#embarrassing thing ever like now i have to have my session while theres some guy in the apartment too Lol uhh.. so ill just wait a bit
alphi-writes · 4 years
Thank you for ur answer earlier! It's crystal clear owo)👌 then, may i request jack jamil and kalim with dancing+bonfire? Thank you in advance! Have a good day/night and don't forget to stay hydrated! 🌸
Of course! (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡ I'm really sorry it took so long to get these posted, but I tried to make up for it by putting more effort into the writing. Make sure to get at least a bit of sunlight today if you can🧡
Characters: Jack, Jamil, Kalim
Items: Dancing, Bonfire
Jack Howl
Jack decided to join you tonight, since you invited him to the bonfire earlier in the day. It was almost seven thirty by the time you got the bonfire actually going, and you were beginning to think Jack wouldn't want to stay.
"Alrighty then, Jack-A-Boy, let's get to our late night gab session." You threw yourself into the chair sat next to Jack's, leaning over the edge expectantly.
His ears flattened, "Don't you have any activities planned? Usually you'd want to set off a fountain candle or two, and you didn't bring any snacks-"
You leaned over, tipping the chair on its side where the two left feet lifted above the ground. You pushed your index finger to his lips, shushing him.
"It is autumn, and we are going to be festive without fountain candles. This is what normal people do, Jackie, they sit and watch the fire- oh my gosh are we old people now?"
Honestly, Jack felt lost. Maybe he was overthinking things, but you didn't hang out one-on-one with him very often, and if you did, Grimm was always there. This time it was just the two of you.
You sat quietly for a few minutes, may ten, just enjoying the crackling heat in the cool of autumn. Every once in a while, you'd feel Jack's gaze on you, and finally, you caught him.
"Are you... nervous? Is the Jack Howl nervous to be alone out here with me? A magic-less human? HaH! I laugh in the face of your untimely jitters!" He watched as you laughed in your seat, a light heat washing over his face.
Of course he was nervous! He didn't show it often, but he really liked hanging out with you! He didn't want you to know that though because then he would lose his cool-guy bad-boy vibe.
He'd be reduced to a puppy dog if he let on that he enjoyed being around you. And not only that, but your personalities were vastly different.
Jack was ripped from his thoughts when you stood up and grabbed his hands in yours.
You pulled him from his seat and lead him closer to the fire.
"Come on, let's dance! I know this one dance that we did every year at the festivals back home." Jack tugged against you, albeit flustered from the contact.
"Uhm, no, I don't dance." His hand flew up to the back of his neck at his hairline, and you could see the embarrassment in his furrowed eyebrows.
You hummed quietly, nodding in understanding.
"Fine, I'll show you this dance tonight, and if you can't perform it perfectly byyy... tomorrow- I'll just have to find some collateral for payback." You were obviously joking, but he looked visibly distraught by your words.
You only dismissed his expression before starting your dance.
You weren't the smoothest at dancing, and you were stiffer than you should've been, but you knew this dance well.
Your movements were quick and deliberate, sweeping in directions like a gust of wind. Every so often, you'd catch a glimpse of Jack staring at you with large eyes.
His ears were straight up and his tail was wagging so quickly it was only a blur of grey.
You soon finished swaying around, pausing for a moment to catch your breath before grinning at Jack.
"Dancing is pretty cool, y'know, so I hope you'll dance with me some other time." You gazed down at Jack as he sat there quiet.
He didn't speak, and it caused your smile to falter.
"That was- wow, I've never seen anyone dance like that before." His face was burning and his tail had slowed to a wave.
Your smile returned. You laughed loudly, wiping the sweat from nerves and the heat off hour forehead.
"Phew, I thought you didn't like it for a moment there."
Jack jumped up, "No-!" He yelped, "it was great!"
His outburst startled you, and your eyes widened when his hands lightly grasped yours. He wasn't usually like this, and it made you chuckle.
"Could you teach me to dance like that?"
"Of course."
Jamil Viper
Jamil was suprised by the temperature of the air around your dorm.
"Is it usually this cold?"
"No," you threw a bundle of sticks on the formation of branches, "its autumn now so its beginning to cool down some. Its definitely colder than Scarabia though."
Jamil joined you tonight because you invited him to a good old fashioned autumn bonfire, which he's never been a part of.
You remember freaking out when he told you he'd never been to a bonfire before, and you knew that you'd have to invite him to on that exact night.
Sure you didn't plan on having one this night, but the absence of a bonfire in Jamil's memories just drove your determination.
"And it's just a large fire?"
"Yea, it's pretty cool. You'll see the appeal."
He nodded with his fist on his chin, scanning the surrounding area. He stood there awkwardly as you finally lit the brambles on fire, standing in front of the flames with your arms in the air.
"Hell yea, warmth."
You sat down on a fold-out chair you brought our earlier, patting the seat next to it for Jamil.
He sat down, staring at the fire. He was used to heat and fires like this one, but he'd never been in crisp air while a fire was going. It was a bit odd, but he liked the feeling of autumn. Maybe not more than the temperatures and winds of Scarabia or the Hot Sands, but he could see himself sitting here often.
"Oooh, Jamil, you dance, yes?"
He nodded, turning his head towards you.
When you met his eye, you began to think maybe you shouldn't ask him to dance. Your face began to tingle and you sunk in your chair.
You wrung your hands together, "ah, well, it's nothing, nevermind."
He sat quiet for a moment before standing up.
"I can dance for you, if that's what you want." He had a small smile on his face as he stood up and stretched his back muscles.
You panicked slightly, "No, you don't really have to Jamil-!"
"Do you not like my dancing?"
"Wh- no it's not that," you threw your hands up, "I just dont want you to feel like you have to dance for me."
He chuckled quietly at your panic.
"Its alright, I want to dance for you."
And he did.
He danced for what seemed like only a few moments, but was really about half an hour. Even in that time frame, he never once faltered, never once seemed tired or out of stamina.
He was so fluid, moving as if he were water in the wind. He was elegant, beautiful, gorgeous.
When he was finished, he swung to a stop, a large grin on his face. The largest smile you've ever seen him bare.
You were up in a second, glomping him in glee.
"Jamil, you were amazing! Oh my gosh, you were gorgeous!!" He chuckled while you peppered him with compliments.
When he brought his eyes back up to yours, his breathing hitched quietly.
The look in your eyes.
Not lust or hunger, not an emotion that was anything derogatory.
Just pure, utter, true love.
Your lips curved up and you chuckled quietly.
"Jeez, are you gorgeous." You whispered, gently bonking your head on his chest.
You felt his chest rise and fall steadily before his arms loosely wrapped around your back.
Kalim al Asim
"There you go, the last branch." You threw the last branch on and brushed the excess branch bits from your hands.
Kalim cheered happily, unfolding the chairs for the two of you.
Kalim was practically jumping in joy, "This is gonna be so fun!" He exclaimed.
You chuckled, "Yea."
He was always so exuberant and obnoxious, but it was just another part of his charms.
You were planning to have a bonfire by yourself, and when you mentioned it earlier today during lunch, Kalim jumped at the idea.
You couldn't just say 'nah you can't come to my bonfire in which I am the only attendee'. You weren't some monster.
So of course you invited him, and not begrudgingly, no, you were ecstatic to have him join you. He even helped build the bonfire.
"So you' ve never had a bonfire?"
"Not one like this!"
"What other kinds of bonfires are there..?"
You laughed it off, lighting the sticks ablaze.
"Burn baby, burn, said the pyromaniac!" You laughed as the flames grew.
Kalim grinned at you, moving closer to the fire to feel the heat.
"Its always hot in the Land of Hot Sands, so it's nice to feel heat while theres still the pinch of cold in the air."
It was quite relaxing. Although you liked the nip of cold, you loved the feeling of warmth just as much.
You weren't one for Scarabia heats, but a normal, balanced heat was the best for you.
Kalim swayed as he took in the heat, closing his eyes and grinning up at the night sky.
The way the light of the flames danced on his face made his dark skin light up with oranges and yellows. He looked so warm and peaceful. So happy.
When he opened his eyes and looked down at you, you averted your eyes quickly.
"I have a great idea! Lets dance!" He was already grabbing your hands before you could utter a word.
Now, before you even began to dance, you already knew Kalim was a solo dancer. Sure he would dance near others, but they were never dancing together.
He was attempting the common waltz, and although he was raised as royalty, you could tell that the fairy tale books weren't all factual.
Kalim often stepped on your feed, apologizing quickly. He bonked his head against yours a few times, and even accidentally tangled his leg with yours.
"Okay, let me lead, Kalim." You said through your laughter.
He nodded sheepishly, instead moving his hands to your shoulder and left hand. You intertwined your left hand with his, and rested your right on his waist.
You were close enough that your could feel his breath on your face.
"Okay, we'll start off slow so you can get the hang of the foot movements."
You looked down at his feet, motioning with your left foot for him to step backwards.
Your left foot went forward and his went back, then both of your right feet went outwards.
"This is the box step, the most basic form of waltz. Right foot forward."
You went around your imaginary boxes a few times before he actually began to understand the formation.
Left foot back, right foot out, right foot forward, left foot out. The dance was simple, and the box kept moving as you rotated around the bonfire in a circular motion.
He was a quick learner, and soon you found he could perform the steps without having to look at his feet.
"Y/N, I think I have a hang of it!"
You chuckled quietly, nodding, "I believe so!"
Although the box step wasn't usually performed around a bonfire, yours moved perfectly.
Now Kalim could go back to his dorm to tell Jamil about his partner dance.
"This is actually really fun." His voice had lowered to a whisper, and he was looking at you with a smile.
You smiled back, gently butting your forehead against his.
"Well yea, and it's simple too!"
The box step was a simple four-step rotation dance. Some would even call it boring if it drawled on for too long.
But the two if you continued on waltzing late into the night. You took this as time to share your thoughts and woes, held closely together, hands knitting to each other.
This was your time with Kalim. Just you, Kalim, and the autumn air.
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tinyhwng · 5 years
Stray Kids Reaction to you accidentally calling them “baby”
—genre; fluff x100
—msg; idk i just thought of this. also i got really invested and made hyunjin and everyone after just a bit more longer than the rest.(you can tell lmao)  anyways, enjoy!
it was late and you asked your bf to toss a hair tie to you
“baby can you toss me that”
you didn’t realize what you said until you saw the giggling mess your boyfriend was in
“baby huh?”
you immediately retract your statement and ask for him to forget that you had said anything
still teases you
you sigh and turn your back on him
he comes and turns the chair back towards him
“i’m sorry, are you mad?— i mean i’ve been meaning to call you that too”
now you’re the giggling mess
he smiles and admires the image of you laughing
“baby it is then”
“it’s time for bed, babygirl”
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read the rest of the members under
your relationship was still fresh and new
only calling each other by a syllable of each other’s name
you just happened to slip up this one time you asked for a drink
he was getting up to get snacks from the kitchen during your movie night
“woo, baby can you get me something cold from the fridge?”
he left without a problem, only realizing it as he grabbed the drink from the fridge
he makes his way back, going back to cuddling session yall had
“i liked the sound of that”
“sound of what?”
your face in shock, realizing you had slipped up
“ahaha... forget that.”
“what no, y/n- i mean, baby it was cute.”
you hide your face, blushing uncontrollably as he gives you a big squeeze
“please, keep calling me that.”
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you were whipped for him 24/7 but that was nothing new
however, sometimes, you were just a little too whipped
you were watching him play with his cats and words just naturally came out of you
“omg, baby you look cute”
he turns to you, his eyes widening in shock
“y/n that’s disgusting” he teased
your own words flustered you, pressing your hand over your lips to keep it sealed
“i literally didn’t mean to say that-”
he jumps on you, cradling you
“no i was kidding.” 
his face also red from blushing
“i was thinking of names i could call you but baby sounds perfect.” he gives you multiple smooches, reassuring you that he liked it.
“you’re my baby and these are our babies” he laughs, pointing at his cats.
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he thinks you’re the most hilarious person in the world
after him of course
he just laughs or smiles at anything you say
but of course, you also found some of his jokes extremely hilarious
he makes a joke and it got your WHOLE ass quaking
bitch u couldn’t breathe
“shit, baby that was priceless-”
you turn to him, his face red visibly heating up
“let’s forget i just said that”
inhuman noises idk
“what? no, say it again”
he pleads, his face scrunching up in anticipation
“oh em gee. call me that from now on. “
“it’s BABY!”
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babying your boyfriend was your favourite job
you were tiny compared to him 
still, he was your BIG baby
but one time, you were in the mood to be babied instead
you wanted for his attention, his mind attentive to his phone as he watched his live performance
having one earphone on, he was too distracted to attend to you
you were gonna call him how you always did when u babied him but your tongue wanted otherwise
he takes a look at you, removing his earphone right away
“I didn’t catch that, y/n. what did you say?” he said, a big smirk painted across his face
you shake your head, pretending what happened never occurred
“i don’t know what you’re talking about-”
as you tried to leave to fix yourself, he tugs you back 
you fell into his lap, his arms wrapping around your waist
“i’ve always wanted to hear that from you.”
your flustered ass tried to avoid his gaze, feeling humiliated 
“i tried to say jinnie, i swear-”
“no, no more jinnie. baby is my name now.”
he pulls your face to look at his
“you have my attention now, baby.”
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you were watching him perform once
it wasn’t your first time but you were too invested to control yourself
the whole crowd was screaming so you were screaming along
not that you planned to do so
but he was asked to do some cute things and immediately after the crowd went wild
your voice was too distinctive for him to not notice though
“LET’S GO! THAT’S MY BABY!” you screamed, practically at the top of your lungs
jisung stopped midway his speech, laughing to himself hearing your voice loud and clear
after the show ended you met him backstage
he zoomed into your embrace telling him how proud u were
“can you say that thing again?” his eyes pleaded
“what thing?”
“the thing- what you were screaming earlier”
“let’s go, that’s my-” your face shift in realization
“ahhh, y/n, continue it” he whined
you hide your face, too embarrassed to say it
“ok i’ll do it then, baby. baby y/n, let’s go see the boys now”
you nod, sticking beside him he guided you to the room
“my baby is so cute.”
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constantly talking to you or talking about you theres no in between 
he was overseas for a tour so you guys resorted to facetiming every night
it’s been almost a whole week without him and you were m i s s i n g him
 two different timezones,  he called you while it was night where he was
you could tell he was exhausted but he called you anyways
“lix, you should go and rest”
he murmurs a no, his voice getting deeper as time passed
you were running out of options to get him to rest and you didnt wanna just end the call cause it would upset both you and him
as you were calling him by his nicknames, your brain couldn’t keep up with what you were saying
lets just say mistakes were made
he jolts up immediately, screaming for your attention
“baby? is that what you call me now?”
“wait felix, no, i didn’t mean to.”
he mocks you, repeating what you said multiple times
“lix, i just wanted you to go to sleep” “my day just got a whole to better because of that”
you sigh, watching him from your phone failing to hold your smile
“i’ll go rest now if that’s what you want,” he pauses, giggling. “baby.”
“ahhh go to sleep~” you whined
“goodnight, baby”
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seungmin wasn’t the type of person who was interested in pet names
well actually he just never mentioned it 
to you, he was more of a skinship guy
holding hands, cuddling, soft kisses, etc
there was some nights you both just expressed your current concerns with one another 
such a great relationship tbh
he was talking about his concern about the new comeback, afraid he might disappoint people
he was just hard on himself like that 
you reassured him though. telling him anything he does would never disappoint you or others
he got all blushy and giggly at your comment
your gaze fixed onto his smile, his face just a few inches from yours
“you’re so cute, baby”
his eyes expanded, turning to you
“oh crap. sorry, i didn’t mean to say that. you were just really cute” you explained
“well- i actually like it though”
“what? i thought you didn’t like pet names”
he gave you a confused look, “i never said i didn’t like them and now that i heard it from you, how could i ever hate them?”
you blushed at his comment, not knowing how to answer
“please call me that, i like it”
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jeongin, the nation’s baby 
you always wonder to yourself how lucky you were to be a part of his life
so every second of the day you tell him how much you love him
you only called each other by your first names, never really going past that
you were going home from the dorms one night before your tongue decided to go against you
“bye, baby- i mean, jeongin” you hugged him goodbye hoping he didn’t notice your slip up
welp, good news buddy, he did
he gave you a light squeeze, refusing to let you go “wait y/n, don’t go yet” he whined
your face flushed red from embarrassment knowing it was too late to take it back now
“jeongin, i gotta go home. you have an early schedule tomorrow too”
“do you expect me to let you go after calling me that?” you can feel him giggling in your embrace 
“say it again, please, then i’ll let go”
you were defeated by his gentle yet desperate voice
“okay,” you exhaled, “baby- i gotta go now”
he squeezed you one last time before letting you go with a satisfied smile on his face
“aha! i made you say it. please say it more to me now”
you wave him goodbye as you made your way out
“bye, baby! text me when you get home”
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Meeting and dating Mickey Jarvis
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(My shit gif)(Mickeys the blonde for those who haven’t watched Porkys)
- You and Mickey met when your car broke down in the parking lot after school. Now Mickey’s car might not show it but he’s pretty handy with cars so when he sees a pretty young girl struggling to get her car to work he quickly comes to the rescue. 
- He definitely took a minute to stare at your backside as you were bent over looking under the hood of your car. After he got a good look at you he stood back and asked in his best sexy southern drawl if you needed any help. When you turned around you were met with his charming grin and cocked brow.
- You happily agree to his help and he begins to inspect your car all the while making small talk and using a few pick up lines on you. It doesn’t take him very long to find the issue but it’s not something that he can fix right there so you’re forced to call a tow truck.
- As you were waiting for the truck he offered to repair your car if you had it towed to his place. You asked how much he wanted for the job to which he responded that he didn’t want any money just your “sweet company”. You couldn’t deny that you were flattered; and a little flustered, so with little hesitation you agreed.
- After the truck came and was told where to go, Mickey offered to take you out to lunch and drive you home. Soon enough he was helping you into his truck and driving the two of you to a diner near the school.
- Mickey can be a real charmer when he wants to be so it’s not hard for him to worm his way into your heart during your “first date”. You have no problem joining him back at his place to continue spending time with him. So for the next few hours you sit on his front step and talk with him while you watch as he works on your car.
- The time just seems to fly when you’re with him so much so that you have to rush back home to make it in time for dinner. You quickly thank him for his help and promise to talk to him at school while you get into your newly fixed vehicle. You’re probably still late to dinner and your parents chew you out for it but you can’t be bothered by their nagging as you think about the blonde.
- The next day you dress up a little hoping you’ll see Mickey again; and you do. The instant you pull into the parking lot his truck revs up behind yours and parks in a space beside your car. You chuckle as he gets out of his truck and opens your car door for you, giving you a smile and asking how the “engines been treatin you?”.
- Wherever Mickey is the gangs not far so you’re quickly introduced to the boys and being animatedly told about one of their friends shenanigans. It seems like every step you take another person joins all of you, you’re introduced to Wendy at the doors of the school.
- Wendy steals you away from the boys with a wink aimed at Mickey. The two of them are close so she puts in a few good words for him as she walks you to your first period class.
- At lunch time Mickey comes up to your table and asks if he can take you out again. Your friends tease you mercilessly after he walks away but you just smile and let them.
- After school you drive home and fix yourself up before he arrives at your house and takes you to a malt shop. The two of you eat and talk, laughing and overall just enjoying each other’s company.
- In the next few weeks you and Mickey go out or at least get together nearly every day. The two of you kiss for the first time on your third date. You’re at a drive in watching a movie that neither of you are really paying attention to. His arm is around your shoulder and you feel him give you a small squeeze. When you look at him he pulls you closer and kisses you.
- After maybe a month of going out on dates he gives you his letterman sweater to signal that he wants to go steady. He loves the smile you have on your face as he slips it over your shoulders.
- You call him Sparky, he thinks it’s cute.
 - You get called Baby, Honey, and Darlin in return.
- He knows you love the accent, everyone loves the accent. He definitely uses it to his advantage whenever he can.
 - Helping his brother and the gang talk some sense into him.
- You’re going to have to babysit him at times because he has zero impulse control especially when he’s angry.
- Once he’s set on something he’s going to do it no matter what it takes. This can be a good thing and a bad thing depending on the situation. Wants to get you an expensive necklace? Good thing. Wants to assassinate a strip club owner? Bad thing.
- You’ll have to learn how to calm him down or more realistically try your best to. Nobody in the world can put out the fire once he gets himself worked up, all you can really do is postpone the inevitable.
- Getting used to patching him up when you can’t stop him. He refuses to go to the hospital and you’re probably the only one he lets actually help him.
- Obviously he’s got a temper so it doesn’t take much to get him jealous. When you’re around he might not do something about his anger but he still sits seething and watching you like a hawk to make sure the guy doesn’t try anything. It depends on who it is really, if you’ve never met the guy and Mickey thinks he’s flirting then he’ll probably come up and “introduce himself”.
- But you should really worry about when you’re gone because chances are he’s going to try to fight the guy. He doesn’t want you to see him do it but it’s going to happen.
- He might not want you to see him fight the guy he’s jealous of but he’ll want you to see him mess up anyone whose hurt your feelings or disrespected you. Watch him fight for your honor it fuels his ego.
- Correcting him when he says something offensive.
“Well look at my little liberal!” He’ll chuckle in response.
- Trying to get him to tone it down on the cursing.
- Riding in his shit box truck with him.
- Teasing each other.
- He accepts a lot especially when it comes to you. Literally all of the guys are pushovers when it comes to their girls and you can’t convince me otherwise. Although they do get back at you when they can.
- Putting up with the gangs jokes and antics.
- The only reason he lets the guys tease you is because he loves when you hide your face in his chest. Not to mention when you fire back with your own response and make him proud.
- Going out dancing.
- Big cuddler. Give him all your affection.
- Picnics.
- Laying in the grass and cloud watching.
- He makes you laugh all the time. Get used to having your cheeks hurting from smiling so much.
- Theres really never a dull moment with him.
 - You’ll probably get pretty buff from having to try to hold him back when he gets all worked up.
- Sometimes he wonders if you have a crush on his brother. He sort of sees your innocent small talk and joking as you having interest in the older man. After all his good looks run in the family and he’s aware that they did not skip his brother.
- You have to try not to laugh when he asks you if his suspicions are true. You just fight back a smile, grab his hand and tell him he’s “the only Jarvis for you”.
- Hes big on kissing, he can’t go a day without having your lips on his at least twice.
- He has his hands on you at all times. More often than not he’ll have a hold on your hips or an arm resting in your shoulder.
- If someone needs to find him they just have to look for you.
- Getting cosy on the bleachers at school. One of you will end up leaning on the other while you watch the gym class or basketball practice.
- He’s a horny little shit, it’s common knowledge. You have to slap his hands away more than a few times.
- You can be sure that he’s going to watch you in the showers. He’ll threaten the other boys that he’ll “ring their necks” if they look at you.
- He’ll probably deny peeping at you with the most sincere smile you’ve ever seen but you both know he was.
- His mother probably loves to embarrass him when you’re at his house. Pinching his cheeks, tousling his hair, fussing over him, it kills him which is why she does it.
“Come on ma!” He’ll all but whine at her while you hide your grin behind your hand.
- He loves taking you to school functions. He doesn’t even care about the hassle of buying a suit and corsage or working for the money he’ll need; it’s worth it to see you all dressed up and smiling.
- You probably end your dates with makeout sessions in his car complete with necking and petting.
- A lot of compliments.
“Well doesn’t my girl look pretty!”
“Hello gorgeous.”
- He would never admit it but he definitely reads dating guides and magazines for advice. He practically studies so that you can think he’s a good boyfriend.
- He always pays for dates mostly because that’s what the books told him to do.
- Amusement park dates. He tries to win you one of the biggest stuffed animals they have.
- You probably fight a lot because he can’t control himself and he’s stubborn as all hell. You’ll argue, you’ll yell and you’ll probably break up in the heat of the moment. Like I said: he’s stubborn, so it’ll take him a while to admit he was wrong.
- When he finally comes around it’s usually by prompting from his friends when the group sees you out with your other friends. He’ll slowly make his way over and ask to talk to you. When you’re away from your friends he’ll begrudgingly apologize and from there it’s your decision whether you’ll forgive him right then.
- If you don’t he’ll probably call after you with something along the lines of “Well hey now! Come on! I learned my lesson!”. He can’t believe you won’t just take him back. Expect that he’s going to pester you until you give him, once again: stubborn.
- You can’t deny that you love each other even if you fight a lot. He really just needs some time to mature and then he’s husband material so if your willing to wait a little than he’s the guy for you.
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benjaminjofaiho · 5 years
The Captain Next Door Ch. 2
Summary: You’re a doctor who also just so happens to be a fan fiction writer. You love lots of fandoms but Captain America is by far your fave, so what happens when you get a new job, move to Brooklyn and realize that the brownstone you bought is right next door to Captain America? Obviously shenanigans ensue.
Warnings: Swearing. Light Mentions of NSFW material.
AN: Thank you guys for all your reblogs, comments and likes. Your feedback is always welcome and I love hearing from y’all.  Ok, I think its suuuuuper worth noting that I do not care for or abide by the timeline, there are some people mentioned that haven't technically been brought together yet [ As per Winter Soldier ] but I did it anyway. Also I get that you guys are here for the cap and y/n but I’m just trying to get everything in place before we get into full swing, there will be more next chapter, scouts honor!  P.S. I do not currently have a beta and the ‘f’ and ‘u’ keys on my keyboard are messed up so incase you see repeating letters anywhere they aren’t supposed to be feel free to let me know.
           Ouch. Things were coming back to you slowly. You thought you heard the faint sounds of a man. You slowly blinked and saw peeling paint off some crown molding of what greatly resembled your living room. You opened and closed your eyes again repeatedly and could hear soft footsteps. Sitting up gradually, you placed your feet on the floor, leaning your head  over the neck of your tarp covered sofa and closed your eyes once more. Thinking of all the work the living room had to go through: painting, furniture reupholstering, electrical and God knows what else, you let out a dramatic groan. You would have to call your dad sooner than expected. Either that or you would have to get a contractor because you’re supposed to be starting work in 2 months and there’s no way that you would be able to finish all this work in that time by yourself. You heard shuffling footsteps and hushed tones say
           “Yeah it seems like she’s awake now. I’ll update you. Yes Steve. I'll let you know. Alright. Bye”
            You shouted out “Who’s in here?” No response but you could hear the footsteps getting closer. You started to panic, you were about to turn into one of your mother’s lifetime movies. Getting a bit louder this time “Look I don’t know what you want but I don't keep cash in the house! There isn’t much of anything for you to steal either, nothing has arrived yet. ALSO THE BUILDINGS CONDEMMED! THERES ABESTOS EVERYWHERE!”
           “Honestly, you are quite funny” you heard a voice coming from the back of your home. You quickly calculated that if you were going to be attacked it would be better to be standing, not splayed out on your couch; that way at least you could put up some sort of a fight. Forgetting completely about your little tumble earlier you hopped to your feet.
           “Ahhh!” you felt a shooting pain go through your leg and then your head started to develop a dull ache.
           “Please be careful! And don’t be frightened.” You tried to turn slowly and he rushed to your side helping you to sit. You gave him what your mother refers to as a ‘nasty look’ and asked suspiciously
           “Who are you?”
           “I’m sorry, I’m Sam, I’m your neighbor.” He gave you a gap toothed grin and you couldn’t help but relax a little. He extended his hand.
           “Okay Samuel from next door. Welcome to my home,”
           He chuckled “Samuel is reserved for my parents and the government. My friends call me Sam.”
           “Are you saying we are friends?”
           “Well I’d like to think so…..” he trailed off expectantly
           “Oh, I’m sorry, my name is Y/N” You finally took his hand you forgot about. “I don’t mean to be rude Samuel,” he rolled his eyes smiling “But what are you doing in my home?”
           “Yeah.. About that…My roommate and I were walking home and we tried to help you but you insisted you could do it yourself and we should just roll on. I was steady trying to convince you and I guess either my roommate or I said something that really upset you because you spun around so fast and then you started to fall, luckily my roommate caught you and he brought you inside. Do you remember him?” All of a sudden remembering your AC unit you jumped up and stumbled back down grasping at your leg.
           “Sheesh, yeah. I will be.” Quietly examining your ankle. “Great. A sprained ankle. This is just what I need right now”
           “Are you sure that's a sprain? You should probably get that looked at by a professional…”            
           “I’m pretty sure about this. It’s sprained Samuel”
           “I’m pretty sure you should talk to a professional” Sam mumbled under his breath. You let out an exasperated sigh.
           “Ugh, fine! Please hand me my phone.” He did as you said and watched you quietly. You scroll through your phone. You land on The Bone Man and you shoot Sam an embarrassed look. Meekly laughing you tell him “It’s not what you think” and he throws his hands up in a no judgement shrug. The facetime trill rings 3 times and is answered on the 4th.
           “Hey Boner, quick q: A patient comes into the ER after falling off a ladder, presents with minor transient headache, pain in the left foot, presence of swelling, tenderness of the calcaneofibular ligaments, and no bony point pain. Talar Tilt test was preformed and failed. Am I correct to assume a grade 2 sprain?”
           “Y/N I don’t even know why you call me for this type of stuff. You’re always right about everything forever and ever until the end of time. Anyway yeah, if you have to hear it from the horse’s mouth, yes, you’re right. 2 Week recovery time, minimum.”
           “ Okthanksbaiiii” You said zooming into your smiling face before hanging up. “Humph” you folded your arms and smiled triumphantly at Sam.
           “See Samuel, it would be great if you could internalize the wise words from Boner there. ‘I am always right about everything forever and ever until the end of time’ And that's science friend.”
           Sam let out a cackle “ Okay crazy, who are you?”
           “Dr. Y/FN Y/LN, head of Cardiology at Mount Sinai”
           He put his hand up feigning surprise “Oh excuseeeeee me! So you’re the professional that you should see?”
           You laughed “ Not exactly, I’m a heart doctor but I do have basic knowledge of the other systems. That's where ‘the Bone Man’ comes in. He’s an orthopedic doctor, he works with bones.”
           “Ahh, I see” he says pausing for a while. “So what’s going on here?” He gestured around your home. “ I wasn’t a exactly snooping but I did happen to see most of the first floor. I kind of walk around a bit when I’m on a phone call. There’s tarps everywhere. ”
           You covered your face embarrassed. You explained to him how your father convinced you  to buy a fixer upper, your relocation from your home state, your recent AC chronicles and how it led you to this moment.
           “Speaking of that unit that has caused me nothing but trouble, I’m sure has been stolen by now. I need to order some more. I just wish that I could sleep in the cold! God! This place is hotter than the devil’s asshole.”
           “Oh your AC is working and up in your bedroom, although I’m not sure you’ll be able to climb up all these stairs in that condition.”
           “Well at least I'll be good as new in 2 days-”
           “2 days?! No ma’am Dr.Boner said two weeks!”
           “Oh..you heard that did you?” You smiled weakly. “I’m supposed to resume work in about 2 months and this really puts a damper on everything. I was hoping to make some real headway with my house before then. At least get out of this tarp festival and make it a bit into a home.” You sighed looking around.
           “Well today is your lucky day Y/N! I’m on a month vacation at LEAST. I work with my roommate and he’s going to be out of town for at least 1 month for some” he paused briefly “out of office business.  I can help you fix up your house and I’m sure Steve won’t mind you borrowing his AC while he isn’t here.”
           “I could not impose like that Samuel! First off I just met you, secondly You and Steven have done enough by just carrying me and my Air conditioner into this house. I have to decline but I’d love to take you both out for lunch sometime.”
           “It really isn’t imposing. I’m a little bit of a tinkerer, I love being handy. Anyway, if you do decide to change your mind, you know where to find me.” He got up to leave and then quickly spun around “But I am going to bring you Steve’s AC and there’s nothing you can do about it” and with that he sprinted out the front door. About 15 minutes later he returned with the ac unit and then ran out the door without a word. He came back this time in about 10 and sprinted up your stairs and you could hear the faint sounds of rummaging. He came back down with the sheets off your bed.
           “ Samuel! What is happening right now?”
           Trying to catch his breath, explain, and work all at one time he began. “Alright so before you took a tumble we could all see you were really eager to get that AC into your house and so that problem is solved. Now, you can’t get up and down the stairs with ease so here: an air matrass. We have a couple around our house not being used at the moment.” Seeing your eyebrow slightly arch, he rushed to finish “It’s not like we are doing anything weird with them! We just have lots of company meetings take place in our house and sometimes our planning sessions go late into the night and the team just decides to fall asleep where they are, hence the mattresses. I’ll set up the AC and be out of your hair Dr. Y/LN”
           “Oh Samuel, Dr. Y/LN is so formal. Dr. Y/FN is fine” You laughed. He joined in.
           “ I know you were joking about that, but Doc is it. That’s what I’m calling you”
           “So you keep mentioning your roommate Steven, and both of you work together and he’s out of town on business right now. What do you gentlemen do?” All of a sudden very focused on the AC he was installing. He started inspecting the unit closely.
           “We ugh…We are in security. We have lots of clients, sometimes that takes us internationally so. Yeah really average joe stuff.
           “But you guys have sleep overs?” You lightly chuckle
           “Yeah well Steve and I met at the VA hospital, we are both ex military men so usually the next natural progression is security. And since it started with him, he was the *first* so to speak so we naturally gather around him. That's his late parents old building so he kind of grew up in that place. It’s kind of just the default hang out spot.”
           “I totally get that. My parent’s house was somewhat the same” you say trailing off.
           “Alrighty Doc, This is all set to go for you. I’m gonna get out your hair now” Sam said slightly in a rush to get out.
           “Samuel, wait!” You call after him and he breaths out slowly and turns around and smiles openly. “Why are you helping me? You don't know me at all. Are you some type of angel or something?”
           He laughed looking down at the floor and then back up at you. “Angel? No way Doc, as my roommate says all the time ‘I’m just a kid from Brooklyn’. Plus knowing him he would have done all this himself if he were here. He told me to make sure you were alright while he had to get away.”
           “Hey! Captain America says that all the time! I bet all you Brooklynites say that now. It must be nice to have an avenger from around here, hey! Have you ever seen him?!”
           Sam’s smile faltered, “Sorry, seen whom?”
           “Captain America!” You exclaimed your eyes bright and shining like a child on Christmas.
           “Oh no I haven’t. I don't know anyone who has actually” Just then his phone began to ring and he told you in a rush “Sorry it’s a 911 from my job, I’ll see you around Doc!”
           “Thanks for all your help Samuel!” You called after him as he ran out of the house.
           The cold air was blowing on you and you were feeling relaxed and thinking about what Sam had said, ‘I’m just a kid from Brooklyn’. Oh shit! You had to check your fan fiction. You looked at the time on your phone, Damnit! You were supposed to be chatting with your graphic designer Rod right now. You hobbled over to your dining table and took out your laptop. Getting online and expecting Rod to be online you logged into tumblr to find a message from him and him absent.
MSG from Rod: Hey Dr.C, Sorry I can’t draw any illustrations for BP, Aquaman or anyone really right now. Work has been crazy, I’ll make It up to you, promise!
MSG from Y/N: Hiya Rod. I totally understand, take your time!  Hope things lighten up for you soon, looking forward to hearing from you whenever you can. Take care x
           The way you met Rod was a little different. You were looking through the Black panther tags as usual, and there was someone who drew super realistic AU versions of the T’Challa, Thor, Black Widow and even stuff from some comic called Aquaman and other heroes you’ve never heard of. Anyway, you scoured his page looking for anything on Captain America but to your dismay he didn’t draw anything of him. You were very happy with his black panther stuff though, you saw some pics that inspired a couple new fic ideas. You reblogged his pictures for about a month and one day you posted a new story inspired by a beautiful creation of his where T’Challa looked like he was in college. He somehow saw it and contacted you and you both briefly talked about the inspiration behind his art. He talked about how he felt as if he could imagine a different side of our heroes and he wanted to draw that. About 2 weeks later he sent you a picture of one of your previous fics about Thor. The rest was history. He would occasionally draw cover art for your fics and you in turn would give him new and crazy angles to think of the avengers. You even got into some of the comics he recommended for you and gave him new angles to think of Aquaman. Eventually you caved and asked him specifically if he could make something about Captain America and he said he just isn’t inspired by the Cap at all and he also felt the others were underrepresented and he wanted to focus his energy there. As a fellow creative you got it. If he wasn’t inspired he just wasn’t and you wouldn't force him to focus on a subject that he wasn't interested in. You wouldn’t bring it up again and you figured if he ever felt inspired you’d be one of the first to see the pieces.
           That night you were able to bang out 3 chapters and sent them to your beta, Jay. Alright, time to make a plan. You decided due to your recent development with your bum leg, you would divide your house into floors and literally work your way from the ground up. You would begin with electrical and seeing as how you didn’t know anything about that and you turned to the master of everything: YouTube. Well, at least you tried to. Youstartedoff with watching videos about how to wire up a house but then you got sidetracked with reality videos and then before you knew it, you were in some foreign corner of the website, watching a video on how to become a sumo wrestler in japan. You looked up and saw that the position of the sun was a little lower than before. Looking up at the corner of your screen you saw the time was 3:30. You let out a yip and closed your laptop like some preteen getting caught looking at something they weren’t supposed to. You gave it up and opened back up your laptop and decided to look up an electrician. Another 30 minutes passed and none of the electricians you found that were available to come within the next 1 month were up to your standards. You finally decided to call up your father for help. To your greatest dismay the whole family was sick. You pressured and even threated him to try to get him to go to the hospital and just get a simple checkup but he refused. You tried to convince your mother of the same and between what truly sounded like a very productive cough she told you she was in tip top shape. Handing the phone back to your dad he asked what was the matter and you were silent for a complete minute. Your house issue was starting to become something of a headache and not the fun little project he painted it out to be. On the other and more important hand you didn’t want to complain. You knew your dad would try to fly sick just to come and help his baby girl. You tried to lie and say it was nothing but he eventually coaxed the truth out of you. You explained about your ankle and needing an electrician. He was overjoyed.
           “Ha!” he exclaimed, “I knew my serving this…country would start to benefit me at one point or another. Just a second honey.” You heard shuffling on the other end of the line.
“There it is! Here is Sargent Wilson’s number! I’ll ring him up and give you a call in a few minutes sweetheart.” And with that, he was gone.
           While waiting you decided to limp over to your dining room which was covered in boxes. Might as well do something with your time you decide to paint your nails. If you’re going to be open toeing it for a minimum two weeks you might as well try your best try not to look like a cavewoman. You were in the middle of giving yourself a top coat and your phone started ringing. Fanning your feet you answered.
           “Hi dad”
           “Y/N I don’t know how to work this thing. I took a picture of the paper, like you taught me but then to send it to you has become a problem. I’ve accidentally restarted my phone 3 times and deleted my entire contact list. I can’t do it sweetie.”
           “Dad that’s no problem, I appreciate you trying though. Maybe I’ll just start with something else first-” cutting you off he proclaimed
           “Just because I can’t do it doesn’t mean that someone can’t do it! Ben- Benjamin! Benjamin! Come in here for a second”
           “Daddy it’s fine! Dad! Don’t worry about it, it’s fine!” It took you a couple of seconds to realize he had already stepped away from the phone and  soon you received a message from your brother.
TXT from Benjamin: Hey Ugly, dad said I should send you this number 555-3604. You’re the one that wanted to get them iPhones. Now you've moved away and I’m stuck being their geek squad. Thanks for nothing!
           You chuckled and sent him a kissy emoji. You heard your father’s voice coming back towards the phone
           “…yeah well you would think wiping your ass was more important than sending a textual message but your mother and I taught you how to do that without as much mouth as you’re giving me right now!” You covered your mouth to stop you from laughing too loud and disturbing the whole neighborhood. “ Hi honey, did you get the message?”
           “Yes I did Dad, thanks so much, I really appreciate it”
           “Anything for you baby girl. By the way I’ve already called the Sargent and even though he won’t be able to come help you out due to prior engagements he did mention that his son is free and would be happy to help you out and the payment is already taken care of, a little gift from your mother and I.”
           “Aw thanks dad! Tell mom I said thank you as well. I love you, let me let y’all get some rest”
           “Goodnight sweetie!” You heard your mother shout from the background before it was echoed by your dad and then you ended the call. Checking the time you saw it was 4:30. Deciding it was better to text him now and secure the earliest possible date you sent him a message right away.
MSG from Y/N: Good day Mr. Wilson. My name is Y/FN Y/LN, my father and yours are old army buddies. He said I could contact you about any electrical work I needed done in my new house.  I wanted to find out your soonest available opening. I have quite a bit of work that needs to be done so I would like to get started at your earliest possible convenience.
           You  navigated your phone to the music playlist and then started to play Theme from New York New York by Frank Sinatra. You slowly made your way to your window and by now the children had returned from school and the school was filled with people. Children playing in the street, people walking their dogs and teens on their various stoops. You smiled at the current state of your life and felt content, even with a busted foot. Suddenly your music was interrupted. With a dinging of your phone to signify a text message and then your music continued. You walked back to your couch to see who it was.
TXT from Mr. Wilson: Good afternoon Ms. Y/LN, I am available for a meeting tomorrow morning at 10:00 so we can do a walk through and discuss our plans. Does this time work for you?
TXT from Y/N: 10 is perfect!
TXT from Mr. Wilson: Great. What is your address?
TXT from Y/N: 805 Sudbury Lane.
TXT from Mr. Wilson: See you tomorrow at 10:00. 🙂
           Smiley Face? That's not very professional, you thought to yourself. You just shrugged thinking to yourself he’s probably some weird hipster guy. You set yourself up on Netflix  and closed your curtains settling in for the evening.
           The next morning you woke up had a light breakfast and shower and made some iced tea and lemonade for Mr. Wilson’s visit, you were southern after all. At 5 minutes till 10 your doorbell rang. You checked the time and smiled, you liked people who were punctual; as your father always told you: if you’re on time, you’re already late.Looking through the peephole your smile faded and was replaced by confusion, it was Samuel, your neighbor.
           “Good morning, Samuel” You smiled at him, “what are you doing here?”
           “Morning Doc” He threw his hands up “Just here as a friend. I wanted to check and see how you were doing. So…How was your night?” He tactfully slowly walked towards you forcing you to let him in the house. You arched a perfect eyebrow and laughed and shook your head.
           “It was fine, thanks for asking. Nice and chilly.” Glancing at your phone in your hand you saw it was already 9:59. “I would love to hang out with you Samuel but I have someone coming over in literally a minute.” As you were talking Sam put a finger up to stop you from talking while he scrolled through his phone. You watched him, mouth slightly agape. No one ever told you to be quiet. Right before you were able to say anything your phone started ringing and Mr. Wilson appeared on the phone. You then put yourfinger up at him and he laughed a little.
           “Hi, good morning Mr. Wilson” As Sam raised his phone to his own ear while you looked on, mortified.                        
           “Hi, good morning Ms. Y/N, now I’m here as your electrician” He wore the biggest shit eating grin. In an instant you were laughing and lightly hit him on the arm.
           “Why didn’t you tell me who you were last night when I texted you, weirdo!”
           “Well actually, at first I didn’t know it was you because, truthfully, I couldn’t remember your last name,  but when you sent your address and it was on my street,  I put two and two together.” Remembering the smiley face in the text you just shook your head.
           “Alright then Mr. Wilson, let’s get started. Would you like some iced tea and lemonade?”
           Looking at you as if you said you had a demon coming out of the side of your neck he repeated “iced tea AND lemonade? Don’t you mean or?”
           “No, I meant and. Would you like some?”
           “I mean okay sure, I guess” You both silently walked into your kitchen and you poured him a glass. After a couple sips he continued to drink. He kept taking bigger and longer sips and before you knew it, he was completely finished.
           “I mean, it was allllright. Nothing to write home about” He tried to say nonchalantly         “Mmhmm, sure Samuel, let’s begin.”
           “After you” He gestured following you throughout the house.
           Over the next 1 hour you both walked through the 1stand 2ndfloors and you explained what exactly you needed from him. You let him go up to the 3rdand 4thfloors alone as your foot started to feel strained. He came back down to the 1stfloor and brought out a list and you created a game plan. All in all the project would take about 1 month.
           “Well, I’m good to start today if that’s what you want”
           “Of Course! You could have started yesterday to be honest” You laughed.
           “Let me get my tools and I’ll get going”
           You brought out your laptop and were looking over emails messages and then you came across a new fic with pictures of the cap you’ve never seen before. It took everything in you to not bear the pain of getting all the way up to the 4thfloor to get a better and more intimate look. You went back to doing work and looking at samples for the interior of your house. You knew you had to have a bomb kitchen because you loved to cook and bake. You also needed your office to be set up nice because you would spend most of your time in there between work and writing. All the while Samuel was buzzing around the whole house and after a point you stopped following him around and just decided to work from your living room. Half your screen was split between emails and the other was pictures and gifs of the captain as you called him in your mind.
           “Soooo…What’s the deal with him” Sam said from behind you. You looked back at him and he was looking at wires on your wall.
           “What? Are you stalking me now?”
           “I should be asking you that Doc” he laughed “ Every time I come in here I see him on your screen.” Thinking fast you replied
           “I just love the avengers, I think they’re so dedicated and brave. They really did an amazing job of saving the world.”
           “That's nice…but I’ve only been seeing one particular avenger…” the sound of laughter on his voice.      
           “I mean…He’s so brave. And heroic. And valiant. And genuine.” At this point you were more speed rambling and talking to yourself than replying him. “And those eyes. Have you ever seen anything so blue? Was that part of the secret formula? And those arms. He looks like he could rip Florida off the continental united states and to be quite honest he probably should I mean what even is Florida? And that ass? Don’t get me started on that ass. Ugh I want to take a bite-” You suddenly halted like a freight train just crashed and your eyes go wide. Slowly you turned around and give Sam a bashful smile. “He’s just so brave” you finish.
           Barely holding back a big belly laugh Sam just nods. “Yeah Captain Blue eyes is sooooo brave.”
           “Anywayyyy, tell me more about yourself?”
           “Well as I told you I’m ex military. Most of my life is work and if not working with  my roommate then im working with my dad at his business. Believe it or not all this fixing stuff up is a hobby for me.”
           “That's interesting. So why not do your hobby for your job? Why do you do security with your roommate? Steve, I think you said?”
           “Yeah, good memory. When we met we were both in a kind of weird place. We weren’t sleeping much and you know…War kind of just…it does something to you. Anyway we would run together – or should I say I would try to catch up to him, while he ran like lightening and then started going to group therapy together. Eventually we started hanging out outside of exercise and therapy. We were both kind of solitary and I guess the company of someone who knows what you went through and are going through is nice. We have basically been like that since then. He’s seen me through some dark times and tough days. I’m proud to say I’ve done the same for him as well.” He was quiet for a while “As for my dad, like I said I love fixing up stuff. I feel like if I started to officially do it as a job I wouldn’t love it as much anymore.”
           “Understandable, completely. And I’m happy you found someone you can share with and that you feel gets you.” You smiled at him. “ Thank you for sharing with me, Sam.”
           You heard a loud gasp and turned back to see him with his hands on the side of his face like the kid from home alone. “If I had known all I had to do was share my past trauma with you to get you to call me Sam, I would have done that yesterday!” You laughed shooed him away.
           This is how your life continued for the next 2 weeks and by the end of the second week Sam was officially your first friend in the big city. At first, it started by him just being there while you were prepping for dinner one day. You initially asked if he would want to stay for dinner and he said he couldn't impose and would soon be done for the day. About 30 minutes later, the aroma had filled the whole first floor. He stuck his head in and mentioned he was about to take off yet made no move to leave. You looked at him with smiling eyes and made up a plate.
           “I know you don't want to impose but let me give you at least a to-go plate”
           Although his mouth was saying ‘no, I possibly couldn't’ his hands were completely out stretched and he was in your kitchen faster than a speed devil. From that night onward he always ate dinner with you and you both chatted about everything. You told him how you became a doctor. One night in particular after a wonderful southern meal complete with mashed potatoes, greens, ribs, beans and mac and cheese you were both relaxing on your couch. You were mindlessly scrolling though things to watch and he mentioned that he might need to get his roommate’s AC back sooner than expected, Steve was coming home earlier than expected.
           “You’ve been more than generous Sam! You can take it back today if you need to”
           “Nah, it’s no biggie Doc. You know what? I’ll probably have him come pick it up himself if he needs it.”
           “Are you sure? I should have about 1 week on this leg left. I have been able to make it up to my floor now.”
           “Sure thing. If he really wants it he’ll come and get it. By the way I’ve been kind of bragging on your food and taunting him that I’ve been eating home cooked meals and he hasn't… and he has kind of wants to try some of it himself” he rushed out looking sideways at you.
           “Of course Sam! I’ll cook for you guys this Friday. What do you think he’ll like?”
           “What we just ate was perfect , do you think you could do something like that?”
           “Sure” You smiled at him. Within you, you knew you actually missed cooking for lots of people like your family back home. Cooking for 3 was a less than cooking for 7 but you would take whatever you could get. You wished him a good night. And packed him a plate for himself.
           Logging in to Tumblr you saw one of your favorite fanfic authors updated one of their stories. The depiction of a smutty scene had you biting your lips and you decided to go upstairs. When you got to your bedroom you laid down and just decided to re-read the latest chapter, before you knew it, your hands were roaming your body and you were starting to feel a heat build up between your legs. You pinched at your dark nipples, enjoying the brief pain and then wash of pleasure. Imagining the captain’s hands in place of yours you stick a finger, and then two into your heat. Pumping in and out you are undone in minutes just thinking of the picture that was painted for you in that story. You sigh looking up at the ceiling in the dark silence of your room.
           “Ugh I need to get laid, and soon.” With that, you closed your eyes  and drifted off to sleep.
           The next morning you were up and decided to head over to the grocery store and pick up all the ingredients that you would need for tomorrows dinner. Even though you were more than happy to cook for Sam and his roommate, you felt the slightest bit anxious. You were proud that Sam talked you and your food up but now you felt as if you had a bit to prove. To prove that Sam was justified in praising you the way that he did.
           When you got home you decided to start marinating the ribs so at least they would get a nice season before you ended with grilling tomorrow. Sam stopped by later in the evening to drop off your favorite ice cream and you both chatted on your stoop for a few minutes. After a while you went in and decided to get an early night.
           Friday came and you jumped out of bed. You checked your emails as usual and facetimed your family. Explaining you had guests coming over for dinner and you had to get off the phone soon. Then you switched over and checked on your subbies and played around until you realized it was 3 and you had to get cooking. You decided to add fried chicken to the menu because, why not? Was it really a southern meal without that?
           At 6:30 you had a shower and decided to do yourself up a little bit. You wanted to make a good impression seeing as how it was your first time meeting the mysterious Steve. Deciding on a cute summer dress, you had your hair in a cute updo and just did a little tiny wing on your eyes and added mascara. You did add a little blush because you loved the way a bit of rouge complemented your dark complexion. Adding lip gloss to your lips you heard the doorbell ring. You went downstairs and opened it.
           “ Doc, it smells aamazing in here! And...” He looked you up and down and with a your head down and a smile on your face, you gave him a small twirl “and you look amazing as well. Doesn’t she look amazing Steve?” He moved to the side and saw the man behind him. Your smile immediately vanished and you stopped spinning. You were staring into blue eyes that could make the ocean herself jealous.
           “She absolutely does, Sam.” With a smile that could bring anyone to their knees he stretched out his hand for you to shake and  he continued, “Hi I’m Steve, nice to meet you.”
           You looked down at his hand and then up to his face. You then looked at Sam who had the stupidest smirk on his face and then back down to CAPTAIN FUCKING AMERICA’S hand. You repeated this loop about three times before getting a hold of your neck which you were certain was bucking like a mechanical bull with a faulty circuit. You let out a shaky breath and tried your best to sound calm.
           “Hello Steven,” You managed “I’m Y/N, nice to meet you as well. Welcome to my home.”
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abundantchewtoys · 5 years
HS Epi: Meat p11 reaction
Is the resolution of the Masterpiece really going to fall in between pages about Jane & Jake's fake date?
Maybe not. Maybe we'll see something from John's perspective first, inside the house juju. Giving himself the retcon powers. Coming to terms about some things. But I suspect he won't be able to contact anyone. At least, it would surprise (and entice!) me if someone contacted him while he's hidden away so remotely in there... Speaking of contact, how did John intend to have read anything inside the juju without his glasses or contacts? You can only spend so much time squinting.
I also wonder what they'll do when they're let out. I mean, they haven't become any better at fighting, and LE has. John won't zap his friends, Vriska and Davepetasprite^2 away to confer in a more secure location, right? Assuming he still has his retcon powers by the end of his stay in the house juju.
"That’s that, you think. Your glasses are broken forever, and you totally fucked up and underestimated young Lord English. Rose should have known better than to trust this to you alone." Well, I guess having a mental breakdown is one way to pass the time. I'd rather he had some sort of breakthrough instead, though. As for the glasses... Maybe a non-final death will restore them? Or by ascending to his Ultimate Self god tier. Whatever that'd do to his personality...
"Rose, Rose... your smart, amazing friend Rose, you can almost hear her voice now.
> Listen closer, jackass." ... Ah, so Reload Rose and the others can still talk. Their jails neighbour each other after all - they represent the four blocks of the house - but I didn't think it'd be enough for them to confer. Though, I rather think they're limited in what they can do in here, right? Unless... Unless by being in the house juju, they can influence some things inside the plot, still put some things in place so some time loops are fulfilled and stuff is prepared for bringing down LE!
Pretty sure they're barred, narratively, from performing a jail break, though. :P
Ya know, I've talked about the sentiments behind the narrative prompts before, and I just now realized that the kind of intruisive, inflammable language they use are a throwback to Homestuck's narration, since now that we have this POV-type story, the language there in is more shaped towards the person in question.
"You’ve only realized right now that your cell has walls, because it’s awfully bright in here. It’s so white that nothing in the cell is casting a shadow. Looking around, you realize there is no apparent source to all this bright light, making it hard to tell where the floor ends and the walls begin." Oh, I figured it was dark for him, but yeah, the house is white. Maybe the jail cell looks to each as what their idea of being imprisoned in a house-shaped object should be like, and proportions of the space go to match that? Hence why John can't yet tell the floor from the walls, he's got only an inkling of an idea. :P
"JOHN: yeah, i’m here. ROSE: Oh, thank goodness. Everyone’s accounted for then." Hah, John spaced out while the others reconnected. Nice. I'm interested to see what ideas Rose will bring to the table.
So it all comes back to four kids, standing idly in separate rooms, huh. :P
"Are you okay? JOHN: what? ROSE: Are you OKAY?" Okay, either the walls muffle the sound of John is like "this situation does not warrant the use of the word 'okay', rose. 'okay' is definitely not how i would describe us being right now."
"JOHN: i think so. i can barely hear you though.
You can hear a thud from Rose’s corner, like someone slumping against the wall in relief. Well, that’s what you’re doing at least." That's pretty much all she needed to hear right now.
"DAVE: this is kinda dorky to say out loud but i dont DAVE: feel... time" ... They're cut off from all their aspects now, are they? That'd just make them ordinary people. :/ Or maybe it's in reference to time outside of the juju passing way faster, relatively.
"DAVE: thats not just me right you guys feel it too DAVE: or dont JADE: yeah JADE: i mean theres obviously space inside this box but i cant do ANYTHING JADE: its like im blind" ... Okay, so I'm left to wonder. Would the egg sword and Jade's First Guardian powers still be usable? I'm assuming Dave had it out, so even if their sylladexes are inaccessible they might be able to do something.
"The noise outside the juju grows. Something sharp and metallic splinters above and rains down on the top of the chest." That isn't something to do with the pirate party finding the chest in the dreambubbles... So then, what? Did the B2 kids do something with the chest after exiling (excorcising? ... INcorcising?) Caliborn into Lil Cal?
Blaperile has a good point. Do all the soul splices inside Lil Cal experience this in the same way? ... Do all the soul splices in LORD ENGLISH experience this in the same way?? In the sense that the mobster is just a prison they can't escape or influence?
"ROSE: What did my future self say it was we had to do? JOHN: erm... she never rea—" Oh this is going to be so embarrassing.
"The metallic noises rain down harder, drowning out Rose’s attempt at being loud." ... It's that the noises are metallic, otherwise I was almost beginning to think it was more like the white noise. And that would have made me think of the Scratch. That would sure be something though, if the B2 kids initiated a Scratch of Caliborn's session. Actually, what if that was how Alternate Calliope's timeline came to be...
The length of the silence coming from Rose’s corner communicates just how difficult a task that is for her." Pfffffffff. Incoming character development for Rose: being concise.
"JADE: WHAT????? JOHN: I KNOW IT’S ALL A BIT ABSTRACT, BUT... JADE: NO, I JUST CAN’T HEAR YOU! DAVE: JOHN YOU SUCK AT YELLING JOHN: UGH!" Pfffff, I thought John would be better at yelling coherently, being Karkat's counterpole. ... Blaperile points out the similarity with Karkat sucking at whispering. XD
"Now you understand defeating young Lord English was never supposed to happen. Not the way Adult Rose was implying it would. You surmise the other four teens remaining outside the juju were the ones meant to be tasked with his defeat." It just sucks that John has to come to these admittedly wrong decisions by himself and couldn't have been given more information to work with.
"And judging from the cacophony still emanating from beyond the walls of this house and its confining chest, they are taking the task seriously." Okay, so the B2 kids' fight is still going on. Still unsure what the metal sounds could be about though. Aside from Dirk hacking at the chest with his unbreakable katana.
"But what does this mean for the four of you?" John, don't lose hope, you said it yourself, you'll be unloaded... some time.
"You try to picture what’s going on in the battle outside, but it’s not easy.
> Use your imagination." Of course, the house juju's powers run on imagination! :P No, wait, he's just going to give us his idea of the proceedings of the rest of the Masterpiece. Sadly, he doesn't have any clay at hand. :P
"The coolness of the action in your mind’s eye is belied by the actual sound effects booming all around you, which you can only describe as vaguely stupid." Welp, guess the bar of wedgies is still being cleared only marginally.
"There’s a lot of hysterical screaming, which, if you’re not mistaken, is coming exclusively from the male combatants. ... Well, Dirk IS living and breathing anime. :P
"Almost as if an outrageous bubble of pure Hope were enveloping the stage, is how you would describe it if you didn’t mind sounding ridiculous." Hah, John still doesn't believe in the application of Hope.
"Then you hear... it can’t be. Horses?? No, not simple horses of flesh and bone. These horses are metal, if we’re to believe they’re horses at all." Oh! Right, Arquiusprite summoned those Metalhoofs. Well, that's what I picture they were, Caliborn represented them with metal horse figures... But perhaps he even created robo-centaur butlers and the like. *shivers*
"You figure no one will ever truly know what’s happening out there. You doubt anyone would even be able to handle how incredible the raw, unfiltered account of this teen brawl actually was, so it’s probably for the best." Welp, and we were doing so well just now. :P Eh, it seems the battle unfolded pretty much exactly as foretold, only with some of the more stupid details removed, curtousy of Caliborn's impatience with stupidity. Which in this case might not have been entirely bad. :P
"you overhear Dave from one of the rooms below you, raising his voice to speak to either you or someone else." Right, they are not all on the same level, since it's a house-shaped prison. Uh, but wasn't Dave supposed to be in the part of the house with the extra window? It's been too long, I probably misremember. Oh, wait, yeah, they went through the fourth wall via one of the bottom panes, and it stood for Dave. Never mind.
"Once more you ruefully reflect on these teen versions of your friends, and all the questions they must have for you. For each other. What would you even say to them?" The responsibilities of an adult, John never expected they'd be this hard. He must be growing more appreciative of what his Dad went through with him without even knowing it.
"You’re not even sure you could handle it, if you were Teen John. You’d have too many follow-up questions, which Adult John is in no way prepared to answer." Still, I wouldn't mind a little one-on-one between Johns. A John-on-John, I suppose. In a serious way, nothing from the animes.
"Would you tell them about Terezi..." Oooh, does he suddenly get an idea, thinking of Terezi? Can't say I think they can do anything to contact her from inside here. Hmm, but earlier, Blaperile thought about what the B2 kids could do with the juju chest, whether they might try to get the others out. That's assuming Caliborn didn't captchalogue the thing, though. Still, it would be something if they could defy what's been foretold and unload the house early, maybe load it with a real surprise for LE.
"For some reason her name feels like nails in your heart. Makes sense, you guess, cause there’s a lot of sharp letters in it. She had sharp teeth too, and sharp elbows. Sharp words." Ahhhh, so we get to see what black romance feels like to John. Looking pretty sharp, apparently. Still, her sharp intellect could've come in handy here. It's a good thing chances are good they'll meet again, I'm sure post-victory Terezi has an important role to play yet.
"Terezi Pyrope was a sharp girl, and maybe what these sharp feelings are trying to tell you is you miss her more than you realized." Well, John has already acknowledged his feelings about Roxy, guess it's time for the other side of the two-headed coin now.
"She wouldn’t have let you neglect relationships with certain friends for so long that you missed whole chapters of their lives. She wouldn’t have put up with you moping around with the salamanders for so long. She would have kicked your ass for being such a loser about everything. She would have poked you in the forehead and called you insufferably lame and told you to pick up the damn phone. You would have called her a weirdo and pretended you hated it, and maybe you would even have believed you hated it. But now, sitting here in this little white cubicle, contemplating your regrets, you don’t think you’d have hated it much at all.
Would you tell the teens that?" Oooh. Very good point, actually. Even if John really only knows that version of Terezi from talking to her on two separate days separate by three years, she had a real impact on him. Granted, they also kept contact on WhatsApp as well in Universe C, but during the session was when their interactions bloomed. It'd probably be a stretch for Meat to end with John retconning the post-victory timeline to include Terezi on Earth, with him, right? After they defeat Lord English first, of course. Oh, right, she was there for two years before leaving... somehow. I kind of forgot. Still, five years would've made a difference in where John ended up by the start of the epilogues.
"JOHN: am i... depressed??" ... Well. Well, as far as growing self-awareness goes, this might be a very big development! Yes, it does seem that John has become listless on Earth C. Mostly it seemed to have to do with the absence of his Dad. But maybe he'll have other ideas about that, like his misfortune in matters romantic.
"as it turns out, you are really fucking depressed. You’re just a giant, wet meat sack of self-involved misery, and all that big, wet, meaty ooze drips out your mouth every time you open it. All the time and space in the world isn’t making it better. It’s something you should have been doing for yourself, instead of waiting around for things to get better." Wow, John. I suppose things will get a little harder for him, now that he's realized this about himself, but I hope he'll find a way soon out of this mess. And so, that's what he's been doing on Earth C, just waiting for things to get better. And no-one picked up on it, not even the other people close to him that bordered on depression before? Like Jade? He really alienated himself...
"Well, screw waiting! It’s boring as hell! You are JOHN EGBERT, after all, immortal CREATOR OF WORLDS, the one and only man ever to completely transcend the partitions of CANON ITSELF. You’ve got these powers, remember?" Well THAT's a sudden surge of RESOLVE if I've ever seen one!
"You hold up your hands and form a rectangle with your fingers and reach outside yourself, outside canon, to the place your retcon powers come from. You focus. You strain. You contemplate with all your might a place you can zap to, any place but here." There's no place like home, there's no place like home! :p Kind of wondering if he'll succeed though. He might be cut off from his powers. But if not, canon is his oyster.
"You wait. And wait. And wait and...
Nothing happens.
You slump back down against the wall" Welp! He tried.
"JOHN: THE ONLY WAY OUT OF HERE... JOHN: IS FOR US TO WAIT FOR SOMEONE TO LET US OUT. JOHN: SORRY GUYS. ROSE: OH." Anyone up for a game of "I see I see what you can't see"?
"JOHN: ALSO... JOHN: I THINK I MIGHT HAVE DEPRESSION?" Well, at least they won't have a lack of stuff to be talking, sorry, yelling about. Rose might be partially delighted to pick at the brains of an adult John, in fact.
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cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
blurry | bambam
prompt: inspired by bammie’s instagram selfie hot dayum could i not contain myself, so i made an imagine abt it B) here it is if ya wanna get attacked by our bamchinja. c;  group: GOT7 pairing: bambam, you genre: fluff words: 3185 note:  sorry theres so many spelling errors its currently 3:18 am and im tired as heq ill edit this tomorrow thanku ㅠㅠ
“Dude, you got this.”
“Yeah, well, what if I don’t? Our asses are on the line here,” Bambam’s worried tone reverberates from your phone’s speakers. You have it on loudspeaker mode because you were in the mood for some mint chocolate ice cream. You just got home from classes today and boy was it scorching hot outside. 
“Yes, you do. And no, they’re not. You’ve been practicing nonstop for this comeback, Bam, I think you have it all down by now,” you repeat a little louder than usual as you open the freezer and take out the pint of sweet and cooling treat. 
Setting it down on the kitchen counter, you cap the lid off and start digging in with your spoon. “And why are you so nervous? You’ve never asked me advice on how to handle stage fright ever since we knew each other,” you comment through the melting of your favorite dessert inside your mouth.
“Are you eating ice cream from the pint again?” He suddenly asks, a tone of amusement lingering in his voice. You automatically hug the thing of ice cream closer to your stomach, eyes peering at the phone resting near you. “How’d you know?”
“Just a hunch.” You can just hear him shrugging smugly.
“You wish you were here,” you retaliate, scoffing as you take another scoop. You make sure he captures the sound of you scraping the soft and gooey substance of sweetness. You know you should be encouraging him right now, but teasing the boy you’ve known for quite a while now is always a treat in its own way. 
“I do. I do wish I were there,” he agrees somewhat seriously. You’re unsure whether he was talking about having ice cream or something else, but you brush it off, not wanting to think about such complications right now. 
You put the spoon down and attempt to bring the previous conversation back. “Really, though, Bam. You’re going to do amazing, as always. Don’t worry too much about it, alright?” You tell him earnestly. If Bambam had never asked for any reassurances with you before, maybe this time he really needed it. 
A slight pause occupies the air until you hear him exhale shortly on the other end of the phone call. “You’re right, you’re right. That makes me feel so much better. Thanks, fam,” he answers with a hopeful tone. 
Shaking your head, you protest, “No problem. And don’t ever call me ‘fam’ again, fam.”
“Would you like to be called something else then, hmm?” There he goes, back to his usual zany self which you can’t help but blush about…
Did Bambam just make you blush? 
“I would like you to call me when I’m not busy enjoying my ice cream,” you tell him, going back to eating your lunch for the day. 
“You didn’t even start eating ice cream when I called you in the first place!” Bambam interjects and you soon chuckle at his predicament. You hear a few conversations bubbling up in the background, even recognizing Yugyeom’s whining to one of the hyungs, maybe Jinyoung, you’re not quite sure.
You move your position to the couch, setting down your phone on the coffee table. You hear a distinct voice referring to Bambam and he responds, but you’re too focused on your ice cream to eavesdrop. 
“I have to go in a few. What’re you going to do afterwards?” He finally addresses you. You ponder his question until you realize you’ve forgotten something really important. 
“Shoot! I have a major presentation for my History class tomorrow!” Spoon hanging in midair, you slowly place the ice cream pint next to your phone, feeling guilty of even opening it up. 
“And you haven’t started on it yet,” Bambam muses. You groan in agreement and slap your forehead lightly. “No, because I thought it was happening next week.”
“Too distracted with me, huh. I have that effect,” the boy on the other end suggests, a smirk almost evident in his voice. You laugh mockingly, but the anxiety in you keeps rising. “Guess I have something to keep me distracted while you’re performing,” you conclude, probably feeding his ego even more. 
“That’s good, then, at least it’s not another guy,” he jokes and you roll your eyes. “Whatever, snake,” you shoot back. 
“Anyway, I got to go, we’re shooting in a few,” he tells you, almost begrudgingly. “Hey, I really appreciate you answering the call.”
You smile at his genuine reply. You rarely see this side of Bambam whenever you guys are together, or even just talking on the phone. You feel a sense of warmth in your heart, and you honestly don’t know what to make out of it. But you don’t let it get to you- not yet.
“Of course. You know I’m here,” you mutter softly. 
“And me too,” he chimes. Another voice, presumably Jaebum, informs him about getting ready, so you anticipate Bambam’s good bye. “Now I really need to go. I’ll message as soon as possible.”
“For sure, Bam. Good luck! You never fail to do your best,” you add, making sure he’s still reassured. Bambam thanks you again, and the call ends.
Now, onto cramming that damned History presentation.
Adding a few finishing touches here and there, you finally have a decent 10-slide presentation for your class tomorrow morning. Stretching your arms upward, you let out a relieved sigh, yawning in the process. Making sure that the file has been saved to your laptop, Google Drive, and USB, you turn your laptop off and trudge your way into the comfort of your bed. 
The digital clock on your nightstand reads 11:24 pm and you feel quite proud for completing a procrastinated project before the day ends, roughly speaking. You ease your way into the duvet, grabbing your phone to the side for a late night session on a few of your social media accounts. 
You go to your Messages and remember Bambam’s call from earlier. You wonder whether the performance was a success- it probably was, and Bambam just had cold feet, but you already texted him two hours ago complaining about History being your worst subject ever and how lucky you are it’s your first class of the day. You type a new text, informing him of your success nonetheless and hoping he had a fun time today as well. 
Before you can hit the send button, a chat bubble appears on Bambam’s end first. Your eyes widen at the screen and your lips part in surprise. 
“What the…” You utter under your breath, hands suddenly sweating at the sight of your phone, Bambam’s selfie showing on the bright screen. You squint your eyes to confirm what you’re seeing is right. 
You hit backspace on your keyboard and type a new message with quick and shaking thumbs. 
Wrong number, headass. 
He reads it immediately and your heart skips a beat. Your eyes cannot seem to focus on anything else other than the blurry selfie of a jet black haired K-pop idol. You find yourself mesmerized at his cerulean contacts and drawn to the straight and full pink lips. Breath hitching, you mentally urge yourself to stop giving in to your thoughts. 
Undeniably, Bambam broke every puberty challenge out there, and not a day goes by without you reminding him that- much to his satisfaction. But you complimenting him was always out of good faith as good friends, nothing more and nothing less. 
However, recently, things have been a bit blurry between the two of you. It doesn’t help that his constant teasing makes you more conscious of the type of relationship you guys are slowly developing. 
And this selfie isn’t helping.
lmao what do you mean that is supposed to be sent to my best friend
You share a room with Yugyeom. Just show it to him in person lmao
not himmm, my OTHER best friend. u. anyway, like what u see? ;)
WTF are you talking about, you never send me selfies before??? 
aww is it that bad, b? :,( it’s just a lil smth to motivate u with ur presentation. hows that going for u, btw?
Again, with the weird ass nicknames, Bam lmao? And you’re just a few minutes too late bec I’ve finished, but thanks for trying.
Also, no, it actually looks really good. :)
pshhh u like itttt bb ;) oh, hey thats great. u should go 2 sleep by now.
and really? don’t play me, bb :,(
It does! Your face is blurred, so it’s perfect.
wow bye
You chuckle to yourself at the playful conversation. Typical Bambam, but you still can’t help but be confused at any underlying message of all this. Or maybe there’s not any and your mind is just running irrationally due from the emerging crash of the caffeine. Maybe that’s it.
You think of sending him a meme- of himself, might you add- until he follows a new text. 
blurred like our relationship, right
Dropping your phone to the side, you bring a pillow pushed to your face and scream into its plush surface. You feel the heat coming off of your cheeks, chest heaving in and out as well. What was that all about? Has Bambam been aware of the unusual tension you, yourself, have been feeling towards him the past couple of weeks? Why is he speaking up about it now?
that was stepping out of the line of being corny. i’m sorry lol
You notice that he was trying to play it off cool, but now that you’ve gotten a signal from him acknowledging the uncanny stage of your relationship right now, you wanted to go all out. With Bambam, you need to know whether he’s serious about this or not. 
You retreat the pilow away from your face, flustered at the suddent flight response you just pulled off. You certainly cannot be this embarrassing once you confront him, that’s for sure. But realizing you might have been absent for a while, you gingerly take a hold of your phone and type a new message with a plan. 
When are you free, Bam? 
You need to discuss this to him in person. You need to see it in Bambam’s eyes. You see the typing animation show on and off as he’s probably contemplating on what to say to you too.
i’m free for a few hours after our morning radio interview
Perfect. I’ll meet you at the cafe near my university at 12. Sounds good?
yeah yeah ofc 
Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow, Bam.
you too. uhhh good night?
Good night to you too, Bambam. :)
“Headass, over here!”
A guy in stylish clothing, together with a black cap, black sunglasses, and black mask whips his head towards your direction. His tall stance and sense of fashion already singled him out from the lazily dressed college students surrounding the cafe right now, including yourself.
You end up sleeping three hours later after your conversation with Bambam, different scenarios of your meet up today forming in your head, some with good outcomes and others unspeakable. You couldn’t believe that you were able to set up a “date” with him with the intention of confessing the uncertainty you have in regards to affectionate feelings towards him. 
He walks over to the corner of the quaint little shop, a cold drink already in place before his seat. You don’t see his expression quite well, seeing that his whole face is covered with different kinds of masks, but you hear him chuckle as he relaxes in front of you, inspecting the drink shortly. 
“You know me too well,” he finally says, lowering the mask to his chin so he can take a sip of his favorite drink. You grin at your accomplishment, chugging the iced coffee you bought for yourself as to keep your nerves from taking over you- which was ironic since you’re gulping down more of what keeps you shaking right now.
“How was the interview?” You ask nonchalantly, watching his every move. Bambam glances up at you and nods his head, “It went really well. More enjoyable than your presentation, that I could say.”
Glaring daggers at him you counter, “Shut up.” He cackles at your response, and then the two of you instinctively easing into your normal conversations of mundane stories and brutal banters, almost forgetting about the original reason of you meeting him here.
But you didn’t mind, not one bit. You missed his physical presence. Just seeing a hint of his crinkling eyes from the shade of his visor is enough for you to feel comfortable around Bambam. He genuinely is the best person you know. You both never have to think twice about saying something potentially wrong, because the other would just use it at their advantage but at the same time turn it into an inside joke between the two of you. 
There was something that he declared which made you stomp your hand down the table in rejection. He chortles at your dramatic expression and casually lays his hand on top of yours. Your face quickly realizes this as you retrieve your hand back to your sides, squeezing it tight to stop it from trembling at the sudden contact. 
Bambam notices your discomfort and coughs awkwardly. “Sorry, sorry. I ruined it, didn’t I?” He admits, looking down in frustration.
“No, no, Bam it’s not that,” your attempt in fixing the matter at hand was futile, and you wish you have more time to stall, more time to just have mindless fun with the best guy friend you’ve ever had in a while. 
But seeing that your stomach churned and jumped in itself after a simple touch of your hand, you had to tell him how he’s made you feel. Or else you’re going to go nuts.
“What are we, Bambam?” You blurt out, eyes fixating on the empty cup of beverage sitting idly on the table. “And don’t make it out as a meme, ‘kay? I’m asking it seriously,” you follow up with a scrunched face, making sure that Bambam knows you’re done with fooling around. 
You peek at his face and he seems to be smiling shyly, hand that was once touching yours now scratching the back of his head. You find yourself wishing you never took it back. 
Shaking your head, you whine at your inner frustration. “I… I think I like you, Bam. And I don’t know why I’m saying this now but recently, you’ve been saying weird stuff to me that gets me all flustered and red and you can’t see that because we haven’t seen each other in a while, but when we do I try to suppress it just because I don’t you to think I’m weird or something like that but our conversation last night messed me up big time, and now I don’t know if suppressing it is going to help anymore and I just -”
You stop yourself from losing air in your system as you inhale and exhale. Your hands have been clutching themselves tightly on your lap and you let go to feel the blood pumping again. You’re afraid to look up and see a confused Bambam staring at you, but before you can contemplate any further, you hear a soft laughter resonating from him. And it wasn’t that of mockery, so you slowly turn your head to reveal a blushing adolescent boy before you, hands covering his eyes under a pair of expensive sunglasses.
 “Aw man, you beat me to it. Why do you always do that to me?” He complains cutely. You titl your head in confusion. 
“I was supposed to confess first. Do you know how ashamed I feel right now?” He takes his hands off his eyes as well as his sunglasses and you finally see his eyes. Glistening in hope and anxiety all at the same time, but the beauty in them never left. You are taken aback, but you try and keep it together as he gulps down and stares right back at you. 
“You always beat me to things, but that doesn’t mean I won’t confess anymore. Yes, I’ve been trying to get your attention more frequently because I’ve… developed feelings for you, and I didn’t know how to handle them other than be more annoying than usual.” His assessment of the situation makes you giggle, and it prompted him to keep going. 
“I was really happy I got to talk to you when I was feeling hella nervous yesterday. It made me confirm my feelings for you and that you make me comfortable in whatever situation we’re in. The selfie I sent you last night was just me trying to see if you kind of feel the same way, and I honestly didn’t know what to expect from there.” He brings his hands on the table and plays with them mindlessly, biting his lip as he looks down. 
“I’m sorry if I’ve made you feel frustrated by the way I’ve acted, I’m just a dumb adolescent boy who doesn’t know how to handle his feelings well. But I was honestly really glad we got to hang out today, you know I missed you a lot. So, I’m sorry if this ruins everything…” he trails off, seeming to want to say more but his tongue prevents him from doing so.
You keep your eyes on him, not exactly knowing how to respond correctly. He gives you a full minute to contemplate on your own before he looks back up at you, pausing with his hands and smiling sheepishly. “Any response from you would be great right now.”
“Shoot, I’m sorry,” you say, lips in a tight line. You think for another few seconds before finally making up your mind. “C’mon, let’s take a selfie.”
“C’mon, Bam. You have a better camera than mine, so go get your phone!” Your tone was firm but encouraging at the same time. He hesitates for a second but complies nonetheless. You scoot next to him, your arm slightly touching with his. You falter a bit, but you feel Bambam relax with your touch and you smile as you move in a tiny bit closer.
He positions the phone at the perfect angle and you see him trying out a few different expression before his thumb presses over the button. Your smile grows wider at the sight of him assessing himself, but you quickly peck the soft surface of his cheek and beat him to taking the selfie. 
Without waiting for his response, you snatch the phone away and inspect the picture. Content with the image, you show him the screen. 
He looks at with his eyebrows furrowed, but immediately understands and reveals a goofy grin. You nudge his elbow playfully before resting your head on your shoulder, already feeling at ease with your position.
“Not so blurry now, huh?” You ask him. He pats your head in response and squeezes your shoulder reassuringly, the touch of him making you want more.
 But for now, this is enough.
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voidlanterns · 5 years
Brooklyn Story Demo
Brooklyn (demo)
I keep having the same dream every night. I wake up on a beach, cold and alone. Above the beach a sable black sky churns and cracks into the shape of a hurricane touching down over the ocean. Writhing waves of a dark turquoise clash and beat against the shore, as if trying to devour the land. Every adjacent moment, thunder reintroduces itself and lightning dances across the horizon. Looking out over the sand, one could see that it stretches infinite, forever. Forever save one thing: a two story navy blue house with white trim. A house I always loved. A house I will always, even after all this time, consider my real home. Our house.
You always said your dream house was impossible, two floors, a porch, double doors, big enough to raise that family you always wanted, and the whole thing blue and white. I don’t remember if I ever told you, but this house was the first time I ever owned something. I’ll never forget what that felt like, committing to something so completely. It may have been your “dream home”, but it became mine too, and It was beautiful. But here, It’s not beautiful. This storm isn’t kind. It never was. The paint cracks, windows break, and the porch crumbles.
Standing on this beach, I always feel as if some force pulls me towards the house. Invisible hands pulling the thread anchored into my chest. I’ve tried ignoring it. I’ve tried running from it. But in this place, no matter how long I run, no matter how far I go, I always know exactly where the house is. I always feel that thread being pulled. I am a compass, and this house is my north.
I don’t know how it happens, but I always find myself at those twin rust colored doors, staring at the brass knobs. I’ve never walked towards the house. Never once have I climbed the grey stone steps of the porch. I’m always just here, at those damned doors, standing upon the coffee-colored door mat that reads, “Soon to be Mr. and Mrs. Davis”. I threw that mat away after what happened. I just couldn’t bear to see it anymore.
The sound of the maelstrom above the waters always seems to fade at the door. As if continuing past the threshold of the porch separates one from the turbulence above the sands. Standing here, all I can really hear is the faint hum of that National record you always played, Trouble Will Find Me, and the breeze kissing the wooden chimes you hung just outside on the patio. This, this is the sound I woke up to on so many mornings, the feeling I came home to after so many meetings with my editor. I know it’s small, but it’s what made it home. They’re right when they say it’s the little things that hurt the most.
My hands hesitate opening the door, instead choosing to take solace against the cool wooden frame. My eyes close and I take breath. There’s always been a weight to opening the door here, a tension in my chest. I don’t know if it’s because I’m worried you’ll be there, or if it’s because I’m worried you won’t. Either way, the door always opens, and as it does, the sound stops.
Stepping through the door, only serves to remind me of how much I loved our house. The dining room to the right with that white wooden picnic style dining table your mother got us as an engagement present, even though we already had a table
that we had to throw out because you didn’t know how to tell your mom no. The very same table that was never really used for dining, because really who does that, so we just put a candle and some of those tiny plastic white pumpkins there and called it a day. Or that weird painting of an elephant that hung above the table that you always said, “really ties the room together.” And I’ll be honest, it didn’t.
The stairs in the Foyer leading up to our rooms, and your studio, were always lined with a rotating lineup of photos of your family, pictures from your performances, and some from my publishing dinners. My favorite was always that picture of that time you met Bach at a party, or as you were always so quick to correct me, “that guy dressed up as Bach”. The white bookshelf that was built into the wall adjacent to the stairs was always littered with so many of your piano books. I always felt like I had follow behind you and reorganize it. To this day I have no idea how you could live with that shelf in utter chaos as it always was.
Left of the foyer, below two steps, was the living room. The light always drew in from the windows in a way that made the room look like it was 2 p.m. on a Sunday in the middle of August. It always made me want to be in this room, either reading or writing, Most of my favorite memories with you happened in this room. I remember once we-
“Wow, was a beautiful house! Are you sure we can afford it? I mean, I know I’ve been performing a lot more and your book’s selling, but...can we?”
I’d recognize your voice anywhere. Plus, I remember this conversation when it happened. I just thought I’d have more time before you showed up, but... I turn around, and there you are. You’re looking at all the things you did when you first saw the house, the white eggshell paint, the chestnut colored hardwood floors, the perfect lighting the house always seems to have.
I remember just how excited you were. You looked like a child getting to pick out a new toy, or a puppy seeing literally anything the first time. Your beige off-the-shoulder dress flourishing, because you were practically vibrating with excitement. Your long brown hair threatening to come out of that hastily thrown up bun you had it in. The way your hazel eyes sparkled and danced, at the mere possibility that this could be ours. You being that excited made me realize that no matter what it would take, we’d buy this house.
Seeing you again, here, right now, I don’t have that determination. I only feel that same tugging in my chest I had when I saw the house from outside. It pulls. It longs. To feel overjoyed and crushed at the very same time. The only real difference is that now, instead of it pulling towards the house, it pulls towards you. Wherever you go, like a magnet in my heart.
“Well, Brooklyn, I crunched some numbers...and uh..we definitely can as long as we skip every other meal and switch to Great Value brand.” This is what I remember saying. I’m not saying it now, yet, it fills the room as if I did.
“God, I can’t afford that. Walmart brand everything is whatever. But skipping every other meal? I’d rather die.” You say as you turn and face the empty doorway, smiling and shaking your head.
I have no doubt that when this actually happened, I was standing in that doorway, doing my best to hide the fact that this house was insanely expensive. I never told you but if the publishing company never gave me an advance on my book deal we
wouldn’t have been able to afford it. I mean, you doing studio sessions with that artist you never shut up about helped too, but it was mainly me.
“Ooh theres even a chandelier!” You say, sounding like a child, as you point above us. “Now you’ll have to respect me when we fight otherwise it’s full War of the Roses!”
“...” “What? You’ve never seen it? Michael Douglas? Kathleen Turner? War? Roses?” “No.” I lie, because I’d rather die than see you have any satisfaction in life. “Ugh, forget it.” You say turning around and mumbling, “I thought it was funny.” The memory continues to play out in front of me, every beat, every comment. It’s
nice, but I stop listening every time. I’m always just watching you. The way you carry yourself, the way you smile. It’s been so long since I’ve seen it that I can’t help but just stare. I’m sure if you were actually here and saw me doing it you’d get embarrassed and tell me to stop. I wouldn’t blame you. I do love to stare.
After a few minutes both you, and the my own disembodied voice, fade. I’ve done this enough to know that they’ll come back, and where, but...I don’t know. It never really gets any easier for me. Seeing you here one second, and gone the next. It’s tough. It’s something I never got used to, even after all this time.
Walking into the dining room and looking through the window behind the table, I can see the storm’s growing. As the typhoon draws ever closer, the thrashing tides rise along the beach, growing more violent as every second passes. I can’t hear the thunder or see the lighting while within the peaceful isolation of the house, but I can feel their presence, and with each passing second, the weight grows heavier.
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