#emison baby
cabeswaterdrowned · 2 months
why did none of you people make a Paily to Emison the way I loved you fanvid like I don’t even necessarily need to watch it I just need to know it exists
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selkiemaidenfae · 8 months
this is something i want to go deeper into in a video essay but it can't be understated how fucking weird it was as a deeply-oblivious-to-my-feelings-for-girls baby bi to be on tumblr during the time when every popular straight ship was healthy and sweet and every popular wlw ship was abusive and toxic.
i envy the gen z kids who grew up with avatrice and calliette and lumity. or even older gen z kids who grew up with korrasami and catadora. they got wlw ships that were not only canon but warm and sweet and based on genuine affection.
when i was a little baby bi on tumblr, the big sapphic ships were swan queen (regina was canonically a rapist and her most consistent character trait was torturing people who tried to help her) and emison (allison spent years bullying emily for her sexuality and only stopped when she decided she wanted to fuck her).
these are the ships that tumblr tried to sell me as high sapphic romance.
hetero couples were given grand love stories and confirmed soulmates. gay couples were rarely canon, but fanon told the story of star-crossed lovers, destined to be apart yet deeply embedded in each other's souls.
and the lesbian romances were... women yelling at each other and gaslighting each other as an audience of mainly grown women insisted one character's abuse would just go away if they were given the green light to fuck the other into submission.
as a teenager, i was just starting to understand that i liked girls. but i didn't want the kind of relationship that was being romanticized. i didn't want a girl to hate me but also want to sleep with me. i didn't want her to hurt me and then maybe feel a little sorry afterwards, but then do it again.
i wanted the grand love story i saw for straight couples. i wanted fairytales and friendship and devotion and affection. i wanted women who healed together, women who protected each other, women who built lives together.
that isn't what i saw in fandom, though. so i thought that maybe wlw relationships were just... like that. maybe they were mainly physical, always tumultuous, never soft. if i didn't want that, i probably didn't want to be with a girl. i buried the feelings deep.
also, the amount of swan queen shippers that called me an evil straight person for not liking the ship probably didn't help that particular journey of self-discovery.
i wish i could go back and tell baby me that the sapphic love stories i wanted exist and they are beautiful and canon and beloved. a couple of them are even written by me.
i guess i'm just feeling reflective. and i've never seen anyone share this kind of experience, so i figured... why not? someone will get it.
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would you ever write for Ali? X fem reader? Or do headcannons? And the most important question, do you ship Emison? ❤️
You mean my baby girl Alison with her trust issues and a slight running away problem? (Some say she’s a bit mean but I just think she’s hangry. Jk I do love my girls mean) Oh sweet anon I am DYING to do Alison headcannons. Dying! I will eventually. I have some sorority Alison DiLaurentis x pledge fem reader ideas in my head. Might release them. It consists of some steamy dare I say NSFW content, far more sensual than I have ever written on this account for that matter 🤭
I shipped Emison the minute Alison quoted my favorite book, Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.😭🫶 my fanfiction log consists of every well written Emison fic known to man…so I hope that answered it for you. Don’t be shy to send in anymore! 🫶
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userlaylivia · 2 years
i'm rewatching pll and I'm on 7x15 and I do like emison but I'll NEVER forgive them for ruining paily, they were such a beautiful relationship and the chemistry between Lindsey/Shay was incredible!! emily chose to be with paige then found out alison was pregnant with her baby and changed her mind ugh everytime emily had a real choice she ALWAYS chose paige that was her love interest for majority of the series except s6!! I love alison and emison but them getting together so fast in S7 felt like fanservice to me especially since it all happened in a few episodes ugh I'll always ship paily they were my emily otp and always will be and I'm thankful they were together as long as they were and even together for awhile during those 5 years! I ship emison but I'll always be bitter over paily!!! and ACTUALLY it was paige who halted their new relationship not emily so the choice was made for her tbh she wanted things to work out with them!!
ps yes I know emily loved alison I know that but she still chose paige most of the time when she was around long enough!
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soul-music-is-life · 5 months
PLL: Summer School Random Recap Ep 1 & 2
*read at your own risk: THIS HAS SPOILERS*
Tag spoilers if you're going to share.
Just a few of my favorite moments from the first two episodes of PLL: Summer School (PLL: Original Sin, Season 2):
Faran being right all the time:
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Ripped out of the headlines. Faran...PREACH, girl. (side note: Sullivan really annoys me. I'm salty AF that she still has a license to practice psychology after not being an adult for the girls in PLL. I get it...A apparently threatened her kid, but woman...YOU ARE THE ADULT!). Also I don't trust her. And I don't like her.
Noa also being right, but in a more blunt manner:
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Ah, Noa. Still my favorite. Perhaps it's her characterization or perhaps it's the way Maia portrays her...but I feel like she steals the screen when sharing it and when alone. No surprise given she was my favorite in the first season (still get chills watching that scene with her running through her complex to the roof with A chasing her). But she's upped the game this season. She comes across as so natural in her delivery. Nothing against the others. But sometimes I can tell I'm watching an actor play a character with them, but Maia is Noa. A+. No notes.
Imogen Emison reference?
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Wait...wait WAIT...was this an EMISON reference? Am I the ONLY one who saw this?! "Pip gets Estelle in the end." Plus it was an LGBTQ couple who adopted her baby!!
Mouse is coming into her own and I love it:
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Mouse and Ash are my OTP. And they play well off of each other.
Calling out the OG PLL:
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Was this a shot at PLL and how easily Mona and Charlotte just cruised out when they wanted? Because I love it.
Greg is so not here for this shit:
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The first time I laughed so hard I had to pause. Greg is an asshole, but I feel his frustration on the cult shit. And Kelly's "Quiet!" afterwards...peak comedy.
Kelly channeling her inner Alison DiLaurentis:
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Oh my GAWD. This was some straight up Dark Alison DiLaurentis on crack shit (or Mona, since..ya know...she ran her best friend over with a car). I'm developing this theory that perhaps Kelly is in on Bloody Mary (goddamn, am I blanking on the Big Bad's name? I think I am). I'm fairly certain her mother and the pastor are evil. I paused when Mouse was reading something on the Spaghetti site and it was word for word worship talking about Bloody Mary being the second coming of Jesus. Also, I just hate religion as a whole. Like Greg, I too, am an atheist.
Mouse's Grandma being the "fun" Grandma:
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Okay, so I was super excited that we might have been getting a semi-Grandma Marin character, but after watching I have this awful feeling that this might be a dementia story in the works (I don't know if I believe the "sleepwalking" bit). But she seems like she's going to be a wonderful addition.
Tabby's very pointed reference within a reference:
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Tabby out there breaking the 4th wall. And I'm here for it. Given that the writers retconned/rewrote the Ezria adoption due to backlash, I'm kind of glad they read the criticism of Tabby making too many references that piss the viewers off and basically flipped a middle finger at the people who will find positively anything to bitch about. I think it's funny writing. Trolling AF, but still funny.
I hate it when writers cave to the viewers. And as much as I hated the idea of Ezra getting Imogen's baby...I thought it was so dumb to cave to the viewers whining about Ezria getting the kid. People harped on that so much. Ezra can die in a fire for all I care, but I'll go to my grave thinking that the people who complained about Marlene caving to fan service in PLL with the couples in the end are the same people praising the fan service here. And I hate hypocrisy more than I hate fictional characters. I'm a cynic.
Noa being real:
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Noa complaining about the fitted sheet was ironic given I was trying to do laundry while watching. Accurate. Side note: I don't know how I feel about this Jen character. I feel like Shawn (Sean? How is it spelled?) is one of the few non-toxic partners in the show (Ash is still bae). I'm all here for bi-representation, but I don't like love triangles and I don't want them fucking with Noa and Shawn/Sean.
And speaking of love interests:
I love this kid and want to protect him:
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I've seen buzz of people not trusting Christian...and I get it. First of all...this is PLL. And second of all Christian is a very...themed name for a show that is most likely going to have the faith-based cult be psychopaths.
But I am going to be pissed AF if they make him a bad guy after everything Tabby went through. Also, let's not make the first prominent black male a problem please (not counting the Dollar Store fake Eddie Lamb or Faran's dad, who hasn't really been villainy).
Final thoughts: Goddamn, Sandy ate it hard, bruh. I was kind of excited to see that rivalry between her and Kelly.
Loved seeing the power of speaking up about the sexual assault. HATED Wes still being a character and also telling Tabby to have sympathy for her rapist's mother? No. Sorry. She raised a rapist...who raped TWO girls. And she was victim-shaming Tabby. Where is that Bloody woman with the knife when you need one?
Speaking about someone I hated seeing: Sean's mother is a raging thundercunt.
Also: I've seen mixed thoughts about the couple setting a firm tone with Imogen about the baby, but I'm not going to lie...I get it. Most likely they know the shit going on in their town (move, MOVE NOW WHILE YOU STILL HAVE THE CHANCE!). I do think they were kind of snappy with her, but as viewers we have no idea how often she shows up after having signed a legally binding document about the adoption.
Love interest wise: Don't know how I feel about Ash following the girls to that cabin, but also...why TF would they even GO there?! I like this Christian guy for Tabby. Henry kind of annoyed me crossing Faran's boundaries, but Faran punching Greg out was *chef's kiss*. And Shawn(Sean)/Noa are adorable.
Parents: I'm shifting to Tabby's mom being a favorite just because I think she's going to have the most screen time. It was nice seeing Lea Salonga again though. I still hate Faran's mom and I hate that they are all buddy-buddy after everything she did to her child.
New characters: Please don't let this swim coach turn into a creep, please don't let this swim coach turn into a creep. Also curious about the guy Imogen met at the Ice Cream place. And well...I'm already in love with Christian (but then again I love Noah Alexander Gerry). Jen is a bit wooden. Can't tell if it's the character or actress.
Curious about everyone's thoughts.
Honorable mention I forgot to screenshot and caption:
Mouse: "You're like Linda Hamilton from the Terminator movie. Don't ask me which one, I'm not Tabby. And you (Noa) are basically the Flash." Faran: "Fair." Noa: *shrugs* "Okay."
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dykrophone · 1 year
Pll and SaB/Grishaverse :)
thanks for the ask!:D
favourite character: oof that's hard. emily, hanna or mona probably
least favourite character: garrett, ezra, wren or pretty much any of the guys on the show except maybe caleb lol
brotp: hann(ily!!!) also sparia though i do ship them romantically as well
otp: vandermarin <3 i also love me some angsty yearny emison this show has the best toxic codependent homoerotic queer girl friendships of all time fr
ot3: hmmmmmm I guess mona x hanna x caleb or the moms lmao
notp: do i even have to say it. the overglorified pedophilia ship
favourite storyline: it's been a hot minute since i watched the show but i love all the cozy liars hanging out in one of their bedrooms or coffee shop scenes so much?? i really liked the rainstorm and glamp mona storylines from s1 and aria/holden besties era and emily living with hanna to name a few
least favourite storyline: 80% of the later seasons but special shoutout to the AD reveal, the cece reveal, the fucking house, the baby rape plotline, all of ezria, every plotline involving wren, oh god I'm gonna go on forever I'll stop here
what i wish had happened but didn't: i wish maya didn't die:( and ezra was A and fleshed out into a complex villain that would've had so much potential
what i wish didn't happen: see least favourite storylines:') but the BIGGEST thing will always be ezria endgame
fav character: inej my wife <3
least favourite character: the fucking darkling he's so annoying
brotp: ninej <3
otp: unfortunately this one goes to the straights <\3 malina own my heart it's the orphans finding a home in each other/childhood best friends to lovers that gets me every time
ot3: manikolina maybe?
notp: darklina
okay I'm kinda sleepy and can't remember the storylines so I'll answer the rest later lol. but jurda parem and nina struggling with addiction and the ice court heist would definitely be some favourite storylines <3
fandom ask game!
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pinkhysteria · 2 years
Hi I actually really like Emison pre-jump lol just any plot that focuses on like …. having children especially in this way is going to be not for me lmao. (Also knowing how things turn out in canon post-series it is pretty funny to me that Emily essentially has three girlfriends for a lot of the season and only commits to Ali at the last minute)
oh... 🙈 not as relevant to this pairing for me (as i was never invested enough to begin with) but i too am a general baby/pregnancy plot disliker so. fair enough, lmfao. well, agreed w/ur tags regardless jdskjdsk
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pllfanatic · 5 years
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Happy birthday Shay
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cabeswaterdrowned · 1 year
Emison baby arc walked so Solangelo baby arc could run. Apparently?
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sisterofthebluemoon · 7 years
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Dilaurentis-Fields: One name…
The baby stirred in Emily’s arms, she shifted settling him against her chest. She hummed softly as she patted his back, her thoughts running off in no particular direction. Who would have thought that after everything they had been through they would end up here. Normally a hospital room would put her on edge, but this didn’t feel like a hospital room. The dimly lit room was a stark contrast to the fluorescent lights glaring in the hall, the smell of rubbing alcohol stopping short of their room as if it knew it wasn’t welcome there. The softly lit room was fortified with wall to wall gifts, each corner of the room hiding various stuffed animals and flowers. Their loved ones went all out in congratulating them on the newest addition to the family while others made sure to express their concern for Ali to be back on her feet as quick as possible, Emily couldn’t help but smile at the outpouring of love.
Emily’s line of thought shifted to Ali. Ali had spent so much of her adolescent years trying to control everything in her orbit. She manipulated, lied and schemed to keep everyone at bay. Yet at one of the biggest events of their lives, they had so many people in their corner, it was enough prove that she had changed. Emily knew that they had built a home, and it was now filled with laughter, love and children, three things Ali had always thought was never going to be in her future.
Emily grew pensive as her eyes scanned the room. Her gaze settled on the ginormous bear nestled in the crook of the room across from her. It was a hulk of a toy, fluffy and  inviting. It had to be at least 5 feet tall, his eyes gazing at you warmly, his red polka dotted bow tie, seeming so cute you couldn’t help but smile. His arms were wide open, furry and soft, inviting you to stop and hug it, it was that kind of stuffed animal, though Emily thought it was a bit much. She rolled her eyes. For a brief moment, she felt the heat of jealousy rear it’s ugly head. Within seconds, the feeling was gone, the bear had been given by Lorenzo – the one decent guy that Emily couldn’t find fault with.
She had encouraged that Ali keep that relationship. Lorenzo was a friend and he had been someone who focused on Ali’s good qualities, which was rare at the time, so it seemed like a no-brainer to repair that friendship. Emily knew they were just friends, but every now and again, she couldn’t help feeling some residual resentment. It didn’t help that she could still see Ali in a liplock with him, an image forever branded into her brain.
She shook her head, causing the baby to fuss a little. She slowly rocked him back and forth, waiting for him to settle once more. Ali lay on her side, she had awoken awhile ago, but she didn’t want to bother Emily. Instead she had spent the time watching her wife, wondering what was going through her mind. Most times, Emily was an open book, one glance at her facial expression and she knew when Emily was annoyed, happy, sad, or irritated. Over the past 10 minutes, she had seen so many emotions flash across her face, she wondered what Emily could possibly be thinking about.
Ali knew Emily like the back of her hand, and if she asked, Emily would say everything was fine and shift the attention to her. Emily had spent the past 24 hours running around like a maniac, yelling at nurses and doctors, wreaking havoc in the hospital room, and wearing holes in the waiting room floor, it was a wonder how she had the energy to still be awake.
Ali had been in out of sleep since the delivery. She vaguely remembered people coming in and out to visit the baby. She had wondered how long they had been waiting for the news, since the labor felt like forever. Yet, as soon as her son joined them, her hospital room had becoming a revolving door of people. Never had she imagined her life would be so full. She knew she had Emily to thank for that. Emily had always been the one who brought the best out of her. Lily and Grace had been icing on the cake, she didn’t think things could get any better. Yet here she was, her son wrapped in her wife’s arms, her heart proving that there is still so much more room in it. She could swear a smile was permanently plastered on her face – albeit a tired smile at the moment.
They hadn’t named their son, and Ali knew that it would be time to have the conversation. She knew that the nurses would be looking to fill that line on his birth certificate. Right now his bracelet still said Dilaurentis-Fields baby. At that moment, Emily could feel someone staring at her, she glanced over at Ali, “Hey… you’re awake,” she whispered as she slowly got up from the chair.
Ali smiled at her, she knew that this would be only time they would have alone, the kids and everyone else wouldn’t wait too long before setting up camp in her room. Emily placed the baby in the little cubicle beside the bed, she reached down and made sure his blanket was tucked securely before leaving him to sit beside her wife.
To Ali’s surprise, Emily fit herself between her and the edge of the bed, and she managed to make it look and feel cozy. Her legs rested warmly against Ali’s body, her back propped up comfortably against the head rail, Ali reached over and hugged Emily’s legs. Emily leaned her head back, eyes closed, a tired smile tugging at the corners of her mouth, she whispered, “I don’t know how you do it, but you do it everytime.”
Ali smiled, she murmured, “After everything, I’m surprised you can still stand. I think you had it harder than me.”
Emily scoffed at that, content to stay like this, she placed her hands over Ali’s arm, a thought popped into her head. “Oh crap, I forgot, we still have to name him.” Looking down at Ali she exclaimed, “Our son still doesn’t have a name.”
Ali nodded in agreement before proceeding, “If I remember correctly someone promised I could do anything as long as I made it out alive.” Her eyes twinkled, she knew Emily would not go back on what she said, “I am alive and well, so… I would like to name the baby.”
Emily glanced down at her legs, she had made that deal with Ali under duress, she couldn’t possibly be held to anything she had said during that time.
Emily fiddled with the sheets as she contemplated her next move, had she known that she would have no say in what their son would be named, she might have not made that deal. She knew Ali could name their baby and she would love his name regardless of what it would be, just the idea that she couldn’t say yes or no. She exhaled deeply.
Ali chuckled quietly, “I thought I was the dramatic one.”
Emily opened her mouth to complain, but she realized that it wouldn’t change anything. Besides it had been a long day, she was just happy both of them were okay, never had she imagined that it would take that long to bring their son into this world. She was starting to go crazy waiting for news.
She held her hand up claiming, “For the record, I think I should get some kind of say, an argument or plea, since I wasn’t allowed in the delivery room.”
Ali’s eyes danced with mischief, it took everything she had to not point out that Emily had gotten herself kicked out of the delivery room. Instead she nodded before continuing, “I picked one name and if you don’t like it, we can talk about it, how’s that?”
Emily flashed her a smile, settling back onto the bed, with an over exaggerated sign, she relented, “Let’s hear it.”
Ali whispered, “I would like to name him Wayne.” She could feel Emily’s hand squeeze hers, but Emily didn’t say a word.
She looked up and saw a tear slip down her cheek. Ali moved to sit up, Emily placed her hand on Ali’s shoulder, forcing her to lay back down. She dashed the tear off her cheek, and continued to stare at their hands. Ali wanted to say something, but she was unsure of what to say. She had thought of many scenarios on how this would play out, but this was not one of them.
After a few long moments, Emily spoke, uncertainly laced in her voice, “I didn’t think there was anything that could make me love you more than I already do, however you continue to amaze me. Are you sure you want to name him after my father?”
Ali nodded, she echoed the sentiment shining in her eyes, “I have never been more sure of anything. He is the one man who has made you the person you have become, why wouldn’t I want our son to honor his memory or be a person with his character? Thanks to your father, I and your two daughters have the best mom and wife in this whole town. I think that alone should justify why I would want his name, unless you prefer something else?”
Emily could feel the tears slide down her face, but she didn’t care. She shook her head before conceding, “I should have known you would pick something I could never argue with. You know me, you get me. I have no idea how we work, yet here we are.”
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inlovewith-icecream · 2 years
uno reverse pll for the ask game!
favorite male character: Wayne. No other man deserves this spot.
favorite female character: Emison tie baby!
least favorite character: Tie between Wren (News of Alex killing him was music to my ears) Wilden (Charlotte just doing God’s work here.). Shout out to Jason, Ezra, and Jessica (but Jason isn’t a guy I think about a lot and I think Ezra and Jessica would be great if made villains)
prettiest character: Emaria tie.
funniest character: Hanna gives me life.
favorite season: S6!
favorite episode: 6x10!
favorite romantic ship: Emison
favorite family ship: Emily and Pam
favorite friend ship: Paily! Not meant to last but they were still good to each other!
worst ship: I have a personal vendetta against Jaria because people gonna go hate on Ezria THEN ship her with the guy who filmed CP yeah NOOOOO
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blankinterests · 7 years
Okay but the real question is, does Pam Fields know that she's going to be a grandmother!?!?
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fa1se-god · 7 years
emison in the hospital
emily: *constantly poking the baby to make sure its real* alison: babe what are you doing emily: what if the baby is A.D in a mask alison: the baby is literally fresh out of my vagina are you trying to tell me that a fetus was texting us death threats from my own womb
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