty's head, he nuzzled her head and held her closer, Misty had a content look on her face.
🎵I'll give you my song, these words to you Sing you what I feel, my soul is true🎵
Other Apple and Stephanie were dancing to the music, he then picked her up and held her close, kissing her cheek.
🎵I don't have the world, can't give it to you, girl But all that I can do (All that I can do)🎵
Other Malfie was actually singing it to Elodie, his voce was rich and hypnotizing. She looked so happy.
The said recruits were stunned to see what looked like them, so in love and happy, even more it was with these girls. They glanced at them, who smiled nd waved at them.
🎵Is give this song to you🎵
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What are the gf's reactions to my OCs and my AU version of the heros/princesses?
They're shocked to say the least.
First recruits and princess, now this? What’s next? A zombie apocalypse version of themselves?
Misty thinks Ari is her twin, she would be gentle with her and try to be more confident. Also would give her some of her homemade jewelry. Thinks Ced is nice and treats him like a brother.
Roxy is vibing with Violet.
Stephanie find Margaret sweet but got a whiplash when her other side showed.
Elodie thought she and Rosie were related due to sharing a surname, they're not. Immediately wants to wrap her in a blanket burrito and fights anyone who tries to harm her.
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Random prompt of headcanons for you based on the Disney Villain Recruiter AU:
The Kemonohito siblings visited the world and the recruiters are having fun, then the boys brought their girlfriends over which the singles are like "Really? We're hanging out-" They go to the House of Mouse and have fun there.
Then something happens (up to you) and Malfie wound up flying up holding Elodie to save her and at the moment he saw how beautiful she is and kind of developed a small crush but refuses to accept it until it got bad
“Thank you for reminding us we’re single.”
“Your welcome.”
Nadia pouted and Zuri just smiled nervously as Cece glared at their brothers who brought their girlfriends with them.
They thought this was gonna be a nice sibling outing. Yes they hang out everyday, but this week was long with school and they miss their brothers.
Of course they didn’t say it outright, not wanting to be rude and they like the girls.
Anyway back to the ask.
Things were going ok and they were having a good time. Though Phillip avoided Malachite as much as he can, always pulling Aurora near him when he and Elodie get affectionate. Vince was gloating with his relationship with Stephanie in front of Florian as much as he can, kissing and nuzzling her in front of him.
In the recruiter table, Jack was gagging at the sight while Apple blushed.
The only one cool with each other was Eric an AU Joe.
As usual there was trouble in the house of Mouse, no one knows what happened but something spooked carpet nd crashed into Elodie. ow she's clinging onto carpet for her dear life.
Everyone was panicking, especially Malachite who was begging Aladdin to get carpet to come down.
Unfortunately, Elodie couldn't hold on any longer and started to fall.
She didn't fall to her death as expected, instead she feel like she was in someone's arms. Elodie turned t see a familiar but unfamiliar face.
Malfie thought saving Elodie would just got him a thank you, not a growing on his face and butterflies in his stomach. But here he is, staring at her beautiful face, her hair was like a wild halo.
When they landed, Malachite rushed to grab Elodie and hugged her close. Malfie felt something else in his stomach, but it was unpleasant it grew worse when he kissed her
Malachite thanked him profusely for saving her to which he just smiled.
Ever since the incident Malfie avoided Elodie, he knew this feeling well and tried to extinguish it.
Elodie was already in a healthy and beautiful relationship...With his lookalike. Despite the darer part of him telling him to pose as Malachite, he didn't have the heart.
It soon became unbearable for him, especially when he see's her and Mal all lovey-dovey.
He plans to confess to her the next time she comes for the show. He knows she'll reject him, but it was better than to bottle it.
He spotted her at a cafe with Malachite, who went u for the bathroom. He braced himself and walked towards her.
As expected, she smiled sadly and gently let him down.
"I'm sorry but I love Malachite so much, we've been through a lot together and I can't imagine a future without him. Thank you for being honest though."
Malfie smiled sadly and thanked her for listening.
Unaware to both of them, Malachite didn't really go the bathroom and just waited for Malfie to come out.
Since the incident, he started to notice Malfie's interest with Elodie. How his eyes fall to her, blushing when she smiles and how his eyes darken when they get affectionate to each other.
He wanted to confirm his suspicions, which turned out to true. He can't blame Malfie for falling for her, she was amazing.
Malachite was so happy at he her words, he couldn't imagine a future without her too. So he can't help but feel a little guilty that he was happy when she rejected Malfie.
Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Elodie's lookalike. Aurora he remembered, staring longly at Malfie despite holding her husband's hand.
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Hello may I please ask for headcanons for Audrey reacting to Elodie please
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Audrey is still a mean girl even to someone who looks like her mother and Elodie isn't taking that shit
"Yeah, talk to me when you're not dating a criminal." "Okay, I'll do that. Meanwhile you can talk to me when you're not being a bitch-"
They put a front though for certain occasions like around Audrey's family
They do slowly start to grow after a long while of bonding over types and fashion favs
Audrey teach Elodie to be a lady and a Ms Perfect while also Elodie teaches her to not be so tightly screwed in appearance and perfection
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May I please ask for headcanons for King Triton and Aurora’s parents reacting to Misty and Elodie please
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Misty's basically Ariel before she got married so he's rather happy with her
He already learned to be patient and respectful for his daughters since the whole ordeal so he makes it fun when she came by
He didn't fully like her and Joe at first but then he sees her being so taken cared of he calmed down and was happy
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Like Triton, I feel like Stephan has grown a bit since the whole ordeal, defiantly learned to not be so high and mighty
He and his wife shower Elodie with affection to the point I feel like she's slightly uncomfortable
Then he gets wind of Malachite-
He straight up yelled the lad when he came to give her something she forgot, blinded at the idea it's his daughter and Maleficent's minion, not to mention he blames Mal whole on the Gossip thing
This led to Elodie blowing up at him
He's chill now but he still doesn't fully like Malachite and Malfie has apologize to his lookalike even though he has nothing to do with it
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Hey, how did the Kemonohito boys and their girls started dating/met?
A/N: Sorry f or the late reply, I've been busy today and different time zones. Also under the cut cause it's long
Jack and Joe are the childhood friends to lovers trope.
Jack met Roxy on his first day of school in America. He was wary of strangers, especially when they talk about their family. She tried to be as friendly as possible and make him see that she wanted to be his friend. It took time but they managed to be two peas in a pod.
Joe met Misty after a few months of getting used to his new home. He and his siblings were walking home when Zuri noticed following them, when she said that Misty ran away.
This continued for a few days before she managed take Joe away from his siblings. She demanded to switch places with him but he shoved her off and called her weirdo but she was persistent. Before long they were on the ground and misty breaking down yelling that she hates her sisters and would rather be in his family.
This made him stop and listened to her family plight, they became friends after that.
As they grew up the girls realize their feelings for them and get heartbroken and sad every time they watch them date and get their hearts shattered afterward. They tried their best to comfort them and be their best friends but it wasn't enough.
By the time Joe realized his feelings for Misty, she was already with another guy. He tried to be happy for her, but couldn't so he ended up avoiding her, it made her upset and tried to reach out for him causing her to make her boyfriend think she was cheating on him.
This made them argue a lot and caused a mar in their relationship, despite her constant assurance she'd never, he never believed her.
Finally it all came down when Misty caught him with the girl who hated her. She was so distraught that she went to Joe and told him what she saw, Joe was pissed but he needed to comfort her first.
The next day, Joe sent her now ex to the hospital and was never caught.
He helped her heal her whilst becoming closer again, during one night Misty finally revealed her feelings for him, making Joe reveal his feelings too when she started dating him.
She questioned on why he didn't say anything, making reply that he wanted her to be happy, she just kissed his lips and said he makes her happy.
Jack and Roxy ended up revealing their feelings for each other at their high school graduation and have been going strong since.
Vince and Malachite are different.
Vince meet Stephanie when the whole family was going on a camping trip, he was tasked to get firewood when he heard noises. Investigating, he found a man punching a girl tied to a tree, Vince rushed in and knock the man cold.
He quickly, untied her and took her back to camp. Everyone was panicking when they saw her, Vince explained what happened and they quickly packed up, tied the guy up and took her to the hospital.
It took an hour but she woke up, she was naturally scared but relaxed when she was in the hospital and given an explanation.
The police arrived shortly after and began to ask questions.
"My name is Stephanie Grimm and well..."
She explained how her ex tried to ask money from her, when she said she had none he became violent and kidnapped her, thinking she was lying.
Soon after that, her father and brothers came worried out of their minds. Her father thanked Vince repeatedly, and her brothers called him a hero.
Vince visited her as much as possible, his siblings teased him that he fell in love with her but he retorted that he was simply worried.
Then one day during his weekly visits, her ex broke into the hospital, demanding where she was and she was a lying whore. Like before he knocked him out in one punch.
When she was released from the hospital after few days, they went to court. Her ex tried to turn things into his favor but thankfully there were many witnesses and evidence against him.
Her ex got twenty years of prison and a restraining order against him to not get close to her within thirty feet.
After that Stephanie was sent to therapy after the whole ordeal. Her father asked Vince to take her there if he was busy and he agreed.
So almost a year, Vince drove Stephanie to her therapy sessions whenever her father was busy, and even hang out with him after those sessions.
It wasn't long before they fell in love with each other. At the end of her final session, he took her to the park and confessed to her which she happily accepted.
Elodie meet Malachite at on of the concerts they preform. She just became friends with Roxy, Misty and Stephanie who were already dating.
She was nervous because it as her first concert and wondered if the music won't hurt her head. When it began everything turned to white noise as she stared at Malachite.
In her eyes he was breathtaking and she couldn't help but go near. She couldn't take her eyes off of him through the duration of the concert and had to be snapped awake by her friends.
At the end, the girls began to say their good-byes to their respective bfs when Elodie sneezed, starting to feel cold. She rubbed her arms, regretting to not brining a jacket when one wrapped around her.
She was surprised it was Malachite's, he smiled and said she needed it more than him.
Elodie internally fangirled and thanked him ad walked home with her friends.
They began to hang out more, and Elodie loved his personality. Shamefully, she did stalked him a little, she just wanted to know who the girls in the band are and was relieved to be his sisters.
Unaware to her, Malachite was beginning to fall in love as well.
One day, Elodie didn't come to on of their concerts, which worried him. His siblings try to reassure him that maybe she was busy, but he argued if she was she would have texted him. He visited her apartment one day and saw her with her parents and overhearing that she was to be engaged.
Elodie tried to argue with them, but her father said that their decision was final.
Long story short (mostly cause I'm running out of ideas), the engagement as off cause the company of Elodie's fiancee had a scandal thanks to Cece leaking some information to the news. Malachite and Elodie celebrated her ex-fiancee's downfall with a kiss
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Do our Kemonohito bros have special plans for Valentine's Day? What about the ladies? Or is gonna be a Galintines with some friends?
They do in fact have plans.
Jack took Roxy to a classic carnival date ( a dew quickies on the side). After that they relaxed at the park for a more intimate setting.
Joe and Misty spent the day in her family’s private beach. Misty brought a picnic for them and Joe brought music, they ended the day with dancing under the stars.
Vince and Stephanie had a stay at home date, Stephanie’s family was put of town and won’t be home until next week so they decided take the chance. They stayed in watching movies and basically acting like a married couple.
Malachite and Elodie went to see their favorite musical, after that dinner in the diner where they had they’re second date.
The girls are busy doing a spa day and watching movies.
Dante sent Zuri some chocolate in secret
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Villain Recruiters Masterlist
Villain recruiters
AU idea: 1, 2, 3
Headcanons: How they meet/dated, If they meet they're TWST selves
Characters: Malachite, Cece, Vince, Nadia, Joe, Zuri, Jack, Dante, Vera, Jane, Elodie, Stephanie, Misty, Roxy.
Fics: Gossip
Swap: Boys, Girls, Both
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Do you think the three good fairies like Elodie?
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I think so yeah! They're Good Fairies after all.
They love Aurora dearly so they'll love Elodie just the same, I can even see then taking her shopping if she visits
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. . . The GFs switch places with the princesses to prank their boyfriends with the sisters' and Jane and Vera's help. And the help of Lady Hook and Ms Hades cause they love this idea
It was Cece's idea. It happened on a girl's night. The girls were exchanging stories during the swap prank.
The GFs were still ashamed that they couldn't tell the difference between their boyfriends. The girls assured them that they couldn't tell the difference as well.
This gave Cece an idea that they should swap too. Stephanie and Elodie were apprehensive but Misty and Roxy thought it fun and they wanted how the boys react. It took time but they were on it too.
Lady Hook and Ms. Hades were in on it cause they needed new entertainment.
Though they was two obstacles, first was that Roxy couldn't do it cause the major age difference between her and Alice, and second was convincing the princesses.
They was a big possibility that they say no, especially Ariel and Aurora after the "incident."
Fortunately, they agreed cause they were curious of their lives. Though they had to tell their husbands first, who were okay with it.
Once everything was cleared in both sides, they started with the make-overs and lessons.
Ariel blushed at Misty's fashion, even though she's a mermaid her taste were so bold compared to hers.
Like this:
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Snow White liked Stephanie's taste, so did Aurora with Elodie
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They had drill in each others brain the do's and don'ts as well as reminders, once those are done they place the pranks in motion.
With Aurora:
Aurora thought Elodie had cozy apartment, and she was roommates with Roxy which made things easier.
She and Roxy were chilling when the doorbell rang. When she answered it there stood Elodie’s parents.
They let themselves in and sat on the couch. Roxy already stood up when she saw them and had a a grimace on her face
It started pleasant enough, they asked her how was school and and how was she doing, she answered them all easily.
Finally, it came to if she was still with Malachite or not.
Elodie warned Aurora that her parents were waiting for her and Malachite to break up. Even he was trying hard to be in their good graces, they still see him as a thug.
Taking a deep breath, she gave them a perfectly rehearsed speech Elodie prepared.
“We are still together. Please stop asking that question, if both of you still come here for that. Then please stop coming.”
That miffed then and they quickly got out. Once they were gone Roxy giggles and told her she actually thought she was Elodie for a moment.
Aurora smiled.
With Snow White:
Honestly, taking care of Stephanie’s brothers was t much different from taking care of the dwarves except them being kids.
She almost cried when she received affection from her father.
With Ariel:
Again, not much different but she’s weirded out with the similarities. Misty has six older sisters and a single dad, huh.
At least Misty’s sister were way nicer than hers and only tease her when Joe is brought up.
When it came to school, oh boy that was the hard part. Roxy had to ease their worries as they walk.
For the most part they all had to stay silent and try as natural as possible.
The princesses had a pleasant time with the boys and saw why the girls love them so much, but it didn't change their feelings for their husbands, and thankfully they're being chaste with them.
Their sisters, Vera and Jane had to give them tips on what their likes and dislikes too.
In one hang out, Malachite dropped the bomb.
"You're a good actress, Aurora."
This made everyone stiffen as he, Vince and Joe had knowing looks in their faces.
With the girls, they did good as acting likes their counterparts with help of their spouses.
All three of them had their heads spinning when it came to ruling.
Elodie had a good time talking with the three fairies, and earned a few new dresses.
Nothing changed much for Stephanie except she had to restrain herself from using a sword and act more naive and innocent.
Misty was having fun with her new tail when she has to go and visit Ariel's family. She also had to restrain herself from snapping at Ariel's sisters when they're teasing became too much and insensitive.
Melody was confused on why her mom was acting strange but thought none of it.
Whenever they go to the house of mouse, they had to act all affectionate but chaste. Lady Hook and Ms. Hades snickered when Misty looked like she wanted to gag. Stephanie and Aurora tried to put as mush space as possible
When the week was almost up, the girls nearly cried in relief cause they couldn't take another day pretending to be the princesses and they missed their boyfriends
Finally, they went back. The girls nearly collapsed in their boyfriends' arms.
AU Joe: So how's being a princess?
They were told before hand
Misty: I hate it.
A/N: Sorry if this was bad
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