#employee Ashe
ashethedirector · 9 months
I noted in your first contact, you said something about mirror worlds? I'm actually rather interested in that subject. In fact, there's a surprising amount of mirror worlds involving an Ashe that I've seen. On that topic... er, this question goes out to every Ashe here, by the way. On that topic of mirror worlds, if you had the opportunity to look into them, to see the different possibilities of yourself... would you take it? Or would you rather stay as you are, for one reason or another? Figured I should start signing just to differentiate myself from others. For reference, I'm the one who asked of the Director's thoughts on being a clone, the nature of their relationship with Lux, and the story and differences of all three of you. Though with the veil of anonymity, I suppose it wouldn't be difficult for others to pretend to be me... Guess I'll have to rely on the kindness of others for that. Sorry, I'm rambling, aren't I. I'll be out of your hair now. - W
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I'm... Pretty happy where I am. So I don't think I would take the chance. I doubt the... Possibilities are favorable for me. Especially if... We're the only three who are here. If there is another version of us, I can't imagine that they had a very happy life. So I'm... Happy where I am.
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Some of us are happier than others. I for one want to know what possibilities there are. I... I could become like the director version, but I could also splinter off and do things differently. Lux is dead currently so... I wish things went differently. I wish he didn't have to die in the first place.
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... Jeez. Knowing the basic knowledge on these two- I... I don't think i'd be happy seeing other versions of myself. My life has been. Pretty awful. And it's still pretty awful. It's either going to get worse or get better, and in the city it's a whole more likely that things get worse. It's rare to see any happy endings... The Director might be the only one with a remotely happy ending.
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I took the rest of the squad to the mall and thankfully at least 2/3rds of them bought regular shoes. however, one of them is absolutely slaying the food court right now so really I can’t fault him
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ghostdoodlen · 1 year
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Happy birthday Luffy!
They went to McDonald's for breakfast and ordered the breakfast menu twice.
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kindheartedgummybears · 10 months
so ummmm out of spite im posting the mcdonalds tierlist🥱🥱
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I WOULD LIKE TO THANK @ssssatoru and @unhingedlesbear for some of these placements cuz I was STUCK😭🙏
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ligercat · 10 months
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Ash Williams - Casey Frey Linda - Lily Mayfield Evil Dead: The Musical (2015)
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mypokemonscreencaps · 18 days
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ash owns my whole heart
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lilshitpeta · 5 months
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hoperays-song · 1 year
Sing 1 Commentary and Review Pt. 3
Welcome back to the madness loves!!! Also, I tried to tone down the commentary so I get further in the movie this time. Is this an elaborate plan to distract me from my fic being with my beta reader? Yes! Am I using it for content? Also yes! Enjoy!
Yes, I am trying to restrain myself more this time, it's hard.
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Guys, guys, guys, here me out here... I think Barry minds.
Also, headcanon I'm not sure I ever mentioned on here before but the reason Barry minds Johnny taking his spot isn't jealousy of being passed over but because he didn't want his honorary nephew to have a larger role in the gang than he already did. He was trying to protect him.
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HERE. This is the moment where Marcus confirms they were going to stop stealing after this last heist. They were legit only doing it out of necessity because the needed money.
(aka my debt theory is going strong bwahahaha)
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Ok but the way Marcus looks at Stan and Barry when Johnny storms off, just his face of "that's weird right? or is it normal teenage angst? what's going on?" is so funny. He's so lost.
Also, I genuinely believe that Johnny might have been planning on telling his family about the singing here (he comes back much later but seems still really hyped up like he was getting the confidence to do so) but didn't when he was given the role of getaway driver. Even if it was just for one job, it clearly made him feel way less seen as a person and like he was a disappointment for not fitting into the mold of who he thinks his father wants him to be (the queer metaphor is still going hard I see, lovely).
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👏 Relationship👏  Counseling👏 
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Engineer Rosita My Beloved!!!! <3
This woman definitely has at least two masters degrees in mechanical engineering because the machine she made is something out of Willy Wonka.
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So... there either were intake forms where they all listed their talents and Johnny put down a skill he hadn't done since he was little or... Buster legit just asked this teenager to learn an skill that takes years upon years of training in like a month. For some weird reason, i'm leaning towards the latter and Johnny having experience is a coincidence.
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Horrified Punk Rocker™️
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I completely forgot that Meena wrote out what she was gonna say to Buster on her hand. I love that and I will be including it everywhere.
Also, unrelated, but Buster is on his second felony of the movie right now and we barely are passed the 30 minutes mark. Not to mention the numerous misdemeanors.
And, the workshop where they build their props in apparently on the second floor according to Buster. That seems like you're making more work for yourself with all the moving up and down but, you know, you do you.
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Mike puntable moments counter: 19
He really does not think things through does he?
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Lance puntable moments counter: 17
Dude, she's your girlfriend, for fucks sake, be supportive!!!! It's not rocket science over here!!!
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Johnny making fun of his dad and exaggerating his accent will never not be funny to me. He's acting like a regular teenager, not a gang member, and it's both adorable and hysterical.
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Judith has arrived!!! We love characters who are actually just trying to do their jobs here. Like imagine being the bank representative assigned to Buster freaking Moon. You'd be pissed off too.
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... Gay. That's the only commentary I can add here. That's very gay.
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Gunter, the chaos enabler, Rosita, the chaos handler, and Caspar, the chaos.
You just know as soon as Caspar got home he was begging him mom to let him hang out with the fun dance guy again.
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Johnny's over here going through the nine stages of grief about his singing career.
Also, do we know why Johnny was called away this time? Because they weren't planning any heists in between the one we have already seen and the failed one to our knowledge. So, was he actually called back because of something to do with the garage? It would technically be a family business thing then after all.
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Ash, I am so sorry. About everything you go through in this movie. So sorry. You get adopted by a crazy guy and an old rockstar by the end of the next movie if it's any comfort (probably not but worth a shot).
Also, their apartment is huge!!! How are they affording that when struggling to find and keep gigs???
Lance puntable moments counter: 27
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I am once again reminded that the mob canonically exists here and Mike thought cheating them was a good idea?!?
Mike puntable moments counter: 23
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The last moments those poor flowers had. RIP.
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The dramatic music that appears whenever she does is honestly amazing. And I love how she just seems to despise Buster on principal here.
But the fact that Eddie's grandmother knows Buster? And a fair bit about his life? Eddie has definitely mentioned him and also Buster went to Eddie's graduation!! That's so sweet, you know he was one of those people who make huge posters of their loved ones faces and their degree.
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This, my lovely gentlefolk and assorted cryptids, is what a bad idea looks like!
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Ok, we have arrived to the failed heist. Now personally, I would have just pretended to be sick so that Buster would have let me go without worrying about the show. That way my role in the show would be safe while I would also be out of debt, win-win. However, that's clearly not what happened here.
I stand with the fact that this could have been easily avoided but I do not solely blame Johnny here. He's a kid. Kids make mistakes all the time. He just made a mistake. Was it a bigger mistake than a lot of people's? Yes, but it was still a mistake. He is not at fault here.
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As for the gang, smart move on their part to immediately surrender. That way they lessened their sentence by not resisting arrest. Also, Marcus looks genuinely worried when he realises Johnny is not there, and I completely understand that. He has no idea where his son is and there's police everywhere, he's bound to be panicked.
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Rosita is amazing. I love her, she's so sweet.
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Ok, genuinely forgot about Gunter and Rosita's fight at the dress rehearsals.
Also, Mike puntable moments counter: 25
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Ok, I feel like we missed a part of this conversation. We jump right to Marcus asking where Johnny was and looking pissed. I can almost guarantee that that conversation did not start like that. Marcus and Johnny are shown to be close, despite their communication issues. He's going to be upset, yes, but he's still gonna be worried about his kid. Marcus definitely asked if Johnny was ok or arrested or sick first.
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Also, ouch. This scene hurts. The overall message of familiar rejection for you just trying to be yourself, of who you actually are is not good enough? It makes me sob every single time. This is just insanely painful.
(Yes, this is a central part of Johnny's story being queer coded and as someone who had a similar situation happen when I came out, I'm just saying it's very realistic).
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Then the stealing bit afterwards being reference for pushing yourself into who others want you to be to feel love? And Johnny choosing even then it's better if he is his actual true self? Amazing, perfection, true cinema.
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This is the emptiest grocery store I've ever seen in my entire life. Seriously. Is anyone other than these two there? I'm guessing a cashier but I don't see one.
Also this security dude is an amazing hype man, just cheering and blasting music.
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Buster, stop encouraging kids to commit felonies. I know you're on three now but seriously man???
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WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND GAVE THIS GREMLIN A BLOWTORCH?!?!?!?! ARE YOU TRYING TO DESTROY SOCIETY???? Also, Meena and Buster were renovating the theatre at the same time as Johnny was practicing with Mrs. Crawly. I completely forgot they were there at the same time?
This is taking way longer than I thought but hey, it's time consuming!
Be back in a few (these take a bit to edit sorry)! - <3 Gooseless
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ashestosoot · 1 year
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the moon will sing a song for me, i loved you like the sun.
Canon divergent c!Wilbur rp blog run by @glwilbur, based off of my mutual Sage's c!Purpled blog. Feel free to send asks. There might be a story ??
Yes everything is a Crane Wives lyric i'm a little insane about their music
Wilbur uses any pronouns, neopronouns encouraged as well. Official design here, feel free to draw xem if you'd like!!!
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Tag key: (redoing interaction tags later)
#i could have been anywhere else - reblog #keep the light so dim that you can't see - ask #spreading out the ashes of a love - text post
#almost human (lizzie) - @/animalia-mayor #lavender antennae (purpled) - @/purpled-bedwars #half enderman half burger van employee (ranboo) - @/an-alrightburgervanemployee
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This was based on my life event, whenever out of the blue as I work a funny thought creep in my head and I use all my power not to burst out laughing 🤣
So I thought this was a fun comic idea to draw. She's lucky he's amused from her giggles 😝
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ashethedirector · 10 months
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Hihi!! Ashy!! Have you eaten yet? If not, please eat!! If yes, hope you enjoyed your meal!!
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I will don't worry!!! I got a panino!! I'm gonna eat it in a bit- So don't worry about me!
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it is so fucking cowardly for target to remove like half their pride collection in capitulation to fascists
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skipppppy · 8 months
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Broke: Giovanni is Ash's father
Woke: Giovanni has mistakenly believed Ash was his hookup mistake for like a decade and is about to get the surprise of the century seeing that not only are they not related, but the employee he fired a few years ago for being too stupid is now living with him and being a more active father than he was
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c0tards--s0luti0n · 1 year
top 2 fave evildeadmusical songs are housewares employee and what the fuck was that i think there may be a pattern here
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Include (Mourn) Me
Danny thought he would say this but being inside the thermos was honestly relaxing and a bit fun.
In some cases even therapeutic for him.
So he created another thermos just to hold him, in a way that he could fully control, that way he wouldn't be trapped.
Tucker & Sam would carry him around with them, usually speaking with him and including him in their activities.
Danny while inside could only project his emotions towards them to communicate, but they understood him perfectly with how long they've been together.
Tucker was still trying to create something special to vocally speak to each other in this situation, not really necessary but a fun idea for Tuck.
The citizens of Amity were already used to this so didn't even give them a second glance.
The people outside of Amity on the other hand?
Completely different story.
Which caused a lot of misunderstanding when the trio decided to take a road trip before heading to college.
To these people it looked like Sam & Tucker were carrying around their boyfriend's (Danny) ashes, and completing a bucket list that Danny never managed to live long enough to enjoy with them.
Speaking and including Danny in their activities like he were there and responding to them being their way of coping with his death.
S&T: "Oh! Look Danny they have those candies that you really like!"
Danny: *Excited vibes*
Gas station employee: *wipes a tear away* "Oh what tragic love story"
Inside a store shopping
Sam: "Look Danny they have space stickers, do you want some?
Danny in the shopping cart's baby seat: *Space! Stick them on my thermos*
Tucker looking at Danny's thermos: "Good idea Danny, It'll make your thermos look really nice!"
People around them: "Is that an urn? Are they speaking to the ashes?"
At a museum
Tucker: " 3 adult bracelet passes to the space exhibition please"
Employee: "3? Sorry sir I need to personally put them on, could you call for your third member?"
Sam: *Holding up the thermos* "Here he is. Do you have a bracelet big enough to fit him?"
Danny is too excited to pay attention
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Just an Idea
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