#emma and killian loved baelfire
rumbelle-scream · 6 months
something just connected in my brain reading this rumbelle fic with hook/neal side pair... hook did love baelfire, it's canon. that's his stepson, really. son of the woman he loved. a boy he taught himself. a man he'll miss. i missed that part of the story by being mad that the show went off the rails. it's cute.
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i will never not get emotional watching the season 2 finale of ouat. like just watching killian's face fall when he finds out neal is dead. the realization the emma may have lit the spark of his redemption, but his love for baelfire is what fanned that spark into a flame
the direct parallel of the scene in the past of killian telling bae that he could change for him and bae saying he would never change bc all he cares about is himself
and that reminder came after emma's speech in the diner. after she told him that he could be a part of something. he still didn't give her back the bean. he gave her an empty pouch and dipped. he had nothing to lose by leaving storybrooke to be destroyed, but he came back.
without anyone there with him to say just the right things and encourage him to make the right choice. emma already did that, but that wasn't enough. he still betrayed her
but he sat there with his own thoughts. with the knowledge bae was dead. and looking at the carving he made to teach this boy he once loved how to sail. AND HE TURNED BACK
and then he finds out that storybrooke's safe, but henry's been kidnapped, and he doesn't even hesitate to volunteer to help get him back, even when he finds out he has to work with the man who murdered the woman he loves and who cut off his hand. HIS LOVE FOR BAELFIRE OUTWEIGHED HIS HATRED FOR RUMPLE, JUST LIKE HE SAID IT WOULD WAY BACK WHEN HE TOLD BAE HE COULD CHANGE FOR HIM. HE MADE GOOD ON THAT PROMISE
and he finds out that henry's been taken to neverland, a place killian DESPISES, and he still doesn't back out. bc he may have sold bae into pan's hands, but he will save his son from suffering the same fate.
and everyone believes he's on neverland solely for emma, and he lets them believe that. bc he knows why he's there and it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. he may be falling in love with emma. she may inspire him to become better. but she was never the reason
and i can't stop crying
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earthly-ali3n · 11 months
you know who else in funny? Neal. I cannot get over how much of a loser he is. And the fact that he thought he ever stood a chance when it came between him and Hook??? Guy Liner McPuppy Eyes? Emma walks into his his line of sight and his world is instantly rocked. Killian Jones would NEVER get engaged to a random woman on the street because he was too scared to face Emma. Also Neal has zero drip. Man is wearing a dirty t-shirt and sweatpants 100% of the time. Hook is in dashing black pirate attire. He’s got a detachable hook for a hand and has alluded to having ~other~ attachments for it as well. Baelfire calls his dad “papa” despite being a grown man. “When I win your heart, Emma, and I will win it. It will not be because of any trickery. It will be because you want me.” Neal baby i’m so sorry but you could nevvvverrrrrrr
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Well can't say I'm sad she's dead.
"Belle has my dagger, she would certainly curb any homicidal tendencies. "
"It's true."
It would be if he wasn't being a LYING LIAR WHO LIES!
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Oooh I love me a good time travel back to the future esque episode.
Who do I look like Marty McFly?
Who is he a wizard?
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And why the fuck would I listen to you peasant girl?
Because you'll never see your son again!
THUNK *drops hook*
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😭😭😭 he looks so happy when he realizes he's gonna find Bae.
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Belle looks so flattered and adorable when emma says rumple was talking about her.
Go away and read a book or whatever it is you like to do.
I mean you COULD ask nicely.
I could also turn you into a toad 😂
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I mean first you tell me I let the pirate live, now you're telling me I fall for the help??
Prince Charles and Princess Leia 😂😂
Oh God this part
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Fuck this made me cryyyy
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Then laugh with this "what the hell am I doing in here?"
Then snow makes me cry again
But rumple's face at that announcement KILLS me.
He looks both honored and exasperated beyond belief.
Hook sold the jolly Roger to find emma
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jessmalia · 10 months
You don’t have a show without Henry Mills. Emma might be the main character, but Henry is the heart of the show (he has the heart of the truest believer!!! it’s right there!!!). Every single character is irrevocably tied to him. He changed everyone’s lives and gave them the opportunity to change each other’s lives. He gave Emma a family. He gave Regina redemption. He delivered Rumple to his son. He gave David and Snow their daughter back. He was the reason behind Emma and Neal’s relationship and the good thing that came out of it. He healed Neal by giving him the opportunity to break the cycle of neglecting father/son relationships. Killian redeemed himself from his mistreatment of Baelfire by Henry allowing him to take a stepfather role in his life. The text says Emma broke the first curse, but Henry is really 99,9% responsible for it, thereby giving every single citizen of Storybrooke their lives back. Regina’s love for him broke the second curse. He was the one who got them out of the Heroes and Villains story. He’s descended from the Enchanted Forest but was born and raised in our world, making him the bridge between them. He did the impossible when, for just one second, he made the people of our world believe in magic and reunited his family again. Once Upon A Time is a show that operates around fate and Henry is the person who ties everyone’s red strings together. He is quite literally the center of their universe. He is The Author. He is the truest believer. It’s been there all along.
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Baelfire was an incredible character, with compelling motives and great potential, but his character was doomed the moment they revealed he was Henry's father, not only because they'd already painted Henry's dad in such a negative light, but also because this pitted him directly against Killian Jones, whom the writers claimed to have wanted to end up with Emma "since the beginning."
This is nothing against Killian; Killian Jones is my favorite character, Captain Swan is my OTP, and I'm certainly not bothered in the slightest that Emma ended up with Killian.
However, I was also such a huge fan of Baelfire for the first season or two. He was an artist, he never gave up, he made lots of pasta, he was clever and resourceful, and he always saw the good in people. I would've loved to see him grow and develop as a character.
He always wanted a family, but he kept losing them. His mom left. His dad let him go. He sacrificed himself for the Darlings. He left Killian's crew. He didn't even become one of the lost boys- he spent centuries without hope of a family and never got one.
He also always wanted to be a hero, but he lost all chance of that when they made him Henry's father and set him up to fail.
It's hard to put it all into proper words- I'm not a huge fan of Neal Cassidy, but man, did I love Baelfire.
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theartofdreaming1 · 8 months
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Some more Captain Swan (or would this qualify as Captain Duckling? idk)
This started out as a simple, mindless ouat doodle, but then my brain decided to come up with bits and pieces of a story for this while I was working on it, so... If you're interested, you can read the basic premise under the cut:
Basically, we have bar wench Emma teaming up with infamous pirate Captain Hook to bring down the Dark One: Killian has finally gotten a way to get rid of the damn crocodile and Emma has learned of that while the crew of the Jolly Roger stopped by the tavern she works at; for Emma, it's about getting her son back (Neal/Baelfire is still Henry's father in this AU, but left the realm to escape his father, so Rumple's trying to use Henry to track down Neal, i guess)... Anyway, Emma steals onto the Jolly Roger (to steal whatever magical item required to best the Dark One or to stowaway on board, your pick), gets discovered by our good captain ('feisty lass' that she is, she still manages to hold a dagger to his throat before he gets the best of her - there are on his ship, after all), she reveals why she's doing this in the first place - to reunite with her son - and they strike an accord to work together as they share a common goal... Shenanigans ensue, (and no, there is connection/bond between them that's growing closer over time, Emma is absolutely positive of that, thank you very much ;), plans go awry - they are chased by a monster of some sort, Killian decides to fight it off, to give Emma some more time to flee - she has to make it back to her son, after all - and tells her to go, to leave him behind... (but we know she doesn't listen... she never does ;)
Something like that, I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (and hey, if any Captain Swan writers out there feel like writing that story for me, let me know - I'd love to read it!)
(Also, I'm kind of happy how dynamic the poses in this drawing have turned out! I reworked the lineart a couple of times, not sure if I was wasting my time but while I liked the og sketch, I think the end result is a definite improvement)
Og sketch/doodle:
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Season 4 Rewatch Drabbles: 4x5 Breaking Glass
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Summary:  A series of 100-1000 word drabbles to accompany my    rewatch of season 4 of Once Upon a Time.  There will be a drabble–either a deleted scene, a “fix it” fic or a character musing for each episode of the season.  Focus will be on Emma, Henry, the Charmings and Killian–with an emphasis on Captain Swan’s epic love story.
Word Count: 687
Other Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (6) (7)
Killian left the sheriff’s station and headed toward the harbor feeling an odd mixture of elation, self-loathing and dread.  The elation was easy enough to explain, after all, his first official date with Swan last night had been nothing short of magical.  For months–nearly for years at this point–he’d hoped for such an outing with her, an opportunity for fun, flirtation and general companionship.
It had been everything he’d hoped and more.  She’d looked positively stunning–not merely her dress, her carefully coiffed hair, the makeup that accentuated her lovely features, but her.  She’d been happy, happy to be with him, eager for what their relationship might become.  This morning, she’d sent a correspondence to him on his talking phone–what did she call it?  A text he believed–suggesting he take her lad out on the water.  It would seem the lad wished for sailing lessons.
Killian felt the salty sea breeze caress his face as the sea came into view.  He saw Henry standing beside a rather unremarkable boat, docked and ready to sail.  (How he missed the Roger!)
He was all too happy to oblige.  He cared for Swan, loved her even, but he knew if he were to have a lasting relationship with her, he must also have one with her son.  It was certainly no burden.  The boy was intelligent, curious, precocious.  He saw a lot of young Baelfire in the lad, and it gave him a bittersweet feeling.  Perhaps this time  he could be worthy of the lad.
And that brought him to the self-loathing and dread.  How had he been so stupid? So arrogant?  Why the hell had he believed blackmailing the Crocodile a good idea?  Ever since he’d met Swan–and particularly ever since he’d chosen to come back to her with the bean and assist her in saving her son from Neverland–he’d wanted to change, to become a good man.
For her, aye, but that was not all.  He wanted to become a man he could be proud of, and yesterday he’d failed out of a misguided desire to be whole for her.  It had been years since his disability had made him feel so very inadequate, but she was so perfect, so complete, and he was…well, as Pan had said, he was a one-handed pirate with a drinking problem.
A rush of love and wonder and gratitude rushed over him as he thought over last night.  She hadn’t even noticed his left hand at first.  Her parents had needed to bring it to her attention.  Once she did notice, she’d cared only about the cost Rumplestitlskin might have exacted. Similarly, this morning when he’d shown up at the sheriff’s station with his old, familiar hook, she’d merely asked what happened before shrugging it off.
She was truly amazing.  She cared for him, saw him.  She didn’t see a broken man, a man lacking.  She saw a man she believed to be good and worthy, whether he had two hands, one hand or none at all..
But he wasn’t a good man.  Because of his stupidity, he’d allowed Rumple to blackmail him, and now….now there was no telling what horrors the Crocodile had in store for him.  What would the bastard make him do?  What would happen when Swan inevitably learned the truth?  Now that he’d had a taste of what life with her was like, he couldn’t bear to lose her.
And so he lied to her.  Not with his words, but with his silence.  There had been many instances in his long life when Killian had hated himself, but he rather doubted there was ever a time he loathed himself more.  Somehow he had to get out of this.  Somehow he had to find the courage to tell her the truth.
Until then…he must soldier on.
Henry spotted him, and waved exuberantly. “Will this boat work, Killian?” he asked eagerly.  “You think you can teach me to sail it?”
Killian pushed down the uncomfortable feelings and smiled.  “This shall do quite nicely lad, and it’s a lovely day to be out on the water.  What say we set sail?”
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happy-emmdings · 1 year
Do you guys ever think about how in Henry Killian sees pieces of not one, not two, but three people he loved/loves. He’s not just Emma’s son and Baelfire’s son. He’s also Milah’s grandson. He has a little bit of all of Killian’s loved ones in him.
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ouatsnark · 3 months
Hi! Firstly, I love your blog. Secondly, I just saw a take on Killian Jones that made me want to scream.
This person said that Killian as a villain worked but that his redemption arc didn't work at all. Their evidence being that it took too long?
They also said that he was glamorised and portrayed as a selfless hero. Admittedly, I haven't watched OUAT in a bit, but I'm fairly certain that Killian's past actions are not portrayed as good things to have done.
They also listed some of the bad things that were APPARENTLY portrayed as good things. Some of the things on this list were:
Killian being a pirate
Milah leaving Rumple for Killian (which they phrased as Killian "homewrecking" Milah's marriage)
Helping Milah abandon Baelfire (why do they think he could control that? I got the impression that Milah really just wanted an escape. I feel like she probably would have left with someone else if Killian hadn't accepted her coming with him)
Trying to goad Rumple into fighting him when Milah first left with Killian
The rings that he took from his victims (I always saw that as a reminder of something he regretted, not as a trophy?)
Killian killing his dad and leaving Liam 2 an orphan.
Having "raped multiple women". (Guess what their evidence was. For the last time people, the line about drinking with women usually being his tactic is NOT AN ADMISSION OF RAPE!!! If it was, Emma would NOT have dated him afterwards!)
Shooting Belle at the town line
Killing David's dad. (They claimed that this meant that Captain Swan was not a healthy relationship, which... what?) (They also said that David being picky about wedding venues was because of this, and I just do not understand their logic. If that was the reason, why was he only being weird about the venue, not the wedding as a whole?)
And this was only SOME of their nonsense claims. The rest were all along the same lines.
EVERY piece of evidence they had for him being glamourised was stuff that he did while a VILLAIN (I swear, some people don't know the meaning of that word), and was stuff that was acknowledged as things that he shouldn't have done.
At least this person acknowledged that Regina and Rumple were bad characters, though?
Sorry for the long ask, this just infuriated me to no end, and I wanted your opinion on it, because I love your blog.
Wait. Someone against Killian Jones actually said that his redemption “took too long”? Usually it’s “it happened too fast” or “he didn’t do anything!” So this is actually a new angle!
Are they upset that Killian never cried about his happy ending the way Regina did every single season? Cause the show made it quite obvious the only reason she was on team hero was for her happy ending. I always thought this was a good thing in Killian’s favor. He mentions his happy ending ONE TIME and it actually has more to do with him fearing something will happen to Emma because of him.
So here is a list of things that were supposedly... good?
Killian being a pirate
When does this person think Killian being a pirate was ever portrayed as something good? Because I can’t point to a single moment. I can point out instances that contradict this: Killian talking about his rings, the whole thing with David’s father, his regret over how he treated Ariel in S3, how he shies away from wanting to speak about Ursula in Season 4 because he knows what he did was bad, his interaction with David in S6 when David wants his help finding his father’s killer. All of these are painted as bad moments in his past and Killian is ASHAMED OF THEM.
Killian “home wrecker” Jones & goading Rumple into a fight
Yes, Killian holds some responsibility for destroying Milah & Rumple’s marriage and for Bae losing his mother but it isn’t solely his blame to shoulder. Milah and Rumple share the blame too. Milah more than anyone because she ultimately made the decision for herself to abandon her family. She was not kidnapped. She was not coerced. And it was definitely clear from before she even met Killian that she wanted out of her marriage to Rumple. So, yes, if not for Killian it would’ve been someone else.
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That being said, this was also never portrayed as anything good. There is a whole ass scene in S5 where Killian says outright that HE WAS THE VILLAIN IN THAT STORY! He even says that what he did to Rumple, the whole taunting him bit, was WRONG!
The Rings
The rings were a trophy at one point but Killian says that he wears them now as a reminder of what he was and that all sins can be forgiven when someone loves you. Sins are bad, right? Yes. Ok. Just checking!
When he speaks about what he did, his tone is one of sadness and regret. He isn’t happy about it. He isn’t boastful. "Every ring is a sad story," he says. Sad is also not good, right? Yes. Thought so.
Killian killing his dad and orphaning Liam 2
How was this portrayed as good? Liam 2 literally comes after him, twice. We see how much Killian’s actions damaged Liam 2. Killian also swore Regina to secrecy over it. Good things aren’t sworn into secrecy!
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Killian “raping multiple women”
Yeah this would have needed to actually be canon but it’s not it’s just a fanon opinion that relies on his haters inserting words into one line that he never said then IGNORING Emma’s non-reaction to this supposed admission.
Lemme just scratch this one off the list as "irrelevant"
Shooting Belle
This person is stupid. When was this portrayed as good? He was arrested for it! Belle calls him on it in Season 3! And he brings it up again in S6 because he still feels guilty over it!? These people make up bull shit all day long just to justify why their crack ships are better. It’s so stupid.
Killian killing David’s father
Does this person know what the word “good” means? I am beginning to think they also need a dictionary. Because Killian faced some immediate consequences after learning about what he did. Emma broke off their engagement and he was sucked into a portal.
I am not sure how this means the relationship is unhealthy. Every relationship has its struggles. We’re dealing with a 300 year old pirate with a dark past, here. Things are gonna be a little more extreme but this is a fictional story. What makes it healthy is that they work through it together and apologize.
When Snow accuses David of not wanting Emma to marry Hook, David literally says “no, this has nothing to do with Hook”. David being all negative about the venue was actually trauma caused by Regina! Because he says, and I quote, “The day I married you was the best day of my life… until the Evil Queen burst through those doors and threatened everyone we loved. Then it became one of the worst. I don't want that for Emma. When I walk her down the aisle, the only thing she should be thinking about is the wonderful years ahead, not Gideon or the Black Fairy, not any of it. With everything she's been through, the least we can do is give her a real wedding day.”
It's been a while since i watched the entire episode but I am 99% sure the wedding is momentarily postponed because of David's rant. It only goes forward when they think they've dealt with the Black Fairy.
I reject the idea that any of Killian's crimes were portrayed as good. In my opinion, if characters are showing shame, regret and remorse over an action that usually means that action is bad. I am also of the opinion that if the characters face consequences or apologize that also means what they did was wrong and the action is being handled correctly in the story. Killian's story has all of these elements.
It's nice that they admit Regina and Rumple were bad characters but if they were truly unbiased they'd acknowledge that "bad actions or crimes being portrayed as good" is more a problem with Regina's story than Killian's. I mean. Come on. She was crowned the "good queen" over a kingdom she doesn't regret cursing, to whom she never apologizes to and she still has many of the citizen's hearts stored in her vault... her most heinous crimes (rape of Graham and Henry's abuse) go unacknowledged.
So Kilian's story is the least problematic here.
Thank you so much for the ask! I am so happy you enjoy the blog!
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chess-blackmyre · 2 years
Okay top five plot points I would have to change about Once Upon a Time:
—Keep Marian alive. Look I love Zelena as a character but when she came back in season 4 it felt forced and not a great plot twist overall. (Not to mention another character of color completely screwed over.) A more interesting story would have been to have Marian AND Robin figure out that they’re not the same people they once were and while they do still love and care for each other, they’re not IN love and trying to force a marriage that isn’t working isn’t good for Roland.
—Have Lancelot get the attention and story focus Merida did in season 5A. Seriously why’d they even bring him back if they weren’t going to do anything with him?? Including an explanation for how the heck he tricked Cora, a sorceress so powerful and scary that even Rumple didn’t like messing with her???
—In season 6 reveal instead of the Black Fairy, have the Blue Fairy revealed to be actual villain. She’s had shady vibes for seasons now, and it would have been a HELL of a reveal. SHE designed the curse, and she gave Baelfire the bean knowing the Dark One wouldn’t go through on it.
—Instead of Regina doing the whole Jekyll and Hyde thing which was fun but we’d already had PLENTY of Evil Queen content, how about Killian splitting himself? Baby boy has the self loathing for it and All I can think about is a Barn Cat Feral Captain Hook that is DESPERATELY in love with Emma but also REALLY REALLY wants his revenge against Rumplestiltskin and it’s so neat <3
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mariaalrox-blog · 1 year
emma swan and killian jones are married but when emma travels, somehow misteriously, to the past, she meets baelfire/neal cassidy and they fall in love.
some time after, she goes back to her time and reencounters with killian, but she is pregnant with baelfire/neal's child
this happens in my mind when i just recently saw outlander too much
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dreadpiratejones · 27 days
Killian did not turn his ship around for Emma. He was definitely attracted to her since the beanstalk, and there might have been the beginning of something between them, but he still betrayed her.
He turned back for Bae. Because he loved Baelfire, and he failed him and regretted it ever since, then Baelfire was (assumed) dead and Emma's son was also Bae's son and he needed to do right by him, to make amends for what he did to Bae. Then Henry was kidnapped, and Killian gave up his century long mission for revenge and went back to the one place he'd sworn never to return to side by side with his mortal enemy to save Bae's boy.
Then he kissed Emma in Neverland and realised he was starting to fall for her, and Bae was alive and things got complicated.
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Stepdaddy hook here to save the day.
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Jesus rumple is not going to kill henry. We all know that. You only kill kids if you're truly evil and rumple isn't.
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Okay without context, that scandalized look is hilarious.
With context it's heartbreaking.
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😭😭😭💔💔💔both rumple and Henry's reactions.
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Quit blaming each other and make a solution!
I love david. Where snow white is pure of heart and rarely is violent (minus killing someone or two for the greater good) david is all lemme beat your ASS hook!
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More of david hitting hook.
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Who the fuck is this kid? Looks like a young grim reaper.
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Ah the lost ones. Aka creepy versions of the lost boys.
Fucking mother superior blue fairy. She seems to have her own fucking agenda. And part of it is screwing over rumple.
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martianbugsbunny · 1 year
Martian’s Masterlist!
Figured it was about time I collected all of my fics into one area, will ofc be updating it as I write more. It’s sorted by ship, including wherefrom they originate, with a brief description of what type (one-shot, chapter fic, same-universe if I’m feeling saucy) and a short summary of what happens. V proud of myself for figuring out how to link these tbh, but if any of the links isn’t working for the love of Pete please let me know. Fics with more than one chapter will be linked to the first chapter because...logic.
For the tags, I have chosen to only use the ship names, not __ x __ format, for the sake of trying to keep the tags somewhat in hand. I have, however, tried to use what I’m aware of being the most popular/common names for ships, as well as the alternate ones I’ve seen for more niche stuff. Also tagged are the shipped characters. If I add new ships, I'll have to reblog bc of the tag limit.
*Hands you the rabbit hole* Have fun going down!
CaptainCroc/GoldenHook (Rumplestiltskin x Killian Jones {Once Upon A Time}):
Is This Love Persevering? (It Feels More Like The End of the World): One-shot. Established CaptainCroc mourning the loss of Baelfire. Canon-divergent for the sake of Rumple actually getting to attend his son’s funeral.
Who Makes You See Color: Chapter fic, 14 total. CaptainCroc soulmates AU where one person sees color earlier than the other. Extends from pre-Dark One era to the First Curse being broken.
The Truth Echoes Darkly: Short series; part 1 for The Truth Echoes Darkly. Echo Caves AU where instead of Emma, Hook confesses that he loves Rumple for maximum awkward.
The Echo Goes On: Short series; part 2 for The Truth Echoes Darkly. Back in Storybrooke, Rumple finds himself obsessed with Hook and realizes that he’s fallen in love as well.
My North Star: One-shot. Established CaptainCroc vow renewal, featuring Hook’s inner thoughts about how much he loves Rumple.
Better Than Blood: One-shot. Pretty racy, but the point is thinking about the poeticism of having sex with your ex-nemesis.
Cherik (Charles Xavier x Erik Lehnsherr {X-Men Movies}):
Sweetheart Will You Sleep With Me: One-shot. The night before they fight Shaw, Charles and Erik make the most of the little time they know they have left together and sleep in Charles’ room. Fluff, don’t get too excited by the title lol.
Baby While You’re At It: One-shot. Based on a Jessie Murph song. Angst with a happy ending. Charles is furious when Erik crashes a party at the school, so they have it out in the kitchen and get more-or-less back together by the end.
Espionage Husbands (Talos x Nick Fury {Captain Marvel/Secret Invasion}):
Locked In This Embrace: One-shot. Focuses on the forehead-touching scene from Episode 1, plus an original scene or two afterwards. Mostly Talos pining for Nick with a happy ending.
If You Are Gilgamesh And Did These Things: One-shot. Angst without a happy ending because the author was very upset and sad when Talos died. Nick is grieving Talos; Sonya isn’t helping.
Frankenwolf (Ruby Lucas x Victor Frankenstein {Once Upon A Time}):
Den of Blankets: One-shot. Ruby’s wolf instincts kick in during pregnancy and she builds a blanket-fort den. V fluff.
She Deserves To Have Your Name: One-shot (possibly same-universe as Den of Blankets). Victor has doubts about whether or not their child should have the name Frankenstein, but Ruby wouldn’t hear of anything else.
It’s Just A Dream: One-shot. Ruby has a nightmare spawned from her fears of being a bad parent; Victor comforts her.
As The Storm Blows Through: One-shot. Victor has anxiety during a storm because of what happened with Gerhardt, and Ruby comforts him.
Secret Admirers Are For The Subtle: One-shot. Victor anonymously sends Ruby flowers at the diner so he can drop by, “notice” them, and stick around to sketch them, all so he can spend time with Ruby. She’s on to him the entire time.
Blue Skies Smiling At Me: One-shot. Utterly fluffy beach fic. Ruby is having a good day relaxing with her friends, and it only gets better when her handsome husband joins them.
Frankenberry And The Fruit Brute: One-shot. Fun little Halloween fic where Ruby and Victor discover the General Mills cereals that match their fairytale identities.
Precursor To A Love Song: One-shot. Hyperion Heights AU where Ruby and Victor meet and feel an instant connection, even though they don’t know why. She’s a fashion designer and he’s a piano player/freelance artist. Potential springboard for a full chapter fic if I feel like it.
HatterHare (Mad Hatter x March Hare {Adventures In Wonderland}):
The First Kiss: One-shot. Just a fluffy lil idea about what their first kiss might’ve been like.
Every Bit Of You: One-shot. Projection’n’stuff about food issues basically.
Kalluzeb (Garazeb Orrelios x Alexsandr Kallus {Star Wars Rebels}):
Don’t You Know It’s Because He Loves You?: One-shot. Kallus discovers that Zeb is in love with him via a Lasat Honor Guard tradition.
To Convince You That I Love You: Chapter fic. Kallus does risky things to prove he would do anything for love of Zeb, or that he’s worthy of him, and ends up getting hurt. Angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort.
Lokius (Loki x Mobius {Loki}):
The Man Of My Dreams And He’s Just Out Of Reach: One-shot (with a very long name lol). Mobius stands there across the street from Don’s house and misses Loki. Author was having some Feelings™.
Outlaw Queen (Regina Mills x Robin Hood {Once Upon A Time}):
A Slice Of Life: One-shot. Regina spends the day with her boys and thinks about how awesome it is to have them. V fluffy because the OQ family didn’t get enough of that.
Paxe/AxePaz (Paz Vizsla x Axe Woves {The Mandalorian}):
We Are Mandalorians: Our Love Must Be Forged: Chapter fic, 11 total. Axe and Paz slowly fall in love as they engage in the battle to retake Mandalore, more or less a fix-it for Paz dying in S3 canon.
PloKit (Plo Koon x Kit Fisto {Star Wars: the Clone Wars}):
Reader, Plo Married Him: One-shot. Plo and Kit share some quiet time just after their wedding.
The Tender Daily Ritual: One-shot. Basically just fluff; Kit helps Plo with lotioning his skin because it dries out in oxygen atmospheres.
Scogan (Scott Summers x Logan Howlett {X-Men Movies}):
Torn Between Love And Fear: One-shot. Scott wants to stay after sex and sleep in Logan’s room, but Logan is terrified of hurting him during a nightmare. Angst with a happy (and sort of spicy) ending.
You Scratch My Back, I’ll Scratch Yours: One-shot. Logan and Scott discover they have a mutual pain kink and indulge in it together for the first time. Incredibly spicy, I'm so proud of myself.
Spones (Spock x Dr. McCoy {Star Trek TOS}):
I Could Drink A Case Of You (I Would Still Be On My Feet): One-shot. Based on a Joni Mitchell song; angsty with a happy ending.
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onceuponastorybrookhq · 4 months
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CONGRATULATIONS, Naomi! You have been accepted into the group as Killian Jones. Please make sure to follow our checklist, and let us know if you have any questions!
Your Name/Alias: Naomi
Your Age: 28
Timezone: GMT+½ (depends on the season winter hour and summer hour)
Rate Your Activity: 8
RPing experience: about 13 years of experience
IC Information
Desired Character: Killian jones
Second Character: David Nolan
Writing Sample:
What is it that you love about Emma?Ai, what’s not to love about her? She’s strongwilled,fierce, brave and beautiful. She gave me something to love again after I believed I’d never love again when Milah Was killed by that crocodile.
How do you think of Henry?
I like the las, the kid looks a lot like his mother. Though he has a bit of his father, Baelfire in him as well - he truely is a kid after his parents, he has their stupidity to fall into trouble like Emma does most of the time.
What about Regina?
Well, that’s a bit of a harder question ain’t it? I don’t like her that much, mostly because of the things she has done in the past - but as Emma taught me everyone deserves a second chance, and that does include the queen.
What is your vibe with David?
I don’t know what you mean by Vibe, but I can get along with my father-in-law. We make a good team. Though he did have to warm up to me (*laughs*). I don’t blame him, he just got his daughter back and up she goes to date a pirate, the prince had his time to sulk and I had my time to prove myself.
Additional Information
What drew you to this group? What makes you want to join an ask based RPG?: I actually never been part of an ask based rpg BUT I always adore to try new things!
Anything else?: I’m a professional gifmaker and i’d love to make gifs for the group, I have about 9 years of photoshop experience!
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