rhymingteelookatme · 6 years
idk if you were lookin' for prompts but if so: “This is new.”
It’s taken me only months, but at last, here is my answer to this prompt. :)
Well Played
In which, despite our lovers’ best efforts, the truth will out. 
Words: 1555Fandom: FFXIVGenre: Fluff (for lack of a better term), sibling shenanigans, and just general japery.
“Ooh,this is new!” Tataru exclaims as I enter the sitting room of hersuite at the Bokairo Inn. I’vecome to fetch her and Alisaie for a Little Ladies’ Day outing- we havereservations at the Umineko.
“Doyou like it?” I ask, giving a bit of a turn. The Songbird dress maybe rather… fancy, but my legs are free and clear, so I don’t mindit too much. Plus, it has the cleverest pockets under the top layerof skirt, handy for hiding tokens from one’s beloved. 
 “Oh,I love it!” Tataru is beaming. “Alisaie,” she calls, “are youalmost ready? [Name] is here!”
When Alisaie appears, she stops dead in her tracks at the sight of me. “Well well,” she says, an odd little grincurling across her face. “Such frills and furbelows. Not a woman ofduties today, eh?” 
“Myonly duty this day,” I reply cheerily, “is to see we’re not late. There’sa pile of sweets with our names on it.” 
Despite the promise of goodies, Alisaie falls a few steps behind on our way to the teahouse. Meanwhile Tataru keeps up a steady stream of compliments: “Oh [Name], it really suits you! The tailoring is excellent, and that dye just glows against your skin- I’m jealous I didn’t sew it myself, to tellthe truth. Oh, where’s an artist when you need one…” 
“Why, buried in books back at the Bokairo,”Alisaie interjects, catching back up. “Should I call Alphinaud? I’m sure he wouldbe only too glad of a break.” 
“Ah, there’s no need for that,” I say hastily.
“You’re right,” Alisaie agrees, “he’d do itanyway. Indeed, one glimpse of this getup and there’d be no stopping him.” Something about the way she says this puts my hackles up just slightly, but I try to brush it off. 
Later, we stroll the marketplace in anattempt to walk off the sweets, only to come upon Alphinaud browsing astationer’s stall. Nothing will persuade me that it is pure coincidence.Especially not his sister’s mischievous smirk. ***”This is new,” I hear Alphinaud’s voice in an irritable undertone as I approach our rendezvous point. There is no reply; he must be on linkpearl. “A new low, sister, even for you. Will you never tire of meddling where you are not wanted? -Oh, very funny. There is a vast difference between stepping in to defend the realm and stepping in to make sport of personal affairs. -Twelve’s sake, no we are not- Very well, if you are determined to be childish, I see no point in continuing this conversation. Good night.” He hangs up, grumbling. 
I deliberately scrunch a bit of gravel underfoot to announce my presence, then enter my dear’s line of sight. The instant I am within reach, he pulls me into his arms. No more is said between us for quite some time… not verbally, anyway. ***“So the other day, in the market- that was noaccident,” I remark, leaning against the study wall.
“No, more’s the pity. Do you know, she actually hid the last ink bottle to be certain I would have to replace it?” At his desk, Alphinaudburies his face in his hands with a little groan. 
“If it’s any consolation,” I offer, “your blush is adorable.” 
He raises his head. “It is not, though I thank you for saying it. At this rate she’ll have all and sundry buzzing about poor Master Leveilleur and his unrequited passions. What isshe playing at, damn it?” 
“You know Alisaie,” I sigh. “Mayhap we should just tell her. Swear her to secrecy.” 
“About what?” a voice pipes up, to our mutualhorror. Krile is standing in the doorway. 
“My new song,” I blurt, just as Alphinaud replies“Nothing of consequence.” There is a moment as we all exchange stares of varying degrees of confusion.
“A new song of no consequence?” Krile repeats.“Why [Name], I didn’t know you composed.”
“Oh, not very often,” I say. “Just as a hobby. I haven’t got anything worth hearing, yet.” Iintend to follow this with an airy laugh, but it comes out as a weakchuckle.
Krile looks skeptical, but does not press thepoint. Thank the Twelve.***Lately, I have a growing sense of unease as word fails to come regarding the Doman prisoner exchange. I can’t shake the suspicion that that Zenos-toady of an ambassador is trying to set us all as firmly on edge as possible. Or perhaps he’s giving Yotsuyu’s memories every chance to return? Whatever the reason, I’m getting tenser by the day in spite of all my dear can do; I just want this whole affair to be done.
So when Alisaie calls to ask if I’d like tospar with her, I accept without hesitation, desperate to get outof my own head. We retreat to a deserted section of the coast, well away fromthe city, and have at each other with zeal- kicking up a terrific amount of dust in dodging each other’s attacks. I manage to lose myself in the moment, even when we are finally obliged to break off for a rest. 
Once my breath comes back, I say, “I’d almost forgotten whatthat feels like.” 
“What what feels like?” she asks.
I grin. “Fighting for fun.” 
Alisaie grins back. “And here was I, thinkingyou were just having a ball every time you hit the battlefield. Warrior ofLight, the picture of ease, killing the foe with a song on the breeze.” 
“Ye gods.” I wince. “Where the hells did thatnonsense come from?” 
“Tataru.” At my questioning look, she explains, “Iheard her at her sewing the other day, humming. Either she’s writing her owntunes, or there are some truly awful amateur minstrels about. You have to admitit sticks in the head.” 
“Much the same way as mold sticks to the goobbue fighter,” I return. 
“Or sea salt to the swimmer,” she suggests. 
I shivera bit. “Gyaah, and how it does. Grateful though I am for the Kojin’s blessing, the amount of salt I have to scrub out of my hair after helping them…Blech!”
Now Alisaiesnickers. “You sound exactly like Alphinaud when he led you all in that hundred-yalm sea sprint. He tried not to show it, but he was absolutelywrithing for want of a shower til we got to the House of the Fierce afterward.”
“Andwell he might,” I respond. “It clings and clumps, and itches like hells- I’ve always wondered why it never seems to bother you.” 
“Onegets used to these things,” she says loftily, “when one is the champion swimmerof the family. I’m afraid Alphi will have to do the same if he hopes to approach my level of skill.” 
“All hail the mermaid queen.”I incline my head, smiling. 
Alisaieleans back on her elbows, tilting her head toward the sky. “He had some nerve,insisting I stay behind that day. I hated being so close and yet so far, with nothing to do but listen to you all duking it out and ponder when the hells he learned even to flail through thewater with such purpose.”
“Arenvald says he was practicing in Loch Seld for some time prior to ourdeparture,” I remark idly, stretching out beside her.  
“Really?” Alisaie sits up again. “Hm. He can’t have done much, though- as that belly flop he called a dive would attest.”
I snort at the memory. “Probably just the odd bell here and there, you’re right. Still, it was surprising that he made such strides without our knowing.” 
“Yes,” Alisaie muses, “yes it was. Before that day, I was convinced that mybrother would be using buoyancy aids for the rest of his natural life. Twelvealone know what else he might be hiding from us.”  
All mytension rushes back at once. That sounded– that was the most blatant insinuation–No, no, I’m just being paranoid. Silly me. Have a look at her face and you’ll s–
She needs no words; her expressionsays it all: eyes glittering, slightly narrowed, above lips stretched in thebarest of sly smiles. The game may very well be up.
“Thatdepends,” I reply, finding my tongue, “on what you think he’s hiding.”
“Why, a thrilling romance with you.”
Oh, [guardian] have mercy. I close my eyes. “Tell me you haven’t told anyone else.”
Now she huffs, though the sound seems as much amused as exasperated. “For gods’ sake, of course I haven’t! Quite enough people seek to do us harm, let alone you; I wouldn’tdream of giving them another avenue of attack.”
I exhale.“Good. Thank you.”  My ebbing tension leaves both relief and a strange sort of guilt in its wake. “We were going to tell you eventually, ifno one else. Though, come to that, how did you know we were together?”
“I didn’t.” As I whip my head round to face her, Alisaie’s smile has grown to a triumphant grin. “Not, that is, until this moment. You’ve just told me.” 
Oh, this is new. She’s gone and learned the art of bluff. For afew seconds, all I can do is sit there, dazed. “…Coeurls and kittens,” I say atlast. “Well played.” 
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ahlis-xiv · 7 years
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“I don't want to hide. I want to slow dance with you again. I want to dance with you forever.”
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erichtai-m · 6 years
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EXPECTATION ASK MEME: @emilyplaysgames
"Ah theres a lot of place that makes me feel better really!" A thoughtful smile replied as the mind seem to play a back a sensation. A feeling that seemed to remind her of the smell of fish and salt water; the scent carried by the waves brought in with the breeze that gave off a chill even on the most heated days and the warmest of nights.
"Well...if I needed to be somewhere more specific...I'd like to be where the docks are...any place really where you see sailors and fishermen walk by and the ocean breathing against the boats that come in and out." A small chuckle came out as she seemed to realize the way she describe it.
"What im trying to say. I guess..."
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"Most of what I remembered often stayed by the docks...even when I left Kugane-"
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"-and arrived in Eorzea at the Lominsan Docks."
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"My life just seemed to just continue like that, even when I accidentally became an adventurer."
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"I still often seem to find myself in those kinds of places to thus day."
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"Eventually though I often find myself where I started in the end."
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furymint · 6 years
💋 (does this even make any fucking sense at all I have no idea yolo)
(THIS BECAME LONG I HOPE ITS OK @emilyplaysgames)
Elliot balances a champagne flute before him and sweeps between chatting ballroom guests. He’s chasing a tumble of black lace and diamonds, and, less earnestly, the woman garbed in them. He swings around an ivory pillar and finally meets her back, watching her shoulders for surprise. “Pardon me, miss.”
A Funeral Miss only missing her veil. Her back’s open like a taunt, but her look’s what kills. 
He offers his free hand, silver rings climbing across lithe fingers. “Do you have a moment?”
Alyx turns to him, regal in a familiar rough way. Her eyes dart green below her amber bangs. “Yes, I’m free.” There’s a challenge in those words that said, ‘now, and always now.’
Elliot gives an imperceptible nod and says, “I suppose we have the same favorite color. I want to debate.”
Alyx puts a hand against the tight curve of her hip. Her fingers dig there, obsidian nails on lace, and she wonders if this is some trick. She became used to the snow and the cold looks– but parlor games? Ball games? That took time, and time was for playing mundane savior or trading bloody papers for Centurio seals. “Let’s go at it, then. I’ve bickered with Sylphs– color with you can’t compare to what is and isn’t humor with them.”
Oh. She likes purple, he’s sure now. A lesser color, not a bad one or the best. But the music started, and he was on the floor of this conversation now. He says, “The question–” and pauses, blinks, gravely finishes, “is blue. Is it premier on this star as lightning or as ice?”
“Lightning, undoubtedly.”
“But ice and lightning make the same noise, and only the former can be housed for display.”
Alyx touches the string of pearls around her neck. “This really is nonsense.” She laughs. At him? Impressions are too fickle.
Elliot pouts. “One should talk serious only while drunk. Are you– yet?”
“No, are you?”
“Oh, good. Not yet tipsy either. Pardon me, then.” He takes up her wrist – the one free of gold bangles – and guides it towards his hip. He stoops and waits, face close to her ear, eyelashes felt on her hair as his eyes close. He’s looking for permission, but something in him is too shy to ask, so he takes the weight of her hand on his embroidered side pocket as a yes. His lips press to her cheek. The kiss skims across her scar like rain, somehow cold. Reverence is in his lingering. His breath does not frost on her freckles, and the fluidity of his smile does not crack his skin. Oh, failure of ice!
He pulls away and speaks in that same glib way as before: “You wouldn’t believe how many times I’ve kissed drunk women and three bells later I have four poems scrawled out on fans and napkins from them. More spelling errors than rhymes. Misunderstandings. Would you believe poetry born from a caprice is so unfeeling? Of course you do. ‘Tis more agonizing than even devotion.” He smiles a little deviously and holds out his champagne glass for Alyx to tap hers against. “To blue, then, and to you.”
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kollapsar · 7 years
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Holiday commission for @ahlis-xiv and @emilyplaysgames, of their lovely Alyx and Ahlis! Your black mage baes are a delight to paint, as always :) || Commission info // Patreon
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questir-a · 6 years
happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope it's great!!
jdfkljdkl thanks!! i’ll be sure to have some fun! ;w;
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kukurubean · 6 years
also, preconception: the percentage of the time Rothe has flour somewhere on his clothing is in the 70s
I made the executive decision to answer ratings with mandragora emoji sprouts but then it got difficult keeping track of how many there were so I’ll answer like a sensible person. 🌱 10/10. 
That is the perfect percentage I’d pin on him because he moves around too much and forgets to stick an apron on half the time because fiddling that around himself takes too long he just wants to get to work. The Bismarck uniform has a apron and it is a constant battle to get him to put it on before entering the kitchens.
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abalathian · 6 years
Butterfly-Weed: What is one thing that always makes you stop and admire, no matter what you were doing prior?
Cassia is leaning forward in her chair, eyeing the steaming plates half-ignored by the occupants of the neighbouring table, too deep in their cups to notice or care, apparently. “I don’t remember much of the Calamity..” She starts, still staring intently at the food. She was not being entirely truthful, but she wasn’t necessarily lying either. She could deal with that. “Even now, after so much time has passed, I can still see echoes of damage Bahamut had wrought to the land… the scars…” She fades off here.
“You see, I admire those who continue to fight, despite the circumstances they have been dealt with,” She nods her head, “I may not be the most experienced or well-travelled of adventurers, but even I notice these things.” 
She bites her lip, taking a long pause to ogle at the particularly voracious Roegadyn one table over, as he tears into a piece of grilled fish- “What!” Cassia gives a slight jump, eyes wide, her full attention brought back to her interviewer. “Oh- the scions? No. I mean, of course, but we’ve only just met. It’s the more common folk that I had in mind… Initially, I was a tad disgruntled over the amount of work they would dump on us adventurers for such little pay-” She coughs, forgetting herself. Scions probably shouldn’t say such things. “A-anyway, after spending some time with them, I realized just how far-reaching the effects of the Calamity were. The farmers, whose fields were rendered infertile. The fishermen, who had no more… Well- er… fish left to catch! Even those merchants from the Hawker’s Alley, and Ul’dah too — at least the ones who aren’t trying to cheat you out of your hard-earned gil — they can rot in the Marasaja Pit.”
Her bright eyes catch a glint of light off of a passing barmaid’s tray. “Sorry, I don’t know why I’m telling you all of this. What was the question again?” 
Send me a flower!
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starswornoaths · 6 years
and also (ノ≧ڡ≦): Do they like to show affection by physically teasing? (I.E: Shoulder punches, etc.)
Sometimes, though only if that’s the other person’s preferred form of affection, really. If left to her own choice of it, she prefers soft affection- hand touching, hugs, and forehead/cheek kisses where appropriate. Though, when she notices that teasing affection is preferred, she still tries to keep it softer- a pat on the shoulder, a light fist bump, ruffling of hair, that sort of thing, because she knows that all of her friends are going through tough shit, and even in this they deserve something softer.
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moonlifter-archive · 6 years
27. describe yourself in two words?
since my previous answer wasn’t acceptable, i’d say i’m just alright. two words is really hard akjhdkjhd
interview the writer !
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ahlis-xiv · 7 years
11. drastic
11. drastic.
They made camp once Ahlis deemed their location safe from dragonkind as well as from any other possible interlopers that could come across them; namely those of the white fur and pom-wearing type. The fire was burning healthily, tents unfurled, hoisted up and secured against the wind before dinner was set out and consumed under the waning twilight that crept beautifully into evening.
“I was thinking once we finish with out tour of the Mists we move southward towards Vylbrand and La Noscea,” Ahlis spoke as she held the worn and trusted map within her hands, a piece of dried fruit plucked from one of the various food containers they had brought along.
Their route had already been decided yet she cared plenty for his feedback for the days ahead as they continued on their journey. But after she explained her hopes and commentary on how she just knew Aymeric would love to look upon the Rhotano Sea and the hillsides that surrounded Limsa Lominsa she looked up to him to see the lord commander’s face turned towards the horizon. It was the direction they had come from, where Ishgard lay far beyond them. 
She watched him for a moment, her heart unable to stop itself from faltering a little. The emotion annoyed her enough clear her throat quite audibly, which made Aymeric turn his attention back to her.
“Forgive me,” he began, his expression apologetic. “T’would seem my mind is wandering.”
“Wandering, or still stuck all those malms back from where we came?”
Aymeric closed his eyes for a moment and he was unable to keep his brow from furrowing in thought. It was telling to Ahlis, in its own way, how he did not bother to correct her or smile in that slight and nuanced way of his. 
This, Ahlis concluded, simply wouldn’t do. 
“I did not pry you all this way for nothing,” she said as she picked herself up, map discarded while she circled over to where Aymeric had taken his seat. Upon reaching him she planted herself beside him on both of her knees, her hands clamping down firmly upon his shoulders when she stared him right in the eye.
“You will enjoy yourself on this excursion! So help me…or drastic measures might be taken.”
Aymeric was unable to pull himself away from the sight, as silly and unlike her as it was. Her lips were puckered slightly in a determined pout while her gray eyes possessed a resoluteness within them that was crystalline in its intent. A moment passed between them, and then he smiled, his gentle breathy laugh escaping his lips. He leaned a touch closer, returning the brevity of her stare.
“Drastic measures, you say. And what, pray tell, would that entail?”
Ahlis took a breath and found herself holding it awkwardly in her chest; this was not the reply she had counted on. She was finding it difficult–much, much too difficult–to hold his gaze at such a level of closeness that was unlike either of them to share. Without warning Ahlis huffed and turned her entire face and body away, her hair swaying over her shoulder with such force it almost struck against his cheek.
“That would ruin it, wouldn’t you think?” Ahlis spoke finally, chin raised up as she now faced the fire. Her eyes were closed, now seemingly entirely disinterested in him. 
…If only for a moment, at least, her face turning ever so slightly back to him again as she sneaked a glance in his direction. The moment he caught her looking back she grinned, brief and taunting.
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erichtai-m · 7 years
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Sketch WIP of the night! Featuring familiar faces like Alyx ( @emilyplaysgames ) and eventually will pick random ocs I enjoy ♡♡ Yes I attempted to draw child Zenos and Hien with Taimu cause I wanted to compare age gaps and study. That and it was stupidly cute. Also bringing back my older ocs and giving them FFXIV revamps. Cause its fun and I had the data saved on ps4 when I first started playing.
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kollapsar · 7 years
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Thank you again to @emilyplaysgames for letting me do another speedpaint commission of your lovely Alyx! It was, and always will be, a pleasure to draw her and her badass special effects. <3 || Commission info // Patreon
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diskwrite-ffxiv · 7 years
⊙ a boob for OJ or Joph, whoever happens to feel more opinionated tonight.
Send me ⊙ and my muse will bold all that applies to yours
I MEAN the answer to who is more opinionated is PRETTY MUCH ALWAYS OJENE so HERE WE GO:
| Admirable | Attractive (at least if the question was posed to her she’d think about it- but she’d be VERY ANNOYED BY THE SUGGESTION) | Absentminded | Amusing | Abrasive | Aloof | Arrogant | Brilliant | Bizarre | Bland | Caring | Charming | Clever | Confident | Courageous | Creative | Cute | Careless | Childish | Clumsy | Cowardly | Cruel | Dignified | Dramatic | Desperate | Devious | Disrespectful | Elegant | Energetic | Emotional | Excitable | Faithful | Forgiving | Friendly | Flamboyant | Foolish | Frightening | Generous | Gloomy | Greedy | Gullible | Helpful | Honest | Hateful | Intelligent | Ignorant | Impulsive | Insensitive | Irresponsible | Lovable | Lazy | Mature | Malicious | Misguided | Monstrous | Narrow-minded | Optimistic | Obnoxious | Peaceful | Persuasive | Protective | Power-hungry (maybe??? she wants to believe it’s true) | Quirky | Reliable | Romantic | Ridiculous | Sexy | Sophisticated | Selfish | Trusting | Treacherous | Understanding | Unpredictable | Unstable | Vulnerable | Witty | Weak |
Ojene has an unreasonable distrust for the WoL. ONE PERSON SHOULD NOT HAVE SO MUCH POWER, so she believes, and she notes how everywhere they go, they leave upheaval and change in their wake… and asks herself, what happens when the WoL turns back to Eorzea? What happens when they try to rip it all up? What happens if they ever reach for the power they could pluck at any moment?
And then what happens to the people left behind?
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xregency-blog · 7 years
Dear future me,
@emilyplaysgames​ | letters to… (accepting!)
Dear Future Me,
I hope this letter finds you in good health and of sound mind. Gods know that the world is usually on fire six days out of the week and we never catch a break in this job. Though, I suppose you’re well aware of that considering you’re me in the future and I’m stuck in the present. Anyway, I’m sure you know your past self well enough that I’ll preface this dull, boring letter with a few questions:
Did you ever tell the truth to the Sultana? Does she know of Sil’dih?
Did you yell at Estinien? That ridiculous man needs to come to his senses one way or another and he deserves a good smack for pulling that stunt with Nidhogg. Twice.
Are Alisaie and Alphinaud doing any better? Those twins have gone through hell and back. They’re children for gods’ sake—they better have stayed out of trouble!
Please, for the love of the Twelve, tell me that they at least established some sort of, I don’t know, help for these people. Some of them are much too young to be a Warrior of Light, I fear.
Anyway. I hope you’re at a place in the future where you can look back to the time I wrote this letter to you and say, “Thank the Twelve I’m not in that mess anymore.” I truly do. Saving the world is a bloody awful business, mind you, as (again) we both already know all too well. 
Tell me, have you become someone to be proud of? Or, better yet, have you finally grown a spine and stopped running from history? I do so hope that you’ve made a future that’s worth looking forward to.
... I hope for a lot of things, it seems.
Unfortunately Sincerely,
Yourself from the past. 
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starswornoaths · 6 years
ಠಿ_ಠ: Do they look up or down when they are trying to recollect something?
It varies on what she’s remembering, tbh, and really, that’s her biggest tell; if Serella’s remembering something innocuous, or something that makes her smile, she’ll look up, maybe a little to the side, but always up. If it’s something serious, or something that’s unpleasant to recall, she’ll look down, sometimes far to the side, like she’s avoiding it/the person asking. 
Her whole body language is different depending as well; if she’s looking up, the rest of her body language is open, relaxed. Maybe she’ll tap a finger to help her mentally get working, but she’s clearly open with discussing it. If she’s looking down, she’ll cross her arms, her shoulders hunch ever so slightly into herself, her head will incline down somewhat. She’ll just outright start fidgeting, clenching hands, and overall look very shut in and closed off. 
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