#elon musk self insert
jami-c · 2 years
Elon Musk Self Insert Fan Fic
Elon Musk had always been a risk taker, and he had always been able to turn his wild ideas into profitable ventures. But one fateful day, everything changed.
Elon had been feeling lucky, and he had decided to bet everything he had on a high-stakes game of poker. He was convinced that his luck would hold out, and he was determined to win big.
But as the game went on, Elon's luck started to run out. He lost hand after hand, and before he knew it, he had gambled away all of his money. He was left penniless and desperate, with no way to pay for his lavish lifestyle.
Feeling defeated and alone, Elon packed up his things and checked into a cheap motel on the outskirts of town. He had hit rock bottom, and he didn't know how he was going to pick himself back up.
As the days went by, Elon struggled to come to terms with his losses. He was used to being at the top, but now he was at the bottom, and he didn't know how to climb back up. He started to feel like he had nothing left to live for, and he began to sink into a deep depression.
Eventually, Elon stopped talking to his friends and family altogether. He stopped answering his phone and his emails, and he retreated into his dingy motel room, where he spent his days and nights lost in his own thoughts.
As the weeks and months went by, Elon's loved ones started to worry about him. They tried to reach out to him and offer their support, but he remained completely isolated and unreachable. Eventually, they gave up and resigned themselves to the fact that Elon was gone, and they would never see or hear from him again.
And so Elon remained, lost in his own world, until the day he eventually passed away, alone and forgotten.
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weirderscience · 1 year
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realized i had the power of self insert comics. have this stupid doodle
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basedonwha6 · 2 years
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My thoughts on the twitter migration
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iwait4youalexg · 2 years
That article perfectly sums up why I was so bored by the glass onion…my brother spoiled it for us and at first I was pissed but then I watched it and i was like oh so the most predictable outcome was in fact the outcome. The shitty eat the rich satire industrial complex reminds me of that chapter in capitalist realism where he’s talking about how Wall-e is a perfect example of activism being fed to us in a way where we’re not encouraged to engage critically with it but instead just adopt it as our own
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elbiotipo · 11 months
So I was looking for the original version of this cartoon because I have strong feelings on breaking generational trauma and I was wondering who the hell put Elon Musk there
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And I found out that apparently, it all began with a cute cartoon by an Argentine artist (note the mate!) about the opposite, about how positive afirmations by fathers can carry on through time
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(note the smiles in the characters) but then, people in English speaking sites took it and first made it a serious cartoon about intergenerational trauma, like, completely reversing the original message, and then, of course, memes, and then...
life coaches started to self insert into them for some reason???
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what I can gather from this is that people will take your art and do whatever they want with it on the internet, life coaches are egotistical and fucking suck, and I don't know the face of Elon Musk
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Canellecitadelle @Canellelabelle
The British public is a hard public to win over. We judge harshly first and are cold and guarded first. But once, you have earned a spot in our heart, you have earned one in our home; and this is exactly what Catherine has done with 2 decades in the spotlight.
For a Commoner marrying the Heir of the most high profile Monarchy in the world, the task of adapting was a matter of survival. Yet, she looks, sounds and acts with more elegance, more dignity and more alacrity than Blood Royals themselves. And yet, this kind and honest young woman, who has never put a foot wrong in 20 years, was still viciously crucified this week by the world press; led by the British press and by haters online, all the while recovering from major surgery
If the worse crime Catherine has ever done, after spotlessly behaving for 2 decades is editing her OWN mother's day picture, with her OWN children and taken by her OWN husband, so she could post it on her OWN social media to surprise the world on Mother's day with her health improvement and say "thank you" to us for our support; a "thank you" the world violently spit back in her face out of rabid jealousy and bitterness; then I would like to hand her her sainthood in the house of Windsor: she is truly perfection in a very imperfect world judging her and in a very imperfect Royal family watching her
As bad as her vicious enemies try to break her, Catherine always comes back on top. Life challenges taught her to make the sweetest lemonade out of the most bitter lemons
Today, after all the targeted hate campaigns, she still comes on top as the Nation favorite and most loved Royal, in both the YouGov poll in the UK and Ipsos poll in the US
Her Influence has only become even more massive, worldwide. Catherine is cultural Icon of our time. The name "Kate Middleton" is now a very marketable brand that stands on its own and even, has the power of affecting Stocks
The Adobe stocks were trending at 552.45 on Monday morning. After rumours trended on X that she used adobe clouds to edit her picture, by monday evening, adobe stocks were trending at 561.42, adding $3 Billion in value to adobe stock in half a day
This morning, they were up to 579.14
Catherine's name alone is now a powerful Royal Warrant on its own
Her first official return picture on X broke the internet for almost a week straight and was viewed 82 million times in 48 hours on X alone. The biggest account on X, elon Musk with 175 mil followers got on a highest viewed tweet this year of 66mill views
Her Haters did not hurt her, they made her stronger. Bullied her whole life, first by female classmates at age 12 in school, then harrassed nationally by the british press and paparazzi in her 20s for being prince William's girlfriend, to now being viciously targeted internationally by the world press and haters in her 40s as prince William's wife, Catherine is very familiar with mental abuse and bullying. Yet, she has never embraced the victim mentality, she is a victor. She is confident enough to publicly take accountability for her own mistakes, and confident enough to calmy get on with it; In that, she is British to her core
The commoner they snobbed and despised has now taken over the House of Windsor, Her soft power unmatched; She has now inserted the generations of Coal miners and working class brits, who worked slave wages to build this country into the veins of the most privileged royal family in the world. Her son, Prince George is the first Heir in history with working class and coal miners ancestry in his veins. And in that Carole middleton, who was born in a condemned council flat in southhall and still became a self made millionaire; the one the world mocked and bullied for decades for being too low class for Royalty; The one who is currently in windsor caring for William, Catherine and their children with unwaverring love and loyalty; she at last won the last laugh
12:51 PM · Mar 13, 2024
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If you ever feel like a failure. This is for you.
JK Rowling made a self-insert fic basically whining about everyone getting her for being a TERF that's pretty much unreadable because it's 1000 pages of mostly tweets. And it's rated 4.2 stars on GoodReads and Amazon.
Queen Elizabeth in her death was praised as a huge humanitarian despite colonizing multiple countries and scolding Princess Diana for helping gay men with aids during the height of the aid epidemic.
Trump somehow became president despite multiple failed businesses on the grounds of knowing money and being a billionaire because people believed he could fix the economy.
Elon Musk is praised for being self made and inventing electric cars despite doing absolutely nothing for the invention of Tesla, he simply bought the company after the fact with wealth he inherited.
JK Rowling is praised for being the first female author to make it big in spite of sexism when there's so many female authors that did it better with female lead characters decades before JK Rowling got published (Tamora Pierce to name one and she's far more humble about it). Like fr you're gonna praise JK Rowling as a feminist. Harry Potter is a male lead book. Gods damn House of Night does more for feminism and that's got the worst Mary Sue character I've ever read.
So many billionaires are praised for mediocrity every day. Trust me. Every single one of your accomplishments, even if it's just for writing a semi-successful fanfic, is far more impressive that 90٪ of the billionaires that get praised daily for literally existing.
Marvel in your accomplishments. Trust me, you may not be a billionaire but your work is far more impressive than any of these billionaires. Work 3 jobs to afford rent? They could never! Get out of bed despite your chronic pain? Trump couldn't even go to the army with shin splints! Wake up every morning and pump yourself up despite depression? JK Rowling can't even deal with the criticisms of some random Tumblr user! You think she could honestly deal with your demons?
You're good, bestie. Every day you fight and overcome more than these assholes can even imagine.
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umbratheshadowfamiliar · 10 months
One thing I find incredibly interesting about ZSakuVA and his series 'The Nobel Trials' is actually the character of the listener.
And I know you all are thinking:
"Umbra... It is a self insert listener..."
But just hear me out.
Zaros, as a very far leftist, embodies most of the beliefs that I hold true in my day to day existence. About opening everything to the public and providing better education, healthcare, food ect to all.
But the thing is we aren't Zaros we are essentially elon musk's kid. Granted the listener's mother does seem very kind but that kind of wealth and the established listener's character makes them seem unnaturally callous. Which quite frankly they are.
But that's no fun to me.
So instead I have been coming up with the most petty and slightly devil's advocate counterarguments to every single claim that Zaros is making about this listener. Also as well as considering why the listener acts the way they do. I plan on making this in a list because I find this so entertaining. It will probably be called something like #Zaros' listener's character study.
This post I'm mainly use as a PSA to say that this is merely a character analysis. Zaros, while he does have his flaws, I objectivly agree with politically so far in the series (Ep 2). This is all a bit of banter and I hope you all can enjoy as much as I do!
Umbra 🕯
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maxtothemax · 1 year
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zmasters · 3 days
A Dungeons and Dragons campaign, DMed by Elon Musk:
It’ll be an official DND campaign, but Musk will claim he made it himself and some minor things would be changed.
The world is ruled by the God-King Gary Stu self-insert DMPC, who has the funniest, smartest, most fertile man who can do no wrong.
All female npcs want to have King Mlon Eusk’s babies.
Social issues like global warming, homosexuality, and public transportation have all been cured by King Muskrat himself. Things like poverty, class divide, and slavery still exist, but it’s actually a good thing because of “free speech” or some other excuse.
Saying that you think there’s a flaw in the God of Mars’s rule will get you kicked from the table.
Gods don’t exist you fucking idiot. If you play a cleric, you will be hated by all npcs and will have no cleric powers. He will not tell you this until you try to use a cleric ability.
All “good” races (humans and elves, you know, aryans) are good, and all “evil” races (orcs, goblins, jews, tieflings, etc) are evil. There is no nuance. All tieflings are trans have eaten cats babies.
The BBEG is very obviously Kamala Harris, but the version of Kamala that alt-right memes depict her as. Everyone knows that she’s an incompetent idiot who would only bring doom if she would take power, something that would never happen. You still have to deal with her though.
The god-king will get the final blow and you will fucking love it.
The DM would constantly get rules wrong as he didn’t read the rules book. If corrected, he’ll say that he’s actually right because he’s doing a meta strategy that’s super smart and no one but him knows about.
There’s a homebrew rule that female characters are inherently weaker and more submissive than men. Female players have to play female characters.
The reward for killing the evil witch of DEI is a cybertruck. No fantasy bullshit, it’s just flat out a cybertruck.
The story ends with all female characters being impregnated by the self-insert.
I legitimately think Musk has a breeding fetish.
And of course this campaign (three at most sessions because he couldn’t be half-assed to do anything more) was the *greatest dnd campaign of your life.
*the following was written under the threat of a lawsuit.
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ae-neon · 2 years
Anti Feysand isn't Anti Feyre + Rhys can't fuck you he isn't real!!
Y'all anons need to stop acting like posts where I say Feyre could have a different life where she's not shackled to acotar Elon Musk and his middle aged gang of one note wonders is an attack on FEYRE.
I also said Nesta deserves a better life than being shackled to a Bat Bitch Boi. Am I suddenly anti Nesta??
You think Feyre's life as a HL is better than Nesta's as a Valkyrie so you think I'm dissing Feyre when I say I want Feyre to be a Valkyrie and Nesta to work in politics.
And nowhere in that post did I say I want Nesta to be your Musty Musks HL btw. You think I'm giving Nesta the better story because that's what you want! You wanna be Musty Musks HL.
Personally I think sjm can't write politics for shit and when she does she always shows us the type of person she is in a bad way. I also think Feyre's life is boring so idk why so many of you are so sure that my preference for them switching narratives is somehow taking away from Feyre and giving to Nesta.
In reality if it were true then Feyre would have a whole other book of adventures instead of being the butt of sjm's plot incompetence! But you don't care about that because for you Feyre is your self insert and Feyre = Feysand means Rhys is your boyfriend.
- and again nowhere in the switch did I say I want Nesta to play house with the IC or have Roachman's babies!! I just said she suits politics more!
Feysand is just a ship. I can dislike the ship without disliking the character. You know what else I dislike? Nessian. Click on the anti Nessian tag and see. Does that mean every anti Nessian post is a anti Nesta post? Should I tag anti Nesta in my ACOSF Is An Incel Revenge Fantasy Post?? Just cause their mates? Just cause it's canon? IDGAF.
"It's so obvious, you're bias to Nesta" YES HOW DID YOU KNOW?? You've clearly been scrolling through my content and picked up on the secret clues and solved the puzzle.
"It's clear you haven't read the books in a while" Yes. I said that.
"You think Feyre isn't suited to political work and think she's more 'deserving' of being a Valkyrie" Yes. I said that. Also is being a Valkyrie supposed to be a bad thing all of a sudden?
"You just hate Feyre cause you ship Nesta and Rhysand" NO ACTUALLY. In fact I specifically pointed out that there is no weird ship jealousy. I've also said in other posts that I want Nesta to kill Rhysand. And that I only ever shipped the potential they had as characters.
I ship Rhysand and Amren! Rhys and Lucien too! I've also said I ship Feyre and Cassian - am I Nesta anti who wants Feyre to steal Nesta's mate? Or do you see Cassian as inferior to Rhysand so it doesn't bother you?
Y'all are letting your self insert delusions cloud your minds. Nobody is stealing your fictional man just cause they don't ship them with the character you see yourselves as!!
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agentnico · 5 months
Abigail (2024) review
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Elon Musk lookalike gets mauled by vamps. Shame it’s not a true story.
Plot: A group of would-be criminals kidnaps the 12-year-old daughter of a powerful underworld figure. Holding her for ransom in an isolated mansion, their plan starts to unravel when they discover their young captive is actually a bloodthirsty vampire.
I feel somewhat guilty of including a plot synopsis in this review. Then again, it’s the marketing of the movie that needs to be blamed, as the trailers reveal the fact that the little girl is a killer-vamp. Yet in the movie this fact is kept hidden until about 30 minutes in. I myself don’t like it when I already know what is going while yet the characters just start to scratch their heads wondering what the hell is happening to them. It makes the inevitable reveal unsatisfying seeing as again the trailers have spoiled it already. I of course understand that the job of a trailer is to sell the movie us and make us want to spend our cash to see a ballerina vampire go crazy loco, but then don’t make a good chunk of the movie a pointless mystery to get to that reveal.
Following said reveal however when Abigail uncuffs herself things do get as expected bonkers crazy. Coming from the folks that did Ready or Not, the movie actually shares a lot in its DNA with that film, even with the last close up shot. In Ready or Not we had a group of people inside a mansion trying to kill a helpless young woman and she outsmarted them all. In Abigail it’s reversed as we have a young girl killing a group of people inside a mansion and they try to outplay her. So it’s very much a case of if you liked Ready or Not, chances are you’re in for a good time with this one.
The writers also try to play around a little with vampire pop culture lore, trying to either play along with or debunk certain myths such as stakes to the heart Buffy-style, or the European belief of vampires being allergic to some garlic (vamps can be such sissies). However in doing so they do end up hitting some plot holes, wherein a vampire is technically undead but here the little girl has a heartbeat, pulse and emotions. I don’t know, I get the whole suspension of disbelief and I’m trying to delve into logic of the supernatural, but I really thought that was [insert Deadpool voice] lazy writing. Other than that all the vampire shiz slayed. Loved the special effects, the high levels of ridiculous gore and the creepy yet over-the-top vampire make-up. The movie was also really self aware of the ridiculousness so fits concept and fully embraced the madness of a ballerina vampire.
The cast assembled are all on top form. Dan Stevens continues his banterous cool guy role fresh from Godzilla x Kong, and Kathryn Newton weirdly reminded me of Miley Cyrus here. Not sure why, something do with the make-up. Abigail Weir going from Matilda to killer vamp is honestly a fantastic acting career move from her agent, and Weir nailed it and felt so natural in the role. Kevin Durand as already mentioned looked like a beefed up Elon Musk, only more likeable. Giancarlo Esposito is in this for literally 5 minutes. Barely a cameo.
Ready or Not definitely felt fresher and better of the two, however Abigail is nevertheless a crowd pleasing horror comedy that offers plenty of jokes and slasher gore to please fans of the genre, and Abigail Weir is showcasing herself as a promising new talent.
Overall score: 6/10
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thedurvin · 9 months
Make Up Ten Things Challenge: dystopian future megacorps, brands, and products
GO.RG.ON (GOogle + viRGin + amazON merger)
Planet Hollywood 2.0 Celebrity Clone Meat Steakhouse & Leather Goods
RNC (Republican National Corporation)
Lumbering Musk0X (fusion of Elon Musk’s Hyperloop, social media, and deforestation companies) (he has never successfully explained why he has a company whose only job is to cut down trees, and eventually it turns out it’s because his business development department is a single AI that he trusts over humans)
Trump Lifestyles Presents Freedomtown Gated Subdivisions
Disney-Microsoft’s MarvelMe On-Demand Self-Insert AI Film Generator
UbiHard Dynamics Presents Call Of Duty: Drone Pilot “Simulator”
Yum Brands FasterFood Textured Protein Extrusion Parlor
Spotify Infinite, using biometrics to measure how you react to different songs to tune an AI to procedurally-generate bespoke tunes just for you
MetaApple Personality Bank condenses all available data about a person into a virtual personality to live forever online. To access just say “Hey Siri, let me talk to my dead uncle Steve”
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kp777 · 2 years
By Jake Johnson
Common Dreams
Nov. 4, 2022
Just a week after completing his takeover of Twitter, billionaire Elon Musk was hit with a class-action lawsuit Thursday over his attempt to fire roughly half of the social media company's employees—a move that workers say violates California and federal laws requiring at least 60 days of notice for mass layoffs.
The lawsuit was filed in a federal court in San Francisco shortly after Twitter employees, who are not unionized, began receiving emails late Thursday notifying them of the sweeping job cuts. Some learned they were among those losing their jobs when they were unable to access the company's communication channels.
"It appears that he's repeating the same playbook of what he did at Tesla."
"Numbers dwindling down in the [Slack] channels last hour, people dropping like flies," one employee told The Washington Post on the condition of anonymity, fearing retribution from Musk, the self-proclaimed champion of free expression who has a long record of cracking down on workers' speech.
Under the federal Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act, companies with more than 100 employees must provide at least 60 calendar days of advance notification for mass layoffs. California has its own version of the WARN Act with similar requirements.
"We filed this lawsuit tonight in an attempt to make sure that employees are aware that they should not sign away their rights and that they have an avenue for pursuing their rights,” Shannon Liss-Riordan, the attorney who filed the lawsuit Thursday, told Bloomberg.
"We will now see if he is going to continue to thumb his nose at the laws of this country that protect employees," Liss-Riordan said of Twitter's new owner and CEO. "It appears that he's repeating the same playbook of what he did at Tesla."
As Bloomberg noted, "Liss-Riordan sued Tesla Inc. over similar claims in June when the electric-car maker headed by Musk laid off about 10% of its workforce."
"Tesla won a ruling from a federal judge in Austin forcing the workers in that case to pursue their claims in closed-door arbitration instead of in open court," the outlet added.
Read twitter insert.
Prior to finalizing his $44 billion purchase of Twitter—a buy-out financed in part by a prominent Saudi billionaire—Musk suggested he wanted to eliminate 75% of the company's 7,500-employee workforce. Through a holding company, Saudi Arabia has a major stake in the now-private social media company.
After seizing control of Twitter, Musk swiftly dissolved the board of directors and fired top executives, including the former CEO. One worker compared Musk's erratic and dictatorial management style to that of former President Donald Trump.
"We're all working for the Trump White House," the worker said.
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Bias isn’t real so here’s my case as to why jeri deserves to win
Natural poster. Jeri absolutely has tumblr are you KIDDING me. They deserve to be here.
Has a boating license
Lies about their age
IMMEDIATELY jumps to self sacrifice no questions asked
Was a flying corpse for a hot second. Fucked up! Awesome.
Canonically so so hot
Sexually charged chess match scene
“If your gender depends on the sky what happens when you can’t see the sky” “oh fuck if I know. Guess we’ll find out”
Has sparked so much discourse (a necessary tumblr sexyman element) I got in a fight with an Elon musk fanboy on discord once about jeri. Does anyone remember the “Neal Shusterman’s SJW self insert” tiktok. The haters want what jeri has.
No canon appearance. The mystery is all the more sexyman. It’s giving Cecil Gershwin Palmer winning the sexyman poll its giving sexy twink bill cipher it’s giving human sans undertale does anyone understand me
I’m very nice and you should agree with me
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"Meghan Markle is the epitome of failing upward. She has convinced herself that the world cares what she has to say because she's just such an original thinker, a groundbreaker on par with the Elon Musks of the world — not some D-list actress who lucked into marrying a world-famous royal, preaching from a platform that's wholly unearned.
Her lack of self-awareness, after all this time, remains staggering. A true legend in her own mind, Meghan Markle remains our number one try-hard, a woman who burns all the bridges she purports to build, an incessant cheerleader of vagaries that have zero practical applications.
To wit: The purpose of her podcast, she says, is to 'open the door for really meaningful conversation, because I think once you turn meaningful conversation into action — gamechanger.'
Meghan Markle has had a global platform for nearly seven years now. In that time, her accomplishments — best I can tell — are down to writing inspirational words for sex workers on bananas; grossly and callously inserting herself into the Uvalde, Texas tragedy; and successfully isolating her husband from his family while lobbing all kinds of vile accusations, claiming total disgust with the royals while clinging to those titles for dear life.
But, hey — gamechanger."
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