#emotionally mature mechanic
pillow-14 · 1 year
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rip in the fabric of time
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[its ymir again]
[Needless to say, he is thoroughly confused by this. Hierarchy? Leadership? This is the first he’d heard about it…]
“Me? Hierarchy? Er… are ya sure you’ve got th’ right guy, bud? I mean, I’m willin’ to answer any questions best I can, but…”
[For Mechanic, the last person he’d want ‘in charge’ would be himself.]
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"Hello? Er... Anyone in? Sisyphus? I think we need to have a talk..." [He calls into the spybots' room, tapping his fingers on the doorframe idly. He's hoping he can get to the bottom of this whole... thing.] @emotionally-mature-mechanic
[sisyphus is sitting on the bed, reading the story of his namesake over again for the umbteenth time]
[sisyphus scrambles to put the book away and stand up once he hears mechanics voice, hoping the human wouldnt see him reading and take the book away or worse]
"about what, sir?"
[hes feigning ignorance, fearing a severe punishment for displaying as much agency as he did by trying to teach otto to be like him]
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pinniped-medibots · 1 year
[The Medibot wheels around the depths of Gray’s facility, nervously fidgeting with his hands as he looks at the hundreds- possibly thousands of lined up robots that look exactly like him and his friends. All with blank expressions with no trace of emotion or free will. And it hurts him knowing what they’re all built for, wanting to scoop them all up into his arms and save them, and live happily ever after. But he had to focus on the task at hand.]
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electro-omen · 1 year
Cough cough, any of y'all heard about this guy?
The last couple of days have been filled with drawing practice for me. And let me tell you - when you're practising anyway, and a blog you ADORE posts a character design, you don't think twice.
With that said...
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Rambling about things + some specific layers under the cut
Okay so. I actually drew this yesterday but didn't manage to download it, which is why I had to wait until today to post it. AND YOU FOLLOWED ME YESTERDAY AFTER I DREW IT I THINK?? so I was like 'GIVE ME A SECOND PLEASE I HAVE. GIFT!!' lmao,,,
Am I proud of this?
Ah, not really. I mean, I'm happy with particular elements of the drawing... I'm still figuring out how to connect them together in a way where they're coherent, and I still suck at how lighting works. But hey! It was practice, anyway, so I can't be too hard on myself. There's always tommorow :].
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This is how the piece looked on canvas,,,,,, I think it's a little silly which is why I wanna show it lmao. It is funny how it seems so carefully crafted, and then outside it's just brush strokes sticking out and all that stuff lmao.
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THIS is how he looks without any lightning and colour manipulation!! Yes I just cut off his arm like that. I was going to fix it but I forgot about it until I was too deep into the drawing. No, those aren't blood stains. It's oil. I really really hope I got his design right and
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Oh yeah the accessories on his collar were on a different layer which is why they're- white. And also the colouring was double-layered, thus the white spots near the edges. Kinda looks like it was drawn in Paint. WHATEVER!!
I referenced this wonderful pose by @\mellon_soup on tiktok to place the shoulders and neck correctly!!
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This is the background. I'm actually kind of proud of this, simply because I do backgrounds so rarely, not even talking about PERSPECTIVE. What's this place? I dunno lmao. That's up to your interpretation. Yeah I just thought it looked cool. I totally didn't shade each tile individually ahaha.
Aand that's it. Quite a lot of talking for a piece that's not even that good LOL. But hey. As long as you like it. Your blog is so, so awesome and your interactions with medibot are wholesome to say the least, though the disappearance arc has been breaking my heart.
Now I'm just going to take 15 minutes mustering up the courage to hit send. Help.
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xyz-bot-theory · 9 months
Okay! So I was scrolling through the Mechanic blog’s oldest posts and something stuck out to me, now this may be far-fetched but so is everything this blog will hold— being run by an eccentric theorist and all.
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So much of this is important information.
“You, of all people, would know their programming. I don’t think it would take much more than a light rainfall to revert them back to dispatching the living.”
This implies a few things
1. Mechanic actually helped design the robots in the FIRST PLACE. This isn’t much of a secret though so it just gives you solidification on his opinion and words about the bots.
2. A rainfall could revert their coding? That’s a whole new can of worms to open guys! That’s actually really interesting to me BECAUSE nobody flat out disproves it.
Which means that maybe if they know how to un-sentient robots if you will, they’ve done it before.
But that’s something I’m going to have to place on the drawing board for now because there’s something else that catches my interest if Gray is to be believed. The rainfall. Now as far as we know, none of the robots actually know the secret to their sentience. The reason seems to change everytime, doesn’t it?
Maybe there’s one consistency that we don’t know of, something that they’ve overlooked because it’s just an ordinary part of the Robot. So at first I thought that the sentience could’ve stemmed from some sort of less physical thing like a soul or a spirit or some spark of life and this could still very well be true! But I keep coming back to the rainfall comment. Rainfall. He doesn’t say it would completely destroy the robots. Just damage them. Or a PIECE of them. If there’s a piece that could get damaged by rainfall and instantly revert them back to their old coding then that means their sentience is a physical piece of them. Something that can be washed away by rainfall.
I think the best bet right now is a coding error. Most of the robots became sentient during times of action, or when something changed about their surroundings. Maybe this is a coding bug that’s visible easily, and so it gets fixed before the robots ever get the chance to leave the factory they were manufactured in. I think that the reason sentient robots are so very rare in the thousands out there, is because it’s a glitch that’s fixed if spotted. Something that needs to be able to hide long enough to grow. Something that’s jostled free if enough changes. I think that something in that bug lights up,
And let there be life.
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karamazovposting · 4 months
Me in therapy: it's like that one passage of The Brothers Karamazov
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Hell- *Krrrch* -o? Who is t- *Ksssh* -is?
Ah, I’m try- *Ktttz* -g to reach Medibot! I’m not sure w- *Krrrch* -ere my transmission will end up, though…
I don’t h- *Ksssh* -ve a lot of time. Can you p- *Krrrch* -se tell him that I’m al- *Ksssh* -ve?
Hu- *Krrtz* -h?
Ah, hey! Get awa-
[End Transmission]
Oh, Schieße.
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I need to replay HoT and PoF and everything in-between but I'm thinking Caithe thoughts again.
Specifically, I can't remember a point where she directly interacts with Rytlock or the other members of Destinys Edge after the jungle and the revelations of Sylvari origins. Am I just not remembering it or do they legit never talk?
It's sad to think that after all her efforts, Caithes friends end up abandoning her anyway. It's sad that they don't seem to reach out to her despite everything.
On the other hand, I'm glad she doesn't chase after them if they haven't reached out to her. I hope it means she's learned her worth. I hope she knows she deserves good friends that she doesn't have to chase down just to get a conversation.
I know the other members of Destiny's Edge have also been Going Through It but I love Caithe the most. They all deserve good things (and some of them to get the sense shaken into them.) But Caithe is the one I want to wrap in blankets and give hot coco.
Do correct me if I'm remembering wrong though bc I very much might be!
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cup-o-stars · 2 days
Relativity Falls!
Design Concepts (and my unnecessary thoughts):
Excuse the the colors, ig my apps are fighting.
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I see Mabel finding success no matter what happens to her, but I really like the thought of her running an insane arts and crafts business in GF. Alternatively, if she fell in the portal, she'd come out acting confident as always, but she probably wouldn't realize how much the constant change and lack of family/stability wore her out until she settled back in. In either case, she's a bit cracked.
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Dipper is investigative, but cracks easiest under stress and is not as inherently adventurous as Mabel or Ford- so the portal wouldn't treat him well. If he's not the one in the portal, he'd be into stargazing and real magic to share with people, while also warding tourists away from the dangerous stuff. In general, he'd be an unhappy adult if left to his own devices, lol.
Between Dipper and Mabel, I like Dipper being in the portal more. He's a great protagonist, but as a supporting cast member, he needs to be more insane to match the draw that is 'Mabel taking care of children,' ha. I also love the idea of there being no portal / some other looming threat for these two to struggle with (at least because Hirsche has made it clear that Dipper and Mabel are equally smart, and to me it seems like the portal would reopen way quicker with them), but I didn't plan on posting these and I don't know how my followers feel about me posting lore.
Stanford and Stanley:
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Pretty much how they are in canon, but now they're in a setting where they can get over themselves, ha. They aren't quite as mature as Dipper and Mabel were at their age, but after coming to GF, they finally found other people to look out for them. Dipper could be a more emotionally available and level-headed role model (I think having people to take care of is calming for him in turn), and they'd both look up to Mabel as the peak of somebody who knows how to socialize.
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He's a sweet, southern, farm-raised mechanical engineer just like in canon.
Idk why Fiddleford is in GF (visiting an unnamed grandparent?), but I really like his relationship with Ford in the journal. Following that thought, in this AU, he starts out more of Ford's friend than Stan's, and it's kind of a big deal. Unlike Dipper's arc on learning to be a kid, Stan and Ford clearly struggled a lot with interpersonal relationships / finding security outside of eachother, and that's what I think this AU could be about (it's great they realized they need each other in canon, but the part where they had no one else to turn to is also kinda crazy if you ask me).
Ford gets to meet another smart kid in a weird town, which helps him feel more normal. He has a better idea of what friendship is because of it, but also, since I can't imagine Dipper wanting an apprentice so young/vulnerable/impressionable or Mabel asking only one of the twins to stay- he'd have to come to terms with the fact that he can't live in his dream world forever. (Or maybe the apprenticeship comes from somewhere else, just because the conflict around going back to Glass Shard Beach at all, or sending Stan alone could be pretty good.)
On the flipside, I think Stan's initial jealousy of Ford and Fiddleford's friendship would force him to try finding his own friends / hobbies. I like the idea that he fails at first- and a lot- but Mabel notices his mounting frustration (which he is very keen on hiding), and her consistent and unorthodox support makes him realize he wasn't alone to begin with. He can be more open around her, which makes it easier to open up to others, and then he can make friends without having to pull any tricks. He probably starts with some animals, and then at least gets closer to Fiddleford anyways (I feel like they're both more practical than Ford and value human company more, so they'd bond easier once Stan gets over his personal hurdle).
Anyways- because that was way too much- Mabel's exes are a constant source of antagonists and Dipper is stressed about setting a good example.
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(I was more of a Monster Falls fan back in the day, but I can't draw animals, lol)
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svartalfhild · 1 year
Elf Lore in the Forgotten Realms for BG3 Players who are Unfamiliar
I've been seeing some...uninformed takes lately about certain elf characters from BG3, so let me just throw some stuff out there for y'all to consider.
Elves in FR live to be about 750.
They physically mature at roughly the same rate as humans i.e. 18-20.
Culturally, elves don't consider other elves emotionally mature i.e. adults until the age of 100, at which point they may choose an adult name to go by.
What does this mean, logically? Well, consider their very long lifespan. If you are going to live 750 years, your perspective on wisdom is going to be quite different from a human's. While 60 years might be plenty mature for a human, for an elf, that means you still haven't had enough time to watch all of your shorter lived friends pass, which I imagine is something of an emotional milestone for elves.
Halsin is 350. This means he's just hitting middle-age.
Astarion is 239 (Idle Champions claims he's 350, but I call bullshit because his birth and death dates are literally in BG3 and also IC frequently gives the characters bullshit ages, like they say Jaheira is 36, which couldn't have been true even during BG1). He died at 39, which is quite young, but he had the same emotional maturity as a human 39 year old at the time, so he's not Like That because he's undeveloped. He's Like That because he's a snapshot of a privileged young nobleman who then spent 200 years being used and abused by the worst sort of person imaginable. He wasn't a full adult by elven standards, though, and I'm sure there's lots of elven rites of passage he didn't get to experience because he was dead.
BG3 does not mechanically distinguish between sun elves and moon elves and simply puts them all under the high elf umbrella, but they are very much a thing in the lore and have distinct appearances, cultures, and histories.
Moon elves tend to have black, blue, or silver-white hair and have pale skin, sometimes with a bluish hue. Their eyes are usually blue or green, sometimes with gold flecks.
Sun elves tend to have blond, black, or red hair and brown skin tones. Their eyes are usually green, gold, black, copper, silver, or hazel.
Based on his appearance, Astarion is probably a moon elf, and it's likely his original eye colour was either blue or green.
There are many other types of elves than those that are playable in the BG3, such as sea elves, winged elves, star elves, wild elves, and lythari.
It's possible that Shadowheart's father is lythari, because lythari are lycanthropic elves.
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inkskinned · 10 months
they keep the silverware in the same place. you forget about it a little bit when you move out, but during the holidays, it comes back. the way you smooth over your life for them, a gentle reckoning.
for a while, you tried to find yourself by being wild. throwing your body at the emergency exit. finding comfort in the sharpness of a held breath. you used to write wake up on the inside of your wrist. you couldn't calculate the weight of your own sorrow, only that nobody was looking at the anchor of it. you tried maladaptive coping mechanisms like catnip. got caught half-in half-out of them. felt, weirdly, like you should be embarrassed of all of it.
but it does get better. mostly it's just that you become a priority to yourself. it turns out that lending yourself the ragged edge is just cutting open more marrow. for a while, it felt good to see a physical representation of inward agony. but who was that punishing? you learned, slowly (so slowly it was almost invisible sometimes) that you could put love into the wound instead. that the floor was comfortable because it was certain - but it was cold, and unwanting. instead there is a warm bed. you learn to treat yourself like a kid again. gentle-parent yourself into the shower and over breakfast and into laughing without effort. you do wake up.
but then you come home again, and it is like everything is a strange kaleidoscope of childhood moments. here is how you inherited your mother's anxiety. there is the same music playing, and you can't sit down without worrying you forgot to do something. your mother's clipped words and hovering hands - are you sure? are you sure? birdlike, you find yourself seeing unwell and still end up repeating.
here is your father's anger. you are 16 again. there was a moment where you remember thinking - holy shit. i am so much more emotionally mature than you. how you have to talk him down from minor inconveniences, how you parent him like an errant and spoiled toddler who can't be told no, and i mean it. you feel the warp of you. why you can't be in the same room as people having a completely normal conflict. why your skin crawls if there's ever a hint of a fight. why you live with your hands up, placating. and god forbid you get angry. you feel that little spoiled kid rage against the iron will of you. not you, not your hands. you would rather cut your own tongue out of your head, no matter how valid her argument is.
and you're so fucking far from where you were as a kid. you've done so much healing. and there's this little sad part of you that can see the shadow of your past, and your hands wrapped into each other so tightly you made your knuckles white. and how much your parents are just people, and haven't changed much, and still keep the spoons in the drawer to the right.
there is a long dark tunnel here, and it has a name, but you haven't learned how to process that kind of speech yet. close the cabinet. make a note to go get more oat milk. close your eyes.
this place was never home, was it.
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[It had been a few days since Mechanic had fled the workshop, and though he'd been trying to stay positive, not much had really changed.] [He'd been wandering for a while, travelling under sweltering sun and chilling moon alike. He hadn't slept since leaving, which was quickly taking its toll on the man. Leaning against a tree to catch a breath of rest, he manages to pull himself together.] [At least his sons are safe.] [Hopefully.] [Taking a quick drink of water, Mechanic quickly moves on, deeper into the forest. No time for slacking in this situation...]
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"Ymir? Ymir! Hey, bud... Did an anon happen t' offer ya a brownie anytime recently? An' if so, did ya happen t' eat it?" [He seems panicked, though he tries to mask it.] @emotionally-mature-mechanic
[ymir is just standing around. the effects havent hit
[ymir tilts its head]
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pinniped-medibots · 1 year
[Mechanic knocks on the door of Medibot’s room…]
“Hey, bud! Would ya be fine with me coming in? I was thinkin, and I got an… idea. Oh, I brought you a lil’ snack, too!”
[He softly shakes a small bowl of the robot’s favourite quarters, waiting for his response…]
[Medibot’s tightly huddled up in a big, weighed red blanket. He sits up and faces the door, tilting his head to the side.]
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nicromancytarot · 6 months
This is a general reading based on a collective of people. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. If you don’t feel the pile resonates with you, don’t be scared to try another, if it still doesn’t feel right, that’s ok! Maybe our energies aren’t as connected and my readings are not for you.
I do these strictly for fun and educational purposes. I don’t charge for these readings, and I do not fake readings.
I asked my spirit guides what your future spouse looks like, I’ve drawn a VERY rough sketch for a man and a woman, pick a pile and find out which one is for you!
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Pile 1 ———> Pile 2 ———> Pile 3
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- Blonde hair
- Glasses
- Strong muscles (both body and face)
- Prominent Adam’s apple
- Blue eyes (first thing you notice, they could even sparkle a bit)
- Wavy hair
- Fair skin
- Teacher / Professor
- Mathematician
- Secure in themself
- Into politics / debating
- Doctor / Nurse
- Scientist
- Public speaker
- Wealthy
- Uranus
- Aquarius
- Calves
- Vegetarian / Strict diet
- Blonde hair
- Blue (fish) eyes
- Glasses
- Nose piercing (hoop)
- Prominent cheekbones
- Fair skin
- Large bust (posible surgery)
- Small waist
- Social media (influencer?)
- Hairdresser
- Slow talker
- Scientist
- Dancer
- Therapist
- Humanitarian worker / Advocate
- Artist
- Something wrong with one of their arms
- Folklore
- Cosplayer
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- Dark skin
- Dark eyes
- Dark, short hair
- Wears a lot of caps (specifically blue)
- Skinny body
- Sad resting face
- Stubble
- Pretty smile
- Tall (6’ - 6’3)
- Rich
- Large house
- British
- Small waist
- Enemies to lovers
- Hugger
- Into styling and fashion
- Chef
- Lawyer / Judge
- Chess
- Army
- Producer
- Dark skin
- Dark eyes
- Dark hair (wears a straight wig from time to time)
- Long face
- Pretty smile
- Prominent eyelashes
- Neat eyebrows
- Prominent collarbones
- Large bust
- Rough past
- Farmer
- Humanitarian worker
- Estate agent
- Emotionally mature
- Carer
- breadwinner
- Protester
- Train conductor
- Likes to go on walks
- In charge
- Police / firefighter
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- Fair - tan skin
- Light - dark brown hair (possibly ginger)
- Hazel or brown eyes
- Small lips
- Skinny body
- Wears a bandana
- Possible piercings
- Small eyebrows
- School
- Part of the LGBTQ+ community
- Many jobs
- A texter
- Understanding
- Into science, possible scientist
- Mechanic
- Author
- Protester
- Football (soccer)
- May have cheated in the past (could do it again)
- Peanut allergy
- Office job
- Fair - tan skin
- Brown or green eyes
- Light brown hair
- European
- Large eyes (Tim Burton)
- Large, dark eyebrows
- Tall (around 6’)
- Small lips
- Hooked nose
- Wears a bandana
- Pain
- Possibly born prematurely, or could give birth to a premature baby
- Good with money
- Shy
- Rebellious
- Works in a place where she has to restore things
- Nut allergy (I screamed when I got this for both lmao)
- Possible black sheep of the family
- Contemporary
- Past life soul that owes their life to you in this one
- Strong
- Model
- Coach
- Gets sick a lot
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