#emotional intelligence course
protouch · 4 months
The Power of Empathy: Unleashing Emotional Intelligence for Success” emphasizes the significance of empathy and emotional intelligence in achieving success. Read our latest guest blog by Pankaj Khare, a Corporate Trainer at https://www.protouchpro.com/guest-posts/the-power-of-empathy-unleashing-emotional-intelligence-for-success/
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seventeendeer · 3 months
ppl are too quick to point to laios' disability as the reason his friends think he's a freak sometimes. so many instances of laios getting yelled at are, in my eyes, a case of "this guy had to emotionally mature very early in order to be there for his little sister" combined with "much older friends who never had to learn to manage their own emotions to the same degree"
a lot of the time he's right about needing to be more direct/deal with things in a way that may seem scary/needing to put your gut reaction aside. he tries not to make his friends uncomfortable and he puts up with a lot because he's trying to keep the peace, but he also pushes the others out of their comfort zones purposefully to try to get them to think more constructively. everyone else in the party is prone to acting on their gut instincts and avoiding uncomfortable situations even when facing them head-on is very much necessary. part of what makes laios such a great leader is the fact that he knows from experience how to put his own feelings aside to help someone else grow.
yes, he does make a lot of social blunders by accident and he does struggle to connect with others, but not all of his positive influence on others is accidental or "despite" making people uncomfortable. a lot of the time, I think it's clear he knows exactly what he's doing and he's trying to help the people around him process emotions in a healthy way as they all go through some truly harrowing shit. all the main characters support each other as well as they can with their unique emotional skillsets. laios' skillset just happens to be "gently talk child into eating her vegetables"
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raisingeq · 1 year
Do you want your kids to THRIVE? Then you’ve come to the right place!
This course Bringing EQ into the Home is designed to make parenting easier and more rewarding while helping you foster emotional intelligence in your family. Studies repeatedly show that EQ is a bigger determinant of success in life than IQ. I created this course to help parents create brighter futures not just for their children but for themselves as well!
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lerniqlerniq · 2 years
How To Improve Emotional Intelligence Through Training
Our goal is to be rewarded for offering educational products and services that lead to authentic, comprehensive, ongoing, creative, and challenging learning experiences. Now is the time for future learning. Lerniq provides you with the best emotional intelligence courses.
Working on yourself will always be important to your overall self-awareness, regardless of what you focus on in your daily life. Self-awareness, self-improvement, mind control, and emotional regulation all go hand in hand, and how well you interact with other people socially depends on how well you behave around other people.
In order to revolutionize your social skills, you need to become aware of how you interact with other people, the messages you convey, the words you use, your general attitude, and how your biases affect your ability to connect with others. You will be more successful in every aspect of your life if you have the ability to effectively present yourself and communicate your thoughts. A healthier outlook, a sense of accomplishment, and a life that is more satisfying will all result from this.
There is consistently room to get better in how a great many people lead their public activities. When interacting with other people, we are all susceptible to moments of shyness or social awkwardness. Today, more than ever, a large number of people understand that large virtual entertainment followings do not always imply social certainty with an abundance of significant companions to spend time with on nights and weekends.
Join Now: Emotional Intelligence Course
You must learn to understand others in order to build strong relationships with them. Understanding other people’s perspectives is essential to maintaining a healthy relationship, and the more you learn about evaluating your own perspective, the better equipped you will be. You will also learn more about yourself as you broaden your perspective on life. You will have an easier time understanding other people because of this.
There is no better time than right now to start developing your personality and social skills. This training course takes a multifaceted approach to help you comprehend your emotions and improve your people skills, making it an invaluable addition to your social life. During the training, you will investigate factors that influence misunderstandings and learn strategies for improving your people skills.
When interacting with others, people frequently consider what they should or shouldn’t say. However, listening rather than speaking is the foundation of the most effective social skills. Listening well entails not only understanding what is being said but also distinguishing the feelings that others unwittingly convey. One of the most important people skills is being able to communicate well, and mastering this skill has many socially rewarding advantages.
You will learn how to quickly establish trust, communicate assertively, and connect with your peers in every interaction in this practical guide to developing social competence. You’ll learn how to remove any mental obstacles that have previously prevented you from having meaningful conversations with new people you meet. Consequently, you won’t lose yourself in the process of gaining new social confidence.
Turn out to be more natural, sincerely mindful, and socially canny with “Expert Your Feelings” and “Upset Your Interactive Abilities,” the main applied brain science-based web-based preparation for people who are prepared to upgrade trust and association in their really relational connections. As you complete the course and apply the lessons in it, you will feel more enabled in your relational trades, both socially and in the working environment.
Click Here For More Information: Emotional Intelligence Course
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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sysig · 8 months
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detectivemiku · 6 months
never forget the time no-filter shinichi insulted a girl's baking
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like bro has NO tact, he really is too focused on "one truth" to care abt someone's feelings 😭
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taardisblue · 2 years
ok no i lied, one more thoschei thought. the way, even as she dismantles his plan, even after everything he’s done, after how much it broke them. the way she still can’t help but mention how smart he is, i mean, come on, “what a mind”????? meanwhile. he’s doing all of this. because he believes she doesn’t see him as an equal anymore. because he believes she sees him as nothing. im. unwell.
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crimeronan · 1 year
Feeling very emo in the club tonight over how Luz might react if/when Willow and Hunter start getting closer and closer (pre any poly stuff ofc). Cause like. She's so happy for him! Genuinely. She wants him to have people who love him like she does and who would protect him with everything they have and Willow is PERFECT for that! But I also think everytime she manages to successfully strongarm Hunter out the door to go spend time with his new Friend/Crush/Person and she just sits there for a second before crumpling to the floor because she's fucked up and misses him immediately. Bonus: Amity would NOT understand why Luz insists Hunter go spend time with Willow without her when it makes her act like a sad wet cat when he actually does
luz is pretty private about her breakdowns because she's so determined that hunter never find out how messed up she is (even though he has a pretty good inkling already) but amity catches her having a transparent panic attack at some point anyway and is like
.....do you not trust your other guards? [awkwardly] i can??? stay here??? just this once???
and luz is like [bright smile] [manic cheer] [still crying] no no no!! nooo haha everything's fine. i just haven't eaten enough today <-excuses that work forever
amity: you know if you want him here you can just tell him you want him here. he won't even complain about it. he asked you like fifteen times if you were sure
luz, flapping her hands: nonono! no it's fine i'm so glad he's having fun i hope he wants to stay with her forever and quits his job and- [catching her breath] [hiccuping slightly] i'm So Happy
amity: yeah okay. i'm gonna go get him
luz: DON'T
luz: don't say anything don't do anything please please please amity i'm Begging You. i need him to be happy i need him to be normal. ONE of us needs to be okay
amity: .....okay. hey, um. can i. can i give you a hug-
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fideidefenswhore · 6 months
I think the problem with Chapuys is that the ambassadors aren't really seen as "people", if you will, with agency and biases like everyone else, but just disembodied voices narrating the story, and so for a long time historians and writers just accepted reports at face value, because there wasn't "thought" behind it. You should write a book on him as a response to the other one. You've got a lot of interesting observations.
Omg, you're too kind. But thank you ❤️
Yeah, I actually made a similar observation to you, elsewhere, expanded a bit:
Unfortunately, the practice of using Chapuys' dispatches as the emotional blueprint for all these historical people has become rather prevalent. I think he had credible insights at times, but what's sort of forgotten is that while many of his reports are of what these people said and did (according to, a noblewo/man, or Cromwell, or a physician of a nobleman, or a servant of a gentleman, or 'several reliable quarters', or COA or Mary themselves), many others are simply what he's assuming they thought or said or felt, and have no specific incident or quote or source given. One particularly egregious example informed a lot of subsequent portrayals of Thomas & George Boleyn, namely that upon the death of COA in Jan 1536, they "must have said to themselves, what a pity it was that the Princess had not kept her mother company", with the 'must' (ie, speculation, rather than an actual report of what any of his sources claimed to have overheard) omitted.
[To wit]:
"The King’s mistress had from the very beginning resolved that the Princess should act as her train-bearer, and that she would cause her and her mother all manner of annoyances; but considering that her singular beauty, goodness, and virtue, might possibly induce the King to change his purpose, and that if the Princess were to attend Court, and be seen there continually, she might daily gain the hearts and favour of the courtiers, she has not allowed her to come." Jan 1534, Chapuys to Charles V
[Also, literally a month after this report Anne does invite her stepdaughter to court, the first of three recorded attempts, so...awkward.]
Now, as 'resolved' is not 'said' (it's also interesting that his concern seems to have shifted from the report of the year prior, in which making Mary her trainbearer was the least of what Anne threatened: 'I hear she has lately boasted that she will make of the Princess a maid of honour in her household, that she may perhaps give her too much dinner on some occasion [ie, poison], or marry her to some varlet [a low-ranking servant of poor birth, Chapuys would later refer to Mark Smeaton as a 'varlet']), this would be a case of the 'mind reading' I meant; insofar as some explanation as to why Mary was sent to Princess Elizabeth's household, which was a satellite of the the King's court, rather than the centre of everything, the King's court itself. Granted, I think AB fearing her stepdaughter's popularity is more likely, but the likelier explanation overall would be that Mary was not invited to court for the same reason her own household was dissolved; she defied Henry's appointment and determination of her illegitimacy. Youth and beauty and envy thereof was hardly the determinate factor here, considering [...] that Margaret Douglas, of almost identical age and equal in beauty (according to their contemporaries), was one of AB's preeminent ladies and much in favour...the determinate difference was that MD and her mother acknowledged Anne as Queen, and, for obvious reasons, Mary and hers did not. Rich pickings for the narrative trope casting Mary as Snow White and AB as her wicked stepmother, tho......
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whatudottu · 9 days
OP I hope you know your banger headcanons have got me to start wondering if there’s memes on the extranet about stuff like “introducing your Galvan friend to your Tetramand friend vs introducing your Cerebrocrustacean friend to your Appoplexian friend”
Anon I also hope you know that my first thought after I saw this ask had kinda ‘Introducing our bass player to things he’s never seen before’ vibes I guess especially for the galvan friend, who in the world of Whatudottu (and all the influences I have) headcanons is the stereotypically socially isolated intelligent species between them and cerebrocrustaceans lmao-
…hmm I wonder if I should add the names of Ben 10 aliens into my dictionary :P
Hehe, I’ll admit that while I have headcanons on the fly for galvans and cerebrocrustaceans to guess at how they’ll react interacting with a friend’s friend (ccs being more obvious and welcoming in the friend group, potentially galvans having jealousy issues or even just fascination someone can have more than one friend and ones with such differences), but I have no idea how tetramands and appoplexians would react lmao, at least not beyond your appoplexian friend being confounded by how nice your cerebrocrustacean friend is (potentially versus any bias they might’ve learnt) met with a mutual confusion when your cerebrocrustacean friend sees you and your appoplexian friend verbally and or physically roughhousing :P
#ask#anonymous#galvan#cerebrocrustacean#tetramand#appoplexian#ben 10#i’ll admit the galvan and tetramand tags are probably overkill but :p#maybe eventually i’ll think of some headcanons for the os duo as opposed to the af duo#which technically i’ve only extensively mentioned cerebrocrustaceans so it’s barely even appoplexian headcanons :P#re the bass player: it’ll be so much easier to carry someone along that isn’t your own height#but carrying a galvan is not something you can just do casually- even if it would be convenient to use longer legs as a vehicle to travel#one does not instigate carrying a galvan if you are not the galvan hitching a ride yourseld#it’s more a close friend situation if they let you carry them and even then a lot of them are particular to keeping their dignity#stereotypes of course maybe you run into an absolute jester of a galvan who’s down for making a fool of themselves#but like still- carrying anything living needs to be done carefully and that’s one of the smartest beings in the galaxy do. not. drop. them.#anyways- weren’t tetramands like apparently the best at making engines and other car accessories?#or at least have a pretty big mechanic community with the environment to specialise their vehicles?#it is khoros that holds an interplanetary car show and kevin did fight looma some odd years back for some car upgrades#if you can look fancy and drive fast on khoros where assuming the interplanetary capital sits (not to be confused for country capital cities#where just outside there’s literally like sand sharks under the ground where driving takes place? the make good cars for a reason#obviously not everyone’s a supergenius your galvan friend and your tetramand friend can be of any level of intelligence#same for your cerebrocrustacean friend and your appoplexian friend though they seem to differ in the emotional spectrum of sociology#from uber friendships to supplex friendships :P#appoplexians; so angry they constantly fight gravity :P or they snag an alliance with the lewodans thanks to ben tennyson#these tags are more rambly than usual lmao
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ahsoka-in-a-hood · 2 years
You know when you see a thing that’s like ‘my favorite version of <ship that you like> is <every single fanon take on this ship that you don’t like condensed in one paragraph> and you’re like oh, excuse me, I seem to have wandered into the wrong house-
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lerniqlerniq · 2 years
Best Professional Training Online Courses in Saudi Arabia
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An initiative is a demonstration or conduct, like fostering a design, so that a group of individuals know how to follow through with a responsibility. A word that is usually connected with authority is "inspiration," as in the capacity to propel people to complete undertakings. Likewise, consolation, power, and consent to accomplish specific gathering or hierarchical objectives are qualities of authority. The degree of initiative depends on the social and gathering relationships that are available to plan a dream and bear fruit for the gathering.
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Professional training
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Number of Understudies Taking Distance Courses by Level (2012-2015)[1]
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leslie057 · 9 months
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ceoofmetagala · 1 year
Hi! I wanted to leave this ask here regarding a few things I've noticed over time. First I want to say, I'm a big fan of your work. I really enjoy seeing your characters and the ship dynamics that you share with the Kirby community for Meta Knight and Galacta Knight. With this though, there was a recent post that raised a few concerns. You had mentioned your disgust for the galactadad tag since most people use it for tagging Galacta Knight as MK's father figure due to your main ship having them as lovers. I was a little worried based on your reaction to this as I'm sure you feel very strongly about this and I mean nothing but respect but... to say that people's work of this would be 'the worst art imaginable' simply because it doesn't align with your headcanons? It comes off as... emotionally immature to say you'd block people on that front alone rather than just accepting it as something existing in someone else's mind/world, and that you'd be "crying" about it. Like... there's a lot of amazing people here you'll be shutting the door on with no explanation other than them posting two characters as family instead of a couple. Again, no shade, but this did concern me as it felt a little over the top of a reaction. When something's not really a 'trigger' in the sense that it causes intense emotional harm, it's best to learn some sense of tolerance for minor things like this if you want to be more comfortable in online spaces; and you'll get to enjoy a lot more people's company as a result too. I mean that with nothing but love, but genuinely I almost unfollowed because of that visceral reaction on your end over something so minor. The other thing I wanted to address was just kind of a quick question; is there a particular reason you misspell every word when typing descriptions and tags? I'm not going to ask you to go into detail about this as of course it could be very personal/disability related, but this poses a problem in some regards, specifically when tagging censors and trigger warnings. This doesn't happen very often, but a few times you've reblogged or posted art that involved certain triggers, one of which was shown despite me having it blocked due to me not having it spelled exactly as your misspelling was. If it were a genuine misspelling I wouldn't be so upset because of course things happen, but every single post I've noticed you greatly misspell nearly every word to the extent it's almost illegible, so this is a common behavior of yours. All I'm really asking on this is that you please just take extra care when adding censor tags in the future, just a quick reread of them to make sure they'll function as intended. This also goes for if you have something important to say or tag as again, blocked tag/topics cannot autocorrect on our end. Like I said, I mean this with nothing but love and concern for your online interactions because I've been there myself with some of these things. I really don't want this to come off as negative, so please don't take this as an attack; I just wanted to address some things that I noticed in my time following you so that hopefully no future issues arise from them. Otherwise, keep having fun doing what you're doing and please take care. I'm excited to see more from you!
"emotionally immature" I'm 16 what the hell did you expect me to act like a whole adult?....did you forget one of the main stereotypes for teenagers is being emotional? Also this point was espiclly hurtful to me I know you probably don't know and didn't mean to but I have autsim (self diagnosed it took me . SO LONG to even consider this and even longer to accept I have tism) and it just. Came off like you were calling me stupid which you baislcy are it's also way more confusing to what I am to peoplw I am mature to some? Am I just childish WHAT AM I? But that's not really ur fault I've just wlays had my people pleasing tenadcies along with struggling to know who I am myself
Anyways on to all the points
-"worst art imaginable" not in a. Like the art is like technically bad(like bad at skill to draw. I can admit some are good or even AMAZING at drawing what they do) I mean in way to me in how it makes me feel way not that. Like how the art makes me FEEL. Not like if if look at it and they tell me based on skill what this i would do, it's good great even like the color! Or sosmthing stupid like that and if you ask me how it makes me feel I would do the same
-blocking people over just a hc or ship is fine I'm my eyes, it's the same as blocking someone over shipping metakirby or being a proshitter, proshitters think this was I think another at it's basic core soooo...im not saying they're proshitters however I'm just saying that to explain to you why I'm my opinion it's perfectly valid to blcok someone over a ship hc or bene fandom! It's that. They are NOWEHRE near as bad but it was the best example I could think of to explain why I do it.
If the hc or ship REALLY does make me TAHT uncomftbfle I think it's fair to block someone over it ?? I don't get this point at all like why would I actively make myself upset just for the chance to intrecat with some artist?
- also the usually amazing people I'm sure they nice and lovely they tend to post A LOT about it. So I block them to avoid them in the tags I don't tend to block as soon as I see meta to galactadad I just block when I see them too much
- anything can be a trigger over the slightest things I have a friend on Twitter who needs cookie run tagged because its genuilly a trigger for it same with another who hates kirby and eveurtime meow sees Kirby, he's filled with rage and it's for VERY good reason in my eyes and I am still great friends with meow regardless
-also I am making myself more comfortable 8n these spaces. I'm litterky curating my experience by blocking out what I don't like, they always say "block if you don't like" when it comes to ship or soemthin so like? Why not to hcs as well...i don't get this point I don't HAVE to like someone I can dislike someone for no reason right? So I can dislike an aspect of a person like that. Idk this point also doesn't make sense to me
- as for any particular reason, I just...do that? I have to PHYSICALLY force myself to type otherwise I don't know any cause it just started one day... Sorry about my rbs being intelligible I just ?? Get really excited and tend to forget to try to be atleast a bit normal(? Idk how to word that last part)
- as for trigger tags, I try my best to tag triggers properly but I don't know that I have to tag it for my audince or I don't think it's necessary I don't think I've ever misspled a trigger tag ? I have bad memory but I'll try my best to keep trigger tags spelled right
- and finally yeah I'll make sure to do that, i just need to know what tags you need well, tagged. I don't know who you are. You're anonymous?
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