#em brainrot
rosewaterandivy · 1 month
why is it that I immediately turn to 90s grunge when writing rockstar!eddie
am I creature of habit and simply that predictable?
or is it because I can’t choose between these songs for his singing voice?
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ofalltheginjoints · 9 months
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available on redbubble
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labyrinthineclockwork · 3 months
I'm a camp counselor and a Mechanisms fan. This means I have a unique opportunity of influence on kids who think I'm cool. I have used this power not for evil, but for my own amusement. I've been shouting "JONNY D'VILLE, YOUR HUMBLE CAPTAIN" and i have trained my loyal hoard of a dozen 10 year olds to shout back "FIRST MATE" and its quite possibly the best thing ive ever done. I shouldn't be as proud of this as I am, but it works better than any other attention getter I've ever used.
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whollyjoly · 6 months
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look i can explain-
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murrpa · 1 month
after watching dp3: the movie was great, absolutely loved it, wade and logan are literally into each other!
my bf: are you shipping them?! *laughs*
me: i kindaaaaa do but i don’t think i will write letters about them
also me a week later: *tumblr profile spammed w reblogs about car sex, deeper meaning behind every word they say, how do they express their love w/o saying it directly, as well as seriously considering stealing my bfs electric guitar to write a song about honda odyssey*
yall im the biggest joke to myself sometimes
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lee-minhoe · 9 months
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hanjitonin for @strayklds 💖🎁
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monochrome-yolk · 2 months
Deadpool and Wolverine incorrect quotes because theyve infiltrated my brain (pt.1)
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sukirichi · 3 months
togame jo x gn! reader | drabble
;746 wc
;just a lil something for him <3 gn! reader but togame says we have a pretty face + reader wears glasses
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In the bustling sessions of classes between 45 minute breaks, and the afternoon rush, you found yourself in a predicament. You’d already told yourself crossing the nearby town wasn’t the greatest idea. It was a good fifteen minute walk away, and if you were lucky enough ― which you weren’t ― the line at your favorite cafe wouldn’t be too long. Clearly, such luck was not on your side. Not only did your professor dismiss you late, but the cafe was packed to the brim when you arrived. You had approximately twenty more minutes to run back if you wanted to reach your next class.
You sighed internally. The things you’d do for good coffee.
Fumbling through your bag for your ID, you were unaware of the world around you. Your glasses, perched precariously on the edge of your nose, threatened to slip off with every hurried movement.
“Whoa, whoa!” A voice cut through the cacophony of city sounds and your ragged breathing, and before you could react, a collision sent your glasses tumbling to the ground. Panic seized you as you heard the unmistakable sound of your glasses hitting the pavement ― the world before you becoming a big, indistinguishable blur.
“Shit,” you exclaimed, crouching down in a frantic search. Your vision was a blur without the lenses, and your hands fumbled over the rough concrete.
“Oh. Damn. Here, let me help.”
The voice was back, closer now, and gentle hands joined yours in the search. Together, you scoured the ground, fingers brushing against each other in the race to find the lost glasses. You cleared your throat every time your skin brushed against the stranger’s. Their hands were large, almost like paws, with rough, calloused palms. Even his voice was deep, a little gravelly, like he’d just woken up.
After what felt like an eternity, a soft “aha!” echoed as the stranger triumphantly retrieved the glasses. “‘Believe this is yours.”
You let out a relieved sigh, taking the glasses with trembling hands. “Thank you so much,” you managed, your heart still racing from the unexpected chaos. Cup of coffee in your other hand, you were thankful you hadn’t dropped that, otherwise the entire trip to this part of the city would be a complete, utter waste.
The stranger chuckled softly. “No problem at all. You okay?”
“Yeah, just a bit shaken.” You pushed your glasses back into place, finally able to see clearly. When your eyes focused on the person beside you, a jolt of surprise ran through your body ― akin to being zapped awake.
The stranger was stunning. He had a disarming smile, warm eyes that crinkled at the corners, and an effortless charm that made your heart skip a beat. He was tall, and had broad shoulders ― so wide and square he completely shielded the view behind them. On those muscles lay a yellow jacket with white outlines, matching his golden-tinted glasses that did little to hide his mischievous ― and amused ― gaze.
“Sorry ‘bout that,” he said, voice laced with genuine concern. “I should have been more careful.”
“It’s alright,” you replied, feeling warmth trail upwards your neck. Nervous, you begin fiddling with your glasses, looking at anywhere but him. “I wasn’t paying attention either."
The handsome stranger grinned, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Well, now that we’ve survived the great glasses debacle, ‘think I can have your name?”
Your grip on the coffee tightened, heart beating fast even without the caffeine. You tell him your name, and bite your lip, hesitant yet pushed by curiosity. “And yours?”
“Jo,” he drawls out in that appealing, lazy manner. “Togame Jo. I don’t think I’ve seen you around here though. ‘Would’ve recognized a pretty face like that if I did.”
You blow out a puff of air from your cheeks. Was it suddenly feeling hot in here? Yes, it was ― no, it didn’t. Togame Jo looked comfy enough in his jacket to feel the heat.
“I’m not from here. I’m from the other side ― I just come by here for coffee.”
“Ah, from Furin,” he nods to himself, smirking one last time before turning away with a mock-salute. “Come by again, stranger. Maybe I’ll be the one buying you coffee next time I see you.”
Pushing your glasses back up to your nose, you search for your phone through your bag and mark the next break you’d have ― a coffee date with Togame Jo.
This time around, you’ll make sure to not drop your glasses.
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Based in the Allegheny AU from this post.
Danny had a plan. It was not a good plan, in fact, he was pretty sure this was the worst plan he could have come up with. You see, he knows others have tried this, and he knows that they failed. But Danny's different, okay? He's got the panache, the oomph, the moxie - he's a dumb teenager, and he's leaving. He's taking Sam, and Tucker, and Vlad, and Ellie - fuck, Ellie - and he's leaving. It's going to work. It has to work.
He's stayed up for two weeks straight, coming up with ideas and strategies with Tucker. He's prepped with Sam, leaving her in charge of all the physical prep involved. He's told Vlad to pack up and be ready.
Tonight's the night. Tonight they were going out through the Southside woods - the ones with the least amount of agent traffic and the most danger. It was the only way (Tuck had run the numbers.) Originally, they weren't supposed to leave until next week, but the GiW had come far to close to wait any longer.
He almost got caught - Danny had almost got captured. They couldn't wait any longer. So Danny took his designated bag, strapping it against his back. He took Ellie's hand, and he snuck them off to the designated meeting place. Sam was the only one there when they arrived, chouching in a shroud of darkness over the additional run bags. It only took a few minutes for Tucker and Vlad to join them.
"We must go, I tried to lose them but I may still have been followed." With that, they took off into the woods.
There was a buzzing sound that had only gotten worse through the years. It was driving Clark insane - he had to find it. Noone else in the league (besides Bruce) had really believed him, pushing it off as electrical wires and such. And yeah, Clark could hear those - but this was different! This was worse! It was somewhere between high pitched and warbling and it was just constant.
Clark was going to find that noise. He was going to do it tonight even if it took until the sunrise. He didn't need sleep! It's not like he would be getting any with the ringing in his ears!
What used to be a simple one pitched hum turned into a three pitched wail (sometimes four) and it was going to be what made Superman evil. Superman couldn't be evil, so finding the source it was! Clark had managed to narrow down the general location, Americas, Midwest, isolated, ending in Illinois, but when he looked for it in a map nothing came up. There was literally nothing there, not even from salitlites. Maybe it was a natural phenomenon? (He hoped not)
He followed that god awful noise till he reached something that surprised him. A full fledged settlement, one that didn't show up on anything he had every seen before. The town was in a black out, the only light being that of a spinning spotlight in the center. He didn't know what to make of it.
Clark could hear the footfalls of patrolling men - soldiers, ones with guns of some kind. He could hear the resting hearts and breathes of the residents. He could hear the small group making a break for it in the woods.
Why was a small group fleeing?
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suntails · 2 years
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stream of creation
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rosewaterandivy · 7 months
Getting to know teacher!eddie from Notes on a Scene
Thanks to @myosotisa @jo-harrington and @deathbecomesthem for kicking off this brilliant idea and to @br0ck-eddie for tagging me!
Here's the original post with the questions, if you feel so inclined!
What story is he from? What kind of story is it (Fix-it fic, Older!Eddie, Rockstar!Eddie etc)?
teacher!AU inspired by my steve series the kids aren't alright; it's a quasi-coming of age story, in that, eddie grapples with being an adult (which, like, don't we fucking all?). New Girl vibes, for sure cut with some miscommunication and chaos because i am nothing if not predictable.
What inspired you to write this Eddie?
he was a secondary character in TKAA and i loved him so much that i thought he deserved his own story.
What are your favorite headcanons about him/share something you never shared in your story?
omgomg okay. eddie stays pretty firmly in his wheelhouse with films, he knows what he likes and what's comfortable - not a huge risk taker in that regard. but reader is a bonafide film teacher and sets out to educate him on the finer points of cult classics and horror. and he's down for it, especially since most of the time when the credits roll he's either balls deep or on his way there. BUT THEN. they watch Bladerunner 2049 and eddie has the gall to FALL ASLEEP!!! jail, jail for a thousand years! reader is shocked and dismayed, denis villeneuve did not go through all that effort for eddie to pass the fuck out because "the score was really soothing," or "nothing happened for the first hour." (he's so like me fr)
What does he wear on a casual day? On a dressier day? What does he wear to bed?
so, while there is a dress code for faculty at school... eddie, predictably, does whatever he wants. mostly jeans and a band tee for day-to-day shenanigans, liiiiike chasing band kids who can't stay in formation on the field or whatever. keeps a jacket in his office because the one time he didn't he was forced to borrow steve's letterman jacket and all the kids asked when the wedding would be.
dressier fare involves whichever jeans are the cleanest, maybe a flannel over the band tee and his leather jacket.
to bed? absolutely nothing. and yes, it will bite him in the ass.
Favorite foods?
a simple man of simple pleasures, he's not picky. pizza, burgers, the works. he does have a tendency to pop tums like they're candy though. hasn't quite worked out the correlation between what he eats and why he feels like shit after the fact. like i said, growing pains.
Tell Us About His Family/Friends
his bff is Trouble from TKAA and steve by proxy. robin'll do in a pinch if the lovebirds are too busy sucking face. but the ace up his sleeve is always wheels aka nancy byers.
and ofc wayne. he keeps trying to tell the old man to retire but he's even more stubborn than eddie is. they have dinner once a week and go fishing in the summer. well, wayne fishes and eddie tries not to fall out of the boat.
Yeah Yeah, he’s a Metalhead. Tell Us MORE About His Taste in Music in your story
he's around teenagers being a teacher and all. so he's pretty varied in his tastes now and remembers being their age and thinking his discovery of metallica or dio was the defining moment of his life and he's not about to yuck their yum. mostly he's exposed to tiktok samples from the band or hellfire kids, and then whatever the fuck is playing at the loft. generally a highly specific playlist or top 40 depending on whose home at the time.
What are his views on romance? On sex?
fun fact: eddie is a HUGE romantic. like, will watch when harry met sally by himself after a shit day and cry. that being said, the college to career pipeline hasn't afforded him many opportunities to show that side of himself. he hasn't had a "real" relationship in a minute, mostly just quick meaningless fucks to keep him sated. so, while he is a romantic, eddie has pretty much separated sex from that equation in this story. consciously or not, he's looking for a deeper connection, a spark that can be fanned into a flame.
Is he optimistic or pessimistic?
he's a realist. working with teenagers helps because they're always there to knock you down a peg and deflate your ego. but he also sees and hears some shit from the kids that breaks his heart.
Where or with whom is he most comfortable?
places he's comfortable would be his office, the loft, reader's house, the hideout, and the soundbooth just off of reader's classroom.
the people he's comfortable with would be the gang (steve, trouble, robin, vickie, jon, nancy, argyle), wayne, and the band or hellfire kids. hop's a mixed bag because he's eddie's boss and the former chief of police - depends on the day and if he needs a favor.
What are his views of his future? What are his hopes/dreams?
hmmm. he definitely wants connection what with everyone around him coupling up and settling down now. he could go either way with teaching? yeah, everyone says it's a calling and yadda yadda and he loves the kids (well, some of them), but if something better came along he wouldn't feel obligated to stay in hawkins.
as far as hopes and dreams go... he wants wayne to retire, and, ideally, let eddie help out with some things like bills or whatever. he's open to the possibility of settling down with the right person. and he really wants to get a dog or something. (watch him end up with an axolotl)
Optional Vulnerable Question: Why do you write fics for Eddie Munson?
because he deserves better. he deserves to be happy and catch a fuckin' break for once.
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dizzybizz · 7 months
jrwi riptide huh...oaughhgh uhuhuh (explodes into confetti)
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everytime i draw chip his eyebrows get bigger and rounder and everytime we kiss i swear i could fly
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ep35 was fucking crazy man what the hell
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dansemacabre · 7 months
i read a pinescone fic recently abt wirt being the anti-beast by leading lost children out of the woods and it drove me insane and i suddenly started thinking abt my pinescone early aughts university au and. wirt instinctually leading people away from being lost without realizing. going into psych to become a guidance counselor/therapist. working part time at the library and directing people to the right section- he always seems to have the right recommendation for someone going through a hard time. his lights shine a bit brighter than everyone else’s, and his window on the top floor faces the woods, so anyone in the forest can see campus in the dark and find their way home. he frequents the lost and found- his laundry always seems to spawn socks that his floor mates lost four years ago. he’s always getting stopped by visiting families and freshmen for directions- he thinks he just walks too slow and looks approachable, no matter how much he scowls. he walks shortcuts over hills and through groves of trees and finds the ground below him a bit more worn than normal every time. wirt is a beacon to the lost and hopeless without even knowing it. even when he is at his loneliest, he is always being followed and always being watched.
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jazzatron9000 · 1 month
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hi firesetter nation have this sketch of your favs
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meow-parties · 21 days
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"love like ours is never fixed."
some more art i never posted from my folders :-o
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ok but Foul Legacy with a blind reader
you like going out of the Harbor for walks, to get away from the hubbub of the city. you're quite adept at navigating the plains and mountains of Liyue, even if you can't see them, having lived in the nation of Geo your whole life, and it's on one of these excursions that you come across a stranger in the forest.
or rather, you hear a stranger's footsteps when you're stopping to rest. you turn your head in the direction of the noise and the footsteps, heavy and slow, pause. for a moment you simply stare in that general direction, then face forward again- if this person wanted to harm you, they would've already done so, and you go back to enjoying the peace and quiet. the footsteps approach again, then stop as the dry grass crackles and bends, presumably as the stranger sits down beside you to admire the view you can't see.
it becomes a bit of a routine, as the curious presence continues to return whenever you walk that route, inching closer to you every time you sit. it's comforting in a way, and you find yourself growing more and more used to this mysterious someone, whoever they are. on days without wind you can hear them breathing deeply, relaxing- almost basking- in your company. occasionally you hum a song, quiet and absentminded, and you swear you hear a growling croon from your new friend, but you're not frightened in the slightest.
one day, the creature- you're sure it's a creature now- dares to even rest their hand over yours, all armor and claws compared to your soft flesh, and you smile, giving their hand a quick squeeze of affection.
Foul Legacy nearly squeaks in delight when you- the one human who doesn't fear or hunt him- lace your fingers with his, and he settles next to you as usual, a soft, steady purr running through him from sheer joy.
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