dcmkemogust20xx · 2 years
DCMKEmogust 2022 - Week Three!
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Hello everyone! Time for week three!
I hope that this list can provide some inspiration for you. Remember that there is no need to use everything. If you only get inspired by a photo or a quote just roll with that and ignore the rest.
Can't wait to see what you might come up with!
Without further adieu, here comes the prompts for week Two!
Tues.   16/08:
word 01 - Snub
Word 02 - Rifle
Dialog 01 - "Darling, it's beautiful, thank you!"
Dialog 02 - "There's someone in the house!"
Song 01 - Spotify/YouTube - I kissed a Girl by Katy Perry
Song 02 - Spotify/YouTube - Stalker’s Tango by Autoheart
Photo 1: (Movie) - Where The Wild Things Are 2009
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Photo 1: (Movie) - The French Connection 1971
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Thurs. 18/08:
Word 01 - Motorist
Word 02 - Heaven
Dialog 01 - "She doesn't understand you like I do."
Dialog 02 - "You did a bad thing for a good reason."
Song 01 -  Spotify/YouTube - Murderer by Griffith
Song 02 - Spotify/YouTube - Bim Bam Toi by Carla
Photo 1: (Movie) - Weekend 1967
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Photo 1: (Movie) - Kill Bill vol.1 2004
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Sat.     20/08:
Word 01 - Disorder
Word 02 - Inappropriate
Dialog 01 - "What have you done with my pills? I need them!"
Dialog 02 -"You've only heard his point of view. You never asked mine."
Song 01 - Spotify/YouTube - A New way to Bleed by Evanescence
Song 02 - Spotify/YouTube - Stronger Than I  Ever Was by Mary J. Blige
Photo 1: (Movie) - Rosemary's baby 1968
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Photo 1: (Movie) - 25th Hour 2002
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Now we are at the end of this week’s list. Good luck and have Fun!
Until next time //Wick 0v0
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rux363 · 3 years
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Emogust 2021 - Saturday. 14/08
Prompt - Tail
Intended emotion: Fond
Here's mine for week 2 of @dcmkemogust20xx!
There were seriously so many amazing prompts that I'd let to explore, but alas time and energy ;w;
So I settled with something soft and sweet drawn on paper!
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brotato-chibs · 4 years
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TW: Character death below. 
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strikerkudo · 5 years
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Are we not going to talk about this? I want to talk about this.
(Pics from ham_ham.0's Instagram story, though you can find the other characters in their posts)
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I miss cold weather 🥺🥺🥺
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trouvelle · 5 years
Emogust 20.08 — Caught in the Act
 A/N: @detectivegeekshin‘s art is golden. That’s all I wanted to say! Here’s what I imagine would happen after Shinichi walked in on Heizuha and literally caught them in the act. @mintchocolateleaves @sup-poki :’D 
Birds are chirping brightly when they stepped out of the station—dark dots framed by warm yellow sun in the blue Osakan sky. A perfect day to start their short vacation. The weather is beautiful, everything is going smoothly, and they’re going to have the city’s famous takoyaki for lunch today. 
Ran, Shinichi and Sonoko are in Osaka for a few days for school break, and they just got to Heiji’s house. The boy said that they have several guest rooms that can be used, so the three of them are staying in his house. Kazuha apologized over their last phone call for not being able to pick them up from the station because she had some errands to run, but she promised to meet them at Heiji’s.
Kazuha hasn’t answered any of their calls, and the last text from her was a while ago when she said she was on her way. Ran figures Kazuha has probably arrived as well but doesn’t know that they are already in one of the guest rooms, so she’s asked Shinichi to look for Kazuha. They need to choose their outfits before going out, that way all three of them can match. 
Ran and Sonoko were initially marveling over the fact that the Hattori household has such a traditional setting and is very spacious. The view from their guest room looked over the house’s private garden, and across from it is Heiji’s room. In fact, their window looked almost directly into Heiji’s.
No eyebrows have initially been raised when Kazuha came into view. It isn’t precisely unusual for the girl to drop into Heiji’s house unannounced and simply walk into each other’s rooms, regardless of whether anyone is in or not. What is unusual however, is the way that Heiji has his childhood friend backed firmly against the glass, hands trailing suggestively low, and the way Kazuha’s head is tilted backwards to allow him better access to her throat for a whole new reason.
Ran’s first reaction is an immense sense of satisfaction and excitement, along with a very sudden desire to jump up and down and squeal like a hyperactive young girl who just got ice cream. Anyone passing by in front of their room would’ve heard incoherent combination of screams of “AH!!” “KAZUHA-CHAN AND HATTORI-KUN!” “AAH!” “OH MY GOD!” “KAZUHA-CHAN AND HATTORI-KUN!!!” “AAAAAHH!!” and much more “OH MY GOD”s. 
However, suddenly hands are wandering under clothes, shirts are riding up and the two of them turn abruptly from the window with Sonoko shouting repeatedly, ‘OH, MY EYES!! MY EYES!!!’
Ran takes a risk for the both of them and turns back to pull the curtains closed. She misses Shinichi opening the door to Heiji’s room by a mere minute. But it takes several minutes for both girls to calm down and come to terms with what they’ve just witnessed.
“Kazuha-chan!” Ran squeals, still unable to bring her pitch down because of all the giddiness, “and Hattori-kun!!”
“Oh. My. GOD!” shrieks Sonoko while clapping her hands together in an uncontrollable excitement.
“They’re already making finally such a huge progress! But why hasn’t Kazuha-chan said anything to us?” Ran asks. “Is she waiting until she could tell us the face-to-face?”
“You know, we’ve been waiting for this for so long. I almost couldn’t believe it’s finally happening!” Sonoko leans back on her hands, shaking her head and staring at the ceiling, “I just didn’t know why we had to witness it.”
Ran giggles, her eyes darting back and forth between Sonoko and the curtains as if she’s trying to keep herself from looking.
“We should tell everyone,” Sonoko squeals and jumps up in determination, “that these two are finally together! I mean, everyone’s had it coming. I bet their parents are gonna be so happy about this. Hattori-kun’s mom is definitely gonna start looking for a ring to be given to him to propose to Kazuha!”
“Sonoko, not everyone is like you!” Ran laughs wholeheartedly. This short vacation is looking great. She’s in Osaka and not Tokyo, for a change. Moreover, she’s with her best friends, two of whom are finally together. “Also, I really need to tell Shinichi about this, he’s gonna be super excited. I’m gonna go look for him to tell him to not go into Hattori-kun’s room.”
Ran is out of the door with a whoosh, leaving Sonoko alone in the room. She averts her gaze to the closed curtains, suddenly having the desire to talk to her boyfriend. “If only Makoto-san wasn’t so shy…” she mutters, reaching to her bag to get her phone. She needs to voice her concern to him.
Whatever. If her precious Makoto-san isn’t brave enough to initiate the next step in their relationship, she is going to take matters into her own hands. They’d been dating longer than even Ran and Shinichi, it only makes sense if they have done more things together... which they have not. Her own relationship is progressing even slower than Heiji and Kazuha, which she’s pretty sure just happened, because it’s only two weeks ago when those two came to Tokyo, where Heiji failed to confess to her again. 
Her silent brooding is interrupted by someone opening the door and slamming it shut abruptly. Shinichi comes into view, huffing and puffing, looking very flustered.
“Hey, where’s Ran?” Shinichi asks distractedly, walking over to the center of the room where Sonoko is sitting.
“She’s out looking for you!” Sonoko replies as casually as she can, choosing to omit the information about what they’ve just witnessed. She’s dying to tell Shinichi—anyone, everyone!—about it. Yeah, the whole entire world should fucking know. “There’s something important you should know.”
Shinichi has stopped listening after Sonoko says that Ran’s not in the room. In that case, he should probably call her to break his news. He HAS to tell her right now. But when he feels his pockets for his phone, he can’t locate it anywhere on him. Shit, he probably dropped it when he’s tumbling through the hallways after walking in on whatever Heiji and Kazuha were doing. Oh man, he gave himself a mental slap, because, ahem, this news is far more important than anything else!
“I’ll see if she’s out in the garden.” he says, making a move to draw the curtains back, and Sonoko practically leaps forwards yelling ‘NO!’ so loudly he takes a step backwards with his hands in the air in surprise.
“Um,” Sonoko hesitates, trying to come up with a good excuse. It was cute of those two, and the act itself would have been cute, yes, but seeing it happen real life is way different from imagining it. She’s sure Shinichi doesn’t want to see what she’d seen as well. “Uh.. We’ve had too much sun today. Heiji-kun’s mom told us the sun in Osaka is harsher, so we have to be careful.”
Shinichi doesn’t look particularly happy with the explanation either. She is obviously hiding something, he knows. 
Honestly he doesn’t really mind because seriously, he’s on cloud nine right now. He’s just happy that Heiji and Kazuha together because it’s about goddamn time. He glances back at the curtains.
Wait a second… He takes a moment to consider the layout of Heiji’s house, which he has frequented a couple of times before. He’s always slept in Heiji’s room whenever he comes to stay, and he’s never been in this guest room before. But if his visualization is right, then this guest room is located right across from Heiji’s, despite the open garden situated in the middle of the two.
Could it be that both Sonoko and Ran found out about them too? Is that why Ran is looking for him?
He can’t deny that he and Ran are so incredibly invested in those two idiots of their best friends. They make it a point to bend over backwards just to get those two to admit their feelings for each other already, for everyone’s sanity.
Whenever Kazuha calls to update Ran about anything that has to do with her love life, Ran always tells him everything. Whether it be Heiji’s erratic behavior (like how he has been staring at her more and more lately, she’s afraid there’s something growing on her face) or the sudden but sort-of-gradual change in his way of speaking (his teasing has been lacking any actual venom lately) or any trips they’re going to go on (Kazuha says she doesn’t even demand to tag along when he goes to cases anymore because he’s always inviting her to go to different places almost every weekend, as she points out to Ran one time. She’s wondering if she’s done something to piss him off and this is his new method of revenge, by completely tiring her out every weekend).
Seriously, he and Ran both agree that Kazuha is just as dense as Heiji, if not more. There’s nothing the two of them want more than to see both their best friends finally getting their shit together. 
Sonoko eyes him suspiciously and asks, “Do you know something we should know?” She moves forwards in that almost cat-like way she does when she wants to intimidate; Shinichi backs away from her.
“You do, don’t you?” she says threateningly, and though he stays silent, suddenly very clear that he does, in fact, know something. The question is whether that something is the same something that she and Ran know. “Shinichi!” says Sonoko warningly, “What do you know?”
Shinichi shakes his head. It’s not that he wants to keep the news from Sonoko, it’s just… he wants to tell Ran first. As Heiji and Kazuha’s respective cupids, both he and Ran have every right to be the first people to know. 
“What do you know?” he counters, looking accusingly at her.
“Oh we can’t tell you,” says Sonoko sweetly, “But if you already knew…”
“We?” Shinichi echoes. His suspicion is most likely correct, that both Ran and Sonoko knows. He is disappointed, to say the least. He’s very excited to tell Ran about what just happened, what he just saw: that his idiot of a best friend is finally making progress and they are finally kissing.
Well, he didn’t exactly see Kazuha in the room. But the sight of Heiji, with his disheveled hair and equally disheveled unbuttoned shirt, sporting a swollen and redder lips than usual (He’s a detective, he’s just naturally observant okay, not that he pays extra attention to his best friend’s kiss swollen lips or anything), not to mention the thick sexual tension that hit his face when he opened the door… He might as well have been sitting in the room and watching them.
“You tell me first,” he says carefully. He has to be cautious, just in case he’s reading Sonoko wrong and what she and Ran want to tell him is of a totally different matter.
“Shinichi!” exclaims Ran as she enters the room, running toward him. “There’s—”
Sonoko ignores her and throws her hands up in the air, exasperated. “I can’t say, because I don’t know that what you know is what we know!” 
The three of them exchange glances, and silence reigns for several seconds, when Sonoko makes a sudden movement and draws her phone from her bag. “Well,” she says, “I think I’ll just call Kazuha-chan and see if—”
“You KNOW!” Shinichi half-shouts, cutting her off.
Sonoko points at him, her eyes as wide as sauce plates. “And YOU know!”
“How did you even find out? Did you see them?” questions Shinichi accusingly.
“Shinichi! Why didn’t you tell me? How long have you known?” Ran asks. Shinichi quickly swivels around to face her.
“Only a few minutes ago!” He bristles when she looks at him skeptically, “You told me to get Kazuha, so I went to look for her in Hattori’s room and I caught them. I came here to tell you THAT!”
“I was looking for you to tell the same thing!!” Ran, in return, is wearing such a huge grin on her face. Her jaw might ache later, but she’s positively over the moon for her friends right now. “Oh my God, Shinichi!”
Hattori finally fucking did it, he finally got his girl! Shinichi so badly wants to scream at Ran, but decides against it because Sonoko is still in the room. Even though they all grew up together Shinichi cannot lose his cool in front of anyone but Ran.. and Heiji, but the dude is his subject of interest right now and is the reason why Shinichi is having a hard time wiping the smirk off his face.
“I’m so glad though! Kazuha-chan and Hattori-kun must be really happy!”
Shinichi gives a booming hearty laugh. If they’re happy, he’s more than that—he’s beyond elated. He’s quite literally beaming with exulting pride. The grin he’s wearing now is legitimately plastered on his face, probably for the next few days. “God knows how long Hattori has been wanting to do that.”
“You know, they’re moving awfully fast, for someone who just got together. I thought people only stick with innocent kisses during the first few months of dating.” comments Ran, her index finger tapping repeatedly on her chin. She’s recalling Shinichi and her first few months together, what they had and had not done. The first time Shinichi even did a proper kiss, longer and deeper than a peck, was nearly a year into their relationship. Thinking that brings a slight blush to her face. 
“Yeah well, not everyone is as shy and as slow as you two,” Sonoko is quick to point out. “But I’m also quite surprised. I didn’t know Hattori-kun and Kazuha-chan are that bold. They’re in his house, for Heaven’s Sake!”
“His mother is probably as happy as all of us are to find out that they’re finally together. I think she even has their wedding planned since they were babies. But what if his father sees them?” asks Ran, voicing her newly found concern. 
They’re all sat together on the floor, facing the closed curtains in a morbidly curious sort of way. 
“Wait, by doing stuff you mean…” Shinichi trails off when he sees Sonoko and Ran both nod, the latter looking quite red in the face. Damn. He’s lost count of how many times he’s been helping and trying to get them to be together already. Heiji’s progress in asking Kazuha out was extremely slow, but he’s making up for his lost time, lightning fast.
“So they probably know that you know,” says Sonoko, and Shinichi nods again, “But obviously, they don’t know that we know.”
“Let’s just tell them that we already know,” Ran suggests after several seconds of silence, “I’m just really happy that they’re finally, finally, finally together.”
“Or…” says Sonoko slowly, and they turn to look at her. She grins and fans her face—whatever she’s thinking can’t be good.
“What are you suggesting?” asks Shinichi, looking at her warily.
“I’m just thinking that maybe we can mess with them for a little bit. They think they’re so sleek, keeping this from us.” Sonoko replies, and she looks positively gleeful.
“We have the upper hand for now, because they don’t know that we know.”
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arsquare · 3 years
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@dcmkemogust20xx​ DCMK Emogust Week One! I took inspiration from the dialogue prompts on day 2: “Please marry me” as well as “You can’t stay here.”
Inspiration and thoughts under cut!
So I’ve seen Detective Conan on tv every now and then since I was a child, and every couple of years I just suddenly remember it’s a thing again, and then I reread it from the top. However, this year is the first time that I really went and interacted with the fandom, and there’s just so many talented people doing all kinds of stuff that I got inspired to make my own fan comics and fan art!
So first and foremost, shoutout to @hexfloog for all of their stuff on Shinichi/Conan angst, particularly this redraw of a scene from the Desperate Revival arc. I was already really interested in this idea since so little of it has been explored in canon, but seeing it really made me lose my mind!!
Secondary shoutout to @castellab​ and their Detective Conan edit found here! When I saw this the first time, I thought it was pretty neat. Then the third image glitched out for a split second and I started questioning my entire reality. I was incredibly confused and thought it was a non-looping gif, before slapping some sense into myself. “Nobody would be insane enough to put a non-looping gif in their edit,” I thought to myself, staring at the image, and sure enough, it was a looping gif. Then I realized that I could be the insane motherfucker who used a non-looping gif in my stuff! To everyone who saw it, I love you <3
Additionally, I don’t know if this was a thing in the anime at all, but oftentimes in the manga, since people are in disguise and not their true selves so often, Aoyama does this thing where he draws the characters physically as they are, and then their “true form” vaguely behind them, like this:
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And obviously this is done for the sake of the reader’s clarity, but I thought it would be fascinating if you know, Conan was acutely aware of Shinichi existing vaguely behind him. 
I know canonically only about a year has passed, and if I was Aoyama, and I knew I had to wrap it up neatly with a little bow and a happy ending, I would have done the same thing, and made time essentially stop. Because when time keeps passing, Shinichi’s lies will fall apart. How will he take college entrance exams, for example? How will he exist in society at all? 
However, I just. Straight up disagree with the fact that it’s only been a year. Detective Conan has been this everlasting constant throughout my life, so I think AT LEAST five years should have passed, just based on the vibes. After a certain point, Shinichi might still be able to get his old body back, but his old life definitely has an expiration date. And I think one of the things that makes Detective Conan such an incredible tragedy (at least one of the things that makes it have incredible potential as a tragedy) is Shinichi’s hope. 
He is a protagonist who starts off with more or less a perfect life: happy family, an excellent education headed down the path to a stable career that he loves, and reciprocated romanctic feelings. Then, he loses everything. And now he’s powered by the hope that he can eventually get it all back. But if it comes to a point where it’s impossible to get his old life back, then Shinichi, and everything he’s hoped for, needs to “die”, needs to be “let go”. And I suppose that’s what this comic is all about. 
Anyways, I didn’t mean to ramble so much, and it’s probably better to let my art speak for itself, but I hope everyone enjoys!
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kiwilart · 3 years
Emogust 2021 - Thurs. 05/08
Prompt: "Please marry me"
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A little too long for a single post? So the rest is under keep reading :D
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Intended Genre: Angst
I had to rush because of lack of time, but was able to do this day's prompt for @dcmkemogust20xx! ;u;
I will try to make something for at least one prompt a week. Perhaps I can do the next one with more calm :D
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ruiqi030 · 3 years
ouo;; //makes a blog to post art one (1) time LOL jk hopefully I'll post more than just once :9
but here's some drawings I did for DCMK Emogust 2021 that I finally found some courage to post ;u;
Prompts I Used:
Week 1 - "Please marry me"
Week 2 - "How can you be so smart but so dumb at the same time?"
óuo)/ cheers~
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artycreaty · 3 years
Hello Gisa again! Here is the WIP for the Emogust 2019 that I never got around to finishing. I just want to finish this but I seem to be unable to get over the little snippet of… something… in this WIP… hehe pls kill me 😅😭.
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dcmkemogust20xx · 3 years
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Thank you so so much for participating this year! It was really fun to provide you all with prompts and it was super intriguing to see all the different takes on the prompts!
Here is all of them in a nice prompt heap
What did you all think? Was it still too little time or was it just right in between all prompts? Is there anything I should think about for next year?
Here is a little form to tell me your thoughts, if you feel like it~!
Google form
Also, here are links to the full Emogust2021 playlist on Spotify and Youtube
This may be the end of this years Emogust, but if you have anything you didn't finish because of too little time or motivation or other reasons. Then no need to worry about it! Feel free to continue to post your creations with an @ or tag even after the event. I will gladly continue to reblog your stuff!
Thank you again! Stay safe and have fun!
//Wick 0v0
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rux363 · 3 years
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“Well, well, well, what do we have here?”
Emogust 2021 - Saturday. 07/08
Intended emotion: Fear
My piece for this week's @dcmkemogust20xx! Goal is to make one every week!
Haven't drawn Gin in such a long time... despite him having such an impact on Kaito in our KSBB project...
*cough* passive promotion for my writer's fic and my art for Things That Flowers Can't Say *cough*
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brotato-chibs · 5 years
Emogust idea- Kaito having a night terror about watching his father die during a performance
That is a tasty! But it's best if it was in the reply of that post instead so that we can keep track of the given prompts x3
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mezzato · 4 years
DCMK Emogust 2020
8.3: Snow
Coming in 2 days late with this. Once again, providing the Hakukai fluff.
Contrary to popular belief, Saguru did not mind snow at all. Whereas most people see snow as an annoyance, Saguru loved it more for its visual appeal. 
He loved the way snow would sparkle on the ground and loved watching it fall at night, amongst the quiet and warmth of his room. The feeling of a strange kind of comfort, one he couldn’t really explain, that was the kind of feeling he felt when watching it snow. 
It also helped that the color of snow was also his favorite color, white. A color that can be painted with any hue. A blank slate. The color of a certain moonlight magician that goes against his real name. Saguru had to laugh about it. Whenever he thought about Kuroba, the colors that always came to mind were white and blue, never black. Black represents darkness, and Kuroba’s personality is anything but. 
Each time Saguru would look at the snow, he would always picture that white suit. It would shine just as beautifully as the snow itself. Kuroba’s blue eyes would stand out more prominently against the white. Those eyes that usually would be filled with scorn and annoyance but lately have been growing softer around him. 
Saguru was pulled from his thoughts when a hand waved in front of his face. 
“Oi Hakuba, class is over now.” 
Saguru looked over to see Kuroba, already with his coat on, staring at him. 
“Apologies,” Saguru stood up and grabbed his bag. The two of them walked out of the classroom together. 
“What were you looking at anyway?” Kuroba asked. 
“Nothing really, just watching the snow.” 
“Really? You were looking at it like you’ve never seen snow before.” Kuroba remarked.
“Mhm” Saguru hummed as he stopped at his locker to get his shoes. Kuroba stood idly by, waiting for him to be done. 
“Do you think it’ll get bad tonight?” Kuroba asked as they walked outside, both of them observing the falling snow. 
“It’s not supposed to.” Saguru replied, “Why? Are you worried that it’ll affect KID’s heist?”
Kuroba glared at him, “No! I just don’t want to walk through a mountain of snow tomorrow to get to school.” 
Saguru smilied, noting how Kuroba didn’t retort back with a “i’m not KID” remark, “Yeah, i hope it stays falling like this, it’s not too bad.” He began walking out into the snow. 
“Hey! Wait up!” Kuroba called out to him. Saguru stood for him at the school’s entrance, watching as Kuroba caught up to him. Looking at him, against the falling snow, Saguru smiled. 
White matches Kuroba perfectly.
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*slips in on the last day of Emogust*
A DCMK Emogust 2020 entry for the prompt “messy.”
Shinran fans should probably give this one a miss!
Pairing: Shiho/Shinichi Rating: M Genre: Angst Other tags: loyal-to-the-Black-Organization!Shiho, no APTX 4869, meeting as adults AU, Miyano Atsushi is also alive in this AU Content warning: Infidelity
= = = = = =
Crying in those rumpled sheets like someone's 'bout to die, You just watch your mouth when talking 'bout the father of the bride.    — “Hold You Now,” Vampire Weekend
Seated at the bureau, Shiho opens a handwritten letter and doesn’t hear Kudo wake. The letter’s from her fiancé, precise brushstrokes on rich paper; he wants her to know how much he’s looking forward to their union, in these last anticipatory hours.
Kudo’s voice reaches her.
“Don’t do it.”
She glances at him, eyes lidded. He’s sitting up in the messy bed, torso bare, eyes bright, his own wedding band hidden by the disheveled sheets.
He keeps talking.
“We could run away. I know someone who’s got an empty apartment in Paris!” Desperation colors his voice. “In ancient Greece, the summer solstice would be a time for new beginnings. And it doesn’t have to be Paris. Shanghai would be equally viable. New York and Cape Town, too.”
A decrepit warehouse west of the city, demolished now. The dark of a river dividing the dark of a grassy field. Trains rattling past each other on a trestle bridge, windows glowing in the humid night.
“Kudo Shinichi, detective.”
“I know who you are.”
“We both have information the other wants. Why don’t we work together?”
Her fiancé is a member of the National Diet with long levers in business and politics alike, who’s risen meteorically in the last few years, thanks to his brilliance, charisma, and money, or so he thinks. So the media thinks. He is the Organization’s choice, but a choice that fits well into her ambitions.
And Kudo — Kudo is nobody. A handsome, penniless private eye.
“What is this world without love, without trust?”
“One in which you survive.”
Their sixth meeting. His tongue driving into her mouth, the alley’s brick wall rough and electrifying against her back, his wedding ring hard against the flesh of her arms.
A hotel room with scratchy sheets, smelling of smoke. The curtains open.
Shiho folds the letter and places it neatly back on the bureau. “If you want to help out before the ceremony, Chris Vineyard is in charge of everything. Make sure to speak to her,” she says, as if that is what they’ve been talking about.
“Shiho, listen to me!”
Fragments of classical poetry gasped into her ear, his mouth in every secret place.
She ignores the trespass of her name and goes over to sit on the bed, her red dressing gown wrapped around her and the mattress dipping under her weight, her eyes scraping over his naked torso, over his hips still under the loose sheets.
She leans forward so her lips are close to his ear. “This doesn’t have to stop.”
She brings her mouth to his and feels his resistance crumbling, until saltwater runs down his face and mixes with their saliva. When she pulls away his eyes are cast down at the sheets bunched in his hands, his face wet.
“I hate them,” he whispers. “Your Organization.”
“Careful,” Shiho warns him, forbidding and sincere.
His eyes snap up, burn into hers. “I hate them. I’ll bring them down.”
“You try to, and I’ll bring you down,” she says coldly.
He doesn’t answer, and she stands up. “I’ll be going, then. See you later, Kudo-kun.” She considers the broken tilt of his head, then bends down to kiss him again, long and lingering and full.
“It’s Shinichi,” he says hoarsely, as she straightens up.
“It doesn’t matter,” she replies, and leaves.
This ain't the end of nothing much — it's just another round.
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trouvelle · 4 years
For DCMK Emogust 2020 — 04.08: Bet. @dcmkemogust20xx  Here’s HeiShin brotp bc we cannot have enough.
Fandom: Detective Conan Pairing: Heiji & Shinichi Rating: G Genre/Tags: Friendship Summary: Shinichi wants to give a memorable best man speech.
Shinichi stood in front of the audience with a glass in his hand, and clinked on the glass three times. He chuckled to the audience. "Hattori did that at my wedding, so.. " he commented. "I figured I should do it too."
He cleared his throat and began.
Hey everyone,
I am here to talk about our man of the hour here, the Great Detective of the West, Hattori Heiji. We've been best friends for years, even though people have been expecting us to be rivals. Everyone says we’re polar opposites—I’m calm and he’s hot-blooded, where I’m water and he’s the fire—you name it, we’ve heard it. And it’s true, he’s like a flame that can never be extinguished. 
He’s the best kind of guy to have around. Wherever I am, whatever I am doing, I know he will always have my back. Hattori’s not the best at saying what he’s feeling, but his actions speak for him more than enough. He’s not the type to sugarcoat things. He’s called me on my bullshit more often than one can imagine.
Shinichi could see Ran biting her bottom lips, and he shot her a smile before continuing.
Although he’s got quite an infamous temper—which I’m pretty sure everyone here knows—Hattori is generally a happy person. He’s been even happier after he started officially dating Kazuha-chan here, the person who is responsible for making up his impulse control.
And the world has a funny way of rewarding him, I’d like to think, because the universe gave him Kazuha-chan. I am a very logical person, but I'd go as far as saying that she is magical—she's a miracle. Without her, Hattori would be putting a lot more victims in hospitals, either with his katana or his voice alone.
People laughed at this, even Kazuha, and Shinichi felt more than a little accomplished.
I used to think that it would take a lot longer for him to successfully confess his lifelong love to her. Some of us here even had a pool going on. A friend of ours still has Hattori’s first declaration of love as her ringtone, to this day. When he finally made it happen, I was jealous of him, I’ll admit. His life’s complete as is. 
Although, Ran and I would probably never be the way we are now if it wasn't for his endless teasing and pushing. We were married last year, and he was my best man, obviously. I remember looking at him and thinking: “God, I hope he doesn’t screw this up,” because Hattori has a knack for screwing things up,
Again, Shinichi heard the crowd laugh, and a soft chuckle involuntarily left his lips.
but he delivered perfectly. That’s just Hattori for you. He always wanted everything to be perfect.
Like how he had so many plans and backup plans for his confession back then—which to this day, I will never understand how you never even got the hint that he was about to confess to you, Kazuha-chan, because some of them were so obvious.
Like how he wrote and scrapped hundreds of speeches before settling with his best man speech for my wedding. He never said it, but I know he did. So I want to give a memorable best man speech too for the man of the hour..
Everyone’s eyes were on him. He drew in a shaky breath. He cannot mess this one up. Hattori would actually laugh out loud at him and hold it above his head forever.
He didn’t even ask me to be his best man—he just assumed that it was the most natural thing that nobody had to ask. I would deny this at first, but looking back I think I was more excited about their wedding than anyone was. Well, except maybe his mother, whom he said already had their temple booked since they were literally 5 years old.
I know, I know. I can’t believe that Hattori didn’t believe everyone saw it coming. It’s been frustrating, really. There’s this kind of pride that sticks up your ass when you painfully watch your best friend slowly realize his feelings, slowly confess his feelings, then slowly do it all over again, this last time with a ring. Unfortunately, I won’t have the opportunity to return the favor, so I guess this has to be my best man speech to him.
Shinichi lowered his gaze to his hand, where his ring was glistening, the very wedding ring that his best man helped choose. He paused to clench his eyes shut, pushing out the tears that had been threatening to spill. 
Of course, when I got started on my speech, I expected him to be sitting next to Kazuha-chan, complaining about not being praised. Grinning, laughing, and cursing like he always does. We’ve had a running joke since we were in high school—we’d say “I bet you’re going down,” and “No I bet you’re going down first,” It’s never really an actual bet, but guess what Hattori?
Looks like you lost the bet, huh?
His voice caught in between his chuckles, and Shinichi heaved a deep breath as he moved on to say the next lines. It wasn't really a problem that tears blurred out his vision, because he did not have a paper on him anyway. He knew what he wanted to say.
Being happy is really hard right now, man. You’ve made so much difference in all our lives. I can literally hear your voice saying how much of a waste of our time to mourn something that’s already happened. But it feels awfully wrong right now. I lost my friend, the best kind of friend. I lost my brother. 
His voice broke toward the end. He had to pause again, 
I won’t even need to look for you when we see each other later. You’ll probably scream out my name before I even get there properly. 
I’ll see you when I see you again, Hattori.
Rest easy.
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