#emberly talks
shoutout to the starkid fan that homemade a prayer candle for emberly from firebringer and then donated it to a thrift store for me to find. fuckin lit tbh
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nqds · 6 months
im giving you this exerpt from my writing in hopes that it'll somehow make me want to write more :)
btw callums pov!
Being dragged around a mythical world is not what I would’ve said if someone had asked me what I would be doing in a months’ time a month ago.
And to top it off, the world is basically a painting, a world that could only be made through someone’s imagination.
The screams that we’re following grow louder and louder until we reach a clearing. Smoke fills my lungs and the ground beneath our feet is black—the trees charred and in the centre of it all is a girl with fire red hair and pale skin. She’s scrambling back on the ground setting the grass alight as she moves.
“No! No! Please! I didn’t do it!” The words fly out of her mouth directed at the five soldiers that are advancing on her. They’ve each got silver armour, a coloured line down her arm, two blue, one red, green, and grey.
“Miss Emberly, we just want to talk,” the first one shouts of the crackle of the fire that she’s just started.
“NO!” The girl keeps inching back in fear her eyes locked onto the swords each soldier is reaching for. “It wasn’t me! It wasn’t me! I promise!” she cries in hysteria.
“Miss Emberly, Please!” The guard tries again, but Emberly just scrambles away from them terror in her eyes. The five men advance until the only thing that separates them is the space Aurelia is standing— wait what?
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woah... can we have some information on all the ROs parents/families? if i read that right it means J and Kinsley are cousins?????
sure! +yes, Kinsley and J are cousins, but only technically!
Dylan Quinn──
Reece Quinn, Dylan's father. 37 years old. He's an art restorationist painter! Reece and Dylan share a love of art, and Reece is very supportive that Dyl wants to take their art all the way. He's a bit clumsy in his concerns about Dylan's education that it gets them in a few arguments but Dylan knows that at the end of the day their father just wants the best for them!
Laurel Benson, previously Quinn, born Carter, Dylan's mother. 43 years old. She lives in Austria now. They haven't spoken in almost five years. She's an art museum curator. She might have a newborn but that's just speculation on Dylan's part.
Shayne Walker──
Andrew Walker, Shay's father. 48 years old. Recently promoted to a high ranking manager in a heavy duty vehicle manufacturing business─he looks over the presentations of new models and keeps track of their quality. He used to fly all over the world to make sure their machines were working properly in overseas countries but now has a more permanent spot. Shay gets his humour from his father and they have a very good relationship.
Deirdre Walker, Shay's mother. 47 years old. DeDe has a chronic illness that makes it hard for her to move for extended periods of time and as such has stopped working to take over full time at home. Shay and his mother bond over their love of food. She is very kind and full of heart to hearts──DeDe gives the best hugs in the world!
Danielle Walker, soon to be Peterson, Shay's older sister. 23 years old. Her fiance is Ryan Peterson (24). Owns her own flower shop! Danielle and Shay get along quite well, but they're not exactly talk every day close.
Ingrid Walker, Shay's younger sister. 8 years old. She likes to pla pranks on and with Shay, and is becoming quite the jokester like her brother!.
Kinsley Grace-Cameron──
Emilia Grace, Kinsley's mother. Emilia is Kinsley's birth mother, from her egg─she carried Kinsley to full term pregnancy (Kinsley was almost a week late.) She died two years ago, aged 36. She was a criminal defence lawyer. Kinsley and Emilia were extremely close.
Lavender Cameron, Kinsley's mother. 39 years old. Works as a corporate business lawyer, is currently the sole owner of Grace and Cameron, the law firm. Never got on the best with Kinsley and their relationship has only gotten colder since her wife's death. Lavender has very high expectations for her daughter, but deep down she just wants Kinsley to do her best and be happy.
Jared Montgomery, Kinsley's father. 32 years old. Works as an auditor for New York's state government. Doesn't take part in Kinsley's life as a father, but he does have a... amicable relationship with her.
The Grace Aunts/Cousins. Emilia's sisters, Elizabeth (40), Emberly (38) and Elise (28). Elizabeth's son Karden (21) and Emberley's twins Georgina and Gabriella (19).
The Cameron Aunts/Uncles/Cousins. Lavender's brothers, Malachite (46) and Flint (38) and sister Lilac (27). Malachite's sons Sterling (24) and Roland (23), Flint's daughter Jade (21) and Lilac's son Oliver (4).
bar Oliver, Kinsley is the youngest of the cousins and is now under the most scrutiny from her family to live up to their legacy. Kinsley doesn'y get along with most of her extended family, but used to be closer to her cousins Georgina and Gabriella before her mother died.
Jaxon/Jasmin Montomery──
Archibald Montgomery, J's father. 53 years old. CEO of a business company... something to do with stocks... oil or gold or something. Declared J disowned a few months ago.
Hannah Montgomery, previously Morgenstern, born Hastings, J's mother. 51 years old. Current Mayor for New York. Trying very hard to keep contact with J... trying very hard to keep control of J.
Arabella Montgomery, J's little sister. Newly turned 11 years old. Loves J so very much, it's caused tension between Bella and her parents... who are on the verge of a divorce!
Jared Montgomery, J's paternal uncle. 32 years old. Works for Hannah in their municipal government, he is an auditor.
Peter Hastings, J's maternal uncle. 44 years old. Working as an engineer for a train line company. Very protective of J and Arabella, currently letting J stay in his apartment.
Theodore/Theodora/Theo Wesley──
Miles Wesley, Theo's father. 42 years old. Neurosurgeon.
Paulina Wesley, born Prescott, Theo's mother. 43 years old. Pediatric Surgeon.
both of Theo's parents are very loving but they're also very busy... Theo tends to stay out of their way when they're at home because they don't want to bother their parents when they're so tired/supposed to be resting.
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amazingmsme · 10 months
Holy FUCK i have only seen a bit of Firebringer but i absolutely love love love Grunt and Emberly! And Trail to Orgeon?— Ticklish McDoon all the way 🤠 🙌🕊✨️ that man is on my mind 24/7
(i send you way too many things im SORRY-)
Please never apologize for sending me stuff! I love getting to talk about these shows, especially when they’re ones that don’t have much content! But yeah, they’re couple goals! They match each other’s dorky energy & just love each other so deeply! & cmsjsabxkc so glad I’m not the only one with bandit king thoughts! I love goofy villains like that & I can totally see him being deathly ticklish & flailing around whenever someone wrecks him!
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brisksunrise · 2 years
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As it turns out, besides becoming the daughter of the Frog Witch, Tarwin also has quite a few sisters
Emberly: An absolute hero geek who loves everything about heroes, and through the use of her own magic and various magical items, likes to pass herself off as a hero. Superhero, Sentai, Magical Girl... she loves them all and will constantly sport new outfits as she goes around helping people.
Valora: Though Valora looks really really young, this is due to her own magic having stunted her growth. As such, she retains the appearance of a legless tadpole. Though small and lacking in legs, Valora has mastered using her magic to be able to travel around in a multitude of ways, and is an expert at making portals and simply teleporting. She’s also pretty good at healing magic. Her stunted growth also lends to her being rather childish and can often be seen lounging watching cartoons and wanting to hang out with her sisters.
Carmen: A lover of all things fashion and design. Carmen enjoys dressing others up and tailoring things together. She often infuses clothing with magic, leading to some very intricate costumes capable of mimicking the exact thing they are based on. She has a special connection with fairies, and can often be seen carrying around a massive pair of magical scissors.
Ariwalia: Ari is a bibliophile, plain and simple. She loves books and everything associated with them. She possesses magical abilities that allow her to manipulate both books and writing. She can write words in the air and bring them to life. Through the use of magic, she has given herself a tail with a fountain pen tip on the end, and can fully use it.
Cordelia: Despite her thick, short appearance, she’s quite sporty and athletic. She has a high affinity for water-based magics. Though usually gentle, she possesses a quick temper and can easily get frustrated when things don’t go right.
Kitty: A horned frog who has a very curious, cat-like appearance to her design. Energetic and outgoing, Kitty can also be pretty lazy with a love of lounging around, as well as easily distracted by the latest shiny or interesting thing. She’s strangely very good at cooking. She enjoys hanging out with her sisters and is always attempting to figure out what they’re up to.
Summer and Winter: Both are a pair of poison dart frog-themed twins who at one point in the past was a single person. However, upon being transformed, they split into two beings. They both have a love of alchemy and potions, and are prone to getting into mischief together.
Summer tends to veer off into being snarky and sneaky. The more calm one of the two who will come up with a variety of strange ideas. She likes to collect dolls and plush, and can even manipulate and control them
Winter is energetic and friendly, easily prone to talking about nonsense and rambling on. She always seems to have her head in the clouds and has an intense love of astrology and space. 
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em-writes-stuff · 11 months
flufftober + whumptober day 13
prompts: wrong (...) [drink] + "it comes and goes like the strength in your bones"
181 words
characters: emberly drewitt, echo song, nyks fyre
One day nyks makes echo a drink with some herbs/what have you because it’s getting weaker and the concoction is supposed to fight off the exhaustion 
But emberly drinks it instead and it turns out when you don’t need them, they make you feel like you do
So nyks and echo go full nurse mode on her and (while nyks does most of the work) echo ends up curling up against emberly 
Cue the cute scene where they’re all three laying down together with emberly in the middle (she deserves it) and nyks falls asleep first (she finally feels safe) and echo’s closest to the fireplace (he was bullied into the spot) 
Eventually, emberly wakes up and echo’s still awake so they start talking (quietly so they don’t wake nyks up) and emberly asks if this is how it always feels 
“It comes and goes…” he answers. “The strength in your bones, the energy in your body.” it smiles, “and its the fucking worst thing in the world.” 
Emberly chuckles and closes her eyes (it’s exhausting  to keep them open) 
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Will You Share Your Heart with Me? -  A story by Emberly Call and Lee Clearwater- Storyline Four
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      ᴡɪᴛʜ: @TheMakahWolf
      ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: La Push, Washington
◄ Lee ►
When you promise the most beautiful woman in your life a date night, you better be willing to step up and make it happen. We aren’t talking cheap beer and pizza, not this time. If I wasn’t willing to take it seriously, then I shouldn’t be doing it at all. (At least that was the advice from my Ma and baby brother.)
The two of them have been bombarding me with questions, suggestions, and were willing to discuss with deep details why I had to get this date right! I am not ashamed to say I left for my run that night with sweating armpits and palms.
But when I met up with #Jake, he laughed slabbed me on my back, and told me clearly.
‘Just do what feels right for you and Emmy. She will love the fact that you were doing this for her.’ Being one of my girlfriends best friends, I was inclined to agree with him. Which brought us to the big night. The night I wanted to take my first girlfriend out.
With wet hair, a towel around my waist, my cell in my hand I texted her.
[Work is over, beautiful. I’m running on time. I can’t wait to see you tonight.]
Hitting send, I threw the cell on the bed beside the clothes the kid pulled out for me. The boy wanted to help, his excitement became contagious, and I couldn’t stop myself from laughing with him.
‘You’re going to be the man Bro.’ He said smiling.
◄ Emmy ►
My phone buzzed and I leaned forward to grab it from the small desk I used to study on and now… it was basically filled with books and music. Occasionally I cleared enough space to place a mirror there and do my hair and makeup. “Shit!” I grumbled reading Lee’s text… I was so not on time! “OW! Mom!” I turned to the woman behind me who had just yanked on my hair.
‘I told you to hold still!’ She laughed and grabbed my head turned it back to the mirror. I could have stopped her… but she still had a grip on the extensions she was clipping into my  hair, so I behaved. I held my phone high and shot off a text to #Rachel.
The reply was almost instant.
[Please Darling!! We’re 2 minutes away.]
I smiled to myself. Mom had seen the message. ‘Did you think they were going to let you go off on this date without a prep team?’ She laughed her musical laugh. ‘They know how excited you are.’
They…. WE…. Damn… Who the hell was on their way to my house?
‘You know Lee likes your hair short, don’t you? You really don’t need to wear your extensions.’ Mom told me  and I laughed.
“I know… But he promised me to dance, and you know how much I love a dramatic hair swoop!” I smirked at her through the mirror.
Mom rested her hand above her heart and smiled. ‘That’s my girl. As long as you’re doing it for you.’
I heard a car pull up outside  and Mom pinned in the last one. I cycled through who it could be… but it sounded like #Quil’s car. I knew there was no way he was coming over to help me get ready for a date with the group of unknown we’s.
But then…. That was him… laughing with #Ness and  #Rachel… And #Kim’s quiet footsteps.
They let themselves in and #Quil took the stairs three at a time and burst into my room like a hurricane. ‘Your make-up artist has arrived!’ The last word went high as #Ness jumped on his back lemur style.
‘Not a chance in hell! That beautiful face is all mine!’ She hopped down. My Mom kissed the top of my head and left me to my friends' capable hands, but not before gripping #Nessie’s face. ‘Try not to break my house, you beautiful little weirdo.’ She teased her… It sounded harsh. But coming from Mom  that was a compliment. Everyone laughed at the reference to a time Ness broke a chair in Mom’s kitchen. There was still an odd chair at the table that was famously known as Nessie’s chair.
Rachel brought wine and curlers, which she and #Kim tag teamed my (and not my) hair   into perfect waves while Ness sat on the table in front of me and helped… let’s face it did my make-up… something I was never good at. For a girl that never wore makeup, she was insanely talented. But she was always good at everything she tried. We laughed and primped  while Quil sat on my bed and chimed in when he got a chance.
I picked up my phone and text Lee when it looked like I was going to be on time after all… with a little help from my friends.
[I would never keep you waiting. See you soon, boyfriend.]
I wasn’t even blushing typing that word… it never got old.
◄ Lee ►
I was rolling up the sleeves of my shirt, when I heard the car pulling up outside. “Hey Kid, can you get the door?” Calling out, and then hearing the toilet flush. “Don’t worry. I’ve got it.”
Chuckling at the ‘thanks, bro.’ I took two steps at a time, combing my fingers through my hair when I opened the door.
“Hey Jake, what are you doing here?” He kicked the door of his car close with both hands full with flowers. Arching my brows while watching him walking up the path to our door.
He watched me, giving me a wolf whistle and an eyebrow dance. ‘Don’t you scrub up well. Give me a twirl Clearwater.’ I gave him a middle finger with a chuckle.
‘Prince Charming for Emmy, and a dickhead for me? Nice! Anyway… Your mom didn’t want you to be late. And she knew you would have ordered these to collect on your way over to Emmy’s so, she asked me to rescue you.’
This got him an eye roll. “I never run late, and you both know it.” Stepping to the side to let him in. He pushed the flowers into my arms heading to the kitchen, when he reappeared there was a bottle of beer in his hand.
“Sure Jake, come on in, Make yourself at home.” Laughing while I set the flowers down on the table. He knew was always welcome, what was ours was his, as it was with the rest of the packs too.
‘It’s thirsty work you know. Picking up flowers.’ Kicking his shoes off he fell into the couch.
“You best have picked some up for Ness while you were there.” I warned with a chuckle.
‘Picked them up, delivered them before she left to help your date get ready.’ He chuckled too.
My fucking heart did something to draw Jake’s eyes to me. He shook his head grinning. ‘Are you nervous about tonight?’ He asked drinking his beer.
“Me? Hmm… maybe I am. I hadn’t considered it. But…. Yeah maybe. She means a lot. I don’t want to mess up. You know?”
The Kid made his way down, clapping Jake on the shoulder and falling down next to him. ‘You’re overthinking it bro, you want this, Emmy wants it too, just chill and let the night unfold.’ That was easy for him to say.
“Yeah, sure.” The two of them laughed.
‘Kid are you forgetting who you’re talking to here? Lee doesn’t know how not to overthink.’ #Jake joked.
“Not true… I’m easy and laid back. I know how to go with the flow.” Now I needed a beer, but I didn’t have time. My phone buzzed and I smiled reading her text.
[Good to know. I am coming for you, girlfriend. I’ll be the handsome one on your doorstep.]
As soon as I hit send, all the built-up tension disappeared in an instant.
“But for now. I have a date waiting for me. So… laters suckers.”
Pushing my wallet into my back pocket, my keys in my hand, the flowers were next. The boys followed me to my truck while shouting. out words of wisdom. Until I reminded Jake, he hadn’t been on a first date since secondary school, and the kid needed to be reminded I was the one who taught him his moves.
◄ ◄ ◄
The drive over to the Call house wasn’t long, I had the windows down and the music loud.
Those nerves showing themselves again as I turned down their street, turning the music off before pulling up behind the cars telling me with the scents, I could pick up who had shown up for Emmy.
◄ Emmy ►
I closed the last button and stood in front of the mirror. “I haven’t worn heels in over a year.” I said twisting to the side… “But damn… they make my arse look good.”
‘Walk to me.’ #Kim said from across the room. And I did… navigating the heels expertly. ‘Spirits damn  your perfect coordination Emberly Call.’ She laughed.
“I was a dancer before I was a Warrior, Kaya.” I teased her. “Heels are easy. I’ll give you a lesson… just not tonight.” I took #Kim’s hands when I reached her.
‘Are you nervous Emmy?’ She asked and I pulled my hands back… they were a little clammy.
“No!” I rolled my eyes… #Nessie arched a single brow like she could represent the country in the eyebrow Olympics. She had heard my heart skip. “Maybe… Yes.” I sat on the bed next to #Quil and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
‘That’s a good thing, Emmy… It means this is a big deal. This is important to you.’ He grinned and lifted his hand the muss my hair. He was stopped by a chorus of shouts which had him and I laughing far too hard. ‘You deserve to be a big deal.’ #Quil’s head snapped up to the sound of a truck pulling up outside.
#Nessie started clapping and the girls rushed to the window. “Really!!” I huffed “You ladies have zero chill… You know that right?” They waved me off and started chattering about how good he was going to look and complaining that he hadn’t gotten out of the car.
I huffed again, but it was hiding a laugh at the faces crowding the window like school girls. I wondered what it would look like from outside the house. “I’m going to answer the door.”
‘Nope!!!’ #Quil jumped up… ‘That’s the big brother’s job!’ hadn’t gotten out of the car.
I huffed again, but it was hiding a laugh at the faces crowding the window like school girls. I wondered what it would look like from outside the house. “I’m going to answer the door.”
‘Nope!!!’ #Quil jumped up… ‘That’s the big brother’s job!’ spend far too much time with those boys!’ She propped her tiny fists on her hips, and I tried to look chastened, but a chuckle rumbled in my throat.
I headed for the door. ‘No… you need to wait here and walk down the stairs when Lee is inside!’ #Kimberly insisted. ‘It would be so cute!’
I shook my head violently. “No way… No, no, no.” I wasn’t turning this into a scene from a teen rom-com. I placated them with a top-up of the clear, lightly gold-tinted lip-gloss they had painted me with. I had to admit. #Nessie’s job on my makeup was flawless and the barely their gold sheen made me want to kiss myself. So, it was an easy compromise. I headed to the stairs and saw #Quil and Mom standing waiting to open the door.
Mom beamed. ‘Oh, my darling! Aren’t you a vision? I love this outfit on you so much.’ I looked at the clock behind her.
“Wait… Am I actually ready on time?” I said in utter shock. #Quil laughed.
‘Like this prep team would ever let you down.’ He winked at the women descending the stairs behind me. I knew that Lee was right outside, and my heart was already starting to race.
◄ Lee ►
‘Would someone let the man in, you know he is on the other side of the door listening to every word.’
Hearing the conversation had a hundred-watt grin plastered on my face. Seeing and feeling the eyes on me as I’d walked up the path to the house didn’t phase me. The girls always wanted a front row view whenever they could. However, this one was different. It felt so to me anyway, maybe because this was my first date where I felt like I had something to lose maybe?
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Wiping my hands on my black trousers, my Wolf chastised me. And yeah, I knew we had this in our stride. But still.
Combing my fingers through my black curly hair, I checked the button on my jacket. Held the flowers in my hands, hoping she felt the same as I did.
I wanted to see what they had down for Emmy, she was beautiful without being pampered, so the spirits would only know what my heart was going to do when I landed my gaze on her.
Lifting my hand to knock on the door once again in case they really had forgotten I was here for her. The door opened slowly leaving me standing there with my fist made to knock.
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, how are we all tonight? ” Correcting myself I smiled my eyes searching her out.
◄ Emmy ►
I laughed and #Quil finally opened the door, my heart literally stopped only for a few seconds… but, there was a definite pause. He looked… “Wow…” Wait… I heard that. Did I…? The girls giggled and I knew, yes, I had said it out loud. “Um… Hi.” I came down the last two steps of the stairs while #Nessie unhelpfully filled in the others about how my heart had skipped a beat and set off another round of giggles.
I ran my gaze over him once… twice… settling on his face and breaking into a wide smile. I felt #Quil’s gaze on me every second.
‘Okay…’ He said, opening the door the wider. ‘That’s good enough for me.’ He clapped his hand on Lee’s shoulder. ‘Keep making my best friend smile like that and I’m all for this…’
I stepped forward, never taking my eyes off of him. As he asked how we were I noticed the arm full of flowers and smiled even wider. He was here… I was on time… everything was… Perfect. This was going to be a life-changing night.
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◄ Lee ►
She was…. Stunning… stood up on the stairs I’d walked up and down so often, never once had I stopped to look at Emmy the way I was now.
Everything and everyone faded out of my vision, all I saw was her. Her hair, lips, eyes, the clothes she’d picked out just for tonight. My gaze returned and fell on those lips, glossy and plump, so sweet and kissable.
Slowly the world came back into focus and reluctantly I answered #Quil. “I fully attend to make her smile for as long as she wants me.” I didn’t break my eyes away from her. Taking a step forward towards her. Once again, I forgot about the audience.
“Hey, baby. You look extremely sexy.” Holding the flowers out towards her. “These flowers are falling short before your beauty. However, I hope you don’t mind I bought them for you.”
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◄ Emmy ►
He was looking at me in that way of his, the way only he ever looked at me. The way that made me feel seen like never before, understood… and beautiful. Not in the usual only-girl-in-the-room way I was used to. Not like the best friend… not like the girl-in-the-club-that-I-want-to-take-home way.
Just… Beautiful.
I bit the corner of my lip. #Quil stepped back into the living room doorway, letting Lee come forward. Only when he mentioned them did I let my eyes pull to the flowers in his hands. I smiled even wider and   reached for them, leaning in to inhale the scents, starting with the lilacs… Did he know that this was my all-time favourite scent? And probably flower, really … It wasn’t something I had ever given much thought to. That was probably what I got for being best friends with all boys.
“They’re gorgeous. Thank you so much.” I reached out and brushed my hand down along his lapel. He was… ravishing. “And aren’t you… handsome.” I smiled… I was certain I had never had occasion to use that word and mean it.
I instinctively rolled up on my toes and pressed a kiss to his cheek, Even if my heels brought me a few inches closer… knowing if my lips met his my heart would go even crazier than it was already.
‘Let me take those sweethearts, I’ll put them in water and leave them on your vanity for you.’ Mom said. It was my desk… but tonight I supposed it was my vanity. ‘You two get going now and have a good night. You both deserve a good time.”
◄ Lee ►
Each flower in the arrangement was picked with her in mine. From the early bloom of the daffodils which brought joy and brightness at the start of spring, to the lilacs, peonies, and wild flowers which I identified with an element of her personality. If she were flowers, this would be how I imagined her to look, smell, and be.
I placed a hand on her lower back when she came in to kiss my cheek. An overwhelming urge to kiss her pushed, but I knew the meaning of control. I wasn’t someone who loved an audience, nor did I hide. But this was different. Hard to explain.
“Thank you.” I kissed the top of her head and then I moved to kiss her mom’s cheek as she ushered us out the door. Thanking her too.
‘Eleven pm, we want her home by eleven!’ The girls all giggled trying to set some boundaries. “Sure… sure… Eleven pm tomorrow it is.” My eyes were on Emmy tucked into my side when we stepped out into the cool breeze.
“Are you okay little minx?” Her heart had done those telling skips and jumps. And she hadn’t said as much as she would have usually. Guiding her towards my truck I opened the door, at once hearing the outburst of ‘ahh…’ from behind us.
“Together those three are going to expect and play by play of the whole night. So, you best take notes.”
◄ Emmy ►
I glared at the girls. I had told #Quil not to pull any of his Big Brother moves… but apparently, he wasn’t the one I needed to worry about.
But I was smiling again instantly when he kissed Mom. Then she leaned in and kissed mine too. Whispering ‘I love you, have fun.’ In her native tongue. The language was so close to Quileute that I knew they would all understand it.
I fit neatly against his side, even though the truck was a few steps away I leaned into him, taking in a deeper breath of scent now… savouring each and every moment with this man.
I smiled, wrapping my hand around the one he had over my shoulder. “I’m excited…” I smiled. “And a little nervous… but in a good way. You know? And no one has ever bought me flowers before.” I chuckled and pressed a kiss to that same hand. I glanced back at the door, hearing the muttering behind it… but I was more focused on Lee.
“They’ll hear what I deem shareable… but there’s so much of you I plan on keeping all to myself.” I beamed and heard #Nessie scoff behind the closed door so loud that no matter what I was focused on it couldn’t be missed.
◄ Lee ►
“Yeah, I know exactly what you mean.” Ushering Emmy and myself into the truck, I waved towards the living room windows. The curtains twitched telling me exactly where they had all rushed off towards.
It made me smile, she was loved and cared for. It’s a gift we were both blessed with.
“They care, however I like the feeling that we can keep some of us, to just us… you know.” Turning the key, my hand moved to the gear. But then I stopped to look at her again.
“You’re breathtaking little minx.” Reaching over placed my finger under her chin and kissed her once. “Now. Let’s take my girlfriend on our first date.” Winking at her, a grin on my mouth.
“You asked for dinner, music and me baby, let’s see if we can tick your list off.” I was the list man in this relationship. But I liked going off the beaten track with her.
I pulled out of the parking spot driving towards Forks and then to Port.
◄ Emmy ►
I nodded. That smile of his made my heart skip. I rested my hand against his chest and slid it down… just a little, I was aware of the audience. “I know.” I smiled. “You look amazing. It should probably be illegal for a couple to look this incredible together. It’s hardly fair to the rest of the human race.” I gave a soft laugh.
“Yes... Boyfriend.” I smirked without a hint of shame. I was starting to adore that word. “Let's see if you can tick all of my boxes.” I smiled, I had no doubts that he would succeed. Because time with him would make this perfect.
He drove and I watched the trees flit by… and his stunning side profile. It made me want to bite that fucking perfect jawline. I cleared my throat and reached for the stereo… Nope! We could not start down that road while he was driving. I selected a song… “You are in for a treat Clearwater. I have the best road trip playlist ever.”
(Music: Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine)
◄ Lee ►
Sweet child of mine’s intro hit, and my grin grown. “Fucking love this song!”
Reaching over I placed my hand on her knee and squeezed it gently before turning my palm up for her hand. Bringing it up to my lips placing soft kissing on the back of it. “I have no doubt that if anyone we know is going to have killer playlists… you’re going to be the one.” Stealing glimpses of her while keeping my eyes on the road ahead.
I had to slow down with it the town lines of Forks, speeding wasn’t going to help our night start the way I wanted, but as soon as we hit the road out of town, I put my foot down.
And then I began to sing along, still holding her hand to my mouth kissing it with our fingers laced. “So, the team showed up to help you get ready. And you didn’t kick them out?”
◄ Emmy ►
I laughed and slipped my hand into his when he rested his hand on my knee. “Good! Because not liking this song is a deal breaker.” I said unapologetically. “Everybody likes this song. As they should.”
I brushed my thumb against the side of his hand, holding it lightly so he  could let go to shift gears when he needed to. He wasn’t in a rush… I smiled because there was nothing about this that I wanted to rush either. My heart gave a few loud thuds when he kissed my hand, interrupting his car karaoke for a short moment.
I grinned as I watched him sing along. His smile crinkled the corners of his eyes, he was a fine specimen of a human… man, woman everyone in between… no one compared, no one set my mind, heart, body, and soul on fire like he did. And I knew that no one else ever would. Then I joined in for the second verse.
“She’s got eyes of the bluest skies,
As if they thought of rain.
I’d hate to look into those eyes and see an ounce of pain.”
We sang our way through the whole song, hand-in-hand, all dressed up in our best clothes… but acting like teenagers on a road trip. I laughed, beaming ear to ear when the song ended. “Spirits I love that fucking song!” I smirked.
◄ Lee ►
Her voice… it took you on a journey with a one-way ticket, it wasn’t new to me I know it. But something changed, now I heard it in a different language and feeling in tow. Now I heard it the way the pups did when they were crashing on this incredibly beautiful creature.
“You say it how it is woman; I’ll back you up if anyone disagrees. Not that they would dare to say it to your face unless they want to die.” Ok she wouldn’t kill them per-say. But fuck me they would wish they were dead when she was done with them.
Watching her out the side of my eyes, I took the road to port and put my foot down.
“You’re going to need the truck DJ whenever we are driving. It’s a done deal. Even when you hit shuffle, the music spirits are on your side. It’s so unfair!”
Joking and not all at once. Because it was kinda true.
◄ Emmy ►
I chuckled. “I’m just glad I was there for a lot of the little pups… guiding their journey for musical discovery. I might have needed to kick a few arses.”
“Yeah, the music gods are  good to me.” I smiled. I shifted in the seat, turning towards him a little. I could hear  Rachel in my head telling me I was wrinkling my jacket. But just because I loved to get dressed up on occasion… some things were never going to change. My need to move being one of them.
“So… are you going to tell me where we’re going or is it a surprise?” I asked, it was  clear we were heading towards Port Angeles. But… was that the final destination? Was it in town or somewhere nearby? There were far more options here than at home, or even in Forks. But each mile marker we passed had giddy excitement bubbling in my chest. And the want to  touch him building… not necessarily in a sexual way… there would be plenty of time for that. I reached out and rested my hand on his to sate the urge; as the next song played. My fingers tapped out the chords on the back of his hand and my own knee.
(Music: The Killers - Mr. Brightside)
◄ Lee ►
The killers blasted from my truck, and it wasn’t the first time. I’d knew our taste in music had been similar, but just how close, now slowly came to light.
“Tell you? I mean I’m shocked you don’t know already with the way things work on the Rez.”
Smiling because in reality I didn’t mind. People in a small community like ours were tight knit. We all looked out for one another, and we took care of business within ourselves too.
“I thought dinner at Casetas in port? They turn the place into a salsa bar after, so... food, music, dancing, maybe a little drinking? How’s that sound?”
I didn’t want to keep anything from her.  I’d chosen the small family run Mexican restaurant, as Seth and I had done some work for them. Seeing firsthand how much love they put into the restaurant, and the food they served making it the perfect spot to bring someone you cared for.
So far, I hadn’t made it back here since our work completed.
◄ Emmy ►
I beamed; I hadn’t been there, yet… but I had heard about it from #Tallie. As soon as they put in the dance floor it became their favourite date night spot. Although… Part of me hoped tonight was not one of those nights. I wanted to have him all to myself, without prying  eyes.
“All of that sounds amazing…” I smiled. “Mexican food… salsa…” I quirked a brow. “Do you know how to salsa?” I asked. My heart kicking up a notch. Fuck! Just thinking about dancing with Lee… but salsa… My face flushed.
The fast music didn’t help with the surge I  felt at the thought. “I have to say… It’s probably a good thing you planned our first date.” I scraped my teeth over my lip, tasting the gloss painted there.
Then the music seeped into my bones. Even just talking about dancing made me want to move.
“But she's touching his  chest now.
He takes off her dress now.
Let me go.
'Cause I just can't look, it's killing me.
And taking control.”
◄ Lee ►
Fuck. So maybe I hadn’t thought this through before booking a table. However, my mind had been on making this a perfect night for my little minx.
“Uhmm I’ve tried it once or twice and didn’t hate it.” Glancing over at her. Her face laced with shadows as we drove on the unlit roads. This being where I thanked my warrior wolf for his senses and sight, because I saw her perfectly.
“I was hoping you would teach me? But also…” I added quickly “there are lots of people there who know what they are doing. So, you will always find someone who will match your skill.”
The thought of her dancing with someone else didn’t bother me, I knew how much she loved to dance. Seeing her in her element would make this even better.
Dammit! I caught her chewing on her lips, the glittering shimmering to them telling me she had something on them.
“Fuck.” The growl came out the minute her scent changed and floated to my nostrils.
“I swear Emberly Whitney Call... if you keep that up, there will be a repeat of the last time on the side of the road. And I’m trying to be a gentleman here.”
My hands squeezed her knee, and I didn’t dare sliding it up her pant leg the way I wanted too.
No woman had ever had this effect on me. Sure, I had a healthy appetite for sexual pleasure, but being with this woman made me feel like a starving man who had lived without until she kissed me! “Spirits give me strength!” Muttering under my breath.
◄ Emmy ►
I chuckled at the nervousness that crept in when he started to think about salsa dancing with me. “Don’t worry, I’ll go easy on you.” I teased. Every mile marker we passed had anticipation building in here like a child on their way to Disney World. “I’ll teach you a few steps… You’re a Spirit Warrior, you’ll pick it up fast. Salsa is all about your passion for your partner… you won’t have any problems there.” I brushed my fingers along the back of his hand that rested on my knee. “And don’t want to dance with anyone but you… tonight is  about you and me. I expect all of your attention… so you’ll have all of mine too.”
I watched the lights of passing cars move across his features, casting shadows and light, to the light of the moon… the angles and planes of his face. This man’s beauty was enhanced by all I  knew about him. He was a walking enigma; Strong and gentle, sarcastic, and kind, funny, and authentic, structured and free. I smiled, independent…. And all fucking mine!
His body tensed and I knew he scented me. “I can’t help it if I wear my emotions on my sleeve!” I laughed.
◄ Lee ►
“I didn’t say I don’t love it that way. Just saying….” Taking my eyes off the road to look at her “tonight I want to show you off to the world as mine.”
Winking before my gaze returned forward, I noted the change in her. Or it was the way I saw her? “You know you have all of me, little minx. It kinda goes without saying, as much as I love reminding you of it too.”
Turning my hand to lace her fingers into mine. Squeezing once to say. ‘I’m right here with you.’ The next song came on and again I smiled. The soundtrack to this journey wasn’t disappointing.
(Music: Backseat boogi – Airborne)
I drove until the lights of Port came on shining in the darkness ahead of me. Giving me a small glimpse of the world out here and how different it was to ours. Once in town, I dropped the speed. I didn’t want this night beginning either a ticket.
◄ Emmy ►
I smiled. “You know… I had the exact same thought.” I laughed. “I’ve been looking forward to getting you all dressed up and showing you off. The way his fingers laced through mine gave me shivers along my spine, every single time and in the best possible way. There was a deep  kind of intimacy that came from the touch, and despite my scent filling the truck… it was an emotional intimacy, not sexual. But we had buckets of both kinds.
I grinned a little cheekily… and a whole lot of cockiness. “Oh, I know.” I fixed my gaze on that side profile in  the fading light. By the Spirits! How was I going to make it through the night without tearing his clothes off before we got behind closed doors. “I did tend to hold attention.” I laughed softly… but it was all him. He didn’t hide it, the attention he gave me didn’t need to be fought for, he gave it freely and openly.
The next song that came on made my grin wider. “This is just what we need… a little classic rock before a night of Latin sensations.”
◄ Lee ►
Because of Emmy and her ability to make any situation better I couldn’t take the grin off my face. Her deep earth brown eyes were taking me in, and I didn’t stop it from happening.
We didn’t just talk with ours words, our bodies and scents did a lot of talking too. And my truck of need to be off bounds for a few days after tonight. I wasn’t going to let anyone scent this conversation.
Shifting my eyes to her, and then back to the road. Singing badly to annoy her and as a joke maybe. I pulled up into the full parking lot. “I hope you like this place. I haven’t seen it since we worked on it. But hear good things.” Bringing her hand to my mouth, kissing it before I set her free to park up.
“Welcome to our first official date night, beautiful.”
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◄ Emmy ►
I tilted my head; he was having some kind of internal conversation with himself. He was grinning but a hint of seriousness shone in his eyes. “What on Earth are you thinking?” I asked with a smile.
I loved watching him sing along with the radio, with no pretence or ego… just the love of good lyrics and perfect composition. When he pulled up, I gasped. “Oh my…” I turned to the window. “It's like stepping into another country!” I beamed. “Did you…” I scanned the architecture. “Did you and #Seth do this? The exterior I mean?” He mentioned he had  worked on the place, and I knew they were incredible… but this… this was like a whole new world.
“It's amazing…” Then… then the scents hit me. “Oh wow!” And the music! A sound that might have been a girlish squeal from someone else escaped my lips. When his lips brushed  my hand, it snapped me out of my daze. “Let’s go! I can’t wait to see the inside of this place!” I tugged on his hand, still holding mine, like I was going to pull him out of the car on my side.
◄ Lee ►
“Thinking? Right now?” Waggling my brows still teasing her. “I’m think I need to stop giving people rides in my truck for a few days. I don’t want them scenting you the way I do.” Honest and sincere I wasn’t going to hide it from her.
Watching Emmy with all my attention drawn to her at the reactions from the first sight of the restaurant. “Uhm… yeah. The kid and I worked hard to meet the client’s needs. The mom wanted this please to give the feel of her village down in Mexico. And this is what we came up with together with a lot of reaching.” Looking up and the building before us.
All the vibrant colours, the shapes we chose and the way they came together told a story of this family over their relationship with food and their want to become a place to share their culture with the world.
Laughing I winked. “Wait here.” I told her.
Kissing her hand again before letting go. Jumping out of the truck, I straighten out walking around the front to her side and opened the door. Holding my hand out as the air around me brought the night breeze, the sounds of people having fun, food and good times beating down.
“Let’s go beautiful.” Smiling from ear to ear, my eyes were on her now.
Taking her hand in mine, helping her out of the truck, not because she needed the help. But because I wanted her to know she wasn’t alone, and of course I wanted to touch her and walk step in step with her.
◄ Emmy ►
I laughed… but he was right… we hadn’t even kissed each other on this ride and the truck was filled with my scent. “I can’t help it…” I shrugged, feigning innocence. “It’s not my fault you’re so attractive… You should really work on that.” I grinned.
I beamed at him when he said that they had completed the exterior work on the building. “It’s incredible…” I told him. “I’ve never seen anything like it before in my life.”
My hand stilled on the door latch when he asked me to wait… remembering my mother telling me to let him open the doors  for me. That it wasn’t about girls and boys, and who should fill what role. It was about Lee and me… it was about the man his father had raised him to be and how I was in a unique position (because everyone knew that Lee and I didn’t do the couple thing) to let him connect with that part of himself. So, I waited, smiling as he climbed out of the truck, my eyes tracking him as he walked around to my door.
I took his hand, my dark gaze locked on his as I stepped down. Actually, using the step below the door, I had lost a few too many pairs of shoes by forgetting my own strength and these were my favourite. My heart gave an extra loud thud. Mom was right… it was a moment, for Lee and I… nothing else.
Even in heels, he still towered over me. I laced my fingers between his and walked with him to the door. Stopping to admire the details of the building that were lost even to Spirit Warrior eyes from a distance. I knew that they were talented… but this… “This place is unbelievable Lee, you and your brother…”
Then the door opened, and a couple walked out… the scents and music from  inside hit me harder than before. “Wow!” It was out before I could stop it… “By the Spirits that smells good!”
◄ Lee ►
With each step we took my eyes were on her. Trusting my wolf, her and her wolf. And my keen sense not to make a fool of myself. But I couldn’t help myself.
The red of her suit, her shoes, her makeup they were all incredible of course. But the women behind it all, the beautiful heart which sounded loud for me. The eyes appreciating the time and hard work the kid and I put into this place. My heart belonged to her.
“Thank you, we try our best to give our clients what they dream of. And they had pictures on the walls inside… it’s their home away from home.”
Chuckling I opened the door to the restaurant, letting the sounds, and the smells consume the two of us.
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“It’s really going to boo your mind. This place is a mix of generations coming together. Truly amazing people working hard.” Stepping inside transported the customer to a different time and experience. My eyes wondered taking in how our work has held up so far.
‘Lee? Lee! It’s you! Hola mi chico! Cómo estás?’ Mr Miguel greeted me.
“Estoy muy bien señor Miguel ¿y usted?”
‘Better now I see you my boy… come come…’ his eyes moved to Emmy, and out joined hands. ‘Who is this beautiful young lady?’ He stepped forward with his hand reached out to her after shaking my hand.
“Emmy, this is Mr Miguel. He is the owner of this fine restaurant.”
◄ Emmy ►
I felt his eyes on me, but I couldn’t take my eyes off the artwork that adorned the doorway… because that is what it was; art. Not décor, pure talent, and art. “I love it. I really feel like I've stepped into another world. The building, the sounds the smells!” My senses were soaking up all the sensations around us.
The closer we got the better everything smelled. I had eaten just enough to keep my stomach from growling before I started to get ready… I knew there was no chance I would spoil my appetite. I didn’t think that it was possible for a Spirit Warrior. And it wasn’t exactly the sexiest of sounds… and sexy was what I was going for tonight. I wasn’t the kind of girl that needed to show skin to ooze sex appeal. Especially not around Lee.
As soon as we stepped inside, he was greeted, and about all I understood was Hello and the pure joy at seeing him. This man was clearly overjoyed at seeing him, it made me bristle with pride to be on the arm of a man who was greeted so warmly by a former client.
I beamed a smile at him when he turned his attention to me, and I took his hand…  which he lifted to kiss, very lightly, very respectfully… but right where Lee had kissed me in the truck, and it made my cheeks heat. “Hola, Senor Migeul.” He seemed very pleased at (as far as he could tell) making that hint of pink fill my cheeks.
‘¿Habla español?’ he asked… and that one I knew too.
“That is probably the extent of what I remember from high school.” I said a little sheepishly. He nodded; I was sure he got that answer a lot. “This is a beautiful place…” I looked around… almost gaping. The old-world style with modern  hints mixed in and the music… Spirits… the music. It called to me. I slipped my hand around Lee’s powerful biceps…
“But… that…” I motioned around the room in a way that could only mean the music that was coming from everywhere… but the sound system was clearly well hidden to preserve the feel of the place. “That is a language I speak fluently.”
◄ Lee ►
‘In which case, you will have the best seat at the table. Where the laughter is plenty, and the music of our souls loud.’ #MrHugoMiguel was a man of charm, even if he were a man in his sixties, he knew how to make women blush.
Seeing the effect, he had on Emmy made me smile, and she thought she couldn’t be charmed off her feet! I couldn’t help it, leaning in to kiss the top of her hair I took in her sweet scent. Having Emmy by my side, taking in the work my brother and I did, it was kinda a moment of relief when she liked it, and I didn’t know I cared.
#MrMiguel stole Emmy from my arm, and the minute he did something felt lost from me. My Wolf stirred growling, until I calmly followed the two before me though the restaurant.
‘Wait until you taste our food señorita, they are a mix of my mother’s recipes, my wife’s mothers, and hers of course, too.’ Walking us to a table for two, lost behind green plants making the table feel it had a sense of privacy.
He pulled the chair out for Emmy, beckoning for her to sit. I waited until he was done.
◄ Emmy ►
I beamed a smile at the man, “That sounds perfect.” Flushing even more at the kiss to the top of my head. This place smelled divine! I was going to have to restrain myself from trying to taste everything on the menu.
#MrMiguel slid his arm into mine and stole me away from Lee. I looked up at my boyfriend with a smile that said 𝕓𝕣𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕞𝕒𝕟 and I let him lead me… but my gaze moved all over the restaurant. Taking in #Seth and Lee’s work. It was incredible. “This place is so beautiful.” I said, glancing fondly at Lee.
‘Si… Thanks to this young  man and his little brother. Very talented boys who made our dream come true, they never told us it was too much or not possible. They found a way to make everything we wanted to happen.’
I looked over my shoulder at Lee. “Yeah, those boys have a way of making dreams come  true.”
When #MrMiguel mentioned the food, I grinned. “I cannot wait to try it, what do you recommend? And don’t hold back, I might look tiny… but I can eat.” I slid into the chair he held out for me and thanked him. “A girl could get used to being spoiled like this by two handsome men.”
◄ Lee ►
‘You speak to my heart señorita. Leave your order to me. You will enjoy it very much.’ With a flurry he kissed Emmy’s hands again before rushing off to welcome another table in his way to the kitchens.
“Well…” unbuttoning my jacket to sit down with my attention returned  to my beautiful girlfriend. “I think he likes you.” Grinning with a wink, my hand finding hers again. I needed to touch her again,
“He doesn’t welcome everyone like that, and nor does he take away the ordering process from them too.” Shaking my head because I knew the magic of Emmy Call on people.
Before I could say anything else, a waiter came over with two bottles of beer, and cocktails too. Setting them down on the table.
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◄ Emmy ►
I thanked the man as he walked away and smiled across the table at Lee. I laughed softly. “I think I like him too. Señorita…” I tried to imitate #MrMiguel’s accent, and I was pleasantly surprised… I guess the voice lessons paid off. “I could get used to that.” I winked at  him… but deep down nothing would beat him calling me Baby… or Little Minx. I smiled at the thought.
I laced my fingers through his… and no number of kisses from the sweetest restaurant owner I’d ever met, could compare to the feeling of holding Lee Clearwater’s hand. I  smiled at him when the waiter set down cocktails and beer. “Wow… they really do know you here.” I smiled. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you took dates here regularly.” But he didn’t… I flushed again… just me.
◄ Lee ►
Arching my brow at her comment, up until that point all I wanted to know was, ‘what is she thinking?’ But that comment about bringing others here. It kinda stung. “This is my first visit since the place opened in the summer. I’ve been meaning to come. Just hasn’t happened until now.”
We both had a past, but out of the two of us, she was the one with a normal ish dating life. My past had brought me up in front of her older brother, and our moms telling me I wasn’t their first choice for her.
Taking a chest full of air, I let it out. “The beers are a foresight for sure. But those.” Lifting my chin to the cocktails. I think he is trying to impress you with those choices.”
I could scent the tequila in the concoction while my dark face fell to our laced hands.
◄ Emmy ►
Something darkened in his eyes and I instinctively tightened my hand; laced with his. As impressive as those cocktails were... I focused on him. “I know you haven’t brought any dates here. I was just teasing. I’m sorry if it was a step too far.” I never wanted to hurt him, not even if it was only for a moment. I lifted our hands and pressed a light kiss to his knuckles. He was plenty tall enough that his powerful arm reached across the table. “I’m glad you see it again for the first time with me…” I smiled. “So you can see how amazing your work  here is through my eyes.
His gaze was on our linked hands mine only broke from his face long enough to note where his lay. “Tell me what you’re thinking, baby?”
◄ Lee ►
“I know… of course I know.” With my free hand I rubbed the back of my neck and shook my mind out of it. It was then, in that moment I got it. My wolf and I we both feeling things for the first time. And the reactions were mess up.
Seeing her bringing my hand to her lips made my smile. A full of heart kinda of a smile too. She calmed him and me all at once.
“This is all new.” I started because I wasn’t going to lie. “Things which didn’t course discomfort before, now all of a sudden sting. I know you’re joking; you knew if the tables were turned, I’d make the same joke.” Now I had to laugh. “Little minx, you’re turning my head and heart into a million bucks worth of a scrap heap, and I’m here for it.”
Glancing her direction with a fetish, grin. “Still want to know what I’m thinking, beautiful?”
◄ Emmy ►
The tension eased… I could see it in his eyes. There was so much going on in our heads and hearts. Falling for Lee Clearwater was like a second, highly adult puberty. I returned his bright smile, keeping hold of his hand. “It’s a rollercoaster, right?” I pressed a kiss to his  knuckles again, longer this time. “I want you, Lee. Exactly as you are. There’s nothing in your past I would change because then you wouldn’t be the same man. I don’t want who you were, or who you could be… I want you, as you are moment-to-moment, who you are right now.”
Then I grinned. “But I will always tease you.” Maybe a little more carefully, but teasing was a speciality of mine.
I eyed him; freeing his hand and picking up the cocktail, sipping it. They had not held back on the tequila… I made an approving sound. “Only if it’s not  gonna make me crawl over this table and into your lap… because these drinks are too good to waste.” Of course, I wanted to know. But that look he was giving me already had my heart speeding up.
◄ Lee ►
“More like a rollercoaster on steroids if you ask me.” Emmy got it, of course she did. We were riding this journey together after all.
Each kiss my little minx planted on my hand made me grin and easy more into the moment again. “I don’t want you to stop. You’re teasing, the joking, the banter, and foreplay… all of it. I want you as you are. I don’t want to change you or stop you from being you.” All true without a doubt. “Any now you have me imagining you on your all fours crawling over this table.” Clearly my throat, my eyes flashing with mischief, adding a growl and a wink.
She drank the cocktail; I squeezed her hand and then took the drink from her hand giving it a try too. “That’s… actually good.” My gaze back in her listening to the song of her heart. “You realise I can hear you, even in this busy restaurant. All I hear is your heart.”
◄ Emmy ►
I laughed softly and sipped on the cocktail again. “Always trying to one-up me.” I squeezed his hand. I beamed because everything that he said I knew to be true. But I did love to hear him say it too. I pressed my thighs together, my teeth catching my lower lip. I visualised  myself crawling to him.. thinking about what he would do to me if I did.
I released the drink to let him taste it… it was too good not to share. My heart continued its erratic beating. “I know…” I smiled. “And it's probably one of my favourite things about you. You know what I feel before I say it.” I was well known for being open about how I felt… and I was with him too. But he could read me… my body… my reactions… my scent… Spirits… even my eyes. He saw it all before I could even take a breath to say the words. “And I’m glad that’s  all you hear… It means that I have your complete attention. Which is exactly what I want tonight.
◄ Lee ►
The drink tasted great, not being a cocktail guy, I couldn’t tell you want was in it. Other than the tequila of course. But I knew a good thing when I tasted it, and this was it. “I don’t want to one up you. It’s not my intention at all. Just making it clear how you are making me feel.” Returning the glass to sit before her. Because I wasn’t letting her hand go. Not just yet.
“Don’t know little minx, you’ve been reading me like an open book since our first kiss. And you’ve been matching every step with your own. I’m gonna say it’s a two-way street.” Her beauty glowing worth her teasing smile, the fact we were here speaking by so openly, holding nothing back. I liked it.
“There’s nothing more beautiful than you, nothing more interesting than you, I have to desire to share my attention. You are the sole owner of it all tonight, beautiful.” Her hand in mine, shifting forward I kissed her knuckles one at a time.
◄ Emmy ►
I quirked a brow… “You’ve never hidden how you feel.” A shudder ran through me… thinking about the things he could make me feel. “Except for maybe before that very first kiss. But looking back now… knowing how much and how passionately you feel… I have no idea how you managed it. It's proof that you were the perfect choice for second.” I didn’t want to use words like Beta here, not when all my attention was on him and a waiter could pass by at any moment.
Each kiss made my skin sing. By the Spirits! The way this man made me feel! Like the  centre of the universe. “When I’m with you, just you and me… it feels like the rush I got from being on stage. Not like a performance…” I wasn’t sure how to put it into words. “It’s the atmosphere… like the world stops and is laser-focused on us. We own those moments and live in them minute-to-minute, hour-to-hour. We can put other things aside and just be Lee and Emmy.” A smile took over my whole face. “It’s thrilling.”
Then the scents in the restaurant changed and I could see #MrMiguel and another waiter… No… The uniform… Chef. It was  the Chef carrying platters to our table. My mouth watered and I squeezed his hand. “You must be a very important guest here.” I smiled at my boyfriend… MY BOYFRIEND! “To be personally served by the Chef!”
◄ Lee ►
“I know the feeling, beautiful. It’s been something I’ve been trying to place for a while now. But the spirits haven’t been keen to help.” No… they had wanted us to find this path together without outside interferences.
It had to be insanity; no other word could describe it. The mixture of all of this which shouldn’t mean much when spoken together, and yet. I understood what she was attempting to share. The world, how it melted down into a nothing when I was in her company. Emmy felt that sentiment too.
“The chef?” I asked arching my brow. I heard the footsteps coming up from behind me, the scents in the air, and then the clearing of that throat. My lips curled up into a wide grin when I set Emmy’s hand down on the table gently with a squeeze. Pushing back from the table and standing.
‘Well, I’ll be dammed… Paps wasn’t lying about the company you keep Clearwater. Going up in the world now, huh?’ #EduardoMiguel beamed a smile with his arms flying open to engulf me the best he could. He wasn’t short, 5”11 was a respectable height. He just happened to be friends with a Warrior who towered over him.
We flung our arms around one another again, patting each other’s backs before stepping back to grin at the other. “Finally found the right woman who can take me places you could only dream of Eduardo.” Reaching my hand across the table. “Emmy, I’d like to introduce you to Eduardo Miguel.”
‘My son and our very talented chef.” His father #HugoMiguel proudly chimed in setting food down on the table.
◄ Emmy ►
I bit the corner of my lip every word he said sinking in. #Jake, #Quil and I rarely disagreed on things… but never in my life have I been so completely on the same page as someone as I was with Lee.
I curled my fingers against his palm as he let go of my hand, but I let him go to greet his friend. I grinned to myself when Lee hugged him. This boy was bloody tall! But next to him? I knew in my heels he would tower over me like Lee towered over him. I waited for him to set the dishes down before I stood and offered my hand. Tearing my attention away from the food was an effort… But I channelled my mom and put manners over the mouth-watering scents.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” I smiled and he took my hand.
‘And you are too.’ #Eduardo shook my hand and gave a pointed look between Lee and I; clearly noting the height  difference. ‘Aren’t you a dainty little thing?’
I smiled with a wicked glance at Lee. I could take this man apart in a matter of seconds. Even in these heels. I was used the conclusion… Especially when I dressed like I did tonight. Not that I dressed intentionally to  hide my strength. ‘May I ask how long you’ve been making all this guy's dreams come true?’ He continued.
I laughed softly. “Well, we’ve actually known each other our whole lives… but the last few months…” I smiled and took Lee’s hand, turning my gaze up to him. “Tonight is  our first date.”
#MrMigel smiled. ‘That’s wonderful… all the best relationships should include friendship.’
◄ Lee ►
“Don’t be fools by this beautiful woman’s height. She’ll have your begging for mercy in under two seconds if she wanted to.” And that was a fucking turn on to say with a chest filled with pride. Taking her hand in mine again, grinning and nodding my head in agreement.
“Friendship is the best place to start. I agree fully, it makes the rest of it feel so much more.” The father and son both nodded too. ‘Please enjoy your first date, we will leave you to get back to it. If you need anything at all.
Please. Lee… Miss Emmy… do not hesitate to ask for it. Enjoy your food.’ #Eduardo patted my shoulder seeing my hand was full, taking his father bat towards the kitchen with him. Greeting a few more tables on their way back.
Sitting down again, smiling. “Are you ready to eat baby? I can see your mouth watering you know.” Winking at her.
◄ Emmy ►
I grinned at the way he spoke about me and then gave the father and son standing before us a look that said it was true. I could he straightened, how those words made him proud to be standing next to me. I laced my fingers through him when he agreed that friendship was key.
When he turned back to me and asked if I was ready to eat, I sighed heavily. “By the Spirits, Yes!!” I slid back into my seat. “You have no idea how hard it was not to just excuse myself and bury my face in one of these plates!” I chuckled. My wolf was awake and starving! I  took another sip of that glorious cocktail and surveyed the feast on our table. It looked like mostly share-platters instead of individual portions.
“I’m guessing they’ve seen you and #Seth eats before; judging by the sheer amount of food here.” I grinned at him. It was far  from a complaint. “Where should we start?” I asked but I was already reaching for what I assumed was a chicken taco, stuffed to the brim and I added a scoop of avocado salsa on top. I  took a huge bite and looked to him for his answer… as though I hadn’t just answered it myself.
◄ Lee ►
Laughter erupted from my chest before I could or would want to stop it. “So, fucking sexy.” And I fucking meant it too.
Leaning my elbow on the table (I know my Ma would kill me.) I held my chin watching her instead of answering. Because she didn’t need me too. Just watching her making her taco up the way she enjoyed it and taking that first bite. I wanted to witness her pleasure. (Of course, this being a completely different experience than the one in my bedroom. But it was as sexy!)
“You went exactly where I would go to start with.” I finally answer when those eyes deemed to be mine again. Nodding my head, I followed her lead taking the other of the tacos adding lime on my Avo and sour cream too.
“Oh yeah, they know how the kid and I eat. They would test out the menu items and we were…. Let’s say always willing to help with the feedback.” Taking that first bite with a hum of gratitude as soon as all the spices, the freshness, and the taste all exploded in my mouth. “Damn… I missed these flavours.”
◄ Emmy ►
I grinned because he meant it when he said it was sexy to think of me making a pig of myself. He would sit back and watch and then call for more food… because I didn’t need to censor myself around him. I had no experience with it… but there wasn’t a doubt in my mind if I ate  my fill on a date with any other man they would be horrified. Lee, however, for him it was a challenge, or a turn on… maybe both.
I smiled when he started to assemble his taco, but a groan of pleasure left me at the first bite. My plan to devour this thing in two bites  went out the window. I closed my eyes and chewed slowly, savouring every single flavour. “Oh wow…” I finally glanced around, just in case that sex noise I had made was loud enough for anyone else to hear. But all the other patrons were intently focused on their own meals and  company.
“Is this what tacos are supposed to taste like?” I beamed at him. “This is nothing like what I’ve tried before.” This one didn’t have a lot of heat… but so much spice and so much flavour. “If they ever need a new taster I totally volunteer.” I took a sip of the  cocktail and followed that with another bite. My eye went right to his… saying all the things I couldn’t with a mouthful of food. At least, not without bringing shame on my mother… a rule of hers that I would abide by for tonight.
“I have no idea how you stayed away  knowing what this food tastes like.” I said after I swallowed my bite. And examined the feast before us. “Okay… what next?” I smiled, actually waiting to follow his lead this time.
◄ Lee ►
“I know what you mean, once you eat the real deal it’s hard to go back to the fake stuff.” And this was hundred percent the real deal.
“Don’t you go and try to steal mine and Seth’s side gif out from under us.” Teasing her about the side hustle we #TheKid and I had been tricked into when we were working on site.
“Honestly, this family is as bad as my Ma. The moment they see you have a free hand; they fill it with food. So, there is enough to go around.”
Two bites, it’s all it took for my taco to vanish. However, the taste explosion remained for a while. A sip from the cold bottle of beer helped to elevate in a way I didn’t know possible. It had all been so well thought out.
Wiping my hands on the napkins I pushed the small plate of stuffed jalapeños towards my beautiful girlfriend.
“Those. They are next. They aren’t hot.” Trying to explain. “There is heat, but it’s sweet with the queso blanco, and with...” rubbing my fingers together to find the correct way to describe it. “Well, it’s a welcome heat. Like the way I make you feel when I suck on your neck.” A fools grin on my face
“Try them… the Chiles Rellenos. If you don’t like them. You don’t have to eat any others.”
◄ Emmy ►
I chuckled. “Hey… it’s a testament to your self-control that they had enough food left to open the place.” I examined the dishes he pointed to, and I focused my senses; inhaling the scent of them and trying to block out the rest… but when everything smelled so tasty, it wasn’t  like tracking. There was no need to deny myself these pleasures… so I didn’t! “I probably would have eaten them out of business.”
I picked up a fork… wait was it socially acceptable to eat a taco with your hands… I mean…. How could you eat one with a knife and fork? Damn, Mom and her insistence on table manners. I speared one of the cheesy jalapeños, savouring the scent before taking a small bite… mostly to save my suit from my not-so-impressive table manners. For someone with as much dance training as I had… I was severely lacking in  grace at the dinner table.
I let out a hum of pleasure, once again there were so many flavours filling my senses, then he mentioned the things he did to my neck and my gaze locked onto his mouth, my knees pressed together, and my heart skipped loudly like a traitor. I swallowed… there it was… that heat! Was it the food or was it his words pulling up that memory?
I quirked a brow. “Oh really?” I played nonchalantly, letting my gaze drift over his insanely handsome features until it settled on his eyes. “Are you sure? We might need to  try it later, just so I can compare…. You know, while the memory is fresh.” I finished the forkful, never faltering from his stare.
◄ Lee ►
“Trust me, it wasn’t easy to stop. And we kept warming them. Even Ma told them the kid and I could eat them out of house and home.”
Wiping my mouth and beard, always taking care not to leave anything behind for later in there. The music and the voice of the people all around our table still sounding like a distant future. They all still remained blended into the background, and she shone like the warriors star in the night sky.
Arched brow my head jerking up into her direction. Her scent overwhelmed over the food and the people. The sound of her heat out of its normal rhythm perked my hearing. And the glint in my eyes mirrored the look on her beautiful face.
“I see… my little minx needs a trip down memory line? Or.” Licking my bottom lip, when my mouth waters not because of the food in front of us. But more importantly the flashing memory of her with her legs spread open to me. Fuck! My wolf opened his eyes. And that shout of him in mine was dangerous.
“If you don’t take my mind off those nights with you. We... are going to have a sharp exit before the night is over. Just to refresh your mind.” We growled grinning at her like a hungry wolf who hadn’t had his stomach full for weeks. And of course, Emmy was dinner.
Sitting back, shifting in the chair to adjust the tightness in my pants before picking up the next taco with my hand. Never once taking my darkened gaze away from her. “What do you think.” Lifting my chin to her plate. “Is it good?” Noticing the deep low edge to my voice.
◄ Emmy ►
I saw it, the way his eyes darkened, and his attention zeroed in on me. Which was astonishing on its own because he had given all of his attention to me, but now it was laser focused. I raised a single eyebrow. “Wants… needs… all of the above,” I smirked and speared another  jalapeño with my fork, but before it reached my lips I bit down on it, hard. His was there, prowling behind his dark enticing eyes. His scent shifted too.
I chuckled. And extended my arm across the table to him, loaded fork in hand. Food was always the best… or only way to distract a Spirit Warrior, I knew that from experience. “This music is incredible,” I said, giving in to the request to change the direction of both our thoughts. I let the music seep into my bones, knowing it would settle the scent I knew I was putting out… but all I could  focus on was his. And the subtle way he leaned back… I had to flick my eyes away.
“Of the food?” It took my mind a moment to process the question. “It's really good… so many flavours, that it's almost impossible to describe.” I turned my attention to the second dish he pointed out and tasted that too… I closed my eyes and hummed. Everything was so delicious, fresh and packed with flavour.
◄ Lee ►
“The music?” The change in subject was apparent and appreciated. I wanted to give Emmy the night she deserved. The food was only step one. The music and the dance were the main reason for me bringing her after dinner.
Turning my head a little to listen to it, and she was right of course. “You’ve got a good ear for it, and I’d expect nothing less from you.” She was talented.
I like the way you can hear the traditional and modern twist. It makes you want to enjoy yourself.
Listening to it for a few more minutes before returning to our conversation. “It’s a good sign for his things switch up here after the dinner rush.” At a glance you could see how some people moved in their chair while still eating. Feeling the music too.
Taking another mouthful, I could stop another grin. “We don’t need to have the words to describe everything. Ma once told me, we sometimes need to feel and let it be enough to know. And I have to say. Food feels like one of those things.”
(Music: Baila Baila Baila (Remix) · Ozuna · Daddy Yankee )
◄ Emmy ►
“It’s been a long time since I danced to music like this.” I smiled, feeling the beat through my shoulders to my hips. I could tell that a huge part of the appeal of this place, was the music for him. He knew I’d be perfectly happy with the pizza truck on the way into Port for food.
I grinned at him. “You did promise me dancing,” I remembered him asking me what I would like for our first date… Food, dancing, and him were my only requests. I glanced around us and took another bite that elicited a moan just soft enough for only him to hear. I  smiled at him and gestured up to where the music was coming from with my fork. “That…” I paused, taking in the Latin fusion music. “That… describes this food perfectly.” I felt it in my bones again.
“I’m looking forward to seeing how you move to music Clearwater.” I arched  a single brow like a pro. “See if there’s any skills I can put to use in other places.” Then I remembered his request to change the direction of the conversation… “I mean training of course. Brute strength is sexy… but there’s something to say about flexibility and elegance too.” I gave a wicked grin and pulled another plate towards me. Finishing the cocktail next to me.
◄ Lee ►
Wishing a word being spoken a waiter stood beside our table with a tray with another cocktail and beer. Removing the empty and replacing them. My eyes moved only out of respect to acknowledge the man before returning to my beautiful date for the night.
Listening to the music my head moved with the tempo and the rhythm of the song. “You know, I never thought of the music and the food in that way before.” My glaze melted when I turned my eyes back to take her in. Seeing her enjoying herself. It was all I wanted for tonight.
She worked so hard, with her job and the pack. She deserved this. Growling at her, because it was too late her innuendo had landed. I wiped my mouth with the napkin before speaking after my bite.
“Have you ever seen a man at my height and weight do anything with the elegance of a dancer? Don’t put your hopes up. I can move, but I’m no Usher.” Best to set the expectations before the dance floor opened up.
“But then again, I’m always willing to learn sweetheart.”
◄ Emmy ►
I smiled at the waiter, thanking him politely… but briefly, because I couldn’t keep my eyes off my boyfriend for more than a couple of seconds. My heart quickened when his eyes came back to mine in the same amount of time.
I grinned and examined the new dishes… were they smelling better with each course? “Life imitates art, baby.” I sipped on the cocktail. “I think we all see the world through our art… and I love to dance, I love performing… but music… singing, playing, listening… its life to me, it's an epic soundtrack. We all have a medium.”
I thought about it… filtering out the memories of the way he moved, the sleek lines of the fucking beautiful wolf, as they ran in formation, always in the lead, how the Spirits intended when they gifted him with that speed. The way his tall, muscled body moved  through the world of people, despite his size he had the innate grace that came with strength, perfect balance, and unparalleled reflexes. But dancing was a little different… mostly because it was intimidating, I knew this from teaching some of the boys for dates or prom.
Nothing fancy but, I was in their heads after and dancing with a trained dancer when you aren’t one was the thing that made them nervous. I knew there was nothing this man could do on a dance floor that I wouldn’t love.
Then of course… sweetheart… Spirits that gave me  goosebumps!
“All I want is you and me… moving to music.” I never let my gaze falter from him. “You think I’ll be remembering any steps with all six and a half feet of you pressed up against me?” I sipped on the cocktail… eyes always on him. “And a few of these in me?” I  smiled.
All I wanted was him, to be where he was, to share his space and his time, to share my love of dance and music with him in a way I hadn’t yet. I had sung to him… for him, it was my purest expression. One I couldn’t and wouldn’t ever hold back. But tonight dance… and then we have shared everything that matters most to me after the people in my life.
◄ Lee ►
The beautiful woman in front of me was being kind. She forgot how I saw her lessons with the pups through their memories.
How watching her give her time to teach them something she excelled at and had a passion for would give anyone else a sense of accomplishment when she praised them. And she did it often. Never once laughing at or making them feel silly when a mistake happened.
I witnessed the joy it gave her to help, to share something she loved. But more so. I witnessed how she moved.
Going out with her in the past was different, I didn’t pay attention in the same way. Other than to acknowledge her presence and movement with music. But now, tonight. This was next level.
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Teasing with a wink. “My medium comes from colour, from life, from my experience with the world through my eyes. But yours… it’s passion, and—” Rubbing my fingers together in the air trying to find the right way to get my point across.
“— And a feeling.” Touching my heart. “It’s a beautiful thing that makes you see you belong to the sounds of this world.” Shaking my head. Because I couldn’t help myself, expressing myself so she saw how I see her.
“I’m talking out of my arse. Or at least it feels like I am.” Shaking my head again.
More food had been set on the table; we were being treated like royalty. I made a note to thank the men of this family for their hospitality personally.
“The drinks and the food, help most definitely.”
My eyes were still on her, even though the sounds of conversation, laughter, and people having a good time engulfed us now. Taking another taco from the table and biting into it.
◄ Emmy ►
He was looking at me in that way of his again. In a way that no one else could.  In that way only someone who had known me for years, but recently began to know me in a whole new light could. In that way, he looked at me and saw all of me.
I smiled at him, seeing the slight flaring of his pupils and the seeping thought when he thought of the things that gave him joy. And it was so sexy. “No, you’re not. You’re pouring your heart out, and no matter what books and TV lead us to believe; it’s never poetic in real life. But… it is real. And it’s  extremely attractive.” I smiled, taking another sip of the beer on the table. “Well, you’ve seen me in my element.” I quirked a brow and followed his lead picking up a taco. “Do I get to watch you work?” I asked with a crooked smile.
I smiled at the man who had laid yet more food on the table. They loved him here. This was my boyfriend… the kind of man who treated people with such respect and kindness that they returned it in a way like this. Boyfriend… it still thrilled me… and still some weird logical instinct in me felt like it should be scary or intimidating… I had been a girlfriend once and even though I hadn’t really chosen it, I did it. And I royally screwed it up. But I had a feeling no matter what… I couldn’t screw up with Lee. Because I could talk to him… I knew that there was nothing that I couldn’t tell him… even if I knew he wouldn’t like it or agree, he wouldn’t judge or tell me my thoughts or feelings were invalid or wrong. He would talk to me, hear me. I was a dreamer and follow-my heart kinda girl, but I wasn’t naive. I knew that we would probably fight on occasion… but it didn’t worry me. Because we’d be fighting for each other…
Boyfriend. I smiled. Not scary… exciting, challenging… safe. And it felt fucking amazing.
“I should warn you though… The only time I’ve held a paintbrush in my life was when #Jake helped me  paint my room black one day when my mom wasn’t home.” I chuckled. #Quil had been too scared of my mom’s wrath and bailed on us. “It was an emo phase.” I explained.
◄ Lee ►
“Why can’t it be both? Poetic and Real at the same time? Hidden moments with both sides of passion shining through? It’s not a lot to ask for. Or is it?” Asking with even more food being set down before us.
This time it was a mix of a light and dark Molay, with homemade chips, pico de gallo on the side. My mouth watered.
Lifting a spoon, I served Emmy first, a few spoonful’s of each thing for her to test and try, before pouring some into my own. Laugher once again gave me a reason to sit back to observe her. She had shown me her love for  performance, without holding back.
A burst of laughter came from me again. “I can’t see how Jake had the balls to face your mama. And touching her home? It’s why he is our alpha.” Laughing again. “I remember that Emo chick phase.” Shaking my head. “Ma used to say you were expressing yourself, finding you soul. I guess she was right.”
“You want to watch me work?” Arching my brow. Not sure she understood the ramifications of it. “You do know most people don’t do elaborate works like the Miguel’s here.” Lifting my chin to the intricate walls #Seth and I had painted. “It would be a lot of waiting around watching walls dry.”
◄ Emmy ►
I smiled at him. “It can be… and coming from you; it usually is. But rambling is cute too… and it is the intention that matters the most.” My eyes never left him, he was just so gorgeous and so open… and that combination? Fuck! It was sexy.
Then, of course, he blew that  thought out of the water by making me a plate of food. So caring, attentive, and so kind in a way that just flowed from him like it would never occur to him to be any other way.
I flashed my black painted nails. “And some things just never change.” I grinned, looking over the plate he’d put together for me… very neat and even… he was kind of a nerd under all that hotness. But I knew I could eat five more plates like this, and Lee wouldn’t look at me any differently. “It was about following the music for me…” I made my way around the plate, tasting each thing one at a time.
One corner of my mouth curled up. “Who said I would be watching the walls?” I smirked; I definitely wasn’t thinking of him painting with his shirt off. “What about the new space in the community centre that your mom has been fundraising for?
Bet I could find a way to raise a little more for supplies…” I raised a brow. “We could convince them to give you a wall… do something awesome for the kids.”
I was trying really hard not to get distracted by the flavours on my plate, but everything was really good. Another  quiet sound of pleasure left my lips as I bit into a chip loaded with anything I could fit on it really.
◄ Lee ►
Arching my brow, I finished my mouthful before wiping it. “If I didn’t know any better, I’m say your flirting with me Miss Call.”
Smiling warmly at the black nails. “I wouldn’t want to see you any other Emmy, you always remain true to yourself. Which is extremely rare and sexy in its own rights.”
Sitting back with my drink I took a gulp watching her eat. She tried it all, not once turning her nose up. And the sounds she made?
“Fuck!” Muttering the word to myself. I outstretched my long legs on either side of hers. Whispering. “You’re trying to kill me here.” Reaching over to serve her a better position of everything I saw her enjoying. “With you watching me work, not sure I would keep my time lines. Because body painting is something I’m now very interested in doing.”
Picking up a chip and chewing on it, I considered her question. “The community centres? The work our moms are doing for the kids of the Rez?” Nodding my head once. “The kid and I said we would go in and paint for them. But…” now she has me really thinking. “Are you thinking something like this?” Pointing to the walls. “Or something like a mural wall or something?”
◄ Emmy ►
I smiled at him… a little bit warm and a whole lot cheeky. “You know, I think you might be right Mister Clearwater. But I guess you’ll find out at the end of the night.”
His next words sank straight into my soul. I was always a strange kid… outside of #Jake and #Quil. I was the Makah girl… the girl with no dad, too much of a tomboy for the girls, too much a of girl for the boys; other than the best friends I was blessed to have. But through it all, it never dawned on me to be more like… well, anyone really. “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t believe that.” This man saw me. And not just because he had inside access to my mind and how it worked.
Also… he was too fucking tall. Even though we're sat here in a restaurant… knowing he had his legs on either side of mine had an erotic charge humming just below my  surface. “I could say the exact same about you… and that having my body painted suddenly sounds like a dream come true.” I moved my knee, so it brushed against his.
Then he started to think about helping with the community centre and got deep into thought. “This is  beautiful.” I motioned around the elegant room we were sitting in. “But it might be a little too sophisticated for the average teenage mind, a mural maybe… something representing the tribe, give a little pride in where they came from.”
◄ Lee ►
Fuck! In the name of all that spirits showed us. They didn’t show me how thing would unfold this evening. Conversations with Emmy were always interesting. You never knew where they would take you.
Sometimes she was a girl with a mission, and other times one of the guys, giving as hard as she got.
But lately, with me, with us… it was a fucking rollercoaster ride. One minute she said something which made my pants tighten. And the next minute it was something enlightening and profound.
Tonight… it was all the above.
Shifting in my chair to ease the pressure, my mind went to my ‘cool shit, down’ thought. Standing up with a hard on, in a family restaurant, before the night begins. Wasn’t the look I was aiming for.
“Yeah.” Choosing the safe topic. “Maybe something a little modern, that pays homage to the  past and our history?” Nodding my head slowly thinking it over. “I think we could come up with something. Or better…” thinking as I speak. “Let the young ones come up with a few ideas we could implement?”
◄ Emmy ►
I smiled; I knew what that little seat shuffle meant. I raised my fork to my lips again and told myself I needed to let him cool down… Unlike me… and with what he was packing in those trousers, there was no way he could hide the arousal I was scenting. For me and with only humans around… only Lee could tell how turned on I was.
I nodded and tilted my head… “That’s a really great idea. Getting the kids involved in their own space… it would give them a sense of ownership, and pride. Get them digging into history to find a good pitch…” My  mind was racing now. “I’ll say it to #Jacob…. He was always a history buff, I bet he could help them out.”
Then I smiled and did what I knew would help him switch up the direction of his blood flow. “We should run all this by the real bosses first though.” I took the last sip of my cocktail. Damn, these were good. “We can’t go making plans before we ask the moms for opinions… This project is their baby after all.” I dug back into my rapidly diminishing plate.
◄ Lee ►
The one word which could wake me out of all madness was deployed by Emmy. “Moms… right… yeah. Hundred percent we need their buy into this plan.”
Lifting the bottle of beer to my mouth to wash down the… well… you know.
Clearly my thought before proceeding with the conversation, I could see/ scent how much the little minx needed help too. Being a gentleman, I continued.
“Jake’s always had a good head for the history and how it has developed within the tribe. I think it could become another project for him.”
Our friend and Alpha had  always put the youth of the tribe first. The pups had rules to protect their education needs, as well as any other youngster who needed the guidance.
“What about you? Are you going to offer up you’re dancing and musical talents to the youth centre too? I know you have a lot on your plate. But…” I couldn’t see her turning down any opportunity to spend the love of music.
There… a safe topic for the both of us. One I really wanted to discuss with me too.
◄ Emmy ►
I grinned. I knew that would be the equivalent of a cold shower. Would a cold shower work on him with his body temperature? The shower we shared was steamy, and it hadn’t held him back in any way. The train of thought abruptly cut off when Lee said the M-word. I would have to thank him for that later.
“I’ll have to talk to him about it… I know he has a lot going on. On the note of teaching… I’ve never tried to teach anyone music… I’m not sure I could… I learned to read music when I learned to read… I wouldn’t even know where to start. Dance  I could help with. When I stopped performing, I helped with the choreography for the theatre group. I think having a few events for that age group each week would be good… but Mom and I thought it was important not to schedule every minute, you know. So they have a safe space to hang out without structure and a little freedom. A mix of both should be good.”
I smile at him. “I think I can manage it, my shift pattern is pretty regular so making plans is easy enough. And it still leaves me plenty of time to be utterly spoiled by my brand spanking new boyfriend… maybe even spoil him once in a while.” I waggled my eyebrows and picked up the beer and took a sip. Everything they had set on this table was perfect, all the flavours enhanced the others, even the beer.
◄ Lee ►
The grin stayed in place while I drank from the bottle, my eyes and brows doing the talking for me.
I couldn’t help it. Fuck she was beautiful. So, listen and watching, and not missing a thing that came from her wasn’t difficult at all. I had no interest in anything else. >
Hearing her speak about growing up with music was the same as #Seth and I growing up with painting. Sure, we painted walls, and she made magic with her talents. But the point was… I got it.
“I didn’t think of that. How offering too much could have the opposite effect of what we are trying to achieve.” Setting the bottle down on the table. I sat forward a little.
“You and your mom have been thinking about it all for a while huh? Knowing what to expect and how best to prepare the kiddos. We are lucky… the women in our life have a better handle in it all.”
◄ Emmy ►
Being the centre of attention was something I greatly enjoyed… not that I was spoiled, (Okay maybe a little!) or an attention seeker. It happened when I performed or played… I didn’t seek it out. But when it happened, I basked a little… that wasn’t a crime, was it?
But Lee… when his attention was all on me it was better than any stage or spotlight. It took my breath away. And that was saying something considering I was trained in how to breathe while I sang.
“I was thinking about the things #Jake, #Quil and I did… sneaking beers… avoiding the community centre and village. Just the constant feeling of being watched or told what we should do… you know. It was okay for us… we had each other, and we never really took the misbehaving too far.” I paused. “But so many didn’t stop there… We watched too many of our class take it too far. Just because they wanted somewhere to be. They just need a place to be with their friends where they can be away from those influences.”
He leaned forward and he was the centre of my whole world, my eyes on his… food, drinks, conversation… Was this dating? Because honestly… imagining this with a stranger just had no oomph to it, no… this was beyond dating. “It's all mom and #Sue really. They just asked me about the things I might have responded to when I was younger… Honestly, it was harder than I thought to think like my fifteen-year-old self… and it wasn’t all that long ago.”
◄ Lee ►
“But at the same time, it still feels like a life time ago, too.” Agreeing with her. “You world changed so much, and so quickly. Let alone the norms of living a teenagers life on the Rez.”
See this was it, what and how I found myself opening up and talking with this woman. I just couldn’t with another. And in all seriousness being a part of this great world of the spirit warrior wasn’t the main reason. It was Her! How she made me feel.
“It’s who is there to support at those junctions in a young person’s life. It could be a passing comment, conversation, or a life time of reflection. It counts when you feel like you’ve been heard, right?”
Tilting my head, keeping my eyes on her. I didn’t want her to stop. I wanted to hear more. I wanted insight into her thoughts that didn’t come from the hive mind sharing.
“Did you ever feel like this town was too small for you? We all at some point may have thoughts about leaving. Did you?”
◄ Emmy ►
I laughed and held out my bottle to clink it to his. “Hear, hear. I couldn’t have said it better.” I know he was older but not so much that he didn’t get it either. We all face the same struggles on the Rez… not that everyone didn’t have their own story.
“I think I was lucky… I always had the guys… but there were parts of my life they couldn’t really get, you know? It wasn’t their fault, they weren’t girls… they weren’t two-spirit… but I was lucky to have #Tallie to talk to as well.” I chuckled when he mentioned a passing comment. “You know it was a passing comment that solidified my friendship with that weirdo.” I used the word lovingly. “They walked up to me after rehearsal one night and told me how fine one of the alumni volunteers was. They just looked at me and knew… it was…” I smiled… remembering  how it felt to be seen clearly like that for the first time. “Like an obstacle was just shoved aside.”
He was right. It really was that easy to change a life.
Then his next question pulled up all those old dreams. “Sure, I wanted to leave… but it was never about getting away.” Everyone knew New York was my dream, one I set aside to fulfil my calling. “It was about chasing a dream. I never planned on leaving forever. I know that a lot of aspiring performers on the Rez felt like they were stifled, there weren’t a lot of chances to learn or  perform. But I always just made the most of what I could. I had Mom and my grandparents, between the piano lessons and Nana’s vocal coaching… I always felt like I had an edge. I guess I just accepted early on that I would need to leave… but it was never about just leaving. It was New York,” I said it like that answered all his questions. “It was busking until I was under the stage lights. It was my name in a program. It was my family in the front row on opening night. It was… taking a bow to the sold-out theatre.”
I was smiling like a fool  thinking about it. It never happened… but there was a thrill in thinking about it. No one could ever tell me I didn’t dream big. “What about you? Did you ever have a plan?”
◄ Lee ►
Bottles clinking, I sat there watching her with my gaze taking every moment and expression in. The joy, the thrill, the dream came to life as she spoke about it. She was glowing under the lights of the picture she told.
I’d seen all this and heard it too from others, #Quil always said he would be so proud when she saw her name up in lights, and #Jake said he wanted her to live her dreams, but it wasn’t to be. But hearing it from her lips now, seeing the want of that dream in her eyes as they sparked. Fuck. I felt like giving her everything and more.
But I couldn’t. I couldn’t make her dreams come true.
Shaking my head, I rubbed the back of my neck taking another pull from the now empty bottle, setting her down.
“Me? No.” My eyes dropped to the table. “I never had big dreams like yours. I’ve always been happy with being in La Push, to take over Da’s business and take it even further.
The Kid. Now he wanted the one who wanted to travel. To see the world, to go to the Great Barrier Reef and swim with sharks. He wanted to climb to the top of Machu Picchu and see the Taj Mahal. Me….” Shaking my head. “I was happy watching him dream and work hard to make those dreams come true.”
Letting my eyes find hers. “I’ve not been able to help him live his dreams yet. But I will. Some day. Soon. That is my dream.” I knew it wasn’t anything like hers, and maybe I should have been more careful about sharing it. But I wanted to be open and honest, and transparent with her.
When the waiter came back to clear away the dishes, he set another bottle of beer before me and Emmy too.
◄ Emmy ►
See this was the thing about Lee… I could see for a moment that he wished I’d had all of those opportunities. He knew I made my choice and while I would never say I didn’t miss it, the stage, the rush of throwing myself into a performance… I was happy with my choice. Because as much as I missed the stage… It was nothing compared to how much I would miss my Wolf. I couldn’t imagine severing my soul, not even for the thrill of applause.
He didn’t pity me for it, even if he wished for a moment that I had the choice to have both.
I smiled when he talked about all of #Seth’s dreams, rather than his own. I watched him across the table and took a sip from the fresh, cold beer. “You know… I always believed that people that dream for others have the biggest dreams of all.” And now all I could think of was kissing him… this man… He was so devoted to his family.
“Not all big dreams mean leaving home. Finding a way to stay is often just as hard as leaving.” My gaze locked on his and I took him in… this man who gave all of himself for everyone else and I marvelled at the fact that he was mine… he was still a brother, a son… an uncle… mentor, and so much more. But he was mine too.
“You just keep on surprising me, Clearwater.” I smiled. “Every day… you show me something new.”
◄ Lee ►
“It definitely does.” Agreeing with her was easy because I knew it was true.
“Sometimes everyone expects the first born to leave, to build a life for those who are going to follow. But not Ma. She wasn’t someone who pushed me to do anything I didn’t want to.”  Her eyes were beautiful and becoming my new favourite place to became lost. Tonight was no different.
“This time I wasn’t even trying.” I told her honestly. I spoke from the heart; at no point did I want to surprise her. Taking another drink of the bottle, my mouth curved up into a grin. “But I’ll take it, can’t go knocking a gift down.” Chucking.
Before I could ask her another question the waitress came on by. With a try full of small desserts. Everything from Flans, Churros, and Dulce de Leche brownies.
“Damn, we should have asked for dessert to be served first.” With a sweet tooth, it was a sure thing. I’d be trying them all. Pushing the plates before her first. “Ladies always go first here, sweetheart.” Winking at her.
◄ Emmy ►
“Well… I didn’t get to grow up with my big brother from the start… but #Seth was lucky to have you to hero worship.” Then I thought of his parents. “They wanted you to be who you were born to be and nothing else… it’s beautiful.” I smiled.
I loved #Sue’s relationship with  her boys. She had no qualms about shoving them off a path that led them too far astray… but she still let them make their mistakes and let them fix it… My mom was a fixer… I had to remind her to back off and let me grow up sometimes… but it was just a different way to love.
I tilted my head and smiled. “I know… and that’s the best part,” I told him just as honestly.
When I saw the tray of sweet things… my heart might have skipped the way it did when Lee walked into the room… Just once. “Wait… that was an option?” I asked, grinning.
My eyes flicked to the waitress. She laughed. ‘Well, if you want anything packed up to take home just let me know.’ She offered and I laughed now.
“Oh, I’m sure we’ll find room. Thank you so much.” My full attention was back on Lee.
I couldn’t stop the low-down flutter… it wasn’t the first time I heard him say ladies first, in far different circumstances. “You might regret that.” I flashed a wicked grin and reached for a churro first. Taking a huge bite. I closed my eyes and made 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕤𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕… I couldn’t help myself! I had a sweet tooth!
◄ Lee ►
My thoughts went into the past for a flash. Thinking of my dad, how he watched #Seth and I grow. How he taught us to be kind boys, and then men.
How the look in those eyes changed once #Sam shifted, he knew something was coming, but he couldn’t tell us until it had arrived. And then, how every day after until his heart attack he guided us, taught us, and showed us how to navigate through this maze life had thrust us into.
It was Emmy’s conversation with the waitress to bring me back, seeing the way people were drawn to her, line a knew soul finding joy in the company of each and every one who crossed her path.
When I heard her heart, I had no choice but to laugh. “Now I’m jealous of these.” Pointing to the small plates. Shaking my head, with an arched brow. My tongue licked my bottom lip watching her every movement, and that sound! Fuck! I closed my eyes, shifting on the chair.
“You can eat it all, beautiful. I won’t bad an eye.” Opening my eyes to find her. “But making that sound isn’t a good idea here.”
Reaching out my hand, I wiped some powdered sugar from the side of her plump lips, and then glanced over my shoulder at the people eating around us.
◄ Emmy ►
I gave him a cheeky smile. “Trust me… by the end of this night… you’ll forget all about your churro envy.” I teased. Then his reaction… I laughed softly. “Sorry,” I muttered, swallowing the bite. But I was only the tiniest little bit sorry. “We have to enjoy the little things in life as well as the…” I found his foot under the table and slid mine up the inside of his leg, just a little. “𝓑𝓲𝓰𝓰𝓮𝓻 things too.”
He reached across the table… another benefit to have a boyfriend this tall. The affectionate brush of his thumb had me wiping my hand on the napkin by my plate. I rested my hand on his, keeping him from pulling back. I pressed a kiss to his fingertips. I followed his gaze; no one was watching us… other than the usual way people took in their surroundings. “Looking for anything in particular, baby?” I asked, seizing the opportunity to know the innermost workings of this man’s mind. Taking in the comfort and gratitude for how completely he’d opened himself up to me.
◄ Lee ►
“Are you telling me churro envy is a thing?” Leaning over the table I half locked my hand on the table to stop from getting up to kiss her.
Her foot played, leaving me twitching where I sat and made me laugh to cover up the groan. This woman knew how to tease the life out of me in public, and I was here for it.
“Oh... baby… I know just how well you are capable of handling my big gifts. You mouth and hand coordination is top-notch.” Arching a brow and laughing again.
The rumble of laughter made me sit back in my chair before I did finally stand and lean over the table. My thumb under her chin I lifted it and kissed her before sitting down. “So sweet.”
Letting my tongue lick my bottom lip. “That is what I was looking for, darling.” The music’s tempo became louder, and the lights dimmed. “I think it’s time to see what moves everyone brings out tonight.”
I loved the way her hair danced over her shoulders, the red from her jacket, glittering with her skin tone. She was… beautiful! And mine!
◄ Emmy ►
I laughed and covered my mouth, of course, he waited until I took another bite to say this. “Oh yeah.” I swallowed. “There are many kinds… The very basic.. 𝐻𝑒𝓎 𝓈𝒽𝑒 𝒽𝒶𝓈 𝒶 𝒸𝒽𝓊𝓇𝓇𝑜, 𝐼 𝓌𝒾𝓈𝒽 𝐼 𝒽𝒶𝒹 𝒶 𝒸𝒽𝓊𝓇𝓇𝑜... That is the most common then there’s the  𝒟𝒶𝓂𝓃, 𝐼 𝓌𝒾𝓈𝒽 𝐼 𝓌𝒶𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒸𝒽𝓊𝓇𝓇𝑜 𝓈𝒽𝑒'𝓈 𝑒𝒶𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔. Far more complex and a little rarer.” I tried to think of a third. “Okay… maybe there are only two kinds.”
I sucked on my bottom lip and pressed my thighs together at the thought of the teasing! Fuck! Okay, I deserved that. “That was….” I look up at him through lowered lashes. “Fair turnaround,” I admitted. “But I’m still going to make you pay later.”
I smiled before he even leaned over the table, lifting out of my seat a little to meet his lips. I closed my eyes and kissed him back with the taste of sugar on my lips. It took a minute for me to realise that the music was actually louder, and the light had really dipped. It wasn’t just me seeing nothing only him.
I kept his hand in mine as I was finally able to look around… taking my  eyes off of him was always an exercise in self-control. My fingers slipped between his over the table. “Well then… This should be fun.” I smiled watching a few of the braver couples starting to rise from their tables… being the first on a dance floor was intimidating to some people, or so I had heard. It wasn’t something I had ever experienced. But I did love to people-watch… so it was interesting to observe.
◄ Lee ►
Shaking my head grinning, I wiped my mouth with my hand sitting back.
“No.. there is a third.” Leaning forward, I lowered my voice deep and raspy for her ears. “I want her to be that churro, with the salted caramel, so I can devour her.” Tilting my head to the side, giving her a wink to sit back again.
Fuck! That did something inside of me.
“There you go promising me a good time again.” Licking my bottle lip. “We will have to see, who ends up paying for what later, little minx.”
My glance dropped to our hands, taking in the view before me. How our hands looked together. The reality of how she was mine, and I was hers. I didn’t give a shit about our past, because this here. Her. She was my now.
Lifting my eyes to take Emmy in, she watched the world around us, and I witnessed the moment when she heard the music, the way her gorgeous brown eyes followed people. And I smiled.
Looking around I frowned a little trying to gain the attention of the wait staff, but they were all busy. So, I sat back joining her, as she enjoyed herself.
I felt someone watching me, I heard their footsteps even with the rhythm of the music beating in my chest. It was the waiter who had been taking care of us. He placed a note in my free hand, then slipped away.
Unfolding it I read:
𝒟𝑜𝓃’𝓉 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝓀 𝒶𝒷𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝒶𝓈𝓀𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒷𝒾𝓁𝓁. 𝒥𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓊𝓅, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒶𝓈𝓀 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒷𝑒𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒾𝒻𝓊𝓁 𝑔𝒾𝓇𝓁𝒻𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓃𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝒹𝒶𝓃𝒸𝑒.
Glancing around I caught my friend’s eyes. Eduardo winked before disappearing back into his kitchen. Oh, I would find a way to make this up to the Miguel’s.
Clearing my throat, I pushed the note into my jacket pocket and stood up.
“May I have this dance with you Miss Call?” Still holding her hand in mine. Giving her the choice as to if she were ready to take the floor.
◄ Emmy ►
I pressed my thighs together harder… biting my lip to keep a whimpering from escaping. “You can eat caramel off of me any time you like, baby…” I whispered. Because if he could flip it so could I.
I watched a middle-aged couple sway almost in place to the music… arms around one another and eyes only for each other, not dancers but clearly very happy. Not that there was a lack of talent on the floor. There was a couple that must have been in their sixties though she looked much younger, whether she liked older men or just took good care of herself I wasn’t sure. I smiled when I noticed she held her elbow high… I tilted my head and pondered, “Former competitor?” I hadn’t meant to mutter the words. They moved confidently; each step flowed like muscle memory from them both.
Then Lee cleared his throat, and my attention was back on him as he asked me to dance. I gave him a demure smile that would have fooled a human as to how my heart raced with excitement. But not my boyfriend. “I would love to Mr. Clearwater.” I rose to my feet and dropped my napkin next to my place setting.
I walked with him to the floors, brushing my long-for-now hair back over my shoulders. I smiled up at him when I turned the face him. I was still amused that he was this much taller than me even in heels. I reached up and placed my hand on his shoulder. “Just me and you, baby.” I whispered. “No one else.”
◄ Lee ►
Total Grace! The first thought to occur as I walked her towards the dance floor. The hair flip wasn’t missed by me of my wolf, and it did something in the pits of our stomach.
The smile on my face show like a man winning the lottery, because the sound of my girlfriends heart told me she felt the same way about being here as I did.
“Just you.. and Me baby.”
It wasn’t hard to block the world out when you stood before your dream coming true. And a damn dream you didn’t even see for yourself! Being surrounded by madly happy  couples made it impossible to not believe in these feeling I felt for Emmy. But I hadn’t thought I would feel it.
My thumb brushed her cheek. As the lighting changed, it felt like her eyes did too. A glance of the brown shines with the tone of the reflection in which I see myself.
“I’ll need you to give me trips.” Whispering with a grin on my face.
I moved one hand to hold her waist, and the other to gently rest on her back. Bringing her in close to me. In this time the world melted away. The sounds of laughter and conversations gone. All I sound, felt, scented… was Emmy!
I began to move. One step to the side and then back. Back then forward then back. Side and back… moving her with me for now. It wasn’t fancy... it wasn’t award winning. But it was with her!
◄ Emmy ►
I bit the corner of my lip when he brushed my cheek… sliding my hand over his shoulder and up to the column of his neck, my fingers sweeping up to feel the heat of his skin and toy with the ends of curls at the nape of his neck.  Then returning to his shoulder before the temptation of burying my fingers completely in those blissfully soft curls became too overwhelming.
He pulled me in closer and I felt my breath catch, the whole world became only him, I left the room only to hear where the other dancers were on the floor. Waiting for him to move was a natural thing… even though I had danced with another person like this in class and contests. Sure I had danced with people recreationally… but never like this and never with someone who set my soul on fire like he did. Never with someone who made me feel like I was the centre of the universe, or who I had given my all to, and who had given their all to me. I stepped with him… smiled wide as soon as we were moving.
“Confidence, Clearwater.” I winked. “The most important tip in every dancer's pocket.” He had much longer legs than me… but it wasn’t hard for me to match him step-to-step, letting him lead. I smiled, “Well that and don’t look at your feet.” I laughed. “But you have something far more interesting to look at right here.” I lowered my lashes and peered up at him. “You are doing just fine,
Lee. You and me… moving to the music.” I was reminded of the only things that mattered. I moved closer to him, my eyes on him, One ear on the floor and the other trained on the sound of his heart. But he was a protector, so I wasn’t shocked at how he reacted when another dancing pair was nearby, effortlessly redirecting us… almost gracefully. Warrior reflexes… they had so many added perks.
◄ Lee ►
“Confidence I was born with Little Call, but you got seconds in your bucket when the spirits were handing them out.”
My little Minx made me look and feel good. The way her body moved with mine made it feel flawless. Good thing, I knew not to ever dim the shining light of a woman’s soul. I was taught to step back and let them blind the world.
“You know how to keep my feet moving in the right direction.” Leaning down to whisper in her ear. “And you do it looking like a vision, Emmy.”
Lifting my arm about her head I spun her around in our spot, only when I knew we were clear of the others dancing around her did I twirl her out and then bucked my arm to bring her right back to me.
Once again, her face, her eyes, the way she bit her lips. Fuck. How did I get so lucky? The music changed around us, picking up the tempo again. I knew when I was in deep waters. But with Emmy in my arms, I was willing to see how far I could go without making a fool of myself. And then, I’d push it even more.
◄ Emmy ►
When he leaned down to whisper in my ear I broke my ballroom instructor's biggest pet peeve and stood on my toes, leaning into him. His hot breath on my skin sent a shiver down my spine. Then he twirled me away and I laughed with sheer glee. This… was a move I could execute on my toes without breaking protocol, my hair fanning out around me as my feet took the momentum without hesitation. (Loose hair was another thing my instructor would cluck at… but tonight… I was just Emmy)
I smiled wide as I spun back to him. Closer than before, my chest brushing his… but not bumping into him. “You look pretty good on a dance floor too, baby,” I whispered. “Definitely my most handsome dance partner.”
The next song was faster, and I saw the moment he realised this too. “You can do it, Clearwater.” I encouraged. I was close enough to him now for him to feel the way my hips moved. “Short, quick steps… work the hips.” I flashed a cheeky smirk and let my hand slide down his arm… “The Spirits didn’t give you this spectacular arse for you not to use it.”
Then I leaned in, kissed him quickly and spun away a few steps… Noticing briefly the floor had many more dancers now, not just couples... before and gave him a full view of me dancing right back into his arms. A group of girlfriends had noticed Lee… which wasn’t a shock, he towered over everyone on the floor and then once you set your eyes on him it was impossible to look away.
(Music: Alvaro Soler La Cintura Letra/Lyrics English Translation)
◄ Lee ►
Bending over backwards I laughed hard! “Thanks for the compliment and the trust in my ability, beautiful.”
The woman was a siren on the dance floor. I couldn’t take my eyes off her as she moved. Those hips, her feet, her hands, shoulders and even her eyes danced like nothing else mattered, and I fucking loved it! We always had so much we did for others, seeing this side to Emmy, her love for music and dance. This was what I didn’t notice before now. This was an insight only someone who was in my position now got to witness.
“Come here!” My big hands cupped her face when she was back engulfed by my body. Coming down to kiss her deeply. I didn’t give a shit who saw, or what they thought.
My mouth moved with hers, tasting a mixture of Emmy, cocktails, beer, and sweetness from the sugar.
“Fuck!” Placing small kisses on her mouth, speaking through them. “How did I get so lucky?”
Now I was following the directions of the music like she said. And her too. My hands moved down her back to her hips, feeling the sensation of them gliding in the air before me. This is when I got it. Got what I was told about Latin music and dance. It was sexual, drawing out your inhibitions to the point you were lost in your partner.
◄ Emmy ►
Back in his arms, I leaned up onto my toes again, claiming his lips just like he claimed mine. The heat of his hands against my cheek made me want to be closer. He tasted like dessert… cocktail and… Lee… He stole my breath. The kiss… gave me butterflies like the very first time we kissed. When he broke the kiss to speak, I licked my lips to taste him again.
It didn’t matter that it was barely for a second. I needed more of him.
“Probably the same way I did.” My hand locked onto the back of his neck, and I nipped lightly on his lip. “If I figure  it out first, I promise to tell you,” I whispered… not because I didn’t want anyone to hear… just because I was breathless.
And then he started to move differently with me held against him… Oh yeah, he was trying to steal all the air from my lungs.
The music changed and  I smiled.
(Music: Sofia Reyes, Becky G - Mal de Amores)
I kissed him one more time. “See… there it is.” I bit my lip and let the music sink into my bones. “This music… it’s universal… it soaks into your soul and makes you want to move.”
I spun inside his arms and leaned back into his chest; every move sensual… graceful. I  reached up to wrap my hand around the back of his neck and made sure he felt every sway and swirl of my hips.
◄ Lee ►
My hands slide around her waist, over her hips and then rested on her stomach. Leaning into her hold of me, I pressed her back against my chest. Resting my chin on her head to move in a way that complimented her.
I thanked the ancestors and my wolf, because the slick movement came that’s to them.
Dancing her around the floor, without taking her eyes from her. We didn’t hit another soul on the dance floor.
She knew how to keep herself fluid, following the song change with ease and Grace. And she made me look good too. I could hear whispers of voices, talking about her, her graceful dancing and her beauty. It filled me with pride. Because she picked me. And I picked her.
Then I heard the words of the song, grinning to myself. Moving myself to go cheek to cheek for a moment. “You’re stealing hearts Little Minx.”
◄ Emmy ►
I had done a lot of dancing in my day… but this? Dancing with Lee… with him touching me like this? I had to fight back a whimper. I tipped my head back, knowing he had to lean down to rest his chin, on the top of my head, made me and distracted me enough to not make the  noises he was struggling with tonight.
I smiled at his words, laughing softly. Unaware that anyone else existed right now. “I turned back to face him, placing both my hands on the back of his neck and still, keeping my body in contact with him as I danced. “Oh please… I stole your heart and your Warriors a long time ago baby.” I smiled and leaned up to kiss him again.
The song ended and a slightly faster tune played. I peered up at him and whispered. “Let’s get a drink?” I asked. “I don’t want to overwork you on your very first date.” I  smiled and looked around, noticing a few glances in our direction. Even Mr Miguel was watching us as he worked with a proud smile on his face.
◄ Lee ►
The first thing to note is the way she turned in my arms, how her hair flew around her face framing it.
Fuck! ‘Her hair framing her face’? That’s what we noticed now? My wolf and I were grinning like fools. It was a thing. And we were noticing it all tonight! “If that’s what you want beautiful. But if you want to dance. We keep dancing.”
Did the speed of the next song send shivers of panic in me? Sure. But my wolf and I were up to any challenge!
My finger under her chin lifting her eyes to mine. My mouth on hers for a kiss. (These kisses weren’t going to get old!)
“Come on. Let’s get you a drink.” The tables around the dance floor area had been cleaned and pushed back slightly, giving more people the opportunity to shake their thing. I curled her hand into mine. Bringing her in front of  me and pointed in the direction of the bar. “We are going there.” Then I let Emmy lead the way.
◄ Emmy ►
I smiled seeing that grin on his face. Definitely worth letting Mom tug on my hair for an hour. “Oh, trust me, we aren’t done… I just want to keep you hydrated… and lightly buzzed. Like any good girlfriend would.” I shrugged… I assumed. I hadn’t much experience to go on.
It seemed my body was instinctively reacting to that touch beneath my chin by rolling up onto my toes to get closer to his lips. My heart and stomach both leapt and danced at the kisses. “Spirits,” I muttered breathlessly. I smiled looking around the transformed room, following  him to the bar. “They aren’t just passionate about food here, are they?” I looked at all the space they had dedicated to dancing with a smile.
At the bar, I slide up onto a stool, even with my few extra inches I had to put my hand onto the seat to lift myself up like the polite lady my mom would expect me to be.
◄ Lee ►
“Thank you for keeping my hydration in mind, Little Minx!” The laughter boomed freely for me, with my gaze moving down her profile, I bit on my lip, stopping myself from smacking her fine arse in those red pants. My wolf made a sound, and I let it out, we could appreciate the view and respect the woman before us.
Grinning as we followed her across the room, watching her hips sway from side to side. Groaning to ourselves, “In the name of the spirits!” Being with Emmy tonight… now… Damn it caused a reaction, making me clear my throat.
Coming to a stop, I stood beside her, holding the back of the stool until she was situated. Once again, I shook my head. She was such a small creature with such mighty strength, with a wolf inside that could and would kick my arse, and I would let it happen!
Listening to her speaking, I turned my attention to the bar tender for a moment, giving him a nod so he knew we were here and would wait for service.
“They are passionate about life, baby. They, told the kid and I, ‘To live, you need good food, music, laughter, dancing, and passion’, which is what they wanted this place to represent.”
It had been the family’s way to describe their vision for this place. “And it looks like everyone in here understands the sentiment, wouldn’t you agree?”
Seeing the bartender making his way towards us I leant down a little to kiss the top of her head. “What are you feeling this time?” I asked as she’d tried all the cocktails before, and I was curious on what she would like to try now.
◄ Emmy ►
“Trust me… its purely selfish… I need your stamina at peak performance later on.” I said quietly enough for only him to hear… not that anyone here seemed inclined to listen in.
I heard him checking me out and I definitely played up to it. My hand found the arm he steadied  my chair with and slid up to his shoulder, I couldn’t help but see that flash of my father looking back at me through his eyes when he made those gestures. I smiled at him, a silent sign of gratitude.
“Well, no one looking around here tonight would deny the truth in that  statement.” I scanned the room again. Even the staff looked like they were loving every second. I could see this same sentiment on Lee’s handsome face too. And the fact it wasn’t a new sight to me made my heart swell. It was always a privilege to witness someone’s joy… but there was something infinitely special about being a large fraction of the causes of Lee Clearwater’s joy.
It wasn’t boastful to believe this. He made sure I was well aware of the happiness I brought him, just like I made the same clear to him.
I nodded in answer to his  question. “I do agree… this place… it’s so alive. Everything from the walls to the people. It’s full of passion and energy.” I picked up the cocktail menu at his next question.
I loved a nice cold beer… but while I was here, I wanted to try a little of everything. I scanned the Spanish and English on the menu, a cute touch I could really appreciate even without speaking a word of Spanish. “Hmm… I don’t think it would be right to leave without trying the house special margarita.” I smiled at the bartender.
‘Are you sure… It’s a strong one, senorita?’ He smiled at me, politely.
“Challenge accepted. One for the big guy too… and two beers. Whatever you recommend.” He gave me a nod… Impressed by the order. Most people were when they saw me drink… They related size with how much alcohol someone could  handle… Okay, I was one of those people too. But for obvious reasons, those standards didn’t apply to me.
◄ Lee ►
“Of course you do, you want me fighting fit for the dance floor once you are done with your break.” Chuckling and offering her the arm she held onto.
I couldn’t help blocking out the mayhem occurring around us as I lost myself in the kind smile Emmy offered in thanks. She didn’t need to thank me for such things. But you could see elements of her mom and herself in moments like this.
I stood listening to the sound of her voice over the laughter and music as she gave her take on the decor of the restaurant, and more so the mission of the Miguel family. Knowing they would be overjoyed if they heard Emmy now. This got it… she understood what went into a work you were passionate about. For my brother and I were so proud with our small part in bringing this place to life.
Shaking my head with a grin plastered on my face, her banter with the man behind the bar made me laugh and so proud of her. Yup, she was my date tonight! And she wasn’t letting the side down.
“Are you trying to get me drunk Miss Call? So I worry about what may come of my virtue by the end of the night?” Arching my brow, with a shit eating grin on my face.
She knew I was joking. We do wouldn’t be drunk. The alcohol would burn out of her blood stream before we called it a night. But… like I said … teasing this beautiful woman, whose hair I curled around my finger. Was fun!
◄ Emmy ►
I chuckled at him, “At least we’re both on the same page!” I teased.  When he asked if I was trying to get him drunk, I grinned at him. “You see right through me Mr Clearwater. And not too drunk… I want you to remember every second, but I also want to keep you in the dancing mood.” Not that I could ever get him that drunk… maybe with enough moonshine…. But… Then I leaned in closer to him and whispered my next answer. “As for your virtue?” My hand slid up along his impressively muscled arm. “We can have a discussion all about that a little later.”
The bartender returned with the cocktail in a lavishly decorated glass with a lime slice propped onto to rim and a deep red liquid that smelled divine. Then he sat two bottles of ice-cold beer onto the bar too and said. ‘Salud.’ Giving us both a polite smile.
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I picked up the cocktail and inhaled its scent, Cointreau and Tequila filled my senses. I turned my gaze back to my incredible date. My boyfriend. My Lee.
“So, what should we toast to?” I asked him, a smile on my face… this night was already so perfect. The more time we had, the more of this preposterously flawless memory we would have to look back on. I was in no rush… even if talk of his virtue had a fire sparked deep in my belly.
◄ Lee ►
Sliding a note to the bartender, my eyes return to Emmy. The silly grin I’d been wearing most of the night still in place.
“I had no doubt in my mind baby, you and me. We somehow made it easy to find the middle ground. Without any effort.” Something no one would miss. Even when I disagreed with her, I would a way to see her point too.
Emmy made me laugh again. “Please. Don’t give up trying. Ply me with all that you have to offer.” Leaning down into whisper into her ear. “I’m all yours to do with what you want.” Placing a small kiss under her ear before standing up to my full height again.
I took the lime off the side of my glass, setting it into the drink to float. Before picking it up. Thinking about her question on the toast. “To never giving up, to… having faith in things that feel right... to... beautiful company... and to your smile... because it steals my heart whenever it comes to play.”
Laughing I shook my head. “Was that too corny?” I asked feeling myself a little self-conscious about the fact, I didn’t want to hide anything from Emmy. When I felt it, I wanted to share it… because that’s the kinda person she was.
◄ Emmy ►
I smiled at him… “Sometimes I think it all happened at once and then other times I have a clear view of a slow but intense burn, that all came to a head when I kissed you.” I smiled at him remembering that day. “Spirits that was a hell of a kiss,” I whispered under my breath.
I knew he would be the only person capable of hearing me.
I sipped on my cocktails and hummed in approval. “That is a lot of tequila!” I noticed the bartender grin out of the corner of my eye. It would look good for our ruse of being human. “Don’t worry… I’ve never been a quitter.” I chuckled.
The kiss he placed had my pulse and my lashes fluttering. The things this man could do to me with the simplest action… I loved them all. My eyes never left his as he made his toast, and my smile got wider… how had the Spirits led me to this man? “No…” I shook my head gazing at him with more fondness than before. “That was exactly corny enough… Boyfriend.” I smirked and clinked my glass to his.
I took a bigger mouthful this time, the flavours playing on my tongue and my hand drifting to the spot beneath my ear that  was still tingling from his kiss. “You know what?” I said with a grin, looking around for a second before turning my attention back to him. “I think for two novices we are rather excellent at this first date thing.” I laughed softly. But I had declared this night a success the moment I was ready on time, for a change. There wasn’t that could have made it less than that in my mind once Lee and were together. I saw #MrMigeul approaching us, I knew there was no need to mention this to Lee.
‘I hope that our special guests for the night are  enjoying themselves?’ It wasn’t really a question, but he made it sound like one.
“Oh yes, everything is wonderful… the food, the music, the drinks.” I took another sip. “And your staff are incredible.”
‘I’m so glad to hear it.. and Señorita,’ He smiled at me. ‘You may not speak Spanish, but you certainly speak another of our languages.’ He nodded towards the dancefloor.
I smiled and looked down for a second, “Oh… yes. I love to dance.”
‘You have… practised?’ He tested the question to see if it was prying too deeply. I smiled and nodded.
“When I was younger yes, I took Latin ballroom classes.” I also took, classic, contemporary and tap but there was no need to go into that.
He turned to Lee now. ‘A beautiful woman who can dance… Never let this one go, mi chico.’ I smiled. I didn’t need to speak Spanish to know that this was a term of endearment.
◄ Lee ►
Shaking my head looking into the glass I held after taking a mouthful. I knew this has been a free pour. Emmy’s charming personality hit the ball out the park again, with the people she met. They were drawn to her like bees to honey.
My Ma always said it was because of her soul. Also, because She was so kind and welcoming. Taking another drink, when I went eyes on us. But I didn’t move knowing who was coming towards us. Standing beside Emmy I listened to the two conversing. It was clear for everyone to see #MrMiguel was impressed with my girlfriend. Some part of me felt proud at how he acknowledged her presence, her hard work, and her talent. And this was after he saw her dancing with me. I wasn’t the worst by any means, but she is dancing and moving skills were of a different calibre.
Which is why when his attention turned to me, I grinned nodding my head. “No te preocupes, tío. no lo haré.”
The elder chuckles looking up at me, reaching high to tap my shoulder. ‘Bueno escuchar.’ His eyes and smile told anyone watching he was being honest.
‘My Maria loves to dance too. Oh… if you had seen the way she told to the dancing. Her legs. Her hips.’ #MrMiguel was far away thinking of times past. ‘I could believe she loved a foolish boy like me. And look at us now.’
My eyes moved to Emmy, taking her in. Nudging her a little to get her to look at me and then I winked at her. I placed one hand to her lower back. Thankful she agreed to let me take her on a real date.
◄ Emmy ►
I smiled at the two men as they spoke, my lips pressed together. Why was it so hot hearing him speak a language I didn’t even understand? I could tell by their smiles that it was all good things… or maybe it was their very obvious kind souls. I smiled, I had always been very lucky to find myself surrounded by kind-hearted people.
I beamed even more when he spoke about his wife, he was clearly so in love. It made me turn to gaze at Lee again as he towered over me…  the wink made me smile even wider. “You know, Uncle… I think I know exactly how  you feel. I wondered what he saw in a wildling like me.” I grinned at Lee, and patted the lapel of his jacket to ensure he knew he had cleared that question right up.
#MrMiguel laughed. ‘No, no, no… I do not doubt that it’s quite the opposite.’
I sipped my drink again. “Well Lee here is just a little older than me… and when I was younger this one,” I nodded to Lee. “He was a cool kid around town… All the girls wanted to date him; all the boys wanted to be his best friend. And was…” I tilted my head… “A quirky drama geek.” I laughed.  “But look at us now.”
The older man smiled. ‘Well, if your love of drama led you to dance you followed the right path. It clearly gives you joy.’ He gave a smile that proved to me in an instant that this man was a great father. He valued happiness above accomplishments.
“It all started with music,” I told him. “My mom would sit at the piano with me since I was a newborn… I think I learned to read music at the same time I learned to read English.”
‘A musician and a dancer?’ He looked impressed and I felt a swell of pride.
“Musician, vocalist, dancer… and if you ever need your car fixed… I’m your girl.” I boasted, sure I like to be the center of attention, but this fatherly approval of my talents was addictive.
He looked a Lee and said something in Spanish with a serious, and mildly cheeky expression then back to me. ‘Well, I won’t steal any more of your precious time together. Señorita… It has been an honour to meet you and I do so hope we will meet again.’ He took my hand in both his and patted the back of mine with a smile again. ‘If you need anything…’
I nodded politely.
“I’ll know exactly who to call. Thank you so much, we’re having a wonderful time… and it's truly been an honour to meet you.”
He said a few more words to Lee and headed off to greet a group at the other end of the bar, fondly. Then I looked up and Lee with hooded eyes. “What did he say to you?”
◄ Lee ►
In the name of all our spirits! Was there anyone on this earth, who this woman couldn’t flatter or charm? #MrMiguel was enthralled by her talents and accomplishments, as was I.
The Call women had always been able to make you feel like you were the only person who could make them happy when they spoke to you. And right now, I was witnessing it all first hand as her boyfriend. And boy! She made me grin and swell with pride.
I had to laugh because #MrMiguel didn’t mince his words. Telling me to lock her down! Which makes me gulp my drink. I did tell the man this was our first official date. But he just rolled his eyes at me, the kind which would make my Ma proud. I had to feel for #Eduardo and for #Sara on the other hand they were lucky like me to have a father who supported their dreams. However, on the other hand.
The man missed nothing!
Shaking my head at the final words the man said before his left. Ordering me to take my beautiful date to the dance floor.
I took another gulp from the glass my eyes moved to meet Emmy’s. Of course she would ask what the elder had said. “Hmm… should I make you work for the answer.” Kissing her on the top of her head. Finishing my drink, I set the glass down. “But… you’re lucky you’re so sexy… he told me to get you back on the dance floor right away.”
Both my arms engulfed her pulling her in. “Once you’re ready that is.”
I wasn’t planning  to rush her, to. It was nice to stand her and see her enjoying herself. The food, the people, the drinks and the music. It was all worth the time we took to wait to make tonight about us.
◄ Emmy ►
I didn’t miss the hard swallow. Something the older man had said had made him nervous… in a good way, but it still made me smirk. I narrowed my eyes at him when he translated for me. “Mhm…” I said with all the sass. “Sure… that’s 𝓪𝓵𝓵 he said.” I sipped on my cocktail and  let him keep it all to himself, knowing he’d come clean at the right time. I trusted him to pick that time.
I smiled. “I never doubted that you would leave me with only that one adventure onto the floor. But these drinks are far too tasty to abandon.” I sipped again, whatever tequila was in here was clearly top shelf. “We can drink… and people watch. And talk about you being a dark horse on the dance floor.” I grinned. “You seemed nervous but you have moves, Clearwater. I was impressed.” I leaned up from my seat to kiss his jaw… and might have sneakily squeezed that fine arse now that we were alone enough to get away with it.
“You looked happy out there… and that is what dance should be all about.” I looked at him knowing that I would be happy with him absolutely anywhere, but he had planned this night  thinking of only me and all the things that I love the most. He always made sure that I knew he was thinking of me and that he knew me. He saw me. And I… we… felt like we never had with anyone else.
“I’m not sure I’ll be able to top this for our next date… But I’m gonna  try.” I teased, there had really never been any competition with us. But I still wanted to do for him that he had done for me tonight. But that planning would come later. Right now, I wanted to appreciate everything he had done for me.
◄ Lee ►
Shifting under her scrutiny, but not uncomfortably. More the case is I didn’t know how she would take hearing what the elder had teased me with. And it wasn’t that I didn’t trust her, of course I did. Otherwise, we never would have made it this far. It was just a matter for another time. Or was it?
My wolf huffed at me; he knew maybe I had in a second overthought the whole situation. But the spirit in my soul trusted me with this. For now, at least.
Reaching out for one or the two beers, I felt the couple sat behind me most and up and move. So, I pulled one of the stools with my foot towards me and sat down facing my date.
“We aren’t in any hurry darling, if you want to still and talk. It’s what we will do.” Taking a pull from the cold Mexican beer bottle, the wedge of lime in the neck of the bottle elevating the taste and my sense of smell.
“I am happy whenever there is music and a good time to be had. And so we are clear. I never said I couldn’t dance. Just said I wasn’t up to the standards you’re used too.” Taking her freehand in mine, I wanted.. no needed to keep  touching this girl.
“You know how the ancestors have blessed us. Agility , speed, even being soft footed. Comes from the spirits.” And then it occurred to me.
“I don’t really think any of us are back dancers?” My brows knit together.
“Well. Jay and Paul maybe. Those two have heavy stances at times.”
My gaze was always on her, the rest of the place melted away. I knew my wolf would be on lookout for me tonight.
“What do you mean? You don’t need to top a thing. You are my only desire, baby.” My hand moved up, so my thumb could stroke her heated cheek.
Fuck… she was perfect for me tonight. It was a reoccurring thought constant returning to the forefront of my mind.
◄ Emmy ►
I smiled swivelling on the stool to fully face him as he settled himself on the one next to me. “No rush.” I smiled. “I want to treasure all of our firsts.” I propped my elbow on the bar… it was clean enough that you could almost forget it was actually… a bar. My chin propped on my palm and I watched him. Taking in all that was this incredible, sexy man before me. And I could feel the eyes in the room that agreed… but they would never know… never see all that I saw.
All they saw was the surface. But Lee Clearwater had depths and I still had  many left to explore. There might have been a woman or two in here who gained insight into him if they noticed how he looked at me, how he spoke to #MrMiguel and how he treated the staff. But even those women couldn’t dream of scratching the surface of the man that was my boyfriend.
I smiled… He had me there. “It’s not like I’m a pro, I just learned what I could when I had the chance to. And when it comes to dancing for the simple act of dancing with someone there are no standards. Only that you are together and loving each moment.”
He wasn’t wrong… The warriors had an upper hand. There was no denying that all my instructors noticed a marked improvement in my skills when I phased. “It really does help…” I chuckled. “I remember my mom telling me how even my tantrums were more graceful after I joined the  pack.” She had a way of finding a silver lining. Even if I hated that she called them tantrums… it was hard. As much as I love my wolf, learning to manage her emotions was no easy task.
I smiled at him. “Okay… so not trying to top anything… how about… another first? Just  because it’s a second date doesn’t mean it can’t be a first in its own right… right?” I finished the cocktail and felt my eyes flutter closed at the gentle touch. My tongue slipped across my bottom lip. No one ever touched me the way he did… I turned into him and kissed his palm.
I turned my gaze to his. “Every time you do that, I get butterflies.” The admission was easy and comfortable… it didn’t even feel like vulnerability because there was no such thing with him.
◄ Lee ►
“But that’s what makes it even better, little minx. You’re so good at it, but you make anyone dancing with you feel like they know their shit. When next to you.” She had to know what a talent it was.
“Anyone can make themselves look good. You on the other hand. You’re making. your partner looks good too.” The grin was back in place, my feet on the ground, facing her head on. This was a first. It had been so long since I’d been on a date, wanted to spend time getting to know someone, and not want it all to stop.
“Tantrums!” Now I was laughing, not to mention recalling those times in the past. “We all had those tantrums, but you know... yours sincerely were a lot more graceful. Da and Ma had to replace so much broken furniture with the kid and me having those ‘tantrums’, at the same time.”
Leaning in so I knew she couldn’t see anything but the truth in my eyes. “First thing is… you’re thinking about our second date while we are on our first. What happened to your living in the moment speech I’ve heard over and over again?”
Of course I was teasing her, but I wanted her to not overthink the next step before we were done with this whole night. “Second. You know how to make a guy feel comfortable with his choices. Something must be going well for you to want to do it all again. I’ll take it as a win.”
Nodding my head in agreement. “I want to have all our firsts. And to remember them and enjoy them to the fullest.” Fuck! That kiss on my palm. It was so sweet and charged with electricity all at once.
◄ Emmy ►
I smiled. “I think I know a few pups that would disagree with you.” But I was glad that he felt that way. “It’s so different from performing and classes, you just live it with someone you care about… It feels right. And the love of it… that’s what makes you look good.” I nodded to the older but not elderly couple on the floor, clearly practised dancers… who had slowed down due to age or just not dancing as much. They were beaming, talking, missing steps and laughing. The husband stole cheeky squeezes of her arse and got himself a swat on the shoulder.
“Like them… they don’t need the big moves and flashy footwork… they look incredible just because they feel incredible together.” I smiled and turned all my attention back to Lee. It was what I had told the pups when they wanted to impress a girl… all she would care about was the fact he cared. That they wanted to spend time doing something she loved with her.
“She always called it a tantrum… because it stopped me being mad about whatever it was, and I got mad at being accused of having a tantrum… and that inevitably led to my laughing because I was sixteen and essentially… having a tantrum.” I laughed. “It was a rather genius and slightly risky solution… but mostly it worked.”
He leaned in and all I wanted to do was kiss him. But he made me smile again. “Okay, you are right… Besides, I can’t  give away anything before I even ask you out. So I will save my plotting until a later date.”
There was that look in his eyes again. The one that made me feel like I was home. No matter where I was… those deep, warm eyes… they were home. “I don’t want to miss a single  thing with you… every step… every first and journey.” I laughed softly. “Even if we are making up all of our own steps.”
I held up my bottle. “Another toast… to exploration and a shared adventure with you.”
To Be Continued....
0 notes
madebyleftovermuses · 2 years
Some questions from a Bingo-er! 1. Talk about an oc you've never mentioned before or barely mentioned! 2. What about Descendants inspires you to make ocs? 3. What is a love interest you want to give an oc for that you haven't? 4. Do you have any original stories? 5. Who's your favorite oc to create/write for?
because I am a horrible person I am just getting back onto Tumblr.
oh geez I think I'll do Rose White. She's the daughter of Snow White, she is kind of excited for Evie to be joining Auradon since she's an only child and doesn't have any cousins. She's one of the few who actually gave the VK a chance.
What inspired me to make a Descendants OC? Booboo Stewart, absolutely love him and wanted to give him an actual love interest.
Upon reflection, there isn't a single character i can think of that doesn't have a love interest
i do but its rough
Persie, Jo and Emberly are my top three favorites
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justmeli452 · 2 years
Update on the littles. One of which is not little anymore.
AJ is almost 13, in 7th grade, is an artist and is constantly drawing. She's super smart but has a hard time believing in herself. She turned into an amazing little woman.
Emberly is 3 and i super sweet most of the time. She's goofy and silly and dramatic. She has a speech delay bc of her hearing, and is just starting to really talk.
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when you've got the perfect fic idea in your head but other people keep talking to you
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gellavonhamster · 3 years
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I can be a one woman fandom for an old unfinished Netflix show if I want to
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7, 31, 49, 59
(for the oc asks)
7. have they committed a crime before? which one(s)? evie steals things when she's traveling, but only from shitty people it seems like nyks would too, but she only does things borderline criminal
31. are they religious? i was hoping someone would ask me this! they're from three different kingdoms, and each kingdom has a different religion, but emberly and evie aren't religious. nyks, keegan, liv, and lake are all religious. they believe in the spirits of the magic around them. it's a semi-complicated religion and my brain is still foggy, i'll probably go into more detail eventually, though echo, haven, and spence's kingdom kinda have a religion? it's more that ghosts/spirits of loved ones are watching out for them. a lot of time if you're in a bind, you call out to one specific person. it's a way to keep them with you after they're dead because there isn't usually a good chance to get closure with a lot of the deaths in the kingdom.
49. do they think about what they wear or do they just throw on whatever they find first? emberly, liv, and haven care enough to make sure what they wear matches evie, lake and echo don't really care at all spence and keegan both have a wardrobe that matches no matter what they wear, so they don't really think about it, but they always match
59. what motivates them? nyks: pure spite. she'll do anything someone says she can't keegan: nyks and not wanting to be bored lake: we may never know liv: she just does what she wants when she wants echo: keeping food on his family's table and being able to buy clothes without holes haven: doing whatever it takes to stay happy spence: literally nothing. he's got nothing
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boomerang109 · 3 years
Thoughts on the fact that we call lots of strands “hair” but call only a few strands “hairs” - bcz it’s one in the morning and I would like to pretend I have a social life and also win this argument with my friend
omg my friend and i were just talking about hair versus hairs
it’s dumb!!! someone please tell me why many hairs=hair, but a few hairs=hairs? who did that?? english, why??
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hitchqueen · 2 years
Making an impression (story)
[ kudos to @clownsocks69 for giving me permission to write this quick little story based off their artwork! Check it out here! https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/clownsocks69/693621978530299904?source=share ]
[also, sorry if my writing is absolute TRASH haha, still kinda coming out of my shy snzkink shell]
The Trench Tavern was filled with music, laughter, and the clinging of silverware, complete with the fireplace giving off the perfect amount of heat to keep the customers warm, especially those coming in from the rainstorm pattering against the glass windows. However, none of that seemed to drag Gustav Elhorn’s hazel hues away from his dreamy gaze; not even his mead, which he had been babysitting for almost an hour. Not that he ever drank more than half, anyway.
The reason for this? Emberly Greattail, the one serving drinks and meals to everyone…and the owner’s daughter. Tonight, her ember hued hair was up in a messy bun, a few strands brushing beside her emerald eyes, which would light up as she smiled.
A soft, dreamy sigh left Gustav’s lips. “Emberly Greattail…how do you get more radiant everyday?” he mumbled to himself, a small smile forming on his lips. The male Sorcerer – well, Sorcerer-in-Training – had just finished his studies at the prestigious Hornwell Academy, and as tradition, all graduating Sorcerers and Sorceresses were located to a small village to live there for a year to not only hone their skills, but make themselves, and their skills, known to others around the town.
Only being in Dewstar for three months now, Gustav had…well, a small start; a few potions here, a spell to cast away rats there, but nothing to truly make his mark with the village, but nothing really to make him stand out. Even with his unique green top hat, he still seemed to just…blend in. “Emberly doesn’t even know I exist, really,” the male sighed to himself. “Probably thinks I’m just another tab or somethin’...” He looked down at his mead, a few wisps of his own long black hair hiding his face.  A few of the shorter strands brushing against the tip of his round nose, causing it to wriggle slightly. Gustav sniffled, racking his knuckles against the soft appendage. He failed to hear the chiming of a bell as the door opened, for he was too lost in his own thoughts. It wasn’t until a soft yellow glow presented itself, inches from his face, did the Sorcerer-in-training jump slightly in his seat.
“Hey! You’re that new magic guy, right?!” the small being asked. Gustav’s eyes widened in fear, locked onto the small glittering particles surrounding the fairy, already making his nose twitch in response.
No. Oh, No….!!
If Gustav’s heart could have crashed through the floor, it would have at that very moment. The fairy’s dust had already made its presence known, which unfortunately for Gustav, was a very challenging allergen, and it seemed out of all the students in the Academy, he was the only one to have such a strange reaction to the magic dust.
Immediately covering his nose and mouth with one hand, the male immediately began attempting to swat the fairy away. “G-go away, please! Shoo! Shoo!” he urged, leaning as far back from the fairy as possible.
The fairy’s brow furrowed, and she gave a loud hmph. “Well, that’s a bit rude! You don’t even know me! I’m just trying to ask for your help in–”
“I–Ihh!! I said ‘Shoo!’ Go on, get out of here, pesky thing! I’m—EhhHeh–!” His eyes soon darted to Emberly, praying she hadn’t noticed anything. Thankfully, she was serving another table, her back facing him. “I c-caahhnnn’t talk to you right n-now,” Gustav explained, his voice wavering as he tried to fight the tickle; it already felt like the dust was making itself home along the sensitive nasal walls, settling in like dust would to a feather.
Offended by all this, the fairy soon glowed a vibrant red. “Oh, what? Just cause I’m a fairy, I don’t get any help from you? That’s– you know what?! You–!” Growling, she used her strength to try and pry Gustav’s hand away from his already twitching nose, something the creature failed to notice as her wings fluttered rapidly, spreading more of her pixiedust in the air. “You–need–to–listen—to—EEP!” A panicked squeak left the fairy as Gustav successfully swatted the fairy away from his face.
Unfortunately for him, the fairy landed on the brim of his top hat, the collision releasing more of her glittering dust in the air.
“I’m–HEH!! TeHehhhEHribly s-s-sorry,” Gustav tried to explain, rubbing at his now pink nose, using his knuckle to massage it in a circular motion. “I’m...I’m allehh—”
“How’s your mead, sir?” A soft voice asked. Gazing up through teary eyes, his cheeks soon matched the redness of his nose as Emberly stood beside him. “S-sir? Are you–?”
Oh, no…not here. Not now!!
In a panic, Gustav held a finger under his nose, knowing this wouldn’t help for long. “Feh-HIH-HEH! I’mFine!” he hitched out, giving a sheepish grin, finger still under his nose, rubbing furiously against his twitching nostrils. “Just…J-Jiihhh!!” Gustav had hoped – PRAYED – that Emberly would have left by now, but she was just as frozen as the pixie ontop of his hat was.
“I’m…AhhahhHH! hhh-HHAEHH!! Hhh–hh!”
There was no escaping the oncoming fit, even as he tried waving his hand infront of his face. His eyes were closed shut, allergic tears streaming down his face as his chest puffed, shoulders shuddering with each desperate intake of air.
“I–I’m– Haatzeeehh—g-gonna–Guhh–Guhhnaahhh–!!”
There air was still for a moment, as a few more eyes in the tavern seemed to focus on the back booth.
Gustav bent forward with a strong sneeze, and the fireplace behind him suddenly extinguished. “HaaT’SHHHEEWWW!” With another sneeze erupting, the fireplace burst back to life with another fire. “Allehh–HehhEHH–allergic–!! HiiaaT-SHEEWWWW!!”
Oh, gods…what would Emberly think of him in such a state?! A Sorcerer-in-training with such a…such a…
Such a ridiculous allergy? Surely no one would want to be seen with – or even ask for help from–!!
Embarrassed, Gustav fished into his coat pocket, placed an unknown amount of money on the table, and hurried out of his seat. The male opened the door and dashed outside into the rain, yet the customers could hear a distant, “HiiiT’SHHHEEWWW!!!”, and the door slammed shut on its own.
Seeking shelter from the rain in a nearby stable, Gustav groaned to himself while fishing out his handkerchief from his breast pocket. “Perfect,” he muttered, shielding his nose. “Well, Gustav, you certainly made an impression with the vihh-HiiT’SHHHEEWW!”
“Bless you!” a voice chimed, causing the Sorcerer to freeze, arching an eyebrow in confusion. It…sounded like it came from…above him?
Taking off his hat slowly and examining it, Gustav blinked in surprise as the fairy smiled sheepishly, giving him a small wave.
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Hey Sex Witch! What are some good resources for explaining body & sexuality stuff to an almost teenager (she's eleven)? She gets some Sex Ed in school, mainly explaining puberty & menstruation and I'd like to be prepared for additional questions.
hi anon! how incredibly fortuitous that 10-12 is exactly the age range I have the most experience teaching!
(when it comes to kids, anyway. my actual #1 overall demographic is tumblr users in their teens and twenties.)
the book we use in my classes is called It's Perfectly Normal, written by Robie Harris and illustrated by Michael Emberly. I think it's a great starting point for middle readers because it covers a wide variety of topics - physical and emotional changes that come with puberty, reproduction, masturbation, gender and sexual orientation, and sexual health - in informative, neutral language accompanied by cute illustrations and corny jokes that are much less daunting than the impersonal anatomy illustrations kids will likely see at school.
It's Perfectly Normal is also a good way of starting to gently bump kids out of their comfort zone by addressing questions they may already have but feel too awkward to address. there's a great two-page spread of naked people of various ages with different skin colors, genitalia, body types, and visible disabilities. without fail, the kids in my class will start out squawking about how inappropriate and weird it is - and then, once we get through their discomfort, start making very astute observations about the different types of bodies represented and how rare it is to see, for instance, people who are fat or disabled looking happy with their bodies, and wondering why that is. this year the section of masturbation also got a lot of balking - I think it was initially jokingly described as "unholy" by one of the students, which opened a door for a great conversation about why people might feel gross or ashamed about touching their own bodies.
as great as this can be as a starting point, it's likely this kiddo won't want to have all of her conversations about her own development one on one with you, and that's (pardon the bad joke) also perfectly normal. if she'd like to do some reading on her own, Scarleteen is a great website aimed specifically at answering questions about sex for teens and tweens, with articles tackling everything from safe DIY sex toys to breaking down bad sex ed info circulating on TikTok. it also has forums where kids can ask questions they can't find answers to anywhere else, which are answered by knowledgeable adult volunteers.
and if all else fails, remember that a rock solid poker face and a willingness to admit you don't know the answer to something will do wonders. if she comes to you with something you also don't understand and know everything about, tell her that and turn to our friend Dr. Google to find an answer together - that can be a great opportunity to talk about how we tell reliable information from bad information, especially when it comes to searching for potentially sensitive information that many people have very strong opinions about.
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em-writes-stuff · 2 years
Flufftober day 2
prompt: “You’ve told your parents?” 
characters: Emberly, Echo, Nyks, Echo’s parents
warnings: food
642 words
There was a cool breeze drifting through the house, the smell of freshly baked something filled the air and Emberly wandered in through the door. She tossed her bag onto the pile of blankets and kicked off her shoes. Her cloak fell to the floor and she took a deep breath in through her nose. 
Someone laughed from the kitchen and Emberly smiled softly. She made her way to the kitchen and smirked when she saw Nyks’ back facing her. She crept forward slowly, motioning for Echo not to point her out just yet. It rolled his eyes, but turned its attention back to the oven. 
She was just about to pounce on Nyks when someone behind her screamed. 
Nyks turned around, her hand flew to her dagger’s sheath, but when she saw who was behind her, her arm relaxed. 
“Emberly!” she exclaimed. “We weren’t expecting you back for two days!” 
Nyks pulled her into a hug and grabbed Echo’s elbow and pulled him into their hug. Emberly wrapped her arms around the two of them. 
“Umm…” someone said. 
Echo pulled away from them and cleared his throat. Emberly held onto it and finally took notice of the two other people in the house. There was an older couple standing in the archway to the kitchen. The woman was taller than the man, just barely so. They had kind faces, although at the moment they were anything but smiling. Echo linked its arm with Emberly’s and guided her forward. 
“Ma, Pa, this is Emberly,” he said. 
The woman’s scowl broke and she smiled widely, her face looking so much like Echo’s, Emberly kicked herself for not knowing who they were immediately. 
“Oh!” The woman shouted. She pulled Emberly into her arms, “We’ve heard great things about you! Thank you so much for taking such good care of our boy.” Her hold on Emberly loosened and she pulled away. 
The man nodded once and stuck his hand out towards her. She shook it firmly and he nodded again. He looked at Echo and smiled, “She’s good.” 
“Yeah, Pa. I know.” he said, feigning annoyance. 
Nyks herded Echo’s parents into the living room, whispering that she’d be right back and left the kitchen. 
“What’s cooking?” Emberly asked, opening the door to the oven and sticking her face inside. “Spinach rolls? Delicious.” she leaned against the counter and pulled Echo against her, resting her chin on his head. “Can’t believe you were making them without me.” she pouted. 
“I was planning on making more. The garden is doing really well this year. Too well, actually. I’ve barely had time enough to give everything away yet.” he said. 
She sighed tiredly. “I didn’t know you were talking to your parents.” 
“I wasn’t planning on it.” it said. “But then Nyks lost Vaughn and I decided I wanted to talk to them before it was too late. I sent a messenger to find them and bring them here and lo and behold they’re staying for a month.” 
Nyks walked back into the kitchen and leaned against Emberly, resting her head against her shoulder. “They want to know that they’ll be alright with Emberly home early.” 
“You told them?” she asked. 
“They know about both of us. Not the specifics, of course. But they had a right to know. It just kinda slipped out about yours though.” it said. 
“You’ve told your parents about your magic?” she said. 
Echo shrugged and nodded. “Not like I can be executed anymore. Besides, since Spence left the kingdom changed quite a bit apparently. More people are fighting against the ban, I guess.” 
They fell silent for a while, just sitting in the others’ company until everything in the oven was done. 
They filed into the living room and finished the evening talking with Echo’s parents and laughing until their stomachs hurt. 
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