#elon musk can go fuck himself
alielerart · 2 years
Are you gonna post your other arts on Twitter now that a certain billionaire messed it up like those NFT bros?
Ugh he’s so dumb and Actually I’m on tumblr earlier than Twitter, and I already post here for a long time now lol
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Truly the best $7.99 I have ever spent. I am having a wonderful time.
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sukalaap · 1 year
I've officially deactivated my Twitter account. World peace has been achieved.
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trans-canadiantrain · 2 years
My current Twitter prediction is that it’ll break apart, stop working, its shares plummet to below rock bottom, Elon Musk loses a ton of money, and sells it for pennies to a different owner who’ll get it working again but struggle to find its former glory. It’s gonna be rough on disabled communities, writers trying to promote their work, journalists, and people who just like easy to use interfaces. The sheer extent to which a lot of the internet relies on Twitter is kind of underestimated. It’s like watching Google suddenly lose all credibility and die a prolonged death. It’s upsetting.
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hellyeahheroes · 1 year
Great Men and Elon Musk by Mia Mulder
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kastanik · 1 year
As of today, I'm no longer on Twitter as I have deactivated it.
...oh, my mistake. I deactivated from X.
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lost-carcosa · 2 years
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prolibytherium · 1 year
I don't think anyone who frequently tells people to kill themselves or launches into foaming at the mouth "fucking freak bitch cunt freak" etc insult tirades over online arguments or minor slights warrants respect. I think its very often an indicator that their politics and opinions, no matter how good, are motivated more to feed the ego and to vent pent up aggression and feelings of inadequacy and less out of compassion or practical desire to improve the lives of others. I do think it is actually that deep
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fixhbones · 2 years
sigh hi again twt ppl
we are just trying to peacefully water our crops please be mindful of where you step
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royalberryriku · 1 year
Look, I just think it's really "interesting" that PayPal can not pay you what you're owed and get away with it despite multiple interventions from legal agencies you go to, but heaven forbid you go into negatives for too long or you're the greatest evil and "we will pursue legal action if this continues".
TLDR I will be using a different site the moment I find one that actually works in my country and is mainstream enough so I can actually pay for art and get money for commissions lmao
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demilypyro · 2 years
When you ignore that it's horrible that things like this can even happen, Elon Musk is honestly a fascinating and funny case study. Here's a man who has built his entire reputation on:
Supposedly being highly intelligent
Never making mistakes due to point 1
If something goes wrong, it's not his fault due to point 2
He's coasted along on this reputation because capitalism has created an endless supply of doofuses who think anyone who has money probably did something to deserve it (he just inherited it) so all he has to do is throw money at projects that seem smart and futury and as long as they make a minor profit or produce something cool, his reputation is reinforced.
It's not truly reinforced, obviously, because anyone with reasonable critical thinking skills can see that he's not actually a scientist, he's at best an investor who got lucky a couple times, and regularly takes the credit for stuff his employees make, but he's got enough of the aforementioned doofuses that he's gotten by so far.
He could've honestly kept out of the spotlight and just made infinite money if he wasn't also an egomaniac who needs constant approval and attention. But then, for clout, he made a statement that he was going to buy Twitter. And Twitter held him to his word. And due to point 2, he can't walk that back, because he never makes mistakes.
So now he's lost 44 billion dollars because he couldn't watch his mouth and cared too much about his reputation to just pay the 1 billion dollar fine to go back on his offer. So, due to point 1, he has to make it look as if he totally was going to really buy Twitter all along, and he totally has real plans for it. But Twitter is losing money, hard. So he starts looking for ways to make his money back. And somehow lands on... monetizing the system which verifies user identities.....?
No, totally a good idea, see point 2. Implementing it right away. People are misusing the new system? Not his fault, see point 3. But Twitter is largely funded by advertising, and advertisers can see what's going on. So they start pulling out, which means Twitter just loses MORE money. Musk just dug himself a deeper hole. And now he's just panicking while trying to convince everyone he's got it under control. Digging deeper and deeper.
He's fucked. He's just totally fucked himself. And he's taking one of the planet's biggest social media platforms down with him. All because he can never admit making a mistake. Fucking hilarious. A cautionary tale of magnificent proportions. Tens of thousands of lives are going to be affected by this, as the platform they use to spread their work goes up in flames, and it's horrible, but as we are suspended in the ennui, we can at least watch this moron blow up into fireworks. Amazing.
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veronicawildest · 6 months
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(Disclaimer: If you get butthurt on my other observation just blocked me and move away from me. This observations is from the celebrity i've observe and my social circle. Just take this like a grain of salt)
The trait that I love about Punarvasu is their resourcefulness. It makes sense because of the Vimshottari Nakshatra of Jupiter. They are also very giving.
(Unevolved) Punarvasu are fake. When they're talking to you, they act like a goody two shoes type of boy/girl, but when you're gone, they talk behind your back. They don't like confrontation (very passive). Also holier than thou (This only applies if you're UNEVOLVED, otherwise don't get butthurt).
Punarvasu are also people-pleasers. They want to have a "goody-two-shoes" reputation. (I can't fully describe it, but if you get it, you get it). A primary example that I'm going to give is Elon Musk (Punarvasu rising). The way he acts and presents himself in public. He just wants to be likable, but clearly, the public hates him.
Punarvasu are smart and they will show you that through their actions (I mean actions, for example, problem-solving activities)
The casting stereotype of this nakshatra is a hippy vibe. Just like in animated movies, Matilda (from Angry Birds Movie played by Maya Rudolph (Pushya sun)) and Brooke (from Ice Age: Collision Course played by Jessie J (Pushya moon)).
Pushya isn't as auspicious as it is portrayed in the Vedic astrology community. You will go through some hardships and heartbreaks that will make you easily susceptible to mental health issues. (I have this placement so this comes from my experience).
I observed this from other Pushya natives that they're just plain and simple, not glamorous but classy when it comes to their appearance. Just simplicity and vibes and natural.
I've seen on Twitter Vedic discourse about Tikshna Nakshatra getting all the hate, Ashlesha getting all the hate, not Pushya. I have a Pushya placement on my luminary, and I can tell y'all that's not true.
Jennifer Lopez (Pushya sun) gets hated for getting all the benefits of being a celebrity when she's just allegedly stealing (I've also read this through Twitter).
Selena Gomez (Pushya sun) is hated for having this victim mentality complex and being "obsessed with Justin and Hailey."
(DISCLAIMER: This isn't my opinion on these certain celebrities, but I've been reading and seeing them on Twitter)
Despite being a Mercury-ruled Vimshottari nakshatra, Ashlesha doesn't speak too much.
I've seen Ashlesha males acting like sigma males, but they're funny. This is the nakshatra that embodies the "tropical Leo archetype," the archetype of funny, center of attention, fashionable, and dramatic.
Ashlesha either love all the attention or hate it. Mostly it's a mixture of the two. That's why the center of attention archetype for Tropical Leo.
Claire Nakti just conducted a survey on YouTube, but the leading people on Instagram (having the most followers) have Ashlesha placements. Selena Gomez (Ashlesha Venus and Mercury - still prominent because it conjuncts the Sun, which is her luminary), Kylie Jenner (Ashlesha Sun), and Cristiano Ronaldo (Ashlesha Moon).
If you have Magha in your big three, you're egoistic as fuck (for me egoistic above on other nakshatra). Napoleon has this Nakshatra on his sun. The new TikTok hype about King Baldwin IV (played by Edward Norton, Magha sun).
It's hard to differentiate Ashlesha and Magha because of the Gandanta point (and other Gandanta nakshatras):
- Both private
- Romantic (because other nakshatra of Leo gets all the credit of being romantic, but not Magha; they're romantic too)
- Both GREAT at their stuff/profession/talent
But to tell them apart is Ashlesha says, "I don't give a fuck," and they do give a fuck (because of the Crab cancer symbolism, it really makes sense why they put up a facade because of the shield) when Magha says nothing and literally doesn't give a fuck. They won't entertain. Yes, they're sensitive, but mostly they really don't give a fuck.
I don't get the hype of "Ketu nakshatras are not on social media. They don't usually use social media" on Vedic Twitter. Magha (Ashwini and Mula too) are active; they just don't interact or have private accounts. Ketu is exalted in the sign of Scorpio (investigating, lurking), and y'all think that they don't use social media? Joking, for real.
I still emphasize that Magha nakshatra individuals have sleeping problems. One of the Magha moon actors (in my home country) opens up about having sleep apnea and having a near-death experience. (Also, the beauty queen Magha sun talks about a near-death experience). It's common for them to experience the "Their soul is leaving the body while sleeping" phenomenon and meditation.
The impact of the death of loved ones for Magha is crucial. It's a sign that something significant will be happening or transforming for better or for worse. The best example that I can give is Megan Thee Stallion (her family).
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odinsblog · 1 year
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Elon Musk has taken tons of money from the government, but it’s somehow different when Ukraine is quite literally fighting for its very existence and trying to eject imperialist Russia, who invaded their country unprovoked?? Mannn, GTFOHWTBS.
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Also, Elon Musk can go fuck himself 🖕🏿
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Donald Trump and Elon Musk are having a dome shining contest on Vladimir Putin’s dick
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qqueenofhades · 5 days
I'm not sure if you heard about this (or if you signed up too!) but back in 2017, Cards Against Humanity did this thing where for $15, they sent you a mystery envelope every day for a week. In one of those envelopes was a certificate for a small plot of land on the border between Texas and Mexico that I now legally own a part of.
It was an effort to prevent Trump from building his dumb ass wall and it came with a certificate of ownership and a letter from a lawyer explaining how they've been retained in case the government tries to take the land via eminent domain and build on it anyway. Well today I got an email from Cards Against Humanity. Turns out Elon Musk destroyed that plot of land by putting a bunch of SpaceX construction shit on it. CAH found out and after rejecting a lowball offer for the land, they're suing Muskrat for $15 million. If they win, everyone who owns part of the land can get up to $100. Realistically I know I'll never see money from this BUT this does mean that I get to put my name on a list of people telling Elon Muck to go fuck himself back to The Stone Age and that alone is absolutely worth the $15 I paid.
Incredible. I approve of every part of this.
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yippeecahier · 2 years
NGL, I come from a place of privilege, given that I am under 25 and have no debt.
I have about $30,000 in assets - just my savings, car, tech, jewelry, and all my worldly goods that could be resold put together, at their current value. If I lost that 30k, which is really just (one) medical emergency away from bankruptcy, I would have to strip everything for the cash. In just cash alone, I'm not even close enough for a downpayment on a starter home, a multi year endeavor.
By comparison, millionaires such as Lady Gaga (130 million) and Keanu Reeves (380 million) are far above me. To be on the same level, I would have to earn and retain in financial or asset form, $129,970,000 or $379,970,000 respectively. Anything I spent on rent, insurance, gas, food, medicine, and other consumables that can't be resold doesn't count towards that net worth total.
That's a lot. But this pales in comparison to billionaires such as Jeff Bezos (117 billion) and Elon Musk (191 billion). I would have to retain $116,999,970,000 and $190,999,970,000 respectively. At my current income of $50k, which is above the median income for people with my level of education, assuming I magically don't need to spend any money on consumables and can just bank it all:
It would take me 2,599 years and 146 days to obtain Lady Gaga's wealth, or almost 26 CENTURIES.
It would take me 7,599 years and 146 days to obtain Keanu Reeve's wealth, or almost 76 CENTURIES.
It would take me 2,339,999 years and 146 days to obtain Jeff Bezo's wealth, or almost 2,340 MILLENIA.
It would take me 3,899,999 years to obtain Elon Musk's wealth. It would take me nearly 3,900 MILLENIA.
Oh, this is after having paid off all my debt and with my existing assets, by the way. For even Lady Gaga, the least wealthy of this list, I would have to work tirelessly from before the Roman Empire was even founded.
But that's just me, a college-educated middle-class American citizen who is both debt and child-free.
It's much more fascinating to compare these to each other.
Lady Gaga makes $25 million a year.
Keanu Reeves makes $40 million a year.
So, if I deduct what these millionaires already have in assets and divide the total of the billionaire's assets by their income to find how many years of just banking money (no consumables):
Lady Gaga would have to bank another $116,870,000,000 to have Jeff Bezo's wealth. Assuming she stops spending on consumables like food or whatever and every penny of her $25 million income goes into future asset wealth, it would still take Lady Gaga 4,674 years and 293 days for her to obtain Bezo's wealth.
Keanu Reeves would have to bank another $190,620,000,000 to achieve Elon Musk's wealth. Again, in a fantasy world where Keanu doesn't have to feed and clothe himself, it would take him 4,765 years and 6 months to obtain Elon Musk's wealth.
The gap between the assets of famous multimillionaires like Lady Gaga and Keanu Reeves (who make MILLIONS every year) and that of famous multi-billionaires is a little less than HALF what it would take me to become as wealthy as Lady Gaga at my income level, which is, again, above the median. I could never achieve that wealth in my entire fucking lifetime, because, even if I assumed my income would go up and actually outpace inflation, I still need to eat and I can only use my body for labor until I'm 80, tops, which is only 56 years of work and nowhere near the thousands.
This sounds very conspiracy-brain, but sometimes I think the United States deliberately undermines math education and the corresponding understanding of how to problem-solve and comprehend magnitude of these kinds of numbers. Because if kids sat down and did the math, they just might realize that there is no way to become this rich on your own hard work.
Sure, you can invest in the stock market - but that's gambling. Most people might be able to hamper the effects of inflation on their asset values with stock investment.
The American dream is a lie.
The middle class is closer to becoming homeless than they are to becoming multimillionaires.
Even multimillionaires are closer to becoming middle class or even homeless than they are to becoming multi-billionaires.
Don't fucking tell me to budget and I'll become a millionaire. It's more likely I'll get hit by lightning or lose it all to medical bills.
If this doesn't radicalize you, I don't know what will.
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lost-carcosa · 2 years
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