#emi martinez x reader
ilongfor-the-arts · 2 years
Hi bestieeee! Love your work! Hear me out: can I get an Emi Martinez smut where you’re dating Ronaldo or Messi or someone and, while they’re away, Emi offers to do some lawn work for you and you end up screwing? Thankssssss
Cool for the Summer
Pairing: Emiliano Martinez x fem! Reader
Warnings: smut, shower sex, cheating, unprotected sex, fingering, mild size kink, pet names, praise kink
Summary: *in req*
Word Count: 4.5k
Disclaimer: changed it to pool boy but I think you’ll enjoy nonetheless;)
Taglist: @kawaikylian
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The temperature that day was sweltering. Around me, the heat wave was raging. I cast my eyes out my window. The heat was causing the air to sway and contort. Many gardeners wiped the sweat from their brows due to the twisted mirage caused by the fever.
“God! When will this end?”
I said as I paced the kitchen, irritated. Summer days were usually spent relaxing by the spacious pool that was conveniently located outside Ronaldo’s and my villa. The anomaly, though, occurred this week. I quickly began to perspire the moment I stepped outside my front door. I could only stand to lounge for a short while before scurrying back to the air conditioning or jumping in the water.
I grabbed a glass from the collection of stunning mahogany cabinets and quickly filled it with tap water. I gulped the cool water graciously. I felt unusually thirsty despite having only gone outside briefly to retrieve the mail.
Typically, the summer heat was bearable. In fact, I enjoyed the heat. There was something wonderful about the sweat and sun that always got a rise out of me. It was sensual to take your lover on long beach walks while holding their damp palm as you both became sun-kissed. It was sensual to kiss in the pool while the sun raged on. On the other hand, this heat wave was unprecedented. There was nothing sensual about perspiring through every shirt you owned in a three-day period.
But the long, hot summer did have one very clear advantage: our pool boy visited very frequently. Due to the increased usage, the pool required even more maintenance. It was always enjoyable to observe him working. His shirt was off, and the exposed areas of his back and torso glistened with perspiration. On days like these, I wished for things that I knew were forbidden. Not prohibited due to circumstance, but prohibited because I was, regrettably, married.
I tapped my nails against the spotless marble of our island in the center of the roomy kitchen. I was in desperate need of something to keep me busy. My search turned up nothing, which was a problem. I caught sight of the pool boy's muscles flexing deliciously in the sun as I peered out the window. To be completely honest, I have no idea what he does to our pool. I only hope he’s as good as he says he is.
The phone rang. The still room reverberated with the piercing ring. My eyes were torn away from the tall, attractive pool boy as I was abruptly brought back to reality. I plucked my phone from the pocket of my jean shorts, glancing at the caller.
Shit, it was my husband.
I begrudgingly answered the call.
I inquired.
“Hey darling. What are you up to?”
I was staring out the window, admiring the pool boy's toned chest glistening in the hot sun.
“Nothing much. It’s brutally hot here.”
“Have you been using the pool?”
“A little. The water is lukewarm, so it isn’t nearly as satisfying as taking a cold shower.”
“Hm. I see. Well, try to get out there. It took a long time to get that pool installed.”
“I know, I know. How was the business meeting?”
“Good! It was really good! I think moving to Saudi Arabia may be in the near future.”
My lips were pursed. Over the phone, Ronaldo noticed my quiet and apprehensive demeanor. He was aware of how much I adored our home. We chose it together shortly after our marriage, and we had always shared a dream of installing a large pool.
“I know you love the house, darling. Perhaps we can keep it and go there for vacation.”
My face drooped.
My gaze shifted to the swimming pool. When I saw our handsome pool boy strutting toward the sliding glass door, my heart leaped.
“Um- love you, darling. I’ll talk to you later, okay?”
The increased urgency in my voice was not apparent to Ronaldo.
“Alright, sounds good. Love you.”
I hung up the phone and placed it face down on the marble countertops. Emiliano's head was thankfully pointing downwards. He was unaware of my frantic behavior.
He slid the glass door open with ease before striding confidently into the cool kitchen. As the air conditioning enveloped him, he exhaled a sigh of relief.
“Ah, that feels nice.”
Emi closed his eyes, enjoying the pleasure of the cold air. I took a moment to admire his unkempt appearance. His cheeks were flushed pink. The baggy tank top did little to hide his toned pecs. Drops of perspiration cascaded down his muscles, coating every inch of his tanned skin.
“I don’t mean to bother you Mrs. Ronaldo-”
I jerked awake from my trance. I cocked my head upward, concealing my excitement at the significant height difference.
“Please call me Y/N.”
A faint smirk played on the corner of his lips. Emi approached, bowing and resting his elbows on the marble. Our lips would meet if I could just reach my head over the counter.
“Right. Well, Y/N, I was wondering if I could trouble you for a bottle of water.”
He teased me by emphasizing my name. He knew I preferred to be referred to as Y/N. I returned his smirk.
“Of course you can. One bottle of water, coming right up.”
Our relationship had a history of flirtatious play. However, I never acted on it. It was difficult to tell if he was being dead serious or if my imagination was exaggerating my fantasies.
I spun around, opening the fridge and pulling a cold bottle of water from the shelves. I made an effort to hide my bright smile. I swiveled my body around, slamming the water bottle onto the countertop in a dramatic fashion.
“There you go, one bottle of water.”
I said, my tone soft.
Emi smiled. My heart fluttered.
God, it’s been forever since Ronaldo made my heart flutter.
Emi encircled the bottle with his large hands. As I watched his fingers wrap completely around the bottle, my jaw clenched. The object was dwarfed by his grasp. My gaze moved over the veins that adorned his forearms and hands.
Blood rushed to my core.
Don’t let him see.
I forced my eyes away from his gorgeous hands.
Emi smirked. He definitely noticed my gawking.
He brought the bottle to his lips and hastily gulped the water. As the cool liquid slid down his throat, his Adams apple bobbed. A drop of water dribbled down his chin erotically.
I closed my eyes and shook my head slightly to center myself.
“Are you alright?”
Emi inquired. The furrow on his brow and the concern in his voice indicated that he had most likely missed my second wave of gawking.
“Yes, I’m alright. Thank you for asking.”
The silence that descended upon us was dense and awkward.
Shit, strike up conversation, Y/N.
“Um. Are you done with work for the day?”
Emi nodded, his dark eyes glimmering in the midday sun.
“Yes. I’m all done for the day.”
Perspiration had blackened the majority of his gray tank top. An idea occurred to me. A horrible, horrible idea that should never have entered my mind, but once I had it, it was difficult to release.
No, I can’t.
What would he-?
How would I-?
What would Cristiano do if he found out?
“Hey, Emi-”
Emi's face brightened. He flashed me a soft look. The flirty nature of his demeanor had dissipated. His toned body would get me going, but his puppy dog eyes would be the death of me.
My heart skipped a beat.
A blush crept onto my cheekbones.
I knew the breathy tone wasn't on purpose, but that didn't stop my heart from racing with glorious anticipation.
“If you aren’t opposed to the idea, you’re more than welcome to use our shower to freshen up.”
A look I had never seen before crossed Emi’s face. It was one of pure shock.
“Oh! Um-I don’t want to overstay my welcome.”
I shook my head.
“No! You wouldn’t be overstaying your welcome. I know how awful it must be to work outside all day in this awful heat. The least I can do for you is allow you to take a cold shower.”
Emi swallowed, hesitant to accept my offer.
His voice trailed off into the still air. A brief pause occurred. I shifted my weight, trying not to reveal my true intentions.
His demeanor began to change. His nervousness subsided and was replaced by consideration. He scoffed, a small smirk on the corner of his lips.
“Alright, if you insist.”
He said smugly.
My heart began to race.
My palms began to sweat.
What was he thinking?
Emi rose, maintaining eye contact as the height disparity became more apparent. He turned to leave the room, heading for the first floor bathroom. He came to a halt as he approached the door frame. With each steady breath, his shoulders rose and fell.
I gulped.
Emi glanced over his shoulder and met my gaze.
“Thank you.”
He stated. Emi turned and strolled down the hallway to the first-floor bathroom. I stood, staring at the empty door frame where he had just been.
His tone was... seductive?
Or was that merely my imagination?
I stared at the empty door frame. His aura lingered.
The faucet squeaked. The water began slamming against the tile. I awoke from my trance.
Oh my God!
Was I really about to climb in there with him?
I have a husband!
Despite the thousands of objections racing through my mind, I found my feet instinctively carrying me down the hall. I came to a halt in front of the bathroom and stared blankly at the painted wood.
I'll be honest; I thought this would be much simpler. I thought our flirtatious jokes would make the process simple and stress free.
I then considered what was hidden behind this door.
Covered in thick droplets of water.
A wave of heat rushed to my core. My face became cold. Ronaldo's memories had all but vanished. Fire took the place of my blood. Lust took the place of my guilt.
I wanted this.
I so, so wanted this.
I pushed the bathroom door open, being careful not to jar the hinges. The air in the room was thick with steam. I admire Emi's ability to take a hot shower in the middle of a heat wave. As I walked, I shed my clothes, lengthening my strides.
Me and Emi were only separated by a miniscule sliver of glass. Behind the foggy pane, his magnificent features were softened by the haze. I knew he had noticed me. I knew he was expecting me.
Despite being completely naked, the intense heat of the steam kept me warm.
I pushed the glass door open gently, revealing Emi's large, naked frame. With his back to me, he flexed and contorted his muscles as he ran both hands through his short hair.
“I figured you would follow me here.”
He hadn't turned to face me quite yet. My knees shook as he spoke in a deep and sultry tone.
Emi cast a glance behind him, his gaze moving along my naked body, taking in every curve and divot. He sighed softly, becoming further aroused as the situation unfolded.
I gulped, my heart pounding with excitement. I required time to mentally prepare myself if that brief glare was any indication of what was to come.
Emi turned, his torso now facing me. He had a lovely chest. I wanted nothing more than to reach out and run my hands over the planes of his skin. Emi hooked a finger under my chin, gently pushing my face upwards to meet his burning eyes. As he took a step forward, the breath caught in my throat. I could feel the heat radiating from his solid body.
Emi’s face contorted into a devilish smile.
“I knew, from the moment I laid eyes on you, that I’d make you my good girl.”
His large hand rose to cup my face in his calloused palm. He tenderly stroked my bottom lip with the pad of his thumb. Despite being toasty warm, a chill ran up and down my spine at the gentle touches.
Emi smirked.
“You’re so gorgeous.”
He muttered under his breath. As he leaned down to press his mouth against my ear, my hands fidgeted at my sides.
“How long have you wanted this for?”
I shuddered. My knees shook. I fought the desire to crumble into his arms.
“A long time.”
My tone was pitifully meek.
Emi drew back slightly to stare into my lust-filled eyes. His cocky smirk remained plastered on his lips as he positioned his face mere inches from mine.
We were close, so close.
I could feel his warm breath cascading across my face.
But I fought the urge to close the gap between us.
Emi scoffed.
“I know… whenever I’m around you wear practically nothing. You love teasing me, doncha? You love the thought of me snapping and fucking you right in front of your husband.”
I exhaled a trembling breath. Emis eyes traveled to my lips.
“I’ll admit, it was difficult to control myself today. Maybe because you were wearing those tight little shorts… or-“
He met my eyes once more. His gaze was dark. His pupils were blown.
“Maybe it was because your poor excuse of a husband wasn’t around.”
His sultry tone fell an octave. I shivered.
Emi leaned in closer, closing the distance between us. Our lips fit together like two puzzle pieces. I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders and drew his strong frame into me. His hands instinctively reached for my hips. He turned us around, pressing my back against the wall directly beneath the faucet.
The contrast between the cool tile wall on my back and the hot water cascading between our bodies caused goosebumps to appear on my skin.
Emi's kiss quickly turned hot and desperate. What began as a composed moment quickly devolved into a clash of teeth and tongues.
“I’m gonna show you how a real man fucks.”
He mumbled against my lips. The vibrations from his words sent a wave of heat to my core. I couldn’t blush. All the blood in my body had rushed to my center.
Emi wrapped a large hand around my thigh, hiking it up to his waist. The new angle was perfect for grinding my cunt against his semi hard erection.
Emi groaned, my mouth swallowing his noises. He trailed a hand towards my center, gliding two of his fingers along my velvety wetness.
He murmured breathily.
I moaned as he found my clit, instinctively bucking my hips against his calloused fingertips.
“You’re already soaked and I haven’t even touched you.”
His words were clouding my brain. There were no thoughts or feelings, just him. He delved two lanky fingers into my cunt, quickly finding my g spot. I convulsed around him, throwing my head back against the tile wall. A brief flash of pain bounced around my skull, but it soon dissipated as Emi began thrusting his digits into me.
“Oh my God… Jesus….”
I murmured incoherently.
His free hand gripped my hip, keeping me upright.
“If I knew you’d look this pretty with my fingers inside you I would’ve fucked you a long time ago.”
My eyes fluttered closed. I clutched Emi's shoulders. My knees were violently shaking. I'd be a puddle on the tile floor if it wasn't for his hand on my hip and our close proximity.
My walls fluttered around his digits. His fingers felt wonderful, even better than I could’ve imagined. They were incredibly long and somehow able to locate my g spot with every thrust.
The coil within my lower abdomen was tightening, yet Emi wasn’t moving nearly quick enough to bring me to my delicious release.
“Emi, please, move faster-“
I begged. Emi interrupted.
“Don’t be so greedy darling. You'll get to cum. I’ll make sure you cum.”
He stooped to rest his head in the crook of my neck.
“For now, be my good girl and let me fuck you with my fingers for just a little while longer. Can you do that?”
I nodded vigorously.
“Yes… I-I can do that.”
Emi began to place featherlight kisses along my jugular, occasionally nipping at my skin.
“Emi-please-don’t leave marks-“
Emi’s calloused thumb pressed against my swollen clit, silencing my protests.
“Don’t worry sweet girl, I won’t.”
He placed a tender kiss on the soft skin under my earlobe.
“Even though I wish I could leave a little souvenir for your husband.”
Trying to explain to Ronaldo why I have dark hickeys all over my neck would certainly be interesting.
I scoffed.
“If you fuck me really good I’ll let you put a few marks on my back.”
I stimulated his senses by running my fingers through his short hair. Emi drew back, our noses sensually brushing together as he pecked my plush lips. He continued a steady pace with his fingers, stimulating my walls deliciously.
“I'm disappointed. If I were him I’d see your back every day. I’d bend you over everything.”
I gasped as he began tracing shapes into my swollen bundle of nerves while simultaneously pumping his fingers into my core.
“Emi, please, can I come now?”
Emi placed a kiss on my cheek, an unexpectedly soft gesture.
“Yes sweet girl, you’ve been so good for me, you can cum now.”
He quickened his pace. I moaned pornographcially, my jaw falling to the floor as the coil within me rapidly tightened. The wet sounds of my cunt ricocheted between the solid walls.
“Jesus Emi!”
I knitted my brow together.
“Come on good girl, cum all over my hand.”
His words sent me spiraling. Black spots clouded my vision as the release I had been chasing washed over me. My walls hugged his long digits as they continued to thrust lazily within me, bringing my body down to earth.
“Holy shit Emi.”
I said once I had come down from my orgasm.
Emi drew his hands from my cunt, leaving me with a sudden sense of emptiness. He brought his digits to my mouth, pushing them past my lips as an invitation to suck on them. I obeyed his commands, hollowing my cheeks to increase the suction as the sweet taste coated my tongue.
“Oh baby, if you think that’s good, just wait till you get a taste of my cock.”
Emi tugged his digits from my mouth with a loud pop before reconnecting our lips. We kissed carelessly as the rain fell around us. His large hands relaxed atop the swell of my hips. My arms were thrown around his shoulders. I rose to my toes in order to close the height gap between us and fully enjoy the sensation of his soft mouth against mine. His hard cock pressed into my lower abdomen, sending a heat wave down to my center.
I chuckled against his lips.
“You’re awfully humble.”
His erection was pressed against my stomach.
Jesus, he really was huge, I’ll give him that.
Emi rose to his full height, smugly looking down at me. He cupped my cheek, tracing my bottom lip with his thumb.
“You wouldn’t have snuck in here if you thought the sex was going to be mediocre, sweet girl. I need to fuck you so good that you’ll be touching yourself to the thought of me inside of you for weeks.”
Wetness began to pool between my thighs once more.
“How do you want it, sweet girl?”
A devilish grin spread across my face. I pressed my lips seductively against his ear, rising to my toes.
“Bend me over.”
I whispered, smiling wider when I felt the goosebumps erupting along Emi’s skin.
I pulled back with the intention of igniting a moment of eye contact between us. However, I was interrupted by Emi’s strong grasp flipping me around. He placed a hand between my shoulder blades and shoved me downwards roughly until I was fully bent over for him.
I gasped audibly as Emi dragged the tip of his cock along my folds, collecting the velvety wetness that had recently pooled between my thighs.
“Jesus, I just made you cum and now you’re soaked again.”
His tip prodded at my entrance. I squeezed my eyes shut, fully prepared for him to rip me apart.
But that glorious sensation didn’t occur.
“God Emi, just fuck me already please!”
I begged, shoving my hips backward in the hope that he’d take pity on me.
Emi grasped my hips roughly, shoving me forward to undo my previous actions.
“Just hold on sweet girl, be a good girl for me and be patient.”
Piping hot water droplets slammed against my back and rolled onto the tile below. I watched them fall as Emi continue to torture me by running his swollen cock along my folds.
My arms and knees were shaking violently. My core was aching for him.
Be patient.
Be patient.
Be patient.
Be a good girl.
I cast a glance over my shoulder, wanting to catch a glimpse of his cock before he buried it deep within me. As I relished in the sheer beauty of his fully hard length, he finally gave in to my body's protests.
Emi jerked his hips forward, burying himself balls deep within my aching cunt. I groaned loudly.
My head fell between my biceps. I stared blankly at the tile below as Emi quickly began a steady pace.
He was so thick, so deliciously thick. He stretched my walls so far that I swore if he was any bigger I’d rip in half.
The subtle pain that came with Emi’s penetration quickly dissipated into pleasure that was far hotter than the weather.
“Holy shit sweet girl, your pussy is so wonderful, so nice and tight.”
The praise was intoxicating.
Once he allowed me to adjust, Emi gripped my hips and began tugging me back to meet his brutal thrusts. I moaned loudly each time our pelvises smashed together.
The thick water droplets slapping against the tile was perfect white noise that wonderfully complimented the glorious sounds of our combined moans.
“Jesus Emi, you’re so big.”
I said, the words struggling to overcome the myriad of moans that were hastily spilling from my lips.
“This is how a real man fucks, sweet girl. Indulge in it before you have to go back to your pussy of a husband.”
He was right.
I’d never been fucked quite like this.
His hard cock was sliding in and out of my cunt perfectly due to my prominent wetness. He made me feel so incredibly full, yet the glorious sensation wasn’t overwhelming.
Every move he made was intentional and left me feeling completely euphoric.
With a particularly hard jerk of his pelvis, the tip of his swollen cock both my cervix and g spot. I moaned, my back arching. Emi knew I wouldn’t last long, so he made sure to milk the last few moments of togetherness. He leaned down, pressing his firm chest to my back.
His ragged breaths were now audible due to our close proximity. He was panting deliciously, unable to conceal his desire.
I’m glad to know he was enjoying this just as much as I was.
“You take my cock so well.”
His tone was completely breathy and fucked out. It was so incredibly sexy. I had never heard anything quite like it in my entire life.
“I knew you’d be a good girl for me.”
Oh God, he was making my head spin. I couldn’t take much more of this. My lower abdomen was so impossibly tight.
His cock was finding my g spot with every thrust.
My entire body was trembling like a leaf.
“Emi, fuck-Emi I’m gonna cum.”
Emi exhaled a shuddering breath.
“Not yet sweet girl, please, be a good girl for me and hold on. I wanna be inside you for just a little longer.”
I was powerless to resist him. I fought the desire to release all over his thick length.
My fingertips were filled with pins and needles.
Emi’s grip on my hip would surely cause bruising.
The bent angle of my body caused my back to ache.
Yet I was completely satisfied.
Emi was panting in my ear, the hot water was cascading down our warm bodies, and his cock was filling me to the brim.
Emi’s calloused fingertips found my swollen clit.
I moaned pornographcially.
“Who can make you feel this good? Hm?”
I shuddered, barely able to form a coherent sentence. My orgasm was seeping into the corners of my brain, threatening to spill over the edge.
Not yet.
“You, Emi, only you can make me feel this good.”
“That’s right, that’s my good girl.”
Emi placed a tender kiss on my jugular.
“Cum for me baby, cum all over my cock, be a good girl for me.”
He didn’t have to tell me twice.
I came undone.
My orgasm slammed into me like a freight train. I squeezed my eyes shut as the euphoria completely overcame my brain.
My chest heaved as I regained my composure. Emi slowed, helping me come down from my post orgasmic gaze. When he was satisfied with his work, he pulled out.
The absence of his cock left me feeling empty, yet extremely satisfied.
I rose to my full height, making sure to keep a hand on Emi at all times in order to steady my trembling knees.
A bright smile was plastered on Emi’s face. His cheeks were flushed. His lips were plush.
I’ve never seen him happier.
“So, about that hickey…”
I rolled my eyes, giving him a playful smack on his chest.
Emi cocked an eyebrow.
“Really? It didn’t seem like you were joking. Come on, humor me, at least consider it.”
His tone was lighthearted and playful, a stark contrast from moments ago. I narrowed my gaze suggestively.
I placed my open palms on Emi's well defined pectorals. His muscles rippled under my touch as I rose to press my lips against his ear once more. The water continued to fall around us. We were like two lovers trapped in the sensual rain.
"Well, if you make me cum again I'll consider it."
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yourstory-teller · 2 years
Victoria ♥︎
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Hey guys! This is my first time writing something for other people to read, so forgive me if it's not that good lol. Also, English is not my first language, so I might have made some mistakes! Hope you enjoy it anyways ❤
You could still feel your ears ringing. Your heart pounding at such an abnormal rhythm, you feared it might stop. Your vision blurred, hands shaking. The feeling that the world around you had become static. You didn't even realize yourself running, pushing through the crowd, only fully regaining your consciousness when you found yourself firmly embraced between your husband's arms. There, you finally broke down, a messy mix of sobs and giggles shared between the two of you. Those were the happiest tears of your entire life. You remember gently holding his face and trying to kiss him while smiling as wide as humanly possible. "We did it, amor." It all seemed like a dream.
But it wasn't, and you couldnt me any more glad. Nor proud. And you made a point of repeating it over and over again as you both finally found each other alone that very day, and over and over again, many times after that. You knew it, you did. From the moment he was called up.
It had been about a week since the finals, but you were still absolutely stuck on cloud 9. All of them were. And even there, lying beside you, the golden glove resting on his bedside table, Emiliano still seemed almost incredulous. "You're the best goalkeeper we've ever had, mi vida. They had no chance." You said, not for the first time, untangling your hand from the man's messy hair to gently wipe the corner of his eyes. "I missed you to death." He whispered, going back to burying his face in the crook of your neck.
For a few days, you spent most of the time just like that, laying on your bed, holding each other. Your husband was pushed to the edge of exhaustion during the WC, and he was not only physically but also and especially mentally drained, so you allowed him to snuggle against your chest, as you gently stroked his locks or traced random patterns across the length of his back.
When Emiliano finally felt he could stand up without every single muscle in his body harshly protesting, the first thing he did was ask you on a date.
He got up early that morning, made a simple but well-prepared breakfast, and even recited a small speech. "I've been so busy this year, I've barely had time to court my beautiful wife. So, from now on, I don't have anytime for anyone or anything but you" You chuckled, trying to pretend like you didn't love how cheesy it was and failing miserably. "Te amo" He pulled you by your waist, gently placing his lips against yours. "Sal a cenar comigo esta noche, si, princesa?" And you said yes, of course you did, because God forbid you deny him such a pleading.
The night started with the two of you getting ready together. You'd go back and forth within your room, making sure your makeup looked perfect and, occasionally, bumping into Emi, who would steal a kiss from you every single time, despite all your protests about him smearing your lipstick. He knew you loved it. And love it you did.
Moments later, you walked side by side to the car. Your husband opened the door for you, as he always did without fail, and walked over to the driver's side. He held your hand tightly throughout the whole ride, leaving small kisses to the back of it every now and then.
You figured he had thought of some special place to take you, knowing him, somewhere nice and elegant but not too over the top. But It really took you by surprise when he held out his hand for you to get out of the car and your eyes fell right on the restaurant where you two had your first real date. God, you didn't even know that place still existed, but there it was, and looking just as beautiful as the first time. It was not very decorated or luxurious, in fact, quite the contrary.
It was a small restaurant, on a small street. A cozy place like very few others, with a small piano placed on a corner, from where you could hear La vie en rosé being impeccably played. Once again, you found yourself on the verge of tears, except, this time, you allowed them to flow freely. "My God, you can't be real." You sighed, looking up at the man you so wisely chose to love. "Do you remember? I was so nervous I couldn't stop talking, barely touched the food." He said, both of you laughing in light of such sweet memory. 
Dinner was amazing, and you couldn't have expected anything different. You sat next to each other and ate your meals in between laughs, sips of wine and a few quick kisses, here and there. Emiliano did not forget to greet and thank the owner of the establishment, and old lady who earnestly asked you to pose for a photo, which would be placed next to the one already lying on the wall, from all those years ago and, of course, you did very gladly.
After the most romantic dinner you could have dreamed of, he took you for a quick walk along the orla, just because he knows you're absolutely in love with the Sea. There, you rested on the cool sand and talked, while finishing your bottle of wine, to the sound of the waves and under the moonlight. You still wonder how you got so lucky.
The magical night ended with the two of you heading home in a taxi, both half drunk and as madly in love as you'd ever been.
Later, when you were already in your nightgown and your husband already in his probably nothing, under the covers, you leaned over to kiss him yet one more time. God knows you could never get tired of those lips. His warm hands slowly roaming all over you, tracing every curve of your body, almost as if he was trying to memorize them. "Te amo, Emi. Mi cariño, mi campeón." You whispered, feeling him smile into the kiss "Eres mi maior victoria."
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lacyscabinet · 7 months
Everyone going crazy because during Nat's death scene she sees Lottie and not Travis...
I mean yeah, I get it, but the most shocking/heartbreaking thing for me is that she saw herself, more specifically her younger self and to be even MORE specific her pre-crash self, aka the part of Nat that died during the crash.
The half of her soul that died when the plane went down meets the half that survived to bring her into the afterlife and finally rest.
"No, I'm not supposed to be here"
"We both know that's not true, this is exactly where we belong, we've been here for years"
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yourstory-teller · 2 years
Hey guys!! Passing by just to tell you that I've been working on some asks during carnaval and will be posting the stories probably this week!
If there's any football player you'd want me to write about, I have a post telling who I currently write for.
Send in a request at anytime, I'd love it! ♥︎
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yourstory-teller · 2 years
♠︎ Presentation Post ♠︎
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Hello 👋 I am new on this platform, and have been thinking about maybe posting some stories here. I've never posted any of my writings before, so I'm a little insecure.
First of all, I love football, and that's my current most prominent obsession, so my stories will be about players, at least for now. I always found it a bit disappointing that there weren't that many blogs who posted stories about football players, so I decided to become one myself!
Besides, I sometimes really struggle with writer's block, so I'd really appreciate it if you sent me requests!
At this moment, I'm willing to write about:
Yassine Bounou
Achraf Hakimi
Lionel Messi
Neymar Jr.
Lucas Paquetá
Emiliano Martinez
Pablo Gavi
Yuri Alberto
This list may change later.
I can write basically any kind of stories, just send in your request and I'll see what I can do! No need to be shy ❤
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