#emmy's random bs
ace-driver · 4 months
Is learning to do digital art a bad idea if I haven't done traditional art before? Or would I be better off doing traditional art first?
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miniimapp · 2 years
4*TOWN As Kids
Gen ;; Crack + Fluff (??) - Headcanons
Warnings ;; nah
Proofread + Edited ;; nooooo
this idea was literally me trying to figure out wtf the pictures when i was younger were meant to be and then boom, 4*TOWN content babeeyyyyy
Enjoy !! <3
Aaron T - The Weird Kid
You know those kids that just go up to anyone and start spitting some random or sometimes disturbing bs
Like,, kinda reminds me of the of the boy I sit next to in language study tbh
Mans will just start talking about the wirdest of things out of nowhere
Why tf are talking at me about thumbprint and how yours are superior ??
Why do you know that you can burn them off ??
Why have you researched how to organise a crime and get away with it ??
And why on earth are you telling me the details ??
You know,, that kinda stuff
Mans will just start talking, no brain to mouth filter needed
Not a single thought,, just a river of words
Mans was talking before he could even crawl
But he's also the type of kid to just get away with anything but he just has that charm yknow ??
Like,, he could be babbling away and being cheeky to a teacher and it's fine but if someone else even dares to breathe they're sent out
He's the class clown throughout his whole life
Nursery to graduation babeyyyy
Not book smart but street smart definitely
Common sense frrr
Most people wouldn't expect it because he always makes silly comments but T knows what he's talking about
I feel like he picked up an interest in music tech and producing when he was p young
Probably on some school music trip thay was only accepted to get more money out of parents but hey,, it provided T with his passion so..
He is the kid who shows you bugs out of nowhere
Yes he's very proud of them
He tried to keep a pet snail in his room once
That dream soon died in the form of a scolding lmao
Jesse - The Art Kid (obviously)
Never without a sketchbook or some form of paper
If his parents didn't put his art on the fridge he'd put it up himself, covering up all his grades and any other paper on there
Kinda cocky for a kid tbh
People told him often how talented he was and mans ran with it
Suddenly he's god's gift to the world
Golden child vibes tbh
People always asked him to draw them, you know, like how annoying people do
He would literally just ignore anyone who tried to interrupt his art time
Fair enough tbh, art time is art time for a reason,, not socialising time
Hhhhhh some people,, eh ??
Still though, mans did act p arrogantly about his skills
Somewhere along the way someone had to teach this kid the meaning on humility and confidence vs cockiness
So glad that it wasn't me tbh
You do not want a little grumpy Jesse on your hands
When I say fits of rage,, I mean fits of rage
I think Jesse, for the most part was a delight to be around, overly confident at times perhaps but fun either way
But if he was faced with any kind of conflict
Absolutely screamed his head off
I'm sorry but it's true
Also incredibly dramatic
Winning emmies by the age of 4
If he got any kind of sickness, whether it's a slight sniffle or a fever, he's gonna act like he's on the verge of death.
Seconds away from popping his clogs
He will make you feel bad if he doesn't get his way
Puppy eyes turn to daggers in milliseconds fr
He was definitely forced into classical music growing up and as he grew he explored other routes
He also calmed tf down as he grew too, thank all that is good
Mans cycled through many instruments and genres of music before landing on thinsg that stuck
Aaron Z - The Quiet Kid
Literally the stereotype of a quiet kid
He walked so all those quiet kid tiktoks could.. waddle ??
The funny thing is Z is not a quiet person at all really,, he just wasn't interested din any of their asses tbh
Tbh it normally amuses him when people always default to describing him as the quiet kid, or the shy kid, or the silent but deadly kid
Somehow people, at every school he went to, got the impression that he's a delinquent of sorts
That he'd fight anyone who dared to mess either him
Literally no sweetie,, he's just unnecessarily tall lmao
And also just doesn't care about you lmao
You know he does care about tho ??
His grandpappy !!
Being practically raised by him can do that to a kid
His most treasured possession is a harmonica his grandpappy got him with both of their initials engraved in it
Mans literally has a special case for it and everything
His grandpappy is the one who got him into music and all
Grandpappy used to be in a folk band back in the day, didn't you know ??
Z is so proud of his grandpappy, so happy to be related to him
Z wasn't particularly talkative when he was a kid,, he wasn't as quiet as people made him out to be but even around famy and friends he wasn't really loud
But he was, and continues to be, really expressive
In expressions, gestures
It's what makes him such a good dancer
And what makes dancing so fun for him
He can speak without words but instead with his body
Sometimes though, Z can get really passionate and talk for hours about something
Robaire - The True Golden Child
Is there anything little Ro can't do ?? Evidently not
The biggest teachers pet throughout his younger years istg
Probably got teased about it a little bit cause kids are cruel
But Ro literally aced every test he was ever given and it was hard to find an activity he struggled with
Basically a prodigy
I actually think that Robaire was a pretty shy kid though
Like,, people made him nervous and he had a bit of separation anxiety from his parents
Nursery was rough for all parties involved
Definitely a hard worker from day 1 but also a fair bit of a dreamer
Sometimes Ro's head would float up in the clouds and take ages to come back down
A-fucking-nother classically trained baby and he carried it on throughout his life
Mans has muscle memory with the same duration as an elephant
On that topic I feel like Ro has above average memory, maybe not photographic but definitely above average
He can remember practically every lyric he's ever learnt and every piano score he's learnt too
No one knows how he does it
You know the recorder lessons in nursery where you play hot cross buns or whatever tf
Ro somehow managed to make that cheap plastic shit sound good
Honestly astounding
Perfect pitch KING,, move out of the way charlie puth
His talent for it certainly helped but it wasn't the praise that made Ro decide music was his thing
It's the way he felt during his playing,, before he heard any praise about it..
Over the moon
Tae Young - The Cute Kid
Had everyone fooled from day one bro
Everyone's under the impression that he's an angel.. ha ha,, no
Not in any way, shape or form
It literally became a known thing that whenever he's get in trouble or introduced to someone new people would say
"Don't be fooled by his puppy eyes,, he's actually vicious underneath that expression.. "
No one ever heeds the warning until the damage is done
You were warned bro..
Grab a pair of listeners at the door and prepare to use them in the future
Tae was the trouble kid though, always doing things he shouldn't
And he'd always get away with it because of his adorable little face
By age 5 Tae had mastered the way of making any adult fold to his demands with just 1 look
A terrifying child to babysit,, can you imagine ??
I'd rather just be broke tbh
And that's coming from someone who has less than a fiver to their name lmao
Other kids his age would send Tae out as a back up plan to get teachers to derail from their lesson plan and watch above or something instead
Shit worked every fucking time
Pissed off every other class known to man
Another classically trained kiddo and he stuck with the violin
He just really enjoys it tbh
Maybe it's because he had a really good childhood teacher
That teacher instilled a passion in Tae bro
Talented teacher for that fr
Tae struggles with motivation tbh so habits are important,, especially those established when he was young
So yeah, that teacher was p incredible to Tae,, did something that Tae had never seen before lmao
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You and I need our jobs to live and pay bills anon, but Seb doesn't need to do PR to be successful. He is talented enough and he doesn't need to resort to these cheap tricks of pap walks and fake GFs to get recognition. I know some of you say AW is what helped him get his Emmy nod but that is complete bs. She contributes nothing to his career and she's not famous enough to elevate his status in any meaningful way. If he was dating a popular influencer like Emrata or a famous actress like Margot Robbie for PR then yeah, I would understand, but random foreign Z-listers who no one even knows make no sense. If he keeps doing these PR rs then it's a choice, and it doesn't help his career, it's the opposite. Ale got his cancelled and led to a lot of people having a very negative view of him and with AW he's been out of work for almost a year, travelling the world and partying. How does that help his career in any way?
he hasn’t been out of work for almost a year y’all act like you know what he’s doing behind the scenes he��s not just an actor he’s also a producer. He had a movie come out this year had a guest spot on a show he’s producing a show with a Romanian Director and up until the strike he was gonna start filming thunderbolts. He works a lot and there are projects that we don’t know about. So what if he travels and parties? He’s allowed to as much as he wants to especially after the busy year he had in 2022. Believe what you want no one here is here trying to change your mind it’s your opinion. But Jesus if the man wants to ever take a year off and just relax let him
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demxters · 4 years
𝒎𝒚 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒔, 𝒎𝒚 𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆...
♡ with the year coming to an end, i want to thank everyone who made this nightmare of a year a little more bearable with their wonderful kindness and friendship...
@spilledtee @harrysbbby @pogue-writings @luke-alvez @kempe @edmundspevensea @teamnick @anonymous0writer @ceruleanjj @outrbanks @pixelated-pogues @drewstarkey @astrohada
you guys were all some of my very first mutuals i had when joining this site and i can’t thank each and every one of you enough for the kindness and support you’ve shown me. even if we don’t talk as much now or barely talk at all or always catch up, you still have a very special place in my heart.
@outerbankslut @kookkyra @x-lulu @outrebanx @ptersparkers @storiesbymads @spenceybaby @weasleyswildin @thegreatestofheck @danicarosaline @obxfics @obxlife @bxthharmon @jiaraendgame @jjsbxtch @bricksatlandyswindow @babytkachuks @bailspogue @killingbxys @shawnssongs @angellissy @sguymon21 @vinceduhn @sarah-kie @annab-nana @obxmermaid @rafej-cambanks @jellyfishbeansontoast @sunsetholland @aquariusholland
to all of you who’ve i’ve interacted with on and off again, i know i’m not the best at reaching out but i think of each and every one of you from time to time and remember just how much i love you all. you’ve all at one time or another shown me so much love and kindness and i hope you’re all doing well. i appreciate and miss you all so much.
♡ to @socialwriter , kaylee, my wifey i hope you’re well and whenever you see this i hope you know that i love you so so much and i’m so thankful to have gotten as close to you this year as i have.
♡ to @kikifromtheblock, kiki, i love you so much. thank you for being such an amazing friend and support system whenever i needed someone to bounce ideas off of or just to rant. i appreciated every single moment. we don’t catch up as often now but just know that i think of you often and i hope you’re doing alright!
♡ to @sunflowerbecca, becca, thank you for being a light on my dark days. you never fail to make me smile and i appreciate all the times you come and check in. i’m so bad at doing the same, but just know that i do think of you. your chaotic moments do worry me but also make me laugh when i need them so thank you. never stop being you hun.
♡ to @kiedhara here’s you’re paragraph, bitch. lol where to start... i love you with my heart and soul. timezones can be such a bitch but just know that i think of you daily. thank you for always being there for me and being such a constant in my quarantine life. thank you for listening to me rant, for hyperfixating with me, and simping over colonizers with me. i wish things were like summer when we could practically text all day and all night all over again. but dw! i can’t wait for our next ft date. love so much.
♡ to @infernoem14, emmy ik we talk like every day and i could probably just send this to you but sh this is fine. i’m so glad you had the guts to talk to me bc i love talking to you everyday. though we’ve never met before i swear, it feels like we’ve been friends our whole lives. you’re such a kind and compassionate person and you always make my day. i thank fate everyday for letting us become friends. ily lots. pls come to cali i wanna meet you so bad.
♡ to @pogueszn, gracie!! the loml, my rainbow connection. thank you for being there to rant about our hyperfixations or to just talk about the most random of things. you literally make my day all the time, ty for all of your love and support. i’m so thankful to have a friend like you.
♡ to @thesewordsareallihavetogive , we just started talking not too long ago, but i literally love every time that we do talk. you are such a sweetheart and an amazing support system and overall just a lovely and fun person. i’m so glad that we became friends because our conversations literally give me so much joy. ily and thank you so much for everything lovely.
♡ and to you, my followers. every single one of you have made this experience 100x better. every request, every random ask, every comment, every reblog, and every like is appreciated from all of you. the fact that you’re here even after all my bs posting is astonishing to me, really. but the fact that you’re here is enough. if you’ve ever or never talked to me before i still love you. thank you for the love, support, and kindness you’ve shown me. you all have a special place in my heart.
now this isn’t all i want to say and i’m kind of blanking atm so please don’t take it personally if you’re not on here. but if you made it this far, you’re a real one!!
happy new year and bring on 2021!!
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cayenne-twilight · 4 years
🎨 and 🌝 for the ask game?
🎨- favorite official artwork? I split these between this and the last ask so here are the other two.
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The stickers are so fun, I wish they made a few more volumes of them with more characters. They make the sprites looks boring. I love all of Emmy’s expressions, and Luke is always adorable. I hate the ones where he’s crying, though, they make me sad too. The extra Curious Village HD cutscenes are SO cute. I wish they made at least an epilogue cutscene for the other two HDs. Flora finally got a little shred of spotlight. Look at them taking a big sippy. This screenshot didn’t even catch Paul leaving the store in the background.
🌝- top 5 blessed npcs
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Barton is so good. Do I even need to explain? He is such a sweetie, and the Mystery Room Comissioner Barton better be canon over that random “commissioner” dude from LMJ
The entire black raven. Splendid. Parkour children. They are so good, and the costume has impeccable vibes.
Becky is so fun. Imagine what society would look like if she was in LMJ instead of/in addition to Benny. “You lucky ducks totally scored!” Superb.
Adelaide called Luke out on his bs. He kept calling himself a city boy, London born and raised, and she saw right through his lies.
Mimi is here for just being too cute. Look at how adorable she is.
Thank you for the ask!
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kinetic-elaboration · 5 years
November 18: Thoughts on The 100 2x07
Okay, gonna try this again with another ep. Long Into the Abyss
The last time I was watching T100 I was back at the beginning of S2 so I could remind myself of some stuff for a fic so now I’m really out of sorts.
I remember watching this ep for the first time and thinking, ‘oh, I guess Keenan isn’t going to be important, then.’ The fucked-up-ness levels of this scene are supremely underrated. Much like how they experiment on Maya--they know no shame. Also I feel like the implication is that Keenan isn’t the first person they’ve killed in this way. Does no one.... miss them? Why was there no revolt from the populace on the grounds of ‘they’re experimenting on us’ if not on the grounds of ‘they’re experimenting on these random kids’?
That Keenan was felled by rain makes me think that the rain was....dun dun dun, acid the whole time.
“Civilian check-in will take place at 0900 hours. All civilians must be accounted for by your station supervisors.” I mean first there are only two stations lol but otherwise... collecting more data for the Ark AU.
“This is not our home, it’s theirs” is SUCH a retcon and I’m still angry about it.
It makes absolutely no sense that Abby is still in charge even though the duly elected Chancellor is back in the settlement. I mean I know they’re just making shit up now but they’re not even trying.
Jaha’s faith would be more compelling if it didn’t mean randomly abandoning big chunks of his people--not just Marcus and the 48 but every other station that may or may not be out there. I guess he still sees them as a whole not as individuals or even as sub-parts. (I’d say he’s being selfish but in fact he will sacrifice himself too.)
This would have been a good time to lean even more into the 100 as a distinct people all their own. Clarke (and co.) care about the 48 than anything else. But no one else does, really; they were already thrown away.
That was the worst speech Chancellor 1 and Chancellor 2 could have given because now it’s super obvious they are not on the same page.
“The Grounders are attacking because of me” is 100% true and you should say it. People in this fandom love to hate on fuckboy Finn but the actual main characters stuck behind him right up until the bitter end lol, let’s not forget that.
Also yes Clarke’s line is stupid (”The Grounders are attacking because that’s what they do”) but.... she’s not entirely wrong that the Grounders have historically targeted them for almost no reason, over and over, since day one. So yeah they’d probably be attacking anyway. Not five minutes ago Jaha was saying they were just trying to get ‘invaders’ off their land so....yeah no one knows.
Raven’s Gate!
The Mount Weather delinquents! I love them. I love their group dynamic. I love the bizarre way Jasper is sitting, and how much faith he has in Clarke, and Monty being the voice of pessimistic reason. I do not love Monty’s hair. That is an unfortunate cut.
Says the boy whose crime was being a stoner.
Like tbh now that I’ve looked at the whole season from afar, trying to make it make sense for fic writing purposes, I see that this whole ep’s story line probably mostly exists just to buy some time while actual progress is made outside the Mountain but... I still love it.
Give Ricky Whittle an Emmy lol.
S2 Clarke was such peak Clarke... she’s so smart. Figuring everything out all the time.
[All Grunting]
David Miller is the true and only MVP I said what I said.
Mount Weather population: 382. You know people can give bone marrow without dying. Perhaps you could stop being so greedy and impatient.
Octavia trying to be brave and strong while looking young and scared and small is Endearing.
Totally forgot Nyko was a healer.
Or an Angel of Death lol.
I’m just going to say it. Bellamy was turned on by Clarke electrocuting Nyko.
I’m not super crazy about the Finn and Lincoln comparisons given that Finn acted of his own free will and Lincoln was turned into a cannibal.
The only scenes that really matter are the MW ones as per usual.
“Ye of little faith.”
“That’s my boy.”
I love Miller’s little thief kit omg. And Monty the Stereotypical Hacker.
“And they said we wouldn’t amount to anything.” UNDERRATED LINE.
“Abby, you cannot seriously be taking seriously the thoughts of a teenage girl we previously agreed was completely expendable lol??”
I’d say ‘why do the Grounders need such a comically large force to wipe out a tiny little enclave of scared refugees’ but of course the last time they went up against an even tinier group of refugees they got roasted, toasted, and burned to a crisp so...fair enough.
“She was Anya’s second” as in that should matter because Clarke and Anya were such good friends....?
Jaha hates not being in power so bad. Like he’s this-close from saying ‘Abby stop playing and hand over the pin to a real adult.’ Like he truly thinks she’s just fucking around and he’s entitled to the final say because...habit I guess?
Another point to Finn: if they left they would NEVER come back for the MW kids lol. What an obvious lie. Does Jaha believe his own bs??
Also someone should have pointed out that the Grounders have literally never been good faith with them. Never. Like who says that if the Ark left the Alpha Station site that the Grounders wouldn’t pursue them and kill them anyway? The delinquents abandoned the dropship site and were followed and attacked. (Am I mis-remembering or was ‘leave or die’ the offer then too?) The Ark doesn’t know how much land “belongs” to Trikru (prob because none of it does lol). Like, Jaha’s confidence that Lexa wasn’t lying to him the whole time--like every other time she opens her mouth, because almost everything she says is in fact a lie--is wildly misplaced imho.
All of that said and I completely stand by it--he’s not wrong that he’s the real Chancellor and it is ridiculous that the actual elected Chancellor has to beg the rando who just happens to have the pin to do something. Like--he is right  on the procedure but wrong on the substance is what I’m saying.
And here another example of how only the person who controls the army has real power.
Remember when Abby and Clarke had a good relationship? And it was significant and moving? Anyway another answer to ‘why are you throwing everything away on this plan’ would be ‘because it’s not a shitty plan, you’re just not hearing it out,’ or alternately ‘because we need to deserve to live as I have already said back in the pilot and walking away from MW would be morally abhorrent.’
Netflix subtitles don’t know Miller’s name lol.
MW surveillance of Alpha Station.
Honestly as soon as the stuff with the Grounders moves to the fore I just zone out. Maybe it’s because the tension is gone when you know what happens or maybe it’s because I never really believed ADC but...eh. She has a cool glove though.
They really do hammer home the idea that the MM aren’t really “alive.” Someone bring back that ‘they’re the souls in the underworld’ meta stat.
“This is our world. We deserve this.” Imo this is the hubris of the descendant of American Executive Branch survivors, the belief that, because they were chosen to live for their importance to the whole concept of America, that they now deserve not just survival but a return to that which they themselves destroyed. (I know in this universe it was some rogue AI blah blah blah--it’s more interesting if it was a nuclear war in the traditional sense in my opinion.) Dante has the other side of the argument: We are the keepers of history. The responsibility, over the entitlement. And he recognizes that this legacy is already stained, perhaps irrevocably. Is it ridiculous that he drew his line in the sand? Did he even make that decision, about the Grounders, or did his father make it? Does he think it’s okay because the Grounders are ‘savages’? Because the MM can survive without the bone marrow but not without the blood?
I’m going to be honest, I have no idea what the concept is here with saving Lincoln. Like is this real science about overdoses or just like shit made up as they went along? The only thing I got was the heart thing with the electric shock but like...unclear on the rest... is it just waiting out the detox, I guess?
The dropship has a cute tiled floor. I never noticed that.
They didn’t lie! They were just being as dramatic as possible! Griffin women specialty.
I never shipped M/inty but that was a nice moment. Love those attempts to expand Miller’s character. Also completely forgot that what Miller found was the engineering schematics.
“It’s not complicated really. We just need to keep them alive long enough for the drug to leave their system.” Okay so I was basically right. Not sure how she came to that conclusion from the fight scene but w/e.
L just strikes me as like a young person pretending to be a leader rather than like an actual leader... I’m sorry. But that’s just my read.
Anyway here she is, bad faith as always--moving the goalposts again. “You can have your truce if I get one thing”--LADY YOU GOT YOUR ONE THING THE FUCKING REAPERS HELLO. You don’t get a second thing. I mean fuck really you’re already getting two things: the Reapers and an ally in taking down the Mountain. Now you want a third thing?? No. No more things.
“The one you call Finn”--see, honestly, fake. You’re from fucking Baltimore, no one talks like this or has ever talked like this in the history of human speech.
Anyway, that was intellectually exhausting. Missed seeing my girl Maya. And even more importantly, Raven. And Bellamy had so little to do. He looked damn fine though.
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Ew’s connections??
So, I’ve sent asks about this on @into-control’s blog and decided to make a post. Big ass disclaimer: I don’t have more knowledge about media,PR,industry etc. than any other average cs. This is no solid evidence whatsoever,it’s just pure speculations from my side about how Ew could have possibly reached Camila’s team or how he was chosen for her beard or or or.. That will always remain a huge question for me. Even if there was a contest for the worst beard ever, they would not have chosen someone as bad as him.
Keep in mind:
1)I have no idea how far and deep these connections are/were. If I wrote a book, I wouldn’t thank random people who I’ve met just once in my life sooo.. I also don’t know if he maintained any contact with the people mentioned in his book. From the impression I have, I’d say he is a freeloader,mooch,parasite and would do anything for profit and free ads for his scammer business, So I think he did maintain the contact to those people.
2) His book was published in 2013. After the release his joke of a career unfortunately got bigger and maybe his connections too. His ego did for sure.
3) English is like my..third? language so I apologize in advance for any mistakes, incorrectly used words and shit. *dis post is powered by my coffee machine btw
 So I was searching for Ew’s PR team but I found this instead
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which lead me to this part of his scammer book.
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Apparently, Mr. Pissey knows a lot of people.
“Everyone who has made my TV career possible: Sean Perry and Ivo Fischer at WME”
WME WME is talent agency and represents artists across all media platforms, specifically movies, television, music, theatre, digital and publishing.
“ WME Partner Sean Perry Elected HRTS President “ “ Perry, who is co-head of WME’s non-scripted television department “ looks to me like he is a big deal,hm?
Ivo Fischer is a talent agent at WME.
Then I remembered that Camila’s agents Todd Jacobs and Kirk Sommer also work for WME. However, it turned out there were a lot of artists who are signed to WME.
And then Uncle Simon popped out with this: Simon Cowell Signs With WME Agency “Top reality star and producer Simon Cowell and his music, TV and film company Syco Entertainment have signed with WME. The agency will work on continuing to expand Syco’s film, scripted and unscripted television departments as well as its music brands.”
The scripted and unscripted TV departments are where Ew’s people work.
“Syco extended into feature films with the 2013 One Direction 3D documentary This Is Us. Earlier this year, Syco teamed up with Kenny Ortega on a music-driven film set up at Sony Pictures. “
This kinda rang a bell to me -  and here comes Cinderella
“Cabello will not only star in the project, set up at Sony's Columbia label.... Corden is also producing the feature project with Leo Pearlman, his partner at Fulwell 73.... Cabello is repped by WME and manager Roger Gold...”
Fulwell 73 is a television, film and music production company based in London. One of the founders was Leo Pearlman, who according to wikipedia etc worked on the production of  One Direction: This Is Us (Sony/Columbia), which was produced by Simon Cowell himself.
I know, Simon isn't involved with Cinderella,James Corden is the one who is gonna produce it, but I wouldn’t be surprised if uncle Simon has something to do with it SOMEHOW,idk. ( I love conspiracy theories )
okay,moving on.. ew mentioned Sloane Delancer twice in his book so I thought I’m gonna continue with her. She worked with a bunch of other people Ew mentioned too on Ready for love,a TV shitshow where he  made appearances, being a shitmaker matchmaker. Sloane also was the producer of America’s got talent in 2015. If you don’t know the Got talent franchise is created and owned by uncle Simon and Syco. Cowell's AGT is broadcasted on NBC.
Ready for love - team
Aired on NBC, produced by Eva Longoria. The other exec producers were David Garfinkle and Jay Renfroe, who are producers for a lot of shows. they also founded Renegade 83. Jay was also nominated for Emmy twice.
Jason Ehrlich was also a exec. producer for Ready for BS but is also known for being the co-executive producer for The Bachelor and its spinoffs. doesn’t surprise me. As of 2012th he works in NBC. “He also worked under an overall deal for Warner Horizon as an executive producer on "High School Reunion," "Hitched or Ditched," "The Lamas Life" and as an executive consultant for "There Goes the Neighborhood."Before his work with Next Entertainment and Warner Horizon, Ehrlich was an executive producer of a film for the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences. This film featured documentary work for the Grammys which included Beyonce, Tina Turner and the Foo Fighters.” - I found this here so I don’t know how credible it is.
Susan House - same shit, the Bachelor, Ready for throwing my TV, but also Hell’s kitchen which is somewhat cool.
Greg Goldman is also the chairman of studio Lambert,own by All3Media
Ready to die was hosted by Giuliana and Bill Rancic.
Giuliana is working at E!News. Yep,that’s the exact same shit place where the exclusive beach photoshoot came first from. She works there since 2002 and is quite a big deal there.
 Bill is..just check his wikipedia page. here you can see few of them together
Creative Visions
Jon Turteltaub is an American film director and producer. Kathy Eldon, Amy Eldon and Simon Eldon-Edington are also producers and writers.
Creative Visions
Jon Turteltaub is an American film director and producer. Kathy Eldon, Amy Eldon and Simon Eldon-Edington are also producers and writers.
Louise Roe is an English television presenter, model, and fashion journalist. I guess they are still friends, Ew was guest on her youtube channel or she was on his,idk.
Virginia Hill
 Camilo Valdes
Altogether I’d say that guy had a lot of connections back then even tho he was basically nobody (at least it looks like that to me). He knows a lot of people who work either for NBC or ABC. He knows people who know people. I don’t have exactly a theory but in my opinion he used his contacts and tried to reach someone with more power and influence in order to try and boost his career and his company. Everyone knows that famous people use fake relationships for publicity and he probably thought he is a celebrity too and took the things in his hand and offered himself as beard.I don’t know.
Like I said this does not prove anything
feel free to share your opinion or debunk this pathetic theory of mine, in the meantime I’m gonna wait to be recruited by the FBI, I’m just kidding. Maybe not.
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dysfunctionalnerd · 6 years
prof lay zelda au??
i,,,, dont know how to add a cut so like,, sorry if this gets long I'm making this up as I go
I guess hersh is link cuz hes like courageous? and hes got like main character syndrome
or maybe zelda cuz hes wicked smart
fuck it hersh is zelda
uhhhhhhhh luke is link?? whacking all this moblin bastards cuz some power crazed thot decided to kidnap hersh cuz hes smart and got a yellow triangle
London hyrule I guess (lorule lol)
it's like hyrule except big Ben and bricks but like castles too I guess
hersh is like a prince but like only in title bc he actually gives all his money away and just lives in this little flat I guess and tries to live his best life despite having this lil yellow mark on his hand
and one day he comes across this like kinda roudy luke kid who at first hes like g od this kid is rude but like then luke brings him like a cuccoo egg bc somehow he learned that that's his fav produce ???????? point is he sees this kid has a big heart and grows fond of him and like adopts him I guess
but then Ganondorf!!!
but it's not ganondorf its ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, uh,,,, don Paulo
except hes like a fake ganon (think zant) but regardless he thinks he can rule everything and he wants that triforce!!
hersh feels the disturbance when don Paulo is like at it and hes like luke I'm gonna go see what's up cuz like technically I'm still a prince
but luke is like i!! wanna go with you!! and BAM yellow light and holy shit hes got a triforce piece too
and hersh is like wHAT
and like idk hersh is like u cant get involved I dont want u hurt so he like,, leaves without telling luke
turns out his fencing skills fall short of don paulos nast magic given to him and he get Kidnapped like a Loser
and the adventures of luke begins I guess
so like luke is out there solving puzzles and fucking up ancient temples n shit I guess and he meets emmy!! who gives him his horse!!
but it's a donkey
anyways they're best friends now
oh along the way he meets some random ass dude called randall?? luke nonchalantly tells him everything bc hes a roudy kid and suddenly this weirdo is super interested and worried?? weird
luke noticed randall is like Not So Suddenly following him but by the 3rd temple he figures this guy isnt actually getting in the way so it's like whatever I guess
but still creepy so he confronts the guy and hes like Hey!!! What the Fuck!!!
and randall confesses that when hersh and he were kids they lived in a big castle together and were best friends!!!
but then hersh hated the bougie 1% castle life and left without telling randall. bummer!
and Randall's been like searching for him since
now we know why hersh always absolutley refused to give his name to the papers!!
also hes a prince that would totally suck if the media knew it was him
anyway so luke and randall team up now and face don paulo
turns out randall ain't shit at fighting but he does know where some cool ass sword is (think of him as like navi or midna. he provides info)
luke has some generic but kinda powerful sword now yay ! time to fuck up some temple bc randall thinks that's smart
in the temple luke gets some kind of magic violin then??? and he can like,,,,,, aquire the power of the animals r some bs like that
time to head to don paulos
theres this big dialogue where luke is like gIVE ME BACK MY BEST FRIEND and don paulo is like Haha u ain't shit kid
turns out he is and don Paulo gets fucking destroyed
but????? no clue to hershs whereabouts when this fool falls???
and suddenly BAM luke gets taken by the hand by this weird but oddly familiar guy in this funky top hat and top hat man just fucking tears luke away from the now crumbling castle room place
luke is like hey What The Fuck
and top hat man is like you have a terrible fate ahead of you but you must save the prince
did I forget to mention luke doesnt know hersh is a prince
so luke is like prince????????
and top hat man is like yea so now u gotta go to this one shithole village nobody knows of and speak to the one the call buffoon
and the top hat man vanishes in a cryptic wave of leaves I guess
randall was there I guess but he only saw top hat man for like 1 second at the end and just fucking sCREAMS
and luke is like what the fUCK is going on
and randall is like do u not know??? r u serious??? but figures it's best he not know yet if this is what top hat man intended
so they go to shithole village and ???? it is not a buffoon, but flora!!
and this time flora is IMPORTANT and VITAL to the plot
flora is like hello they call me buffoon but I'm actually just a lesbian girl everyone here is just home of phobia
and luke is like wow hey cool literally the rest of London hyrule doesnt care pls leave shithole village
and flora is like I cant!! I'm protecting the master sword!
the master sword
floral like dont fcking touch it
luke touches it like an idiot
so luke pulls that shit out and darkness sweeps over the place
and oh dear heres the root of don paulos power!! turns out is Descoganon behind it all
luke tries to fight descole but like too powerful so he gets a Defeat
descoles like buahahahahaha u fool this isnt even my final form and he fuckin dives to finish off luke
top hat man!
he like appears in front of luke and is devoured but descoganons darkness
but before that his top hat falls off and !!!!!!!! wow what a surprise its hersh
luke is like NO I was a FOOL I was too BRASH!! I am not courageous, but dumb!
and Randall's crying I guess but hes like it's not ur fault
and floras like I'm mad at u for pulling out that sword but I mean hes right in order to defeat descole u need to strike him with that sword
so of to descoganons we go!
oh yeah flora joined the team bc turns out shes a fucking BADASS magician
also she constantly gives randall shit for not being able to fight
you thought you heard the last of Emmy but no!! shes back again bc I said so!!!
she wants to join the team too and luke is like cool more horses
everyone's has a cool ass horse except luke who has his dumb lil DONKEY
hes pissed but also grateful he doesnt have to walk by foot but also a fucking donkey???? seriously???
and emmy's like fucking deal with it you whiny ass man
so yeah master sword and magic violin in hand luke calls upon the animals to aid him in battle and it's off to descoles we go!!!
wow this place is DARK
and also the iconic castle that everyone cherishes is now in ruins
and in the most concentrated area of darkness is hersh trapped, glowing just a little bit but fading fast
and luke is like FACE ME DESCOLE U COWARD
and he does
and hes like boutta lose again and flora is like NO! I awaken ur full power!!
and his triforce glows!!!! he is powerful! full of courage!
but descole starts fucking tearing appart in laughter
hes glowing too! he has a triforce too!! he has them all
if you've ever played any zelda game ever this is when descole turns into some pig
but alas by the power of the magic animal violin and the master sword he is defeated
flora dealt the most damage and at the end she was like luke u gotta stab him now and he was like uh ok I guess
voila!! hersh is no longer trapped in darkness!! nor is the rest of London
oh yeah Randall's gay for hersh duh first thing he does is run to him being like remember me???? doesnt matter I'm nursing you to health now
oh but first luke runs to him crying and hugs him and is like pls dont ever leave like that again dad
and hersh is like did.... did u call me dad??? and he cries too and they hug
(except halfway through hersh collapses and luke is struggling to try and keep him from falling. how did this weak boy defeat such an all powerful being?????)
yeah hersh and randall get married flora gets a gf and happily ever after
oh and claire is like the goddess of London who made the damn triforce bc why the fucking hell not
so anyways yeah uhhhhhh someone tell nintendo to fucking hire me
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thebachelordiaries · 6 years
Two Engagements and a Funeral: ‘The Bachelor’ Premiere Recap
So here it is...what Bachelor producers have been waiting for since they created this show: a virgin Bachelor.
There’s nothing wrong with being a virgin. As we all know it’s a social construct. Colton is clearly a virgin by choice, and like a girl said on Kaitlyn Bristowe’s podcast, he’s definitley gotten a bunch of bl*w j*bs in his life.
It’s annoying when people fixate on someone’s virginity. Kind of like during my freshman year of college when every guy I rejected would tell me I’m going to “die a virgin.” Well jokes on them because I’m still alive, but I digress.
What’s the opposite of 10 pounds of sh*t in a 5 pound bag? Whatever that word is, it perfectly described episode 1 of The Bachelor. The premiere was 90 minutes of content strung out into three hours. It’s not like my time is precious, but if you’re going to make us sit for three hours, at least keep me glued to the screen.
The only good thing about this unnecessarily long episode was the Chris Harrison montage, which got me my first viral tweet of the season:
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My tweet was like seven likes short of 3k likes, but I’m not obsessing over it or anything...
I enjoyed this premiere when I wasn’t watching random people I don’t know get engaged. It had all the makings of a great premiere: a girl in a sloth costume, some “villain” interrupting Colton multiple times, an annoying amount of virgin jokes, at least two beauty queens, and not one, not two, but THREE kisses on night one. Not bad for a virgin who can’t drive. The only thing missing was the drunk girl, but we did have a Cinderella, so that’s close enough.
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I never know how to write about the premiere. There are 30 (THIRTY!!!) contestants. There’s no way I can write thoroughly about every single one. And it’s not like all 30 of them were memorable. 
A special few got video intro packages:
Cassie— a California blonde who is a speech pathologist (but not really because she needs more education). She surfs and looks like Hillary Duff a la Lizzie McGuire days.
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Hannah B.— an Alabama beauty queen who seems cracked out on too much coffee, but for some reason I really like her. She felt the need to mention she only kissed four guys despite not being a virgin. Children, keep some things to yourself, ok?
Katie— She’s a dancer from the “east coast.” I like how The Bachelor just glosses over the northeast, but focuses heavily on someone’s southern roots. Rude!
Heather— her occupation is “Never Been Kissed.” That’s all you will ever need to know about her. If producers don’t force her to kiss Colton by at least episode two and then change her occupation to “Been Kissed,” then they failed at their jobs.
Onyeka— She comes from a Nigerian family and claims she “doesn’t care” what people think of her. I highly doubt that.
Nicole— Why do I just want to give her a hug? Nicole hails from Miami, so she’s bilingual with a nice accent. Also, her brother has autism and she says they’re a “package deal.” Be still my heart.
Kirpa— The dental hygiene jokes have been played out. I want no further mention of her profession from here on out. 
Demi— Here we go. We found the girl who is carrying this season. Demi is a little firecracker whose mom is in prison. Her mom is expected to get out soon. Could you imagine that hometown date? The Bachelor may finally get its Emmy.
Memorable limo entrances
Demi was first out the limo, which means she may be a strong contender. She said she hasn’t dated a virgin since “she was like 12″ which is like, kind of concerning? I hope she wasn’t serious, or else I’m gonna like, call the cops. She seems very humble.
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Caelynn, who was Miss USA first runner-up (WTF is she doing on this show?), came out the limo in her “Miss North Carolina” sash, but turned it to reveal a “Miss Underwood” on the other side. I guess that means she’s vying to become Colton’s sister.
Sydney quit her job to come here and somehow thinks she made the right choice. Big mistake. Huge.
Cassie came out in a floral dress that seemed way too casual for the occasion, and also out of season. She is however clearly getting a good edit considering the lovey-dovey music that accompanied her entrance.
Kirpa just looked classically beautiful. She had her hair french-braded, which in a world of beachy waves was nice to see. Also she wore a gorgeous sparkly purple dress. I was a fan.
Kaitlyn came out carrying a balloon that looked like an apple. She popped it and told Colton, “I just popped your cherry,” however we all know it wasn’t a cherry balloon.
Katie did a V-card card trick.
Alex came out like a sloth— literally and figuratively. She wore a sloth costume and moved/spoke at a very slow pace. I know some people enjoyed this bit, but I personally did not.
Tracy, a wardrobe stylist, called herself the “fashion police” yet wore a cutoff wife beater. Is it possible for her to arrest herself? 
Bri— we all got to see her limo entrance leading up to the premiere as it was promoted on social media. And her entrance went extremely viral: she pretended to have an Australian accent to “do what she can to stand out.” I respected her hustle.
Catherine brought Lucy her 10-year-old Pomeranian with her. She is the Real Housewife of the Bachelor Mansion and obviously this season’s villain.
Important stuff that happened inside the mansion
Colton kissed three girls (3! THREE!) By Hannah B.’s standards, he just needs to kiss one more girl and then he’s no longer a virgin. I call that basic math. He kissed Caelynn, Katie and Hannah G. I will admit Katie looked very thirsty for that kiss. She was very much up all in his personal space. Colton also looked like he wanted to kiss Cassie, but she wasn’t really giving him the opportunity. He kissed Hannah G. after he gave her the first impression rose. I don’t want to brag, but I knew he was going to give it to her after they first spoke.
Side bar: Hannah G. looks like and has mannerisms similar to Heidi Pratt. It took me awhile to figure it out, but I feel a major relief after it clicked for me.
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Catherine interrupted Colton about four times. Clearly this was a produced move, but yeah, this doesn’t make her very likable among the other girls.
Rose Ceremony
About seven girls went home: sloth girl (bless up), some girl who came dressed up as Cinderella, Devin the TV reporter who I knew wasn’t going to last, Tahzjuan, and other girls who don’t matter.
Rose order is pretty important, so here it is:
Alex B
Hannah B
My top 5 predictions based on the first night in no particular order:
Hannah G.
Wildcards: Alex B, Onyeka, Hannah B.
Wait— I forgot about the most important celebrity doppelganger of them all: Caelynn and Furby
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Who is your favorite contestant so far? Comment below or DM me.
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ajw720 · 6 years
Just curious, why New Orleans? Especially right before Emmy noms? Another promo? Or is he networking as usual? Shouldn’t he be in LA? Curiouser & curiouser. Wondering what the connection is —- cuz lately NOTHING seems random when it comes to D.
I think it is work, the last time he was there he got the glasses advertisement and that woman who posted pics of them works in promo of some sort.
He SHOULD be in LA or NY tomorrow, but I guess he will be doing BS Promo in NOLA because that is always Team Shit’s priority.  
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Because as an adult, I have to put my career first to support myself. Why would he be any different? / You and I need our jobs to live and pay bills anon, but Seb doesn't need to do PR to be successful. He is talented enough and he doesn't need to resort to these cheap tricks of pap walks and fake GFs to get recognition. I know some of you say AW is what helped him get his Emmy nod but that is complete bs. She contributes nothing to his career and she's not famous enough to elevate his status in any meaningful way. If he was dating a popular influencer like Emrata or a famous actress like Margot Robbie for PR then yeah, I would understand, but random foreign Z-listers who no one even knows make no sense. If he keeps doing these PR rs then it's a choice, and it doesn't help his career, it's the opposite. Ale got his cancelled and led to a lot of people having a very negative view of him and with AW he's been out of work for almost a year, travelling the world and partying. How does that help his career in any way?
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littlemissidontcare · 2 years
He lost the Emmy, he is still a secondary Marvel character and the films where he is the lead are commercial flops// Hi, fellow anon! I wrote the ask you quoted. I both agree and disagree with you.
First off, him losing the Emmy was inevitable. Michael Keaton is a bigger name and has more pull. Those kinds of things are fixed situations. Seb knew he wasn’t going to win earlier than we realize. That being said, I agree with you that he could’ve had a better chance at winning if he didn’t do such gross shit in the name of PR. Namely, dinners with Tommy, weird, random pap walks. He would’ve been better off doing more late night talk shows (the Colbert interview was disgusting and embracing, so I’m not counting it) and podcast interviews. Talk to people instead of being spotted out doing elitist bs. I also feel like his rhetoric in the interviews he did do was very cynical at times. He was being passive aggressive about things that have happened to him, and nobody was particularly interested in that.
Speaking to your second point, I don’t blame him for what’s happened to Bucky. I blame the execs at Marvel. Russos, Feige, etc. Sebastian actually loves Bucky and seems to care about him way more than anyone in charge of where his character arc is going. It’s a sad situation, and I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s contributing to his depression. When you love and create a character, watching them get the shit end of the deal like that can take a toll on you.
And lastly, Seb does a lot of indie films. Those are typically, automatic “flops” because they aren’t reaching a wider audience. I’d argue that Fresh was great for him, and would’ve done phenomenally with a theatrical release. In fact, I think he should’ve leaned more into Fresh than he did Pam and Tommy. It was a better project, with a better cast and a first-time, female director. I’d rather hear him talk about that process and experience than listen to him field questions about talking penises while complaining about invasions of privacy (Mr. Pap Walk 👀). He gave a much better performance as Steve, though he was still a great Tommy.
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