missink01 · 1 year
Rowan: Man, I only ever see you awake, do you ever shut down or stop running?
Embre: Oh, I'm always running
Embre: The question is from what.
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yakkety-yak-art · 5 months
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I am perhaps the only person on the planet who remembers the Magic Thief book series lmao but it was my fave as a kid
(For those who don’t know wtf these books are: Crowe is Maggie’s brother, Embre wing is Crowe’s son, and Connwaer is Maggie’s son. I wanted to practice drawing family members without accidentally drawing them completely identical lol)
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themagicisdragons · 2 years
My headcanons for TMT
- conns birthday is November 3rd (aka the day Nevery returned from exile)
- Sparks found and gave Conn old pictures and other memorobilia of Maggies from when she was alive (personalized lockpicks, old clothes, maybe a stuffed toy from her own childhood, a picture of her sparks embre and a small baby bump, baby pictures of conn and embre, old drawings)
- heartsease game night (monopoly, uno, poker, heads up)
- Conns first halloween costume was a cat (he put pip in a little bat costume)
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transjarlaxle · 10 months
im thinking about. embre-wing
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Antiques and Gifts
Desc: Nevery takes Conn to a recently-opened antique shop. 
No TWs!
Thanks to @embre-wing for inspiration
"Boy, come with me. I heard that a store opened in the Twilight." Nevery called Conn. Peculiar. The Twilight was never very popular. Oddly, it seemed to be picking up traction lately, but Conn couldn't figure out why. But he really couldn't care, he had no reason to feel strongly about it. 
He decided to ask, "Really? What does it sell?" He thought the Twilight had enough 'stores', though he had to admit they were rather small and usually only sold necessities, such as clothing, or food. But Sparks and Embre did make a good enough profit from selling pyrotechnic materials, so perhaps there was a market for the miscellaneous. 
"Antiques. Do you know what an antique is, my lad?" Nevery answered. Antiques. Conn felt like he knew that word from somewhere, but he didn't know where. Maybe it was just a case of deja vu, he thought to himself. He decide to stay silent since Nevery always explained things to him if he didn't say anything.
"Antiques are objects valued for their age." He explained to him, gazing at him with his iconic keen-glean glance. Oh. Well, that's interesting. He only thing Conn thought of that could be a antique from Wellmet is something from the Dawn Palace--chills
went down his spine thinking about that place--before it was thankfully exploded (It
would have been destroyed anyway, Embre liked the Dawn Palace no more than Conn).
"Oh." He said. Conn didn't have anything better to say from the top of his head. 
"Well then, boy. Are you ready to leave now?" Nevery sternly asked. He had always not been the nicest, or at least, as charismatic as Brumbee, another magister that knew Nevery when they were younger, but Conn didn't mind. It was much better than if he were to hover over Conn, like after he was 'found'. He was content with how Nevery treated him, especially now that seemed less rigidly cold as before.
"I got everything." He informed Nevery. Pip was out hunting pigeons, and he was sure that it would be able to manage itself if he was gone.
"Then we're leaving."  Nevery told him, before opening the door and leaving, expecting Conn to follow behind. He caught up to Nevery, and shortly afterwards joined him to get in the boat to the Twilight, behind the factories and warehouses. They came through the back, and walked to Sark Square. 
"Anything you want to do while we're here, boy?" Nevery asked him. Conn needed a second to think about it. They could hang out with Embre for a bit, but would he be busy at the moment? No, Conn thought. They can do that later. Plus, where would Nevery be. It just seemed like-not the best idea. 
"Not that I can think of. Now, where's that antique shop that we're supposed to be at?" He remarked, not mentioning that he had wanted to go to the Dawn Palace.
"Hm." Nevery grunted. He normally said that, even if he wasn't confused. Conn didn't know if other people did that too, but if they did, they didn't do it as obviously as Nevery did. Or maybe Conn was just paying the most attention whenever Nevery spoke.
After a while after aimless wandering, they had finally found this oh so important antique shop. 
"Boy, look around." Nevery directed Conn, shortly before going to the back of the store. Conn took some time to observe his surroundings. The air had a strange smell to it, not necessarily bad, but not good either. 
The shelves were dusty and filled with antiques. Conn decided to actually look at them. There was all types of miscellaneous items, from some neat-looking jars to goblets to huge pieces of furniture such as desks. 
After a bit of scanning the somewhat valuable trinkets, something caught his eye. However, it wasn't something Conn was planning to keep for himself. There was a figure behind a mirror of sorts, with a mystifying glimmer through the piece. As soon as Conn saw it, he knew he had to get it for Nevery.
He knew that he would like it, might even keep it somewhere where it could be see  easily. There was one issue with that plan though. Nevery would never let Conn get something pricey for him, especially now that they had a stronger bond. 
Fortunately, he realized something soon enough. It's not as if Nevery was routinely watching him. So in theory, he would be able to quickly buy it and hide it somewhere until he felt like giving it to Nevery. 
He snatched it and looked for the price tag. 10 galleons. He could buy that. Conn reached for his pocket and took out his sack of money.  He counted out the money he needed, and hid the sack in his pocket. 
"May I buy this?" Conn asked the man at the counter. He nodded, before Conn put the needed 10 galleons and the antique. He took the cash, and Conn went to Nevery, smuggling it in his pockets.
"You think we should leave now?" He inquired. Nevery seemed to only be looking and not planning to buy something, unlike Conn. 
"Yes, boy. We haven't done much here." Nevery sternly answered. With that, they were on their way back to Heartease. 
They had come home around sunset, and Benet was already cooking dinner for all of  them. It seemed to be the usual: chicken pot pie, buttery biscuits, and tea. The aroma filled the air, or at least the first floor of Heartease. 
"So, boy, did you enjoy that." He asked, seemingly out of the blue.
"It was alright, it was kinda fun looking around." Conn answered, keeping discreet about what things he had done under his nose. 
He neutrally grunted in response. Soon enough, Benet was already setting out their food, and they were at the dinner table.
"How was it?" Benet asked both of them. Conn had already started digging into the biscuits, whilst trying to not drop and break his soon to be gift to Nevery.
"Nothing much happened. I and boy left soon enough." Nevery informed Benet, taking sips out of his tea. 
They had nothing else to say, so they finished their food and went upstairs to do their own thing. 
Conn had gotten to his room, and was greeted by Pip aimlessly rolling on his bed. Soon enough, Conn got Pip to do dragon things in the corner of his room, while he took out the antique, and peeled of the 10 galleons sticker. 
Pip approached it, interested by it's glimmer. Conn let it look at it, before he moved Pip away so it couldn't break it. The statue of sorts should be kept under his bed, Conn decided, as he lodged it there.
He looked out his window to look at the river that the island Heartease was built on. Conn didn't do this often, but something was calling to him to observe from here. He couldn't see much, since his room was on the highest floor but he didn't mind.
He stepped away from the window, and looked at his bed. It was pretty messy now, due to whatever Pip was doing. He decided to fix up the blankets, and by that he meant moving them around so his bed was even.
"Good night, Pip." Conn said. He squeezed himself between some layers, and fell into a deep sleep from his long day.
It was morning when he realized. When he checked the calendar after he woke up, he realized that it was Father's Day. Yes, he had coincidentally bought something for Nevery, but not for Benet! They both deserved a gift today, and Conn knew just where to get one.
  After getting 12 galleons and keeping them in his pocket, he shortly hurried downstairs, leaving Pip. After making so much noise to carry out this crucial task quickly, he accidentally got unwanted attention from a certain someone. Benet had already been in the kitchen, preparing for today's breakfast. 
"Where are you going?" He grumbled, coming to Conn. He was a deer caught in the headlights. 
"I have to go somewhere!" Conn replied, out of breath from running. Benet looked at him, and nodded, before leaving to continue cooking. Conn sighed in relief, as he headed for the door. 
Conn took the boat to the Twilight, and ran to the antique shop while attempting to not attract curiosity to what he was doing. He skimmed through all of the shelves, and found one that looked like it could work.
It was a set of vases. They reminded him a bit of those jars from yesterday. Their colors were pastel, with baby blues and lavenders. Conn did not know why, but they felt like the perfect gift to give to Benet. He checked the price. 9 galleons. He had more than enough galleons buy it. 
"I would like to buy this." Conn put the vase on the counter and the money. He had bought it, and this time he didn't ask to leave. Since the vases were small enough to hide in a hole he made in one of his pockets, he put it there, keeping the other one in his arm, covering it with his other one.
He got a boat and went back to Heartease. When he returned, Benet and Nevery were waiting for him to arrive. Conn couldn't read the expression on their faces, but he could just assume that they weren't upset. 
"Where were you, boy?" Nevery asked him. Well they definitely weren't mad, unless he said he was robbing someone or something similar to that.
"I got something for you!" Conn exclaimed, before racing up the stairs to get Nevery's gift. He stuck his arm under his bed, before he felt the antique and pulled it out.  He went back downstairs and came back to them.
"Look!" He handed them their correlated gifts. Benet seemed content with what he got; Conn thought he might keep it on a desk laying around. Nevery didn't show as much of his happiness, but it was still there nonetheless. 
"Thanks." Benet told him, before going to putting the vases somewhere else, either temporally or permanently. On the other hand, Nevery stayed there. He looked at it for a bit more, before looking up to see Conn.
"This is a nice object, boy. You better not have spent a fortune on this." He told him with hints of tenderness and seriousness, sending some mixed signals. 
"Thanks! I bought it from that antique store yesterday." Conn admitted, gazing off into the distance.
"You have quite the talent for hiding things, my lad." Nevery remarked. He left, presumably to put his gift somewhere, similarly to Benet. Conn was filled with a emotion that he couldn't describe. Was it... gratitude that described this feeling? 
It didn't matter anyway. Benet and Nevery had gotten gifts they they seemed to like, that that's all that Conn was concerned about. 
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inkykeiji · 3 years
i have the warmth of the sun within me tonight
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characters: takami keigo | hawks
genre: smut n fluff
notes: this piece was written with someone specific in mind, but i wanted to share it here, too!! this is, by far, the healthiest and most wholesome piece i’ve ever posted on my blog ehehe | title cred: the warmth of the sun by the beach boys
warnings: 18+ minors do not interact, reader is extremely scared of thunderstorms, v romantic, shower sex, minimal prep, slight size difference/size kink
words: 4.6k
“Make it stop, Kei, please, m-make it stop, make it go away,” the words are nearly inaudible, wept into his chest and muffled by his jacket, snarled, snared, snagged on the choked sobs and gagged sniffles that scrabble and tear at your throat with their razored talons.
And even drenched, clothes sopping with rainwater, he’s still so warm, like he has liquid sun flowing through his veins, scalding waves of heat radiating off of his body and seeping into yours, cozy and consoling as it douses you, as it sinks into your skin, your bones, your soul itself and marinates there, twisting and twirling into a small ball of sunshine, of him, that sends pulsing zaps of warmth circulating through your flesh.
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It’s dark. It’s so dark it almost looks like night despite the fact that it’s only late afternoon, heavy bloated clouds—charcoal and fluffy and overstuffed with raindrops—obscuring the safety of comforting golden rays from the entire city.
The torrential downpour feels endless, and for a brief second you’re terrified it truly may never stop, streets below having flooded with the rain, cars slowly wading through them, tires spraying out streams of water as they do.
Magnificent strikes of lightning crack through the dreary sky like thick roots snaking through the foggy canopy of smoke and steel, momentarily tainting them in shades of periwinkle and lavender and casting flashes of brilliant silver light across the skyscrapers and condominiums.
Their sudden presence makes you jolt, a rapid shudder working its way through your entire body, skin pebbling with chills in its wake.
But it isn’t the lightning that bothers you—not really, anyway.
It’s what comes after.
Rumbles of thunder so loud, so violent they cause the glass windows of Keigo’s apartment to quiver and the hardwood beneath your feet to tremble, roll through the sky, and you swear you can see the clouds ripple from the force.
Arms squeezing tighter around your body, your fingers curl in the material of your—his—hoodie, desperately attempting to resist the urge to grab your phone, to frantically scroll through social media as worried eyes scan for any mention of his name, for shreds of dreadful news, for things you never want to hear.
You hate it when he has to work in storms such as these. And you know, you know you shouldn’t be watching the sky, shouldn’t be searching the splotches of gunmetal adorning the atmosphere for a glimmer of scarlet and gold, shouldn’t be standing so close to the pristine glass windows that your uneven puffs of nervous breath cloud them, tiny blankets of condensation left by the hot air you exhale fleetingly staining the surface, evaporating into nothing just as quickly as they appear.
But you can’t help it. It’s a compulsion, almost—like some sort of sick obsession, some sort of twisted addiction you can’t control. Because—Because you have to know, unable to stand that feeling of uncertainty that gnaws away at your insides, incapable of handling the ambiguity and vagueness that comes packaged with the not knowing. You have to at least try—try to do everything in your power to stay informed, and if that means facing a vicious thunderstorm head on, with your cheek pressed against the cold glass as your gaze searches the tumultuous sky, then so be it.
You can brave it for him. You swear you can.
“Baby,” he scolds gently, his sudden presence surprising you, causing you to throw a quick glance over your shoulder. Topaz eyes observe you, overflowing with concern, pretty bowed lips turning down, soaked strands of gold hair sticking to his forehead, cheeks and neck. “How many times have I told you not to do this?” And although he’s reprimanding you, his voice is sweet, smooth and syrupy like the finest honey. “You know how much thunder freaks you out,”
You scoff, stiffening almost defensively as you turn your nose up a little, still avoiding his eyes. “It doesn’t freak me out,”
“Oh?” he laughs a little as he kicks off his boots, tension easing from his shoulders with every step towards you, every step further into the warm sanctuary of your shared home, wet sock-clad feet slapping against the hardwood and leaving gleaming footprints.
“Kei,” you whine a little, gesturing his dripping body. “You’re getting water everywhere,”
“Hey now,” a playful smirk spreads across his lips, and a sudden, sharp whoosh slices through the air as his wings spread, spanning nearly half the living room. He gives them one good, thorough shake, crimson feathers trembling and sending tiny droplets of water flying. “I wasn’t done,” he speaks over your squeal of his name, smirk growing into that trademark mischievous grin. “You shouldn’t just stand at the window and stare up at the sky—it only scares you more,”
“I’m not scared,”
Vicious growls of thunder roil through the sky before you’re even finished speaking, almost as if it’s laughing at you, mocking you, your body flinching as the sounds crash over you, curling in on yourself a little, face puckered up in a wince as your words stutter, catching on a gasp in your throat.
Exhaling a soft sigh, Keigo holds his arms open wide, wings still stretched to span them. “Yeah, right. C’mere,” When you don’t begin moving immediately, he sighs again, strong hands gently pulling you towards him.
Your body melts into his touch—an automatic and involuntary reaction, almost instinctual at this point—and you slump against his damp chest, nuzzling your cheek against the firm muscles.
“I’ve got you,” he says softly, arms wrapping around your body as he holds you tightly to his, voice reverberating against your ear. “The Big Bad Scary Thunder can’t get you here,”
Eyes rolling, you scoff at his playful teasing, a tiny smile materializing on your face as you pull away a little to look up at him, greeted with the sight of brilliant eyes—made of sunshine and liquid gold, you’re absolutely sure of it—gazing down at you, lips quirked in a cute little smirk.
His beauty never fails to knock the breath from your chest—it seems you can never be prepared for it; no matter how many times you’ve seen him, how many times you’ve been close enough to count the individual eyelashes lining those orbs, how many times you’ve been close enough to feel the inviting tickle of the short golden hairs decorating his chin—and you’re not sure you’ll never get used to it, either.
A peculiar mix of adoration and concern swirl in his honey irises, though you can see the mirth and amusement dancing just beyond that, thinly veiled by the love and worry.
“Oh, shut up—” another bang of thunder fissures through the sky, so raucous it makes the thick clouds waver and swell, your words morphing into a fearful little squeak, quickly burying your head back against the safety of his chest.
Fingers curl in the wet suede and you hug yourself closer to him, tugging him closer to you, body beginning to shudder.
He’s hushing you now, arms and wings curled around you in a defensive embrace as words of comfort pry past his lips, tender voice sheathing the armor of crimson surrounding you.
“At least they aren’t as bad as the ones back home, yeah?”
“I guess so,” you mumble, unconvinced, eyebrows knitted and mouth sculpted into a deep pout. “I still don’t like them, though,”
“I know, I know,” a warm hand rubs soothing circles into your back, voice only marginally louder than the next bout of thunder as it vibrates against your face, another quiet yelp clawing its way up your throat. “Shh, you’re safe, you’re safe,”
The nickname escapes in a mangled little whimper, and you can feel it—fright, terror, dread—building in your chest, a strangling type of panic that weaves and winds itself around your windpipe and crushes; because they’re getting worse, they’re getting closer, growls and grumbles following the flashes of lightning almost immediately, roaring loud enough to quake buildings, your heart thudding so violently it’s almost painful. Tears sting your eyes, and you shake your head against him, as if trying to burrow into his chest, to carve out a little space in his ribcage, right next to his steadily beating heart, and live there.
“I-I take it back, they are as bad as the ones back home,”
Or, at least, this one is
Keigo doesn’t argue, all traces of amusement evaporated from his face, replaced by trepidation that mixes with his worry and pinches his features, eyebrows furrowed and lips downturned as he cradles you against him. Ferocious tremors course through your form, chest beginning to hitch with swallowed sobs, and he squeezes you.
“Make it stop, Kei, please, m-make it stop, make it go away,” the words are nearly inaudible, wept into his chest and muffled by his jacket, snarled, snared, snagged on the choked sobs and gagged sniffles that scrabble and tear at your throat with their razored talons.
And even drenched, clothes sopping with rainwater, he’s still so warm, like he has liquid sun flowing through his veins, scalding waves of heat radiating off of his body and seeping into yours, cozy and consoling as it douses you, as it sinks into your skin, your bones, your soul itself and marinates there, twisting and twirling into a small ball of sunshine, of him, that sends pulsing zaps of warmth circulating through your flesh.
“Okay, alright,” he’s saying as he rocks you gently, crimson wings wrapped entirely around you both, shielding you from the storm. The scent of freshly mown grass and sticky vanilla ice cream is nearly overwhelming as it washes over your senses, invading your lungs and smothering you in its embrace. It’s a welcomed feeling, the beautiful suffocation it affords you with, vibrant bursts of heat rushing through your veins, whole body flooded and thrumming with a deep-seated comfort—a special type of solace, of reassurance, of contentment unique to him, unfathomable and mystifying on all accounts, that soothes your frayed nerves and calms your irregular heart—because he smells like home; not your home halfway across the world, your real home, your forever home.
“Come,” he instructs a moment later, stern yet tender, keeping an arm draped firmly around your shoulders, one of his wings curving around the limb as he leads you away from the window, scarlet feathers obstructing your vision.
The bathroom—comprised of gleaming marble and shining chrome—is enormous, housing a mammoth glass shower that spans the length of the furthest wall, large enough to more-than-comfortably accommodate his wings, and then some.
Steam fogs the glass, and a soft hiss slips from between your teeth as he cages you between his chiseled body and the freezing marble, cold rock stinging your already heated skin, his wings spreading to mimic his arms, providing another layer of protection and entirely immersing you in him.
It’s your favourite when he does this, when he engulfs you in his grasp and creates a tiny universe where it’s just the two of you, whole world having fallen away outside of the barricade his thick wings offer—and you’ve never felt safer.
And it’s amazing, you’re thinking to yourself—or maybe you’re murmuring it, lips moving in a daze—it’s amazing how even after all of the rainwater pouring from the sky, all of the zipping through those dense clouds, all of the vicious wind that whips against him as he soars; none of it could ever manage to wash away, to ever dull, his intoxicating scent, not even for a second.
You’re completely overcome by him, vanquished by his enamoring eyes and his saccharine smile—drunk and high off of it all, addicted to him in the sweetest way—and he hasn’t even done anything yet.
But you’re leaning into him, closer and closer and closer, lips parted as you inhale deeply, filling your lungs, your chest, your heart and veins and blood with his aura, his essence, him. He conquers you, intoxicates you, poisons you in such a beautiful way, and you’re enchanted by it, yearning for more, a greedy and insatiable craving that will never be fulfilled.
And he knows it. He knows the effect he has on you by merely existing near you—his cocky smirk and dazzling gaze tell you so.
But then his eyes soften, glazing over with something else, lidded as they slowly travel across your body bared to him, and his mouth falls open only for his tongue to suck his bottom lip between his teeth, and his fingers reach to trace your features, the curve of your cheek and line of your jaw, the most gentle caress.
“You…Are breathtaking,”
And he really does sound out of breath, as if he’s in awe from your beauty, as if this is his first time seeing you, as if you’re some sort of goddess, having descended right in front of him, and it forces chills to erupt across your bare skin—damp and splattered with tiny droplets of water that gleam like morning dew clinging to grass—despite how boiling it is between him and the steam from the shower.
It’s a feeling you can’t quite explain, a feeling you’ve never really been able to find the appropriate words for, something that makes you feel simultaneously powerful and weak, a swirling concoction of contradictions that invade your bloodstream and travel straight to your brain, infusing the tissues with the potent mix and sending tiny sparks buzzing through your veins, collecting to flutter together in the pit of your stomach.
He kisses you slowly, tonight. He kisses you like it’s his last day to live, kisses you like it’s his first time, unhurried tongue deliberately exploring the concavities of your mouth—every nook and ridge and crevice—as if committing them to memory, as if attempting to leave his stamp, his mark, his claim, on the real estate there.
He kisses you until neither of you can breathe, lungs shriveling as your chests heave, exhaling into each other’s mouths only to suck breath from each other’s mouths a moment later. He kisses you until you’re dizzy from the lack of air and he’s burning and hard and pressed up against your thigh, leaking head rubbing against the supple skin, leaving the prettiest gleaming trails of cream. He kisses you until you’ve gone stupid from his spit alone, fervent in the way you swallow it greedily, in the way you attempt to suck, slurp, steal more from him as it surges to your brain, tissues and nerves vaporizing into nothing more than a dazed mist, spiked with him.
The kiss breaks with a sharp whoosh of air, his lids lifting to reveal glassy pupils outlined with the thinnest ring of amber. Your tongue darts out from your mouth to lick and lap at the stringy, viscous remnants coating your chin; starved, ravenous, and forever unsated.
The chuckle huffed out from between swollen, saliva-soaked lips is nothing short of sinful, makes your vision blur and your stomach swoop, a murmured tease following it.
“Eager, aren’t you,”
And you want to point out that you weren’t the one practically humping someone’s hip, but the words tangle in your throat, catching on a gasp as nimble fingers slip between the apex of your thighs, an involuntary groan spilling from his throat.
“Fuck,” his head falls forward, face buried in your neck, and sucks an inhale through his teeth. “How are you already this wet?”
He’s nearly whining as he dips two fingers into you, soft little sounds that fall from his lips and sop into your skin, his breath scorching—sizzling more than the steam in the shower—against your neck.
And those fingers, now plunging into you, knuckles curling the moment they’re deep enough to press moans from your chest and cries from your throat, feel so familiar as they stretch you open—the same fingers that pet your hair and brush away your tears and feed you pieces of fried chicken; they feel like home.
Yet as comforting as that is, as much as it has your chest swelling with something so large, so dense you’re terrified your ribs may shatter and splinter under the strain, they aren’t enough. Not right now, not today.
Because even with the water hitting the tiles and the exquisite symphony of his pants and your mewls, you can still hear it, menacing blasts encroaching on you, deep and heavy and threatening to split the little world Keigo has created, the small haven his wings and arms provide.
“Please, please, Kei,” you’re nearly wailing out, forcing bleary eyes to open, belated in the way they find his gaze. “I-I want you, I need you,”
“Sweetheart,” he starts—and you know that tone, stitched together with hesitation and concern and embellished with thin ribbons of patronization. “You know you can’t take me without being opened up at least a lil’ first,”
Another clap of thunder rattles the apartment, sounding as if it’s just outside the bathroom door, ranting and raging to get in, and both of your hands claw at his wrist, trying to pull his hand away as words bubble past your lips, high and terrified and desperate.
“No, Kei, not tonight. Please, baby, please, I need you now, right now, Kei, right now, pl-please,” and you’re nearly choking on the pleads as they barrel up your throat and out your mouth, all garbled together and stuffed with spit. “I can handle it, promise,”
A hoarse whine hitches in his throat, the worried knitting of his eyebrows carving creases into his forehead. With pinched features and a scrunched face, it looks almost as if he’s in pain; like it’s pure agony to deny you. And you can see it, can see the internal struggle reflected in his eyes, stare wrought with the tug and pull between desire and care. But that need is growing, spreading, curling around your organs in a tight embrace, suffocating you with its urgency.
A final please, Keigo, croaked out in a broken whimper and thick with the threat of tears, is what breaks him, shatters his resolve to a fine dust and whisks it away in one breath.
“Alright,” he’s murmuring, though his voice is strained, tense and gruff under the combined paradoxical weight of lust and apprehension. “Alright, hush now, I’ve got you,”
Then he’s hoisting you up, and your legs are wrapping around his waist, one hand clutching the top of the glass door, the other digging bruises into his neck as he buries his cock inside of you in one swift movement, a set of relieved gasps escaping you both.
It stings a little, sharp pinpricks shooting through your gut as his thick cock stretches you open, but they’re chased promptly by thorns of pleasure that dissipate the pain.
Because he feels so good, and you feel so full, and everything feels so perfect like this—everything feels right again.
But a boom of thunder explodes through this moment, blowing it to bits and pieces, and you reflexively jump, whole body flinching in his arms.
“Shh,” he’s whispering to you as he pulls you closer, chest pressed flush against yours. “Don’t worry, songbird, I’m gonna make it better, alright? Just focus on me,”
And so you do, eyes slipping shut as his hips begin to pump—slow at first, almost languid in the way they roll forward, each thrust thorough, cock nearly entirely unsheathed before it plunges back in, the head nudging your cervix, and you revel in the delicious cracks rasps—of your name, of curses, and praises—that fall from his lips with each rut.
“S’deep,” you mumble, words already jumbled from the carnal bliss, from the hedonistic decadence that surrounds you, emanating off him and percolating into you, instantly diffusing the tension and panic knotted like thick vines in your chest—even though he’s barely fucking done anything. “S’deep, Kei,”
“Yeah?” the word fans across your face, sweet and fragrant, hazy eyes opening to be met with glittering gold, strands of honeysuckle hair stuck to his forehead and temples, framing the dark gaze watching you, pupils almost voracious in the way they soak up your expressions, almost greedy in the way they scan your face as his hips move, looking for more. His forehead knocks against yours, penetrating stare boring into your face. “Good? My baby like it?”
“So good,” your head nods in small movements with the whimpered affirmation, bumping against his. It’s already beginning to build, smoldering deep in the pit of your stomach, the spark that had been dulled when you had begged him to stop, begged him to give you more—to stretch and fill and form you like your insides were made for him—reigniting, bright and scalding.
“More, please,”
It just slips from your lips, brain already beginning to melt as you allow yourself to be submerged, swallowed and consumed by him; an innate desire that swamps your mind and floods your senses, and you want it all.
But he complies without complaint this time, void of the usual teasing remarks and requests that you beg for it, because he can see how depleted, how drained you are, utterly exhausted from the terror of the storm, his understanding evident in a gentle confirmation tumbling from his lips.
And his groans and grunts are so beautiful, vibrating deep in the recesses of his chest, louder than any thunder as they rumble in your ears. You find solace in them, gulping them in as he pushes them out, letting them vibrate down the column of your throat and collect deep in your belly, kindling with the flickering embers that burn and glow and multiply with each thrust, furling together in a tense ball of churning heat.
The canting of his hips increases, faster and faster and faster with each rock forward, the escalating force resulting in your body to rubbing against the marble and glass, tightly curled fingers readjusting themselves, slipping a little from the foggy condensation coating the surface.
You don’t even realize that your sensitive skin’s been rubbed raw from the action, too tangled up in his noises, his pleasure, his cock, to notice, too tangled up in him to care at all.
“Here,” Keigo pants out, hips suddenly stilling. A low whine catches in your throat, eyebrows furrowing as you attempt to fuck yourself on his cock, a breathless snicker escaping his parted lips. “I know, baby, I know,” he’s telling you as strong arms readjust you, folded wings suddenly spanning, a gentle gust of air bathing your slick body in little goosebumps, before they wrap around him—around you—sheltering you from the glass and marble as they swoop under your ass and thighs, aiding Keigo in supporting your weight. “Don’t worry, I’m gonna take care of you, I promise,”
And it’s so much hotter like this, so much more intimate like this, uneven puffs of breath mingling as his forehead rests against yours, florescent lights reflecting off of his thick feathers and tinting everything—his skin, his eyes, his hair—scarlet.
The sudden snap of his hips startles a moan out of you, and he laughs again, carmine-tinged topaz eyes positively glowing. And he looks so gorgeous like this, looks like a fucking god like this, those fine gold hairs that cover his body catching in the soft light and shimmering.
He’s kissing, licking, nipping anywhere he can reach, stamping your flesh with physical manifestations of his love, pace never faltering as skilled, powerful hips continue to pound into you, cockhead dragging against that spot with every buck.
Your legs flex around his waist, muscles coiling as the sphere roiling in your stomach blazes, curled into a concentrated ball of fire. The heat it exudes is nearly unbearable now, heavy as it sinks into your gut, glowing orb spiraling as it coils, tighter and tighter and tighter until—
“Want you to cum for me, baby,” Keigo nearly keens, almost as if he’s begging you instead of commanding, voice cutting through the dense haze your brain has evaporated into. “Can y’do that for me? Be good and cum all over my cock?”
Yes, yes, yes, your head is nodding, emitting affirmatives in the form of high little mewls with each jerk. And it only takes two more sharp pistons of his hips before the fire-filled ball bursts, half of his name escaping your throat in a fractured cry as your entire body stiffens, cunt clenching so vigorously it’s almost painful.
Words start to spill from his mouth, an endless stream of praises, sandwiched between dark groans and broken whines and hitched curses; Y’so good for me, y’know that? Ah, f-fuck—So gorgeous when you gush all over my—my cock, baby, y’feel so good, I love you, I love you, I love you.
Hot, thick cum fills you suddenly, coinciding with his last choked out declaration of love, cock throbbing as it spurts rope after rope, taut stuttering hips pressed flush against your skin.
Everything aches as you unwind your limbs from around him, muscles sore and legs trembling as Keigo forces you to stand, propping you up against the shower wall and returning with the fluffiest towel only a moment later. Large hands pull you towards him, dragging you from under the shower head and into his arms, swaddling your shivering body in Egyptian cotton and strong arms and soft feathers.
He leaves the shower running on purpose, steady flow of water hitting the tiled floor and marbled wall, efficiently drowning out any roars or claps of thunder.
And you’re so tired, so pliant and boneless in his arms, barely able to keep your weighted eyelids from fluttering shut. He keeps you in his lap as he sits on the closed toilet, cradling you to his chest as best he can as he gently rocks you back and forth, whispering out praises—you did so well, you always look so gorgeous taking my cock—and avowals of his love, constant words oozing from his lips, sentiments cascading over your body like a stream of thick syrup.
Unconsciousness has you in its clutches, nearly slipping into the familiar embrace that promises the numbing ecstasy that comes with such an intense orgasm, until your tummy growls, and Keigo laughs.
“No, sweetheart,” he chides softly as you nuzzle into his chest, an indignant noise sounding at the back of your throat. “You have to eat at least a little before you can fall asleep,”
“I know,” he’s saying sympathetically as he stands, placing your feet on the floor a moment later. You wobble a little, eyes still shut, and he chuckles again, murmuring to himself about how fucking cute you are as he begins to dress you, tugging soft fleece that reeks of him over your head.
The rain has slowed to a drizzle by the time you’ve been clothed and fed, constant and leaking from the clouds overhead as you snuggle against Keigo in the plush sanctuary of your shared bed, tummy full and happy with roasted chicken and sauteed veggies. A deep contentment settles itself in your bones, weaving itself around the ivory in a protective glaze and imbuing you with a sense of calm, a sense of relaxation, a sense of relief, and you hum, Keigo’s lithe fingers trailing up your spine absentmindedly.
If you’re being honest, you’re not quite sure how he did it, how he slipped, slithered, seeped through the few cracks in your defence without being violent, without being forceful—how he tore down all of the barricades and shields you had built around yourself, hardened and firm from several years of paranoia and distrust, from the perpetual fear of being hurt again. It should scare you, really, how quickly he did it, how easily and inconspicuously he did it. But it doesn’t.
It doesn’t, because he did it with love; stripping those protective walls with genuity and sincerity, dismantling every brick and stone with gentle touches and soft kisses and tender words. He did it with respect, with patience, with passion and affection and devotion.
So it doesn’t, because there’s nothing to fear—because you’ve never felt more safe in your life, here enveloped by his strong arms and cozy wings, resting on his chest, legs tangled in knots together.
And as you drift off to the gentle pat-pat-pat of the raindrops against the windowpane and the steady thumping of Keigo’s heart echoing in your ears, you realize he’s your very own ray of sunshine, forever present to keep those menacing clouds and malicious thunder away, even in the strongest, the harshest, and the scariest of storms.
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hunxi-guilai · 4 years
曲尽陈情 Qujinchenqing (spotify link here, YouTube link here) is the fifth track on the CQL companion album, and the first track that is not an iteration of 无羁 Wuji. It is Wei Wuxian’s character song, and performed by Xiao Zhan.
The song’s title involves several layers of wordplay—first, 曲尽 qujin on its own means “to exhaustively detail,” and is part of the chengyu 曲尽其妙 qujinqimiao, which Pleco glosses as “to bring out (a quality, point, etc.) in a subtle and skillful way.” The chengyu has its origins in Lu You’s 《文赋序》 Wenfu Xu / “Preface to the Rhapsody on Language,” where he uses it to describe the ability of the text to both thoroughly describe and brilliantly render the subtle excellence of literary performance. Meanwhile, 陈情 chenqing is a fairly complex binome that I get into in this post. Its literary definition, derived from the 《楚辞》 Chuci, means “to give a full account/to explain oneself fully.” Pieced together, the song’s title then becomes something along the lines of “to give a full account in an exhaustive and detailed manner.”
Alternatively, the characters 曲尽 qujin can be broken down into “song” and “end,” and as such, a plausible alternate song title might be “by song’s end, a full account.” Since this song is functionally Wei Wuxian’s autobiography, this interpretation of the song’s title plays on both the medium and the content. Pushing the language even farther, and taking the 陈情 chenqing of the title to refer to Wei Wuxian’s ghost flute, one might conceivably go so far as to interpret this title as “songs end with Chenqing,” which resonates nicely with the phrase 陈情一曲领天下 Chenqing yiqu ling tianxia / “a song from Chenqing commands all under heaven.”
Lyricist: 易者连消醉清酒 Yizhe Lianxiao Zuiqingjiu
Composer: within_轶名
Arranger: 向往 Xiang Wang
Mixing / Mastering: within_轶名
Operatic Voice: aki 阿杰
Additional Voices: 阿南sara
Flute: 囚牛 Qiong Niu
Recorder: 浩渺天心_刘宇航 Haomiao Tianxin_Liu Yuhang
Producer: 黄喜Luffy Huang/within_轶名
Supervisor: 黄喜Luffy Huang/王鑫 Wang Xin
Performed by: 肖战 Xiao Zhan
纵棹趁夜风小眠 / I man the oars, setting sail with the night wind, then rest
载一舟江烟 / carrying a boat of river mists
晚来揽星归 / I return late, with an armful of stars
摘片柳叶[1]吹彻天边 / I pick willow leaves and blow them to the sky’s edge
展开泛黄的纸鸢 / Spreading the wings of a yellowed kite,
回首旧人间 / I look back on a world before
江灯飘遥远 / Red lanterns drift away
往事随波如又一篇 / Past affairs, like waves—a new one washes to shore
高台倚栏前 / On a high platform, I leaned against the railing
衔杯观花满长街 / raising a cup, I watched as flowers filled the street
玄武洞天 / In the Xuanwu’s cave,
也曾浇血洗剑 / I once washed my sword with blood
讥评堪过耳 / I endured mocking words and criticisms
心本勇绝何惧人言 / If my heart is courageous, why should I fear the words of others?
纵入火海[2] / Even should I sink into an ocean of flames
仍抱怀垂怜 / I would still harbor this hope of helping the world in my heart
也曾笑夺酒坛 / I once laughed, stealing a jar of wine
剑挑姑苏十里春[3] / teasing Gusu’s spring wind with my sword
无关生死事 / I didn’t think about affairs of life or death
老来尽作江湖诗中人[4] / just imagined that I would be known in poems of the jianghu when I passed
窗外玉兰影深 / Outside the window, the shadows of the magnolia flowers deepen—
前生是梦还是真 / was this past life a dream, or reality?
隔世春秋后 / A world later, springs and autumns later,
昔年因果皆是“曾听闻” / the events of past years have all become “I once heard…”
身陨不夜天 / I fell at Nightless City
谁信年少无虚言 / Who would believe that, in my youth, my words were not empty?
为义之诺 / For a promise of righteousness
也曾削笛舍剑 / I once carved a flute and discarded the sword
流言任在前 / Though rumors still swirl before me,
丹心犹热[5]何须来辩 / this righteous and loyal heart still beats—what need is there for debate?
世事皆千人 千言千面 / The affairs of the world, retold by a thousand people, have a thousand names, wear a thousand faces
也曾惊鸿过眼[6] / I once caught a glimpse of a startled swan,
指尖轻挑卷云纹 / teasing lightly at curling cloud embroidery with my fingertips
无端引弦震 / For no reason, I would provoke the strings to quake—
缘何梦中深记那一瞬 / why do I remember that moment so vividly in dreams?
树下落英纷纷 / Beneath the trees, flower petals scatter—
此刻是梦还是真 / is this moment a dream, or reality?
偕行云游后 / After our wanderings together
世外江湖皆是“据传闻” / stories of us in the jianghu become “according to legend…”
丹心何须言在口 / With a loyal heart, what need is there to constantly speak it out?
横笛闲吹落星斗[7] / I raise my flute, playing idly until the stars fall
使我徒有身后名 / Even if my name were to live on after death
不如及时一杯酒[8] / that would be no match for a cup of wine right now
也曾怀拥人间 / I once held the mortal realm in my heart
使我独享一枝春[9] / which made me, alone, appreciate a single sprig of spring
无关生死事 / I don’t think about affairs of life or death—
缘何尽作江湖诗中人 / why not become a character in jianghu poems?
门外声浅影深 / Outside the door, sounds are few, the shadows deep—
相逢是梦还是真 / is our meeting a dream, or reality?
隔世春秋后 / A world later, springs and autumns later,
前生因果终会落成痕 / the events of my past life will eventually settle, leaving behind only traces
[1] Willows, and their leaves, are commonly associated with 1) beautiful women, and 2) parting/farewells in the Chinese literary tradition.
[2] 火海 huohai, literally “oceans of flame,” is the second half of the chengyu 刀山火海 daoshan huohai—“mountains of daggers, oceans of flame.” It is used to describe trials of great difficulty in the vein of “crossing mountains made of daggers and fording oceans of flame.” As far as I can tell, it traces its origins to an early, Eastern Han 安士高 An Shigao translation of a Buddhist text , 《佛说鬼问目连经》—the particular line is “我一生已来,或登刀山剑树地狱。或堕火坑镬汤地狱,” which isn’t quite “oceans of flame” but gets very close.
[3] I’ve opted for a moderately literal translation here; full literal for 剑挑姑苏十里春 would have been something along the lines of “using my sword, I tease ten li of Gusu spring” (a li is a unit of distance, roughly half a kilometer) which makes no semantic sense, so thanks for that, Wei Wuxian. Some baidu-sleuthing brought me two poems: the first, 《春》 “Spring” by contemporary poet 冯唐 Feng Tang contains the lines “十里春风,不如你” / ten li of spring winds cannot compare to you. Looking farther back, there’s 《赠别二首·其一》 “Two Poems, Presented at Parting” by Tang Dynasty poet 杜牧 Du Mu, which contains the lines “十里春风扬州路,卷上珠帘都不如” / ten li of spring winds along the Yangzhou roads / pearl curtains, rolled up—none can compare to her. As far as I can tell, the evocation of “ten li of spring [winds]” is a 歇后语 xiehouyu (a particular subspecies of Chinese idiom where the first, spoken phrase implies a second, unspoken phrase) of sorts: both poems use the imagery of “ten miles of spring winds” to refer to the object/intended recipient of the poem, a person of great beauty. The first line of each of the three choruses in Wei Wuxian’s song refer to Lan Wangji.
[4] These two lines deserves a little detangling, I think: a fuller translation of 无关生死事,老来尽作江湖诗中人 might be “Regardless of affairs of life or death, [I imagined] that, by the time I died in my old age, I would be known as a character in the poems of the jianghu” (the jianghu, for anyone new to the wuxia/xianxia genres, refers to the liminal fantasy space where martial sects reign and roving heroes go on grand adventures). This line hearkens back to a younger, pre-Sunshot Wei Wuxian and those sunlit days in Gusu before the war came for all of them. Becoming a legend, to be immortalized in poems written about the jianghu, is a sentiment that resonates with the Jiang sect’s origins as a sect of 游侠 youxia / wandering heroes or knight-errants, and the corresponding connotations thereof.
[5] I translated 丹心犹热 as “this righteous and loyal heart still beats,” but literally, here, it’s more like “this righteous and loyal heart is still warm”—i.e., he’s not dead yet, don’t write him off so soon. The point is, his heart is still functioning, so I swapped out warmth for still beating because that’s a literary usage we’re more familiar with in English.
[6] 惊鸿过眼 jinghong guoyan, as far as I can tell, is a variation on the chengyu 惊鸿一瞥 jinghong yipie, literally “startled swan, fleeting glimpse,” or, teased out a bit, “the fleeting glimpse of a startled swan taking flight.” The chengyu evokes the feeling of barely catching a glimpse of something moving quickly out of the corner of your eye, but the sight still leaving behind a deep impression of beauty. The origin of this chengyu seems to lie in 曹植 Cao Zhi’s 《洛神赋》 “Rhapsody of the Luo River Goddess,” referring to said ethereally beautiful goddess. Once again, Wei Wuxian is referring to Lan Wangji.
[7] The way I’ve translated this line is a bit ambiguous—does his playing cause the stars to fall out of the sky? Or is he playing all night, such that the stars fall out of the sky by dawn? It’s a little less ambiguous in the original—he’s pulling a flute-sponsored all-nighter, until the stars fall below the horizon again and normal people get up.
[8] Wei Wuxian recites these same two lines in episode 29 of the show, quoting a passage from the 《世说新语》 Shishuoxinyu, a text from the Northern and Southern Dynasties, about a literati and civil servant who famously gave up his government post in favor of returning to his hometown and the delights of the alcohol and cuisine there.
[9] “A sprig of spring,” for the record, is a very faithful translation of 一枝春 yizhichun. It’s an ambiguous but evocative phrase that is usually used to describe a spray of plum blossoms (plum blossoms being one of the 岁寒三友 suihansanyou, the “Three Friends of Winter,” known as a symbol of beauty blooming in the face of adversity, among other virtuous traits). The point here is that, in addition to comparing him to spring winds and swans, Wei Wuxian is comparing Lan Wangji to plum blossoms.
I man the oars, setting sail with the night wind, then rest
carrying a boat of river mists
I return late, with an armful of stars
I pick willow leaves and blow them to the sky’s edge
Spreading the wings of a yellowed kite,
I look back on a world before
Red lanterns drift away
Past affairs, like waves—a new one washes to shore
On a high platform, I leaned against the railing
raising a cup, I watched as flowers filled the street
In the Xuanwu’s cave,
I once washed my sword with blood
I endured mocking words and criticisms
If my heart is courageous, why should I fear the words of others?
Even should I sink into an ocean of flames
I would still harbor this hope of helping the world in my heart
I once laughed, stealing a jar of wine
teasing Gusu’s spring wind with my sword
I didn’t think about affairs of life or death
just imagined that I would be known in poems of the jianghu when I passed
Outside the window, the shadows of the magnolia flowers deepen—
was this past life a dream, or reality?
A world later, springs and autumns later,
the events of past years have all become “I once heard…”
I fell at Nightless City
Who would believe that, in my youth, my words were not empty?
For a promise of righteousness
I once carved a flute and discarded the sword
Though rumors still swirl before me,
this righteous and loyal heart still beats—what need is there for debate?
The affairs of the world, retold by a thousand people, have a thousand names, wear a thousand faces
I once caught a glimpse of a startled swan,
teasing lightly at curling cloud embroidery with my fingertips
For no reason, I would provoke the strings to quake—
why do I remember that moment so vividly in dreams?
Beneath the trees, flower petals scatter—
is this moment a dream, or reality?
After our wanderings together
stories of us in the jianghu become “according to legend…”
With a loyal heart, what need is there to constantly speak it out?
I raise my flute, playing idly until the stars fall
Even if my name were to live on after death
that would be no match for a cup of wine right now
I once held the mortal realm in my heart
which made me, alone, appreciate a single sprig of spring
I don’t think about affairs of life or death—
why not become a character in jianghu poems?
Outside the door, sounds are few, the shadows deep—
is our meeting a dream, or reality?
A world later, springs and autumns later,
the events of my past life will eventually settle, leaving behind only traces
PL Translations: an introduction
无羁 Wuji
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ruthoakenshield · 4 years
Little Miss Warrior (chapter 3)
Little Miss Warrior (chapter 2)
Warning: Contains mock battle and also fluff and smut
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Thorin sits next to you quietly for a while, watchin his nephews swim and play in the water. After a bit, Bilbo comes down and joins you. 
"Thorin, do you think it wise that we stay here another day? Shouldn't we be moving on?" he asks. You chuckle.
"Bilbo," Thorin says, "... it is perfectly safe here. We are far enough from the treeline, that nothing can sneak up on us, we have the protection from any weather, and a water source. We will be fine. We can spare a day to rest and just relax after all the running we have been doing. Now go, relax and enjoy the day's break from traveling." 
Bilbo nods, stands and wanders off to join Bofur and Bombur to look for some berries for breakfast.
You chuckle and watch him leave. Then you turn to finish packing your belongings. You pull out a comb and run it through your long, dark hair. Thorin watches you as you carefully untangle a few knots and curse a bit in Khuzdul as some were being stubborn. Thorin chuckles, "Here, let me get some oil for you to use. It helps gets the knots out and will keep your hair from getting tangled. Wait here." he says and then stands and walks to his pack and pulls out a small bottle of oil. 
He comes walking back and sits down behind you. "Will you permit me to apply the oil to your hair?" he asks nervously. You nod and sit still. You hear the bottle click as Thorin opens it and pours some into his palm. Thorin sets the bottle carefully in the sand next to him and he rubs his palms together, coating them in the oil. Taking a deep breath, he begins to fingercomb your hair, working it into the long, soft strands of dark hair. He would carefully pick out the knots in your hair, being careful not to tug too hard and would work the kinked hair with his oiled fingers until it worked itself straight. You sighed contentedly and closed your eyes.
Balin watched from the campsite, chuckling at Thorin's bold action. Dwalin came over with an armload of firewood he had collected. When he saw Balin chuckling, he asked, "What's so funny, brother?" Balin nodded over towards the shoreline where Thorin sat oiling your hair and removing the tangled knots. Dwalin's eyebrows raised and he looked at you two surprised. "Well he's moving in mighty quickly." Dwalin said chuckling.
Balin just grinned. "He knows the story behind the Lass' grandfather's sword and daggers. He also knows she is alone now and knows she will need protection if Azog finds out she has the weapons." Balin states. "I think he's enamored with her and fascinated by how long she has survived on her own without travel companions. It wouldn't surprise me if he asked to court her and invites her with us by tonight." Balin tells his brother. 
"Well, none of us will complain about it." Dwalin says chuckling as he stacks the firewood off to the side. "Care for a swim, brother?" he asks. 
Balin looks up at the sun, just starting to peek out above the tree tops. "Aye, I think that sounds lovely." he replies. They both strip down to their underclothes and head for the lake. 
Thorin sees them coming and turns to block your view of them entering the lake as he works on oiling the hair on the side of your head. 
Finally he finishes oiling your hair and reaches down and takes the comb from your hand. Your eyes dart open since you almost fell asleep. You look up at him confused. "Allow me to comb through your hair to make sure all the knots are out?" Thorin asks. You smile and nod. 
He grins and begins to slowly run the comb through your hair, being careful not to snag your braids. He finds a few knots near your neck under the outer part of the hair. He gently parts your hair horizontally from ear to ear and twists it into a knot. He takes a large bead out of his pocket and clips it up and out of the way. Then he gently pushes your head down to open the space at your neck so he can work the knots out. He puts a bit more oil in his palm and gently works it into the knot and surrounding hair. Slowly he picks out the knots and smooths the hair strands. Thorin runs the comb through the bottom half of your hair and sees all the knots are out and the hair is nice and smooth now. 
He sighs, sad that he is done and unclips your top section of hair. He combs through it once more, smoothing it all down. The sun hits it and it shines like a raven's black wings. 
Thorin sighs and hands you back your comb. "There, all the knots are out and they should not give you any problems for the day." he tells you. "Will you stay with us and join our company?" he asks as you tuck your comb back into the bag. You look up at him and are surprised to see his azure eyes boring into you as if he was searching for something, some answer that only you could give.
"I don't know..." you reply. "how would it look if a dwarrowdam traveled with 13 male dwarves and a hobbit on such an adventure? Surely people would assume inappropriate things!" you say quietly. Thorin Chuckles. "Do not worry about such things, ghivashel, we will treat you properly. No one will force themselves on you in such a manner. Though if you decide to share any one dwarf's bed, none will complain. Dwarrowdams are treasured by us and fiercely protected. I cannot in clear conscience let you leave and continue to travel alone without our protection. Please, stay with us, let us protect you now." Thorin said quietly as he traced the side of your face with his fingers gently. 
You shivered. You looked up into his eyes, that were dilating and you could see desire in them, and love. You shivered again and closed your eyes as he continued to caress your face, then moved his hand to caress your neck. Gently brushing your hair from your shoulder. You felt his calloused fingers caress your bare shoulder and it sent tingles throughout your body. He watched your reactions to him intently and grinned when you closed your eyes and didn't stop him from caressing your soft skin. Oh, Mahal, did he want to take you. Right there on the beach, but propriety kept him in check. 
"Ghivashel, will you stay with us? Stay with me? Help us reach Erebor and if we succeed in killing the dragon, will you stay and help us rebuild?" he purred into your ear as he shifted closer to you. You shivered at his hot breath on your bare neck as he slowly leaned down and whispered in your ear. "Will you let me court you, ghivashel? You are my One, and I can't stand the thought of you with another or wandering the wilds any longer alone and unprotected. Please, Ghivashel?" He whispers as he begins to gently kiss and nibble your neck and shoulder. 
Your breath hitches and you are lost in the feelings he is creating inside you. His words swirling around in your mind. "You want me???" you ask quietly. "I am your One? But I am nobody. No one. I have no family to belong to any longer." you say quietly, confused by his confession to you. 
"Then be mine, belong to me, amralime." he rumbles into your ear with his rich, velvety, baritone voice. 
You shiver and he grins when he sees goosebumps rise on your skin. "Be miiinnnee." he whispers again with an even lower tone this time and he nibbles on your ear, and peppers your neck with kisses. Again you shiver and gooseflesh appears on your skin.
You turn to face him, tears in your eyes. You look up to his face and see he is serious and you drop your gaze. He sees this and gently grasps your chin and tilts it up towards his face again. "Do you doubt my words?" he asks quietly. 
You shake your head, no. "Then what is it, amralime?" he asks, worried you will reject him. 
"I'm not worthy of your love, my king." you say almost in a whisper. "I do not deserve such love and adoration. I am just a worthless orphan." you barely get out as tears begin to silently roll down your cheeks. 
Throin smiles sadly, and moves to sit in front of you. "Amralime, look at me." he says quietly, "You deserve so much more than what you give yourself credit for. You are beautiful, inside and out. You captured my heart from the moment I first saw you. I will love no other but you, y/n. You are a rare treasure to all of us, and especially to me! Please, let me into your life, let me court you, let me love you and worship you, let me provide for you and protect you the best that I am able to." he pleads as he wipes your tears with his thumbs. 
You look up into his wonderful azure eyes and nod. "Okay." you whisper. He gives you the biggest smile you have ever seen and his eyes light up with happiness and joy. He takes you into a tight embrace and gives you a kiss that takes your breath away. "Oh thank you Amralime! Thank you!" he whispers to you. 
Finally he lets you go and then asks. "Will you allow me to give you courting braids, my Love?" 
You nod shyly. 
He carefully sections off your hair at the front of your face, and carefully starts to weave it into his courting braid. He fastens it with the long, thin, courting bead he crafted as a young dwarrow. It was beautifully carved with his insignia and faceted with slivers of the arkenstone and sapphires of Durin Blue. It looked striking against your dark, straight locks. 
He moved to the other side of your face and sectioned off the other bit of hair and wove the second courting braid into it and clipped the end with the second courting bead. He moved back in front of you and examined how it looked. He was beaming and his eyes twinkled with such happiness that you couldn't help but blush and grin.
You could hardly believe that the King of Erebor wanted to court you and make you his. He seemed too good to be true. You kept waiting to wake up from this lovely dream to find that you were alone and had fallen asleep on the beach; but there he was, kneeling in front of you, grinning from ear to ear. His large, strong, calloused hands gently cupping your face as if it were delicate porcelain.
Suddenly his lips were crashing into yours and he again held you in a tight embrace. "I love you, Ghivashel." he said. You kissed him back with the same fervor and he grinned as he kissed you. 
Suddenly you see his nephews sneaking up behind him and before you could do anything a huge wave of water came crashing onto the two of you and the two nephews are swimming away as fast as they could. Thorin is caught off guard and when the wave of cool water hits him, he breaks the kiss and gasps. Growling he turns to see who had the gall to interrupt his make out session with you. Dwalin is laughing, "Get a room, you two!" and Kili and Fili are swimming away giggling.
You giggle and Thorin turns back to you with a mischievous grin. You quickly realize where his nephews picked up that look.
Before you could scramble away, he picked you up and carried you to the deeper end of the lake where you had scrambled out the day before. He kissed you and held you close to him as he toed off his boots and set you down. You looked at him confused for a moment as you watched him strip down to his underclothes and then came over to you and helped you out of your overtunic and skirt. He took you in his arms, kissed your nose, then grinned and jumped into the lake with you in his arms. You shrieked realizing what he was doing a second before your bodies hit the water. 
You came up sputtering and teeth chattering. Thorin was laughing and held you close against his body. You could feel every inch of him and it sparked a fire in you. He saw it light your eyes and he grinned and began to kiss you slowly and tenderly. Deepening the kiss and pressing his tongue against your lips seeking entrance. You parted your lips allowing him to explore and you lost yourself in his ministrations.
You moaned quietly as he caressed your back and held your head. His member becoming hard against your belly. Your desire to feel it inside you growing by leaps and bounds as he continued kissing you. When he broke for air, he peppered your neck and shoulder with more feathery light kisses and lovenips. "Oh, Mahal, do I ever want you. Right here, right now." he whispered. You reached up and wrapped your arm around his neck and tangled your fingers into his hair. 
"I am yours, my king." you whisper and snake a leg around his strong thigh. He groans and pulls you flush with his body and begins to grind against you. You both moaning softly and panting with want. He reaches down and loosens the ties on his under pants, letting them float down to his ankles. You grin as he pulls you close again and tries to fumble with yours. You take his hand and pull it away. "No need to untie them. You whisper. He looks at you puzzled. You lead his hand down to your crotch and show him the bloomers you wear have no crotch. He grins wickedly and again pulls you flush. "May I?" he asks. 
You nod. 
He gently rubs himself against your opening, the two of you enjoying the feelings it is creating. You feel him at your entrance, slowly throbbing. He holds you close and kisses you feverishly. Once he feels you're adeqately distracted he plunges into you as he takes your mouth in a breath taking kiss. You moan and hold onto him tightly. He gives you a moment to acclimate to his large size and girth.
When he feels you relax, he gently begins to thrust in and out of you. You close your eyes and put your forehead against his, the two of you sharing breaths and pants. Slowly he works his way with you into the shaded tree line where no one was swimming and he continued to make love to you, thrusting in and out of you with want and desire gradually building to a feverish pitch. He pushed your back against the side of the lake thanking Mahal this end of the lake was just deep enough to cover you both to your necks yet shallow enough for him to touch the bottom. He took you, letting himself go and with feverish kisses and love nips he made you his and the two of you moaned deeply in pleasure as you both tumbled over the edge of orgasm and he filled you with his heat and seed. 
Panting there in the shadows, he held you close and caressed your body as the two of you came down from the high of orgasm. He continued to slowly thrust into you so as to stay hard and stay joined together. He loved how you felt encasing him to the hilt with your hot, deep cavern. He loved how your walls caressed his length with each stroke and how they milked him as he came deep in your cave. 
He moaned deeply into your neck as he thrusted slowly into you again and again. He made love to you there all morning, ignoring the teasing and taunts from the company that made you blush. Finally they all got out, leaving the lake to the two of you and they dried off. Smelling the scent of lunch cooking on the campfire. Thorin grinned. "Are you hungry, Amralime?" he asked you after you both came for the umteenth time that morning. "Only for you, my king." you replied.
He growled and took you again, this time hard and fast. "I am all yours, my Love. You shall have me when ever you wish." he told you. 
"Mmmmmmmmm, you feel divine!" you reply, "So hard, so large, you fill me full and caress every pleasurable inch of me. I wish we could stay like this forever." you whisper into his ear and then nibble on it, driving him to thrust faster and harder. "Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh. MMMMMMMmmmmmm. More, Thorin, don't stop!" you groan in his ear.
He wraps you in a vice like grip, and thrusts a few more times, groaning loudly as he struggles to not come until he undoes you. You lean back and it changes the angle just enough for him to suck your breast as he fucks you and that is what it took to make you come with a loud groan of his name. He groans yours and comes, filling you so full with heat, you feel it oozing out around his member. He collapses onto you as you both float there in the water, panting hard and clinging to each other. 
You hear loud shouts and laughter coming from the camp. You giggle when Dwalin hollers out to the two of you, "You two coming to eat or are you going to fuck around in the lake all day and be wrinkled prunes by tonight? Come on, the food's getting cold!" Then you hear the company roar with laughter. 
Thorin's belly grumbles, making you giggle. "Worked up an appetite, did you?" you tease. He looks up at you and grins. Then promptly fucks you again as an answer. Making you giggle and laugh as he gives you light kisses all over your neck and just when he was about to come, he latches onto your shoulder and starts to suck you hard. You moan and feel the heat pooling between your legs, suddenly it releases and you cry out as he thrusts and joins you in a sweet release.
"MINE!" He says grinning when he sees the mark on your juncture of your neck and shoulder. You giggle and he begins to work his way back to the shoreline where your clothes sit. He manages to get a hold of his underpants and pulls them back up around his waist after he pulls out of you, making you whimper. He grins wickedly. "Are you not satiated?" he asks.
You smirk. "I could get addicted to you." you simply reply. " I like the way you make me feel." you say shyly. He just grins and kisses you silly. He climbs out of the lake and helps you out as well, being careful to keep his body between yours and the company's. You both dry off and get dressed. He smooths out your hair and grins. "I might need to comb it out again for you, Love." he teases. You just chuckle and nod.
The two of you walk back to your backpack and you pick it up, he grabs and closes the bottle of hair oil, and the two of you head back to camp for lunch. You both receive much teasing and ribbing when they see you two approach and that you now have Thorin's courting beads and braids in your hair. They hoot and holler and cheer. Making you blush a deep red. Much to theirs and Thorin's amusement.
You set your stuff down by Thorin's and Bombur hands you a bowl of rabbit meat and mashed potatoes and root veggies. You thank him and he gives you a small bow and a smile. Thorin comes and sits next to you. He tosses the bottle of hair oil into your pack, and the two of you relax and eat, enjoying the banter tossed about between the company. 
"So, did you two enjoy the swim this morning?" Bofur teases. You giggle and nod. "I take it she's comin' with us then?" he asks Thorin. He looks at you with a raised eyebrow. You nod.
"Yes, she is joining us." Thorin says as he wraps an arm around you possessively. She is my One, and I will not leave her behind." He informs the company. They stare for a moment then all cheer when they realize you will be their new queen should you all survive this quest. 
Everyone goes back to talking amongst themselves as they eat and Thorin chuckles. Once the two of you finish eating,  he holds you close and murmurs into your ear. "Grab me your comb, love." You pull your pack over to you and pull out your comb. You hand it to him and he combs out your hair again. You are amazed that it isn't nearly as tangled as it usually is and you sigh contentedly. You close your eyes and enjoy the feeling of Thorin's fingers combing through your hair. You don't realize it, but he braids another set of braids into your hair. Marriage braids. He clips them with beads from his own hair. 
Balin eyes him as he does this and raises an eyebrow, but says nothing. Dwalin leans over to him and whispers. "Moving a little quickly isn't he?" when he sees Thorin adding marriage braids into your hair. "I think he realizes that there is a chance we may not survive this, he wants to be sure there is a queen to rule should we not survive. And possibly an heir if they did what I think they did this morn'." Balin says. 
"Well unless she's an extremely fertile dwarrowdam, it might take a few times before that happens, Brother. And is it such a good idea to have a pregnant dwarrowdam with us? We still have quite a ways to go yet." Dwalin whispers quietly. 
"Brother, they were at it all morning in the lake. Why do you think they stayed clear of the rest of us!" Balin chuckled, amused. "He is claiming marriage through the old ways. Hopefully they both survive this and will have him at her side once Erebor is reclaimed, or we may have trouble." Balin sighs. 
Dwalin nods. "Well for now, at least he has found her and is happy. Hopefully this won't be a distraction for him, though. We are SO close!" he says. "Wonder how she does with her weapons?" Dwalin says, as he strokes his beard. 
 After they all finish eating, Dwalin comes up to Thorin and you. "Mind if I see how well your lass does with her weapons?" he asked Thorin. "If she is going to be traveling with us, I suppose we should see how well she can fight and what she needs to work on." Thorin looks up and frowns. 
"Do you doubt her ability to fight?" he asks. "No, Thorin,  I don't doubt she can fight. I just want to know how well. If she has a weakness we need to be mindful of it so we can help you protect her. We all have each other's back. We have seen each other fight, but none of us has seen her fight." 
Thorin sighs, realizing Dwalin is right. They need to know how well she will be able to hold her own in battle. "Very well. Ghivashel, get your weapons and show us how well you fight. Dwalin is our best fighter. He will fight you to see what we need to help you with."
You look at Thorin surprised, and frown. He looks down at you and returns your frown. "My Love, we mean it as no insult. We simply need to know how well you will hold your own in battle. We need to see where your skills are at and where we can help you improve." 
"Please???" Kili and Fili beg. "We want to see you whoop Dwalin's ass!" they tell you, trying to provoke Dwalin. 
Dwalin turns on them, "Youuuu two are next when I'm done evaluating her skills with the blades!" he says pointing his axe at them. They just snigger and say, "Good, she will wear you out and make it easier for us to beat you!"
He just growls and turns back to you. "Come on Lass, lets give them a good show. Show us what you've got, what you're made of!"
You look at Thorin and he grins and nods. 
 You sigh, stand up and grab your hand axes and slip them into your hip holsters. Then you put on your harness with your battle axes. You strap on your grandfather's sword and follow Dwalin to the beach. Everyone stands to follow and excitedly watch. Some place bets on you, others bet on Dwalin to win. 
You pull your Axes out of the back harness and make yourself ready. The two of you circle a few times, evaluating each other. When it is clear you won't attack first, Dwalin grins. He rushes you and you swing your axes to defend yourself and spin out of his way, swinging yours to connect with his shoulder. He grunts and turns. There's a cheer and coins exchanged that you got the first hit. You crouch and prepare again for his attack. 
He tries to fake an attack but you don't buy it. You shift in the sand and continue to keep circling. He attacks again and you block his attack. The two of you trade blows back and forth, he manages to knock your axe out of your hand and you draw one of your hand axes to replace it. He chuckles and continues the attack.
You are quick and easily evade many of his attacks, despite being in the sand. You can see he is surprised at the strength with your hits, and quickness. He is clearly tiring after several rounds of attacks with you. Though you are down to just your two hand axes and your sword now. You refuse to use the sword unless it is a last resort during battle. He catches one of your hand axes with his battle axe and knocks it out of your hand, then he swings and you move to dodge, but he sees you move and trips you up. You land on your back, and just as he goes to lower his axe to attack you you pull a dagger and poke his gut with it in warning. 
He looks down and sees the fight has ended in a draw. He grins and nods. He extends his hand to you. You look up at him warily, unsure if the battle is done or not. He grins and says, "Lassie you fight well. Just gotta keep a grip on those weapons so you don't lose them during battle." he tells you as he helps you up. Kili and Fili grab your weapons and bring them over to you. "You fought really well!" they say. You just grin and thank them. 
Kili and Fili look up at Dwalin. "Ready, Old man?" they ask. Dwalin growls, making you giggle. He looks at you with a raised eyebrow. You stand next to him and twirl your battle axes in your hand. "How about a two on two?" you suggest. Dwalin grins and Kili and Fili look at each other, knowing they're in for it now. 
They both back away nervously, making Dwalin chuckle. "I think ya intimidated 'em Lass."
You smirk and twirl your battle axe again. "You ready?" you ask him. He nods and the two of you separate and begin to circle the boys in opposite directions.
The two brothers instantly are back to back, moving to follow you and Dwalin. You look across to Dwalin and he gives a slight nod. You fake an attack and Kili buys it, swinging to block and realizing it was a fake too late. You swing and tap his arm with the axe. He growls at you and swings back, getting you in the side. You stumble a few steps in the sand but stay upright.
He swings again and you tuck and roll in the sand, swinging your axe and taking his feet out from under him before he could jump. He lands next to you and you both quickly try to stand. You're faster though and pin him to the sand with your axe. He grins and kicks you in the back knocking you forward so your chest is in his face. You growl and smack him up side the head with your fist. "Ow!" he shouts. "Serves you right, brat." you say and move to stand.
He grabs your feet and moves to lift them out from under you, but you see it coming and lower your two battle axes onto his arms and lean on them, pinning his arms in the sand. 
You look down at him with a raised eyebrow. He grins and lets go of your ankles. You chuckle and quickly step back into the ring letting Kili get up.
You move to help Dwalin with Fili and He grins and swings at you with his sword. CLASH.
You shudder at the strength of his hit, but you keep your hands on your weapons this time. You swing and knock Fili’s feet out from under him. THUMP.
He lands in the sand on his back. You hear footsteps behind you and turn in a defensive posture as Thorin comes charging with a smirk on his face. The two of you fight and exchange swings and blows. He is impressed at your ability and wants to push you to see how far and how long you will last. In the end though, you take his feet out from under him as well when he doesn't jump fast enough to evade your swing. He growls, but yields.
You are getting tired, as one by one the dwarves take turns fighting you and Dwalin. Dwalin is clearly slowing and getting tired, but you refuse to yield. You have taken down all the dwarves you have fought. You have three left and finally Bofur lands a hit that disarms you leaving you with nothing but your sword and your throwing daggers, which you refuse to use either.
You look down at the sword. You don't want to use it, knowing it is ONLY meant for battle and WILL kill whomever you use it on. You hold your hands up as you yield. He looks at you confused. "You have a sword, Lass, why don't you use it?" he asks.
"I will not use this weapon against friend, you explain. It can ONLY be used in real battle as it will INSTANTLY KILL any I use it on. It is not meant to be used as a practice weapon." you explain. 
"Then why do you wear it?" Fili asked. "So that none of you would unknowingly pick it up to use as a practice weapon." you reply. 
They nod.
"Any one else want a go at me?" you ask. The remaining two, Bombur and Bilbo shake their heads, no. You sigh and lower your hands. You remove your belt with the sword on it and hand it to Balin. "Will you hang onto this for me?" You ask. He nods.
You move over to the lake and kneel, using your two hands to cup water and rub it on your sweaty face. You feel a point of a sword at your back. You grab for one of your thigh daggers and turn your head to look and see it is Thorin. You raise an eyebrow. He smirks. Quick as a wink, you spin and take out his feet again. THUMP. He lands on his back and you move to straddle him, pinning his arms at his sides. 
"DO NOT EVER do that again. I still have my daggers and may have used them on you!" you scold. "AH, Love, but you didn't." he grins. He moves to push you off and is surprised you have effectively pinned him and that your strength matches his own. He growls. You reply with one of your own. His eyes open wide, then narrow. "Do you wish to continue this battle?" He asks. 
"I was content to let it rest, but someone thought they could catch me unarmed and decided to provoke me and continue this." you reply. He throws his hips up suddenly, knocking you off balance and you tumble over him and summersault onto your feet and pop up.
Kili tosses you your hand axes which you catch and slide into their sheaths, then Balin tosses you a Battle axe. Dwalin chuckles and picks up your other one laying at his feet and tosses it to you. You catch them both and wait for Thorin to make his move. 
He gets up out of the sand and smirks. He knows your tricks now and thinks this will be an easy take down. You grin knowing he only knows a handful of your tricks. You crouch ready to defend yourself. You are standing near the edge of the Lake with your back to it. You realize if you step to the side when Thorin charges, he will run right into the water before he can stop himself. You grin an evil grin. 
He sees the look on your face and knows an evil thought has crossed your mind, though he doesn't know what. He growls and moves to attack. He swings and you raise your weapons to block. The two of you are caught in a fight of strength. His sword caught between the two arcs on your battle axes so he can't pull it free.  He leans forward forcing you to take a step back. "Yield, my Love." he demands in his sultry, baritone, sexy voice. 
You grin, "Not a chance, Love." you say as you grin and quickly release his sword and spin out of the way, causing him to fall forward into the lake. You start walking back toward the group who is trying hard not to laugh out loud. You hear Thorin's fall into the lake and a string of Khuzdul curses fly. You hear his heavy footsteps in the sand behind you and you whirl out of the way just in time to block his charge. He growls and says, "You'll pay for that one, Love." You smirk and lean forward across the two crossed weapons and kiss his nose. "I am sure you will deliver a just punishment, my Love." and grin cheekily, wiggling your eyebrows. 
He grins and pushes you away from him. Then swings again, only this time he catches your arm and the force of the blow, makes you yelp in pain and drop your axe. You frown and glare at him. You move to pick up your axe, and he steps closer. You swing your other axe and he swings to block it. CLANG. 
You growl and the vibrations through your arm almost cause you to drop this one too, but you manage to hang on to it. Suddenly there's a sword tip at your throat. You lower your axe, but he isn't paying attention and you hook it around the back of his boot with the lower arc of the axe. You study his face for a moment, and when he gets a smirk thinking he has won, you give the axe a hard yank as you do a backwards summersault and it yanks his foot out from under him, causing him to lose balance and tumble backwards. He lands with an OOF! and you stand, pick up your axe and move towards him. 
He rolls to stand and grins. "You don't go down easily, do you, Love." he says. 
You just chuckle. "Nope. I rarely surrender. And apparently, you don't know when to stay down." you taunt and hear a few gasps and chuckles from the dwarves. Thorin looks at you and growls. "We'll see about that." he says and charges. You realize he is going on purely adrenaline now and you know it will be hard and fast. You quickly evade his blows and land a couple of swings and blows to him. He is getting pissed and you wonder if you should let him win this one since it is in front of his company, but if you do, they will use it as a reason to protect you. You don't want or need their protection. You continue to fight. 
You both are heaving and refuse to back down. Twice, Thorin has thought he has pinned you and twice you have evaded him and knocked him on his ass. He is determined to pin you and be done with this. He knocks both your battle axes out of your hands with blows and you are down to your handaxes. He swings and you block with them, catching the sword between the two. He tries to pull it free but you have it in a death grip. You yank it with all your might and Thorin's sword goes flying out of his hands and the look of utter shock on his face makes you chuckle. You take two steps toward him, your hand axes held out in attack. "Yield!" You say. 
He growls, "Never!" he replies and charges you. He grabs your hands before you can land a blow and knocks you on your back as he lands on top of you. You both let out an "OOmphh!" as he knocks the air from your lungs. He pins your arms above your head and takes your axes from them. "YOU yield!" he growls in your ear. 
"Or what?" you ask. He grins. "Or you will regret letting me fall into the lake like that in front of my men." he replies. 
You laugh, "That doesn't sound very threatening, Love!" you giggle. "It will if you're the one who's soaked and cold." he replies with a grin and then quickly picks you up by your hands and swings you over his shoulders, kicking and screaming.  He walks over to the deeper end of the lake while the company chuckles and giggles.  "Now, Love, do you YIELD?" he asks loudly for the company to hear. 
You're cursing like a sailor in Khuzdul and reply, "NEVER!!! I WILL NEVER YIELD TO YOU THORIN OAKENSHIELD!" he laughs and tosses you into the lake. Then walks back to the company. You come up spittering and sputtering, and cursing. You swim back to the shallow end of the lake where everyone is standing, and chuckling. You frown and remove your 3 soaked harnesses. You toss them to Dwalin. "Here, can you see that these dry properly so they aren't ruined?" you ask. He chuckles and catches them. "Aye, Lass, I will do that for ye." he replies with a grin and picks up your weapons. 
You tread water for a moment, then remove your wet outer tunic and skirt. You toss them up onto the shore and then swim out into the lake. You don't notice Balin pick them up and drape them over a bush near the shoreline so they can dry. He chuckles at your stubbornness and knows the two of you will have a firery, but loving relationship. The company moves back to the camp, thinking you would follow. When Ori looks around after a few minutes and realizes you aren't there, he asks, "Where is y/n?" 
Thorin sits up and looks around. When he doesn't see you, he gets worried. He stands and walks back to the lake. He looks around but doesn't see you. Kili and Fili come up by him. "Where did she go, Uncle?"
They spot your skirt and top hanging on the bush. Thorin frowns and looks around again. Kili looks out on the lake like he did the first time he spotted you. He squints and puts his hand above his eyes to block out the sunlight. 
"There! Over there!" he says excitedly, and points to the far end of the lake. Thorin looks but can't see that far clearly. "What is it, Kili, what do you see?" he asks.
"There's movement in the lake on the far side. It's in the shadows so I can't be sure what it is. It's probably Y/n swimming along the shoreline like she was last time, when we found her." Kili says. 
"You don't think she is upset with you, Uncle?" Fili asks. "She didn't seem too happy about having to show us her fighting skills at first." he said quietly. 
Thorin frowned. "Go back to camp. I will swim out and talk with her." he replied as he began to strip off his clothes, draping the wet ones on the bush to dry in the sun. 
The two boys nodded and headed back to camp. 
 "Where's Thorin and y/n?" Dwalin asked when they came into the camp.
"Y/n had swum to the other side of the lake and was hanging out in the shade there. He went to go talk with her." they replied. 
Dwalin looked over to Balin who just shrugs. "I have a feeling their relationship will be a firery one. She has shown she has a firery spirit and won't back down. Thorin is the same way. She probably just needed some time to cool down on her own especially after all the fighting she did today with us. I know I could go for another good swim before it gets to be too late again. For now though, let 'em be." Balin states.
Dwalin grunts and goes back to drying out the harnesses you had tossed to him. Being careful to make sure they will still hold your weapons and that the leather doesn't shrink.
 Thorin steps into the cool lake water. He walks down into it until it is up past his waist and then he slowly starts to swim out to you. You see him coming and duck down into the water. Your eyes open wide when you realize he is naked and you quickly swim away from him, only coming up when you need air. Your head quietly emerges from the water long enough to see the confused look on Thorin's face when he realizes you aren't where he thought you were. You quietly take another deep breath and duck back under the water. You see his body turn to where you were just at and he starts to swim towards you. 
You quickly swim away in another direction, annoyed. You just want to be left alone. Your body aches from the beating the dwarves gave you with their battle simulation. Your arms especially hurt. You're sure there will be dark bruises there by tonight. You already have some on your sides and legs from some of the hits from the Orcs the other day. Despite being able to fight well, you bruise easily, which infuriates you. 
You turn to look and see if Thorin is following you and your eyes widen. He is under the water, looking at you with wide, and sad looking eyes. You stop and don't move. He pauses his pursuit of you and just looks at you. 
 Thorin can't find you anywhere. He finally ducks under the water to see if he can see you swimming below the surface. He spots you swimming away from him... naked. He follows and is shocked to see all the bruises on your body, that are starting to form. "Did we really hit her hard enough to hurt her?" he asks himself. He sees you look back and you stop swimming away.
Thorin just stops and looks at you feeling horrible for all the bruises that he sees littering your back and body.  When you turn to meet his gaze he sees the bruises on your arms and sides. He lowers his gaze, sad that they hurt you like that and disappointed that he allowed this to happen to you, all be it unintentionally. 
When you see Thorin lower his gaze and look so incredibly sad, your heart breaks just a little. You need air and slowly move for the surface. He notices your movement and looks up. He sees you heading for the surface and he follows suit. You come up and take a few breaths of air, then see Thorin's head emerge from the water. 
"Amralime," he says quietly. "I did not realize we hurt you so badly. Why did you not say anything?" he asks, his blue eyes glassy. "I am so sorry!" he apologizes. You swim a little closer. Then stop. "You said to show you what I was made of, Thorin, and I did." you say quietly. 
He looks up at you, not knowing what to say. "I am sorry, are you in much pain?" he asks, concerned. 
"Not any more than what I normally am after fighting off a pack of Orcs." you reply. He looks at you with raised eyebrow. "You should've seen me after the pack I fought off the day before you found me here! Most of these bruises are from that." you tell him. "Except these ones on my arms. They're new, and this one on my side." 
Thorin hesitantly swims up to you and gently takes you in his arms. "I did not even notice all these bruises earlier." He replies. 
You chuckle. "I had on my under clothes earlier that's why, but I bruise easily, Thorin. It takes a day or so for them to appear, but I will be fine. They will just be tender for a while." you reply. 
"Is this why you kept dropping your weapons?" Thorin asks as he raises your arm to look at the bruises beginning to form. They are red welts, right now, but you know they will be purple and black by nightfall.
"Partially," you reply. "I don't have very thick padding to protect my arms, and I have no armor to protect my torso or legs." You tell him. "I have had to make do with what I was able to take from home or was given by the elves. Most of their armor did not fit me, despite their offers to give me some. I could not stay and wait for their craftsmen to make me special armor." You explained. 
"I did not expect to have to fight nearly all of your company in one shot, and you twice." you said bashfully as you lowered your head and looked at the two of you treading water. 
Thorin pulls you up against him and gently rubs your back. 'I am sorry, my love, I did not realize you had no armor, or I would've told them to go easy with the hits, as would have I." he says and kisses your head. You nod. "It's okay, Thorin. I will survive. I'll just be sore for a few days." you tell him as you rest your head on his chest.  He swims over to the shore with you in one of his arms. He sees where you draped your underclothes in the sun to dry. 
He can touch here and gently starts to kiss you and caress your battered body. "Let me make it up to you?" he asks as he peppers your face with kisses, tickling your skin with his beard. You raise your eyebrow. He slowly moves his body against yours and you feel his hard member gliding against your thighs. You open your stance a little allowing it to slide into the gap and rub against your entrance. 
Thorin groans quietly and rests his forehead against your neck. "Mahal, you feel so good against me!" he tells you. You moan and gently rub your fingernails up and down his back. "Are you going to punish me for beating you infront of your men?" you ask innocently. He chuckles, "Maybe later, once you've healed, but not right now. Right now I just want to love on you." he replies. You tilt your head back and rest it on the bank of the lake letting the sun bask your face in light while Thorin nuzzles against your neck. His hands roam all over your body as do yours on his. You feel him start to rut against you and his moans become deeper and you feel them reverberating in his chest as he presses against your body. 
You moan again as he takes your breast into his mouth and begins to suck on it. His hand wandering over to your other one and gently starts to mimic the feeling with his fingers. Your eyes roll back in your head and your hands grip his ass tightly. Thorin moans and sends shivers throughout your body. "I need to feel you in me, please, Thorin!" you manage to squeak out when you feel his member rubbing at your entrance. You wrap your legs around him as he slowly enters your body. You both let out a low moan of pleasure and he takes you in a gentle but tight embrace. "Mahal, you're so tight and hot!" he growls in your ear. He gives you a moment to adjust to his girth, then he starts to make love to you. Passionately and slowly. Taking his time to worship every inch of you and to make it last for as long as he can. 
You giggle when you hear someone from across the lake say, "So much for talking to her!" and he just gives you a hug and mumbles, "We did talk, now we're making up." which sets you off in a fit of giggles as he nibbles your neck and fondles your breast as he continues to thrust into you. 
After a bit, he pulls out and tells you to turn around. You turn and face the bank of the Lake. He nudges your legs apart and enters you from behind, making you moan as his girth fills you once again and your head flops back onto his shoulder as he wraps his strong arms around you. One at your waist with a hand on your lower belly, the other around your chest with his hand over your heart.  His head next to yours and you feel each hot breath he pants against your cool, wet skin. He leans you forward slightly to get a better angle and begins to thrust into you a little faster. "MMMMmmmmm" he rumbles into your ear.
"OOOOoooooh, Thorinnnnnn!" you moan as he starts hitting the one spot in you that makes you see stars. "Don't stopppp, Oooohhhh, right there!" you beg. 
He growls a low rumbling growl you feel in your body as it reverberates in his chest. His thrusts are becoming stronger and deeper. His grip on you begins to get tighter. "I won't be lasting much longer, Love." he rumbles into your ear. "Oh, Mahal! You feel SO good!" he growls. His moans and grunts become deeper and slightly louder as his thrusts become more erratic. He moves his upper hand to the middle of your breasts and he is holding your body tight against him as his lower hand slides down and his finger finds your sensitive pearl. Thorin begins to gently rub it and it sends you over the edge with a shuddering breath and a groan of his name. He follows a moment later with a hard thrust and you feel him explode inside you and fill you with his hot cum. He bites your neck trying not to scream your name for all to hear. He moans and shudders at the strength of the orgasm that hit him. His lower hand moves back to your lower belly and he gently rubs it in circles as he rests against you. 
Once he comes down off the high, he looks up at the sun. "We should be getting back soon, Love." He says as he peppers you with kisses. "I'm afraid I gave you another bruise on the other side of your neck" he says when he sees the bite mark he left. He kisses it gently. You look down and giggle. "Yours" you say and turn in his arms now that he was no longer inside you. "Mine!" he replies with a grin. 
"Why did you stay in the lake after I dumped you in here?" Thorin asks once you've settled in his arms again. "The cold water felt good on my aching body. Especially my arms and hands." you explain. 
He nods and takes an arm and starts to kiss it tenderly all the way from your shoulder to your finger's tips. Then he takes the other arm and hand and does the same thing. "Again, my Love, I am SO sorry we bruised you so badly." he apologizes and kisses you on the lips with an apologetic look on his face. You could see in his eyes he meant it and you caressed his bearded chin, scratching it with your fingernails, making him hard instantly and he let out a deep, rumbling moan. 
"Apology accepted, My Love." you tell him and give him a breathtaking kiss. He grins and enters you again, causing you to squeak in surprise. He just grins and holds you still as he thrusts into you. "Mahal! I can't get enough of you, Love." he grunts as he peppers your chest with love nips and kisses. You giggle and run your hands through his long locks and his beard. Peppering his face with kisses. "I love you, Thorin. Don't ever leave me alone again." you tell him.
"Never. Will. I. Leave. YOU. Alone. Again!" Thorin grunts out between thrusts. He can feel your orgasm building and is chasing it as he feels his growing. "You. Are. MY. QUEEN!" he roars as he feels you clench around him and come hot and hard, milking his swollen and hard member, sending him over the edge in a roar of release as he crushes you against him. 
You squeak and he chuckles and releases you after the initial wave of pleasure passes. "You are addicting, Love." he says with a chuckle.
You grin. "We're going to have to control ourselves if we are going to get you to Erebor by Durin's Day." you tell him. "Once you reclaim the mountain, you can have me as long and as much as you want!" you promise him. He chuckles and buries his face in your hair and breathes deeply.
"I love you, Y/N, so VERY much! I never thought I would ever find my one. I feared having to rule Erebor without a Queen. I didn't want to have to marry someone who was not my one, just to hopefully produce an heir. I would much rather have let Fili take over as King, once I was ready to step down, than have to marry one who was not my One and my Love." he mumbles as he nuzzles his face into your hair more. You giggle.
"And now?" you tease.
"Now, I have found you! You will join us and help us win back Erebor, and will rule at my side as Queen, join me in my bed at night, keep me company during the day and Mahal willing, give me heirs and daughters to bless our halls with the sound of dwarfling pebbles once again." he says beaming as he cups your face and puts his forehead to yours. "I look forward to the day when I can place a golden crown upon your head and declare to the kingdom their new Queen is here and will be by my side to rule and reign in peace and prosperity!" he whispers to you, kissing your button nose. 
You grin. "My, King..." you giggle when you see the company standing on the lake shore starting to strip and enter the lake. "I do believe our loyal subjects are coming to look for us and are growing impatient." you giggle again and point when Thorin looks up into your face and then turns to follow your finger pointing to the shoreline.
He chuckles. "You should get your underclothes back on. Why do your underpants not have a crotch?" he inquires as you yank them down off the bush. You giggle, "For easy access when I need to go to the bathroom. I don't have the luxury of one of these that I can just whip out and pee off a cliff." you tease as you grab him down there and give it a gentle tug. He smirks. "It's also easy access for other things..." he growls. You giggle and nod. You quickly pull down your undertunic and slip it on. A few moments later, Kili pops up a little ways away from the two of you. Fili pops up next to him a moment later. 
Thorin growls. "What are you two doing over here?" he asks. 
They chuckle, "We're racing across the lake to see who can cross it the fastest." Thorin raises a brow. "Well then better get on with it." he suggests. The two brothers giggle and duck under the water and you see them pop up a few minutes later about half way across the lake, Kili in the lead. You chuckle. 
Thorin turns your head back to him and kisses you sweetly. "Are you ready to re-join the group now?" he asks. You nod. The two of you begin to swim back to the other side of the lake. You get about 3/4 of the way across when you feel someone tickle your foot. Luckily your head was above water. You put your face into the water and look. You see Dwalin grin and put his finger to his lips telling you to be quiet. You raise an eyebrow and he comes up behind Thorin and lifts him up onto his shoulders. Thorin laughs and leans backwards when Dwalin starts to raise him up out of the water. Thorin and Dwalin fall back into the water with a huge splash.
You giggle and cover your eyes since all the Dwarves and even the little hobbit were naked. You weren't sure how much Thorin wanted you to be seeing, though you got quite an eyefull of Dwalin. He chuckled and came up beside you and grabbed your waist making you gasp. He chuckled again and chucked you over to Thorin who caught you and kissed you silly. Causing the other dwarves to cheer, making you blush a beet red. Making them all laugh again.
You grinned and splashed Dwalin. "Oh, ya better be careful, Lass, Thorin might let us get ya if ya keep splashin us like that!" he teased. You looked at Thorin and he just grinned and crossed his arms across his chest, smirking. 
Balin laughed and scolded his brother, "Now don't go scaring the Lass, Brother!" he chided. Suddenly Thorin was pulled under the water and you turned with a gasp. You felt something brush against your leg and you shrieked and ran as fast as you could over to Balin.
He chuckled. "Don't worry, Lass, it was most likely his nephews." he tells you with a chuckle. You feel something brush against your leg again and shriek, grabbing Balin's arm. He grinned and looked around, seeing Fili in the water behind him, grinning. He shook his head and chuckled. Fili tickled you again and you kicked at whatever it was that was tickling you. He came up coughing as your kick got him in the... well... nuts. And he was kneeling in the water that is now up to his neck, holding his aching crotch, coughing and glaring at you.
You giggled, "Serves you right for sneaking up on me like that!" you said with your hands on your hips. He just smirked. "Aw, come on Auntie Y/n. Have a little fun!" he replied swimming over to the other side of Balin and trying to stand, wincing at the ache. You giggled, so did Balin. "Maybe you'll think twice before sneaking up on your Aunt." Balin said chuckling. "She's not a dwarrowdam to be scaring, as she will retaliate..." Balin said grinning. "You ok, Laddie?" Balin asked with a smirk. 
"I'll be fine... eventually... she got me in the, uh... crown jewels..." he coughed. Balin roared with laughter, as did Dwalin who had come over to see what was going on. "What did I miss?" he asked. Fili just glared at Balin and moved off to join Kili in trying to dunk Thorin.
Dwalin looked at you and you were giggling and were blushing a deep red. He raised an eyebrow and looked at his brother. Balin chuckled. "Fili was trying to spook, Y/n and after the third time he tickled her legs, she gave him a kick.... to the, uh... crown jewels." he replied chuckling. 
Dwalin looked from his brother, to you, to Fili and winced. "Ouch!" he said. You giggled again. "He asked for it. And in my defense, I didn't look to see what it was that was doing the tickling. I just kicked blindly at whatever was tickling me!" you defended with another round of giggles. They both chuckled. 
Well, I think I've had my fill of the water for the day." Balin said. "I'm going to get out and go dry off." he tells you with a raised eyebrow. 
You giggle, "Don't worry, Balin, I won't look." you promise. He chuckles and pats your shoulder, then notices your bruises. He looks up at you concerned, then gently takes your arm and looks at the bruises beginning to appear. "What happened here, Lass?" he asks quietly. Dwalin looks down and his eyes open wide. You frown.
"I just bruise easily. It's nothing. Most of them are from the Orc attack from the day before." you explain. "Most of them?" Dwalin asks with a raised eyebrow. "Ya mean to say, the rest of these are from yer, mock battle with us?" he asks, suddenly concerned. 
You don't answer right away and look down into the water with a frown. He looks down at you then gently takes your chin and tilts your head up. "Lass if we hurt you, I'll have you tell me. It was not our intention to harm you." he tells you looking concerned. 
"You didn't hurt me all that much, Dwalin. Like I said, I bruise easily. They, smart, but it is nothing I can't live with for a few days. I know none of you meant to do it. It just happens sometimes when practicing. Some of ya hit harder than I'm used to practicing with is all. And like you said, I need to learn to keep my weapons in my hands even when I get hit and it hurts. I can't keep losing my weapons during a real battle, and how else will I learn unless I get hit and it hurts a little... or a lot." You reply. 
Dwalin and Balin frown. "Lass, we don't want to hurt you. Why didn't you say anything?" Balin asks. "Because I can defend myself. I don't want to be coddled and treated like I'm crystal or glass and will break with the slightest blow. I can take hits. They just leave ugly bruises for a few days afterwards that smart for a bit. It's nothing that I can't handle." you say defensively and cross your arms and look down. 
Balin looks up at Dwalin who just shrugs. "Very well, Lass. But if it gets too much, please say something. We treasure your presence and do not want to see you in constant pain." he says gently. You nod. "If it gets to be too much, Balin, I will say something." you tell him. He grins and gently pats your elbow. 
"Very well then, I'm off to get dried off and dressed." he tells you with a chuckle. You keep your back to the shoreline and Dwalin chuckles and moves away to join Bofur and Gloin in their antics. Most of the dwarves were naked, but the water hovered around their waists for the most part so all you really saw were their chests or backs and an occasional set of butt cheeks.
You watched their antics and suddenly felt a soft brush of skin against your legs. You looked down to see Thorin looking up at you from under the water, and he had his finger over his mouth. You raise an eyebrow. He grins and caresses your leg. The water being up a little past your waist. He settles between your legs after nudging them open wider and he begins to caress your inner thighs with his hands. You close your eyes and enjoy the touch and the sun on your face. 
Your eyes fly open though when you feel his fingers slowly enter your cave and begin to move rhythmically in and out of you. You look down to see Thorin looking up at you with a smug grun. You shake your head and smile. He moves his fingers a bit faster and adds another one to you making you catch your breath before you could moan out. He grins and then moves his head up near your entrance. You let out a little gasp as he pulls you further into the water and he begins to suck and nibble your pearl as he finger fucks you.
He nuzzles your hair down there and nips at the lips to the entrance of your cave. You reach down and tangle your fingers in his hair and give it a tug. He gives one last nip making you jump a bit, then he removes his fingers from your cave causing you to whimper at the loss of girth there.
He emerges from the water behind you and stands, with his arms wrapped around your waist. He pulls you back towards a large boulder under the water he spotted and he sits down on the boulder and pulls you towards his lap and settles you on his member as he slowly lowers you down facing away from him.  You groan and he reaches around and holds you with his hands, One on your belly, the other playing with your nub. Your head flops back onto his shoulder as he rocks you back and forth.
If anyone looked at the two of you from above the water, they wouldn't know he was inside of you, making love to you. But it was clear as day, if anyone saw you from below the water's surface. He grinned and whispered to you all the filthy things he wanted to do to you once he reclaimed Erebor. He told you all the places he wanted to make love to you in and the first place he listed was the throne of Erebor. You shuddered at the thought of your voices echoing in the halls. You moaned quietly into his ear. He chuckled. You lifted your head up when you heard a loud splash and realized someone had been thrown into the water. Bofur was on Kili's shoulders, and Dwalin was laughing as Fili came sputtering back up out of the water. 
You chuckled and moaned as Thorin's thrusting in you became harder. You could feel him throbbing inside you and becoming harder. His pants and moans more lower in pitch and muffled in your hair or shoulder. He surprisingly came quickly and quietly as you felt him grip your waist hard and his thrusts became erratic under the water. The only hint of his coming from above the water was a low, almost inaudible moan at the back of your neck as he buried his face in your hair when he came. You felt him explode in you and throbbing with each pulse of warmth he shot into your deep cave. You chuckled and he nipped your neck. "What was that chuckle for?" he asked quietly. 
"You fucking me to completion in front of your oblivious company." You quietly replied. He chuckled. "They know, they are just trying to ignore it." he replies grinning.
"You two done over there?" Dwalin teases. "See?" Thorin chuckles. He nods to Dwalin who grins and shakes his head. "You're as bad as rabbits!" he teases, making you blush a deep red and cover your face. They laugh and Thorin just chuckles. "Wait till he finds his One, he'll be just as bad." Thorin remarks. 
You grin. "How am I going to get out with out everyone seeing me like this?" You ask. Thorin chuckles. "They will see you like this on the journey, Love, better get used to it. But if it bothers you I will get out first and bring you a towel." He offers. You nod. "Please?"
Thorin chuckles and lifts you off of him. He sets you back on the boulder and gently cleans himself off in the water, then goes to get out and grabs a towel for you.
The other dwarves hoot and holler and tease him paying him compliments on his ass and strong back and arms, and hard abs; while winking at you and making you blush again. Thorin just chuckles and brings you the towel, using it to shield you from their eyes. You wrap up in it and he helps you onto the shore. He grabs your outer tunic and skirt and helps you into them while you shield yourself with the towel so the others can't see. Thorin kisses your forehead and then the two of you head back to camp.
@fizzyxcustard @thorinthehottotty @queenofmankind @thetherianthropydaily@dumbassunderthemountain @deepestfirefun @tschrist1 @daisy-picking-lady @legolaslovely @lotr-hobbit-imagines @emrfangirl @midnight-reader-morning-sleeper
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satoshi-mochida · 5 years
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The 2020 Steam Game Festival: Spring Edition, which offers free-to-play demos and spotlights a selection of new and upcoming games, will run from March 18 at 10:00 a.m. PT / 1:00 p.m. ET to March 23 at 10:00 a.m. PT / 1:00 p.m.
The Steam showcase features over 40 titles from studios that originally planned to exhibit at showcases such as the Indie Megabooth, Day of the Devs, and The Mix during GDC 2020, which was postponed to summer.
Here is the full list of games with demos:
Indie Megabooth Demos
Backworlds (Logic Ember Limited) – Play for Free
Duster (Coldrice Games)
Evan’s Remains (Whitethorn Digital / maitan69)
Filament (Kasedo Games / Beard Envy)
Going Under (Team17 / AggroCrab)
Hundred Days: Wine Making Simulator (Broken Arms Games)
HyperParasite (Troglobyte Games / Hound Picked Games) – Play for Free
Neon Noodles (Vivid Helix) – Play for Free
Mystic Pillars (Holy Cow Productions) – Play for Free
Quench (Axon Interactive) – $9.99
Tunche (HypeTrain Digital / LEAP Game Studios)
Sons of Ra (Pharaoh Hound Games)
Superliminal (Pillow Castle Games)
We Are the Caretakers (Heart Shaped Games)
We should talk. (Whitethorn Digital / Insatiable Cycle)
Wings Fund Demos
Later Daters (Bloom Digital Media)
Lord Winklebottom Investigates (Cave Monsters)
Pushy and Pully in Blockland (Resistance Studio)
Day of the Devs
Chicory: A Colorful Tale (Finji / Greg Lobanov)
Heavenly Bodies (2pt Interactive)
The Mix
Aeolis Tournament (Beyond Fun Studio)
A Space for the Unbound (Toge Productions / Mojiken Studio)
Coffee Talk (Toge Productions) – Play for Free
Curious Expedition 2 (Thunderful Publishing / Maschinen-Mensch)
Divisadero (Team2Bit)
Eldest Souls (United Label / Fallen Flag Studio)
EleMetals: Death Metal Death Match! (Wallride)
Embr (Muse Games)
Garden Story (VIZ Media / Rose City Games)
Haven (The Game Bakers)
Hazel Sky (Another Indie / Coffee Addict Studio)
Liberated (L.INC / Walkabout / Atomic Wolf)
Jack Axe (Another Indie / Keybol / Mike Studios)
Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl (Interabang Entertainment / Spoony Bard Productions)
Mighty Fight Federation (Komi Games) – Play for Free
Neverinth (Another Indie / CreAct Games) – $15.99
Operencia: The Stolen Sun (Zen Studios)
Klang 2 (Tinimations)
KungFu Kickball (Blowfish Studios / WhaleFood Games)
Moncage (Optillusion)
Raj: An Ancient Epic (Super.com / Nodding Head Games)
Recompile (Dear Villagers / Phigames)
Retrograde Arena (Another Indie / Freemergency)
Rising Hell (Toge Productions / Another Indie / Tahoe Games) – Play for Free
Roki (United Label / Polygon Treehouse)’
She Dreams Elsewhere (Studio Zevere)
Spiritfarer (Thunder Lotus Games)
Vigil: The Longest Night (Another Indie / Glass Heart Games)
When the Past Was Around (Toge Productions / Mojiken Studio)
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heir-of-the-chair · 3 years
Someone please explain to me how I kin all three of the main characters of the magic thief at the same time?
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A little bad in everyone
“As if the combination of Heaven kissing the very lips of Hell isn’t revolting enough. As if anyone could possibly understand the sense of it at all. Even God could not see any purity in it, yet he did not see any danger in sending you into this darkness. Who could deny, even a man of the darkest pits of Hell a soul as pure as yours. Maybe you were send to change his corrupted soul. Except for the fact that you are returned in pieces. Upon your body it looks as though someone has beaten you to the point of death. Your wings are broken and are hanging by just tendons. Your sweet lips of pure silk are now bruised and bleeding from the burning that gets forced upon them, and the dark circles beneath your hazel eyes are caused by the lack of sleep you get. You are barely being held together Sirena” Killian spoke so softly to me, even after his outburst he had only hours earlier. His hand danced delicately down my cheek. I looked down and let a tear escape and he brushed it away with his long cold fingers. "So full of sorrow, you are. This sight displeases me so much. Too much beauty hides behind these bruises,” He traced them with his thumb “even when your beauty hides behind purple and blue, tears, should not have the worth to fall from them, to touch the face of beauty a thousand times greater than Aphrodite herself. Please do not cry over this. Do not cry that I reacted the way I did.” I leaned against the bars of the cell, against his back that was now to me. “As I said before, how could someone deny a person, someone with a soul as pure as yours, How could God turn Embre away from such a person as you. Such a person that can change his corrupted soul, to find something good in him.” I had no words for him, no words could make him fully understand what I was going through. Nothing could help him understand what my past held with Embre. How much I had forgotten that we had together. Embre changed the person I was, but I needed Killian to know that I still loved him, just that I wasn’t in love with him anymore. How could I make the choice between good and evil? I knew what I should do, I knew the right thing to do, but was it really truth when I called one good and one evil? Is it possible that maybe they could be seen in the opposite way? Killian might play for the “good” team, but deep within his soul there is a dark side. I have seen it and I know that anyone or anything can be brought over to the darkness, I had been there myself many times. Even the most holy people can fall prey to it. Lucifer himself is there within everyone, it is just more prevalent in some more than others. Just like there is God within everyone, even Embre who has moments when he lets the true God shine through him.
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missink01 · 11 months
Connwaer: Can I bother you for a second?
Embre-Wing : You're always bothering me, but go ahead.
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transjarlaxle · 2 years
thinking about "yours" and "yours always" and "yours forever" and "yes, i mean it" written in runes good god embre you mad lad how can you invent romance
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themagicisdragons · 2 years
Rowan: Embre, what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean?
Embre: I don’t know, love you, talk to you later
Rowan: Ok, I love you too, I’ll just ask Conn.
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themagicisdragons · 2 years
Rowan: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated.
Embre: Killed without hesitation.
Rowan: No.
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themagicisdragons · 2 years
Nevery and Benet, walking into Heartsease: Hello, people who do not live here.
Keeston: Hey.
Embre: Hi.
Rowan: Hey!
Nevery: I gave you three spare keys to heartsease for emergencies only!
Keeston: We were out of doritos!
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