idoltoons · 1 month
¿De casualidad tienes datos interesantes del ser que provoco la "Gran Guerra Sentimental" por el dominio total de la Tierra, el ex-portador del Amuleto del Odio, Lord Emedes? Ya que sabemos sobre su mano derecha, Dante.
Es que esta complicado dar datos de Lord Emedes porque la mayoría de su historia será contada en los comics a base de aquellos que lo conocieron...
El único dato que puedo decir de Lord Emedes, es que inicio la guerra con certeza de lo que buscaba ganar, pero puedo confirmar que el 70% de la guerra este no estuvo consciente o en todos sus sentidos puesto a que la magia del amuleto del odio lo corrompió tanto tomando casi el control de su portador. Por lo que muchos de los actos de Lord Emedes no siempre fueron hechos desde el fondo del corazón, lo más seguro es que haya sido el amuleto quien lo hizo actuar. Pero bueno, al ser este el portador, supongo que no podemos culpar a la pistola, si no al que la usa.
Y ya, como menciono, esta difícil decir datos de este porque ya se hará mención de este en los comics.
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acldigital · 4 months
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Efficient Memory Management Techniques for Embedded Software
In the realm of embedded software development, where efficiency and performance are paramount, memory management stands as a crucial pillar determining the success of a project. Embedded systems, by their nature, often operate under stringent resource constraints, particularly in terms of memory. Therefore, employing efficient memory management techniques becomes imperative to ensure optimal performance and reliability.
Understanding Memory Constraints in Embedded Systems
Embedded software development companies grapple with the inherent limitations of memory resources on embedded devices. Unlike desktop or server environments, where memory abundance is often taken for granted, embedded systems operate within tight constraints. These constraints arise from factors such as cost considerations, size limitations, and power efficiency requirements.
Memory allocation, a fundamental aspect of software development, presents unique challenges in the embedded domain. Static memory allocation, where memory is allocated at compile-time, is common in embedded systems due to its simplicity and determinism. However, it can lead to wastage of memory and inefficiencies, especially when dealing with dynamic data structures.
Memory Allocation Techniques
Dynamic memory allocation offers flexibility by allowing memory to be allocated and deallocated at runtime. However, it introduces overhead and fragmentation issues that can degrade performance and reliability. Embedded software development companies often employ a combination of static and dynamic memory allocation techniques to strike a balance between determinism and flexibility.
Hybrid memory allocation strategies, which leverage both static and dynamic allocation, have gained traction in the embedded software development community. By judiciously allocating memory resources based on the application's requirements, these strategies optimize memory usage while maintaining determinism and predictability.
Memory optimization techniques
In the pursuit of efficient memory management, embedded software development companies explore various optimization techniques. Optimizing data structures helps minimize memory overhead and improve performance. Choosing the right data structure for a given task can significantly impact memory usage and execution speed.
Code optimization plays a vital role in conserving memory resources. Techniques such as code size reduction and compiler optimization contribute to leaner and more efficient software. Embedded software development companies invest in optimizing their codebase to maximize the available memory while meeting performance targets.
Resource pooling and reuse further enhance memory efficiency in embedded systems. By pooling commonly used resources and intelligently reusing memory blocks, developers can minimize memory fragmentation and overhead. This approach optimizes resource utilization and contributes to the overall reliability of the system..
Memory leak detection and prevention
Memory leaks pose a significant challenge in embedded software development, often leading to system instability and performance degradation. Detecting and rectifying memory leaks requires careful analysis and debugging techniques. Embedded software development companies employ tools and best practices to identify and mitigate memory leaks effectively.
Continuous monitoring and profiling of memory usage help detect abnormal patterns indicative of memory leaks. By leveraging memory profiling tools, developers can pinpoint memory leaks and take corrective measures promptly. Additionally, incorporating automated tests and code reviews into the development process helps prevent memory leaks from occurring in the first place.
Case Studies and Examples
Real-world examples illustrate the importance of mastering memory management in embedded software development. Embedded software development companies share their experiences and lessons learned from tackling memory-related challenges in various projects. These case studies highlight the effectiveness of different memory management techniques and provide valuable insights for future endeavors.
In one case study, an embedded software development company faced memory constraints while developing a medical device firmware. By optimizing data structures and implementing efficient memory allocation strategies, they successfully met the device's performance requirements within the allocated memory footprint. This experience underscores the significance of proactive memory management in mission-critical embedded systems.
Tools and Resources for Memory Management
A plethora of tools and resources are available to aid embedded software development companies in their quest for efficient memory management. Memory profiling tools, such as Valgrind and Memcheck, offer invaluable insights into memory usage and help identify memory-related issues. Debugging tools equipped with memory leak detection capabilities empower developers to diagnose and resolve memory leaks efficiently.
Frameworks and libraries tailored for embedded systems provide pre-built solutions for common memory management tasks. By leveraging these resources, embedded software development companies can accelerate development timelines while adhering to best practices in memory management. Additionally, community forums and knowledge-sharing platforms serve as valuable resources for developers seeking guidance and support in memory management endeavors.
In the fast-paced world of embedded software development, mastering memory management is essential for delivering robust and efficient solutions. Embedded software development companies face unique challenges in optimizing memory usage while meeting performance and reliability requirements. By leveraging a combination of memory allocation techniques, optimization strategies, and preventive measures, developers can navigate the complexities of memory management effectively. As embedded systems continue to evolve and expand into new domains, the importance of efficient memory management will only grow, reinforcing its status as a cornerstone of embedded software development.
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emed123 · 9 months
Building a Healthier Tomorrow: The 10 Commandments of Diabetes Care
In the journey towards managing diabetes effectively, adhering to established standards of care is paramount. These guidelines, often referred to as the "Standards of Care in Diabetes," serve as a compass for individuals seeking to optimize their health and well-being while living with diabetes. Let's delve into the 10 commandments that form the cornerstone of diabetes care according to these standards.
Thou Shalt Know Thy Numbers:
Regularly monitor blood glucose levels, A1c, blood pressure, and cholesterol to maintain a comprehensive understanding of your health status.
Honor Thy Balanced Diet:
Adhere to a well-balanced diet that emphasizes whole foods, fiber, and controlled portions, in alignment with the nutritional standards recommended for diabetes management.
Keep Moving, Always:
Embrace regular physical activity as a key component of diabetes care, in accordance with the physical activity guidelines specified in the Standards of Care.
Take Thy Medications Faithfully:
Adhere to prescribed medication regimens diligently, understanding the importance of medication management in achieving optimal glycemic control.
Guard Thy Feet and Eyes:
Prioritize foot and eye care through regular examinations, as recommended by the Standards of Care, to prevent and detect complications associated with diabetes.
Stay Hydrated, Stay Healthy:
Maintain adequate hydration levels, following the fluid intake recommendations provided in the Standards of Care, to support overall health and well-being.
Seek Knowledge, Empower Thyself:
Stay informed about diabetes management through continuous education, taking advantage of resources and support networks endorsed by healthcare professionals and diabetes care standards.
Communicate Openly with Thy Healers:
Foster open communication with healthcare providers, sharing concerns, questions, and experiences to ensure personalized care aligned with the Standards of Care.
Thou Shalt Rest and Rejuvenate:
Prioritize sufficient and quality sleep, recognizing its role in overall health and glycemic control, as acknowledged by the Standards of Care.
Thou Art More Than Thy Diabetes:
Cultivate a positive mindset, emphasizing mental and emotional well-being, as highlighted in the holistic approach to diabetes care endorsed by the Standards of Care.
Conclusion: By embracing these 10 commandments in accordance with the Standards of Care in Diabetes, individuals can forge a path towards a healthier tomorrow. Remember, each step taken in adherence to these principles contributes to a life that transcends the limitations of diabetes, promoting a Medical Conferences -2024 fulfilling and vibrant existence.
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thecutiecollective · 5 months
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Caterina Ferioli
IG: Catelessy
Represented by Women Management
📷 Leandro Manuel Emede
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bigbadivy · 7 months
I was grateful for the warmth of my horse's neck. I held on to her as she galloped through the city, skillfully going around people who ran everywhere. Searching for shelter in the night, but Only worsening the chaos.
Another lighting struck a building me, causing another yell of screams.
I shouted, praying that my voice is heard to all through the thunderstorm.
My horse, steadfast as she was, ran through every street. Inspired by her persistence, I kept yelling to the crowd. Ignoring the thunders, the pouring rain and my rattling sword.
We kept going until the crowds dissapeared. I whispered to my horse to slow down, caressing her neck. I allowed myself to lead her to a small market stall, where we could rest from the rain.
Maybe, just maybe, we finished our part. Maybe our night now ends.
Of course.
I jumped down and ran towards the voice.
"My sister!
She is stuck under the fallen tree!"
I turned and searched for a tree in my eyes, but there is no... NO
The sound of an unleashed sword stood out against the rain.
I sprut towards my horse, but my sheeth was already empty.
Of course. Someone will try to use this disaster.
This will be a long night.
I saw the blade's shine from above me, and recognized a person climbing the nearby stone building.
She balanced herself on a window, then swiftly brought herself to the next.
Whether she heard me or not, she made no sign to care. So be it.
I got on my horse and stood up on her saddle. My legs shook, but I managed to hold on to grab at the side of the closet window. I tried to move legs up to it, thankful for the empty street. There was no crowd who saw me wobbling in my armor. I looked up to the stranger, she watched me from afar. I couldn't see her face well, but her head was tilted to the side in an amused way.
I let go of the window's side and started taking off my armor, leaving only a dirty shirt to fend me from the cold. Slowly but surely, I climbed up.
I was cold, clumsy and sluggish, but had a small smirk as I managed to make my progress. This troublemaker picked the wrong knight.
The roof was just above me.
I raised my hand to climb there, and a lighting struck above it. It was the closet one I saw. I would want to believe that it's power made me tremble, but nothing but my own terror caused me to lose my grip.
I fell and- No.
A hand caught my arm, and I grabbed the roof tightly. I felt myself being pulled up signed in relief as rested on concrete matter.
The woman crouched down next to me. Her hood's shadow covered her eyes, but I could see her cocky grin clearly.
"You screamed a little, sir craven."
This could go unmentioned.
I inhaled and looked right into her.
"Thank you,"
The cold was taking it's tall at my exposed skin as I tried to keep my voice confident.
"But I cannot let you steal a weapon of the king's knights.
Tell me where the sword is and we both can go home safely."
Just let us go home.
"I have no evil motive,"
She said assuredly.
"It is right there."
She turned around and I could see my sword.
It was a few meters behind her, emedded in the center of the roof.
"And it needs to stay here. This is the only way to keep the lightings at bay."
She did not sound like she was lying.
And if she had any intent to harm me, she would have already done so.
But danger wears many faces.
I started getting up.
"I am sorry, it is my role t-"
A radiant white light crossed from the sky to the roof.
By incstinct, I tackled onto the hooded woman and placed myself between her and the light. I stayed above her, careful not to let us touch and make us both defensless.
Shaking, I waited for a strike.
"We are safe, craven."
Her voice was so sweet, I could barely tell it was the same person.
I slowly opened my eyes.
Her hood fell, and revealed a freckled face and a beaming, knowing smile. Her sparkling, green eyes gestured to the sword.
I unwillingly turned back to it.
It was magic.
The very next lighting struck it as well.
Her smile grew brighter.
"A witch never tells."
The white lights only highlighted her eyes. She was far more mirthful than I ever thought a witch would be. Far bolder and kinder, too.
I realized that I was smiling as well.
"Also, you have an awful method to protect someone from a lighting."
She said, deciding I was too happy.
"But, thank you, you are..."
Her smile turned softer.
I urged her to continue. It was my turn to smirk.
"You are not as much as a craven as you seem."
I tilted my head, still smirking.
"Try not to drool too much, my lady."
She merely rolled her eyes and I laughed. Feeling safe for the first time since the night came.
My smile died down when she started getting up.
"Thank you for your chivalry,"
The witch said, pushing dirt of her cloth.
"and the amusement, of course."
I moved aside to let her stand, yet my eyes were unable to let go of her. I did not even know her name.
"But it seems like your duty is done and mi-"
"Wait, just..."
She did.
The cold barely mattered anymore. I searched for a reason, an excuse, for her not to leave. The way her eyes stared into me made it seem like she was looking for an excuse, too.
"Tell me what is needed to protect the city,"
I said then. Praying that the glint in her eyes was not just my imagination.
"I can get more weapons, and people who will embed them wherever is required."
The witch merely stared at me. Looking for any sign of dishonesty. Then her childish grin came right back.
"If you manage to climb down without fainting, I might just cooperate, sir craven."
Her taunt only made me smile.
"Your challenge is accepted, my lady."
I gestures to the roof's end, bowing a bit. She bowed dramatically, holding her hood with both hands as a dress. Her movements were swift and gallant as she jumped to the window, and soon I started following her.
There was a long night ahead of us.I did not mind that at all.
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nevzatboyraz44 · 9 months
O (Resul), onlara iyiliği emeder, onları kötülükten alıkoyar. Onlara iyi ve temiz şeyleri helâl, kötü ve pis şeyleri haram kılar. Üzerlerindeki ağır yükleri ve zincirleri kaldırır. Ona iman edenler, ona saygı gösterenler, ona yardım edenler ve ona indirilen nura (Kur'an'a) uyanlar işte onlar kurtuluşa erenlerdir.
اَلَّذٖينَ يَتَّبِعُونَ الرَّسُولَ النَّبِيَّ الْاُمِّيَّ الَّذٖي يَجِدُونَهُ مَكْتُوباً عِنْدَهُمْ فِي التَّوْرٰيةِ وَالْاِنْجٖيلِؗ يَأْمُرُهُمْ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَيَنْهٰيهُمْ عَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ وَيُحِلُّ لَهُمُ الطَّيِّبَاتِ وَيُحَرِّمُ عَلَيْهِمُ الْخَبَٓائِثَ وَيَضَعُ عَنْهُمْ اِصْرَهُمْ وَالْاَغْلَالَ الَّتٖي كَانَتْ عَلَيْهِمْؕ فَالَّذٖينَ اٰمَنُوا بِهٖ وَعَزَّرُوهُ وَنَصَرُوهُ وَاتَّبَعُوا النُّورَ الَّـذٖٓي اُنْزِلَ مَعَهُٓۙ اُو۬لٰٓئِكَ هُمُ الْمُفْلِحُونَࣖ ﴿١٥٧﴾
He (the Messenger) entrusts them with goodness and prevents them from evil. He makes good and clean things halal for them and bad and dirty things haram. It lifts the heavy burdens and chains on them. Those who believe in him, respect him, help him, and follow the light (Quran) sent down to him, they are the ones who will be successful.
Surah al-A'raf, Verse 157, Holy Quran
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day6source · 1 year
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Young K deals with change in new album 'Letters with notes' — a track-by-track guide
by Franchesca Judine Basbas
Young K is back home. 
Since completing his military service last April, the Korean singer and DAY6 member has wanted nothing more than to be make music again, to get back on stage and be with his fans. "As a musician, I believed that was the most important thing to do," he told Bandwagon.  So, in the last couple of months, Young K has been working endlessly piecing his comeback together and before he knew it, he had a full-length album in his hands. Letters with notes is a heartwarming record recounting all that's changed and everything he's wanted to share during his time away. "I didn't initially aim for a full-length album; I just tried to write good songs and explore new ideas," the singer shared. "Undoubtedly, time has passed. My voice has changed, and I'm sure my thought processes have changed too. These changes have probably influenced the results I’ve achieved in my music." Learning and growing from his debut album in 2021, Eternal, Young K wanted every track on Letter with notes to contain bits and pieces of his heart and soul, emedding all the experiences that has inspired and influenced him over the last couple of months.  "The thought of wanting to create an album came from the wish to come back as fast as possible. All the recordings started after I was discharged, but been having ideas coming up in my head, so I can't really define it exactly," said Young K.  Bandwagon caught up with Young K to learn about the stories on and behind Letters with notes, track by track. Check it out here. 
WAITED (오늘만을 너만을 이날을)
I imagined what it would be like to get back on stage. The song starts off with me saying I feel nervous and asking how all of you were. In the chorus, I sing about how much I waited for this moment.
NOTHING BUT (이것밖에는 없다)
Singing about how it's hard to let go of love even as it fades from view. The song underwent several adjustments, and the title of my first mini album, ‘Eternal’, became the very first lyric of this song.
Talks about how I never want the summer to end, symbolizing summer as youth and the most passionate season, and drawing a comparison to life. I was glad this song was released at the end of summer, just before autumn arrived.
I envisioned an image of a person who has been through tough times but still dreams and sees their reality becoming brighter. Stars being drawn, a story of a dreamer.
It was the very first song I performed at a festival before its official release. I wanted to put a refreshing vibe, so I imagined a first-time bungee jumping experience, something I still haven't tried.
The word 'natural' caught my attention for some reason. I thought of what's natural: breathing, having meals, and the flow of time. It’s a very upbeat track with a rhythmical melody, making it quite enjoyable to perform live.
After watching Dr. Strange, the word 'strange' resonated with me. I began thinking of what the norm is. If I'm surrounded by strange people, would I still be considered strange? This led me to the idea that a concert is a place where you can liberate yourself and be free, so I wanted to create a song that asks people to get strange with me. I then brought the melody and lyrics to Park Mun Chi, and I loved how the song took shape.
Doesn’t everyone have moments where you have to put on a smile even when you don't feel like it? The track itself already had enough soul in it, so it started off with the word 'soul'. I thought of soulless smiles and made a song looking for the soul that's lost.
When I was editing the song, I was actually sitting at a playground, watching kids play. I came up with the concept first, but seeing them with my eyes made me take a closer look into how we've grown but the life we live isn't so different.
An English song but has a title with a Korean word. The word was chosen due to pronunciation, but I was pretty satisfied with the result. ‘paulkyte’ who I worked with was introduced by another musician named Eldon, who I enjoy listening to and a good friend of mine.
One of the fastest tracks written out of the entire album, I was able to write up to the first chorus the day we started both melody and lyrics. I loved the line and the tone of the piano, so I guess that helped me come up with an idea quickly.
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Arrivederci è finalmente vostra.
Arrivederci is finally yours.
Ph. Leandro Emede
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idoltoons · 2 years
Casi no hablo de los villanos de esta historia, así que daré algunos datos de Dante, la mano derecha de Lord Emedes.
-Hermano mayor de Maryann y Stella.
-Primogénito de Lucifer y Lilith.
-Muchos años mayor que los 4 hermanos de la naturaleza.
-Criado por las hermanas del tiempo tras ser abandonado con junto a sus hermanos por Lilith.
-A pesar del abandono, mantuvo una relación cercana con su padre Lucifer y su madre Lilith una vez que cumplió mayoría de edad, pero tras los años esta relación se rompió pues múltiples veces Dante se aprovechaba del deterioro mental de su padre para tener acceso a fuentes de poder que habían sido resguardadas por siglos por el mismo Lucifer. Tras intentar robar la lanza de Lucifer y ser atrapado en el proceso, se le prohibió el acceso al reino de su padre. Esa lanza es especial para su padre, fue lo único que pudo llevarse consigo con junto a su corona antes de ser desterrado del paraíso hacia la tierra.
-Aun con las ofensas, engaños y el claro intento de robo, Dante logro años atrás hacer (bajo mentiras obvio) que su padre y madre dieran su palabra de que no lastimarían jamás a sus hermanos ni a él. Por lo que Lucifer ni su madre pueden lastimarlo o acabar con su vida, pero eso no les ha prohibido buscar a quienes si puedan acabar con la vida de su estorboso primogénito.
(Dato extra: En la guerra contra Lord Emedes, Liam logro convencer a las hermanas del tiempo de que lo guiaran a él y a sus hermanos (Everett y Khalil) al reino del padre de Dante para poder pedir su ayuda. Cuando Lucifer se entero que los 3 hermanos de la naturaleza buscaban apagar la luz en los ojos de su primogénito, sin compromiso alguno les entrego su lanza y les hizo saber que si la lanza atravesaba el corazón de Dante, lograrían su muerte inmediata. Lucifer estaba tan feliz de haber encontrado a quienes finalmente acabarían con su hijo, incluso asistió al evento solo para ver morir a Dante. Paso un mal momento al ver que el rey del fuego y la reina fantasma usaron su lanza con la intención de apuntar al corazón de Lord Emedes, pero su alma volvió a su cuerpo al ver que su hijo se interpuso entre la lanza y Lord Emedes, haciendo que el arma lo atravesara y acabara con su vida en el momento. Hasta el día de hoy, Lucifer les envía canastas de frutas al rey Everett y a la reina Rosalie cada año por acabar con la vida de su hijo... No hace falta decir que ambos no comen nada de estas canastas.)
-Su fuente de poder era la luz de la luna, su debilidad (a parte de la lanza sagrada de su padre) era la luz del sol, cual lo debilitaba, por eso se aseguro de cubrir los cielos bajo un hechizo durante los 10 años que duro la guerra. Durante 10 años nadie pudo ver la luz del sol...
-Vocero de todos los brujos asesinados cruelmente por la reina Belladona Rondell y el resto de reyes humanos, Dante siempre estaba acompañado de las millones de almas en pena de brujos que buscaban venganza. Todas estas almas le otorgaban sus fuerzas en cada pelea, por lo que no era de extrañar la fuerza descomunal que Dante poseía. El ya era un ser poderoso, pero la fuerza sumada de sus familiares muertos logro maravillas.
-"Agonía" era el nombre de su compañero y mascota. Agonía pertenecía a Lucifer, pero Dante logro convencerlo de quedarse con él. Agonía podía tomar muchas formas, desde la forma de un humano hasta la forma de un enorme y majestuoso dragón, pero la mayoría del tiempo tomaba forma de una víbora. Podía hablar y pensar como un ser humano, era dotado con un considerado poder mágico. Era manifestado a base del humo del cigarro de Dante, pues su aroma era para él encantador, por lo que era común para Dante invocar a Agonía fumando un cigarro.
-Participo en la guerra y acabo con la vida de muchos seres de toda especie, pero para la mala suerte de Dante, Agonía quedo deslumbrado con la belleza de la reina fantasma al punto de enamorarse. Por años intento seguir apoyando a Dante y a Lord Emedes, pero al final se negó a lastimar a la reina fantasma durante el ultimo golpe de la guerra entre Lord Emedes contra los demás reinos. Agonía, lejos de eliminar a la reina fantasma como Dante le ordeno, confeso sus sentimientos hacia ella con la esperanza de que esta pudiera ver más allá del exterior y viera que dentro de él había sentimientos honestos. La reina fantasma se sintió conmovida, pero aun así la ira tras la perdida de sus amigos fue más fuerte y termino por sellar a Agonía dentro del "Amuleto de la Tristeza" para que este nunca escapara.
-Dante y los 4 hermanos de la naturaleza ya habían tenido una previa confrontación donde Dante termino por perder y fue petrificado (literal, su cuerpo entero se volvió de piedra) bajo el poder de los 4 hermanos. Esto durante el reinado de la reina humana Isabella Rondell, quien acudió a los hermanos de la naturaleza para solicitar su ayuda pues su reino y especie no podía darle batalla a alguien tan fuerte como Dante. El cuerpo petrificado de Dante fue guardado en las profundidades del palacio del rey del fuego, y estaría resguardado ahí hasta que Lord Emedes ataco el palacio y se robo a Dante, solo para liberarlo de su prisión de piedra más tarde gracias a la magia del "Amuleto del Odio". Fue ahí donde ambos se unieron con el mero propósito de acabar con todos los reinos existentes y formar su propio imperio que abarcaría el mundo entero.
-Fue el único de sus hermanos que nació con el destacable cabello dorado de su padre en vez del flamante cabello naranja de su madre, color de cabello por el que era fácil reconocer a un brujo real. Tras hacer que su fuente de poder fuera la luz de la luna, su cabello se torno de color negro.
-Paso casi todos sus años de vida en busca del infinito poder y el completo saber que la tierra pudiera ofrecerle.
-A pesar de su historial de conductas reprobables, no hubo ningún brujo que pudiera decir que fue tratado mal por Dante. Siempre fue servicial y bondadoso con los descendientes de su herman@ Stella, eran familia y pareciera que se tomo muy en serio la idea de "la familia siempre esta ahí para ayudar".
-Antes de cualquier conflicto entre Dante y los 4 hermanos de la naturaleza, su relación no era desafiante ni se veían como rivales. Dante solo los veía como los protectores de la naturaleza y ellos lo veían como el hermano reservado de Maryann. No fue hasta que sus intereses los volvieron en enemigos, pues los hermanos de la naturaleza, aun después de recibir el constante rechazo de los humanos tras independizarse, solo buscaban el bienestar de ellos... Pero Dante buscaba exterminarlos uno por uno...
La situación los forzó a volverse enemigos, y las cosas nunca volvieron a ser las misma a partir de ahí.
-Puede que los hermanos de la naturaleza no lo supieran, pero Dante sabia donde estaba ubicado el reino de las sirenas y... si, él sabia la verdad del destino de la hija primera de Khalil.
-Los Engendros eran seres sin ninguna pizca de compasión por nadie, eran crueles, despiadados, el dolor ajeno era su mera fuente de placer. Aun así, tenían absoluta admiración, lealtad y respeto por Lord Emedes, su creador. Y en cuanto a Dante... le tenían mucho miedo. Ninguno de ellos se atrevían a mirarlo a los ojos, incluso si este les ordenara hacerlo, ellos jamás lo hacían pues sabían que las consecuencias serian peores. Esto le encantaba a Dante, el cuerpo tembloroso de los Engendros ante su presencia era satisfactorio para él. Lord Emedes sabia bien que elegía al compañero correcto cuando libero a Dante de su prisión de piedra, él más que nadie sabia que los Engendros eran creados sin una pizca de moral, y que cualquiera que tuviera que liderarlos tenia que ser lo suficientemente intimidante para unas criaturas tan rebeldes y desafiantes como los Engendros. Lord Emedes adoraba a Dante en todos los aspectos, simplemente... "era la compañía perfecta".
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greasedupclown · 9 months
Unlike the other presents arriving, this one appears with a gentle "pop" of a bubble. It lands in Kronos' lap. It's wrapped in orange paper, decorated with hand drawn "stitches" and a violet bow.
The box holds several things, the first of which being a silly gift - holographic thread. The second gift, however, is a gold cuff bracelet. Emedded into it is a pearl, clearly alchemised to be shaped like the Aquarius symbol.
At the bottom of the box is a card, ink glowing orange-yellow:
"merry christmas kro B;) hope the bracelets okay xoxo"
You didn't really celebrate Christmas or really understand it but it felt nice to be included in the gift giving. He wasn't sure what to make or get for Davyd. He showed Kurloz the holographic thread, which Mituna immediately stole it and left. He shrugged it off and slid the fancy bracelet on his wrist. He could see Kurloz signing from the corner of his eye.
He nodded and thought for a bit. It stood out in his outfit. An odd conversational starter.
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dymachaerus · 2 years
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Achille Lauro photographed by Leandro Manuel Emede, 2022.
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onlinevisauk · 27 days
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Are you craving for those lively markets, mesmerising scenery and a cultural amalgam that only India can provide? However, before you can hop on a plane (or three) for the adventure of your lifetime, there is one little thing that has to be done first: apply for an eVisa. In this complete guide, we cover everything you need to know about the Indian eVisa — from how and where to apply for it; who is eligible; getting your visa approved on time (vital information if you’re looking forward towards an upcoming trip); and insider tips on maximizing your once in a lifetime adventure. Whether you are organizing a spiritual retreat to Varanasi or want to take a culinary tour through the busy lanes of Delhi, with our guide in hand we promise that your visa will be one less thing for you worry about so that you can spend some quality time making memories. Now, sit back and relax as we break everything to you regarding India!
Introduction to India eVisa
Many people dream of travelling to India — with a mix of vibrant cultures, mesmerising landscapes and some tantalizing food. Yet before you can start exploring the glories of this beautiful country, there is an important prelim: obtaining your eVisa. The online visa application system has made accommodating a far simpler task for those moving over to visit from anywhere in the world. Whether it is a short trip or an extended vacation, having the knowledge of India eVisa process can help you start your journey without any hiccups. We`re going to give you the whole scoop on how easy-peasy it is for you to get your eVisa and just enjoy India already!
Benefits of applying for an eVisa
The quest for visa independenceHaving eVisa cannot be more convenient than this. You can fill the application from any part of the world, anytime without having to visit a consulate or embassy.
The process is efficient and faster than most other visa pathways. Most tourists will get their eVisa in only a few days after applying.
This has another benefit — the paperwork. The online forms are incline to be straightforward, so that means less of a chance at getting lost in cumbersome requests.
EVISAs ARE ALSO USUALLY MULTIPLE-ENTRY BY NATURE DURING THEIR VALIDITY PERIOD. You have much more flexibility and can plan to see India without the constant fear of overstaying your visa.
Last but not least, you can easily follow the status of your evisa application. Knowing exactly where you are in the process will give you peace of mind.
Types of eVisas available for India
Types of Indian eVisas for various travel purposes Every visa for a different purpose; thereby making it mandatory to have the correct papers when traveling through.
As far as I know India evisas have become most popular for all the people who are willing to come and see architecture of Indian culture, wildlife or looking forward to get in touch with beautiful nature. It is valid for stays of up to 90 days, a great way to get involved in the local culture.
The Business eVisa offers entry to meetings, conferences and trade fairs for business travelers. This is valid for 180 days with multiple entries and has been made available to commercial visitors who will engage in activities relevant to their profession.
In addition, there is an eMedical Visa that caters to foreign patients who come for medical treatment in India. Introducing the visa intended for entry to internationally recognized hospitals and clinics as part of outstanding healthcareutorial
Finally, when attending a conference or seminar hosted by Indian institutions the Conference eVisa is best. It makes it easy to participate and at the same time allows for professional growth through interactions allowed between different sections.
Eligibility and requirements for an eVisa
Eligibility for an India eVisa The applicants should firstly possess a passport valid of not less than six months from the date of arrival in India Your passport must have a minimum of two blank pages.
Then, they need to attach a picture taken recently and also scanned copy of passport bio page. This are very critical because you will require these during the application process.
The reason for visit is also a significant point such as eVisas are considered suitable in case of tourism, business or medical requirements. Consider specific requirements for each category
Finally, you will need an email and a method such as credit or debit card for payment. If you have these details ready, it will save your time during the application process. Make sure to verify the official requirements are still in place before submitting your application.
How to apply for an eVisa?
Getting an India eVisa is a simple process. Goto the our website for eVisas You can find the application form here, which should be completed with a lot of care.
Have digital versions of essential documents available — your passport, photos and any additional paperwork on your card type. When changing the latest report, follow similar steps with your earlier reports to actually achieve a coherent project: Do not forget you should be triple-checking all parts of this entry for easy-to-live-with mistakes like missing names (this is really important!
After that you will see payment option. Make the Payment Note the service fee you already read earlier, an excess of those are subject to different eVisa types (depending on your nationality and stay period etc.).
You will receive the application status email after you submit it. This stage requires some patience as the processing times may be different because it depends of how many submissions there are.
Step-by-step guide on the application process
The process for applying an India eVisa is simple. To get started, go to the our site for visa applications. And it will have a easy to use interface.
Now, choose an eVisa type according to the purpose of your visit — tourism, business or medical treatment. Complete the online form in English with your correct information: name and passport data.
You should attach any necessary bulky files, an example would be photos and the bio page of your passport before sending it. Ensure that these files comply with the size and format requirements, in order to avoid any delays.
When everything is in place, you can pay the fees conveniently and safely through secure payment methods available on their platform. Submit it, you will receive reference number and track your application.
Finally, make sure you download and print your approved eVisa so that needful can be done during the immigration at India when reaching there in-person.
- Common mistakes to avoid while applying
The issue is that small mistakes can lead to delays or denials when you apply for an India eVisa. One of the missteps is to put wrong personal details. Compare the name, Date of Birth and Passport number against official records.
Using old photos is also a trap. Check that your picture complied with recent standard about size and background color. Allowing that restricts to be broken might result in failures within processing.
One thing that gets missed many a times is not selecting the right visa type. Know your motive like is it a Tourism, Business or Medical and choose the right option.
Carelessness in not reviewing application directions is another good tip, since when you do that the fingure automatically starts putting mistakes on filling up of forms. Read the guidelines thoroughly before in, otherwise you might be facing some troubles next time around.
- Tips for a successful application
The next thing you need to do in order to prepare for the coming days is check if your passport needs a renewal. It must be valid for an additional period of at least six months beyond the date you plan to leave Schengen Area.
Then, before you start on application itself make sure to have in hand all the documents that will be required. These include a current picture, scanned version of the bio-page from your passport, and any other needed identification dependent on which kind of visa you need.
Be patient when completing the online form There is no room for error — a small flaw can delay processing or rejection. Be sure to double check all entries before you submit them!
Payment details: Your payment information should also be true. Have a valid credit or debit card so you are able to afford the fee of your eVisa option.
Finally, wait for the confirmation emails after submitting. These are key information and provide details on the tracking of Updates for your applicaion.
Processing time and fees
When planning a stay in India, you should be aware of the processing time as well as for what price an eVisa can apply. Applications are generally reviewed within 3 to 5 working days. You do need to apply a minimum of 1 week ahead of time, but it is better for peace of mind and stress levels not to wait until the last minute.
How Much is an Indian eVisa? Fees are typically $10–$100. Rates may depend when you visit this page so better to check them on official government website.
Also keep in mind that there may be service charges on top of what this application offers if you are using other third-party services. This is why you should always pay attention to any extra fees.
Note that there might be expedited processing as well if you need the visas sooner; however, this usually comes with extra charges.
What to do if your eVisa is rejected?
It is disheartening to know that you will lose your money if you get a rejection of eVisa for India. First, don’t panic. Read the official communication thoroughly for a moment. For the most part it will announce why your claim for benefits has been denied
Pro Tip: If you think there has been a mistake or miscommunication acquire any documentation that might shed light on your situation. You can speak to the specific concerns raised in the rejection notice
If they simply take another look and see what has changed since your prior application, you might have better luck the second time around. This will help you avoid making the same mistakes again so make sure your details are correct and complete this time.
Another option would be to get in touch with Vietnam’s visa support services and tell them your intention. They might offer some kind of insights on the pitfalls that may be common in order to improve future applications.
Keep in mind, you will need to know why it happened before trying again so that when and if this happens next time your application could potentially be approved
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sarahglennn · 1 month
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At eMedical System, we design premier #hospital management systems for #Cardiology. Our customised solutions improve hospital workflows, elevate the standard of patient care, and optimise operational efficiency.
Get more details: https://www.emedicalsystem.com/
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streetreporters · 2 months
Federal Government Lauded for Executing Development Projects in Delta Community
The Federal Government has received commendations for executing development projects in Delta State, specifically in the Emede community of Isoko South Local Government Area. The praise came during the handover ceremony of blocks of classrooms to Eweri Primary School and Urie Primary School, facilitated by the children of late Chief George Agbaike, an educationist. Speaking on behalf of the…
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azvainia · 4 months
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Artemis, the best friend to Fishstick! They were abandoned as a pup near the edge of the forest Fishstick resides in. At the edge of starvation and death, a mysterious force breathed life back into him, at the cost of emedding itself in their head and opening a third eye. The eye does not let them see, but sometimes allows glimpses of the future and granted him the ability to speak.
After wandering for a long time alone, Artemis encountered Fishstick. Both with their own curses, they vowed to support one another in the ways their own bodies could not. They’ve been inseparable ever since.
ALSO FT. their original design, made by Melon Flower on g+ idk where they are 6 yrs later but if you know them please tell me so I can credit them properly 💔
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